Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, October 25, 1871, Image 2

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KniTuft and rnoiMtirroti.
Strange ltenior,rala. ..
Tlio Democrat of our county, gon
c rally, bclmvvd. nobly, tiotwitliHtiknding
tho oiitnngling ftHijinces produced by
tlio accursed "now dopurturo" or nintti
resolution of our Stale platform, which
gave the captious. and tlio excessively
Eonlous rnro opportunities to deploy
their nkii'iuinlicrs on manv occasion
provioui to election day, yet without
much dninngo to tho party.
Tho raid made in thi borough and
Lawreueo township on a portion of
our .ticket, was u-njiistifiuljlo and can
not bO Successfully Hl"i'rl.l Tl,.
Democrat who voted for Mr. Boynton
oe Mr. Graham in preferenco to Mr.
Foley or Mr. Leo, has dainngod hi
character for consistency, mid has
dono his party no good. Individual
hatred and pcrsont.l niulUe khould
never bu adjusted at the expense of
tho parly. 'or slioulj an individual
practice thut which ho condoning in
others. If ho is honest, and esteems
it a reproach fur his Democratic neigh
bor to vuto tho Radical ticket, ho
should not do tho flumo tiling.
Tho Democrats in Bradford, Cur
wcnsvillo unci Tike, who acted as
flanker to tliis enterprise, haro not
added much to their Democracy by
going alter also gods. Sumo vory
dirty trick were played oil' in Iiecca
ria, Karlhaus and Pike, in relation to
tho election of Assessor. Tho three
townships elected Radicals to that po
sition. In Bceoaria Democrats traded
their Assessor ctT for vole for Mr.
Leo, who. needed no fraud of this kind
practiced upon tho party. In Kur
tliuu the mousci'g went straight fur
tho Radical Assessor, without gaining
a voto fur any of our candidates. A
similur job was put up in I'iko town
Bhip. Thus threo Democratic Asses
sor huvo been Miciifleed, itnd that,
loo, wo have no doubt, by individual
who clamor loudly for consistency
and esteem theniaelvc Democrat
ubovp all others.
Ki.EVATfcH. Brick, which Hold in
Chicago previous to the firo fur St) 50,
now bring 815. "Us a bad wind
which blows nobody any good."
Mmtn Iiiuri'f. Luther Green, Dem
ocrat, lias been elected to tlio Legis
lature from Warren county, allhough
tho Radical State ticket ha over 5'JO
majority. Warren is fust returning
to her first lovo.
Dead. lion. John M. McKinncy,
United Slulcs Judge for tho District
of Florida, died of yellow fever, on
the 12th, ot) bourd o steamer bound
fur New York. . Judgo M. wa born
trnd raised on Lyooming Creek, in Ly
ooniing oounty, and had held hi off!
oial position but a few year when
ovcrtukon by llio fatul malady.
Still on "a Bust." The govern
ment last week interviewed Plymouth
Hock, tlio Blarney Slono of Now Kng
land, and other sacred spot in thai
modern "holy land." On Friday il
left via Cunuda and the Luke fur the
flro Odd of tho West. Without read
ing u daily pnptr it i imposib!o to
tell where Grant i. lie is, howovor,
to bo found everywhere but at tho
seal of government, where ho ought
to bo. If be fails to muko hi ronoini
nation Jicra is no virtno in bumming
tind drinking.
Tug Womk Ueoun. Uraut, tho
great present-taker, has 0)encd his
election canvas in tho South by sus
pending tho writ of habeas corpus, so
that by tho aid of tho military ho can
secure the delegalo from every South
ern Stale, against ull o'.licrs desirous
of a similar compliment, lie may,
through intimidation and bribery, se
cure all the delegates to tho Radical
National Convention, but bo cannot
carry a mnglo Stuto by the popular
volo. Hi docpoliaia is too uppuruiit
in that section for frccmon to defend.
Tlio "bread and butler brigade" may,
but tho freo voto never. Tlio Ku
lilujf business i only a pretext, his re
nomination being llio objective )uinl.
lie was in Boston when hi procluma
tion was issued. Some clerk or stable
' band put forth tho document.
Stiianok Voting. Thoro was somo
strango voting done ut tho lato elec
tion. To illustruto : Mifflin, Snyder
and Union counties form a judicial
district, now presided ovor by Judgo
Wood, a Radical. Tho district is
usually good for 1,01)0 Kudicul majori
ty. Wood was defeated by Mr. Bit
chor, of Lowisburg, whom the Demo
crat tiominatod. Wood resides In
Lcwistown, Mifllin county, which gavo
Bucher, Dom., 278, while Unioo coun
ty, whero lliulior reside, gavo Wood
"73, thus tictng each other j but "toy
(A" Snyder cam a to tho roscuo and
jicllUvd the dispute by giving Buchor,
l'eni., 9 majority, thus electing a
Democrat l'rosident Judgo for ton
jour in that "loyal" district. Tin
Democrats Ju Union also elected one
of tho Aociato Judges, thereby giv
intr them the Bench in that county.
In the adjoining Judicial District,
coinpowd of the counties of Cumber
land, Juniata and Terry, presided over
by Judgo Graham for twouy years,
viid rood lor I.IIUU JtmocnUio innior-
ily, Junkln, BadiraldefenU Graham,
pcuiQcrut, tiy iu majoriy.
' Philadelphia Weep xlgaln.
Sinoo tho death of "tho luto lament,
cd," the (junker City has not been bo
overwhelmed with grief as at tho
death of that distinguished darkey,
hnmed Catto, which occurred in a mob
on election day. It I true, thoro wa
not as much crapo and black muulin
destroyed n on tho former occasion,
but thogrotin of "the loyal millions"
woio much louder. This wa caused
from tho fact that tho subject wa a
nogro Lincoln wa whito. Although
Philadelpliian lm.vo frcnuont and
raro oppwtuiiilh) to muni.lost grief
and denonnco wrong, it novor fairly
broko nut in a real blubbering manner
until tho "colored brother'1 in question
was assassinated by rulllan.
. Threo year ago, Col. Biddlo, a
bravo officer, but whito, wa shot and
killed by ono Win. J. Oven. No
meetings were hold. Last winter the
l'udicul member of tho Legislature
elected tlio murderer, Ovona, Sorgeant-at-Arnis.
Two year ago Jainc No
lan, ulso widto, was shot and killed in
the room whero tho return judges
wcro assembled, by ono Campbell, at
the request of Win. B. Mann. No
three days' funeral was held. On tho
10th tho real murderer, Mann, was
olecled District Attorney by those
now griot-stricken people. What To
ward tlio murderer of Catlo may ox
pect we cannot conjecture It is ovi
dent that tho elite portion of the city
mob has taken "a now departuro,"
and hereafter largo funeral will only
occur when Presidents nro killed in a
tbeatro on Good Friday oud ncgroos
nro waylaid in sight of Independence
Halt. Philadelphia has lost tho only
clus-tieal negro sho possessed, honco
her blubbering grief. Tbat murderer
should be purishod, no one denies, but
while tlio inhabitant of that godly
loyal city conlinuo to reward thorn
with high and lucrativo offlciul posi
tion, what is there to deter ruffians f
If murdering white men lead to pro
motion, why should tho murderer of
tho negroes becomo alarmed? Why
not hunt up Catto' assassins and
muko them assistant sergeants at arms
of District Attorney? Wo presume
that the greater portion of tho citizens
of Philadelphia are neither hypocrites
nor knavos, but if they do not desire
their country cousins to suspect them
for something of that kind, they must
not get up such main moth funerals for
negroes, and quit promoting llio mur
derers of whito men. Less blubbering
at negro funerals, and inoro zeal in
punishing outlaws, will not look so
much liko hypocrisy at this distance
In Bkhkllion. Ben Butler, llio
loyal hero of a score of unfought but
tles, ha arrayed himself against "the
government," since it failed to iiomi
nato him for Governor of Plymouth
Ilock. llo delivered a lecturo in
Philadalpliiii, ono day last week, in
which bo slates lliat all tho Alabama
claims held by citizens of this country
against England nro likely to be lost,
through tho ignoranco or duplicity of
tho Grant administration ; tho Kng
lish bta'.esrr.on having ovor Touched
our ninnies in tho luto treaty, lie
states that our government ha assum
ed to pay ull thoso claims and pay
England a largo sum of money beside.
This i truly refreshing nftor so much
loyal blowing. Perhaps Grant and
Gen.Sclienck had soinelhing presented
to them by tho wily KnglUhincn.
Tub Votk. Wo produco the official
voto of llio Stuto this woek in tabular
form. Tho majority fur tho Radical
candidate i just about tho negro voto.
The "lately enfranchised," therefore,
hold tho balnnco of powor. Tlio no
gro etecta tho Stuto and many of the
county and municipal officers of Penn
sylvania. A few years ngo it was
accounted a sin fur educated while
foreigners to hold Ibis position. Now
llio objectors give tho ignorant African
this privilego without wincing. If
"Old Nick" is not overstocked with
hypocrite already, it will not bo long
until ho will bo accommodated in that
Senatorial Flection. Tho roltirn
judge of llio XV 1 1 1 ill Senatorial dis
trict mot in the Court House, in this
placo, on Tuesday, 17th and produced
the following return :
Counties. Wallace. D,
Meruii.l, R.
a, oil
Total, 8,70 0,140
Mr. Wulluco'g majority, 2,72-1
GovF.aN.MENT Economihts. It ap
pears from a receipted bill filed in tho
Treasury Department at Washington
thut Ex Senator Morgun, of New
York, and Congressman Ames, of
Mussacliusells,pockoted 820,000 apiece
as member of tho l'ucifla Ruil
roud Committee Tlio receipts of the
other members of tho Committee have
not come to light. Perhaps they look
bond straight, or railroad slocks, or
lands, for their trouble What splen
did Congressmen thoso men are !
Tlioir salary $5,000, and fur less thai)
two month services 820,000 mors.
Was ever such thieving practical in
any country previous to tho advent yf
Radicalism f
A Bhiuiit Spoj1. In tho midst of
universal darkness which prevail In
Allegheny county, whoro Grant had
10,LI0 majority, 0110 star appears in
the politicul firmament. Tho Demo
crats elected a County Commissioner
by 1,025 mnjority.
On tii Dr.n,iN ,r'i'hs 8,000 Radi
cal majority 0! Frio county was ro
ducod at the lato election to 1,300 on
tho sUto ticket, 555 00 Assembly and
342 on Assoeiuto Judge In another
yoar, Erio will bo Democratic, at this
ralo. It is said Scoflold will not bo a
candidal for Congress next time
Jlartlal I.atv.
YoslordaVi tho Press, tlio ad minis
tration,organ owned by thoColloctorof
tho Port, in a spasm ot uuligul,aniiouno
od that a portion of thoUniled Statesof
America wa placoil umler "martial
law," Such I llio official interpreta
tion of llio last proclamation from
Washington, and tt is well for the
whole country to tuko cognizunco
of It. A large portion of llio Stuto of
South Carolina wa sutijugulou ny llio
proclamation of yesterday, and on
Monday tho now from Washington
contained un announcement, no doubt
authentic, thut Georgia will bu "tho
next Slalo to be warned and punish
ed." What is this"inurtiul luw which
i now proclaimed f It is simply no
law. Nostaluto, 110 provision of tho
Constitution of tho United State war
rant or recognize it under tho present
conditions, in timo ot war, wlien
law are silenced amid the clang of
anus, martial law menus tho belliger
ent right to kill, and burn, and destroy,
and capture, which under tho vnguo
code known as llio Law of Nations,
llio urmod force of ono nation oxer
ciso against tho oilier nation with
which the war i waged. Willi actual
war begins the right lo surprise, at
tack, and kill your adversaries with
cvory art by which you may take
them at a disadvantage There is, in
common humanity, a supposed limit
to tho barbarity of tho war, and w lion
that i exceeded, a protest sometimes
roiwea i-eprnnullnn ngauisi unusual
act. But war is in itself so barbar
ous, with killing for it chief end and
aim, and the ferocious passion of the
human animal nro ho thoroughly rous
ed by it, and bis moral and religious
sentiments so waiped and silenced,
that it is really (litlictilt to say w hat
horror inny not bu perpetrated under
tho I'ccnso of war. That license it is
now proposed to give to every mili
tary officer against hi own fellow-
citizens in time of peace! That is
what martial law now moan uud we
nocd not say that it lias no warrant
in tho Constitution or the laws of a
freo country. Congress has no au
thority to exempt any military officer
from the restraint of luw.and it never
bu dono so, cither in tho Ku Kluxact
or uny other net. The outrages per
pel ruled during tlio lato war, upon
citizens of tho United Suites living ro
mote from llio scene of strife, were
under a colorable extension to Ilium
of llio condition of public enemies, lo
be treated with n much license as if
I hey wero tho hostile belligerent who
wcro waging war ut llio South. This
was llio plen under which, in l'onnsyl
vuniu, Mr. Boileiiu, of tho Philadelphia
Kocning Journal, and Mr. Meek, of tlio
Bellefonlo Watchman, wcro seized,
and nrfilrarily imprisoned in military
posts, bocauso mutter printed in their
paper bad wounded llio susceptibility
of somo potty military ollieor. Now
tho same license is claimed in timo of
peace. That is what tho administra
tion organ mean when Ibey proclaim
"martial law." The only legal color
for this i a right implied in llio Con
stitution fur Congress to suspend the
writ of Added corpus. This has now
boon bestowed by Congress on the
President, and the Radical interpreta
tion of il is promptly given in the
word "martial law, a term unknown
to llio jurisprudence of our country.
Wo need not recapitulate what was
dono under color of it. Tho mnrtiul
law, thus practised, during and alter
tlio war, lias not escaped condemna
tion from the highest authorities.
Tho Supremo Court huvo solemnly
condemned it. Our ominunt jurist,
Horace Binnoy, ha written upon the
subject of tho suspension of tho habeas
corpus, nnd was commonly quoted as
an authority for any outrage, il wus
convenient to cum mil. To vindicate
hi own great reputation, ho published
another namnhlut ut llio close of tho
war, in which ho said of the powor of
the President to susponu llio writ 01
habeas corpus : "I hopo I muy say
thut when I suggested, in a former
paper, that tho President wu intend
ed, by tho Constitution, to cxereiso
the wholo power that wn given by
tho cl&uso, I hud not a conception thai
the power was anything liko this. I
agreo thut tho executive ollloo is en
tirely unlit for it; bull am equally
clear that no department of govern
ment i tit for il ; that such a powor
bug not n precedent in history, Fnglish
or American, to justify it; and it is
u unnecessary either in rebellion or
invasion, us it is unexampled."
And now they aro ut il aguin 1
Now, with no pretext of war or re
bellion, but in tho interest of a mili
tary candidate for re election, hi ofU
ciul organ announce that ho is about
to enforce "martial law" that i to
put hi own will nnd tbat of every
military subordinate, in pluco of tho
Constitution and the law. That is
tlio actual situation, nnd il is ono to
Btnrtlo every man who i not implica
ted in somo job or villainy, that is lo
be advanced by u parly triumph over
tho free institution of our country.
Philada. Age.
iMke Storms.
Firo has not boon tho only devas
tating clement that ha passed over
the Northwest. The storm king has
made sad havoo with lifo and proper
ty on tho Lakes. All tho lake cities
huvo been suH'urers. Tho F.ria Ob
server says : Tho schooner Excelsior,
of this city, (.'apt. Gintz, which left
Milwaukio on the 8th, having a cargo
of 18,000 bushels of wheat, foundered
on the l-'ilh inst, on Luke Huron, be
tween Thunder Buy aid Middle
Island. Sho had a crow of nino per.
sons, all of whom but one are supposed
lo bo lost. Charles Lostrom, ono of
tho Lxcelsiors sudor, wns picked up
off .Southampton, Ontario), on Tuesday,
flouting on a part of llio cabin. Sever
al of llio crow woro floating on plunks,
but could not bo rccuod by tho boal
that was sont aflcr thorn. Tho Excel
sior wa owned by Messr. E. L.
Footo, Jai. S. Slcrrclt, (joorgo lep1er
and ('apt. Gintz, ai)d was vnluod at
$24,500. Sho was insured for 820,000,
and Ihcro wa some insuranco upon
tho freight.
A lorriblo storm pnusod over Lakp
JJuron on Sunday, in which many
vussids wcro damaged and several
lost. Among those just is tho propel
lor R G. Coburn.oftho A. D. & P. lino,
which curries pussonger and freight
helween LVio and Ruifuio and D11I111I1.
Sho was on her return trip from Luke
Superior, when tho storm struck her
and she went down in Saginaw Bay on
Sunday. Sovon of the passengers and
threo of tho crew aro known to be
saved. The ollieor and balnnco of
the crow left tlio wreck in two boats,
from which nothing has boon heard.
The gale lo which sho wont down wa
tho sumo that caused tho loss of the
schooner Excelsior. Tho Cub urn was
a fine etcamor, valued at 880,000, on
which there wusan insurance of 850,
000. Sho had on board for Ibis port
3,000 barrel of flour and 1500 bush
els of vhru,
.Tlore tladlcnl t'iuattcUrlmr,
Itudicul journals, which huvo had so
much to suy about Tammany Frauds,
will have sufficient to occupy their t
toution in tho recent developments of
the management of tho City Fintncos
of Philadelphia, in addition tu tho
proviou fraud which wcro charged
upon tho Rudicul ollloials. City funds,
to tbo amount of 8478,000, wero loan
od lo C. T. Yerkcs, J r., & Co., stock
brokers on Third si reel, without any
sort of security. This firm fuilud in
tho beginning of tho woek, and tin re
sult I tho funds of tho City Treasurer
aro in deficit to that amount. In tho
money orticlo of tho Ledger, wo liud
tho following :
TI1I1 largo amount of tin OHy'h moncjr hml Lren
virtually luimrd tu Monrr. Yerkfli A CV, uo to
kuxo oiorutoi-i iu L'iljr lusni ill woll m otlitr
Flmikl. On wliat toruil Ihoj hml tilt uo of i
mucb of tlio funili of (tie City without any sort f
df-rurlly it U not luipurtiviit now to ooniiilor.
Thero wore rvmtrta oil tlio Irert, yovtordn.v, lliat
uthiT pnrtit-i. oporntlnjt litrtfr..v tn 'took loowHtlri,
woro uding tho uiom-y of Iho City Trtaury ia
nino way sml probably on liko tr-rmi ft Yrke
A Co., uml ttieiu. Hut in thnt wsy, or it any
way, the thiug is Iiq iiinuifvilly illi-tful, n W'H
Uiihuneit towards tho I'ily anil tho City's cnmIU
ors, for argument. What wo dtitiro to pall tttco
tlon to Just now Is this haul mitnagt lucnt al un
warranted use of the pulttio inono.vl, not ony by
tlio ottioors o.f the City, hut by tht eiistodiaii of
the funds of the Commonwealth fur both uso
them and profit from them wuoti in tuu pameway.
This largo amount of money was
lying In llio hands of those speculat
ing bankers, drawing no intercstfor
tho Cily, ulthough 110 doubt tbo City
official who placed it there, hud their
profit in so doing, whilo at tho saio
timo tho Age say thnt over 8 l.OOf.OOO
in City warrant aro now bcingnawk
ed ubout tho street, draft it sight
upon tho Treasury for orvicoV actual
ly rondorod, for which no provision
bits boon made, and tho rcdeiiption of
which, at an early porio'dj h xtrcuio
ly uncertain. ' ' '
But tho public .'oss by this fuiluro
does not stop hero. , By tlio bank
ruptcy of Yorkos &, Co, tho Stato
Treasury come In for a los ranging
from 810,000 to 8180,001 Tbo Led
ger say that thi money of tho people
of tho Stato was loaned to thi specu
lating stock-firm withost collateral or
ocurity of any kind, tko Stato official
loaning it to them unlawfully and
criminally putting tho prico paid fur
it uso in thoir own pockots. Tho
item of tho Commonwealth' loss, il is
said, will bo made up by tho ofllciul
nnd the securities on their bond.
Thi may suvo tho Stuto pecuniary
loss, but bow is reparation to be ma Jo
for the outraged honor and dignity of
the Commonwealth f
Mr. Maekey, iho Slalo Trcusuror,
who lias thus boon shown to have
been risking tbo money of tho people
by placing thoni in tho custody of
these speculator for hi own profit,
lias been especially active lately in de
nouncing George O. Evans, fur charg
ing tho Stato an cxhorbitunl percent
age for collecting its money from llio
General Government. Mr. Mackoy
doc not seem to be in a very strong
position to bo casting stone at other
Stato robber. -Lancaster Intelligencer.
Tht President Saldlo Hare fall
en lato Had itabtts.
A few week ago Grant was invited
to visit tho cstulo of a wealthy gentle
man on tho Hudson. Some vory pn.
lilo and intelligent people wcra invit
ed to meet him tbcro. A gentleman
a Now York merchant who bad
nover before soon is i'roaidunt in hi
lilo, u-mu among Ilia guttata. 110 Op'
prouched Grant, feeling that ho wu
about to address, and be addressed by
a great man, certainly hi superior
a man of dignity and prcsouco, who
would command bis profound respect.
To his tiller amazemont, when the
time camo for un introduction, Grant
fnid no attention to him whatever,
lo removed bis everlasting eigurfrom
hi mouth, and, knocking tho ash
off, stuck it back again. Hi eye
were bloodshot, hi fuce wa inflamed,
ho stooped, thero was nothing poiito
in hi manner. His presence was not
only undignified, but ut time was in
gontlcmnnly. If bo spoko at all, as
ho sometimes did, bis speech betrayed
a weak bruin and a thick longuo. Ilc
sido llio refresh in en Is abundantly
partaken of upon llio stonmor wbiei
conveyed him, tho liberal host of ilk
liotiHO had supplied Iho inner man
wilh tlio choicest liquors and wines
Tho Now York merchant stated next
day that he had seen tho President of
tho United Slates, and that ho was
humiliated as on A morican citizen and
ashamed of tho niutt. Grunt was in
der llio influence of liquor.
When the Louisiana delegation
waited upon Grant, at hi cottage re
cently, he undertook to stand up dur
ing tho interview. Just as il com
menced tho reporter of tho Associated
Press appeared upon the scone Grunt
was indignant at him, showed a good
deal of temper, and told him to go
out ; that tlio delegation did not want
any reporters present. Tlio luttor
stutoniont, as I was assured that cvo
ning by the delegation themselves,
wu untrue. They ull wanted the re
porters prosont, becnuso they had
nothing lo disguise Grant frequent
ly interrupted the rondingofthe chair
man's address to him. Ho was ner
vous, his hands trembled, and at ono
time, losing his balance, no fell ovor
upon tho piunoforio, striking his arm
upon a dozon of tho keys of llitf in
strument to koop himsolf fmm falling
Tho accidont wa announced by the
piano in nn irregular combination of
discordant sound. Tho delegation
was startled. J said to several of
them, after hearing from each a de
tailed account of the inlerviow and of
Grant's appcaranco, !'Do yotl actual
ly believe that the President was
drunk)"' To this inquiry out) of tho
delegates replied, "A 'delegates we
do not with to say that lbs President
wns drunk, but a gontlemon we bo
Novo Unit Grant wu drunk." N, y.
Cor. Chicago Timet.
Advantahe or Hkinii a Biiotiikr
in Law. Il appears that President
Grunt ha made up his mind to sacri
fice Collector Murphy bocauso a po.
litical clamor ha been raised against
him by a hostile faction, supported in
this iiiHtnnco only by Senator Conk
ling and hi right bund man, Surveyor
Hut there is another Collector
against whom tho publio mind I just
ly oxoilod, and whojo misdeeds are
ilagiaul and of rocent occurrence.
SVe mean Casey of New Orleans, the
fellow who had United Stutes troop
with Gulling gun and a force of arm
ed deputy marshal to ovorawo tho
ltVipublican Convention of Louisiana,
llo if not to be punished, though the
uh urges against him aro much worse
than ull Unit i alleged against ilr.
Murphy. Hut Casey is 0 brother in
law, whilo Murphy is only a bene
factor. Let him be pitched over
boil rd I
Sjfffi in Skasoij. Th .Circus sca
soq, WD observe, is (till in fall blast jn
J,lie ooaotirs south yj y,.
uorrnsos. auditor tir.ntmi. sunvtro uciksai.. coivmtiox.
fisstl.) i
cornTiia. M " & 5 W I
? V W g i P H j
1 ' I " 2 ! 1 i II
1 ! ? sLlJ ! L
Adams.. SUIMI (125 2IUI lin.15 IS JIM SII3I 17 SiSi 11
Allegheny :lll 17S4S 7US 11IH4 ' 18 17111 "(l 43 2244 ibV
Armstrong 3"7 S4MI ."& .1144 S6I7 l.15 10.1.1
lleavor...... 21(11 2VDI 2623 13L 80(1(1 2424 1.1ft 424 .1
lledford 2s,U 24NA JSIU 2S.12 28 2S2S 2H22 20l ! Ml
llork l.liMI (11171 MHO 111:17 6.1S1 11121 2S 10W4 J7IJ ' 34J A.1H2! 2SS.1 IS: S1S2 2S32 80!i S2I4 1
llradford 67H7I (i7 6S' 740 Slillv M :i7 232
lluok "! SM W SV4.1 IS l SIISU I II Itil 2IS4
Holler 2UUI S2M 02l 2SH& ( 2ss .........I
Cambria 8IS7 .. 22l W2U SUl 22B.1 SIKI7 l 404 l(l
r.moron 42 474 SKUf 8.IU S .111(1 CIS ! 6JI1
Oarlion 2S24 llHlll lli:i4 2ISS J 120 9168 ' ji SSIj 104
Cetitro 34H4 .1102 207S 8470 ! 21175 8(711 t 0146 2i3
Chester tll 80S 4.'i 1 73:lJ 4011 10, 847 2o:i
Clarien Ss:41 1784 144:1 JIM (, III 2j(2 I' 848 216
Clearlleld.n 8016 171)0 1441 2714., 111. i7:HI ......... I 26S7 lull
Clinton. 25(10 I nan I6III 21.10 " 10 117 2I.W 2hI So
Columbia 8714 1S46 15HS 32S2 t 1607 82s l 3j 8S
Crairford 4SI14 ll7 6172 421.1 22 MKT 4223 2I 625S IS
Cuinhorlsnd 4"s 8514 801 4J0S I4 400S 4373 II; 6701 24(14
Daul'hin 4.I2S 6(ln 6.1S 4134 J0SI 64 HO 4ui 2S2' 704S JW
llelanarr 22U6 SMS 8737 2130 J 7i 2120 47 67S7 2V
l-:ik VII" 4761 60S 007 lj 60S C7 1 444
Krle 438 04VS 4IH4 2i1l) H2: 42S5 1004 C2i 82S4 276
Fayette 4220 3.1IU 2021 fS04 80i 202 3S6S U 2183 2044
Frauklio 400 3(Uh 4400 4011 0 4400 4012 V, 5S 1674
Kullon 10(19 Mi 777 1114 1 782 1111 I 18 '
Forest . 203 806 264 218 244 217 2 1
(Ireen .'. 21102 1642 1376 2854 1 176 IS5I 161 1433 2724
lluntinrlon. 2.10S 2826 8140 132 3146 232 13l 4453 4
Ill.linna 2070 4llli:i; 4.14S 2160 433S 2164 4S7II iS
Jrirnrann. 2(13 10671 IHllfl! 1784 3j 1S07 17S0 ! 234 24
Juniata 142 l'.'il; 120l 1617 2ll 12114, 1640 32 2401 844
l.neiler...... 8.116 I:l8n4 inn"' 04.i 36.1- 107071 634 S30i 16862 1
Lawrence.. a 1402 8217 JI.121 12SS 40, 22141 1406 :.', 87
Lebanon 2606 4nlii aiil6 23S0 38 36S5i 2.IH6 SSi 4010 166
l.ehlh....... 61.13 4465! 44211- 56.15 4I35 6627 6836 4020
l.ulorne 0606 r6ulli IllllOi 1(1641 0102 10623 7283 73V
l.ynmuinj 46N7 4063 i'Jt 4406 3V0VI 43J3 7 8211 V
M'Kean.... 600 tso vnJ 76 8 (infl, 711 k 1620 II
Mercor 8785 4420 4041 S225 122! 40.13 3107 145 6410 1H
Mifflin- 1702 Klin 1710. 1706 62: 1715 1706 12 1(1.1 T3
Monroe 21102 O.iO 7.14 .,o: 4 ;S 2586 1644 1328
Montgomery 8447 7.103: (1J5I 7314 130 557 7824 128 70OII 62"
Montour 1645 lOlio! 1026j MiHl t)l)5 17I V4I 7
Nurlliaoij.n.... 744V 4023 .1248. 0102 8252' 6VI) 6401 37K4
Nurlbuiul-erlauJ 40110 .1407! 4H0I 3706 28, 411 1 6! .167 2! 56 106
Terry I 2I0S 2430 2478' 2107 24S21 2404 8lV7 60.1
I'lnladelpbla 46S02: 612112 62H051 60511 2II46 60366 1 16781 62.1
Pike- 10641 815: 21V 161,1 lj Ut' 10161 i 64V 431
l'ullr... 708i 13.14! 1.150 788 MIS' tS7l j 12401 2V
Schuylkill 8'JOlj 71102 MOV! 217' 60821 841(1 112' 72.12 2600
Unydor 1.1141 I7IV 1744 13VH 1740' 1377 ! 1218
Hoineraet 1700 8010' 8004, 177: 81 80041 1S70 77 40 14
Sullivan 760 406 407 7U0 8j 406' 700 3 V58 10
SiiKiurhanna 2VK2! 40641 1545. 2447 23 S.,64' 2458 21 4131 4-"
Tila I "24 4486! ,1612! 1741 27' I6I51 1711 27 41V 2
luiuo 12117: 17SS; 211 I332i 12 2ll 132 I! 180(1 846
Veuanxo 3341 ' 3407 3722' SI5lj 37 3724 3146 35 605V 6V7
Warren 1079' 21.101 2128, I627I !:! IISSl 1622 18; 4446 80
Wa.-hiiigtou 46.12: 4476 48441 4S88' 36 4857 48V4 28- 24S 278
Wayne 2716, 22741 201 23V 20 2077 24n6 :l 4451 V
Westmoreland 6195, 4S53: 4706 604 1 66 472l 60.16 67 6825 3727
Wyoming 1772 1442: 1.181; l;,4(i I21 l.1 1551 26'! loss! 848
York. 822C 6646 ;01 7IV0 2?j 570:1; 71VV 22' 1145S- 1101
Totals , 2S69iO 2U0552':2S:iVVV 26V jtl 8175i;2S7105 266735 3012' .182231 72078
Minorities I I 4'iOn1! 14(00 1 20370 '26(1168'
- Ttxui and tls Lessons.
The New York Sun, got olTtho
following growl at tho expense of "tho
government" over the Toxn election )
"The loss tif Toxas to the ltepubli
cans, in spite of tho Ku Klut act of
Congress, tho practical proclamation
of martial law, and the thorough going
usurpation of Gov. Davis in behalf of
(iitANT'a Adininistralion proves that
all of tho Southern Suites, with por
hnps ono or two exception, will vole
against Gen. Ohant should ho bo tho
Presidential candidate in 1872.
"lu all .those Stale the republican
party rests on tbo frailest founda
tion. Before tlio war, during the
war, and for two years alter its close,
there was no Kcpulmcnn party there.
Just previous lo the Inst Presidential
election an organization was tmpro
vised for tho occasion, inndo up almost
entirely of negroes, carpet-baggers
and Federul officeholder, tho loi iner
constituting the rank and file, and tho
lw I . i I m 0000 tl.o lonrlera.
"These inoongruous elements have
been seriously disintegrated by tlio
political collisions of the past two
years, liy taking sides Willi those
who ure tn favor ot hi ronominatlon,
and by bearing heavily upon all who
tloubl tho expediency 01 thut mcasuro,
Gkx. Guant has drawn tirour.d hi
Adininistralion the worst portions of
tho Jtepublican party in the South,
and has ulicnatcd Irom cvon the or
ganization itself some of it most skil
ful nnd influential leader. In a word
Gen. Guant is destroying tho lie-pub
liean parti' in till tho Slates below the
Potomac and tbo Ohio, and nothing
can preserve any of them from falling
into the bauds of the opposition next
yenr except tho nomination of somo
otuor candidate than tho Ureal J):s
organiser, who spend his winter in
tho Whito House at Washington and
hi summer in hi gift colt ngo at
Long lsrancli. I'relly good and
truthful, which is something not ofton
found in a Itadical journal these tunc.
Ittmoeratlc Patriarchs.
Mr. John Black, of tbo Fourth
Ward, voted the sixtieth timo at tho
goncrul election yesterday, having
depositod hi first ballot in lb 11 for
Simon Snyder lor Governor at Ly kons,
Dauphin county. Mr. Black is now
nasi four score and ha novor up
ported any other than tbo pomocratic
Mr. il. W. Scott, tho oldest printer
in Uumsburg, voted lor Ihe filly tt llh
timo yesterday. Ilia first vpto was
cast in Washington county in 1817
for Govornor f'indluy. Mr. Scott ba
reached the ripo ago of ovoiity-six.
llarr$b,trg Patriot.
Thut is pretty good for yon Mr.
Patriot, but wo have a gentleman in
Lowisburg who is older than cither
Jir. Black or Mr.Scott, and who prides
lijinsell on depositing bis sixty-first
ballot on luosday last. We retcr to
Mr. John Dnbor. - llo volod lor lh
first timo in Muney, Lyooming oounty,
in the yoar 1818, (loposiling a full
I'omocrulio ticket, and has never vot
ed with any other than that party
Irom that day lo tho present time.
Jlr. liebor i now in In eighty-third
year and is, we beliovo, with ono ex
ception, the oldost mnn in Lowisburg.
To judgo by bis excellent health and
spirit, we should think him good for
many vole for tho Domocrocy in
years to como. Lewisburq Journal.
T. Fulterson, wife of ex Senator Pat
rrson, of Tennosseo, dtiughtcp of cx
President Johnson, wiOiroiJod ovor
the affairs at tho Whilo House during
bor futlior's adininistralion, took the
Irst premium for tbo host butter at
to recent fair in Cluveand county,
nOOK'KKbPl.H WAXTI'.Dl-Tlie on
rtersiKned wish to engage a flrst-olass book
keeper, and also a flrst-elase elerk or salesman.
Oouslant employment will be jrlrr. t both. Ap
ply at onee. B. A. A W, I). tlJVlN.
C'urwensrille, Ortohor 26-2ra,
, irivina 1 1 1 - I.
...... . r. 1 1 pmvm a ' W H- I r'.J w I ii-.i
y against purehasinf a promissory nota gi en
ty ono to Uanirolf rMiulti. for ono bundred and
Aft; (foUii s, t160 ) and rlalod about tbe I2lh of
Oetob.'-r, 1871. My signature haring been ob
tains ia su fioiv nj irBMUUicgt hibiib, wu,
not pay tbo same unless ooropelied by law.
' 1,1 UKiORtiB UOFS1I.
Motsonbwf, 0"t 1.1, )8TI;-Jj
$w g.rtirrti.scmrnt5.
A New Departure
nit. ii o y i: R'S
Tlii i Important diieorery U on of tht noit re
narkable rvtulti of motlero medio) roHsvcb. and
The most Wonderful & Speedy Remedy
I iimw prrtriiteit la rlentlfla eom Moat too or
ooibing and haling apriita. tuA harinf thor
oufthlr ttttfd it tn nninbrrleaa mki, with Kott
tavtipfaetory reaulla. do not beaiutt in offering it
The moat Certain, Rapid, and
no matter of bow long standing.
aiuSold by all Prnrjiils and Medicine Heal
ers who desiro to alleviate tbe sufferings of tbeir
fellow beings,
Price, Fifty Cents jcr Bur.
Suit Proprietor,
718 At h Bt.
Mi l H of tho Dlork, M.
ttli A Slh Sta., South Si-it,
Importer. Manutaeturvr A
Doaler in all kindu ami
qiulitj of FANCY KIHH
for Ladici uil Cbildrcns'
Having imported averjr
tarre nnd nlmhd aurort
mrnt of all th di fir rant
" hinds of Fun from Brat
hnndf in Enron, and haro had them made np by
the moat ikiltlul workmen, would rvpoct fully in
Tile tht readera of tliia pnper to ell and netnine
Hit very largo and beauiuui an ton men i or ranoj
Kara, for l.aliet add Children. I am dutermined
to tell at low prft ny other reppec table
bouae In thii eity. All Fura warranted. Nomia
rrprearntatlon to effect aalea.
Oct. I 1H71 m3 TU Arch Hi., Philadelphia.
- :T" r ' " ": r(T-' ' -r -.
n nnn hhkfp pklti waxtkdi
7,VllU And all kinda of FI IIS for which
lha higheat eaah prico wilt I paid, hr
Ualn 6 tract,
o4 71
CLaanrtai.P Coiittt, Pa is' a.
Thi i long etftblihcd and popular hotel la at HI
kept by the auhflorther, who pares no effort to
pleaaa all who patronise him. "To please' fa the
motto at tht American limine, and all that is aakod
li a trial. K. W. KKKlt, Proprielor.
Curwrniville, March IS, 1871 tf.
To Insoatoil lanil OwnorSs
"VTOTK'K I hrHiy Rlren that the Commiaaion
Xl ra of Clearfield county will be tn teuton at
tbeir office in CI ear Held, fi two weeks, torn men-
oing October 30th, lh7l, for tbe purpose of bear
ing complaints at to oieeavira, double aiment,
and auch other errors In relation to the ?srsmepl
ofunaeated lands aa may be pointed out, and for
the purnoae or eorrooting and rquaMitng tn
same. Land owners and agrnta will please gire
attention to this potion.
(Wimifelrmar'a Office, 1 Comas tisloners.
Clea;fleld, Oct. II 1971 St J
Jl'ST for"T"momi.nti
Are yon In need of a good eel of Uarness t
Are you In need of a gnod Haddle or ridle?
If ao. call at lha Haddli and llarneM Bhon of
Jonn C. HinvM'i, where you can get the belt In
the market. PonMeand Hlntje Harness and La
dies' and Uent'a 8addleof superior workmannhip,
always un band or manufactured to order. Hpo
eial attention la called to my stork of Collars and
IN met, which are fha neat tn n. I also here an
astoHment of Jrft)lrrt' Hardware, which will be
diiposed of at reaaonablt rates. Pe pairing of all
kinda J,rmpllj ittehded to. fflul'n't forget to
all befora pitrehaaing elsewhere, rnnp in ura
lup'l How, Market llrael, Cloarflald, Pa.
May I, IITt ly, ' .IOUN 0. lURWJtty
nw ooo nil
New Firm at Wallaccton, Pa.
Hare booirht tbe onlira stock of goods from P.
Oallagber, aud are receiving a general assortment
of new goods from the Eastern cities, sucb as
FEED, ie., Ac, Ac,
To richanjre for Conntry Prodnoe, Railroad Ties,
Lumber or CASH. October 111, 1871..
The Wheeler 4 Wilson Bcwing Machine Com
pany, having had eighteen yean experience In
manufacturing and selling Sewing Machines, and
employing tb ablest mechanical talent in this
country and In Europe, now offer to the publio
confident that H poasesses all the adrantagc
which experience hu shown to bo essential to a
Tcrfect Sowing laphine !
Tbe principle Is th same as in tbo old Wheeler
A Wilaon Machine, but changes hare been made
which increase its efficiency, while at the lame
time, Iras cure and skill are required in Hi man
agement. Reams are crossed with ease. The
work guided with scarcely an effort. Nearly
double its former powert Xg UDdor-trotiou to
manage. Every Joint can la lightened as faat aa
it wears.
OVER 580,000
100,000 MORE
Wheeler & Wilson
bava been sold for family ute than of any other
We rreO(.iaei,e. our customers In tho country to
purchase their machines direct from our Agents,
as the price Is the same aa at onr offices, and they
enn thus secure, at their own homer, the necessa
ry instructions.
Oeneral Agents for the Western Plates,
HO Wood 81., r.ttsbargh, Ta,
Agents apply at office In parson or through
any of our traroliug agents, Uoraa, wagun and
outfit furnithed. octlB 3m
Hating onfard ia lh Marble tjlliness, desires
to Inform ber fiiendi and tfeo pulilie that she has
now and will keep oonstantlyon baod a tarfro and
well seleeted sjok of (TAI.IAM AND VERMONT
M.tllHt.R, and Is prepared lo furnish to order
Corbs and Posts for Ceraeler. Lola, Window
Fills and Caps, also,
toi., o., a'o.
sa.Tard on Reed itreel. near the R. R. Penot.
Clearlitld, Ta, 1,7,71
U I C T ( R p )
dealer ia
riANOS,OitQ4N3 and Mklodeoks,
of any raaBufaelnra desired,
for cash or In eirhange for food Lt'MDKR.
10,000 feat of food Lumber wanted.
For etrrulaia and terms, addrrsi
K. 4. QR CRN R,
au(0 Im No. 41 Hill street, llunllnnja, fa.
fJUUsVVJU TUa' eiibeerihero ant to bur a
lare lot of n iBh shaved tihinflee, for whirh
w. will pay the r.rr hixhrst market priea. Per
sons harina such oa hand will do well In "nil at
0e store, WEAVRU A BITTS.
r;fjeld, Pa., Sapteeahet 10 Ore.
OMR AND PKH-Kr.ti.r Ljtls'i ehe.d
j Opfioaila th. jail. s"l la
JROH CITV t'Ol.l.l-ci;,
riTTSIllntill, PA
The brat aoaJueleJ, most i,.,,,r . .
(ul inrtltutloD in the I'nited H,.t ,l
ouKh, practical e.luctiolu of ,,,,' ., ".
aged men. fii,?'
eonuining full i.arlirul.,H, aJ,
jytt-im J.CHMmi.A. M , pMiK
IKV VlliW ACAI);mv,
run ali aao rr.i.a
Allraelirol sllualed la a bealttifui ,,,, ,
Railroad. Four rrKl.r g: J,,Z'i!lW
other oonprtent initroelors, eoniiiiub ik '
of instruction. Tbe Principal ir, utnT1
in olmrire of Tusoarora Ar,, , 1 j
tbe head of this institution,) ref,-,. ,
ous pupil in all the learned prfeio, "J
ovcry department of Lui.n. n. TE,.
annum. Musio and i'nintinf speei,Ji V
session will oommence Ni-titenil,er l.i "
Ad.lrese, HAVIU WI,Ku .' u
lj2n A.J. PATTERSON, a
mill FALL TEKM of fourteen wkI.
X cominenoe Monday, Sept. 4th. In;,. .
Reading, Orthography, Writ ing.OhjertLes.
sons, Primary A ri thine tie and Primary
Iliati.ry, Ixnjal and drteriptive tejri(,hy
with Map Drawing, Urauoiar, alcuul
and Written Aril ban-tic..
Algebra and tbe Sciences... u
I nit roc tion la foatrumental uuiie
Oil painting, 24 lesions
Wai work
For full particular! send for CireuUr.
Clearfield, Sept, 7, lHTO-lypd.
Clearfield County, Pa,,
rpiIE SECOND SKRRION of tliia Innim,
X will commence oa the first Mundivuf Nata
ber next. (Term, Are montba.)
The curriculum of study will einl-nct a rirji
and thorootb tfourae in every brand, nainitik
a practical and accotnptiibed educati'in.
e'pecial attentioa given to pruni (taTrtna; ta
Qualify tbcuiselres for the profi ssion f teaciiiu.
Alao, to voeal and instrumental mupie.
Pupila will bo admitted at any time dunnf tit
acaaion, and charged from time of ft.terina; to tW
eloae of tbo term. No deduction trill b nUt
for abseooe, eicept Id eases of protxai-ted illafw.
Students deririna; rooms for Mutjbit.j"
acoomuodaU'd at moderate rates.
Uood boarditijc can be procured at 1.wsr nitt
than any other place in tbe eounVy. Three it,,
lara per week at public and private hvuict.
Fur particulara ad'lresa
UKOKUK W. IXNlrt, Principal.
trpt34'71-tf New Waibingtoi, Pa.
A Male aud Female Claaakal Ulh School,
Uacta Department Kc pa rate Dlstluct ia4
Complete lu lUelf
TUB aeholaatie year of this Intitntiuo ii dm
ded into two aea ionn of five months tveatv
one week") each. Theflrrt aeasion commence! ta
tbe flrat Monday in September; tbeaecond,oBtb
flrt Monday in February.
Tbe course of instruction embraoca every ibii
neeeaary to a thorough, practical and accutupltih
cd education of both sexes.
Pupils will be admitted at any time and cbtif
from date of entrance to tbe clone of the sen ma.
No deduction will be made for abaencc, eieept
in caaes of extreme and protracted illneaa.
Studcnta from a diatanca cap ba aocommodvtt4
with board at low ratca.
For particulars, aend for elreulars, or ad lreti
He. P. I. HARBISON. A. M.,
July 2d, Uil-tf. .
gfal (fjstale for t$alf.
Dy Tirtue of an order of the Orphan Coort of
Clearfield eounty. the nnderaiajned administrator
of Henry Attghenbaut;h, late of Lawrence Uiva
ahip, deoeaaed, will sell at public eale, at tbe Coart
HuUMI. in f 'loarlii'lii nn
At S o'clock, p. no., the following real estate :
HO ACRI.H OF LAM), situate in Lawreaea
towanhip, Clearfield eounty, Pa., 60 arrei of
which are clean d and in a g'Hd state of cult) ra
tion ; balanoa ia heavily timbered with hrtnloek
and oak, and tbe whole la underlaid with a ma
of excellent coal. The improremenis comiit of a
large frmme hnuac, barn, aud other out luildiafi;
alao, a good bearing orchard and excellent water
on the premises.
TLRMS: One-third cash at eonflrmatiaa of
sale, and the balance in aix and twelve month,
with interest, to be secured br bond and morti
Oct. IS, IS71-3L , Aduiiniitrator.
Valuable Real Estate
The sabscriber offrrs for late his proprrtr oa
Market street, (nrat door to AllrghrnT II' I'M
Clearllcld, Pa., tteinfr a lot and a bait. 7i feet
front on Market street, with a double plank Iwe
story HOl'SK, ooutaining four larjre roorui tlo.a
stairs and aix t"od hrd rooms tip stairs, and Rood
frame plank MA1II.G and all other nrcrMar;
outbuildings arreted thereon. Thrte Vi' KU.S ef
good w,ler on the premiers.
f.Vor terms and renditions spply on tbs
premises, or to Frank Khort, at Ihe Hhort hos
Shop, nett door to Miller A Powell's store, Mr
ket street, er bj letter to
J.vlJ Clearfield, Clearfield Co , l's.
Timber and fcal Lands
The following truts of Timber and Coal l.snJi
are ollrred for asle: On. trart of 17,0110 acres,
lying on Ihe Klk Hirer, In Webster count J ; three
tracts lying on th. ssme river in Braxton countr,
two of a.ooO Bore, eiRh and on. of 1,000 ari ;
and on. tract containing tl.St'O acres, lying un the
liaulry Hirer, ia Is lunulas county. Thetilles l
these lauds are perfi-ct.
Any informstion eoucerning Iheee leetderaa b,
had by addressing U.N. KI.KUAI,,
March . Phillpiburg. Pa:
i: M O V E U 1
(Formerly Krystou. Shoe Store,)
Has been removed to Ihe store room next door lc
th new PoetnnVe Vllilding. on Msrket eireel,
where everything has beta ailed up in line aiylc-
Now Is the lime in prornr. Tour winter supp'y l
Than th. same floods ran n. nought elerwbsre is
tlearReld eounty.
A larg. atoek of I.adira' Shoes, flaiters and
Slippers, of all styles, kinda and prices.
(lent 'a Phone, Boots, Oailers, Slipprre-e (Ins
asaortment. Misses' and Children's M"rl ana
tlailer, of all descriptions. Hoy's Boots A '
a Tory large variety.
a Mti.l --... i. .., il ia .11 lc call
and ei.mln. m ,t,M.k anil Hatter mtcetf I bat I
ean pliaso Iba molt fastiilious. both aa to slyl
and prloa.
T. M . Al.r.AA.I'r.i.
JyJrJ National Sho. Store, Clearll.-I.IJ'-
DlHH"l.rTINTNlice"is hereby '"
that Iheeo-parliiershlp heretnfure eiiilinf
bid wren William V. Johueon and John II-
ty, in tha mercantile hnincee, In lVnn township.
waa dirsnlved by mutual consent on ine ,.."
of Septemner, A. I. I7I. The hnoks M
oounls ara in the hnnds of Mr. HelTorlv for seiinv
ment. WIJ.I.1AM K. JiUINSnN.
JllllV II. 1 1
Pramplau Hills, Ocl. 4, 1S7I-4I.
, l. i .ntu.,LHnA th. business s
th, old stand, and hnpes In receive Ibe tame lit
eral share of natron!" fc-tinw.-d r"..V''.
Arm - . . I 1. II. RAIr'l-'KTV