Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, September 06, 1871, Image 2

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W '.Vr';-','f.J .!. X' ' l-
' Dcmocratio State Ticket. .
von APiUTon tJKxrnAt., '
, 1 . or i-ufi.AncLrui'i. - ( t
.'''' ' Ton 8IIRVEV0I1 AEKKBAn, '
, ' op l.atrlTRVre: Ool'NTy.
w-A lull pod nr tlio Doranoratio 'ole Kill
aecure llio clovtion of our Stute ticket by . lariro
rliaiority. a
.Wr-I.ct every Drmnornt remember Hint, ami
'"T1"1 irum oi u upon ilia nilitdi or lii;
Doaocratio District Ticket.
WII.MAM A. VVAl.l.fl!,ofClcrfl.-l.l
" Domocratio County Ticket. '
JOHJI I.AWSHE. of Oareda. '
H1M IA.M V. l-Ol.F.v, 0f cicarlleM.
JOHN J. i: HAD, or Lawrence.
A Al)() c. TATF., or Clearfield.
AS1UKY W. I.EK. of C'learlicld. ,
All i:i. P. WII.MON. or Ilradftrd.
I'. K. COUTRIUT, or Karllinua. '
Ml AI'DTTOR: ,J ' "
' REUBEN M PIlEHKOy, ot Clcarflcl.1.
8. V. Mr( I.OSKEV. or turweiiavillr.
: Tug Harness On Thosa monitors
of Grant' cabinet who nre not yacht
ing and liorsc racing ot Long lirniicli
aro sliimiiing in Ohio, wliilo tho gov
ernmental nffairs nro in tlio hands of
tho ''boys."
Removed. Gov. Geary has rcmov.
cd James M. AlcClnro, Esq.; Deputy
Attorney General, nnd appointed in
his stead Col. James Star. Mr. Mo.
Cluro is tho gentlom.-in wliocxposod
tho $3fi5,00D Evans robbory, and ro
moval from office is tho bo ro
coivos for informing tho tax payers of
mo lornmonvroaitli where soma of
their money goes.
Wonderful. Tho llurrisburg Tel
njrnph, romnrknblo ns it may bo, ad
inits that if tlto Evan, robbery receives
n proper investigation at tho hiiiidd of
tho Stuto authorities, officers high in
tho affections of llio War and Treas
ury Department will find lliemsclvn
involved. . Wo have no doubt but that
tho editor knows all about it, and rich
- developments may ho looltod for.
Small Favors, io. Tlio editor of
tho Journal is highly pleased over "a
racy letter," which ho copied from
Pomcroy'ig Democrat lad week. Like
n hungry ( buzzard, ho ii ready for
uny oflull. Will bo mo one bo good
enough to inform him of tho $uC0,O0y
Evans defalcation at Uarrisbnrg, so
that ho may have something substan
tial wherewith to replenish hfs deli
cato stomach.
Radical Strategy. Gov. Geary
has dismissed tho deputy Attorney.
Goncrul for exposing tho 8;iG5,000
Slate robbery, but the robber is still
at large, as well as tho Governor. Ii
tho courts rhould happon to adopt
Grant anil Geary's code, Sheriffs and
other police- olliccrs bad better let
borso thieves and robbers alone, ns
they would soon bo turned out of
oflice, wliilo tho rogues would have
their liberties enlarged.
At Work. Senator Wallaeo ad
dressed tho Democrats of Cambria
county on Mjnday night, at Ebons-
burg. An enthusiastic Democrat from
Cambria who heard tho speech and
itrrivcd hero on Tuesday, says "Mr.
Wullnco guvo tho Treasury robbers
li 1." From this it would seem that
tho Radicals got a icarming anyhow.
It is altogether likely that wo will be
ablo to lay tho speech before our read
ers next week.
Hefty Fraud A fifty six thou
sand dollar forgery was successfully
negotiated in Wall street, Now York,
Inst week, and tho parlies thus far
havo escaped. Had it been a fifty six
dollar atfair, tho poor devil would have
been found and locked lip in half a1)
hour. Petty frauds send ono to tho
penitentiary, but wholcsalo dealers
oseapo to Europoor to somo firt-chuis
watering placo and livo on tho fat of
(he hind. And still, it is claimed that
wo live in a rcfiucd and progressive
' Moving at Last. Tho Stnlo uu
thorilie havo at last tnndo n movo
inont toward tho arrcut of Geo. O.
Evans, the Stato Treasury robber.
Tho State Treasurer, R. W. Mackey,
had warrant issued for his arrest on
Saturday, but Evans had left Gin
Stale, and it was reported that ho was
secreted in Now York. Parties wont
to Albany and received tho proper
papors from Govcnnr Hoffman for his
arrest, but tip to yesterday there Is no
word of his arrest. .Tho Treasurer,
in hi oath, charges him with ombes
eling and applying to his own nso
tho sum of firo hunilred anil ninety
thousand dollars. When tho Radicals
got that in tho Stale Treasury they
can blow loudly about tho redaction
of tho Slat a debt. Wo suppose a
special proclamation will ho issuod by
tioary when it occurs.
" What nation produce the most
marriage f Facinalion.
Slrtuthtrr or the Innocent t '
Wo look forward to un immense
glut in tho meat market about tho
second Tuosdny of October, in conso
quoneo of tho many innocent lambs
olTerad for slaughtei in tho lust i.-suc
of tho Journal. : In tho list of appa
rently willing sacrifices wo "nro pre
sented with an linnnouiouj) mingling
of llio youiig and sleek, tho middle
nged nnd vigorous, tho old, wrinkled
and tough nil olfored for indisenimi
nftto slaughter to nppcnsq" tho cruel
demands of political patriotism. In
our opinion theso candidates pro ull
much bettor men 'than would have
been necessary to simply purado a
few months In tho paper preparatory
to thoir merciless slaughter. So, in
ns much as tho ides of October will bo
llio end of them politically, wo deem
it nn net of especial kindness on our
part to givo them lit least a brief per
sonal notice. ,
Mr. W. S. Wells, tho enndiduto for
Assembly, is a rottiil merchant in Os
ceola ; not a bad sort of a man, wo
ui'o told, but why Ihey should soloot
him, and from this locality where they
enn only hope to fruu him far behind
his ticket; is d mystery to us. '
Messiv. lioytiton nnd MehafTy, llio
candidates fur Associato Judges, are
both worthy moo in their private ca j
pucity. Tho formor, our townsman,
possesses no tasto for public ufTairs.
Mr. Mobility is n atnid old titinen of
Iho southern end of tho county, uud so
utterly oblivious to county mattors
that if it wero possihlo for him to be
elected ho would perhaps never 1iiiow
whon a court would sit.
Pavid S. Moore, is a clover citizen
of Penn township, a fellow of infinite
jest, and if it wero not important to
havo tlio- records of tho Prothonota
ry's oflico cared for, ho would serve
fur capital amuscmoiit for tho boys.
A. Wright Graham is a good young
man, very competent 'mechanically,
but ns nothing can bo said against the
present encumbent ,of llio- uecordgr's
oflico, who is again a candidato for re
election, nnd by the way an excellent
officer, thcro is of course no chance lor
Wright, although ho does not, ns tho
others claim to be. un '-Independent
Uepublicun," but chooses ruther to be
a dependent one for votes. '
Mr. John McGaughey would like to
becomo tho Chaneollor of tho Ex
chequer. John once made a brush for
ShorifT but run a ti-iQu short, and got
so disgusted that ho run a way from
the party; and should ho again follow
his old instincts, as ho doubtless will,
this run will land him buck again in tho
Dcmocratio party, and wo prudently
sav nothing. 1 ' '
Mitchell Reed, who has wo believe
Iho honor of being llio only Reed rot
ten enough to bo a Republican, docs
not appear to realize that in onion of
many Reeds there is 'strength. ' Will,
wo fear, find himself a bruised Reed
beforo ho succocds in reaching the
Commissionoi-s oflico ahead of " Forty
Coutriet." i i .
For Auditor wo havo Edward Me-
Garvcy old Ed. chuck full of busi
ness, uud noulJ iiiako uuilltlnn oulle
ively with much ordinary conversa
tion, ka. by not imiko In in Judgor
Ho would bo a irreal help to
Mayor on tho bench; besides, what
cxqliisito grnco ho Would bring, to tho
posiiion I Say, why not for Judge T
The Second Epistle. That celo
bruted clerical acrobat and Temper
a ti co champion, Fennel Coombo, hav
ing been foiled in his scheme to com
pel the lalo Stnto Temporsnco Con
vention to nomiuato tho Radical can
didates for Auditor and Surveyor Gon
eral, is out (with a few other political
gamblers,) against tho ticket nomina
ted by Iho Tempcranco men. His
first "address" was "to tho people of
Pennsylvania," his second is "to the
editors of Pennsylvania " Coombo i
in tho employ of tho Radical Stnto
Committee, and is doing nil ho can to
havo tho Stato Tempcranco ticket
withdrawn and have tho Radical can-
di dates substituted. Ro is about the
best demagogue now running looso in
tho Male, una has about as much in
terest in tho temperance cause, outside
of his salary nnd tho suceens of tho
Radical parly, as n wolf has for the
lamb. Ho had heller quit his preying
and take to tho stump, and hereafter
got hit iny from tho Radical corrup
tion ring instead of from the honest
tempcranco men. Eet him go to
Evans ami Geary, nnd get a portion
of the 8'1G.1,000 ihey hnvo in thoir
pockets belonging to the Stuto.
A Split. Tho Dcmocratio Confer
ccs in the Judicial district composed
of the counties of Clarion, Forest nnd
Jefferson, met in Clarion, on the 23d
ult., for tho purpose of nominating n
enndidnto fur President Judge, nnd
ufier bullolmg a number of times
broko up nnd organized two conven
tions. The Clarion conferees nomi
nating W. L Corbctt, and tho.o from
Forest nnd JefTorson nominating Win.
P. Jenks, of Urookvillq.
We hopo our friends hnvo too much
sense to nllow this suicidal policy to
contimto until tho October election,
and nllow Iho Radicals to elect a
Judge in tho Democratic stronghold.
Tho gentlemen nominated nro both
good men, but tho party hnd hotter
Baerifieo B scoro of such individuals
befuro being overtaken by a foolish
nnd ovorwholming defeat; which, if
they persist ill running, is snro to
overtake tho parly, nnd elovato one
of the most bigoted and narrow mind
ed Radicals in tho1 Stnto to tho bench.
As this is tho only quarrel tho Rom
ocrats in this Stuto havo on hand, wo
hopo wisdom will rule and Radicalism
bo driven to tho wall.
A drunken man, sprawling on tho
ground in Patterson tho other night,
anxiously wanted to know if "any
body clso bad boon struck by that
"' ' Tiro Loyal Opinions.
To fully demonstrate to our renders
tho fact that tho Radical family is not
a unit on "tho government," wo need
but quolo from two organs "ofi that)
pnrly, ' Tho RaflynaM Junal, of
I ..... I. 1- -.!.. i . ... ... . i I '
iuni ween, in ncmng ioi Lil lie ulOSS
Irtgs showered upon the country by
Gen. Grunt, said j. . i'
"Tho country wns never beforo
Mossed with a ruler more conspicuous
fur justico and wisdom, and tho people
...Ml ..I. ..II.. l...:l I ! . .. 1
win gui'iiy nan ins rouomi nai ion loan
oflico whoso high duties ho has so well
and faithfully discharged. WithGrant
as .taiidard bearer of tho event Ro
publican party in 187U, victory will bo
securo nnd certain. No other leader
can so well carry the popular voto
and no othor would dure intorposo to
prevent his election, for disastrous do
lout would follow tho efforts of anv
who would stop in botweon tho peo
ple and their clioico. 1 Grant's admin
1st ration has boon no fuiluroi Ho has
shown tho world how strong is our
iiiiiion ; no nas uiscnnrgi'd a great
portion of the public dohl by stringent
collection laws, whoroby not a dollar
duo Iho Treasury it pcrmiilod to slip
into other channels; ho has boon wiso
und link! out in all things, in his ap
pointments at homo and uhrond, in
I.u n:..!..i ....i ....i.i: . . ' ..
mo u.iiviui iiuu jjuuiiu uciH, in his per
sonnlund private conduct nnd behavior,
us man, citizen and President. Such
a loader thu purty of progress can at
all limes follow.. Dospito nil opposi
tion, emtio from w hnt quarter it may,
Grant it now seems will lie the next
President of. tho United Suites."
; Thero, reader, you have a Clonrfleld
opinion. Now wo will give you Now
York opinion, taken from tho Hun.
whoso editor was Assistant Secretary
of War during iho reign of "the Into
lamented," and liko tlio oditor of tho
Journal, knows something, too.. In
writing about "oflloinl dishonesty" ho
says .. -, . ,i : -
i "Wo publish In another part ofkthis
papor a euro ana wo oenovo an accu
rate nccoiint of tho occurrences in tho
Post Olllce nt Hartford which have
excited tho expectation llmt General
Whitnkor, the Postmaster there.would
i,.. .ii...i.i - I
winiiiisnvil. - ,
."It now seems indisputnhlo that
hunker, although he was a brave
ar.d energetic olliccr ill the war, docs
not possess Hint Pico Scnso of pecuni
ary uonor or itiat ueliculo conscience
without which no imporlniit public
trust can bo safely administered.
When appointed to tho ihnrgo of the
I'ost unico at llartlord, his first act
in imitation of God. Grant, was to in
troduce two of his own brothers among
his official subordinates j and it is in
connection with theso brothers that his
pecuniary malversation havo occur
red. It has been 'proved bv his own
confession, ns well us by other evidence,
una no nas maao out laiso payrolls,
representing his two brothers ns re
ceiving lew pay than was really given
to them, and other dorks us receiving
more. It appears, however, that tho
two brother received moro money
than is thus Recounted for, and that
this excess was paid to them either by
somo accidental Inaccuracy in the
fraud, or by an open net of plunder
which it bus not been thoiiifht neces
sary to concent. Whon tticse pay-rolls
wero sent lorward to .Washington
tlicy were, ns we understand, sworn to
by Gon. Whitakcr as true and acco-
alo; so that tho crimo of perjury was
arnica to mo omer crime or official
fraud. ' ' - ; - -
"Tboa fuota were fully ascertained
by tho authorities of tho Post Office
Pcpartmont moro than n month nco;
but no action lias been taken by them,
and Gen. Whitukur is still In oflico.
It seems that Gen. Grant docs liol
regard Whiluker's transactions as of a
kind to disqualify him from holdine
an important trust under his Admin
istration. ,
"Cnn it be Iruc that President Grnnt
owns f"0,0u0 inlhe stock of the Seneca
Sandstone Company in Washington f
'". an it bo true that tins slock wns a
present to him, und that he never paid
one cent for tho f ")0,0()0 worth f
-Cun it be true that this JjO.Ono of
stock in tho fSoneca Sandstone Com
pany wnsproscnled to President Grant
by tho owners of tho Senccn quarry
through tho Ron. II D. Cook of Wash
ington r '
Lan it ho true that niter this hand-
somo present President Grant appoint
ed tho Hon. Henry I). Cook Governor
oi iho District ot Columbia r -
"Cun it bo truo that tho Soncca
Sandstono Company is making a great
deal ot money through various official
relations in Washington f
"Wo trust ull those quest inns oan bo
answered in the negative. President
Grant has so ninny political misdeeds
to nnswer tor that wo should bono
that this particular cum) of
taking mny bo kept off his account.
Hut wo huvo received a slnlomont of
tho facts here intimated from such a
source that we dare not withhold thorn
from tho public.' ,t , j,, , ,;- , ,
A New Repartiirb. It is evident
from n perusal of lust week' Journal
that tho editor tins taken n now do
pur I uro. Uo copies largely from
"Prick" Pomoroy, nnd confesses that
tha Now York World tolls tho truth
about Grant. Wo hopo ho will con
tinue to copy from "Brick" und follow
tho example of iho World. But to
our mind, it is rathor nnbocoming in
tho editor, or tho Clearfield oorrospon
dont of Pomoroy's Democrat, to chnrgo
Senator Wulluco with acts lie novor
performed, or for uttering opinions lie.
never entertained. This is an unwar
ranted "departure" from tlio path of
rectitude Tho attack upon the Chair
man of tho Domocratio Stnlo Commit
too muy answer Radical journalism,
but correspondents of Jlemocrutio
nowspnpera should stick to the truth
nnd net tho part of Democrats. It
shows bad gonornlship to mnko an nt
tack on - ono' own troops in tho face
of the enemy.
, ' Peculiar Success." Tho editor of
the Journal, lust woek perpetrated the
following sarcasm upon bis readers,
whom ho must deem very verdant t
"Grant will bo sure to get the nomi
" nation, nnd ns suro- ns ho receives
" such compliment at tho hands of hit
" fiionds will bo relnstntod. Ills ad
" ministration has boon ono marked
" throughout with pocularsuceoss."
The "peculiar success" must moan
tho accumulation of great wealth nnd
tho appointment of forty four retaliont
lo office. Two fouls no oilier Prosidont
over accomplished.
The Two Circular: " .-
Hon. W. A. Wullncn, chuirrmn of
tho Domocratio Stato Central Com
mitleo, issued somo time ago, p confi
dential circular to prominent Demo
crat tlifoughout tlio State, Irging
theto lo offeet u thorough orguiiLution,
iindto "work for; .Iho overthnw, of
liudU'iilis'in ut tho nppronclunr elec
tion, tnis circular tno Jtuuictl pa
per havo obtained nnd nro piblish
nig, trying to muke it appear tmt it
is a terrible affair. In order lint our
rondors may seo just oxactly vihut is
in it wo publish it entire, and iccom
mond every Democrat to fnllov the
ndvico therein given. Tho edlior of
the Journal was good enough ti pub
lish Mr. Wulluco s, but wo go oio bet
ter und publish Mr. En-ell's too
CoMl.tiiti'iif ,
Democratio Statu- Com. Iooms,
Clkaiifielh, Pa( July 17th, 171
Dear firt : 1 address you as ai earn
est and nclira Democrat. ' Tho nres
cut contest is ono of grcnl Impoiiunco,
and its result will bo potential upon
tho Presidential election of tlit next
year. Tho lido is in our favor, aid tho
extrsvsgnneo, nnsriilo nnd nojroism
of tho enemy nro tdlontly buliurely
destroying ilium. Notwilhstinding
this they possess tho spoils and itticos.
and will mukd a desperate struggle to
hold them.' 1 i ...... .
- Wo cun nnd will bent then, if our
efforts aro seconded evoi-yhe-o: hy
men like yourself.. Victory mist be
won by work. II will ilu our ittnont,
but ivo cannot win iiulvss our utforls
nro supported, and tho work porVeted
in evwy locality, i The esK)iisi,ility
in reality is upon tbe earnest hien'ftr
tho people, and lo them, will belong
tho honors of tho triumph. I : -'
!1 The secret of suxi $.i i ath itton to
details. It is for you and tlnAo you
can tirouna you to work out these uo
tsils in your locality. . i ;
(Jet ready to poll eviry Demodratic
Vote. If this be done, tur maiurilu oill
be 'very large. "Now is tho time lo be
gin llio work. Do not wait for your
associaics. uo at it yoursell, una
incy win lollow.
.'! fid ei'?ru Democrat is reotstertd.
bee thai no fraudulent names aro rut
on mo lists. .Murk down siisnected
names,, and Iruco out the fraud.
They will commit nny fraud that will
get ihnm a vote, si.d then pruts iibsut
honesty, Mukt out yonr list of relia
ble Democrats, hopeless Hudiculs.iind
douuitul men. Uo over theso lists und
compuro them with the registry, and
verily jnd correct ilium. Ono will be
a check upon the oilier, bring in flu
eneus to hear upon tho doubtful men ;
upo every Juir irgnmciit lo convert
them. Set beforo thorn thochnraclers
and records of our candidates. Itoth
nre spotless nnd ubovo attack. Give
mo Iho names of doubtful men in vcur
uisirici, ns mr ns you can, but do not
neglect Democrats in order to attend
to this. Let mil great obicet be to poll
every iremocrauc volt make this IHO
great end of all thqt you do. I
Ascertain at once who need to he
naturalized, nnd give it attention oip.
Uo not wuit until September: The
prudent mn nets promptly if he wish-
o to attain hii object. This work
can bo done now quielly and effective
ly, anu everything on our side msdo
to movo without jar or contest. o
this first, and then devoto yourselves
to fighting your antagonists. Call t
your aid the young mon of tho party.
They are the best arm with which to
strike They will work wiih energy,
and will bo encouraged by your confi
dence Harmonizo distractions, ifnny exist.
C'Vncciiiiuiv uul- vuiu upon too xiiat
imit of success for in its wuko will
ootno power, good governmenkand tho
just right of tho people and of tho
suites. .... i
ery respeciiuuy yours, ,, i
William A. Wallace, '.
Wo are indebted to tho Easton .SVit
tine-l for a copy of iho following confl-
denliul cirvulur issued by RukocI Er
rctt, chairman of tho .Radical Stato
Central Committee, and addressed to
tho oflico holders in the Suite. Tho
original Of tho document given below
was addressed to n government officer
nt Elision. 1 It conclusivly shows lhl
the Radicnls despair of carrying tlio
Slate by honest means, nnd intend lo
buy their way to victory with money,
if they can. We usk our readers to
compare this with tho private circular
of Mr. Wulluco, and decido betweon
tho two : -i
' Confidential
Union RKPt;ni.icAN State Central
Philadelphia, 1871. '
'.Sir: Tho grout Republican Parly,
which has so successfully administered
llio affairs of tho National Govern
ment and a majority of the .Stnlo Gov
ernments during iho past ton years,
enters upon tho prcsont campaign in
tho Stnlo of Pennsylvania with the
ennfidunco that its glorious work in
llio past has been endorsed and un
proved by ovory sincere lovor Of Ins
Stnto and country. Our party inimt,
in tho present strugglo for political
supremacy throughout the Still o, ndd
another victory to tho many already
won, nnd place Pennsylvania as nn-j
qualifiedly Republican in tho couiing
Presidential contest of 1872. . I
Every effort will be mndo by the;
Democratic party to gain control of
tho Hoiiso of Representatives,' which,
under tho apportionment bill Imsfted
by tho legislatnro of 71, gives tho lio-
nubhenn pnrly a majority or six mem
bers. This majority must bo main
tainod. A Democratic nseendnncy in
both Houses of tho Legislature mny
cause defeat In thetampaign of 1872.
Wo nsk yonr nid, support and activo
co operation In the labors and move
ments which llio Male uommatco pro
poses to inangurnto during tho pros
ent canvass. Wd thoreforo, respect
fully solicit from you Oie hundred
dollars, and 10 per cent, on Iho yearly
compensation of your employers, ns
a contribution for tho uso of tho com
mittoo. All funds will bo judiciously
expended for organization documents
nnd meetings. Tho remltlaneo should
bo mndo by check, money order, or
registered loiter, and addressed to
Gen. Henry 11. llinghnm, Treasurer.
U. R. S. C. V., Philadelphia. -'
Russell KnnuTT,
' ' 1 ' ' - ' Cluiiimnn.
! Tho contrast In tlio two Kilters is
quito marked Mr. Wulluco calls upon
his pnrly friends lo go lo work and
attend the polls like freemen, but Mr
r.rrelt niid Ms ring, liko the high,
Wfrymari'wnnt J-Our purso and 10 per
cent, of your employee's wages.
When Radical offlco-holclcrs aro
robbing tho State Treasury of thou-
sands, is il not high timo that a check
should ba put upon them by electing
a Domocratio Auditor Goneral lo set
tle thoir accounts and see that no im
proper onos nro paid 1 . .
Still at Laikie. There is uo prob
ability that Evans, the defaulter, will
bo arrested. Thoro woro too ninny
fi.igers in that pio for tho Radical
Stuto officer to hazard nil Investiga
tion. In oaso of arrest, Gov. Goary's
trusty agont might toll som ugly
stories, you know. ! 1 '
Backed Out. Hon. Lowis I). Cuinp
boll, Democratic Congressman of Ohio,
bus challenged Hon. John Sherman,
Pudicul United Slntos Senator of that
State, to n discussion of tho political
issues of tho campaign. Sherman de
clines to fa co the musio. .
yew gKli'f rltof nu'iits. : '
?JtTH A YCaiiuo tri'ii'mntinR on the iirruiitei
J uf tho pt.lnurihrr in Lnwrtn-e toimiliip,
liutit the mlilillo uf last Jluy, a light UIUM'I.K
U(-hi, About un yvM olit. Iho uwnpr li hon-lijr
ntitlllttil o crime furwanL uruve itronrrtv. imv
ohnrfpe and tab him ttwny, or bv will be dUpowi
Stt. flat., , . JOItf.McLAVUUMN'
B K W A H !. M horn wni l-.leu
from me at Camp M net Inf. ou Tun-
duy niht. tha 2UiU of Auput. Thu liorw ii a
iurn-1, ovur four year I old, left hirvl foot white,
m a II lump on ritfht hlnJ leg above the knee, aoi
white ntripe In fame. I will give t.0 fiir tho re
turn uf tbu horip, MO fur the eipirheiiti,uti and
oouvktl'tn of tho tliiiif, or $100 for both. An in
formation will bo thtitihfully ivyplvM by
Now Wahlogttn, 8vfU ' '
IUIIKIt VKNDlK.THunJmignedwill
olltr at 1'uUlic HmK at hie rrldiuuo In Law
n nne faiwitxhln, at I o'vUwk, V. M., en HATO'K
IAY, HlJi'iHMHI'HOih, 17l,the fulluwti.ff por-
Miial firnm rty : Two bedi, bureau, one ict ot
chain, otic st ttc e, sink, cvuk unre, parlor ttovo,
ono douhlo-barrol rirtfl, and man other artichi
too nuinrruai Ut hurt In urutiua.
made knuwrt on day of Rale.
Public Vendue!
"1UKKK will be sul I nt Tuhlia Halo, at tho
reilfj(e of the Mn'pTi(rnfi, in ike towo-
ihip, on FKIDAV, HKI'TKMiJKH 1Mb 1871, at
lu ocioiwt A. At., the fiillowitig tluforlbcd poriuiial
itt'tj.f rljf, rii ; One cow, two head of young cattle,
10 huad of Rhm-p, 1 ho, a three burn-led rifle, p:itr
of jearlaad folia, chLokn. turkeyf, genae, wajron,
3 tlc'dti, vluigh, buggy. lUmomt. ntunwi. 1 plow, I
harrow, bureau and othur himx-hnld Tuniiture.
Thero will alw b oflfrrd at Public 8.lo, If not
ooner aol.1, itifJ ACHES ijJf LAM. The lw
proTorucnti are a Haw mill, frame bou and good
Utdc and Dtucr'out'boildingi. i About a million
and a quarter of iraw tiiobur on Uie Uod.
.tjrt'rins tnado known on day of rule, or by
a;iplivatbn to the eobscrlbcr.
riojiU .3t. . - , . K. Si OAnU. .
Ri;isri;if m'(TiciNtticoUbcroiFy
givtn that the following accounta have liiim
oxMtiiiied and paM d by me, and remain AM of
record iu thin oHioo fur the inspection of heiri,
U'gtUiTi, r-rt ditom, a ud all otjmrn in auy o'Jit.- w
liiW-nvh-d, and will b prt nntcd U lh ne xt 6r
phani' ('oort o( Chtarfiuld county, to Ins held at the
Court Ileiur, in tlte borough of Clearfield, com
uioucing ou the 4th lJnday (boiog the 3MU day)
of fiepteoiber. A. I). 1H71.
Final atvoant of MaryJ. Paxldnon and WilHaai
l)avtdton, adiainiHtraturl uf Joeojiu U. ividton,
luio of Hull tuwiihii, dcoafd.
Final account of il, . Uindorrn and Icatv
flonvh, niminiitmtiirt of Jhn Uonch, late of Ikll
twnhii, dociaaiHl. r . . .,,
Final aornunl of Joaph llaiacjr, a)luiintitrator
of Robert li. Harney, late of liuinaida u-liip,
dcccanid. '
Partial aooonl of ff. P. Patrhrn, alniinlatratnr
of Potior ti. Joh&truitt late of Bt-otStria townihip,
Partial account of Amoi HuMpr. aluiiiiinlrilor
oi H.ufia Catberman, lata of Morrii tuwohip
Partial amount of Inne Kirk, fiimurl Kirk and
jonn imfii, hxeoutori of Jaaoit Kirk, late of
Lumber City, drera.-ed.
Aocount of j. U. Ilurd, Bxocutorof Ann Wcit-
lull, laloof Cbvitt tiowuship, deocaned.
Final and dinirib'ttion aoofiunt of (?. IIhwa nA
Joefph (Jom, cxerutori of Ocorge Uos, late of
isecaiur lownmup, Ui-oeaaed.
Final account of Murtin H. I.u'bor, alminintra
tr of Hoiwc!lLutbor, lato of liraly township,
' AsMHint of Mina Bhmt a: id Jamel M. MfKeo.
adiuinUtralora of Uorgo &Ut, lata uf Knot
towuthip, doceuiivd. ,
Partial account of Jpmc Llnr and Dovld IrM
lor, rxecutora of Joeepb Line, late of Urady
towuauip, drevaied.
Aaoount of Jacob Poarce, executor of Jvromo
Robfnton, late f Kradl-ird township, deceased.
nK.nTr.n' Ovrirr. A. Vf. LER.
CtcarOuld, Pa (Sept. fl, l 71-tc. j Hrgiitor.
y IlKKKAS, Hon. C. A. MAYKK, Praaident
TT Judze of tha Court of Common IMaai f
the Twenly.flfth Jadletal Pliirfet, ffompr)B,t of
tbe eoiiatiei of CioarAeld. Centre and ciioiB
aad Hon. tSmvtt Clvok and Hub. Jacd V il-
naLit, Aftioclata Jvdgei of Clearflord county,
have iftmed their ft'eoept, to me direetid. for tbe
holding ef a Court of Common Pleat, Orrhani'
Court, Court of Querter beatlnna. Court of Oyer
and Terminer, and Court of General Jail Deliv
ery, at the Conn Hooec at Clearfield, In and for the
county of Clearfield, oommeneing on the fourth
inoiMiay. win nay Sept., 111, and lo
ointinuv two week. r
NOT ICR IS, theUimr. hereby too. to tha
Coroner, Jtiitiee of Peace, and Conitabiet.
In and fcr laid eountjr rf i.4earfleld, la-appear In
ineir proper poraune, w.ui tneir Hecordt, KolU,
Innuinitioni. Kxamtnatlona. and other Hemem
branrei, to do those thing which to their offloei,
and in their behalf, pertain to be done.
HIVKN under my hand al Clearfield, tble lh
cayoi N-tvmbor, in the year of our Lord one
thouiand eight hundred and tivemy-one.
. JUSTIN J. PIK, bcrilT.
r. o, m M an.
' a. rowri.t.
(Ireham'i Row, Market St., .
ClEARiriEl.1), PA.
Wt would mix! M.r-mtfullj Inform onr frlvn.lj,
cmlomcr nJ tin ul.lio g.-ni'rallj-, that wo aro
now back In our o!J quartan, which lava bum
rrmoilpleil and Improved, and we ara now pre
pared to iwoin modulo all wba aaajt furor lir
railing. - ' ' .-
Wo haT Jum rocclrtd on of Hi. Inr((.-l iiork,
of all kioil. of Morchandiio cri-r brouglit to Clear
Hold oounlr, wliich wo lntond to (ell at uoti tig
nra, at will miko It an blijeot Air all pnr.ont to
IMireliaas from M. Faintli,! Inylnj In wtnlcr
uipl'IlM of Orororioa, Dry Ooodn, ., fliould not
fail to giro nl a oall, ai wo fool conBJonl our
price, and mporior qunlllj of a-oodi will auinlr
I all. Our itook of
. G BOCK It 1 E S
oon;U of CoJcei of Ik. Ix-rt quatlly, Tuat, Ba
jnm of all kind,, Mol -,, ri.k, Malt, Clieoto,
Dried Prait, Rpleoa, Provlnlon., Flour and Foci,
Ac, it. Qur Hock of
Il larg, and vnrli.1, and wa will Ju-t tar we ran
upi')y arT article in tbat lino, without cnuimr
linK. ' . ., ' .1 .', .1 .,- ,.
ir hsr a law .lock of rfadj-mada Clothina.
f r Men anil H"jV wear, which wa wilt dinpoio or
nt a rerv rinall advnnco on cost.
Doata and Slioea, Hat, and Capt, Ilardwaro,
y.ioen.naro, Wood and Willow Wure, Notion,,
Finny (locxl., Carpata, Oilototh,, Wall l'apur,,
Uindow Phndri, lo., to. ' ' ,'--x 1 ' r
tO-Ilcinu eilennlrelj eiiRujed In Iho Luiahar
liunineaa, wa ara nbl. to offor auperior induoainauU
Hi jobliaM." ' ' ' ' - '
Clearllcl.l, I'a., Sept. , lb? I.
kon Ann iioi'np..
t'learflcld. I a.
The undrriignti.l hat taken tha abor namod
b' tel, and re.peclfulljr aolleill a iharo of p.tmn
,r. ltaelom pwniiniiy lo Iho Depot, mnkea thla
a..n.. a dniraWa itopiiini claca for Iho lnrlin.
pui.Uo. . (J;l;il). 6. 1). HOW.
Sheriff's Sale.
1) Y tlrtueof writaof Wmlitii Vr.oMm, laiued
J ) ul vf tha Court of Common I'leae of Clear
fluid rounly, and to nit direrted, there will
be exposed to public aale, at tbe Court Home,
In the borough of Clonrfleld, on Monday, the
I ith day of hrptfuiibcr, 167l( at t o'clock, p. nr,
tho fallowing deariibod Heal KjFtato, to wilt
A certain tract of land nilunfe In- Knox tnwn
ibip, L'liartlold oounty, Pa., bounded ai followa:
iitiginuiug al a pile of etne, an original corner
of tract of wbivh (hit le a j art, and tract surveyed
on warrant to Ooorge Wencott; thence north iti
dcgrvei woit 2i4 pcrtdice, to lino of M. Perle traotf
thcuoe aoulb 60 degreei wcit 22(1 pcrohca, more or
k'M, to toneif thence louth J47 degrees cant 308
peruhtiki, more or leu, to poil; thence north 6ide-
grvei east IjOC peruhca, moro or Icna, to placo of
Ucnning' containing flM acrce ana o.i porcmi
and allowniioo bclr-'f nart of a larger tract aur
TeyH in Ihennmcof Jvh Pcric, flp'l having
mall log hnuxe cfCH'tcd I hereon, and about three
aorraolearrd iVrwo. Alio,all Defiindnnt'ii Inter
oat lo a rxrUiln trad of pitoe of huid, and in the
while nine timlior t li croon, aituate in Uuaton town
ahlp, Clearfield nonnty, Pa., and known as Warrant
No. i,)flf; aaid inter eat having boon acquired by
virtue of eontrat dated i'.Hh October, LHtit, bo.
twecn Alfred Coxc and P. T. Oiukiuaon and other
partieaj aaid land iM-ing unimproved. Belied,
taken in execution and to be aolJ
of Peter T. Uiukiwaon.
i the property
A lo, all the coal and certain tr&'t of land situ
ate In PofltUur townhip, Clearfield county, Pa.
All the atone eoaJ In, uabn nod under a certain
tract of land bounded on the north by land of
Joat'pb MoCtarrun aod Morgan Hale A Co., on the
rant and auuth by lands of J. l Hi oilier, nnd on
the west by lard of llobert and Uilliaiu Htidvon;
and also all of Ik-frndant'a intercit in and to the
itnpmvemcnte erected, to witi Four dwelling
bounce, about onv-half mile of road loading from
Tyrone A Clcarlluld Kailroad, including treael
work and way house, dump for loading coal In
cara, and tni"kn, Ac. He I red, taken in execution
nnd to ba auld aa tbe property of P. Chi leu to, J.
.ii. itucanaiicr, ueo q, ani .laran mcAiuiicn.
Also, a certain trait of land allualo In Doctr
township, Clenrfl. Id county, Pa., In tbe village of
Ai-iryartiiu, uotml d an followa : Fronting on turn
pike HM f'ct. and ejinl by lot of Inland FaaH, and
running bak Vtlll l'ict, and I .. d.ij
hring a two-itory plank liouoaml hthMc rmawi
thereon, htiifed, taken in exwulion and W be aold
aa the propurljr vf P. It. Aftlltr.
A Uo, fire certain trade of land iitnate In Mor
ria townahip, Clearfield eountv. Pa. No. 1 beario-
ning at a atoue heap t thvnoe by land late of Lever
A Lorain aouth 22") perchea to poet ; ihonce eaat
Ibi perchea to port ; thence hy Kobert Haineyaur-
rey :.'u jt-iu itarobea 4o white inne: thenoe by
hlcven Kingston aurvoy l;t perebca to place of
beginning; cgntaiiiing 2.'i7 aerva, surveyed in the
nmuo of Leonard Kvler. iSo. 2 btirinnini at
iruo corner i theoeo north S3 dogreea went MO
to pine; thenee by J. Taylor and 1. flountoa aur
voy 225 porehvi lo pine; thenoo aouih U degreea
corner omiea Uie original aurvoy) eaat 7fj purchoa
to poat; tbenoa north li degree cast 1U6 perebea
to anpenj thenee aouth SJ degroce cat! H4 ierchee
to poat; thenoe north If) degrvea art till) perchan
to place of beginumgt containing 170 au-en. Ne.
2, ono othor tract containing Stt'O acre, arveyed
on warrant to John Canaton, Imuwded hy aurvefa
in uiv name vi rraoeia .ion niton ami oinera. ro.
4, one other (met situate on Moahannon creek.
nontnintog tUti un, in tha nam of C. Mumt,
with saw un II erect nd thereon. No. a, -one othor
tract containin mo aeren, an 1 aurvuyed in the
name of W. U. Uutlcr. gtized. taken in execution
and to ba aold an tho property of Jauiva C. Wil-
naina ana a urn nam iiuinpnrcya.
AIo, a oertain tnict of land aituata in Lawrence
tuwnahip, Clvarfivld county Pa., bounded as fol
lows i beginning at a wliilo oak: thenoe bv land
of K. Shaw north 64 d grces wct 6i perches to a
Itutui) i thenoe north ti j dtgruoa west 22 iibca
to dead white pine ; thence, north 7 j digrwja west
IV pcrt-tw a 4orrtnet f tbonoc Sfotii fS ilegrean weat
4:1 perchea; tlienco by land of J. Irwin and 0. P.
Uulieh aouth 62 perch'-a to ntoni thenee by land
of M. Nichols uorlb eat 107 perchea to atones;
thenee by II. thaw north oOdegrcea east IU perehas
to plaoe of beginning ; containing 38 acres and :t0
perchea and ailuwance; r serving out of aaid de
Mribod two CArtaa lota, th one containing one
aero, aold and conveyed hy L. C. Cardon and wife
to UeorgeCartrr the o'liOr containing one-fourth
of an aift, aold And e?nryrd by Car "Ion and wli'e
to Jo. Waisoa; having jta atom ob-ared, a Jog
ho use, bearing orchard .ind large bunk burn Ihoro-:
on erected. Pciied. tuken in eierittion and to be
sold aa the pnerty or Ht iijnmin Dclleck
Also, aoertain tmotof land ailuato in Dell town
ahip, ClcarhVld oounty, Pa bounded aa followa:
On the eaut by the IS mi unburn? a river, south by
land of P. M. fimilh, on the west by land of J. II.
uhderlaad. on the norlh by land of J. W. Camp
bell, tuutainirtg 10 aon-a. with a frame bousa an J
a large frame barn, nnd saw mill and a bearing
orehurd thereon. Reixed. taken in elocution and
Xo lie sold aa the property of J. F. Ieo.
Alto, a certain tract of hnd iltuafo In Peno
township, Cknr field oonnfy, Pa., bounded at ful
lows, to wit i On the north by lands of Miles Hren
ecr and Jntnes Arthurs, eaat by lands uf 11. Jf tie
and John MeDevitt, west by Clearer and fnvid
ripencer's landa.and on I be sooth bv land of Mary
ti.iWitat uu liiimiiur Clt,? tM.rougli Itmiu; vun
taiuing about 210 acre., and having a large frame
honee, bank barn and other outbuildings thereon.
!Miiod, takon in execution and to bo sold as tho
property of Andrew Spcaoar. , .
A1n, certain tract of land fitutte in Bradford
tonftbit, t:iearneld eountv. Pa., bounded north.
east and went by William Albert and Brothers, and
south by new turnpike: containing half an acre,
more or lesa,(and having a good two-story frame
bout thereon ereetefi. Pciicd, taken In eiecn
tion and to be sold aa the property of J. If inn De
Alao, two certain trnets of land situate in WoooV
ward townahin, Clearn ld cfmntr, Pa, The tlrst
bounded east by land trt Willlnm "Winter, south by
land of Mrs. 1 turkey, wost by Clearfield creek, and
norm oy laoi oi U. licmaa ( containing 128 acres.
No. 1 tundi-d went br land of IUn Pnilins. nontb
b land of John 1. Alexander, cant bv Ind of
Thoioaa Vitnn, and orh by land of lr. llouls;
conuioing about 40 te.rrs, nnarly all cleared and
having a house nnd barn thereon creeled. Seised,
taken in execution and to be sold as the property
uf David C. Henna!.
ALSO, by virtue of tawdry writs of Fitrt Fa
ems, at (he same time and place, tha following de
scrtScd rcJ estate i,, i
All Defendant's interest In tract of land situ
ate in It ratty township, ClearfioU son at y, 1'enn'a.,
bounjrd on the eaV by Uud of John 1 i ti T t . i , on
the went by Henry Klmfler, on the north by land
of Overdorff, south by Ueorge thntferj enntaining
26 aorea, of which 8 acres ara cleared, with a log
house and stable thereon erected. Hcited. taken
in execution and to bo sold as the pmporty of
'uit coimaj
A Io, all that certain lot of ground aituate in the
oorougi) ot t lenrhfl.l, and btate of lVun-vhania
aud known in the plan of an addition to said bor
ongh as M No. 2.t,1, hounded and described as
follows, vis; On tbe north by Heed street, on the
cast hy Third street, on the south hy an allry and
on the west by lot No. 2 U, hclng iO feet front and
172 fret deep; part of a larger tract of land pat
ented in the name of A. At'hltmorj with largo
frame bouse and barn orocti d thereon. Also, that
cerium ireci ot Inntl aituato in lk-11 township
Clearfield eoimty, Pa., known as the Clendanit
tract, eonlaining aUut tilt) aeres and &5 perches,
more or toss net, and bounded as follows: ifcgin
ning nt the south-wist corner of said tract, at an
old hickory corner, fgne, now stonesi; tlienco
north fl4 ib grres oa-l 4114 perehee to a while oak,
down : thence hy tract No. 4y(tJ north 37J degrees
wust h2 perchea to a white oak, down ( thenoe still
by tract No. MH2 north 3.'. degrees, oaH lfi2
perches to a post ; thenea south 7h degrees wost,
by tract No. 6922, 478 perches to stones, thenee
south 6 degrees cast 2i3 porches to tho place of
eginning; ocing inesame land purctiasetl iy said
Lnwis tSniiih, the defeniiant, from William Rider.
rteised, taken In execution and to be sold as the
property of Lowii Piuith. -
ALflO. by virtue of sundry writs of raW Tit-
chit, at the same time and place, the follow in g de-
criueu rei emnio:
A oerlain two story frame dwelling hoase, 18x24
feet, tnI Situate ill the village of neeola, Clear
Held cminty, Pa., on lot No. .UT, and known as
the I.ueanbnck Hnue. rViael, tnken lnexetntion
and to he sold ns the property of Lewis Ptuhell
ann .triinsonw invior.
Abo, all that certain frame ehirreh building
situate la Paradise, Lawrence township, Clearfield
cutinfy, IV, on a certain lot 111 feet loi.g and
feet wide, bounded on the east hy turnpike trailing
from Clrnrflcld to Liilhenhurg, and sooth, west
and north by lands of Hen. H. Phaw and others,
nnd bring 4U fent fnmt and b( feet deep in sise.
Peiaed, taken In execution and lo be sold as the
proporty of the oongregntion of the Church of Clod.
Also, all that certain two story frame dwelling
botifc, H by SO fct in site, eitnnloin the borough
of Oseenlft, Clearfield comity, I'a , on lot of ground
nrchnnrd from John Miller, near tho road tending
ra Unoeola to John (Inm', Seised, taken in ex
ecution and to he cold aa the property of 11. 11.
E. J. G R R K N
f dealer in ' '
PIANOS, 0'ilGANS and JIklodkons,
' '. I bf an manafnelar deslre., '
Fof eah or In aiehawfa for good M'MIIKn. '
10.000 feel of goed Lumber wanted. ,
Fur olroulaia and term,, addrral
au(9 ra No. 41(1 Hill il.wt, llunllnidon, fa.
) at
" "l'LLErtTON'B
Ja.l r.eelr.d and for .l. hy
AprU JO, 17. , II. F. OULCK CO.
Orange vs. Green I
Everybody Is aware that our "Foreign rela
tion" have had a big timo in New York lately.
but Mayor Hall and Uovcrnor Hofonnn and Chief
Kc!o and t lot of other felhm luivo got It fixed
up, tnd the Pad'l.vs have stuck tho handles in
I heir pitka and gone to work aguln.
Uut, notwithntnnding all this, tbe KEYSTONK
PIlOK riXOHK has been rf-filkd with a stock of
Boots & Shoes of all dc8crijtiouH.
from (he coarsest to lbs ilocvl, and from tbe big
gest to tho (oust.
A lurge stock of Ladies' fihoes, Gaiters ted
Clippers, of all styles, kinds and prices.
dent's Shoes, Hoots, Callers, Slippers a fine
assortment. Misses' and Children's Hhoes and
Oaltcrs of all descriptions. Hoy's Iioots A Shoes,
a very large variety.
A co nil nl Invitation Is extended to nil to call
and ex nntine my stock, and flatter myself that 1
can plraxo tbo moat fastidious, both as to style
and price,
Jy28 Keystone Shoe Store, Clearfield, Pa.
Propohing an amendment to the Constitution of
Be tt rtsolctd lv the Iknaltand Jfovttqf Jtepr
tmtaticet qf' the t'onaioHircafa of 'enn'ylvania im
Utiie rut Afcvt&ta mt, in at tns luiiowing amend
mnut of Iba Cunitltiltlon Ot tOlS Jh..m.iU
oo piuputitMt to the people for their adoption or
rejection, pursuant to the prorxions of the tenth
article tnereur, to wu:
Strikeout the Sixth Section of the Sixth Article
of tbe Constitution, and insert in lieu thereof the
"A Kute Treasurer shall be clio.ocn by the quali
ficd electors of the State, at such times and for such
term of service as shall be prescribed by law."
JAMES 11. WEItll,
Fpeakrr of the Honae of neprrscntatfver.
SponkiT of the Stnatc
Approved tho 16th day of June, Anno Domini
one thousand eight hundred and aevcuty-one.
prepared and eertifleil for publication puraoant
io in Acnin Anuia oi int ivoumtution.
Secretary of lbs Commonwealth
Offlce Seerdar of the Commonwealth,
( Harrisburg, JuJyoHi, l7i. j. tillolO
v Mia. S. S. LIDDELIi,
liatioj enjged in tb. Marblo buiinwl, detirei
to inform her friend, and the puhlie that ,h. ha.
now and will keep oonitafttlyon hand a large and
well (elected itok of ITALIAN AND VERMONT
MAIIULE, and it prepared to furnUh to order
Curb, and Port, for Cemetery Lota, Window
Sill, and Can, alto,
TOPS, tts., it.
i.Yar.l on Iiecd itroel, near the R, R. Depot,
Clu.rn.Jd, I'a.
POSK 1IOS.MIAI.I3 nr. tmblinhcd on
erory paekair., therefor, it !a wot a aeerut
prt-paration, oonacquautly .
Il tm m n .r VmrU. -rPfclH.
In all ila form,, Kheitn.HliMn, Skin Ilia-en..-..
ow.,.i.i.t and all dieoaaoa of
tha Blood.
will do more r'od than ten bottle, r (Ue
Syrapa of Sartaparilla. x
hava uM-d Roaadalta in their practio. for
th. uaat three year, and freely endoree it
aa a reliald. Altaratir, and Ulood Purifter.
DR. T. C. P1-0H, of Ballimora.
DR. T. J. BOY h IN, "
DR. R. W. CAKR, "
UK. V. O DANNK1.I.T, "
DR. J. 8. h PA UK'S, of Niehola.vUle, Ky.
UK. J. I,. MrCAIi II . tolumhia. t. I .
DR. A. B. NOIII-hS, Edgeeoiuh, N. C.
J. B. FRENCH SONS, Fall Rivor,Ma,a.
r. w. Mill II, .inckmn, Mien.
A. V. WHEELER, Lima, Ohio.
1). 11 ALL, Lima, Ohio.
CRAVEN A CO.. UordnnavUle, Va.
SAMI EL 0. HeKADDEN, Jlurfreerboro,
Our apnea williot allow of anv extend
ed rcmarka in relation to tho virtue, of
Itoradalia. To the Medioal Profeaiion we
Ruemntft. a Fluid Eslraot auperior to anv
they have ever uaod in the treatment of
dt.eased Itlnod ; and to tbe auiteted we, ay
try Ro.adalia, and you will be reatored to
Uo.adntia 1, aold by all Draggi.ta
price $l.fiO icr bottle. A.ldrea,
ilannaclunng Caai.'.r.,
Aug. 1, 1871. -ly. - Bai.TiuoRE, Mn.
nnd dunlors in
aug-on '
fcE S IT A TJ R A N T,
" Seoond Street,
AlwaVilin htind, Fre.h Oy.ler,, lo. rreatu,
rand lea, Nut,, Crueken, t'ake., t;i8am, Tol.aeeo,
t-anned riilt., Orangea, L.m..n, and all kind,
of fruit in ,e..n.
fl-IIILLIARD ROOM on aeeond IW.
J'l"'l, D. XoHAl'tlllEV.
i, horebr riven lhatl.-ltrr. nf.,l,ni.,l.ln..l..n
...i tliee.talr ol THOMAS . SI'ENl'K, dee d, lato
of (li.ihen town.hi., t'l.arnell eountv. IVnna.,
harlnu been duly grunted to tho uii.l. r'.iincd, a'l
penon, In t ,l. ul. am j,i,.u0 1H,.
payment, aud Ihora having elalm. ..r demand.
wu. f,r.-..-ni iueni pr.iterlr antl.entieatrd f r act.
"""ent. Ill-NHY I. MKAn
Aug. , 1STI (It:
TRAC'lll'.KI WAMTKH The h,..r,l of
Hohw..! Director, of 1'nion tnwo.bln ...
employ two competent Teachers fr th. eonilng
term t one for five and the ether for fnnr Month,
Applicant, for school, can meet the board C Dl
reotora at Itockton, on S.lurd.v, the Id dav of
beplcinWr, 1S71, tt 1 a.'elKtk p. in. V .
ei-, w. WtLT,V, Soereiary,
, (f-5(;itf for
yr a l a ii i, li
II, firlu. of an Art ... ..... .
M daj f J,, A. 1.. Z JX
i II .1 l.,l.l.. t.i.. ., ' "' d.n,..7 '
' ' . in. I nun ,
Held, n MOMlAY. SKI-Tl u?.1.1.""-!. I
cj Acres of Lail(1
Silu.l. in Woodward lon.l,p r,.,,,
. . , o-tunu.-u i,, .,, (
about U acre, cleared, with a l. k "l M
nj olhar nni.rovemrnl, there,,,, I
lllj or Itood I'm., Oak ,nu II, ,Wk "'"
Jr., a pauper on mid town.l.i. Ju . H-t
ooeuiiu-a and own..,i i - .
TEHMS: On.-third e.,b .. JT
ale. and b.l.... .k. .
Inlert.t. to be accurod by bond ... 7!!
Iba preiaiM,. JAMKi I.ih h??"'
au.18 4t Poor O.enn... ... .. V'U
:: "Wl.u,,
valuable Real Estate'
Tho luheeriber offers for aa!. k'.a K I
Market Mroet. (next rf.w,. ... .., Tsl
Clrarbeld. I'a . bein. . I... .... .K V 'i
front on klark.t ttroel, with a duul.le
Itory 1101 BE, eootoiniii. four tare. T. I .nd .ii ....... i k. J f ,vo"i V I
outbuildines erected thereon.
....... ,.. .......... ... . oioer a
good water on the premises. .
x-cr-ror iern:s ana eonaitiuBi y.ri. - . 1
premises, or to Frank Hhort. at th ih(rti fi. I
Shop, .t Mill.r 4 P!i'U iturt.iVl
kct atroet, or by letter to ' I
m - F p,roKT1
vivmruem, uiearncitj Co.rt,
yr K T V I R (i I a I A
Timber and Coal Lands
The following tracts of Timber and C I... I
.aro offered for sale i One tract of n.OtKiKI
lying on the Kin uivcr. in Weh?tcr count-; I
two of o.OUU acres each aiW one of l.OMuJ
amr one tract con I sifting 9,.1('0 aeres, lvinjM I
ijhuh-j unci, iu 4ii..uiiiwuni;, JMUtlflfc
these lands are perfect.
Any informetion concerning these Isndreui h I
nao vj auuressing u. r. n,tUAL
Murch 22, 1871-tf. 1'hilip.tbqrg, Pk
Farm for Sale I
CONTAINING 90 ACHES, in a good
eultivaliou, aitnated in Pike townthia, rw
field exiunty, Pa., atiout eighty rods from Loru'i I
Flooring Mill, on tbe turnpike leading fron C. I
wenaville to Clearfield, liaring a no ft
home, stable and out buildings tbereoa. Ti-,
is also a good spring and a young ore bird I
premises. Any perron desiring a bms littk btss
ill nna this a very dcstrahic locati'o.
For further particulars inquire of Rachel CJi.
wen, on tne premises, or address
X. W. tLtJU.Mj,
March 29-tf. Curwensrille, Pa.
The best conducted, moat popular and intern.
ful institution in the Cuited States, for the u-
ough. practical education, of young and Bidta
aged men. jrtrFor largo descriiitire cireilwi
oonuiimng lull particutrtrw, auJrevs
jyl'o 3in , J. C. (SMtTtl, A. M , Princifni
1 C.KU1 1LL, J CM AT A CO., PA.
ron viLn ito rsuit i rtrnui.
Attractively situated in a healthful and Utnti-
ful region, one-fonrth af a mile from Peormlvurt
Katlroau. rour regular graJuatea, atitiftcd W
other eompstent Itistruetors, eonstitute the eonn
of itipiructioa. Tbe Principal (for msny yean
in charge of Tujearora Academr. and sinr isu
the boad of this itiMitution,) nfers to his nymw
nnm nniulB In oil t-lw, .l .rj...
every dipartm- nt of buninecs. l ERvn : 2V0 ft
annum. Musio and Painting specialties. fiU
session will oosumenee Pcptemler lt, 1S71.
Jy 2fl 3m
TIIK FALL ihm 0f fonrtwn weeks, win
oommenea MinJsj,t..(tt 4,D, Imj,
Reading, Orthography, Writing, Object Les
sons, Primary Arithmetie and Primary
Geography r H
History, Local and descriptive OeograT
with Map Drawing, tl ram mar, Mental
and Written Arithmetic t
Algebra and the Sciences lM
tnatructlon in Instrumental music. 1 w
Oil painting, 24 lessons H
Wo work I e
For fall particulars send for Circular.
Clearfield, Sept, T, 18T0-lyrd.
A Male aud Female Classical High School
Each Department Separate, Distinct a&i
. Complete iu Itaeir
rilHE scholastic year of this Institution ia diri
X ded into two aoaniona of fire monthi ftwetitv
ons weeks) each. The first session commence! ofc
the first Monday In September; tbe second, on the
8r;t Monday in February,
The course of instruction embraces every thing
necessary to a thorough, practical and aceomplik
ed education of loth sexes.
Pupils will be admitted at anytime and charges
from date of entrance to the close of the sss'ioo.
No deduction will be made for absence, exeept
in eases of extreme and protracted illness.
Students from a distance can be aceemtnodstsl
with hoard at low rates.
For particulars, send for circulars, or aiblreJi
Kcv. P. L. HARBISON, A. M.t
July 20, 1871-tf. Prioripsl.
G. W. INNES, A. M., Principal..
f pilK FIRST SESSION of thla In.tiluthw will
X eommenee on Monday, tha 15th day of May
next. (Term, Ave months.)
Pupili may enter at any time, and will t
ohartted tuition from the time they entrruntil tha
elo, of th. aciuioa. Tho eounw of larurt.cni
will embrace all branebel included in a thocnaf N
praoticul eduoatioa for both aeie,.
Voeal klunte taught when denlred.
tiood boarding ean he .bt.lneel at
Parenta ean be a,.-,-r,l that Iho al-ilitv and
energiea of tho Principal will he devoted to th,
ineol.l and more', training of thoM placed nnder
hi, eharca.
t-T'.itn. of rullb.n will be mealerate, and
"J.'Mii.od by Dr. J. lnne. at
-ew Va.hii.vtnn, or the Prlnoipal, ti. M'. Innei,
at Appollt county, 1'.., bnt who will
h. at New WaAhiuglou after April Uu
New VYuhmirton, March 211, IK'l-tf.
fjlllli AMI IIK AN HOI SI-.,
Ci BMiirm n Corittr, Pasa'a.
Thi, long and popular hotel I, .till
kept by tho aubiK-riber, who .pan-, no effort to
pifalcall who patronise hira. "To please," I, th.
motto al the American M m.e. and all that is asked
ia a trial. E. W. 11 EUH, Proprietor.
Curweniville, March li, 1"H If.
Ar. yon In need of a good set of Harness 7
Are you io need of a gmnl Saddle or llridl.7
If so. call at the Saddle and ltaincM Shop of
.Tom C. lUnwirs, where you can get the best in
the market. Double nnd Single Harness and La
dle,' and licit!'. Hi .biles of am.erlor workmanship.
always en hand or manufactured to order. Spe
cial attention la called to my slock ef Collars and
Mamra, wkich are tlio best in use. 1 also nave.o
...rlmi-nt of Saddb-lV Hardware, which will I
di.pesed of Hi rea.i.nnMe rates. Pr.airing of"
kinds prouiplly attended t... avlwlion't lergettw
eall bi-fore purchasing elsewhere. Sh-p io lira-h-.m's
Row, Market street. Cli-aifl.ld. I'a.
May J, l7l-ly. JtUIN C. IIAH'U'K
TllftTICICfl eV COXNTAni.lW l-EI.'-Wa
hav. printed a largo number of the new
KEH RILL, awd will on lha receipt of IwmiIt
flr, ttuia, bmI a oopy t sti addiasa.