Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, October 18, 1871, Image 2

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nimm and i-noruiRiun.
The ttfiull I
Mont jC(i)Iu bio no ilottbt nwnro dial
nil duel ion u na liold in tliU Sltito on
llio lOlli, uikI Hint our opponents litivo
carried tlio Siuto ly 20,000 mtijoi-ily,
and Ixitli li-antlics of tlio Lcgisl;ituro.
(juorgo 0. Evitns, Uoiii-y'H put, who
rolilit-d tlio Stftto Treasury of $:!G3,000,
U llicnTuro cntloisetl, mid will luive
hid uc'cuuiila futllid by llioso who np
ioinled lilin niul willi whom lio divi
ded llio inoiioy. IIo lias for two woeks
piii-t boon quartered in tlio purlor of
tlio bent hotel in Ilurrit-bury, wnttlieJ
by two policemen und fuasled mid
wined nt tlio oxpuiiko of tlio Slato
Wlml i tliuro to deter any of our
Htiito officials from becoming corrupt
under BUi'h treatment f '
Wd uro however nblo to stato that
tlio liadieala of Cleui field did not en
dorse llio Slato owiiidluft). llud our
opponents in tlio oilier counties of the
Slato ueted in harmony with thoir
friontln- in Litis county, tlio Democrats
would buve carried llio Slato by 15,
000, nnd thereby substantially rebuked
tlio Slato robber).
Tlio Demoimtie majority of 1,303,
U pleasant to reflect over, and makes
us feel proud of our noble little county.
Our majority is greater thnn ever ho
foro, oxeept that givon for Gen. Mo
Clellan in 1801, when it was 1,302.
That wo hnvo mouscr und guerrilla
within our ranks, is very evident, and
1 1 in t ihey played oll'somo dirt' tricks
is equally evident ; but disgracing
themselves is about all the harm they
accoinplinhed. We shall bo more spo-t-iliu
on some Inlin e occasion w hen the
olliciitl returns ure before us, and will
go to some pains to point out some of
their doin ut homo and abroad
Tlio official returns of our county,
found in this issue, mil it suffice for llio
" present.
Losses. Tlio Philadelphia nnd New
Yin k merchants nro heavy losers by
llio Chicago firo, through merchants
who hnvo been rendered bankrupt by
tlio destruction of their property.
A Good Sklkltiox. John Hancock
a brother of General Hancock, a num
ber of years ugo n member of our
State Legislature from Philadelphia,
is one of llio Democralio Congressmen
elect from llio Stale of Texas. The
majority over his Iladical opponent is
nearly 4,000.
Moving Again. "The government"
was ut homo a few days last week, hut
Saturday and Sunday it spent in Dos
ton, trying to reconcile Senator Sum
ner to its "no policy." As tho Massa
chusetts Statu Convention did not do
claro for Grant for re-election, he has
gone thither to seo what is tlio mntlcr.
KnsTiiKKD Aoaim. Tho "loan star'
Suite, Texas, lias been restored to llio
Democracy. At the general election
last week llio Democrats swept tlio
Ktalo by 'J.'i.OOO majority, und elected
llio whole Congressional delegation,
which is a gain of threo members, und
secures a Democratic Unitod Slates
j, ! fl
AniiiTio.NAL HuKitoii. Scores of'
dead bodies nro found in tho cellars
which aro being cleaned out in tho
burned districts in Chicago. During
tho cxcitomiMit many families became
sepcrulcd, nnd children, ns they sup
posed, lost in tho fleeing crowd, uro
now being exluiuicd from among the
debris in tho cellars. Tho deaths will
bo far larger than nl first anticipated
I.VNURANCE Losses. Tho Chicago
fire has mudo n slir among the lire
insurance companies throughout the
coutilry. Tho losses of Aetnu, of
Hartford, Connaetieiit, is set down at
four millions of dollars, nnd that of tho
JIoiiim, New York, nt thrco million.
Those two nro by far tho lieuviesl
losers. Quito a number' of the other
companies hnvo closed their doors,
somo of which will recover. But wo
ouspect thiil many of them nro render
ed bankrupt, from tho fact Ihnt they
hud no bona fule capital heforo tho
Jire occurred.
Temi'kranci Scattering. Spnnglor
nnd Wheeler, llio Tompornnco candi
dates for Auditor and Surveyor (leiio
ral, received quite u respectable vote
In some of the counties. In this coun
ty but four votes were polled for
them ono in Clearfield nnd threo in
liurnsido. Thocrusodo niado through
this county lust summer by liev.
Coombo, proved a fail uro. Instead of
reducing tho Democratic majority,
(which was tho design, rot temper
ance,) his efforts increased it. Wo
hope tho reverend gentleman will now
leave llio temperance lield nnd turn
his nitration to mprals in his own city
Hill Mann k Co. in particular.
At UoMr. It is evident that "llio
government" bus got hack lo Yu.h
ington. for it lust week Usuod another
proclamation uguinsl tho South Caro
lina Ku Klux. This is for nothing
more or (ess than la parry tho dulo
gales fiom thnl Slate by forto nnd
fraud fir Grant, in reul "bordor ruf
fian" style. Jim Lime and Slrinifel-
low, in their palmiest duys, never
played the role better in "bleeding
nansas man i.roni is just now doing
( i the Southern States for tho purpionp
ff feeurin bjs own iiominntinn.
The Chita ffo Fire Thrilling
I nc Mint.
Prom our exchanges wo cull llio fol
lowing interesting incidents!
'1 he tire is out, thanks to tho ruin,
having been already under control in
all directions because it has exhausted
its fury, Not a bank Is left standing,
nor a public hiiililnii;, nor n newspaper
office. In fuel, hurdly a business house
of utiy sort remains. Pive hundred of
llio largest business blocks in tho city
nro in ushes ; three lo five square miles
nro burnt over, and aro now smoking
like n bnllled lophcl. It is already
known that twenty or thirty persons
have poimhcd in the ruins of their
homes. Pour women woro burned in
tho Arrado block A thief was suflo
cated und burned while stenliug from
a jewelry store Plundering'wiis pros
ecuted will) a lawlessness nevor before
witnessed and when, pilferers wore
eiiughl in tho net tho c (liners were
compelled to relenso them, for tho jail
was burned. Tho streets remind ono
of the streets of I'rcdricksbtirg iil'ler
tho balllo, presenting every phase of
tlio Oivouiio. l saw a strong man sit
ting upon ii waysido box, weeping like
a child, bis wile, meanwhile, cheerily
boiling cofi'eo with somo bits of tin
unlaid Nicholson pavement, nnd his
children playing hiilo nnd seek among
tho enst-out wares.
Certainly there must hnvo boon great
loss of life. One flreiiiuii declares that
threo families were surrounded nnd
burnt to death in tho block bounded
by Adnms, Juckson, Canal and Water
streets. Wo saw groups otjill classes
of people in tho sircol, somo hulless,
coalless, barefoot, and shivering.
They where shelterless, homeless nnd
poverty stricken und brofion hearted.
Tlio agony of mind in somo cases,
whero relatives woro searching hope
les-dy for missing ones, was pitublo to
witness. Ho one saved anything.
There was no chnnio. We throw
trunks in the street, but there wo hud
to leuvo thoin."
A gentleman who nrrivod in Now
York, with others from Chicago, says:
"Our eyes seemed rivited so that we
could not withdraw them. There
wero miles of fire. mountains of
flames, waves of light, flashes, clouds,
brilliant scintillations. With the aid
of glasses we could seo the streets
thronged with people flying for their
lives. Children wero carried, scream
ing with terror, women wore shriek
ing, men were shouting, und nil run
ning. We saw somo old and sick and
helpless enmed on stretchers; somo
nppurently demented or stupefied woro
dragged along. Closo lo their heels,
in hoi pursuit, come the belching roar
ing nnd crac'cliiig flumes. In somo
places thoy actually advanced as fust
us n man could run. The most awful
of nil was the thunderous roar that
seemed to roll upward and outward
from tho centre of tho hugn holocaust.
Now thero would bo a report like llio
boom of distant guns, uguin cumo a
snapping like the ruttlo of musketry.
Hordes rushed liko muridocs through
thuslreets. Onesplendid team,nltuch
cd lo a couch, run over tho Van Huron
bridge, which had been charred and
weakened. Just us tho mud horses
hud passed tho centro it gavo way,
and ihey plunged down through t lie
luriod u'aro into tlio scarlet river bo
low. There wero till sort of scenes
happening somo horrible, others ri
diculous. Hero nnd there, when some
lull building been mo sheeten in flame,
iho walls would weaken nnd waver
liko India rubber. It was wonderful
how Ihey sometimes swayed almost
across the street und then fell with a
loud crush ; then a momentary dark
ncss, and afterward fresh glares of
light lrom somo nowly kindled nro,
Even thoso streets liiul wero paved
with wooden patents wero masses of
live coals.
The mnssivo grnnito slabs were
cracked into thousands of pieces. All
this timo tho heat was very great.
liy nnd by it grow so intense that no
ono could stand within blocks of
the place. Over the roofs came
gusts of hot nir, sometimes almost
strong enough lo throw ono olf his
feet. Our shoes wero parched, llio lin
roof was hot und we were forced down
below. Tho greatost sight was to no
tieo how the flames seemed to engulf
tlio larger und more lofty Mansard
roofs. They went liko paper. Tho
hotel was crowded. All wero excited
and fearful. Every moment tho ro
ports camo that the fire was nearinn
us, nnd finally we know wo could not
remain longer, hscupo was tho onlv
thought. At midnight llio flaming
host crossed tho Adams Blrcct bridge,
All tho shipping thai had not been rn
moved wus consumed. The tur nnd
other iiiflatnmnhlo stulT maJo an in
teuso light, and llio heat tun bo im
ngiuod from tho clouds of steam that
cumo up from tho river. Iho kero
seno nil stores made an awful yet su
blime spectacle, ns tho flames seemed
to penetruto the very clouds. The
hugo iron reservoir nt the gas works
exploded with tremendous lorco und
sound, demolishing several adjacent
Everybody seemed demoralized.
I he very curlh seemed gaping out firo
flamo nnd smoke, as though tho world
itself was to bo swallowed up in tho
conflagration. Tho rush from tho
Tremonl House when llio word was
given, was akin to a pauio. Thostair
ways were choked, and us tho smoke
from the approaching liro cumo in
pairs through the windows, tho situu
lion soumoil irighiful.
In Ihreo cases persons Jumped from
the windows nnd two children woro
lied up in beds nnd thrown from tho
fourth story window, and lauded on
the piivoniont uninjured. A Mr. Jams
had a look on leg lrom springing from
llio second story window, and otbors
wero bruised from the snmo cuuso.
Wo secured a stage and drovo toward
tho surburbs, hoping to get away on
somo extra train. I ho Tiorsc3 wore
almost ungovornablo from fright.
Some of tho blocks were iinpnssublo,
being filled with ruins. Pinallv wo
reached a train thut was just boing
dispatched direct for holp, and by tho
kindness of tho condiiclor wo were
taken ulong. Wo heard of several
deaths and many being injured.
A meeting of the citizens was held,
and resolutions passed culling for nn
extra sesion of tho Legislature. Tho
directors of the Chamber of Commorco
met und resolved to rebuild at once.
Tho Internal liuvciiue ofllco, which
was totally destroyed, contained over
ono million dollars worth or revenue
Tho Evening Journal nt out half a
sheet Inst night, and tho others Will
follow nt once.
Tho rumors of the condition of tho
insurance companies are conflicting
and nothing can bo known definitely
until tho safes are exnminrd. The
mail nrrangemoiils and bants will bo
attended to at onco.
Tho work of rebuilding will not bo
dolnyod s day. Order buve Iwen sent
to llufliilo for nil tho brick thcro. '
The following report of tho firo and
its incidents bus been especially made
for Iho Associated Press by those
who witnessed und fought the flumes
throughout !
Lnto on Sunday night a boy wont
inlo it stable on Do Kovun street, near
the river, on the west aide, to milk u
cow, currying with him a kerosene
lump. 1 Ins wan kicked over by tho
cow, and tho burning fluid was scat
tered among iho straw. Ibis wus tho
beginning ot tho great tiro. A single
extinguisher on tho ground, or iho
active work of tho polico in tearing
down one or two siiuuiics, would have
prevented the sprouding of the Humes,
but tho engines were wailed for, und
when they arrived, tho fireinon, stnpo
fled by their exertions, at llio first tire,
on Saturdy night, worked slowly and
clumsily, and their e Hulls woro una
Tho wind was from tho southwest,
blew n galo, und tho flames shot rnp.
idly from house to house, and from
board-yard to bourd-yurd, and mean
while had crossed tho river nortli of
Twelfth street to the south sido, nnd
mndo for brick and Mono business
blocks, railroad freight depots, and
manufacturing establishments.
Tho wind, blowing a stilt' gale, hnd
possession of tho flames, und tho beau
tiful buildings of Chicago's glory lay
beforo llieni. Harrison, Van liuren,
Adam", Monroe, and Madison st roots
were soon reached, nnd llio interven
ing blocks trom the river to Dearborn
slreot, on Easlbridgo street, wore con
sumed. Threo quarters of n mile of brick
blocks woro consumed us if by intlgio.
It being Sunday, tho proprietors und
employees wero nl homo, utterly un
conscious of whnt was transpiring.
Thoso who saw the flames supposed it
was llio remains of Saturday night's
firo, and, having confidence in tho tiro
depart inonl, were unconcerned, but
between 11 and 12 o'clock a rumor got
ubrond that tho fire wus in tho busi
ncss portion of tho city, and llio pco
plo coinmonced moving. Horses wero
brought into requisition lo tako pro
prietors nnd others to tho conflagra
tion, and what n scene met their gazu 1
Tho Board of'Trude, Court house, Wos
tern Union Telegraph, and Associated
Press Olllcos, and hundreds of other
buildingss, were nil in flumes.
The air was filled with live coals,
which wero hurled to tho north and
oast, ii besom of destruction. Tho en
giiics wero powerless for suving, and
all that could bo dono wns blow np
buililihg, but this availed liltlo.
Tho walls melted sway and the very
bricks wero consumed. Tho wooden
pavements took fire, making a contin
uous shoot, of flamo two miles long by
a mile wide, and no human being
could possibly survive ninny minutes.
Block alter block fell, and llio red-hot
coals shot higher and higher unlil the
north sido was a vast sheet of flamo
from tho river to llio luko. At ono
lime it so hummed tlio pcoplo that it
wns expected that thousands must
Ono block in nil tho vast business
section remained at daylight, viz : tho
Tribune block. The Weston House
nnd Monroe block, in Dearborn street,
It ad burned, und thoso who bud fought
tho flames hero thought nl least ibis
block could be saved, lint there was
a change of llio wind, and tlio flumes
reached Wiibush und Stulo streets und
Michigan nvenuo. Soon McVicker's
Theatre caught firo, and in a few in in
ulcBtho Tribune building was in flumes,
und nl iho lust moment the sleeping
men were aroused nnd ic&cucd trom
the flames.
By 10 A. M. tho remaining block
was in ashes Now was to be seen the
most remarkable sight ever beheld in
this or nny other country. There
wero from 60,000 to 70.II0U men, wo
men, und children fleeing by every
uviiilablestieet and ulley, to tlio south
ward nnd westwnid, ultcmpting to
save their clothing nnd their lives.
It is fearful to think of the loss of
life. It is conjectured, with good
cause, that Hourly fivo hundred people
naru ul-oii uuriieu iu ucuiu, iioean
four men outer njmrning building, and
in a moment they wsro overwhelmed
by n falling wall. Thero was n crowd
of men around iho corner of n build
ing trying to savo somo proporty
when the wall yielding, some ol them
were buried beneath it. About twelvo
or fifteen men, women and children.
rushed into llio building of tho Histo
ricul Society, n fire-proof building, (or
snlety. In a tew minutes the numes
burst up, and they burned to death.
Among thoso who look refugo in
this building wns tho vencriiblo Uol
Samuel Stono, aged 80 years, for
long timo connocled with the society,
Also, John 11 Gerard and wife, and
Mmo. Depelgrovo, a noted teacher of
niusio. Ii is feared that Dr. Peat and
family were also burned, ns they wore
in Iho building and hnvo not been
seen. Mrs. lvlsoll, whose husband
was murdered last week, and who was
siiflviing from illness, was carried
uwuy for protection to a building which
was uflerwnrds burned, nnd it is feared
she nlso perished.
All the hooks nnd papers of the
Historical Society, including Iho orig
i ii it 1 copy of the famous emancipulion
proclamation of President Lincoln, for
which the Society paid 8L'S,0UU, wore
It is feared that a largo number of
children, Inmates or too Lulhoho Or
plum Arylum on Slutoslrcct, were also
burned, ns inuny of them are missing.
A father lushed up stairs to carry
ins children nwny, when ha wns over
taken by Iho flumps and perished with
them. Tho mother was nflorwnrds
seen on tho streets n raving mnniao,
In the same neighborhood n family of
fivo persons 'perished. Tho list of
such Casualties is very long, and can
only bo fully vcrifled after tho smoke
shall have cleared away. 1 hero aro
hundreds of families on that side who
saved no clothing, but barely llicir
lives. Among thoso is the family ol
Perry Smith, formerly President of
tho Nortli western Jtailroad Company
Jir.BiONEn and Ri-ELKCTKn. A grcnt
clamor has for yeius been kept up by
outsiders against Messrs. Jay Gould
snd James Fisk, Jr., President nnd
Vico President of tho Now York and
Erio Railroad. On tho 0lh loth gen
tlomnn, in ordor to lest tho soiilimcnt
of the stock holders, Undured their
resignation. Put-, nt Iho regular moct
Ing pflbc stockholders, thp next day,
Ihey wore unanimously re elected to
tho snme position, The votes cast
represented slock to over thirty three
millioni of dollars. This unanimous
cxprejsjou in fuvor of lbs present
management of the road on tho part
of tho stockholders will go fur to allay
the publio clamor faiird by psillcs
who ; five no interest In tho rout.
Official Vote of Clearfield
. r n 1 n p
Ai-pirini iimv ii easvsa- iMJkTOB ahum' hsociaib juntii. rnora'r. ram's, toss's. Atinmis. 1
asst. ilium., this. i
'T5 i I ri i H pJi P 9 X K r I 5" " f ! 5Tf" k" I K S
,,c ji m n J j M t t fi J ? i l
j r r r i f ? r r i- i i r P i r r r r I r f
Ilcroarls Z!7 SJ M T Ml 'n " ' l ' M i:l M M ,0T " 81 M M '
,,. IM 01 1 1" fi2 1051 Il IIS 61) ll Ml 113 111 to to l to IU 6 110 to 116 to lid to Hi
iii0','n' ; an in 2ii in si i m is so i u. it m it is! si i i is ji u so is si is si
it,,,, in4 in hm i;, hi1 in- urn ii 105 in; et 12 12 104 is 1114 it io 10 mi it i id i
llrailfurd IIS 42 1 1 Hi 42 .10 SSI IIS 41 114 4.1 VI T 2 IIS 4H US 42 124 SI l 4 UT 43; '
lr, 27 h J72 6s, ; T' 272 J7I SI 74 JT.i 01 6S ITS 0 J7 SO! I7 l 174 01 174 61 174
lurllil,lc HI 42 '! HI I-'1 tj 8U 147 M Hi ST 64 148 IM Vol HT H 14(l! HI US SU ISA 14T ST
(i;i 70 VI Tl 68: ii 88 TO 8s 0U T6 88 70 TO ST T" T4 T7 88 Tu TH T7 8 TO; 88
Covlnirton ' i 1 n " 92 ' n ' ,7' ,,u 9i 11 " ,v
rli-arfUlil 170 lull 170 10W S2'.' :., 186 10:ll 176 112 1.16 ITS 1211 1SII ISSj lull 181 ll:l 1S4 I IS ITS 1IW 180 W 186
C'umi-nirllla. 63 so U1 SI Ti s! 61 TJ 61 T81 IS 66 ot Tl 64 TO 64 T 66 Ts 2 81 6i 78j 61
llnolur. i 37 021 9T, 46 A 02 42 J 471 6T 61 IS 18 0.1, 4.' SO 47 . "i ST 47 4 42 04
Ktniuioii 66 Hi 66 86 Si 4, 65 15 63 ! 40 61 35 85 6.1, 84 . 62 S6 61 Si 41 80 62 31: 62
(JirJrd 4 2S 40 Js 45 64 27 63 271 21 13 II 10 641 1 61 3I 64 28, 44 12 6t IS 64
U, 4l (1 4.1 IS 67, i 43 16, 4-1 1T 20.25 11 III 4.1 17 40 10 4.1 17 88 IV 43 17 4S
(ir.h.iu Hi U'l (16, 12 T4 14 Sj III ST 1 80 86 II 12 ST 12 84 161 ST 12 83 IS 7 11 ST
(lulioh. - II f' Hi Of 811 III 21 00 21 S8'. 21 24 00 f.8 24 60 21 T2l 24 60 21 Til H , 24
Iluilan 6.i T 641 71 123; 1 23 Tl' 65 T0 62 61 Tl Til 63 T2 44 81 63 T2 46 7! 66 TO 61
Jrinn 6i 2H! 65 IS 3i 4r 62 201 64 2TI 64 63 20 28 -63 20 68 II1 61 10 6t 84l 01 t'i 62
Ksrlliaui 68 26 (tol 25 80, Sll 60 26; 6 20, to 60 in 111 60 16 60 16 6V 10 65 26! 61 31 60
Kuui lll-i 23 106' 23, 120: 3 13 25 105 23; Kioj H'4 2i 2i 107 22 103 161 I04I Ij 0:1 IS 105 24 104
Liwrenn !3ll 86! 1311 W 204 1,3 1.17 S6; 236 86' lis 23! 2S TO 232 Si 2ll0 100 112 80 100 1011 136 8I 136
Lumbar City 21 lol 14 Soi Si 23 2n 21 Sli IS 23 lo 16 24 10 24 20 21 In IT II 14 lo 24
Murrif liT 64I lis, 61 Tl 150 6i! 160 ii' 155 166 56, 65 157 65 153 611 158: 65 162 611 158 65 158
New Wellington 43 12 4.l' K', II 98 41 II 41 14 .17 3S 15 I Tl 41; 14 40i 15 SOl lil ST 16 40 14! 41
Ounrots 1211 43' 122 47! 1211 10 121 40 142 20 110 121 40 47 121: 40 llftl 62 I2SI 40 116 63 110 411 110
P,nn T6 45 t6 45 Si 21 TO 45' Til 46! 1I3 T7 45 6 76, 46 T6 4i 76! 46! T2 4T T6 4.V T6
I'ik M 72! S3! T2 IM) 12: 821 7l! 83 72 27 86 05 Tl 8.1! T2 82 TS 841 Til 6T BO 83 72 TT
I'niun. 41 So! 41. 20 .1.1 47 44 .10 0 30 42 44 30 80 44 30 44 3'J 44 30 44' 30 44 SO 41
Wouilwartl 02 2! 02; 2S lo.'l 2 Ol! 20 Oil 2s! 71 SS 22; 22: Oil 26 861 20 03, 20 SO 111 01 26 OS
I I I 1 1 ! ! 1 1 j I 1 1
Total 2744 I4I1; 2730 1415 25S7II0I2 2742 1444 2734,1130 2206 2537 I40T 1325 2Til 1458 2660 l6l3j:2T44 1400 2513 1505 ,I2T4(:1454 2720
M.jorilir. 1 1 aual Ii204' I67.V......I 1 208 ilu'DjI I 041 IH40 1 Ill23 I Mil I'I27.V OIK' 'Html II
The I'ire t'lrnd in illlchltran find
l'4seoiixfi. 1
Every chnritublc oye for ton .-dirvs
pastjius been turned L'hicag'.'WAr
This is rii'ht, but tho distress through
out tho States of Michigan and Wis-
consin, whoro the devastntiop hs,
been, is equally groat. Wo glean the
following lrom our exchanges:
Dktooit, Oot. 11, 1S71.
Tho nows from San Clair and Huron
countios of this duto is tho most dis-
tressinir character. All that portion
of tho Slato cast of Saginaw Hay und
north ot a point forty miles uoovo
Port Huron has been completely swopt
by firo. A numberof persons perished,
and, it is feured, wo huvo not heard the
The flourishing villngos of Forestvillo,
Wliito Uock, Elm Creek, Sundbenchl
and Huron City uro entirely destroy-1
od. Uock l ulls nnd Port IIopo oro- .I.,.,l.,...,w1!r. Ii na a
miuuiij uouujvii. si.uj,,.
boon heurd from Port Austin or I ort
Crescent, but it is hardly possiblo they j
escnpod. At nil llicso towns thcrol
woro largo stores, many 01 wincii were
IIIIVU im nuilui TAki iianu
sawmills, sliinglemills und docks cov
ered wilh lumber, all of which have
been swept nwny. It is snld there is
but 0110 dock left on tho shore about
A Bteanier which left Port Huron
lust night for the relief of the suffer
ers, returned this morning with about
forty men, women und children, fivo
of whom uro severely bnrnod. The
revenue cutler Pessonden, which start
ed for Port Austria, picked up a sail
bout on (he luko, containing Issue
Green, principal owner of Forestvillo,
together with his family and eighteen
or twenty others, who had. escaped
through tho lire back into tho country.
All llio tellegraph o'lices along the
shoro huvo been destroyed, but com
municulion will bo restored as soon us
the da 111 11 go dono to the lines can bo
repaired. Five childron aro known
lohavo perished near Hock Fulls.
Jt. II. Hubbard, at Huron City, shot
all his fino horses and cuttlo to prevent
their purishiug by fire. Ho loses very
heavily, having bad a largo store, mills,
docks, Ac. The cxtensivo property
of Stafford & Hiiywurd.iU Port Hope,
is about tho only 0110 which osrapod.
Fivo thousand dollars was subscribed
to night for tho relief of tho sufferers
of Ibis Slato.
The light rnin of yesterday seems to
have greatly abated tho fires through
out llio Slato, and it is believed the
worst is passed. Thero is .
in tho State but whut bus suflTered
more or less from fire, and iho loss
will amount to hundreds of thousands
of dollars. Tho damngo to the pino
land is incalculable. Saginaw City
only escaped destruction through the
determined efforts of her cilitens, who
fought tho fire back. The town ol
Bridgeport wus only saved from des
truction by n shower of rnin yesterday
morning. Charles Chandler's burns,
on his farm near Lansing, were burned
yesterday, together wilh severul fine
At Holland, on tho cast shoro of
Lnko Michigan, llio flames mnde
sCTircoly k building boing left. The
sufferings of thcponplo wero promptly
cared for by tho Mayor and citizens
of (I rand Haven.
Professor Charles Scott, of IIopo
College, perished; nlso a minister,
whoso naino wns not ascertained.
Nows bus just been rcccivod that
tho largest portion of llio city of
Manistee, Mich., has been destroyed
by firo. Manistee is on tho east coast
of I ,ako Michigun, a place of 4,000 in
habitants und ono of llio greatest lum
ber producing towns in tho Stato.
Thero is no telegraph station within
thirty miles of tho town. The fire
commenced nt ten o'clock on Sunday
night, and ruged until Ave o'clock on
Mondny morning destroying 20U build
ings, six Inrgo mills nnd a vessel lying
ut tho dork. Hull of tho entire tcwn
is burned. Tho loss is estimated at
l,oo,ooo '
CniOAOn, Oct. 12. 1871.'1
A despntch has just been reoeived
from Green Day, Wis., stuling that a
ilesmor had just nrrivod bringinga ro-
fiort that Sl!o bodies were nl Pislitcgo
11st night and ns mnnp in uro are still
wero burned to denth at Litllo Stur
geon Bay, and tho suffering through
out the North is terrible With the
exception of tho loss of proporty tho
calamity is almost as npulling as tho
burning of Chicngo.
wero burnod to death in a lurgo barn
in which they hnd taken refuge.
Hundreds of pcoplo wore driven by
the flumes into the river, where most
of them perished.
A later despatch from Groon Bay
says that on Sunday night s fire broke
out in tho Ilelginn setllniont of Brus
sels, in Door county, Wis., destroying
all tho placa contained excepting fivo.
Nino pot-sons aio missing. It is sup
posed they perished in tho flames.
I ho Inhabitants lost ever) thing.
Activo measures for their relief aro
being tuken at Duluth and other places,
but beforo assistsnco ran roach thorn
they must suffer soveroly.
Taw the Penalty. A soore or two
of thieves and pick pockets, who woro
caught plundering and adding fuel to
tho fire during its progross, were ar
rostod by iho citicn of Chicago and
swung from lamp posts with ropos
arouDi) their necks
County, at the General Election held October 10, 1871.
iladical Mlasrality.
Major Ilodgo, a pay master in the
'4trmy, was. arrested some time ago for
wbbiiig the United States Treasury
of nearly half a million of dollars, lie
jvns tried by a court martini of
f'clitims," who found thut ho had, in
less than four years, spent tJ4G.280.lC '
of Undo Sam's cash, nnd tho Court
sunlonccd him to ton years in tlio
penitentiary, and restoro tho money.
The Now York .Sun, of Iho lllh, thus
cxposos tho loyul dodgo adopted in
order thut the Major may escape
Tim cwlilni 111 nimulmn U' Im Dunura nil
..v vv..v. ... - , - "
u ti u 11 1 tho luw und tho facia, says :
"llio extraordinary sentenco ot ten
years in tho punilontiury imposed upon
i..n,,,..i.. llml. i
B.,parcut tml t10 pr6l,idcnt when he
, voJ jt novcr imonded thut this
' ... ... .
a shum. It is
iieluultor should bo punisliod. llie
.., .nor,;,.! ii ,Pn ri.tht in
Mntonco Hdgo to the ponilenlinry
tmn it md t0 genlonco lim to b0
,lll,gl,ji ri,,lt wu tl0 court know
it. An act of Congress passed July
17, 1802, expressly limits tho authori
ty to i miioso such a sentenco to cases
where by law the sumo court bus pow
er to inflict the punishment of death.
"This has been put lo the test be
foro. Four naval paymasters, who
woro sentenced lo imprisonment about
a ycur ago, were discharged under
this law by Secretary ltobeson, after
consultation with the Atlorncy-Geno-nil.
Tho court martial thon niado a
blunder, but now, with the preccdcnl
clearly established, it is plain that the
officers of this court wilfully imposed
an illegal sentence, wilh a view to
getting a brother officer out of a
scrapo. It is equally plain that in
this they wero Knowingly aided by
the President of the United Slates.
'Of course Paymaster Hodge will
walk away front the Albany Peniten
tiary ort a writ ut habeas corpus before
ho has fairly got into it."
Orrice IIiiokkrs. Ono Goo. Roose
velt, a clerk in tho Interior Depart
ment nl Washington, gnve the follow
ing evidence in tho Criminal Court
there on Thursday last, when he up
penrod ns a witness in tlio taso of the
Government against Dennis Darden :
"1 was seckin? for a position, and I
was introduced to John McCarthy as
a loliliyist; I wanted a consulship,
but I had not money enough ; I hud
only about ono hundred and fifty dol
lurs. "Judgo Fisher How much money
does it lake to get a consulate f
"Threo hundred dollars.
"Whnt consulate did you apply for f
"That is a small consulate.
. "It is worth $2,000, in gold, a your.
-How much did you lend him f
"Two or threo hundred dollurs."
Tho New York Sun says: Thoso
are interesting revelations Since the
udvent of iho present Administration
the business of appointing consuls has
been in tlio lianas ot ltunckolt Davis,
Gen. Grant's Assistant Secretary of
Muto. 1 Ins Davis wos proved by the
Legislature ol Massachusetts to have
tukon 800,000 as a brido to defraud
bis constituents nnd betray his clients
w hen he wns counsel nnd director of
tho Erie liuilway Company, threo or
four years ugo. If ho requires only
tllOO ns the prico of appointing a man
consul, his demands nro certainly very
modcruto. Such "nrosenls" aro alto
j'gelher too small.
kAow, why turn a lot of Jiadicals
out of Congress for soiling cadetships,
whilo the Stato department is soiling
consulships r
mm m
" United States Senators. On
March 4th, 1873, twonty-foiir seats in
tho United Slates Scnato, will beeomo
vacnnt by tho expiration of tho term
of office. Of tho twoniy-four Senators
whose terms will cxiiiro at tho duto
Mentioned, threo Garrett Davis, of
Kentucky, George Vlckers, of Mary
land, and Francis V. Bluir. Jr.. of
Missouri r Democrats : th r
.umining twenty otio aro Iiepublicans
,Xbe lattur comprise some of the lead
jug and most oxperionood members of
"tho Senate, such as Lyman Trambull,
jif Illinois, Oliver P. Morton, of Indi
ana, James Harlan, of Iowa. .Rosea
Oonkllng, nf New York, John Slier-1
man, of Ohio, Simon Cameron, ofj
Pennsylvania, and Justin 1). Morrill,!
(I lormont. A llhonph tlio date when
the seals of these Senators will become
loyally vacant may appears long way
crTyel this full nine of tho Stales rep
rscnlod by some of them will elect
legislatures by whom tho next Sona
lets will ho chosen. A year bonce
I sgishituroa will be elected lo choose
the remainder of the Senators.
Bo Murn ItcnFr.Mr.n.-- Tlio Cue torn
114U80 vault at Chicago contniiiod two
million dollars in "roonbscks" snd
O'i0 million in gold, (so snys tlie
ItOtor,) and wlmn oponod afler the
rlro it was round tlint tho former was
bui-nod up nnd the lifter molted. Throo
rr illionn. of the currently of tlio country
11 uivrviore rejeoniou.
Tq I'nscatcd Land Owners.
N'OTIrK ia hcrehy given thai the Commission
ers of Clearfield county will be In session nt
(loir onjoe in rtearneld, for two weeks, eoiamew
jlnf Oetnber Smh, IM7I, for Ihe purpose nf hear
ts'it oomrijainla as to eieceslve, double asanesment,,
aed eucn other errors in relution tn the aaaeasoipnl
ol unsifted lends as may be pointed enl, and for I
the purpoen or correcting nnd cqnailrlng Ihe j
same. Land owners end ageole win please glra
atteotlnn to this notice. I
:'-e, I ' Cot
pAAii,. 11 ninuHAfl, 1
remml.eioner'e Cffi-e, I
d,i:J-ld, Orr; ;i jt, )
$ctu gutvn1isrratitt$. -
Ttf virtue of an order of the Ornlmnf' Court of
llorii-ia eounlv, ino underugurd numlulitrslor
of llt-nrr Auntietibough, lte of Lmwrvnoo towo
hip, 4iiom1, will k II t publio !, st tbo Court
lluun, IB lloarueld, oa
At X o'olock, p. m., the following rr.t eiUte 1
HO AIRI OP LAND, iltuatt In Uwrim
tnttnihiii, CIar6oltl eounty, 60 ncraa of
wlucli era cloau-d and In s sood elate of eulura-
tion 1 balance ii kravilj timbered wilh bcmlooli
and oak, and (be whulo ia underlaid with a rein
of eioelteul coal. The linproreoienle oomiat of a
large irame nouee, ham, and other out-building p ;
nlso, a good bearing orohard and excellent water
on the premises.
IhllUti: One-lbird oath at eon6nuatioi of
eale, and the balanoe in eix and twelre month
with inlereit, lo b secured tiy bond and mort-
Oct. IS, I8T1-3L Adinioiitralor,
cw Finn at Wallarelon, Va.
Hut boaght tli cntirt stock of foodi from P.
Jllher, and ar rweiTiox a fft-arat auotinant
of new fooUi (rum the Eastern iti, lack tu
BOOTS k snoEs,
FEED, ko., kc, kr.,
To eichange for Countrj rroilure. Railroad Tice,
Luuiuer or October IS, 11,1.
AJ noveullier lorui, 1ST 1 1
riser wrsk asconn nonpar.
Darld Miles ncooarialeph. Kinhart.Preatur
John M. llo Bell
John Onwder... Bradford
Wra. Wonlrlilgn
J. McMurra.r.Burnside
Irfwie i, llurd....-Chett
(I. . Tmer "
Joah Rider.... Covington
Kmil .Mlrnol
A. llwguenH H
J. ?roHlaian..Clearfleld
Kirn Ale
Frank Short...
Ap. Utoom.CurweneTilie
. Arnolds "
J. K. Krslser "
.lack lloliivon "
llarid Uearbart. Decatur
Sain 'I M I Isrren
A.ll.Roeencrans Iltt ton
K. Mclarrey...Karlhaua
VV. r,ullcrton..Lawrenoe
J. P. Mnorc....
Waac lioon... u
Jno. W. Tate.
A J. Amce.....,H.Morria
Wm. Mays .Osceola
J. A. etatlrnbergcr "
Philip Rogers....
Hirh'd llanrcr, jrPcnn
Win. Pi Ji,hnaonM w
Jno. B. Haflerty..,. "
Jaa. 11. Smilh .pike
llavid Fleming
Levi R. lresstcr..Uuion
asronn waaa.
Henry Breth Belli Anderson Murry..(lirard
I rish Lilt Uoggs John Htnkv Ilnshen
Nathan Hoover... '- R. Ooleburn....Karthaua
A. Hoover..... .lirndfonl tl. Ileckcndorn M
Waller l?hirey John Witherow....Knoi
Jacob C. !niilh...Urady' J. Ilouglirrty, jr.Lawr'oe
Kline Rishel
Philip Mullen,
Jesse Lines
Krastus Luther.... "
P. Ilutton Uurnside
Joe. Wall "
J. Megullken. -
John MeCrtl Cheat
Hamitlon While... "
Martin Kline... "
II. h. 8nyder...KMorrli
W. L. Morrill..... "
Joe. Poreman....Osftcola
A. C. Moore Penn Mot'lnre ..Pike
W. II. Procinan "
A. C. Pinny.rlearfleM
Alfred Long
John Henry... Ferguson I II. Pelere..... Woodward
u. Artnutrung.
U. W. Iloyt....
T. llauipton.
W. A. Cbaeo. "
Jua. Poaftherty,,..pell
II. L. Henderson "
Jesse Does Hojrgs
Jno. W. Kvler.... "
S.muil floll "
Thomne Ilecra.... M
J. Llvinitston.,llra4lford
N. P. Wilson.,,
Jos. Winnery.
Kllie Kmeal.... "
jPernard OeMnwOlrard
Jaoob tlinlcr..,.llulioh
Henry Hagerly..
jihn Tyler .Huston
M. Hmith Jordan
Jno. Thompson. M
A. riiaeliuian..Lawrvnee
M. Lawhead... "
Jno. Lytle...., f
Joseph Itoret M
David lleauis Dralr
A. Patohen.....llarnaide
M. F. W.llavo.
K. C. Ilrennrr.,. .Morris
John llenoook ,.1'ike
I has. 8. Worrell... I'liest
L. Flood Covington
J. P. Mulson.
I.J. lteiiensteln.Cle'rfld
Fred fVkctt '
E. afcNeul Curarenevrie
Moeee Wise "
Jne. Norrie....
Moses llailer "
rt. Henderson. Woodw'rd
T. D. Alcijndrr t
B. J.
Q R B E N E,
dealer In
riiKDS,OitaANS nnd Melodeons,
f any mannfaotnrn desired.
For cash or In eiehange for good I. I'M II Kit.
10,(00 feet nf good Lumber wanted.
For circulate and terms, address
nngt tm No. 41 Hilt stieet, Huntingdon, fa.
Manufacturer! of
Paper Hangings and Window Shades.
aVhidrsale and Detail Balearnome,
pornst Tourlh mi Market atrcete,
I entoryCnrncv Twenty-third nnd Baueom fill.
October 4, n7l-m-pd. '
'), IVVJ And all hinds of PCItel-Jfor whlah
. the Olghcst eesh prleo rrill bn paid, of
leptjn.flm . I, L. riZE.V?III5.
tx 3KJi'rrtlsmrnts.
Tka Whealer l Wilton Bcirinr Machina Com
pany, hariof bad eighteen yean aipfrianea in
manuraatMring and telling Sewing Machine!, and
employing tha ablet t neobanieal talent In tble
country and In Europe, now offer to the puMie
eonfldent tbat it pontile all tha adrantegci
wlitch axpericnea bai ihowa to be tirantiaJ to
.Perfect Sewing Machine !
Tbe principle ti tbo aamt ai In tba old Wheeler
A Wilfon Machine, but ebangee bare been made
which to create iti efficiency, while at tho lame
time. le eare and vk 111 are required in It man
agement. Reami are eroieed with eaae. Tba
work guided with acareely an effort, Nearly
double iti former power. Ko nnder-teneion to
man it go. Erery joint can lo tightened ai fait a
It weara.
OYER 580,000
100,000 MORE
Wheeler k Wilson
have been Bold for family ns than nf any other
We recommend onr eustoniers In the eonntry lo
pnrcbaae their maebinea direct from our Agnta,
aa the price la Ibe same ai nt onr oflioea, and tbey
can th secure, at their own homee, Ibe neoeue-
ry inslrncliona.
VM. eUMXEK & Co,
Ucneral Agentt for the Western Slates,
HO Wood 8t, Pittsburgh, Pa.
SBAgcnta npply at office la perron or throngh
nny of our traveling agenla. llorse, wag,in and
outfit furnished. octlS-9al
r,tf nnn nnisiLi-a von
UUUUlV The nndrrsignrd offer the best
sawed 18-tnch Shingles in market, nnitin gradea
to suit purv-hascrs. Ho. I, $ J5 ; No. 1, St. Si
CtoarSeld, Pa., September M m.
CLnanriRLB Cornrr. PnKis'a.
This long eatablished and popular hotel ts slill
kr-pt by tbe aubscriber, who eparce no effort to
plesse atl who patronise him. "To please," is the
mono ni tne American House, unit all tbat is asked
is a trial. h. IV. KKKI), Proprietor,
t'urwrnsville, March 15, 171 If.
I)b. A. M. IIILI.3
sVrtllM BSIV tn alia nstllnnla aan.l tUm sneak.
lie t n orally, thai, hftrinn diMolvrd partnerphin
wi'h lr. Hbinw, be ii now doing the entire work
of hie office hirotflf, eo tbat put lent need not frar
Mne; pat andor the hnndf of nj oth-r operator.
lUtine; ot-te inert red art i in of ihe pfttent on the
plate uijnteriiil, I era enabled to put up teeth much
cheaper than formerly. I aleo bare lr. Ftuek'e
patent proeeee for working rubber platee, which
make much lip liter, more elatio and atronger
ttlale for Ihe aame amount of material, and pol
ithee the pi ate on both lidea, rendering U mocb
moreeaally kept elran. Ppeial attention paid to
the prreerration of the nit oral teeth, and all work
guaranteed entirely mliikctory to patient.
iferOffipe nt tbe old eorner, nppoalie the Pliaw
llouae. Offlee hour- from S to 1$, a, tn., nnd 1 to
i, p. w. Talienta from a dietanee hnnld notify
me a few dnya brrorchand of their Intention to
cnine. Alwara at home, nnleie other hotic ap
prara In both the county papera. fcll67l
ffffSt ORtc in Mnnonlf Building.
Putting of the natural teeth in ft heatlhy, p re
tort alt re and netful condition ia made a ipecialty.
I)ieaMe and malformatioaieontmftn to the mouth,
jaw and areoeiate parte, are treated and ourrrelrd
with fair anoeeii. Kxanilnalinna and eontulta
tioui rnna. Pricca for partial and full acta of
levtft much lower than in l70. it would be well
for nattenta from a dittanea to let we know hy
mail a few daya before pom ing to the office. It
if rery important that children between the agce
of fix and twelve yeara thould haee their teeth
examined. By Anirflhefft Teeth, are rcmored
wtlhout pain. fab)i 7?
Mm. s. s. l i d d e l
Having enrsfed In tha Marble easiness, desires
la Inform her friends nnd the public that she has
now and will keep constantly on hand a larce and
well selected stock of ITALIA Alip VKKMONT
MAnDI.K, and Is prepared to fuinish tn order
Curbs and Posts for Cemetery Lata, Window
Sills and Cape, also,
TOPS, Ac, Ac.
Terd nn Reed street, near the R, R. Ilrpot,
Clearfield, Pa. JcT,7l
Ilesire lo Inform tha eitlieni of Q'oeola and
Ihe public nenorally, thai they have jusi received
a Ioiko and splendid assortment of Stoves, House
hold Hardware and Stamped aad Japanned
Wares of ail kinds. AUrt that pa manufaeture
and kern constantly on hand a hi ft eseorluient of
Tinmen e Wares, whlah wa will dlsporn of at
either wholesale or retail, to suit purchasers.
Hoofing, Spo-illr, Hepairln and all kinds of
Joh Work don. to order and wilhdispueh
Slrltl aitenllon paid ordering arlhilct for par
ties fjeilrlnj II.
' Onnsnmera will Snd It tn their dcantae; tn
rnrchaaa from na. On Block nnd prices will sat
lfy yon that we do tell find erea nl
pricee that pleaea the people." V
Ton will Snd ui nn Dcrttu street, iienrly np. Kiehania Hotel, '
Pe.-lt Mitli, Pa., May IS, 1J7I If
f durational.
HO CITV tOl.l.lxi;. " "
ia best eonduef.! ...... ' '
initllullon laihe tolled si.u. Z,?--h.
practical education, of ;
d men. atdr-For l.r-. Zln
eonlelnlng full narliinlers. add,,,,' """S
.:m -'--UII,A:IJ.ri,r.,
FOS slll.ll 10 fiaiLi f,lLl,
Atlrallrelv In l.-i.i. .
ful region, one-fourth of a mile from tn!
Railroad. Four regular gr. luai,,, .
other eoupeUnt Inslruelors, ci,.iu ., "
of lustruclion. The Principal (for bib, '"''
in charge of Tuscarora Academr. n,d ,, '
nniiils In all Ilia l..n, ""'"a..
every deiarlinrnt of bnsineni. Tra- iji?
annum, alusia and l-aintln . wh
aesaion will eximuence Sei,tenilrfr
ifit im A. i. PATTfc lis'ok, i
THI PALL TERM of fourteen wk, m
oowuenoe Monday, Sept. 4tb, 171, '
Reading, Orthography, Writing.Okject Ln.
eons, i-rtunry Arilbuetie and Fnmsrr
Ocographr- i- u
History, Local aod descriptive Ueorrspby
wuu jn.p vniniiiK, uramuiar, Alesul
and Written Arithmetic .... s u
Algebrn and the Sciences .t jj j,
Insirnetlon in instrumental music u u
Oil paiating, 24 lessons HH( jj M
wn work
For full particulare eend for Circular.
ClearDeld, Sept. T, 1870-lypd.
Clearfield County, Pa.
rpiIE SECOND SESSION of this icitit,i,
X will Outninenoeon tbeflret Jdondeyof Nottn
her next, (Term, flee uontht )
Tbe eurrienlun of study will eubrfce a rigi)
and thorough eouree In every branch rfquiiitiv.
a practical and aeoonplithed education.
iueial attention giren to pcrmnt dffiriB
ooalify thcinaelref fur the prof mi ion of teuaii.
Alto, to vocal and inetrumental in u etc.
Pupila will be admitted at any time during the
eeniun, and ebarged from time of entering u Ik
eloae of the term. No deduction will t sji
for ahaanoe, except in cfteee of protra-d ill am.
Btudentf defirlng roonif for "clubbing "min
accommodated at moderate ratei,
Uood boarding ean be proeureil at I'.wtr rtie
than any other place lo tbe eounty. Tltret 44
lara per week at publieanJ private boutti.
For particulare aldreit
UliOlltiE W. IN VIS, Principal.
aeptl071-tf hew Wasbinftua, Pa,
A Male and Female Claaalcal I!Ih Schait,
Earb Department Hrparatn, Dlatlact u4
Complete iu Itnelf.
TUR eebolaitie yearofthia Institution Ii
ded into two ieioni of five montbi Herat,
one wet ai) each. The Gift aeaiion eomDic&efi n
tbe flrit Monday in 8eptuber; tbe aecond,eaiiH
fint Monday in Frbruary.
The ooane of initiuottoTj embrace aTrrr thing
neeesfftry to a thorough, praetioal and aecwn.&kii
ed edueaiion of both eeiea.
Tupila will be admitted at any time and cbargel
from date of entrance to tbe eloec of the leuiaa.
No Ueduetiun will be made for a bee nee, eierpt
in eaae of extreme and protracted iltoeif.
Htadentt from a diftanee ean be aooommedatel
with board at row ratea.
For particulare, emd for el reul are, or ed-lrtw
Her. P. L. UAIIH1S0N, A. M..
July ?8, 1871-tf. FrinopaL
!(.nl (fstate for a!r.
Valuable Real Estate!
The eabacribar offer for lata hia prcprtt ti
Market trrtt (neat door to Allegheny Hotel,)
Clearfield. Pa, being a lot and a half, "i fett
front on Market ilrert. with a doable plank tea.
ftory HOl'HK, containing four large roomi duwa
ataira and aix good bed roomi np it air, and goed
frame plank STABLE and all other nwww
outbnildiDfi areeted thereon. Three V KLLS ef
good water on tbe premise.
tT'For term a and -condition apply on Ik
Srcniiaea, or lo Frank Short, at tbe hhort Sboe
bop. next door to Miller A Powell' store, NaT'
ket street, or by letter to
jylS Clearfield, Clearfield Co, Pe,
Timber and foal Lands
The following traeta of Timber and Cnal Landi
ara offered for enle i Ono traH of 17,000 arret,
lying on the Elk Hirer, in Webiter eoucly: three
tracts lying on the same river in Braxton eoanty.
two of fr.OUO aerea each and one of 1.000 acre.)
and on tract containing 9,3u0 acre, lying oa ta
Uauley Hirer, in Nlehola ooonty, Tbetitlri t
these lands art perfect.
Anv infonnation eonoemlng these lend wan W
had by addresfing O. 8. FI.KUAL.
Marehdfl!, lftTI-tf. Philipsbnrg. Pa:
(Formerly Key tone Shoe Store,)
II at been remoerd to the ttpre room next door ta
the new Font office building, on Market strret,
where everything baa been fitted up in fine stvl
Now Is tba time to proeur yonr winter aupplr of
Than the ame Ooode can h. nooght aleewhere ia
Clearfiold eonntv.
A large dock of l.a.lifi" Shoes, Oaittrs and
81ippcra, of all atjrles, nnd pricca.
Ornt's Chocs. Boole, nailers. Clippers a fee
ft' Misses' nnd Children's Shoes and
Ueitent of all deeoriptione. Hoy't Bcote A 8boee,
ej very large varictv.
A cordial Invitation la eitrndrd tn all to rat!
nnd examine my stock, nnd flatter mraclf that I
oan plraee the most faslidicut, b-th a, to HJ1'
nnd prion. -1 - '
Jjl National Shoe Store, Cleerneld. Pa.
Are yon In need of n good set of Harness f
Are yon In need of a good Paddle or Brl.H.f
If so. cell at the Doddle and llarnese Khn (
Jons C. Iltnwirn, where yon cen grt Ihe best ia
the market. Douhle and Single Harness and Ta
dice' and Hunt's Saddlee of superior workmanship,
nlwaye on band ov mannfacturcd In order. Spe
cial attention la enllrd to my clock of Collars and
llamee, wkich are the beet in use. I slso here en
assortment nf Saddlers' Hardware, which will be
disposed of at reasonable rates. Repairing of all
kinds promptly nttendrd to. .H"n't forget te
cell btiiire elerwhero. hnp ia lira
ham', Hoj,, Market street. Clraifleld, I'a.
May, l7l-ly. JOHN U. IIAHllin.
DMHtll.VI ION. Notice Is hereby gtren
that the oo-nnrtnerahin berctcftrn eiirtioj
irini. v i i. .I,- n Rfllfrr.
ty, in the mercantile bnsincss, in IN-nn lowmnip.
was dissolved b, mutual eunrnt on the Sllh day
of grptrmbrr, A. 1). IhJI. The hooke nnd ea
oonnu are In tba bands of Mr. ltafferty for scitle-
ment. WII.I IAM F. jiiii".t.
O ran; plan Hills, Oct. 4, 1171-41.
Tha nnderalgned will aanllnne Ihe caller" at
tha nld eland, and hopes to rrceiro the same lin
ers) share tt patronage bestowed npon the eld
tm. J. B. BAKfEBTl-
(CAUTION All person, ara hereby nellded
J against recelrli.g a Promissory Note gi"
nt l. II. ?u.n. hy tha aukecrlber. payahle !
month, after date, for thirty dollars, dated Scrfc
10th or Jlh, ITI. I bar received MTaleel"'
eaid uela, and shall not PV H nl11 eomnctled by
law. ' . , Vihn R. VOUUUT.
Plt ', P-t-)br4, ?-fr .