THE REPUBLICAN. CLEAU FIELD, PA. . WEDNESDAY MORNING, DEC. 13, 1371. Terms of Subscription, If pild In adninee-.or within three, months ...$2 Of) If paid after thri'oasd before r months t 60 j I paid altor the expiration i f ?ix mouths... !t 00 "J All ai t icK-1 to insure insertion In this p.ipcr i-houM be handed Ik curly on Tncrd.-y u urn in J, as we pu to pre, at 12 o'clock, (noun.) Methodist F.pHroiml Church--Iter. J. II. M To in, Piuttor. I'uMia Berries every Fiabbith, at 10 A. M., ami U 1. M. HaM.ath W.'houl at 0 A. M. Tnivor MotliOiX every Thursday, at 7$ P. M. Communion Kurvioe, lint (Sabbath of every mnnih, nt Hi A. M. .at. Andrew' Church RiilrnpnUa-Rcr. Gi:e:r: H all, l'uMie Service Kunduy murtiinir, t Ul o'-dock, and at 7 P. M, Ku inlay Fohool at H P. M. Prijer Mooting Wednesday evening a' 7 o'clock. Prr sbytcrlaii Church Hev. Mr. Tttm.rn. Public Servico every .Sabbath, morning and even in cr. lljptNt Church Rev. W. IJ. Fkinnkii, Pas tor. Publin nervier! crcry Sabbath, morning or cTpniiie, elternntelv. Ml. .'rands 1 lutrcli CatholirHev. T. J. Mc.Max, a. Ma8 at 10 o'clock A. M., on the .second and fourth Sundavs of each month. . K stray Saddle. It any of our neighbor lost a side saddle, about "llnltow Eve," they can probably learn of Iti whereabout! by in quiring of the editor of thli paper. m - - TeACiir-ttH Institute. Wo nro nil thorised to announco that tho Fiko township teachers' institute Fill meet at Illoomington school iouy (J. T. .McKcurick. teacher,) on Saturday, December 23d, at 9 a. tu., where all friend of ed ucation are cordially invited to attend. Skvkue Skntfnce At tlio Into cs- sion of court in Northampton county, James Thompson was sentenced to the penitentiary for thirty yearn, besides fiuei and cost, for setting buildings, od fire at Eastoo, at different tiircsin tlte last tiro years. Pbomotkd. Wo learn by tlio Brook-; ville JrjfrtQnia that our young ft lend, A. A. Carlile, ha beta promoted to the local editorship Af that journal. "At' po.-see!i th tk-nti to I make a fir ft class printer, and If ho fail to sue- j coed bo ba.i no one to blame but hiinbclf. V't wl.-b him sucoess in his new field. Mam Killed. Wo nro informed of the aceiittntal death of Mr. Maylcrry Wright, near Glen IL-pc, on Monday last, by a saw log rolling on him. We have not lite particulars of the &d mffair in our pnsetpton. beMKed was a fine young iuau, nnd bis Iosj will he ft-1 1 In that neighborhood. . m i i Townsuip Nominations. Wo are requested tu state that the Democratic roUr uf Lawrenee twn?bip will meet at the Conrt l!ou In Clrarf eld, on f-'ntiirdar, the 2-1d day of Decem ber, between the hours of two and six o'clock p. ni., for the purpose of nominating a township tieket. All lHrmcrnt! arc requested to b? present. Cotntek fkit. It is an n otitic id, by thTo who proftm to kuow, lhat a new and dau Kcrous -0 greenback cjtmturt'cit note has been put in circulation, ro well executed that many banker have been deceived by it. As It in n $20, wo arc .-ife, as printers seldom see anything ol that siie. wm Revived. Wo notice that tho Mc- Kenn County Mintr, tho Democratic organ of that county, which hits been suspended fr revernl years, has been revived by Messrs. Kurd A Dar bour, and now presents ouilo a lively appearance, And we hope the publishers will be nb!e to keep the Miner afloat and asut us in electing the next rrcsidcnt: Auditor's .Settlement. In accord ance with the Act of Assembly, the county Audit ors will meet at the Court House, in Clearfield, on Monday, tho first day of January nest, fir the purpose of settling and auditing the public ac counts. As the approa.-hing wttlcmeut is twrm.d the "ah-irt settlement," a week or ten dap at mo?t will suffice to esamine and close, the accounts. Li'CKY Don. Tlio editor of tho Cambria l'rrcmnt MePike, sctuis to been cicessivcly lucky on thunkiving day, Ojie of his subscribers presented him with a big g'hhlr for dinner and Mrs. Mel'ikc presented hira with buy baby by rupper time, so that he was fronting or fusiiog all afternoon. It never rains but it pours, about llbcnaburg. Poor d 1, here we are, without either. List of loiters romuininu unclaimed in the ltonV at Clearfield, fur the week ending December 1 1th, 1 S7 1 : Angun, Franklin. Arnold, N. A. Albright, Israel. Mcpbcrn, Lcuh. Ilullinhrnd, Thumns. Ireland, Mis Knima) I.aubnrv. V. II. Miller. Mrs. I'iarn. V Millar, Harrv. McMahon, Miss Kate. Owens, Wm. Puiind, W. W. Peters, Caspar. Sbaw, FiluiLiid. hftbin, Nmli'l. . A. UAi LIN, P . H. Sport. Tlio cold snnp lias cIorcJ the river completely, and right well do the young sters enjoy it, in the skating line. Kvcn on Hun day lust, more than a score enjoyed themselves, during the day, although thrcu or four PunJuy Schools were in running order. We understand that the names of nuite a number of these juve niles have boon banded to the proper officers of the law, and shuuld any of them "turnup nibbing," some evening, their parents may perhaps find them by repairing to the jail, for which institution thry seem to be a trot up;. m - Look out for Them. A friend at Karlheas informs us that tbo "mousors," who suc ceeded iu electing a Radical Assessor last October, ,are now k'jrging among their Ilaiieal brethren in order to hare themselves elected school directors, supervise, etc. This wo suppose would only he carrying out the "bargain and sale" catered into at the October eloetion, hut it would be ft joke if the Knds would now go back on them, nIVr securing fhe Assessor for three years. Mm who will trade ft three-year ofllj off fur yearling, nro nut very afierp, and are just the etuff out uf which Radical aro made. sawa, Affixing I'ohtacib Stamps. The fact that many people do not sewn to have learned the proper place upon ft letter for ft postasre stamp is upon the upper right hand corner, has uggcited the Idea to a HoHonlan of giving print ed directions on the buck of each rlt;np as to how It should he tifed, by uro of (he words "Mick this tamp upon the upper right hand corner of your Jetter," lie propj-i-s to bring tl o rtil.ji rt to the '..Lent ion of the Posloftke Department, If hero ,.,eies favurallc rcpnres ty his le'cri aldressed to IVitmariters in first class offices a-l:iiig their opinions. mm S 0 New Ukk or Leaves. A Vermont- or h.ti recently tanned) several sides of Irathcr with lye leirhed from forest leaves. He hns been expcrimenliLg with leaves for two month., with satisfactory results. Or.o ten of leaves, it Is as serted, will tan as much hathcrai five cords of bark, and will complete the process in lulf Ibe tiios. When leaves and hark are mixed in efjual proportions one-fourth of tho time is laved. The leather tnnned by this wrocess, it is claimed; is more flexible and smoother than that tanned by bark, wb.Je Uif strength uf the raw hide Is re tained in ft greater degree. All which statements should be received cautiously, Poinos of the Omikii. The OmUh people have just oomph ted ft new fiamo eliurch in liratlon township, half ft mil frotn MatUwana station. The site is 30x42, and It is a plain, airy, comfortable edifice. The Ornish formerly held roligluus service ex clusively al private reeidenece. It Is only within four years that they hftte begun building churches. There are now already three in this county, though pal one In (he State of Ohio. Tlis'lr church srr vice has been exrtutivc'y In Jhe tJcrman lugiuf heretofore. Tho intention now Is to have Knglih preaching frequently, and to Invite the attendant and the attention of the yublie generally, whioh is also ao Inaovntioo upon time-honored custom, -fertsfefra I'et-oerwf. Tub Timueu Tuadk It is a fad well known to our citlicm, that a large portion of last year's stock of timber nnd 1gi never reached the maiket, but lies scattered nting tbor'tver from Cherry Trie to Hurr!bing wusitig a rrrious loss to the owners and, lu fact, to ovorybody olso en gaged tu buinecs within tho comity. All arc aware that wnU it next 'print's ptak eurtuih-d, fhat timber will be nol.1 In theat ru nnd wcUrn mnrkcts at a heavy saerlfiee. l!iH iUp, if there is a full stoek of limber and logs made this winter, and tug thcr with tho old stoek all gos Into mar ket at one time, It will be ju4 as scriouf a loss to maker and owner, at home, as la.H season. Now, why hhotild uuy oue purtmc a course nulling to his own injury?- Why n t cuitail the Slock of iiinler and lugs this winter t It is worth uiore on I lie stump than in tho river, sboull there to ano ther overstock as there evidently wns lustycr. Those who own fonui had Utter employ the laborers who make timber, put their farms In prime order for the next season, and let Ibfir titfi boi row, which will yield to ownor and laborer a good interest in tho future. Since writing the foregoing we Inidnitly lenrn that a number of the heavy operators have con cluded to curtail their stock nearly nne-htilf. II this is true, aud they adhere to that policy, full and remunerative price wilt be obtained next spring. Hut if cvory one who has trees takes tu the woods, makes timber nnd cuts logs, as they did last wiutcr, the lust failure will prove worse than tbo first. Our advice to all is, clear more land, raise mure grain, vegetables and stock, and you will add stable comfort to yourselves and your children, while your oak, pine nnd hemlock, If left staud and grow, will yield you mure than six pur cent, interest fur ten years hence. Lectcue. Miss Olive Logan will deliver a very entertaining lecture, in the Court Ilouce, on Thursday evening, December 28th. Ht 1 snbject will be "Nice Young Men," and rho han dles It in sueb a manner an to instruct aud enter tain all. Wc hopo tho people of our town and vicinity will not fail to embrace this opportunity, as well as to eu courage tho young men in their ef forts to promote christtnuity in tmr midst. All arc cordially luvitcd tu attend. J. W. Uantt, Chairman V. M. C. A. Committee. Small-Pox Falhe Report. There being a report in circulation that small pox, pre vails at Tyrone, and that the Ward House ! hon ored with a ease, a geutlctnan whoso raracity 1 cannot bo impeached assures us, from his own persounl observation, that this report Is totally without foundation. Prof. W. S. Clark's opinion of Perkins A House's Xottt-Fxploxivc Lamps: It Is pfrfecitu iiom rxfi'utiee. The light is better than is produced by any other lamp. I believe it to br true tenmtmij in view of the safety, the nual- it y aud quantify ul light produced, and trie dura biii'y of this lamp, to throw atrnu all othfr kind aud use this only. Prof. . S. Clark, Pree't Mas. Agricultural Collugo. m Giuls' School. Tho patrons and friends of Miis Hwan's school will please bear in mind lhat the winter term commences on the 1st Monday in January, W2, and thoro who dcire to attend bud better make the proper arrnngeaients before the desks are all tukeu. Specials, A lnr( vrirty of Ilnnil Slctii fur cMMreo, fur al at II. T. PiplirA To.'j. Tliia dnjr II. K. Iiiglor A Co. illoicn tlio (inert assortment of Flfib Urlls ever broulit to Ibis eouoty. deel -tc3t Ity tbc but of tbiH week A. I. pbnw nil! liave in store tbo largest an-1 nreltimt flppnrtment of Holiday tjoodj ever cibilitrd in tbin lection of the country, coniiri-ins articles u."eful ornument ul, amusing and foolirh. Call and oxumitte tbem, and you will not ftil to be pleased. KkatkhI FniTi.t.:: Fkaik.h!!! Skatca for men and irnmen. Fkatcs fur youlbt and misfrs. Skates for boyi and girl". At Jirieel to luit pur cbanur.", at II. F. Hiplor A Co. dec!3-3t Kufua I'bal'tnnn. of Lilierty. Me., bad a stiff leg bent at Ibo knee, limbered and strengthened, by tbc' uo of Johnson's Anodyne Liuiuient. Tbo proprietors of Johnson's Anodyne I.ini' Purgatitc lMlls.and Sbcridnn's Cav alry Condition, have published a reada ble and instruotivo pHuipMet, nhich may be bad free at tbc si ores. I'eiikim A Iloisr'a Nox-Kpiviv'. Save your lives by using this lamp. Save y.ur bouses fron burning. Save your family from burning aud death. Save your uoaey by gettinf a durable, oil-saving lamp. Save your eyes by having a better light. For sale by JI. F. Itigtcr A Co., Clearfield, Snys a late iuc of the Philadelphia City Ittm. "Ingenuity bus been taxed to And the surest and most direct inrans of re.ifhlug the publie, and the business man who would ndvcrliccft specially, and get the gn-atcht good out of the greatest number, in tho shortest spneo uf time, is compelled to go to (Jco. P. P.owull A Co., New York, for ad ice. Why to this homsc? Picsuse it Is the head and front of the advertising business. It is prompt, methodical and char in its Irencactions, and pos sesses the confidence of all the houses which ad vertise most." PrnKits A Ilirsr.a Patkkt Metallic Krao skxk on Coal Oil LSAfKrr Lamp. Thuusands of families now using this lamp testily to its superi ority over the lamps in com moo use, boeauso 1. It Is perfectly safe from explosion owing to its scientific structure. 2. Ilcing madeuf metal, it wiH not break, 3. It gives a much more brilliant light and more steady than gas, at one fifth the expense. A. Without odor, and with porTec! cleanliness, it uses one-third less oil, in proportion to the amount of light given. , No more shocking deaths and terrible tlrtj from coal oil lamps exploding or breaking ! JI. F. Pig ler A Co., agents for Clearfield couuty, 2t Ir. F. Plat to, Kileclic Physician and Hurgeon, offers his services to the people of Clearfield and vicinity, nn 1 will be in rtudiness to attend all profession a I calls, by day or niht. Office on Heed street, west of the depot, Clearfield, P. May 81, I H 7 1 tf If you want to buy Drugs, PateDt Medi cines, Paints, Varnishes, (Spices, Fam-y lioods, S'.ni.s. IVrfuiiierie, Unishes, Tru-ses, Lampi Lamp Chimneys, Musical (loods, School Hooks, Stationery, Tobacco, Cigars, Saratoga and lledf.rd Waters, Priveriptioiis dny or night, go to the new Ilrng Store ot If artswick Irwin, ntconj si. M4-:tm. J K M O V 12 I) I ALEXANDER'S NATIONAL SHOE STORE (Formerly Kcjitone Shoe Rtor.,) Has l.een removed In tiis runoi nexl doer ta the new 1'ostnuVe l'ilillltir, on Market street, where excrytbiiig has been filled up in fine style. Now Is the lime pnware your winter supply el 1)1101.1 AMU mui-.s AT LOWEK F1GUKES Than the lane flr.o I) ran be bough! elsewhere la Clearfield eounty. A Urge stoek of Ladle.' Hlioos, Uailer. and Slippers, of all styles, kinds and prices. Gent'. Shoe., Pools, Ositers, flippers a Has assortment. Misses' and Children's Knues and (Jailers of all descriptions. Hoy'. Uool. a .lies., a rer large xariety. A cordial Inflation I. eilendnl to all te oaU and as amine my stoek. and Halter myself that I can please Hi. wast fastidious, both ae to style aod nriee. T. M Ai rXANDER, Jyjs) National Shoe Btcrc, L'learlleld, Ta. IIS WHTIIII'H IHOTH'K. Notice is here A bT H'" tll"t Letters TestaroenUey Lax in, been franted to Hie suliserlher on the estsle ,f IriAIIKi.LA TIHIMAM, rlee'd, late of Woodward township, Clenrdeld eonnty, I'ennsylxania, all persons Indebted to said esls'. are roUesU3d to make immnllat. payment, and tliose having claims against I he same will pimeiil them, duly authenticated, fur settlement. .tt'HN TIT1IKHOW. Nor. ;j. I;i l ' ' Kiecutnr. frtUsrcUaufous. ; jyVT FAIL lO IIGAH OLIVE, LOGAN'S LECTURE, IK TUB COVllT.HOl'JC, Ctf TuiuaUAY Evening, Deo. 28tli. Suhject: "Nice Young Men." TICKETS A.lulu 50o. CblMrrn Jic IVii iiN,y I vn n i a I road TYRONE A t'LEAKFIELD HIIANCU. 0 and after Moiubiy, NOV. 20th, 1871, the Passenger Trains wilt run daily (except Sun days) betwucn Tyrone and Clearfield, as loltows: I'l.KAKFIKI.D MAIL. LEAVE SOI'TII. LEAVE N0IIT1I. Clearfield III. ,i Tyrone . .15,n. O'eeola 0.:t5, " rhilinliurg...l0.ii, I Cle.rli.l.l 11.65," I'hilipsburg 4.2U. Osceola 4. Ill, Tvrone 0.00, CLEA KKI Kl.U EXPRESS. LEAVE SOI:t1I. LEAVE K011T1I. Clenrael.l ,45 A. Tyrone 7.00 p. n. 7.13 ' .8.20 8.40 " hilipsburg... ft. 45 " j Intersection Osceola 7.f " I Osceola Intersection... 8.12 " l'liilipaburg l.vnine 8.25 t'learuld,ar....40 " FAHK AND DISTANCES. FROM CLEARFIELD. FROM TYRONE. Station. Ki Bt.tlom. t S f r ? I.rnnnril J l11 InterMOtion 4 16 W.Hvlland t 50 Vtnwoyoc. 7 20 Killer S5'rdnr 8 SO Wilin,-Hn 11 .T5 lit. l'loaMot....ll SO lllur Hull 1.1 4(1 Sumrall 14 ii l'lllllburg..lT ISO Sanely Ki.ll;r...l5 40 Slelner.' IS 61 INiwrlllon 17 45 llmilnr 20 til llvmll '( S.t Ohreolt 41 ' 21 CO 1'owrlllon 24 7.' Strimr' 2.1 B6 Sun.lT Rilxe....2A 80 IMlllllhurR.' 1(1 Summit 27 86 llliir Hall 24 80 Mt. I'lca-ant....:i0 ( WallantuB.......H 85 (lunlnrr M 1 HO1 IIIkIct .13 05 Vnn.rny.ic .14 1 Oil Uuo.lliind US (1 00 IntirKi'tion .17 1 IS' l.connrrt 110 Trouc II I 2(1 learllt'ld II I -jo FARE FROM CLKAHFIKLD, TO Dcllcfonte, I'a 5 On Mid.llctown $5 00 Marietta 5 50 Lancaster 6 85 PUII.ADEM'UIA 7 6 I.oek Haven Williomsport Huntingdon I.ewist.iwn Mnrysville II A it risk r mi . 2 10 .1 no I 80 3 90 Altoona I 86 4 50 Johnstown 80 4 75ll,riTSUlllli 6 15 rONM-'.CTMINS. Clearfield Mail North oonncots from Cincinnati Elpress Vest, nnd Hurrisl.urg Arcomlm.dation East, on main line; nr.d Ch-arficM Mail South connects with Cincinnati Express Fast, nnd Mail West, on main line, also with Jtald Fugle Express hast, fur Lock Haven, and points t est of Lock Haven. Clearfield Express North connects from Mail West, nnd Cincinnati Express East, nlso from ltald Lngla Mail est ; nu, I learlidhl Express South connects with ilnrrisiturg Accommoilalion East, Local Passenger v est lor Amiona nnd II.' lidaysburg llrnncb, alsn wilh Paid Eaglo Mail East, for Lock Haven and Williamsport. Taking Clearfield Express South, Pbilipsburg passengers reach liclle'onte and return home the same (lay, nnd Clearlicld p.issengcrs enn reach Williamsport, Ilarrlfhurg, or Hullidnyslturg, and return the same dny. Passengers for Williamsport should take Raid Eagle Mail East, and passengers for points West of Lock Jlarcn, on P. A E. K. R., should fake Raid Eagle Express Fast. UEOllUE C. WII.KINS, my!7-tf. Snperinlendsnt. Coal JLninl for Hale! fpiIE undersigood offer for sate a valuable piece X of Cool land, situate in I'eatur township, Clearfield eounty, ailjoining lands of John Crane, Osceola Coa.1 and Lumber Co. and Osceola bor ough, containing lift Acres, 30 Prrchra, and allowance. It is und. rlaid with two vrins of Coal, and is also desirable for towo lots. There is a turnpike laid out through it from Osceola to rtiilipsbiirg. Mid it is within a quarter of a mile of the Tyrone A Clearfield Railroad, and about the same distance from the Mosbsnnon llrancb Koai. For further information a'blress A. A Ii. M. ML' LI. EN, nov22 3m Sinking Valley, Hlair Co., Pa. To Advertisers. All persons who contem plate making contracts with ncwpnperi for the insertion of advertisement should send to a co. IN IBowell & o. fir a Circular, or inclose 2,1 cents for their One Hundred I'airw Pamphlet, containing Lists of 3,000 Newspapers and estimates, showing the cost of advertising, aUo many uxrful hints to ad- vertivrs, uid some account of the experiences of men who are known as surceaatul Adver tiser a. This firm are proprietors of the A mod em Newspaper Advertising Agcney, 11 lnrk llow, X. Y., in' are possessed of unequaled facilities for se curing the insertion of advertisements In all ;sew.-pnptr and I'cnoaieals at lowest ratos. no Iti Zm STOVE AM) EARTIIEX - WARE . 0Y EVERT DESCRIPTION! CHOCKS! POTS! CROCKS! Piaher'a Potent Airtight Nslf Scaling l-'riilt ( ans I I)I TTl:ll CUOlKft, wilh lids. CREAM C'lUICKr', MILK CHOCKS, AI'I'LH-IU TTFH CHOCK.1, I'll KI.K CROCKS. FLOWER I'OTS, 1'IE DIBIIKS, HTF.W TOTS, And a great many oilier things too nuoiorous to mention, to be liau ai FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STOSE - WAKE POTTERY, Corner of Cherrv and Third Ftreets, CLKAKFIKLI), PA. ug3 If R H Ii I OUT) BURNED UPI DKI.I.'S RI'N W00LE.V FACTOR V, Peno township, ClearCeld Co., I'a. The subscriber, are, al great expenss, rebuild ing, and In a few dnys will have completed, l neighborhood necessity, in the erection of a first clas Woolen Manufactory, with all the modern improvements attached, nnd are prepared tu muke nil kinds of Cloths. Cnssimeres, Hatinctts, Itlan. kets, l-'lsnncls, ao. l'lenty of joods on bond to supply all our obi nnd a tliousnml new customers, whom we ask to come anil examine our (tcea. The business of CAHDINO AND PI LLINi) ;tl tcceive esncctal altention. llur new inlll will be rcn ly by wool-carding season, therefore there need bo no hesitation on thai score. J'ropnr arrangements will be made lo receive and deliver Wool, lo suit cust' Oiers. All wora warrnnieu aim Hone imon tbo shortest notice, and by strict alien linn to business we hope to roallje liberal share of public patronnge. lli.OOO POUNDS WOOL WANTED I We will pay the highest market price for Wool in. sell atir manufactured goods as low as similar roods can be bought in the eonnty, nnd whenever we fnil In rendor reasonable satisfaction we enn alwavs be found at home ready to mak. proper explanation, ejllier In person or ny letter. JAMUS JOIINHON A HONS, aprllHtf Urampian Ilillf P. O, Pamphlet Lawal IN a-eordatiee with tho 15th section of II. e Act of Assembly approved the lOlh dny of April. A. I). I".' ', I I'urdon's Digest, page 42,1 nolico is hereby given to all cillscns desirous of pure basing bnjf bound oonies of the Pnuilihlel Lews for InTS, ili I will receive subscrinlinns fur the same at n,v osTie. until lh. 2jlh dx of December, at the rjto of al ner eouy. as uer Pampbiet Law. f I "OH, page h, ' LKVI.R PI.EOAL, Treasurer". Office, ClsatJIebl, I ' Tiwasnr.f Pa., Pee. .. 151 1 Jt j .(floUiiug. II ATM AND CAl'UI AND Itouts uiid Shoes! THIS PLACE TO GET Hats & Civjw, Bootu k ShiiCB, 13 AT ' riUERTtm XEW STOIIE! One door north of new Masonie Ifnlljlnj, C-LHAUFIELD, PA. The largest stock of good. In this Iin4 teer bronght Into the county, Is now epen tor the in spection of the public, and will bo sold at the . Very Lowest Cash rricrs ! Also, a splendid assortment of (IENT'3 Fl'R N1SIIIM! HOODS, consisting of Shirts, Collars, Neckties, Handkerchiefs, Olovcs, Uml"rwrmr, Ac. A large slock of CARPETS and OILCLOTHS, whioh isill be disposed of at astonishingly lew prices. A liberal sbar u( patronage is respect fully inlicited. JMM)ON'T FAIL TO CALL.-tt, Store ou Second St., below Market, Clearfield, Pa. 4:5,71 I). R. FULLERTON. II. Bill D OK. MERCHANT TAILOR (Store one door east of Clearfield IT o use,) Market Street. Clearfield, Pa. KKKPS on haod full Miorlmenli of flnts Furnishing Goods, such as Shirts, Linen and Woolen Undershirts, Drawers and porks, Neck-ties. Pockot Haniikerchiefs, (J lores, Hats. Umbrellas, Ae., la great varisty. Of Pieee Uoeda he keeps tbo Best Cloths of ail "Shades and Colors," Such a Black Doeskin of the very best makt' Fancy Casslmore, In great variety , also, French Coating, Hearer, Pilot, Chinchilla, and Fricott OTercoating. All ol wuico win te som eoeap lor Cash, and made np accoraiog 10 me .teii siyies by experienced workmen. Also. Asent for Clearfield count? for I. M. Singer A Co a. celebrated Sewing Msrhiues. iNoTe I. laOo-tf. M. iiniwue.. How o Have 9foney. Til K times are hard ; you'd like to know llow you may sate your dollars; I ho wy to do it 1 will show, If you will read what follows, A mm who lired not far from here, Who worked fcmrd at his trade, But hud a household t" support 'X'uut squandered all he made. I rat him mice. Huvs he, "My friend. I look threadbare nnd rough ; I've tnd to get myself a suit, Hut can't save up enough." 6ays I, my friend, how mo eh hareyeuf I'll tell you where to go To get a suit t hut's sound and cheap t To HKUENSTKIX A Co. lie took what little he had saved, And went to Keisenstein A Urotheri', And there hs got a handsome suit. For half he paid to others, Now he Is home, he looks so well, And their effoct Is surh, Thnt when they tnke their dally meal, Tbey don't eat half as much. And now he finds on Saturday night, Wilh all their wants supplied, That he has money left to spend, And some to lay aside. Ills good success,'coeerU. smite, He gladly tells to nil. If you'd save money, go and bay Your elotbes at HEIZENSTKIN'S CL0THINO HALL Where the rheanest, tinrst and h'st Clothing and good Furnishing floods can be had to suit every taste and in every stle. rll,70 t'ntrUfj, JJtu-flrit, EXTltAOIU)INAUr ANNOUNCEMENT WOULD rMclfulljr annoBB. to lb. alii. cf CLEARFIELD and tlelnHj lhat I baxe opsneJ up In lh. tosr Uasoal. UoilJinn, drst Coot lielosr tht Mansion Hons,, on Stcona Slro.t, wilh a .nllrs new .took of WATCH F.S, CLOCKS & JKWELUY, 01 lh. ilrl.s and tnlsh, Selected with care. I bare an assortment from all tbs latest norelti.a in Jewtlrjr, snita- ble fir the Holidays. A large (lock of American Watehel from he factories of Appleton, Trary if- Co.. at Walt- ham, Mass., and the National Watch Company at Elgin, 111., In from 1 to t 01. ease., alsray. on hand, and warraotod, Thankful for your ps.l liberal patrons,., t hope, by etrlet attention to buslncia, to averil a eontluuanet of be same. All kind, of repairing In ay tin. promptly aUonded lo. 8. I. BNfDER. December 14, 170. ISAAC K. STAUFFER, WATCIIHH, JEWELRY, 144 Korth Second St., cor. of Quarry, PHILADELPHIA. An assortment of Watches. Jcwelrr, Filver an. Plated War. constantly on band, llcpeirinir of Watches sin Jewelry promptly allendcil to. 3:y Urrthat. A NEW DEPARTURE For the of Muuklud ! Dlt. HOY lilt's PILE OINTMENT Tliis importnnt discovery Is one of the most re markahlc resulta of modern medical research, and The mott Wonderful dcSpccJy licmeJij ever known, Is now presented In a sclentino combination el southing and liealiiitr ncents. And haxinpr Ihor oujrbly tested II in numberless cases, with most satisfactory results, do not hesilat. in oHering it to tlio public as Tho most certain, rnjiid nnd effectual REMEDY FOR PILES, 1 no matter of how long standing. -xa-rVld br all Druzaiets and Medicine lleut crs who derirc to ntloviato tlio sufferings of their fellow beings. I'lllCE, 60 CKNT8 pEll I10X. ' T. J. IltlYHll, Bole Proprietor, ocUi7l Clcailleld, Pa. Bcalo's Embrocalion, (LATH POWKLL'",) For nil dlsoases incident lo Hones, L'altls, and Human flesh, r.quirlng lh. use of ,n external application. Thl. Embrocation was extensively ised b; the Oorernment during the wer. For .al. by Hart.wtck: A Irwin, ClearBslJ. Joseph H. Irwin, Carweu.vllle. Daniel Unod landnr. Lnth.rshnr. tf 1871' PHILADELPHIA 187! WALL PAPERS. II 0 IV K L L 4 DOI'BKi; Mnnulacttirere of Paper I(h'j(,'J and Window Shade. Wholessl. and Itclail Fulesrooms, Corn.r Fourth aod Market streets, lUILAIiKLPHIA. Fsclory Corner Twenty Ibiri tod Hans'.m "te. Oetnber , 1 T f So) pd. jgru fiooda, (Srortrhs, (Ctr. 1871. 1872. FAIL & M'ITER COODS! The FirBt of the SeaBonl The Choaio8t in this Market I BUY! BUY! ! BUY ! ! ! OF KRATZER & L.YTLE, Your Dry Goods, Your Grocer it-1, Your Window Curtaius, Your Carpets, Yuur OiMnthi, Your Wall Papers, Your Hats, Your Capi, Your Carpel Chain, Your Stoves, Your Dacon and Feed. Your Hardware, - Your Qm.'uware. Your Notions, Your Hoots k Shoes, Your Leather, Your Shue.Fioding, Your Flour and Fish, SALT! 8ALT1 SALT! it wholesale to euuntrv merchants. 011,8, PAINTS, GLASS. Ao. A liberal die. count to builders. Everything that too need can he had it ri adrautage tu the buyer, at KRATZEIl A LYTLB'S, Market street, Cl.if4Rriii.D, Pi., opposite the Jail. pd. to mctiB'TS UtIODII cw rirm at Wallaeoton, Pa. JOHN HOLT k SONS Have bought the entire stock of goods from P. Oallngher,and are receiving a general assortment of new goods from the Eastern cities, snob as DKY GOODS, CLOTHING, G HOC E HIES, QUEENSWAKB, HARDWARE, HOOTS SHOES, HATS & CAPS, BACON, l'lSII, SALT, FLOUR, FEED, Ac, Ao., An.," " To evuhange for Country Prod use, Us i I road Ties, Lumber or CA8II. October IS, 1871. Down I Down 1 1 THE UST"AlUtIVAL AND fIF COrHSR TUB CHEAPEST I A Proclamation against High Prices! WE are now opening up a lot of (he taut and moet aoattuiiahle ools and Wares ever offered In this market, and at prices that remind one of the good old dnys of ehenp things. Tlmse who lack faith upon (his point, or deem our alle gations tupcrtluous, need but (,(Mj fT Ot'H STORK, Corner Front and Market s'reets, Where they ran see, feel, hear and know for them nelrct.. To fully omhrleiid what Brer lie. in poods. this niU!t he done. We do not th em it recenniry to enumerate and itemise our slock. It Is enough for us to slate that We have Everything that is Needed and consumed in (his nierkrt, and at prices that L. tnuifh both old and voting. deu2 Jl.Fr.PH FflAW 1 SOK. CORCORAN, WEAVER & CO. WHOLESALE ii n oci; ic n, nnd dfulera in Lumbermen's CA is .MIDDlies. WILLIAMSPORT, PA. ftu2.V0tu N EW I' I II II I NEiAV GOODS! FAUST & GOODWIN, (Sueccsor. to H.rlsock 4 Goodwin,), Pa., liar. Just openrd the newest and (nest .lock of all kind, of DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, Notions, Trimming", 1V0., I.AUir.S' IIATH and rtMS, Men', and Dnys' HATS A CAPS, BOOTS AND pHORft, GROCERIES, QU JSHiNSWARK, tlLAHS AIK, If LLOW WAKK, WOODRN WAIU5, II A R D W A R K, Aud everything usually kept In a Drst class .tor., Tl. .iru.b has been eeleeled with ear., and bought at Inweat prices, and will l wild wry eheap for eaib. Country produc. of all kinds taken at oiaraoi price. J9-yt ask all lo noma and ee.-f, FAI'HT noODflU Ourwenseile, If or, 1, lJI ' Snaritrarf, Hiuunrr, dt. gA(Hp.TT d SCIIHYVliB, oaii. ans i Bl'ILDIXU HARDWARE, Also, manufacturers of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware, SMond, CLEAKPELI), PA. Carpenter, and Puildrrs will find it to tlioir advantiige to cxauiiue our stock before purohasiog elsewhere ,-. STOVES I STOVES ! We are now sellini the celebrated TIMES COOK and RELIANCE, lh. cbeoptlt nd best stove, in the merket, Every .tuve fully warranted. ALSO, PARLOR, JJBATIVO, and KAFTINU STOVES! wbleh will be .old as eheap as any In the eounty. Rtrlet attention paid ordering article, lor par- tie, who desire it. JMhRooflng, Spouting and Job work done on reasonable terms. Cliarfisld, Pa, April 1, 1671. II. F. BIGLER & CO., .( ta II A It Is W A It E , Also, Manufacturers of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLEARFIELD, PA. LOT OF SADDLES, BRIDLES, Harness, Collar., .te., for sal. by II. K. BIGI.ER 4 CO. ) A EMEU'S PATENT UNLOAD- log nay Forks, for sale by II. F. BIGLER A CO. QIL, PAINT, .PUTTY, GLASS, Kails, etc, for sale by II. F. BIGLER & CO. TTaKNESS TIMMMIXGS &SI10K a. a. Findings, for sal, by II. F. BIGLER i CO. QUXS, PISTOLS, SWORD CANES lior eal. 13 U. F. niOLEU 4 CO, gTOVES, OF ALL SORTS AND Eises, for aal. by II. F. 1UGLF.R 4 CO. I RON! IRON! IRON! IRON! H. F. TilGLCR A CO TIORSB SHOES i HORSE SHOE A. A. KAILS, for .ale by II. F IHOLEU 4 CO )ULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES 1. And best Manufacture, for .ale by n. F. BIGLKR 4 CO 'rillMBLE SKEINS AND TIPK BOXES, for .ale by II. F. PIG LER 4 CO. jODDER CUTTERS for tilo ly ytM-70 H. F. TilGI.F.R 4 CO. T' TIM TIN I tSTOVl:! UTOVESt ITOYBI WAPLE & HAHTMAN Desire to Inform th. oitisens of Osesola and the public arnerally, 'hut th'-y have just received . l.r... n,i snlendicl assortment of Stoves, llouse- hnbl llsrilware and rtamped and Japanned nt all kinds. Also that wo mauutucture and keen constsntlr on hand a full assortment of Tibmcn s Worcs, which we will dispose of at ;ili.-p Mlmtcsnlc nr retail, to suit purchasers. H'lodnr. Fnouliliu. ltepairine and all kind, of Job Work H ne to order and wilh dispnteh. Strict will lit ton paid ordering1 articles fur par ties d'-siriiiB it. Consumers will find it lo their ailvantaco to purchase from us. Our stock and prices will sat isfy ynu that wo do sell good wares nriccl that nless. the neonle. Ynu will find us on l urtin street, nearly op posit, the Kxeiianiro lintel. Osceola Mills, Pa., May 10, lftM-lf THE CLEARFIELD WOOD -CHOPPERS' AXE llanufaetured .specially for run: clkaiifieid wade, aug.VTe ii. f. nini.KP. a co. T in l. U M n V. R M K M I PEftFCCTION IK CANTHOOKSI The Clcarlleld F.xcelsior Cantbook will not wear out or bronk, being constructed wilh one solid band from clip to point. It Is pronounced by all practical lumbermen who hav. examined It to b. tL. most perfect Canthook ever invented. Amos Kcnnard, Patentee, Manufactured by Anna Kmo 4 Co., nl CI.FArtFlEI.D, TA. J-AII order, promptly attended to. n33'T0 -OfK T(IVi:l c SPKAK'S CALORIFIC, SI'Sgl'EIIA.NNA, BU'ERIOn. 00V. PKNN, - REOI LATOIl, COOK, NATIONAL HANOI!, TRIUMPH, PAHLoll cooliH, SPEAR'S REV0LVIKO LltillTS AND DOI ULK HEATKRS, And all kinds of Hooting Stoves for sale hy ,U(:V-D II. F. HUH, I K A 0. rri nnn watkim- tlVW.UUU The siibscrilicni wool to buy a large Int of M-lnch ehnved hhlngloa, for which we will per tho very highest market price. Per sons baring aucb on hand will do well lo call al ...retor.. WKAVM A BkTTS. ritarleld, a.,r September J" (Is.. F. Q, MILlslCl. A, ft. roWBLL. MILLER & POWELL, ' WIIOLKSALB t RETAIL MERCHANT B, Orahani's Row, Market 61., c l i: a n p I i;l n, pa. W. would moat respectfully inform our friends, cusiomcrs, and'llio publicfgcuoraily, that we are now back.ln our old quarters, which havebeen remodeled and improveil,nnd we ar. nuwpre ptrvd to (aecommodat.a)l who mayfaror a. by oalling. ,N E W GOODS,! W. lrc just received .ne of the largest .tas ks of all kinds of Merchandise aver brought to Clear Held oounty, which we Intend to sell at such tg urcs a. will mak. It an object for all persons to purchase from us. Families laying in wintsr supplies of Groceries, Dry Goods, Ao., should not rail to give ds a ,all, a. we feel confident .or price, and .uperior quality of good, will amply satisfy all, Our stock of GROCERIES canal., nt rr... f lb. b.t tuklilv-, Ta, Su gar, of all kinds, Molasses, Fish, Salt, Cheese, Dried Fruit, Spices, Provisions, Flour and Feed, Ac, Ao. Our stock of DRY GOODS is large and varied, and ne will just aay we ean supply any article in that line, without enumer Hog. READY-MADE CLOTniNG We have a large stock of rcadr-mede Clothing for Men and Boys' wear, which wewill dispose of at a very small advance on eosL toots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Hardware, Queennware, Wood and Willow Ware, Notions, Fancy Uoods, Carpets, Oilcloths, Wall Papers, Window Rhadei, Ac, Ae. ft-Heing extensively engaged iu the Lumber business, we are able lo offer superior inducements to Jobbers. NJLl-KK 4 POWELL. Clearfield, Pa.,, 1871. 1871. 1871. A U T U M N I REED BROTHERS, MaatiT SrniT, CLEARFIELD, PA., If AIR BTBBiO, CURWENSVIU.K, PA Are openiag THIS WEEK ae attractive stock of GOODS FOR THE SEASON ! Our ilesk will be replete with the us w sa H KEWEST DESIGNS I Cl cn la Forsign and Domeitle DRK5S 00ODS, SHAWL, COATINGS, HEPF.LI.ENTS, FLAN.NF.Lfl, Etc., em Together with a full lis. of Notions, Trimmings, LAMES' AND OF. NT'S FuniLsliing Goods, And MILLINERY O00DS, Al Prices lo suit the Time ! Do not fail to call. Respectfully, HEED BROTHER". T. S. Having p irehatcd largely in Millinery Itunde, Milliners in ..Ijaccnt lou. will be (up plied at wholesale rates. ptouiber 'it 1 ST I - FALL GOODS! JUST RECEIVING! t; IOIIT CALICOEf, SPLESDin 10c. CA1.I- cocs, Dclnltics, Shirting ( necks, Muslins, I'UiHs. Whitn Hoods. Percales. Junnnese Niks, lllack Silks, Silk Poplins, Illaek Alpacas, Table Linens, Velveteens, Shawls, Hoys' Cassimercs, Ao. AT J. MILES KRATZF.R'S! HOBIERT, BTI.K fll.OVK PPT PASTS Kid Olovcs, Lace Cellars. Hair Swilebcs and Chignons, Hair Nets, Corsets, Hoop Skirls, Ae. AT J. MILES KRAT7.ER8! DRESS TRIMM1NI1S, SILK FRINQSS balm, Velvet Ribbons, Rations, Ae. AT J. MILES KRATZEIl 'I I T TRIMMED HATS. RIBBONS, Milliuery Ooods, Ae., Ae. AT J. MILES KRATZF.R'S! UNEQl'AI.En STOCK OF LADIES' AND Children's Shoes end flnllers, Men's French Kip and Calf Boots, Call and Lasting Ositers, Ae. AT J. MILES KRATZER'SI l) fClCi NKCES WALL PAPER He. to Ji.UUU tl.tUI per bolt Csrpets, Floor Oil Cloths, Window Shades, best Whit. Hr.nll. Tea War., 0lss Ware, Table Knives and Forks, Ao. AT J. MILES KRATZF.R'S! fHIOICK TEAS. COFFEE, AND OTHER J tlroeeries, Dried Apples, I'euchee, Cherries, Prunes, Canned Peaches, Tomatoes, torn, Ac. -The above, with an Immense stock of other floods, have been tmiiglit al tne inweeicasn price., and will be offered at very low rati a. 7-Com. and .lamin. them whether yon 1 ity or not. 1. M. KRATZER. (Formerly C. Kr.tier A Sons.) Kext door to II. F. Biglcr A C.'s U.rdware Stor.. Clearnold, March It, 171 If. J Oil N TROUT MA W, Dealer in all kinds of FURNITURE, Market Street, ' On. door east Allegheny House. ,i,,!7l CLFARPIEI.P, FA, Sottls. THE SMITH HOUSP, (Oppoflta the Vaasoager lsjpei.) ci.i:ahiii.i.i, tA. rpilE undersigned, baring leased tin (W X a Mines of years, la ready t. sjaurtaia stnn gire and svavclers generally, and therefor, solicit, sojnomere to give blu a ess I. Hit Table will tea supplied with lh. best th. market alurds, and tla liar will contain the cWloest of wine. and liquors. The house, furniture, beds and bedding are ontirejy new, wbleh always adds to the oomfort of travelers ; while I he etabling attached la Urge tad, jul suited fui ttiaustrra. Charge, moderate. JaiuVTO WILLIAM 6. UHAHLEf. THE ALLEGHENY HOTEL. MARKET 6T..pL:AVipLDA f. TIlIS Iftrtre and oonmodloui new kaUl has been opened for the accommodation ol lha public, where the proprietor will be flad to meet his old friends, aod rceoire a shara of pablic pat ronigo. Dr strict personal attention to tbs da tails of his basineu, be hopes to be ahte to render satisfaction to bis patrons. Tha TABLE will alwavs ba hountifulljr supplied with the bct that can bo procured in tho market, ani the It At win rum oi u m iuii iiock oi ixi li&lstv, 4 (iood stabling attached. t'AKl'KK LKlrOLDT, Clearueld, March t, lCU-ljr Prunriftoc THE MANSION HOUSE, Corner of feccood aud Market Streets, ii,i:aiii-ii:i.i, pa. rpiII3 old and eomtoodious Hotel bas. dnrins; X tbs past yesr, been tnlared tp dopblt Its former capacity for tha entertainment of t ran gers anl gacils. The whole builJlns; has keen refurnished, and tht proprietor will spare no pains to render his gnestl eomlortablt while itsylng with him. jr-VIne Mansion Moose ' jmaltns rant to and from the Ienoton the arrival anil departure of ti.b train. JOjiN 1UUUIIKKTV. prC-70 tf Proprietoft. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, Lurwciibville, Itarlicld rountr, I'a rpilISolda&d well established Hotel, beantlt X full J situated on the banks of the Bota,ae hanna, in the boroagh of Curwcn jtllle, has been lea d for a term of years by the underlined. It has been eotireljr re6tted, and is now open lo the public nenorally end the travclliog commo oity in particular. No pains will be spamd ta render guests comfortable while tarrying at this hne. Ample Btablinjr room for the ttcoomsne- dition of teams. Charges moderate. LLI BL0M. Sept- 2. 1870-tf. THE RAILROAD HOUSE, MAIN ST.. I'LULII'SBl'Ita. PA. ritHK undersigned keeps constantly oa band X the best of Liquors. His table is alway, supplied with the best the market efforda. The traveling publio will do well to give him a call. aovl.'Se. UOBhHT LLOYD. Corner of Market and Front Blrseix, Clcarlleld, Pa. This msgnificrnt Hotel is .utirely new. Mat. nlele in sll ils arp'iintments, and convenient to the Court House. A free Omnibus runs to aad trora the Depot en the arrival and departure of each train. UKOlttili K. CULIIIKN, April III, 1 STO. Proprietor. JKONARI) HOl'HF., hearth, r.ailroad Depot, ClcarUeld, Pa. 8. B. IlOW,;Proprletor. Tble house is large, well furnished, and nearly new. and the Pronrietnr feels confident of render ing satisfaction to guests. N. 11. tiood stabling connected with the hotel. ot-71 WESTERN HOTEL, Opposite the Court House, CLEARFIELD, PENN'A. Accommodation first -claw and charges moderate. ott JOHN F. VOl'Xfl, Proprietor. ON TO UK HOUSE. OppoiiU; the Court House, LOCK HAVEN, PE.NJI A. JeU'Jl HAC?EAL A KROM, Prop'.. 1 JKOlkCHIIOl-'l.' hoii:, BELLEFONTK, PA., D. JOHN.-iTCwN A tQXt, Proprietor.. MKRICAN HOISI', Main Street, BR00KVILI.E, PESX'A. SHANNON A DTRKIT1, Proprietors. .4 ?l T MIC AMI.HICAN IIOl'SH, CVRWEeVILLK, Ci iAt:fii:i.r CorsTT, IVsh'. Thin lone established and popular hotel Is stll kept dy the suiisorilwr, who ipsrcs do elf rt to plraseall who pat rati irr him. "To please," it) the motto at the American llo'iic, and all that is askee is a trinl. E. W. 11KKD, Proprietor. l urwensvllle, March 15, ISTI-tf. goot5 and hors. DANIEL COXNKLLY, Root and SIioc Iaiiufa( turort CLEARFIELD, PA. nAS Jnst received a fine lot of French CALI 8KI-NS. and is now prepured to mannfae. ture everything in his line at the lowest 6gores. He will werrent his work to be as representea. lie respectfully solicits ft call, at his shop on Market street, seoand door wet.t of the pot office, where be wiil do all in his power to render satis faction. Borne Cne Gaiter tops on hand. myV,'67-y UAMKI CONPKhLir. SEW BOOT AM) SHOE SHOP, EDWARD MACK, Cor. MARKET A in Srs., CLEARFIELD, Fl. rpil E proprietor has entered Into th. BOOT r SHOE business at the above stand, and is determined not to be outdone either in qual ity or price for his work, Special attention will be paid to ainnufacturing Sewed work. II. has on hand a largo lot of Kronen Kip end Calfskins, of Ihe very best quslily. The eitt. senaof Clcarlleld and riciniiy are rerpeciiuny Inritod In give hiai a trial. No ehirg. for call.. nivO.' " If Miscellaneous. " Miss E. A. P. Rynder, agsisit roa Chiekering's, Sleinway 's and Emerson'. Piano. , Smith's, Mason A Hamlin's and Pelouhsl'. Organs and Mclodcons. and 0 rover A Baker'. Sewing Machines. also TRArnan or Piano, Ouitar, Organ, Harmony and Vocal Ma. io. No pupil token for less than half a term. r-Rooms next door to Flrsl National Hank. Clearueld, May 5, lsOMf. Clearfield Nursery. EXCOUn.UiE HOME JNDl'STRT, TUB undersigned, having established a Km sery oa the Tike, .bout hall way between Clcarlleld and Cnrwensvllle, is prepared to fur nish all kinds .f FRUIT TREES, (stand.rd and dwarf,) Kvergroene, Shrubbery, Grape Vine., Gooseberries, Lanton Blackberry, Strawberry, and Haaberry Vines. Also, Siherlen Orab Trees, Quince, and early soiriet Rhubarb, A,. Ordsr. promptly attended to. Ad.iress, J. D. WRIGHT. ,epJ0.A.y Curwensville, Pa New Meat Market. fpilK undersigned have opened a Meat Market 1 in the rnntn Inrmerly occupied by Alexander Inin. on Market street. Clcarlleld, Pa., adjoining Mossop'., where they Intend to keep a supply of All kinds of Meal, fruit aud I eiretables, And at "rntrr. ro nr vn timm." Shop will be open regularly on Tuesday, Thursday ami Sat unlav, and meat delivered at any point. A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. jf 11 M. H. HI10W5. it E. W. II HOW N. f ' WAun Conllniia to deal In all kind. f improved Agricoltural Implement,. d Clearneld, AugusUI, InJO-tf. V"lVlil!THATItlX't MOTH. IV Notlo. Is hereby given that letters of .duinistralios. oo the nslstc of A. K. WltlllUT, deed, Isleot th. horoniih of Clearueld, Cli-srB. M county, Penn'a,, having been duly granted to the undersigned, all persons indeliled t. Mid .slat, will pleas, mak Immediate payment, and those hsring claims or demands will present them properly authenticity for teUlement ailhoal elsr. KMII.Y WRIOIIT, Clcarlleld, her. ,l!f I l. Adwtlnlstrtrrr. 1