THE REPUBLICAN. 55 CLKAKFIELD, PA " wniNKHDAY MOKNINO. 8..PT. , W1. Terms of Subscription. , Tf jiaH 'n sdvsnro.or within Ihrru months fit If lul l after three and lie fore months,..,. 2 oO ir J.Qi i aftor the expiration of six montliB ... 3 00 frAD articles to Injure Insertion in this pali.r should bo bunded In early on Tuesday Bi.lrninir. to 1,rB" 13 o'oloflk. (noon.) MctliuilM Itlroral i'Iu.rci.--Rev. J. Tl. VTotir.. I'js.ot. Public Borvlco every Pahbath, ,t n A.M., nnd U P.M. ' t (tnhhath School nt 0 A. M. ' 1 Pnvrr Meeting every Thitrsiluv, st 71 P. M. Conitiiiinlm rM-rvb'c, first Sabbath of every 1! A. M. M, AikIitw'h ('hurrlirpl-f opnU-nry. flponcH Mali.. Publio Kcrvlee Sunday morning ki ill o'- l'Kk, and it 7 P. M. tMindtty Sihool at j p, M.-Prayer Meeting Wodnosduy ovontng Ircyterin.u Ctuirrti Ut. Mr. TUitT.rn. PuWie (ScWleo every Sabbath, morning and ovon- n jf. Ha ill -it Cluirrh Rov. W. B. Fkimnkb, Pas tor. 1'uMie services every Sabbath, inorniifg or efflinj. nlternntp.Y. M. I"ranrl.' C'lmrrli C'ntliollr Rot. T. J, Mi Ma) . Mns r 10 o'clock A. M., on the seVend and fourth Pundays of each month. Moke Coming. Sheriff Pio bad two mniilrt" added to bin Interesting fnmily last week. Tuo ftmiish horsethlof atid tbo everlasting Treoy. s n Our Schools. Wo unilcrHiand tlint the Hoard of lireetnre have made arrangement to open the public schools of this borough oft the BJih uf ffeptemtver. Aiirau. Mr. ilonry UarUfult, Sr., f lira-ly towttMhip, EhtbitMl U a talk! f oat 6 feet 3 inches high, raised on hit farm near lu thorsburg. Who next f .' .'. , , ,. (, Another IIobbk Stolen. -It will be noticed by an advertisement In thU issue that Mr. SlehatTey had a fine home stolen tnm htm on tbo night of the 29th, and he offers $100 reward fur Iho horse and thief, or fifty fur eitbor. Feels his Oats. The Lowistown VemoeMtt&ji: Samuel Anrand, Esq., of Derry township, last week threshed 66 bushels of clean Norway oats, weighing 32 pound, strong, to the bushel, at tho product of a single bushel, tahith he towed taut spring. ' ' ' 1 '' . " -1 ... i. . n 4 m -- ' r List of lottorn ri'muinin unclaimed in the Poatcfflec at Clrarilcld, for tlte wt'dt ending Priitfinber 4th, 171 : ('row Icy. Ptivil. Rnulhwortb, Harry ' (late. Mr. ( llntcher.)'' Thuxton, Miw Mary, Ilollinpuworth Wm.-4 ThompMnrMikiAnu)e. Irvin. Mr. Mary. Webb, C. .Tnmen, Richard. Wallnoe, Samuel A. M'Onne and Trwin. Whippo, Mri.Sarah. "Meraatey, Wm. ' Watera, E. J. MrUrnT, Daniel. Winter, R. UeileyMra. Charlei. P. A. OATUN, P. M. RoBiiKny. The VhUipsburg Journal say&: Mr. Juiqth Btrausa, of thia lacet well Jtoown throughout thin and Clearfield county i a peddler of Bilwellaneoui good, wa robbed ou Punday night, the 13th ult., at Blooraington, Clear fluid eounty. He had left bii wagon In charge of John I. Bloom and como to thii place on buelnefii, who no me inipccunious knave bruit o open hie strong box, containing elothing, AeH andabetraot ed a aooiidernble amount of elothing and all hie hat, together with many article of more or lew value. There ir- no oluo to the thief, and to Ftrauni ii obliged to pocket bii Ion. That's So. Somebody whose head if preeminently 'level" on the matter at iaeoe, dis coumen at fnllowi: AThe plcaimnt weather ha put the itinerant nottrum venden on tho move. It I somewhat astonishing that people will persist in piitrooisiog theie adventuron, when we have reli able stores, where genuine good can be bonghtof our own citlzeni who pay rent and taxcv, and are tbni angling io.bnilding tip and adrancingthe Rrnrral prosperity. Kvery dollar spent with these por!liatU U. mi .ak mmmf 4mWn from our midst to the detriment of our storekeep ers. We advise our eitixctii to patruniac our town business people, and let these eandte right and coal oil peddlers 'alone severely,' " m " ,' Tay Your Taxes. The County Cumroissi oners met at their offUe on MonUy, and passed a resolution authorizing the County Treas urer to allow an abatement of five per eoot. on all County and Htate taxes paid during the month of Septembor. This will cover Court week, and those who reside at a distance from tho Court House and up to the present have neglected to pay their taxes,) ean tend the amount with a neighbor If thpy are not coming to town them selves. All should bear In mind that after tbo 1st of October no a'-atcincnt wiH he allowed, but the Duplicates will he handod to the Constables and five percent added thus compelling delinquents to pay ten i cent, on their tax bills. Hak Baix Match. Last Friday being the day agreed upon for tho return game between the Cbineks, of this place, nnd the Hicko ry s, of KyVrtown, tho Cbineks put in an appear ance at pbuje at 8 o'clock a. v., and after taking an elegant HI o'aloek breakfast atthe'For est City Hotel," tbe boys repaired to tbe ground, with the following result ; ,l ; o. a. HimoHYt. Brenner, 4 b HolUiubai-b, 1 b.. HolioiDovor, Cook, e. f 11. Merrill, a. a...... Snvder, p.,r H. MerrilL a f J. P.Johusun,l b- 2 C. Jubn um, r. f,.. I 11 y A lurna, e 4 Walters, p I Wallace, s. 6 Howe, I. f 6 MTim, Xh 4 Mitnre, c. f. S (irahoin, 2 b S Innings 1 Cliin.k 10 12 HicWv 1 JI liradxhaw, 1. f Davis, 2 b . 3 4 10 18 J 12 5 fi 1 0 4 0 2 017 l inpire L. A. Sbearcr. of Kun ka club. Hoor- I, Park, Cbimdc, A. L. Miounover, Hickory i's eanitlil Climeks, It; Hickory. 9. Tii iiinf Kame 3 hours. ISearlt an Khcapk. About three wVlock on Tuesday moMiiug the watchman at tbe Prison came to tbe conclusion that there was a little more noise in the lower nortb-west room lb rail usually make, and likening attentively, was f atiVJ that some one was at work. Ho called t:he rMinriffaaJ.JAtUv u bis li, nil upon trying to unlock the door found iho itey bole plugged, imt after some difficulty got tbe door open and found the hobbles sawed off Lytic, Johnson and De Witt, who were hard at work. They bad torn a flue down and attacked the wall of tho Win J'uilJiog, and In about ouo half hour m:c they would hu-.-e bad a hole in lDfl wall largo enough to ruo a Wheel barrow through. Their visible tools were throe Iron spikes one entirely new and about fiirht inches long. The horse thief, Bird, was tho only one whose hobbles were not cut. As ho had l"rn In only a few days he no doubt expected to Knltr the sbaokles with him. These fellows seem dt Urminud U brmk out hoforo Court, and we hall be very mirh mistaken if thoy do not suo cwd. j Sonnet, Money. It io noticed I'y ana.lrcrlincincnt in Ihla liuue that Hie rVhonl llrd of I.awrcneo Independent Pchool lli.trlcl ililind to apply, at Srplrinher term or Court, for anlhorlty to borrow tl,;,ll(l, under Iho following Act of ArevniMy, approved tho 2lt ilay of April, A. 1. 1B71, wl.ich we polillnh Tor the Information of Fchool IHrreinr, ,rt upaverni " """-'"f, ifc, Thai the aevernl CourU of 1 onnnon Wvhn ,hi, c0mmoiiwcllh ohnll hare '"cr anlhnriie Hie frhiml Dirrotora of any 'iKlriet wilhin thilr reipoclire Jiirtedielloii", I" wrow money ff Ih.pnrpn.. f '.rectinr avhool 'in.", to m amonnt nni exeeeding flre per cent mu 'I1'"" the la.l preei.lmg adiufted trl ennial ralna i"n of he properly of e'niil .ehool didrioti and j ie eai.l no,,,, ,, ,),.crr, that ench moneya eliall Tait,-,! ,y l,on(l, rnorlgecee or lilll.r .oeurity, e aiT rate not exeeiiliiig eight per eenluiu, free 1,11 lialion. and relml.ureolile at any period I '""''"linn Iw.-nlv-Toar" frin Iho dale of meh leereej PnriJcct, That before eereiflnK )ilri ". ",'"n f Hie potition of the board of Hebo-I lll w a ninjorltr thereof for m-h decree, the "l board ehall pro'ilnee lo the court the eonecnl, -.ning, or a maiorltr in number or tne iiiau '"'I eleetora of mch dii'trlet I Am prcriilrd for no such decree ehnll be made until no ' 'f or arverlicmetit. in two paper, of .aid enun- - il n ineny .lull Ih, therein piilillnlinl ahatl ,lw ' 1 "0 :h ni I v Hie cokI board of dlreelore, l i, a.i ,ir e, k. i,l Mieir llltrlltioa to k pplicallon for imk decree, LETTER FROM KNOX TOWNSHIP. I ,v- 1 ' NfflfMit.tmiiT, Angust 24lh, tin. Kniroai I takeploasurein sending to yon the report of a piii whiob look pluee In a bau Ulnl grovo nenr tbl place, "ft the 22d talU This picnio has born quite dillurent rrom any it has ever bwn my ptiilega to attend. Dul a Tery short time It wns announced that Miss Itutler of Philadelphia, who Is now stopping t this ptnoe, woald girt a public pinnie,aud Ibalall well disposed persons, should consider theiuaelvct ita vitnd to attend. Aocordini;ly, on the morning in dicated, quite a resprciablu ouncourse of people had assembled to participate. Among tho num ber were persons of almost til professions, sm h as mini Mere of the goxpel, legal Waehert, mer ohnnts, furtnrnnd mechanic. Themnrning was t pleasant one., and all present seemed full of Ufa, The first Id ordor was a wadding .1, F. Williams, Kq., and Mii liiirio Glenn, by .Rv. rSkinnor. MukIc by It, It. Curry and Mist Ross, assinted by the ohoirof Curwensvillo. Mucbondit is due the choir for tho good muaioj it was roally ploarunt to alt in the vordunt shady wooils and listen, at it was served to us. But I must not forgot to tell you of tho dinner. 1 I dare not attempt to describe onc teitth pnrt of the goodies it would consume too much timo and space. Huffloe it to tay that no bettor was ever gotten up anywhere in the county, cnd you mny rest assured tlmt amide Jus tice was dune I by all. After dinner tddrcssva wepo delivered by lUv( Vtnskyoe, Thompson, Pklnncr, nnd othcri. The rem'ning fart of the day was consumed by nil kinds of g.iuui tnd plays. Many remained In thn grove until the tree fre and crickets began their musle, tftor which all re tired to their homes, but not without thanking Miss Butler, our hostess, for her kindness to all. May she live to, ret urn to us again next year, is the desire of alb I believe there were no printers or editors present, but I know it would havo done your soul good had you been there. In Limbo.- That Bird, alias Bar ber, of a horse-thief, who fell Into the bands of Messrs. Rclohart and Cowdrick, for stealing the former's horses, was safely lodged In Fort Pie on Thursday night.. It is evident the raecal poHoeses a largo, amount of daro-devil pluck, because he jumped off tho train on Tuesday night near the mouth of the Siuncuahoning. He hail obtained leave to entor the water-closet, and on coming out grabbed tbn wr door, rushed out, aud jumped off. And that, too, while the train was running at full speed, Mr. Reich art bad the train atop pod e soon as possible, and slur tod bauk, supposing bis Bird dead. Having obtained a lantern from a watchman near where bo supposed the thief jump ed off, ho eoinraouaed his oeuroh,and at the foot of ou embankment twenty-five feet high he found bat No. 2 and loino blood. Alter acarubing for tome time Mr. Rcichurt came to the eonolaaion that his "tfmf bad flown." He, however, with a few oth ers, took to tbe woods la different directions, and wheu daylight came found he was en the right track; the fellow baring robbed a spring-bouse in tbe lower end of Karthaus township, and was finally arrested that afternoon near Dr. Potter's store, almost twelva mites from where ho jumped off, where be bad bought a bat, Mr, Reich art being near his log camp on Moulto Creek, took bis man thither and remained over Wednesday night, and on Thursday morning took him to the railroad at tJnow Phoe and landed at tbU plane the me evening. To still further establish thcplnck of this fiirtl, it it only necessary to state that Dr. Buyer, the prison physician, when called In to drcas the prisoner's wounds, made the discovery that the fellow bad two bullet holes la bis thigh, and on being interrogated upon this point confess ed that he heard three shots at the end of the lane, felt two pricks In his thigh, and board a bullet whiz by him. Further examination developed the fact that the three shots fired at htm took effeet--two in tbe thigh and one through his coal. Just above the hip. It It evident from the wounds in flicted that Reichart, If not a "dead shot," shoots mi jilt 'y close in the dark. Bird, when aaked what he thought when the shots came so close and fast, replied that he thought It wot getting d J hot for such a wet night and io little light on the subject. : IbEiBEN Winblow, Ehq. Among the killed in the aocident on the P. A E. road on Sat urday last Is reported the name of "Reuben Win slow, of Lock Haven.1 It this is the old gentle man of that name and we know of no other-1- great and useful man has been suddenly takmoff. Mr. Winslow was a native of Massachusetts, but at a very early day nettled In Clearfield county. Wbor Pennsylvania commenced hor internal im provement he engaged In their construction and built eeveral sections of the old State mad from Philadelphia to Columbia. Afterwards he returned t Clrfield, now Klk county, on the Plnne maho ning, where he owned a large body of valuable tiiii bur laud, and entered largely into the lumber trade, Tbe town of BenneaoU is entirely indebted to him for its existence. Years ago he projected road up the S to ncui ah oiling to roach the Western trade. The low grade road now being built from tbe mouth of the Driftwood, up Bennett's Branch, via Sandy and Red Dank to the Allegheny, Is bio route, and he was most auxioui for ita completion. lie was a man of a high order of talenta, of in domitable energy, upright, honorable, high-minded and generous. His loss will bo severely felt. Aitoona San. Settled. The Venango spectator fays: Tho last scene in iho UcnnmglMiff rohbery oom was enacted at Moadville last week, in an ac tion brought by W. (Jreen to recover his portion of the reword which was offered by Jos. Bonn Log buff to W. Orooo, folomon Kepler aud Conrad Wogafarth, of Crawford enonty, and Robert Hague, Chief of Police of Pittsburgh, to proenre the arrest aud sufficient evidence to couvict those who were engaged in tho "Benninghoff robbery In IHftS." Plaintiff alleged the contract to be $0,000 for each robber, and 4 per cent, on all properly and money recovered. Defendant alleged it to be $3,000 and 10 per cent. After spending all day getting about half way through with the evidence, defendant offered to pay tE,Gu0, toguther with all onurt oosls, for the tettlcment uf all suits pending or to be commenced, and tbo offer wal taken. SadOcci'Ihifnce. We are informed of a very sad occur rrnne near Rear Clap, In Plia nt kin township, on Friday tveuing last. Mr. William Bmith was engaged in digging a woill on bis place, and, U Is said, went down Into It after sapper. After ho had bocn down some time his wife, not bearing anything of him, went to the mouth of the excavation only to find her husband prostrated at the bottom. Hbc immediately seised the bucket which had been used in the digging. and told her oldest boy to hold the rope while she descended. When about half way down she fell out. The boy an for help, but when the neigh burs got there both father and mother were dead, It Is supposed the father died from suffocation and that the foul air orccame htm. Mrs. Smith s supposed to have died from the effects of tbo, full. They leave fonr small phildmn, tho youngest of which is only six months old. Ssmlitry iHmoernU Goorjo FiUfcrl(l, of Fnrminfjton townibip. Clarion county, wal arreted laat Veek for rtealing a horio and buggy from Bradford' li.ery liable, Tidloute, In laat May. II. had traded the hone I" 11. A. T. I.ootnln, ef Clarion, and Mr. Loomii laat week diieovcrid by handbilla that the horpe had been Molen. IIeconrtk l.'CTKD. Wo nolico tlml Moearr. Miller k Powell are returning to tboir old quarter, in Orabam'l tbree-itory brick, fully re oonitrueted, and havo a full aupply of now gooda. Krvrvlhingbeinji new, neat, eltan afid cheap, they are having a great run. We arc reouented to aay tlmt a meeting of tlime who drain will bo lie Id In tho ilegiiter'l Offleo, on Monday evening, Bcpiemlwr lllh, al T o'clock, for the purpose of orjrnoliing a Pavingi and lluililing Aarooiation, lly order of tbe Petlilonrrf. - R. C. Iirown, EHq .of Lotk Ilnvcn one of tho viutima of the recent dira.ler on the 1 t H. R. II. near Wealport, wa Wnnhipfiil Maaler of La Fayette Lodge, No 1M( A. l . M. Lock Ilnvcn i" to liavo a shoo facto ry with a capital itock of f:itl,linO. The Count. In.lllole for 1T1, will ootrVene on the a: d of October. IJIarrlfd. At Clearfiel.L on Angn.t tlat, Id71, by Wa romen, Er, , Mr. IIOIIERT C WALLACE to Ml. a ALK'K MrMI'LLKN both of Cheat Uiwu lltip, Clearfield ooanly. jpiffl. In Lawrenoo fc.wnnhip, on Augiiat 2lh, 1H71, MAHY I", wife of William Mahmiail, agrd 20 yeari, I moplb, and diyi, -.- I Watson always has on band a good itock of the flnost brandi of Tolonoi and Aegari. - Farmcra and all others who like to have their cows In good condition and glvo lots of milk, should by all means try a feW pipers of Bbaw's Celebrated Condition Powders. Fa i ii t Oacitn.a. ThojQ;itboll Ooag-cgutloa of Osceola will open thefr fair on (he I (lib, and close It about tho 30th of September, l'rocoeds to bo npplled to pay off debt an lViest'i houao. iep6-2t K. O'IIraniuah, Paatur. It Is astonishing to sen tho great number of teams passing through our town, loaded with Dry Goods, tlrooerics, Roots and 6 hoes, Provisions, 4o.f marked "Arnold A Hartshorn, Curwensville." Our renders will notice by their advertising col umn that they claim to sell ekenptr than the cAeajsf. i ' i . --. ' , i , I- s i i . , . h , Mian Swah'i Sciiool.-Wo again call the alien tioa of parents and guardians to this cxoellont school for girls, looatvd In our midst, Just where parents can oversee both teacher and child if nec essary. This is far preferable to sanding them to a foreign Institution, where no better educational facilities are offered than at home. For terms, Ac, see advertisement, Cmuovielu AcAntxr. This Institution1 Was opened on Monday last for the winter session, un der the direction of Rev P. L. Harrison, PrineU pal. Tbe eorps of teachers is complete, embracing some of tho most accomplished and intelligent of tha country. Mia Pindlo, who hat ehargo of the musical department, Is a young lady whoae edu cation lathis solenoa Is thorough and eomplcte, and as a toaeher of music will be found fully com petent to discharge the duties of hor position sat isfactorily. M Me Alpine, who presides ovor the fnney dipartment, comprising painting In oil, pearl, or oriental painting, monochromatic paint ing, dran log In pencil nd ciutu!ug, fancy hair work, Ac, has spared no pains or expenso to com plete hor education, having altvudcd some of the best schools In this country and in Europe, and spouks a numW of the tanguages fluently. In short, (bis institution 1 under the omtroi of as good teat' hers as can bo ftund in any similar institution anywhere. Persons sending their children here may rest assured that they ean get a thorough knowledge of M the higher branches of education, without (be risk of acquiring many of the evil habits and practices so common In the academies and enilegea of our country. ' "I - i . For Si lb. An excellent Family Carriage, near ly new. Inquire of T. J. Rot it n, Clearfield, Pa. Horses At Ibis season are particularly liable to disease aud distempers of til kinds. Prudent horse owners will prevent this by the use of an oc casional paper of Shaw's Celcbruted Condition Powders. Pold everywhere. Crwup Lubricating Cnstnr Oil, Urhlnlng Ply- Killer rarter, sponges of all varioties and sizo. Flavoring Ktrji of a superior quality, fur sale at the Drug Sfore of Hartswick A Irwin, Koeond street. - y$,'&m Dr. P. Platto, Eclectic Physician and Burgeon, offers his services to tbe people of Clearfield and vicinity, and will bo In readiness to attend all professional calls, by day or night. Orliot on Reed street, west of tbe d'pot, Clearfield, Pa. May 31, !H7I-tf 2!M5rrttanfoMe LANK CONWTAIII.F-'H HAM. FOR sale at this office. TVTOTI JLl West Clearfield Independent ftafconl District will apply to tho Court of Common pleas at Htt. Term next for authority to borrow an amount of money, not exceeding l,MHt, under the pro? isfoni of an act of Assembly, approved the 21st day of April, A. V, A. Ill MriJKb.1, JTcShlent. Attest: O. B. Mrhrou., Hoo'y. aug.;t0:4t IN Till: OKPIIASH' COURT of Cloar flcld county, Pennsylvania. In tbe matter of the Kntate of James Curlry, rleeafed : The nnoerntgned Auiltor, appointed by the Court to adjust snd settle the accounts bftwecn tha widow of said decedeut and J. W. Potter, cnardian of the minor heirs, and to make distri bution of the assetts In the hands of said guardian, hereby gives notice that be will attend to that duty on Tuesday, the jntb flay or rept., 171, augSOiat J Ml. w. n HKiLi'.i, Auditor. WANTr.Ol Tho School Directors of Kar thaus Hcbool District want to employ four competent TKAClU'ItH fbr the coming winter term of four months, to whom reasonable wages will o paid. All applications must ! aiiird to the President or Secretary at Fnlt Lick, P. O., Pa. J. W. POT I K H, President. Jorrpo 0lT.Lll.A!t, Secretary. augC3 4t AVsTt herebv Driven that letters of administration on the estate of WILLIAM BLOOM, Sr., deceased, late of Curwensville, Clearfield countv, Penn having been duly granted to the undersigned, all persons Indebted to said srtate will please make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands win present tnom properly tutnsnttcaicu lor sottiement without ieiay. LKWI.i C. BLOOM, Curwensville, Aug. 3-lttpd. Administrator. Lawrence School Tax ! fTMIE tax payers of L.awrenoo School District 1 are hereby notified that there will be no dis count on their tax bill after the 2'.lth of ScptcmW next, and tho Hehool Treasurer will be found at the Arbitration Room, In the Court House, every Saturday, and on Court week, commencing on the Zth. Those who wish to arail themselves f tin five per eent. discount must pay up by the 2Uth. aug:w 31 l AlMUl U(JV Lhh, Treasurer. "X AMINATfOKrV-Tho artndil examina j tions of teachers, for Clearfield county, will U' he lit as follows: Rnrnsido, at Ilnrnside.tSe fltb; Osceola and Decatur, at Osceola, the 1 1 th t v ooi. ward, at Thomas Henderson's, the 12th t (litelich, at Janesville, tbe l-Hthj Beoaria, at Olrn Hope, the 14th; Jordan, at Ansouville, the lbih Knox, at New Millport, the Ifith: Lawrence and Clear field, at Clearfield, tbe 1Mb : Bogge, wt Wallaot ton, the 26th t Morris, at Kvlertuwn, the 26th tlrabam, at Orahamnton, the 27th t Bradford and Bradford Independent, at Woodland, the 2"th ; Brady,' Bloom and Union, at I.uthersburg, the ;it)lh i Karthaus, at Kartbnus briilgf, Ootober 6lh ; Covington, at Mulonlurg, the iih Olrard, at Cougrs Hilt, the 7th, Kxaminations io com mcnee at 9 o'clock a. m, aug23 8t . UK0. W. BNYDF.R, C. S. J""" TROUtMAK, Dealer la all klndi of FURNITURE, Market Street, , One door eait Allegheny Houia, auglrVJ! CLEARFIELD, PA. J. M, STEWART, D. D.S., Oflloe over Irwin's Drug Store, Cl'RYVENSVILM'.. PA. All dental operations, either In the meehanies or open. tire brunch, promptly attended to sod sat'slaetion gunrantertl, hpccinl attention pntii to tho treatment of diseases or tho natural tectu, rums snd mouth, Irrrrularity of the teeth stio fesffully correrted. Trth etrated without nnln by the use or, ami nrtiitetui icein in-eneu of tho best material and warranted to renner sat isfaction. - april3071:ly S. FOSTER SHAW, D. D. S., Olnrc In Mifonle lluililing, J'utting of the nutuml tot th In a hcnltbv, pre fervstlrennd oxeful oenilit ion Is mndo spceisliv. liM-f nnil mliinniiti'ns common lotbo toe nib, Jhw and aisfciste pnrts, are treatoa and trre tnl with fnlr suoffss, Kinminntiims nnd ennstiltn tlons rat:r. Prices for pnrt in I nnd full sets of teeth mn. h lower thsn in IH7U. It would be well for patients from a dittnnc to let us know by mn il a fi w dnys brfnro coming to the oflico. It Is very iniportsnt thai children between tho sgs of sit nnd twolvo venrs should h;ive their teeth tnmined. lly Ann?sthasls Teeth are rrtntivod without pnin. fel-15'71 DENT AL CARD. Dit. A. M. HILLS Would aav to hla pnticnta and tbe pub lic it -in rnlly, that, having di.eolved pnrtnorliin with Iir. Hliaw. he il now joing the entire work of hia efflee himeclf, ao that petienla need wot fear lielnir put under the" of nny olhrr operator. Having oblalned a redlction of tbe patent on Ihe plule material, I am enabled to pat up teeth ntwh eheoper lhan formerly. 1 aim hove rr. Slu-k'i pelent prneeei for working rubber plnlee, which nnike a inuoh lighter, more elaallo and etrengor plate for tho lame amount ef material, and pol l.hee Ihe pinto on bole aide, rendering It much more earll v kept clean. Special allenlinn paid lo Hie preaorratloa of the natural teeth, and all work gnorantoed entirely aatlnfaeiory to patient.. jM-Offl-e at the old corner, oppoall. the Shaw Home. Office hourt from 8 to I J. a. m., and I to 0, p. m. Pnllenla from a Jiatanoe ibotlld notify me a few daya bron kand of their Intention to come. Alwaya at home, anleaa other notioe ap pear! In bole Ihe county papcra, febU'f I ATM AND C APHI II o o t n a ii tl Shoe! . ir 1 1 1 ; .., i , 1 1 ii , ii 1 1 TUB PLACE TO GET , lints & Ciw, Boots & Shoes, . . IS AT FILIERTOTS KEW STOKE! On. door aarth of ui Maionl. Building, ' CLEAHFIELD, PA. Th. i.rra.t .Lnoli of pood. Ii tbi lln. Tr brought lnlo Hi. oounty, U now opnn for th. In spection of the puBllc, lintj win so riu imw Very Lowest Cash rricei I Al.n . .ilrni,l .uorimolit of ORNT'S FUR- NISMINCI (KKins, ton.iiilnn f Blilruj, Colluri, Noukligi, ll.lnJkorcliUr., Olovel, Ubdorwoor, Ao. . i ...l -mill PUTS .nit nfLCLOTl'S. which will h dliponcd of t MtonUhln((l, low prlCM. n nrrorw nat. ui " 1 fullj lollolted. i 0-DON'T FAIL TO CAtl.- Sloro on Second St., below Murk.t, Clr(lld, Pfc 4M1 . D. R- rt'LLEBTOW. ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINAEY I ' T WOULD reipoetroll, innouno. 0 tfce oiti .... .r cmxlIltLD .nil .l-Llijr that I havooponed np In th. new Muonlo UnlloiBif, Brit door below tho Mamlon Booif, on Bocono Slroct, wlA .nllr. n.w Mock of. ".' j WATCHES, CLOCKS 4 JEWELRY, Of the l.teit itjln nd bet finlih, Sclooted with oiro. I h. an ortm.nt from .11 th. latest noreltlei In J.welrj, ult. bl. for the Holiday.. , .. , , .,.,; A Urge itock of American Watrhei from the factorial of Apploton. Tracy 4 Co., at Walt ham, Mau., and tha National Watch Coin pan J at Kl(rin, III., in from 1 to S 01. eaiei, alwiji on band and warranted, v X Thankful for your liberal patronage, I hope, by itrlct attention to builoeir, to merit a oontlunaoo. of h. aam.. - All klndi sf repairing la ray line promptly attended to. 6. I. SNYDER, December lie, tit. - - s A C K KTT & ftCIIRY VIMI, MALtna la BlILDIXG HARDWARE, Also, manufacturers of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware, i' I T' M-V I . Second Street, CLEAIIFIELII, PA. Camcntora and Ruilderf will find It to their ad vantage to examine our atook before purehaaing elaewhero. STOVES ! STOVES ! We er. now aellinr tbe celebrated TlMHS COOK and RELIANCE, the eheepeet and beat atoree In the market. Kvr itoye fully warranted. 1 ALSO, PARLOR, llEATiMI, and RAFTING STOVES! which will be told aa cheap aa any In Ihe eounty. Strict nltenllon paid ordering artlclei for par- tlea who dceire It. fir Routing, Spouting and Job work done on reiwDnabl. tcrml. Clearfield, Pa, April 12, 1871. s ELLIN" OFF AT COMTI FOR CASH! Tbe largoit itock of v F U It IV I T U It 13 ' ". .Tor offered In CLEARFIELD I At the. STEAM CABINET SHOP.comer Market aid Fifth Street!, CLEARFIELD, PA. The undirelgncd would announce to tbe public that he baa on bond and I. now nftYring chciip for oaah, the largeit itoek of Fornlture .Tor io itore In thii oounty, coniirting of Upbolitered Parlor Unite, ' ' Chamber Sella, Exten.lon Tablet, . Secretarial, Book Caiel, ' Ilcdatcadi, Spring Bedi and Mattrcitca, Lounge and Benchei, Plain A Marble Top Tnblci A Bureau!, Waahatandi, Cane Seat and Common Chain,. Rocking Chulre, Looking (Hanoi, Window Shadci, Picture Frame!, Cordi and Tocseli, Ao. II. alan manufaelurea and keriia on hand Pat ent Purine Ilcda. tho beat ever ineontcd. No fumity ahould he without them. Any kind of good not on hand oan be had on ahort notiee.- I photarering ana repairing nciuij Mwuir.. COFFINS, of all lltca, ean be bhd un a balf boura' notice, and at the lowcat prlcoi. A dedue tion of 20 per eent. made for enab. METALLIC CASKS, or Ro-wood, Walnut and Cherry CoSina, with glaei or wood topi, furniahed on fire houri notice. ; attendimoo Willi hcarae, on funeral oceaaloni, and carriogci furgiihcd when deiired Thanking tbe public for part farnri, and by trict pcreonal attention to liurlncaa, I hope to receive a eontinuano. oi ine eam - ' Remember the pla'Otbe Sleam Cabinet Shop, Corner or Miirkcl ant Fifth Strode. f it, 711y. DANIEL BENNKR. it TIM TIN! rrovrai btovebi lenivra: WAPLB & IfARTMAN Deslm to Inform the eitlsent of Oseela snd tbe pub He gennriilly, thai they hsve )ostreeetreil a large nnd splendid assortment of iStoves, Uouse h'tlrl llnrdwnre end flmmpr-d and Jnpanned Wares of all kind. Also thnt wo miinufartnre and keep eonnlnntly on hand a full assortment of Tinmen s Wares, whleh wo wilt dispone of ' either wbolosiUe or retail, to suit purnhastr. ,1 llnnftng. spooling, Itepairlng and all kinds of Job Woik done lo onler and with dixust'di Ft rift attention pal j ordering articles for pur ties dealrins! it. Consumers will find It to their advantage o norcbsse frm us. Our slock and prices will sat- clv yu that e do sell good wares ,jl prfee that please Ihe p'-Op'e. 7 Vim will find ns on tmtiri s'rfol, nearly Op posite (bo Rxcbmige Ilolel. Osocola Mills, Pa.( Mny 1, 171 -If 11 L I IUHMANi rBACTlCAt MlLLWRIGITT, ' liUTIIKRAIIflUI, PA. Agent for Iho A-nerian Pontile Tnrblne Water Wheel and Andrews A Kalhaeh Wheel. Can for nish Portable Grist Mills on short notice, Jyl2'"l H rug & $lfdlrinr. rjrt a u i. AT KIT NOVEI )i!U THE LATEST MOVE HARTSWICK & IRWIN'S -.- ; -i ,' d -i r STORK, DRUG To tbelr now building on Second Street, nearlv ri opposite tbo store of Weaver A Uetts, CLEARFIELD, PA., Where tboy will eontlnuo to aupply their old anJ a, many uuw ouatomen aa may oome, with a t-,. ' - - ruiiK imucjs! CltEMICALS!' PHARMACEUTICAL PltKPAIlATIONR. . . i-. .ii '.i: i ' .- ... (InciudUg all new remeJIfa.) , , ,.' Patent Medieinee, Painti and Oil., fllaee and Polly, School Book., Stationery, Paper, Ac; alio, a full line of Drug giita Siindrica, Hulr ' Tonic,, , ( ' (j Coimetlea, Perfururrlae, Toilet Article.. Brnehoa, Toilet ISea,l. Pocket Booke, A.., all of the beet quality. TV RE irA.S AND LIQV0TIS, for medical A aacramenta! pnrpoaci ooty. Pure While Lead, Colore of all kind', Raw and Boiled Llnniod Oil,, 1 urpen tino, Coal Oil, Peint A Varnilh ' , Bruahea, f'laroriug Extract!, Conloct'onerlea, Bird Seed, Pplee, ground and ungroand, of all kindf. SMOKERS AND C1IEWERS Will find our atoek of Chewing and Hmokina Tobacco. Imported and Do- mcatio Cigara, tinuff and Fiue-eut to b. of the Tery beat brantli in tue market. LAMPS AND CHIMNEYS, All klndi of OLASS WARE, GARDEN SEEDS, Ml'SICAL INSTRUMENTS and Mueical Trlmuiingi of erery rarlety. Ilnvine a lone experience In Ibe bnlneae, and an exten.ive and well eeloeted atoek of modloinea, wo are enabled lo fill Phyaiciana' proecrlptiona at tbe aborleat notice and on the moat reaeonalile tenua, diy and night. HARTSWICK A IRWIN. Clearfield, Pa., May 31, 1fl71-tf. " IV T. I. "For thy Stomach's Sake and thine other InfirmitioB.'! St. Paul. IIt. llOYBlTf PUR 8 WEST BRANCH BITTERS. A afe.Dure, oleesnat and health-giving Tonio 1- itrletly Tcgclable, and mannfactored from the moid pure and choice material! It not a rplrlt diiok nor eubitltute for whiaky, but a nientific compound, for tbe protection of the lyitom and the our. of diioaee, made from ehrtnloally pure iiilrita, entirely fro. from fuiil oil or other Irrita ting proportion end will not difagree or offend Ihe moet delioate itomaeh. A long prlrat. .xperi- cdcc hai ettculcd (tl ; ' ' ' Superiority over all Ordinary Remedies, No Billon at preaent offered to the public contain! ao much medicinal Tlrtue and yot ao aafe and pleaaant Jol tokoi Dei o i to euro diieano. d It will not orcale an appetite for apintuoui liquon, but will cure tho effect! of diialpation. To Increaae the Appetite, I'SK IT. To promote Dlgcallon, 1 I'SE IT. To cure Pjrpcpala, . , ,Vr?B IT. To cure Fever and Ague, I'SE IT. To eure Billloueneii, I'SK IT. , To eure Conillpatlon, USH IT. To oore Chronlo Diarrhoea, I'SK IT. Te eure fleerl-bum, I'SK IT. To eure Flatulonce, 1 I'SK IT. To euro Acid Kruotallona, I'SK IT. Tu eure Neivoui Debility, I'SK IT. T, o eure 11) doobondria, . t'SB IT. 50 cure Sallowneii of Complexion, I'SK IT. 0 eura Plmploi and Blotchee, USE IT. ;.F,or llaoeral Proatrntion of tho , Phyalcal poweri, ' ' L'BB IT, , and It will euro yoo. ' Sold everTwhore. at Sl-00 per bottle, Mann faotured etcluilTely by A. I. SUA W, Drugglrt, ' CLEARFIELD PA., " '" Who oHen liberal Inducement! to Ihe trade 1 . ' ' OotJT. IWIMf; ' '' f For Rent I rpilK nnderalgned ofTere 10 rent a DWELLING I HOI.KHand BLACKSMITH SHOP, lltnale al O.tond P. 0. In Bell lowinbip. Thii l a vory dwirnble location for Ihe hualneia. A full lot 01 .....1. ,1. .1.,... I'lpnlv nf euslom. A good wliool in the rill .go- Ad 'ircel or apply to U. L. Ilenderaon or Ihe luliaerlinr. March U-lf HENRV BRKT1I, Jr. Insure Your Property! mil ft ,,n,lr.iirn.d are nrenared 10 take any X reaaonablo Bro Hnka, In good and ndlnble eonipanlea, auch al Iho "Farmer!' Mutual,' ol York, Pa l the Andea," of Cincinnati, Ohio! the "llcrmnnla," of New York, nni umcra. naie reaaonable, and in turn of In" money will bl paid uppromptlV. IHVIft Minus. ( l.arnolii. Pa., April 11, l7l If. ( CARBOLIC PLANT PROTRCTOR for eale by jrll.ltm HARTSWICK A IRWIN. g.L K HATS Lateet Spring itylei at D, Jl. FULLF.RTON'8. IS rpilR DEMOCRATIC ALMANAC for 1n L IHr and lfUM for lale at Ike Port OSoe. I'rioe '5 eenu, Mailed t aay addren, . 5rj CJootliJ, tit. SPRING GOODSI 'i'.fJUST KfX'ElVINGI ' ! ! TKHIT CALICOKS, BPI.KNDID lOo. CALI J ouea, Delalnea, Hhirtlng Cheukl, aluitlini, I'lnlda, white Oooua, I'erenlea, Japanoeo hllka, lllaek Bilkl. Hilk Poiilloi. lllaek Alnaeal, Table Linena, Volvolwina, rjhuwla, boya' Caeailniu-el, Ac. AT 1. MILKS KRATZEK'SI HOPIKRY, BILK 0LOVKH. I1KRT PA1US Kid ftlovea, Laoo Cellar,, Hair Hwlluhea and Cliignona, llair Neta, Coraeti, lioop Bkirti, Ao. AT J. MILKS KrtATZrcit'8 1 D11KSS. TntMMINOS, StLK FIlfNOKS balin, Velvet Ilibbonl, lluttona, Ao. AT J. MILES KKATZKR'SI TRIMMED HATS, RIBBONS, .. Millinery UeoUe, Am., Ac. , . AT i. MILES KIlATZUll'Sl UNEQUALED STOCK OF LAMES' AND Children! Hhoea and Oailere, Men'. French Kip and Calf Boota, Calf and Luting Uallcri, Ae. AT J. MILES KRATZER'SI O nf.n FIRCK8 WALL PAPER oo. to X,A;L 11.00 per belt Carjioia, Floor Oil Clotha, Window Hhaiiea, beat White (Iranite Tea Ware, Ulaei Wure, Table Knirci and Forki, As. AT J. MILES KRATZElfSI CHOICE TEAS, COFFEE, AND OTHER j (irooeriea. Dried Apploa. reaeliea, t. nerriel, l'rnnea. Canned Pcachca, Toniatoei, Com, Ac S -tl-Tbe above, with an tmmenae atook of other Good., have been bought at the loweit oaeb prioea, and will be ottered at very low rutce. CCom. and examine them wheihor yon buy or not, ' 1 ' i -1 ' J. M. KRATZER. (Formerly C. Kratxer A Som.) Next door to IT. F. Biglcr A Co.'l Hardware Storo. Cleardeld, March 15, 187Mf. 1871. '1871. FOR TUB SPRING CAMPAIGN! IICI RES THAT ARE FACTS ! IiEED BROTHERS' Irj Goads, No: Ion, Trimming tjk Mllliucry jmporiuin .. i CLEARFIKLD, PENN A. The only ticlusivo Dry Goods Store In tha eounty. Study Your Interest! Buy Where You Can the Cheapest! , DRY GOODS: IIsavT and fine Brawn Muslins, Ttlenehcd Mus lins, extra wide Drown and Blenched Hheetings, Pillow Cnninsr. Tb-klnff, Ilirkorv Htrlne, Denims, Itluo lrills, Cuttonades, Cafstmrres, Flannols. I'rinta, lclnines, Pereoles, Lawns, flrenadines. llrrnartles. Hummer k. Japanese bilk, Utaek Silk, vorr good, at fl.l.t iter yard. The almre arc new, fnvh goods, and hnve only to be priced to know or their remarkable eneapness. HOSIERY: todies' nbiln and ribbed Hone, 12 W. to1.r per puir, Children's plain snd fanry Cotton Hose, tji nt's Brown and Illue Mixed Hose, Pupcrstnui and tiuDCrlino Urittiith Kesular Mrtde IIimh, llul- brifft'tin and Lisle Thread Hose. Ladies. Misses'. hildren s, flint's ami uoys inuia ause ana Lin In Tlifvai. UntKrwivrc. Lndiea. Mn's nnd Children's Berilrk Msle Thread and Hilk tllove. Children's Kid tl loves, .ndirV Kid 'Jloves. all eolors, , VI "5 and $1.00 per pair, Uent'e Kid tilovts, all Dolors, Licle Thread and Berlin U lores. '"..wil'lTK. GOQ.DSi;. Pi ?iunes, elnbe styles in Stripe, Figures. Cnrd 1 Satin Finisht-d. 20 totVm n-r.vardj Jneonels, snd Nnnsock', Victoria Lawn, M wn Mull, white snd eolored Tarletnn, Tnjo Chwks Mosquito Net, Curtain Act, 2.K40, 69 and no ocnis and a I .U" net vnrd: Tuwles and Towling, Ilrown and Dleachcd Tnble Iurnnakfl, Nanklni, (juilts, Ac. llnclich CnM-hrt hdicings, linneriiu Kmnrtud- erv. lti'tfistcred Kinbroidery, oleneia Lnoo, Not- tingbnm Lnee, Frilling, Alexandria Frilling, Hamburg Kdging, inserting, Mogte and Always Itnady 11 u filing, Hercules Urn id, Alpaea Braid, Huir Nets, lllaek and Ilrown Switehce. Chignons, Buttons of every description, oleevo Uuttons, do, FANCY GOODS: Laoo Cellars, Linen Collars and Tuffs, Tnder sleeves, ChlinWts, llun-lherchicts. Ties nnd Bows, It i boon and Millinery Uood, irimuitd lints and Foanets, aq.( Ac. . ( . . jf Buyers will please give this their at ten lion. Time and money will be saved. Remember the plnoet RKF.D BROTHERS, . myU Market street, Clearfield, Pa. Fight in Glen Hope Over I , ALL FREE AGAIN AND THH MONEY PAtOI riM.IAM S. DICKEY lakn tliil melhnd of 1 , Inliirmltiff hi. Buwienma frinndl and eua- lomere that he haa enld out hi. onlire atoek of tiUirt tlomle la Olcll llnlio In Jami l M. llirkey A Co.. and to tlitnlc bii frionda and ciirloinerr for their lilieral patronage while in huainrra in tilrn Untie, and aiki a ehara for the new (Inn, who inland keeping a nrlt-eleii Dry (loodi aad fen eral rark'ly itore. Their ilooa will eonilit in pari of Ladiea' A Otnt'l Faney Ilala, Ladiei' Iloao, from 131 to .10 eenta, l.ailira' ureal tiooda. a lull line, Nollun. of all kinda, Caaaimerea, a - -full line, Jeana and Cottoned.., Al ' " pacai and l.mtro, 40o. to $1.10 per yard, Alpaoae, boantiea, .. el 7V oenti per yard, , Ladiea' t aiK'y tlaiUra, , , , a full line, No. 1 tleitcri ett2.J4( eroo.l at, a full line of Ladiri'Mliooa, MiMci'aad Chll dren'i Flioea, I. ediea' Spring Ahawla, Cliiirnona and eilkt'urla, Perfumery and Hair Oila, Muelln and ('allro from to lie. No. I Cnlii-O, vardl fur Coiifeotionericl, full line, French and Tin Toy a. No. 1 (Ire eerira. for coiinlrv - In rot a full line of fanry and prim, (tnnda, to mit our tra.le. We Intend lelling on a ca.h or .hort credit ayrlem, Ind we know our cailomera will profit ly it. All kinm ol ooumry pninuc taken In exebnntf. for(oodi. WAXTKil No. 1 Freih Butler, 6n,0ll0 eieh leen.lneh 8lilnelee. lie onirnl, l.l" Hherp I'ella, Deef Hide" and Calf livlnl, fur which the lilgheat market prln will be paid. . ' ' Jt-Hive ui a trial before yon pnrebaae your govdo. We will ((Ir. y.,e tiarfrntna. " JANES M. HICKltV 1 CO. Olrn Hope, Pa., May 17, 187 1-4. SPECIAL AX0l.lEHEXT! ; . ? rrrir:7-- T 1IAVI5 lliia daf aiaorialed wllh me In tin I fflorenutile liuiiineaa inT brother. Robert Men and the Imrlneai will be eontifiard under tbe Arm nam. of " hkri n r or ii un n. r will eon lieu, to raak.tha Dry UHidl aad Notion buina. a, eiieciallr, and all tb. neweat fabrlei and latcat nurelllei la lb. inarkot will be kept on hand. Tbe Tlraneh Store In Curweniville will lie con tinued, whero will lie found ai ehuio. a liu. of guodi a. at our niain itore in Clearfield. Kew Fprlng (ooili will be on band about the ISthuf Marrk, Tb.bnoh aiwnHitaofWm. Tleed will I promptly and Immediately aettled. - ' . : WM. KEKD. Clearfield, Tfc, M.rcfc )TI. 5ru flood?, (Srorrirs, (6tf. I HACK IN EUBOPEt Q RE AT EXCITEME.VT FRENCHVILLEI IN The blood v oontost between Franoo and Prassls is tt an end for the present, so far ss the slsugh- trrlng of men and the destruction of property Is ennoerned. The lloyal Jugglers no doubt pride tbeinsoTves and rejoice over tbo result, but bow Irnignifloant Is their work when compared with tbo humane and christian efforts of L. M. COUDRIET, who has undertaken to supplr nil tbo eltliens In the lower end of the eounty with fond and raiment at exceeding low rates from hie tntuninoth store in MDLHOMlUttti, where he ran slways bo found ready to wait upon oallers and supply thtta with Dry Goods of nil Kinds, - Suoh as Cloths, Batinetti, Tassltncrcs, MusHns, Uclnlnes, Linen, Jirillings, Calicoes, Trimmings. Blbbons, Loec, , Roady-made Clolbinir, Hoots and Hhoes, Huts and Caps sll of tbe best material and made to order Hose, bocks, u loves, Aiitens, Lsces, llMibons,ao. GUOCKUIKH OF ALL KINDS. Coffee, Tea, Bugnr, Hire, Molasses, Fish, Salt, l'ork, Unseed Uil, rub Carbon Oil. Hsrdwsre. Quoensware, Tinware, Castings, Plows and Plow Castings, Nails, Spikes, Corn Cultiva tors, Cidor Presses, and all kinds of Axes. Perfumery, Paints, Varnish, Glass, and a genera. assortment oi otanunery, 00 OD FLOUR' Of different brands, always on hand, and will be uld at tuo lowest possible njurei. UQl'On.S, sueh as Brandy, Wiue, (Jin, Whisky, Jsync s aiedteines, iiosuttors and . IooHnod's Hitters. 6000 ommds of Wool wanted for whioh the bili-JUt (jrlee will be uij, C'lorcriocd un band and tor suit t tbe lowest market price, : Also. Agfnt for fitrattonrillt and Curwensville Thrcrhing Machines. 4-ft0alI and see for yourselves. Ton will find everything usually kept in a retail store. L. M. COUDKIET. Fronehville P. 0., March 1, 171. X. B. ABJ.0LD.. ...w. noss UABTsnuiia. "Cheaper than the Cheapest !" GOODS AT REDUCED PRICES mar laoaivin ar Arnold & Ilnrtslioni, (One door weat of Flnt National Dank,) t'l'RW ENSVII.I.E, PA. TTAVIXO Juat returned from the laat with a XX eomplet. aiiortmenl of Ooodi lultabl. for Spring and Summer trade, we ar. bow ready to furniih all kind, of Ooodi "Cheaper than the Cheapest I" And after thanking our enilomeri for their llboral patroaag. during th. put year, w. would moit reiteetfully aik for a eootlnaaoe. of th. eamo. Our Stoek enniliti of a enmp!ete auortmcnt of Dry Goodi, Notloni, Ilardwaro, Queeniwire, Willowware, Qroeeiiei, Hoot! r Sboea, Hati A Capi, Clothing, Tobaeeoi, Ao. Alio, Flour, Bacon. Bali, Fih, Grain, ate. All of whlih will be rold o. the moat reaion able termi. and tbe higbeit maiket prle. paid for Grain, Wool and all klodi of Lumber and Country Produce. etPleaie girl ui a call before parcelling eliewhere. Eatlifactlon guirantied a. to price and quality.- , ARNOLD A HARTSHORN, Corner of Main and Tkompien Etrccti, aprSO CURWENSVILLE, FA. 4. TIITIIU.., ,.w. w. urn. WEAVER & I5KTTS CLEARFIELD, TA., Are offering, at the old stand of G. L. Reed t Co., their stock of goods, eonsistlog of DRY - GOODS, GROCERIES, COOTS A 8II0EP, HATS A CAfS, '' HARDWARE, Qt'EEXSWARE, FLO UK, FEED, SALT, &c, &c, At the most reasonable, rates for CASH or in exchange for i Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, on COUNTRY rRODUCE. CfJ-Advancel made to thoae engaged In gel ling out iquare timber ou the moit adrautageoui terma. January , I !T". 1871. 1871. S PR I G GOODS! The First of the Season I The Cheapest in thia Market I BUY! BUY 1 1 BUY!!! OF KRATZER & LYTLE, Yoar Pry Goods, Yonr Orooerles, Your Hardware, Yonr Quernsware, Yonr Notions, Your rinnts k Shoes, Your Leather, Yonr Phoe Findings, Your Plour and Fish, Your Window Curtains, Your Carpets, f Your OihdDths, Your Wall Papers, Your Hats Your Caps, Your Carpet Chain, Your Stoves, Your Rncon and Feed. HALT! PALTl BALT! at wboloiale to country merchant! . . OILS, PAINTS, CLASP, le.-A liberal dli ennnt te baildere. Everything lhal you noed oaa be bad at great advantage to the t uyer, at ' ' KRATZER A I.VTLR S, Market itreel, . Cusanriixn, Tl ..oppoilte tbe Jail. County National Bank, , 01" CLKABFIKLU, TA. I i OOM In Maionie lluililing, en. doer worth of I V 0. I. ataen l Drug more. reeeaire liraei. i ... ir.. m... town, tllaagow, Lwndon, I'arii and Copenbagen. Alio. Ilrafli for laloun Ihe lloyal Bank of Ireland and Imperial Bank of London. ' JAM KB T. LKONARD, TWi. W. M. FIIAW, Caahier. Jy371 "1ALCIKKU I'l ASTKR AND IIYDRAl'UC yJ Oemeiu, for eale ay yrltl Siq HARTSWICK IRWIN. Sotrls. THE SMITH HOUSE, (Oppoiito Ihe Faiieoirnr Drpel.) tLKAHFIKI.D, PA. rilllE on.Ierilgn.d, barinn loaeed thii boaie (nr I a leriee of veara. ia ready lo eiil.italu Itran- gun and trarelora aenerally, and therefore ivlirli. aojournura to gir. him a oall. . Ilia Table will r aupilied with tbe beat tbe market affurtii, and hie liar will contain the ehoioeet of winn and liquuia. Tbe liouee, furniture, liedinnd bedding are enliiely new, whleh alwnye adde In the eoro fort of lrarelrre while the alablinc allacbed ii large and rooev, Juat aulti-d for tcautilera. Cliargca moderate. Jane:7u - H ILblAM B. lillAUl.r,i. THE ALLEGHENY HOTEL. MARKET St., CLEARFIELD, Pa. THIS largo and eommodious new hotel hat lieen opened for the scoomtnodntion ol tbo public, where too proprietor will oe gian io me, his old friends, and receive a share of public pat ronage. By strict personal attention to the de tails of his business, be hopes to be able to render satisfaction to his patrons. The TABLE will alwnvs bo bountifully supplied with tbe best that ean bo procured la tbo market, and tbe BAH wilt eontnln a full stock or MUUUKK, I), Oood stabling attached. Clearfield, Maroh S, lSCU-ly Proprietor. THE MANSION HOUSE, Corner of tteeond and Market Streets, (IJCAKIJL.IJ), PA. rpiUS old aad eommodious Hotel has. during X tho past yosr, been enlarged to double Its form or rapacity for tne enieriainrostt or stran gers and guests. Tho whole building has been refurnished, and tho proprietor will spare no pains to render bis guests eomfortablo while slaving with him. MJT Tho "Mansion House" Omnibus runs to and from tbo Depot on tho arrival and departure of eachtrsla. JOHN DQUUllKKTY, aprO 70 tf Proprietor. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, CurucukVllla, Ivor lie Id county, Pa rpiILS old and well established Hotel, bsautf X fully situated on the banks of the Susque hanna, In the borotgh of Curwensville, has been leaded for a term of years by the undersigned. It has boon entirely refitted, and is now opes to the public generally and tho travelling commu nttv in nttrtlrular. Ko natns will be snared to render guests comfortable while tarrying at this house. Ample burning room ror iue acroiuiuw dation of teams. Charges moderats. Bert. 2o, ltJIO-tf. . . , THE RAILROAD HOUSE, MAIN ST., rHIUl'SMJUn, TA. TUB .nderelgned keepa oomtantly on band the belt of Llquori. llii table li alwayi rappliedwlth the Kit the market afforda. lb. traveling puhlie will do well to glre him a rail. novl, oo. ' iji.uiar. S" HAW HOt'SI"'. Corner of Market and Front Street!, , , . Clearfield, Pa. , Thie magnificent Hotel la entirely new, eom nlete in all ita appoiutinenta, and convenient to the Court Ilouae. A free Ouinibui mm to and from the Depot on tbe errlrnl and departure of each train. . UBOKUK N. COLUUHN, April 13, 1ST0. Proprietor. WESTERN HOTEL, Opposite tho Court House, CLEARFIELD, PENN 'A. Accommodations first-class and charges moderate. ooi5 J0I1N F. YOITKG, Proprietor. M oNToun HoLun, Opposite tbeCourt House, LOCK nAVEN, l'ENN'A. JoU'Tl 1 nATSKAL A KIIOM, Prop's. DANIEL COXSELLY, Bool aitd Shoe Manufnclurcr, CLEARFIELD, 1'A. HAS just received a fine lot of French CALF bKINS. and Is now prepared to mannfae turo everything la bis line at tbo lowest figures. He will warrant his work lo be as represented. He respectfully solicits a call, at his shop oa Market street, second dcor wett of the postoffioo, where he will do sll In his power to render satis faction. Boms lino Gaiter tops on hand. mjVf-67-y DAN I KL CONNELLY. EY BOOT AU SHOE SHOT. . EDWARD MACK, Cun. MARKET 4 3d 8tb., CLEARFIELD, Pa. TTIK proprietor has tntercd Into the DOOTst 6IIOK business at the above stand, sod is determined oot to bo outdone ollbsrin qual ity or prleo fr his work, Special atteatien will be paid to manufacturing Sowed work, lie has on hand a largo lot of Erench Kip snd CalfBkins, of tho very best quality. The citi. sens of ClearDold and viciuity ore rsspootfolly Invited to civo hisu a trial. No oharge for calls. novO," 6-tf Saritarf, tTittuarr, (Etc. II.-F.. BIGLER & CO., BIILIB! I, HiKDWARE, ' Alio, Manufacturer! of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLEARFIELD, PA. LOT OF SADDLES, BRIDLES, Baraen, Collara, .to., for eal. by ii. r. mo leu a co. pALMKR'S rATJJNT UNLOAD- Ing Bay Forki.for lale by II. F. BIOI.ER 4, CO. QIL, rINT, rUTTY, GLASS, , Naili, .to., fcr Ml. by , ' " II. F. IUOI.ER & CO. jjTkn iws TRIMMINGS & SHOE Finding!, for lal. by II. F. MGLER 4 CO. Q.TJNS, riSTOLS, S WORD CANES For lale by II. F. BIG LEU ft CO. gTOVES, OF ALL SORTS AND Biiei, for lale by ii. f. nioiEn o7 JHON! IKON1 IKON I IRON I For lali by II. F. BIOLER A CO. ORSE SHOES & HORSE SHOE VAILS, for nil by II. F IHGLETi A CO. pULLKY liLOCKS, ALL SIZES And beil Manufacture, for lale by II. F. BIGLER A CO. 'TUIIMULK SKEINS AND Tim DOXES, for lale by II. F. BIGLER A CO. JODDER CUTTERS for sale by mi.HO-70 II. F. TtlQLKR A Ca . ' TUB CLEARFIELD WOOD-CHOPPERS' AXE! ' Manufactured eapeolally for TJIE CLKAKFIICLD TIiADS rot tii i T augS'ifl 11. F. BIOLKh A CO.