Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, December 13, 1871, Image 2

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BIHTO. 1HD PnorniRTliR.
. . I
A Dead JIohhk. Gold Dust, tbo
much celebrated Kentucky Btullion
diod at Louisville, on tlio 4tli, from
inflammnlion of Iho bowi-ls. The
owner, Mr. Dorscy, was offorcd fifty
' thousand dollars and refused il three
days Lofore he died.
Slippery. Thcro kccius to bo groat
troublo at Washington to keep a Fish
in the Cubinut. That fish lias boon
going out ever ainoe ho wont in. Wo
suppoBu its from tlio fuel that Grant
is euch a sucker himself, that tlio nforo-
suid Fiah want to gut out of tlio pond,
IIanos Kiiie. Two yearn ngo n lot nf
crazyhcads wcro elected to tlio terri
torial Legieluturo of Wyoming, and
passed a law eonforing the right of
suffrage upon women. The new Leg
islature now in suasion repealed tlio
act about ten days ago, but Governor
Campboll, who belongs to tlio free
love fraternity, has vetoed the bill.
lttsioNED. Tlio defaulting Pension
Agent, Jlajor Calhoun, who seems
to have beon bossing the "Grand Army
of the .Republic" in this Stuto, has re
signed a9 Grand Commander. Poor
fellow 1 Ho takes his removal hard.
Never mind, Major; tho fruits of
your "loyal" speeches, liko bread cast
upon the waters, will bo gathered
lifter many days. Mest quiet cat in
Tub Kettle, &c The readers of
Forney's Press of tho Oth havo a lifo
liko likeness of tho editor of that
journal in tlio arliclo headed "Curl
Schuris," whom ho upbraids for doing
just what ho dono himself in 1857.
Forney's war upon President lielianu
an, as tho result which followed shows,
was wholly unpatriotic, while Senator
Schurz's is far otherwiso, and wholly
bereft of ingratitude.
Strangled. Wo aro right well
pleased that tlio organized robbers,
tho tariff ring, has received a death
slab in tlio house of its friends, and
that, loo, at (bo hnnds of tlio leader,
Speaker Jllaino, who has so constitu
ted the leading committee of Congress
as to enable the lax-ridden people to
be heard in their protests against
legalized robbery. Tho day is not far
distant whon tlio tariff humbug will
explode wiih woudeiful advantage to
the country generally.
A Loyal Guowl. Tho Philadel
phia Press growls wonderfully over
tho act of Mr. Speaker 13laine, for not
placing the larilf humbug, Kollcy, at
tho head of tlio Committee of Ways
and Means, but in lieu bus placed tho
commiltoo under tho control of the
froo traders and revenue reformers.
TjuUIio editor exe'uinu: "Wo shall
enter upon the great campaign of
1872 under tho most discouraging
auspices." What a pity ! Yot, what
ft blessing for the country !
Five A cm Tho present Congress
contains five negroes, who have super
ceded Clay, Calhoun, Webster, Cass
and Benton. Wo may expect some
statesmen-like speeches from theso
"colored brethren" during (ho present
session. Tliroo of theso Africans
Do Large, Klliutt and Kuincy aro
from (ho Ku Kluxed Stato of South
Carolina, where tho Iladicals would
liko to mako tho woild believe the
negro enjoyed no privileges, and yet
they now rulo in Congress. Tho
other two, Turner and Walls, aro
from Alabama and Florida. Altbou
aces aro good cards, theso fivo will
never win a gamo.
MtsT be Converted. Tho Philoso
pher of tho Now York Tribune has
lately taken to telling tho liuth as
glibly us a Christian, especially whon
disennting upon tho rascalities of his
party friends. If Groeley continues
to utter the truth in his present manly
way, we will not bo surprised to hear
of his dismissal by tho stockholders of
tho Radical bible. In his issuo of tho
2d, among other things, ho said :
We are heartily lir-k of the icntiuirntal attempt!
of "pari, manage" (o cover up Ihe corruption,
dishiimslr anil exlravafrnncn of the cirp-t hajr
ffuvcminonts. The plea that etpnsure of Ihrae
trauda will injure tho Republican pari. i aa
wicked as it silly. IMtcr a llmuuiiid linira
thai tlio part, ho rent asumk-r tlnm lhat any
erime lor which It onn ho justly held responsible
bo covered up in ila own house. No party can
nvo lung Willi lucb a cntici-r concealed in its
A dark el.' "Tho government"
families, Grant's and Cntacazy's, (tho
Russian Minister,) have had a family
fight. In August, Grant wrote to our
Minister ( Kx Gov. Curtin) at St
Petersburg, demanding tho recall of
Cntacar.y, in tho following stylo :
A derision Ii linpotlant before Iho advent of the
Grand Duke, aa Ihe President cannot he eipeetcd
to receive aa the prinripil attendant of tlii High
ness one who hua been abusive of biin and if
personally unam-ptHhlr.
Tliojokols "tho President" did do
Just what ho wroto Gov. Curtin ho
woold not do, however "personally
unacceptable" tho doso may havo
boon, and why? Was it becauso tho
Ueur was "sevcro and unrestrained,
and employed abusivo and vittiporn
live language toward vory many per
tons, including sevcrul In public posi
tions and enjoying tho respect and
confidenoo of tho community' (tho
Grant and Dent familios); or, is it a
question of veracity only, as was the
csso of Johnson vs. Grant, a few yenr
,111 at Home .Ignlii.
For tho first timo In ton years
ovory Stato in the Union is represent
ed in tbo American Congress, but we
must confess at A greatly reduced
standard of intellectual ability and
statesmanship, ileal statesmen havo
beon superceded by more pigmies,
whoso avarico far exceeds all clso.
Tho Sonato is composed of two
members from each Stato, and thoro
being thirty-seven status tho body
therefore contains sovonty-four mem
bers. Thcro aro at present two va
cancies, one in Alabama and one in
North Carolinn, both of which will be
filled by Democrat, who have gained
seven members since tho last Con
gross. Politically arranged, tho Son
ale contains :
Total 74
Tho Uotisoof Representatives isnp
portioned among tho several states
according to population, every State
being entitled to at least ono Congress
man and ono member for every 125,'
000 population. Thcro aro in tho
present llouso 213 members. Tho
delegations of the two great states of
New York and Pennsylvania, consist
ing of 81 members in the former and
24 in tho latter, aro nearly equally
divided, showing a healthy stato of af
fairs politically j while a largo portion
of tho slates send full delegations of
Democrats, liko Kentucky and Mary
land, or, liko Maineund Massachusetts,
all lludieals. Such a stale of affairs
illustrates parlizan feeling and power.
but it is no ovidenco of stable and
cducatod patriotism.
In tho last Congress tho Democrats
had only CO mcmbcts and tho Radicals
170, giving tho latter 101 majority
The prosent or XL1I Congress, is
made up as follows :
Radicals 110
IXaiocrata n
Total ii
vAs indicated elsewhere, a bill is now
beforo Congress to increase the body
to 281 members, wnd if tho bill bo
comes a law Pennsylvania will bo en
tilled to two mombcrs in tho noxt or
XI. Ill Congress.
Radical Wickedness. We this
week dovoto tho first pago of our
paper to tho workings of martial law
in South Carolina. That enterprising
news journal, tho New Yoik Herald,
has a correspondent on the spot, and
as the editor is a zealous Grant advo
cate, ho cannot bo charged with preju
dicing that individual's chances for
tho Presidency by showing or giving
a bird's-eye view of tho outrages ho
and his satraps aru perpetrating upon
freemen in South Carolina. If tho
minions of any crowned head in Eu
rope have over treated their subjects
worso, history fails to record tho fact.
Grant & Co. havo violated all law,
Divine and human, in that State, and
tho crimes committed seem unworthy
of belief, wero they not given in do
tail by tho disinterested correspondent
of tho Herald. Wo hope no ono will
fail to read tho horrors detailed on
our first pngo this week. Reader, is
it not astonishing that such crimes
can bo committed in this country by
men who aro sworn to do the reverso ?
Is it any wonder whito men manifest
disloyalty when they are treated worse
than the meanest slave that evor trod
tho soil of America ? Camels. For straight
out prcvaricalinn, Radical editors
these limes beat Tom Pepper, as the
following, which wo find in every
Radical exchange, fully demonstrates
"Gen. Sherman has gono to Kuropo.
l.uiet. Grant accompanies Dim. J hoy
bear their own expenses, and draw no
pay during tnoir ansencc, so that tlieir
trip to r.urope will cost tlio govern
ment nothing."
Hint I'cn. Micnrmn and young
Grant havo gono to Europe, is a fact,
but that cither bears his own ex
penses, (especially the lutter,) is a
hatted lie, mid tho editor w ho savs so
is cither a ktmvo or a fool. If ho says
so in order to deceive the public, Im
is the former; if he knows no belter,
ho is tho latter, and wholly unfit to
furnish information to tho public
Who ever beard of an officer of the
army paying his own expenses while
drawing his daily rations nnd quar
terly salary out of the United Slates
Treasury ? If thcro aro any such,wc
will but n silver diino that ho is no
way related to the Grant or Dent
families, who aro now "running Iho
machine," us "tho late lamented" used
to say.
r . . t . ... . .
in luiMii.. a ioi oi no onu alio
genders by the namo of Stones,
IJInck-wcllH, Chare hells, and other
hard names, wells and hells, Bot up
great ralcrwnnling in Baltimoro last
week, on Iho subject of fcmnlo suf-
frago, frco lovo and other equally do-
testablo isms. It poems as thougl
neither love, marriage, children nor
common decency, can restrain theso
looso women and men; but, liko cal
tlo, and the boasts of the field, they
demand the froo ratigo of tho social
and political fields of this continent,
lor the purposo of debauching the
races and breaking up tho union of
hearts and Mules, to mako a feast for
libertines nnd jackals.
A Snlti Sum Wo notico by tho
proceedings of Congress, that the
Washington trenty manufacturers
havo laid a bill beforo that body for
time and expenses, amounting to tho
sum of ?:''0,0no. Fivo gentlemen
composed tho Commission on oursido.
This is just 50,000 apieco for less
than six month's service. If tho Eng.
sh portinti charge a similar bill, it
will certainly bo a frenfy to tho ten
vory nice gentlemen who compose
that Commission, and il is well for
both governments that treaty manu
facturers nro not often needed. )ToY
isthnt bill for "retrenchment" f
Cougrtsnlomil ,1pporl ionmtnt.
Our readers ore probably awaro
that the Congressional apportionment
takes placo at the approaching session
of the Legislature. Tho apportion
ment for Stato Senators and members
of Assembly occurs every sovon years,
and is based on taxables. This appor
tionment occurred last winter. Con
gressmen aro bused on population, and
tho apportionment occurs every ten
years. A bill is now beforo Congress
fixing tho number of members at 280,
(the present number is 241,) and if il
pusses, Pennsylvania will gain ', two
members, from 24 to 20. The ratio
for a mombcr will bo a population of
135,000. Tho following table exhibits
the number alloted each State under
tho existing apportionment, us woll
as that under tho proposed bill :
Muine 6
New llulupuriira.. 3
1 i i
'A H
6; Kentucky 9 10
2 Tcnueiioe 8 9
HIIiMlimitt j II 12
lljlllinoi M 9
2 Mitmmri V 12
4 Arkaimtii 3 4
32 Michiffuu ft
I Florida 1 1
Sfl 'lYxM 4 0
I I Iowa 0 0
0 WiBcoiwin 0 6
UiCalitoritia 8 4
8MiniiuioLa 4
& Orrtfoo 1 1
8'hanM 1 S
7jU t Virgttii., H 9
(.'Nevada 1 1
b, Nobrakki 1
lthode Iihind..,
Connecticut ....
New York
Now Jcraey.M..
.. 2
.. 4
.. 4
,. 1
. r
.. s
North Carolina..
South Carolina..,
A InI.iu
l.ouieiuua 6
Ohio IV
Tho gains aro mostly in the West
and South, while tho New England
stales, lose, notwithstanding an in
erenso of 40 members. Everything
seems to be on tho decline in "Iho
land of steady habits," except bigotry
and fanaticism.
Wcndull Phillips, tho god father of
tho presont Radical party, has turned
Communist, and intends to blot from
off tbo earth every social evil, chief
among which is poverty. Liko his
bloody brethren in Paris, lie is going
to have tho money and property divi
(led equally among tho iieoiilo. Tho
vices and malformations of society
must be abrogated, and Wendell and
his backers aro going to do it, not
only in this country but throughout
tho world. This is certainly n tig
job, but, as a largo poilion of the
Christians and the Rudicnl party have
pinned tlieir faith to Phillips' coat-
tail, tho thing may be done. This
enthusiast and tho devil, and tlieir
friends, design bloody work. Tho
job in Paris last September, bloody
and bullish as it was, was but a local
alTuir, and has only whetted their ap
pctttos for larger fields.
We wonder how many bond holders
and bank and corporation stsclc hold
ers would bo willing to divide their
papers with thoso of iheir neighbors
who havo none, were Phillips to stand
up before them and demand it? iol
ono, wo venture to say, Yet, this is
just what wo aro drifting toward, and
overy man who supports tho party
Grloy hondd, contributes toveAid
this iiiteroecino war of unurcliy und
The .HenMiige.
Wo have placed beforo our readers
tbo annual mossago of President
Grant, in tho shape, of a supplement
Tho best feature about it is, that it is
short, and remarkable more us an
electioneering document than any
thing also. Jt treats principally of
our foreign relations, about which
Grant knows less than any other man
that cvor occupied bis position, whilo
it remains wholly silent about his own
relations nnd St. Domingo, both of
which fills his heart with admiration
Tho reduction of taxes nnd revenue
reform wcro in order for two vears
past, but ns thcro was no Presidential
election approaching ho omilled to
cull tho attention of Congress to theso
questions, from the fact that no politi
cal capital was needed, llo, there
fore, from tho lovo of plunder, recom
mends what ho dotests from principle
Ho baits tho people of tho South
with a recommendation of goneral
nmncsty, whih backing it up with
martial law. This is liko swinging a
fellow off a ecaffold with a ropo around
his neck and then telling him to
Tbeason in the Camp? Tbo old
"Union Savers" gavo the Pittsburgh
loyalists a first-rato thrashing ot the
election for Mayor on tho Oth. In
stead of electing Morgan, tho loyal
Grant candidato, by 2,000 majority,
Dluckmoro, Democrat, was elected by
1,!!00 majority. Morgan was backed
by Grunt, ("tho government,") all tho
federal and Stato ofilco holders, in
eluding Cameron, Slalo Treasurer
Mackcy, and tbo loyal hosts of patri
otic Allegheny. county, and yet do
featcd I This horriblo Ku Klux trick
should bo investigated by Congress
If Allegheny "goes back" on tlio gov
ernment, what will koop traitors and
Copperheads down f A Democratic
Slayor In Pittsburgh is no joke, nnd
shows conclusively that another Turn-
many ring is broken and that tho
pooplo aro waking up.
CoMroRTiNo, Indeed 1 Tho oditor
of tho Macon (Georgia) Telograph, in
announcing that lliero would bu no
paper lsued on Thanksgiving day,
comforted his readers in tlio following
job-'iko stylo :
, Let ill maintain a cheerful eompoture and
ifrateful fararta that affair are no wome with ue
than they are. Some old erumhler will ak. how
cnnld they be wori-cf Shut up. yon old Turk.
and we will tell yon. Kyou were in one of th. ea
.Norlliwcilem KlalM nub your rhopi, milln,
houne, furniture, clothlne-, provivlona. all burned
up hnlfof your famil dvMrored. and von with
Jour hnir ilpucd off your rinhl arm liurued to a
orinp yonr beck lu hlittcl, and lyinjtnn Ihe
now without blanket! and tho mcrunry thirl)
dcreo bolow ioro, yon would lie lu woree oon-
union man you are now.
The editor In question In looking
cvory day to too Georgia invaded by
ino miteii states army, by tho order
of tho individual who, on tho csstorn
portiooof tbo National Capitol, o fow
years ago,cxclalmod,"I havo no policy
I oi my own. J,cl tit havo peace,"
Jlartlat i.tnv .Ibroetd.
Tho recent cruel murdering of eight
medical students in Havana, and tho
sontonuiiig of thirty-two others to the
chain-gang for periods varying from
two to tun years, is another illustra
tion of military rulo and suspension
of tho sacred right of trial by jury.
Our rulers at Washington find them
selves woll sustained in their dasturdly
und bloody reign in the nouln, by our
more Soulliorn nuigtiuors at Havana.
Gonzulo Cuslanon, tho bruto whoso
grave the enraged military claim has
been desecrated by tho mcdicil stu
dents, was killed about 18 months ago
at Key West, in a duel which bo wont
thoro to nrovoke with a Mr. Reyes,
tho editor of a Liberal Spanish jour
nul, whom he invited to his room and
insulted, tho result being a chr.llengo
und tbo arrest ol Reyes, win was
bound over to kuep tho pcaco. A
friend of Reyes' then challenged Cus
tanon, who was killed in tho duel that
ensued. Gustation's remains were
subsequently removed to Havana, and
a monument erected to his memory
by the Spanish volunteers. This Cus
lanon was tho editor of a pa or pub.
lishud in Havana called tlio Vvz de
Cuba, and it was Iho special crgan of
tins brutalized mob called the "Spanish
volunteers. It is said bo advocated
Iho killing of all native Cubans und
tho ro peopling of Iho island with col
onists from Ultl rpiun, just as our
Castiinons havo tried to kill off the
old Southern slock and ru peojilo the
Southern Status with Puritan carpet,
baggors from Now England und
what few niggers would to niggers
enough to Btuy with there.
It appears from tbo published re
ports that on tho 2.)d Jay of Novem
ber Inst, thcro being o lecture to otio
of tho medical classes, tho students
and a fow others went to tlio cemctory,
and in a foolish but evidently, as they
supposed, harmless frolic, broko the
glass of tho nicho of tho monument
over tho gravo ol Goniulo Cnstanon.
Vi hen tho news ol the occurrence
reached the Snnnisli volunteers, they
became fearfully excited, rushed to
their armories, seized their arms, and
wont roaming about tho city of Ha
vana in search of the offenders, nnd
in their blind lury attacked innocent
persons who could havo no possiblo
connection with the affair. Oil tho
2.rilh ol November Captain-General
Crespo, a sort of provost marshal,
went to Iho medical college and, fail
ing in discovering tlio real offenders.
arrested tho whole class of forty stu
dents. On holiday Iho 2hth,a review
ot some six thousand Spanish soldiers
(devils) took place, who, after being
disniissod, broko Out in riotous demon
strations nnd demanded the instant
punishment of the offenders. liy
night tho demonstration of theso sav
ages become so violent that General
Crespo brought tho entire class before
a drum head court inuitial. On tho
2Kth of November tho sentence of tho
murdorers was nnnoiincotl at 1 o'clock
and at 3 o'clock eight of tho medical
students wero brutally shot in the
presence of thirty two of their class
mates, who wero condemned to prison
torture soiuo fur ten years. Thus
ended, for Iho timo, ono of tho most
barbarous illustrations of tho law of
force and violenco sosucccssfully prac
ticed in this country and faithfully
mutated by the cruel und blood thirsty
Spanish. How long w ill it bo bclore
tho American pcoplo will bo invited
to a blood bauquul of Ibis sort, to ap
pease tho vindietivo spirit of tho
usurpers oi power and the liberties ol
Iho pcoplo in this country?
"Got His Dutch Up." A l'hiladol
phia negro, exceedingly smart, named
Thomas Jefferson Horsey, together
with some other aristocratic negroes,
wauled to ulteiid the great ball, given
in that city in honor of the Duke
Alexis, but could get no tickets. Tbo
"colored brother" aforosaid then sent
tho following lottor to tho Duke, but
ho has not been heard from :
To Tin Oman Hi k Ataxia:
I write to inlortu you lhat, depirinjr to purchaffa
tickets to the hall given in honor of your arrival
in Philadelphia. I waa refused Ilia aauie. lor no
other reaaon thau becaime of my complex ii-n. 1
cannot ocavve, representing, aa you do, an tniplre
noigii euiorneea wiuiin ua ninili men ol tunny
different race, that ttiia narrow and illili-ral net
of caMo and prejudice enn in any way r-ecive
yotit aanetion or approval.
1 attrihuto il ruilier to that flunky apirit In
certain poor-eoulcd republican American., who,
while they are ever an ready to fawn upin the
great, are also ever ready to inault the hurah'e and
Ili lieving that your rpirit il like the ai-pirntionr
of your inihty country, cosmopolitan, 1 am nti
ficd that you approved of no aui-h eonteoiplitilo act
of soino impoverished spirit! around you.
Denied aecese to your presence, I venture to
Ihua nay you my respe-l,. and will ad I thai,
though a Urand Duke, I rogarl you as a much
b-tler republican than th lie Americana who have,
in my person, insulted a man on account of the
accident of hia complexion. The act would not
be tolerated in ituisia, and I believe vou d piae
't. doea THOMAS J. liolt.-LV.
rnn.iriri.rut.1, Deo. 4, ls;i.
Mock Trials. Gen. Grant and bis
militury satrnps commenced tho liiulti
of thoso South Carolinians, nrreslcd
as Ku K luxes, at Columbia, on tho
-Jib. Tho itirv was selected bv tho
WW if
Marshal and United Stales District
Altornoy, nnd a largo majority of
them boing negroes, it is evident they
wero selected to convict, and the trials
of theso' whilo men beforo such a
court, jury and wltncssos, is mors
mockery. It would bo just as fair to
try a christian beforeajudgo of devils
as those persons arrested by Grant's
orders and tlieir cases presonlud to a
negro jury. Tho Grand Jury consists
of 8 whito men nnd 1(1 hegroes, nnd
the Travorso of 10 whito men and J2
ncgrooH-just two blacks for one
while. Such is "tho best govcrninonl
the world over saw," us Radicals
term it. Whcro is lliero a covern.
ment on earth claiming to bo chlil-
tian so wickedly proslilulod and all
law in relation to personal liberty si I
at defianco f
SoMKTiiiNd WnoNti. For the first
time In 10 years thoro is not a Wash
burn fu Congress, exclaims an ex
change. No wondurj they all hav
oflicos nt homo, and therefore neel
not repair to Washington and encoun
ter doubtful morale-.
On Iho coarse blanket which pro
tects tho poor laborer from tho pinch
ing frosts of winlor. crasninir nnd
greedy Radical monopolists havo Im
posed tho enormous tax of two hun
dred and forty percent. They have
dono this in their unbounded compas
sion for the poor !
Just So. A prettv nlrl envs i "If
it was wrong for Adam to ivo Bingle
when thoro was not a woman on ent th,
how guilty aro the old buchclors with
,a world full of uclty girli,"
NOTICIlt The annual election for Hreolori
and OHieen of Ihe County National Bank nf
Clearlleld, will lie held ad the banking room lu
Mnsonlo llullding, on Tuesday, January tt, IB7J,
between Ihe hours of I and 4 P. M.
Deo, 13 41, W. M. BIIAW, Caihlor.
11l Ml'IKMIL DIHI-X'TOKrV-I am agent
, for J. A. UANC.KOKT Co. far the lale of
School Desks, Maps, Charti, (Itnbol, Apparatna
and School Merchandiie generally. Catalogue!
aent on epplloation.
I.. C. I1I.0OM.
rurwenavllle, Dee. II, 1K7I-4I
Auction! Auction I
'i i -. 1
rjllIB undersigned, wishing to retire from busl
noil, will offer hli entire STOCK OF 000D8
at publlo outcry, eotnuiencing on TIIUHSDAY,
DEC EMIiKil SSIU, and continue the balance of
the week, or until all la disposes of,
I'eriona having a little loose cash for the lloli-
daye will do well to attend the lake and got
guod bargaine.
dr-Ternn made known on dny of ante,
Lumber City, Dee. IS, 1871 21.
Dealer In
Qunr.tmrt Hni and Iloj' Clotlilnir, Puiiiti,
uiif. urujf, uiaMwttre, l-rhmjl liaoKii,
ft hirgu lot of I'atptit Mfdicinn,
ConffctUini, Ao.
flum Khofl, MOPfl Hoots, targe ftiortrornt of
Motion t, Ilomrjr aiiit
loiuetlting h !)( t tractive.
Large ind fplrmlid a'sortmcot nf French, Uer
wan ana M-giiti. ii.yr, it oil ana
No greater rarlety of goodi In any itore tn tha
county. All fur eala very low for ranh at I hi
i nwip lor nor. Doc, 1.1, IHii
RrA.lSTVAVH KOTf UV-Xolice ii herl.y
given that the following acmuuli have leen
ftAaimncU and j. '(. by m, anil remain nled of
record in this oflico fur tba inspection of heir,
Irgatfe, creditors, and all othem in anyoiher way
int"rrtit and will bp prem-nted to the m-il Or
phan' L'liurt ol Clearfield eonnty, to he hHd at the
Court IIuiihc, in the borough of Clrarfieid. com
mrncing on the 'M Monday (being the 8th day)
of January, A. D. IR72.
Final account f Alexander Murray, guardian
of Jaiun A. Foreee, minor ehild of ,M itiUiw Fur
ore, lale of Bradford township, deecaaeJ.
Aoeount of Parid Renin , gnardain of Cntha
ri tie Margaret We her and l.ort-na Hotina Walter,
minor children of (ludtrey Weber, tat of Uritdy
towmhip, deceased.
Account of William Wingart. guardian of Mary
Surtiutnub Welx-r and Karah Helena Weber, minor
i hildn n of t.odrny Weber, late of Lrady Uwn
hip, deenncd.
Account of I.ney E. Turner and Koland C.
FauM, adniiniitrattiri of Kilns Turner, late of
Hojrg township, drceaatd.
I'ariial account nf John M'rrow, eireulor of
1at will and testament of W, W, Anderimn, late
of II loom tow nhip, deccanrd.
Aocounl of II. I. Roue, one of the exrentorf of
Joirph Mo Murray, late of Burmtde township,
Final account of T. K. Murray, admlniMrator
of Jt,ho Spsrktnnn, lata of (iirard township, de.
Account of E. JI. WiU.AMi and Mary Camp
man, administrators of Klijah Pmeal, late of
Hoggs township, deceased.
RBiisTrn's Ornrc, A. W. LEE,
Clearfield. Pa., lco K, Register.
I H I. ME NlriCi:H.The following per
J tone have filed in (he. uOi.-e of the Clerk of the
t tiurl of Quarter hrSKtons u( C'enrficld county,
their petitions and bonds for License, at the
January iessioni nrst, agra(ahly to the act of
Asurnibly, enti'lrd '-An Aut to ngulata tli sale
oi siiioxioaiing l.i'jiinrs, Ac :
Ocorge R. r.oWUer Huston
A. J. Jiraucker
Lawrence Csinpbeil
John Oowney
A. O. Khaffer
lamps Lvnotith
William Williams
James McLaughlin
Jtiraes L. Curry
Hurry (ios,
P. U.HIoppy
James Ko
II. A. M. Ionald
A. A. lieWitt
Mrs, 8. Hot
Joseph (Jitliland
A. C. Fullmer
llenrge A. lllooin
(ieorne 1. McCracktn...
'. LcipoJdt
E. W. Reed
John Mutson
Peter Rnffner
Thomas MehnfTey
Hrorge W. Miles-'.
tleorge N. Cillmrn
Claudius tiirard
Lomler Cut
Lumber City
all seel on
.e... Morris
New Washington
W nod ward
a Loom Lirr.Mfir.
Jtven OrafT. Curwenmille
Mtchael rsnlonl Osoerda
Wendell Kndress Clearrleld
John Maeomher Clrartirld
MctJaughey Jr MoPherson Clearfield
A. Laeonte Olrrd
lec. 1.1, 1871. A. C. TATE, Clrrk.
. of Clearlleld oouniv, Pa.
Einstein k lhotliers
No. 101, March T., 1871
Philip Paul and A. V.
TVsi. Tea. Ex. from Cam
bria eonnty.
terpen tor.
The undrrsif ncd Auditor baring been annaiut-
ed to make distribution of the monies arising from
the silo on tho above writ, gives notice that he
will attend to Ihe duties nf his appointment at bi
nfliee in Clearfield, on Thursday, the 4th day of
.lanuary, ai iu ociocft a. m., where all par
ties interested m.iy attend.
Deo. 1.1-31. II. W. 8MITII, Auditor.
SherilT's Sale.
"IJY virtue of wrlli of t,mri netis, Is
1 sued out of the Court of Common Pleas of
Cleaiflold county, and to sne direoted, there
will b exposed In PCHLIC the Court
House in the borough of Clearflold. on Mon-
dny. the Hth day of Jan., 172, at 1 o'clock,
p. oi., the following Roal Estate, to wit:
All thoe certain premises and tract of land sit
uate in Hu.don townchip, Clearfield county, and
Jay township, Elk county, Pennsylvania. He
ginning at a whit oak near Itennett's llranch ;
thcno south 70 degreea, west 21 perehet more or
icsa io a wniie annj tiience sou'u zw degrees east
lib perches more or lens to ft white ash ; Ihenoe
sfiuth 7 degrees west 71 perches more or less ton
white nnk t thenee south 20 degrees ens 24 perches
more or lets to a birv(i ; theaoe south 70 degrees
wvt IM perehfS to apoU; thence north ?U de
grees west 212 peit hes more or less to ft corner ;
I hence south 70 degrees vrnst P7 perches more or
less to a post; theive north 141 pereliea more or
less across Hie eouuly line to a pnM ; theuee north
70 degrres east Oft perches to a post ; thence north
70 degrees et 21.1 perches more or less to a post ;
(henna south 20 degreea Wft 320 pendies to a
white oak and place nf brgiuuing, containing In
all about six hundred acres, having thereon about
.100 acres of cleared land, two orchards, a cmal
bnnk opened, a large sisnd new two story brick
house, well finished, three frame houses, a largo
bunk barn, two smallur barns, ft wagon shed,
store boiise, blacksmith shop and corn crib, being
the premises known as the Tyler Farm. Eligibly
situated fur the location of town en the Alle
gheny Valley Railroad, which runs through the
premises, He tied, taken in execution aud to told
as the properly of David Tyler, mortgagor and
Alio, a nerttin lot situate tho borough of
Clearfield, county of Clearfield, Pa., aud known In
the idan of Wm. Higler's addition to said borouh
aa lot No. two hundred and thirty-six, (it Hi),
bounded as follows, to wit: Fronting Ml fept on
Ueed street, on the west and South by alleys, and
on the ca't by lot No, 2;t.S, and hiving ft large
two-story dwelling bouse un Heed street and (wo
smnller ones on the alleys erected (hereon : this
being the same premises ue conveyed by William i
Kigler and wile In William Mcknight bv deed
dated Kth April, M9, and recorded In Deeil Rook
i pge-r- In Clearflold. pirised, taken in exe
cution and (u bo sold ai tbc property of William
McKuight, docqiscd.
Jrfrnidderi will take notice that U per
eent. of Ike purchase ttoney must he paid fboo
the property ii knocked down, or it will b put ;
up ftjsm for sals, JtMTIN J. P1K, I
rinanirr'a Orrir. I f her iff. I
earaern, ute. 1J, IPTI. J (
SherilT's Sale.
1 Y Tlrtuoof wrllsof Venditioni KrpoM4,$u$i
I 1 oat of lb Court of Common l'kas of Clear-
fluid eounty, and to ma direoted, there will
be eiposed to public sslo, at tha Court House,
tn th borough of Cl'arflrld, on Monday, tho
nth day of January. In72, at 1 o'clock, p. a ,
the following described Real K state, to will
A oertaln traot of land situate In Cheat town
ship, Clear 11 1-Id county, Pa., bounded and described
as follows, to wit: On the east by land of A. L.
Kltidien.on the west by V ilhsnweikitelien, on the
north by John Kitohcu and Nancy Fisbel, and
north byAnnstroug Curry, containing 40 acres
and having ft house thereon erected. Seised, taken
In oieeution and to be aold as the property or
Hubert Hainey.
Also, a rerlain tract of land situate In Union
township, Clenriicld county, Pa., bounded as fol
lowsi UeginnlHg at a post on Ihe PackcreWlle I
Hoow Bhoo Xurupike, and on Una of lands eon
veyed to .loDTi MMutser; tnonce ny euid lurnpiao
north 7" drgrees east 2t porolu-s to poet, on the
alnresaid turnpikot Ihenoe souMi, by lands of Jos.
Lines, perches by lands of Lines, to post In
lino of John Khoesei tbonua north, by Klieeser
land, 2'i perches to tho beginning; containing
Ave acres and allowance. Bcitcd, taken in execu
ttou and to bo sold as the proportj of Miohaut
Also, a certain traetof land situate in Curwons-
Tills borough, Clearfield county, Pa., beginning at
the aoruer oi Archibald Harvey'a tot, on Filbert
street; thence northward along said street OH feet
tn comer of James 1 It-fT'l lot; thence westward
along said lt 11HI feet to an alley ; tin mo south'
ward along ftftid alley GO foot to said lot of liar-
rey ; thence eastward along said lot 1V0 feet to
rilbcrt street and pluoeol beginning; and known
as lot No. , eutl having ft two-story house lKx.12
feet and stable thereon erected. ISeised, taken in
elocution and to be sold fts tho property of Wil
liam r, i li&mucri.
Also, ft certain traet of land siluate in Morris
township, t karfleld county, Pa., described as fol
lows : l.cginoing at a post, being the north-west
corner of tract in nam of J. Morgan and south
east corner of treet io name of J. Handwiek thenee
south nil decree West perches lu pout ; thenee
south Si degrees e.i"t I'iO per. to pint ; thenee north
one degree vast ItiU perches to post; thence by
trae iu name of John Price, north M degrees west
1HU perches to place of beginning i oniaing 1U2
acres, having about AO acres lcnred, ft young
bearing orcnaru.ft log House, nam and blacksmith
shup ttit-rcon erected. He i red. taken in ex ecu t too
aud to be sold as the properly of Michael JJingtts.
Also, a certain tract ol hind sit tint in Morris
towuhip, (' Ion r field county, l'a.( bounded as fol
lows, to w it : llegiuniug at stu un township road
thence south ;iu d grcea mnut JOJ i.orclioi to stake
thence south N drgrees eaot ln.l porohea by land
of A. W. Raymond and John Ktcrlmrt to atones;
t hence north three degrees east 1 0 1 perches br
land of llrcnner, Trucks A Co. to slake ( thence
north 87 degrees west Iti.i perches to stones and
place of beglnninrt contuining IDA aires and
allowance, and having about 30 aeres rlcared and
small barn thereon erected. Hcicrd, taken In exe
cution and to bo ild as the property of Jacob
vt agoner.
Also, a certain tract of land litunte In Morri
township, Clearfield county. Pa., bounded and
ttecrite.i. to wit : jiegmning at a post by a pine
at tract of bind surveyed in the nurse of tSimon
Urate t thenee by tract of bind eurvoyed in name
ot ( flfper IMius, north Ml degrees west Itil perches
lopost; I hence by land of Ruth hhoa and Hugh
Hhaw, south one degree went 2'tf perches to boil :
thenee by tract surveyed in Ihe name of N. lioher
south to uezrei 1 i tcrehcs to nort
thenee by land of J. Urafs north one degree east
2.ij pcrehee to the begin n ng: eontaining 28
acres, with 40 acre cleared and b.g houe and
barn thereon ice ted. Heised. taken in execution
and to be sold as the property of Jacob Wagoner.
Also, five certain tracts of Isnd situate in Morris
township, Clearfield county, Pa., No. 1 beginning
at a s.oiic ncup; titenee iy land late of lever A
l.orain, south 2Wi perches to post; thence eat
lit iierches to pot ; thence by It. Uainoy survey
20 3-lU prrches to white pine; thence by Steven
Kingston survey .4 perches to place of beg
ning; containing 2.17 acres, survryed in name of
Leonard Kylrr. i lecinnincai a nruce cor
ner; thence nurlh tH d'yrei-s wet 1 10 perches to
pinci mence ny J. liiyioranl J. Huston surveys
XVj perches to pine; south dejrreri west cor
ner called the original survey, east 70 perches to
post; thence oirtli IJ detrees east 10 j perches to
aspen ; Ihenets south eaot M perches to post ;
thence north 1J degrees tnt 128 perches to place
oi oeginning; cnniuining iu acres, .o. 3 con
taining 2V0 acres, surveyed on warrant to John
Can f dm and bounded by surveys in name of Fran
eis Johnston. Taylor and others. No. 4 contain
ing 4uu aerep, aad surveyed in name of Christian
Mujr, with a saw mill thereon erected. No. b
containing HKI ocrca and survryed in name of W
U. I! u tier. 8c lied, taken in exerution and to be
sold as (he property of James C. Williams and
Abraham Humphrey.
jrer-Didders will take natice that i per eent.
of the purchase money must be paid when the
property is knocked down, or it will be put up
again iur sate. Jl.ll. J. l ib,
hncatrr'i Oprics. 1 Sheriff.
Clear6eld, Pa., Dee. 13, 1S71. )
SherifTs Sale.
I IT y.rtue of writs of Fitri Fntiat, Isnned
1 9 out of the Court of Common Pleas cf Clear
field county, and to me directed, there will he
exposed to Pl'HLIC SALE, at (be Court Uoase
in the borough of Clenrfleid, on Monday, the
th day of Janusry, ls;i, at 1 o'clock, p. m., the
iuiiewing iicai a -lata, to wit:
AH the timber standing that will measure len
inches ard upwards in diameter, three feet I mm
the ground, upon all thoie two cettam tracts or
pleoee of land situated in Decatur township
Cleerfield county, Pennsylvania, one thereof It
ing opposite the Duubar Mills and tontaining
V2v acres more or leu, being a part of three
larger surveys, in name of John S, Kyron.
Thomas Edmonson and John Libby. The other
eon tain i ng 144 acres and 107 percbss uo or
less, being ft part of two larger tracts in the
names oi jonn f. Kyron and Ihomas Edmond
son. Seized, tsken in execution and to be sold
as ibe property of Henry i'osL
Also, all defendant's Interest of and In alt
that certain lot ol land in Pennrille, Peon town.
ship. Clearlleld county, bounded as follows
beginning at southeast corner on alley, thenee
west sixty feet by turnpike, thence north by lot
of Mtbron one hundred and gtity feet, thence
enst sixty feet br an alley, thence south by an
alley one hundred and eighty fert Io beginning,
on which Is erected a small Iwo-ttory frame
house. Seised, taken In execution and to he
sold es the proporty of Jonathan W alls.
Also, all that certain tract of land situate in
P' na township, Clenrfield county, Pa., bounded
and described as follows: IJeginnlng at ft post,
thence north n.i) degrees 7 perches to ft
post t thenee north fl; degrees west 227 perches
to post thence south 1i degrees west 7
perches to pot; thence south degrees east
2-13 perches to place of beginning, eentainiog
111 acres more or lees, Scitctt, taken in exenu
tion nnd to be sold ae the property of A.
Also, all defendant's interest In and to those
two certain tracts of land lituate and described
as follows) The one thereof situate in Chest
township, Clearfield county, beginning at a
stenet thnce by lands of Martin Horkenberry
ana James jars son, sou:n aa degrees west 'AAA
perches to ft post; Ihenoe by lands of Calvin
.Stephens and John Westever, north 4M degrees
west 2iV perches to ft fthitc oak dead thenot
by lands formerly betmgingto Ruth McCennell,
north 2H degrees wen I lu perches to post;
thence by lands, warranted In the Dame of Ml
cbael Menser, south sb degrees east 4.2 perches
ton eione ana piece oi uugmoirg, eonwtotng
460 acres, having thereon erected two plunk
houses and ft tog barn, being a trae of lend
surveyed on warrant in name of barauel Jeck
son. To be sold as the property of John New
comer subject, nevertheless, to the interest of
Jesse Heeler, acquired by a deed dated the
day of 1S71, recorded In book pave
Ihe other being all defendant a interest in ft
certain tract or parcel or land situate in Chest
township, Clearfield county, adjoining lands of
me idow iioies, jonn uunuaker ani otners,
containing 100 aoree more or less, having two
log housee and ft (eg barn thereon erected.
Seised, faken in execution and to be sold ns the
property f John Newcomer.
jg-eT'Didderi will take notice that 15 per eent.
of the purchase uioney must be paid when the
property is knocked down, or it will be put up
ngain for sale. JUSTIN J. PIE,
husairr's Omen, I Sheriff.
Clearfield, Pa., Dee. 13, 1671. 1
rilEREAS, Hot). C. A. MAYER, President
y Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of
Ihe Twenty iHth Judicial DUlriot, composed of
the counties of Clenrfield, Centre and Clinton
and Hon. William 0. F-jlrt nnd Hon. Jonn J.
II bap, Associate Judges of Clearlleld county
havo Issued tbeir precept, to me directed, for the
holding of Court of Common Pleas, Orphans'
Court, Court of Quarter Sessions, Court of Oyer
and Terminer, and Court of General Jail Dclie
cry. at the Court House at Clearfield, In and for the
county of Clearfield, commencing on the Necottd
Monday, Hill day of January, 1H74 nnd to
continue oue week.
NOT. 0B 18, therefore, hereby giveo, to the
Coroner, J unices of the Peace, and Constables,
In and for said county of Clearfield, to appear in
their proper persons, wiih their Records, Rolls,
Inquisitions, Examinations, nnd other Remem
brances, to do those things which to their offices,
and In their behalf, pertain to be done,
(HVCN under my band at Clearfield, this 1.1th
day of December, in the yoar of our Lord one
thousand eight hundred and serenty-one.
Jisn J. PIE, Sheriff.
Ct At'TIOlf All persons are hereby rantinned
; against purchasing or In any way meddling
with one sorrel and one lay Mare, now In posses
sion of W, W. Hoover, of tlrahatn township, as
the same belong lo mo and are subject to mv order.
T. II. FHicF,
Ornbsml, lfa.
gry (noons, ftvorrrifS, fttt.
G E N K It A L
ARE offerlii)r. at their new Flora House,
complete Hock ef NKW U0UI8, of all
Dry Goods and Groceries,
II A n J) W A It E,
Alwaje l hand anj tor lale at a amall
ROPE, i larjre qoanllllis, kIJ low It foil; alio,
.l CANTI100KF.
One bnnjred eaate ef
for sale by the case at wholesale rates.
Receded by ear loaJi
and sold at small advance.
Also, en sate ftrst-clas two-horse WAGONS,
Special inducements offered to those getting
out o,uare Timber and Log, as we deal largely
In Lumbermen's Supplies, and are prepared at all
times to purchase Timber, Iogi and Lumber.
Cnrwensville, November 13, 1871.
Cl Al'TIOXThe pnlilio ia kcrehr cautioned
J airaint purciiasin.r, or in anj manner meldlinir.
wilK the tollnwin, drsoribrd property, now i, the
posifssion of Jokn It. llullcr. of Lawrence town
ship, Clearfield county, .it : One sorrel
baj horse attd one eet of double harnesa, aa the
lame bHon. to me aud are held b laid Butlar
uhject tn nir order
Deo. i, U7I-3I. J. F. YOl'KO.
fx THurouRToirroMMoji rLE.i
X nf Clearfield couutj.
Notice ii herel-.T gieen that applioatioa hal
been made aaid Ctuirt to erant a Charter of in
corporation lo V. II. llnvia, Jainel S. Wctict
Henry II. I"arr. John C. Conner, V. T. Iloluioi,
Al.-I.rn.ler McrnllnuRh, K. W. While. C. R. Ht
rick, John K line, jumei Ilowler aud II. p. Solvers.
nrnler I lie njii't. ilvle .nt title ef the "Bormide
Hall Association." If no enfticient rcaaoA is
hown to the cotitrary, laid Charier will be granted
at toe January term ol laid court
Xavenber J9, 171 3t. I'rothonotar..
Xewly Found I
The Coal I found, its in Shaw'i Hill,
It can't be beat In ClmrnrlJ ;
A hundred bushrli at a time
You can bnr for the figure nine;
Or, if you'd wish to haul yourarlf,
You can har. the aamc amount for .even eenta,
Second Street,
Always on hand, Fresh Oysters. Ire Cream.
Candies, Nuts, Crackers, Cakea, Cigars, Tobacco,
Canned Fruits, Oranges, Lemons, and all kinds
of ftuit in san.
.Ttr-MLUAKD ROOM on seoond floor.
At th. New Tobaoeo and Cigar Eton ef
it. n.,
Twe doori Eaat ef th. Poitofice, Clearfl.lJ, I'a.
Comlanily on hand a tn. airtirlaient ot Natj,
Congress, Citrendiih, Cable, Fpunrell,
Mirhiftan and Century Fine-cut
Chewing Tobaceo, Ae.
Also, a larj. .ad welt lelected iteek of Imported
and Uomeetic Cijran, Brookiue. Tobaceoa,
Meerschaum and Hriar Pipea,
Tipe filturei, Tohaoco
Bolei, Cluar lioldera, and eerylhinf gener.llj
round Is well regulated Cifer and
Tobacco Store.
-RcBi,uiber tke place: Two doori Fast of
the I'oitofHce, Clearfleld, l'a. Jan.J'Tl
Mm. 8. 3. LID DULL,
llatinj em,.d la th. Marble "buiine,t, deeire.
to Infnrm her IVIrnde and the publle that she hal
now and will keep lonilnmljon band a large and
well aeleoted itooknf ITALIAN AND VKRM0NT
MARI1LK, and if prepared to furnlih to order
f utbi a.d Potta for CeuieUrj Lots, Window
Fill! and Capi, alao,
TOP?, Ae., Ae.
av.Tard o. R-.H sltsrl. mii. n.nnt
flMirH, N, " ' ' ' ' ),T,?l '
D durational.
ci.EAnFii:i.ii, p "
rpilB WINTER TERM of f.,ttt(n ,
X oinmonce Monday, Jn. .t j,. "ill
Heading, ftrllioajraphr, Wrilii-n, in .; ,
eons, i-riinnry Aritunelw and l',;, ,
lioor,i,liT .
History, Local and descriptive (iei,-V! i "
rith Map Irawlnr, llrammar, M,;,,;,
Algebra and tho Srirncrs "
Initruetion la initrumenl.l m,,.i.
Oil painting, 24 lesions '
mi worn
For full particulara send for t.'iKul ir
Clcarncld, Kept. 7, ls;tl-ljpd.
Clearfield County, Pa,
qMIE SECOND PKSfilON of this ft,.;f...
X will commence on tbefirrt M'frt.lntttf?i,
ber next, (Term, five month". )
The eurrieulutn of study will embrief t
and tbomugb atom in every branch r'iU,t
a practical snl accouipliibrd e lucnti-.i. ' ,l
Hi.eetal attenlbtn given to prr'.t;s :,,
oualify tbemselvri for the nUtr,.,r, f.f nJ. U
Also, to voeil and instrumental ummh .
lupils will be adinittrd at any time i,,m , .y
session, and charged from time of ii.t( r,r(J ,J
close of the term. No dcdurt'iMii y: m'J
for absence, except in casci ot frr.i rnrted iBt?
Htudtnts desiring rooms for "cluU.ii.g" CIBr!
acom mo luted at uivdeiale rate.
Uood boarding can be procun J at -(r run
than any other pluce in the ouni v. Tiirwi(j
lars per week at public and private bou.-i.
Fur particulars aildrrss
UEOKUE W. INN IS. rnr, ;,,,.
sepl20'TI-tf New Wa-hiiitioL,"
A Male and rem ale Clat-lral liiclj chooL
Dach Department Separate, DKliitctinS
loniplrte in IImU.
rilHE scholastic rear of tins Instituf i'.n n dl?v
X ded into two serious of five nr. t. itmt,.
one weeks) eorh. The first session eiiv uipipr(
the first Monday in Hcpttnberj the et.'ji.d.oBLti
first Monday in February.
The course cf iustruction emlruei tfj Vjt.
necessary to a thcr egli, practical aud trrbMkiilU.
ed education of both sexes.
Fupils will be admitted at any tim .-vl 'bvitl
from date of entrance to the closr ut t)i :.!,&.
No deduction will b made for ni-tut, tinji
in easee of extreme aud protractctl ilintt.
BtuUeuts from a di-tancecan U a- oiLmiiiui
wilb Uard at luw rate.
For particulars, send for circulars, t-r j jrn
Hev. F. L. HA1UU&ON.A V
July 28. lS71-tf. i'nnrmi.
i?faZ tistztt for jSalt.
Valuable Real Estate 1
IN pursuance of an crier of the O.-7 hia' Ccsrt
of CUarfield County, the underpin riM, ijrcia
tmtors of the estate of Klijah Snifal, lt r, B tit
township, Clearfield eountv, deeenf'l, nil' H, n
public sale, nt tbe public l cf Mr. IIi.let, U
the villnge of Wallacetoo, snid tOttn.Oi.p, un
WEDNH-SDAY, lECF.wm;K 27. 1'TI,
at 1 o'clock p. m., the fuMfwii.3 dr-TUi Res)
Estate, l.ite of saii ilcceasd, viz:
All that certain tract of Und. situate in P-sd-ford
lowDhil, said eountv, bnuicicd bv Linos cf
(raliaui, Brhoonor A '., J-hn lurnsr ti
others, containing ItMl ACIMCS, ur Imi.
Reserving, howecr, all the pint, ofck, be Jocl
and other ti Lat er on saij tract lit I'nr snai:. sc.
cording to terms of the contract of (iradiu.i, rie.n
k Co , dated March 9, UtiJ, and other ajTfiiifLti
reUiing thereto all recoidcl in .MisreiULCiui
Hook " B," from pago 74 to 79, icclusif.
TERMS OF SALE : One-fourth the iurchse
money ea-h on confirmation f s.i'e, cm fi-urib
in one year, and the I fiance at the irml Mr
E. Campntan, late widow of the decesi --i tl.'s
latter two pnyments with intereH, avsMr anno
nlly. to be secured by b"ui and murtgigf oc tie
Dee. 6. I'M St. AdnmiiMrst'Ti.
77 O R I A L I! I
Valuable Real Estate I
The subscriber offers fnr sale his priptrts ea
Market street, nest doer to Allegheny F1tts!.i
Clearfield, Fa , being a tot and a L n t f . Ii fU
frant on .Msrliet strret, with a douhlt- ; Mik ts
story llOl'SE. containing four large ri n Jcas
stairs and six gmvd bed rojnn up Heir. i"ti tt4
frame plnnk hTAHLE and nil etbei nntmry
outlmildinjs erected thereon. Time Yta'LI-etf
good water on the prtmiies.
nFor terms and conditions apply cs lis
premises, or to Frank if b or t, at the SUrt hss
Shop, next door to Miller A Fowsll's itoit. Uu
ket street, or by letter to
f. M10RT,
jyl2 CleftrflrlJ, Clearfisld (V., fs.
Timber and real Lands
The f'dtowing tracts of Timber and C'sl LsilS
are offered for ante: Out tracf of 17, st-ts,
lying on the h Ik Kivrr. in Webster coun:; U
tracts lying on the same river in Rrait- 8 emt!,
two of i.Oi'O aeres tch end one of l.("0 at res ;
and one tract containing 9,.H0 seres, I;. 11130:1 th
(Uulry fiiver, in Nirbolai county, l' La ;.i les is
these lands arc perfect.
Any information coiirerclrir these Jar hris be
had by ft.l-lris-ing Q. H. FLEOAL.
March 2J, J'hilip.burj, i'ftf
Tr. a. m. mr.Ls
Would sav to his nitlirnli ami lh ruk-
lie generally, that, bavin g dissnhod psrtnsriLis
with Hr. tSbaw. he is now doing tbe ertire work
of his office himself, so that pntitnts need not fee
being put under the hands of any ether operator.
Having obtained a reduction of the patent on iU
plate material, I ani enabled to put up trtb niurh
cheaper than formerly, i also hate I'r. Stuck 1
pateut yruces fur Witrking rubber plnie, wlnfk
make a much lighter, more elasic and str-wtfsr
i-lale for tbe ume amount of material, and pol
ishes the pUte on both sides, rendering it unisk
more eaiily kent elren. Soecial atlenf ion imul is
the preservation of the nrjurol teeth, and sll work
guaranteed entirely satixfaoUry to patient.
w('nire at li.e out corner, oppotit ttte sw
House. fne hours from f to 13, a. m.. sod I tw
ft, p. m. Fatienis from a distance ibuiiltl notify
me a few days beforehand of their liitrtitioa ts
come. Always nt home, unless other notice six,
pears in both tbe county pspers. MtlVTl
pWtft Ofhce in Mooio Ruilding,
Stfrtft CLEAR I'lULH, FA.
Fulling of the natural teeth in a healtliv.s'i
servative and oseful condition is mnde a SfciaMy
bisease and maibnuMtiouiioouiuit,n to te . .uii.
jaw and a-ijocinte pjrts, are treated and correrte
wun fiur suocess. Examinations and consulta
tions rnrs. Frlcef fur ptvrfial end full ft st
leein mucn lovrer than tn K7. it would w ""l
for nalients frt-tu a distance to let us km w h
mail few days before coining to the orVr. Il
Is very important that children between the c
of sli and twelve years should have tlirir tr:i
eiainined. Ry Anrsthesift Teeth are rem'1
wilbnut pjin. fMV;l
J. M. STEWART, D, D. S.,
Ode. .ear Irwin'i Plug Siere,
All dental oiierfitione. eillier iu the n:e'lisr.iii
or oprratir. hraprh, promnll.r altindrd lo n
aatisfartif-n r(iararteed. hnecial attention psd
to the treulint-nt of diseases of the natural l.etb,
Jiinn and mouth. Irrrflarite of the terlli sal
cessfullj oorreoted. Teelh exlraeted wilb"Ul pl
tT tbe uaa of Klher, aud arlillrial teelh inserted
of Ihe hett material and warranted to remlrr
tllaollou. april2A;llT
I.tM-XI'TOies itTM 11. X.ilireishrre
J br (iren tliel Letters Testamentary hi' (
bee. rrante.l to the subscriber, on the K-late ef
ELI.A JAXB WtMtllS, deed, lale of rjiie
township, Clearliold eounle, 1'ennsylvanta, "
person! tndebtrd to laid Kslate are reqerMr'l le
mak. Immeiliat. parment, and those hfi'ing
elaiml ayMtn.t the earn, will preient thrm dui
authenticated for eetlicment.
juus T. srnov,
K..-, ltl:t. ' Kvmior.
Kfr finn hi.i.w h n !-
JUVI.UUU Tt, vndrrsipied ollrr tin bell
aawed III Inch fOlinrles in piarlct, and In re'ii
in lull nundjeierl. No. V '" ' ' i
Ko. . MlW. WKAVS A PlrTTTw
CtMrllH, Pjv R.fiembtr ii 63