THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, PA. . WEDNESDAY AIORNINll, OCTODKIl 11, Ul, TUB GOLDEN KIDIi. Thin If many a reit in tho road of lift, If we oould only ilup to likt it: And ninny n tone from the bettor land, If tlio queruluui benrt would ntako It t To the lunny loul that it full of hope, And whoia beautiful Iruit ne'er fniletb, The g --art if groen and flowerl bright, Though the winter itorm proraih-th. Better to hope tho1 the oloudi hang low, , . And keep tbe eye itill lifted, For the ewect blue iky will iood peep thro', When tho otnlnoue ctoudi arc rifted 1 . There wai never a night wilhont a day, ' Or an evening without a morning! And the darkest hour, ai the proverb goei, li the hour before the duwuing. There le many a gem in tho patb of life, Which we pan in our idle plcaiure, That ii richer by far than the Jeweled orown, Or tbe niiier'e hoard of treasure, It may be the love of a little ohlld, - Or a mother'l prayer to heaven. Or only a beggar 'i grateful tbankl For a cup of water given. ' Better to weave in the wrb of life, A bright abd golden filling, And to do Ood'i will with a reedy heart ' And baudi that ere ready and willing. Then to innp the delicate, minute threadl ' Of our euriom livei asundrr, And thui blame heaven for the tangled, cndl, And eit ani grieve and wonder. Aaron Burr. Fow pcoplo tiro nwnro that Aaron Burr bus a son living in Ohio, but uth U tiie fret. Ilia motlior wnn Miss CuthnrinB , tit Hint titno (1300) a woll known WaHhinyton bcllo, who fell liencuth tho blandishments of tho Vice President. Sho wan noted for her bsmity, refinement and wit, and alter her ruin, flod myntoriounly to Philadelphia. Her sudden disappear ance from the gay capital created a great deal of talk ; and after that avent bIio was dead to nil the world mivo her titled destroyer and her ton. Tho eor respondent vf tho Miami County Dem ocrat ,who reveals tlioeiistonco of this ion, says he taw hib father but twice onco after hit acquittal boforo tbe Supremo Court of tho United States, at Kichmond, when he was tried for treason, tho second and last titno in tho latter part of 1835, in Now York, llo was then agod, bowed lo tho earth with the great weight of four snore years and a broken hoart. Disease also rucked his framo. Thirty years before his dutightor had suited from Charleston, South Carolina, to meot him, but the vessel in Which she em barked was never heard from and tho blow nearly crushod Burr's life. "Sir," taid tho old man, "although the blood of Aaron Burr runs through my veins, I detest it. He conspired against tho best government on tho face of God's footstool, and I am tho offspring of a traitor. I tried to redeem my birth by fighting for my country in tho Florida war; but tho odium rankles in my heart, and littlo does the gov ernment suspect that it pays a pension to tho son of Aaron Burr." When I asked him if 1 might publish his exis tence he said : "Yes, it will do me no harm, but for heaven's sake do not point out my pluco of retirement to tho gaping world. Stigmatize my fulherasyou please; hut speak kindly, 1 pi ny theo, of my gontlo and orring mother, who is in heaven waiting for her son. I am on the borders of three score and ten," he continued, with moistening eyes : "I want to crots tho river tjhoro the stain of ancestry will never corrode a name." I havo not mcntionod the old man's name. With out his consent' it never pastes my lipj. I!atiii.r Domestic. Tho oditor of tho .Now York S'un"Bayt: It has been proposed that President Grant should havo a salary of & hundred thousand dollars a year, on tho ground that twenty-five thousand is not enough to maintuin tho dignity of his office. Considering how Grant has appointed men to most important planes in ro lurn for presents given to himself, and how he has quartered his worthless relations upon tho public treasury, we don't sco how ho could keep up tho dignity of the Presidency oven on a salary of a million a year. Dignity is a moral quality, and Grunt seems to havo' no moral sense left. However, it would bo worth whilo to givo him any sum ho might require if he would ngrco to lonvootf taking prosonts, and to provido for tho necessities of his worthless relations out of bis own hnndsomo fortune. But without some such guarnntoos on his part, his salary is large enough at it is; any way, ho hat got rich on it. Along the Susquehanna. 1'over and aguo along the Suique htmnu river is unusually prevalent this full, thousands of pcoplo boing nfllictcd with it in different towns from lliildlotown to Milton. There are 500 cases in Sunbury and 300 in Nor thumberland. In Milton on Sunday usl, one physician is laid lo have visited 00 patients down with the disease Aguo also provails to a cer tain extent in llarrisburg. At Baldwin a few miles bolovv llarrisburg, nearly pne hulf of tho employees of the steel works, numbering pvo 100 persons, have bcon under tho influonco of tho "shakes' for the past fow weeks. Of all acts of cowardice tho meanest is that which loads us lo abandon a good cause bcratiso it is wonk, and join a bad cause becauso it is strong. The smitten door is said to be avoidod by the herd it is tho instinct of the brute ; but in tho higher law, which reigns in tho breast of mankind and womankind, you never saw tho smit ten son abandoned by tho mother, who may bo scon, Instead, Blnnding by him at tho font of the cross on which he is puspondodguudosorvedly or deservedly. Simple I'l.r.AHtRRs. It is a sign of health, or of convalescence, when men lovo gontlo, simplo pleasures and en joyments that do not rush or roar, but distil as tho dew. lho lovo of rural life, the habit of finding enjoyment in funiiliur things, that siikcoptihility to nature which keeps tho nerve gently thrilled in her homeliest nooks, and by her commonost sounds, is worth a thousand fortunes of money, or its F)mvaioiit Like most irarmrnta. lilt a mnnt rnr pets, everything in life has a right lido and a wrong ido. Yon can take any joy, and by turning it around, find troubles on the othor sido j or you may take the greatest trouble, and by turning it around find joy on the other side. The gloomiest mountain lievcr casts a shadow on both sides at once, nor c)op the greatest of lifo's calamities, s The Philadulphian, who kissed his liiiod girl whilo his wifo was peeping through the koyh&le will b abio to t sat noont t-'hrisimni ' 5rg CaofliJ, (btottitt, Ctr. pliACB IN EUHOPBI VT GREAT EXCITCMEST IN . FRENCHVILLEI Tht bloody contf it between Fmnee an a Pruitl Ii it tn end fur tit prewnt, 10 fkr the ilauuh- . . 1 1 ti.. .luiHiiiilnii at nmnarfv ll eoneerned. The Ryl Jugglera no doubt pride t&emiolvei na rejoice vrvw nm iDiljtn.nuftnt Ii their work when eonred with tbe humane nd ohrliliaa effort! of L. M. COUDRIET, who hil undertaken lo luppty all tbe eltlienl III the lowor end of Ibo county with food and raiment at eieoedinc low ratei from hil mammoth etore in MULKONUURO, where ho can alwayi be found ready to wait upon oelleri and lupply them with Dry Goods of all Kinds, Suoh ai Clothi, Satlnctti, Canimerei, Muillut, Delaine, Linen, urtinngi, laueoeo, Trimming., llibboni, Lace, Ready-made ClotbinK, Booli and Shoci, Hall and Cape all of the beet material and made to order Hole, Bocae, tilovee, Mittem, Lnoel, Ribbom.Ae. GROCKUIES OF ALL KINDS. CofTee, Tea, Sugar, Rim, Mitlaiiei, Fiih, Salt, l'urk, Liuiood Oil, Fiih Oil, Carbon Oil. Hardware, Queeniware, Tinwnre, Calling, Plowi and Plow Calling!, Nallf, Splkei, Corn Cultira tora, Cider Proiici, and all kindi of Ana. Perfumery, Painta, Varnlah, Olaie, and a feaeral Miortment of Stationery, GOOD FLOUR, Of different brand', alwayi on hand, and will be old at the loweit poMilile figure,. LIQUORS, auch at Dmndy, Wine. Gin, AVhiiky, Jayne'a Merifcinci, llosttttcr'i and llooflAnil'i llitlen. 6000 pound, of Wool wanted for whloh the highest (irica will be paid. CloTeraeed on band and for mU at tht loweit market price. Alto, Agent for Strattonville and Carwenaville Threihiny Machine. , , L-Call and see for yonrielrti. Too will find ererything umally kept in a retail it ore. L. M. COUDRIET. FrenohrilU P. 0., March 1, 18T1. n. a. arsold.i W. ltOia BiRTIHOtS. "Cheaper than the Cheapest!" GOODS AT REDUCED PRICES Arnold A Ilnrtsliorii, (One door will of FIrrt National Bank,) CrBENSVII.LE, PA. HAVINO Jnit returned from the tail with a aomplot. aiiortmenl of Ooodi lultabl. for Spring and Summer trade, we are sow ready to furntih all kindi of Qooda "Cheaper than the Cheapest!" And after thanking nr cnitom.ri for their liberal proaage during the paet year, we would moil r.iioetfully aik for a eontinnaaee of the lame. Onr Stock eoniliti of a complete eiiorlmint of Dry Ooodi, Notloni, Bardware, Queeniware, Willowwore, Oroeeiiei, Boot! Shoeo, Hall A Cape, Clothing, Tobaeeoe, Ae. Alio, Flour, Bieon, 8alt, Fiih, Orain, eto. All of whUh will b. aold on the moil reaeoa able termi, and the bighoit maikct priea paid for Orain, Wool and all kindi of Lumber and Country Produce. afPleaie girt 01 s eall before pnrehaelng eliewhera. Satiifaetloa gnaranteed ae to price and quality.- ARNOLD A HARTSHORN, Corner of Main and Tkompioa Street!, . , iprSO CURWEIJSVILLE, FA. - 1. F, WBATIR- ..W. W. (ITTt. WEAVEIl A BETTfi CLEARFIELD, PA.,' Are offering, at the aid itand of O. L. Reed A Co., their i lock of goodi, eoniiiting of DRY - GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS A SHOES, HATS A CAPS, HARDWARE, QVEENS7ARE, FLOUE, FEED, SALT, &c, &o., At tbe moit roaeonabla rain for CASH or Id ichange for Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, OR COUNTRY PBODUCB. "Adrnnoea made to thoie engaged In get ting out iquare timber on the moit adrantageoui ternil, January 1, IBfO. 1871. 1871. SPRING GOODS! The First of the Season 1 The Cheapest in this Market! BUY! BUY!! BUYil! OF KRATZER & LYTLE, Tonr Dry Ooodi, Tour Window Cnrlalni, Your (Irooertel, Your Carpeti, Your Hirdware, Tour Oilolothi, Your Queeniware, Tonr Wall Papera, Yonr, Your Hati, Your Booti A Shoei, Your Cap, Yonr Leather, Y'our Carpet Chain, Yonr Bhitt Findlngi, Your "torci, Yonr Flour and Fiih, Your Baoen and Foed. SALT! SALT! SALT! at wholeaale t. aountry mMrbanta. OILS, PAINTS, GLASS, A a. A liberal dit connt to bailder. Krerything that ytu need can be bad at great advantage 10 me ouyer, ai KRATZIR A LYTLE'S, . Uarket itreet, Otiarin., Fa., oppoille tbe Jail. 1:1 JO HI TlOpTHAR, DcalW la all kladi of FURNITURE, Market Street, One door uat Allibeny Uonaa, tiajia'Tl PLEARFIKLD, PA. gtHJ HAT8-I.ateet Spring itylea- D. B. FILI.ERTON'S. ")LANK CUXXTAULE't HALEB FOR I) ) It thil a,-. ' (Elothlufl. How to Niive Mont'. rHB tlroei are hardi yoa'd Ilk. to know How you may ear. yonr dollar! Th. way t. do It I will ehow, If you will road what follow. A man who llred lot far from ken, Who worked hard at hie tratU, Bat had a koniehold lo oupporl That iquandered all he mad.. I met him one.. Biyi be, "U j friend, I look thread bear and rough Pre tried to g.t myi.lf nilt, But ean't lar. up enough." Bayi I, my friend, how much ban yon f I'll tell yon where to go To get a lull that'i lound and ohoapi To RKIZBNtJTKIN A Co. H. took what little ha had lend, ... And want to K.tuoit.ln A Brother.', And tber. hi got a handiom. lull. For half he paid to .there. Now be It horn., he looki lo well, And their offoot Ii inch, That when they take their dally meal, They don't eat half aa much. And now h. Inde on Saturday night, With all their wante aupplied, That be haa money left to ipend, And torn, to lay aiid. Bli good inoocil, with cheerful tulle, He gladly telle t all. If you d eave money, go and buy Tonr elothoi at ' REIZENSTEIN'S CLOTHINQ HALL. Where th. theeneiL Snoit and belt Clothing and good Furnlihing Ooodi can ba bad to lull erery taite and in erery ityla aprl 1,'tO pisrfllancous.' B URNBU OUTI BURNED UPI BELL'S RUN U'OOLKN FACTORY, Penn townihlp, Clear A eld Co., Pa, Tbe luburiberi aro, at vrcat eipenw, rebuild In f, 1.1,4 ia few day. will hava ompleted, a neijclibornood ntoeeiity. In tbe eraetlon of a flrat elaii Woolen iManufaoturj, with all the nodorn Improvement! attached, and are prepared to tnnke all kindi of Clothi, Caiifmeree, Batloetti, Bian keti, FlanneU. Ao. Plenty of goodi oa band to supply all our old and a thousand new cm to men, whom we aik to eome and examino eur itook. Tba bmineie of CARDIXO AND FULLING will receive enpeolal attention. Oar new mill will be rredy by wttol-eardinf aeaaon. therefore there need be no hciitntion on that eeoro. Proper arraniremenU will be made to receive and deliver Wool, to luit Quitomora. All work warranted and done upon the ahorteit notice, and by ftriet atten tion to buiineu we hope to roallie a liberal ehare of publie patronage. 10,000 POUNDS WOOL WANTED! We will pay the hiirhe.t market price for Wool and sell our manufactured guodi ai low ai similar goods oan bo b (tight In the oonnty, and whenever we fail to render reasonable satlifaction we ean always be found at home ready to make proper explanation, either in person or by letter. sprll2flif Urampian Ililli P. O. STOXE AD EARTHED - WARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION I CHOCKS! POTS1 CROCKS! f'lalier'l Patent Airtight Self . Scaling r ruu a ana 1 BUTTER CttOCKS, with lldi. CREAM CHOCKS, MII.K CROCKS, APPLE- BUTTKn CROCKS, PICKLE CROCKS. FLOWER POTS, PIR PISHES, - BTEW POTS, And a great many .tber tblnge too namerooa to mention, to n. naa at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WARE TOTTERY, Corner l Cherry and Third Street, CLBARt lKLD, PA, angj Lime lor Sale I TUB undersigned, residing near the drpot haa made complete arrangements with Lime Uurnere east of the mountain, whereby he U ena bled to keep eonitantly on band a large quantity of PURE LIME! . which ba offers to firm en and builders at a trifle above cost. Those in need of tho article would do well to give me a eall. or address me by letter, be fore negotiating their lime. Clearfield, Pa., June 9, 18C9. EDWARD PERKS & CO., Flour MuiiiifiietiirorH, And Dealer! In GRAIN OF ALL KINDS, PUILIPSBUKO, PA. A FULL SUPPLY of FLOUR, WHEAT, CORN and CHOP oomtantly on band, and for lale at ratea remarkabljr low. Ifebi-U Iilvcry Mtable. TIIR nndenlgned bet. laar. to Inform tho pub lic that h. il now fully prepared to aeenmmo- date ell In th. w.yof furniihing Hortee, Buggiee, Saddlei and llarfle.1, on th. notice and on reasonable termi. Reaideno. on Locuet itrMt, between Inlrd and rourth. ORO. W. OBARIIART. OlearHeld, April 11, 18(17. . . Miss E. A. P. Rynder, asT roil Chlckerlng'i, Stelnway'i and Emarion'i Plinoi Bmitb'i, Meion llamlin't and reloubel't Organi and Melodeoni, and Ororar A Bak.r'a Sawing Machinal. alio TUAcaa or Piano, Onltar, Organ, Harmony and Toeat Ha llo. No pupil tak.n for leee tban half a term. rxotmi next door to rtrat national nana. Clearneld, May , lBdS-tf. c OOK tTOVEII SPEAR'S CALORiriC, SUSQUEIIAKNA, BUPKP.IOR. OOV. PENN, RRQULATOH, NOBLE COOK, NATIONAL RANGE, TRIUMPH, PARLOR COOKS, SPEAR'S REVOLVING LIUIITS AND DOUBLB HEATERS, And all kindi of Uoaling Store. for lale by aual'T H. F. Bill L KB. A OO. New Meat Market. rriHE nndenigned have opened a Meat Market X. in tbe room formerly occupied by Alexander Irein, on Market etreei, Clearneld, ra., adjoining MoeMp'a, wbore tbey intend to keep a lupply f All kind, of Moat, . I'm It and Vegetable., And afrnirraro amr run ttvhi." Shop' will be open regularly on Tueidny, Thuridny and Sat urday, and meat delirered at any point. A ihar. of publie patronag. ii rcepootfully mlielted. jn. u. urn'" rc. E. W. BKOWN. Alio Continue lo deal in all kindi of Improved Agricultural tmplementa. Clearneld, Augait II, 1470-tf. Clearfield Nursery. ENCOURAGE HOME INDUSTRY. 1111 E nndenlgned, hieing eitabllihed a Nui . eery on the 'Pike, about halfway between Ciearfleld and Curwenivtlle, li prepared to for alih allklado.rFRVIT TREES, (itandard and dwarf,) Erergr.ene, Shrcbbery, Urapa Vinei, Qooieberriaa, Lawtoa Bln.kb.rry, Strawberry, and Raib.rry Vln.l. All., aiberlae Orab Treel. Uuino. aad eariy aoirl.t Rhubarb, Aa. Orders promptly atunded to. Adiireii, i. ti. v rio nr. Mp9t t-7 OurweniTllle, Pa Bealq's Embrocation, (LATE POWELL'S,) For all diieaeei Inoident ta lloraaa. Cattle, ani uuium rieik, requiring tb. nee ef aa .iterral applloatlon. Thil Embrocation tai .1i.n1lr.l7 ua4 hy the QoTorameat during the war. For nil by Hartawlok A Irwin, Clearneld. e-oiepa It. irwia, unrweairilU. Daniel lood lander. Lalbonbarr , if THECELEBRATEO RICHARD80B BOOTS Llf-hl Kin........ ,ib Of. . trench Kip ,. I French Calf......,,, CO. 2arxtaarr, fflnwarr, fSU. THE IU0NSIDES TIN AND STOVE STORE I ,G. S. FLEGAL,, rtdlipsburff, Coatrs County, Ta. THE nnderilgaed reipeotfully annoane.i to th. pobli. that ha haa oa hand n (are fully. leleoted and well ailorted itook of STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES, HOLLOW WARE ! TIN, COPPER AND SIIEET-IRON WARE! WOOD AND WILLOW WARE! nil Itock of Cooking Storei coniiiti of SUE CELEDUATED IHONSIDES, Which hare nerer failed to bring peace and proiperity into familial whore It la need, Diamond State, Farmer, Herald. Charm, Spean' California Cook Sloe.,' Anti-Duet, Uai Burning Cooking tStoeei, Victor, ' Kelianoa and Union Uan.i, Sp.ari' Cooking Raogci, Ac, e. kThl Tin and Sheet Iron war. elren with th. Siot.i Ii made of th. h.arfeet and belt material, and warranted la giro perfeot aetli faolion. Els Stock of Parlor dc Heating Stoves la larger, better aad cheaper than erer b.fore ihibittd to the publie eoniiiting of Spean' Revolting Light Illuminating Store, tpearr Anti-uuii uaa. naming rarior Htora, Speara' Orblenlar .Qai-Bnrning Parlor Btnee, Bpeeri' Oae-Burnlng Parlor 8tora, Boquet, Purl,, Ida, Sun. Tropio, Kerada, Ae., Aa. Vulcan, Elm and Victor Ileaten, Ppeari' Ba rolrlng Light, Ha le alia prepared ta furnlik n eomnleU aiaortm.nt of Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron, Wooden and Willow Ware, &o., Whol.iala or ratail, maonfaetorad neatly and with tba aol. view to lerelce, from th. beit ma terial In the market. PLOWS A PLOW POINTS, COPPER, BRASS, . PORCELAIN, TIN-LINED, 8P0N A COMMON IRON KETTLES, Of aver? deioriptlon ..mtantly an hand. ORDERS FUR SPOUTU.G, ROOFING And other work belonging ta hil hniinen will ba promptly Iliad by eiperieneed and ikiliful workman. BRASS, COPPER, OLD METAL, BAGS and cash Taken la aichange for gooda. tr-n. .ipeeUlly laeiUe th. attention of Merebanta wlining to pnrcnaa. ai waoioaaie. ai tbey will tnd It to their advantage to aaamin. hil etoek before purenaiing .ii.wn.ra. Look out for tba Big Sign nppoilta th. real dine, of Mra. Dr. Foator. v All Ooodi Viuimi ii Raranainin. C. 8, FLECAL. Phltlpibnrg, June 1, 1ST0. auglfS The Great Prcsener of Health! pkhfor ati;d A SURE PREVENTIVE CURE OF FOR COLDS. 11 WV. RHEUMATISM) BUCKSKIN UNDERGARMENTS! run Linica inn oaxtLaarj. For lale by C. KRATZER A SONS, Dec 21, 1870. Clearneld, Pa. GREAT EXCITEMENT ON SECOND STREET, CUarrttld, Pa. NEW GOODS AT LOW PRICES. TnK nndenlgned roipeetfully Inelta the at tention of lha pel, llo generally to their plendld anortment of marehandiia, wkieh they are now telling AT VERY LOW PRICES. Their Hook eoniliti In part af Dry Goods of the Best Quality, Such aa Frlnti, Da Lalnei, Alpaooai, Merlnoa, Uinghame,Mniltni,(hieaehed and nnbleacb ad,) Drilling!, Ticking!, ootton nnd wool Flannell,8atin(tu,Caiilmerl, Cottonadee, Ladiee' Shawli, Nubiai A Hoodi, Balmoral and Hoop Bkirti, Aa., Alio, n flna annrtment of Men'i Drawerf and bhlrti, II iU A Capi, Boota A Skoea. all of which WILL BE SOLD LOW FOR CASH Hardware, Queensware, Glassware, Groceries and SpiceB. IN SHORT A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OroT.rythlng nipilly kip! In . retail itora, all CHEAP FOB CASH or approved .oan try pre- 4"'' A. K. WRIGUT EONS. Clearlild, Ko. Tr 18t. II. BRIDGE, MERCHANT TAILOR (Store one door exit of ClearMd Huee,) Market Btrnnt, ClenrBaU, Pn. KEEPS on hand a ful anortmenti of Genu' Furnlihing Ooodi, mch na ShlrU, Linen and Wwilen Underikirti, Drawer, nnd Bocka, Niek llei, Pock.t Uandkerahlefi, Olor.i, Hale, Umbrollai, A.., In gnat Ttriety. Of Pieee Qeode be keepi lha Best Cloths of all "Shades and Colors," Such aa Black Doeikla af the very heit makel Fancy, I. rariety , nleo, French CoiUni. Beaeer, Pilot, Chinchilla, nad PrteoM Tereoallng. All of which will he eald ekeap fof vain, ana mane up aoosrning e. we intait aiyia. hy eiperieneed workmen. Ale., Ag.nt for Clearlild county far I. M. Singer A Op 1. el.brat4 Sewing Kechinaa. V glantnfllttW. NOTICE, w-xwi Q. L. Rood. iil:i:i A POWELL. CLEARFIELD PLANING MILL ALL RIGHT! THE proprietor! reipeotfully inform thooitleoni of Clearneld county, that thee hare entirale refitted tlili eitabliihmont with the lateit Improved wood-working machinery, and are now prepared to eieonU all orderi In tholr lio. of builnua. Tbey will giro aipcclal attention to the mannfaa ture of material for houia building, lupb aa FLOORING, WEATHER -BOARDING, SASH, DOOBS, BLINDS, Btl.1CK.tiT8 it MOVLtHA'CS, OF ALL STYLES, Wa alwayi hare on hand a large etoek of DRY LUMBER, and will pay oaih for all clear Lumbar. On.-and-a-half Inch panel ituff prafemd. Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or exchanged, to luit euitomora. V.0nleri follcited, and Lumber furnlihed oa ihort notice and on roaeonabla termi. REED A POWELL. CIcarOeM, March I, 1871. nisrrUaurous. H. F. N AUGLE CLOCK AD WATCH MAKER, orrourn mi aanr rraaar POST OFFICE! CLEARFIELD rrillB lubiorlber reipeoltully Inform! hi. old X pitronl and the publie generally, that ha naaoa nana, (ana li eoniuntiy recilrlng now aaauiena mere to,; a large itoen ot Clocks, Watches and Jewelry. keep Jewelry la all Hi forma aad of dinerenl raluel, altner by th. piece r eat WATCHES A fall anortnenl of either Oold or Silver, made ny the beet As.rioea and for- aign manufaeiurare, tnoladiagn Ana lot of gold and illver hunting tut, fall Jeweled, Patent Levari. CLOCKS Of nil deilgni. asmiitlni af eiehu day and Iblrty-honr, of either weight, ipring or, ana nom oiriae ana alarm. REPAIRING. All kindi of Wetehei aad Cloeka Repaired, aad warrantM. In addition ta what I have enumerated, I kaap n run aieoruaentor orKumcLKS, colored and nlalnalaei. Alio, OOLD PENS end PENCILS SPOONS, FORKS, BUTTER KNIVES, and In fact everything in Ibe Jewelry line. If I fail ta have on hand juit what a emtomir may need, 1 wtll order per Bret .ipren, wttnoutfltra ebarr. A libera! share of puimo patronage ii lolielted. may r, 1009-7 II. I. SAUULE. MOSHANNON LAND 4 LUMBER CO., OSCEOLA STEAM MILLS, MAarracTcaai LUMBER, LATA, AND TICKETS. H. II. R1ITM IN0F0ED, Praildent, Offloa Foreit Place, No. 125 S. 4th it, Phil'a. JOHN LAWSHI'., Oeneral Sup'U Oioeola Mill., Clearfield county, Pa. LASD AXD UMBER C0MPAXY OFFER TO rurcliosers of Choice Goods AT TtlEIH MAMMOTH STORE IK OSCS0LA. 'Nevr nlilnetl MOH1IANNON LAND AND LUMBER COM l'ANY offer for ! Towi LoU m tbt bor ough of O-oeolft, Cltflrld oointj, Fa., nt Alra lots to luit jparchMr uiltid tb Imiti of Mid borourb. OioroU it lilunvtvd oo tb Muibannon Crock, in the rlcheit portion of th oount of Licsrocid. on th nn nr in lyront vieorfleld Rftilroad. where tho Blothonnon nnd Benforton bronrb rnndi intoriroot. It ii alio in th brart of th Monhannon eoal btuin, and larft bodiei of niiite pin. bmlorkt onk, and thr timber nr round It. On of th Urgei! lutubtr UMitfootur InR tli!ibmrnti in th Hut it locMed in tn town, whil tbert nr nan; other lumber nad biiiffle in ill- round it Tb town ii but mtn yenr old, and eontaini a population of on toon innd Inhnliltnnta. "For further Information ipplv at th offlot of tb aboti oompanj. JOHN LAWSHR, 1:4:70 O antral Superintendent. X LUNDBRNENI PERFECTION IN CANTHOOKSI Th ClearflrU Ezoelilor Cant hook will not wear out or break, being eon.tmoted with one olid band from clip to point. It U pronounced bj all praetloal lumbennca who hav ianitnd it to b tb aaoit per fret Cant book iter In Tented. ( Amos Kennard, Patentee, Manufactured hy Anoa Kaaaann A Co., at CLEARFIELD, PA. "All ordera promplly attended to. nl3'7l FAIRBANKS' STANDARD 5TA MCAIaEN, Mjt ., an nun., "s"ge Bamri, Warehouie Trucki, Copying rreiMi, Improred Money Drawer, Ae. r u !. y II. F, BJOLER k CO,, , Dealer. In Hardware, reeUO.TO. If ' Second Street, Clearfield, Pa. Down I Down 1 1 TIIE LAST ARRIVAL I AND OF COURSE Till CHEAPEST I h Proclamation against High Pricesl WE are now npenlnf up a lot of the belt nnd moit aeaannilil. (ftudi and Wane aeor i,lfered In thie market, and at prion that remind ne of tbe good old dayi of cheap titlniti. Tnnea who laeh faitb upon thil point, or imm our alle ratloai npartnoua, Mad but CALL T OCR BTORE, Conor Front and Marital iliaata, Whna they ean eee, twl, hear and know Air them. mItm. To fully andvrctand what aroeheap ffooda, thil mnet b. don., W. do nyl deem It neeeeaary to enumerate nd Iteaitae our itoek, ll li anongh for ul in eiau that We l)3Y gyenrthlng that ii Nesd and wniaaied In thti market, and at prleei th eikiaiiu both old and Ann.. ' dJJ - JUJFPH A MV, NEW DRUG STORE! WM. B. ALEXANDER, M. D., Pniglat nnd Apothecary, CURWENSVILLB, PA., Keep l ooailantly an hand a large anortment of DRUGS, Patent Medlclnee, Painta and Oili, Varnliheo, Dya Stuff., Ae. 11 Ii itook of Dmae la pure and freih, and .aitoni.n un rely upon (ettini the beet of everything ukti Una. liu lUwk of P E R F U ME R Y, Toilet Artlclci, Hair Ton let, Coimetlci, Broiliea, Toilet 8oapi. Ccmbi, Pocket Book, Pen, Inki, Peneili and Paper, and a general aatortinent of Una elaaf oi good; ar aji or ta Deat quauij. PURE WINES & LIQUORS, For Mtrdioal pnrpotes only. Olaai, Patty, Lubricating Oil, Ac, to luit tb wanti or th oommanity. II ii eitenslr and well foltetod itoek of Drag, nnd Medioinei enable! bint to All Pbriioiaoi' proieriptioni on ihort notio and on tl moit reawnaul term. Mm ok era and C be wen will find bli itoek of Chewing and Smoking Tobooeo. Cigars m Snnn, to oonaiat or tb Tory beat branda In th market. A ibaro of publie patronage ii folic, ted. Oct. 19 8ni. W. B. ALEXANDER. tUsrrUanrous. boo k s WHICH HAVE ALWAYS G IV E N 8ATISFACT ON HERETOFORE, WILL BE DISPOSED OF IN SUCH A WAY AS TO PLEASE 0 FRIENDS AND CUS TOMERS. JUST RECEIVED I THE FINEST ASSORTMENT OF HOLIDAY 000D8-SUCH AS BOOKS AND OTHER STATIONERY ARTICLES, EVER OFFERED TO THE CITIZENS OF THIS PLACE! NOW ON EXHIBITION AND FOR SALE AT PUBLISHERS' A MANUFACTURERS' v PRICES, AT THE POSTOFFICE. Clearfield, Dan. II, 117. CORCORAN, WEAVER & CO., WHOLESALE GltOCEItN, find dealers in Lumbermen's Supplies, WILLIAMSPORT, PA. ang?3-6ia TOBACCO AND CIGARS I WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, At the New Tobaeoo and Cigar Store of 11. It. SFf.f IT, Two doora Eaat of th. PoitoClee, Cloarfiold, Pa. Conilantly oa hand n f na amortment of Kary, Contrail, Carendiih, Cable, Spunroll, Allehigaa aad Century Fiat cut Cheninf Tobaooo, do. Aleo, n large aad veil ae lee ted itk of Iupotted ana tiomeitie tif era, Smoking Tobaopoa, IfMnchauni and Briar Plpea, Pipe litnna, Tobaooo Bon,, Cigar Iloljera, t4 T.rytln( genarally luunu in n well regulited pigar and Tvnaooa Sinra. -Hememtjir th. placet Twa doon Eaat of the Po.tolooe, Clearlel Pa. nag. llitf. R. B. TAYLOR'S LIME AND COAL YARD, (Near the Railroad Depot,) CLEARFIELD, PF.NN'A. I EMBRACE thil method of Informing the tiublio, that I have opened up a yard for th. lo of wood ar eoal bornl LIME and Anthraolta COAL, In the horouih of Clearneld. and bare oompicted arrangemente with aattera daalere hy wuion i ean awn a tuiiiuppiyooniteutiyou hand, which will be di.poied of at raaionible ratei, by th. tun, kuih.1 or eae luad, ta lull purchieen. Thoee at a diitanc. oen addreia me by letter, and obtain all neeeMary information br return mail. It. B. TAYLOR. Clearfield fa., Feb. 14, ISBW-tf- LIME AND CQ ALI HA VINO Ineraaied oar faailltlei fbr hurnlng Lima during the pait aoaMa. w. are nr.. parwl to furnilh Tfo4 Burnt I.lmn, Cnal Burnt Limn, Wood and Rutnt Llne. af annlaotnred from the ted "BELLRFORTE LIMESTONE," which prodneel the wntraiy and rrai.T Lima, for all mechanical purpoaee, that can b. found In th. Stat, of cnnrrlrenie, and which we aril al aa low prleei, delirered oa ere, aa tba Inferior Llmea ar. iod at tbelr plaeei of manafaetura. Alio, dealer! I nd ihlpperi of Wilkcsbarrt and Shamokln ANTHRACITE COAL, of all ibm, prepaiwl ainrwily ft,, faully nea. Ordeit aolloltcA. ' " ' SH0RTI4png A CO., Kte. I, liro-ly. Bellelbata, Pn. mil DRMCCRIO ALMANAC for lilt X 11 nnd Jf for rale at Ibe Poee Offloc, Pnaa S." cnl. Milled It "any addreia. I fc '' t. '" " ' "4 I BIGLER, YOUNG & CO., (8uooMori to Doynton A Young,) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS Manufacturer! of PORTABLE & STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Comer of Fourth and Pin. Simla, CLEARFIELD, PA. TT A VINO engaged In tba manufacture of Irit- XX elaea MACHINERY w. rupMlfully Inform th. pnbli. that w. are now prepared to fill all ordera aa obeaply aad ai promptly ai ean ba dona In any of tba oitica. Wa manufacture and deal ia Mulay and Circular Saw-Mills Head Blookl, Water Whoola, Shafting Pulleyi, Oifford'i Injootor, Steam Oaugei, Steam Whiitlei, Oilera, Tallow Cupi, Oil Cnpi, Gauge Cocke, Air Cocke, Olob. Valree, Check Valrea, wrotfgbt iron Pipea, S.eam Pumpi, Boiler Feed Pumpe, Antl Friction Metre., Soap Stona Packing, Quia Pack ing, nnd all kindi of MILL WORK j together with Plowl, Sled Solel, COOK AND PARLOR STOVES, nnd other CASTINGS of all kind. -Orderi aollcited and filled at ally prloea. All letun tt Inquiry with to machinery of onr manufacture promplly aniwiad, by ad dree ing ni at Clearfield, Pa. decmo-tf BIQLER, YOUNO A CO. A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY Sr. WAUCZB'S ClUFC-HRIA VINEGAR BITTERS TTTET ASM HOT A TILE FANCY DRINK kUde of rr !, Wklakar, Prwf Hylrtta and R.f.M I.l.ui.ra doctored, iptced .adiwme ened to pleaae Ibe title, called Tolca,'",Apatla. ere," Beiterert." ee.,!hil lead taa tippler cn to druakeaaree aad rata, bat are a trne MedJclae, made from tn. hatlr. Itoote ecd Derne ef California, ere. from all Alrabelle HllatnUaia, They are the 0 It EAT Bl.tlOIl riBIFIKU a .4 A LIFE ClVlMt r8IM'IFI.EaperCect HeaoTator and lavtgoratorof tue8fbh.m.earryiagoff allpolMncua Butter aad rcetorlag the blood to a aealtlty eoadittoa. Ko aereoa caa lake tneie Elttere acoonUng to !no tlo and remain long acwelL willb. glrealbru laewrabl. com. aroeldcd ta. aoaea ar. nut dctrored by mineral aoleon m other mewl, and the vital org ana waited be road In. potat of reMlr. Par Inl.aiKi.l.rr and Chnnle Rkrnaaaj. Ilea, aad tio.l, Ur.aepa, r ladlawaltwa, Billwn Urnillleat nad Inlnrmltlral l.ler. lllieo.ol Ik. UIomI, LlT.r, KvlAneya, nnd lllnddcr, Uicm Itinera aaea aca moit laccem. ral. etnrh Dlirewe u naied by filiated !ll.d. whleb laarnerallr produced by dcraastmeat fte PlgmlviUlTIU. DVSPKPK1A (JH IXDIGEilTION, Dead ache, Pala la Ibe Sboaldeea, Couglu, 1 WLUeM of la. Chwt, OuuttoeM, near Enouuao. of Ike atomaoa. Bad laatc la lho Month, Bluoae Atlaeka, Palplutloa 1 IheDoart, lanamaiattoa o( Jhe lnfi. nialalh. reglona t the K HtneTe, aad a paodred Mhar palatal ;aptoma,are theoeipriniiof DyepenMa. Thry laylf orele the Stomach ul Itunatata the tee. pld IITee and nowela,whrb reader them oruneoualled eOcaey ta deeming the blood of all Impurtllea, and Imparting new lire end rigor to the whol ernem. FOKHKIN DlaEAE8,IrBpllona.TeUer.Ralt Itbeam. Blolchea, $ pou, l'tniplce. failalee. Bone, Car. banclee, lUng.Wormi, aeald-Ilead, Sore Eye., Bryalp. elu,lteh. Scurf., blioolorMoM or the Skin, Humor, aad UhKaera or the'bala, of wkatoree aam. ar nature, ar. literally dng ap and carried out of Ibe lyatem la a ebon time by th. ee of theae Bitten. One bottle la each caaca will convlae. the moot Increduloue v. their anratlre pffocL Cleanea the Vlttalrd piood wbeaerer Too ind lie ImpartUca kureUng threat the ak la in nmnlca. Erne, tlonl or oerci eleaue Itwbea yoaflndll obetrueted and elnfftth la tho rein. cleanaa H wnon n a ronl, aad yonr reeltaa. wilt tell Too IM. Keep the hkwd pure and the health of ! iritrm will follow. rt!t, TArEandolhai WqitMn, laraleg la m. eyetem of ao many Ihoaaanda, ar. eSeetually dcalroy, ad and remored. For rail twMtloaa, reaal earerally the elrealar aroaad each kaNM, prilled la a laa gnagea-EnglUh.UlraiaB, r reach and Spaulen. i. WaXEER, rroprtrtoe. , H. UcDOKaXB CO, Pnunrleu aad Oea. Aieeta. Sea IraacJaco, Cal. and naadSICoauMraentraH, K.w Tork. arBXLO T ALL PRTJQQ1ITH AKO DEALEItt, Oet. I, lT0:ly. NEW MARBEL YARD IN LUTIIKRhBURG; mill nndenlrned take, tbli laelhnd flnA.n X ing Ik. eltiteni of Clearfield and J .Hereon ooantiea that ha hai opened a Marble Yard., fur the manuiaotnra of TomtMtonee, Monnmauta, Head and feet Monea, r c I employ nohl but the be.t workmen, aad uie tba beet material. All order, promptly filled and th. wra warraniea. iioureee all lelteri lb DANIEL OOUULANUIiR. L.tbenburg, Oetober lo, 19(0. 'VrnTICKeHnTlng pnrahaied the Intereit or ll 4- A. Illatlniberger, Eeq., In the bo.ineei heratofiir. oarried on under Ibe firm nama.f J. A. Blattonborger A Co., tho eame will be conducted hereafter under the nemo of Aloihannoa Land and Lotnh.r Comnnnr, (Hlore.) II. H. HII1LL1MUKOHI), JOHN LAWSns, mytf Preeidenl. Oeneral Sup't SAWS! SAWS! 8AW8! DISTAN'8 PROPS CUT, MILL, BAO AND CIRCULAR SAWS. Boynton'a Lightning Cros;-pat Saw. ALSO, PATENT rERF0R4TED A ELECTRIC SAWS, Far lain by M. F. BIOLER A CO. I Handredi of Thousands ? f j a. hot trttlmoRT to thrtr ifoaUter- 1 1? 9 fill CKntivt Effect.. it 9 JS WHAT ARE THEY? f. g i ZF lis t M J u Cti iff Lnthrrsburg Marble Yard! THE enbeeriher rr.pMtfully antnanoai to thil community and the public generally Inal he I. now ellcmlrely .ngaged in lb. mannfaelnra of Mnnnmrnti, Head and Fool Stomta, Stand, Tabl and Dnreau Tipi, ete. No hither tribute can b. paid lo a deoenwd relatlrp or friend then In. area lion of an enduring ilab a, h wltneu to upborn generation! where Ihey hare laid him ar her. I hare engaged Nr. Ji ha W. Uahigan al nr ijr-nt to cell, and tn wbooo wcrkmAnihlp and iktil aliny ean bear wHneei. Ordera eoliciied and prohiptly lllf, W'cik aailreilj ahereeerdeiifL . . R. II. MOORK. Lnlbenbarg, Notmnbcr It, lJ0. riET TPfR m?i' HATS at u 7- - mm.z qiHECIenr.ldCounl,4).I,, jl ton in.iiintion ba. gm. - ir tba o, ,u ebertor, ., """ttt I, it-h . ...Id by tb. '?'.', Ill,' All will place, ae prir.ti Bankari ..J-V"" of the "CleaHi.ld 'Coaoly BaJ i J' ponilklafarlbadabie.i.i.. ' 7Z. "7 keilaia, . kl lelraT .poa.ibl. fc, tb. debt. ., ft, . , J It! not.ien demand at' litu rmlrcd and Intereet paid HJ a fited tlma. UtMSf ai heretofore. Our nirien.i . . " "t.i pledged fo, .11 b; recti ul.' i roaaga of the huilnaii mea of ,.. 'Ik" r epectf.lly eolleited. Ai Pri.idc. , omeeri of th. let. n.-.i-.j .. ' ui require th. ncUi of laid Bink ibJ. k'l for exemption . " t. ki rtM,,J JAS. pb'H""' ? Ci"B HAW. WM K.WRIOHT, o:. wx. a. Wallace. Tb. buiineu af tb. Bank will k. .j J.knM Ad.m..,E.qH O.'ki.'r! W'k' Z " Counly National BanT ROOM in Maaoal. B.lldiot.onedoo, C. I. T,l.'. U,.r Slori. W,ntk Peaeag. Ticket! lo and from Liren,(Mj rw. town, Hle.gow, Load.., Parle .nT&JJ,. Aire. Draft! for aal.on tbe Royal BankS I ? and Imperial B.nk of Lnado. """"""iMl, JAMES T. LEONAItn a W. M. BHAW, CMbl.;. "A'" t. D. M'airk. r i BANKING & COLLECTION H0US$ ftp McCIRK & PERKS. Buoooeiuri to Footer. Perk, t c. Phlllptburc, Cnntrn County, Pi. u its nil ine buiineu of . Bankii.n. Will a. t rat. . ,i . moit favoraole terma. , p.u,puy ana iM n. Mrl-tf wtputwaroiij. BoggrtTowiiNhipAwakc GREAT EXCITEMENT AT THOMAS BEERS'S! J EVERYBODY trying Ug.l thin fiU,t(M( J f helng crowded out into the eold. If yon want good Shoeing done, go to Bim If yon want yonr 8lee ironed right, go to If yon want good Mill Ironi, go to tun! If yon want yonr wigon ironed in the bt lyla aad wcrkmanihip, go to Bnu. Banna mahca the beat Slump Miebimim, Stale, aad doea all kindi of BLACKsMlTHISa aa cheep aa can he doae In the eoaaty fer Cui. My Poet Oticc addreai Ii Clearneld, PL THOMAS BktEi Bogg e Tp, Dee. II, lSST-tf. Cheap Fumi.urc. JOHN GULICH DESIRES U Inform bli eld frieadi nit. tam.n, that baring enlarged kit iboi u( laereaeed kit faellillea fat maaulacturlni, a. . now prepared to mik. to order lack Farattin . may be deelred, in good ttyia and at ebeip ram for CASH. He generally kaa oa kind, at kit Furniture rcoma, a raried aeeortmeat ef mli. made furniture, nmong wklok are BUREAUS AND 61 DE-BOARDS. " flfHi-wm; venire, coia, rir.w, Braakfaat and Dining Biteaiioa Tablei: Co.. mon, Fr.uek-peit,Cottag.,Jenny-Lind end vi Douitcaaef ueraa or all kindi, Work nuta Hal-racka, Waib-iUndi t Rocklna and Ar. Chair! iprlng-ll.l, ean.. bottom, partur, ew mon and other Chain ; Lookint-Ulaiin deaeripttoa on haad l and new glaaeci (o( ,l iramee, wnien win aa pui ia on v.ry rewoiitli termi en ehortoel notice. Hi aleo korpi ei kial or fnrniihei to order, Corn-hnik, Uiir aid Cel. ton-lop Maltrenei. Coffins of Every Kind Made ta order, and fnnerale at traded eiit . Heine wbeaerer dnired. A lip, Houii Piietiu donate order. Tke aaheehVer alt. m.t.lj tnrea, and hat eonitantly en hand, Cknctl PaUat Waahin. aluhlna' Ik. k.., ..u , Thoee aiing thia maeha aaeer need be .tit. cat clean clothe.) He aire bet Flyer'i Pilni Chura, n inperior article. A family aiieg Un Chum nerer need ke niikout hatter I All Ih. nboTC nnd many ether artlelai anfu niih.d to Mitomeri cheap for Cam or exee.irrt for approred nonatry produce. Cherry. U.pie, Poplar, Lin wood aad otber Lumber luinUi la Cabinet work, taken in i xckange for fanitn JtVlemember the ehop la on MirkN nmt, Clearneld, Pa, nnd nonrly eppoiiu tbe "Old Jn More." JOHN 0CLI CLica. tlnember II, IM y READING FOR ALL!! BOOKS fe STATIOXERY. Market St., Ciearfleld, (at th Poat Office.) '1JK aaderiigaed bege leaee leennoeieeie 1. tbe eitiiene cf Clearfield and tieiniiy.tkil he hei fitted np n room aad kai ju.t retiriet from Ike city with a large amount of rridie matlir, ccniiitlcf tn part of Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Blank, Account nnd Pan Book! of erery if ecription Paper aad Karelopae, French priuii aad plain l Pone and Pencil! ! Blank, Lefil Ptperi, D.edi, Mortgage! Judgment, Eira. lion and Promieeory nolet While end Parek; meal Brier, Legal Cap, Reeord Cap. and Bill Cil, Sheet, Mueie for either Piano, Flute or Vii.lii eonitantly on hand. Any booki or itailoirri de.lred that I may not bar. on band, will bt e ordrred by fint eipreit, and or retail to mil Cnitom.ri. I will alio periodical llteratare, inch aa Migmln.n, paperi, Aa. p. A. OAl'LIF Cl.arfieid May T, UoS-lf DAVID YOUNG, Stone-Cutter and Stone-Mason, WILL neenle all work la hit line et ad erate pricee and In FIRST-CLASS njle x Architectural Ornaments In ALL 8TVLBS, Dr.uing of itiry daioriptioa, nad all kindi of maeoa work cea Irneled for ia or oat of lb. counly. Any pinori wlahlng to hnre rc.pretable maeoa work end ton. catling done, will (od it to iitrreri le call anon ma I woald aire Inform ibe nub ile thet I ean dellrer aay ooantlly nr pm cf Hon. deilred, at I am tbe owner of a FIRST-CLASS STONE QUARRY. Ordere for work caa he addreaeed lo DAVID YOUNO, mrCS,7 Clrarfield Pa. ' JkKW BTOKB AND NEW GOOp;; JOS. SHAW 6f SON III? juit opcneJ Niw Stott, on alinSl ,C.riiLD, fj., lately occupied by Wm. F. IRWIN Tbelr itock coniiata uf EDLRr CS1 CD CO LEJ si. QaoctiiU of till beat quality, Queensware, Boots and Shops, And erery nrticle neoceiarr for odi'i comfort. Call and cxamint our itock befoi rf: obaaing eluwliere. May 9. ll)6f!-if. The Lightning Turner. THE andenlgnet are lha eolc AgcnU In Ihli cnuniT for tbe'-Ji crib American tlilrmi"' LIllHTNINQ RODS." Tucn are tke only rodi now In me, and are eadoried be all i" Kir ntilo men in lha entry. ne aireny nntiry the eitiieae or in. eoexi that we will rat Ih.m an a betlar rod. and lor lea. matey, than la eberged hy tb. forclf etnu who tnnaally Irarer.e the eoanly end .any of ear little raek, ta return. ENCOURAGE UOME LABOR- Thoee wliblng llghtniat Rodi creeled n tbelr kalldingi aeed bat addraei ai bt letter. eall In pereon. V will pat Ibem p anr-bere In theceualy, and Warrant them. Tbe Hod. Flttarai ean ha tata at any time he eilllei earner.. U. p. BIOLER A CO. Clearlild, March M, 1171 i P INK, WHITE A C0AN LIlilNd PKIN8 " Jait recelrtd'tad for ill. br April II. 1; Tt. ' 11. F. DllH.EK A CO. N kjCETIES The ir,-r lairtl il;lc at '.