4 ,Ms ii 1 a 5 1 1. t ! . f:f k JHE 1 llEPUBLICAN. " CLEARFIELD, PA. WEDNESDAY HOllNlNu.OCTOItEll 4, 1871. A Fashionable Woman's Frayer. Tho Iniiiiitublo JuhIi Billing) guts) off tho following gnoil hit fit lliu liwluon und follies of llio da)' : Struiifftlion my bualiuml, imJ mny liiz fuiili nrnl Inz tiioiicy hold out to tlio last. Draw tho luinb'n wnul ov unsuspl. cious twilllil over liin cviis, Hint mi flirtations tuny look to him lilio vic tory ti ticl thai my bills nuiy ntionglU vn bin priJo in mo. Dions, oil Fortune, mi kriinns, urtu and frizzles, and U't tlii glory Biiiiio on my puiiit n ii i puwiJor. Whon i wall out bi'foro ilio giuo ov vulgar men, regtilnto mi wiggle unit udil rnce to mi giiilord. Wlmn i bow mj'Hi'lf in worship, jtjrnnt llmt i may do it with ravUing clegunco, and prcnrve unto mo tlio Jilly-wliito of mi flesh undtlio taper ov mi tingoiK. Destroy mine cricuiies with the gnu! ov joaUiiicy, and cut them up with the tool Ii ov onvy all llinzo who gnzo lit mi ntylu. Save mo from wrinkles, and foster mi pliimpnuiiH. rill mi both eyes, oli Fortune! with tlio plaintive, pizon ov inluliiiislium, that l may lay out mi victims, tho men, us knuml) n iintijrpfi graven. Let tlio lilly nml tho hroezo strive together on nu cheek, and mny mi neck swim like a goose on tho buzzom ov krytnl water. Liialile mo, oh rortuno! to wear shoes mil' a little smaller, and mivo mo from kortiR nnd bunvons. BluHD Funny, mi lap dog, und rain down bezonia of detruoliun upon thozo who would 'hurt a hair ov llee tor, mi k i I ton. Suiile, oh Fortune! most sweetly upon Jliik, mi kannry, anil wateli over, wilh the liiiulnean of u mother, mi two lilly whito miuo with red eyes. hnahlo the poor to shirk lor them solves, und save me from all niHuionarv beggars. Shed the lilil of thi coniitennnce on mi i kainiiiel's buir shawl, mi luven dor silk, mi ioint luce und mi neclaeo ov diamond, and keep tho mollis out ov mi sable, 1 beseech theo, O Fortune! Fasiiionaiii.k Women. Fashion kills more than toil and sorrow. Ohediviico to fashion is a greater trans greasion of the laws ol woman's na ture, u greater injury to her physical nnd mental constitution, thun the hardships of poverty and neglect. The slave woman at her task still lives und grows old, nnd sees two or threo generations of her mistresses pass away. Tho washerwoman, with scarcely a ray of hopo to cheer her in her toils will live to see her I'a-liiona-b!o sisters all extinct. Tho kitchen maid is hearty and strong, when her Jndy has to be mused likoa sick Imby. it is a sad truih that fashion pamper ed women uro always worthless for nil good cuds ol life, they bnvo but little forco of clin racier, they havo still loss power of moral w ill and quite as little physical energy. Tiiey are dolls, formed in the bunds of milliners and servants, to bo ted to order. If they reur children servants and nurses do nil, save to conceivo nnd uivo thoin birih. And when reared, what are they ? What do they amount to but weak scions of (he old stock? Who -ever heard of a fashionable woman's child exhibiting any virtue and pow er ot mind for which it became cini nent f Keail tho biographies of our great and good men und women. Not Alio ol them had fashionable mothers. Contknt.mknt Content is the gift of llouven, and not tlio certain ell'ect of nny thing upon earth ; and it is ns easy for Providenco to convey it with out wen I ill ns with it ; it being the niidonisblo prerogative of the first cause, that whatsoever it does by the mediation of second causes, it tun do immediately by itself without them. Tho heavens cun and do overy day derivo water and refiesbmoiit upon tho earth without either pipes or con duits ; lliouirli tho weakness of human industry is forced to fly to these little assistances to compass tho same ef fects Happiness und comfort si ream immediately from God Himself, us light Issues from tho tun, und somo times looks nnd darts itself into tho mealiest comers, whilo It forbears to visit the largest and the noblest rooms. J-A'cry man is happy or miserable, us tlio temper of his mind places him either direcily under or beside the in fluences of tho Divine nature j which enlighten and enliven tho disposed mind with secret ineffable joys, and such ns the vicious or unprepared mind is wholly unucijuniolcd will). Mkxtai. Disciim.ink. The following ronmi 'ts on the Valno of mental lis. cipline, commend themselves to nil thoughtful persons: Seek to ncquirc tho power ol continuous application, without which yon cannot expect suc cess. If you do this, you will soon bo ulila to perceive tho distnnco which it creates betwnon you and those who Jiuvo not such habits. J on will not admit yourself, nor will they count you, ns one of them. Thus you will timl yourself emerging into tho regions of intellectual and earnest men men who me capable of making u place for themselves, instead of standing Idly gaping, desiring a pluco without tho power lo command it. Keep on striv ing to accomplish moro und more every day, and thus onlnrgo constant ly the rsngo of your intellectual ubil ''' Philanthropy is not religion, but there is fin religion without philan thropy. Ho thnt is indiflerent to the poor is no Christian, no matter what his creed or his professed experiences. How to enro for the poor is another question It is to bo dono not merely by feeding tho hungry and clothing tho nuked, hut yet more by laws and educational and religious influences which enable them to provide for themselves. While thero is much misery and sin In tho world, a man has no right to lull himself to sleep in n paradise of self improvement und self enjoynienl, in which thero is one supremo Adam, ono perfect specimen of Immunity namely, himself lie ought to go out and work fi(jlil, if it must be, w hero over duty calls him. If it is our duly lo make enormous efforts for tho good of mankind in the aggregate, it should be our aim to dis pense, happiness in drops nnd driblets lo ibo oih-s and twos and threes with whom wo come mure Immediately in Contact. , , rpl (U'frtbfmcntsi. (Jo nernl Klccllonl'rotianiatlon. WIlKltKAS. by en atrthe General Axiom Mr of Hit Commonwealth of Pennsylva nia entitled "An sit la rritulaw lh lleiioral KlfOllnD within this Commonwealth," II ll an- Joined upon th Hherlirs of lln several euuntlee to give pubita nottoe oration election, mo pieces where lo ba bold, and tba ottloere to ba aloctad. Tnianroiia. I. Jenris J. I'ot. lllirh Sheriff of Clo.rfleld county, do hereby glv. Fulillo No- Una lo Ilia elcctore ol lha eounly ol iientiieiu, that a iienornl rloniion will bo lia.d on lha Sao- iimo TuaanAi or OuTonKR sitxr, tbolng Ilia lnth day ol tha month,) at tho favor! eleutinn dia iilola In mid aounly, at which tlrao nnd laco lha qtiullucd fotvra will vote For ona pernin f'r An.lllor tlpnurat of thu Com- monwrulth ol J'unni Ivmiia, For ono pi'rxiiu for Surve.vor Ucncrtil of tho Com- monwi itlth of I'lntmylviuiia, For one purion to rsiri'i!iit Ills ouiintica of Cftin- l.rle, llcnrfiiilil, Clinton nnd KIk, in tlio Hum to of tliil Commnwt.ilta. For one person to rrprcnont tha county of Cli'nr- llrld ill Ilia Home of lli-prtarntativca of Hill I'onimonwpalth. For two prrmni f.ir the olllce of Asaoclato Judge of t'li nrrti'ld county. For one pernon for tlio ofllco of Protbonotnry Ao., of I'li siOild county. For one pe rMtn for the ofllce of Ilrgiftor A lli-oord- er, Ao., of ClrnrlieM county. For one psraon lor tlio ofiooof County Treaiurer of ClrurAYliI ootiiity. For one pi'mm for tho oftlue of County Cuinmle- aioner of t'leiirllold oounly. For ona porion for Ihe oQioa of Auditor of Clenr- tluld oouutv. For ono prrmn for tha oQloe of 1'ounty Surveyor of rieiirlliIU oounly. Also, the cleclora of euidi horoiiKh and lownahlp will vote lor one Hereon for Aiee,r. The eloclnri of the oounly of Cli'arliild will tke notice llmt the mid general election will bo held at the following pUeei, via I Itccuuris, tnwtirliip, ul the Union Ilotot, In Olen llojie. lli'll tnwnnhin. at tho bonne of Aerph Klltaa. lllooiu township, at the boueo of die Isle Jamei llhioin, s. HogKi lonnehip.nt Hie hone of Edward Alhort. linidlonl tnwiiiliip, nl Hie liousool .iftcon ricroe. llrudy township, at the houna of VYul. tjehwcin, in t.ulhcr!.liurg. nnrnside lownshin. nt Yoimsr'a echoid house. I'hest township, at the public achool boiwe near Mmon uumiiaiiKU a. t'lMirflrlil horuueh, at the Court Iloiiao. Covinulou towunhii). at the houaa of J. elaurtT. Curweiiaville borough, nt tho house of tho late Isn Itlooui. Iii-alur township, nt Centre achoo) house. Ferguson township, nt the house of John tlreg ory, formerly occupied by Thos. Kobison, (Uroad wav.1 (lirnrtl township. nt Consn'ss Hill sohonl house. tloshen lowiisliii, nt the iiuolic ectiool lionso. Ilraiiam township, at Ihe house of .Ineob llubler. tlulieh towni.hip, at the public s-hjol house, iu Janesville. Huston township, nt the house of Jesse Wilson. Jorditu' towni-liip, at Ihe puldiu school lloueo, In Ansimvi lo. Kartlirnis township, at Ilrid;reii's school houso. hnox township, al Turkey Hill school lions. l.aiTrcuce township, at thu Court House, in the borough ol tleamcld. l,umlH!r (Jilv borouKh,at the puMlc school bouse, Morris township, at thu bouse formerly occupied by I nomas hyier. New Washington borough, at-tho public school bouse. Osceola borough, at the public houso of Milo Hovt, in said Isiruugh. IVnn township, at the hotel formerly kept by W. V. Anderson. Pike township, at tho house of tho late Isaac Bloom, in the borough of Curwensvillo, I'nion township, al the houso of D. K. Brohnkor. Woodward township, at thu house of Thomas Henderson. AN ACT rcgolaling the uiode of voting al all elections in Ihe several counties or tins Com mouwcitlth, nppruved the Slllh day of March, A 11., lStis, via: riRCTlos 1. B it caaced bv the Benate and House of Representatives of tho Commonwealth of l'cnnsylvnma in oeneral Asseinhly niel, and ll is hereliy cnaulcd hy authority of the same. That the nualil'icd voters of the several counties of this Commonwealth, al all general, township, borough aud special elections, are hereby, hereafter author ised and required to vote, by tickets, printed, or written, or partly printed and pnrtty written, aev erully clarified as follows: One ticket shall em brace the nanus of all iu.lirea of courts voted for. and to be lala-ltcd, outside, "judiciary ;" one ticket shall embrace the names of the stale otfieers voted for, and be labelled, "slate;" one ticket shall em brace the nnmes of al county officers voted for, including ouVe of senator, member, and members of assembly, if voted for, and members of Congress, II voted for, and be labelled, "county ouc ticket shlla embrace the nnmes of all township ohVers voted for, and be labelled, "township ;" one tick et shall embrace the names of all borough officers voted for, and be labrllcct, "borough and each class sholl bo deposited in separate ballot boxes. CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION. I also mike known the following ant npprored the 21 day of June, IS7I, entitled "An n.-t to au thorize a popular vole upon the question of calling a convention to amenj no lonstitution ol l svliania." tt:c I. Be it enacted, Ac, Tliat the question of calling a convention to amend Iho Constitution of this Commonwealth, be submitted to a vote uf the people, at the general election to be held on the scooud Tuesday of October next, the said question to be voted for In manner following, to wit: In eountica and wit lew in which slip ticket voting is authorised by law, votes for and against a convention may lie expressed and given upon the ticket, headed or endorsed with the word "State," and not otherwise, and the words used shall be "constitutional convention," and under neath "for a convention" or "against a conven tion : anil in counllis and districts in which slip ticket voting shall nut bo authorised by law, each elector voting npon said question shall cust a sep arate bailot endorsed on theuutside "const illllional convention," and containing on the inside the wonts "for a convention" or "against a conven tion ;" and all votes cast as aforesaid shall he re ceived, counted and returned by tile proper elec tion officers and return Judges as votes lor tlover nor arc received, counted aud returned under ex isting laws. Nuilre Is further hereby (riven, That all peraons except Justices of tha Peace, who shall held an office or appointment of trust under Ihe government of tha United Hlales, or of tills State, cr of any ineorporsted district, whvthera commissioned officer or otherwise, a subordinate offlter or agent, who is or shall be employed un der tha Legislative, Executive or Judicial de partments uf this State or of lha United States, or any city or incorporated district, and also that evcrv member of Congress, or of the fttate Legislature, or uf tha common or aoleet council of any city or commissioner of any incorporated district, are hy law incapable of hoMing or exercising, at ihe some time, lha offioa os ap poirtment of Jii-lgc, Inspector or Clirk of any election uf ibis Commonwealth. OF FLECTION OFFICERS, Tn e!e I lie pernou who shall have received the feconJ hiRhest miiiii'cr or votes lor inopettor, k ti 1 1 ruil aiti-nd on Ihe day of tlrctioa, then the per-ywT who shall nave reei-ived tlio pituim hi-lifnt ntlin her uf vt'ti-s for jn at the nett pr-Tedinj elee. tlon, slmtl aet us inpetor in limplnr; and in vaxfl the pent'in wlio tu tiA.e rect ivctj trie tnjfti ml ntimb.-r of vnfm. t'-r innnertor shall nit attend, the pernon elr!id jul, rlmll appoint uq inspec tor in hit pine" t and in enxe tho 'no Q ebi'ted jude Khali not aMen I, Ihrn Ihe inpector who re ceived the hiK'K'it numoer of Tott-s, ahull appoini a Jndirr in hi nlnn t or If anr vanimrv shall con tin us in the hoard for tho ipuce of one hour alter the time numl hv law for the openiiifr of tho elec tion, the qualified voters of the township, ward or aitMrtci 1'T wmen suen onieer snail nave ben 'lwti-d, present at the ptaee uf elee'inn, shall se Icet one out of their number to fill sneh vacancy. Aluo, that where a judge, ly ticknert or una roidahle aeeitlent, is utiithte to attend sunh tnret. inguf ju-lg"i. then the o rtifitiito or return shall be taken eharge of hy one of the Inspector or clerks of the eleetion of the distriet, whu sllill) do ami perform the dniir" recjiiiMd of suld Igc un able to attend. The Return Just of the renpeetive dlslrleU afuresaid are retpiested to meet at the Court House. In the bomu rh of Clearfield, on lha flr.i Prifiay neit after the sail seoottd Tuesday nf unooer. men and mere to do inoee things required or thorn by law. 01VKN under my hand and teal, at Clearfield. this thirteenth day of Hiptember, in the II..B.J year oi our Lord one thousand elfhl hundred and sev nty one, and iT the Inde pendence of the I'utled Hut! the ninety fll'th. JlariN J. PIK. hhenff. 1 MHI TIKI TI 31 1 KTOVI.SI STOVK1I fT(IVIv! WAPLE & IIARTMAN Desire to Inform the eltlrms of Oneeota and (he public rrtiornllT, that they have just rprcivtil a large and rplendid aesortment of Ptove. Ilouto. hdd Knnlware and Stamped and Jupanned " ares of all kinds. Aho thit wo inn uifacture and keep ennstantly on hand a full assortment of Tinmen a Ytarea, whieh we will dixpose of al either who) male or retail, to sntt Inirehafirs. Hn.iflna, Kpoutlnft, Ri-pairinur and nil ktuds of Job Work dne to arder and with dipnff-h Htriet attention paid ordering art ir tea for par ties druirinft it. Lonsumers will And It tn their advantage to parehat frem vs. Onr stork and prices will sat 'fy yn that we do sell good warea at pneee lha! plraat the peoplp, I You wtll ftad us aa Cartin street, nearly op pnftilethe Kir-hnrf 1nl, Owoli Mills, Pa May 10, IHTI-If JKATHKR 1 LEATHKR !-Freneh Calf Hkint, J Kronen Kip, I'pper and llarnrse Leather, ii in, Knameled and pAteoi Leather, Oak Tan and Hpanish Bole, furnished to shoemakers at low ratea, hy k MAIZE R k LVTLK. MptlO-lm Opposite Ihe )ail. Clothing. How to Nave Money. rpiIR times ara bard you'd Ilka to know X How you may aava your uuuars Tha way to do It I will show, ' If yo will road what follows. A man who lived not far from hers, Who worked hard at bis trade, But had s kouaehold to support That aquandarad all ha made. I met him one. Bays ha, "My friend, I look thread bear and rough I've tried to got mysolf a suit, But oan't save up enough," fays I, my friend, how much have you 1 I'll toll you where 10 go To get a ault that's sound and cheap t To UKIZKNSTMN A Co. He took what little ha had saved, And went to Itoitcnaleln Brothers', And there hi got a handsome suit, For half he paid to otbora. Kow ha la home, he looks to wall, And their effoot la such, That when they taka their dally meal, They don't ant half aa much. And now he Inds on Saturday night, With all thair wants supplied, That ha baa money left to spend, Aud soma to lay asida. Ills good succors, with cheerful nulls, lis gladly tails to all. If you'd aava money, (0 and buy Your eloihee at KEIZKNSTKIN'B CLOTniNO II ALL, Whoro tha cheapest, ".cost and best Clothing and good Furnishing Uoods can ba bad Insult every taste and in ovary atyla aprll,'7l "lUisrfUancouSi U H N K !J O U T I BURNED UPI BELL'S mrX WOOLEN FACTORY, , Perm township, Clearfield Co., Pa. Tho iittftorlUeri arc, at great expenuB, rolmUd tng, nnd in a ft-w dnyi will have completed, a npitfhhnrhimrt meeRsit,r In the errotiun of ft first (ln Woolen Mauultu-tory, with all the motiurn impntvcinrntP attnrhM, and arep rrpmrd to innae all kind i'f CM In, ('amtimoreia tSutinett, ilan kel. Flannels, tto. I'lcnijr of jroodi on hand to Mipt'ly nil ourold ami a Ihotmand nw customers, whiu w ak t rt.tne and examine our itook: The bnVni'St of cwnnixo and Ft'LUxa will receive espei l.il nllrntion. Our new milt will he rriHy by wool enrding e;t(tfn, llierrare there nerd bo no bcHitution on Unit Mture. Propvr nrrnnj(('iiirntii will be mmlr lo receive nnd deliver Wool, to in it oiistomerf. All work warranted and dno iinon the ahorlrsl notiie, and by nitiet atten tinn to bufineM we hope to reutiice t lilteral thure uf puhlic patronage. IIMMMI POUNDS WOOL WANTED! . We will pay the highest m.irket prlee for Wool and sell our inanuf.iciureil good as low a similar good cun be bought in the county, nnd whenever we lull to render rp;ionjlile K.i-faelion we can alwtiys l found at home ready lo nuke proper explnimtiuQ, eiliirr in person or hv It Her. JA.MKS JOHNSON k SONS, aprilfflif (jiiimpi.iD U P. 0. STOVE AM) EARTH EX-WARE OV KVKtlY DKPCRIPTION! CROCKS! TOTS! CROCKS! Fisher's Patent Airtight Oclf Healing h rult ana I Bt'TTKH t'KOUKS. wilh lids. CUE AM CHOI'KH, MII.K CltOCKS, A l'I'I.K - BrTTFR CKOCKn, PICKLE IKOl'Krl, FLOWKR POTS, MB DISHES, rJTKW POTS, And a great many other things loo numerous to mention, 10 be nna at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE WARE POTTERY, Corner ol Cherrv and Third Streets, rl.UAKr'lKl.i, PA. aug3 Lime (or Sale I underaifrnril, rc.lin)( near the drpot hai I made cumiikte an-anireinent wilh Lime Humeri rapt of ihe mountain, whereby be is ena bled to kei p const aii Hy on hand a Iare quantity of rUHE LIME! wliirh he offers to farmers and huildrrs at a trifle above ooii. T1i.j in acod of the article W9iil4 well to Kive ma a call, or address me by letter, be fore nrgotiatuif tueir lime. tlKO. C. PAgSMOUK, Clearfield, Pa., June 9, 181.9. EDWAUDPEUKS&CO., FIou r Ma u u fail u rers, And Dealers in GRAIN OF ALL KINDS, niiLiPsnuno, pa. VFt't.I. BCPPI.T of FLOUR, WIinAT, CORN and CHOP constantly on hand, and for sale at rates reinarkahljr low. fcbs-tl Tjlvery Stable. 'rMIR nndersiftned lieffs leara to Inform the pub 1 lie that he is now fully nreiiared toaeeomuiO' dte all in tho way of furnishinjr llorsea, Huggies, taddlea and Harness, on the shortest notice and on n-asonalde terms, Itesidenoeen Locust street, between 1 hird and roorlh. HKO. W. IlKAItll AUT. . loarlleld, April 11, IbM. Miss E. A. P. Rynder, tannr roil ChleVertng's, Fteinwav's end Emerson's Pisnoi ; omith ; Meenn 4 llamlto and reioubet a Organs end Melodeons, and (J rover A Baker's Hewing Maeklnea. AtSO TRACflBR OF Plane. Oultar, Ors;n, Harmony and Voeal Mu die. No pupil taken lor less than half a term. jf-4rH'-oni' next door to First National Dank. ' . , . .7, ' tlearfleld, May ft, It-MMf. c HTOV 1.9 I PPHAIl'S CALOUIIIO, fiPSVt KHANNA, . ft'PKP.IOR. 00V. PKNN, REOl LATOR, NOIJLK COOK, NATIONAL It A NO K, TIlll'MPH, PARLOR COOKH, ePKAK'B RKVOLVINU I.K1I1TH AND PorilLE 1IEATKH9, And all kinds of Hiotinf Ptores for sale by aii(tr.7 II. F. BUILKR k CO. New Meat Market. fflllE undersigned have opened a Meat Market X n l toom f'merly occupied hy Alexander levin, on Market street, t'learft-'d. pa , adjoining Mossnp'a, whora thay ln(-ud to keep supply of All Liudi of Meal, Fruit and Vectaulca Anl at "rnirra to siht tna timx.h ('hop will he open regularly on Tuesday, Thursday and Sat urdtiv, and inpat drlivered at any point. A share of public patronage Is respectfully solielted. ni. m. iimvt n. K. W. lilttJWN. .XT' Aiao Continue to deal in all kinds of impnired Agrloullural ImplemenU. Vlfurllelil, August Bi, INTO tf, - Clearfield Nursery. ENCOURAGE HOME INDUSTRY. r"IMIK undersigned, baring Mlahliahed a Nill 1. serj on tha 'Pike, ahnut hall way between Cleartlold and Curwenst Hie, is prepared lo fur nisi, all hinds of FRUIT TKKK8, (standard and dwarf,) fc.eeri:reens, rhruhhery, uropa Vines, Uno.eherrlea, l,awnn lllaekherrv, hlrawherrj, and nasnarrj V ines. Also, Kinerlaa t.rD Trees, Qulnee. and early seirlet hhubarh, do. Orders promptly attended to. Address, J. I). WI.IOIIT. seuj" m.f Curwenirll!,, Pa Beale's Embrocation, (I.ATK 10 WSLI8,) For all diseases Insldent to Horses, Cattle, and uuniao Mesh, requiring lha ns. al an eslernal application. Thia Emhroeailcn was eitenittel- nsad t tha OnTornnanl durlag tha war. Per sale hy llartawiek A Irwin, Clestneld. Joseph R. Irwin, Curwansellla. Denial. Uood. lander. l,ntharshur tf riMIKrKI.EnnATRI) RICIIAIIDS0!I BOOTS A Mht Kin .A ni). French Kip , ,fl, French I'nlf J on. (Apawalu J.II.;I Hf At c. KliTZIR S. ' Sartor, Eitwarf, fftr. ' THE IRONSIDES TIN AND STOVE STOREI G. S. FLEGAL, rhilipsburj, Coatro County, la. rpiIR undersigned respectfully announces to J. tho public that ha naa on nana a cars, fully-aeluetod and woll asaurlod stock of STOVES, II HATERS, RANGES, HOLLOW - WARE! . TIN, COITER AND SHEET-IRON WARE! WOOD AND WILLOW WAIiE! Ills stock of Cooking Stoves consists of HIE CKLEBUATKD IRONSIDES, Which bar never failed to bring peaoo and prosperity into familial where it is used, Diamond State, Farmer, Herald. Charm, Rpsars California Cook Stove, Spears' Anti-Doit, Uaa-Burning Cooking Btoeea. Victor, Reliance and I'nion Kansas, tfpean Cooking Ranges, AC, cto. t4uTh Tin and Rhret Iron ware glrenwith the Morei l made of the heav'est and best material, and warranted to (iva perfoot satis faction. His Stock of Parlor & Heating Stoves la larger, better and cheaper than ever before exhibited to the public consisting of Spears' Revolving Light Illuminating 9loro, Hpeari' Anti-Dual Gas-Burning Farlnr Mora, tipeara' Orbicular (las liurning Parlor Move, Hpeara' Oaa-buning l'arlor t.ve, llor)U( t, Wearl.Uern, Ida, Sun, Tropic, Nevada, ic, Ae. Vulcan, Elm and Victor Heaters, Fpean' Re volving Light Heaters. He ta also prepared to furnish a complete assortment of Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron, Wooden and Willow Ware, &o., Wholesale or retail, manufactured neatlv and with the aole view to service, from the bost ma terial Id the market PLOWS k PLOW POINTS, C0PFF.B. BRASS, PORCELAIN, TIN LINED, Srt'N COMMON IKON KETTLES, Of every description eonrtanll on hind. OKDEttfi FOR SrOUmO, KOOFINO And other work belonging to bla business will be prompt! filled by experienced and ak.ltul workmen. BUA&S, COPrER, OLD METAL, BAGS AND CASH Taken lo exchange fux goods. JHT-He eiprrUlly Invttei tha attention of Mercnanta wisning lo purenasa mi wnoiesaie, aa they will And It to their advantage to examine tie stock before parcnaaing eisewoere. Look out for the Pig Plgn opposite the real' deoce of Mrs. Dr. Fstrr. All Good i Wabhahtrd as Rei-xmxjiteo. s. im:cal. Phtlipsbnrg, June n, 1S70, aitfte .68 The Great Preserver of Health! ri:itniiAii:i) A . A SI RE PREVENTIVE C L It E FOR OF COLDS. RHEUMATISM' BL'CKSKIX UKDKKGARM KNTS ! ron l Anirs iD (.ti.:ix. For sale hy C. KRATZER A PONS, Dee. 21, ln;0. C'lenrneld, Pa. GREAT EXCITEMENT ON Sl'XO.ND STREET, flrarlrltl, Pa. NEW GOODS AT LOW TRICES. THE undersigned roepeclfully Invlta the at tention of tha publlo generally to their aplondid assortment of marcbandlaa, which they ara now soiling AT VEHY LOW miChS. Their stock consists In part of Dry Goods of tlio Best Quality, Such as Prints, T6 Lalnes, Alpaceaa, Merinos, Ulnghams.Musllns, (bleached and unblearh ad.) Drillings, Tickings, eotlon and wool Flannels, BatinrttStCasslmerea, , Cottenades, Ladies' Hhawls, Noblas A Uoods, Balmoral and Hoop Skirts, Aa Also, a Aria assortment of Men's Drawers and Shirts, Hats A Capf, Pools A Sboea, , all of which WILL BE SOLD LOW FOR CASH Hardware, QueenBwaro, Glassware-, Grooeries and Spioea. :n short a oeseiial assoutmeni Of everything usually kepi la a retail atore, all CHEAP POHCAKII or approved country .pro duce. A. K. WRIGHT oV ?ONS. Olearteld, Nov. T, ISflT. H. HUIDOK, MERCHANT TAILOR (Store on dor eaat of Cloarflold 1I.Ur,) , IHnrket Mrcft. Clnrflcld, Ph. TJKKPS on hend a full Miurttatnti of Oaot IV Purntahinff Ooodi. lurh thlrta. Linen and Woolon l!n JprpliirU, (ttnweri and finch. Nerk-tlee, Pocket lUnilkerrhlnfii. aiovet, lUtr, Umbrellae, kr m great fariet. Of Plvee U.mdi he keepi the Best Cloths of all "Shades and Colors,'1 1 Pnrb at Dleck Doeikls of the eery belt makei Vmnry Caiinere. In great rariet f aUo, Preneh Cnatlnft, Beaver, Pilot, Cblnehllla. and Frfeott orereoatlnR. All of which will beaold oheapfor Caeh, and nede mp fteeording to the lateititjle hy experieneid workmen. Alio. Affent for Ciearfleld eovnt for I. M. linger A Co i. eelebratad Sewing Maeblnei. 1 w. H V I f.or.1, looru, p. hj4uj( glantim &m. a.L.ud. NOTICE. w-.r.wrfi. Hi:i:i & POWELTi. CLEARFIELD rLANING MILL ALL R I G II T I rpilK proprietors rospeelfully Inform tlieeltlseni X of Clearfield ouunty, that they have entirely rvfltled this estahlixhtnrnt with tho latest improved wood-working machinery, and are now prepared to execute all order In their Una of business. They will give espeulal attention to the manufac ture of material for houso building, sunh aa FLOORING, WEATHER -BOARDING, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, OF ALL STYLES, Wa always have on hand a large stork of !HY l.l'MDKIl.snd will pajreash for all clear Lumber. One-and-a-half Inch panel stuff preferred. Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or exchanged, lo suit oustoineri. 'feavOrdera solielted. and Lumber furnished on short notice and on roasonuble terms. ' KKKD & POWELL. Clearfield, March 8, 171. H. F. N AUGLE CLOCK AM) MATCH MAKER, orroaira Til fjtar, at rritT POST OFFICEKIt;-vScLEARFIELD fflllK anbserlber raspeettnlly informs hia old Y. patrona and tha public generally, that ha has on band, (and is eonstantiy reoetrioa; new addiliana thereto,) a large slook of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry. Mf-I keep Jewelry In all Us forms and of different values, either by the pieca or set. WATCHES A full assortnant of either Oold or Stiver, made by tha best An erican and for. sign manufacturers, fneindinga fine lot of gold and silver hunting case, full Jeweled, Patent Levera. CLOCKS Of all designs, consisting ofelght- day and Iblrtv bour, of aither weight, spring or levers, and bom strike and alarm. REPAIRING. All kinds of Watches and Cloeka Repaired, and warranted. In addition lo what T have ennmerated1, T keep a full assortment or M'K'JrACI.Ka, colored and plain glass. Also, GOLD PKNand I'KS'CII.K SPOONS, FORKS, BUTTE It KNIVES, and In feet everything In Ihe Jewelry Una. If I fail to havo on hand just what a customer may need will order por first aiprsss, withouleitra charge. A liberal share 01 pultllc patronage is solicited. May 7, lS68-y 11. t. NAUU1.K. MOSHANNON LAND & LUMBER CO., OSCEOLA BTEAM MILLS, mxtTACTrins LUMBER, LATH, AI) TICKETS II. II. EIIILI.INOFORD, Frasident, Office Forest Dace, No. 125 . 1th at., Phil'a. JOHN LAWSIlll, General Pup't Osceola Miils, Ciearfleld county, Pa, LAD AM) LIMBER COMPANY OFFER -TO- Purcltasers of Choice Goods AT THEIR MAMMOTH STORE -IN OSCEOLA. 2Vmv Cabinet! MOSIMNNOV LAND AND LU.MUER COM PAN Y offer fur ti Town Lot in tho bur uukfb of Oireoltv, t Imrfiplil Munty, an') aluo lots tn iuil purcliaRort outmue tlie Ilium of iaiu bunMiirh. Oactola ll vituatcd on tho Munhavniiun Crovk, In tho rirhcat portion of tha rounty of (. it-nrnfii, on int nut oi ine iyn.no uiiariiria Hatlroail, when tho Mophanmn and Bi' a vert on branch roada intomort. It it aluo in tho heart of tho Mophannon coal bavin, nnd larga bofiiri of white pine, homlnrh, ouk. and other timber inr mnnd it One of the larKo"! lumhir tnanufartur iiiH MaMUhmenti in the .State in ltHat?d in the town, while there are mcny other lumber and liinfle mill aroond it. The tiwn It but to -en year old, and oontaiiti a population of ono tho lanl inhnhitjintR. j:4t-Vor further information epplj at the oRior of the ebove eumiianj, JOHX LAWSIIK. 1;4Tfl fl en oral 8(ipcrintfndent, T 111 LlfMII I. H M K N 1 PKUFfCTIOS IX CANTHOOKSI The CloarOflJ Rxeflglnr Cnnthook will not war out or break, bring eontruli'd with one mlid hand from clip to point. It Ii pronnunrnl hy all prmMiral lumbcrmrn who htve examined ft to be the lundt perfrol Cnnthook ver inTcntcda Amos Kennard, Patentee, Mnnufnvtured hy Amob Kirmahii k Co.. at cu:AnFii:i.n, PA. All onlcn promplle attended to. n2370 fsr FAIRBANKS fl STANDARD .M.Wri id at 4 4 T. Ii. U ' .r a,.. ., ,"f Barrowa, Warehouse Tracks, Copying Presses, Improved Money Drawer, Ao. ron salr Br II. F. BIOLEU & CO., Icalcra In llanlvvarc, mcli30::0 tf Peoond Btrect, Ciearfleld, Pa. Down 1 Down 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL AND OF COIIISK TUB C1IKAPHST! A Proclamation against High Prices! AT R are now npititnn up a Int of Ihe Wit and f tnotit aeaminnltle (loodn and Ware ever olTprrd In thin mnrknt. end et prior thai remind one of the gmtd old dayi of ehrap tliinfrii. IhoM who lank faith npon thii point, or deem our alia-gi-tlom inprfluuuii, neod but C.1LI.,tT Ol ll HTOIIF., Corner Front ami Market etreeta. ' Ztl' ' t" r'" wJf"', h?r ;nd k""? f"r Ihii mtiil It done. We do not doein It invrnnurT to enumerate and Itemite our itock. It it noogh for to Hate that We hare Everything that is Needed ai.d eonenmetl In thlt market, and at pricti that atonih both old and young. detJO 1WW B.IAW k flQK. Jlnins & Wfdtrinrs. NEW DRUG STORE ! WM. B, ALEX A DEB, M. I)., Drugs1" Apotliecary, CURWENSVILLK, TA., Keeps oonstantly on hand a largo assortment of d n u a s, Pntrnt Modiulnea, Paints end Oils. Varnlahoa, I v Blufls, Ae. His stock of Irugs la pure and fresh, and ountomora can rely ui.on getting the best of everything in bis liue. J I is stock of P E It F U M Ii II Y , Toilet Articles, llnir T'inics, Cosmetics, Ilrushes, Tuilet Hoans. Ooinbs. Pocket Hooks. Pens, Inks, Pencils and Paper, and a general assortment of tills olaae of goods, are all ol me seal quality. PURE WINES & LIQUORS, For Modioal purpose a only, (.!.. Puttv. Luhrieatiriff Oils. Ac. to suit the wants of the community. Ilia allnmlll Bnit Vol I Sleflted StOfc of rtrUCS mi. Mfdifinca entthlea him to fill Phvsirlans' proscriptions on short notice and on the most reasonahle terms. end riiewera will fllld his StiH-k of Clawing and Smoking Toliaceo, Cigars A riiiuff, to consist or Ilia Tery lies! oraims in ina maraei, A sliAre of public patronage is solicited. Oct. ID Jin. W. II. ALEXANDER. Usffllnnfous. i; o o k s WHICH HAVK ALWAYS (i I V K N SATISPACT OX HERRTOFOME, WILL It K DISPOSED OP IN BUCII A W A Y A3 TO PLRA.SE 0 R PltlENDS AND CUS T0ME1I3. JUST RECEIVED I THE riXEST ASSORTMENT OP HOLIDAY GOODS SUCH A3 HOOKS AND OTHEH STATIONERY ARTICLES, EVER OFFERED TO THE CITIZENS OF THIS PLACE! NOW ON EXHIBITION AND FOR BALE AT H'BLISIIEJIS' A MANUFACTURERS' PRICE3, AT TUB POSTOFFICE. ClairBeld, Don 11, 1 '.7. CORCORAN, WEAVER & CO., WHOLESALE u ii oci: n h. and duuler in Lumbcniicii's Supplies, WILLIAMSPOKT, PA. ani;?.10iu TOBACCO AND CIGARS! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, At Ihe New Tobacco an & Cignr Store of I. It. HII.HV, Two Joora East of Ihe Postoflice, CIcarteM, Pa. ComtuntlT on hand a flue ftftiortment of Nary, tongrrnn, Carrndirh, Cnhlp, Hpunroll, MlrhlKin and Crnlury Fine-cut Chewing Tulweo, Ao, Alio, a Inrge and well leln lrd dork of ItrtportdH and Ioinrflir Cigara. Finuklng Tubaoettf). r Mecrnphimin and Urlar Pi pea. Pipe flatiirri, Tobaoro Duire, Cigar lloMeri, and everything generally found In ft well regulated Cigar and Tubaceo 8 tore. fyRrntfinhcr the placet Two dnnn Rait of the Poitofflie, Ciearfleld, Pa. aug. 24 ti". R. B. TAYLOR'S LIME AND COAL YARD, (Hear (lie Rnllrood Depot,) CI.IMRKII-.I.I), PI NN A IKMRRACR this methorl ot IniWiuIng lh. nuhlie, that I hare opened u. a varrl lor tlie sale of wood or coal-burnt I.I ME enrj Anthracite COAL, In the hi.roujth of Clrarllelil, and hnre ennileted arrangements nilh .artem dealer, by whirh 1 cen kep a full euoptyeonetantlyon hand, which will be disposed of at reasnnalile rates, liy Ihe tun, bushel or ear load, to suit purchasers. Those at a distance can address me by letter, and obtain all necessnrjr information bv return mail. R. B. TAYLOR, Ciearfleld Pa., Fell. Jl, ISCU-tf lYm :eTn dToa l! HAVlNll Increased our facilities for burn lnr Lime during Ilia past season, we are pro. pared lo furnish Wood lliirtit l ime, f'oal Ilurnt l ime, Mood ud 1'nal Ilurnt l.lme, Manufnetured from the oelebrutrd " in: i.u: to ntb limestosk," which pniducca tha wiiitssv and rt nnav Lime, lor all uiei'hanieiil purposes, that can be found in (lis State of Pt-nntylvama, and whieh we si ll at as low prices, dilirered on ears, aa tha lnrcriur Limes are sold al their place of mnnulaclur.. Also, deatrra In and shippers of Wilkesbarre and Shamokin ANTHRACITE COAL, of all slice, pnpsred oiprrssly for family use. Orders solicited. UnonTLIDilK A Ct, Nov. , ItHtl ly. liellrfunt., Pa. QALL A NO f.XAMINK tha SEW (10'iH.M oumlrjj and ?narhtnr iliops. BiGLER, Young & co., (Hucoeisora to Doynton A Young,) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS Manufacturers of PORTABLE & STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Corner of Fourth and Ptna Straeta, ci. F.Ait nr. in, pa. tt-F, a nAVIXQ .n(tged In the manufacture of Urst olass MACHINERY, wo respectfully inform the nnhlio that w. are now prepared to ill all orders aa elienply and aa prouiptlyas can b done in any of tha citiea. W a manntaetura ana aeai in Mulay and Circular Saw-Mills Head l)Wk, Water Wheels, Shafting Pulleys, Clifford's Injector, Steam Oauifcs, Steam Whistles, Oilers. Tallow Cum. Oil Cups, Oanre Cocks, Air Corks, Globe Valves, Check Valves, wrought iron Pipes, 8. earn Pumps, Boiler iced Pumps, Anil Friction Metres. Sonn Stone Parkini. (turn Pock inn. and all kinds of MILL WORK j together with Plows, Sl.J Soles, COOK AND PA ItLOTt STO YES, and other CASTINGS of all kinds. IS-Orders solicited and (lied at city prices. All letters of inquiry with referenoa lo machinery of our manufacture promptly answered, by addres int us at Clearield, Pa. deejrrn-tr liKii.nn, yorxn co. ACP.EATfD!CALR!3QVK7 Dr. WALKEH'3 C .: T.TFC::iA VINEGAR BITTERS si Hundreds of Thru.:: t f Iloftrt--ntlmT I'i Cr'r U'o 6 B ful t;urativc Ki! f i. 3i WHAT AKZ TMSV? o a Si' TIIEY ARB KOT A VILE e a r A in v Y u i 1 1 . I Mni or Poor Itom, WliioUnr. Pro,f hplrlia Cind UtlawJ l.lquura ijocton.!. irlccil Bndiir:cU cord prrr-.ac t-o, ctitcd -ionxi,"' Aypctiz. m," V.mioTVTt 4.C.. tl.tt Icirt V t vr' drunktinncM st.rl rtlv, ba ir a true M'tlicuc, u.ato ft-om the Nsllra HolIi and i:?rV uf Ctillfornla, frcm frort nil Alrohflir Kttninlumii. Tlicy are ttio CI It EA T 111 OOJ) PI It 11 I lilt nnl A I.1FR illSi I'KINt iri.Iipi.ricct l.c-.iovtl r anU luilurwicrtf I'm fy-Um. rnrryiug off all jwiTOnoa tuatter and trttei Ift'f lha t Ic-od to a bcKMIiy condltlcn. Kopcraon can t-Le thra Dlitcra acconllg toircc tlon and rrmiln nr ar.wcIL $1U0 Willi t" .'.iforaa lamrcIlccaac.rrcTi'Utd tbo tooca aro in I dcatroyrd by nCncr. pcU-ca cr other meats, aj Uia tttalcruiia wwlcd bey o:.d Uifl point of misUr. Inllniniriiinty nnd Chrnnlr Rtircnft flan Mad onl. Hrappnln. r IndtBrwlinn, 111 lion . UrmMirni nud Intrrmtttrni I'rvrra lllarftaract Iht Itlod, Ltvrr. kidneys oad llladdrr, tl.o llltirra lavo bevn sioct Mixt ful, feurli LfNTsara ara caarcd Vlilatd niood. wtiichlnjA DcraMy rrodticod by dcrant- mci:t cf tltc Dtcrtilve Orcan. Vhr, Tain In the bhoultleni, Conittis, 1 ilt!.s of tho Client, UUilncat, fcour trnctauooa of the tMomach, 1'ad tut.' la Uio Mouth, B IIoub AUncka. IalpiUUoo cf Ui? Heart, lot? iuna.aUoa t,f Um Lang, itn la tho rrg-loaa of ttio LlUnvya,aod AbUDdrrd otber i;ii(al v)inpuiuft,r.rp tle utr rlnticf Djpcrta, Tin iQTigorata UtebuuttubaadUBiDlato Ui tcr pld liter and bowrii, which nnd rUiemcfniiiqaaUrd ttDrary In elfanf.Of tltu tilnod ol all Iniftnrktlrt, aud tnifartlnj new life a'id t.itt to tlihola irf(ctn. lOUbKIN li 1 ft i: A r I'.Ht Cm r Urn, Tcttrr. Palt l:h um, V.vu lue, t otAv, 1 in.pl ra, J uttulca. Bortn. rat taa-K, i;inc-V. oinir., t cala-llcad, Core I yea, r.rytlp clai. Ilrli. fcurra, Lttnoloratiou cf the fckla, Ilutncn aatl Dlii aisi B of (Lie itk'a. of a lialcver tiatnc or ntuura, are literal:; dug bp J carrli d cut uf tho iyum la a ahort time Vj the of lh(c r..ltura, Vnm bot'le hi .aorh caaoi will rom iucu the unM lacnduluui w thr!r curat) re slice t. C1car.ua tho Vitiated PIM whnfTrr Jnn final ta Impnrlt.oa bnntirtf t!imoj:h ttiu a'-iti In l'lmplca, I'm p. tlon or Hcimi t cU'acw- It ohrn yB find tl otwtract.d Mid luRpUli la tlio Ttina, crn3 It hca It la fonl. and your fcvl.nr" will t 1 y,m when. K.-cp iU LWod pure aud tlie hi-althrfthc t A. in .11 foil -r. TIN, Tirilt-J?'?:of iV'H?' InrMnrlnthe Ttcm uf to tauny t'.inaaandi, aro c etunlly destroy, el and rnnovtd. l or full dlrectiooa, read earvi'ui! the circular aroniSd each bottle, prlr.t; d 1 rur lau goagca KngltHh.Urrman, French aid paiiatk J.WALKKR, Proprietor. R. H. MclHJN ALU CO, DrngRlota and Orn. AirenU, Pan franc few, Cal. aud Uaud MComiuereo Strut t, Kvw Torit. IV-60LD BY ALL PUVOOISTS AXD DCALLKS. Oct. 20, laSVH: . NEW MARBLE YARD IN inilliltMintt;! rpilE nn.lrrslcnrd tnke. this nielhnd of Infunn. .1 in. the eitisens of Cleartl... and Jetlersoa counties that he lias opened a Marlilo Yard, for the manufacture of TimiD(iiifa, "Iciminicnta, Head mid foot Stouca, cM Ac. I employ none but the licet workmen, and use Ihe best material. All nrd"ra promptly tilled and the Work wnrntntea. Address ell letters lo 1 AN IK I, llOOIILAKPnit. Lutliorsliurg, October II. 1S70. jyfOTIt 'IV-Ilnvln purchased Ike interest or jl 1 J. A. nisttetilr-,., n )0i, heretofore carried on under the flrin noma of J, A. niattenhcrgr-r A Cu., the same will b onduoteil hcresflf r ninlcr tlie name of Mirshaunon Laud and i.umoer I "inpanv. (Mt.re.J H. H. KM I l.LI.Vll KlK I), JOHN 1. A W S II K, niy2ilf t President. tlcneral tup't SAWS I SAWS! SAWS! niSTAN'8 CROSS CLT, MILL, TBA0 AMI CIUCL'LAH SAWS. Boynton's Lightning Cross-cut Saw. ALSO, PATEJtT PERFORATED A KLEPTIUC SAWS, For aalo y ocHJ.rn ii. r. iiiiii.Kn a ro, Ltilhobiiij? Marble Yard! IIIH fiiberller rrniif-rtfully annntincei to tbii J. rommnnify and tho r-uWio gKneraMy thnt h i now rttehdlvoly eri(riitrd In the manufacture of MonumrnU. Iffad and Fnt Ptonpa, ritiinl, TnU and Unison Top, rto. No higher -rilmio ran paid oadeprncd n latlve or filrnd Ihnn Iherrt'o tinn of an enduring tints nt a wttneta to nnbitrn grneratlffnt wherr they hnvr In let him or her. 1 bnvo engnged Mr. .Ii-hn W. (iRhngan at my agent tn 11, and to whnee worltminliii and ktit many onn bear witneM. Order aollrited and proinplly filled. Uork dt-lirorod whererrrdrflrrd. H. II. MOUU K. IsntliernbHrg, Tinwmbi-r M, IH70. n et Your toys' hath M Hi f-s si- P'i il t ' ? a 2 th y: y li III OF 1 TI1KT ARC NOT A VILE -g 3 I Si'HllS. Clearfield County Bank ("PIIK Clearltald County Ili,t " X ted iuslilutlon bas (tooeoul ",'""""" Hie surrender oi Its charter, on M. ,""'k All ita atock ia owned by tl,, . ,' "' IMl wllloontiuu. lha Uaiikii.K Im.i,,, place, as private hankers, under Il.e e ol tho "Ciearfleld County llwnk." ," Sponsible for tha debts ol lb. ai', ,'"" its notes on demand at the cund-r n'"1' received and Inlereat paid when ni..nev i T"'" a 6iod tiioe. Paper discounted at ! as beretofor. Our nersoo.l V,ri,sL pledged for ell Uoio.,1. reeriren Iraoa eted. A continuance of it,, j st.rralj spectlullyaollcl'.ed. As President, f.,i, ' otncersof tra let. CKarBeld Cunt. ''"k" require Ihe notea of raid Hank i0 i, ,,.''' for redemption. I""iel JAS. T. I.KONAKD. ItTCH At: r. WM. POHTKR, JAS. B. tt!,A uu' A. K. WKIOIIT, O. L. RKKb WM. A. WALLACE. ' ' The business or th. Dank will I,. enr.,n,i.. John M- Adam.., K.o,., a. Cashier. j County National Dank OF CLKAIlFIIJLIi, pa. ' HOOM in Masonic Muildinf.one .I.,.,, . , C. I). Vi,.,'s lr,hir,.. Pjssnve 7 ieki ts It, anj fn.Mi I ,. i town, lilaairow. Louden. Paris sn.l c, .,', ,'""' Also. lrlls for ssle on It.,. lt,.v,.l If.,.. . .' ',l- aud Imperial Hsok of L'indoti r '" W. M. RI1AW, Cashier. J. D. M'fiirk. Kl I Perks. BANKING & COLLECTION HOUSE or McGirk & perks. Puercsftore to Kusler. Prrks. A t .... I'lilllpeburg. t'entre ('nwiiiy, p, ytrilKHK all the busine ss of a I,. t 1 ;,lr t 11 will oe transacted prompt!) u i..i u),.. ,u most favora. lie teruia ,. ar- tf 4tti5frtlanrou5. GREAT EXCITEilLNT AT THOMAS LEERS'S!" M'EH Y I10I)Y Irying to get there fint. fftr J j of being crow df rj lUt into the culj. It you waot good shoring done. gf to Hitu, If jou want jour Hle-i ironed right, goto Biul tf you want good Still Irom, go to fcitu If ou want your wgn iroiit-d id tlb.t tyle and urkmanliip, go to Bsita liseitt tnakea tha beet iSiomp Mirhine in rat State, eod d..ei all kintiit of U L A ( ' h , M 1 T H I S.J a rheip ai can be dona in the count, i-t Cith. My Poit Offieo aJdrcai Ii ClxurlUld, Pa THOMAS btLRi Dorgi Tp., Dee. IV, ie7-tf. Cheap Furiiitui o. JOHN GULICII pvCSlRHa to inform bis old fri'mlf at, ( 1 tonifrt, that hiring ?Dlarg'd hit lUt.hi liioremed hii facilitin fr tni.nui nnrnrin . b it now prevaTC to tnak to order m-h Furniturr u may be doiired, in good atyla and ii rhci. ntr for CASH. Ht generally bai on bm l.al h:i Furnitnra room, varied amort in .-nt of rtiij. made funlture, nmoog wliicb are BUREAUS AND SIlE-fH). I. bS. WorJiubeiand Hook Cict; Centre, S ft, Pir ot, lircakfaRt and lMmtig btm,u IMtn t. non, French - port. Cottage, Jenny - I,i;,J scd Ur Hcdcteadi t biaa of all ktrd-, lUrk iticu, llat racka. nab-itandtt nocking nnd Ar Chatrt I itirlng-eat. rnne bottom, imrVr, tow- mon and other Cham f Looking - IJ laep Mtrtrj deirriptton on band ; and new glwri for oM frrurtv, which wiil be put In on cty rcixiiikl term. m fbortrft notice. H il-o Urf -n kud ot fornithci to order, Corn-buek. i.'air and Cot. ton top Mnitrrisoa. CorriNs or Evkrt Kind Made to order, and funerali atteDJod aitfc i llearte wbenever drtirnl. AIpo, lli.ufe faintr-f done lo rrdrr. Tba rulin-Tiber alco mioutH. turtt. and hat conuanOy on baoil, CUtittit'i 'tent Waihing Machine, (be boot D.-t; iam nnt aImii arlttrhpa! Ht ao hit Flrer'r PtMit t bum, a euperior artirl. A family uimg Uu Cbutn never need be without butter 1 All the abjre and many other article ire fn nlihed to rustomcrv cfacap (or Cash or exchiojti for annrovod country produro. Lherrv. .uipIi, Pupur, I. in wood and otier Lumber miisMe for Cabinet work, taken in xrhange for turDili. Mr r.emrmbor tba ihop It un Market tirttU CU-artioid, fa., and oenrty oppovite the "UK Jt St-re." jKtua utum. NoTonbsr IS, 182 T READING FOR ALL!! BOOKS &mSTATIOXERY. Market St., Clearfield, (at the Pt Office.) 'IMtK ai.dtrified be bravo to ttinuBetti J. thrtlns "f ClearMd and tjeinity.lW he but fitted op a room and bai rciarp from tha eity with a largo amount of r-dir mntter, i onsistinf ia part ui Bibles and Miscellaneous Book3, Dlank. A era ant and Pii Bm k ot evrrr J irription ; i.ior and Knloron, Pr?tioh pniifi and plain j rni and IVneiif ; Blank. Uftl fiptm, Peed. Mortgngi-a ; J tularin til. MtB-P1 tion and l'rt-mif ry notea ; White nn-l I'areb: ment brief. L- it Cap. Heeord I'-k ard !'il l' hheet, Mupie fr either EMan". Flute rr Vn!ii eontntlv on hand. Any hwk or sta Tt.nerj desired that I mwT not have on hand, wil) ht ordered by 6rt express, and pclrf nt h'Wala or retail t att rnpt'-mar. 1 will " rt periodical literature, auch a Magntine. papom, An. . V. A. H AI ifrt,eid Mny 7, ISrin-tf DAVID YOUNG, Stoiic-futte r and Stone-Mason T Tl T .... .11 . l: ernte priori and In UltST-l'LA itj Architectural Ornanients tn AT.L MYLK.', Ftono IroMing of rtrf doirlition, and all kmdi of inavon work cn" tr acted f.r in orooiol the ranty. An? prfpt winhing to havo rtppectHblo utavon work mil Htnne-rutting done, mil find it tn their tnterert to cull un un mo I would alto Inform th? ruk i'.a thtt I fn dt-tirer any quantity or tl C t'ne dcflred, at I am tha owner of FIRST-CLASS STONU QUAKItY Orders for work ean ba ajelresseit to 1)VII I'lH.'Kd. marl.l.TO Cltartiel.1 Pa. Vf EV B'J'UHIi A'X ' Kv GOODS. JUS. SHAW & SON Have just ctiencJ Nw Stor, on Main SuCLiiitrfuii, ti., lalrty occui.lod b Wnt. F. JKWI.V Their stock rur.eial. of OhoetR'cs of Ilia beat quality, Ql'K.RNSWAHE, 15oOt8 (111(1 JSIldCHi nrl fverjr nrlirte i)crsnit for one', comfort. Call and txnminrour stock liefoir uf" pliina elsawhersj. M.T . IMd-lf. The Lightning Tamer. fpilR nmler-Unerl are ihe aole Ajreets la lH' I . .orilv for lha "N.rrlh Aioeriran llalvaalse I.IUI11MNH hull.-." Tisse are Iseenlr"" riola now In use. and ara endoraed by all set, ntille men tn Iti. e untry, W hrri bj n..llf Ihe eitisens tf tba eeerlj Ibal we will fnl I hero op a belter rod. seals' less money, lhan Is eharired by Ihe forsilj afents who annually tr.verse the enunly as 'arry of v.r little .-ash. never to return. KNCOlMlAfiE IIOMK LAPCU. ! Tho.e wlsblna 1 lnhlr In. Rods ererl"! heir bglMloS need but address as by lellsr. er all in person. W . will nul Ibem on . In theeeuniy, end erarr.ol Ihem. Tba IteSsse- rtalnres enn bo .een al any lime ny onraiere. II K. II IU U v- OlearlleM, Vareb I"0 t' . )I.K "wUrTVllOAN USINH K1N-' . a .. . J 1 . I. Jiii roer ieu "ni ur rmir .v . April 5(1, 1 to, THCKTIUB-Tlie verj; latest aiylea-