THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, PA. eiiiNKSDAT MORNING, NOV. M, 1ST1. Terms of Subscription. ffrnlillnedvenoor within luro monthi.. .12 00 niil f thrao d twl'oru lis monthi 1 60 j ',lfter the expiration of six months... S 00 All article to Insure tnMrtlon lu this aiinuld bo handed In early on Tuesdny je, as we go tu preaa at 12 o'clock, (noon.) MP". Ki:i.uaous notices. Mrthutl"t Eplaenpal Church Rev. J. IT u'r..m i'aator. Public Harriet ovary Sabbath, J 0A.M.,.nJ7M'.M ti.bUth School at 9 A. M. Pruyer Meeting every Thursday, at 1 P. M. Conniiuni'tn hervice, Orsl babbattt or ovary 11 A. M. Hi. Antlrrn'M l nurcn i-:iUrupal i;t. Ohhri.t: IUll. ruuiio service eumluy morning 10 o'clock, end at T P. M. Sunday School at I p m. prayer Meeting; Wednesday evening It 7 o'clock. prenbytcrlau Church RfT. Mr. Prri in. fdblio Service every Bub bath, morning and even lor ItjptUt CliureU Rev. W. B. Fkijixrk, Pat tir. Public scrvicee every Sabbath, morning or itxninir. eiternntelv. Nt. fraud' i'hurrh C'athollr Uot. T. J. Mi Mm . Must at KH o'clock A. M., oa the jecoiiJ and fourth Sundays of each inonth. Rklii.iocb. Rev. J. II. McCord ;il prearb in the M. E. church, CurweniTille. on Thursday night November 2.1J. lUrTisT Citunca. The ferried in the Baptist church of thit plact will beheld In the evening. tt 7 o'clock, on next Sabbath, initead of In the aomiug. ai uaual, Watcu Them. Importers, repre senting themialvsa to he sufferers from Chicago, art operating la all parti of the country. Beware of them. Thk New Birhop. Rev. M. A. Do- Wolfe Howe, reetor of St. Luke's church of New Tork city, hai bean elected Diihop ef the new Ipiacopal Dioeest of Central Pennsylvania, with a iitary of $1,500. , Wtlliamsport has been ' ad ai the place fur holding the fint auunal conven tion of the diocese of Ceutral Pennstvlrania. Mihtakbn. We umWutnnd that any of the Supervisors and township Auditor! h tbii county are under the impression that an act waa pawed lait winter, allowing thoac officer is thin county two dollar! per day. (Such U not the fact. There waa an act of the kind pacscd for loan counties, but Clearfield waa not included. Obituary. Hon. Gcorgo Taylor, President Judge of Blair, Cambria and Hunting don dtatriat, died at his residence in Uuntiugdon tbe morning of tbe Hth. A few weeka previous, alula holding eourt at Hollidayaburg, be waa stricken down by paralyse, from which he never rwoTered. Ilia term of office would have expired a (ha first Monday of December next. Cleaned Out. Tho rain on Mon day and Tueaday of last week produced the long looked for flood in our at reams, aud right well kav our lumbermen embraced the opportunity of gfttiBg their timber to market, especially so far aa the logging interest waa concerned. The river kai been cleared of the lotca, which are now aafcly fcoota'd at Lock Haven, Williamsport and other karbori. Snow Stohm. Tlio first instalment ef rnow thia aeaaon, in thia vicinity, fell laat week, and made everything look and feel like winter; but as it only lasted for a few days, tbe chill was of short duration. The storm on tho whole At lantic coast waa very aevere, and proved disastrous to tho shipping interest. M.ny vessels with tlicir wioct wero drireo hirh h and dry, while quite a niimtur wpnt to the bo I foot ot "nl llin " lux a bavy loss on ship owners and ahipperi. Colbt. The November Term of enr court commenced on the 13th. TheJudgca were on band, and everything opened well on Mod day morning. There were but few persons present during the week, yet a largo amount of business was di4iatcbed. A number of highly important cases, tome of long standing, were tried, much to tho joy of the- winning and grief of the losing party. Court continued in session until Friday eTeniug, when it adjourned until Monday, tho 20th, when the sucund wetk commenced and opened aa vigorously aa the first. Gt'ELICn AND TOZER DEFEATED. Tbe Lawrence and Chest townahip turnip raiaera bars bven overwhelmingly defeated by our ea fsemed friend, Samuel McClarren, of Decatur township, who, we understand, haa not only one but lota of turnips which measure 27 inches in ai re u inference. Dceatur township turnips, like the primary election returns of that township, ere sometimes very large and hard to beat. Aa the turnip question ia enlarging, we hope to learn of till larger one before the araeon closet. Dead Hon.sE. -The Pliilipsbnrff Journal of tbe Ifltb say a t A borae waa found one tsy lent week In the woods near Ilouttlale with kii throat eut. How he eame there, or why he as thus killed, ia a mystery ( aa no one in the vi iuiiy koowa the horso. The color of the borae is bright bay, with a white spot on tbe forehead. Be was in good order, and about etght years old, bJ had evidently been a bod a few days befure he was killed, aa bia sboea were entirely new, aud vara hardly worn enough to brighten them. Lift of letters rtftnuining unclaimed u tha PoalolTice at Clearfield, for the week ending Kovember 20th, 1R71; . A 'lama, Rlf. W. A'bton, Joel. Jleoeboof, Henry, HHI, Kiogleton. ell, Mrs. Matilda. D'veer, John II. Puber, Mary B. yx, Alonro. French Papoliene Co. Jones, II. E. Maokny, Jauioa B. O'Neil Owen. Itejran, Cornelius, Fbiinel, Hiram. Smilh, JelTerann. mith, Miss tarah. Tohcf, Miss Daly. Washburn, C. K. P. A. UAULIN, P. M. Notart PtnLic It in with ploas- ra inai we annuHne iu vur rwMiur Uim am. (Jary has actually appointed a Democrat to tbe ofG"e of Notary Public in thia place, In the peraon ef our young legal friend, John W. Wrigloy .not withstanding two Dlack Republicans were appli cants for the position. Tbe Joke is, the two B. R-'i are still examining the Register's office to find tbe amount of bail required, not being awant that the Drmoerat has received bia commission. Woo. r if anybody will feel aorel Wby ia tbii ibuaf "hy, because." "iiYTiu Difference ? An Act of AMrniUy requires tbe County Commissioners to poMiih annually a statement of tbe receipts and I'"iiditurea of the county. Tbe same law re qmrei borough, towuahip and school officers to J'oblnh ft similar statement. YeC fw eomply. ut let the Commissioners, for only one year, omit loir duty upon tbii point, what giganllo frauds would be devel.ij.ed In tbe Imagination of the tax-PV- If the Connly Commissioners dare not violate tbe law, why do the borough and township ttrs persist year after year in doing ao f The Northumberland Hoom. The return of a new boon, in the West Branch above Northumberland wu commenced on laat Wednee i7, and the enterprise i promised to lie ounsum I quite speedily. Tbe charter under which It t to be ertscttd was granted over twenty years ago, M varioua attrtiipta were made to carry tbe work JwweM, hut all failed, until recently 11. Mrs. White, nta A White, a leading company of lumbermen f,uieity, investlrated the nrojent and decided "Pn immediate work. The construction of the fc0f a is superintended by Mr. E. 8. Lowe, of thia who with Messrs, John White and Chariot "''ward represent the Wllliamsport lumbering In Jerest n the eoneern, Tbe foat will be about twemy or twvnty.flve thousand dnlhrre, and has 'ready been subscribed. Tbii boom will be of ""aaiaMe benefit to the lorn bar wen of the Weet f.ouj l.ork lUiei. ur)..wtMii.- nmei. "ft", ' ft HoHdUUH AND ToWNRHIP ELECTION. By an Aot of Assembly approved the 2Hth day of Juno last, (Paraplet Laws 1871, page ISO,) tbt borungh and towuahip election! were restored and will be held on the laat Friday (29th) of December neit, at which time borough and townihip officer are to be elected la thla county fur the eutuiug year. The SOib section of the Act of AsaauUy, ap proved the lath day of June, A. D, 1840, (Pur don'a Dig oat page 186), requires Ibo oonaUlilea U advertiae all borough and towuahip eleuliona, at leaat U-n day a boforc the election, by putting up In the moat public places, at leaat tru handbill, fir ing In detail the names of the officea to be filled. In thoae townships whore no oonitablca have been elected or qualified, tlio duty derolvee upon the auperviaori or assessor, who need give but Ave dayf notice. The followiug general fnn eau be easily changed to auit every diitrtct, and whore no Juaticci are to be elected It an be omitted, and the change made accordingly where there are not moro than two School Director to elect i TOWNSHIP ELECTION. Notice la hereby given to the qualified voters of uie townsuip oi that lue regular lowoauin election will be held at the houae of on Friday, the 2lMh day of Dccuuiber next, for the purpose of Blltug the fullowiug ofncci, via: 1 person for Justice, $ perauna fur Inspectors, 1 peraou fur Constable, 2 perauna fur Supervisor, 1 person for Judge,, 2 paraoua fur 8. biroet'rs 1 person fur Auditor, 2 persona fur Oveneere. The Irlth aection of the Registry Act, approved the 17th day of April, A. D. 1 SOU, requires the poll! to open between the houra of aix and si t en o'clock In the morning, and clute at seven o'clock in the evening. Iuihabd Kox( Constable, December 10th, 1871. Tub River. Tho Susquehanna haft bcCU Vary low fur aVrl mom lbs, and hM not been io low at thia aeaaon of the year fur aevcral yean pact. Thii will have a decided effect on the lumber tra te not only during the winter but during the aprlng. Lumber rafted in the npring will not be dry enough to uie until June or July, and aa the atock on hand ia not large, pricea will further advauoe, until the ipring atock ia seasoned. Co fumltia Herald. A New Juuue. We understand that Hon. Jamee Ryoo, of Schuylkill county, will preaide at our court next week. There are a nuin ber of canea ou the trial lilt in which Judge May er waa engaged aa counsel pruvioua to bi vlection and he has therefore aecurrd the aervieca of Judge Ilyon fur tbe eomiiia; week. m i - Miris Fannio Thoni wai awarded a very nice Album laat week, aa a priie for receiv ing the highest mark a for studioumeaa aud good deportment, in achool No. 1 of thia borough, taught by Mr. W. II. Pridtatix. Sprciati. Fixs Cctmht. II. F. Bigler A Co. 'a atock of "fine cutlery cannot he excelled outside uf a New York wholesale hardware house. From the small est Penknife to tbe mammoth Carver, and from the most delicate pair of poeket Scissors to the largest pair of shears, their atock ia made up. TaMo aud pocket cutlery ia made a specialty. Persons wisbiug to purchase anything of the kind should call and examine their va.t assortment, and by ao doing cauuot fail to be suited. Butter and cheese are almost indispensable arti cles of food. Properly uaed they are nutriclous aud healthy : but an inordinate use of either causea indigestion and dyspepsia. Parson's Purgative Pills, judiciously used, will remove both of these troubles. Have you ague in tbe face, and is It badly swollen t Ilare yon cramps or paiua in tbe stom ach or buwels? Have you billious colic or aevere griping pains 7 If ao, use Juhnson'a Anodyne Liniment. Messrs. Ueo. P. Row nil A Co., tho celebrated and popular New York Advertising Agency, en gage to advertise io gross and detail for large cus tomers in a better and cheaper mode than they can do it themselves. Thia we sin je rely believe they ean do, hecause it ie their aole business their tj4caUy ; because tbey get apace at lowest , nmvivmiv iom.0, iua iviufMi mc tnvir iu nutate aim confidential relatione with publishers. If we wish tu spend ten thousand dollars fn general adver tising over tbe country, notwithstanding our own eiperience and knowledge of advertising itylca and of rates, we woulj employ them under certain directions. We would setu utoney, trouble, worry, and the business would be done at least aa well, if not better, than we could do it oureetres. Antra tatt Mnufactrtr$' ftttittt and PilUhurgh Prict Current. Hat Wastxd. James L. Leavy wants eightor ten tuns of goud Hay, for which the market price will be paid. novS Dr. F. riatto, Eclectic Physician and Surgeon, offers hia aervicre to the people of Clearfield and vicinity, and will be iu readiness to attend all professional calls, by Hay or night, Office oa Heed street, Wrst of the depot, Clearfield, Pa. May 81, 1371-tf rlf you want to buy Drugs, Patent Medi cines, Paints, Varnishes, Spices, Fancy Oooda, Soaps, Perfumeries, Brushes, Trusses, Lamps, Lamp Chimneys, Musical Goods, School Books, Stationery, Tobacco, Cigars, Saratoga and Bedfurd Wateri, Prescriptions day or night, go to tbe new Drug Store of Hartswick A Irwin, Second It. fVt4-.1m. Clearfield Markets. Corrected weekly by Uk rard Moasor, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Dry Uooda, Groceries, pro Visions. Ac, Market street, Clearfield, Pa. Ci.ARPiiLn, Pa., Nov. 21. 1971. Apples. green, CU 1 00 Hogs, dressed 12 Dried, fh 10 Hidc-e, green 7 Applebutter,gal, I 0 llama 00(7$ 1H Butter..... Hi1 iO Shoulders "OCij 10 llrans U (IUuj 2 26 Sides 0U(j 16 Buckwheat 1 00 Lard 20 iluckwbcat flour lb, 4 Meas pork.y bbl.,.IS 0 Bcof, dried 25 als 70 Beef, fresh 10 Unions 1 00 Hoards, M 12 00(14 00 PoUtoe 00f$ H Corn, shelled 1 00 Peachct, dried, lb.. 121 Corn, ear 006$ , iO Plaster, V bbl 3 40 Corn meal, sack, 1 40 Hy 1 10 Chop, V ewtS 20(& 2 60 llaga, lb 8 Cloveraeed BOO y suck 2 50 Cheese 20 Shinnies, 18 in.H.u DO Cherries, h. 10rd 15,Sliinnlea,2fi inl0( 1 1 00 Chickens, drsd, lb, lo Timothy seed 7 60 Fpgs 2' Tallow 131 F I M seed 2 00 Wheat 1 iO Flour 0 OOIq 7 60 Wool M 66 11.7 is oo(iao pow,j, v - o X V i1 hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of A. K. W RIGHT, deo'd, late of tho borough of Clearfield, Clearfield county, Penn'a., having been duty granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and thoae having claims or demands will present them properly authenticated for settlement without delav. EMILY WRIGHT, Clearfield, Nor. 1, 1871 6t. Administratrix. 1 RESTAURANT. Rnoond Street, CLEARFIELD, PENJI'A. Al7 (in fcanil, Ft..h Ojr.l.r., Ir. freatn, C.Bilie., Katt Crarkera, t'ak... Cifar., Titacen, C'.nn.d Fralta, Oranfra, L.muDi, anil all kln.U of fruit in MaFnn. M-IIILLIAUU HOOM en ..fond nW. J,2I'7I I). MeUAUUllKT. On Saturday, ov. lllh, 1871, : Mrs. T. E. WATSON T ILL rrturn from Philadelphia with tha fol- lowing and manv other kind, of (lnol, which will be lelreted with (real ear., and will be th Standard Styles for the Winter of 1872) French Pattern Ilatl end Bonnets In Bilk Ve. vet and best quality of fine Felt, long and fancy Ostrich Plumee, beautiful and fancy Flowers, Hilka and Hatiita. Rib Suns and Velvets, Scurf., Hashes, How a. Cellars, Tire, Hoods, Ifnhiea and other Woolen Goods, Olovoe, Hosier v. Comb., Nets, c. general assortment of beautiful, rich and rare slvtee all-wool sthovltt Furs, new style Coats, largw assortment Hhell, Jet and other Jewelry of low designs, Laces, Fringe, Drees Trimmings, Ae. This stock of roods will be bought for cash, and will be sold at STARVATION PRU'Ert. Mm. WATOK. t.HHAT MAIL LETl'ING. Poar Orru Dkfahthknt. ) Wanhikoiom, 1). C, Hept 80, 1871. J Protiesala will be received at the Contract Of. flee of this Department until 3 p. m. of March 1, l a;., (to be uectueu on or before March 311, for ounveying tho mails of the I'uitod Htatoa from July 1st, 1872, tu tho 30th of Juua, lH7fl, in the Btataot Pennsylvania, on the routes, and by the auhedulua of dcpaiturea and arrivila oa routes numbered aa follows : 3076 From Bellcfunte, by Milesburg, Snow Shoe, Moshannon, and Pine Glen, to K art bans 34 miles and back, three t linos a week. Leave Bellcfunte Monday, Wednesday, aud Friday, at 8 a m f arrive at Kerlhuus by 0 p m ; Leave Kart hana Tuesday, Thursday, aud baturday at 8 am; arrive at iieitelunte iy o p in. 077 From Phlliintburg. by Morrtsdale. (hp office) to Kylertowu, V mileaaiid back, three timoa a week. Leave Philipsburg lueaday, Thuraday and Baturday, on arrival of mail train say at 3 p m ( arrive at Kylertowu by 5 it tu j have Kyler towu Tuesday, Thursday, and baturday at dam; arrive at i'uilipxuurg b; II in, S07H From Woodland to Urahamton, 6 mil and back, three timei a week. Leave Woodland Tucsdity, Thursday, and Haturduy at 9 a m ( ar rive at Urahamton by 10 ami leave Grahamton Tuoaday, Thursday, and baturday at 7 ft m arrive ni. Wood Ian J 8 am. S079 From Clearfield, by Sbawaville, Paid i s. I.econtf's.Millr. Frenchville, Kartliaus, halt Lick, Three Runs, and Ncleonville, (new office,) to Round Inland, 44 tuilea and back, twice a week Leave Clearfield Monduy and rriuay at 8 am; arrive at Halt Lick by 4 p in ; leave bait Lick Tuea day aud Saturday at 8 am; arrive at Clearfield by 4 p m ; leave 8alt Lick Tuesday and (Saturday at 0 a m t arrive at Round Island by 11 a m ; leave Hound Island Tuesday aud Halutday at 12 in; ar rive at Halt Lick by 6 n m. 30S0 From Clcarfltld, by Curwenavllle, Foreat, Rock ton, Lutberaburg, Jcfleraon Line, Dolingville, Rcynoldsville, Brookville, Corsica, and Ktratton ville, to Clarion, 60 miles and back, sis tiiuea ft week. Leave Clearfield daily, except Sunday, at 7 p m, or after arrival of mail train; arrive at Curwensville by 8:.'I0 p m; leave Curwensville daily, except Hunday, at 9 p ra; arrive at Clear field by 10:30 p m ; have Curwonsville daily, ex cept Sunday, at 4am; arrive at Clarion by 8 p m; leave Clarion daily, except Sunday, at 4:30 a m ; arrive at Curwcnst illo by 8:30 p m. ititsl Prom Rockton, by Huston, (new office.) to Pen field, 16 miles and back, nce a work. Leave Rockton Suturdoy at 7 a in ; arrive at Pen licld by 12 mj leave Penfield Saturday at lpm; arrive at Rockton by p- Proposala Invited, to begin at l.utUoraburg. 4 miles additional dis tance, and one hour additional running time. 30S2 rrora OaoooU Mills to lloulsdale, 6 miles and back, three times a week, by a ached uie of departure and arrivals satisfactory to the post master at Houtadale. Prupusalt invilod for aix-tiines-a-week serice. 313 From Madcrft to Smith's Mills, 6) miles and back, twioe a week, by a schedule of departures and arrivals eatiafaotory to tbe postmaster at Al a'lrra. 30H4 From Clearfield, lv Clearfield Bridge, to Jeflriea, 1 1 miles and back, twice a week. Leave Clearfield Mooday and Friday at 2 p mi arrive at Jeffries by 6 p m ; leave Jeflriea Monday aud Fri day at 7 a m; arrive at Clearfield by lo a m. 3085 from Curwensville, by Lumber City, Ausonville, New Millport, and Bloomington, to Curwensville, equal to 12 miles and back, three times ft week. Leave Curwruaville Tuesday, Tburvdav, and Saturday at 7 ft m ; arrive at An aonville by 11 ami leave Auaonville Tueaday, Thursday, and Saturday at 11:30 am) arrive at Curwenav.lle by 4 n ra. 30H6 From Curwenavllle, by Grampian Hills, Bower, Chest, Cusb, Burnside, and Paicbinville, to Grant, 33 mika and bark, three times a week, Leave Curwensville Tueaday, Thursday, and Sat urday et 6 a m ; arrive at Grant by ft p m ; leave Grant Monday, Wednraday, and Friday at 6 ft m; arrive at Curwensville by t p m. 30S7 From Ansonville, by McOarvev'a, West- over's, and East Ridge, to Grant, 21 i mi lea and back, twice a week. Leave Ansonville Tuesday and haturdav at 6 a m ; arrive at Grant by 12 m leave Grant Tuesday and Saturday at 1 p m; ar rive at Ansonvuie oy p ra. 3flftS From Anaon villa, by Marron, Tlurd New Washington, and Ostend, to Cush, 16 miles and back, twire a week. Leave Ansonville 1 ues day and Snturdv at 7 a m; arrive at Cusb by 12 m ; leave Cush Tuesday and Saturday at 1pm; arrive al Ansonville by 6 p in. Proposals invited for tri-weekly service. 30SO l.roin Lnthersburg, by Troutville, Rig Run, and Hell's Mills, to Punmutawney, 17 miles and back, three timea ft week. Leave Lnthers burg Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 6 a m ; arrive at Punxeutnwney by 12 m; leave Punxsu tewney Tuesday, Thursdav, and Saturday at 1 p m ; arrive at Lutnorsourg oy t p nor 16 l'omiHylvaiiiii llallroad TV RONE A CLEARFIELD ORAKCa OV and after Monday, NOV. 20th, 1871, the Passenger Trains will run daily (except Hun- uaysj bat wet n jy roue aim Liearueiu, as follows CLEARFIKLD MAIL. LEAVE SOUTH. LEAVE NORTH. Clearfield 3.20, p. Philipsburg..... 4.20. Osceola 4.40, Tyrone fl.ou, Tyrone 9.16,a.m. Osceola..- 10..16, " Philipsburg... 10. 66, 11 Clearfield 1 1 .03, " CLEARFIKLD EXPRESS, LEAVE SOUTH. LEAVE NORTH. ClearfleM Philipsburg... Osceola Intersection. Tyrone 6.46 A. H 6 46 " 7.(S fl.12 " 8.25 " Tvrune 7.00 p. v. lutcreotinD...7.M Osceola ft. 20 1 Philipsbvrg ...8.40 ' FARE AND DISTANCES. FROM CLEARFIELD FROM TVR0.V8. Station. r 1 Station., Leonard 2 Woodland 6 Interieetinn 4 n: Vanneojoe T ti Gardner. Si ML Pleaaant....!! 4; faroinlt 14 SO Sand; Kiil? a.'i! Piiwrllton. 17 (10 Oareula ! U.V Ilunhar l 7S Kleiner'. S o l'hlllburg.34 ti lllu. Hall 28 V0 Wallwetun.....:0 Rigler Wallaceton .-...It Mine 1UII 1.1 IMilllptburg.lT Hteineri' Dunl ar 20 Oareola. Ut Powellton ?4 Riil.e.,,.211 Suinmlt Mt. lMeaaaut. Gardner ...27 ...10 .3.1 .1 0lt Itinl.r .1 Vanpcnyiie 81 Tnterreotion 87 I 11(1, Woodland 3a I 1 15. Leonard 3d Tyrone.. ..41 I Ht C learfield 41 I 9(1 PARK FROM CLEARFIELD, TO Dellernnte, I'a $2 O.'i I ti 00 L,Mk Haven 70 .Marietta. 4 40 WilliaQi.port i (Id I.anea.ter Mt !luinin(.in 1 O.PIIII.ADLLPIIIA T i Lewiitown IV0 Altouna I Its Mnrju.llle 4 50 .Inhn'town J 0 UAUItlriUl'RU... 4 7MPITTSUltUU lit ()NM-CTI(). ClearfleM Mall North eonnect, from Cincinnati Kxpre.a Wr.t. and lurriilurr Aerommoilation Ka.t, on main linet and Clearll.ld Mail Boulh connect, with Cincinnati Eiprena l:.t, and Mail We.t, on main line, alto with liald MHf(la Kxtire., Ka.t, tor Lock Haven, and nolnti We.t of Lock Haven. Clearfield Fipreia Xorth eonnacta from Mail We.t, and Cincinnati Expre. al.n from llald Enf(lo Mail W' and Clcnrlield Expreaa poutn eotineeta wnu iiarrl.rmrg Aocommoo.noi Kaet, Local Paanenirer Went for Altoona and ll'il lidav.hurjr Branch, alro with llald Eagle Mail ha.t, for Lock tlaven and n illlam.nort. Taking Clearfield Kipreai eioulh, I bi 1 1 pal.n ra; pa..enrerl reach IJcllcionta and return nuni, th ame day, and Clearflold pa..ent;cra ean reach William. port, ilarriaburg, or Uollidayflburg, and return the aatue day. Pa.,engnr. for Witllam.port .hould take Bald Kail. Ka.t, and pa.en)tere for point. Writ of Lock Haven, on P. A K. 11. II., .Iiould take Uald Eagle Expre.. ha.t. UK'.iKIIE C. WILKIXf), rovl7 tf. Hiipirinlendcitt STOVE AU EARTIIEX-WAttE OV EVERT CROCKS! I'OTS! CROCKS! Flsher'a Patent Alrtlrlit Keif Sealluf Km It (anal BI TTER CU0CK6, with lid., CllEAM CHUCKS, MILE CROCKS, . APPLE -I1VTTKR CKOCK8, PICKLE CROCKH, FLOWER P0T3, PIE DISHES, STKW POTS, And a great nany othor thlliR. teo antn.roua to mention, to be bad at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE . WARE TOTTEUY, Corner ol Cherry and Third Etreeta, . CLEARFIKLD, PA. eugS EUWAUD PERKS & CO., Flour IiiiiufjielurcM, And Dealer, hi QKA1X OF ALL KINDS, PILprJURO, PA. A.' FULL ftTPLT of FI.OI'R, WHIIAT, ORN and CHOP enn.'.ntly ot band, and raioi iw, ' f.M tl ClolUiug. II ATI AID OAPHI AND Boots aud Nkoea! TUB PLACE TO OET Hats & Cups, Boots & Shoes, IS AT FCLLEttTOYS SEW STORE ! One door north of new Waionl. Building, CLEARFIKLD, FA. Tk. largcit atock of good. In thi. Una av.r brought Into th. eounty, la now open for tha in spection of tha pnblie, and will be .old at th. Very Lowest Cash rricetl Al.o, a .pl.ndid uaorlment of UK NT'S F1IR NISIIINU (1001)8, oon.i.tlng of HbirU, Collar., Neckties, Ilandkerohiel., Olove., L'ndorwear, Aa. A large itock of CARPKT3 and OILCLOTHS, which will b. dl.po.od of at a.tonl.bingly law price.. A liberal .har. of patronage il re.peot- fully .olicitca. 4T DON'T FAIL TO CALL.- Store on Seoosd St., below Market, Cloarneld, Fa. 4:5:T1 D. R. FULLERTOS. II. li R I D G H, MERCHANT TAILOR Ibtor. one ooor mat of Clilt H.) Market Street, Cleardeld, Pa. rr EEPS on hand a full a..orim.nti oi uanti 14 n iinnita aueh aa tiblrt.. Linen rur,pM.."n 1 - - - . - and Woolen Under.hirUi, Drawer, and Suck,, Neok-tlea, Pooket ltandaarcni.i., uiot.., iiai., ITml.rall... A... In treat yariatj. Of Piuoe Oooda ha keep! tho Best Cloths of all "Shades and Colors," fueh aa Black Doeikia of the r.ry beat make! l- i' : n. ... in ..... ..rl.te . alio. Freuoh Coating, Beaver, Pilot, Chinchilla, and Frieott overcoating. Alt oi wnicn wu, Cwh, and made up according to the lateat elle by eip.rl.need workmen. Al.o, Agent lor vioruu """'"i Singer A Co a. celebrated Sawing Machine.. ov. 1, ll.i-lf. How to Hav Jlonoy. TH K lime, are hard : you'd like to know Uow yoa may aaia your dollarij The way to do it I will .how, If yoa will read what follows. A man who tired not far from herer Who worked hold at bi. trade, But had a household to .upport That eqneo'lered all be made. I met him onae. Rays he, "My friend, I look three Inare and rough j I've tried to get myself a suit, But can't save up enough." Says I, my friend, how mnea have yea f I'll toll you wher. to go To get a suit that's sound and ekeaf t To KE1ZENSTE1N A Co. II. took what little bo had sav.d, And w.nt to A Brothers', And there he got a handsome suit, For half he paid to others. Hew ha Is homo, be looks ao well, And their effect la aueh, That when they take their dally meal, Tbey don't eat half aa mneh. And now ba finds on Saturday night, With all their wants supplied. That he baa money left to apend, And lorn, to lay aside. Bis good sneeess, with ehearful smile, He gladly tells to all. If you'd sav. money, go and boy Your elotbos at REIZENSTEIN'S CLOTHING BALL Where the cheapest, finest and beat Clothing and good Furnishing (ioods ean ba had to suit every taste and In every style. apru Watrbrs, fuctry, &(. EXTRAORDINARY ANNOUNCEMENT T WOULD respectfully annoanoo to Ike oltl A sent of CLEARFIELD and vicinity that I have opened ap In tb aew Maaonio Building, first door below tha Mansion House, oa S.eond Btreet, with a ontlro new itoek of WATCHES, CLOCKS A JEWELRY, Of tho lateat styles and best finish, Raleeted wltb oaro. I have an aaaertment from all tha latest nonlli.s la Jewelry, suita ble for the Holidays. A large atrok of American Watehee from tbe feotori.e of Appleton, Tracy at Co., al Walt- bam, Mass., and Iho National Watch Company at Elgin, III., In from I to I oa. oases, always on band, and warranted, Thankful for yonr past liberal patronage, I hope, by sir lot attention to business, to Ktrll a oontiuuanoo of bo same. All kinds of repairing la ay lino promptly attended lo. 8. I. SNIDER. December 14, 137. ISAAC K. STAUFFER, . WATt'HUS, JEWELRY, 141 North Second 61., oor. of Quarry, PHILADELPHIA. An aaaertment Of Watches, Jrwelrv, Silver and Plated Ware constantly on hand. Repairing of watches ana Jewelry promptly attended to. :vy gttfairal. A NEW DEPARTURE For the lie ncfit of Mankind ! DR. HOVER'S PILE OINTMENT This Important diseovery is one of the most re. markabte results of modern medical research, and The most Wonderful b Speedy Remedy ever known, It now presented In a scientific combination of soothing and homling s,grnfi. And having tbor uugbly tested It in numberless eases, with most sadslactorT results, do not hesitate in offering it to the publio as Tbo niopt certain, rnpid and olToctiml RKMEDY FOR VILES, no matter of how long standing. i-sjuHold by all Druggi.t. and Medicine Ural era who deaire to alleviate the suffering, of fellow beings. price, 00 cr.NTH pen nox. T. J. 11UYEII, Hole Proprietor. ocUi 71 Clearfield, Pa, Beale's Embrocation, (LATE POWELL'S,) For all dlseasee incident to, Cattle, and Ilumaa Fleab, requiring tho use of aa oiternal application. This Embrocation waa aitenslvsly nssd be tbo Government during the war. for sal. by Hartswick Irwin, Clearfield.l; Joseph R. Irwin, Curw.nsvill. Daniel Oood-: CLASs WARE, lander. Lutherahor cf 1871 rillLADELPUIA 1871 ' WALL PAPERS, i iiowell nouns E, Manufacturers of ! roper Jlanginjs and Window Shades Wholeaal. and Retail Salr.rooma, Corner Fouitb and Maiket .tracts, PHILADELPHIA. Faetoit -I'mner T.eniy-third and nftfl.on nt., P.fober 4, l7-,1m pd, r)) ttootlji, Crorrriti, 6t(. 1871. 1872. FALL & M UTER GOODS ! The First of the Season I The Cheapest in this Market! BUYI BUY!! BUYlll OF KRATZER & LYTLE, Tour Dry Good., Toar Oroeeriea, Your Window Certains, Tour Carpets, Tour Oilcloths, Your Wall Papers, Your Hats, Your Caps, . Your Carpet Chain, Tour Stores, Your Baeea and Feed. Tour Hardware, Your Quoen.wara, Your, Your Root. A Shoai, Yonr l,eatber, Your Bhoe Finding., Your Floor and Fiab, SALT! SALT I SALTI at whol.iale to eountry merchant.. OILS, FAINTS, QLAS3, le.-i liberal dit eouot to buildera. Everything that yon n..d ean ha had al treat navamago to tne buyer, ai KRATZEll A LYTLI'S, Market llreet, CLiiarmi-D, Pa , the Jail. I I cw Firm ct Wallaceton, ra. JOHN HOLT & SONS. JIava" bought tha entire stock of goods frem P Gallagher, and art receiving a general assortment of new goods from the But era eiliei, sath as DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, GROCERIES, QUEEXSWARB, HARDWARE, BOOTS & SHOES, II ATS k CATS, BACON, FISH, SALT, FLOUR, FEED, Ac, Ao., la exabaoge for Country Produce, Railroad Ties, lumber or L AKH. uelobev 19, 10, l Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL A.tU VI lOVrtCU TUB aMIVIPKKTI Proclamation against High Prices! If TR art vow onentnr nn a lot of the best and y most leasonablt tloodi and Mares aver Hered In this market, and at prices that remind of tha frnod old dare of ebeup things. Tbosa vbo lack faith ojon tun point, or deem our alle (ttions tutrfluuus, need but tLL 1T Olil STOilV, t Corner Front and Market streets, if here thy enn tee, feel, hear and know for them- relTN, To full j understand a bat are cheap goods, fcis mast h done. We do not deem it necessary n enumerate and Itemise our stock. It il enough for us to state ttiat We have Everytliing that is Neodod tnd eonsumed In this market, and at prifei that hstomsh bata old ami vung. 4mt JlJfKPH M1W 4 OV. CORCORAN, WEAVER & CO., WHOLESALE a n (K t; it m, nd dealer! la Luinbermen's Supplies, WILLI AMSl'ORT, PA. aog3J 6 m TyEvr firm I WEiAV GOODS! FAUST 4 GOODWIN, (flueceaeors to Hartsock A Ooodwla,) CcnWENDVILLE, Pa., llaro Just opened the newest and tneat stock of I all kinds ef DRY GOODS, PRESS GOODS, Notion!, Trimmings, Ao , ADIES' HAT? and FI RS, Ilea a and Boys' HATS A CAPS, IBOOTS AX0 SHOES, GROCERIES, Q U E E NSWAR E, ! WILLOW WARE, WOODEN WARE, II A R D W A It E, I And everything ueuelly kept in a first -class store. : Th. stock has been selected with care, and hnnght at lowr.1 prices, and will bo sold very cheap for eaih. Country produoo of all Jtlndf taken at market prioe. JMrWe ask all to coma and ava.TA F.U'ST C"OIiWIN. Q,....eil.. . ,. n llardu'arr, Jlmmr, tit. s ACKETT 4k CIIHYVICR, BlILMXG HARDWARE, Also, manufacturer! ef Tin and Sheet Iron Ware, leeond Street! CLRAUF1BLD, P JL and Builders will find It to tholr advantage to examine oor stock before purobaiiug ebewb.r.. STOVES I STOVES! We are now selling the celebrated TIMES COOK and RELIANCE, the eheaposl and stoves ia tbe market. Every stove fully warranted. ALSO, PARLOR, niATIVO, aad RAFTINO STOVRS! which will be sold aa aheap as any in the eounty. Strict attention paid ordering articles for par ties who desire it. Me-Roofing, Ppouting and Job work done on reasonable term.. Clearfield, Pa, April li, 1H7I. II. F. BIGLER & CO., MALUM ! II Alt 1 W A 111?, Also, Manufacturer! of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLEARFIELD, PA. LOT OF SADDLES, BRIDLES, Harness, Collars, oto., for sale by II. F. DIGLEK A CO. )ALMER'S PATENT UNLOAD. lng Bay Forks, for tale by U. T, BIGLER A CO. QIL, PAINT, PUTTY, GLASS, Katli, ete., for sale by II. F. BIGLER A CO, II aRNESS TRIMMINGS i SHOB Findings, for tale by II F. BIOLF.R A CO. Q.UN3, PISTOLS, S WORD CANES For sale by If. F. B1QLEH A CO JsJTOVES, OP ALL SORTS AND lis.., for sal. by II. F. BIQLF.R A CO. JRONI IRON ! IRON I IRON 1 V.r .at. by II. F. BIGLER A CO. JJORSE SHOES & HORSE SHOE NAILS, fur tale by II. F. BIGLER A CO pULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES And Manufacture, for aale ly II. F. BIO LEU i CO. THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPK BOXES, for sale by II. K. BIGLER A CO. RODDER CUTTERS for talo by cb3070 II. F. BIGLER A CO. rill XI TINl T1S I TOVr.HI STOVES I STOVE". I WAPLE & 1IARTMAN Desire to Inform the eititrns of Osceola and the public generally, tbut they hare Just received a large and splendid assortment of Stores. House hold Hardware and Stamped and Japanned Wares of all kinds. Also that wo manufacture and kern constantly on hand a full auortment of Tinmen a Wares, which we will dispose of at either wholesale or retail, to suit p u it h users. Hoofing, (Spouting, Repairing and all kinds of Job ork done to order and witb U unit en. (Strict attention paid ordering articln for par tins desiring it. Consumers will ftod it to thtr advantaga to purchase from us. Uur atock and prices will sat isfy you that we do sell good wares at nr tees that please tbe people. ion win nnu ns on i.urun aircei, neariy op posite the r.Xfhange iiotoi, Osceola Mills, Pa., May 10, 1171 if THE CLEAUF1KLD WOOD-CHOPPERS' AXE! Manufactured especially for THE CLEARFIELD THA DE, ugS'Tf II. F. BI0LER A CO. rjl O LVIIBERNEIVI peufectIon in CANT HOOKS! The Clearfield Excelsior Cantbocik will not wear out or break, being eoustruetcd with one solid band from slip to point It is pronounced by all practical lumbermea who have examined it lo bo the moll perfect Canthook aver invented. Amos Kennard, Patentee. Manufactured by Anus Kenneo A Co., at CLEARFIELD, PA. rAU orders promptly attended lo. nSSTI c IIOK ITOVEIt SPEAR'S CALORIFIC, SCSqiKHANNA, Hll'EP.IOr., UOV. I'E.NX, REDILATOE, Nlllll.K COIlK, ' KATIONAL RANGE, TIUl'MI'll, FAltl.OH COOKS, SPEAKS REVOLVINU L1IIIITS AND I;()t'H.E 11 HATERS, And all kinds of Heating Stoves for sale by aiijt.TTO H. F. RIIILKK A CO. onn nnn wahteim- eJUl .UUU The .ubwrihera w.nt to buy a large lot of J-la"b shaved khingle., for which we will pay tha very hlghcet ni.iket price. Per aona having aqeh on hand will do well to e.ll at euriMre. WEAVER t fElTB. f i-jt.'I'I. a P Ve'r rnl.r ;,; . Sri) Woods, tit. r. a. milluk a. a. row ill. MILLER &-P0WELL, WIIOLKSAI.H A RETAIL M E I! C II A NTS, Orabam'i Row, Slarkel Si, (ILU A HPILLII, PA, Wo would moat respect full Inform oar Meads, customers, aud the public geuerally, that we are now baok'in our old quarters, which bava hceu remodeled and lmprovcd.fand we are now pre pared io accommodate allwbo ma; favor a hy taUlix 2iBW QOOD3I We have Just weired on of the largest storks of all kinds of Merchandise erer brought to Clear field eountry, which wo intend to sell at snob tig urea as will make it an object for all persona to purchase fftm at. jVautiliei laving In winter supplies of Oroeories, t)ry Goods, io., should not fail to give bi a tail, at wa fee oonfdent our pricea and superior quality of goods will am pi saticfj all. Our stock of OROCERIES eonsists of Cofleel of the best quality, Teas, Su gars of all kinds, Ifoleases, Fiab, Salt, Cbeeee, Dried Fruit, Spieee, Provisions, Flour and Feed, Ac., Ac. Oar stock of DRY GOODS li large and varied, and wt will Just say wa ean supply an article in that line, without en ens it UK AD Y. MADE CLOTHING Wo have a large atock of ready-made Clothing for Men and Boys' wear, which wa will dispose of at a very imatl advance on east. Boots aud Shoes, 11 all and Cpi, Hardware, Queeniftare, M'ood and Willow Ware, Notions, Fancy Goods, Carpets, Oilcloths. Wall Papers, Window Shades, Ac, la. fr-Ileiug cxtenslrcly engaged In the Lumber business, wo are able to offer superior inducements to Jobbers. MILLER A POWELL. Clearfield, Pa , SspLC, 1871. 1871. 1871. AUTUMN! REED UllOTHEllS, Uiaiav Sraaar, CLEARFIELD, PA., ie Sraaaa, CCRWK.VSVI LI P., Are opening THIS WEEK aa attractive stock of GOODS FOR THE SEASON ! ' Car steak will bo with Ik. W G H KB WEST DESIGNS ! O H oo O V. tA la Fereiga and Doeaeetie DRESS O00M, SHAWLS, COATIXUS, REPELLENT!, FLANNEL?, Etc., eta. Together with a full line af Notions, Trimmings, LADIES' AND UENT1 Furnishing Goods, And MILLINERY OOODS, Ai licet to suit the Time I Do net fail to call. P.eep..tful!y, REED BROTHERS. P. H. Having pnrchaaed largely in Millinery Uooda. Milliner, tu adjaeeut towns will be sup plied at wholesale rates. September 13, 1871. FALL GOODS! JUST RECEIVING ! TIUIIT CALICOES. SPLENDID ICe. CAI.t J eoes. Delaine, Shirting Checks, Mu.lins, l', Whit, lioede, Pcrc.lea, Japanese ttilka, (Hack Silks, Kilk Poplins, Ulark Alpacas, Table Linens, Velveteens, Shawls, lioys' Caesimeres, Ao. AT J, MILES KRATZER'BI HOSIERY, SIM GLOVES, BEST PARIS K id Olevea, Leo. C jllara, Hair Switches and Cliignons, Hair Nats, Corsets, Uoop Hkirls, As. AT J. MILES ERATZER'S! D RESS TRIMMINGS, RII.K FRINOES- Satm, Velv.t Kibbcne, Buttons, Ac. AT J. 1I1LE3 KRATZER'BI T RISC MED DATS. HIIIRONS, Millinery Uooda, Ac., Aa. AT I. UII.ES KRATZER'S! UNEQI'ALED STOCK OF LADIES' AND Children's Mhoea and li.ilrr.. Men'. French Kip and Calf Boota, Call and Lasting (iaitrrs, Ao. AT J. MILES KRATZER'S I O nflH I'IECKS WALL PAPER -Ic. lo C,JI $I.CH per hell ('arpele, Floor Oil Cloths, Window Hli.des. brat White (Jrflnito Tea Viare, Ulass Ware, labia kuires and rorka, As. AT J. MILES KRATZER'BI C1IIOICK TEAS. COFFEE. AND OTHER J Groceries, Pried Apples, P.aehea, Cherriee, Prunes, Canned Piacuee, Tomaloca, Corn, Ac T4rTbe alove, with an immenee stock of olber and will be offered at very low ratee. orCamo aad axamin. tbera whether yon buy or not. J. M. KRATZER. (Formerly C. Kratser A Sons.) Next door to II. F. Bigler A Co.'s Hardware Blora. Cleardeld, Mareh It, 1171-lf. J OI M TROUTH A , Dealer in all kinds of FURNITURE, Market fcrtct, Oat doojT Mpt $ Hcffbny Hone, Soul. THE SMITH HOUSE. (Opposite tho Passenger Depot.) cri;Aiti'ii:i.D, pa. rpHK undersigned, having leased thia htmee lar X serlta of yoars, is ready lo entertaia llraa. gcri and travelers generally, and therefore !olit l sojourners to giro him a call. Ilia Tablo will In- supplied with the best the luaiLot anunls, ana ii, liar will cuutaiu the choicest of wiyti apd liquois. The house, furniture, blsattd bedding are enlirol new, wbtcti always ao!J to tbacomtortoi travelers ; while tbt atablipg atlachod la large and room, just suiird for teamsters. Cbargra modernta. Janft:79 WILLIAM 8. BliAUI.hT. THE ALLEGHENY HOTEL MAltKL'T St., CEAI'TIKLD, Pa. flHIS largo and commodious new hotel has X been opened for tha accoinmudntlon ol (he public, where the proprietor will bo glad to meet his old friends, and receive a share ol public pt run age. Br strict personal attention to the de tails of his bucinees, he hopes to be able to reudw satisfaction lo bis patrons. Tha TAU1.K will always bo bountifully supplied with the best that ean bo prucurt-d in tho ii arket, and the 1IAH will contatu a full stock or LKJIUK:, liUKK, f Oood itablinz attacbrd. CABPKK LK1POLLT. ClesrBeld, March 3, lStilMy Proprietor. THE MANSION HOUSE, Ctmtrof KVnd and Murk ft Htroetl, ci,, pa. rpUI9 old and commodious Hotel hoi. during X tiit pait year, been tnlurjied lo d uble Its former capacity for tbo entertainment of itran. gen and guests. Tbt whole building has beei; refurbished, and the proprietor will spart Ou pains to render bis fatal eomfortatlt nhil tuyiog witb him. The "Mansion House' Omnlbni runs tt aad from the Depot ta iht arrival and departure of each train. JOHN DOUUIIEKTY, aprtl-70 tf Proprietor. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, CurwruavUle, leorjicld county. Pa. rpilfS old and well tstahlished Hotel, btantl L fully situated on the banks ol the Kurque banna, in tbe boroigh of CurwenJvllle, bai beep leawd for a term of yean by the nnderiiyoeej. It has been entirely rehtted, and Is now open to the public generally and tbt travelling commu nity in particular. No pains will be spared to render guests comfortable while tarrying at thii bonse. Ample tabling room for tht acco!,u dation of teams. Charges moderntt. LLl DLOM. Sspt 23, 1670 If. THE RAILROAD HOUSE, main st., ruiLirsuuna, ta. rpiIK undersigned keeps constantly on band tbt nest oi liquors, ins lauie is i-jnI ., , .... .a . a?, l... -M Am. T i. - supliea Wltn ins oeai ioe inaraei iiuruv. uj traveling publio will ao wen io give mm orii. gllAW HOtSF. Comer of Uarkct and Front Straeta, Clearfield, Pa. This magnificent Hotel Ic entirely new, ces plete in ell its appointments, and convenient ta the Court House. A free Omaibua rnna t. aad from the Depot oa the arrival and departure of each train. UEOHUE N. COl.Bl'RN, April 1J, ISTO. Proprietor. JtVIKAIlD HOUSE, Vaar tha Railroad Dipei, Clearfield, Pa. 8. B. I'.OW. ProprieiSfc This heoaa la large, well furni.hed, and nearly new, and the Proprietor fccla confident of reader, lng aaiiafaolion to gural.. N. B. Good aubligg connected with the hotel. o4-7l WESTERN HOTEL, Oppoaitc the Court Honse, CLEARFIELD, PENN'A. Accommodations Arst-claee and charges moderasa. oatt JOHN F. VOl'NU, Preprlil.r. JOKTOUK HOUSE, Opposite tbe Court House, LOCK 11AVIX, PENN'A. JeH'Tl IIAL'PEAI. ft KTtOM, Prop's. B R()(.h.i:KII()l'l' IIOI SE, BELLEFONTE, PA.. D. JOHNSTON A S03S, e.lilTl Proprietors. tHfillCAN IIOLSli, Main Btrs.t, BROOKVILLE, PENN'A. SHANNON A BI'RKETT, Propri.tura. .4 n T 1IC AMILRICW HOI ST., CrRWE.NaSVII.LR. CnfSTT, Pr.-"'!. tl:. t..n. . ...I .....,.1.. .,..I I. .ttti k lent hv thn iiliscrilMor. wlin sunn's tin fTrt la pieaic all who patroniie him. MT pla"e," Is tht motto at lue American Ituuie, au1 att that is sskta is a trial. K. W. KKKK, rroprwtox. 4"urwinsille, March IS, 1871 tf. gjootj and Itors. DANIEL COXNKLLY, Bool and Shoe Mamifaclurcr. CLEARFIELD, PA, nA just received a fine lot of French CALF SKINS, and Is now prepared to mantilao lure everything In his line at tht lowest figures. He will warrant his work lo be as represented. He respeetlully solicits a call, at hit shop oa Market street, second df or wet of the posioffiot. where he will do all In his power to reudcrsatta fart ion. Soma Dnt (Jailer tops on bind. myU,'67-y DANIKL CONNbLLY. ,EV HOOT AM) SHOE SHOP. EDWARD MACK, Co. MARKET A 3d Sra., CLEARFIELD, Fa. rpilK proprietor bas entered into tho BOOT 8110E as at the above stand, and is determined not to bo ouldon. either in qnal. ity or price for hi. work, Bpaelal attention will be paid to manufacturing Sewed work. Ho bas on hand n large lot of Erench Kip and Calfskins, of the eery beat quality. Tne elil of Clearfield and vicinity are reapectfolly invited to giro him a trial. No chargs for oalls. novo.' tf 5t.U.srrUiiufous. Miss E. A. P. Rynder, . aaaar on Cblekerlag'a. Stalnwny's and Emerson's ManM nuiltbY, Mason m Hamlin a and reloubet o Organa and Melodeons, and Qrovcr A Baker's Sewing Machines. also tnacnnn or Piano, (lultar, Organ, Harmony and Vocal M. sic. No pupil taken for less than half a term. Mr-Rooiar next door to First National Bank. Clearfield, May 1, 1 Hilt If. Clearfield Nursery. ENCO I'll AGE HOME INDUSTRY, MM1K andersljrned, having tstahlished a Kav L eery on the 'Pike, about half way bttwtti Clearfield and Curwensville, Is prepared to fur- tii.k ant! rtf PUl'IT TH KRi t a mrA mw.4 dwarf,) Kvtrgrtens, (Shrubbery, tirapt V'inea, if ooFroorrios, i.siwikiii init niirrr;, citb uwrrj, ana timmamrrj w mtii nim, rnirriss rma j rvee, Quiatt. and early starlet H ho barb, it. Ordert promptly attended lo. Address, J. D. WHIOHT. tp2A 5-y Curwtnsvlllt, Pa New Meal Market. frill R undersigned hart opened a Meat Market X in the room formerly occupied by Aleiander Irvin, on Market street, Clearfield. Pa, adjoining Mnssnp's, where they Intend to keep a supply of All klndaoT Meat, Fruit and Vrpetablet, And at "Mtiriti to irtt th tihm.m Hhnp will be open regularly oa Tuendny, Thursday and Sat urday, aad meat delivered ai any point, A ahara of public patrons ffo It respectfully uliritd. M. U. IIRUW, K. H. 1IHOWN. "Aito Cfiitinus to deal ta all kinds of (m proved Agricultural lmpteata. ClearnHd, August I', tH7 tf. DIHMOI I'TIOX HiOTU IV-The ) artner sbipboretoft.raeiisting bfwrH llattrnek A iJtodwin It dissolved. All ptrsnt having at. tounte with the late firia art rVfitestrd call aa t7Ct.ii nvm m sn. HARTSejOK 00OP"rr. :.' '