Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, September 13, 1871, Image 2

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rtiiTuii and rnorniKTou.
. .clkarfirEd;?.'""4-
Democratio State Ticket. '
. ' , Of 1-lllI.ADRI.l-lltA
or lAwnrvc corsTv. ,
TA full poll of the Dcwoerotio vote will
secure the election of our Slate tioket by a large
Tft-Let every Iemocrnt remember that, and
Impress Iho truth of It open (lie minds of hn
; Democratio District Ticket. ; ;
UII.M l A. WAI.LAtr.,olCInillcld.
Domocrat!o County Ticket.
JOHN LAWS1IE, of Osceola.. "
WILLIAM C. Kll.liV.of Clenrtletil.
JOHN J. ItKAll, of Lawrence.
AAHOM C. TATE, of Cle.rflclil.
ASBUI1Y W. LEU, of CUardeUl.
SAMUEL P. WILSON, of Bradford.
V. V. COUTIIIET, of Kartlmtu,
REUBEN Mrl'IIEHHON, of Clearfield.
8. V. Mct'l.OSKEY.orCiirwerisvUle.
Tuesday Evening, Sept. 26th, 1871.
Tlicro Kill ho MA8S MEETJXU of Iht
Democracy held at Clearfield, P., on Tuesday
Evening, September 2(1, 1871, at which
With many other distinguished tpoakars, will be
present nnd address the mretlug.
All arc invited to oomo and hear a fair dircus
lioa of the politico.! questions of the dny.
Fy order of Count Committee.
Cb'm Dim. Co. Com.
The 331,011.1 1 steal. .
In order t hut our renders may fully
uudcnUnnd Iho situation of the extra
ordinary coso of blculing from the
Statu' Government .by Evuns k Co.;
wo will givo them a short history of
the affair.
Somclimo in March, 18G7, some one
jirwurcd tho passngo of cunningly
wtr.'ed Atf of Assembly, which au
thorized the njipointmcnt of an agent,
whoso duty it was to look aflor cer
tain claims tho State held against the
United Slates for expenses incurred
during Iho war, which woro supposed
to bo valid, but at that timo disallow
ed, &o., hut were believed to bo col
lectable if the evidence could bo sup
plied. And for Iho collection of
theso claims Iho agent to bo appoint
ed was allowed a compensation by Llio
Act not to exceed ten percent. This
bill was signed by thoGovcrnor rnj
Jrurch,' 1807, and on tho same day Mr.
Geo. O. Evans Was appointed the
agont, by his excellency, Governor
Geary. . On the next day an agree
ment (which was kept private until
the defalcation of Evuns was exposed,)
was entered into between Governor
Geary and Evans, which required
Evano to mitko frequent ofllcial ro
ports of his doings and to pay over
promptly to tho Governor all money
collected by him, less tho compensa
tion; which item of compensation,
howover, was nowliero mentioned,
and is, according to Evans, no trifling
amount, whatever may bavo been the
ogrcetnent belwcon him and the hero
of Snkkcrsvillo.
It will bo observed that the whole
of this transaction was done with
marked dispatch. A bill passed, a
man for the agency found, his com
mission mudo out, tho agreement
arranged, scaled, signed and dolivored,
alt In tho short spaco of twenty-four
hours. As this was an Important
matter, involving an immense sum of
public money, requiring great euro
nnd cuntiotis deliberation rather than
such reckless huslo, the inforonco is!
plain to our mind that tho business
was well understood and prepared and
arranged beforchund. Looking at all
these circumstances, the carefully di-j
gcslod words of tho Act, tho' extraor
dinary celerity of the movements un
der it, tho magic appearance of Mr.
Evans on tho ground, nnd tho total
absonco of all mention of the rate of
compensation or commission ho was
to roeeivo npon'tho collection of these
clulms, especially as they were known
to bo yery largo, givo tho transaction
n very ugly ,.npect when examined in
tho light of tho rocont developments.
Tho rest Is easily told. Mr. Evans
commonced proceedings, in Washing
ton, and on thrco teparalo occasions
rccoived tho total amount of threo
hundred and twenty ono thousand
fourteen dollars and forty-four cents
($21,014 41) altogether a vory snug
ubi, and the Stato Iihi never received
dollar of tho money. The toiling
"ereun look at the figures and
own inference.
Mnocrntlo Stato Convention
ork is called to meet at Ho
the 4th n( October.
Tike Election of tlssrttor.
Tho act of Assembly, found below, It
will bu observed, requires (he qualified
voters of ibis county to elect on As
sessor, for tho term of three; years,
at tho approaching October election.
Tho act In question reads as follows i
., : , AN ACT . ..
Relating Is the citation of Assessors la Clearfield
bounty." '''
HnTiux I. lit (l tnarleJ, dV., That Iho quatlflid
rotr of overy borough and tuwnlii In theooun
t,r of Clearfield shall, on tho iceood Tllelilny of
October next, elect a propirly ojitalint'it pereun ai
AiMciiiir, who alinll eervu fr (ho teroi of Ihroo
yearej aud it tho election In Ootolier, Anno Dom
ini one thomnnd I'lht bnudred nnd Hcventy-threo,
and ovary thrro youri thereafter, thoy atiull atflo
clock, reapectlvoly, two aiflelant niteeuor, wha
tiball errea lor ouo )a .ri and ahuuld any vaeatmy
oeour by ileHth, reiiitntl'in, reni'jval or other
wieo, it eball be tho duty of tho County t'oniiuil
pinneri to an)ioinl a proper pereon or penults to
All the llnripkrod term of IhoolHoe ao vaentod.
And nil lawe lucousixt'.nt with this ad arc hereby
JAMM I!. WKttll, ' ' '
1 Speaker of thn llnnse of Iteiiresei.fHtlvi-s. '
Fpenker of tfco Menato.
Aernovan The 4ih day of May, Anno Domini
ono thousand eight hondred and seventv-nne.
, .,- - v . .. JNO. Vf, UKAItV.
To our mind tho Legislature hits
acted very wisely In making this
chango. ' Tho office of Assossor is an
important one, and should bo filled by
tho bust men in the respective bor
oughs or townships. . It is roally more
important to tho public than any oth
or municipal olllce, except that of
Justice of jbo Peace .
Tho duties of tli u assessor uro mini
crous and onerous, and bofoca ha '
properly diichargo them tho inctini-
bent must learn how to do his work
and to accomplish tliU ho must huvo
time. , llenco tho extension of lime
to thrco years will develop who is fit
or unfit for tho position. And, as no
other township, or borough officer
nro to bo eloolod in Oetobor, tho voters
have nmplo timo to select the propor
men tor tho position.' This is not all.
Tho assessor is oloeted next October.
In Kovombor following ho lakes op
tho duplicate of his borough or town
ship and ,proceeds to assess tho per
sonal properly therein, such as horses,
cattle, buggies, carriages, watches and
occupations. Tho year following he
docs tho same thing, and tho third
and last year of his term ho assesses
and rales tho real estate. Now, if ho
cannot mako a propor assessment at
the closo of tho second year, ho is un
fit for tho position, nnd should resign
and allow somo ono elso to try his
haud at tho business.
(;; . ,.-
Volunteer Advice Good advice
should always bo coupled with good
acts, when in one's power to act.
Forney's) frcss is muchly oxcreised
ovor tho robberies in New York, and
the other day got off Iho following :
"Restitution of stolen property is the bnilt and
first demand of all punishment. Let the Tam
many chiefs at ones disgorge. Tmninnny, the
principal representative urjKtihntiun nf the Demo
ernlio party, la arrnigncd in the 03urt as a oom
uion impostor." l
That's good. But why constantly
puncture New York official Integrity,
when your neighbor and political par
amour Evans is so handy ? Tell him
to carry his ill-golton gains to Harris
burg, where they belong, and then
lectare Tammany until thoy disgorge.
Why upbraid your neighbor for har
boi ing hii uyiI gotiiva while you enter
tain and defend ono yourself?
' n s
Edmund English. Tho Democrats
of Cameron, Elk and Jefferson Assem
bly district, Inst week nominated this
gentleman for tho Legislature, whero
ho held a sent last winter. Mr. Eng made ono of the best members wo
had lust winter. lie was always at
his post looking aftor tho interests of
his constituents, instead of gadding
around, as loo many do when they
get to llarrisburgr His election is n
forcgono conclusion.
Good Advice. The : New York
Sun, n Itadieal journal, advises tho
pcoplo of Wisconsin to volo for Mr.
Pooliulc, tho Democratio tandiduto
for Governor, in order to defeat tho
pestiferous Washburn family, which,
liko tho Grant family, is sucking tho
life blood out of tho IJopublican pnrt3'.
Rkad It. On our first pugo will bo
found tho spoech of Senator Wallace,
delivered at Ebonsburg. It is well
worthy tbo perusal of every tttx payor
in tho Stalo. It is evident from the
figures ho gives that somebody besides
tho poor exiled devil, Evans, has
been carrying off the Stalo funds.
Tux Skkatohship. Wo see it staled
in ft number of our oxchangos that
Jacob M. Campbell, of Johnstown, (tho
present Surveyor General,) is to be
tho Radical candidate for Stalo Sena
tor against Mr. Wallace llo is just
as easily defeated as any other Radical.
15 ad roa tub JtrraKSENTATivr.
Col. James S. Morgan, an ex momber
of the Legislature from Allegheny
county, was lust week sen to need to
ono year in the penilontiary for hav
ing dofrnuilod Undo Sam out of some
internal revenue ; ' '
Statu Committee. Tho head quar
ters of tho Democratic Stato Execu
tive Committee, for tho presont, is
711 Chestnut st , I'hiludelphia. Wm.
A. " allace, Chairman.
Kkntknced. Rossel, tho Froneh
Communist leader, has been sentenced
to death. This will cntiso much In
dignation among that class of mal
contents throughout Europe Sii.knt. For tho presont,
Attorney General Brewster has noth
ing to say In regard to tho great
Evans fraud. ' He contents himself
with the iollowing letter :
(liiris, September I, U'l.
To l f..l.r (As pMi, i,rf,,,rSiR i Dar
in read ynur editorial to day on ,;Tho llsn lphu-t;
Frauds," I feel it due to nv'f to stale that Iho
ends of Justice will be best sorred by my silenr
lor uie present but at an early day Iho entire
facts In the ea.e will be made publia. I am verj
reepcetfnlly, your obedient aorrant,
V. Canaot.i, UnKweraa,
. Attorney Neutral.
TiinttciHm'L. Grant says ho ac
cepted the (judical nominntfon in 1808
to savo tho Radical party, and wo now
claim that the party should nccept
him to savo Grant. "One good turn
dwrvri another," of course
What Must be Done in Ordor to Voto.
Hee that Your Namoa are on the LUC
To the Voters of Clearfield : Yourat'
ten lion Is directed to tho following ox
jilanation of tho registry law. Read
it oarufully, in older to uncertain whut
is your duty in tho premises, and then
ev that your nnmcs aro placod upon
.t,..anHlu IiIb .It. . ,
will seo thut tho Republican Legisla
ture has imposed additional duties upon
thorn.' Let them comply fully with
tho law, in order that they may voto
for the party which has always stood
by thorn. "' : ' i i
ixamink tub assessor's list. .'
Ono Of which is posted on tho houso
whore tho oleotion is to he held, nnd
tho other is in tho assessor's hands.
You have a right to cxamino them free
of charge
These lists should contain your
name, nnd tho names of all other qual
ified voters in tho district ; they should
state if you aro a houso keeper, tho
number of your house; tho street it
fronts on ; your occupation, if you
board, whero and with whom you
board : if yon work fit untitLe!, you
employer's namo, and opposito your
iiiiiiiu should bu written tho word
"voter." -h
If you hnvo been natiiralixed, there
will also appear tho letter "N." If
you have merely declared your inten
tion to becomo a citixen, tho loiters
1. I.". i.- .
If you nro between twonty ono or
twenty-two years old, the word "ago."
If you hnvo removed into tho district
since tho last election, tho lottcr "R."
will appear opposito your namo.
Make it your personal duty to tee
that your name is on the list.
Do not trust this matter to any one
If you find your nnmu is not on the
list, 70 yourself to tho assessor, and
mako your claim to bo put on. Ho is
bound to add your name. Ho cannot
question your right. You need not
discuss tho matter with him, your
"claim" is enough. ' Givo him also
your preciso residence, occupation,
etc. He will mark "C. V." opposite
your name
, If yon delay until within ten days
of the election, you may lose your volo.
You must show your "papers" to
the assossor, in order to get your names
, If you intond to takoout your "last
papers" beforo the election, you must
show your "hrst papers to Uie asses
sor. Seo thut your names aro on the list.
Thoso of you who do not neod to
havo "first papers" and intend to bo
naturalized before the election, should
get naturalised first, immediately ; and
go to tho assessor with your papers.
Alt naturalized citizens must take
their "papers" with them to the polls,
unless they havo been voting for ten
years in tho samo district., .,
You must take your "papers" with
you when you vote, even if your name is
on the list.
Do not forget this, or your enemies
will deprive you of your voto. ...
The law in relation to the paymont
of taxos is unchanged. If you havo
paid neither a etuto or county lax, as
sessed within two years, do it without
delay. ,
'Jake your last tax receipt with you
to the polls.
Do not delay registering or paying
your taxes ; attend to the matter now,
for fear something may prevent bore
aflor. ii
st I
; The Escape of Erans.
The Lancaster Intelligencer says :
We nro now informed thut Governor
Geary's "satisfactory agent" cannot
bo found. After weeks of delay n
warrant was issued, and a requisition
mado by . tho Governor of this Slnto
upon -the Govornor of Now York,
whero tho cmbeszlor was reputed to
bu concealed. The officer who boro
tho requisition has rolurnod with the
report that Evans cannot be found,
and it is stated thut further efforts to
discover him aro considered useless.
This lamo and impotent conclusion
only serves to confirm tho suspicion,
tout prominont Kenublican Htnlo olll
cials aro closely connected with the
tnclls ot r.vans. 1 ho delay which
wero mado after tho exposure of the
robbery, showed that thoso whoso du
ty it was to protect Iho tax payers of
llio Mule, learoil tho exposures wlilcli
would bo mado if Evans should bo ar
rested on a criminal cliargo and
brought to trial. , Ho was given plen
ty of timo to make his escape to
huropo. ThOro is no reason to bo
Hove lliat further attempts will be
made to bring Evans to justice, but
the people- have a remedy. Lot tnem
eloct General McCandlcss to the office
of Audilor-Goooral, and this and other
frauds of tho past will be exposed,
while a stop will bo put to such things
at ooco. iho eloclion of Dr. Stanton,
who Is a mere creature of the corrupt
State .Treasury Ring, wotM give
thoso who are conneclod with Evuns
surety for the past nnd security for
tho future
Radical Strategy. Tho Radicals
of Philadelphia nro badly scared at
tho prospect at tho ensuing olection,
and nro resorting lo over)' achomo to
avoid defeat. In ordor to prop up their
(.inking cause, they aro asking tho aid
of the Federal Government, and, with
that end in viow, Representative 1 1 ar
mor, of tho Fifth Congressional dis
trict; Mr. W. B. Munn, tho candidato
for District Attorney, and General
Collis, thn candidato for Solicitor, hnvo
boon at Washington to nrgo Soorotary
Robeson to order tho ropuir of, several
vessels at tho Philadelphia Navy Yard,
which would nccussilato tho employ
ment of a largo number of additional
outside hands. In other words, thcro
is doliborate proposition pending to
colonizo a large number of voters In
tho yard there, and Mr. Robeson has
tens to accodo to the reqnost. The
Omaha and (juinnobnng aro already
at tho Philadelphia yard, and other
United blales vessels will shortly bo
ordered to that point.
Lovely. Tho approaching mar
riage of Theodore Till oi. of the Golden
Age, and Victoria Woodhull of tho
Suffer agt, Is causing considerable talk.
as ill ton has one wile already, and
Victoria has two husbands, as fur as
returns are in, it is perhaps safe to say
they will marry on tbo European plan.
ue wisn mom mochjawy.
rfiTTirTrt " ' ,' H
Kraut the Vmbcttler.
George 0. Evans, tho bmbcxzling
State Agont, has migrated to New
York to evade, if possible, iho pursuit
of tho ofilcors of llio law who are now
on his track, Aftor loudly vaunting
his roadincss to make settlement this
"kiiliHlactory" agent of Gov. Geary
has become a fugilivo from justice-
Is tins too conduct ol an IioiiohI man
anxious to faeo his accusers and vindi
cato his character nnd conduct ? As
it his guilt had not bcon sufficiently
established ho coullrms the suspicions
of all by running away. What now
will be urircd in behalf of this ombes.
iler by tho newspapers which wore so
eager to defend liim in tho fuco of tho
clearest nrools Ol his cmorzziomcnt i
Tho protonce for absconding put
forth in too xsew join oun is as shal
low as any yet preaon'.od in his favor.
He wants, a preliminary investigation
in Now York whorohowill be beyond
the reach of tho Fornoy-Camoron ring!
Has he not the protection of the courts
of iVhiisylvuiiiii, aim has no not a pat
ron and defender in tho governor of
tho Stato, and able counsel in tho At
torney General f Upon tho inform'
lion of the Stato treasurer, and the
requisition of Governor Goury declar
ing that ho is o lugilivo Iroin JubIicc,
tho Governor of. Now York bus noth
ing to do but lo give him up, if ho can
bo found, llenco tho story that Gov
ernor Hoffman will not endorse the
requisition of Governor Goury may bo
dismissed as simply absurd. George
V ivvur.s is cliargetl, on llio oath ul
lh Hintn Trims urn i- of Vnnsy Ivania,
with having ombonzlod 829 1,000 of tho
money of tho Commonwealth. " Ho
litis lied from tho blttto and must Do
delivered upon tho requisition of Gov
ernor Goary. Tho Governor of New
York has no alternative in tho premi
ses. The Constitution of tho United
Slatos . has settled that lit Llo point
against Air. George O. M'ans. lie
must bd tried in I'unnsylvania and not
in Now York. If found, ho will havo
to oo mo ovor, no matter how disagree.
nblo the process may be to hiiusolf
and his confederates. It is a gratui
tous insult to the authorities of Now
York to churgo that they have any
disposition lo screen ibis Radical cm
bender. -Jlarrisburg Patriot.
, Mail-Route Swindlers. Tho Lan
caster Intelligencer says: Tho gravest
charges havo boon made against l ost
master General Crosswoll, in relation
to tho lotting of mail contracts, and it
has been very freely inlimuted that
he has bocn a party to swindles of the
grossest and most outrageous chnrao
lor. Tho latest instance cited it that
of ono Andrew Stewart, who some
timo ago obtained a tor) tract from
tho IV-tmastcr General, amounting to
about $10,000, to carry tho United
States muils on Texan waters in a
steamer a distance of ubotit 00 miles.
It is now given1 out that tho waler
mentioned is not deep enough to float
a steamer between the two points, and
that tho mails aro being transported
in a sailing vossscl, which could bo
purchased for a small amount of mon
ey ; that tho master of tho vessel has
tho uso of Iho samo for carrying tho
mails, and makes his pay out of pas
sengers, freight, etc , whilo tho con
tractor enjoys tho benefits of tho on-
tiro salary. It is stated that other
parlies bid to carry tho mail over the
samo routo in a sailing vessel, as it is
now carried, for 82,500. .'
Wo luke the facts In this case from
a special telegram to the Nosr- York
Tribune, and that is authority which
no Republican will prtoume to ques
tion. Gar.KLF.r on Grant. Greeley is of
the opinion that should Grant bo re
nominated it would insure tho defeat
of tho Republican ticket in 1872.
Greeley knows that Grant's ro-nom-ination
is a foregone conclusion, as is
also his defeat or that of any othor
Republican that might chance to bo
nominated; and as Grant is particu
larly repulsive to everybody except
tho office holders, ho wishes to make
him bear all the odium and disgraco
which naturally attaches to tho Re
publican parly on account of its man j
and gross sins and iniquities. The
following oxlract from the New York
Tribune gives iho "personal views of
Mr. Greeley:" . "
Tho "personal views of Mr. Greeley"
on this point aro exactly these : lie
favors the one term principle, and be
lieves that another Jiepublican candi
date for President can be selected who
will encounter less opposition and win
more support than Oeneral Grant ; and
he therefore advocates such eUction.--But,
Bliould his views bo overruled
and General Grunt nominated, he
holds his election infinitely preferable
to that of any candidato whom the
Democrats might nominate.
The "personal viows of
Mr. Greeley" impol him to deprecate
a Democratic national triumph as ono
of tho gravest of national calamities;
and this is his main reason for wishing
the selection of a Jiepublican candidate
for President who will be more certain
of success than General Grant.
Put them on rnt Stand. Tho nur
risbtirg Stato Journal, the homo organ
of tho bullot-rlddlcd Goary, which a
day or two ago tormed tho stoul:ng of
thrco hundred and sixty throe thou
sand dollars "a tempest in a ten pot"
has changed Its tuno and now says:
"In tho menntimo, as tho case now
stands, iho Republican party is in no
way responsible for it." Of course not
but then it must not forget that
every one connected with the steal Is
a Itadieal. J;ot Geary bo put on the
stand and toll how much of tho "un
adjusted" wns expended to reelect
him Governor. Thon lot Russol Krrett
nnd othor Radical loaders toll what
thoy know about it. "The Republican
party in no wny responsible!
will do to toll tho marines.
Symptoms. The In din nit Democrat
flnye. : Tho Ion Brunch Government
has heard of Gov. Geary's trouble
nboutthe liuloembrxr.lomcnt of nearly
SoOO.000 and pitofully remarked bo-
. I ! 1 ' ; . . I . ,
iwoon itio puns oi inn vigur tnai no
knew ho would go to tho L!, for de
nouncing tho interference of tho mili
tary At tho riiiladulptiia election.
Grant ngrocs with Camnron, thai
Gonry must be punishod bat doo't like
tho effect upon tho jmrty general))',
Tho Investigation must go on, and if
tho privato informstion we) now pos
sess is reliable, there will be k fearful
rcrkoninjt before it Is ovor. Promi
nent men besido tho Govornor are in
terested, and hnvo boon using a por-"
non oi mis tuna lor tne past three
It Is said thnt when Brtgham Young
wns ankod, tho othor day which ton
ho lind at West Point, the conundrum
so sintered him that he had to refer
to the family record to solve It. "Do
they miss me at home f" ii not mfltl)
sung In that faqiHy.
rpnit KIXTII ANNUAL fair ,
or Ta '.' j
Will bo hold, at
v V, .!CLEAR.FI ELD., ,
On Tuesday, Sept. mht
., Wednesday, Sept., gOf A, i n j'
Thursday, Sept. 2)st,
' Friday, Sept. 22d.
The tirounda art In gooi ordvr. i
Tht best half-mile Track In the State.
Two trolling matches each day. ,
Ilulldinga paw and complete.
It It tipcoted that tht Fair will be the largest
ever held la tht county.
Beptcmber 1.1th, 187 1.
1871. 1871.
Masaar Bruaar,
lliia Bruirr,
Ara opening THIS WEEK an attractive
ttook of
noons for thk kf.asovi
Our stock will be rrplttt with tht
. 3
O '
t '. " ': ' '
In Foreign and Domesile
FLANNELS, Eto., ete.
Together with a full lint of
Notions, TrimniingH,
Furnishing Goods,
At Ibices to suit the Times!
Do not fall la tall.. (
. I Kespoelfully,
P. B. Daring purchased In unilnr
flood., Miinntrsin adjacent towns will bt tup
plied at whulele rates.
Drpttmoer is, JS71.
On Saturday, 16lh Sept., 1871,
WILL relurn from Philadelphia with all the
now Fall styles of MfLI.INKKT (IIMIDS.
and an tntirt new stack of NOTIONS and VAKI
ETY IIOOIIS, selected with groM oart, and suita
ble for the Fair.
sept 1 3 Jt Mat. T. E. WATSON.
A Proclamation.
T Tit-tat of an act approved the twMifj
funrth dityof Mar. IM. MtitM Ma met
tor the protection of &b in tbe SaM.bana Uiror
ad it triuulariri,' prohibiting la omtioD of
fiib bark el, Ac, in the afumntimrd ttrwiini, and
making it inoumbant on to Sheriff ra rvnov tho
a mo attar giviug tn dayi' notion in two ooutity
papniY thai iho alurrnatnea .ntirummti fur luo
dm rod ion of flsh nro known to oxift and ro
otle jt tbo owners to rcniOTe or dmtroy tho same:
Notkh ii Brnnr uivix, Uiat oorcral of tht
ar'ri-niimed fltb bnikcti ara known to exist in
Clrariicld Creek at various points Wtwwn the
mouth and Ardory't dead watr, and aro brbr
dcclarrd nultlio huisanora. Tho owners thorwof
are ntret-y nohUod to n-moro or dismantle tho
samt within ten dayl from the date of tins no
tice, unilrr prnnlty of having them removed by
the Hlieriff at thotr expense.
Jt&li.l Jt t'iK,
finrmrr't Orrtra, I Fhc.-ilT.
Clearfield, r..8pt 13, Wl-4t.J
Notice Is bfreliv given thnt an application
lias been made to the Court of Common l'leas of
Clearfield county, for the Incorporation of the
"CLr.Aariatn Pah Association," by the itwk
hnl'Urs in the same, and that Monday, the S;th
dny of Hrrttftmher nntt, being tbe first dny of the
next tvrm of said Court, baa been appointed for a
Hearing. All persons interested will take notion
that nulrss sufitciunl rritson be shown to the con
trary a decree Incorporating laid company will
then and there b made.
A. C. TATE, Pmth y.
Prolhoaotarj'l Omoe, Clearfield, Sept. 1, 1871.
-f ANTED iThn ftchuol llereton of Da
y lioh townthlp waut five oi' six competent
Teaoheri for tbo coming winter tana af aix
months. One male of experience and good ra-
omincndationa to take eharge of the slayneaville
kvoool. Salary guod. Those WUbing to apply
should attend the examination on the 13th of
September, at Jaj nemrille. AddiTmi
a!3 Jt Pmlths Mills, Clearfipid county, Pa,
Public Vendue I
TIIRHK will bo eold at Publia Hale, at the
resilience of the underttigned, in Pike town
ship, on FH1DAY, PKI'TKMUKR 1Mb 1871, at
1U o elocR A. in., tne following deKhbed perianal
inre nr, vu i vnc cow, two nean or young cattle.
le nead oi snoFp,(i not amree birrcled nile, pair
of yearland eolta, ehlekens, tnrkoys, geese, wagon,
I sluda, sletgh, bugy. Harness, stores, 1 plow, J
harrow, burenu and other household furniture.
There will al'o he ofTrred at Public Hulr. If not
wnw Md, 600 ACKK8 OF LAND. Th im
provements ara a aaw mill, frame home and gmnl
table and other out-buildinga. About a million
and a quarter of saw timbor on the land.
iLBjuTenni mado known on day of rile, or by
aptiiloition to tbe aabsariber.
rpt2t. s. CAnn.
cotrcrr proclamation.
WHBHRAB, I!ob. 0. A. MATRH, President
Judge of the Coortof Common Pleai of
the Twenty-fifth Judicial Dhitrirt, tompossd of
the counties of Clearfield, Centre and Clinton
and lion. Babubl Cltoi and Hon. Jicos Wil
bblh, Aiioelate Jvdgai af Claarfield eoiMy,
have Issued their precept, to ma directed, for the
holding of a Court or Common Plena, 'Vphani'
Court, Court of Qusrter Sessloni, Court of Oyer
and Terminer, and Court of Genual Jail Peltv.
sry, at the Court Hume at Clearfield, In and for the
eounty of Clearfield, eommeaftlng on the fourth
Monday, Mib day af Sept., ITI, and to
eonttnae one weak.
NOTICE IB, therefore, hereby glvea.tethe
Coroaer, Justiaoa of the Peace, and Constables,
In and for said aonaty af Clearfield, to nppear In
their proper perwoos. with their Reeords, Bolls,
loqaUitloni, liasalnatloni, and other Hemam.
hranoet, to do thoee things wkleh to Uie It ofteei,
and in their behalf, peruin to be dona,
OlVIJf under my hand at Clearfield, this 0th
day af September, tht year af our Lord out
thousand tight ban ri red and nventyone.
JUSTiM J. tWt Sheriff.
A "Jf" .... M.
frnnou Kip.M. ,M4,.M4. f M.
rreneb Calf. ao
(rp wit AU.;l:ftf 41 C, KRAnin'we
General Election Proclamation,
W1IKHEAB, by ao aolaf tbe Qrneral Aisom
My of Iht Cyraoi on wealth of Peonivlva-
nia entitled "An act to regulato tht Ouoerai
bltetlon within thti Commonwealth." It is an
joined upon the bin riffs of tho several aounties
to give public- notice of suob oleetion, tht pleoei
wn ere to Dt htid, and Uie oQtaeri to he tleotea.
TnaxroRB, I, Jiirtin J. Pin, High Sheriff
or Ulearaeld eounty, do hereby girt rub He no
tice to tbe electors of the eounty of Clearfield,
that a general election will bo he.d on tht Sno-
ohd TuaiDAi or Ocronnn naxr, (being tht lnth
day ol tbo month,) at the itvoral election die
tiicts in said county, at which time and place
tne qual.Dod rotors will vote
Por one person for Auditor Oeueral of tbu Com
mon wealth of Pennsylvania. : '
For one pur ton for Surveyor Genera) of the Cool'
mo n wealth of Pennsylvania.
For one person to rcproiont tho eountlee of Cam
bria, Clearfield, Clinton and Klk, in tbe Senate
of tbit Commonwealth.
For one Demon to represent Iho eounty of Clear'
fitdd in Ibt Uouso of Ueproaentativei of this
for two persons for the office of Associate Judge
., of l lea r held eounty.
For ono person for the ofloe of Prothonotary Ao.,
of Clearfield eounty.
For one person for the offlco of Register A Record
er, Ac. of Clearfield count v.
For one person fur tbe ofheoof Couuty Treasurer
oi uearucm ooumy.
For one person for the office of County Commis
sioner of Clearfield eounty.
For one person for the offlco of Auditor of Cleax
fiuld county.
For one person for the offioe of County Surveyor
oi uoarneia eounty.
Also, tbe electors of eaoh borough and township
will vote for one person for Aseeisor.
The electors of the eounty of Clearfield will taJte
notioe that tbe aaid general election will be held
at tne following places, visi
Boocaria towuhip, ai the tTntoa lloUl, in G!
. Urll towmhin. at the koM m( AMnh BIIim.
llluoui tow ue hip, at tho houso of the late Jamea
Bloom, Br. ,
IlojrgN township, at tho house of Edward Albert,
Bradford township, at the houae of Jacob Fierce.
!irdy township, at the house uf Wm. 8c h worn,
in ijuinersourg.
It am side township, at Younc'i school house.
Chest township, at the pubtie school bouse near
oiinon nnrsuBogll s.
Clearfield borough, at the Court House.
Covington township, at the house of J. Maurer.
Curwtjuiville borough, at tho house of tbe Late
Isaac niootn.
Decatur township, at Centre school house.
Ferguson township, at the house of John dreg
ory, formerly occupied by Thos. Robiion, (Droad
(lirard township, at Congress Hill school house,
(lot hen tuwnsliiii. at the until ic sc hool house.
Oraham township, at the bouse of Jacob II abler.
Gulieh township, at the public aubool, house, in
Huston township, at the boos of Jesse Wilson.
Jordan township, at the publie school house, in
Kartbaus township, at Rrldsn'a school bonoa.
Kaos township, at Turkey Hill school house.
Lawrence township, at the Court House, in tho
borougn oi titeameid.
Lumler City borough, at the pnblie school bouae.
Morris township, at the house formerly occupied
by Tbotuai Kylor.
How Washington borough, at tho publit school
Osceola borough, at the public house of Milo
hot i, in saiu oorougn.
Pf-nn township, at tho hotel formerly kept by
n . n. Auucrson.
Pike township, at the house of tht lata Iaaas
Bloom, in the borough of Curwensville.
Union township, at the house of I). K. Brubaker.
Woodward township, at the houso of Thomas
AN ACT regulating tho mode of voting at all
elections in the several counties of this Com
monwealth, approrod the 30th day of March, A.
tJ.t J900, VIII
BsTTiowl. Ri ft mattti hr the Rtnale and
House of Representatives of the Common wealth of
rennijirunia tn Utneral xuit, and it is
hereby enacted by anlhorit v of the same. Thai the
-qua! i fird voters of the several counties of this
Commanwoalth, at all general, township, borough
and 'pedal elect ions, ara hereby, hereafter author
lird and required to vote, by tickets. priuU-d, or
written, or partly printed and partly written, aev-
erally clMMfied as Mlows : One ticket s'-iill em-
bract the names of all iu Tree of courts voted for.
and to be labelled, outside, "Jodteiaryi" odk oket
shall embrace tho names of tho state officers voted j
for, and be labelled, "state;" one ticket shall em
brace tbe ntmre of al eounty officers voted for,
including office of eeuntor, member, and members
of assembly, if voted for, and members of Cengresi,
if voted for, and be libelled, "eounty r" one tirket
Ml a imbrtM fi ukim mt t tuwuvhip ta-
vot4 for, and be labelled, Mtewnbin i" one tick
et shall embrace the names of alt borough officers
voted fr. and bo labelled. 'boroogh :" and each
vinse snail WWpMitJ U epparmU ballot boieo.
I also make known the following act approved
the Id day ot June, 1071. entitled "An act to an
fborise a popular vote upon the question of eslling
a convention to amend the Constitution of Penn
sylvania." Skc. I. Be It enacted, Ac, That the question
of calling n convention to amend the Constitution
of this Commonwealth, be submitted tn a vote of
tbe people, at tbe general election to be hold on
tbe second Tuesday of October next, the said
question to be voted for In manner following, to
witi In count in and eiliei in which slip ticket
voting ii authorised by law, votea for and againtt
a contention may be ox pressed and girea upon
tbe ticket, beaded or endorsed with tbe word
"State," and not otherwise, and tbo words need
shall be "constitutional convention," and under
neath "for a convention" or "against a conven
tion tM and in counties and districts In which slip
ticket voting shall not bo authorised by law, each
elector votiog upon aaid question shall oast a sep
arate bailot endorsed oa the outside 4tconstitutional
convention," and containing on the Inside the
Wonts "for a convention or "against a conven
tion t" and all rotri oast at aforesaid shall he re
ceived, counted and returned by the proper elec
tion Qmocri and return juages as rotes tor Oover
nor are receive, eountcd and returned under ex
isting laws.
Notice ia further liereby given, Thnt
all persons except Jus'ieci of tho Peace, who
shall hold an office or appointment of trust under
the government of the United States, or of tail
State, cr of any incorporated district, whether a
commit'ioned officer or otherwise, a subordinate
o filter or agent, who Is or shall be employed un
der tht Legislative, Executive or Judicial de
partments of this State or of the United States,
or any city or incorporated diitrlot, and also
that every member of Congress, or of tht Stato
Legislature, or of tht common or select enuneil
of any city, or commissioner of any Incorporated
district, aro by law Incapable of holding or
demising, at the tame time, tho office or ap
pointment of Judge, Inspector or Cltrk of any
election of this Commonwealth,
In east the person who ahall have received the
second highest number of votes for Inspector, shall
not attead on the day of election, thon the person
who shall have received the second highest nam
!cr of rotes forjudge at the next preceding elec
tion, shall act as inspector In bis place) and in
case the person who shall bare received the high
est number of votes for inspector ahall not attend,
the person elected Judge, shall appoint an inspec
tor in his place; and in oase the person elected
judge shall not attend, then the Inspector who re
ceived the highest number of votes, shall appoint
a Jo'lgc in his place I or if any vacancy shall onn
Unne la the board for the space of one hour after
the time fixed by law for the opening of the elec
tion, the qualified voters of the township, ward or
district for which such officer shall bare been
elected, present at the place of oleotion, shall se
lect one out of their number to fill such vacancy.
Also, that whero a Jndge, by tlekness or una
voidable accident, li unable to attend such meet
ing of Judges, then the certificate or return shall
be taken charge of by one of tht inspectors or
clerks of the election of tht district, who shall do
and perform the duties required of laid Judge un
able to attend.
Tbe Return Judges of tht respective dlftrtits
aforesaid are requested to moot at the Court
House, in tht borough of Clearfield, on the first
Kriday next after the said second Tuesday of
October, then and then to do those things
required of them by law.
UJVUN under my a sod and seal, at C'-arflcId,
I., is thirteenth day of September, ia tho
L.S. year of our Lord out thousand eif,bt
hundred and seventy-one, and of the Inde
pendence of tht United States tht ninety-fifth.
JIHT1N J. P1U, e her I IT.
dealor In
Pianos, Oiigans p.ud aIelodeons,
of an, ranujMt.rt desired.
For east . a rtohiIlg. ft ttoi LI MBER.
' H,Cj fwt of good Lanhtr wanted.
Far elnalaii and ttraa. address
R j. antEiri
ang, in Io. 41S Hill atrMl, Hnntlnjdon; fa.
J It kereh, f Wen that lettera nf administration
oa Iht tstata nf JOHN OltKK.NK, dttnind, lata
of Jordan twp., Cleart.ld aoant,, Pennsjltanla,
katln, been dnl, (rants to tht nod.rslia.d,
all parson. Indebted to .aid will sjlttja.
wtba ia.ti.disl. pajema, .not thos. katlag
tlalat or desaaads will fntni Iktnt proptrl,
aatbtalletttd lo-. attls.nt wllkoat delsr.
Mwrow, ispt, (I, WUtU A4lnliUttr.
RM.ITKH'H NOTICK. Notioe is hereby
given that tht following accounts have boon
examined and passed by me, and remain filed of
record, tn thii office for tht inspection of heirs,
legatees, creditors, and all others tn any other way
iut'iresU-d, and will bt presented to the next Or
phans' Court ol OJ arfietd county, to be held at tht
Court House, in the borough of Clearfield, com
mencing oa the 4th Monday (bting tho 25th day)
of September, A. ! 171.
Final account of Mary J. Davidson and William
Davidson, administrators of Joseph li. Davidson,
late of Boll township, deoeaed.
'Final account of H. L. Hendormn and Isaac
Bom b, administrators ef Juhn liouob, late of Bell
township, deceased.
Final account uf Joseph lUluey, administrator
of Robert II. Raiuuy, late of liurosido township,
deceased. , ,
Partial acconnf,' of .fl. V. Patched, administrator
of Porter J. Johnson, lalt of Beocaria township,
Partial account of Amos Ilublor, administrator
of Biuoa Catbcrmao, lute of Morns township,
Partial account of Isaac Kirk, Samuel Kirk and
John Russell, Executors of Jason Kirk, Into of
Lumber City, deceased. ; : '
Account of II. 11. Hurd, Executor of Ann West
fall, late of Cheat township, deceased.
Final and distribution account of C. Howe and
Joseph (Joss, executors of Ueorgo Oosi, lata of
Decatur township, deceased.
. Final account of Martin H. Luther, administra
tor of Koswell Luther, lata of Brady township,
Aooooat of Min Bloat and James M. McKoe,
administrators of Ueorge Sloss, lata of Koox
township, deceatad.
Partial aooounl of Jesse Lines and David Dress
ier, executors of Joseph Lines, late of Brady
township, decaaeed.
Account of Jacob Pea roe, executor of Jernmo
Robinson, late of Bradford township, deceased.
Raotsraa a Orriea, ) A. W. LEE,
Clearfield, Pa., HepL fi, lH71-tc Hgistor.
lllK NCW YORK Iliori
Orange vs. Green I
Everybody li awart that our "Foreign Rela
tions" have had a big time In New York lately,
but Mayor Hall and Governor Hoffman and Chief
Kelso and a lot of other fellows hare got It fixed
up, and tho Paddys have stuck the handles in
their piokt and gont to work again.
But, notwithstanding all this, the KEYSTONE
S1IOK STOKE has been re-filled with a stock of
Boots & Shoes of all descriptions,
from tht coarsest to tht finest, and from the big
gest vo mo least.
A largo stock of Ladies' Shoes, 0 ait en and
Slippers, of all styles, kinds and prices.
dent's Shoes, Boots, Gaiters. Slippers a fine
assortment. Misses' and Children's Shoes and
Waiters of nil descriptions. Boy's Boots A Shoes,
A cordial invitation Is extended to aJl to call
and examine my stock, and flatter myself that I
east please tho most, fastidious, both as to style
ana pneo
Jy Keystone Shot Store, Clearfield, Pa.
lorn arson Hi a
Proposioa; an amendment to tbt Cunstitntlon of
1 eonsjlrama.
Bt it rtorea! ft. lit Senatt (tsrf ffuttt of Htvrt.
ttmlalittt tt lit C'.nis.oMMalA o Vesaytwain ia
GtHtmt AtttmVg nrt. That the fullowing amend
ment of the Constitution of this Commonwealth
bt proposcJ to Iht pcoplt frr their tdoptlon or
rejection, porruant to the prorisiuns of tht tenth
article thereof, to wit i w
AMENDMENT. -ftrlkeoat
IheSiitb Seetlon of the Siith Article
of tbe Constitution, and insert la Ilea thereof tho
"A Stale Treasorer shall bt h tht nnall-
noa ein-Kir. oi me piair, at aucn tunes and !or such
term of terrioe as ahall bo pn-scribed bjr law."
Sptakrr of iht House of ReprmrutntiX!,.
wm. j iritiioiv
Hptakes of tht Senate.
Approrcd tht 15th day of June, Aon. Domini
on, thouaand eight hunjred and terenty-one.
Prepared and eertifled for publication pursuant
to tht Tenth Article or tht Constitution.
K. JIlllDAN,
Bccrtlarj nf Uia CommoowMtth.
Offiet Seeretary of tht Commonwealth, 1
Harrisburg, Jul? Mb, is; I. (' tlllolO
llarlug tngagod in tht Marblt business, desires
to Inform her frltnda and tbt publia that tht bat
us and will keep tonttantljr on hand a large and
well selected stock of ITALIAN' AND VERMONT
MARBLE, and is prepared ta furnish to order -TOMBSTONES,
Carbt and Pusls for Cemtlor, Lots, Window
Bills and Caps, also,
TOPS, o., Ao.
VfL-Tard oa Rcod stroet, near the R, R. Prpot,
Clcarncld, Pa.
POSE ROSADALIH aro publiskcd on
tvery package, Ihcreforo It is aof a secret
preparation, eousequtnll ,
It ta tertaln onre for Scrofula, Pvptillis
In all lis n.rros, Khenmatitm. Skin Dis
eases, Liver Complaint and all disease, of
int uioou.
wilt do mora guod than ten bottlea of tho
Syrupi of rlarsaparilla. ;
hart used Rosadalis In their practice for
Iht past thre tears, and freely endorse It
at a rellablt Alteralirt and Blood Partner.
OR. T. C. PPHH, nf Balllmort.
DR. T. J. BOY KIN, "
DR. r. 0. DANNKLLY, "
DR. i. S. 8 PA RES, of NieholMrille. Kr.
DR. 1. L. McCAHTHA, Columbia, 8. C.
DR. A. B. NOBLES, EJgeeoub, X. C.
J. B. FRENCH t SONS, Fall Rircr, Mas,.
F. W. RMITII, Jackson, Mich.
A. V. WHEKLEK, Lima, Ohio.
II. HALL, Lima. Ohio.
CRAVEN A CO., tlor.lonsvitle, Va.
8AMVELO. Mct'ADDEN, MurfresjsWo,
Our saea will not allow of anjr exlrad
ed remarks In nlallon to lh ilrtuet Oi"
Rosadalis. T( the Medical Prefeon wo
guarantee a Fluid Extract w-.i., ia
tbe, hart .vor naed In th. ire-
diseased Blood j an' .o th. - V , i
u ' . ,0 ln iHieted west
h..i.V. ' yo" 'u restored to
KosadeVit It told b, all Drngglsts
I art noinc. Address
I aVqn.,irl.r"ii, Vitmittt, "
- Aug. t, 1871. -I;. Bai.Tiaoat), Mo.
For sale by A. I. Rhaw, Clearfield, Pa.
Sheriff's Sale.
BT .trim nf a wrtt of Fim facias, It.
twed tat of tkt Carl of Common Pleaa of
I'ltarfltld county, and lo tit directed, thtr.
will bt tipattd t. PUBLIC SALE, at Uie Coarl
Htntt la Iht borough of OltarSeld, aa Wrriaer
day, tht Jrth day of Rapt., 1811, at 1 .'clock,
p.m., tht following Real Eslata, to wit i
That certain pita, of land tllaalt In Boll town,
ship, Clearfield eounty Pa., hounded on tbe
by Ibt gusqu.haena rlrer, an tht west by Thorp,
on Iht north by Horalitmh aad MoCrak.n, and
oa tbt taat by lurid Bi ll's land i containing
about U aorta, mora ar Iris. Stittd, taken Iu
titcatlo. and lo bt told at tht property of Lewis
jr-Rldiltn will lak. Botlct thtl II per
qt. f Iht parrhaa. winaty must bt paid wbtn
Iht properly I, kaotktd down, or II will bt put
p agala for ttlt. JUhTM J. PIE,
Saaairr'a Orrtra, I Sheriff.
Cltarteld, Fa., left S, 1ITI.
VI .... a .
iL'sinit tor al.
asai- UsSTATE
AT l-fBLro BALK !
H rlrtn. of an Aot of A ..rablr
J.I da, of JB,, A. 1). I7I, Z J tVK,K
eloek. d. in . tho rlla;n. a . '!.
lvighty Acres of Land
alKiut 2. a.r. :i,..,j .iT.M.ol,.
aul tthtr imiiruvements thereon. AU,"'"
. .irono.-, n,,,
On. AUfl Mtlurilif anil no.. I l .
Jr.. a baunar on said tnnBl,i. , u-- . flc'
TEIlMS.-Oi,,lr.l ..k
salt, and balanee on tht 1st of J,
Ilr. .l t,. k. I k. 1 . ,J, ,
thm (irt-tnlu... llbu
.-. A, n... r. "1 "l" :Aftl .
' '"wira
vaiuame Keal Estate
Thi saWriber offer's for sale his proMrl,
Cle.rO.ld . W. i.-i.T. I... !! i r. i
iront nn Msrksl H at. j ,
uouoie n anb i
., .u...umi IVUI lrsT lYinma A..
stairs and a s mtmii hi .
. . . n a wsaii m ii II aire, tirl asn.
- r i a nuu and all otbw
ouujuiidinsi erected tberoon. Thni WT. Vt
goou water on me preinisrs.
atTtyFor terms and conditions ti. a
urumiNi, ur 10 srana noon, at the Blwrt She.
mil uwr w jiiirer m rowtii itore, Hit
jyll Clcftrfield, Clearfield Co , PL
Timber and Coal Lnnds
The following tracts of Timber and Coal Lv.J,
" wu.v., iui Hiii un. ir-i oi I, ,0110 ,er
Ijing on the Elk Hirer, in Webster eountr i tarn
tracts lying on tbt tame river in Braxton eouoti
Iwo of 5,0(10 acres each and ont of 1,000 term'
and one tract containing 9,300 acres, Irins on the
Uaulr, Rirer, in Nicholas eounty. Thetitles u
tbet4 lands ara uerfect.
Any information concerning these Isndtran U
hut li, 11 Q ri L'.i . t
J w. ' I I.1J .1 D,
March il, 1871-tf. Pbilipsbarg. Pa:
Th. k..t Ann.lilnliul mnat ,'.-...).- .HJ .
, n , , 'i bucvcH-
ftll in.tlttttinM In tUrn I'nt1-A ... ,U. .1...
onrh, practical education, of young and middle
d mm. saaT'E1,,. l.r
oonuining full nartianUrs, address ,
4. j. r.uii u, a. as , frlneipal.
roa atAc avs rami. a rcriLi.
Attractirtlr situated in a healthful and beaml.
fol region, one-fourth of a mile from Pcnnsrlraeis
Railroad. Four rrrnlar aratluatrs. aa.iited h
other oompetent instructors, tonstitutt tbe corps
of instruction. Tht Prinoipal (for many yean
in thargo of Tosoarora Aoademy, and since ts4
tbt head nf this institution,) refers to bis numer
ous pupils in all tbe learned professions sod la
every department of bneincM. Taaaa: I2(KI per
annum. Music aud Painting specialties. Fall
session will commence September 1st, 1871.
ii S, 3ia A. J. PATTERSON, A. M.
mss h. s. swm's
niMrtrTrTT. i
TUB FALL TKKM of fuurtoen weeks, wlU
commenoa Monday, Sept. 4th, 1871.
Reading, Orthography, Writing.OlJect Let-
sons, primary Aritbmetio and rrimary
Oeorranfay. $7 l
History, Local and descriptive Geography
with Map U rawing, U ram mar, aleutal
and Written Aritbmetio f 0
Algebra and the Sciences 11 Ot
Instruction In Instrumental musle 10 Ot
Oil painting, 24 lessons,.... ..... IS 00
wax work e 00
For full particulars send fur Circular.
Clearfield, Sept, 7, 1870-lypd.
A Male aud Female Classical High School.
Each Department Separate. Distinct and
Complete in itaelf.
TUB scholastic year of this Institution is divi
ded into two sefieiuns of five months (twenty
one weeks) each. Tbo first session commences on
the first Monday in September; the second, on tbe
Drst slonday In rebruary,
Tbe course af inMrnation emhraoes tvery thing
necessary to a thorough, practical and accomplish '
ed education of Loth sexes.
Fuiitls will be admitted at any time and charged
from date of entrance to tbe close of tbe seseioov
No deduction will be made for absence, exocvf
in eases of extreme and protracted illness.
Btadeuti from a distance can be accommodated
with board at low rates.
For particulars, send for circulars, or address
Rev. P. L. UA11RISOX, A. M.,
July 54, 1371. tf. Principal.
G. W. INNES, A. M,, Principal.
THE FIRST SESSION of this inslilnllon will
aommenoc on Momlsy, tha 16th day of Msy
next. (Term, Art month's.)
Pupils may enter at any time, and will bt
eharged tuition from Iht timt tbey enter until tht
eloet of tht tession. Tbt court, of Instruction
will em bract all branthea luclnded in a thorough
practical education for both sexes.
nonl aiusto laujrbt whan Ue.ireil.
Good boarding can be obtained at
Parents can be assured that tha ability and
anergics of tht Principal will bt devoted to lb.
mental aad moral training cf those placed nndcr
bis charge
fewV Terms of Tuition will bt moderate ani,
ean be asocrtnined by addressing Dr. J. lansa, at
New Washington, or tho Principal, (1. W. laaes,
at Appollo, Armstrong connty, pa., bt who wilV,
btat New Washington after April 1st,
New Washington, March il, 1811 -If,
I'learUcdd, INu
Th. andersigntd baa takes th. abort named
hottl, and rotpocimity aolioita a shart of patron
agt. ltsoloso nroaimityt. the Depot, make, this
boase a desirable stopping plaot for the traveling
P"1'''"- (Jyii ;i) 8. 0. ROW. '
"'.aritLB CotWTT, Ptaa'i.
TW '.ong tstalillrhcd and popular hottl It still
V ly tbt tuliscriber, who Saret no effort to
pices, all who patronise bim. "To please," is Iho
motlo al tha American House, and all that is asked
is a trial. K. W. R KED, Proprietor.
Carwcnsvillt, March li, 1B7I tL
Y i MTR A Y -Came tresspassing on lb. premise!
1 J of tha snbscritirr In township
about tbt middlt tf last May, a light BRINIILH
BULU about ons year ol.L Tho owner Is hereby
nolifled to come forward, pmra property, psy
charges and take him away, or he will bt disposed
of according to law.
Sept ,-St. JOHN McLAt'tllll.IN.
Ara yo la need of . good set of Harness
Ara yon In need nf a good Saddla or Bridle'
Ir tn. call at tht Saddle and Harness Shop of
Joan V. llAawira, where yon eta get th. best In
the market. Double and Single Harness and La
dies'aad tlent't Saddles of suptrior workman'Mp,
always an hand or mannfaotared to ordsr. Spc
cial attention ia sailed to my atook of Collars and
Hamea, which ,vra tha Iwst in att, J alst hart in
assortment of Stddlert' Htrtlnart. which will ba
di.poaed ol at ratsonaldt ratcl. P.rpairlag af ill
kinds promptly itttnaVd to. rfjuDon't lorgel to
oall belore purehasiag tlsewhtra. thop 1. tlra
ham's Row, Market atraet, Clearlttd, Pa.
MayS, 1871 ly. JOHN C. II A RW ICR.
J ('eraint, for Sale by