f ! if : , ! Ml; IF 1 f 1 !fj;J m lid -'in it IJL.J'J ... 1 - - THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, PA. WEDNESDAY MORNING, KOV. 2. 1STI. THE ROGUES' GALLERY. WILLIAM M. TWEED. Out of $0,312,541 surreptitiously obtuined from tho treasuries ol llio city mid counly of Now York, Win. II. Tweed manucod to bocmpo tho sum of 11,037,19:2. Mr. Tweed is tho chief, of St. Turn many, mid Democratic Su porintendent of l'ublio Works, lie lilts btcu arrested nnd bold to bail in tlio sum of 81,000,000. K. A. WOODWAIID. Woodward is a Democrat, and be longed to tho New York ring of cor ruplionittln. Although but a mere deputy clerk oftlie lion i d of Sit porvis ors, bo succeeded in buying plunder to tho extent of ?:i,fl,'-'i-t, which sum bodividud with Tweed and others. A warrant has boon issued for bis ar rest. Bt ri a b. ntitxocK. Mr. Unlloi k is a Republican, and, until quito recently was tho carpet bag Governor of the Slato oi'Georgia. It is estimated that bis swindles upon tho Stnlo treusury amount to 81,000, 000. Having Bccurcd his plunder bo has found it convenient to resign. Secretary Delano and Simon Cameron Are implicated with Bullock in an im proper lease of tho Stato railroad JO.-Erit F. MABCER. This gontleman, until forcod to re sign, wustlio City Treasurer of Phila delphia, and, politically, liepuhlicun. His dishonest operations, so far as known, amount to tioarly 8600,000. J. W. WRKIHT. ... Judgo J. W. Wright, formerly of Indiana but now of Wmdiir.gton city, has been engaged for boiuo time in tho collection of Indian bounties and pensions. Jlis truuds upon tho na lioal treasury are Bet down at 8100, 000. Republican in politics. wm. n. KTOKE8. Mr. Stokes belongs to tho Republi can party, and formerly represented tho Third district of Tonnesso in Con gross. Until his recent arrest, hu held tho Federal oflico of Supervisor of Internal lievcmio. llo stands charged with belonging to a gang of bounty swindlers, whoso frauds upon tho Government amount to 800,000. Stokes has been arrested and plucod under 815,000 bail. vicron u. I'owell. Thin individual holds, or did hold, a clerkship in the Second Auditor- ollice of tho Treasury Department, and is a Republican uppoititeo from Ohio. I'owell belonged to a gang of swind lers whoso opeiations amount to $100, 000. UEN DALLOCn. . llalloch held a position in connoc lion with the Freodnien's lluroau. Ho bus secured, by an illegal uso of Government funds, the sum of 8150,--000. NEIIF.MIAII II. MILLER. Politically, Mr. Miller is ft Rcpubli can. llo is n member of tho Wab inglon Territorial government, and holds tho position of Assistant Prone- i;uunj A nut iiv . llu la td.wt jiuljlic.undsluiids charged with having nlllxed his olllciul soal to the fraudu lent Tennessee bounty nupora for a consideration ovor und nbovo that al lowed by law. OEOIK'.E W. JOHNS. Last February, Congress passed an net granting pensions to all surviving officers and men of tho war of 112 who served sixty days or more in said war. Mr. Johns, who is Chief Clerk of the Pension liurcaii, is charged tol.' with issuing fraudulent pension liticnlcs tin ler this act. llo belongs to the Republican school of politics. UEN. O. VAN IIL'REN. Van Duron holds tho offico of Pen nion agent for Now York city. Ho was roccnlly orrestcd on complaint of tho Commissioner of Pensions, who nc cuscs tho Gener.il of defrauding tho Government ot ?l 1,1100, und applying tho same to his own uso. Van iluren is a Republican. HAI1TOM ABLE. Suit has been commenced against llurton Able, formerly Republican Col lector of the first district ol Missouri, by his sureties, for ubout 8250,000, al leged to be unaccounted for by him as a Government officer. COL. W. T. FORBES. The defalcation of Col. Forbes, Ko- Ixiblican Invalid Pension Agent nt 'hiludolphia, is named at 810,000. Tho Colonel has bad leavo to retire. GEN. WM. K1I.YANOWHKI. This m'litlcmnn was, until tlio 3d inst-, n Fudentl ollieo-lioliler, and hold t lie position of Supervisor of Internal Itcvcmio for tlio States of Georgia and Florida. Krzj iwiowaUi toollier with T. ii. Itobb, colloetor of tlio port of Snvantinli, (in.; John V. Ciould, ox collector of Internal I'evoinio ; und A. S. Alden, (iould's ehief clerk, hnn boon indicted for conspiracy and embezzle ment. Tlieso men are all connected with tlio Jtepublican church. GEN. R. N. IIOWKHMAN. (icn." llowcrman, lale Kepnl.licnn Ilepiity Collector of lialtiinore, lias been convicted of cmbocslin Govern ment funds to tho amount of ','! 10 72. Sentenco has been snspendod until af ter tho trial of other cases. JOHN w. NOttTON. Wbilo Chief of tho .Money Order I)epnrlinent ol tho Now York l'ostof fico, Norton embezzled H)5,0Dli of Government funds. Tho defaulter mudo an DHnii'iiinent of his properly, but nocomplainthnHhecn madougiiiiiHt him, and no Inquiry has boon set on foot by tho oflleials ut Washington. Njrtoii is a Iiepiiblicnn. IIUNJ. F. DAVIOSON. A United States Grand Jury, silting nt Cincinnnli, on tho L'd inst , inilictcd Uenj. F. Davidion, a ltepublicun army contractor, for making und presenting fraudulent vouchers for furago to tho niuouut of $70,000. niMi TIIltVKS. Tho Democratic ring thieves of ltrookly n, N . i ., nro sapping tho treas ury of that city. The names of the ling will appear by and by in tho "JJoj, lies' Gullery." No matter what tho woalth, influence or political sta tus of a man may bo, ho will, if a nub- Iio plunderer, receive tho attention of J hi; l'Eopi.E. Tho severest thing snid against JCvo's danghois was by Lady Mary Worthy Montague : "Ths only salit. lartion I have in being a woman is that 1 shall not bocompcllcd to marry n of niy own ici." grjj (Soot., fttwltt, (fir. j. r. iiitii.. W. W. (ETTt WEAVER A JIETTS CLE A 1! FIELD, PA., An offering, at the old t tan d of O. L. Reed k Co,, their took of good, coiisiitiug of DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS A SHOES, HATS A CATS, n.ARDWAP.8, QUEENBWARB, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, dec, dec, At tkt mult reasonable retas for CASII or la exchange fur Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, OR COUNTRY PR0DUCB. Advances nade to those engaged in got- ting out square timber on the nioit advantageous terms. Juwrji 5, 1870. O. I. c. niERK to buy my IRY fiOODS, GRO- eerier, Qnocnawarr, .lawsrc, Drug and Noliuiu-, Cunftolioncricf, Ac, cheap for cub. The Ptibrtcribcr bre Irfive to in form hit old and nw uritoincrf that bo hae oDfd A VARIETY STORE IN GLEN HOPE, VA. And will nrll mod nt iirirn to fuit tb titneir. A liberal ri'duclinn will be in ado to customer! buy ing at a bole? ale. Call and examine my atork before purcbaainfr elw where. A libcrul ibart of puMie patronage if solicited. C. J. KEAGY. GU-b Hope, Pa., Juna H, 1ST 1. TOUH ATTENTIONI Jl'ST FOR A MOMENT! Art you in need of a frond ot UarnfMf Are you iu need of a Kod Saddle or Ilrldle? If mi, rail at the Hnddla and Hum cm Phnp of John C. Harwich, whrre you ran grt the brt in the tnnrkrt. Dotilttr and Kiiiffle llarnopi am) La dirt' and (iont'i Saldlei of superior workinan'liip, alwnvv on hand or innnitfurturrd to crilcr. Hpr rial attention it called to my itock of Cftlnri and IInmrt, which nre the brft in use. 1 iilto hiivenn fififortim-nt uf Saddlvr Hardware, wliu h mil be dipoid of at reaFOnnblc rnti-i. Jpiiriri(t of all kind promptly attendrd to. V-4i-l"a't for-t to rail bef'tre purchainK flsrwhenv flnp in (Jra ham'i Row, Markut tro-t, Ch-arfielil, l'a. May 3. 1871-ly. JOHN C. 11AUWIKC. I )HttU IN liUHOPKI GREAT EXCITEMENT IN FRENCHVILLEI The blondy contest between France and Pru?la ii at an end for the present, io far an the laufrh trrtng of men and tho destruction of property it enncrrnrd. The Royal Jugglers no doubt pridf thnnttplvrp nnd rojuice over the result, but how innijiiiirirniit if tbeif work wbrn'eoniparrd with tho humane and chrintiun cfTurti of Tj . M . COUDIlIEl, who hat undertaken to supply nil the ciliteni in the lower end of tho county with food nnd raiment at exrerdinc low ritra from his mumiiioth store in M I'LSON HL'IIU, whero bo ran alwuv be found ready to wait upon callers and supply them with Dry Goods or nil kinds, Such as Cloth, Patlnrttn, Cajfiinfrm, Mutlini, lelines, Iinen, Irillin, t'olicots, Triiumingit, Ribbon, Laca, Rrady-made Clulhini(, Hoot nnd Shorn, Ilata and t'apn all uf the bent nntrrial nnd made to order (lose, Soaks, (ilovos, ,Mittrn, Lares, Uibbous, Ao, (GROCERIES OK ALL K ' N l8. Coffee, Tea, Pupnr, Rico, Molnseji, Fih, Salt, I i urn, Liiuirvu r ivu un, vnuva uu. Hnrdware, Qiieenflware, Tinware, Caatins;", Plows nnd Plow CoMings, Naih, Spikes, Corn t'ultira torx, Ciilr Presses, and all kinds of Axes. Perfumery, Paints, Vnrni-h, (Haas, and a general asKortiurnt of Stationery, GOOD FLOUR, Of tliflVrrnt ltrnnd. .Iw.yi on hiind, and will U. old at th. lownt lioiflible Qguruf. Mgl'ORS, uch m Iimn.lv, Winf, (iio, Wbiiky, Juviie'i Ulicinci, HniUtier'i .nd II..fln.ri IMIIcn. ftOOO ponnd of Wotl wjnted for which lh bitfti-t prior will be puid. t'lovi-rffrd on hand and for aale at the lowest market price. Aim, Agnt fur Brrattonrille aad Curwennrille Thrchin Mnchinra. .-ft,Call and reofor yoorrelrr. Tou will find everything usually krpt in a irtail Itore. I.. M. COUUHIET, Frenrhville P. 0., March I, 171. R. I. AltKOI.D.. ..w. rom naimnoRH. "flienpcr than the fhrnpest !" GOODS AT KEDUUKD PHICES inr ssruriD Br Arnold & Hartshorn, (On door weit of Flnt National Dank,) . I IIRH l'.NHVII.M PA. HAVING juit returned from the eint with a owpUle aveortmenl of Ciooda tultable for Hprlnf and Rammer trado, we are now ready to fiirnlih all klndi of Ooodi e " Cheaper than tho ChcapoBtl" And after thanking our enetomeri for their liberal patroafe during the put year, we would most ,rci eetfully aik for a eonttnuanoe of the tame. Our Slock emulate of a complete aatorlment of Dry Oooda, Notiona, Hardware, (jueenaware, Wlllowware, Oroeeilra, Ooola C- Bhoea, llala A Cape, Clothing, Tobaceoe, Ao. Alao, Flour, Oacon, Salt, Fl-h, Grain, ele. All of whlth will be eold on the moet rearon able terma, and the hlfrheat maikel price paid for tlraln, Wool and all kioda of Lumber and Country Produce. IT-I'lraie give ua call before purchattng elsewhere. Satlafactlon guaranteed af to prlee and quality. ARNOLD A HARTSHORN, Corner el lluln and Thompaoa Btreeta, apr20 CURWKNSVILI.K, PA. 1-dver.v St lib Io. TTIIIK anrifrrlirned boir leave In Inform tliepub 1 he that ho ia now fullr tri-inrcd l acciimino dale all In the way of fuminliing llornea, llitKica, Kaddlea and llarneaa, on tlie ahortcRt noltre and on roaaunalde terma. Itiwiilence on ocuet atrrot, between Ihlrd and rourth. OKO. W. OEAIlHAItT. Olearllrld, April It, ISflT. r nftfa MIEHP PEI.W WAXTI'.DI el,UUl I And all kinda of H KI-for which the hleheat coh price will be paid, by aeptansm I. L. KKIZli.VST FIN. I ADILri' AND OKNT'S ATCIIl'.l.ft J at H i. n. rn.i.riiTox'i. Jtrutja nnd trdiriiifis. rpilB I, A T IS I T MOV El THE LATEST MOVE! HARTSWICK & IRWIN'S D11UO STOKB, To their new Witling oi Setuad Strwt, ntrlj ojipoiiu th ttor of Wtwrer A Belli, CLEARFIELD, TA., Where ther will continue to imiptf tht ir old nd i inanj Dew cuitomtri uij euue. with MJllE DRUGS! chemicals: PIIAKMACEVTICAL PKl.PA RATIONS, (Including all new remedial,) Puti-nt Medieinen, Piinti nnd Oili, (m nd Putty, Hchnol lluokii, 8iBtinnePT, Paper, Av.; a full line of irug gicti' tSundries, Hair Tuuicf Coitnrtiett Pe!Ti.nitrip, Toilet ArtiMci, Bruhef( Toilet Heaps. Pocket Iionki, 4c, ll or the best quality. ' PU11K WISES A SI) LIQUORS, fornrdicftl k taormmentftl purpoaei only, ' Pure Whit 1-ed, Colnm of til kiudM, Itw nd Uuilrd Lmttettl Uil. Varuirhre, Turpea tine, 4'nal Oil, Pumt k Varaiih Urushr, Flavoring Eitravtf, Coufect'onericf, Bird Bred. Ppire, ground and nngronna, 01 an ainae. SMOKERS AND CHKWEIIS Wi!l f nd our itock of Chewing and Sluokinc Tobacco, Imported and Do- mcatia Ciara, Hiiiiff and Fine-cut to be of the wry beat branda in uia marael. LAMPS AND CHIMNEYS, All kinda of GLASS IV A RE, QARUKN SEKDS, Ml'RIOAL IVRTRi:MKNT and Mueical Trimminga of erery tarlcly, llavlnir a long experience In the bunlneea, and an exIfnMve aud well selected alm-k ol meilicinca, arc enabled to All Phyaiclani' iireecnptloua at the aborlOHt notice and on (be most ri'aaouable uruii, day and night. HARTSWICK A IRWIN. Clearneld, Pa., May 31, 1871-tf. v. t. r. "For thy Stomach's Sake and thine other Infirmities." St. Paul. IK. BOYEll'S PIRB WEST BRANCH BITTERS. 4 lafe, pare, pleaiant and health-fit ioa Tonle trictly Tfge table, and manufactured from tlio most pure and rhnire mjitprialn it nut a pirlt drink nor ut'rtitute for whitky, but acirntifle eompniiQiI, fur the protection uf the cynlcm and the cure of d inane, niaile from chrmically pure fpiritu, entirely frre from fuiil oil or other irrita ting propertiei", and will not dinagrre or offend the in i ft delicatt Itomach. A long prirata txpari- enoe bai at totted its Superiority over all Ordinary Remedies, No Bitten at prciont offered to tht puhlie eon t aim 10 much medicinal virtue, and yet no info and pletiMnt to take. Iti nie ii to eure diotnie, and It will nut create an appetite fur ipirituoua liquuri, hut will care tho tQooti of diiiipation. To increase the Appetite, VSR IT. To promote Dlgcition, USE IT. To eure Djepepila, I'SE IT. To eure Fevor and Ague, VSK IT. To cure UilliouoneM, I HK IT. To care Conittpation, V8K IT. To cure Chronic Diarrhoea, tiflK it. To cure Heart-hum, USE IT. To cure Flatulenco, T'HR IT. To eure Acid Erurtationi, tPH IT. To curt Neirooi Dul.ility, I'HB IT. To cart Ilydochondria, I'SK IT. To cure PnllowneKi of Cnmplexlon, VPR IT. To eure Pimpln and lll'Jtche, UHB IT. For General Proitratien of lha Phytiieal powere. I'PK IT, and it will cure you. Bold everywhere, at $1.00 per bottle, Manu factured faHunirrly by A. I. SIIAW, DrugRiat, OLEARFIiat), TA., Who olTera liberal lodiioetnente to the trado. Oct. J7, IMI:tf. For Rent I riHK underalirned offer, to rent a DWKI.I.INII 1 lliU HKand III.AI'KSM ITU HIKll', .iluole I Oateiid I. O. in Kell towmhlp. Thia la a very deitirnble location for the hu.lricre. A full act of tool. In the ehop. Plenty of cu.tom. A K'md ehool In the rill. ire. Addren or aply to it. L. Henderaon or the aubacrlner. March 15 tf IIUNRV DUKTIt, Jr. Insure Your Properly! PM1K nndcr.it(ned are iremrrd to tnka any 1. reasonable lire rlka, In Rood and reliable coiiipaiiiea, auch aa Ilia " Fnrmera' Mutual," ol York, I'a.l the " Andea,"of Cincinnati, Ohio I the "Ocrmania," of New York, and other.. Rata rennonaltle, and in oaaeof Iom money will be paid up promptly. IN A Kill: ad. ( learlicl.i, Pa., April tJ, IK7l-tf. C1ARROI.I0 PLANT PUOTF.CTOR J for aula by jc2..1ui llAHT.SttU'K A IHW1S. LI IU II MA N, "Vhactical U I LLWUIG IIT, MrriiKiism lid, pa. Annl tn the A-nli..n Tl.niltle Ttifblno Water Wheel and Andrew. A Kalbaeh Wheel, fan fur eih reirable ( rt t .MMI m ili irt noilcc Jjll il SKau'arr, STiiuvarr, (?tr. .THE IU01TSIDE3 . i - TIN AND'STOVE ST0REJ G. S. ;FLEGAL, rhilipsburgf, Contra County, Pa. rpiIE under. Igned reapeetfully annoenota to 1. the publlo that he haa oa hand a. aare-fully-aeleoted and well aaaorted a took of STOVES, 1IEATKUS, JIANGE3, HOLLOW - WAKE! TIN, COrrER AND S1IEET-IKON WAKE! WOOD AND WILLOW WARE! , file itook of Cooking Stovea euDatata of HIE CELEBRATED IKONSIDES, Which hare never failed to brln- peace ana proiperlty Into faiaillea whera It la ueed, Diamond State, Partner, Herald. Ohara, Kpeare' California Couk Htove, t-peara' Anti-Dual, Uaa llurnlna Cooking btovea, Victor, Kelianoe and t:nioa Hant,ea, Bpeara' Cookinn Hangea, Ac, e. teat-The Tin and Sheet Iron ware tleenwlth the Move, ta made of tha neav'eet and beat material, and warranted to glte perfect latla. faction. His Stock of Parlor & Heating Stovea la larger, btter and eheaperhan arer before eibibited to the public oonalating of Speara' Rernlrlng Light Illuminating Store, gp.ara Anii-lfuu uaa-liurnlng I arlnr More, Speara' Orbicular Qaa-tiuming Parlor btove, Speara' Una-rtun Ing Parlor Store, Hoquet, Pearl. Gem, Ida, Sun, Troplo, Nerado, Ae., Ao. Vulcan, Elm and Victor Ileatera, Speara' Re volving Light lieatera. He la alao prepared to furolih a aomnlete aiaortiaent of Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron, Wooden and Willow Ware, &c, Wholeealo or retail, manafoetured neatly and with the eole view to aervice, from the beat ma terial In the market. PLOWS A PLOW POINTS, COPPER, BRASS, rORCKLAIN, TIN. LINED, SPUN A COMMON IRON KBTTLES, Of every deaorlptloa tonatantly on bead. OHDEK9 FUR SroUTINO, HOOFING And other work betonglng to bla bnalneaa will he promptly tiled by experienced and akilllal workman. BRASS, COITER, OLD METAL, RAGS AND CASII Taken la eiohenge for gooda. tie eapeclally Invitee tha attention of Merchante wiahlng to purehaae at wboleeale. aa they will nnd It to their advantage ta eiaaine Me eloek before purenaaing olaewhere. Look out for the Big Sign oppoaita the nil donoo of Mre. lr Foetcr. All Ooana WiaaatrrtD la Rtraaaiirras. . FLi:t:..l.. Phillpahnrg, Juna I, 1B70. augd MOSHANNON LAND Si LUMBER CO., OSCEOLA FTF.AM WILLS, HAarracTraai LUMBEtt, LATH, AND PICKETS. II. n. SIlILLINOFOltD, Preaident, Odea Foreat Place, Ko. 125 S. 4th at., I'bil'a. JOHN LAWSIIF, tleneral Sup't. Oiceola Milla, ClaarGeld county, Pa. LAM) A LtJIBER (0MP.VU OFFER I T I IT K M 13 X T H TO PiUTliascrs of Choice Goods AT THEIR MAMMOTH ST011E IN OSCEOLA. MOSKAXNON tAND AND l.tMIH:R COM PANY oiler for mlr Town Lot in the txr ou.;.. of OpceoU, ClprBrM rounty, !'., nnd o loli to mil parrhHiorf tiitit(f) the limit! of Miit boruujih. U4?col ii liluAtrd on the nl.plin.nnin Crrt'k, In the rifthciit jiortinn of lha county of Clmrni'lil. on the line of the Tyrone A Clcrfllil Itailmiid, when) the Moihwvnnon nu Uenrertnn brunch rotdR ihtrrnvx-t. It ii ilno tn the br nrt of the Monhannon l bmin, and Inrgt bodiei of white iiinc. hemlok, oak, nd lithor timlmr iur Hiund It. One of the .urgent hinihir mnnnfnclur iti(r Ultll.hinontri in the t4tnU l loealed to the town, while there are nnny other lumber and cliinttle Willi around it. The town It hut wen year old, and contain! a population of one thou and inhabitanti. jf-wTFnr further information antdy at tha ofltoe ol tba abova company. 1:4:70 TJ en era I Buperintendent. Before taking Towderf. Alter taking Powden. Shawm lftiiMiovr.n codiiion I'OWDKFiH. I'upful in ohntinata onie of Ih-temper, Cough, Cnldii, Huti, Karcvt Coitiva-nn-f, l(ollthne of the Hkin, and Stoppage of Wiiter, tlreaf, Kwi-tlt d !(? and Iiilluf ma can l n llereil, and oinetiinf rnred. by lha ne of thme Powder. They will not interim with the daily work of the llonr, and can he given to cut tle with rutial advk,niai. Put n l.y A. I. KHAW, tUuggltt and Apothe ery. ('lenrfield. Pa. Nnvoitthrr H, f7l. Hold everywliera. Lime for Safe I THE undcnlgnrd, rfHding near the depot hi mad nninpletw arrangement wllh Lime Humeri eaM of the nvmntaln, whereby ha I ena bled to keep (umitantly on hand a largo quantity ol V V It K L I M E I whirh ha olTrni (n firmer and build era at ft trifle above ooot. 'J 'line in nnad of the artiel would do well to give me a eall, or addreii ttie bj lot tor, be fore negotiating their lime. UKO. c. PAPSMOUE. rietrflcM, Pa., Juna 9, lHAtf. 1 tlTlt'I.M' A CttRatTA III. KM lm. a We hare printed a largo numhar of tha ne rKIt 1111,1., end will on the reeeipl of twenty live eenta. mall a eowr to en eddraaa. oi5 1)1. ask 'OM!rAiiM-:' mi l for ) m'r at 111 i a oOct, ginning IU. O.L.Itd.:. NOTICE. w Powe.!. CLEARFIELD , PLANING MILL A L L R I O II T I fpilK proprietor, rearieetfully Inform theeltlacna -a. of Clcarllold county, that they have entirely refitted thia oetaUUbtnoDt with the lalaat Improved wood working Daohinery, and are now prepared to .incut, all ordora la tbelr line of bu.ln.il. They will giro eipoeial attention to Uia tnanufao ture of material for bouae building, euch aa FLOORING, WEATHER -BOARDING, SASII, DOORS, BLINDS, nit.lCKKTU eV JIOVIAHJi'GS, OF ALL 8TYLKH, Wo alwaya have on hand a large atock of MIT L I'M I; Kit, and will pay eaah for all dear Lumber. One-and-a-half inch panel atuff preferred. Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or eichanged, to ault ouatomert, Yfo-Ord.ra follclted, and Lumber furntahod on abort Dotioe and on reaeonable terma. ItKED A POWELL.' Clearfield, March I, 18TI. H. F. N AUGLE CLOCK AD WATCH MAKER, orroeiTB TBI Lib.CLKARFIELD POST OFFICE rpiIR anbicrlber raFpaQtinUy Informf bli old JL patron i and tha public generally, that ba bai oa band, (and ! comtaotly reoairlng Haw additiana thereto,) a Urge itock of Clocks, Watcbo8 and Jewelry. pfTl keep Jewelry In all lie fnrmi and of diDvrent valnei, either by the pi pea or let WATCHES A full a-forttxeot or either Onld or Silver, made by tha beat Averloan and for elfrn manuiaeiurere. Ineluding a fine lot of gold and silver bunting caae, full Jeweled, Patent Lever. CLOCKS Of all deelgni, collating of eipht day and tbirtv-bour, of either weight apring or lerere, and both strike and alarm. REPAIRINO. All kind of Vatebei and Cloche Hepaired, and warranted. In additloa ta what I bava onamerated.I keep a full aeeortntentor I'ICOTA(MlHt aolored and plain rlw. Iio, GOLD I'KNHand I'KCILH. HPOONS, FOHKrt. bUlTKK KN1VKS, and in fact everylliirijr in lha Jewelry line. If I fail to have on band jupt what a emtoner may need. I will order por flrat eiprcae, without eitra eharfe. A Hberninhare of puhlie patronage Ii inliHted. Ma 7, 1NA8 7 II. F N A HULK. TI1E NEW WHEELER & WILSON SEWING MACHINE I The Wheeler A Wilson Sewing Machine Com pany, having bad eighteen years eiperience In manufaeturlng and Soiling Sewing Machines, and employing the ahteit mechanical talent fn thit eouatry aid in Europe, now offer to the public THE NEW MACHINE confldt'nt that It possrsses all (he aJrantagea which eiperienee baa shown to be rsrentiaJ to a Terft'ct Sewing Machine ! , The principle la the antue as In the old WhceU'r A Wilaon Machine, hot chttngee hnve been made which Increase iti rfficiency, while at the aamo time, lesa eare and skill are required In its man agement. Heetna era eroesed with eaae. The work guided wilh scamely an effort. Nearly douMe its former power. No onder-teniion to manage. Every joint can La tightened as fast as it waare. OYER 580,000 HAVE HKEN aUNlTACTl'RED. 100,000 MORE Wheeler & Wilson MACHINES hare been Bold for family ueo than of any other make. We recommend our enrtomera In the country to purehaae their meehinea dlreot from ourAgenta, aa the price la the aame aa at our office a, and they oan thua eecuro, at their own hom.a, the neeeaaa- ry Initraetiona, -AORNTS WANTKD.-!?, WM. SUMN'KR A Co., Central Agrnta for the Weitera fliot.i, 140 Wood ft , Plttibargh, I'a. tTAgenta apply at offiee In perron or through any of our traveling airenla. Ilurie, waga and out lit furaliked. , , oattl 3m FAIRBANKS' STAaWARO 'JBSSb HVJk '"VS.J ' or all aiituii JDaggaga Damwa, Warehouea Trarke, Copying Preaaea, Improred Money Drawer, Ae. I roa a at. a at ! II. F. BIG L ER & CO., IXalrra la Hardware. mehS0:0.tf 8er.nd Rtreel, Clearteld, Pa. II.K IIAT8 lleal Winter tlylea ti t, it. rcumtoN'?. NEW DRUG STORE I WM. B. ALtXWDER, M. D.. VruggM and Apothecary, CURWEN8VILLE, PA,, Keep! eonatantly on hand a large aaaortracnl of d n u a s, Patent Mrdlelnea, I'alnti and Oila, Varnlihea, ll j e 8tuft"a, t: Ilia atook of lrua la pure and freah, and euntomere can rely upon getting the boat of everything ia bia line, liie atook of PERFUMER Y , Toilet Article. Hatr Tonic, Cn emetic, Druahes, Toilet Boepa, Coiohi, l'ocket Uuoks Hene. Inki, Haneile and Papar, and a general aaeortmenl of tbte clae or good, are all of tha boat quality. PURE WINES & LIQUORS, , for Medical purpoees only, Olaaa, Potty, Lubricating Oils, ko., to auit the wanii oi ttie oouiinuiniy. Ilia eitrnilva and well eeteotrd atock or Drop and MiHltoinee enablea him to fill rhvaicianr praeeriptlone ou iliort aotioo and on tha moet roaaonabie term. Binukore and Choweri will And hie stork of Chewing and Brooking Tolaoeo. ('ip;ars k Hnuff, to cumin t of lha very hast branda In the market. A ih are of public patronage is solicited. Oct. 19 8m. W. 11. ALEXANDER. 15 O O K S WDICn DAVB ALWATS GIVE N SATI8FACT ON IIBRETOFORB, WILL BK DISPOSED OP IX SUCH A W A Y A3 10 PLfXSK 0 R FRIENDS AND CUS TOM IRS. JUST RECEIVED I TI1B FI.VE5T ASSORTMENT OP HOLIDAY OOOD9-SICU AS BOOKS AND OTIIKR STATIONERY ARTICLES, EVER OFFERED TO TDK CITIZENS OP THIS PLACE t NOW ON EXniBITION AND POR SALE AT Pl'DLISDERS' A MANUFACTURERS' PRICES, AT TUB TOSTOFFICE. Clearneld, Dea It, 1 170. gKLLIJIO OFF AT COSTl FOR C A S II ! Tha l.rgnat etoek of F.U It W I T IT It 13 arer offered in CLEARFIELD I At the PTFAM CABINET BHOP.aomer Market and Fifth Streets. CLEAKFIKLD, PA. The undersigned would annonnre to the public that h hu oo hand and is now offering cheap for carh, the Isrgnt stttck of Furniture aror in store in this eouuty, coniisiing of VpMitered Parlor Suite Chamber Betti, Extension TaMes. EecratarleSt Book Cases, Bed i teed', Pprtng Beds and Mattresses, Lounges and Benches, Ptsin k Marble Tp Tables k Bureaus, ... , WeihiU.mli, Cane Feat and Common Chairs, Rocking Chairs, Looking Olassea, Window Shadee, riot a re Frames, Cords and Taaaeli, ko. lie elM tnannfkoturei and kwpa on hand Pat ent Spring Beds, the beat erar inrented. No fttmilv should he without thent. Any kind of gonds not on hand can he had on short notice. rph'iliterlng and repairing neatly executed, COFFINS, of all aires, can be bad un a half hour' notice, and at the I o went prlcei. A deduc tion of 20 per eenta made for each. METALLIC CASKS, or Roiewood. Walnnt and Cherry Coffins, with glase or wood t"pa, fumiibed on Ate hoars' notice. Personal attendaaea with bearae, on funeral occasions, and oarringes furnished when desired. Thanking tba puhlie for pat furors, and hy strict personal attention to hunlncss, I hope to rooeire a continuance of the same. Remember the place the Steam Cabinet (Shop, aornrr of Market and Fifth Streets. March 19, 71 lj. DANIEL BF..NNE1U JL B. TATLOK'S LIME AND COAL YARD, Near the Railroad Depot,) CI.KAKHI I D, PI NN A, I EMBRACE this msthod of tnfurmlng the public, that I hare opened a yard fur tha sale of wood or coal-burnt Ll M K and Anthracite COAL, In the borough of Clearfield, and bare completed arrangements with eastern dealers by which I can kwp a full supply constantly on hand, which will be disposed ot at rcaaonahle rates, by the tun, bethel or. oar lad, to eitit purrhawra. Those at a diatanca can aldreas me by letter, and obtain all necessary lu formation by return mail. It. B. TAYLOR. Clearfield Pa. Feb. 14, 18illMf LIME AND GO ALI n A VINO Increased our faellitiee for burning Lime during the past season, we are pre pared to luraish Wood Ilurnt l.lnie, Coal nurnt Lime, Wood and Coal Itunit l.lmp, Manuloctured from the celebrated "11ELLKKONTR LIMESTONE," which produces thewairraT and ri nasf I.ime, fttr all mechanical purpoees, that can l found in the Dial of Pennsylvania, and which we sell at aa low pricea, delivered on ears, aa the Inferior Limes are sold at their places of manufacture. Also, dealers In and shippers of Wilkesbarre and Shamokin ANTHRACITE COAL, of all sites, prepared eiprity for fuinily use. Orders solicited. 8IIORTLIKI1R A CO, Nor. . I7 ly. llellcfnnle, I'a. " DREXEL & C0M No. 31 Houih Third HtreoU Philadelphia n.lJTHKRtl, And Dealers in Government Securities. Application hy mall will receive prompt alien, lion, and all Information cheerfully fornl.hod, Orders aolletrd. April ll-lf. mnR I ISIt rTtca ,.u.iW STtn It.UlVin Inr tftAA in in.-i". " ' ............. . IsitT and for sals at the Post Omra. eegtl. Mailed ta aaj aairess. BIGLER, YOUNG & CO., (Baooeiaort to Duyotoo A Toung,) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS Mannraoturera of PORTABLE & STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Corner of Fourtk and Pine Streets, cli3Ari ii:li), pa. gaajsa. alf nATK(1 engaged In the tnannfactare of Brat, claaa MACHINERY, we rrrptclfullj inform the pnblio lliot we are now prrpared to fill all ordere aa clieaile and aa promptly aa can be dona In anj of tbe eitiee. We aiaouei-lure and deal ia Malay and Circular Saw-Mills Head Block., Water Wheeli, Fliafting Pulleya, Gifford'a Injector, Attain Gaugf-a, Ptram tVbistlea, Ollera, Tallow Cupa, Oil Cnp, Oanga Cix-ki, Air Cocka, Olobe Valree, Check Valrea, wrought Iron Plpra, fl'.eara Pnmpa, Bolter Feed Pumpa, Antl Prietlon Mrtrea,8oap Rtone Patking. Dum Pock ing, and all kinda of MILL WORK ; together with Plows, Bled Solts, COOK ASD PARLOR STO VES, and other CASTINGS of all kinds. a-0rdera solicited and filled at city prices. All letters of inquiry with reference to machinery of oar manufacture promptly aoiwered, by addres ing us at Clearfield, Pa. decll'ro.tf BIOLER, YOt'KO A CO. O S A DA L I S the ixirkmi:nt3 that com- POSK KUHAtlAl.IH are publiabed on erery porkoe:, therefore it la Nol a aecret preparation, oonaaqueutly PIIVSICIAN'S PItnSCRIBE IT. It is a eertaia core for Scrofula, Byphilli in all Ita forma, Kbeunatiim. rkin Liia- 0 eaaca. Liver Complaint aud all diecaiea of tne ujeoa. ONE LOTT1.K OP 1IOSADALI9 will do more good than ten bottles of the tfyrupa of Pamparilla. THE CNDERS1UNKD PHYSICIANS bare need Roaadlls in their practice for tbe past three year., and freely endorse it aa a reliable Alterative and blood Purifier. HR. T. C. TfOlI, of Baltimore. R. T. J. IWYKI.V, " DR. R. W. CARIt. UK. V. O PANNKLLY, " lilt. J. 8. SPARKS, of Xicbolaatille, Ky. IlK. J. I.. M, CAR THA, Columbia, H. C. liH. A. II. NOII1.K.-', Edgecomb, K. C. IKKD AND ENDORSED BY A 1) J. B. FRENCH A PONS, PnD River, Mm. P. W. SMITH. .lackon, Mich. A. F. WHKKLKK. Lima, Ohio. . II. U.I,. Lima, Ohio. t'HAVKN A CO., (Inrdnn.villc, Va. SAMt'KLO. McFADDEN, MarfrMaboro, Tenn. Our apace will aot allow of any extend ed rrmarke in relatioa to the virtuea of Koaadalia. To the Medical Pmfeaaion we guarantee a Fluid Extract superior to anT Ihry hare ever used in the treatment af dinraaed Blood) and to the afflicted weaay try Koaadalir, and yoa will be restored to health. Kneadalie is sold by all Druggists price $l.5n per b'ltile. Addrese Dll. CLEMKNTct A CO., JiRNurlNriHO fSrait.ft, Aug. , 1871. -ly. HiLTiaoal, Md. S For sale by A. I. Rhaw, Clrsrnetd, I'a. LADIES'. FAXCY FIRS! JOHN FAREIRA, T18 Aitm Br. Middle of the Plork, bet. 7th A ftth tt.. Bouth Side, PUlLAliKLI'HIA, Importer, Manufacturer k llraler in all kind and unlit v of FANCY Fl'llS tr Ladies' and Cbildrcus' wear. lUviuf imported arerjr lartro and splendid ax-ort- 1 -S-er-r.''j -jpmrnt of all the dilTerent -'.wLi'-- ' kinds of Furs from first hands in -Europe, and hare had them made up by the matt skillful workmen, would respect lull; in vite the Traders oT this paprr to oall and n amine his tott tar(e and bcaniirul aasnrtinvnt nf FuncT rum, far l.twlie and Children. J am determined in s'll at as low prine as anr other rerpeotahle huse in IhiF eitr. All Furs warranted. omis rep rose n tat ion to r fleet salra. al'MIK r A k r, I k a , Oft, 25, H71-m.Y 718 Arch 8U, l'iiiladelphia. NEW MARBEL YARD IN l.IlllllCHMIt KUt f HUB andera'.gncd takes this method of inform I ing the eitiaene of Clearticld and Jetirroa e untie, that he bae opened a Marble Yard, for the aianalacture or Tombstoiira, Monumeiilo, Head and 1'ont Stours, Ve- Ar. I rmt1oy none but the tieat workmen, and uae tba beat material. All order, promptly filled and tha work warranted. AddecM all letters to HA.Mtl, UllUULAMDBn. Luthersburg, Octi.ber 10, IMTO. ((TICI-Having purrhaed Ihc Interest of i.1 J. A. Illattenberger, Eq., In the business heretofore carried oa under th. Ana nam. tf J. A. Rlsttenberacr A Co., the aame will be conducted horenftrr under tbe name of Molhannon Land and Lumber Companv, (Store.) II. H. rillll.LINUFOHD, JOHN LAWSIIK, ty2jlf President. tiencrol HupH SAWS I SAWS! SAWS! PIPTAN'B CROW CUT, MILL, PRAfl AND CIRCULAR SAWS. Boyntou'8 Lightning Cross-cut Saw. ALSO, PATPXT rKRPOUATRD A KI.ECTRIC SAWS, Por sale by otl2,T0 II. F. Rir.LKR A CO. luilirnihurg Marble Yard! riHK eubnerlber respeetrnllT ftnnount'es to this J. etmmunlr and the pnblio feneratlr that be ii nnw eitpnatrely annaReil in ye maniiflwture nf Monuments, Head and Foot Ptonee, Stand, Table and Hureau Topa, etc. No higher irihiite ran be paid to a deoraord rrlatire or friend than the rrefl. lion af an andnrlna; elnb as a wltnee In anlmra genernttnne where they hare Intel him or her. I have enfrfd Mr. Jha W. tlabseran as snr aarent to atll, aud tn whnee workmanahip and shiil man ean hear witness. trderi solicited and nrentptlr tiled. Wgrh delivered whereTerdetireel. H. H. MOO UK. Lulherahnrg, No.ftuhcr JW, 187(1. pi ALL AND EXAMINE the NEW UOODS II . rrt.l.FRTONA GET TOl'R BOYS' IIATI at IVI-1 FSTOK'II. ilwk ,'' IWftl A a- ' x .w Clearfield Counly BanT ritUB 01.art.ld County Ii,,,' X td In.tltution has goaaoat.r ''""Jis. the surrenderor Ita aharlar. o a,"""" t. All lu atoek ia owned by ,h, ', IMt wlllaoatinaa th. Banking bo.i,",,"'''..; pl.ee, as private bank.rs, and,. lL:,lk"as ot Ike "Clearneld Coanty U,tl sik, sponsible for the debts ol Hi. itV ' art rt. lu not., on d.oiandat the ,n,' received and Interest paid wh.u ,'., .u''iii a lied lima. Paper discounted u ,? ' 1,11 ' as heremfora. Our per.onal ,""V pledged for all U.lo.iu r.r.- "i'f"' k tronseted. A continusnce or tb. hk 11 ronnge of the buaineaa mn of th, .,, " specUully solicited. As l'rosiduL r, ii"'" HJeersor tre lata Clcatldd cw,'l ," require tha notes of laid Back u, i,. for redemption. ' '"""I JAH. T. LKONAItD, PIcnAltD aiit. WM. POHTKR, JAR. B or A. K. WRIOIIT, o. L. Iti-pij WM. A. WALLACE ' Tha business of the Bank will John M Ad.a.1., E.g., a. Ca.t i. k County National Bank OP CLEAKFIELI), P4. ' ROOM In Moionic lluilding, o, dor ,.. C. I. Watson's Drug Hlcrc. "tk Paa.age Ticket, to end from Liverpool o,. town, lilaigow, London, Parn . ( Alro, Oralis for sale on the Hoval kn,k ,f i"f ' and Imperial Bank of London JAMK8 T. LEONAP.K P,M,, W. M. BI1AW, Ceihier. 'j. i. n. M'Oirk. K.1....1 " -m, i rrrti B ANEH, G & COLLECTION HOUSE McGirk & perks. Sueeeaaors to Fo.tor, Perk, a (,, Plillliiabure, Centre Count,. i. 11 THKKK all the buiinca. of. !!,, k ; i will oa tr.,,..1-1 .. , 8 M wil' moat farora.ile terms. mr7.tf llsreltanfous. Kogp-TowiisiliIjiAwate GREAT EXCITEMENT AT THOMAS BEEKS'S! JVERTBODY trying to get ther Cm, f..f j of bolnjf erowded out Into tbe roll it yon want good Phoeinf done, jro to Utttt If yon want jour Sleds ironed riul.t, ffo to Bim If you want good Mill Irons, go to Bum. If yoa want oar weg'.n irontd in thtliit style and werkmanihip, go to Pi hi, Baans makes tbe best ttu-p MarHnr. IB tb State, and doea all hinds of BLACn.vMlTJUN. as cheap as can be done In the rr untr for Cua My Post Ofiiee address Is Clearfirld, pa THOMAS liEKRS, Boggs Tp., Dec. 19, 187-tf. Cheap Fiirziliure. JOUN CCLICII DESIRES to Inform bis old frtend ids' C, torn ere, that having enlarged hii ibepui increased bis facilities for manoiaetqrinr,, bi ii now prepared to tnake to order auch urnitBrH may be desired, In good style and at ebfip rttH for CASH. He generally baa on html, it t;( Furn itore roomi, a varied auortmeDt of raid;, made fnriiture. among which srs BUREAUS AXD SIDE-IiO.UDS, Wardrobesand Book-Csnea; Centre, ?rf, pir!r, Breakfast and Dining Eiteoaion Tnblei; Cob mon, Frencb-pot,Cottage,Jenny-LirrJ and othir Hediteadi ( 8nfj of all kini, Work ttiDdi. llat-racka, Wafh-atrdda ; Rocking and Ara Chairs t sprlng-ieat, eane-bottuta, parlor, mw mon and other Chairs ; Looking-tiUitet of titry description on band ; and new glatcei for el. frames, wbiob will be pot in on rcry rraoili terms on shortest notice. He aNo kerf bat4 or furnishes to order, Corn-buik, Uir ihd Ct ton-top Mattresses. Coffins or Every Kind Made to order, and funeral i attended with I Hearse whenever desired. Also. H-mti Piintitj dona to order- Tbe subeeriber aUu innnfM. tares, and has constantly on hand, Clrami'i Patent Washirg Machine, the beat Dow in an I Thoee nsing this machine never no-d he aiii. otit clean clothes! He also has Flyer's Pateet Cham, a superior article. A family uiinf tin unura never neaa ne witnout nutter I All the above and many other article, art fir ninbed to customers cheap for Casaor exebanftri for approved country produce, (.'be nr. Maaia, poplar, Lin wood and other Lumber suitable for Cabinet work, taken tn txcuange lor furmtni JMfRemember the shop Is on Markef street, Clearfield, fa., and noarly oppoiite the "Old Jit More." JUUiN ULLILU. oramber SSt 1863 y READING FOR ALLII BOOKS & STATIOSERY. Market Ht., Clr arflcM, (at the Pnt Offire.) flHK undersigned begs leave to annnuDrs ts 1. the eitisena uf Clearfield and vicinity, that he has fitted op a room and has juit return from the city with a largo amount cf reading matter, consisting in part of Biblos and Miscellaneous Books, Blank. Acroont and Pass Books of ertrv at scrim ion : Patter and Envelot.ee. French orrne' and plain; Pens and Pencils; Blank, Lagal ripers, Ueeds, Mortgagee; Jurtgrncnt, ttrmf tlon and Promissory notes j White and Tarri; ment Brief, Legal Can, Kecwd Can. and Bill Cap, Sheet, Music fur either Piano, Flute or Viclia eouauntla on hand. Any hooka or auiioc'7 deaired that I may not have on hand, will ha r ordered hy first express, and sold at aholeiall or retail to suit customers. T will slm ktrft periodieal literature, auch as Magailnea. :m papere, Ae. P. A. OAl MS. Cltarfield May 7, ISOS-tf DAVID YOUNG, Sloiie-futlor and Stone-Mason, r ILL execute all work In his line at mod erate prices and In FIRST-CLASS itjli Architectural Ornaments In ALL STYLE!', Ptona Dreading of t desoription, and all kinds of mason work con tracted for in or oat of tbe county. Any person wifhing to have respectable mason work ant ttnnr rutting done, will find it to their interest to call upon ma I would alro Inform thr rub lie that I ean deliver any quantity or elan cf stene deeired. as I am tha owner of a FIKST-CLASS STOXE QUARRY. Orders for work ran be edrireeoed to DAVID Vot'Nfl, merCVO Clearteld I'a. VEW STORE AMD NEW GOODS JOS. Ml AW & SON Hot. just opened a Kits Stoii, on Main8l.,Ci.rAritLD, P lately occupied tj Wm. F. IRWIN.. Their (took consiati of 323111 ar CD CD LO GaociKiia of the beat quality, QucENtuwAREi Iioots nnd SIlOCI, nil every arlicla tecissarr for one's comfort. Call nd examine cur atock before r" cliaainf olaawhere. May 9. KWlfi-tf. The Lightning Tamer. 3MIK aader.lenrd are tbe eole Assets I" t"1 .,uotv forthe"Nnrlb Atocrlcsu tlslvaniir tltlTMNd HtlDS." Tueae are tbe oalj aala roda bow ia a.e. and are sndursed bj all sclrnlltle mea la tha eoantrv. H e hereby antltr the elliaens of tbe eouniy tbal we will rl P b',"r rod' ,0 lcs wionev, bao Is rbsrrcd by the forfisj .genie-who annually traverse tbe eoanty asa esrry oil our little cash, aeeer so retara. ENCOV RAfiK I10MR LA HO It. Tkosa wi.hlna llblnln Rods erected a tbelr autldlna-a aeed but addreaa ua by !''" " rail la vareoa. We will aat Ibern P "'""'J la tb.oouaty. aud warraat th.. The Hoda aad fiituraa aaa be aeea at any "J ."S our .lore. H K. ItltlLbB A t. Olearteld, M.reb , l70 H . 1INK, WHITE A BOAN LISIMJ PKIS- Ju.l r.eelved and for sale by Anvil . I .. 11. T. llldl-kKACO. I XT'ECKTIES The ery latest stylrs p. r. rvurT' p,l.