Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, August 30, 1871, Image 2

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' ' ., CLEARFIELD, Vk. , .; ;
Democratic State Ticket.",'
;' - or i-niLAitMLrniA. -
' . ' . r, '- or uinan sovitnr, I iv :
1 ' .tYtfA full poll of (ho Democratic vole will
, aoaure the election of oar State ticket by a large
majority. .'1 - ..'
1 jr-tt-Let every Democrat remember thol, arid
.' Impress the truth of It upon the minds of his
1 neighbors f' ' 1 '
,".. Democratio District Ticket.
' ' ' "', " SENATOR : '" . " "
Willi AM A. WAU.AtP, of Clearfield,
' Democratio County Tioket.
, 1 ASSKMBLYt " 1 ' i l
, , , , JOHN LAWSI1E, oTOaecola. '
, J, M1M.IAM c. trDLBY, of Clearfield.
JOHN J. REAP, of Lawrence.
' ' - PR0THO.V0TART! ' 1
A All OBI C. TATE, of-CIearfleld. '
AHBUHY W. LEI', of Clearfleld. '
' ("AlrlUEI, P. WILSON, of Ilradford.
'' "'V'.' '. COMMISSIONER:' .;
0 ' I'. V. COUTHIET, of Kartliaua,
.1!'.' . AUDITOR 1 ..... - .,,
';t, KUVDES McPH EltSOX, of Clearfield.
K. F. McCI.OHKEY.ef Curwenavllle.
Query. WI10 stole, tlio $03,523.85
oul of Iho Sute Troasury T Was it a
Tammany Hall man or was it ft loyal
lragaJocia f
' ' A Nics Take. John Morrisscy, tbe
sporting Now Yorkor, won $50,000 on
TuosJay a week, boiling on tho rnco
bclweon Longfollow and llolmbold,
which enmo oft' at Saratoga Springs on
that day. 1 .
Los;-. Tho State Treasury has lost
Bomowhere between Ilurrisburg and
Washington tho Bum of three hundred
and sixty-three thousand five hundred
and Ueudy three dollars and eighty five
cents. The tuxpayersof Pennsylvania
will roward tlio finder handsomely
so mo day..
; A Larue Congregation Wo no
tieo by our down river exchanges that
tho Wost Branch Camp Meeting must
hare boon a success, bo fur as numbers
wcro concerned. Over 8,000 hack
titkots and 2,500 meal tickets were
Bold on Sunday, and 15,000 persons
wero present at tho 10 o'clock service.
Blackmailing Errctt, tho Clmir
man of the I'adicul Slato Committee,
is busily ongaged in making assess
uioiits on tho oftlce-lioldurs of his clan,
in order to raiso money wherewith to
corrupt voters. lie assesses from five
dollars up to tiro hundrod upon every
office, holder. Ho culls upon the office
holders for aid and soys that all tho
funds Bent to tho Republican Commit
tee will bo judiciously expended.
Just so; but why don't ha call upon
his defaulting friond Evans, for anoth
er installment? Why not go for A
portion of that' $303,000, that he,
Geary and Quay hold between them f
Nominated. Thaddeus Banks, Esq.,
of Holliduysburg, has been nominated
by the Democrats of Cambria, Blair
and Huntingdon for President Judge.
This district has been presided over
by Judgo Taylor, a Radical, for twen.
ty years, and ho is again a candiduto,
but the Iiiids will nominuto a Mr.
Dcnn, also from Hollidaysburg. Tay
lor will bo volunteer and in this way
the Democrats will certainly eloot
Mr. Bunks. Steady, altogether, Dem
ocrats, everything is in our favor.
Wo" will not only elect our Stnto ticket
this full but we will gain scroral Pres
ident Judges, and there is a strong
probability of carrying the Assembly.
Magnanimity Somo toady of
Grant's on Tu onlay Just telographed
from Washington to tho associated
press ; 'Treslilrnt Srnni paid a flying
visit Id tho National Capital this
morning, and left for his homo at Long
Branch in the evening." llovr mag
nanimous a President mnst bo to for
soko his home and the race course for
one day and , visit the Capital. Per
haps tho visit was made fur tho pur
pose of drawing a quarter's salary.
Suppose any one of tho earlier Pres
idents would havo spent half his time
' horse racing and yatching, what a
howl would havo gone forth from tho
pulpitcors, Inymen and business mon.
New York-ward. A hugo effort
is being made by the Radical leaders
in this Stale to draw tho attention of
voters to Now York frauds. They
are docluiining against the Tammany
officials ot that city and portraying
imaginary frands'and peculations,
while thoir Cwn partisans at Harris
buvg and Washington are coolly pock
eting - millions, of tho pcoplu't money,
Slill they howl Tammnny! Tamma
ny 1 1 Now, suppose you givo ns
Evans, Geary and Co. by way of va
riation. For a conerosalion of "trrand
moral I Joa" roformors to keen situ-fine
one foreign lund all the lime seems
ridiculous. Givo Us somotbing from
the homo market.'! '.
Many womon at Wushinirton, It is
.. ! . I I . 1 . .
ii;uiiiinc7 ntrvert arunkards,
wia mi uisappotuimeni in love.'
.1 tr
iv-MrYirv iv-rr" rn'it
. ad Loyal MtebaU. .-:-Tho
Radical parly, who claim to
roprosont ull tho decency and respect
ability of tho country, often "run
things in the ground,". As a a tuple
of political etiquctlo, wo blip tho fol
lowing Lit of dubnlo, which took place
in the Radical county convention at
Huntingdon, two weeks ago, from the
Monitor -
"After the eountY tioket wu gone through with
a reeolution waa olflfred luetructing the Jti'ltrlal
Confpreee to miiport the elnlme of Jud-ra Taylor
for that poxiltoti. Tml called out tne amouurea
il'tli'cn of the fentlonii, anil a hitter war of wordl
cnRued, during which the followiog dialogue oo-
aupfl t
I)r. Orlu'lr. Now Iho nuentlno In, will thia
oonrrQtioii nnntinata for Preeldrnt Jlii-lRe a man
Who 1 Working In the Inleroatf of the llvmooratio
: It. Mouiritr. --'inat ra a lie, fT-v rne man( wno
envi It it a liar 1 , ' '
Orltuly. " That la hlackgiJnrdiani and the man
hn utter it ! a hlnnkiroard.
Melltvitt.. Well, 1 never took money from lh
Renuhlieaa pirty and ueod It to defvat the Ka-
puhllcnn caiididiitea. . . t
iinauv. 1 on 100a ine DtooeT -tnohu.
Molllvitt. Your are a liar I . ' " ;
Orladr. Call me a liar Dub, hat for Oe J' lake
don t hit tne.
Rev. Ouea. ' They aeeitee mo or writing a lcltor,
Ae. .! ' .1 mi ,
Orlady. ou did, I law the letter, . . .
dune. You are aa Infernal liar and 1
eoftntndrel. ...
Munv voleei. You did write It, I read It. ' 1 '
Giteti. Mr. President, I tiroteel aitainit Urinn
Inmilted by men foaked with had whiekoy. -
A larifon of nillineKrate from all nuartert here
rendered the leneb or noanng aeeleei and the ar-
cuinenta offuuliva, and we retired. i.i
Amid the wildeiit roufunlon and dlacord the
Tonventlon dixltandod and the deteoiih.fl repaired
to tne lower hall to liMen to senator root! de
nunciations of the Southern people a Btting fi
nale for the demoniac proceeding! of the day, , .
Tho representatives of a party
controlled by grand moral ideas," to
use languago like tho nbovo in public
debate, would bo received at a heavy
discount in this locality, yet it may
pass at par in a body controlled by
Senator John Scott, who seems to cul
tivate hate instead of love towards his
follow man. He is ovidently an ille
giliinato christian and statesman, and
thoso who embrace, his creed are no
better thnn cannibals. - I -! v.
xtlore ltadiral Etiquette.
Bon. Butler opened tho gubernato
rial campnigir in Massachusetts at
Springfield on thoovoning of the 21th.
Ho washed quilo a pilo of loyal dirty
linon, particularly the shirts of Gene
ral Hawlcy, n Connecticut mogul,
and tliut of Pangborn, editor of tho
Springfield Republican, whom . Ben
charged with the crime of having
John Brown hung, etc.. Some friend
of Gen. Hawley telegraphed him
while. Butler was washing his shirt,
when tho following dispatch was of
fered at tho close of Butler's spocch,
but tho chairman of tho mccling re
fused leave to have it rend : '
IlAnrronn. Anrunt M, 1871 If Roller paid I
wat dismissed or removed from my command, or
was ever rehuked fur my conduct as an officer, 1
heg some friend to rend this diopatch, iu which I
fay the charge is an infamous lalsohooil, and the
man who uttars it is a liar and a blackguard. .
liilo tho hero of spoons was pitch
ing into tho editor of tho Republican,
Pangborn nroso and asked Ben if he
reforred to him : -
Butler. "I did." .-
Panghorn replied, amidst great confusion, "then
the statement is false."
Hotter here yelled. "Why did too run oul of
the hack door, and lvavo your sister to lace the
in f
Panghorn attempted to rellv,amld Tells of "nut
him out." The audience being wild with excite
ment, Pangborn was finally refmied a hearing, and
after nuiet had been rontored, liutler reiterated his
arsertion at length.
Loyally in Massachusetts scorns to
run in the mi mo gutter that it does at
New Orloantr. - m
At His Post. Col. Gibson, whom
tho Radicals elected Stato Treasurer
of Ohio, in 1SG5, has rolurncd from
his exile in Europo, and is stumping
that Stato for the Rads, and lecturing
Democrats in affairs of economy and
fair dealing. Ho is ccrtuinly a man of
experience, and must bo "tho right
mun in tho right pluco.". This fullow,
while Treasurer ot that State, robbed
tho Treasury of over a million of dol
lars. His bond was for one hundred
thousand dollars. When notified of
his defalcation ho ran off to Europo
and sent ovor money enough to secure
his bondsmen, who had tho affair
compromised for $10,000 thus cheat
ing tho Stato out of tho snug sum of
nine hundred and tixty thousand dol
lars. Now ho is back exposing Tam
many Hall frauds in Ohio I If there
is a greater scoundrel abovo ground
he must ccrtuinly be in a penitentiary.
He beats our own Evans all hollow.
Fatal Accident. Tho Williams
port Sun says : A sud affair 6ccurrod
on Wednesday, tho 10th Inst., at tho
residence of Mr. John Mahuffey, in
Lycoming township, this county. Il
appears that Mr. MahafTey and his
brother in-law. David Fink, went
down into a well, with a view of sink
ing it deeper. They wcro down but
a tew minutes when they began to
feel tho gas overcoming them. They
shouted lustily for assisstuncc, but by
iho time suHlcicnt help .arrived, they
wero both unconscious. Tho bodies
wcro brought out, when it was found
that Mr. Fink was quito dead, and
Mr.' Mahnffoy badly affected. Tho
latter will recover. Tho funeral of
Mr. Fink took plnco ori last Saturday.
Ho leaves a wife and two small chil
dren to mourn his untimely fa to.
Death. The Luminary eyt: We
regret to lenrn that Robert Montgom
ery, Esq., President of tho Lycoming
Fire Insurance Company, at Munry,
died at his renidenco in Clinton town
ship, on Sunday morning, at 2 o'clock.
Mr. Montgomery had been ill for
some months past, and although for
some titno ho was regarded as In a
most critical condition, ho had become
better and was considered quito out of
Ganger, until a low days ago lio was
takon with diarrhoea and passed away
quito suddonly and unexpectedly.
Mr. Montgomery was among our old
est and most bight cstoemod citizens,
and a largo circlo of relatives, ac
quaintances and pcrsonul friends, will
learn of his death with sincere foclings
of roirct and sorrow. Mr. Montirom-
ery died In tho 74th year of his ago.
rriiii(imjorT nun,
Liko those of Pennsylvania ' the
democrats of Ohio have never boon
moro determined to achieve snccoss
than' In tho campaign In progress.
All tho best And most forcibly sneak
ers have volunloored their snrviccs
and are now vigorously stumping the
Slate. Among thorn are Hon. Goorgo
H. Tendleton, 8onatorThnrman,Gon.
Morgan, Um, Carey and Oen. Thomas
uwing.' " f
njKnlfrnt fnsINtr(oM.
Two terrible railroad accidents oc
curred on Saturday, the 0lh, by
wlflch fifty persons wero killed and
throo times that number wounded, f
The first occured on tho! Eastern
Ruilroud at Revere, seven miles (torn
Boston, i Tho ncoommodution train
Started behind timoaud while stopping,
at tho station tho' Portland lightning
express overlook and toloscoped It,
killing twonty ono passongers out
right, of whom throo woro womon,
and wounding some forty or fifty moro.
Tho curs took firo and two or throe
wero consumed. Most of tho Wounded
woro scalded und their limbs fractured.
A largo number of physicians and
surgoons woro in attendance. Tho
killed and woiindud belonged mostly
to Lynn and Sulutn. " 'i i-
The other occurrod on the Phila
delphia and Erio Road, below' tlio
mouth of tho Sinnomahoniug, .uoar
West port, whore tho Erie mail north
collided with tho Kinpiro freight and
badly wrecked tlio' trains, besides
killing arid Wounding a largo number
of persons. According to tho most
reliuhlo authority the conductor and
cnginoor of the Erie mull, E. W. Hy.
man, of Willinmsport, and M'Cor
mick R- C. Brown and i Mr. Wins-
low, of Lock lluven, Mr. Ward,, o
Bullofonlo, and Mr. Ru bright, of St.
Marys, Elk county, wero killed, and
William Killinger, engineer1 of the
freight engine, soriously wounded.'
Another report says that the. con
ductors, eniriuccrs and firemen of
both truins, as woll as tho baggage
master of tho mail, wore billed. Ac
cording to one uocount seven persons
lost their lives and sixteen oroighteen
wore wounded. A nothcr placos tho
killed at eleven and tho wounded at
twenty-five. ' " 1 ' .'',.''!'''
.' ' - , ' , I
.TFnAiiif Urt at .Tfrii. .'
Mr. Dioffonhach, in tho Bloomsburg
Columbian, has the following which
will bear a roprint:
The business of manufacturingjrroat
mon out of small material first intro
duced from tho West is bocoming
quite common. So common, indeed,
that it is becoming a nuisance.
Tho sonsation papers of the cities
Herald, World, &o., of New York, arid
Press, Inquirer, &c, of Philadelphia
have such characters as Goorgo Fran
cos, Train, Wm. Cornell Jewell, Ac.,
who are kept in constant bay; but why
they nro mudo prominct will puzzle
any bruin into which sense is admit
ted. Thon our Pennsylvania crones
are constantly clacking about Alex.
McClure, a pinhook politician who
has no other importance or signifi
cance than that of being a boy of all
work for Gov. Curtin and tho Uur
risburg 1'atriot sols up a real or im
aginary grcon frog of the pond il
'yclepts luay, but who or where from,
it leuves the public in dcglightful igno
rance. Now pray tell us gentlemen,
what is the use in that!' Do you not
debauch journalism by stooping to
such nonsensof
Every pig-headed ignoramus, in
theso days, who succeeds in working
his way into tho Legislature, wantB
himself snouted with the title Hon.,
whilo nino tenths of thorn havo no
moro conception of its signification
than a pig has of its blood relations.
Such titles at best are but an absurd
aping after orristocratic titlos, and if
tho downward caroor is lurtlier pur
sued, it will soon become fashionable
to apply it to township officers and
perhaps to hotel waiters and ull others
servini: somebody olso. The news
papers are resposiblo for all this, for
not one of the gentry would givo a
snap for tho tillo if ho could not sco it
in print.
Nor would any of tlio style of grout
mon we refer to bo known beyond tho
length of a ton foot polo wore it not
for newspaper puffery newspaper do
baBcmcnt. . ,
A New Railway Brake. The now
air brake, which is exciting so much
attention among railroad mon, was
invented in Pitlsburg. It is automatic
and self adjusting, but is directed by
machinery on tho engine. Tho ma
chinery consists of an ulr pump and
receiver, which are worked by the
movomont of a hand lever at the firo
box. Pipes connect the brakes of tho
ontiro train, and Ihrouifli theso. bv
tho movomenl of tho lever on the
enifino, tho nir is made to act upon
each whool instantly. The expense
ot this apparatus Is WW tor tlio en
gino, $25 for the tondor and $100 for
each car. 1 ho ease and regularity by
which trains are chocked and stnppod
makes it fur prolurablo to tho old
method and renders travelling more
pleasant. 'J. he contusion and noisoon
tho platform and constant jerking and
surging of tho train is abated and
stopod almost impcrccptably.
Tux Stat Fair The Stato Agri
cultural Fair will lake place thia year
at ocrnnton, where It was hold lust
year, commencing September 19th.
To bivo exhibitors every opportunity
for the display of their productions or
articles, careluliy prepurou ana largo
spaco ol ground has boon enclosed,
abundantly supplied with water, oasy
of access to any pnrt of the city of
Mcranlon nnd surrounding towns, and
upon which has boon eroded two halls,
carefully protected lrom the weather,
20x30 foot each j ono hall 175x4 ;
sovcral spacious tents ; 125 horee sta
bles, 150 catllo shods) 60 shocp pens;
uu pons lor swine; an amphitheatre
with 1,000 seats: and ovory other ar
rangement for tho comfort of visitors
or exhibitors in every department
unually represented at such shows.
A Theological Joke. The African
Methodists, now convened in this city,
have rosolvod "that wu sot in our
chiof magistrate, U. S. Grant, an ox
cmphtr of the apoBllu's leaching."
What apostlo and what teaching, the
African Methodists neglect to stale.
Was thcro any apoAlle who taught
the seienco of smoking, liorso-racing,
or taking his whisky straight t And
if so, what other notablo exemplars of
that apostlo s teaching can be men
tioned f , It Zaek Chandlor such an
exemplar j' or tlio pious and apostolio
O. I . Morton ilhicago Jimes.
, A Republican papor in Illinois is
tcry sovcro upon Brolhor-inlaw Casey
and Marshal Packs rd for the recent
military outrage in New Orleans, but
carefully avoids any remmrk upon
Gen. Grant's share in that atrocious
transaction. But why assail the
agonts only and lot the principal go
The PotUUai Mttualton. "' "
Tho outlook from tho Nutional Cap
ital is a good ono. That great eontor
of political influence is frequented,
from timo to lime, during the summer
by lending men trom all pans ot the
Union who go thero on business.
They give their opinions of tho con-,
dition of nutional politics, lookiug from
the stand-point of the relative strength
and onthiiriiasm of tho two parlies in
tho r respective neighborhoods.. In
this way, an editor at Iho Capital of
the Union, who takes paint, cun easily!
. i. ....... r r... '
aSCOI mill UIU rimu Ul aauiis iui iiiiii-i
soli'. Thus looking over Iho political
field, and gathering information from'
ull quartors, tho editor of tho Wash
ington Patriot sums up tho situation;
in this manner: "In tho first pluoe,
the Democracy is, whntovcr unscru-;
pulous advorsarios may say, compact
una nonrmy unuou never mum no.
What is cnllod tho "new dopartaro"
has crculod no division. Our croud of
Domocracy Is liberal, tolerant, and
admits the freest discussion. Woven
lure to affirm, lifter all that has been
written on this subject, that it nover,
has bud, and never will have any ap
preciable effect on tho integrity of tho.
Democratic party, as now marshaling'
for tho fray. Wo have always fell
that the great oohosivo principle, after
all, ia that of amnesty, univorssl and
complato, and with it peaco It Is.
too, an attractive principlo, and on its
noble magnetism do we rely to bring
into thorough and cordial lmocral)o
co-oporatlon the parliclos by no means'
minutoand undistiuguishedrnad which,
united, will be most effective, lhat'are
fust douching themselves from crum
bling or shattering Radicalism. On
the great bridge which rests upon tb)o
masonry of amnesty, rctronchmotft,
intogrity, and revenue reform, Con
servative Republicans can proudly,
and without a blush, march sure of
gratoful woloome, into the great camp
of Constitutional Democracy. J
Tho enemy is entrenched around a
centra, whence radiatos to every point
its corrupting patronge. To this we
do not uttutli much moment, holding
tho opinion that moro patronage is an
olomont of woaknoss. "It is so whon
it is profusely and genorously nsod.
Hut when,' as now, tho most flagrant
Nepotism and personal favoritism
limit its distribution; it effects no party
result, though it may pack conventions
and purchaso caucuses. When at the
Federal trough, boll -wethers of II Oet
tain breed and stripo are allowed to
drink, tho rest ot the liord lows very
discontentedly, and is apt to wander
away to other springs, careless of tho
shopberd s horn or any number ol oo
scquiousand barkingshepherd's dogs.
The only real strength ol Kcpublicjin
ism is the yot abnormal condition er
the Southern Stales, tho exclusion of
their best population, and the plastic
inoxnertoiioe ot the enfranchised race.
On communities thus disorganized, il
is not patronago, but power, that op-
crates, and thero is abundant evidence
that in the use of poworin its strong
est form, there will not bo the slight
est scruple. The Prosident and bis
military gang will hesitate as little to
exercise direct military power on an
Electoral Collegers did General
to make a Legislature elect him Sena
tor. There is but one way to avert
this for the South to givo ovor to
unscrupulous mon no shadow or pre
toxt, to refuse the missionaries of mis
chief all ohanoe of rovivlng animosity,
to bear injustice a little longer, sure
of a flnul rooompenso. Thia done by
tho South, nnd the resolute assertion
of right on the part of the North, in
the very teeth of Executive power,
will givo us the victory."
In 1807 a ring of officials obtained
authority from tho Legislature for
tho appointmont of a special agent
to collect disallowed and suspended
claims duo the Stato from the Goncral
Governor Geary at once appolntod
G. O. Evans to do the work.
Within forty days ho rocoivod $1,
383,000 that belonged to the Stato.
If he could accomplish this sa easily,
why could not tho Stato Treasury do
the same f " i
' At subsequent datos ho rocolved
other sums, nntil tho whole amonntt
to nearly $3,000,000. .
This monoy was paid mainly by
drafts, payablo to tho order of John
W. Geary, Governor. ' . v
Of this vast sum $303,523.85 has
never reached tho treasury of trie
Stnto. and Is no in the possession of
Geo. O. Evans and the corrupt ring Of
State officials who run tho Govern'-
inont and administer tho finances of
the Stato, and other prominont Re
publican politicians. "
Tho projoct was fromed by tho mcrf
who control ine iicpuuncan party oi
Pennsylvania. "
' They are tho mon who havo robbod
tho treasury and Ihe poojilo. r
Why did they not cxposo thisonv
bczzlcmcnt long since T ' '' "' '
: Why did tho treasury officials fall
to colloct this money for nearly four
rw r " ..... v , . , t
Whv do lliev noirleet now to nross.
cute the offenders if they are not thoir
accomplices r ...,
Why do they sock to rcmoyVfroit)
his office tho man who exposod th
fraud 1 " ,,r
Why aro they so anxious to cleet
an Auditor Goncral who will bo their
own creature f
Let tho candid Republican road the
lucts as shown up by Iho l'hiludolphia
Bulletin, a Republican paper, and do
tormine for himself tho truth or fulsily
of tho charges wo niako.
c ,
1 After a Pnr.8ENT. President Grant
cannot accept the invitation of tho
Lincoln Club of Pittsburg, but has ac4
ceptcd an invitation to visit Frnnklin,
Venango county, on tho 15lb of Sep
tember. Ho will make a tour of tho
oil region. Will somo of his admirers
bo kind enough to sccuro lor him a
flnwino well an a tiresent f This has
boun discovorod to be the most direct
means of gelling at his soil side. , Ho
will then visit Washington, IV, and
from thence to Cincinnati to look
aflor his paternal ancestor.
A Western writer says that Presi
dent Grant does not relish low poli
tics for his breakfast. We suppose
tiuh is so. uui now win it bo it U. S.
Grant is thrown overboard, and Jamos
P. Wilson of Iowa should bo nominat
ed for lb Presidency by the next Re
publican National Conveniion t
Wromu SoMawuEBE The frightful
increase of criino among us, and! ot-
Deoiallv the rntiid arrOWth of iianfiA
that is m dangerous as crime, proves
lunw mere is tomeiuing in our body
social whiob il .were well at once to
discover Rod reform, V,,r. Unalt,
The KadUal Xcircrny.
.. So roticcnt is tho Radical prost over
the $305,000 steal, ono woujil suppose
that tlio cunning Chairmun of the Re
publican State Commilloo had issued
instructions to refrain from any allu
sion to tho grout Evans lliofl, which
Involves a number of leading mon
of that party. Errott's instructions
doubtless are to ory Tammany and
fay no attention to home matters.
Its usual game baa boon to make
charges, answer nothing, and placo
.i. I . i. .. .i .. c : ti
me jeiuuui iiujr, uu uiu uuiuusivu 11
possible, but that has failed nnd will
continue to fail this campaign. The
altontion of tho public is now diroctod
to this hite swindlo and will not be
satisfied until thoro is tho fullest in.
vostigation. Tho Uurrisburg 1'atriot
in alluding to tho mutter dovolopos
tho purl, that Goorgo Connollof Phila
delphia, had charge of tho job in tho
Senate; and Ellsha W. Davis In the
Houso. It is well known to many in
this Commonwoulth that tho above
named individuals aro notod for their
attachment to thoir party, dovotion
to. their constituents and tho good
care they lako of themselves. The
Patriot Bays : '
Tho wholo transaction is stained
with fraud from the boginning. A
resolution is hurled through a Radical
Legislature without ono of the mem
bers being awaro of its importance.
For looseness, it is a model ol the
Radical Legislation of the last ten
yenis, It is only nocossary to add In
this connection that Gcorgo Conntii
bad the job in charge in the Senate,
and Elisha W. Davis, in the House.
To Philadelphia belongs the paternity
of this, iniquitous scheir.l to plunder
the Stuto, and send her bogging for
her own in the corridors flt the treas
ury. Bv Ihe resolution, Evans an ad-
vonturerand a broken oporator in gift
enterprises, and tn bogus oil compa
nies, is made speciul agent, under a
bond of $10,000, most prudently de
manded by tho Governor of tho Com
monwealth with the full knowledge
that millions would be placed in the
hands of tho agent. : No sooner had
Evuns been appointed than tho dis
honored claims of Pennsylvania, under
bis magio touch, went ihrongn tho
treasury with untaxing rapidity. ' 1
It Is a rcmarkublo fact that Gover
nor Geary has nover onco madeoffioial
mention of those claims. In four an
nual mossagts in which the meanest
trivialities are tediously and pom
ponsly discussed, thore is not tho
slightest allusion to isvans or Ms mis
sion. There is frequont montion of
the State agency and Its unimportant
work. Stewart and Cook, tho State
agents, are embalmed in gubernatorial
mossago, but thore is never a whisper
of Speciul Agent Evans.
Every Word True, Aleo Rocor.t
ly a reporter of the Now York Herald
iutorviewod Col. A. K. MoCluro, a
loader of tho liopublican party in this
Stato, and ono of tho ablest and
shrewdest politicians ia the country.
Col. McClure is thoroughly familiar
with all the inner workings and ras
calities of the Radical Ring. He has
himself boon Chairman of the State
Committee, and held other positions
of responsibility in the Republican
party, ,W give tbe following speci
men of the interview between the
Ilerald reporter and Col. MoClure:
"Could the Democrats curry the city
of Philadelphia, Colonol f"
' "They have the votos to do it if they
conld only got them counted, but you
see tho election machinery is in tho
hands of tho Republicans and they
can count tho Domocratlc voles or not,
just as they please."
"1)0 you think the Kopublicans win
carry tho Stale this full V
"I doubt il. Thcro is a great deal
of indifference among the Republicans
in Pennsylvania towards Grant, and
they don't care much how it goes.
Besides, the Democrats will make a
tremendous effort."
From this confession of MoClure
our readers can judge of tho shameful
character of an elcotion which practi
cally sets at defiance tho public will,
by giving the control of our election
to Radical penitentiary birds. Tho
Democrats in the present canvass will
bring this issuo fairly beforo the pooplo.
In a rccont statement published in
the newspapers, Generals Shorman,
Shoridan and Hancock, agreed that an
Indian war in the North West was
imminent, but as 'thoro wore not
troops enough to fight tho Indians,
somo concessions would havo to be
mado to thorn for tho sake of pcaco.
Tho reason tho administration have
tio troops to fight Indians is because
they aro wanted in the South to con
troldelogale eloctiona.
A Hit. Tbe N. Y. Standard says
Colfux appears beforo the country
only when be oan serve the cause of
temperance and religion. - Evidently
a sly dig at Grant's whisky drinking
and betting on horse races. ,
1 By a recent act of Congross, the
Post Office Department is prohibited
from printing tho business card or ad
yertisemont of parlies ordering return
stamped onvolopes. . , . .
I 'Tho nowly clonlod Legislature of
..Ull .Ul J ... ' I'V.II" LlUlllllUj wv
Domocratsand 3 Republicans; Houso,
82 Democrats and 18 Republicans.
j Tho Gorham split in the Radical
parly of California is Increasing in
width, and there is tio hnpo of re
union of the sundered parts.
gfU! (IlfdiSfHUntS.
TOTlCK-The Hoard of Rehaol Directors of
il West Clearfield Independent School District
will apply to the Cunrt of t'oinmon Pleas at Kepi.
Tern next for authority to borrow an amount of
money, not eaoaeding tl,.tto, under the provleinne
of aa not of Asaombly, approved the 81st day of
April, A. D. ItOl.
' A. nrMPHRKY, President.
Attetsi O. B. MaaaaLL, fee'y. ang.S0i4L
trl THE PIIAM' COURT of Clear
X field eonnty. rVnnsylvsnln.
In the matter af the Estate of dames Carley,
deceased i The undersigned Auditor, appointed by
the Court to adjuntand settle theaooouuts bctwaen
the widow of said decedent and J. W, Poller,
guardian of the minor heirs, and to make distri
liuUon of the ascetu in the hands of said guardian,
hereby gives notice that he will alttn.l to that
duty on Tuesday, the tsth day of Sept., 1S7I.
aug30:ll . JNO. W. WHllll.KY, Auditor.
1 Till ORPHAN' COURT at Clear
field county, Pennsylvania.
In Ilia matter of the estate of David Irvln, de
ceased. The undersigned Auditor, appointed by
tho Court to make distribution of the mosey in
the hands of tho administrator to and among the
parties legally entitled Ukarrto, hereby (ires notice
that he will attend to that duty on Thursday, the
Itk day of September, 1 S7 1 .
auglfi st , JOHN W. WRK1LEY, Auditor.
county. Pennsvlraoia,
In the matter of' lha aetata ot Harlwlek Bark,
deceased. The underaigned Auditor, appointed
by the Court te makcdistrlbntlon of the money la
the hands or the administrator to and among the
parlies legally entitled thereto, hereby gives aoliee
that he will atteod te that duty I'riday, lha
Stb dy f September, isrj.
ItuglMt J0H.V W. WRlpr, Aer,
$fiv 3.dmtisfrufBtj..
-y A L II A II L U
By vlrtna of an Aet of Assembly, approved the
Id day of Jane, A. D. 1811, the undersigned will
tell at Public Nsle, at tho Court Houso, iu Clear
field, an MONDAY, SKPTEMIIBR Ii, IS7I, at 1
o'clock, p. m., the following described real cstatai
Eighty Acres of Land ,
Situate in Woodward township, Clearflold county,
Pa., bounded by lauds of and others, having
about 2o acres alearod, witn a log bouae, orchard,
and other Improvement! thereon. A largo quao-
tity of good Pine, Oak and Hemlock timber there
on. Aow occupied and owned by James Mcltea,
Jr., a pauper on said township of Woodward.
TBHMrJt One-third cash at oonfirmatka of
tale, and balanoa on tba 1st of June, 18711, with
interest, to be secured by bond and eiortgngaon
tb premises. J JAMES I.OCKKTT,
augSO-et Poor Overseen of Woodward Tp.
Lawrence School Tax !
I are hereby notified that there will be no dis
count on their tal bill after the lUth of September
next, and the HchOul Treasurer will ba found at
the Arbitration Room, In tbe Court House, every
Halurday, and on Court week, commencing on the
2Mh. Those who wlnh to avail themselves of the
five per cent, discount must par up by the S9th.
auglO-St TAYLOR HOWLKH, Treasurer.
KJ . . at
AUT1Q1Y. All pvrtoni aro Wrebjr Motioned
aninit iivrobaiioff the follow. or ron,rtr.M
1 bv purtebMed ttw Mm from lrm U. 41 !-, of
urmnaa umafuip, and Uitj ar now in my poa
aeaaioat Ova avw, on a grata erad, ma plow, one
ovuk lot, im tuner ouatoDoia raraiiare.
ugl-St J. Vf. GKKENB.
CI AUTfOM -All pertont are hereby caatlonftl
J afainat parehaaln( or fn any waj medlliag
wilh oaa aorrtrl and one brown Hon, now In tbe
poiMMion 01 uoorga Hall, f tirabtvai towmhip,
aa tbe tame belong to mm uH ar? subject to mv
Urabamton. Pa., Anat lfl-L ,
"rANTEI I The So boo I Dlraetora ot Kir
f T tbaua Mchool Dittrlet want to employ f,ar
eompetent TKACHKK8 for the eowiinjr winter
term of four mon tba, to wbom renaonabl wagee
will be paid, AU applicaUom auit be add ret wd
to the rrttfidont or Beerelarr at Bait Lick, P. O.,
ra. j. vr. i'UllliK, freaKiFnt.
Joaarn Oillii.asp, Secretary. , aug2I it
rpEACIIIHH WANTED I The board of
I. iScbnol Ui rectors of Union townihip with to
employ two eompetent Tenchera for the eouing
term i one tor Ore en tne other for four month!.
Applicant for achoola ean meet the board of Di
rector at Hockton, on Saturday, tba 2d da af
auK23 3t W. wkl.TT, Beervtary.
ia hereby giren that letter of administration
ootheeatataof WILLIAM BLOOM. Srdeoeatwd,
late of Carwcmvtlle, Clearlcld aoanty. Penn'a.,
having been duly granted to tbe nndereigned, all
pertom indebted to laid eatafo will plenao make
immediate payment, and those having alaimi or
demands will present them property authenticated
for aetUement without drier.
Carwenirllle, Aag. 22 etpd. Administrator.
j ters TetttanienUry on the aetata of W. W.
A.N PKKSOiV. dee'0 late of Bloom tp., Clearfield
Co., IV. b nro been granted to theoderalgned,and
all .persons indebted to said estte are request
ed to ton It rntnediata payment, and those having
elalms acainst the same will present them, duly
authenticated, for aattlrment to WaJlaoe f Field
ing, attorney! at Jaw, Clearfield, Pa.
John iionuow,
July ?, 1871 -t Exeeutor.
E. J. G It E B N E,
.. dealer in . t
Pianos, Ohgans and Melodeoks,
of any manofacture deelrrd.
' For rank or In exchange for good Ll'MBER.
10,000 foot of good Lumber wanted. ,
For circulate aod terms, address
augO Sm No. 410 Hill street, Huntingdon, Ta.
IAMINATIOJif. Tho annual oiatnlna
J tions of teacbers, for Clearfield county, will
be held as follows i Curwensville and Pike, at Car
wensville, September 4th Lumber City, Ferguson
sud Penn, at Lumber City, the Kb t Bell, at Power,
Ihe Oih ; New Washington and Chest, at N. Wash
ington, the 7th i llurnside, at Burnside, tbe Slh ;
Osceola and Decatnr, at Osceola, the 1 ltb tYood
ward, at Thomas Henderson's, tbe 12th t Ooelieh,
at Janeeville, the 13th Beeoaria, at fllen Hope,
the 14th; Jordan, at Ansonvllle, the 15th Knox,
at New Millport, the 16th ; Lawrenoe and Clear
field, at Clearfield, tho ISth. Examination! to
commence at 9 o'clock a. m.
aui2;Ut OEO. W. SNYDER, C. 8.
,; . WLTQLE8ALR '.'A
and doalort in
. i '.,'..'('' . . ,. '.' ,-i ,':i :, , '
augSS-tm ,
J. M. STEWART, D. D. G.,
Offle arer Irwin's Drag Btora,
Alt drtiUt oparatlona, either fn the merbanloal
at operetlrv branch, promptly attrndrd to nnd
satiilaetion guaranteed. Hpeeial attention paid
to Ihe treatment of diseasea ot the natural teeth,
gums and month. Irregularity of the teeth sue
eessfulleorrerted. Teeth extracted without pain
by Ihe use of Ether, and artificial teeth inserted
of the best material and warranted to render sat
uration. aprillfi71:lj
fn-Etjj ) Omco in Manle Huiming,
Putting nf the natural teeth in a healthy, pre
aerrativa and useful con) tt Ion la made a specialty.
Diseases and mal formations ontnmon lot ha mouth,
Jaw and associate parts, are treated and corrected
with fair success. Examinations anl consulta
tion, rnni. Prices for partial and full nets of
teeth much lower than In 1H70. It would ba well
for natientv from a distance to let na know by
mail a few days before coming to the office. It
Is very Important that children between the agea
of tlx and Iwelva yean should bare their teeth
examined. By Anesthesia Teeth are remorrd
without pain. fcblVTl
Dr. A. M.' HILLS
Wmitd sav1 to bis nut lent s and the nub.
lie gciK-ratty, that, harlng dissolved partnership
wiih lr. Hhaw, be Is now doing the an lira work
of his office himself, in that patients need not fi-ar
being put under Ihe hands of any other operator.
Having obtained a rednetlau of the) patent an the
nlnte material, t am enabled to put ut teeth muck
cheaper tiiai formerly. I also have Dr. 8 tuck's
patent prooess Tor working metwr plates, Wbicn
make a mack lighter, mora elastic and stronger
rilate for the same amount of material, and pol
Rhes the plate on both sides, rendering It much
mora easily kept clean. Special attention paid la
the nreaervation of the natural teeth, and all work
guaranteed entirely satisfactory to patients, r
voniM at tne oia eornsT, onposlta tba Hhaw
Houea, Office hours from 9 to IS. a, m.. and I to
, ta. . Pattenta from a Jtetaaoe should notify
ma a few days beforehand of their Intention te
soma. Always at home, unless other notice ap
pears In both th eoanty paper. ffhlftTl
ait tt tail cmce, .
v , Orange vs. Green I
Ererybody Is awara that our "Foreign Rela
tions" bare had a big time In New York lately,
hut Mayor Hall and Governor Hoffman and Chief
Kelso and a lot of other fellows bare got it fixed
op, and the Paddys bare stack the handles fn
their picks and gone to work again.
But. notwithstanding all this, the KEYSTONE
fill OB 8 TO 11 IS has been re-61 led with stock of
Boots k Shoos of all descriptions,
from tba coarsest to tba finest, and from tba big
goat to the least.
A large stock of Ladies' Shoes, Gaiters and
clippers, of all styles, kinds and prieea.
Oent's Shoes, Bowls, 6 el ters, Slippers a fine
assortment. Misses' and Children's fboes and
Gaiters of all descriptions. Boy's Boots A Bhoes,
a vary large variety , ,.r
A or dial Invitation Is axtended te all to oall
aod examine my atook, and flatter myaalf that I
ean please tbe most fastidious, both as to sty la
ana price.
Jy28 Keystone Shoe Store, Clearfield, Pa.
Agricultural Implements!
These in want of Improved Agricultural Im-
plesrata should call on Af. O. BROWN, Maraat
strni Liiarnsid, fa., woo sells tne best.
whiek took the first prize at the Paris Exposition
In 1387, when tlxleon of the best Mowing 11a-
chinaa la Burope and America were on trial.
Will isarraaf it to give eatisfaction.aod gir. lira.
ror trial, when, If It doet not work as recommend
ed, It cat be returned. , . :.j
Two of the best HAY R AKEC1. Stoner'a aod
nagerstown Rake, which defy their equal. Two
si jim Ol nil niKM, nellls and cprouU.
ELLIS k IIOOPMAN'g one-horse '
which will thresh from on hundred to two hun
dred busbelt of grain in a day. Will do more
work than moil of the two-horse Threshing Ma-
eninea iu nantet.
Buckeye drain Drill, Stoner Fanning Mill,
best in market, Fead Cotten of
all kinds,
Hlekoek Cider Mill, Dog powers for Chlrns,
ana an uings in our una. .
11. O. BROWN.
Clearfield, July II, 1 871.
pit or os ed ; ;
Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of
B it rcsoeeo ly iinatt anil ffo o Repn
ttntatittt af tae CuMiaoateealk of Pmnmlnniu in
Otutrot Aittml'g etsf, That the fullowing amend
ment of the Constitution of this Commonwealth
be proposed to tbe people for their adoption or
rejection, pursuant to the provisions of tbe tenth
article thereof, to wit :
Strike out the 8lxth Section of the Sixth Article
of the Constitution, and insert tn lien thereof the
"A State Treasurer shall be chosen by the quali
fied electors of tbe State, at such times and for such
term of serrlco as shall be prescribed by law.1
JAMES H. WfcllU,
Speaker of the tlnusc of Rei-reeentixtircc, ;
. WM. A. ri ALI.AciS, ; I
Rpeaker of the Senate.
Approved Ihe 1Mb dav of Juae, Anno Domini
one thousand eight hundred and seventy-on.
J.U. W. UAASl.
Prepared and certified for publication pursuant
to the Tenth Article of the Constitution.
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Office Secretary of the Commonwealth, i t
llarrisburg, July oth, 1871. til 10 10
Mrs. 8. S. LIDDELL, .
Having engaged in tb. Marbl business, desires
to Inform her friends and the publlo that she has
now and will keep eeoitantly on hand a large and
well eeleeted stock of ITALIAN AND VERMONT
MARBLE, and Ls prepared to furnish to ordor
, " '? -". ; .' T h ; :. MOXVMENTS,
Curb, and Posts for Cemetery Lots, Window
Sills aad Caps, also, i :
TOPS, Ac., Ac. "
4,Yard on Bocd street, near the B, It. Depot,
CIcarBold, Pa., jeT.71
l Q S A D'A L I S
POSR ROSADALIS ara published on
every package, therefore It is wot a sco ret
preparation, consequently
It Is a certain oar far Scrofula, Syphilis
in all Its forma. Rheumatism, fkia Die
eaaes, Lircr Complaint and all diseases of
tne Blood. . ,
will do more good than ten bottle, of tbe
8yrupi of Sarsaparllla.
have used Re.dl!s In practice for
tt.. pi throe years, and freely endorse it
aa a reliable Alterative and Blood Purifier.
DR. T. C. PI (111, or Baltimore. i
DR. R. W. CARR. " '
DR. J. 8. SPARKS, of Nleholatville, Ky.
DR. J. L. MrCAHTIIA, Oolumbia, S. C.
DR. A. B. NOBLES, Bdgecomb, N. C.
.1. B. FRENCH A SONS, Fall River, Mass.
F. W. SMITH, Jackson, Mieh.
A. F. WIIEKLKR, Lima, Ohio.
B. IIA1.I., Lima. Ohio.
CRAY KN A CO., Uordonsville, Va.
HAMl'EL U. McFADDEN, Murfrassboro,
Tenn. . , . .
Our spac will not allow of any attend
ed remarks in relation to th virtue, of
Rosailslis. To lha Medical Pn.Tes.ion we
guarantoe a Fluid Eurnot tuperior to anr
they hare ever used In the treatment of
diseased Blood I and to the afflicted we uv
try Roeodalis, and you will be restored to
Rosadslit It sold ly all Druggists
pric. ll.At per bottle. Address
. ... DR. CLEMENTS A CO.. . , .
Jfoaaaeloe.'., CsenVvts, '
Aug. 1, 171. ly. Uat.viaoni, Mn.
It'EST AU ItA'!ftT,
' (
Second Street, 1 ' ' '
Always an hand, Fresh Oystara, Ire Cream,
Candies, Nuts, Craokera, Cokes, Cigars, Tobacco,
Canoed Fruits, Oranges, Lemons, aad all kinda
of frail in season. ' .i.
""-BILLIARD BOOM on seooad floor.
Jell'71 D. MoGAUGHET.
tt hereby Irrn that letters r idrainlstratlnn
on THOMAS M. SI'KNt'H.deo'd, late
of Oosheai township, C'loarSeld counts, IVana,
having been duly granted to Ihe andersigned, all
persona indebted to tald aetata -will pleas, make
...BMl. ..4 tknaa k.H.nd mI.L . i
I ' ' -. . insw, vr
will pretest nronetly ea!htoil..ird .r i.
IU.MI llS.fl .
..w steeps i.,
Auf. I, In j . Admiolstrotcr,
Ural (Citate tor fot.
Jon SAI.E1 .."7
Valuable Real Estate
int.- ...1 II V . . . oners ,or sale his nr.t
Market street, (neat door to All.ghVn, h ! "
Clearfield. Pa , being a l ,ui
r-... M.rbx .i.i. . j . ." " tm
-uu uoeiue I, .L ,
Mory IIOt'rlE, containing four large rewss j
stairs and si a bed rooms up stairs ..j
frame plank STAHI.K and all ether nwIr
outbuildinl erected thereon. Three gLUJ
rood water on (ha nremisra Bf
tr-For terms anil oonditloas appl, ,.
E remises, or to Frank Short, at the h s.
hop, neit door to Miller A Powell , nm I
ket street, or hy letter to 1
JylJ Clearfield, Clearfield Co, it.
Valuable Grist Mill For Sale
fpHR undersigned offers For ffals a Orlit k,n
X Dwelliog House and Htora House, oittiat 1'
hew Millport, Clearfield eoanty, Pa. The Mj
fn good condition, having been repaired sad t
in exoellcnt order within the last year, and ti
rood navintr euitora. It ! litunUrl lm u. , ..
r I - " vmm H L I
best wheat-growing sections of tbe eoeaty, w I
decidedly increeiea its value. Tbe liwellii 1
Iionsc and Btors Room ara also In mnd ..!.. " I
Together with the above property uiU W tatr) I
partly oJearod and balanoa la Tinier Lui
m.Terma made known on applkaUsautW
uouvrvigairv m now At II per I tr . V,
Mayll-fiia JOHNrox.
-yyr-T viucimia
Timber and Coal Lands 1
' F 0 R SALE!
Tho following tracts of Timber and Oosl Luj,
ara offered for sale : On. tract of 17,00, aerw,
lying on the Elk River, in Webster county ; ton.
tracts lying on tne same river tn Hraitoa esoatr,
two of 6,000 aeret each and one of 1,080 sects'
and one tract containing 9,SO0 acres, lying on tat
Gentry River, in Nicholas oouoty. Thstilleate
these land, are perfect.
Any information concerning theee landsesa W
had by addressing Q. 8. FLEUAL,
. March 32, 187 Uf. - - - Philipsharg, Fa-
Farm for Sale 1
CONTAINING ACRES, in a good .Uu tl
ou'tivatlon, situated in Pike towuship, Clsv.
leld county, Pa., about eighty rods from Lofsa'i
Flouring Mill, on the turnpike leading from Car
weuevilte to Clearfield. Having a story and s hf
house, liable and out-buildinga tboreon. Tber.
is also a good spring and a young orchard on the
premioea. Any person desiring a aioe little bens
will find this a very desirable location.
For further particulars inquire of Rachel Cali.
well, on tbe premises, or adJrees
March it-tf. - . . Curwensvills, Pa.
. (Efluratiouat.
The best conducted, most popular aod success
ful institution in the United States, fur the thor
ough, practical education, of young and middle
aged men. For large descriptive circulars,
oontaioing full particulars, address
Jy26 m J. C. PM1IU, A. M , Principal.
roa hilb axo liuaLi rcriLs.
Altrantively rltestcd In a' healthful and heintl. -
ful region, one-fourth of a mile from Pennsylvania
Railroad. Four regular graduates, assisted bv
other competent Instructors, constitute the corps
of instruction. The Principal (for many years
in charge of Taeearora Academy, and since ISi
the head of thia institution,) refers tn his nomer.
ons pupils in all the learned professions and la
every department f bueiness. Tlnus: ,100 per
annum. Music and Painting specialties. Fall
session will commence September 1st, 1871.
.11 4MU , l,irf, sill...,. . ...
iyit im A. J. I'A I 1 r.K.-.OS, A. M.
THE FALL TERM of fourteen weeks, will
oommenco Monday, Sept. 4th, 1871.
Reading, Orthography, Writing.OhjecfXea.
ons, rrimary Arithmetic ana i nmary
Oeorrat hv... $7 Ot
History, loal and deeoriptivo Gaogra)hy
witn Map urawlog, urammar, atental
and Written Arithmetic t 00
Algebra and the Solenoee 19 00
Instruction in instrumental music............ It tt
Oil p.iating, ! Icssuas 11 to
Wai work It
For full particulars send for Circular. ..
Clearfield, Sept. I, 1870-lypd.
, . i. - aa--t
A Male and remale CUsalrnl High ScbooU
Each Department feeparate, niatlnct aad
Complete In Itaelf.
THS aebolastie year of thia Institution Is divi
ded Into two sesstiens of Ave months (twenty
one weeks) each. The Aral session commences on
the first Monday in September, tbe second, aa tbe
flret Monday in February.
Theoonrae of instruction embraoes every thing
necessary to a thorough, practical and accomplish
ed education of both scxea.
Pupils will ba admitted at any time and charged
from date of entrance to tbe elose of the session.
No deduction will be made for absence, eseept
In eases of extreme aod protraated illoees.
Students from a dilanoe ean be accommodated,
with board at low ratsa. , t -
For particulars, send for circulars, or address
ItfT. r. L. UAHRISON, A. H.,
July U, 1871-tf. . Principal
G. W. INNES, A. M., Principal.-
THE FIRST SESSION of this Institution will
eommenoo on Monday, the 15th day ot May
next. (Term, five montha.) - -
Pupils may entor at any lima, and will b.
charged tuition from the time ttsry eater until tho
close of the session. Tbe course of instruction
will embrace all branches Included in a thorough,
practical education for both sexee. ,
Vocal Music taught whan desired.
Good boarding ean be obtained at
Parent, oan bo assured that the ability aad
energies of Ihe Principal will h. devoted to th.
mental and moral training of those plaood under
his eharge.
feSVTerme of Tuition will Ve awderat anoT
oan be ascertained by addressing Dr. J. I ones, at
New Washington, or the Principal, O. W. laaM,
at Appnlle, Armstrong county, Va., but whs will
be at New Washington after April 1st.
New Washington, Msrc'u JJ, 1871 If.
' Clearflold, Pa. . .' ' J
The underslgnel bat taken tbo abcra tamecT
hotel, end respectfully solicits a share of patron
age. Its clone proximity to the Depot, makes this
houeo a desirable etopping place for the traveling
public. (J.vlt'71) 8. B. ROW.
CUKWKNSV1IXB, i I ,- ' ,
Ciaasriru. Cttritti, Taxa', . , ,
This long established aad popular kouel Is etilf
ketit hr th. autmritiar. .ho .... m. ma n7.,pt la.
phase all who patronise him. "To pleaee," is the
mu..w im MNivriwu nun,, ana ... ibb. w BSSOW-
is a trial. , . , E. W. RKEDj 1'r.prleter.
Cnrwensvlllo, Warch l, ISTMfl
, , just fora"momenti
Are you In need af a good set of It. mess t
Are you In need of a good Saddle, or Brldlaf
If to, call al th. Saddle and Harness Shop of
Joan C. llaneiH i, where rn eaa get Use nest In
the aiarkst. Double and Single llarneas-and -dies'
end Gent's Saddles of tnperlnt workmanship,
always os band or manofaotured to order. Spe
cial atteatioa il called la my slock af Dollars aadl
Hamcc, which sre Ihe beet ia uaa.. J aaso bavean
aaunment of Saddlers' Hardware, which wilt he
dieptwwl af at reasonable rate P.epairing af all '
kinds promptly attended to. feca-Doat forget to
call before purchasing elaewhoro. Shop ia Um
laut a now, starsM street, i iearsein, l a.
May!, l7l-ly. , JOHN C. 11ARWICK.
JtrnTiri.:-' f, cosraTAnLEhV kh
We bar. printed a l.rga naubaaaCtbe aeWi.
FRR BILL, and will oa ih. teoaipt ol twenty-.
v. teats, mail a tofj t aariidiets. - ewi