Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, August 16, 1871, Image 2

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RniTon axd rnorniETOR.
CliEARFl ELD, Pa. .
Democratio Stato Ticket. '
or pnir.Aiim.i uu.
" '' FOR BURVKYuR ookral,
. . or Mwitnci coi'jtv.
!' .'9kA full of the Pcmooretie rot jvlll
eoure thi election of our Stato tlekt-t by a lurgo
ftLol erory Democrat remember that, noil
Impreie the truth of it upon the mimli of hii
neighbor!. -
r ; Domocratio District Ticket.
Subject to Ihe'lofloh of Di.trlot Convention.
v Democratio County Ticket.
, . . .. ABSliMM.Y:
JOHN I.AWPIIE, nfOerenla.
WILLIAM V. I'OI.EV, of Clearfleld.
JOHN J. HEW, of Lawrence.
AARON C. TATK, of Clearfleld.
ASIIURY W. l.EK. of Clearfield. ,
AMIFX P. WILSON, of Ilredford.
. T. COUTRIET, of Karthaue.
S). P. Mrt LOSKEY.of turwenerllle.
At Libbrtt. Three nogroos con
fined in tlio EuRtorn Poiiilctilinry, for
high crimen, made thoir oscnpa from
tlml institution last week. The hti
in a no keepers had givon ihcm the
"run of tho house" it scorns, and llioy
doped. Hud Ibey'boen white no
liberty would havo boon gran tod litem.
No.mina'.t.d. The personal popu
Hrity of our editorial neighbor, P.
Gray Mock, of tho Dellefonlo Watch
man, is fully established by his fourth
nominulion for Assembly by the Dem
ocrats of Mother Ccnlro, find that, loo,
ovpr bo ublo nnd popular a rival as
John II. Orris, Esq., who wo learn
contested the field in his usual vigo
rous manner.
In Trouble. Jlro. MePiko, of tho
Cambria Freeman, scorns to bo troubled
over our grammar. Wo rather bus
pect that had wo not embellished our
Sfjuio with loo much truth, our gram
mar would have passed unnoticed
We oro In tho habit of staling fucts
very carelessly sometimes, and under
such circumstances it is always in or
der to attack our grammar, bocauso
matters of fact are ruthcr "old fogy"
ideas anyhow, nnd gralo very harshly
on tho refined ear.
Tub Kentucky Election. Tho
election in Konlucky, which took
place on Monday, tho 7th, resulted in
a Democratio triumph of about tho
samo as last year, when it was 31,000.
It is a significant fact, and one for
IJndicals to "put in their pipos and
smoko," that in ppito of tiro largo
negro vote (45,000,) tho Domocratio
mnjority is about tho same. How is
this nccountod forf Wo leave this
ineslion and the qnoslion of whether
the weapon tho Radicals made to do-
foat Iho Democrats with is not turned
itgninst thorn, for the politicians to
Venango Loyalty. Judge McCor
nick, of Franklin, one of tho loyal
loadors of that city, purchased 100
acres of Innd for tho county upon
which to build a poor houso. He paid
$2,500 for the land nnd had the deed
made to his son. In a few weeks
aftor the son mndo a deed to the
County Commissioners for tho samo
100 acres nnd obtained 65,500. Gain,
53,000. And ynt such nro tho men
who clamor about the corruption of
'lammany Hall, NowJYork. These
follows think if they can got tho poo
plo to watch New York-ward ihey
will not tcp the plundering operations
now going on at Washington and
Not Muchly. Mrs. Victoria Wood
hull, of New York, as full of vagaries
us a toad is of warts, sends us a circu
lar, stating that sho is a candidate for
President in 1872, and asks us to sup.
port her. Not muchly, Viol You
had belter gather up your husband
nnd children, and pursuo tho life of
lady in the future. Besides, we bnvo
a kind of an old woman married to
Simon Cameron for Prosidcut now,
nnd we want a man next timo.
. Tho namo of our journal may have
misled this gay nnd festivo woman,
and w theroforo rccoinmond her I
the lender care of tho editor of ll
Jotmaf, whoso party harbor nr
nurse creatures of hor way of thinl
'ng. Tho vostibulo of the New York
inbvne, the loading organ of his par
ty, contains a nursery of this kind
Vie, why don't you apply for aid tc
Mr.. Calhoun, Mrs. Itichard.on, 0
Greoley, Becther and Itow, and quil
"gadding" after us Democrat, win
Uotsst joor mode of llfof Or, have
yon secured them already f
Kentucky. Later returns from
tb election in this Stale indicate that
th Democrats will have 40,000 ma-
Jorilyr-fi'yif .thousand greater than
t year. How Is this thus f .
It Grant a UHelatorl
Tho editor of the New York Sun,
ono of tho foremost in tho election of
Grant, asks tho abovo pertinont ques
tion. It is ono imvolvlng great prin
ciple, but superinduced in. this in
stance, as tho sequel will show, on
account of the quarrel in tho loyal.
happy family in Louisiana, where a
pitched battled was fought Inst week,
botwoon Iho two wings of "tho bread
and butter brigade." Grant's rela
tions, lead by the Confederate Gen.
Longstroet nnd Brolhor-in law Cnsly,
making tho nttnuk. Tho Sun editor
asks further: ' ' ' ' '
'Why doo (ion. Grant tlochiro war
cainst (iov. Win niotli Aif Louisiana?
urmotli has kept tho Mnto well in
hnnd for tho liopublican party. ; Un
der his rule Micro has not boon a Ku-
Klux outrago in Louisiana, nnd tho
usually turbulont city of Now Orleans
has been as quiet as Boston.
"What, then, is Iho mattor with
Wnrmoth that Grant should require
his Copperhead brolhor-in law Cosoy,
Collector of New Orleuns, and his
cousin Gen. Longstroet, Into of the
Confederate army, and now Surveyor
of iho Port of Now Orleans, nnd all
tho other Fcdoral oflicoholdors in Lou
isiana, to combino to crush tho r.-.nn
who has been more successful in keep
ing bis State Republican than any of
tlio olhor wii pw-lmg tulumf: 1'lie
answer is at hand. Gov. Warmolh
seriously doubts whether Gen. Grunt
can carry tho reconstructed Slutos in
1972, and thorcloro DO has ventured
to hint at tho inexpediency of his re
nomination. This is nn oll'eiico not to
bo forgiven, and so Cuscy, by order of
Grant, promises to make Dunn Gover
nor next your, aim culU in the troops
to put Warmolh down.
"VY hat a strange and alarming spoc-
taelo was exhibited on the day of the
assembling of tho Louisiana Conven
tion. 4 he l'odura.1 ciuceholdcrs hrst
designated tlio Custom House as the
placo of mooting. Tho United States
Marshal then summoned four compa
nies ot regular troop-i, with a battery
of artillery, from Texas, to resist the
entrance to the Custom Uuuso of nil
delegates w ho doubted tho oxpodienpy
of Grnnl's ronominalion ; and bravely
did the Swiss guards of Iho President
execute his will. But fur thoir bayo
nets ho would havo bocn beaten out of
sight In tho Convention, for 90 of the
I in delegates woro friendly to the
policy of Warmotb, and only a day or
two boforo Wnrmoth had badly beaten
Collector Casey for a float in the Con
vention from ono of tho wards of New
Orleans. No escape from a disastrous
defeat in tho Convention was there-
foro IcfLonon to Grant except bv ex
cluding from iho Custom House by
military powor tho regular delegates,
and packing, tlio Convention with
bogus delegates. Mr. Pinchbuck, who
provided over tlio Warmolh or regular
Convention, is tho ablest member of
tho bin to Senato, and ono of tho most
influential colored citizons of Louisi
ana. -
"It may bo attempted to rhow that
Grant docs not approve of these high
handed proceedings. It will bo in
vain, for docs not everybody who
notes the occurrences at the royal
lodge nt Long Branch know that two
or three weeks ago brolhorialaw
Uasey spent a lew days there in close
consultation wilh Grant? And is tliore
so big a fool in tho country as not to
bo suro that tho New Orleans pro
gramme was then urrungod by tho
holding of tho Convention in tho Cus
tom Houso, tho summoning of tho
troops from Texas, nnd tho exclusion
of iho anti Grant delegates by the
bayonet ?
"If an insnno ambition had not
blinded Gen. Grant to nil sonso of
propriety nnd ull appreciation of the
rising indignation of the independent
voters of the "country at his uso of
regular troops to secure Ins rononnna
tiou, wo might ask him if ho thinks
he can confront that indignation nt
tho ballot-boxes in 1872 ? In contest
ing the Presidential campaign, does
he imigine that ho is at iho licnd ol
an army on a battle field r
'This savago and Bclfish war of
Urunt against Warmolh will boar its
logilimato lruits. it will doubtless
break in pieces tho liopublican party
of Louisiana, and throw tho Stato into
the hands of tho Democrats next year.
it will certainly do this H Ursnt is
then in tho field ns the liopublican
nomineo for the Presidency."
Go in, loynl dogs of war; its not
our funeral, and bodes no evil lo the
Stale or Nation.
Great Excitement Grant's bay
onet affair at New Orleans, last week,
in driving out all the members of tho
Radical convention opposed to his ro-
nomination, (ausod much excitement
throughout the South, among whiles
and negroes. Ho employed two com
panies of U. S. soldiers to tako charge
of the convention, and bayoneted out
all anti-Grant delegates, and those
who moved slowly wcrorickod with
a musket sabro to hasten their exit.
Read article from tho Now York Sun
Tnr.ia Ticket. The Democrats of
Centre county have solllod upon the
following ticket:
Assembly, P. Gray Meek; Assocl
ale Judges, W. W. Lovo, Henry Dopp;
Treasurer, Jamos F. Weavor; Com
missioner, Samuol K. Foster; District
Attorney, John F. Pottor; Auditor,
Robert F. Holmos; County Surveyor.
W. P. Mitchell
Dead. Mrs. Vollandlgham diod at
Cumberland, Md., on tho 11th. Sho
ovorcamo tho banishmont of hor hus
band by "the.luto lamented," but his
tragio death was too much for hor
shattered, nervous sysUm.
Tho Mormons of Salt Lako are
making extensive preparations lo ro
ccivo President Grant. The Now
York Sun says an elder who is look
ing for nn appointment proposes to
present him with a wifo.
The present year, says an exchange,
has boon a good year for earthquakes.
Our Radical friends will witness a big
ger "shaking up" next year, than any
of their past experiences.
C. 1. Sloinmctx, of Lebanon county,
rccontly threshed a crop of whout
grown on some forty-eight acres of his
rarm.thoyiold being over 1,700 bushels
about C5 bualmls to the aoro.
Maj. J. 11. KillerTof the Harrisburg
Potnot, is off on a trip to tho Pacific.
If John don't loso his spectacles he'll
see all there is In that rgion
Somebody t.ylng:
Bigamist Bowen sent a messenger
to his second wife when ho was nrrost
ed for bigamy, with tho requost that
she would make somo arrangement.
She spurned tho messongor from hor
door, and. a forged ocrtificalo, of di
voroo from her was ihen prepared and
produced in court. Yot Grant inys
Bowen . boliovod this Avifu to bo dead
nnd married tho third one in Ignoranoo
of tho law. Besides whon (ionerul
Shormun marched into Columbia,
South Carolina. Bowop, was in jail,
whero ho bad been placod to answer
charges of murdering his superior of-
Deer, and was in mo uomcuornio army
when nrrostcd. Whon nnd how did
ho re ml or those sorvicos to tho Union
of which Grant speaks in his lettor of
pardon ! JJid any puiilio omoiul ever
make such a disgrnccful exhibition of
hin sjlf I'sforc? .
Bowen has cone back to Charles
ton to contest tho seal of Delargo, tho
negro Congressman, llo will bu suc
cessful, nnd then in return for his par
don will vote lor ban uomingo, the
McGarrnhara claim, railroad subsidies,
and nil tho corrupt jobs intended to
put monoy m the pocket ol urnnt and
bis rinn.
An oxehango says t It appeal's that
tho President liavinir pardoned nowen
for his trifling poccadilocs in having
two cnlomporaiioous wivos, nnd in
forging testimony to exculpate him
self, is now about to contribute still
fuillier to Ilia linpinotto of tho distin
guished bigamist by soouring to him
a seat in Congress. This is to bo dono
by buying up tlio- statesmanlike bru
notto whoso seat Bowen is contesting
with a federal nppoinlmont. Aftor
theso 601'vicus, Bowen ought to voto
for fully one-half of tlio jobs of the nd
ministration, and if ho docs that, ho
will havo compensated for all thoobli
gulions that ho is undor to the Prosi
dent. .-. : .
. 'iEvEs Riout, DukssI" This is a
military order, aud of course familiar
to both General Grant nnd General
Plcasanton, who was last wook kicked
out of office by tlio patron of Long
Branch undpublio robbers. Mr. Dana,
oditor of tho New York Sun, a load
ing Radical organ woll posted in
"ways that aro dark" and loyal,
throws some light on tho appointment
of "our own Douglass," (not tiro nig
ger,) which goes far to provo the rot
tenness o( tho revenue business. The
editor in question says :
Mr. Douglass Iho successor of Gen.
Plcasanton in tho oflico of Commis
sioner of Intomal Revenue, is describ
ed ns Ono of tho warmest frionds of
tho well known delaultor ex-Colonel
Bailey. It is charged that whilo the
latter was in troublo Mr. Douglass
advised him ol every movomont against
him in Washington. The telegrams
embodying thoso facts woro sent in
cipher, nnd subsequently purchased
by distillers whoso property has been
unlawfully seized by Jiailoy. Mr.
Douglass is also said to havo b?"n
officially connoctod with tho alleged
whisky frauds in Baltimore, in which
supervisor rulton took such a con
spicuotis part. Ho rnm'o on to this
city after Bailey's flight, nnd mado a
secret examination of Bailey's books,
but never- published tho result. A
shrewd revonuo officer says that
Douglass was nppointod to his prosont
position lo provent any Investigation
of Pleasanton's accounts, and to fix
up things generally.
Douglass was formorly Collector in
this district, and tho creature Bailey
robbed the Treasury of half a million
dollars, and ran off to Europo, whore
he is now rusticating. Wo wonder
how long it 'will tako the peoplo lo
got their eyes open 7 If what tho
Sun editor says is truo, Grant, Doug
lass, Bailey and all should be in tho
Mistaken. It is made a mattor of
serious complaint by a largo number
of loaden brained Radical editors, that
William A. Wallaco, Chairman of the
Jjcmocralio State committoo, is so
fatally bont on his own election to the
United States .Senate, that for the
purpose Of securing a majority iu the
lowor branch of tho Legislature, to
bring about that result, he will sacri
fice tho State ticket. All this dismal
foroboding of treachery to Gen. Mo
Cundlcss and Capt. Cooper is of course
basod on tho assumption that it will
bo tho duly of the Logislaluro to bo
olocted next October to elect a succes
sor to Simon Cameron next January.
Tho staloment of a singlo fact is all
that is necessary lo consign Ibis sonso-
less charge to tho wnsto basket of
Radical calumnies. The term of Si
mon Ca moron in tho Sonato will not
oxpiro until tho fourth of March, 1873,
and thorcforo it will not be tho next
Legislature, but the Legislature to be
elected one year from next October,
thnt must chooso his successor. What
is to bo said of a sot ot mon claiming
10 spoiiK lor me "uod and morality"
party, who will resort to a political
dodgo at a jrlanco so transparent nnd
so ensily cxposod ? Cambria Vewnan.
Pretty "Sons" Indeed. Tho Phil
adelphia Aqe Bays: "The "Patriot
Sons of America" signnlizod thoir
meeting at llarrisburg by tho pro
sentntion and discussion of a resold
lion in relation to mombcrs of the
Catholic Church which would havo
disgraced the dark ages. The party
in this counlry which strivos to ride
into power on the dnrk nnd turbulont
waves ot religions bigotry and perse
cution, is unworthy tho support of any
intelligent, patriotic citizen.
The Now York Herald, in referring
to this raco of bastard "Patriots,
says: "Tlio Patriotic sons of America
havo ncod of more patriotism than
can he found in a name, or olse they
would not hnve proposed or discussed
a resolution disfranchising Roman
Catholics nnd expressing nbhorrence
of that "vstom of roligion. Let the
Patriotic Sons of America worship ns
suits them best, and lot the Roman
Catholics do tho same." .
Gone to his Reward That tho
wny of the transgressor is hard, has
boon demonstrated tlmo snd ngnin.
Tho millionaire forger, Edward Ketch
oin, was among tho interments at
Rural Comotery, Albany, last wook,
whose financial operations and forgo
rina nn Wall alrpet rvnatnd annli a
furore throughout tho country a short
iimo since, jis died in now lorn, a
brokon down snoculator. Dccoaaed
once hold as liiirfi a hind aa anv man
on Wall stroet, but his forgeries, pris
on confinement and subsequent failures
complotoly usod him up.
Learning is wealth to the poor, an
honor to the rich, nn aid to the young,
and a support snd comfort to lbs sged.
l.analUy and .ItnalramaUou.
It has always and with justlco bees
insisted upon by tho Democrats thai
nollticnl oaualit v must result In soeinl
equality, nnd that social oqnnlity must
lead to amalgamation. The Radicals-
havo pretended not to believe Ibis.
But mane wniu nas mrcauy uvuurreu.
Negro suffrago has boon established
and a nogro sils iu tho Senate of the
United States, whoro Clay and Web
Bteronoosat. Thit it political equality.
That negro Sonator and his wife have
been guests at tho Presidential man
sion nnd havo mingled with white
Senators nnd their wives nt the recep
tions givoo by niombcrs of tho cabinet.
Th is is social erj uality., G oo. T. Ru by,
a negro Sonator in tho Texas Logisla
luro, was, a few weoks ago, married
to a young whito : wuinan. Thit is
It will bo said ihnt theso aro excep
tional cases. Wo admit that they are,
but bow long will they retain that
characlor if wo keep on at the rnto.vro
have been going the last fivo yvare?
Mankind nro creatures oi education,
and iu the gradations of loarning they
advanco step by slop, 'lrain your
selves to political equality wilh negroes,
and you train your children to social
oouulitr wilh thorn, and they .will
train their children lo amalgamation-.
If this great American nation is U bo
saved from bocoming a nation of rnu
lattoes, the white people must teat up
this ncijro equality business by the if
.Inothrr Rrpmbllean Ticket in kike
Harmony in the ranks of a political
party is a nico thing, but our Radieal
frionds know little about it Up to
Wednesday lust, they wero able to
smother upon tho dissatisfaction onus
ed by tho complete suooess of .tho
Cameron cliquo, in tho nomination of
Stanton and Boath, but at that timo
it broko out in a new Stale Conven
tion, and to day we have two Radical
Stato tickets in the Sold. On Wednes
day last a Convention of Radioal poli
ticians met in llarrisburg and nomi
nated for AuditorGonoral, Barr. Spang
lor, of Laucastor county, and for Sur
veyor General, E. A. Wheeler, of Mor
cer county. Thoso men run in direct
opposition to the former nominees of
that parly, and although running as
"cold walor". candidates, or tompor-
ance men, tboy ar both Radicals of
tho most malignant character, and
will no doubt tako a very largo vole
from the men nominatod at the former
Radical Slalo Convention. Under
tho circumstances, what is lo hinder
tho complete succoss of the Demo
cratic ticket Ibis fall ? Never before
were our prospects moro promising.
'wl MLBIII, UIIIU'I, Villi Mil Vf'UI
lutrity oiler for as grand a triumph of
our party ana its pnncipios. we
havo only to maintain harmony in tho
ranks of our local organizations, to
work togothcr like brothers, and a
most glorious victory will crown our
effort. Rtllcfontt Watchman.
Death or Hon. John Slidell.
This gentleman moro or loss promi
nontly connected willi Iho politics of
hub country, lor tho past twenty
years, died in J'.ni-land, on tho 2IHh
u I limo. Mr. Slidell was a native of
Now York, but removod to Now Or
leans on reaching maturity, identified
himself with that section, and attained
omlnonee as a sound lawyer and suc
cessful advocate. He was nppointod
by Prosidont Jackson, United Stales
District Altornoy for Louisiana wss
trequently eloclcd to the ljogisluluro,
nnd wns a representative in Congress
from 1813 to 1845. Ho wns then sent
by Prosidont Polk as Minister to
Mexico,- to nogotiate tho settlement
ot questions then in disputo, but his
mission proving fruitless, ho returned
earlv in 181(1. In lH.r:l l.n waa rim.
son United Statos Sonator, which po
sition he hold to tho breaking out of
the luio war. in Iho lull ol 18(51 ho
was dispatched by the Confederate
fovcrnmont as Commissioner to
'ranco, together wilh Mr. Mason,
who was nppointod in tho same ca
pacity to England. Sinoo the closo of
the war, Mr. Slidell has resided abroad,
principally in Franco. At the com
mencement of the war betwocn Franco
and Prussia ho romoved to England,
in whiuh country he died.
Is there no end to TIIIS TllINO ?
It is stated that Cadet Grant, the Presi
dent's son, who graduated thirty three
at West Point recently In a class of
mrty-thrco, has boon commissioned s
lioutonnnt nnd bus bocn granted the
special privilogo of louvo of absence
till October. Ho will anond ibis inter
val nt civil engineering (plcnsuringXj
on the Union Pacific Railroad, and,
should he happen to like the position,
will rosign from tho army fo become
a civil englnoer on tho road. It has
been the custom horotoforo lo regard
resignation from the army in less than
five years aftor having bocn educated
nt tho public oxponso as dishonorable.
However the cadot in question gradu
ated so low that probably it is not
considered a very great mailer wholh
or ho remains in the army or goos
into the servico of tho railroad com
pany. By tho way tho regiment to
which he has boon attaehod is the 4th
(white) caralry. Cadota who gradu
ated ahead of him nnd with nioro
credit have been sont into the negro
regimonts. Why should such un
worthy distinctions be mado? I .
RrrnBi.icAN Br.xr. Tho Indianapo
lis Daily Sentinel pointedly remarks
that "it looks as though the Radicals
had mado a preconcerted onslaught
upon New York for two roasons, one
of which is that Now York is a Demo
cratic city, and the othor Is to divert
attention from the shortcomings of
lladicai otiieials nnd lladical rolo. for
instance, Philadelphia is a Radieal
city. Her debt is over fifty millions
of dollars, nnd taxation is very bur
densome). It is charged that a goodly
portion of Iho city revenues aro wast
cd upon jobs find jobbers. Tho Re
publican papers havo a knowledge of
theso facts; but not a word of denun
ciation ngnlnst tho frauds and cor
ruptions nnd rohbory of the tax-nny-era
of Philadelphia finds vent in a
Ilndieal paper. They aro Tory much
in favor of reform in Now York, but
thoy object most decidedly to political
reform in Philadelphia. It Is all right
whon the Domocratio ox is gored, but
it prosonls a different aspect when the
horn perforates liopublican beef."
Just Sc. Tho Pittsburg Post asks :
''Is ll liconuso Grant's relations havo
alt boon provided for that he nomi
nates a man who is reported as ado
faultor, to ono of tho most Important
offices undor the government?" 1
Pertinent. An exchange says:
If Washburno, Minister to Franoo, is
not a sympathiser wilh the Commun
ists, he should protest against sending
them to this country. Cut-throats in
Paris will not make goorj cilixons in
the United States,
The VngaHnnt llretlcy.
For Borne tlmo tho Woman Suffrng-
isls hnve been building high hopes
upon the grentnnd good lloiuee Grco
loy, nnd expecting him to. bo thoir
candidate for tho Presidency. Ho has
written a lotter to tho GuWen Ag In
which ho dcclinos tho proffered honor;
nor is that all, declares himsolf "fur
ninst" the wholo movement on princi
ple, Womon of tho Laura Fair typo,
who killed her rightful affinity, nnd
gave the lio, in open court, to tho wo
msu she doubly wrongod, Grooloy do
dares to bo his "pet aversion."
Declining to bo a candidato himsolt,
ho recommends tho selection of somo
woman as A candidute, who In her
own person "illustrates tho liberal
thought of this onllghtenod ago."
"Let hor bo," says Mr. Grooloy, "ono
who has two husbands, and lives in
the sumo bouse with them , both
sharing tho same couch ; ono bearing
the name of tho other to indicate hor
impartiality, porhnps, nnd the cause
and' candidato will be so filly mated
ihut there will be no occasion, even
undor tho most liberal nnd enlightened
regime, to sue for divorce, Could not
one of this class bo persuaded to ovor
boar hor shrinking modesty and nom
inate borsell'f" Tho ungallant old
curmudgeon I We turn him over to
the wrath of tho "Victoria League,"
and tho unmarried sisterhood gener
ally. A woman wilh two husiands
running for Prosidont I If Mr. Greo
ley would oomo to Pittsburgh and at-
tond our woman suffrage seances, ho
would loam from tho fiery speeches
delivered on such occasions, that a
woman with ohe husband is "no bettor
than she ought lo bo" in fact is a
criminal barely to bo tolerated In soci
ety: whilo mon nre nothing loss than
wild boasts. No, Mr. Grooloy, it wgn't
do to ran a woman wilh two husbands
on tho Sutfrsgo tlckol, and ox poet tho
support of the sistorhood of Pitts
burgh. They would sooner voto for
lJrigham 1 oung, a male monsior, who
is divided op among somo fifty wives.
Pittsburgh Post.
A "Times" Trick. Tho New York
Sun, usually well informed as to cur
rent events in that uuv, is iniormoo
that tho "Office of tho Times, of that
City, on Friday and Saturday last,
was filled with employes of tho Cus
tom Rouse and tho Postoffice, who
were takon away from tho perform
ancfe of thoir regular dutios to direct
wrappers in which were sont out copios
of his Maturdny s issue; that the nd
drosses for Iheso wrappers were copied
from books prepared by the United
Slates Census Marshals, paid by tbe
neopio; and thai anally, ono or more
Republican m?mbcrsolt;ongresslraiik
cd bucIi papers as wero to bo sent by
mail." This Times IS tho paper which
is daily hollowing about tho rascal!
tics of Tammany. After such an
expose as that made by the Sun, the
virtuous indignation m iho limes may
well bo called "Gosh."
limn Crimes. Tho cbarco which
Sociotiiry Boutwoll makes against
(icn. neasanlon is that Do decreased
tho collections from Internal Rovenuo
somo $20,000,000. He has conse
quently saved just this much to the
lax payers. But for this tho President
has dismissed him from omco.
An audacious criminal is und.r ar
rest in Cleveland. He is ton years
old nnd Ins oiTcnco consisted in empty
ins some citrnrs out of a stamped box
into ull unstamped basket, and trying
to peddle them among a crowd, 'i ho
dosporado was promptly picked up by
a revenue detective and held in bail of
one thousand dollars, which ho was
unable to give.
The Hon. James B. Beck is stump
ing Kentucky. Ho declares thnt when
tho books of tho Navy, tho IW.ofHee,
tho Interior, and othor Departments
pass Into the bands ol tho Democracy,
such an exhibit of rottenness will bo
mado ns will astound the world. Ho
says tho bonds of thoso Departments
would soonor md Grant Emperor to
day, with the right of succession to
his son, than see tho evidenco of their
guilt pass into the hands of the Domo
cratio party. Mr. Bock adds that he
oxpccls to hoar of a big fire or some
other casunlty in tho Department
buildings, if concealment can bo main
tained in no other way.
There it is. Tho Now York Sun
says : "On tho 3d of March, just before
ho ascondod tho Capitol steps to take
tho oath of office, Goneral Grant ac
cepted a gift of f 64,000. On the 6 th
of March, wilh the pledges of his in
augural lingering on his lips, he ap
pointed the lurgost contributor to this
fund, Sccrotary of the Treasury, and
the two most activo agonts iu raising
it, Sub Treasurer and Collector of the
Customs at New York." As Ameri
cans, wo blush to aoknowlodgo the
truth of tho abovo paragraph. No
othor President left such a rocord to
darken and blast bis fa mo.
New Jersey The Democracy of
tlii Slalo aro preparing for tho Stato
contest in a vory satlslactory manner.
Their exercising gallops are most en
couraging. At an election for shorn IT,
hold in Middlesex county, on Tuesday,
Snedukor swept tho county by four
hundrod nnd seventeen mujorily.
Th Democratic mnjority last full was
ono hundred and thirteen. Tho Dem
ocrats, on Tuesday, carried tho City
oi jew urunswick by two hundred
and forty-nino majority. Last spring
the Radicals had il by fifty majority.
The Radicals do not like this, "now
Constitutional Change. Lot it bo
romomborod that at our next oloction
in Octobor, tho cilisons. of our Stato
will bo called upon to voto upon an
Amendment to tho Constitution of
Pennsylvania, making tho oflico ol
Stato Treasuror cloolive by the people
For thischnngo thoro will bo nn over
whelming voto. Tho squnbblo our Leg
islators got into ovoiy year has boon
a porpotuul disgrace The pooplo can
fix tho case up when ' thoy voto fur
other officers on tho Second Tuesday
of each Octobor.
Home. Tho Erio Observer says:
"Congressman Scofiold has returned
homo, with his fnmily, from California.
It is rather sirrniflcsiil that ho should
suddenly turn up so soon after men
tion ot Mr. Sill as a probablo candidnto
to succeed him. As tho ride over the
Psciflo R. R. cost him nothing (Mr. 8.
boing a large stockholder) we csn Im
agine tho enjoyment it must havo
afforded tho honorablo gonlloman."
m i
iNTEnisT Tlin nennlA nf Pnnnai-L
vania now pay 0 nor cont. intorost on
nearly the entire amount of tho Stato
dobt. Undor Democratio rale they
Paid but 41 and A nnr oonf TM. ..t
. . . - - i - " ad
ditional interest Imposed on the tax-
payera termed progress by loyal
financiers. But Democrats under
stand. i( to be a burthen.
There may be difficulties created
botwoon tho United Statos nnd Mexi
co, owing lo the lawless character of
porsons rotlding on mo iron nor oi
each country. Mexican bands eon
tinuo tboir depredations on tho Toxas
side ol the Rio Grando. Cortina, tho
Moxican General commanding the
lino of tho river, wns formerly a resi
dent of Texas, and wns seventeen
timos indlclod In Brownsville, for
murder, arson, and robbery, but os
enpod over the linos, and defies the
authorities. Thoro aro froquont con
tests bolwcon the ranchoros and pre
datory bands of Moxlcans, and war is
Imminent, 'iho military authorities
at Matamoras and Brownsvillo, hnvo
represented the stnto of affairs to their
respective governments, anu urge
immediato action to prevent disastrous
consequences, which may involve the
two countries in war. Thoro should
bo some concert of notion on tho part
of the authorities of tho Unitod Statos
and those of Mexico, by which ruffians
oscaping from ono country Into the
other, could be pursued and captured.
At tho presont lime, u a man crosses
the line after having committed a
crimo, red tapo circumlocution will
almost invariably save him. There
aro hundreds of scoundrels in Texas
nnd Mexico, who deserve tho gallows,
and rot the rope cannot be put around
their nock for want of legul jurisdic
tion. Tho poaco of two countries
should not bo menaced or disturbed
bv such moral vermin, and the cov-
ornmcnl should make and apply a
remedy .Age.
A Opening. Tho South Curolina
negroes or that portion comprising
the iinmodiato constituents of Bignmy
Bowen, propose welcoming him back
to thoir odorous embraces through the
medium of a torch-light procession.
Ulysses, at last accounts, had not
fully mado up his mind whether to at
tend tho interesting oeromonios in
person, or send Babcock and Mrs.
Woodhull u bis representatives. .
Tho Harrisbnrg Telegraph, tho or
gan ol senator Cnmoron, publishes an
editorial advocating tho acquisition of
San Domingo. At which tho Lancas
tor Inquirer in displeased and says "if
tho Telegraph desired tho defoat of
lbs Kepublican ticket in Pennsylvania
this fail it could take no surer method
of bringiug it about." That is right.
The defeat is coming, blame the Tele
graph with it.
Durinir tho rocont hail storm in
Northumberland county, tho hnil ao-
cumlutcd in the wulers ol the creeks
and runs, nnd made the water so cold
that the fish bocame stiff and could be
caught by tho hand as they swam on
tho top of the water on their backs.
Nearly all tho bridges wero torn away,
and in many places lbs roads mado
almost impassible.
aa l
Western Thunder. And now U.
S. Senator Tipton, of Nebraska, has
taken a dose ot llulical "now depar
ture," and boldly repudiates tho Long
Branch administration. In a recent
spooch he uses the following language :
"X am unalterably oppoied to the rulnoue and
oorru.ttnf eoaro of Hie ureeent Adminiftration.
and I here pledge tnyerlf to make that appoiilioo
both open and uneooiproniling.H
Mournful. The Springfield Repub
lican, tho ablest Radical nowspnper in
New England, beals tho funeral march
of Radicalism in advance of Iho final
and decisive struggle of '72. Hoar il.
"The Republican party ia marebinjr to a Big
Iletnrl doleut. 1 oo many uutlere, too many ouaoa
Cameroni, too many Mortune and Chandler, tno
aoh steeling and land grabbing haTe killed It ;
it la dead belureit goee iato battle."
A Departure. Tho heaviest "kan
garoo" ticket, wo havo yet noticed in
tho field, is thnt of Grant and Prod.
Douglass. A nogro shoot at Little
Rock, Ark., is tlio originator and
should got the concern patented, pro
vided, of courso, that Douglass will
permit the uso of his numo in that
connection. ,
Tbo Now York Post alludes to But
ler as a "politician without policy, a
statesman without principles, and a
partisan without moderation," and the
Pnst miirhL hnve added. A "boast with.
out Instincts and discreditable to the
bruto creation.
Brother Harlan's piety and sweet
ness of disposition, as portrayed by
the Rev. Mr. Nowmsn, has got him
into troublo with tho Iowa Germans,
and as a conseqnonco, his Senatorial
prospects aro not improving much.
Cspt. David U.- Todd, formerly of
Lexington, Ky., a brother of Mrs.
Abraham Lincoln, died at JIuntsville,
Alabama, on Sunday week, of con
sumption. T ho deceased was an officer
of llioConfedorato army during the
wnr. ,
Arrr.a Revenue. Tho Radical tariff
laxos mnrblo, out of which tombstones
aro mado, 70 por cent. Wo should
say that's going fur a follow after
(1 AlfTIOM. All icrpn ar hernbj cautioned
J in it narohfuiur or In an? wur meddling
with use Mrrel md ono brown Horn, now in Iho
poMMiion of (soorfte Hull, or Grab ft ra township,
aa the saint belong to me and or tuhject to nr
order. T. II. KOKCEY,
(Irahatoton, Pa., An gout 16-Xt. v
d Bounty, l'fnnnylTmnla.
In tbe matter of the wlate of Parld Irrln. do-
eoaatd. The andeni)(ued Auditor, appointed by
the Court to make dintrlhntion of tho money in
the hand of tho administrator to and among the
part It Irftalty entitled thorn to, herchy giro notice
mat he win attend to that July on Tbunitiy, tno
7 tb dur of PeptcmWr, 1 H7 1.
auXl0 St JOHN W. WKKJLKT, Auditor.
IN Til K OKPH A NH COURT of Clear field
oonnty, I'onnnykania.
In the matter of the rut ate of Ilartwirk Buek,
deeNufd. Tho undereijened Auditor, appointed
hy the Court to make distribution of the money In
the luti di of the a'iminiplrator to and among the
parties lesf ally entitled thorn to, hereby gires notlco
that ho will attend lo that duty on Friday, tbe
8th day ofHeptember, IH? I.
augia .it junn v. uniULhi, Auditor.
Public Sale of Real Estate!
TDK lubwjrlbcr will offer fr sale on Saturday,
August 2ft, 1171, at o'cfWk p. m., In I.n
thersburg, hit entire Farm, containing 97 aflij,
more or Iras. About 40 acres under euKlnMioh,
with good nw building thereon, and tho balaoeo
well timbered with pine, hem lock and other tim
ber. For further particular, fall on the mbaer!
bor or address blm at Knthershurg.
Dealer In ) kind, of
Market Street,
One door eaat Allreheny flouae, -ii(17l
ll hereby alter. Ihal letter, of
on Iheeel.te of THOMAS H. 81'KNClMeeM, late
of (loehen townehip, Clearfleld eounty, Penna.,
harlot e "'T granted to the nn.leral(ned, all
pertnnt Indebted to .aid retate will plea, make
payment, and thnae aaefof elalmi or demand!
will preaeat then properly authenticated for eel . HKNKY 1. MEAD,
Ao. , 1'71-Ct; AdiaialitreUir.
Orange vs. Green.I
Irerybody ll aware that our "Forelaa Rela
tion!" hart had a hit time In New York lately.
bat Mayor Hall and Uorernor Iloflman and Chief
Kelio aad a lot or other rellowi hare got It nied
op. and tbo Paddya bare atuek the nan.' lei ia
thetr pick, and gone to work agaia.
Dot. notwlthitandini all thii, the KEYSTONE
eiloK 8TOHK baa bees re-llled with a eloek of
Boots & Shoes of all descriptions,
from tbe eoaneit to the Inert, aad from the blg-
geil to the lout. -
A laree took of Ladle.' Shoei, Oaiten and
Slipper., or an ityiei, aino. ana prion.
(lent. Rboei. Bool., flatten. Bllnpere a fine
aiaortment. Mieeee" and Children'. Bbue. aad
Gaiter, of all deeeripUonl. Boy e Boot! a Shoef,
a rory large eanety.
A oordial Invitation ll attended to all to call
and alanine my etoek. and Setter tnyielf that I
oaa plreeo tbe moil faltidiou., both ai to itylc
ana prioe.
JyJfj Key.tone Shoe Store, ClearSeld, I'a.
Agricultural Implements !
TlinM la aienl tt TanwiMSrawt A art! An Iff Srsl Tm
pVements shoo Id eall on M. a. BROWN. MarEet
sirooi uiearaeia, ra, wo sen me mw
which took tho first prise at tho Paris Ei position
in 1h17, when aixteon of tho best Mowing Ma
chines in Europo and America wero on trial.
Will rxirrofit it to give satisfaction, and giro time
for trial when, if it does not work as recommend
ed, ft can be returned.
Two of tho beet HAY R AKEfl. Stoner'i and
Hagerstown Rake, which defy their equal. Two
styles t 111 lt IK lis, ftellii and bprouta.
which wilt thresh from one hundred to two boo
dred basnet of grain In a day. Will do more
work than most of tbo two-borso Threshing Ma
chines tn Market.
Buckeye Grain Drill, St oner Finning Mill
best In market, Feed Cutter of
all kind,
llickoHi Cidor Mill, Dog-power for Churns,
and all things in oar line.
Clearfield, July 12, 1871.
Proposing an amendment to tbo Constitution of
B il rttolctd bv the aVeaofe and JToose of firprt
arntali tf of ik Cvmmontctaltk of Pnaylvanm in
Ventral Awmbig met, i bat me tuiiowmg am en a
ment of the Constitution of this Commonwealth
bo proposed to tbe people fur their adaption or
rrjeetin, pursuant lo tbe provisions of tbe tenth
article thereof, to wit:
Strikeout the Fixth Section of the Sixth Article
of the Constitution, and insert in Hen thereof the
"A Stato Treanorer shall bo chosen by the quail
fled electors of the Btate, at suoh times and for such
term of aerrloe as shall be prescribed by law
Speaker of tho House of BepresentatiTea.
Sneaker of the Senate.
Approved tbo Uth day of June, Anno Domini
ono tbousand oigbt hundred and seventy-one.
Prepared and certified for publication pursuant
to mo ientn Article oi tno vonrmuuon.
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Office Seeretarr of tbe Commonwealth, )
ilarrisban, July 6th, 1871. J tiilolO
llaring engaged la the Marble bollneee, deiiro.
to Inform her tYiendi and the public that the baa
now and will keep oonitantlyen band a large and
well oeleeted itoekof ITALIA AND VERMONT
MAftm.K, aad il prepared to faralah to order
Carbi aad Porta for Cemetery Lotf, Window
Sill and Cape, alio,
TOPS, Ae., ae.
Vti.Tard on Reed itreet, near tbe R, R. Depot,
Clearfield, Ta.
It 0
POHK ROSADALIS aro pnbliahed on
erery paekaire, therefore it la not a eeerrt
preparation, eonoequently
It ll a certain ear for Serofula, Syphilii
In all III form., Hheiim.tiera. Pkin llii-
eaael, Llrar Complaint and all dieeaeel of
tne moon.
will do moro good than tea bottlei of the
pyrupa of ftareapanila.
hare aeed Rniadalli In the.i practice
the peat three yeare, and freely endoree It
at a reliable A Iterative and Blood Purifier.
DR. T. 0. rt'on, of Baltimore.
DR. R. W. CAUR, '
DR. J. 8. Pl'AHKS, of Nleholaarillo, Ky.
DR. J. L. MrCARTIIA, Columbia, H. C.
DR. A. B. NOBLER Jgwomb, N. C.
.1. B. FRENCH A SONS, P.ll Rier,M..a.
t. W. SMITH,, Mink.
A. P. WIIKKLKR, Lima, Ohio.
R. HALL, Lima, Ohio.
CI1AVKN A CO.. Hordonevllle. Vs.
SAMt'KLO. MoFADDEN, Slarfr.eibwo,
' lenn.
Our inane will nnl allow nt u
ed remarki la relation to the lrlooe of
lioeailnlil. To the P.ed eat Pn.fee.inn we
cuarantee a Hunt K-.traM .anerlor In anv
J r.iet in tne treatment or
Iteeaeed uo-Ji and ta the arllieted wen.
try RoirdrJIi, and yo will be rcetored to
R',.a.lalli li aol.l by all DniggLtt
p'.iee at o per nottie. Ait.iree.
Jranaaet.rlOi, C'.eaiieM,
Aug. I, 1871. ly. BaLTiaone, Mn.
IJ e A U O II K Y'
eeoad Sterol,
Alwere A. V n rl Sr.h OviIam I.. P
Candle", Note, Craobera, Valtea, Cigar., Tohaeeo!
Canned Fruila, Oranira. Lemona. and all
nf fruit in eeaeon.
JNS-RILLIARD ROOM on leonnd Door.
(1 UTION-All perenni an hereby cautioned
J aaain.t numhaina or la anv wnv mrrfiin.
with one Itore, twoeloeki, two Julra ohalre. two
tablet, one eook Hove, one lot of dlrhei, one link,
ono eonpboad, lit bedi and beddinn, and one
bureau, now In Ibe poeaeeeloe of Jamea I.. Curry,
of Lumber City, aa ther belan to mo and here
only been left with aald JCurry ea loan, eubjeot to
my erdee at say time,
aug tt JOB HOCKEHDERitr.
M (fstatt for
Valuable Real Estat,
Tkaa atlshskelrilidbfi ArToval tr ml L '
front oa Market itreet, with a doable nlui! . 1
tore IIOIIhK. ,nt.m.n. f... I
fair, anil ... n H . n. n
... r"""- a. a aa m m oiatt 6fy-.J
outbuildins erected thereon. Tk. a-aTT1!
mitA ear f At nn Itias ea re. em i earn "sa
,M.mtM . tA Prank ftthnri .V.- P7 M 'M
.W A
Shop, neit door to Miller A I'owcll'i n,
Jyll Clearfield, Clearfield Co, fL
Valuable Real Estate
Tho subscriber will offor at Pull it g-u
TU V It 81) AY, 24th day of A lU t'8T, ntxt, (3 tH
soonor told.) at I o'clock p. m . at kis Ihi'iw l"
entire property, sttuau in Union town-hip, 0
field count T, Psw, con in in v of SoV iM . j
per eonL allowance of tbe Lett Farm, Tiisberstl
Coal Lands, in throe surveys, lyinr ia mm k.l
Will be told either sencrato or t'cthfr, w it, J
able rate. The I31l'KOVML.Tfl an sTil
lows, viti About 110 Acres cleared tid uaJ
rood eultiration, with four Dwelling Hotwi tk!j
Barns, ono Sawmill, and other outbuildi.. ,!a
three firat-rate Urebards of choice frwit. laiht-l
OI running wKier nsar mv nuaies.
The balance of these lands timbered with ft
Fl cm lock and other timber, sufficient to cat ti
fire million (5,000,000) fi-et of IidW. tmA
mineral property this i tho best in this tnt
tho country; consisting of Iron Ore, Linftut,
and Stone Coal of the best quality. Urge vtitu
easily mined, and oonvenieot to tbe Railrcadi i
under way of building.
4,--For purtieulars eall on tho ruUeriUr
address him at Rooktoa P. O., Clearfield eovatt
Valuable Grist Mill For Sale!
TUB nndersigncd offers For Rate a Grist Mill,
Dwelling House and Store Houk, sitntti
New Millport, Clearflcld eounty. Pa. The Mills
in good condition, having been repaired sad ta
in excellent order within the last year, and knit
good paying custom. It it situated in on of tat
beet wheat-growing sections of the county, abktt
decidedly increase its value. Th JJ-rtUisj
liouae and Store Room an also In good order.
Together with tbe abort property will be mii
partly olcarcd and balance la Timber Lesi
ftuTenn made Vnnwn on applicatioa t tW
undersigned at iew Millport V. V.
May ll-3m JOHN FOX,
Timber and Coal Lands
The following tracts of Timber and Coal Laasj
are offered for ale: Ono tract of 17,008 itm,
lying on the Elk River, In Webster eounty ; tam
tracts lying on the samo river in Draxton coast;,
two of 6,000 acres each and one of 1 ,000 atrw ;
and one tract containing 0,31)0 acres, lyinf oa th,
tiauley River, in Nicholas eounty. Tbe title t
time lands aro perfect.
Any information concerning these landscaa k
bad by addreasing tt. c. t LfcUAL.
March 22, 1S7 ! -tf. Philipsbnrg, Pa:
Farm for Sale I
CONTAINING SO ACRES, In a good itsttt.
cultivation, situated in Pike township. Cl
field county, Pa., about eighty rods from Logu'i
Flouring Mill, on the turnpike leading from Ctf
wensville to Clearflcld. Having a story and a hall
house, stable and out-buildings thereon. Tbtrt
it also a good spring and a ywng orchard oa tat
premises. Any parson desiring a nice little hosM
will Ind this a veryiesirablc location.
For further partienlara inquire of Rachel OaU-
wcll, on me premise, or ad J rest
March 29 tf. Curwensville, Pa.
OBee ever Irwia'i Drag Store,
All dental operation, either In tbo mcchanieal
or operative branch, promptly attended to aad
satisfaction guaranteed. Special attention paid
to tne treatment or disease of tbe natural teeti,.
gum and mouth. Inrcularity of the teeth tat-
eessfully eorrrcted. Teeth extracted without pais
by tbo use of Ether, and artificial teeth inserted
of the boat material and warranted to render sat
Ufaction. aprll2G'71:1y
jrve Office In Masonio Huildfng,
Putting of tbe natural teeth tn a healthy, pre
aervativeand useful condition It mado a specialtr..
Disease and aaairormautna common to the moutt
Jaw and associate parts, are treated and corrected'
wttn lair suooess. r.rammation and eonsuiu
tions man. Prices for partial and full arts of
teeth moon lower than in 1870. It would be well
for patients from a distance to let nt know b;
mail a few days before coming to the office, ll
is very Important that children between tho aprer
of six and twelve year suouid hnve tnctr lerta
ex-mined. By Ansrethesla Teeth are removeii
without pun. rente . r
Dr. A. hi: HILLS
Would say to hit patient and the pub
lic gtMiurally, thai, having dissolved partnership
wtm it. rhew, or it now doing lira entire wan
of bit office himself, to that patients need not fear
being put under the bands of any other operator.
Having obtained a reduction of tbo patent oa the
plate material, I am enabled lo put up teeth mark
cheaper than formerly. I alto havo Dr. Stock's
patent process for working rubWr plates, wkieb
make a much lighter, more) elastic and itronger
plate for tho tamo amount of material, and pel
ishot the plate on both sides, rendering it mncki
more wily kept clean. Special attention paid ta
the preservation of tbe natural teeth, and all work,
guaranteed entirely aa tit factory to patients.
iT-dl-Office at tho old corner, opposite tho Shar
Iloute. Office hours from 8 to 12. a. m and 1 to
i, p. m. Patient from a di'tanoe tbould notify
mo a few days beforehand of tbeir intention te
entno. Always at home, unless other notice p
peart In both the county pa pore. febl71
, Wholesale dealer tn
Wood and Willow Ware, Oil Cloths,,
. IIS Jrarief Ariel, .
FmuDiLriiia, I'a , July lit, Iflrr.
Chariot W. 8ehwr.rti and Alhert GnS wllh-
drew fn.m tho firm of A. 11. Franoiletu A Co.
June 10th, IK? I. Jul. l,t thee entered Into a
eo-partnership under the ilyle f Sebwarti A
..r.., purranee,! mo .Inrk anJ SttUITI Of Jai. II.
Coylo A Co.. il Mnrkr.1 ttwnl anil ar. ana. nr..
pared lo j orilera for anything la their line,
proinp'.y, .,) t hwr,x m,rk.t prieee.
' uankit.( our friend, for their faroru In lb
,ait, we would aik a eontinuanee of their patron
age, ai.urtne them that we ehall en.learnr lo make
all their dealingi with aa pleaiant and aatinfM
tory. Very truly ynure.
Ilarina denoted of eur.tork to theaborelrra,
wo take pfaainre ia oomntendinc tbem to onreee
tomore and the trad, reneralry.
aucUl Late of MS Merer M.
eld ei.nnly, Fenniyleania.
In the matter of the nartitionof tbe real eil.t
of ItirliardV W.plo, lete of B,i lowaikip.nid
eounty, dooeoet-il. To the bein and leaal repre
eentatire. of lite laid deoeaeed t Take notice, that
la Inoueit will be held oa tbe preroitei. ia Dofii
U.wnehip, eaid eounte, on 8ATUHOAY, tbe Hk
DAY Vt 6K1TKMUEH, A. D. 1ST!, at o'ereek,
A. M., of that day, for the pnrpoa f ai.iiaf
partition of the real eitate of tbe laid deeeaerd;
to and aaionc bii leal reproeoUllree. If tbe
Mme oao be dono without prejudice to or tpoillaff
of the whole, otherwlie to v.lee aad appraiMti.
tamo aeeordinc t. law, at which time and piece
you are repaired to-attead if you think nr.jr.
. j, ria.
Suaatrr I Orrirt, I
Clearfield, P Aug. , ISTI.
Clearfleld, Pa.
Iho underlined baa taken th. nbnre mm'
hotel, and rapeotrully eollelt. a of p.lreo
at.. Hi elotr proaimlly to Ihi Depot, mk'
bouie a dolirablo .In,.n4ai alaoa fot the trarelln(
publie. (jyl l) 8. B. BOW.
U .t aeri
aaLa k.
)! 9a