Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, September 27, 1871, Image 2

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( -r. !-
riHTun ANTt I'R'ipltlKTttRt
Dooiocratio !tato Ticket.
fo:i afmtok iiknhiul,
or rsiiutstraiA.
von PCRviivon hknkrai.,
OP l-AWIM.XI'F. i:i,l XTY.
ffrA full imiH of Hi lirmriratlo vote will
fwuro ll election of uur biitto tiuket by a largo
VJ-L't evi-ry I;iii'.crat remember I'mf, avd
linprixn the truth of it op on tlie minds of hi
. Democratio District Ticket.
Will I AM A. VAI T., ofCUarflclil.
Domooratio County Ticket.
JOHN l.AHMII'., or Osceola.
UII.I.H1I C. l lll.I V.of C lprlli ld.
JOHN J. I'.r.Al), of I.aavrciire.
AARON t'. TATK. of Clearfield.
ASIHUV W. l.KK. of Clcarileld.
H VMV III, P. WILSON, cf llrnilfoid.
r. r. coin r.ii'.T, of Kartiiau.
AmiTOR: , .
I!f:i lll'.N Slrrill HsoN.oI ClcaiCclit.
S. I'. lIrl l.(kl;V.of Cui-wciiavllle.
SaturJity next, September SOlli, iH
tlio Itisl day to got registered. iKruo
cnit?, nltond to this mutter.
rm.!NE. Hon. latino G. Gordon,
of IlrooU villi), declines tlio ' Radical
nomination for President Judo in
that Judicial dixtrict. One sensible
Radical at leant in Jofl'ersoii county.
Tub Oiiatob. lion. Daniel W.
Voiliecs, of Indiana, is to bo tlio ora
tor ut tlio Maryland State Fair, to bo
IioM at l'altimoro on tlio 3d to the
Gtli of October. To bear bim would
be a taro treat.
Tun Statu or Affairs. Govern
ment a flairs ut AVasbington, our na
tional Capital, nro becoming decidedly
1 oso. Tlio majority of tbo beads of
Departments, tire cillior absent from
their duties or public defaulters, al
thouirli "loval to tlio coro."
Uaimcal Honkhty. It is now set
tled that tbo State robber, Evans, is
not to to arrested unit! alter the eleu-
lion. His arrest would bring to light
ono of tbo bugost frauds ercr perpo-
truted on tlio tax payers of I'cnnsyl-
vaiiia, which would prove very dam
aging to Radicalism generally, and to
Gov. Geary, Auditor General liar-
l ran ft and Stuto Treusurcr ilackey in
In Troukle. Forney's Press and
oilier Radical organs are wonderfully
exercised over "Tammany's trials."
Tboso cute fellows bad belter bo look
ing after Evans, Ilodgo and Norton'
trials." That would be a family en
gagement, and a matter under their
own control. Tammany is on trial,
but Radicalism is entitled to no credit.
Democrats aro puncturing the robbers
a til will turn them out. Jacou Tone, Eq. This gen
tleman, who ror-idos ut Port Deposit,
known to many of otir lumbermen,
wni l;iH week nominated by the ne
groes and ecalawags of Maryland fur
Governor, llu will be overwhelming
ly defoaip'l, of course, as lie cannot
even "gull" tlio ignorant r.cgroos, bo
causo bo sold more of them into tla
very, wbi'.o "it paid," thnn any man In
Cecil county.
lloitE Screws 1.ooe The account
of tied. F. Delleker, cashier of the
1'hilaJulphia Mint, won't etpiaro
Tbo Treasurer, Gcorgo Kystcr, hao
been examining the r.ceonnt for some
lime, and to elio that there is somo
thing "rottco in Denmark," I'clleker
was litst week removed. Of course
nothing will bo developed lor the
leiiufit of the public until ulter the
election, bicauso our "loyal" friends
have already too many dirty jobs of
this kind on hand for the good of their
Saturday next, September 80th, is
Iho lat day to gel registered. Demo
crat, attend to this matter.
The Poor Devil. The- Radicals of
Rcrks county last week elected Thus.
I). Fiter d. lixrulil In llin linvl V,il'i,,n
al Convention, with instructions for
Grunt. Since bis election It bus been
dixeovned that bo was a Colonel in
the Confederate army during the
wtiolo war, btiMdc having resigned
Horn Hio avy in IStil. After Iho
war ho tarpi t bugged in Alabama for
several years, be en in o "lovnl."
lotted to the I-rgiMnture, grew rich,
ramoved toiuld Ueiks in 107, and i
OW sent to iho Rational Convention
A niovemetit is now on foot, by "loy.
ttl" men, too, to re asscmblo tho county
Convention and displace him, because
ufhis "dii-loyal ptaetiees" during the
Hor remarkable that this ior
devil should bo niado a target for
J'loval men" to bhool at. whito the
Confederate Colonel, Ackernuin, holds
eul in (ji'iinl l.ubinet, and (jrno
l'ul JiOiitflsreet boldh one of the best
places in Iho gilt of tho President.
Why not lrci4 ull "rebeU" alike f
J jo sco it,'
.1 Stupid Trlik. '
Governor Geary aud tho rest of our
.State oIlieei'H at Ilarrisburg havo ad
ded to their guilt In the Kvans case by
attempting hi shift the responsibility
lor that scoundrel csctipe upon the
shoulders of tho O'overnor of Now
Vork. Tho trick is ns stupid and
contemptible as it ia wicked. Evans
wild In Philadelphia and In Ilarrisburg,
where the bund of tbo law might have
been .laid upon him nny day or any
hour, if the Governor bad desired his
arrest. Jso steps wero taken to so
curo him until tho forco of public
sentiment, loudly and even ungrily
expressed, compelled ourStato olliccra
to I u U 0 action. Then they gave no
lice that they intended to arrest
I'vnim 'I'll i-ii l'viina went In Iho cilv
of New York and showod himself
publicly, so Ihut it might become
known where ho was, and so that tho
Governor of Pennsylvania might send
a requisition for him to the Governor
of New York. Then ho wont to Al
bany liml showed himself publicly
there, so that it might become known
ull over tbo country that bo had beon
right under tho nosu ol tho Governor
ol New York, liut before Governor
Geary's tardy requisition could bo
presented to Governor Hodman and
endorsed by bim, Kvans slipped from
Albany and took good euro not to let
any ono know where ho was going.
And now Governor Geary's organs
pretend to censure Governor lloliman
tor not acting upon tho requisition
with suiitcieul urnmntncKg to secure
tho arrest of r.vuns I liul do not all
the facts go to provo that Governor
Geary arranged thii w hold affair with
Evans, so that the latter might escape,
whilst tho Governor should appear to
liavo made an cllort to have linn ar
rested? It is clear that our Stale
ollicers did not want Evans arrested
They were afruid bo would niako a
clear breast of it and givo the names
of nil with whom ho had divided his
plunder. Yulliy spirit.
A Lie. Thai Radicalism is mainly
kept up by falsehood and robbery is
patent to till intelligent beings. Tho
following, coupled willi Evans, em
braces just what wo allege :
''Evnnn, tbe Pennnylvtiiia defaulter, hnl, to Rtl
prolmhitity, uiaita till crije through Ihe tardi
iicp nfOov. Ilofftimn. and the aid al i h Tamma
ny lirinocnits, in 'ow York. Ilt-iiublioam atck
tu punirti actiundrcli, wnilo (lie Diinocracjr pro
tect loom.
This fii'sl-cluss lie wo Cud in nearly
every Radical nowspnpor wo open, and
is so hugely untruthful, and the au
thors know it, too, that wo have al
most came to the conclusion that
Missionaries and Sunday Schools make
but litllo impression on loyal editors.
The Teverso is tho fact. Geary, liar-
tranft and Treasurer Mackey as much
as told Evans to run off, and then
waited two weeks to allow him to
pack his traps before they issued thoir
Constitutional Convention. An
act was passed by tho Legislature last
winter for tbo calling of a Convention
to revise our State Constitution, pro
vided a majority of the votes polled
on that question on tho 2d Tuesday of
October so express it. Tickets will
bo printed and circulated, headed
'Convention," and inside, "For Con-
ention'. or "Agninat Convention,1
as the voter deems best. As the tick
ets will be printed "for" and "against"
u Convention, the voter must bo care
ful and tako bis pen or poncil and
era so from his tickot ono or the olhor,
because if ho puts his ticket into the
box without erasing cither, tho ticket
will bo thrown out ly the election
officers, as tho vote cannot bo counted
both "For a Con vent ion" and "Against
a Convention." Tho voter must oith
cr favor or oppose a Convention, or
strike both off bis ticket, if he docs not
desiro to voto on the question,
Go ! Democrats of Clearfield coun
ty, do not fail to go to tho election on
tho 10th of October. A general turn
out of our party friends will givo us
tho Stato by 15,000 majority. Our
enemies havo local fights everywhere,
while peaco reigns within our border.
Tlio lingo frauds brought to light lute
ly has (daggered all honest Republi
cans and thousands will remain al
home on election day, so that an easy
victory awaits tho Democracy if they
only attend tho election aud cast their
ballots for our nominees, who aro by
far the most competent and will thore-
fjre inuke ihe best officers.
S.sinBED. Philosopher Grouley oo
cnsionaliy gets otf a good thing. In
referring to the proceedings of the
Maryland Stale Convention, ho says
linltiiiioio is so near Washington Hint
wo nre not surprised to see tho Na
lionnl Capital iulluciicos. guidii.:' the
notion of tho Maryland Republican
Convention yesterday. The resolu
tions, which were kept buck until the
candidates bud been named, were per
vaded with Mr. Crotwwcll, who is a
capital man in bis way, but might bo
better employed in looking after the
United Slates postal service thnn run
ninif Conventions. The nominees
two nominations only being mado
ore endorsed as "able, influential and
honorable cilizons, identified with
every right interest, nnd commanding
tho confidenco of men of all parties."
Tho Hon. Alexander Randell, noinina
tod for Attorney General, wo take it,
is tho gentleman who ably represent
ed bis Stato in the Twenty-seventh
Congress. Tho Convention did woll
in refusing to consider a resolution
endorsing Iho Sun Doniinuo purchase
as irrcvelaiil ; it would buvo dono
belter if it had left the nomination of
tho next Republican candidate for
President to somo of tho States who
have somo band in electing tho pres
ent Chief Magistrate, and can bo
counted on us sure to help elect tho
next one.
Tho Radical Slalo Convention of
Mississippi did not nominuto Grant
for ro election, nor did It eten com
mend his administration. It in now
proposed to declare martini law in
that Stale. Evidently something must
bo dono.
Ann Dickinson starts on her annual
tramp with a new subjuct, "Compul
sory Education." Her next, wo pre
sume, will be "Compulsory Mutri
innny." The Democratic Deleguto to Con
gress from New Mexico was elected
by two thousand und fivo hundred
majority, and both Housea or tho
Legislature jire largely Democratic.
. Itrtrleyi ami Vrant,
Horace Grocley, who is now fuirly
on tho trucK as a cnnuiuaio lor mo
Presidency,, does not hesitate to ox
iirots, onoii ly, In conversation, bit utter
contempt for Grunt. In a recent.tnlk,
on tho cars, with Hon. John H. Grin-
noll, of Iowa, reported in the New
York .Sun, Horace usod tins rcmurka-
bly plain luugungo :
If s
wo nominate Grant, we shall cer-
tainlv bo defeated. The publiii will
slunil no more horsojookey and present-taking
Presidents. We have had
enntiuh of them. I tell yoti, gontlu-
mon, we must luxe A now ucpariuro,
and I ean assuro you that w of the
oust are delorminod that it shall lie
dono. I have been rather quint about
it so fur, but I want everybody now
to understand what I think. - When
we take bold of Grant, it will not be
with silk gloves on our bands. It baa
got to be dono. Wo must throw Grant
overboard, or we shall be defeated.'.'
"liut," said Air. Gnnnoll, as though
asking for information, "what would
you havo us do, Mr. Greeley f Sup-
poso we throw (.Hunt over, what can
wo dor iou Know our pooptu uon t
want to jump out of the frying pan
into tho nro. Now, if you will givo
us tho slightest hope that you intend
to put your own name forward, we
would willingly throw out uraut.
At this Mr. ureuley looked rather
mysteriously al Mr. Griunell and said:
"All i waul is to havo a good man
nominated, who, if eloctod, will con
sent to givo up tho oflico at tho end
ol his term, liesiues, i want to nom
inate a man who if elected will elevate
the oflico whore it was in former days;
man who will not lake presents or
use the military or his oillce holders
to udvance his own aspirations for a
second torin, and in tbo meantime
neglect tho interests of tboso whose
ruler he ia. Resides, I want man
who is abovo mere pleasure hunting;
a man who will not dawdle away one-
lourlti ol his term amid the lollies and
frivolities of a watering plaoo, one
who, when called upon for an expres
sion of bis views on political and other
suojeeis oi iiuiionui interest, can give
thorn in clear, comprehensive language.
That's the kind of a man the people
want, and" bringing bis fist down on
tho table, "that's tho kind of man we
haven I now. I want you, goiitlemen,
tu lull your peoplo hero in tho wosl
that wo nro going 19 fight against
lirunt to tho extent ot our ability.
We wilt not remain passive or indiffer
ent, but, to uso hi own words, "we
aro going to fight it out on this lino."
oroolcy a description ol the kind of
man wanted in Grant's place reminds
us of Mirabeau's suggestion to Talley
rand, la 1 T'.'O, that, in view of the
troubles that then beset Prance, it
would soon be necessary to proclaim
a dictator, "liut who shall it bo?"
said Talleyrand. Mirabcau thon went
on to describe tho proper person. Ho
must be popular with the masses.
Talleyrand ussontod. He must be a
brilliant orator. T. assented again.
Ho must be in tbo prime of life. An
other assent. After Mirabuau had
given a pretty complete list of qualifi
cations to be cxaclod of the coining
man, and bad, at tho same time, very
accurately described himself, ho paus
ed. "Js that all 7 Raid 1 alley rand.
"Yes, I bolieve that is all." "No, you
have forgotten one thing. And what
is that V "Ho must be pitied with
the small pox." Greeley's outline of
his pet candidate would bo complete,
if hn hnrl ndtlixl that h mnsl. wear a
while hat, edit a newspaper, have
written a book about farming, and
have gono bail for Jeff. Davis. liar
ribburg Patriot.
Tub State ArroiiTioNMKNT. The
following lablo shows the political
complexion of (be various representa
tive districts in Pennsylvania, and will
bo found valuable for reference They
were classified in this order by the
Conference Committee, on tbo Appor
tionment bill, but local influences and
discussions may turn some of them :
rinlndi l) b.a 6
Ailnms 1
llt.lf'.rd aad Pulton... I
Hoik 3
lluiki .. J
Uearor, llutler and
Cmnljria 1
Carbon and Monro 1
CuegtlT ...
Paophin and Perry...
helaware. H
Iluntltifplon.. ,
I.awn-noa ...
Lebanon. .
Potter and M'Keaa..
Snyder and Union....
r-usqnehanoaaod Vij
Cliw'n, l.veoiuiog h
Klk, Cameron and Jaf-
Franklin -
Fuville -
JnnioU aud Mifflin..
Uh igl
Venan-ro .
Pika and Wayne-..
Loyal Business. Guorgo O. Evans,
ono ol the most accomplished Radicals
in the State ol Punnsylvumu, was ap
pointod Special Agent of the Stale for
tho collection ol war .cluims. lie
went coulously to work, and in three
years succeeded in stealing f.lh-J,oJJ.
S3. Jt is not necessary for us to say
that tho iui'lioal State officials allowed
him to escape, nnd a portion of the
steal is now being u.,ed by the ltudl
cal Committee in tho Statu cunvass.
Wk'llSke Tbo (ioUlcn Aqe, 1a0
doro Til ton's paper, a loading Radical
and a firm supporlor of General Grunt,
now says: "It remains to bo tceu
whether they ftho people! will con
sent to let General Grant use the na
tion's money nnd sell its offices to ro
elect himself." Of courso, everything
indicnted will hnppoii except tho lat
ter. "Jio-clcct himself bo never can
Iho people a ru not quite corrupt
rli lor I
m w
Georoe O. Evans. To prevent mis-
apprehension the Philadelphia Ledger
says, "Wo aro rrquoslcd to stuto that
tlio lioorgo U. r.vans, charged with
defalcation us Pennsylvania Stato
agent, is not Georgo O. Evans, impor
ter and merchant, Rank street, Phila
delphia, the latter boing a dilVerctit
stylo of person altogether." Ho docs
business wilh bis own funds.
Tim Ti!. A rich Tin Mino has
been discovered in Utah. While this
is a most valuable discovory In view
of tho immense Amount of tin used in
various ways, and Its consequent scar
city, it Is also Valuable ns an udilitlon
ul means, by attracting hardy Gentiles
iu uiuii, oi undermining ino poiygu
mous despotism of llrigham Young.
Mr. Ilosciifcld, tho Doinociulio
nominee lor Stale Harbor Commission
er of California, has been uleclod.
As the Democrats have ulso secured
a majority in tho Senate, tho victor)
is not so swooping for iho Radicals us
was reported
jjjimi jlx ojm-jammmmmmtmamm
Hadlralt TrylHir to WlrUt Ihe
'Vri rr nre .Tloirmoil in Iht
Inltrml of Ihclr I'ttrly.
E. II. Rauch, Esq , ono ol tho oditors
of the Keystone Good Templar, pays
bis rcspocU to tho Rev. 1'. Coo in bo
after tho following fashion i
Rov. P. CooMHXi I have patiently
subinitlod for somo lime, to somo very
bitter assaults upon mo by members
of a corrupt ring ui party hirelings who
aro now wielding a most dangerous
nnd demoralizing influence within the
lines of tbo order of Good Templars.
If I am not misinlorincd, you, among
others, buvo be.on at work recently as
sailing and slandering mo pemonally
by loiters to individuals and other
wise charging mo wilh corruption,
insincerity, and so forth.
I accept the implied challenge, to
ventilale tlio question of personal sin
cerity ond lionor botwoen us, so far,
at least, ns the good of iho temperance
cause may demand. And now, with
out noedloss words, I propose to pro,
eced to business ut onco.
Firstly: A reasonable amount of
space in Tbo Keystone Good Templar
is at your service to provo your asser
tions as to my corruption, insinoerily
und treachery. If you know a single
fad (and you have known me person
ally for over 2; years) oalculalod to
oxciloovon the slightest suspicion thnt
I evor received a bribe, sold my influ
ence, or did any actio wurranlyou in
assailing mo as you did, then stato it
openly and above board, liko a man !
Secondly t 1 propose to oion tbo
eyes of tho honest, well meaning and
confiding Good Tor.'.plars, who look
upon you and a few other high .titled
demagogues us men of honor, cando,
sincerity and purity. I propone, to lay
a fow stubborn farts before the public
to show who is the corrupt political
hireling, and to this end I may feel
called upon to name ono reverend and
one gcnerul who called upon John W.
Forney, since the opening of the pres
ent political campaign, for a "temper
ance fund," to be appropriated by the
Republican Stato Committco, or in
ortlior words, for money, with which to
icifld the temperance element in the in
terest of the Jiepubliean party I I hap
pen to be in possession of lucts quito
suflicicnt to givo a highly interesting
account of the fraternal interview be
tween the two temperance lights re
ferred to of the one part, and the col
lector of tbo port ol Philadelphia, of
tho olhor part I
And now, Rev. P. Coombe, I call
upon you to make good tho charges
or insinuations you have recently mado
against mo, and unless you do this I
moan to show you up as a
faccd demagogue and slanderer, who
deserves only the contempt of all ro
sprctablo men nnd women.
Very candidly,
E. 11. RAUCII.
Tho Revcrond Pennell and General
Owen are doubtless the two parties
referred to ubovo who would "wield
the temperance movement in the in
terests of the Republican parly."
Democrats, beware of false lights I
Do not bo misled by such sanctimoni
ous demsgogues I
The Pouncerh "If a Fcderul official
steals, the administration at oneo
pounces down upon him and without
the least hesitation of favoritism." So
says a Grant party "organ." Tho
vigorous way in which the adminis
tration "ut once pounces down upon
him," is probably illustrated in the
case of l'avmn6ier liougo, wnouwiu-
menced stealing even before "our
Ulyss." commenced receiving present
from pluco hunters. Atlor no naa
been stealing"' year or so, somebody
preferred charges against him. The
administration "at onco pounced
down upon linn, by paying no ut
tcntion to the charges. This was two
years ago. Alter two years more ol
stealing, the amount ot this rederal
official's stealings having reached ihe
vicinity of ft million, tho adminislri
Hon began to think Unit it lay muster
Hodge bad not stolen himself rich by
this timo ho never would, und so con
eluded that it was limo to pounce
down on that ofllciul thief. Thou
sands of other Federal oflloials are
stealing daily, and if they don't con
tribute Iiberully to tho renmuinalion
of "Our Ulyss ," tho administration
"pounces down upon them. If thoy
do contribute, the administration don I
pounce. Chicago dimes.
The Goldsmith Maid Impeached
lielutive to tbo qiioslion among
horsemen whether Dexter's limo has
been beaten, tho Washington Siar
says the following : "The lurfmon do
Moleeiu prepared to conccdo that the
time perlorninnco (2. 17) reported as
trotted by the mare lioldsmitli .Maid
at Milwaukee was truly und honestly
made. Iho Milwaukee truck,, it
socms, is so low for a quarter of a mile
on tho back stretch, that tho horses
aro not in Bight of the judges; Gold
smith Maid is notorious for 'breaking'
the mare Lucy, tho only competitor
Goldsmith Maid bad in tho contest
has tho bhoio owner fit N. Smith) as
Goldsmith Maid, and it is intimated
that tho driver of Goldsmith Maid put
the maro through in 2. 17 on the run,
and thoir being no other witness to
tbo deception than Hickok, the drit er
ol Iiucy, ot oouiko 1'iero was no do
vulgomcnl of claim or foul. If this
suspicion bo woll founded, Dexter .re
mains King of tho trotters. T'hor U
to much rascality about horse matters,
buying, selling, Irollinir and runmnc
thut turfmen i;; suspecting trickery1 of
tliA Liml 'know linw It
tho kind
lit- -
Hawlet on Butler. A circular
loiter is published by Gen. Iluwley In
reply to Gon. Puller's Sprinfiohl
speech. He thinks liutler tho most
reckless, unscrupulous nnd dangerous
demagnguo this country has ever seen
since Aaron Burr, and that bo may
make a good deal of trouble. Hal
then he will kill himself. Ho might
succeed In Paris, as Robespierre and
Rochefort succeeded, but bo is a mon
strosity in Now England.
Tho following advertisement ap
peared in tho Morristown Jemeyman,
which shows that the writer has been
studying tbo liutler campaign : "To
whom it may concorn W hercas, Par
molia Bush, a resident of Chester, did
promise to marry me on tho IHh Inst.,
but instond of doing so, did flunk and
bus run off. I brand her us a liar and ft
person of bad character goncrully.
Edward Pratt."
Major Ilodgo, tho defaulting pay
master, had two sureties, each ot whom
gave tho bond for f J0,00(), und this is
ull Iho Government Is likely to save
from that half million steal. It Is
almost as bad as Evans, whoso bond
amounts to but ton thousand dollars.
But then thoy are loyal, you know,
and loyulty should protect w hat loy
alty steals.
Tlit litmocratlr .Vallonai Con
vention. The following article from tho South
ern Jiime, published ut Charlotto,
North Carolina, lakes the ground that
tho Southern States ought not tosond
delegates to the Democratic National
Convention. Tho reasons It gives are
good ones, viowed from its standpoint;
but thoro are other reasons just an
strong, why they should send delegates
there. However, we do not intend to
discuss this question now. Wo pro
ceed to give tho Southern Home's
opinion :
Yo havo boon accustomed lo regard
Mr. Calhoun us the great American
stalosman, in puro intellectual great
ness without u rival and without a
pour. Ono of his noted sayings, "mas
terly Inactivity," desorves our serious
consideration at this time. Mr. Cul-
ho u n borrowed the idea from Isuiah :
"Your strength is to sit still."
At no period ol Southern history,
has there boon so much to gain and so
litllo lo lose by "masterly inactivity.
Nevor buforo, has it been so plainly i
duty to add to our strength by sitting
still. If the Sontborn Democrucy will
have Iho prudeuco, forbearance, good
sonse and good taste to keep out of
tho JNaliotiul Convention, Ihey will bo
musters of tho situation and no longer
bo twitted with "accepting tlio situ a
tion." Every motive of sound policy
and delicacy demand of us to stay al
homo and let the .Northern Democrucy
solve tho problem themselves.
11 wo send to tho lonvontion, our
Twttlly frraat mon, tViu fiiat-eluss think
ers, ot Iho South, they have a Confud
oruto record which will mako them
odious to tho loyal North, will revive
the old hale and bogulas much cut li n
Miasm among tho Radical hordes as
tho discovery of some now plan of
it we send as dolerrnles our small
fry, our nioderato brained, littlo-soulod
fellows, who wero unknown during
the Confoderalo struggle for frcodorn,
then wo will have men who do not
truly represent the South and who
are unworthy to bo entrusted with
her interests. We cannot sond Con
federates and we ought not to sond
tho nobodies. That ia tho whole truth
in a nut shell, and constitutes, to our
mind, an unanswerable argument for
staying at homo.
liut there is unolhcr reason for this
course. It is not at ull nrobablo that
the Democrulio platform can be so
liberal as to bo just lo the South. The
time has not come tor justico, let alone
kindness. If wo havo dolcgutos iu tho
convention, they will either have to
disturb tho harmony of that bodr bv
indignant protests or thoy will have
to endorse the wrongs porpelratcd
upon mo people, rentier position
will bo unfortunate. We cannot pro-
serve our manhood and our eelf respect
and at tho sumo timo approve of
tho wicKcd, malicious Jteconslruclion
measures "conceived in sin and
brought forth in iniquity." Let ui
then neither approve or disapprove
but stand aloof, prepared lo act wilh
tho Democracy, it thoy give us any
thing liko a decent platform and a do
cent candidato. e ought not to be
very choico: anything is bolter than
Radicalism. That infernal party will
he content wilh nothing less than the
destruction of the Southern country,
nnd tho extirpation ol tho Southern
people. It is then a matter of life or
death with us to defeat that infamous
organisation. That must be done, else
the tuircst portion ol liod t heritage
on uariu win oeeonie a ocsoianon
Let us then not be euilly of the su
premo follv of plu vine: into the Radical
hands by sending delegates, who must
oilher bo marplots or cyphers. "Our
strength is to sit still."
About Naturalization. Wo give
below some information in regard to
naluralir.ation. There are but few ol
our loreign lollow-citizens who are
posted in regard lo tho mutter, and we
give iho following rules for thoir infor
I. A foreigner coming to this conn
try beforo ho is IS years of age, after
a residonco in tlio United States of
fivo rears, tho last one being in any
ono Stale, is ontilled to bis full natur
alization papors without making "ap
11. When a father Is naturalised, all
tho children who aro under age ut the
lime ol his naturalixulion, become
ciiiitcns, and require no papers.
III. All aliens who served in the
army during tho late civil war and
wore honorubly discharged from tho
service, are entitled to lull iiaturulixa
tion pttpors without reference to the
number of years they havo resided In
tho United Slates.
Lot every alien w ho is compelled to
mako application, do it at Once an J bo
prepared to exorcise his right as
voter at the coming election. A nia
jority of citizens of foreign birth are
opposed to tho corrupt rulo of the
party in power, and therclore they
should seo that thoir Iriends aro sup
plied with tho necessary papers to
niiiKe tnoin voters.
The Evans Fraud. Special Agent
Evans was appointed by Governor
Geary. , , .
Evans appropriated to bis own uso
upwards ol three hundred thousand
The Evans fraud was exposed by
Deputy Attorney Genorul MeCluro.
The. Deputy Attorney Genorul was
removed from oillce becntiso bo tore
the veil from this pioco of Radical ras
cality. V
The porpotralor of iho fraud wb
pronounced "u satisfactory agent" by
Governor Geary and was allowed lo
escape by Attorney General Browslor.
Anditor General Hartranft nevor
thought of auditing Evans' accounts
until this fraud was exposed.
Stato Treasurer Mackey nevor
thought of hunting for the monoy due
to tho Stale until tbo public indigna
tion was uroused at tho swindle which
Evans and his Co conspirators pcrpo
tratod. The einlier.r.ler is al liberty, in pos
session of his share of tho Stolen funds,
and no Radical official cures about
finding him.
Tax payors, grumblo and groan on.
These fellows who rob you in princely
stylo uro only calculating bow much
more you will bcur and still continue,
to vote tbo Rudical ticket.
A Chlcngo editor thinks it strange
that the Indians have lio phrase lo ex
press tho word "honesty." Tho Do
Unit Free Press remarks that thoro is
nothing quoor about it. Docs he sup.
poso thut tho Indian ngonls would bo
fooling around tlio pnst ion years and
not pocket tho word f '
Gon. Butler doclurcs thnt if tho
peoplo "would only Insist on Iho on
loroomont of iho law, the Government
would stand on u firmer basis." This
is vory true, but In that en so Butler
would "siund on nothing."
The Itepubllean forty llespon-
tlble tor the Frauds in
1'orfc Vity.
We presumo that no Republican is
quite ready to assert that municipal
fraud is a now thing which began
under the present charter. Up to the
passage of this charier last year, the
city bad been for many years under
Republican control. Tho most Im
portant departments of tho City Gov
eminent woro placed in charge of Re
publican commissions created at Al
bany. But thore was altogether more
corruption during the ton yenrs im
mediately preceding the pussago oi
tbo charier than thoro has been since.
Tho Tammany ring grow up onder
Republican rule, and supported itself
by Republican alliances. It took its
origin in the Board of Supervisors hulf
of whoso members were Republicans,
and which was created by a Republi
can Legislature to carry out mercan
tile views of politics on the principle
of dividing public plunder between the
two parlies. Xhe new Court Jlouse
and tho Harlem Uriclgo were tho first
grout swindles charged to. tho ring,
und these woro Supervisors' jobs. Bui
all tho Democrulio Mayors elected
within the last ten yours enjoyed Iho
confidenco of the community. Gov.
Hoflman was iMiyor for four yours,
and nobody ever suspected him of
complicity with any corrupt job, al
though bo was in oflico when the ring
wus in the full vigor of its activity.
TUo ring was' the corrupt spawn of
tho soini-Republican lion id ol Super
visors created by a Republican Legis
lature fur the promotion of corrupt
objects. Every person who bus read
tlie iriltune and lima tor tho last six
years must recollect that these papors.
especially tho lnbune, have abounded
in invectives against the annual lax
levies for this city ; but those corrupt
tax levies wero regularly passed by Re
publican Legislatures, und the respon
sibility for them rests with tho Repub
lican party. Heavy expenditures ol
public money naturally bred corrup
tion ; "whore tho carcass is there will
the eagles be gulhorcd together."
When the Republicans came into "low
er in tho Stato, they vory soon reached
the conclusion that this wealthy city
was a gooso to be plucked, and as a
majority of its voters were invincibly
Democratic, Republican ingenuity was
exerted to doviso methods for putting
the money of tux payors into Repub
lican pockets. Hence tho government
ot the city by Kopuulicun commis
sions: hence the balf-and half Board
of Supervisors fur dividing municipal
plunder; nonce tho legislative sanc
tion of egregious corruption in the
scandalous Republican tax levies.
Under Albany rulo the expenses of
ilia citv government were snocui v
doubled. Nothing is more notorious
than the lucl that our municipal poli
tics have been debauched by Republi
can legislation at Albany. The mu
tual accusations which tho Murphy
and tho Greeley men aro even now
making or alliuuces with J am many,
attest the complicity of Republicans
with tho worst abuses of our city gov
W ben the present charter was passed
its objects wero well understood. Its
undisguised purpose was to continue
and intrench the Tammany ring in
power, and yet evory Republican in
both branches of tho Legislature (wilh
a single exception in tho Senate) voted
for the charter. Without Republicans
of the Legislature had not come to its
rescuo the Tammany ring would havo
fono under In April or Inst year.
'he guilt or corruption of individual
members of the ring is of course charge
ablo upon themselves; but the Repub
lican party is responsible for continu
ing the ring in power and intruding it
in oflico when il was on the point of
perishing under Democratic attacks.
Let these facts be borne in mind ;
and also the further fact that tbo only
effective blows against Tummany in
ihe recent excitement have been dealt
by Democratic bands. Mr. Tilden iB
the Chairman of the Democratic Stale
Committee; Mr. O'Conor is tho most
eminent Democratic luwycr of the
country; Mr. Havcmeyer was a fiirmor
Duinocrulie .Mayor; und Sir. Irrccn
bus always been a consistent Demo
crab Republicans introduced corrup
tion, and its only efficient opponents
arc lifo long Dcmocia'.s. Jcu? For
ItociiKFoRT Sentenced. Rochefort,
the Bombastes Furioso of tho Paris
Commune, whoso trial had been so
often postponed thut there existed a
doubt as to whether he would be tried
at all, has at last met his doom at the
hands ot tlio crsailles Court Martial.
Rochefort is of aristocratic origin and
a literary man of no menn ability.
Ho first attracted attention as tho
founder of tho Lanterne. Rochefort
was ono of the most bitter opponents
of the Emperor Napoleon and Iho
favorito representative of tho class of
Parisians whose bad instincts bo flat
tered. Af lor the collapse of tho omplre
he was chosen member of ibo Govern
ment of National Defence, and was
allowed to wasto Ins enorgies upon tho
crocuon oi barricades. At tho out
break of the Paris insurrection ho
separated himself from tbo covorn
ment and becanio as tlie editor of the
Mot d'Ordr, one of tho noisiest parti
sans of the Commune. It was he who
started tho idea of demolishing the
house ot Jit. '1 biers, calling attention
to tho artistic weal'.h which it con
tained. In view of those and other
charges brought and proved against
hlin tho sentence of trniiepoi'taiion for
lifo does not seem wholly unmerited
New York Herald.
Tho noblest thing on earth is tho
man who risos to tho dignity of self
mastery. Tho man who can refuse
indulgence to a clamoring desire ; can
hold tho craving nnpetite ungrcliflcd,
nnd can say to tlio rising passion :
' Peace, be still," is a hero above Alex
ander or Hercules.
From complaisance towrtr(j n,0
world, nnd from an r.nwiilingncss to
appear disobliging siri ungracious, we
olton allow oi'.r o.rn privacy to bo In
vadod. Against this wo must stand
firmly, lie who cannot oxisl for him
self may possess Ihe world, but not
A man lias been arrested for at
tempting to swindlo tho government
out of ono thousand dollars. Had it
been a hundred thousand ho would
have been given a prominent Appoint
ment. This happened in North Caro
lina. Uon. Pont, iho President's brother
In law, receives two salaries, one as a
Brigadier (General in the army, and
one us Chief Usher al the White iloufo.
lie draws both from the Government.
John P. Pinkhsm and Louis llnhn
havo commenced libel suits ngninst
Iho Chicago Tribune for 15,000 dum.
sges eucb.
Jt'ot our ".TfnrjA."
Tbo Now York Tribune propounds
the plain question "Cun a criminal,
illy or Iroufls on me government
w hich should havo sent him to Fort
Lafayette, make hlmsolf, through gov
ernment patronage, tho dictator of the
Kopublican puny ot JNow York f and
proceeds to pin those frauds upon the
back of Thomas Murphy, Collector of
Now York, and pet and familiar ol
Gonoral Grant. Tho proofs are of a
most minute and crushing character,
and aro thus slated by the Tribune :
Thut Mr. Murphy wus guilty of the
grossest frauds in the delivery of
shoddy hats and caps to tho govern
ment; that these frauds wore inten
tional, and under his own personal
direction ; thut thoy wore so gross as
to attract tho attention of tho work
men and lo elicit from the Quarter
master General the declaration thut
tbo goods could havo been received
only through the incompetency or col
lusion of the inspector who passed
them: that Mr. Jhurphy hud found
such known means as presents of ele
gant carriages and tho like lor making
torrns with inspectors ; to any nothing
of unknownand more powerful means,
thore were reasons for suspecting that
the frauds established in the lew con
tracts investigated amounted to $112,
000.00, and moro wore In reserve In
this mannor Mr.' Greeley exhibits
shoddy as a means of making Repub
lican leaders in New York, and then
coolly tolls Mr. Murphy tho war is of
his making, and he must lake tnc
consequences. 1 he light will begin in
earnest In the Radical Slate Conven
tion at Syracuse, whon Mr. Murphy
boasts he will have tho Grant dele
gates admitted, and the friends of Mr.
Greeley rejected. In tho meantime,
Mr. Greeley will continue the contest
and show the kind of mon General
Grant bus put in power in New York.
When tbo Kadicul papers ot JNew
York aro denouncing Tammany for
dishonest practices, will tbey not look
at the caso of the Collector of that
port, whom Mr. Grocley calls "this
shoddy contractor, swollen wilu rob
beries Irom our soldiers r Philadel
phia Age.
- Dr. Johnson once silenced a noto
rious female backbiter, who was con
demning some of ber friends for paint
ing their checks, by the remark thut
"it is a far loss harmful thing for a
lady lo redden her own complexion
than to blacken her neighbor s char
How quiet Radical newspapers are
about Evans 7 Not a word bas one of
them lo suy, and not the slightest
effort is being mado to trace up and
urresl the thief. His capture would
induce a confession very damaging to
Republicans high in authority, and he
will not bodisturbed in his retirement.
Curl Schurx says: "I will not help
lo reelect an oflieer Giant whose
ro olection, sanctioning his previous
acts with popular approval, w ill bo a
justification and encouragement to all
luturo Presidents in commuting acts
of usurpation still further reaching."
Tho Radical loss in Maine since
1GS is over 15,000. At the late elec
tion the Democrats trained a number
of members of the ' Legislature and
hold the Itadioal majority down to
about 11,000. In ISGS it was 20,'JSG.
Well dono. Maino !
$ftt 5Vfrti$fnifnts.
(Former! j Kc.vntonc Shoe 8 tor,)
" 'S - . ; - - " , I r-
Km hero rrmorrd to tho utort room next door to
the now Pojttnffioo builiiuijr, on Market trprt,
where everything hu been fitted up in fin ityle.
Now li the tftnv to procure ronr winter l"T'lj of
Than tho nmi OvOfl eon bo booht el w whore In
Clearfield county.
A largo, stock of Lolieo' Shoei, Goiters ani
sltpport, or ol tylec, ktndi ana pnees.
Oent'i Shoei, Boot a, Gat I ern, f?lipprr a fine
aanrtment. Miwa' and ChiMreo'i Ptauet aad
Uaifere of all description. Doyi Booti 1 Show,
a Tory large variety.
A eonlial Invitation la ex trailed to all to call
and examine my itoek, ami flatter mrtoll that 1
ean pleaaa the mo it faatidiout, both aa to atylo
aUU 'nv. ,
Jj Kational Shoo Store, Clearfield, i'a.
TSTH AV Came treapMiinf on the prealaea
1J n ine raupenoer, in rena town imp, on or
ooiii me ivin m Anrtiit, inn. a KhU m m
a'.KHit a year and a half oM. Tho owner 1 re
quested to come forward, prove property, pay
einrjrrt and take him away, or he will br dipKd
h aa mo law nirema, 4A.Mtn . JMILY.
Grampian Hill, cpu JT-3U
Sooond Street,
Alway, on hanit, Frah OjMwa, lc. Cmua,
Caadtea, Nut. Crmokara, Cakea. Cicara. Tobacco.
Canned frulta. Orange, Lemon, and all ailula
oi irait in araiHtn.
MI1L,UAUD ROOM on wont floor.
JeJl'Il D. .McUAUullKY.
A Proclamation.
lYt Tlti; o." an w apfroTcd lh twnly
Xr fourth day of Matr, 1 .17 1, entillrd "An act
fur tho protection of Sk in the Suiqurnana Hirer
and lla tributaries." rrhitiitina the erection r
uh barken, Ac, in the aforenamed utrear,, anil
making It Inoambent on the Pheriu ; rrtcore th
auie after glring ti-n day,' notic, ) t, 0OUBtt
pter that the aforrnameri imtrumrnti for Ih
urtirwuon 01 net are '.nona t , and re
quert Ihe owner lo reir.r or dertror the ma:
Ootlin li lirit uivm, that arreral of Ihe
aforenamed tt k..,. l. ..i..
ClearOe.J Creok at Tarioni point, betnern Ihe
mo-th and Arderj' dead water, and are bf-rebj
de.'iared publio nulwinoca. Th, owner, thereof
are oereitr notlnod to retaoro or dutnantlo Ihe
aam within ten da;, from the dnle of Ihia no
tioa. anrtrr penalt of having then retaored br
the Sheriff at their expense.
Snunirr'a Orrirs, I Hheriff.
ClearltclJ, l'a.,8epl lI,ISM-4t.J '
I)r. A. Al. HILLS "
Wonld my to hli nalient, and Ih, nab-
lie gentrall.T, that, having dmolred partnerefcin
wiih lr. Shaw, he ia now doing Ihe entire work
of his office himself, so that patient need not n-ar
oetng pnt nndur Ih bands of any alher operator.
Ilaelng obtained a mdortiin ol the patent on the
plat material, 1 am enahled to put ap teeth maoh
eheaper than formerly. I also bar Ir. Block's
patent process for working rubher plat, which
make a mnrh lighter, mora elastie and stronger
pint, for Hie earn amount of material, and pol
Irhe the plat on both sides, rendering II much
more easily kepi elcan. rlpeeial atlantion paid lo
the peeaereatlon of th nataral teeth, aad all work
guaranteed entirely ealirfeclory to patients.
jY4r-Olhc at th old earner, opposite th, 8hw
Hons. OMe hoars from i to li, a. a and I to
4. p. m. Patients from a Jlstanr ikwuld notify
m, a few days beforehand of their Intention to
com. Always at home, antes, other notn ap
pears in both Ih Manly paper. font'" I
Ti i ti r k dk ; nnri iTL k'i'b i7i
We nan printed a large namher of th, new
KKR HILL, and will on th receipt o( (neiilr
0, wots, Kail s sopj to. UT idirsH, BJ SJ
C durational.
HO! C ITV toi l
l ' il IPUliltill, pA
Th best AontlMtfl- tnnal nn....l
ful in.tituli..n 1. Lb,. caj'J.. " """"Iwm
ough, praelieal educative, of Voung and '!,"" "'
agidnien. drF..r large di-n. "'"'
containing full partinilini, aildn-rs '
C I'M IT H, A. M . rW:...,
, ron mil: aid rami, rim,
Attractively sllualcd In a h-elttif ul Mj U ..
fal region, oar-fourth of a mile from l'.nu.,t
Railroad. Four regular fra.luairs, ,.,'M
other competent itmlruRtor,, eot.Miluk lb. t
of Inslruulion. Tha Principal (for m.n. t"1"
In charge of Tust-arora Academy, and iTl
the head of ttiis institution,) n-firs to tiii suil
ous pupils in sit Hi Itsrritd profes.ioi,, .jj?"
vry depart rami of tu.inr.ii. Tuniii.:
annum. Muiie and 1'aintir.g spwj.lii,,
session will oomtnence St-ptMnht-r I er,
A.I. Ire.., IIAVID W,snv y
jilt tlia A. J. PATTKItSijii, a. j,
rpilB FALL TERM of fourteen wk,
, ill
1 commence Muridsy, erpt. 4lh. li.;.
sons. Primary Arithmetic and Prim.ry
wnu ro np vrftwing, itremiiisvr, Mtall
and Written Arithmetic..
Algebra aod the 8cifncei
Imtrpfltion In ImtrumenUl music
Oil painting, 24 leasoot
Wai work
Fur full pi.nteulan frnd for Circular.
Clearfield, tjq.t 1, It7Mpd.
13 It
Clearfield County, Pa,
rpilB 6KCOND BEStSfON of ihi- iaMitoil,
J will oommenetoo ihcfirit Muudsy of Nuir.
ber iwxt. (Teria, five niontbt.)
The curricotnta of ttidj wiii em). nut a rigid
and thorough oourae in every branch rfiuinit
a practical and aooompliihed education.
BlrH-citJ attention given to person dfHriDr, tu
qualify ttieiupelvei fur tlie profusion of teaching.
Aim, to roca) and initrutoenial ma inc.
I'upiU will b admitted at anj time lu in; the
aeMivn, nnd charged from time of enUririg i tii
eloN of 4he tern. No deduction will mil
for abfcDoe, except in eaaea of protra-Uj illt-i,.
Btudentf defirinn rootni for "clubbing" cm W
aooiimmodaU-d at moderate ratea.
Uood boarding oan be procured at l"wer rttti
than anj other place In the oouuty. Tiirce dM
lara per work at publieand prirate bum.,.
For particulnri addrm
iiEOUUE W. INN IS, Piincir!T
fept507I-tf New Wa.iin?tuL, Pi.
A Male and Female Claaakal Hi-h School.
Karh Ik-parimrat Separate, Ilatiurt anil'
Complete la Itaelf.
riIIE KhoIaJtie jearofthia Institution ii -liti.
X dd into two of fire tnnnthi itweniY
ons wctkrt) each. The first senioo oomoieueei on
the firit Mondar in fkpfembor the aecond, (he
firt Monday in February.
The course of instruetiun embracee treri thing
neoeMary to a thorough, practical and atcomplub -,
ed elucation of boll. wifi.
Pupil will be admitted at any time and chared
from date of entranre to Ihe cloie of the RfMn.
No deduction will be made for ahuenee, except
in eaaea of r it re toe and protraeled i linen.
Studenta from a diftance ean be accommodate
with board at low ratra.
For particulars, send for circulars, or wMrcii
Her. P. L. HARRISON, A. M.,
July J, 187 Mf. - Principal.
tfjstatf for .jjalf.
Public Vendue I
THE nnderriKned will offer at Public Salt, at
the late residence of Jeremiah FraeAl, dec'4,
in r.ojrei town in, Clearfield eonnty. Pa., at V
o'clock, a. m., oa
TrF.ST)AV. AOTortKR 17th. 1871.
the following persona! properly : Two hornet, t
euws, 6 head of ymtif eattte 4 hngn, wajroo, 1
btiruT, l pair twin hd, 1 two borse sleigh, 1 t
of barneos, net of rieigh hirnfM, windmill, pli4
harrow, man's Mddle, vide saddle, bay by the tun,
straw by the bundle, wheat, oats, buckwheat and
potatoes by the but bet, corn in shock, 1 rifle 5
f to Tea, & bedsteads and bedding. 3 stands, burcaa,
elolhea press, S sets of chairs. 2 tablet, Ac, 4c.
There will aleobe ofend at Public Pale, at lbs
Mate time and place, th baractf,d Farm of uii
deeeaaed, containing IOH AC KI"-'. The im
provements thereon eonsist of a 6 AW MILL, in
good running order, oapable oi (fitting l,ol0 to
1.0. tO feet per day, n good HOI SF. and BAHN,
and other otlmiil.ii(( A rein of gund oul ii
now open. Two or three hundred thonwinJ feet
of lumber oa the land. This farm tu rituatt-d im
mediately on the line of the Tyrone A ClrarCrld
Railroad, and in a tery desirable property.
Terms nusdo known on dy nf islo.
' Watt Deoatar, Fept. Kseealor.
Valuable ReaL Estate I
Tho sa1seri!r affctrs for his prorty u
Market street, (net door lo Allegheny llulel.l
ClrarAeld. Pa , bein lot and a half, 74 IVI
frunl on Mrkl street, with a doable plank to
story IIOI'SK, oentainitiK fenr large roumi doan
H.III .1. SI " " ' - - ' .
frame plank FTARI.K and all ether necessary
oull.uildinjs nreete thereon. Ihrt IV ELLS if
foJ water on the premises.
pVFot term, and conditions apply e tbo
premise, or to Frank ehort. at th Short Fbor
Shop, neat door to MilKr A I'owcll'a store, .Msr
kel sir!, or by letter t
i . f. short;.
' JvU " ' ritarSeU, rieartlrld Co , 1'.
Timber and foul Lands
Ths fullnwinir tracts at TissUr and Coal Un.d
are offered for sals : On, tract of W.Olig acrci,
tyinR on the Elk River, ia Webster oouuty t threo
tracts lyinir nn th, same rirer in Rraxtun awtutv,
two of i.lliig acre each and on, of, I, till ecral
and on tract eontaininir 9..1H0 aerrs, lying on the'
tlaulry River, in Kirholas coanty. 1 lie lilies tu
these lands ar parfooS.
Any information concerning these landsean bo
bad hjp aiV-sMni 'J KI.KHAL,
March J2, lSTl-tf. .. PhUipubttrg, Pa:
ClesrSrJd, IH.
Th nadersigned has taken th abore aaioed
hotel, and rerkectrully solioits a share of natron
ago. Its close proximity t the llrput, maL's this
bons a desirable stopping place for the traveling
public (JylU'Il) 8. U. ROW.
rjlllB AMI.RH'tS IIDl'XR,
CLSinrin.n Coiutt, rm'A.
This long estahli.hatt and popular hotel is still
kept by the snbscriber. who sres no effort to
please all who patronise him. "To please," is the
motto al the American llon.e, and all that is asked
Is a trial. K. W. HKKII, Proprietor,
t'nrwensrille, March I), IK7I If.
"vt"Ti5 r "a t t k n t i o nI
Are yon In need of n good set of Harness 1
Aro yon in need of a good Saddle or llrldlo?
If so, call al Ih Hadille aad Harness Shop of
Jon C. Hahwii-k. where yon ean gel th, best in
th market, llowbleand Single Harness and In
dies' and llenfa c'addlssof superior workmanship.
always on hand or manufactured to order. Spe
cial attention is called to my stuck of Collars and
llame. whtrh ar tha best in use. J also hsresn
assortment of "a.ldlrrs Hardware, which will he
disposed of al reasonshle rates. PefHlirlng f all
kinds liromullf attended lo. t-S. I"n'l lorfl t"
call before elsewhere. FVp In tlrs
ham'a Row, Market street, Clearteld. Pa.
May , IHT1 ly: J1IM C. HARWICH.
Kf( ((( "l"Nl.l KtH IMI.KI
fJUU.UUU Th andersitned ofer th Ui
sawed I limk Shingles In market, and In grsdrs
to suit purchaaors. Ho. I, f .1 I i ! No. I, fl.Mi,
q.S,tJlti. HrfAllMl li&lir.
Olcardald, Pa., Seplemlwr ID 6m.
J Cement, for salr hy