CT.aarTOTy.atnrjrir THE ItEPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, PA. WEDNESDAY MOItNINO, DKC. 20,1871. AN OLD DOCUMENT. Vaaliiiiroii'B First Tlmikaglvliiif Procta mailuu Wuru.llilug lor l.ranl aud 111. Cubincl to rUuily. Aliiany, Poo. 1, 1871. To the Edit an of the JV. 1'. Express : Tlio Xuw York Times, of November 30, rcimu-lis : "It is a gratifying fact tli tit- 'J'lmiil.Hgiving hay is lieeoming u nntioiml holiday. It id worth re inoniborinjr tlint tlio custom ot the J'rcsulont Betting usido n Hpcoinl day for Tlinl(iviii( was introducod by l'reident Linouln." l'or tlio enliglitmonl of the Times, and tlio benefit of the administration, I lisle you to insert tlio enclosed study lor ti in nt, bin Cabinet and tbo on tire Kcpu blienn party. A keener rebuko than this procla mation of tlio I'ulher of his Country can not bo udiiiinistorcd to tlio blioddy tliioving, ring now administering the tiovcrnmciit. 1$. V. oe.n. Washington's fihst thanksmv- l.NCl PROCLAMATION. By the President of the United States of America .1 Proclamation. Whereas, it is tbo duty of all nations to ncknowlcdgo tlio l'roviileneo of Almighty (iod, to obey his will, to bo grateful for his benefits, and humbly iiiipluro his protection mid fuvor j and whereas, both Houses of Congress have, by their Joint Committeo, re quested mn to recommend to tlio peo ple of the United States a day of l'ub lio Thanksgiving and Prayer, to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts tho many and signal favors of Almighty (iod, especially by affording them an opportunity of peaceably establishing a form of gov ernment for their safety and happi licss. Now, therefore, I do recommend and assign Thursday, tho twenty sixth day of Novombor noxt, to bo do voted by tho people of tbeso States to tho service of tho great and glorious Ueing who is tho benelicient author of all tho good that was, that is, that will bo. That wo then will unilo in rendering unto Him our sincoro and liumblo thanks for 11 is kind caro and protection of tho people of this coun try previous to its becoming a nation ; for tlio signal und manifest mercies nnd tlio favorable interpositions of his Providence) in tho courso and conclu sion of tbo late war; for tho great degreo of tranquility, union, and plenty which wo have sinco enjoyed; lor tbo peaceable and rational manner in which wo have been enabled to es tablish constitutions of government for our safety and happiness, and particularly tho national ono moro lately instituted; for civil nnd reli gious liberty with which wo are blessed and tho moans wo have of acquiring nnd diffusing useful knowledge, and in general fir nil tho groat and various favors which llo hath been pleased to confer upon us. And also that wo may thon unite in most humbly offer ing our prayers and supplications to the great Lord and Jl'.iler of nations, nnd beseech Him to pardon our na tional und other transgressions; to cnablo us nil, whether public or pri vate stations, to perform our several nnd national duties propcvly and pru dently; to ronder our national gov ernment a blessing to all people, con stantly being a government of wise, just, and constitutional laws discreetly and faithfully executed nnd obeyed ; to protect and guide all sovereigns (and especially such ns havo shown kindness unto us), nnd bless them with good government, peaco and concord; to promote the knowledge of truo religion nnd virtuo, and tho increase of science amongst us ; nnd generally to grant unto nil mankind such a degree of temporal pros-1 pcrity as Ho alono knows to bo best. Given under my hand, at the city of New York, Octobor 3d, in the year of our Lord 178!). (ironcu: Wasiiinoton. Asssailiug "the Governrjieiit." Tlio Woobington correspondent of tlio Cincinnati Commercial, a Itudicul organ, thus pitebes into tho govern ment family: "Why nir, as ifmo ud- vuncct), thia liltlo horse jockey frets wor-o. lie oithcr Imin no brains at all or else ho in lo.4 to nil sense of doecn cy perhaps both. Twenty yours ago lor u 1'rcsidenl to linvo sent his son off to Europe, nt Government expense, would have Hhockcd tho country like electricity. The principle of tho thing, tho lechlo uttoinpl to npo foreign Court customs is damning. What right lins Fred, tirunt to go to Enropo nt (jovcrnmont cxponso uny moro than you or I f Who is Fred. Grant? Tho son -of n worthless horse jockey Prcnident, educated no, uttompted to to educated at Government ex pense, nnd now sent off on tho 'Htafl" of General Sherman nt lull pay nnd inilengo. v Why, sir, it is a clear and n monstrous violation of law, nnd that, too, by a man who lias sworn to pro tect tho laws. It is deliberate und premeditated stealing from tho pock ets of tho people. Going on tlio Blnff of General Sherman! What business linn Shorinan running off to Europe? Why don't ho stay nt homo and at tend tn his buniucas, it ho lias got any, or olso resign nnd go nt liis own ex pense f Tho wholo thing is a fraud und a swindlo, nnd illuBtrules tho evil times into which we have fallen. "It is not enough that tho national Iiorsejiickoy hliould havo liis entire worthless family connections saddled on tho Government Irom A to 7, like bo many paupers, hut hii sou must draw money from tho Treasury to go to Europe on a pleasure trip. Twenty yours ago it would huvo Leon as much as a President's oflicinl head was worth to huvo uttompted it, but now the people ipiiotly close thcircyesand mutely allow themselves to bo robbed. It's a small mailer, but thcro is n great principle involved. Tho pcoplo have burdens enough to bear without having all of Grant's worthless rela tives pensioned upon them." Domektio Jjifk. The banoa of do mestic life nro littleness, ult-ity, vul gurily, harshness, scolding, vocifera tion, an ineccsnril issuing of siipcrflii- ous prohibitions and orders, which nro regarded as Impertinent interfer ences with tho general liberty nnd repose, and nro provocative of rank ling or exploding resentments. Tho blessed antidotes that sweeten and enrich domestic life, nro relinomotit, high aims, groat Interests, suit words, quiet nnd gentle voices, magnanimous tompers, forbearance from nil unneces sary commands or dictation, and gen erous allowances of mutual freedom. Lovo makes obedience higher than liborty. Jinn wears n noblo nllegi unto, 1,0 '. 09 a collar, but ns n gnrland. iii 1 1 i 1. P. WHIT.... ...V. W. IITtl. WILVVKU & BUTTS CLEARF1 liLD, PA., An offering, nt tho oU ttanl nf Q. 1. lli-cd I Co., their .tuck of guodt, oun.i.ting of DRY - GOODS, GROCERIES, HOOTS 1 BflOKS, HATS A CAI-P, I1ARDWARB, qi'KK.NSWARK, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, &o., dec, At tlio tuot reasonable rates fur CASH or In exchange for Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, On COl'XTRY PRODUCE. jT-jrAilvnuovi la rule to those ongaged tn get ting out square timber on the most airautngcuui term i, January 5, IS7. o7 i. c. lrIIKBE to buy my I)RY GOODS, C.ItO- eerie, Queenaware, (ilu8wurc, Drugs ! Notion, Confectioneries, Ac,, chrnp for caidi. Tho subscriber beg leave to inform Lit old and now customer ttint b( lias ojieurd A VARIETY ST'KK IN GLEN IIOJ'E, PA. And will nil giunlf nt prices to suit the times. A liberal reduction will be uindc to customers buy ing at whuleealo. Call and examine my stock before jiurcliusing elsewhere. A libonil share of pubjio patronnge is solicited. f. J. KKAGY. Glen Hope, Pa., June 1 1, 1371. y ua ATTRSTIOSI Jl'ST FOB A .MOJIUXT! Are you in nwl of a jfnoil .el of Harness Are ,vou in iicp.I of a Routt Satl'lle or llriille? If to, mil at tlit MaiMIe and llarnc. Simp of Jon C. Haiiwi. k, wlirro yon enn Ret tho U-t in tho ni:irket. llou'ih-nnu Single ihirnc'd ami l.n dir.'.ml (Jenl HniMlrv of Mi,urinr irorlniiantliip, 1 ways on hand or iiiiinufaL'tiiri-it to onlcr. rjn--einl ntk-ntion id culli il to my ttock of Collars anil lliunri, which nro the Ix-st in ue. 1 nbo liuvcnn assortment of Sntltllrrs' Hardware, whii'U will he dijmsed of nt roiuonildo rnli'S. P'-pnirinp; of all kinds itromnllT ottrnded to. ilun't lortret to call hclure iori-h!isinft cUewherr. Shop iu' tira- hntn s How, Mnrket strei't. ' I'-ertielil. IV May 1871-ly. JOIIX 0. llAUWlKC. p K A c u IN K V It () P li 1 BIT cheat kxciti:mi:nt IN FRENCHVILLE! The liloorly rontest between Krnnreftnd Prussia is nt an end fr lle present, lu far as the slaugh tering of men and Ihe destruction of property is eoncerned. The Itoynl Jufrglers no douht pride themselreg and roiileo over the result, but how insijriiilteunt is their worU when eomparcd with the humane and chrtiiui cfVorts of L. M. COUDUIET, vim ban tuidrrtnken to supply all thoitizens in tlio lower end of tbo county with food and ruitnrnt at i-xrffcdinit? low rates from liis inainmotb store in Ml l,S't.lll'K(J, where be can always be tound ready to wait upun culler anil njply tbeni with Dry Goods of nil Kinds, Such t CMli-, FiitinrM. raffimcrrs, Muflinf, Dulainei, Linen. (rilliiigii, Calicoes, Trimmings, Kilt bona t Lace, Ready-made Clolhin!, Hoots nn-1 Slm. s, Ilatu and t'apn all of (!ie tctl material and mnlr to order Hoiie, fcforks, (ilovt, Alittri. l.ncos, Ribbons, Au. uuoci:hies of all kixds, Coffoe, Trn, Rutir, Piec, Molnsscs, Fisb, Sjlt, urU, Linseed Oil. Fiidi Oil, Carbon Oil. Hardware, Ouepnuwaro, Tinwnrp, CiitiiK", IMown and Plow Cnitinpn, Nuiln, Hpiltcp, Corn Cultivu tor, Cider I'i-cbscs. and all hind uf Axoi, Perfumery, rttintu, Vr.rn'nli, (lliur, and ft gener.tl (if!ortrncnt of jStatioiit-ry, GOOD FLOUR, Of dilTorrnt brands, always on band, nnd will be old at tho lowest possible figurci. Llyl'OltS, mtU ns Lrandy, Wine, (Jin, Whieky, I.tynVi leilb iiKr, llnHtttcr s und lloofl.unr? Hitter.-. oOOO pounda nf Wo d v.iMtcil fur which the hijrhffit prtvo vill bo puitl. Clovirccrd on band unit lor f.uc at t no lOMroot uiari;ei prim. AUn, A"-nt for R'ruUoiiville acd Curwenvillc Thrcxhing ALtchiniK. tCnll and ppofor yotirticlvcii. You will find cvn) thing usually k -pt in a rctuil store. L. M. COLD HILT. Fren.-hville P. 0., Mnrch 1, 1M7I. X. E, ARNOLD.. ,.w. Rons iiAitTKuonn, "UicapiT than the Cheapest !" GOODS AT KKDUUKD riilCKS JUiT BECKIVCB IT Arnold & Ilarislsong, (On. door w.a of First National Bank,) tunn i.Nsvii.i.i:, pa. nAVIXO just returned from the eimt with a eomplota assortment of Goods eultabU for Spring and Summer trade, wo art now ready to furniih all kindj of Ooodi " Clioapor than tlio Clioapcstl" And after thanMng our euitotnen for their liberal patxoaagt during the pant year, we would most .respectfully atk for continuance of the i a me. Our Stock eon !, ( of ft complete assortment of Dry Goods, Notions, Hardware,, Quoenswaro, Willowware, Grocetlee, JUoots C- Bboos, lints A dpi, Clothing, Tobaccos, &o. 'Alio, Flour, Docon, Bait, Fi.ih, Grain, eto. All of whit h will bo sold on the mo it reason able tortus, and the highest matktt prlro paid for Urnln, Wool and alt kicdiyf Lumber and Country Produce. -PUaso g'.re us ft call before purchasing elsewhere. Satisfaction guaranteed as to price and quolily.-tt AIINOLU A HARTSHORN, Corner of Main and Thompson Flreote, apr20 CURWKNSVILLK, PA. Till! underpinned hep Innre to Inform the pub he that he is now lully prepared to ni-eoniino-dtito all in the wayol furoichii. Ilnrees, llufrgirs, Kadtllef and Harneas, on tho shortnst notice, and nn roasonnhlft tvrms. Iteniilonco on Loomt street, between Third and Fourlh. tJKO. W. OliARlIAUT. 'Tknrnuld. April 1), Iii7. n t(( wiir.r.p rr.i.TM wastkim tJ,HIU And all kinds of KI RS for which the highest each price will be pnid, )r septyu-tlm I. I.. It KIZKNSTLIN. J A DI EH AM) tli:XT'3 PATCH KL. J t u p, n. rru.tPToMi. grtttjs nnfl l!:'JirlnrS. rpilE I, A T U 8 T MOV El THE LATEST MOVE! HARTSWICK & IRWIN'S DltUG STORE, To their new building on Beoond ttroet, nearly oppoiita tli store of Weaver A Betti, CLKAl! FIELD, PA., Where ibvy will continue to nujiply their old and ni many new cuitomtrt as may coioo, with PUItE DRUGS! CHEMICALS! PHA11MACEUTICAL PUKIMltATIONS, (Including all new remediei.) Patent Medicines, Pain I a and Oil.-, (Hiss and l'utly, 8chtHl lt(MkH, Stationery, Paper, 4o.; alio, n full line of Drug giiU' Sundricr, lltiir Tunics, CoJinetic. Perfnmcricr', Toilet Artte.ru, Brunhc", Toilet Soups Pocket Bon, Ac, all of liie ut-a (juamy. PURE WISES A XI) LIQUORS, for medical & sacrninentut purpose! only, Pure While Lend, Color of tilt kind-, Unw and lloiled I.inccrd Oil, Viniinhes, Turpen tine, Coiil I'll, Pnint l 'arniU JlruKbei. Flavtiring Lxru-ti, Confectioner. en, Hinl Peetl, Ppie, gKund and untfruund, ul all kinl. SMOKE IIS AND CUE WE US Will find our ftoi.lt of Chewing ...1 C Line. T,.l. I,..n,.rt...l r.J oivitio Ciirars, Snuff and Fii.f-cut to bu of the very heiit uran'Js in I lie niurittt. LAMPS AND CIIIMNKVS, All k'.ndj of GLASS WAKE, QAUULX 6i:i:D8, MCSK'AI. IXSTH V M E N T , and Muical Trimming? of every variety. Uiivine lajii exnerieneo in the buine'fl, and an e.trnivpnntl wi-H polet-ied itrk of medi tiii-n, no me enn hi id to tilt Phy -it prencriptiotm fit the shortest notit'O aud on the niot reasonable terms, dcy and night. HARTSWICK 1 IUWI.V. Clearfield, Pa., Maj 31. IrfH-tf. r. i. "For thy Stomach's Sake and tliino other Infirmities." St. Paul. ii:. koyisk'm I'l'KK WEST BRANCH BITTERS. V safe, purr, pleoiinnt nnd health giving Tonic J. JL strictly vegetable, and manufactured from tho mot pure an 'I choice materials in not a rpiri! d.iitk nor substitute for whl-lty, but a scientific compound, for tho protection of the syftem and tho cure of distmsc, mado from chemically pure spirits, entirely free from fusil oil or other Irrita ting properties, nnd will not disngreo or oileiid Ihe most delicate stomach. A long privattf experi ence has attested Ul Superiority over all Ordinary Remedies. No Bitten ut present oiTored to the public contains so much medicinal virtue, and yet su sole and pleannnt to take. Its imp is to cure disease, nnd it mill not create an appetite for Fpirituou liquors, but will euro the effects of dissipation. To Incroase the Appetite, USB IT. To promote Digestion, VRK IT. To cure Pyp'!ppla, VSK IT. To cure Kcvur and Ague, THE IT. To euro Ililliousness, L'HE IT. To cure Constipation, I'SK IT. To cure Chronic Diarrhuea, I SK IT. To euro ILart burn, USE IT. To cure Flatulence, USE IT. To cure Auld ICruetationi, USB IT. To cute Nervous Dobilily, I HE IT. To euro Hydoehondria, Ut?E IT. To cure Siillownesi of Completion, USE IT. To euro Pimples and lilotohes, USE IT. For General Prostration of tho Phy.le.il powers, UHE IT, and It will euro you. fc'uld everywhere, nt $1.00 par bottle, M:tnu fut lured exclusively by A. I. SHAW, cm:arfii:i,!i, i-a., )to uiTLTs liberal Iniliiccmi'tits to lire tiailc. Oi-l. 27, l.Mill:lf. For Rent I milE undersigneil otTrra to rent a DWiaUNU 1 HOI Hi; and IlLACKUM 1TH hllOP, ulitiale nl 0tcnd P. 0. in Pell towu'li'ip. This n a vciy dr-irnl'le Inmtion fur t!. lin-iiu-s. A full pet of tools in (bo stinji. Plciily of custom. A good Ki liuol in ttif viH.k. Adiiress or Ppply to 11. L. Ili'iidcron or the subscriber. Mtuch 15 tf Hl.XRY UIIKTII, Jr. Insure Your Properly I rlIIK uodcroignrd are prcpnrrd to ttile any L rrasurmbln fire rivks, In good nnd rrlinblc companies, such aa the "Farmers' Mutual," of Ynk, Pa.; llm" Atidr-c," of Cincinnati, Oliioi tbo "Umtnnniu," of New York, and others, Hale rcnxoiiitble, and in ease of ln money will ha pnid up promptly. IllVI. A hill. U.S. Cloariicld, Pa., April 12, 17l-tf. CAHDOLIO PLANT PIlOTKCTOU J fur anlo by Jc28 3in llAlI'tWlCK A IIUVIN, "J L I II A II M A N, Vkactioal millwuigiit, LUTIIKUSlintd, PA. Agent for the A ni-rirm lloubln Turbine Wntnr nliwl nnd Ant'rrws k lalim'h Wlm l, ( in lur nUh Purtftbli f rlit ililli on shaft notice. jyU'71 anlirnrf, fflnu-arf, tt. THIS XS01TSIDES TIN AND STOVE STORE I G. S. FLEGAL, Pliilipaturff, Coatro County, Pa. fpilK nnilar.lgn.d r.ipaolfull ftnaoano.. to 1. tha pablte that lio ha, on hand m oar. fulljr loloctcd and wall auorted Hook of STOVES, IIEATEKS, ItANGKS, HOLLOW - WARE! TIN, COITER AND SHEET-IKON WAIt E! WOOD AND AVILLOW WARE! His stock of Cooking Stores consists of HIE CELEBRATED IKOSSIDES, Which hare nerer failed to bring peace and prosperity into families where it is used, DUtuund fltnu, Furtnor, Herald. Charm, Rpears' California Cook rUove, H pears' Anti-Dust, Gos Burning Cooking Stoves, Victor, Heliance and I nion Hanes, spears' Cooking Ranges, Ac., do. feuThe Tin and Sheet Iron ware given, with the Movs Is made of tho heaT'est and best material, and warranted to giro perfect satis, faotion. His Stock of Parlor L floating Stoves Is Inrper, bMter and cheaper than orer before exhibited to the public consisting of Spears' ReTolring Light Illuminating .Sto?e, Spears' AntMlust Gas-llurnlng Parlor Stove, gpenra' Orbicular Gas Uurning Parlor tftnve, Rpenrs' Ons Burring Jarlor Stove, lioquet, Pearl, Gvui, Ida, uu. Tropic, Nevada, Ac, Ac. Vulcan, Kim and Victor Heaters. Spears' Ro volviog Light Healers. He Is alio prepared to furnish a eomplote assortment of Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron, Wooden anil Willow Waro, fee., Wholesale or retail, manufactured neatly and with the sole view to service, from the beat ma teriel in tbo markot. PLOWS A PLOW rOINTd, COPPER, D II ASF, roliCLLAIN, TIN -LINED, SPIN A COMMON IRON KETTLES, Of every description eonftantly on hacd. OHDEKS FUJI SrOUTINO, noOFIN'O And other work belonging to hi bunlness will be promptly tilled by eipericneed and skillful workmen. BRASS, COITKtt. OLD METAL, RAGS AND CASH Taken In exchange for goods. r-Crne especially Invites tho attention of Merchants wishing to purchase at wuo.om., as they Kill find it to thalr advantage to examine Hi stock before purchasing elsewhere.' Lookout for tho Blc Sin opposite the reel- uence oi -n rs. xr. muvt. All Goons Warraktkd as IUrftr.sEKTKn. c;. h. l .r:(;Ai.. Pbilipsburg, June 8, 1670. auf (tt MOSHANNON LAND dt LUMBER CO., OSCtOLA 8TEAM MILLS, LUMBER, LATH, AND TICKETS. 11. II. SlULLIXiirOKD, Pro.i.lr,t, ORiot Kun-l 1'liino, No. 1 23 8. 4!b (., Phil'. JOHN LAWFUL, (linrral Sui t. On-r.ila Mill', ClwfloM oountj, Pa. LWII AM) LIMBER 10MPAM orir.R TO- Ptitxliiisers of Choice Goods AT THEIR MAMMOTH STOKE OSCEOLA, JYew C-siliinet ! f SHANNON LAND AND M'MUKR COM 1L PANY offrrfnrsnle Town Lots in the bor ough of 0.ci'ol, ClearhVId eounty. Pa., ami also lots to suit purrtififlrrs ontsule the liuitin or said borough. (M'P'il'L ia situated on (be Mochnnnon Creek, In the ricbrst portion of the county of Clcnrla-ld, on the line of the Tyrone k Clcarllcld ltnilmad, where tbo Motbnnnon atui Ih-overton branch roads Intersect. It ia aim in the heart of the Moriiannon coal basin, and huge bodies of white jiine, bfinlock, oak, and other limhnr sur round it. Ono ol the larit luinbir manufiirtur ing eKtublt-htiiMits in the Ktntn is lm-nlrd in the town, wblle tbcre are mtny other lumber and sliitiglp mills anmnd it. Thu town is but se 'en yrars old, and oonlaius a population of ouu thou sand inbnbitunts. Fur furlhor information apply at the office oi lue above company. 1:4:70 Uctieral Superintendent. iala'-'' llefore tukins l'owdcrs. A flrr taking I'owdrn. SIIAWM llllt(Vl:l t'OMHTION l'OW ll: K.-4. irarTnl in oliMin.to oni' of lit-l(iiiper, VmigtiF, Cnl.tii, ltol.t Tarv, (.'oti-o-n'vff, ltoulinr.fi of tho Fkin, and Hlnjinngo ol Water. tiri-aPC, Swelled l.r:i ami Iiillneil7a Run he ri lievoil. and IMineliine. enrrd, lT Ihe Hfle nf Mice lViwUern. I her wiil nut IlilerHre Willi Hip iluily work of (he llfrre, aud can be given to cat lie Willi fiiiinl ndvnntnirf-. Tut up by A. 1. hilAW, ltrugint nnd Apothe cary. CliMlliielii, I'a. November K, ! S7 1 . Fold every wliere. Limo (or Sale 1 fTHl I. undursifrnrtl, rrsiilinjf nrar tho dr pnl hns J. tiu.de rompleta arnuiKtiinent with Lime liiirners ent ol the mountain, wlirvtiy be is nna- blod to keep eonstantlyon hand a large quantity of P U II 13 L I 51 E ! whleh he offer, to fanner, and huildrn nt a trifle aho. co.t. TIior. in need of Iho article would do well tn give nip a call, or addrrM me by letter, In- loro ne'itiaung tneir num. UKO. C. l'ASSMor.K. rieardeld, Ta., June, Idillt. li I.AN'K 'ONSTAII.'t.E! MAM-: VOU .nl. at lltl. nfllea. 1 HWI'ICI.H' A (;il!IHrAIIl.i:rl l-'EI-'.M l We have printed a large number uf the new H'.K 1111,1,, and will on the n-eiil of twenly tt etiitf, uiill a Ci'j to any iddt.it. tuji'J I'lauinfl 9U. a.L.Hid. NOTICE. Wm. Pow.ll. CLEARFIELD PLANING MILL A L L It I G II T I rpiin proprietor, rcipoctfully Inform Ihtelllirni J- of CloarD.lil oounlv. that thov liava ontlmlv rcDttml tlill eital)llliracnt with tin late.t improved wood-workiug niuhlnary, and an now prepared to eiecula all order, ia their line of liuiine... Th. will give eppeoiul attention to the uianufao turs of material for hou.e building, ,uch at FLOORING, WEATHER -BOARDING, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, nii.it nETs h siovi.in.rus, OF ALL STYLES, V alwajri hare on hand a largo .lock of DRY l.l'MUl.H,anil will puyeaah for all clear Lumber. One-and a-half luch panel atuflT preferred. Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or en hanced, to lull cuitomcri. VvOrdon .olicited, and Lumber furnlalied on abort notlco aud on rca.onablo term.. flEKD I 1'OW KLL. Cloarfleld, Marrb S, 1871. UisffUanrouj. H. F. N AUGLE CLOCK AM) WATCH MAKER, orpoeiTi raw POST OFFICES rililR subseriber recpecttully informs bis old X patrons and the pub Ho generally, that he lies on iianri, (and ts constantly receiving now auauians tnereio,j a targe stock ot Clocks, Watches and Jowolry, TT I keep Jewelry In all Its forms and of different values, either by the piece or set. ' WATCHES A fall a-sortaent of either Gold or 3ilver, made by the best Aoreriean and for eiirn manufacturers. Incladtne? a fine lot ofsrold ans silver hunting case, full Jeweled, Patent Levers. CLOCKS Of all designs, consisting of eight-. asy and tmrtv-nour, of eitbor weight, spring or lovers, ana nom strike aod alarm. REPA1IUNO. All kinds of Watches and Clocks Unpaired, and warranted. In addition to what I have enumerated, I keep a tan ataoruoentor nrrt'i A.'LKH, eob.rod and plain class. A Iso, OOLI) PKNS and PKNCI Lt. SPOONS, FORKS, Bl'TTKR KNIVKH, and in fact everything in the Jowelry line. If I fail to hare on hand just what a customer may need, I will order per first express, without ex Ira charge. A liberal share of publie patronage is solicited. May 7, lMS-y II. F. NAUOLE. JUST OUT! THE SEW WHEELER & WILSON SEWING MACHINE 1 The Whoolir k Wilson Sewing Machine Com pany, having had cifhtH-n years experience in mnnnfucturing and selling Sewing Maehines, and em'loying the ablest mechanical talent in this country and In Europe, now offer to the public THE NEW MACHINE conli'lrnt that it possesses nil the advantogrs which experience hits shown to be em-rotlal'to a Perfect Sewing Machine ! The principle ts the same as in Ihe old Wheeler t Wilson Machine, but changes have been made ah iih increase its enVionry, while nt the same time, less care and It ill are minimi in its man agement. Seams are crossed with ease. The work guidtd with scarcely an effort. Nearly double its former power. No under-tenslon to inannge. Krery joint can be tightened as fast as It wiars. OVER 580,000 11AVB UK UN MANl'FACTl'llKD. 100,01)0 MORE Wheeler & Wilson MACHINES rare been sold fur family use tban of any other make. We recommend our customers In the ooantry to purthnso their machines direct from our Agents, as the price Is the same as at our unices, and they can thus sci'uro, at their own homes, the necoca ry instructions. rA0i:NTS WANTKl.-n , WM. SUMXKll k Co., (Jen era I Agents for the Western Slates, 140 Wood St , Pittsburgh, Pa. Aifcnt apply at ofiloe in person or through any of our traveling ngents. llurse, wagon and outfit furniehfd. ootlH ,1io FAIRBANKS' BTANDAItU MCA li U M, or ail Riin. D(!(" Harrow., Warehour. Truokl, Cojijlnj Trout., Improred alone )rawrr, Ae. roil lAl.a nr II. F. BIQLEU & CO., Dralcn III llnrdware. ii.i-!,.',0:T0 Beaimd Street, CUarfleld, Pa. OH,K !! ATS Tmtn.t Winter .tjlei- t;1 p, . rriLEHION . NEWJDBUG STOltEI WM. II. ALEX.WDEIt,' H. 1)., Dru(f);lst and Apothecary. CURWI3NSVILLE, PA., Keeps constantly on hand a large assortment of DRUGS, Patent Medicines, Paints end Oils, Varnishes, Oye Stuffs, Ac. His stook of Drugs Is pure and froah, and customers can rely upon getting the best of everything In bis line. Jlis stook of P E It F U M E R Y, Toilet Articles, Hair Tonics, Cosmetics, Brushes, Toilet Soaps, Combs, Poo Net Jtmili, Pens, Inks, Pencils and Paper, and a general assortment of this elaas of goods, are all of the best quality. i URE WISES LIQUORS, For Medical purposes only, (Jlass, Putty, Lubricating Oils, &.., to suit the wnnts of the community. His extensive and well selected stock of Drus and Medicines ennblos him to till Pbysiuians' prescriptions on short notice and on tho must reasonable terms. Hmokors and Chrwere will And his stock of Chewing and Hmoking Tobacco, Cigars A Snuff, to eunsint of the very beat brands In tbo market. A thare of nublio pulronaie ia solicited. Oct. ltf-3m. W. 11. ALEXANDniL K 0 O K S Wllicn HAVK ALWAYS (i I V 13 N BATISFACT OH HER ETOPOI'.E, WILL BK DISPOSED OP IN SUCH A W A V AS TO PLKASE 0 R FRIENDS AND Cl'3 T0MERS. JUST RECEIVED! TUB FI.VKST ASSORTMEXT OF HOLIDAY Q00D3-SUC1I AS BOOKS AND 0I11EH STATION E R Y A RT I C LES, EVER OFFERED TO THE CITIZENS OF THIS PLACE ! NOW OX EXHIBITION AND Foil SALE AT PUBLISHERS' A MANUFACTURERS' PRICES, AT THE POSTOFFICE. Cl.arD.ld, Dm. 14. 1 .70. g U 1. 1. 1 N G OKI' AT COST! r 0 11 CASH! Tha largB.t ilm lt of V V It ?i ITT u i: ever orTertd (n CLEARFIELD ! At the PTE AM CABTXET KHOp.rmer Market and Fifth Streets. CLUAHKIELD, PA. The undersiirned would announce to the publie that lie hit on hand and is now nffering ehenp for eah, the Inrgost stork nf Furniture ever in store In this couuty, einiiitin of Vnbolstnred Parlor Sui's, Chamber Setts, Evtriulon Ta Act, Hecrcti.ries, Hook Cases, Hedsteads, Fpring Beds ard Mattrcss:e, Lounges and Penclier. Plain A Marble Top Table A Bureaus. Wahstandi, Cane feat and Common Chairs, Rorking Chairs, Looking (llassrs, Window Hhades, , Pieture Traiuea, Cords and Tassels, Ae. lie elo inaniifatiirea and kefps on hand Pat ent Spring Jleds, tlie best ever invented. No fuuiily should bo wifhuut them. Any kind of good not on hand enn bo had nn short nitioo. I phtdtering and repairing nently executed. COl-TIXP, of all Hxea, ean be had on a half hours' notice, and nt the lowest prices. A deduc tion of 20 per cent, made for ca.-h, METALLIC CASEH.or lWwnod, Walnut and Cherry Coffins, with glaas or wood tpa, furnished on Ave hours' noti: e. Personal attendance with hearse, on funeral occasions, and carringes furnished when desired. Thanking the public for hart furors, and ly strict personal attention to business, 1 hope to nt'eivu a continuance of the same. llemember the place the Ptrnm Cabinet Shop, eornor of Market ami Pifth Streets. March 29, 71-ly. DAXIEL KENNEH. It. 13. TAYLOR'S LIME AND COAL YARD, (Near tho Railroad PfjHit.) (M:iti ii:i,i, ri.NN'A. I KM II II A CI! Hits method of Informing the public, that I bnve opened up a void lor the tile of wood or ennl-hiirnt I.I M K ami Anthracite COAL, In (he borouch of Clenrfiol.l, and bnve completed arraiificmetits with eastern dealers by which 1 can keep n lull supply ciinstantlyon hanl, which wiil b dipond ") nt reiisounblc rates, by the tun, bushel or ear load, to suit ptirebnsers. Thosa at a distance ean adilrecs me by letter, and obtain all nect-asary infoiutation by return mail. K. II. TAYLOR. Clrarf.eld Pa., Feb. 24, tSOlUf LIME AND COALI HAVIXtl increased our f.teililies for buniing Llttie dining the pat seasim, wo are pro p.ued to furiiipb Hood Ittinit l.lmc, ( nul Kuritt I, tine, Hood and Coal Ittirnt l.lmc( Manufactured from (lie e. lebrtiled " UELLEFONTR LIMESTONE' which produces tbewniTKHT and prnrnT liime, for alt tuerbnnicnl pirrposcs, that enn be found in tho Stat" nf PenrtM-1 ania, and wtiivh we sell at as low prices, delivered on ears, as the inferior I Limes are soltl at their places ol maniilartura. Also, dealers in and rhippars of Wilkesbarre and Sliamokin ANTHRACITE COAL, of all aiics, prepared cspressty for family use. Orders solicited. snonTLinuK A CO., Nov. P, S7n lv. Hellrfonte, Pa. . ' DREXEL & CO., No. 31 Hon til Tlllld Ntrcel, l'lillalclplila H.i.rftf.ft.v, And Dealers in Government Securities. A ....I I 1 .. I. a. .a.ll sill muIpa ..mm.. allna. tion, and all Information cheerfully furnished urn era soiioieu. npni ii-ii, rpIIR DKMOCIIATIC ALMANAC for M I IKf.Tand for sale at the Post Office. Criee 5 vnM. Majled to anv ddrer. oumlru una tatliine 3Uoi.3. BICLER, YOUNG. & CO., (Huoociiorl ta Dojntva A Young,) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS Manufacturers of PORTABLE & STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Cornor of Fourth and Pin. Street., ti r.Aiti'ii.i.n, pa. S:-...,..t.il'J4---. . ,. .. .. ... . . v -. t . : ' nAVIXO engaged tn the manufacture of ftrst clasi MACHINE UV, we respectfully inform the publio that we are now prepared to fill all orders as cheaply and as promptly aa enn be done In any of the cities. W manufacture and deal in LIulay and Circular Saw-Mills Head Rlocki, Water Wheels, fihaftinj Pulleys, Oi fiord's Injector, Steam (laugrs, Steam Whistles, Oilers, Tallow Cups, Oil Cups, Gauge Cocks, Air Cocks, Globe Valves, Check Valves, wrought iron Pipes, 9 earn Pumps, Boiler Feed Pumps, Anli Friction Metres, Boap Stone Pax-king, (ium Pack Ing, and all kiuds of MILL WORK ; together with Plow, Sled Soles, COOK AND PARLOR 8T0 YES, and Other CASTINGS of all kinds. jT-ffOrdcn solicited and filled at city prices. All Utters of inquiry with reference to machinery of our manufacture promptly answered, by addrcs Ing us at Clearfield, Pa docsno-tf RltiLER, YOUNO & CO. u 0 S A D A L I S THE IN(iUEDIKNT3 THAT COM POSE POSADA I, IS ar. publii lied on arorj package, therefore it 1. Not a lecrct preparation, cunnequcntiy PIIYSICIAX3 PllKSCRIBE IT. It i. a ecrtain cum for Scrofula, Fyphilii in all it. form, Ulif utnntiMii, Skin Di.- o s A I) A I S ca.c., Liver Cuniplaiut and all diffcat'cf of the Illoud. om: iiotti.i: of I'.ojadai.is i?lll do more ;i'd tlitin tvn bottles of the Syrup, of S.ir.ojjai illii. THE 1-XPURPKiXED THYSICIAXS hava u-d ltonadiilif in their praolie. fur tne pa.'l llirtc year., ana Ireety en,lor.. II al a r.lieMe Alterative and lllood Puriliir. Hit. T. C. rt'dlf, of Daliiuiore. DR. T. J. HOYK1N, Ml. It. W. CAltR, " 111!. K. it. IiANXIiLLV, " lilt. J. S. SI'AKKS. of Xicholn.ville, Kt. lilt. J. I.. M, PAltTIIA, ("lui.il.il. S. C." UK. A. II. NOIII.J.S, K ig.voinli, .. C. ISED AND ENDORSED IIY T Vlil'Vf It l OrtVJ T7.lt T ( i .1. K nl,." II A r .III IV 1 kt, .uiuri. F. W. SMITH. .Iarkon, 3li-h. ! A. K. WllI.Kl.KU. Lima, Ubio. . It. MAI. I., Lima, Ohio. CP. A VEX A CO., tionlnnsvllle, Va. ISAM PEL O. McrAiiUEX, Morficesboro, I Trnn. t Our space will not alb-w of anv extend ed rcmnrUs in relaiinn to the virtues uf Rofadnlis. To the Mcdiciil Prnfcoion wc ! guarantee a Fluid Extract superior to anv jthey havo ever used in the treatment of ! ilii-oimd Itluod; anl to the nfilicted we say 'frv H..t.drtli, and you will be restored to ' h-nhh. I lWadulis is rob! by nil I'ruggifU price M.sD per boille. "A-blrrss IUt. ( LL.M EN TS & CO., Mammiirhiriutf Chemitti, Atig. 2, 1871. -Iv. JUi.tiiiorb, Mn. For sale by A. I. haw, Clearfield, LADIES' FAM'Y 1 1 US ! JOHN FAREIRA, 7 If Amn St. .Middle of the Illock, lu t. 7tb A S'h Kts., Ninth Side, I'll I LA hEl.Ptl I A, Importer, Manuf;icturrr Jt liealcr in all 'kinls and quality or (FANCY FCKS for Lathes' nnd C Minimis' MM 1 1 ' . l is.. ,: i . ' ji wear. B U a Having imported a very 'Vfef ;HHiit of nil the ditrerellt kinds of Furs from first hands in Kumpe, and have had them made up by the most skillful workmen, would respectfully in vite the readers nf this papir to cull aud n amine his very large and bi antil'ul assortment ot Fancy Furs, fur Ladies and Children, 1 am determined to sell at us Pw prices as any other respectable house in 'hiseily. AH Ears warranted. o mis-reprcii-ntntiun to o!TV-ct sales. JOIIX FAUEinA. Oct. 2. 1871 iiiJ 71S Arch St.. Philadelphia. T:DWAi;DrEUKS&co., Flour 2anufaotureri, And Peelers in GRA1X OK ALL KINDS, PI1ILIPSBURG, PA. VTCLL SCPPLY of FLOrn, WHEAT, COKX and CHtP constantly on hand, and tui aale at rates remarkably low. fcb4 tt "VT()TICI. Having purchased the interest of J. A. Illnttciiberger, lq., in the business heretofore carried on under the linn name of J. A. IllattenUcrgiT A fV, the same will I conducted hereafter umler the name of Moshannon Land and Lumber Company, (Store.) II. II. SHILLINOFORI, JOIIX LAAVSHI?, iny2jtf President. t.encral tiup't SAWS! SAW3! SAWS! DIKTAN'S CllOfiS Cl'T, MILL, DHAfl AND CIIiCl LAR BAWS. Boynton'g Lightning Cross-cut Saw. ALSO, TATKST rKRFORATKD A KLKCTRIC SAW3, For ial. I j II. F. DIULKR A CO. oe(12,T0 I.uilicrsburg Marble Yard ! flHK aubwrlber respect f idly nnnonnees to this I enmmunitv and the publie irenerallv that he is imw extensively enjtfiQed in the nianufneture of Monuments, IL ad and Foot Stones, Stand, Table and llurvau Tops, etc, o bliiber tribute enn bo paid to a decerned relative or friend than thecrre tion of an enduring slab as a witness In unborn generations wherw I hey havo biid buu or her. 1 have engaged Mr. Jchn W. tlahnirnn aa mv a Rent to sll, anil to whose workmanship and skill many enn bear witness. Orders solicited and promptly filled. Work delivered wherever deirrd. It. H. MOOKK. Luthcrsburs;, Xo ember 30, 187". UWl'UU The undersiKned offer the best sawed 18 Inch Shingles tn market, nad tn pradrs tn suit purrhiisers. So. I, S' No. S ( 25; No. ft, .1U1. WKAYFU 4 KKt'Trt. Clenrlleld, Pa., September I Om. CIALL AN I EXAMINE the NEW liOol-S J t 4:5 KFLLKUTON'S.'S CI t.T VOIR UOYJ' UATf at j rn.itiw9. Clearfield County Bank 1 ted in.ll.utloi, h.. .. w Tra. tli. turrond.r of in ebanor, oa Ma. it ? b All It. .look I, b, , ,ol . '., willoonllnu. tb. U.nku,, ho.la.i. ., It ' plac.ai r'l.ata Uaali.r., iimitr th. "" oi the "Cloarli.m Comii, u,nk "i .pon.ilil.for tli. d.bt.sl tli. U.i,k,aaJ.Vn "" it. nut., on drnand at th. counter h,i p7 ro.lod and Int.r.it .ald when aon.v i. if,, , a Hied lira.. P.p.r diKouoi.i ,i ' a. htrflofor.. Our per.onal riuni bil iti f u rl.ilR.d for all D.rmit. r.mT.d .nd Lu.it ... Iraii.ict.d. A ronlinu.nc. of tli. Iib.nl n.n.R. of th bu.in... ni.n of tho eouni; i, ,, rjitcilully .oll.itcd. A. iJrptrleit, Caihiar and oiflrarj of th. lata Cl.ar6.ld County B.ok , requir. in. nolo, oi ibiu uanK to b, fr.lcattd for rel. rapt iun. J AH. T. l.KONABp, KICHARD HIIAW WM. POKTKK, J A 8. II. (.KAIIAM A. K. WRIOIIT. O. I,. liKKD. ' . WM. A. WALLACE. Th. bu. loo. of 111. Hank will 1. eoDdutl.J u John M- Adamf., E.q., a. Ca.lmr. juniS U County National Bank, OK CI.KARFIKLD, PA. T) OdM In Monic Iiuil.liiii, on. door norlhof J C. I. M'ltl.nn'. Ilrii '"'('rp. i'an(! Tii'ki l I" t.1 Irom l.itpr)wl, gucru. town, lilii.R"!., Lonili.n, l':ui, nil C. nlisarrn! Airo, llrnll. Tor ..Ic on tlir II oval Rank of ln lanii and Imperial Punk of Lnnili.n. JAM KS T. 1.KOSARD, Pr..'t W. M. HIIAW, C.i-hi,r. j,j,71 1. I). M'llirk. I' l.l !..! BANKING & COLLECTION HOUSE McGirk & perks. Successors to foster, PtrLs, A Co., rblllpabur. Outre County, pa, W1IKHK all th business of a ItankinR IIot,M wi! ne transacted promptly and upon the most favorable terms. nitr7-tf BoifBownsIiIpAwako GREAT EXCITLMKXT AT THOMAS LEEKS'S! IVEItYBODY trying to get there flr-t, for fsu J of being crowded out into Ihe cold. It you want good Shot ins; dons, go to Riiri. If yon want your Slei's ironed ribt, goto Buns'. If you want good Mill Irons, go to liani If you want your wagon ironed In the beet style .nd workmr.nship, go to Betas, BicKiia maltfs tho best Mump Maehine in thsj State, anddre t k.nds of BLACUUITltIN(i as cheap as ean be dono In the county for Caia. My l'ost Olios address Is Cleartield, Pa. TUOMAi BKER9, Boggs Tp., Dee. 9, 1807-tf. Cheap FiErnitiirc. JOHN GULICJI DESIRES to inform bis old friends end tis. tomers, that hnvins; enlarpcd bis thnp anaV increased bis facilities for mnnuiartarins;, h ir now preyared to nuake to order mch Furniture as may be desired, in good stylo and at ebeap rates for CASH, lie generally has on hand, at h:i I'un.itura rooini, a varied aKkorlui9ut of ready, made furniture, among whieh sre BUREAUS AND S I DK-BOARDS. Wardrobesend Bof.b-Casoc; Centre, Fofa. Tarler briakfast end Dinins; Kiteasi&n Tubles; Com men, jVreDcb-poet.t'otiaco.Jenny Ltnd and otber Uedtte ads ; H'fs of all kiods, Work-stands. Hat-racks, Wab-BUnds; Roeking acd Arsa Cbairs ; snrirg-i-eat, cane-brttcm, parlor, com mon nnd oliier Cbaif ; LooLirift-Ulasses ofersr deaeription on band; and new glasses for old frames, which will be put in on very reasonable terms on shortest Duties. II i!:o keeps on band or furnishes to order. Corn-hut, Hair end Cel tn top Ma'lretius. ConiN8 cr Eveiit Kind Made to order, and funerals attended witb st llearsc whenever detired. Alio, Hours Painting done to order. Ihe subscriber alto manufac tures, and bas confti.ntly vrt band, Clement's Pstoot Washing Maehiuo, tLe fcott now in us 1 Those oainr tbii u.atbiae never need be with, oat clean clothes! lie &1fo has Flyer's Patent Churn, a superior article. A family using this Churn never need be without butter ! All ib atovt and many other articles are fur nished to customers cheap for CUff n or exchanged for approved country produce. Cherry, Maple, Poplar, Linwood and other Lumber suitable for Cabinet work, taken in ixchane for furniture jCfItemen,bcr the shop li en Marker street, Clearfield, Fa., end nearly on'O'itu the "Old Jew More." JOUaS Ql'LlCU. IVorcDjbor 36, 1363 f READING FOR ALLIl BOOKS f STATIONERY. Market ft. Clear field, (nt tli Poet Office.r ''HI K nnderripned bss leave to announce te X tbe eititons uf Clearfield and vicinity, that he baa fitted up a room and has just returned from tbe elty with a large amount of reading matter, tontirting In part of Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Blank, Account and Pass Books of every de scription j Paper end Envelopes, French pressed and plain ; Pons and Pencils ; lilank, be ft a 1 Pipers, pneda, Mortgage ( Judgment, Exemp tion and Promissory notes ; While and Parch roent Brief, Lejrul Cap, Beeord Cap, ard Bill Cap, het, MmsIo fur either Piano, Flute or Vielia constantly on band. Anv book or stationery deatred that I may not have on hand, will be or ordered by first express, and sold at wholesale or ret nil tn suit customers. I will also keep periodical literature, sucb as Magannea, rrwi. papers, Ae. P. A. UAILIN. Clearfield May 7, 18f 3-tf DAVID YOUNG, Slonr-f Klter and Stano-Mason, T ILL execute all work in his line at mod 1 ernte prices and In FlKT-t'LASS style Arcliitootural Ornaments In ALL STYLES, Ftone Dressing of every description, and all hinls of mason work eon tracted for in orontof the coonty. Any persote wishing to have rc.-pertablf mason work and stone-cutting done, will find it tn their interest to call rpnn me I would aire inform tbe pub lio that I can drlkver any quantity or class ef stone desired, as I am the owner of ft FI1WT-CLASS STOXE QUARRY., Orion f.. work can addr.M.d la i'AVID VOl'NO, BiarU.Td CltardoMPa. .JEW tJIOKE AND NEW GOODS JOS. SHAW A: SONf Hafjast opened New Stori, on Mnin St.,CLiintLO, Fa.k lately occupied I7 Xm. F. lUWIM Their .lock eoi-.ni.U of UDU3.T CEDODIES3 GaoimiM of (ha brat quality, QUEENSWARE, DoOtB 1111(1 SllOC, idJ every article otcr.Earr for one'i comfort. Call and ejnruine our lock liefora pur cliMing elmwliern. May 0, ll'CO-lf. The Lightning Tamer. riHK nnilrrilcned ar. Ih. , l Ap.M. la tbla l e"untr riirlli."Nnrlh Ain.rlr.ii Oal.anitfil LIllllTNlNU KUDS." T'i.'k ar. lb. onlj.af. rod. now in u.o. and ar, .noVr.fd by all ba arirntiflo ni.n in th. n.ttntry. Wa h.r.liy nnlll, tli. eiii.rna of tha eoonly that w will put Ih.m up a bi-H.r rod, and lor If.a money, than i. cliaritad bjr tha foreign airenl. whu annnally ttaT.n. th. eonnty aa oarry oil our liltlo faib, n..r to r.lorn. EXCOURAfiE HOME LAROR. Tho. witblnir Ilghtnlni Pod. .r.ct.d a their lmililln( nd but .ddr... by latter, or call In v'oa. We will ut them up enjaoere In tli.eonnly, .nil warrant th.m. l b. Klitur.. eaa ba neea at any lime by ' " onralora. II. IHHLSR CI.arUi.ld, March S. I7 t' 1.1NK, WIIITB TllOAN I.ININU "KIM Ja.t reotlted and fr ..I. bj April ft. I ;a. U. F. BIULKK C0. "V"E('K1'1KH-Tlie rrry l.trtl it) lea " s- r- jnr9&?'