- r. .11 ' .1.1, ll ' . . fi . 1 ' f.j.S-..- . ,. ."-WlW.lVWi..... ...... ...1 m...... .. . fiklt.fi ' ' ' ' . , ...1. , -LJ " slid U I I iiiii I: f::f li I' 1 Lit ; i 1. THE K EP U 1 L I C A N. ' CLKAltriKLP, rA- ' WRI)NErAY Moll NINO, HKPT. 50, 1ST!.' , IIO.UU AM) I'UUiXlM. I 0, there's power to uiako each hour At sweet at lluuveu octturiico: it j .... , ,, ls'or need wo roam to brlu;i it homo, . TllOlljlh 1'CW IllOrO le llltl ilud it. We took too blh for things vh.se by, V.- And loco wutUnaUtre found us i . . por lil'o Imlh hero uu chorine so dear j At homo and iiii-nds arotiivd use "3 1 V Vo off destroy the present Joy V vt " 1 For future hopos and praise them, : While lluwers iu itweel, hlooin ut our loot, i. . If we'd but sloop to raiso tlii'Di j Por tli':n;?i after Mill sweeter ate, When youth's ttriilit spell hulll lound us, ' It ut soon we're taiiut Hie earth hutti untight l.lke home und I'rieml Around ut, , , Tlie friends thnt speed in time of need, ' When hope's lust reed it shaken, - Do show ut 'till, that eoino what will, ' - We nro not quite foreokert. Though til wore night, If kilt I he liht From rriendehip'a ultur onioned ut, . ' 'Twoultl prove tho Witt of earth was thtst ' Our humt und friend nroutn) ut. ' .HI .,jt'.tlU- Brides at Niagara. ' .. Xlici o is nil iuduscribitLlo J'.iBc.irmtion to tho nipio looker-on in watching I lie omr.iuiis its it driven tip front it lie sift' tion on tho itrrivu! of ttio diflVrcnt trains. Tho bridegroom of n day jumps unconcernedly out and will, a new senso ol Importuned ns.iiRU tho brido to alight, lie bustler mound looking nflrr wrups and traveling. bnS in na business like a munitor ns though hi 'principal occupation dil ring bis ;vlio!o lifu had been tho euro of a lady's luirgago. ' Entering tho houso, bo uitily waves her into tho ladies' parlor and walks to tho oflico to regiisler their names, with a muu nor intended tr Impress peoplo with the idea that ho has boon vorv much in tho habit of doing Hint same thing for a lung time. ,'Jboir self delusion is rcspoclod, and thcro is nothing in tho ileik'o couiilcnanco or address ns ho assigns the room mid sends tho walor to pilot tho way, that woutd betray bis consciousness of the utter failure of the attempted deception. The vory prettiest rooms jn tho house are nssigncd lo them, and they nro treated w ith a mui kod consideration that is shown to no ono.clse. The waiters beam upon them benevolently, uud nstumo a )rotecling, half coufi dcntiitl n!r that is indescribably touch ing, whilo tho head wuitor hovers . round liko an olivc-complcxioncd guar dian angel, watching them with it sen timental glanco and ns tonder an ex pression ns a young lover's when bo surveys tho special object of his ado ration. Tho very porters handle tho luggago tenderly and considerately tho newest ol all now trunks, tho clean canvass showing how little ex perience they havo h:td as yet travel ing. Underneath thoso lids strapped noatly down are all thoo multitudes of things that havo cost months of study and labor to bring to thoir poet iu i-omplotion. Wonderful little non descripts, whoso earthly use do ono but a woman can ever learn. ' The ' j:iunly. lilllu brouhfusl caps of luce, that will set so cunningly on tho top of the frizzes and curls that deck tho young wife's head. ' Jliraolcs of art in dainty embroidered jackets, and rain bow combinations of hows, sashes and rosettes. A shadow of a blush comes to her check ns her new namo stares her in tho face from tho porter's bhoulder, where her trunk is mounted, and the least touch of conscious digni ty is vibiblo in bcr carriogo. The llussia leather traveling bag is just as evidently ou its first journey, and the odor of tho shop is not yet out of the. pretty gray traveling shawl, which is to daiiilly- and noatcly; folded and strapped, showing tho touch of inter ested feminine fingers in its precise arrangement. And nil the whilo tho bridegroom Is growing moro noncha lant and unconcerned, quite overdoing tho character, and tho brido is shyor and moro constrained, looking up at her husband and trying to cnlfli some of his assumed enso and asaurauco, evidently roliovcd enough when the door of her room closes behind her, shutting hor away from tho oyoa that will follow her mercilessly, studying her faco and general style, anj com paring her with thoso who have pro ceded bcr. Tho hotel register is a sad tell-tale. Wero there no other means of finding out tho newly wedded pairs, this would bolrny them.' Tho mascu lino namo is wriltun with tho usual careless flourish, indicating habit, but in tho words that follow, "anil wife," thcro is a noticeable change Tho pen has lingered ovrr them, and they nro written with n enro and precision und plainness that cannot be mistaken with tho lcnst bit of awkarduess, loo. l'ngo after pago of theso names nro recorded, and all in tho same, po culiar manner. . It is a sorttif idiosyn crasy of theo newly -made hushnnds to wnto in every register Mr. So and !jo and wifo, whilo thoso to wham marriage is an old storyt whoso ro ninnco years has dimmed, nro entered in tho most mattor of fact way, Mr. end Mrs. Such nn Ono. This is tho evidenco of experienced hotel pro prietors and clerks. Later to the Uoston rjit. Tbii uno A young I'russinn ofll cr who doubted the lovo of his bo trolhcd, alter tho battle oftiravclotto, .reeled a friend to inform bcr thnt l o was among iho killed. Tho report was mi.de, and whilo tho young man was waiting to hear how sho would tnko it the. news came thnt rho was ucad, having commiltod txv nt noo tmon receiving tho comm.inica lion. Jler death so impressed hut young lover that ho is now in tbe Jorlin insane asylum, hopelessly mud. An enterprising chap up iu Van Huron county, l.iwa, hul discovered lomelhing lor young people to do hilo courting besides holding ono miothcr's lands. During his little term of courtship ho helped tho young !adv to sew together enough rats lo iiiako sixty yards of rag carpet. How to Wavi jTIoiuhj-; rplIF, tlmei r lirl ; you'd Ukt to know X. Hw Jf m mny fiito your tlulUn j Tin wuy lo Uu il I will thaw, Ifyou will road wlmt fullawi, A mn Irho TWS Dot fiir frori hero, ! ' Who worhotl litrd at Mf trade, But hid huiuobold to mpport That ittiuudcrid all ho mad'. " I mt Mm onc. Bnyi ha, "MjVUnd, I look thread bear and rouh , f I've tried to got myiolf a uU, ' 1 " 1 Dut can't luva up onoujh." ' 6 ay i ij my tVleitd, bow muoh Lara you f I'll toll yon where to go . To get a iit thit'e no und and cheap 4 Ta KM.KNSTK1N Co. i . ( He took whnt little he had oaved, ' . And went to IMrenileln A Urotheri', And there he pot a handnntuo ault, For half ho paid to other. Now he Uhumo,' he iouke 10 well, And tliolr a fiat! t U mch, 1 '' Tliat wliun tliey tuk their dully inoal, . ' Thoy don't cut half ai much, ' t r' " And now lie flmli on Saturday sight, With all tliolr wanle lupplled, . , "Thut he baa munoy left to ipeud, , , , -, , Aud Hiiuo to lay aatjo. v . , - . Ilia good iucori, with cheerful tmllo, lie Rludly telle to all. If you'd inve money, go and buy , : lour elothoi at . ,.. KEizENfiTtis CLornixa hall. Whore tho chcnpeii 11 net t and hoet Clothing aud good r urnUtilnff Uoodi oan ba bad to mit avry taste and iu overy etyla aprll,70 J J V II N U V O V 'I t . " m-T or " BURNED U PI l'.EM.'S IUTN WOOMiX FACTOIIY, iVnn lowhip, CKn'-fiolil Co., Ta. Tlio uViicrl!'r4 am, at grcut expanse, rebuild ing, nntt in a few dnj e Hill Ii ivo cuui Ictc d, a n'ilil"rliond nrooxcir.v, iti tlio tnclion wf a flrt-cifi-jr Wooli n Wiinuthciorv, with alt ttio modern iniinivcmcnU nttni-hrd, nnd nrr prrjitircd to umkv till kiiidi of Odths, C.iMiini'rt-H, Putinottn, lilun krtH, Klnnm'lii, Ao, 1'lcnly of guotln on hnnd to iuptly all our old 11 ad a OiouHnittl new enftnuieri, ulioiti wo esk to como and examine our slack. The busirup of CAR1HNU AND l'l'LMXi will rt,H,lTc.-'C1;hi.Tiitti ullna. Our'newinUl wltl lie n-njy by wool cirilinfr, unmrn, tht-refuro there nerl bo no ht'titllon on t lint wuro. I'mpor nTnnm'ini'nti" will lie toade to htcUb nnd dt livor Wml, lo suit f tistoinor. All work warranted ami tlono upitn the hgrct noiioo, and ly strict atleti ticn to tititM'fl we hnpo to millac a Iib.T.tl nh:irr nf puMiu p:ttron:)o. Itp.tMH) POUNlS WOOL WATi:r! ' Wc will pay the highest market price for Wool and i( II our nmiuf.ioturid g uds : low an tiuiilur gttoth o.in be bought iu thi'ount.v, and nlienever we liiil to rindrr tv;i?on.iMe Frttiffncti'in we can nhvavf bo loti 11 1 nt luxne irmly to Mt.iko proper cxpl.innilon, ritlu-f tn prrtn or by totter. y , npriHOif , , . lirnMpian Hill l 0. STOVE AD.E.l!tTllEX-WAKE 01' EVliKV Di:?('ttllTI0S! CROCKS! POTS! CHOCK!?! l'I-r.cr' Patent Alrll-M Hclf - Hcallnir l-rult t'tuiNl tlI'TTi:Rl'KOt'KSltlillil.., CIIK AM CHOCKS, MII.K CHOCKS, .U'l'i.K. m iTru ci.ocK.s, 1'iria.i: CHUCKS, rtowEii rois, nn DiBiina, STKW 1'OTfl, And ft great many olhur ttiiniri too minoroai to liiuiiliun, to ho hnd iU : ' FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WAKK POTTKRY, Curnir f hrrry nnil Third StrocU, t'LKAUFIKI.D, PA. Lime lor Sale 1 rrtHIS underIfrnrl, rcnitling near the drput hai L ninila aoinpleto atTBiigements with Lime Jiiimcrf ent of tho ntountuhi, whi-reby be la rna blvd to keep conitatitly on hand a Inre tmiitity of P U II E LI M E ! whirh be o!T( m to firmer nnd buibb r nt a trifle above cot, Tlifiae in need ot the article would do wc!l to K'vc "to u-i'b f 1 Irnt mo by kttir, bo- fore ncolmliKg tlivir lii'ie. (jK(. t'. t'AMOitli CIcnrH-ld, Ta June 9, 1' til. r . . . EUWAU1J TEUKS & CO., And Prater. In GKAIX OT ALL KINDsi miLirsBuitd, pa. 4 Vl'T.L ftTl'LY t FLOtH. W II TAT. 2 CCIIIN' nnd CHOP toiulnnlijr ou hand, and I'-r alo at rnti-i rcmnrUnlly lo. Ifibl-tl Il very' K tabic. plllR u'id Tiiniod lx ? b avato Inform the pnH X li' tint bo l now fully pr--i:rt d toaeonimo l.t, nil in tbc unyof ftr'ii.biii; IIti., lfuir, .ul lb s n' d IIiim.l, 011 tbo !,l.ortfvt notice and Oti r.-.tmi i''o tvrm. r.rt'U nc? on LX'ut ttKtt, nttWuPit .lliir't aim roiirtli. (;i;o. okahiiart, lonrfitld, April II, IM17. Miss E. A. P. Rynder, aoiiaT roa Chlrkortnj'a, Ptvlnirny't and l.'m.rw'm'i Pl.not; emit!) .Inffi n A liamlin I oiij l'iUuljrt I (lr;'na and Mclod.itri. Bpd tlruvor aV Iliiknr'a fcrwinf? Murhin-a. alio TnMtitR or Piano, (luttnr, enrnn, UnrinnT and Voral Mn- le. tn ri'Vll tiikun tr U'l. th.in nnlr a term. jr-arliimio ntfrt d'rfr In Firrl National tank t'learll.l l, .Mn 4, l-HI-lf. qook stovi:sj . - Kri:.n- calohific, . 8 DSQ C K H A N N A, BV P E I! TOIL flnV. I'KNN, nU(H LAT'lIt, N0I1I.K COOK, NATIONAL HAXUK, TliU'Ml'll,. i PARt.011 CPOKC, '- SPKAIfS EETOl.VIXd MtMITJ AND DOPBI.K ItKATKRS, And atl kind, of Itt-aling Stuvp. for tat. Iy nugr.'Tt II. F. UI(i!.l:il A CD. New Meal Market. ' IH!K ndcri -n d bve otn-ned a Mint !nrket I in the roniu fornurly m t toied by AJetnTi.ler lr in, on M ixkvt eirotit, CbnrfuJd, l'a., atijttn,(ig MoNHop'ii, whera thf-y intend to keep a mipply et All Mud of .Meat. I'm it mid Vfetablca, And at "ruirr.n to triT thk Tivra." Hbp will la o' n rrpilarly on T.ir nduyyTlmrMl iy atitl t it unl.iy, and meat iMivvred at any point. A r'Uare uTpuMio pntronro 1b ret'j'CctftHv eolifitrd. m . nitowv. i:. w. l.KOWN. TAiko Continue to ttenl In all ktiule at liiprud Ari. iilt'irrU Impb-menta. Cbnrn.-M, An'nt 31, ISTO-tf- - Clearfield Nursery. RXCOUiJA(iK HOME INDUSTRY. 'pIlK anJendftned, baring eitablinhed a Nm JL eery on the Tike, about half way bet wees Clearfield and Cnrwenp?tllet l jrriarcd to fur Met, allkin.letif VKVXT TH KKS, (standard and ditarf.) KTerjrroat, ttbrtibbery, Urapa Vlnea, Guoebcrriet, LawtuD lllackherry, 8 (raw berry, aad Raflborry Vinea. Ahn, Kiberlaa Crab Tree, tnlnee, and ear.y aeulet Hhubarb, Ae. Order iiromiilly attended to. Addree, ... J. l. WRiaHT. iep!0 68-v CurweniTille, Ta i Beale's Embrocation, 1 (LATK m WILL'S,). ' .. Tor all dLra.. tn.ld.nt ta Ilnrto., Catl!., and HumaK fr'l.ah, r.qutrlng tha tt of aa aatoraal appUoalloa.- t - -T'iIi Pralrooarla wu aiunitroly t4 t, lk Dt.T.rnnrnt during th. war. For aal. I., Ilartawkk Irwin, Clcard.ld. Joi.pa H. Irwin, Curw.Dirin.. Dani.l Uood laador. Lu:tmliur rf TiiRrri.rnnATEhp.iriiArDsnNnnoTS I 'll'il Kij .... gA so. PreiH h k in , g oo. I'rearh Ciut. ..!'.!. no (typesita JslljMif At C. tirUIZlCrV. $;mlinuv (ttttivarr, tftr. ins xnoiTszDss TIN AND STOVE STORE I g. s. flegal; rhllipsb-axff, 1 Coatr County, Ta." rilllR nndorilgn.il r..cirulljr nnconoei to L th. puhllo thnt h. hit on hand a euro-luUy-oloclod ami well aitortad .took of - STOVES, 1 1 K A TIC US, ' JUNGES, , uorxqw1 r WAitE! TIN, COPPEK AN'l) SHKlOT-IRON ,.').;;' WARl!!' ; '' u WOOD AND WILLOW' WARE! ' - Ilia atock of Cooking Store, oooii.ta of . hie cklkhhated uiqxsijjks, . Whlrh haro n.tor failed to bring )oao. and prori'critj Into families wtioro it li u.ed, Diamond Slat., Farmnr, IIrald. Charm, Sp.ara' - Catlfiimla Cook Slov, Spaari' Aiill-Uuit, Urn Hurnlng Cooking Suirm, Viotor, ltplianoo and t'nlon ltan.i, rjioara i ouaing rtangoa, . . do., rf-o. -r ,l . I k. Tho Tin pnd Sheet Iron wara oir.n !k the tnr.i 1. mad. nf the hear'cit and beat material, and warranted to giro perfect tails fuotlon. - ' His Stock of Parlor & Heating Stoves It larger, b dter and eheaper than trer before oxnibitod to the public conaiitlng of Pjieari' Revolving Light Illuminating Store, bpoare Anti-uuai uoa-jturning farlor ritora, Spears' Orbicular Ilia. Darning Parlor . titoro, rieara' llnj Bun.lng Parlor .. Btore, loiin t, Ponrl, U.in, Ma, bua, Tropio, Korndn, do., do. Vulcan, Etm and Viotor Heaters, Fpears' Re- rolvlng LlnUt lleators. lie Is also prorarod to furnlih a eomrl.te ai.oritaeni or . i . ' t ! ' ! ' " f 1 . .1 I. i Tin, Copper, Sliect-L'on, Wooden and Willow Wore, &o., - Whotosale ot retail, manufactured neallv and witn the sole view to service, Iroui the ti.it mi tcrial to the market. . . PLOWS I PLOW POINTS, COri'EB, BRASS, PORCELAIN, TIN LINED, SPUN A COMMON IKON KETTLES, Of ever description oentnntlr oo hud. OKHKKS KOK SfOUTa, R00FISC1 And other work belonging to bit hnslneia will bo prni.tlv Ailed h eipericncel and skillful workmen. BtiAss, corrEu. old metal, rags AND CASH Talon In exchange for goods. t! especially Invites the sttentlon of Morrhants wishing to purchaee atwholeaale. aa tho, will find it to their advantage to stamina Lis stuck bvfura purchasing el.owber.. Look out for tho Pig "ln nppoilts ths rcsl. uence of Airs. lr. t osier. All Goopt Wamuxted as nirkistsrio. a. s. fli:cal. Phillpihurg, June S, 1870. auirti rs The Great Preserver of Health! ri:iaoMATi:i. A KLUB PIIEVESIIVB fllX4. Ct'RB op 1 v x i rou COLDF. ' -WU II'- ; BllEl JIATISM; 1! VVll SK I N U K I K 1 1 A I! M EN TS ! j ' roR LAnir.t ad cTi.i;r. Fur tale h, ' 0. KUATZEn A EONS, late. 31, 1H70. Clcarlleld, Pa.' GREAT EXCITEMENT ON SKCONU STIMJKT, CUurllcld, l'a. NEW GOODS AT LOW PRICES. FTM1R nndcr.lrned resneetAilly Invite tbe at- 1 tention of the pnhlio generally ta their i lendid a.ortment of mercbaiidlM, which they ore now selling AT VERY LOW " I'UICES. Their slock eoniUU la part of . Dry Gooda of tlio Best Quality, Such as Prirts, P. I.stoes, Alpaecas, Mf-rlnos, (iinrhnm,lu?lln,(l)leaehed and unMearn- , ed,) Drilling., Tickings, eotlon and , wool r lanncl,Patlnctt,Cas.itneres, Cottnnadcs, Ladies' Shawls, Nubia. A Hond., Dalmoral and Hoop Skirts, Ac, Alio, a An. assortment of Menf Drawers and Sultli, Hats A Caps, Hoots A boxes. . - ; J all of which ' ' WII.T.' EE SOLD LOW FOB CASH ffardwaro, Queensware, Glassware, Grocerios and Spices IS81I0IITA GENERAL ASSOUTMEXT Of everything asually kept In a retail store, sll CHEAP PUH CASH or approved country pro. duos. - A. K. WKIGUT i iOXS. Cl.arfi.ld, Nov, 7, 18T. IL UntDGE, " MERCHANT. TAILOR (Store an door east of Clearfield lipase,) Market ftlrctt, C'laitrflcld, P.. ; K EEPS on band full assortments of donls' Furnishing (loo la, suck as rjhlrtu. Linen and Woolen 1'nder'hirts, Drswers and Roc-ks. Seek lies, Pocket Handkerchiefs, Ulnres, Hals, I'mbrellas, Ac, In great variety. Of Piece 0 icdf ha keeps the ' ' ' Best Cloths of all "Shades and Colors," Sorb as Black Doeskla of the very best wiskd Fancy Cssslmere, In great variety , also, French Coaling, llcaver, Pilot, fhlnehllla, and Frlcelt evereoaling. ' All of which will be sold cheap for Ca.k, and made ap aceording to the latest styles by Mperlewead werkaten. - . - , AIm. Agent for Cl.arfield eoanty for I. 11. ttlnger A Co e. eslsbrat.d aVswlng M.ehln.a. . i . i, u tf. .. ..... u. iiitivai.- 9 m II- V I lanla.s9U.. 0. L. Hoed. ' NOTICE. 1 Wri.oWlL CLKAltFIRLD PLANING MIIiL ALL It I G II T I 1111 K projvrlrtore ropjicotfully Infttrm thocttlicna of Clear fiuld county, that they havo entirely relit ted thii tab)liihmcnt with tho latctH Improved wood working machinery, and are now propurud tu'Cxarutn all urden In thtlr lino of buflnaai. The will give oficcU1 it tent Ion 'to (he inanufao tnre of material fur houlo bulMing, luch aa FLOORING, WEATHER-BOARDING, s a'6 , Oti oil s 1 ii li n i s, tsn.iciiVTS tv JiovMAnjtis, OP ALL STYLES, We always have on hand a large stuck of MtY M M III; H, and will paycnih for all clear Lull. bur. One-aud a-liolf Inch panel stuff pn-feired. Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or exchanged, toeuiteuetomors, , l , ! . . I 1 . k . . . -AOrders solicited, snd LuniWr furnittbed os short notloo and on reasonable term.. 1IEKD t POWELL, . Clearfield, March S, 1ST I. tisrrUnnfouj. ' H. F. N AUGLE CLOCK AD WATCH MAKER, orroiiri ran MAKIIf TIIST TOST OFFICECISiifCLEARFIELD rilllB subrorlber rorpeettully Informs his old X patrons end ths public generally, that be has oa bsnd, land is constantly rooelviog new sdditisns thereto,) a largo stock of . Clocks, Watches and Jowolry; -t keep Jewelry In all lis formt and of different values,' either by tke pioee or set. WATCHES A full assortment of either flold or Oliver, made by the best Anerices and for eign msnufaeiurars, Including a fioe lot of gold snd silver bunting oose, full Jeweled, Patent Levers. CLOCKS Of all designs, consisting of eight day and thirty. hour, of either weight, spring or levers, and both strike and alarm. RKI'AIRINO All kinds of Welches and Clocks Re paired, and warranted, t, ,. v In addition to what I bars enumerated, I keep a full assortment of M'hCTACI.KS, colored and plainglsss. Aim, (101,1) pKSf snd PKNUILS, KI'UONS, FORKS uri'TKIl KNIVES, and in fact everything in the Jewelry line. If I fail to have on hand just what a customer may need, 1 will order per first eipress, wilhouteilra chsrge. A liberal share of publie pstronagr is solicited. M.j T, UfiH-7 11. '. NAUULE. MOSHANNON LAND & LUMBER CO., OSCEOLA. STEAM 51 ILLS, ASirACTt net LUMBER, LATH, AM) TICKETS. II. it. PlIILLIN'OFORD, President, Office For.it Place, Ns. IIS 8. 4th St., Phil's. JOHN LAWMII",, General Fup't Osceola Mills, Clearfield county, Pa. LAM) AXD LtMDER CUM PAX Y OFFER ixmrt'iuiKXTs -TO Purclhasers of Choice Coods AT THEIR MAMMOTH STORE IN OSCEOLA. Xew Cabinet ! "t JOSM WNOV LAND AND Lt'MttKR COM uu'U of Owootii, tlfarfu ld rntinty, Va., and a-fO ltt to pult 'un'hiori outride the limit of t:id lornti'1i, (tpoccla i tltu itrd on the Monlirmmm Crct k, In the richrnt porticn of the enmity of k it nrtsdii, on me line c r fae j yrinr t ui ariiria Ruittvad. w!ar Dm M.lthnoijn nnd Reat.rtun lraiK h nmd internet. It if alo in the hi trl ol the Mol. anniu col l:iiin, and Inr.-e 1'hkh r white i) inc. ht tnl'tck, oak, and othrr timlrrr lur t"imd it. One of the lart' t lumh"r mnnufm-tiir' in. ; entaldl-hrente In tlio tftnta loeafotrin 1ta t"un, vl'ile tlu-ro are tunny olhur luutlwr aj J -hinlc mills around it. . The tuwn U but K' in yrnrp IH, nnd oontnini a tioulati'.n ol' oue tlwu ,;uil l-'MMt. ' tt" F'T further Infurruntiun avnlr at thaolTirt of the above Cull mnj', 1;4:70 " (Icni-rnI Sujiorlnttndint. T M) l.V M II P. It M P- N I rinirncTioN in CANT HOOK SI The Clearfield Kxc.l.lor Cnnthnok will no) wear out or break, being oonstruetcd with one solid baud from clip to point It Is pronounced by all practical uuilMrriu n who hnw examined It to be tho most perfvOt Canthook ever lnvcnti-U. Amos Kcnnard, Patentee. v Manufactured by Amis KrvKino A do., at , ... CI.tAUHKl.l, TA, rrAII orders promptly attended to. ' n23'70 FAIRBANKS' STANDARD N A Id 12 B, , , or all Kinnaj , dJflT Rrrowg, WanhottFo Truck Copying FreMe( Improved Mtmy Irawpr, Ae. rem kali by ii. F. BIOLEU & CO., Itralcra In Hardware, mch.10:T0.lf Fcrond PI ret. Cleardel.l. Pa. Down I Down 1 1 TIIE ' LAST ARRIVAL AND OF COVRSB TIK CHEAPtSTl Proclamation against High Prices! "IVTE arc now opening up a lot of the best and vT most ecsuiatle ti.mds and Waiea ever nffrrrd in thie market, and nt priets tbst remind oiic of lh. K'-'l old day of rltonp Ihiivrs. TLos. who lark filh upon this point, or dtciu our alle gations superfluous, nocd hut V.II.t. .11" Of ft STOKE, Corner front and Market strcots. Where they eon see. feel, hear and know for them Mice. To fully undertAtid what sreehoap goods, this mut- h tsoiic, tv do not di-om U sessnrr to rnauwrata and Itamia oar stock, ll ta iimuIi tor a. U .lata Unit We have Everjtliiug that is Needod and eonsuraed in this market, and at prima that nausnisb bot old and young. rs:t , . JOIISPH BHAlf sV SOS.. kK'frTaV V3t.' B. ALEXAMIER, M. 1)., . n Druggist and Apothecary , CURWENSVILLI5, PA., Kecjii constantly on hnnd k large aeiorttnent of Patent fnllcinc,-Vnint and' Dili., VartiWhoi, I We Htuflii. Ao, lli etouk of lruj( li pure and fri'ih, nnd euatonien can rely nnon Kttlng the Lcit of everything in hie liue, 11 if slock of 72 F if .Af E R Y 9 u Toilet Arttoloi, liair Tonlca, Coiraetlea. Ilrmhof, Toilet Soain, Oouiln. l'wkot lionka, jVne, Inks, IVucila and l'nj'W, aiid a K'I)rl aaeortuiout of tlni elaee or goutl', ara alt or tne oval quality. I'tTJlE WIXES ft LIQ UOItS t. ,ii 'i ' for Medical purposf a only, . " - ;"' (llai, Putty. Lubricating Oili, le., toiult tho ituute uf tuu oouitiHiniy III rti'niie an4 wll nwhyttw! j-tm-V of Prnte and Alctlicinva enAbloa him to nil I'livniotane pronoriplione un nhvrl latici aud ou tho utuit rvanoniti'lc Icrrua. ' Hniokcn and Chewem will find hie itork of Chewing and Hacking Tohaoeo, Ciicare A HnutT, Ut eouaiiit ol Ibo Tory buat brauui In the market. A hare of utut; patronage yi anlituu- ' Oat, IV Snu It 0 0 K 8 wnrcit rtAVE alwats (i I V E X SATISFACT ON HERETOFORE, WILL BE DISPOSED OF IX 6UCII A W A Y AS TO PLEASE 0 IT FRIENDS AND CUo . .. ... T0MER3. , JUST BEOEIVEDI HIE FINEST ASSORTMaXT Ol" HOLIDAY OOODS-SUCII A3 ,.:.! . i : i.Y, . I BOOKS AKD OTHER STATIONERY ARTICLES, , , . s . . L ! , i '.1 I EVER OFFERED TO TUB CITIZENS OF THIS PLACE ! NOW ON EXHIBITION AND FOR SALE AT PUBLISHERS' A MANUFACTURERS' rnicES, at tiie P O S T 0 F F I C E. Clearfield, Drt II, H7. CORCORAN, WEAVER & CO., WIIOLKSALE a is o i: ic , and dealers in Luinljcnnen's mlies WILLIAMSPORT, TA. TOBACCO AND CIGARS 1 W!lUl.i:SALK ANl ItUTAIL, ; At th New Tuboooa and Cignr Slor of if a AfMir, Two duori ICait of tha PwtuQica, ClearDuld. Ta. Constnntlj on hnnd a fine Mfortmrnt of Nary, Cotij?rfn, CavenUlfhi Cablev 8pnroH, , aWiclilgrin aod Century Fine-cut ' Chewing Tobaeoo, A. 1 . - Alio, a large and veil iclcrtcd twtt of Injtortfsl and Dmnrntlc Clgara. llmi)VlnK T)larcoa. Merrwhuura and Briar Pipn. " 4'lp Ultur, Tohacco " ': Boxm, Cigar Holdere. and trcrvthinf fonerallj Jnund In wHl rcRutated Cigar and Tubadioo Store, i. ,.. flRtn.emnrr the flart: Two dnon Knut of tho Puni off. Cloarfltjld, Ia. auf(. Jl tf, R. B. TAYLOIl'S LlfrlE AND COAL YARD, (Near the Uailrond lKrat,) , tl liAHI Il.l l, PICKN'A. r M Tl n A T R ihU method of Infuruilng ttio pu'llp. that I fiiive oifnr-l nn a yiud fur (lie I le nf wand or e naMmrnt MM k nnd Anthrnite CO A I., In the li.rmijrH of ClrarftcM, nnd have pomolrird arn.nctarnl with cattrn d4lure by nhtrh I mn kfi y a full ily eunMantl; on hard, whirh will be diMkttfd ol at rritnotialilo rnte, y 'he tun, buohrl or car toad, to uit porvhasori. Thone at a di'tano enn addrei mr bjr Ivttrr, and Ittaui all nfcreparj lntorniatirtt lv rrtiim ail. H. n. TAVLUIl. , CloartkU Fa., Fell. II, IMy-tf LI M E AN D COAL! TTAVlNtl InerraoiHl our fkrilltlre (Wr burning 1 J. Limt do ring tha at eeawtn, wa are pra prvd to lurnlfh Wood Hnrnt 1,lme( ' Coa! Finmt I.lme, Wood and Coat Iturut I.lmc, UAn.tauturwt (mm the orUhratod - ' Iim.LKFONTE MMFSTOM?, mVirh jrodnia thefiiTKT and rrnicit Lime, (r all mrrlifirtfnl piirpor, ihnt can l o ftmnd In the Hint f Frnni.ania. and whivh we aril at ni Inw pr)cf, iMitrrrd on rara, a the Inferior l.imrt are told at their j-laree of manufacture. Also, Urnlcri in and ahiiipen of Wilkesbarro and Shamokin " ' ANTHRACITE COAL, of all also., pnparcd oprassll foe fsniilaaof t Orders sollriled, ' ' Kav. i lirfe iy.' BIIOHTi.lltlB A CO., . . - Bellefonlc, Pa.'' c ALL AND EI A MINK tbe NKW UtKD9 - - - FULLIIITOli'i Jilt Coofls, ffrcrifS,.U. ..!,.!!!. KRATZER & LYTLE, Market Streot, Clearfield, Penn'a., (Opposite th. Jail,) V TTAVS now on band a trat-ebui stock of IX goods, suited to tha wants of tha publie. Onr stock li large, and tf constantly making ddlllona thor.lo, w. are akla to accommodate all who nay favor ns by calling. We bar DRY GOODS, it it' vi -'. .i.t '. ; .. : i, 1 i. .(, ... i : .. - ; ,is i . . ' ' '.' '' I Merinos, Ginghams, Cloths, Prints, I ' Delaines, Castlmoros, Bilks, Itcpi, , Satinets, Casbmeroa, Tweeds, Cobergs, Alpacas, Mohtir, LanclUt, Mnsllns, Flannsls, Bonnets, Ribbons, Oloakl, Balmoral Skirls, Hoop Pklrtst Shawls, Drott Trlromlngi, Iliad Nett, Cans, Cortets, Oloree, ttcarfe, Collars, Orenadlna Veilt, Tabla Covert, are. ' CLOTHING, Coats, Pants, Vests, Over-Coatl, Oent'a Miawls, Shirts, lists, Caps, Undsr.Shirl, and Drawers, Boots and Bhooe, Gum Shoes, Cravats, Socks, U loves and Collars. , GROCERIES, t ' . , -,.. ' . Tea, CoflVo, fiugn Molasset, 6olt, Candles, Rlre, Flour, Booon, Fish, Tobacco, Raisins, Currants, Pplcei, Crackers, Vinegar, - Oils, Varnish, Pepper, Alcohol, Ae. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, , Carpets, Oil-oluth, Drugget, Clocks, Looking-tilBsaoe, Churns, Buckets, Washboards, Tubs, Flat Irons, Pant, Window Biinds, Wall Paper, Coal Oil Lamps, Bcdcords, I'mtrcllas, Knives, Forks, Spoons, Crocks, Stoves and Stove Blacking. II A R D W A R E, Qeeenswarc, Tinware, Olaswore, Woodcnwsre, Copperware, Cooks, Stationery, Muilcal Goeds, Trunks, Skates, do. ; . v i -AII of which will be sold on the most rea tonahle tcrmt, and e highest market price paid for Grain, Wool and all kinds of country produce. KKMEMUKR TUB PIACB: KRATZER & LYTLE'S, (Opposlta the Jail,) CLKARP!E!.l, rESN'A. rs.n fillJAICK TIMlSKIt! E.A.IRYIN&CO., CLUlVCBaMILLU, PA., Boing apeciallj engaged to tha kuilneti of Buying aflcl Selling Square Timber Would rofirearal that thvy are bow prennrrd to run-hMoTi'or delivered at cither CurwcnsTillc, Lork llavon or Marietta, (or will tnVe It at anr of thine point and arU oa coram If ion, making auch adraiieel i aro ift-eafuirj. Those enzllfcd In ffltlinsout Tiuilier will fiiul at our store in Curwcasvlllv, a rery large stock of STAPLE GOODS Of all Dcsoriptions. , , : ALSO, Flour, .tlrol, Itr, Oat a, torn, And ercryihlng necessary for .so of Lumbermen. RAFT ROPE, Of all .ie, kfpt on tiand In large 'qurg-tltiefand old at email advance by tke wo.., Alao, -r , Tulley - nir.cks PuuiU Kp. Ao. fiv . c i :t r a v :. ,m JP-SPI-:C IAI. lMITCF.MKST!offen-d to thoic wan ufac taring t'tjuara TiiuUtr v . F- A. invis CurwrnaTlllr, January 15, 1S70. 0. I. IIIKRR to an mr T'HY OOD1. (1R- f eerie. Uneneware, tlla-ware, I wjrw and Notivne. Cnnfretiisneriee, Ao,, cheap for ca-h. The ruberrtber hvri leave to Inform bis aid and tw tuMomere thai be has opened A VAlllKTY fcTuRB IV GI.KIf HOPE, PA. And willet-lt aooda at nricce to stilt the timet. A liberal rHwfltina will ba natle la custutners buy ing at wbowvaale. Call and rxnmino aiy slock It fure purcliatin elsewhere. A liUraJ ahara ofpuUte patronage It culirtU-d. ' 1 ' C. J. KFAOY. Olcn np, Pa., June 14, 1S71. ISAAC K. STAUFFER, WATriir., JKWF.I.RY, H Korlh Second 8t, eor. of Quarry, PlllLADKIl'IIIA. An .nritwent of Watches, Jewclrv, fflirer and Plaled War. eontantly on hand. Itepalria,; of Watches and Jewelry promptly attended lo. 2ty IAPiufASDervrn atchp.i.s "' J " 1 'p. n. rn.i.RrtTox-K. ct aratcmia avo BKiiponn water- s.7 - Ihreatet.. HAtnmct a iww. Imtttf W . Wat Witf J 'JJlioiis. BIGLER,; YOUNG ;&?C0., ' rluoecufiori to Sontun A Young,) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS ' Maaolaetnreri of PORTABLE & STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES . . Corner of Vourtn and Pina Streets, , , . CtEAItliI.1,1), PA. r .i:f?iC'ii;.; V .. a. - .. Wki,l...w(tl.C.l u( . HAVING engantd In the manu factor of Ant cla MACHJNKHY, we renpootfuilf ioforiD the public that wo are now prepared to fill ail order aa cheaply and aa prouiitlljr aa can ba done tn any of the cilice. We manufacture and dual in Mulay and Circular Saw-Milla Head Bl'teka. Water Whccli, PUnftlng Pulley, QitTurd'i Injcetor. Steam Gougce, fit cam M'histlra, Oiler, Tallow Cupfl, OU Cupe, Gauge Corkr, Air Cock i, Globe Valve, Chock Valroi, wrought Iron Pipes, S.cam Pumpi, Boiler Feed PumpK, Anti Friction Metre, Soap Stone Pat-kin j. Gum Pack iitp, nnd all kinds of MILL WOKK; together with Plows, Sled Sulci. COOK AND PARLOR STOVES, and other CASTINGS of all kind. Orderi solicited and filled at city price. All letter of Inquiry with reference to machinery of our manufacture promptly anewcred, by addrci ing u at Clearfield, Pa. doc2:7fl tf Blt.LER, VOrXG A CO. A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY Tr. WAIJtEE'3 O'trrOIOTIA VINEaAR BITTERS $i Enndrcdsof Tbri tans Jff3 Bear testimony to tli-fr v.o2.cr- in lui LUrotive i.Orc:s. WHAT ARE THEY? THEY ABB KOT A TILS FANCY DRINK Mode of Toor It was, Whl.ker, Proof Hnlrlla sind BrfuMi I.tauoro doctored, spired and sweet rood to plcaeetho taste. ralledMToolca,nMAppetls. en," - ltcnurr," so., tbst lead toe tippler on to from tne K&tlve Iiouuaud l.rrtwof California, rt-re from wit Alroholte Httwiulnnta. Tbefaro the UKKAT DMMill Pl HiFlliR tne A 1.1 FR C-1V1NU l'UI IPl.Raptrut ltenorator aad lBTlf orator of u.o fcystim, carrying of allpolaeooaa matter and rrrtoxAag t!te tlood lo a braHiir eoadlttoa. dVopcraoa can take tbeae DUtara KcoKlUig io direc tion and remain lung snwelL UlUO wlllta given foraa Inrnrat.le eaae, rruTldfd he bonea are crt deitrajrd by mineral poteua or ther mram, and the Vita) oryua WaUd bejrond tbe poiat of rec-air. t I'wr InflawiRtuiory and Chrwala Rbewana liana and tiont, Draix-pMln. itr Indlamilwa. lltltow Itrmttfrai aud Intrrwilitrni Fpvrra lraacr it' ,., 1.1 Trr. Rldonra, aad Ulnddi'r. tfitt It li i3i a bava nrua aiuet raceeaa. (nl. hoitt JUHcnwa are rawed ty Vlttntcd nioexl, whlrh I inemUjr rtodnccd by dt-xaoct mrot f tbe UlaMivoOrcwna. DVhFfcl'MA Oil 1NDIGESTI0X, Heed ache. Tain In the ijliooldpra, (oucltet TiK'Uiea of tbe Chert, Dliilncas, Hor.r FmrtaUone of the Stomach, BadtaatoLtUta Month, BiUona Attaeke, ralpitaUoa t theileait. lDUaoiuuOii.ar UwLant, Ia4a la the ferztona of tho KUlm ja, and a Imn.lrvd otlicr jvaiafal aymptoma, are ttia (i prlnaof rypftf!a. Tfeier btTtf orate 11m u aoeb and ithna.ate the tir pA liver aud bowela, whleh reader itient af&naqnallcd efficacr intvUeanaitif U.blot4f alUmpartuca, and Itnpartlnjt nrw life 'id rr to tlie whole tjrHtrm. . FOR fwKIN ll!EAHFKraptim)a,Tfltbw.(alt RlteiUB, UIcIUmw, bi-ot. lie plaa. lrtnlra. Bella, Car-bttark-a, JUuc-V. u.n.t, I cald-lload, bore tyc. Kryalp elaa.Itch, Pear ft, lMsooIcraUor.i of the bkln. lliuuora and Ptat'ewe of the tkin, of whatcrcr name or natttro, are literally dug cp ar.d caniod oat of the njaten la a abort llmo hy ihn of tbeae Vlttere. One bottle ta each oaaee will eomtsea ibe awet tacHdiiloua w tht Ir curative effect. Cleanee the Vlt!itd Tlood whencrrr you find IU tmaarttlea bnretlnjr threnrh the altn in nmr.,0, Fmp tlooa rr Borca i clcaae tt wbca yna Ind it obtntrtd and elnRniBh ta the rein i clcanae tt when It t fool, aadyoar fecllnpa will HI yooahen. Kwp tiie tiivod pore and the health of the nyrtrtn will foUw, FIN, TArBajidoUwrUUUM-s hi U ayatcm of ao many tliooaanda, ara effuotu&lTy doetmy wd and ivtuored. Tor full dlrcrUona, ruad carv-fully th ctKQlar aronnd each bottle, jirlntrd tn Itoir laa aiaaiaaliah,Ueraian, F reach aud Kiiwb. .1, WALKER, rroprtrtor. B. H. MciXtK AU A C0H lraaw.a and Oea. Aftnta, Paa FraiKteoo, CaU and U and li Commer LMrad. New Tark. tW-SQlJ ET ALL Dltl'GQISTS AND DflULEEA. Oct , 170:ly. NEW, MARBLE YARD IS I.irTIICKMIl'IKid flflH undcrsifrnrtT takes tint meihml of infrm X in lh. cilncn. uf Clanrflekl and Jetferso. coonlies lhat he ha. opened a hLtrMc Yard, forth. Manufacture nt - . . . . , T'imbtnc, ... ' HoHumenta, Head and I'oot itnuea f ctiipluy none hul the host workmen, .r.i ll.e oest moTcrlul. All nnlcrs promptly filled and toe wora warrantcii. yi'Mrrnn nil letter to HANIKI. et'iMiLA,I)i;R. Lathershwrff, October JO, IS7II, - jOTIC'l' Having piirrha-cl tho lutcrrit uf X . lllaltenlwrgcr, !..., in the htiiinesa lien luf'orc carried on under the hrm name of J. A. BTrtrteirlKTRer A ie., the same will Imi conducted herctfttr under the until. of ,M..shai.u Londand Lumber Cotitprnv, (Vt..re.) ii. ii. smu.iyiii-f'Hi), Jons i.Aw.nK, . rajIStf , Prrsidonl. fleuernl Sup't SAWS 1 SAWS! SAWS! MSTAS'g CKOCS-CIT, MH.I., t'ltAH AND C11ICI I.AB SAWS. Bojxtou'8 L'gbtuing Cross-cut Saw. ' ' ALSO, PATENT PERPOIt ATEP A ELECTRIC SAW H, For sal. by ' " ' notlf.Ti ' II. P. BKII.FR A Cft. 'LutlirrsbiirK Marble Turd! THE subscriber nspcrtrolly announces to litis community and tlie puhlio irencrally thai he lp now extensively engnted in the manufsclnre ol Monntnrnta, lived and Foot Blones, ftand, Tjldt and lluriaii Tops, tie, Nu lillicr Iril.ale can be paid lo a dcrciieed n luli ve or It iend than the ere.-. tln nf an aiuluring il.ib as nilocss to nr.horn (eneraliuiit wh.rc thty have laid him or her, I linto tnrii.ed Mr. .tibn vt' ll. I.- ..- K 1 tl s sw. H $ lm A iff nil f,mi'f til t0 4L2zzsr o-j- KYP ell C THBT ABB KOT A TILS '3 1 kSl FANCY DRINK. Eli fgrilt and towhosaworhauuishipand ohiil many can boor witness, tirdcrs Itcled oat promptly 6 11. J. Woih delivered nlsrirvrrdrsind. I.iHher,l,urg, ffomlwr 0. 1!0. GET VOTO HOT' BATS Z ";' riLLEBTvSi, Clearfield Counlv Rank TMI RCIe.m.ld County Bank . , . ted in.Ut.tio. ha. Jon. ."," "",. Hi. turr.nder of lis .h.tt,r. u"""ae u All it. stock It own.d by th, ,.;. Hl, willwntinu. the B.nkln h, p ace, at private Hankers, under lh. ."r- ol the "Cl.ar.ld County h,,k w" "" sponsible for th. debt, of the hulk lit notes on demand at lheeoa.i ,,mNf reeeired and Interoat paid nh.g .,,'. ."Tssm, a Hied lime, paper discount., U,ln as h.relofor.. Our personal rs.i.on.K" pledged for ,11 B.,o,it, recclrHd1.!."1'1) h trans. eted. A continuance 0f ,n, IV"'' ronare of the business men of tha ... . speotiulty solicl.ed. As P, u... ' te- oEe.rsof tYt lata Cl.arll.ld r.Ji.l . i'".- require tho notes 'ot said Hank ll for redsmptlon. JAM. T. LKii.NAltD, WM. PORTER, A. K. WHIU1IT, r'lHtia) JAH. B. UHARAM l. RSKO, ' Wlllmu ' W M. A The husinessof th. Bank will la ,.s. John M- Ada.,.., Esq., cStaE "fZSPl County National Bank, OP CLEAIIFIEI.D, pA. ROOM In Masonic BuilJln.. ons dw MrtL V. l. H alson s llrur tflurc. " P.sssko Tickets to and from Livcrp,, n.. town, llla.iiow, l,oud.,n, l oris and f ,m!!I Alio. Oralis for snlo on the Royal liaok!) llth and Imperial Brink of London. J A M l.-t T. 1 wnimi, . i. U. M liirk. ' - E4rd pfrki BANKING & COLLECTION HOUSE OF . McGIRK & PERKS. Uucccssors to loslor, P.rlis, 4 Vblllp.burj;, Centra County, p. jn-.ui, an tno tuismessofa Bankino H, 1 will o. transited pruluplly u0 upo. Z most favora.ile Uriiia. msr".( Uisrftlnnrous. C s sTsrki sTotvnshlnAwake CP.E.W EXCITEMENT AT THOMAS I3EEKSS! IVnfyBODY trying t.f .1 th.r.r,t, h,t J of being crowded out into tbe cold. II you want good bhoring done, go to Bstu. If you want your Sleds ironedright,gu to Biiu. If you want good Mill Irons, go to Btiu, If you want your wsgoa ironed in the last sty, and workmau.hip, go to fiziu. I'.tiea makes the best fctump MsrhlneiaUt State, and does all klndt of BLACKsMITIllvo at cheap as can be done In the eounly for Ctik, mf s-oai uue. aaares, is ui.arlleld, Pa. THOMAS litLKS, Boffc-t Tp., Deo, ), 167-U. Clionp Fu mi Hiiro. JOHN GULICH DtSlKBS to Inform his old fri.nds and est. toinors, that hating enlarged his ibr.su, increased Lis facilities for usnulacturinr, bt it now prepared to make to order such Furnilursei may be desired, in s-ood alyle and atebeop rtin for CASH, lie generally has on hind, at Furniture rooms, a raried assortmsni of ready, mad. furEiture, amon which sr. tjtrrsia svn ctt,r- ir,.T,T. OL OOAUU A iJ OIUO-nUflflJJ, Wardrobes and Book-Cases; Centre, Sofa, Psrlsr, Bresdtfast and Dining Batension Tahles; Cew non. French-post, Coluce,denny-Lind and other Bedftcsdi ; Sols, of all kinds, Workusaes, Hut-racks, ash-stands i Bocking and Am Chairs; springiest, eane. bottom, parlor, esn mon and other Chairs; Looking-Giasse, ofsrery dewription on hand ; and new glosses for sld frames, which will be put in on rery reaionatlt tertnt on shortest notice. He also keeps on bs&e or furnirhes to order, Corn-hash, Iliir and Cotton-top Maltresseo. Coffins or Evert Kind Mad, to order, and fhnerals attended witb a Hearse whenever desired. Also, House Palatine; done to order. Th. subscriber also msauls turcs, and h.s eonst.ntly on hand, Clemsat's Patent Washing hi .chine, th. best now la tst I Thoss using this machine never need be will out eleaa clothes I II. also bos Flyer's Pateel Chutn never ne'eJ b"e without butterT All the above and many other articles ore fur nished ta euetomors eheap for Cash or exchsngri for approved .ountry produca. Cherry. Maple, Poplar, Ltnwood and other Lumber suitabls fer Cabinet work, taken In ikchnngo for fnrnit.', JreBcmeaiber the ehop It an Uorkel ttrest, Clearfield, Pa., and nearly opposite the '-Old Jew Store." JOHN Ul'LK'U. Kov.nberI6, IcCI r v READING FOR ALLII '"LOOKS dr STATIONER Y. Market St., C'learfit hl, (at the Post Office.) flHK anderrigned begi lcava te announce te L the citltne tf Clearfield and vicinity, tbtt ha hat fitted op a raom and hat jut returned frota tha ait with a larre amount of readicf natter, conisting In part of . Biblea and Miscellaneous Books, Blank, Account and Pane Book of every it eoriptlon i l'a pur and Knvclopei, French pienei and plain i Pent and 1'cnciii ; Blank, Lcpal Ppera, Uecda, Alortftaua t Jwdfuieot, Eleva tion ard ProniuBory cotvc ; Wfaita and 1'arrk; ancnt Brief, L-pa. Cap, Itcct-rd Cap, and Bili Cap Mieet, Mum for either l'lano, Muto or Viulii conaiantly aa band. Any booki or atatinsery desired that I may not hare oa band, will be or ardered hy firtt exres, and told at wboletalt or retail in mit euetouerf. I will alio keep period-o I literature, euch ai Magaiinei, Newi. paper. Ao. p. a. UAI'LIX. CUarliold May T, 18ft8-tf DAVID YOUNG, Slonc-futlcr anil Stone-Mason, VI ILL execute all work In hie line at md I crate princi and iu F IKaT. CLASS itjle Architectural Ornaments la ALL BTYLErl, Ptone Dreuing of erery deiariptlnn, and all kinds of Mason work con traded for la oroulof tht en only. Any prreoii wuhtng to bava respectable uifnn fork and atene-cutUni? dose, will 6nd it to thetr IntercM to call upon ma I would alfo Inform the pub tie that I can df liver any quantity or oiaia cf llont detired, ae I ata the owner af a FIRST-CLASS STOSK QUAUR V Orders for work can he addressed to DAVID V01 NO. msrM,70 Clcarlleld l'a. JhIiW 6TOKE AJiDi'liW UOODS. JOS. SHAW & SON , lUvejust opened a New StorC, on MninSt.,CLiAiriELD, Ti., lately occupirJ i y Wm. F. IRWIV. . Tliclr (lock conei.lt oi ODUl'Sy CitCDCDCDS3 - GnoctR!K, of tha brst quality, QuEE.NswAnc, Hoots nnd Shoe?, nnd every article, neoeisnrr for ' one', comfort. Cull and examine our stock lefot fur' cliasing elsarrliere. May 9, 8fi0-lf. The Lightning Tamer. TUB undersigned .re the sole Agents In :hls enanlv for th. "h'orlh American Ualvenii'd LldlllM.N'tl HODS." These ar. the only rede new in use, end ar. endorsed hy all the elcntife men In the oountry. n. nerony notny tn. eitisent or the to.r that w. will ml then, un a better rod. tad let lest money, thaa is charged by th. foreis grata who annnally traters. th. eounly aad carry ol oor Hills cash, sever lo relura. UXCOUKAGU HOME LABOR- Thoso wishing Llghulng Rod. eeeel.d .a thoir building, ared but address as by letter, er cell In person. We will pit them up anywhere I. thecouMy, and warrant them. The Hods snd otttores va ne seen at any tine hy poinef ai e.rslore. . II. P. UlttLKK A Cw- Cleotfieid, Manh SO, l;0 If 1)rNK, WHITB ROAN UN I NO Kl!r1- A " roeelv.O an. rnr sate oy April JO. : TO. II. r. UIULKR A CO. "VfKL'kTlEi The very latest llyles- I P. K. ri LLBRroS?t