THE .REPUBLICAN. CLKAUFIEI.D, PA. FpXEpAV MORNINtf. OCTOBER 18. 1871. Terms of Subscription, ' j in nilvAm-OtOr wllUln three mouths ...$2 I iifliT f lircv rii uriurv iix muuini y 1 , 1 rffior the I'xpiralion of six mouths M, g 00 -j. All ortitdoe to Insure inaertiou In (hit ,., ,b"!iM b hnndfd tn early on Tuesday rim?. wr K 10 ProM ' ia o'oiock, (noon.) Ki:iJ(.iorg NOTitr.H. u,ihoriit Hplacoual Cburrhnev. J. H. ..... P..l.1i K.r.U. ,111 A M., au'i I -" .w. dvit Midline every Thuraday, it 71 P. M. Cooniini-'n ri.-rv.oe. first Sabbath of every ,n II a ll. I nunc run day morning , ill o riole, aim i ununy ocnooi at "L .. i . uuiin. iv-j i j p i njn ihmj v Toiling Prm-bvterlaii Cliurrh Rer. Mr. Hvtlrk. fjbl.c Tl iee every oanuaio, morning ana even- lijulM thurrURer. W. B. Pkhsksl Pas- .., I'uMio services every Subbatb, morn ins or hi I'ranrlf' Churrli Cat..oUc-Rev. T. J, M M Matta at 10J o'clock A. M.f on the cml 't,Hl ""r,n nuniiHTi oi coco montli. Ko Srnvni:. Vte are requested to atate that tbrrr will h" no service in tbe Baptist Church Id jilucf on next Sabbath, Rot. Mr. Skinner h'ing been failed away by aickucaa. A Now Millport correspondent in fi)-ji an tli dt Mr. Mlohncl Wise, of Uloomington, did fufJ irnl y of heart dieate, while at work in in burn, on Monday, the 10th nit. Doocased wax ,p-, f vi-ars-and trn doye. Burr SnunpliT ttnd K. A. Wheeler, tit Tt'tiiperaoce candidate! for Auditor and Sur- -or (irnrrat, received three votes each In Hum liii-township and one each in Clearfield. Four 1 (ori-riciitioua temperance men ia Clearfield county, iikas?. ' IBS n Somo unprincipled villain, who t,;ht to have been in the Penitentiary long ago, itnt into tbe ihop of Mr. II. Rom, at noon on JlWlny, while he was at dinner, and completely ihc-d and deitroyrd an orchestra cornrt born, forth at least fifty dotlara. We hope the raical iJI lie discovered and soverely punished. List of letters roinainint; uncluimcd :ithe Post office at Clearfield, for the week ending Octuber lflth, 1371: Jubti, Henry. Thompson. William. t x'kton, C. J. Thnmnii, Herman. P. A. UAU LIN, P. M. Barm Burn to. A correspondent infuriiic u! that the barn of Joseph McCulIy, of J.irilmi township, whi burned on tho nijfht of the Mj, with all its coutcnU, together with a thresh- cohine, waoni, letls, plows, etc, Mr. Mo- Culiv t Iom is crlimaleu at i,ouo, ana tuo nre ii v: to have been the work of an incendiary, hud been about tbe barn that day with i'Vr I'.ip or light. Unskatkd Lands. It will ho ob- Krctl ly an advertisement eliewhere in thia issue lUf the Cuunty Comuiisnloners gire notice to on Ktii J land owners and agents that they will give tbrin an audience, In relation to assessments, at iWir dftirr, between the 30th of October and 1 lib of NTiiiiler net. Those who neglect this notice 4QUdt complain if they are imposed on, because this ii a liberal extension of time on the part of tbe Commissioners. CoNFFRKNCE AltKTINO. TliO Korlb- fiftern Conference of the Evangelical Lutheran Allf'hir.Y Snod of Pennsylvania, will meet in ihe J.utlitTf'n church, in ClcarfklJ, on Tuesday firr.'i;;, October 2 lib, 1871, at 7 o'clock. Tbe RfT- t'rit, Raker, Streamer, Thompson, Croft, Rrrr, V.oyvr, I'nrub and Kistler have aignifivd tbnr intent to be present, unless Providentially pmtQtiil. Svr vices morning and eveotng. Com uninn on Sabbath, the 2'Jtb. The members of the church are earnestly requested, and tbe publio p fir rally eordially invited, to attend. BoRni'dii Election. Tho following ii ihe result in tbe boron gb of Clearfield, at tbu ion on tL. 10ihr fur Alienor ao1 School rccton : A'tfuur Jaraci L. Lcftrj, Drmocrat, 1(M (iio. W. Ilhccm, lUdii'Hl, Hi .S'h'ju! Mrtctori Ihkd JubnvoD, lcin 2j2 FranoiH Short, lrm. V. M. Mcl'allouXh, I)em....370 T. J. Il.)r, Ilrio 22 II. W. Biiydur, It.. 225 Itolrt Mitchell, Had 224 T. II. Murray, ltd. 225 l;t School V'cton wore elected under the eu Kn!ntive Ijrtlcm. The Jlcj'ublicalif having Toted for liiree uir mlier. of the board, it will be neeeirar, forronicone to la, which two of th. thre are IwtfiJ. A Satr Safk. Wo unlorland tlinl ur orililuiriitx Tillige of Clarion was In rather W lit a fpw da,i ago. Tho National Hank of (bit ilap had t large new rare manufactured in Omcinmti put In tbelr bank, In which all the fadi wpre Placed and locked nn. Unon attemitt. r"g to pcn the eafe the next morning it waa dil- "n.I that something wai wrong, and tho "old h:n3 would not open, and aa a eoneenuonce all Utirun would hare to be eunpeuded, until a man 'i the manufactor, arrived, unlrai a luppl, or O joft wai obtained from aome other aouree. Out of thii dilemma they were helped by our Erookvillo Banki, who furniihed them with luln- 'i'nl fiiiiji to do bnnincii until they eonld get tbtir iafe upon. Bruolctilh Jrfftrtomian. Bad JIoadk. Tho last Grand Jtirv. He it prrdreeirom, recommended lorn, wise and lorap luoliih thingi to be done. Among the Tur ner wai the eondriunation and return of lorn, of, and particularly tho Clearfield and kinbniii road, "from the (lonhcn line to tho reil- d'W of the lat. Henry Irwin, in Lawrence town "r and that portion of the Snow Shot and lvkwrille turnpike from Mooea Hun in Law- "nn towmhip to the Union townrhip line. And to mad leading from the Suenuchnnna Church In li'll 1'iwnihlp tolbe Ilurnide townrhip line. lln- i "a new drpartura" much needed, and ibf lirand ,1uriel will reoeira Ihe thanka of the I'ni'lir if the, oontimie to giy. th. publla ruaii "in' nMrnlion. Th. luperviiori in lwrenceand t(" "ill do well to heed the reoommendatiom of 'be 'It. in I Jury. The repairing of tho old prlion w l Hie removal of the water cloieti in the Court .vard, we eon.ider among th. fooll.h tilings JSl(ele,l by the Jury. Excepting theae, the laat t.iij Jury wai"a lucon." Every Juror drawn M'peareil, and they hailed from ,rory lection of II" cuunty, and wcro aa'intelliirei.t a body ai ever f'lrf Kf,tieareil in nn. j.,rl hnpe future Ornnd Juriei will make bad ' a rperlall., Bad rot J i and auault and battery ml oihrr low neighborhood brawli are ;un ii,. ca.ei (Irand Juriee ehould Ink. In hand. Tdw.Nkiiib K I irTlnva i in n pnn. fu""0 and niiiundcrilanding ha. reiulted from " "hang" made in th. tim. for holding I'un.hip eloeiion,, J.rir , jfo", theM elee- uiira rriuay in aiaron. in jear an act wai paiecd providing that they be held en the itcond Tneiday In Octolier. "' r"nd to work uniatleraotorily, and at ' lat iei,; 0f lh, fogMiim, th. act wai re. fH and It wai provided that in the year 1872 - w .iii(rr, an viuutiuii. itir "'l, Ixiruuirh. tOWn.liii, A .l.ll..n nlnnr.. in id u , fl,A.un ii .i e... -.U ,k Jifferent eiliei and eountiei of this Common- !',I". hll be on the days and at the times they "fhell a. provided by law In lh. different ell lei, ' """""ghi and townftilpa In said eountiei, I"'"' to the pa.wg, f Mid 0f lK(i. Silo lirnvidml tt.l It.. nf tV.. rfinnpnnl "ieri to he etpptml in ir .1. . 1 1 I. i t...R'ilL ot the preient ofnccri lUll eipire,' and so "eh ufSp.,. ii. ,v i.i.j kJ h. i,hr " , .. I Mia ti ' f0 w 01 vipni i., eiill Mt ' hi t l'l,lioh, to oleotions ape- 1 f I'roTMed for sfnne fh, paseaio of the aot of ' Li fljarneld fbe hirnngh and township I, ' whi uoeieuu'U on rriuay, ""('tfl. '.a... .. . - irw pamphlet law of 1871, A Gala Day among Odd Fellows. Our town on laat Friday preaeuted aTery lively and etlrrlng appearance, produced by the celebra tion of thefMh anniversary of tbe organliatk of Clearfield Lodge, Mo, 1U8, Independent Order of Odd Fellows. The morning opened with that peculiar kind of drowsy fog, which, In these tnqunlalPf. lurety betokeni a pleasant doy, and tbe mctuben of tbe order wore early astir, o pleting their arrangement! in the full anticipation of a Juyoui doy. Soon the surrounding oountry and neighboring villages began to pour to to the town their at reams of wondering popnlaoe, and It wai hard to fell who were most Interested, the Initiated or onin itiited, for all aectned bcut on having a good time generally. Rut when the cara arrived It the depot and began to pour out their at ream of live Odd Fellows, bailing from llellufoute, Osceola and Pbihpaburg. with their muite and banners, ae com pan led by the Moat Worthy Urand Master and Secretary of the order In Pennsylvania, tbe excitement teemed almost beyond restraint. The different Lodges formed procession, under their respective officers, and marched to the stir ring muiio of tlyj Pbilipaburg and Oseeola Rands to the Lodge room of ID 8, where there was a genera), greeting and generous congratulation among the brothers of tbe order. The programme of tbe day waa, First, A prooeaeion of the order In full regalia. Second. A banquet at the Mansion and Leonard Houses. Third. A leclure on Odd-Fellowship, in the Court House, at 7 o clock tn the evening, by Past Grand Sire, James B. Nicholson. Between oue and two o'clock the brothers of the order gathered In tbe Lodge room of 118 and were by the Marshals formed in order of procos eion, preceded by the Otoevla Band. Next earn the O. O. of IDS. Following him oame Ihe newly initiated brothers of all the Lodgea represented, followed by the brothers of tho various degrees in their regular order, from first to fifth. Then oame the Pbilipaburg Band, followed by the officers of the varioug Lodge represented, In seniority of rank. Following them oame the Past Grands of all the Lodges present, designated by their scarlet collars and white trimmings. In tho rear came the Encampment members, with Grand Chaplain, and elosing the procession marched the District Deputy Grand Masters of Centre and Clearfield counties and the Grand Ofnoera of tbe (Irand Lodge of Pennsylvania. Tbe procession formed from the Lodge room, on Market street, facing westward, and marched through most of the principal streets of onr til age. Tho process ion halted on tbe south aide of the Court House square, and reached in a closely packed column from Second to Third street, where it formed open ranks and countermarched by tbe rear. Those who were to dine at the Mansion House proceeded thither, headed by the Osceola Band and the Grand Sire; while those who were appointed to feaat at the Leonard House filed to tbe right, preceded by the Philipslmrg Band aod accompanied by Grand Master Alfred Slack, of Allegheny, and marched to that hotel. A sump tuous repast was prepared by tbe generous hosts of these hotels, to which ample Justice waa done by tho over two hundred and aixtreonrivial souls end joyous hearts. Happiness beamed from every eye, and the smile of gladness glowed on every face, while friendly greetings and fraternal inter changes of seutimeut told in unmistakable lan guage that "all went merry as a marriage bell," Long before the hour for the public lecture, the moving columns of tho curious and uninitiated were seen filing in the direction of the Court House, and before its commencement tho bouae waa packed to overflowing by as intelligent an audience aa one would wish to look upon, and It ia said as many went away disappointed as were enabled to gain a bearing place in that large room. The Urand MasUr presiding, the oxerolars were opened with a sweet strain of music, per formed by Miss Boae Byndvr, of Lock Haven, which was followed by tbe singing of the opening ode of the order, and prayer by the Grand Chap lain. Peat Grand Cuttle then read some brief statistics of tbe origin aud growth of tho order in Clearfield during the last twenty-five years; showing that from the smallest requisite number of charter members (vis fire) in 146, they beJ grown to thousands, springing from this Lodge, and spreading oveaeevera) a ljoiolng counties and to almost every village in oar own Ooonty, and showing that In all this time the open hand of charity hod ever been held forth to the needy and distressed, casting Hi relief abroad by thousands and extending the kindly sympathy of loving hearts wherever su?h seemed called for, both In and out of the order. Then vis read by tbe U. M. an appeal for aid issued by tbe Graud Lodge of Pennsylvania to its subordinate Lodges, in be half of the Chicago sufferers. Tbe G. M. then introduced the principal speak er of ther evening, Past Grand Sire J. B. Nichol son, who for two hours belt! that vast audience spell bound with the eloquent flow of truths, which seemed to bo fully appreciated by every hearer, and which could not have been uttered by one less eloquent or mode so Impressive by one whose sul was less thoroughly imbued with the groat principles of the order. Music aaln by Miss H;ndcr, tho txnodiction, and tbe audience dispersed, all seeming delighted with the day's doing, and more especially with that of tbe even ing, aa expressions of having been the recipient of a most happy and instructive literary treat were uttered on almost every hand. Krcn tbe most critical could find naught to criticise, so timely and well put was every proposition aod sentiment. Thus olosed the celebration of ihe twenty-fifth anniversary of ClrarAeld Lodge, No. 198, I. 0. of 0. F. Long may 11 flouriih to suoeor the needy, relieve the distressed, elevate mankind and fulfill the mission of love act forth ia tho Royal law. LETTER FROM NEW WASHINGTON. New Washixotom, October 12tb, U7. Mr. Editor: You will ice by returns of thia borough that tbe rod's have a gain of three over tbe vote of laat fall, while we held our own. Thia waa caused by several Bad's moving Into the dis trict, Kvery democrat in tbe borough, with one exception, attended the election. Equalisation of taxation waa the cauae of bis absence. Ho discon tinued his county paper a short time since, saying that be could save two dollars thereby. I beard a genlloman remark, on the day of the election, Jjiat this economical gentleman by withdrawing from the church could nve two dollars more. To night tho Irving Literary Society, of Now Warhington Aoademy, are to have a grand exhibi tion in tbe M. B. Church, and if there Is anything in training, (and Doble says there Is), it will far surpass anything that Prof. II. of your Academy ever thought of. I need not' dwell on this subject however, for little McUossip will doubtless give you a full aoobunt of the proceedings, as ho was assiduously at work all day en Sunday lost pre paring his ruport for the Iturt ai irAi. It will have to pass through the hands of his $advte, "Social Dispatcher," before reaching you. By tbe way, "Social Dispatcher" was firing paper bullets or though b was at me through the Rarii- Mc of last week. But he was, as you know, wide of the mark, I don't give Democrats $20 coats to vote the radical ticket. Neither do I go around like Twain's Wandering Jew, placarding old, dilapidated walla with a mystic scrawl, "fl. T. 1MM X." Try again, "Social Dispatcher," and when next you aod McGoeeip burn tbe "midnight taper" re plying to "Crlssis,' we your own writing tnaterl la and save your friends the expense of your productions. McOossIp was a Utile afraid toocine hack to you over his own signature after the slight hints I gave him, so he and others held a pow wow, and the roault was a monstrosity a two headed ealf "Gossip and "Social Dlapateber." Would it not be woll for "Ioonomy" and MoGos slp to present "flocW Dispatcher' (for bis nblo and disinterested diUe of them) with a leather inrdbl, having a battery of light guns surrounded by a wreath of buckwheat vine engraved on one side, and on the reverw a rampant Jackass. This little memento would be of use to him when time shall have changed tbtm all. By referring to it the battery would bring "Ieonnmy to Ms mriij oty, h buckwheat wreath McGossIp, and the rampant Jackass bis own noble ancestors. Yours, Ae., C mania, " ' P p. J. Krngv, at Olen Hope, Is opening a large et?ch of all kinds of oew goods. Christ, ie a flrat clas fellow, sells hit goods at tery roaaoaabje rates, and drtervos the liberal patronage- be Is Special b The groat question of tbe day Is whether Dexter or the Goldsmith Maid Is the fastest trotter, but mere Is no quest loi about Shaw's being the I Horse Powder ever sold. 'It can be bad at all stores In the county. J. Miles Kratier has juat returned front the eastern cities, where he bos purohoaod, and Is now opening, a large stock of Fall aud Winter goods, embracing everything suitable for tbe season and all the latest novelties. (Jive him a call, lie Is fully prepared to supply the wants of all. Our buyer, Win. Reed, ia now in the eaat. By the laat of the Week we will be in receipt of a ohoioo line of Winter Dress Goods, Shawls, Coats and Coatings, Furs, Gods' Furnishiug Goods. Aa Unto UnoTiiciu. Tu "Nkwm Wu kile ii A Wiutoa Sewisq Ma cnisa. Nearly six hundred thousand of these machines are now tn use. Such suoooas has only been gainod by merit alone, and not by decrying the merits of other machines. These maohinea can bo bought of any of the traroling agents of Wm. Sumner A Co., at the same prion as In any of their offices, and the purchaser ean feel assured of reoemng proper instruction tn its use at his own house. Buy the best always. . It is a comfortable reflection that In this age of humbuga you oan always rely on the West Branch Bitters fur a pure aod good tonio. A. I. Shan's la the place to get It. He also sells the best and cheapest drugs ia the county. A Trip. During the last two weeks I was per. mitted to see New York, with its thronged Broad way and its great Park, containing living animals and birds of all kinds, and of scenery the grand est. From there to Philadelphia, with Fairmount water works and places of interest From there I came to Curwensville, where It found the enter prising firm of Thompson A Co. opening a very large stock of goods, just received from New York and Philadelphia, and by their prices was con vinoed that there is tbe place to buy, at figures to suit tbe times, goods to suit the most eholcy, and that their motto, "As cheap as the cheapest," Is entirely true. Go and pare has of them, and oomplain no more of high priors. Their terms are easy. oetll-2t A Buyer, If you want to buy Drugs, Patent Medi cines, Paints, Varnishes, Spice, Fancy Goods, Soaps, Perfumeries, Brushes, Trusses, Lamps, Lamp tbimneja, Musical Goods, School Books, Stationery, Tobacco, Cigars, Saratoga and Bedford Waters, Proscriptions day or night, go to the new Drug Store of Hartswiek A Irwin, Second at. Octl-Sin. Dr. F. Platto, Eclectic Physician and Surgeon, offers his services to the people of Clearfield and vicinity, and will be in readiness to at trod all tirofcsional salts, by day or night. Office on lord street, west of the depot, Clearfield, Pa. May 31, 187 1 tf Coostt Ixntitite. The Clearfield County Teach era' Institute wilt commence on Monday next, October 23d. Tbe exercises will be made as practical aa possible, by means of class drills, blackboard Illustrations, and a general discussion at the close of tbe different exercises. Tbe teach ers of tbe county are expected to do the greater part of the work during tho day sessions. Teach ers of both public and private schools, and all porsons intending to become teachers, therefore, are invited to become members and participate and enjoy the advantages of the institute. Let each teacher endeavor to bare all the other teach ers in his district present. Let there be a full turnout. The evening aessions will be held in tbe Court House, and will be devoted to froe lecturea, addresses, readings, music, Ac Clergymen ano) all others interested In the further enhancement of education, from all parts of the county, are eordially requested to attend. The Clearfield Or chestra will favor (be institute, on Monday even ing, with several pieces of fine music. Thursday, October 2tlth, will be Directors day. It Is hoped that a large proportion of tbe 1118 directors, and at least the officers of every board in the county, will be present. Those wishing to employ compe tent teachers will find It to their advantage. jtUarrlffl. On Bundey, October 1st, 1871, by On. C. Kin, Eq., Mr. 8AM I'KL WIIKKLKH, formerly or the Stat, of Maine, to Miss CAHOI.INK OUDEX, of llrady township. On Tueiday, October 3d, IS8I, by Ora. C. Kin, Kiq., Mr. DAVID LYONS to Miss CAROLINE ; both or llrady township. At Altoona, on Oototar ith, 1871, by Iter. D. 8. MotiRim, Mr. NKWTON READ to Miss KOXA l'OTTKH; both or Clearfield. Tbe congratulations and best wishes of the Printers are tendered tho above eouple. jDicrt. Near New Washington, on October fith, 1871, ARMSTRONG F., son of A. S. and Maroarit Collar, aged one year, three months and fourteen days. On October fith, 1871, In Lawrence township, of bilious ebollo, BKNJAM1N F. LEWIS, aged 32 years, 2 months and la days. J. M. STEWART, D. D.S., fftHtTT? Office over Irwin's Drug Store, IffEO CCRWKNSVILLB, PA. All dental operations, either In tbe mechanical or operative branch, promptly attended to and salistaotion guaranteed, hpct ial attention paid to tbe treat m rut of diseases of the natural teeth, gums and mouth. IrrreiilaritT of tbe tm th sue- eespfully corrected. Teeth cxtractrd without pain by the use of Kiher, and artificial teeth inserted of the best material and warranted U render sat isfaction. ipril26'7l:ly 0SADALI(3 THR IXtlHEDIENTS THAT COM POSE R08ADALIM are published on every package, therefore fl U not . secret preparation, consequently PHYSICIANS PRESCRIBE IT. It ll a eertain care for Scrofula, Ryphilis in all Its forms, Ith.umatlim, Hhin Dis eases, Liver Complaint and all disease, of the Blood. ON'B BOTTLR OF R08ADALIS will do more good than ten bottles or th. Syrups or Ssraparilla. Till I'KDKRSIGNED PHYSICIANS have med Rosadnlts in their pranlicernr the past three years, and freely omlnrs. It as a relishl. Alterative and Dlood Purifier. !n. T. C. P I'll II, of Baitimor.. DR. T. J. UOYKI.N, " DR. R. W. CAItH, Kit. F. 0 DAN NELLY. UK. J. H. 81' AH KM, of Kicholaavllle, Ky. Ml. J. L. M.CAItTIIA, Columbia, S. C. DR. A. B. NOUl.KS, Bdgecomb, N. 0. USI'.D AND ENDORSED BY J. B. FRENCH A SONS, Fall River, Masi. y. IV. tMITll. Jackson, Mich. A. F. WIIKKI.KH, Lima, 'Ohio. B. HALL, Lima, Ohio. CRAVEN t CO., Mnrdnnivllle, Va. SAM I I' I, 0. McFADDKN, MnrfraMboro, 'frnn. ' Our spar., will fiot allow of any extend ed remarks In relation to th. virtues of Roiadalll. To the Medical Profellion we guarantee a Fluid Extract superior to any they have over used In lh. treatment of diirased lllood and to theariliolrd we say try Itosadalia, and yon will ba reitored to beullh. tiuiadslis is sold hg all bragglits pries ll.fid per bottle. Address DR. CLEMENTS CO., Uannacturipff (.'Aemtaf, Aug. J, IS7I.-ly. IIai.tiuo, Mn. 0 A 1) A L I S For sale by A, (. Shaw, Clearltold, Pa. MUHICAN HO V nil, L Main Strut, . BROOKVII.LB, PBNN'A. SHANNON I BI1RKETT, Pmpri.tnrs. tii f Oflfi finrt pmII'K WAKTKIM 0UU,VUU The subscribers want to buy a large lot of Sn-ine.h shaved Shingles, for which m will nsv the very Lirhest market nric Per. inns having such on hand will do well to call at our store. WRAVEK 1IETTS. Cleartlld, Pa., September 1(1 dm. c OMB AND 4 f.Ttl.'s ekeap BtOVSf. t.ppp.sil. in. atr, 1.1 la HisrrUanfous. JJ A T AND CAP. I AND lloqti and Nhoeil THH PLACB TO OIT Hats k Caps, Boots & Shoes, is AT FILLERTOYS HEW STORE! Oat door north of Daw Masouit Ballding, CI.KARFIBLD, PA. ' Th. largest atook of goods In this Una avar brought Into th. eounty, is now open lor tna in spection of tbt publio, and will be sold at tua Very Lowest Cash Price) t Alto, a splendid assortment of DENT'S FUR NISIIINO UOODS, eonsliting of Shirts, Collars, Neckties, Handkerchiefs, Ulovrs, Underwear, As. A large stook or CARPETS and OILCLOTHS, which will It. disposed or at astonishingly low prices. A liberal suar ot patronage it rsipeoi- fully solicited. DON'T FAIL TO CALL.-. Store nn Second St., below Market, Clearleld, Pa. :S:TI ' D. R. FULI.ERTON. ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY ! T WOULD raineetrully announce to Ike altl 1 sent trf CLEARFIELD and vicinity that have op tned up In th. new Masonia jiniiaing, Irst door below th. Mansion lions., Second Stro.t, with a .ntlrt n.w stock of WATCIIES, CLOCKS A JEWELRY, Of tbt latest styles and best dnlib, S.loetcd with otre. I have an aiiortmenl fion all th. latest noveltlsl In Jewtlry, suits hit for the Holidays. A large atoek of American Watch.s from lh. factories or Applotci, Tracy t Co., at Walt bam, Mais., and th. National Watch Company at Elgin, III., In from 1 to I es. cases, always on hand, and warranted. Thankful for your libetal patronage, I hope, by ttrlct attentiea to butlntti, to spirit a contlonanoc of be same. All kinds of repairing la sty line promptly attended to. 8. I. SNYDER. December 1)4, g acki: A C K ETT iCHRYVER, BtlLDUG HARDWARE, Also, manufacturers of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware, Second Street, CLEARFIELD, PA. Camcnlera and Builders will And It to Ihelr advantag. to eitinme our ttocK ueiere purenatiug elsewhere. STOVES ! STOVES ! We are now sellln the celebrated TIMES COOK and RELIANCE, the cheapest and best stoves in the market. Every stove fully warranted. ALSO, IlEATIJifl, aod RAFTINO STOVES! PARLOR, which will la sold at cheap as any in the county. Strict attention paid ordering articles for par ties who derira It. M-Rooflng, Spouting and job work done on reasonable terms. Cleartleld, Pa, April !, 181. F.LLIKO OFP AT COITI FOR CASH! Tbe largest stock of F U It Jf I T U It E over offered In CLEARFIELD 1 At the RTKAM CABINET SHOP. eomer Market and Fifth Streets, CLEAKFIHLD, PA. The undersigned would annonnee to the nahlio that be has on hand and is now offering eKenp for eash, the largest stock of Furniture ever in store in this eounty, consisting of Upholstered Parlor Suite, Chamber Setts, BxIohsUb Tables, Secretaries, Book Cases, Bed at ends, Spring Beds and Mattresses, Lounges and Benches, l'laln A Marble Tp Tables A Bureaus, Washatanda, Cane Seat and Common Chairs, Rocking Chairs, Looking Glasses, Window Shades, Picture Frames, Cords aod Tasaela, Ac lie also manofaetures and keens on hand Pat. nt Spring Heda, the beat ever invanled. No family should bo without them. Any kind of goods npt on hand oan be had on short notice. pnojstertng and rflvtUi'g neatly ejleouiea. COFFINS, of all eiaes, can be had on a half- hiMirs' not inc. and at the loweat prioea. A deduc tion of 20 per cent made for cash. METALLIC CASES, or Rosewood, Walnut and Chert Coffin a, with glass or wood tops, furniabed on five hours' notice. Personal attendance with hearse, on funeral occasions, and carriages furnished when desired. Thanking the public for past favors, and by strict personal attention to business, I hope to receive a oontlnuanee of Ihe same. Remember the place the Steam Cabinet Shop. Corner of Market aod Fifth Streets. March S9, 71-ly. DANIEL DENNElt. THE CLEARFIELD WOOD-CHOPPERS' AXE! Manufactured especially for -TUR CfiEAUFlELD TRADE, roa till it II. F. DIALER A CO. angrre M c G A ITG II I; T RESTAURANT, Second Street, CLEARFIELD, PKNN'A. Always en hand. Fresh Oysters, Ice Cream, Candies, Nuts, Crackers, Cakes, Cigars, Tnhaeco, Canned Fruits, Oranges, Lsmons, and all kinds of fruit In leaaon. saT-IIILLIAHD ROOM on second floor. JcSI'Tl 1. MotlAUUIIEY. TI'TICBH' eV t(MBTABI,KS PB We have printed a largo number or th. new FEB HILL, end will on the receipt of twenty. Ivc cents, mail a copy tc aay address, myM grugi and ralt-liui, IHB LATEST MOVE! THE LATEST MOVE I HARTSWICK & IRWIN'S DRUG STORH, To their new building on Second Street, nearly opposite the store of Weaver A Butts, CLEARFIELD, PA., Whirs tdr 'will continue to supply their old and as.Baciy new customers as may cons, waa i-'v 1 ..,'., . PURE DRUGS! i " C1IJ5A11CALS! PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS, (Including all new remedies,) Patent Medicines, Paints and Oils, Gtaas and Putty, School Books, Stationery, Pi-per, Ac.) also, a full line of Drug gista' Sundries, Hair Tonics, Cosmetics, Perfumeries, Toilet Articles, Rrushsa, Toilet Boaps, 1'ocket Hooka, Ac, all or tbe best quality. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, for medical A sacramental perposot only, Pure White Lead, Colors of all kinds Raw and Boiled Linaerd Oil, Varnishes, Turpen tine, Coal Oil, Paint A Varnish Brushes, Flavoring Extracts, Confectioneries, Bird Peed, Spire, ground and unground, or all kinds. SMOKERS AND CIIEWERS Will find our stock of Chewing aod Hmokini Tobseco, Imported and Do mestic Cigars, 8nuft and Fic-cut to b. of tbe very be it brands in the market. LAMPS AND CHIMNEYS, All kinds of GLASS WARE, GARDEN SEEDS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS and Musical Trimmings of every variety. Having a long einerlenrc In the business, and an cxten.ivc aod well selected stock oi medicines, wo arc enabled to fill Physicians' prescriptions at the ahortspt notice and on tbe anost reasonable terms, day and night. HARTSWICK A IRWIN, Cleartleld, Pa., May SI, lSTI-lf. 1 T. I. "For thy Stomach's Sake and thine other MrmitieB' St, Paul. IR. IIOYltfl'tS TrjR WEST BRANCH BITTERS. A safe, pure, pleasant and health. giving Tonic 1-stvietly vegetable, and manufactured from the most pore and choice material! is not a spirit drink nor substitute for whisky, but a scientific compound, for the proteetion of the system and the cure -of disease, made from chemically pure spirits, entirely free from fuill oil or other irrita ting properties, and will not disagree or offend the must dslieata stomach. A long private cipcri ancc has attested Its Superiority over all Ordinary Remedios. No Bitters at present offend to the public contains to much medicinal virtue, and ytt to safe and pleaiant to take. Its ate is to cure disease, and it will ant create an appetite for spirituous liquor,, hut will cure the effects of dissipation. To Increase the Appetite, USE IT. To promote Digestion, VfS IT. To cure Dyspepiia, USE IT. To cure Fever and Ague, USB IT. To ears Billlouincss, VSB IT. To enre Constipation, I'SB IT. To curs Chronic Dlarrhrsa, I'SB IT. To cure Heart-burn, USI IT. , To cure Flatulence, CSB IT. , Tc care Aoid ErueUlloni, CSB IT. Te eaie Nairous Debility, USE IT. Taoa'rt Ifydochondrla, VSI IT. ToMrt Sallowness ofOomplsilon, USB IT. Tn cure Pimplss and Blotches, USB IT. Fr Otneral Prostration of the Physical powers, USB IT, end II cure yon. Bold everywhere, at $1.00 per bottle, Mena- ractnred.fieluiively by A. I. SHAW, Druggist, CLEARFIELD, PA., Wie offers liberal Inducements tc Ik. trade. ! Oct 37, IRflO tf. For Rent I R anderaigned offers tn rent a DWELLING lOUMKand IILAI'KHMITU hllQE, eltuate T at (Hcnd P. 0. in Hell township. Thil Is a very desirable Incalion rjr the bo'lnoss. A full set or looli' In tho shop. Plenty of ouitnm. A good rhiSl In the village. Aildreit or apply to 11. 1 HetilerMin or the subscriber. ' atireh 15 If HENRY BRETIt, Jr. Insure Your Property I 91li. ur.Jryaigncd are prepared to take any J reasonable tire risks, in good nt reliable mnirnlea, such n the " Fanuera' Viutual,H of York) Pa. the Andes," of Cinolnnatf, lbio the 'Uitlnknla," of New Votk, and others. Rate readable, and in case of loss money wilt be paid BPranmptlv. 1HV1N A KRKBS. Isrtriiajiu, -. yiprn mi i-u. CARBOLIC PLANT PROTECTOR for sale by at a . ima rtt n F a. in Uf ji';s-om iiAninn itn mmji. IJIjil IIARNANt J.UTIIRRSBURO, PA. A rrent for ti.. A-arriran Donble Tnrbine Water Wheel and Aridrawi Kall.aeh Wheel. Can fur n)rh Portable Orlil Mills on short notice. JyO'71 Jry ttoprii;, ft;. r. a, ajLLia. a. a. rowaun MILLER & POWELL, WHOLESALE A RETAIL MERC II ANT 3, Oraham ' Row, Market St., CLGAnrinLp, pa. We woald most rcsptotfully Inform oar Meads, euilomen, and Ihe public generally, that we arc aow tack la onr old quarters, which have beta remodeled and Improved, and we arc now pre pared tc aooommodate all who may favor as by calling. KHW QOQBSI Wa hare juat reoelred one of th. largest ttoeki of all kinds of Mershandiie ever brought to Clear leld eounty, which wc intend to sell at inch Ig uret as will mska it aa object for all penons to pareunia from us. Fsmillcs laying iu winter supplies or Oreoerles, Dry Ooodi, Ac, ihould aot rail ta give as a call, as we reel eenddent enr prices and superior nullity of goods will amply atiify all. Onr stock or QROCBRIQS consists or Coffees of the kctl quality, Teas, Su gars ef all kiadi, Moleeseo, Fish, Salt, Cheese, Dried Fruit, Spleci, Envisions, Floar and Feed, Ac, Ac Our stock of DRY GOODS Is large and varied, and wc will Jul! lay wc can upply any article la that line, without cnumcr ling. , . READY-MADE CLOTHING Wc have a large stock of ready-made Clothing for Men and Boys' wear, which w. will dispose or at a very email advance oa cost. Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Hardware, Queeniware, Wood and Willow Ware, Notions, Fancy Goodi, Carpeti, Oiloloths, Wall Papers, Window 6hades, Ac, Ac. FBeing; eitenilvely engaged, la the Lnmbcr butiness, wc are able U offer superior inducements to Jobbers, MILLER A POWELL. Clearfield, Pa., Sept t, 1871. FALL GOODSI JUST RECEIVING ! T IOIIT CALICOES. SPLENDID 10c CALL J J eoes. Delaines, Shirting Checks, Muslins, Plaidi, White Hoods, Percales, Japanese Silk. Ulark Silk., Silk pnplini, Black Alpacas, Tabls Linens, Velveteens, Shawls, Boys' CafiimsrM, Ac AT J. MILES KRATZER'S I HOSIERY, SILK GLOVES, BEST PARIS Kid 0 lovei, Lece Ctllsre, Hair Switches and Chignons, Hair nets, Corsets, Hoop Skirts, Ac. AT J. MILES KRATZER'S ! D RESS TRIMMINGS, SILK FRINGES Satin, Velvet Ribbons, Buttons, Ac. AT J. MILKS IRATZBR'I ! TRIMMED IIATfl, RIBBOXS, Millinery Goods, At., Ae. AT J. MILES KRATZER'S 1 UNEQPALKD STOCK1 OF LADIES' AND Children's (Shoes and (Jailers, Men's Freaeh Kip and Calf Boots, Calf and Lasting Gaiters, Ae. AT J. MILES KRATZER'S ! O NECKS WALL PAPER no. te ,)J tl.00 per boltCarpets, Floor Oil Clothe, Window Shades, beat White Granite Tea Ware, Glass Ware, labia Knives and Forks, Ac AT J. MILES ERASERS! C HOICK TEAS, COFFEE, AND OTHER Groceries, Pried Apples, Poachea, Cherries, rrunca, tanned j'eacnea, lomatoes, Corn, Ac. ajT"The above, with an Immense stoat of oiher Goods, have been bought at the lowest cash prices. ana win oe ouerea ot very low rales. JaTKComa and eiamlne them whether you ouy or aou J. M. KRATZER. (Formerly C. Kratier A Ions.) Next door to II. F. Bigler A Co.'s Hardware Store. Cleartleld, March II, 1871-tf. 1871, 1871. AUTUMN! REED BROTHERS, -. Miasar Smear, CLEARFIELD, PA., an Vita Srassr, CpRWENSVILLE, PA., Arc opening THIS WEEK aa attractive clock ef GOODS FOR THE SEASON ! Ouriloek will kcreplslc with the 3 H NEWEST DESIGNS I t) B- pH 01 la Foriiga and Domestic DRESS OOODS, SnAWLS, COATINGS, REPELLENTS, FLANNELS, Etc, etc Together with, a full lint af Notions, Trimmings, LADIES' AND GENT'S .Furnishing Goods, And MILLINERY GOODS, At Prkct to suit (lie Timet ! J)o aot rail tc call. Rovpectrully, ' REED BROTHERS. P. S. Having rurchated largely in Millinery Good., Milliners In adjacent towns will be sup plied at wholesale rales. ' prpiemoer , mil. ADMIMSTH ATOR'OJ NOTICE, Notice Is bsreby gtvea that letten of administration en the citato of JOHN I1HEENK, deeeaeed, late of Jordan twp., Cleartleld eounty, Penasy'yaais, havlag heca duly granted to the andenigned, all periona Indebted la aaid estate will please make Immediate payment, aad tboie Having alaimt or demands will prettat them properly aulheatieatod for settlement without delay. I1KOROR WILLIAMS, Merrea, Sept. I", HTI-t. .JraialtTTator. $ru Coeds, Cromtri, ett. KRATZER A LYTLE, Markot Street, Clearfield, Penn'a., (pnoeltc the Jail,) TTAVB new oa hand a Irit-tlast stock af -a-a. goodi, salted tc the wants ef Ike public Our (took Is large, and) by conitantly making additions thereto, wc are ahle tc accommodate all who may favor at by ttllleg. We have DRY GOODS, Mtrlaot, Olaghamt, Cloths, Prtale, Dtltlnel, Catilmerii, Silks, Rcpt,, Caihmtrti, Twetdi, Cobtrgt, Alpacas, Mnbalr, I.anelln, Mutllnt, Pltnnelt, Bonnets, Ribbons, Cloaks, Balmoral Skirls, IIoop SklrU, Shawls, Droit Trimmings, Head Nett, Capt, Conttt, Glovtt, Starft, Collart, Ortaadint Villi, Table Covin, ate. CLOTHING, Coats, Pants, Vestt, Ovtr-CoaU, OtnlVShawlt, Shlrtt, Halt, Ctpt, Vndtr-8hlrtt and Drawert, Boots and Shoot, Oum Shott, Cravati, Bockt, Glcyct aad ColUrt. GROCERIES, Ttt, Cofftt, Sugar, Molatttf, Silt, Candlsi, Rice, Flour, Bacon, Fish, Tobacco, Retitni, Cnrrants', Spices, Crackers, Vinegsr, Oils, Yaraith, Ptpper, Alcohol, Ac HOUSEHOLD GOODS, Ctrptte, Oil cloth, Drugget, Cletka, Looklng-Olasses, Churns, Backets, Waihboarda, Tubt, Flat Irani, Pant, Window Bllndi, Wall Ptper. Coa! Oil Lampi, Bedeordt, Umtrellaa, Kalvtt, Forkt, Bpooat, Crck Stoytt aad Stove Sleeking. HARD V7ARB, Queentware, Tinware, Olaciware, Weodtawan, Copptrware, Books. Stationery, Mullet! Golds, Trunki, Skal.i, At. fm-k II or which will kt told oa the moil rta toaablt (arm i, end l e highlit market sret paid for Grain, Wool aad all kinds of country produce. REMEMBER TBE PLACE: KRATZER & LYTLE'S, (Opposite the Jail,) CLEARFIELD, PENN'A. 1:1:71 Mfcl'AItU TI3IIIE11! E. A. IRYIN& CO, CURWEMSVILLE, PA., Beiog specially engaged la the business of Buying and Soiling Square Timber, Would represent that they are aow prepared to purebaae Timber delivered at either Curwensville, Lock Haven or Marietta, (or will take it at any of these points,) aud sell on commission, making such advances as are necessary. Those engaged in getting oat Timber will fad ft our store ia CurwensvillCj a very large stock of 8 T A P L E GOODS Of all piseriptleac ALIO, Flour, JBtat, Oat i, Corn, And everything neeetiary for an ef Lumbermen. RAFT ROPE, Of all ilies, kept on hand la large quantities, and cold at email anvanee ay me coil, ano, Pulley Bloekt, Small Rope, Ac. natr-BPF.riAI, INDfTCPlHRNTB offered tc these manaleeturing Square Timber. E. A. IRV1N as CO. Curw.-nsvllle, Jsnuary IJ, H70. O. I. c. "IITHERB I. hay my DRT GOODS, GRO- caries,, Glaiiware, Drug! and Notions, Confcctionerle., c, enesp lor earn. Th. anrnwlher bee. leave to Inform hit eld and new euttomtrl that ha hat opened YARIETT BT0RE IN GLEN norE, PA. And will tell goedt el p rleoi lo lull Iht limn, A liberal reduction (ill lie meat to euilcaen buy ing at wholesale Call and citmlne my slock before perebtiing liewhere. A liberal there of public patronage ia ilieited. C. J. KEAOT. Ol.a Hope, Pa., June 14, 17 1. ISAAC K. STAUFFER, IV r, S Tf Altnu, M i , . vA-.L euS at nn. nf Oiiamr. PHILADELPHIA. n of Watchel. Jewelry. Silver and Prated Ware eooiiautly ba tiind. Repairing of tValehea and Jewelry promptly attended I.. :2J T ADIES' AND GENT'S SATCHELS ll 4:1 at I). R. FPLLERTON'S. SARATOGA AND DEDFORp WATER for tale hy Je ta ' "HARTSTTICK IRWIN. i i THE SMITH HOUSE. (Oppotllc Ihe rssssnger Dtpot.) - CLEAHflKI-U, fA. TBE undersigned, having leaied ttli hcusa for a arrlec af yean, it ready it entertain ttrin g.rt and travel. n goaerally, and therefore tollriu sojrurnrri to give him e call. Ilia Table will be supplied with the best Ibe market afford., and LUf Bar will contain Ibe ehoieest of wines aad liquois. The bouso, furniture, bed. and bedding ere entire!; avw, wuicn aiwayi auqi 10 ine eomlorl ot lrarelert while tbe tlabllng attacbeir it large and room? Juat lulled for leemttrn. Chtrgct modtrate. ' Jant:7(l WILLIAM 8. BRADLEi. THE AILEGHENY HOTEL, fiAttKfiT t.. CLEa'RFiJELD, Pa. Tlllfl large and commodious new hotel hat been opened for tbe aoooinmodetlon ol tbi public, where tbe proprietor will be glad to meet nis old friends, and receive a share of public pat ronage. By strict personal attention to the de tails of his business, he hopes to be side to rendei satisfaction to bis patrons. Tbe TABLE wilt always be bountifully suppljrj with the best that can be procured i the piarket.'and the BAt) will contain a full stock of LlgUQlS, BJiKR, e Quod stabling sttaobed. ' ' CASPER LEIP0LDT, Clearflcld, March 1, iBC-y ProprUtofr THE MANSION HOUSE. Corner of (Second and Market Streets, CLlAKI II.lJ), PA. TniS old and commodious Hotel htl. during tbe past year, bees enlarged to double lt former capacity for tbe entertainment of stran gers end guests. The whole building bas bee 4 refurnished, and the proprietor will spare no pains to reader his gussta comfortable while) staying with him. pY- The "Mansion Home" Omnibus runs to and from the Depot el tbe arrival and depaVturll of each train. JOHN UOl'QHKHl'Y, opr-7 if Proprietor. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE.' Cnrweiisville, ( learlicld county. Pa. rpUISoldand well established Hotel, beautl X fully tltuattd ca the banki ol the Ruique banna, ta the boroagh of Cprwenivlllc, hat beea leattd for a term or yrsrt by tbt andertlgnee). It has been entirely refitted, and is now open te the public generally and the travelling comma nil, ia particular. No paint will be spared fd render gueitt comfortable while tarrying at thii hourt. Ample Stthling room for the accommo dation ofteams. Charge! moderate. ELI BLOM. dpt. le, H70-tf. THE RAILROAD HOUSE, .MAIN ST., PHILIPSDUHO. PA. ' THE andenigned keeps conitantly oa need the best of Liqoori. Ilie table Ii alwayt tuppliod with tht bett tht market afforda. The traveling publio will do well to give him a ealL novloi. ROBERT LLOYD. gtHAW HOLSr. Corner of Marltft and Frcr,t StrcitSj jlearye.J. fa, Thia magnificent Hotel It entirely new, ccm plete ia all its appointmenta, and convenient tc the Court House A free Omnibus runs to aad Irom the Depot on the arrival and departure of each train. UBOKUK N. COl.lll HN, April 1J, INTO. Proprietor. JEONARO HO I' ME, Near Ibe Railroad Depot, , Clearfield, Pa.' ' B. B. ROW, Proprleler. This hence ii large, well fuiniihcd, and nearly new, end tbe Proprietor feels confident of render ing satisfaction to gueitt. S, B. Good stabling eoun;ced with the hotel. ol-71 WESTERN HOTEL, Oppoiitc tht Court Dome, ' CLEARFIELD, PEN J... Aceommodalioni flrit-elait and charge! moderaJn. octi JOHN F. rOL'NG, Preprielcr. jtJ-OMTOUB II Of; BE, OppoliU the Court Ilouie, LOCK HAVEN, PE.NN'A. J.U 71 HACSEAL A KROM, Prop't. 0Q$ MA $U0t3. DANIEL CONNELLY, Boot aad SIiqc M.inufactijrcf, CLEARFIELD, PA. HAS Juit received a fine lot of French CALF SKINS, and It now preptred to anannrao turc everything in hil line at ihe lowett figures. He will warrant hil work Ic be at reproientcd. lie reipeetfully aolieite a call, at hit chop aa Market itreet, second dtor wator the Do.tofliee. where he will do all In his power to render satis ractlon. Some fine Gaiter tops on hand. ny,OT-y lAMKb CONNULLK. EW BOOT AM) SHOE SUOP. EDWARD MACK, Coa. MARKET A 3d Sts., CLEARFIELD, Pa. THR proprietor has entered Into tho BOOT 81IOK business at tbe above stand, and is determined aot to bo outdone eltber io quaK Hy or price for his work. Special attention will be paid to manufacturing Bewed work. lie bos on band a largo lot of Rrench Kip and Calf Skins, of the very beat quality. Tbe citU ens of Cleartleld and vicinity arc respectfully tnvuea 10 give Dim a trial, no c Barge tor cans. nnv.' a. it giudtrarf, Srintnirf, f, H. F. BIGLER & CO., IIARDVARK, Also, Maaafacturersof Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLEARFIELD, PA. LOT OF SADDLES, BRIDLES, Barn. ii, Collars, ttc, for tale ky H. F. BIGLER A CO. PALMER'S J?ATE:jT JJ'LOAD- Ing Day Forkt, for ttle hy H. F. BIOLEU A CO. QIL, PAINT, PUTTY, GLASS Xallt, etc., for tatt by II. P. BIGLER A CO. JJaRNESS TRIJ1JUNS. 4 SROJI Findlngi, for tale by II. F. BIGLER k CQ. Q.UNS, TISTOLS, S WORD CANK3 For tale hy . H. F. BIGLER ft CQ. gTOyiES, q? ALL SORTS AND. lii. I, for aale hy II F. BIGLER A CO. JRON1 IRON I IRON I IRON I for tale hy H. F. BIGLER A CO. u . JJOUSE SHOES k HORSE SHOE NAIL8, far tali by II. F BIGLER A CO pULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES And kctl Mauufaetare, for talc ky U. F. BIGLER A CO. fPHIMBLE gKEJNS AND PIPH BOXES, for tale ky U. F. BIGLER A TQ. RODDER CUTTERS for tal by cdSO-TO II. F. BIGLER A CO. CALCINED PLASTER ANp UipiiAI'LIO Cement, for tale by ' ' l, u jJB em ' ' " HAKieniia, , inwm.