THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, PA. WiDN'EHDAY MOKNINO, NOV. , 1871. The Ku-Klux and Suspension of the Writ of Habeas Corpus. A Biisponsion o( llio writ of liubon corpui by tho luuernl overnmonl in any ol tho Stales Id a tiino of gonornl peace would linvo boon roi'iuducl tor morly its a very scricH mutter. Both Americans and English nil pooplo of the Ani'lo .Mixon rnoo havo ovor earo- fully puiinlcd their civil rights as pro tected by the writ of habeas oorpii, and Imvo tnkon nliirm at tho tlrslstop to deprive lliom of theso rights. The writ of liubeas corpus litis been roiun ed as tho biilwurk of liborty, and it is tins which nioro than anything elso led to the froodom that wo enjoy. But times havo chunked. Our late civil war and tho dumoralienlinn which resulted from it have destroyed in a monnure Ihnt watchfulness of the Amorit'An people over thoir liberties and jonlouny of the encroachment ol arbitrary power. Now tho President of tho United States suspends the writ of habeas corpus in a section of our common country and littlo nolicoof it is takon, ns if it wcro a matter of ordi nary occurroiico or of no imporlunco as if, in fuet, no great principle wore involvod. Tho proclamation of tho President, dated Washington, October 17, 1871, which was published in our itsue last Wednesday, places tho coun ties of Spartanburg, York, Marion, Choster, Laurons, Newbury, Fairfield, Lancuslor and Chesterfield, South Carolina, under martini law, on tho ground t hut combinations and conspi racies exist to obstruct and hinder tho execution of tho civil law, and thai tho federal government is called upon to suspend tho writ of habeas corpus and to govern by military authority, in accordnnco with tho act of Con gress passed lust April. If tho publio mind were not so demoralized and so indifferent to this exercise of military authority in time of general peace tliero would bo a more searching in quiry as to the causos for or necessity of this extraordinary action of the government. Fortunately, the independent press of this country is freo to discuss tho conduct of the government and to cull public uttontion to this important mat ter. Tho independent press, as Junius said, is tho palladium of our civil and religious liberties. Let us sco, then,, what foundation thcro was for pro claiming martiul law and creating such a dangerous precedent for exer cising arbitrary power in this freo re public. Tho President tells us in his proclamation that combinations and conspiracies exist in tho counties plac ed under martial which cannot bu reached by the civil law, and theso ho calls rebellious and insurrectionary. 15y this he means what is gonerally known us the Ku-Klux. The changes are rung on such expressions as con spiracies, organized and armed combi, nations, violence, defiance of the con stituted authorities, and so on, but thoro is no of repellion or in surrection either in tho sense general ly understood or of tho constitution of the United Mutes. I no law ol Con gress on which he bases his action may havo given a now interpretation to rebellion or insurrection which was nover meant in tho constitution, and ho may bo acting strictly in conformi ty with that, liut the lawlessness of a few individuals, w hich at most only extends to a sort of lynch law in pun ishing obnoxious persons or those who are guilty of crimes, cannot bo construed into rebellion against the government. In fact, there has been no such rebellion or insurrection. Nor havo tho proper constituted authori ties called upon tho federal govern ment to suspend the civil law, as is required by tho constitution. Governor Scolt, of South Carolina, when asked loss than throe weeks ago if ho wcro opposed to martial law, re plied, "Most unequivocally I am, and thoso men who are so clumorous for martial law are pursuing a mistaken policy." Ho said, moreover, that ho had no idea General Grant would do claro martiul law, that bo (tho Gover nor) was not in favor of it, and that ho thought tho civil law was more eftlcicnt. What better authority does tho administration want than- tho Governor of tho State, who is ono of Its own partisans? Then tho State is under radical government, and most of the authorities in it aro opposed to mnrtii'l law. Tho clamor for such an arbitrary menstiro comes from only a fow reckless and corrupt disorganize and aspirants for ollico ; from men who have Utile interest at stuko in tho Slnlo beyond what they can mako out of tho ofllccs or tho disruption of civil government. Ao doubt tliero have been deplorablo outrngos upon individuals by local bands, and proba bly tho Civil Rights bill of Congress may bnvo been violutcd in some cases. No good citizen would attempt to justify theso. liut such crimes aro not peculiar to South Carolina. Crimes as bad or more benious are committed in all tho States, and it would bo easy enough to attribute them to Ku Klnx if it should suit tho federal government to do so for politi cal ends. Indeed, thoro might be no limit to fcdoral interference- in tho local afluirs of tho snvcral States, or oven in this city of Now York, if tho riroclnmation of martial law is to (bl ow the commission of similar crimes s those perpetrated in South Carolina. Should tho clamor of a few partisan politicians be hoeded mora thun tho prinoiplos of local self government, upon which the fabric of our institu tions rests, thoro will bo an end to civil liberty. It is a curious fuel, showing tho recklessness of tho administration in the high-handed courso it is pursuing, that ono of the most nuict counties in tho State of South Carolina, that of Marion, is includod in those placed under martiul law, whilo tho worst Ku-Klux county Union is omitted. This Govornor Scott, it is said, admits, though he says, in palliation of tho conduct of the administration, it must bo a clerical error. If it bo l.ccossnry to put a portion of South Carolina under martial law for crimes against individuals, what should bo done in North Carolina, where a few bandits liave doniod all the constituted au thorities f Nothing has occurrod in South Carolina sinco tbo war com parablo to tho frightful depredations mid defiant conduct of theso bandits in tho adjoining State, entrenched in the swamps for months and commit ting tho most diabolical murders and other fonrful crimes. So wo might rofcr to tho hanging of the negrcos in Tennessee recently by tho populace without law and in tMlmxe ol the authorities fur outragos committed on whito women, or to ninny other law loss acts both in tho South and North. Where, in fact, would thoro not bo found a prutoxt for tho exeroiso of leUerul military authority it tho gov ernment should wish to strain tho law for that purposo or hud a political ob jeet to accomplish F The President bolioves, perhaps, bo is doing his duty. Wo aru not willing to think otherwise Put, unfortunate ly, ho is not a civilian, and has littlo opportunity to study htttto nuairs in the light of civil and constitutional law. His training has boon military and bis mind i imbued with military ideas. JSo doubt ho is a patriot mid wishes wull to tho country, und be. lioves, probably, that bo has intuitive ly tho sumo capacity to govern in peace ns ho had to command In war; but if ho would havo his numo go down to posterity as a statesman ho must leave tho camp and drop the sword ho must in timo el pcaco ro sped nbovo all things the civil law and civil liberty. And will ho not bnvo boiiio regard for tho anomalous and trying situation of thoso poor Southerners, who, though they erred, aro a bravo ana liigh-spiritod people of our own race and blood f Can he not sco tho humiliating position they are placod in, particularly In South Carolina, in being political slaves to iiiuir lurinur uuiiu'miu slaves nn in telligent and cultivated population put under tho rulo of ignorant and semi suvngo negroes and corrupt strangers, who have little or no inter ost in tho Slate, except to rob it? Has ho no bowls of compassion for those unforlunute poopla of our own blood under such trying circumstan ces? We think, as we said beforo, that ho means well ; but he has been led, doubtless, to cxtrcmo measures, which aro cruel to the people of South Carolina and dungerous to civil liber ty, by partisan and narrow-mindod politicians, who euro only for their own immediate interests. Tho Presi dent should know that he can make more political capital and win tho good will of the generous American people, both North and South, moro by a kind and liberal policy to tho Southerners thun by military coorcion. ''Let us havo peace," seems to bo his favorilo motto, and ho can havo pcaco in tho South, as wull as good will overywhoro, by abandoning his mili tary idea of govcrnmont and making the civil law sunromo in ovorv section of our common country. New York Hortd. THE PUNCTUAL MAN. Mr. Iliggins was a very punctual man in all his transactions through ife. Ho omassed a lurgo tbrtuno by untiling industry and punctuality, and at tho advanced ago of ninety years, was resting quiotiy on his bed, and calmly wuiting to bo eallodaway. llo had deliberately made almost every arrangement for bisdeccaso and burial. Hit pulso grew fainter, and tho light of lifo seemed just flickering in its socket, when ono ol'his sons remarked : "Father you will probably live but a day or two ; is it not well for you to numo your bourers ?" "To bo suro, my son, said tho dy ing man. "It is well thought of, and 1 will do it now. llo gave the names of six, the usual number, and sunk back exhausted on tho pillow. A gleam of thought pnssod over his withered features It k o a ray of light, and ho rallied onco more. "My son, read tho list. Is the namo of Wiggins thcro ?" "It is, father." "Then strike it off!" said bo em phatically, "for be was never punctual was novcr nnywhero in season; and ho might hinder tho procession a whole hour." LniMT.-Light is present to us in over varying conditions but it is always tho Bumo there is a oneness in es se nco after all. It is tho samo light that glistens on tho wing of tho fire fly, mid blazes on tho ruddy hearth stone, and sparkles on tho jowcls in the diadem, and flashes beauty in tho morning. Scionco tells us that thoso prolific beds of coal in tho bowels of the earth wero onco forests on the sur faco forests of luxuriant vcgolation ; and they incorporated tho sun's rays, und then in merciful convulsions, wore imbedded in tho center of tho lower earth by an all provident foresight for the wants of an inhabited world. Scionco tells us, too, that timo was when tho shapeless crystal was yet new to the covering of tho earth. Subjected to the wheel of tho lapidary, it sparkles out to view ns a gom of tho first water. It is but tho releaso of tho imprisoned rays which sbono from tho samo groat sourco long centuries ago ; so that, in both tho cottago and firelight and in tho monarch's gem, we havo just tho resurrection of some olden summer the great return of somo sepulchral sunlight, from which man has rolled away tho stone. Lick a, VAror. "The timo in which I livo is but a small moment of tho world's history. It is a flight of a shadow j it is a dream of vanity; it is tho rapid glnnco of tho mctoor; it is a flower which every breath of heaven can wither into decay; it is a tale which n remembrance vanisliod; it is a day which tho silencoofthe long night will darken and overshadow. In a fow yours our heads wilt bo laid in tho cold gravo, and tho groen turf cover us. Tho children who como after us will tread upon our graves ; they will weep for us a fow days; thoy will talk of us a fow months ; I hey will remember usforafow yenrs, when our memory shall disappear from tho faco of the earth, and not a tongno will bo found to recall it." Dr. Chalmers. All classes and all ranks aro exposed to danger. The "euro of tho world" becomes tho snaro of those who have littlo, and tho "decoitfulness of riches" the Biinro of thoso who havo much. Thus the world wars against tho soul, aliko when it smiles and when it frowns. Pinching want and luxurious prolusion aro two widely diverse species of thorns ; but they may bo cquully effectivo in destroying tho precious seed. Throo-fourtlu of the difTIculilies and miseries of men como from tho fuel that most want wealth without earning it, faino without deserving it, popularity without tompcranco, ro spoct without virtue, and happinoss without holiness. Idleness is tho lint bed of tempta tion, tbo cradle of disease, tho waster of timo, tho canker worm of felicity. To him that has no employment, life in ft little while will have no novelty ; and when novcliy is laid in the grave, the funeral of comfort will soon follow. grM (Good., Crofrt, (?tf. I ) 15 A C E IN E V It P R I HIT CHEAT BXCITKMKNT s IN FRENCHVILLE ! Tho blond? contest between Krauee and Pruuia li at nn end fur tbe present, io far m the IhiirIi tiring of men and the destruction of property Is concerned. The Hoynl Jugglers uo duulit pride iQcuiSCivee arm ovor iua rtMuii, um n inaignlfloaiit ii their work when compared how Ufa mo nuiniie aim gunman vnurtv ui L. M. COUDIUKT, who hat undertaken to supply nil tho ciUiena in the lower cud of the county with food and raiment at FK'ocdinjr low rates from hit inuramoth iture in Ml:L80NliUHtl, where he can always be found rcaily to wait upon eallcrs and supply thein with Dry Goods of nil Kinds, Such at Cloths, Batinetti, CaMitnrrs, Muslins, Delaines, Linen MriNiugn, Calicoes, Trimmings, Ribbons, Lace, Ready-made Clothing, Hoots and Shoe a, Hats and Caps all uf the best material and made to order lime, cooks, uioves, Aiitteui, traces, Itihbons, e, UKOCKRIHS OF ALL KINDS. Coffee, Tea, Putter, Rice, Molasses, Fish, Salt, fork, Linseed Oil, Fish Oil, Carbon Oil Hardware, Queen warn, Tinware, Cantlnga, Plows and Plow I sitings, Nail", Kpikes, Corn Cultiva tors, Cidor Presses, and all kinds of Axes. ' Perfumery, Paints, Varni'h, Glass, and a general assortment 01 Mntionery, GOOD FLOUR, Of different brands, always on hind, and will be told at the lowest possible figures. MQIOHH, such as Brandy, Wine, Qiu, Whisky, laynos jnenirines, nosiettcr i ana iloofland's Bitters. 5000 pounds of Wool wanted for which the highest pnoe will be paid, llorerreod on hand ana tor sale at the lowest market price. Also, Agent for Strattonvllle and CurwensvHte llirevnmg Miichinrs. fcguCell and see for yourselves. You will find ever) thing usually kept in a retail store. L. M. COUDRIKT, Frenchville P. 0., March 1, 171. . . ARNOLD.. W. B03I HARTSHORN "Cheaper than the Cheapest!" GOODS AT REDUCED TIUCES Arnold & Ifurtliorii, (On. door wit of Flrit National Bank,) 11'B.Wr.NSVILI.E, PA. nAVINU Juit returned from the east with a eomplste assortment of Uoods suttabl. for Spring and Summer trade, we are now reedy to furnUb all kinds of Ooode "Cheaper than the Choapestl" And after thanking our customers for tbclr liberal patronage during the past year, we would moil .respectfully ask for a continuance of the eame. Our Stock consist, of a complete anortment of Dry Goodf, Notion!, Ilardwaro, ljueensware, Willowwaro, Groceiles, Boot. Shoes, Hals t Cape, Clothing, Tobaeeoe, Ae. Alio, Flour, Bioon, Sail, Fih, drain, ete. All of which will be lold on the tnott reaaon able termt. and the highe.t matket prire paid for Orain, Wool and all kind, of Lumber and Country Produce. J-ris. glre ua a call before purchasing obewhero. Satisfaction guaranteed as to price and quality. 'S ARNOLD A UARTSUOHN, Corner of Main and Thomrson Streeta, apr20 CURWENSVILLB, PA. j. r. uiii W. W. BBTTIi WJ-M VI211 '& KETTN CLEARFIELD, PA., Are offering, at the eld stand ef 0. L. Reed A Co., their stock of goods, consisting of DRY - GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS A SHOES, HATS A CAl'S, HARDWARE, Ql'KBNSVi ARK, FLOUR, FEED, SALT,&c, &c, At the most reasonable rates for CASH or In eiohange for Square Timber, Boards. Shingles, 011 COUNTRY rRODl'CB. jl&-Adrenoes made to those engaged In get ting out square timber on the most advantageous terms. January , 1870. 1871. 1872. FALL & mmi GOODS! The First of the Season I The Cheapest in this Market! BUY! BUY! ! BUY!!! OF KRATZER & LYTLE, Your I)rj Uoods, Your Window Curtains, Yonr Groceries, Your Carpets, Your Hardware, Your Oilcloths, Your Quernsware, Your Wall Papers, Your Notieni, Your Hats, Your Hoots k (Shoes, Your Cans, our Leather, Your Carpet Chain, Your 8 hoe Findings, Your Floret, Your Flour and Fish, Your Haeon and Feed. P AlsT! SALT! SALT! at wholesale to eountrv merchant. OILft, FAINTS, (aA.3, As. A liberal dis count to builders. Kverrthing that ynu need can be had at great advantage to the bujer, at KRATZER A LYTLK'S, Market street, Ci.KAKHr.i.D, Fa., opposite the Jail. JO II If TltOUTMAN, Dealer In all kinds of FURNITURE, Market Street, One door east Allegheny House, aiiglD'71 CLRARFIKI.D, PA. gILK IIATti-Letestrringatyl.s-. i. It. II. ri LLKKIUK U. 4 DMsTAiil.U'H MAI.U FOR ssie at um .3tn inn IIL01TSIDES , - 1 TIN AND STOVE STOREI G. S. FLEGAL, riiilip-turg, Contro County, Ta, fl'MIK undorsigned respectfully announces to X. the publio that be has on hand a cere- ruliy-seleotcd and well assorted stock of STOVES, 1IJ5ATKH3,' JtANGES, HOLLOW WAIIK ! ( TIN, COITER AND SlIEET-JItOjl WAKE! i WOOD AND WILLOW WARE! Dls stock of Cooking Stores consists of 1UE CELEBRATED IKOXSIDES, Which her. nerer filled to bring and prosperity into laninea where it is uied, Diamond State, Parmer, Herald. Charm, Spears1 California Cook Store, Bp.ara' Aitl-Iosi, Uaa Burning Cooking Stores, Viotor, Kelianoe and I'nion Ranges, fipeare' Cooking Ranges, Ac, etc. kjH.The Tin end Sheet Iron ware siren with the floras Is made of the bear'.st and best material, and warranted to gire perfect satis faction. His Stock of Parlor & HeatiDg Stoves Is larger, better and cheaper than ercr before oi blotted to the public consisting of Spears' Remlrlng Light Illuminating Store, fpeers Anii-i'usi uaa-Burning rarlnr ntore, Bpeara' Orbicular .Uas-Burning Parlor btore, Spears' Uas-llurning Parlor cure, Boquot, Pearl, Ueu, Ida, Sun, Troplo, Norada, Ac, Ao. Vulcan, Elm and Victor Heaters, Ppears Re- roiving btgni neaters. He Is also prepared to furnish a complete assortment 01 Tin, Copper, Sheot-Iron, Wooden and Willow Ware, &c,, Wholesale or retail, manufactured neatly and wltn the sole new to serrtoe, rrom the best ua terial in the market rLOWS A PLOW POINTS, COPPER, BRASS, PORCELAIN, TIN LINED, SPUN A COMMON IRON KETTLES, Of erery deecrlptlon constantly on haad. ORDERS FOB SfOUTINO, HOOFING And other work belonging to his business will be promptly tiled by eiperieoced and skilllul workmen. BRASS, COPrER, OLD METAL, RAGS AND CASH Taken In exchange for goods. per- IT a eenerla'.ly Inrltee the attention of Merchants wishing so purchase at wholesale, as they will And it to their adrantage to examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. Look out lor the Big Sign opposite the reel' dsnee of Mrs. Dr. Foster. All Goods Wiibahtcd as RiriRSixTin. ;. s. l i.i.tiAi.. Phillpsburg, June S, 1870. euc:(:8 Tlu I'.rmii 1pnvsri'sM nf lloiiltli aiav vuui I inn I ill VI a i ri;wi'ou ati.u A tV A SIRE PREVENTIVE Cl'RB OF roR COLDS. rheumatism; BUCKSKIN UNDEMJAKM RNTS FOR LADIIS AID 0 BKTI. t C B. For sale by C. KRATZER AS SON5, Dee. 21, 1H70. ClaarBelJ, Pa. GREAT EXCITEMENT ON SECOND STREET, Vltarltrltt, Pa. NEW GOODS AT LOW TRICES. TpnR undersigned respectfully Invite lb at .1 tentlon of the puMlo generally to their splendid assortment of merchandise, which they are now selling AT VERY LOW TRICES. Their stock consists In part of Dry Goods of the Best Quality, Such as Trlnts, De Lslnse, Alpaooas. Merinos, ulnghame, Muslins, (hleaehed and nnbleaeh etl,) Drillings, Tickings, cotton and wool Flannels,Satlnctts,Casslmeres, Cottonades, Ladies' Shawls, Nubias A Hoods, Ratmoral and Hoop Skirts, Ac, Also, a line assortment of Men' Drawers an I Shirts, Hats A Csps, Boots A Shoes. all of which WILL BE SOLD LOW FOR CASK Hardwaro, Quoonsware, Glassware, Groceries and Spicos. N SHORT A OENERAL ASSORTMENT i Of er err thin c nsuelly kept In a retail store, ai' CI1KAP F0HCAH11 or approred country prtM duoe. A. K. WRIGHT at SONS, Cle.rMJ, Nor. t, 18(17. II. DUIDGR, ! MERCHANT TAILOR (Store one door east of ClrarlMd ll.iuse,) Market "lret, Clearfield, Pi. K EEPS en bend a full assortments of Oenti' Furnlsuing Uoods, sueh as Shirts, Linen and Woolen Undershirts, Drawers and Sneks Neck-ties, Poeket Handkerchiefs, Olores, Half, Umhr.llas, Ae., In great rarlety. Of Piere Uoods he keeps the Best Cloths of all "Shades and Colors," ueh as Blank Doeskin of the rery heat eissi Faney Cassimere, in great earlely , also, F.eneh Coating, Hearer, Pilot. Chinchilla, and Vrloett orerooating. All of wblrh will be eold eheap fcr Cash, and made up aeeordlng to the latest styles by esperlsneed workmen. Also. A lent for Clearteld eountr for t. M- llager A Co e. eelokraeed Sewing Msehines. 9 A (Mm or. I, M )f. JJ. BNipni. ginning $UU. O.L.R..d. ) NOTICE. Wm.Pow.ll. 11131? 1 A rOWELsL.. CLEARFIELD PLANING MILL ALL 11 I O JI T ! . , THE proprietors respectfully Inform Iheoitlsene of Cleardeld connty, that they hare entirely rulHted this estuLllskuient with the latest Improved wood-working maoltincry, and are now prupared to execute all orders In their line of business. They will glre especial attention to the manufac ture of material for house building, such aa FLOORING, WEATHER-BOARDING, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, Ult.l CULTS jioviah.ycs, OF ALL STYLES, We always hare on hand a large slock of DRT LUMBER, and will payoash for all clear Lumber. One-and-a-half Inch panol stuff preferred. Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or exchanged, to euit oustunisrs. fA.()rders solicited, and Lumber furnlshod on short notion and on reasonable terms. RKED A POWELL. Cleardeld, March 8, 1871. $U.srrUan(ou$. H. F. N AUGLE CLOCK AM) WATCH MAKER, orruiiTi Tiii rftmmi maskit itkbrt POST OrFICBXalrCLEARFIBLD rriHB tubieribtr rt'peotfullv inform! h old .L patroni od th publio fnerlly, that b bftioa band, (tad ii eooaUotljr rcoaiviog new addilitni Ibartto,) a larga tock of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry. ,r"I kep Jowalr? In all iti forma and of di Lie rent valuei, alther bj Ua piecaor let WATCHES A full a'forta.00. of tither Gold or iMIrer, tntde by tht bent Atrartoao and fr Kn uaanratnitTara, Inoladinft a dot lol ofjfold and lilrer hunting eaao, full jawaled, Patent Lerers. CLOCKS Of all dtil-". eoneUHng of elgbt day and thlrtr bour, of either wuljbt. ipriug or levere, and both itrike and alarm. RKPAIR1NO. All kindi of Watcbei and Clock Repaired, and warranted. In addition to what I bare enumerated. T keep a full aieorttaent of HPKCTACLKS, colored and plain jrlm. Uo.UOLD PKNKand fKNCILS, 6POONH, FORKS, BUTTKR KNIVKS.and In fact ererjrlfaing in the Jewelry line. If I fail to have on band juet what a customer may need, I will order per flret eipreen, withouteitra cherge. A liberal nhare of publio patronage it mlicfted. May 7, 1869-7 ii. t. NAUGLK. MOSHANNON LAND 4 LUMBER C0.( OSCEOLA BTEAM WILL., AXt'PACTlReta ' LUMBER, LATH, AND TICKETS. II. II. 81III.I.INOFORI), President, Offlce Forest Daee, No. 125 S. 4th St., Phil's. JdII.N LAW fill!, Ueneral Sup't. Osceola Mills, Clearfield county, Pa. LAD AD LIMBER COMPAW OFFER -TO- rurcliascrs of Choice Goods AT THEIR MAMMOTH STORE IN OSCEOLA. ZVcmv l?aihiiiot ! MOSHANNON LAND AND U MBER COM l'ANV otTer for tale Town loti in the bor ub of Omol, Clearfold county, fa., and al"0 lote to auit iiurrtirtKTf outside the limite of aaid borough. Osceola it eituatod on the Mufthnnnon Crerk, in the rirhent portion of the county of i learDeiii, on the line ol the jyrone t uifarlieiu Railroad, where the Mitehnnnon and ReaTerton branch roadi tntenert. It ii aloo in the heart of the Mophannon coal baein, and Urga bodiea of while nine, hemlock, oak, and other tunter tur round It. One of the litrfrmt lumbnr manufactur- tiiR eataMixhmente in the State ii located in the town, while there are many other lumber and htnjcle nulli amuDd it. J he town ia but eeeo year old, and eontaim a populatum of one tbou and inhabitant. Jtur further Information apply at the office oi i tie above company. JOHN LAWHHE, 1:70 Oeneral Superintendent LVMHEHMENl PERFECTION IN CANT HOOKS! The Clearfield Exoelalor Canthook will not wear out or break, being eon t rue ted with one olid baud from clip to point. It li pronounced by all practical lumbermen who hare examined It to be the moit perfect Canthook ever in rented. Amos Kennard, Patentee. Manufactured by Ahoi Klikabd A Co., at CLEARFIELD, PA. TAI1 orderi promptly attended to. p2.t'T0 FAIRBANKS' STANDARD ALKN, !!ltgB;e Barrows, farehouse Trunks, Copying Presses, Imnrored Money Drawer, Ae. Bo BALB IT II. F. KIOLEU k CO., Dcalrra In Hardware, mch.10 Second Street, riearlleld, Pa. Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL AND OF COl'KHE Til R CIinAFESTl A Proclamation against High Prices! "IITB are now opening np a lot of the beet and 1 T most aeaaunable HimmIi and Warea ever onVrad tn thia mrtrkut, and at prici tl)4t tTinind one of the good old day tf clibftp thiuR. Ihtina who lack failb upon thii point, or deem our alle gation! euperfluoui, need but Vtv air OIK STOitK, Corner Front and Market it reel. Whera they ean tee, roe), bear and know for them letrev. Tn fully uiidcrptand what arenbeep (roodii, thf muit be dona. Wa do not dram it nerennarr to enumerate and itemiee our itock. It ii enough for ui to itate that We have Everything tbat U Jfeodod and aonenmed In thii marlet, and at prleea that aetnaiah aotk aid and ynni. iee; VrF 9"A!f 8011 NEW DRUG STORE ! WM. II. ALEXANDER, M. II., Druggist and Apotliecary, CUKWENSVILLK, PA., Keeps constantly on hand a large assortment of ' ; d n v a s ; " Patent Medlolnes, Paints and Oils, Varnishes, Uvs Htulls, Ae. His stock of DruKS Is pure and fresh, and customers esn rely upon getting, the best of everything in bis lioe. llis stuuk of PERFUMER Y , Toilet Articled, flair Tonlce, Coimetine, Bruihei, Toilut Soaiif, Couibf. I'ookct liuok. Pone, loki, l'enuili and Pepor, and a general aaiorlmcnt of toil olaae ol goudi, are all of tne beat quality. PURE WINES k LIQUORS, For Medical purpoiei only, (JUm, Putty, Lubricating Oili, Ao., to luit the wunia of Uio ooiniuunity. lilt eiteflxlre and wolt lolected itock of Drujci and Alixlieinea enables bim to fill l'hyiiciam' prcnoriptione on abort notice and on the inoit rcaeonaijie terme. Binukere and Che wen will find bie stock of Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Cigari A bouff, to ooneiat ol tho rery belt branai in the market. A ehare of public patronage la solicited. Oct. lit 3m. W. li. ALKXANDER. ttijsreUanrous. - o o k s WHICH XIAVB ALWAYS ii I V E N SATISFACT OR IIKRETOFORB, WILL HE PISPOSED 07 IN SUCH A W A Y A3 TO PLEASE 0 R FRIENDS AND CIS TOMERS. JUST RECEIVED I THE riNE.1T ASSORTMENT Ot HOLIDAY GOODS-SUCH AS HOOK S AND OTHER. STATIONERY ARTICLES, EVER OFFERED TO THE CITIZENS OF THIS PLACE ! NOW ON EXHIBITION AND FOR SALE AT PUBLISHERS' A MANUFACTURERS' PRICES, AT TnE POSTOFFICE. Cleardeld, Dee. 11, 1170. CORCORAN, WEAVER & CO., WHOLESALE u it oci: iss, und Joslori in Liiiiilierinen's Supplies, WILLI AMSPOttT, PA. ag23 6m TOBACCO AND CIGARS 1 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, At the New Tobaoeo and Cigar Slurs of II. II. SIf.f If, Two doors Esst of the Fostoflice, Clrarllrld, Pa. Constantly on hand It One assortment of Navy, Congress, Cnrendish, Cable, Spunroll, kliohigan and Century Fine-out Chewing Tobaeco, Ao. Also, a large and welt selected stock of Imported and Domestic Cigars, Smoking Tobaccos, Meerschaum and Briar Pipes, Pipe futures, Tobaoco Boles, Cigsr Holders, and everything getisrally found In a well regulated Cigar and Tohaoco Store. 4r Remember the plane i Two doors East of the Postoffice, Clearlleld, Pa. aug. R. 13. TAYLOR'S LIME AND COAL YARD, (Near the Railroad Depot,) (I.nAHFir.l,I, PF.N N'A- IEMlHUrR thii method of Informing tbe nuhlin, that I hare opened nn a yard fur the enle of wood or eoal-btirnt 1.1 M K and Anthracite CO Ad, In the borough of Clearfield, and bare completed arrangcraenti with eaetern dealer by winch i ran keep a hill Piipply oonntantlyon hand, whieh will he dinpowd of at reannnabla ratea, by the tun, bushel or ear load, to euit purrhaoera. ThoRe at a dlntanee pan addrenf me by letter, and obtain all neceeeary information bf return mail. H. U. TA 1 10 K. Clearfield Pa., Feb. 14, 1869 tf LIME AND COAII nAVINQ Inereaaed our faelltiiei for burning Lima during tha pait aeaaont wa are pre- pAivd to furniph Uuod IJunit .lmff. Coat Burnt 1,1 me, Wood and Coal II unit Mine, Manufactured from the oelehratod HRM.KFONTB LIMESTONE, which pTndnoei the writrrt and firaanT Lime, for all meohanteal purpovoe, that ean he found In the Ntat of Pennsylvania, and wblrh we tell at aa low price, delivered nn care, ai tha Inferior Mraee are eoiti ai moir pianea of manuiartar. Alio, draleri In and ehlppen of Wilkpsbarre and Shamokin ANTHRACITE COAL, of all i,es, prepared oapressly for femily use,"' Orders .elicited. SnoIJTLlDdg 4 lO., Ker. , I 70-1 y. ' ' ' JlellelDnle. I'a. flMIK tilCMQCSATiP AL&Ua)Afl for !. I h07 ana l tor sale at tne rest Irenes rriee 15 eenii, kl stled to any sdd-i ounflrij and tlarUlti iUops. BIGLER, YOUNG & CO., (Suoeessors to Boynto A Toung,) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS Manufacturora PORTABLE & STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Corner of Fourth and Pine Streets y CLHAni'lELI), PA. HAVISa engaged In the manufacture of Irst olsss MACHINERY, we respectfully Inform the publio that we are now prepared to All all orders as cheaply and as promptly as ean be done in any of the eitles. We manufacture and deal in Malay and Circular Saw-Mills Head Blocks, Water Wheels, Shafting Pulleys, Gilford's Injector, Steam Gauges, Steam Whistles, Oilers, Tallow Cups, Oil Cups, Gauge Cocks, Air Coeks, Globe Valres, Check Valves, wrought iron Pipes, S'.eam Pumps, Boiler Feed Pumps, Anti Friction Metres, Soap Stone Packing, Gum Pack Ing, and all kinds of MILL WORK; together with Plows, Sled Soles, COOK AND rARLOR STO 'ES, and other CASTINGS of all kinds. IrOrdera solicited and fliled at eity prices. All letters of inquiry with reference to machinery of our manufacture prompt ly answered, by addres Ing us at Clearfield, Pa. decsrro-tr biolkii, yoinq a co. OSADALIS TUB INGHKDTKNTS THAT COM I POS li ItllS A DA 1.1 S are published nn ' erery package, therefure it is Hot a secret preparation, oonsequently PHYSICIANS PRESCRIBE IT. It la a ecrtain cure for Scrofula, Syphilis in all its forms, Hheutnslietn, Hkm llis- eases. Liver Complaint and all diseases of s tne mood. ONE IIOTTLK OF ROSADALIS will do more good than ten bottles of the feyiups of frarcsparitla. T11K INDER8IGNED PHYSICIANS hare used Rossdalis in their practice for the pat! three yeara, and freely endorse it as a rlialio Alterative end lilood J'unner. IR. T. C. prnil, of Baltimore. UK. T. J. BOYKIN, " Ilk. R. W. CAIIK, " 1) Hll. F. 0. DAN NELLY, " I DR. J. S. r PARKS, of Nicholasrillr, Ky. i IIH. J. I.. M.I'ARTIIA. I'.,l.iml,i.. S C 1)R. A. B. NOBLES, E lgeccmb, N. C. VSED AND ENDORSED BY J. B. FRENCH t PONS, Fall River, Mais. V. W. SMITH. Jackson, Mich. A. F. WHEELER, Lima, Ohio. H. 11 ALL, Lima, Ohio. CRAVEN A CO., GonlonsTllle, Va. SAM I EL G. McFAIlDEN, Murfrocsboro, Tenn. Our space will not alluw of anr extend L I ed remarks in relation to the virtues of i Rosadslis. To the Medical Prufcssiou we I guarantee a Fluid Extract superior to ane ith.y have ever used in the treatment of diseased Illood i and to the afflicted we say I try Knsadalis, and you will be restored to ncsitn. Rosadslis is sold by all DruggUts price $1.60 per Uitlle. Address j DR. CLEMENTS A CO., I iVeneartNriH( (suts, j Aug. , 1871. -ly. Baltimore, Mo. S For sale by A. I. Shaw, Clearfield, Pa. LADIES' FAMY FIRS! JOHN FAREIRA, 718 Aim Ft. Middle of the Block, bet. 7th A ftth St., South Side, PHlLAhKIJ'HIA, Importer, IMnniifafturer A Dealrr in all kind and quality of FANCY Fl'KS for Ladica' and Childrcna' wear. Ilaring importe! a rery large and plt-ndid eVort uient of all tbe different kindi of Furs from A ret handi in Kuppe. and have had them made up by tha moil akilltul workmen, would respectf ully iu rite the reaW of tbii pnper to call and eiaraine hi rery large aud brautilul aMortment of Fanoy Fun, for La.i.i and Childi-en. I am determined to aell at ni luw pricei aa any other recpeetablc huse in thie eity. All Fun warranted. Nouiis rt'preirntatlon to efTevt sale. JtiHX FARKIRA. Oot. !.., lS7l-m3 TIB Arch St., Philadelphia. NEW MARBEL YARD ix ruTiiniMti rc t ri HIS undernifrned Ukei this method of Inform JL nR the eiliaens of Clearfield and Jotiersnn counties tbat he has opened a Marble Yard, for the manufacture of Tombstone, Mununif lit a. Head and . b'mtt Htouea, if, t&c. I employ none but the bett workmen, end use tha best material. All order promptly filled and tha work warranted. AiliIri'M all Irtrert to DAN I Kid UOOULANDER, Luthersburg, October Stt, IHIO. TOTICI"! Having purrhawd the interest of J J. A. Ilatteniericr, fcuq., In tha businoes heretofore carried on undor the Arm name of J. A. Hlattenbergcr A Co., tbe same will be conducted hereafter under tbe name of M"ihanoon Land and Lumber Company, (Htora.) II. JI. HllILLIMiF".tD, JOIIX LAWSiTK, tny2Mf President. Ueneral Sup't SAWS! SAWS! SAWS! DIPTASS CnOFS Cl'T,. MILL, DRAG AND CIUCULAR PAWS. Boynton'8 Lightning Cross-cut Saw. At so, PATENT PERFORATKD A ILECTRIC SAWS, For sale by ctlS.Tfl II. t. nifll.KB A CO. Liilliorsburg Marble Yard! TllIK aubecrtlier retpeotfnlly announeei to this X community end tha public generally that be is now eitoimively en guard In tha manufacture of Monuments, Hrad and Koqt ti tones, Htand, Table and Hurraj Tps, rto. Kc higher tribute ean be paid to a deemeed relative or friend than the erea tion of an enduring slab as a witness to unborn generations ahtre Ihey have laid him or her. I have etistaired Mr. John W. (lalmkrun mv agnnl ti sell, and to whoee workmanship and skih man can bear witness. Orders solicited and p-nmptly filled. Work delivered whereverdenired. ' H. I, M 00 R K. Lutherahurf, Kotvmber 80. 1470. QALL AND KXAMIIJ1! he NEW fJOOIiS fl IT VOI R POYH' IUIf al fi:UFTOn Clearfield County Bank ritllE Clearlleld County Bank as., i ' 1 led institution has gone , .".,?,"' the surrender of Its charter, on !. .."" kf All lu slock la owned by H ,i willeontinua the Banking buslnt,, . , '' place, aa private Bankers, ander Ih. a of the "Clearlleld County Bsnk - V sponsible lor tne aebts ol the hti,i ... , lis notes on demand at the counl. ..IV received and Interest paid whsn a'.n.'v i"?"'!" a tied time. Paper discounted at " a. ner.ioior.. .or personsl re., oailhill. , pledged for all, reeel,d ,,, ,'"! translated. A continnanee of the liberal"' ronsge of tbe business men of tbe tnti, i" speetlelly solicited. As President fa.hi " officers of the law Clearlleld Const, b.l require the notes a of said Bank to k, p,M ' ' for redemption JAS. T. LEONARD, RICHARD KnAW VYH. PORTER, JA8. f. IIKAUA1I A. K. WRIGHT, O. L. RKKD WM. A. WALLACB. The business of the Bank will John M' Adams., Esq., aa Cashier. ,'. County National Bank. OF CLEARFIELD, I'A. ROOM In Masonic Building, one du0 ...ij C. V. Watson's Drog titurr. " " I'aaaam Ticket, tn mntl In.m I town, tilaegow, London, l'sris snj (.,l,.,1"!!,,' ai.n lin. r. ..1... .t. u,....i ..... "'"'' and Imperial Bank of London. JAMES T. LEOXAltD, r,., W. U. SUAVY, Cashi.r. 1. D. M'flirk. o..L ..IUIrrR BANKINQ & COLLECTION HOTJSE TflcGIRK & PERKS. Successors to Foster, Perki, a to., Dilllpsburg, fentre County, pt WHERE all tbe business of a li.nkir,, n.. wiP oe transactod prom, I. j .a u. iB most farfiraole terma iuu'.t J8oggTo w nsh I p A M ake GREAT EXCITEMENT AT THOMAS BEEltS'S! I EVERYBODY tryinir te get there Brit, for for j of being crowded out into the cold. If yon want good Shoeing done, go to film If yon want your Sleds ironed right, gotcButtC If yoa want good Mill Irons, $o to Biiu, If you want your wtgon ironed io theb.n style and workmanship, go to Eini. Rkbrs makes the best btump Msio j ( State, and does all kinds of BLACKSMITHLNii as cheap as can be dona In the county for Ciia. My Post Office address la C1earflldt Pa. THOMAS UUKS. Boggi Tp., Pee. It), 1867 if. Clionp Furnitiire. JOHN GULICJI DVS1RE3 to Inform his old friendi mi fll. tomers, that haTing enlarged bit .hup mi increased his facilities for manuiacturing, 11 u now prepared to make to order such Fur&iunu nay be desired, 1a good style and at hnp ntt, for CASH. He generally has on hind, tt b;i Furniture rooms a raried assortment of ready, made furniture, among which are BUREAUS AND SIDE-BOAFiDS, Wardrobes and Book-Cases; Centre, Pf.f. Ptrlsr, breakfast and Dining Extension Tables ; Con moo. Freneh-pot,CottSfff,Jfnny-Lip(! md other bedtuads j 8c fas of all kinr, Work-Msali, Hat-racks. Waih-itaodi; Rocking and Arts Chatra j spring-seat, cane -bottom, parltr, torn mon and other Chairs; Lookiog-Ulwiei ofmrj description on hand ; and new glasccf for 14 frames, which will ba put in on rery reuvetsii terms on shortest notice. He also keepf on band or furnishes to order. Corn-huik, Hir itid Ctt. ton-top Mattrriscs. Coffins of Evert Kinf Made to order, and funerals attended with I Hearse wbenerer desired. Also, Ilouu Paiot;i dona to order. Tho subscriber alro maiiuli. turcs, ard has constantly on hand, Cleatit'i Patent Washing Machine, tbe best bow in at I Those oil rig this machine never nerd be with out clean clothes! He also has Flyer'i Patcit Churn, a superior article. A family aticg Uii Churn never need ba without butter I AH tha above and many other articles are fat nithed to customers cheap fur dsn or txehirjffi fur approved couotry produce. Cherry. Mapi. Poplar, Llnwood and other Lumber suitibls fir Cabinet work, taken In tzebange for fur&itsn -"Rcaember tbe shop Is on Market rtrwt, Clfarficld, Pa., and nrarly oppotite tbe "Old Jit Store JOHN UlUlH. NoTember 26, 1863 y READING FOR ALL!! BOOKS tf- STATIONERY. Market HI.. Clearlleld, (at the Post (lllice.) fpilB undersigned begs leave te announce ts J. tbe citisens of Clearfield and vicinity, that he has fitted up n room and has just marcel from the eity with a large amount of resdins mattor, consisting In part uf Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Blank, Account and Pass Books of ererv at scription Taper and Envelopes, I'rench prciits and plaint Pens and Pencils; Blsnk, Legal Ptpers, Deeds, Uortgsgest Jodginent. Exeap tlon and Promissory notes 1 White end Parch; ment Urlef, Legal Cap, Kecord Tap. sod Hill Cap , Sheet, Musle lor either Piano, Flute or Yiwil eonstsntly on hsnd. Any books or station ery desired that I may not hare en hand, will be el ordered bv first express, and sold at aholeisll or retail to suit eustomers. I will slio keep periodical literature, such as Hagsimer, " papers, 4o. P. A. UAl'LIX. Clearfield May 1, 1 !"C8 tf DAVID YOUNG, Stonc-f utter and Stone-Mason, TILL eiecute all work In his line st mi srule prices and In FIH.-I-t-LASf njH Arcliitecturol Ornaments In ALL STYLES, 8tone Dressing of evsrj description, and alt kinds of mason work res tracted for In oroutof the county. Any pi-noei wishing to bare respectable mason work sod stone-culling done, will find It to their interest to eall upon me I would alro Inform the ess lie that I ean delirer any quantity or rlasi tt stone desired, as I am tbe owner of a FIHST-CLASS STONE QUA HI! Y. Orders for work ean be addressed Io PAVII) YOI N0. mar:.70 Clearlleld I'a. EW STOKC AND SEW GOOIS. JUS. SHAW & SON llaro just opened Ntsr Stobb, on Main St.,Ci.EAriiLP, ri., UtelT oocupled bj Wm. F. 1RWIV. Their Block consist a of tDinr Q CD CO 3-D i Gaocii!!, of tha boat;, Queensware, Kooj om! Slioe;v and fTfrf trticls neccsssrr for one'l com Tort. Call and txnmioe our Block before rur' cbtuing elsarrbere. May 9, 1 x T.-1 f. The Lightning Tamer. TIIK undersigned are the sole Agent) in ! ennntr for the "North American Usltsnli" I.II1IITNIMI1 Ul.nU" Thu . Ike onlv s!S rods now In use, end are endorsed by all B clentina men In the eeuntry. w hereby notify the eilisena or in. hat we will put them up a better rd. lese money, than is charged by lbs '"" ' , agents who annually trar.rte the county tee carry off our little cash, nsv.r to return. f JfCOURAGIC HOME LAHOH. Those wishing Lightning Rods srrried " their buildings need but address ns by eall In person. W. will put them up '".'""j In theeouety, and warrant then. 1"' "' I itur.s ean be seen at any time by ealli' t our store. II. F. BIOLbR " aearlleld, March 80, MTI tf .. 1)1(7 Ii ITlTllQ A N LININII HKIX9 east reoelved a'nd for sale by April . It 7t. fl. F. IIIlHKR CO. SORTIES The vs(y latssl iljlss- B. rn.LFRTf"