THE REPUBLICAN. , CLEARFIELD, TA. ; . . ' WRIINEaDAT MORNlNtl, ACOVRT 1871. ( '. ' Manufacture of Ico. Tlio Intont mid mot intoroating nov. oily in Atluutn, G'a., is Hie ico manu factory roconlly oruclod by tlio At Innta Ico Company on tlio banks of tbe Clmttulioochoo vivcr, nonr tlio rail road bi'idn, about sovon mites lVom tlio city. .excursions to this place ore the ordor of the day, for tlio purpose of witnessing the modo of manufao turo, and how, in tlicso W and sultry times, tlio largo blocks of cloar ice aro produced. Tlio process of manufac ture is bnsod npon tlio scienliflo prin ciple that evaporation produces cold the moro rapid, tlio more Intonso the cold that results from it. The agont adopted to produeo tho wiHiauvu 10 uinu iimmuitiu, which is depositod in an upright cylindrical evaporator, some 20 foot in hlght Inside of this cylinder are nleo a num ber of pipos, tho object of which is to ovnporato tho nmmonin, or reduce it to a gas, which i'b ngnin subsequently comprcsBod into its liquid form, nud so on repeatedly, as tlio same quantity of aqua ammonia will do service, ovo'r and over again. The evappration causes cold intense enough to freeze the water in the adjoining tanks, or baths, as they are called, and cakes of clear ice, of a convenient niocclianta blo shape, aro modo by tho machine at tho ralo of fourtoon tons a day. Tho ico thus made is porfoclly puro, being made from distilled water, and is en tirely frco from any foroign taste. When first withdrawn from the moulds it is ralhor harder than noturul iee, nnd as dry as a rock and very brittle, owing to the intonse cold by which It is prodticod. Tho. visitors are shown several curiosities in connection with this novel manufacture, such as blocks of ice, in tho centre of which havo boon frozen bouquets of fresh natural flowors, and bunches of cvergrcons, that nre entirely encased by tho Ice. The company's cards havo been frozon into a groat many blocks, and in one block of ico are three catfish, buriod completely in tho ico, and nowhere toncMng tho surfuce, yet distinctly visible. Tho manufactory is a groat success. Tub Empress Kuqenik and Jose riltNE's KiNfl. A romantic incident is related of tho way in which Falo socmod to docreo that tho ilontijos nnd tho Napoleons should, bo united. The story is of Josephine's botrotlinl ring, and is in this wiso: Eugonie's futlier, while serving in tho First Na poleon's army, resided in Paris. In 1809, a little girl, Alaria llontijo, about three years old, went to play in the Tuilleries with her ntirse. - There she mot a little boy who gave -her a gold ring. As the children wore strangers to each other, nnd did not meet again, tho ownor of tlio ring re maincu unknown, on, an U l;iL. Maiia kept it for a plaything. .That ""8 joBupnino s, nnu I ne little boy was Louis Napoleon, who had run away with Ibo ring. The loss of the ling was a bad omen to Josephino, for a year afterward she had to resign in lavor oi anottior. Little Maria kept tho plaything till she grow up. At sixteen years of nge she married, and bocamo tho mntiW nf R - - 'J n ui'no birth took placo May 6, 1S20. Her ...uuitu cugraveu mis uutoon the ring fcho had worn so long herself, nnd when Eugenie was older, gavo ft to nv-r. u iit-n quno a ciinu, .cugonie wont to London to pay a visit ; there she bocamo ncquainted with Louis Napoloon, who saw tlio ring with the uuio uhu joscpnino s numoon it, and know it had belonged to her. From this circunntances Louis lookod upon the lilllo Montijo as attached to his house, and tweiuv vmm nfi bocamfla fact. After a time, Eugonie's iiioiuer curao lo rcgaril tho token as of great importance, and formed a plan or bringing tho two familios to gclhcr. That was tho secret ot so lovely A woman as Eugonio remain ing singlo till the ago of twonty-six. A crown awaited her, which was never lost bight of. A Prophecy Fulfilled. The edi tor of tho Charleston (S. C.) Courier, who was personally acquainted with Mr. Vallandigham, contributes tho fol lowing: "We woro delerrntes torrclhor Inilm Democratic National Convention of IHbU, whose disruption, in tho contest between Douglass and Breckinridge, as to the charactor and rights of sla very in tho Territories, was tho pro cursor to tho late civil war. On one occasion, in this very Representative Logan, of Illinois, Lnrabco, of Wis consin, and others, being present, the rnnvnfilinn holnnnll., I.. .....I .1 threatening nttitudo of the questions then before the Convention. Mr. VallAiidigham roBO at the dinner table, with an airof great gravity, and said : 'Gontloinen, if the Democratic Parly is dissovored in this Charleston Con vention, tho result will bo the disrnp. tion of tho Union, and ono of tho bloodiost civil wars on record, and tho magnitude of which no one can esti mate. In the unity of the Domocrntic Parly, and in the Union, lios tbe hope of tlio South and Republican Govern ment.' We think it was Mr. Logan who replied; 'Sit down, Vallandig ham, ard drink your wino. You aro always prophesying.' Hjs reply wns: 'Uontlcmcn, I speak oarnostly, bo-, causo I feel doeply impressed with' the trnth of what I -havo nttorod.' This was in tho Spring of 1800. The secession ol South Carolina took place in December of the same year." Constitutional Election. It may not bo generally known that tho Log i.laluio panned a bill authorizing a popular'voto upon tho question of call ing a convonllon lo amend Iho Con stitution of thl Stole. Tho Act sub mits tho question to a vole of the pooplo nt tho general election hold on the second Tuesday of October next. Voles for or against a convention shall bo expressed upon a ticket headed 'stale." Tho words used shall be "constitutional convention," nndcr which shall appear the words "or a convention" or "against a con von tion, ns the person sees fit to voto Hie sheriffs are directed togivenolieo of this Act in thoir proclamation. . Lar.iness grows on people; il begins in cobwebs, and ends in iron chains. The moro business a man hns to do the more ho is uble to accomplish, for lie learns to economize his timo. . According to the act of ttie Legisla ture, July nd Aognst nre the months in which the sale of oysters and clams Is prohibited. iry a0Q&i, &mtxtt, &tt. I 1 V K P V FBIIOX IS I A f t. IN I v I 1 1 1 1 CLEARFIELD .COUNTY t who wauit to buy D O00IW, ' OROCBR1R8,' ' ' HARDWAUK, Ql'EKNBWARE, Or anything rliia that It useftil to Man, Woman or Child, ebould bur in mind that MILLER & POWELL Hare parohaaed tht entire itook of goodt sod rented the ttore rnom formerly occupied by J. 11. UHAI1AM A HONS, on Market itroot, CLEARFIELD, PA where they CAN SELL, DO IEt.1,, aed WILL, BELL, AT LOWER FIGURES, Thau tho tamo Goodt can be bought alaowhero In Cioarfleld county. Without flopping to - enumerate, wa will Juet any thai Tie have everything lliat is ncetled! trBeing ertenelvely engaged In the Lumber bu.ineffo, we are able to offer tuperior inducement! to Johberi. F. Q. MILLER, A. R. POWkLL. ; CltarSeld, Ta., Feb. 15, mi. Clothing. How to Have Money. TDK timet are hard) you'd Ilka to know Ilow yon may aara your dollara ) The way to do it I will ihow, If you will read what foilowa. A man who llred not far from here, Who worked hard at hie trade, But had a koniehold to aupport That iquandered all he made. I net hint onea. Baya he, "My friend, I look thread bear and rough I'ra tried to get myielf a luit, . But eaa't aaTa up enough." . Saya I, my friend, how much hart you f I'll tell yon where to go To get a anlt tbat'a found and cheap t To RE1ZENSTEIN 4 Oo. Be took what little ho had eared, And went to ReiieoMeto A Brothere', And there ha got a handtoroo luit, , ; " ' For half he paid to othera. Now he ! home, he looki so wall, ( And their effect It euch, fc That when they take their dally meal, . They don't cat half ai much. And now he fioda on flatonlay night. With rll their wanta iuprlieil, That Lo nai money left to apand," And lome to lay atide. Hit good meoeei, with cheerful unlit, He gladly talla to all. If you'd tare money, go and buy Your elothea at REIZRSSTEIN'S CLOTniNO HALL. Whore the ohoapett, tnoet and beat Clothing and good Furniibing Goodt ean be had to euit every taite and In every ityle aprll,'70 ST0.E AD EARTHED. WARE OF F.VERV DEfCRIPTIOX ! CROCKS! POTS! CROCKS I 1'laher'i Patent Alrtllit Self - Bnalrug; rrult Canal BUTTER CROCKS, with lid, CREAM CROCKS, MILK CROCKS, APPLE- Bl'TTKR CROCKS, PICKLK CHOCKS, FLOWER POTS, PIE DISHES, BTEW POTS, And a great many other thlnga too nnmeroua to mention, to be had at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STOxE-WARE TOTTERY, Corner ol Cherry and Third Street, ot Cherry and Third Street, - .J CLEARFIELD, PA. angS 1 Lime tor Sale I TIIR undenifrnrd, rMiding ntt.r the depot hm mad coniplot arrangotnsnti with Lima Humeri tMt of ttie nimotAln. whrby Im Ii bli lo kpp eoasUntljr on bantl a Urge quuititof "PURE'LIM. E 1 which ha offerf to frmri and buiMm at ft trifle above could - Tlieie to need uf the article would do well to give me a cat), or addreei ma bj letter, be fore ncgututin their lime. liKO. C. rASSMORB ClearOcld, Pa.t June 9, 1B69. EDWAUD PERKS & CO., Flour Manufacturer, ud Doaleri In GRAIN OF ALL KINDS, P1IIL1P8BUR0, PA. . A FI!LL SUPPLY of FLOl'B, WHEAT, VV CUHN and CHOP eonetantly on band, and for tale at ratet remarkakla low. febi-tl Idlvcry Stable. PnE nndrralgned beg leara to Inform the pub X lie that he ia now fully prepared to aooommo date all in the way of furnishing lloreea, Bnggiee, Sadtllea and Hnrnoia, on the ihorteet notioe and on reaaonahle term, heeldenea on Looutt atraet, botween lulru ana rourtn. (IKO. W. OKARITART. m.arM, April 11, 18117. Miss E. A. P. Rynder, AOKHT roil Chirkerinf'i. Ftlowaj'i and Emenonf Piano) Hinilh'i, Maion t Hamlio'l and Peloubet'l Organi and Metodeom. and Ororer A Uaker't Bewing Machine!. alio TEAcaaa op Piano, Guitar. Organ, Harmony and Vocal Mo lo. No pDpH taken for than half a term. A Room next door to Pint National Dank. I'learflold, Haj a. m t C OOK HTnVI'Jl SPEAR'S CALORIFIC, SI SQIKHA.SNA, suPEr.ion, GOV. PENV, BEGfLATOrt, NOBLE COOK, NATIONAL RANGE, TRICJtl'll, PARLOR COOKS, EPEAB'S RKVOLVINO LIOIIT8 ' , AND DOt'IlLK HEATERS, And all kind of Ilcatlng Sloreelbr tale by aug:i70 II. F. PHII. Kit A CO. i New Meat Market. TIIIE onri'trriRnr.d bnve apened a Mrat Market X in the ronm lormerly onenpied by Alexander Irvin, on Market itreet, Clearflnld, Pa , atljoining', when Ihey intrnd to ktrp a IUM.I ol All klndeof Moat, Fruit and Vegetable, And at "pntona to hit mi Tinia." Shop will be opon regularly on Tueeday, Thnreday and Hat- nnlny, and meat drlirered at any poiut. A ahara ol public patronage It reepeeirully aollritr.1. M. O. liHOWtf B. W. BROWN T" Contlnna tn deal In all klnda ot improred Agricultural Implrmrntt. Cleerrleld, Augnrt II, 1K70 If. Beale's Embrocation, (LATE POWELL'S,) For all dlaeaeea tneldaal to Home, Cattle, and Human Fleth, requiring the aw of aa eiteraal appllaatloa. Tbl IhiLmmIIm m... 1 1. . -- VM vaMMifnj umu WW the Qorernment during the war. Vt MU II... 1.1. A. ... i ,""' arwin, uiearnem. Joeeph R. Irwin, CurweUTllla. Daniel Uood. TIIK.?lLlDRATFD "IcnARDSON BOOTS Light Kin.....-. th H M. (Oppoltr Jil.jS:Plf - fin. At V. kttATIER'S. Sariivart, lEiuivaw, Utt. the lEONainEa () ! i.) t H t TIN & STOVE STORE! G. S. FLEGAL, Fhilipsbur;, Contri Couaty, T&. , 1 j , rpHK nnderilgnad raapectfully annonnoaa to X the public (hat ha hat on hand a eaie- niiiy-aeleotad and wall aaiorted itook of , i STOVES, HEATERS, BARGES, HOLLOW WARE! TIN, COPPER AND SHEET-IRON W ABE! WOOD AND WILLOW WARE ! Bit itook of Cooking Store tonalati af ' . . ''.-. 7 HE CELEBRATED IRONSIDES, Which hare nerer failed to bring peace and irwpari7 law ikhi.ivb nuwww it M Diamond State, Farmer, Herald. Charm, Speare ,( vamornia vooa oioto, op.are- iinu-ifuta, Oaa-Burning Cooking Stovea, Vlotor, Reliance and Union Raa;aer - -Spear' Cooking Ranget, . , , Ae, . . ,. kgL-Tba Tin and Sbeat Iron warn ilren with the Storaa la made of tha heartm and bett material, and warrantee! to giro perfeot tatia. faetloa. His Stock of Parlor & Heating Stoves It larger, bitter and cheaper than aror before .vhlblted to the nuhliik anBlBl Speare' Rorolrlng Light Illuminating StoTO, ppeart ' Jinu-uuat uaa-nurningrarlor htora, Speare' Orbicular .Gat-Burning Parlor MtoTO, Speara' Oaa-Buning Parlor Store, Boqnet, Pearl, G.m, Ida, Sun, Tropio, Nerada, Aa, Ao. Vnltan, Kim and Victor llaatera, Fpear' Ra- . i roiTing bigni neaieri, . Be It alto prtpartd to furnlih a aompltte ataonmeni oi Tin, Copper, Shoet-Iron, Wooden and Willow Ware, &o.', ' v Wholeeala or retail, manufactured neatly and wttn tna toit new to terrice, rrom tha net! i lerial In tha market. PLOWS k PLOW P0INT8, COPPER, BRASS, PORCELAIN, TIN LINED, SPUN A . , . COMMON IRON KITTLES, Of erery detorlptlon ooaitantly ea hand. ORDERS FOR SPOUTING, ROOFING And other work belonging to hit buttnett will be promptly Oiled by eiperleaotd and akiufal wurkaen. BRASS, COrPER, OLD METAL, RAGS AND CASH Taken In eicbangt for goodt. e-Ba otpeela'.ly Inrltaa tht tttentlon af Morehanti wiibing to pnrobate at wnolaeale, at they will And It to their adraataga to examine hti ttock before purchaaing alttwhert Look out for the Big Sign oppoeltt the rail denea of Mra. l)r Fetter. All Qooot Wiaaiarto at Rtraaiaaian. G. 8. I LEG At. Phillpiburg, June t, 1870. aug 61 The Great Preserver of Health! PERFORATED A SURE PREVENTIVE OF COLDS. CURB FOR RHKCMATISM! BUCKSKIN UJIDEKGARMENTS! roa Laoiea a For eele by . . C. KRATZER SONS, Deo. 21, 1870. Clearfield, Pa. GREAT EXCITEMENT ON SECO.NL STREET, ' , Clear Hrld, Pa. ; NEW GOODS AT LOW PRICES. rpBB nndertlgned ratpeotfully Inrlta the at- I tention of tha public generally to their tplendid aortmant of mtrcbandita, which they ara now telling ' ' AT VERY LOW TRICES. . Their atook eentliU In part of Dry. Qooda of the Boat Quality, '.i Such aa Print, Da Lalntt, Alpareal, Merino, Ginghamt,NuiMni,(bleaehad and unhleaeh' ed,) Drilling, Ticking, eottoa and wool FlanneU,BatlncU,Caeeimerei, Cnttonadee, Ladlet' Shawlt, Nublaa A Honda, Balmoral and Hoop Skirtt, Ac,, Alto, a fine auortment of Men't Drawer! and nnirta, note vape, jioou ai enooa.' . ell of which WILL BE SOLD LOW FOR CASH Hardware, Queeneware, Glassware Groceries and Spices, :nsuorta general assortment Of ercrytbtng nenelly kept la retail ttore, a CHEAP FOR CASH or approrad aountry pro duea. A. K. WRIQHT k S03S. Clearleld, Nor. t, 1897. II. BRIDGE, . MERCHANT TAILOR (Store one door eatt of Clearfield Hunee,) Market ttreet, Clear&'ld, Pa. T'KRPS on hand a full auortment af flem.' IV Furnlihlnt Goodt, tueh ea Shtrta. I.l... and Woolen Undenhlrl, Drawer! aed gooke, Neck. Ilea, Pocket Uaadkercbtafe, Sioret, Ilela, Bmbrellat, Ae., la great variety. Of Pieoo uoooe aa aeept m Best Cloths of all "Shades and Colors," Such at Black Doatkla af tha tery bait make Fijcj Cuslasra, Is gloat rariety , alio, Franeh Coating, Bearer, Pilot, Chinchilla, and I-rtaaii arereoating. All of which will be told aheap for v..u, -u. mma, ap ewooraiag to ine lawilitylea 07 vnenneu wornmon. Aho, Agent for OlearBeld annnty for T. M, finger A Co e. ofllebrated Sawing Mechlnat. 9 .Ulli.p. Q. L. Re. , NOTICE. W..P.W..I. ltKKD A l'OWELI,. CLEARFIELD PLANING 3IILL ALL RIGHT! T11E proprietorl retpeotfully Inform tha eitlaent of Cleartold oounty, that they hare entirely refitted thla attabllthment with the lateat Improred wood working machinery, and aro now prepared to execute all order in their line of buiineet. They will glra aepaoial attention to the manufac ture of material for houae building, tuoh at FLOORING, WEATHER - BOARDING, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, BRACKETS tf JHOVLIHJrUB, OF A It 8 T T L B 8, We alwaya hare en band a Urge atook of DRY LUMBER, and will payeaih fur all clear Ijrober. One-and-a-half inch panel atul preferred. Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or exohanged, to auit euttomert. VaVOrdart tolUitad, and Lumber furnlthed on abort notioe and en reatonable tanntN. REED k POWELL. Clearfield, March 8, 1871. UsrrUanfOttj. j ;h. f. n augle . CLOCK AND WATCII MAKER, orroura ran POST OFFICE aniarr rraiaT CLEARFIELD THE tubacrlbtr rarpaetfully Inform! kit eld atroaa and tha public generally, that he baa oa kand, (ana It eon tan uy recelrlog aew aaaiiiant inereto,; a targe atoat el Clocks, Watches and Jewelry. keep Jewelry la all lu forma and of different raluet, either by the plane er eat. WATCnES A full aeortnent of either Gold erSilrcr, made by tha heat Aararlcaa and for ttgn manufaeinrert. Including a Una lot of gold and ailrar hunting caee, full Jeweled, Patent Lerere. CLOCKS Of all deilrnt, eonalttlng ofelibt- day and thirty -hoor, af either weight, tprlng or terert, ana nou ttrlte ana alarm. REPAIRING. All hind of Watcbee and Clock! Repaired, and warranted. Ii addition la what I hare enumerated, I keep a full aieortaaeatof SPECTACLES, colored aed plainglaal. Alio.OOLD PENS and PEnCILS SPOONS, FORKS,-DUTTaR KMIVKS.andla fact arerytbing ia tht Jewelry line. If I fall to hare ea hand jat what a auatomer may need, 1 will order per Brit oxpreie, wltnout eitra ebarge. A liberal share of public petronagr it lollcited, may r, inaa-y u. r. IIUULI, MOSHANNON LAND Si LUMBER CO., OSCEOLA STEAM HILLS, avrrACTcaua LUMBER, LATII, AND PICKETS. n. II. SniLLIKOFORD, Preildenl, Olfloa Forel Place, Ko. Hi 8. 4th it, PhU'a. JOHN LAWSII1', Qeneral Sup'L Oaoeola Mill, ClearOcld county, Pa. LWD AND LIMBER COUFAH OFFER TO rurtliasers of Choice Goods AT TBEIR MAMMOTH STORE ' IS- OSCEOLA. New Cabinet ! M08HANNON LAND AND LUMBER COM PA NY offer fur lo Town LoU in tho bor ough of OMftola, Olvarfiald onnntj, Pa.t and alfo loli to euit parchftMn oautdo tho UmiU of"aaid boron g b. Oeeeola ii iitaate4 on tho Moihannon Creek, in tho Tichft portion of tha count jr of Clearfield, on tht line of the Tyrone A Clearfield Railroad, where tbe Monhaanoo eod Bearer toe brairrh rnadi InterMwi. It It alo in tht heart of tht Monbannon coal baa in, and largo bodiet of white nine, bemloek, oak. and other tiuilrar ear roand iL One of tht Urgent Innbnr BanufKctur Ing tatahlirhineatj in tht titatt it located in tht town, while there aro many other I amber and thinglt milU aroavd It. Tbt town Ii bnt tin jean old, and oontaina a population of oat thou sand Inhabitant. tNT-For further Information apply at tht office of tht fcboTt company. aJUIlrt JUAWBUS. ' 1:4:70 Gtneral Suporintoodent. T O LVNBGRMBM1 PEnFECTION IM CANTHOOKSI Tht C learn rid Eioeleior Cant hook will not wear out or break, being eonitrneted with ant solid band from clip to point. It It pronounced by all praotloal lumbermen who barn, eiatnioed It to bt tha tuott perfeot Oantbook tTer In rented. Amos Kennard, Patentee, Manufactured by Aaoi Rivnau A Co.. ai CLEARFIELD. PA. -AlI ordert promptly attended to. , c53'7t FAIRBANKS' STANDARD $3 NCALEM, "4'?t or ill liimtt Baggage Barrowt, B'arohonta Truck, Copying Pmtea, Improred Uoney Drawer, Ae. ton till r - , K. V. BIOLETl & CO., Dralera In Hardware, Second Street, Clearlleld, Pa. Down 1 Down 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL AND Of COUnSB TBI CHEAPEST! A Proclamation against High Pricesl WE ae now opening np a let of the beat and moat aeaannahle Hood and Ware elfered In thit market, and at price, that remind on. oi in. gnoa oia aereor cnenp thing. Thoie who lack faith anon thia imlnL or deem our alb. gaiiowt luparauoue need hut CALL ar OVR STORK, Comer Front and lfarhat atreaia. Where ther eaa an. fMl ku A tu r ik. aalrea. To fully undrUnd what areiheap good, thit mnat be dona. We da rut it to enumerate and llcmlie tar ttock. It la enouah far at to abate that " . We have Everything that ia Needed and ennaumed In till market, and ai price that aetonlrk both eld and rnurc. Jrug A prfliftnrj. NEW DRUG' STORE ! WM B. ALEXANDER, M. D Drve;arlit and Apothecary. CURWENaVILLE, PA, Ktept eoattantly ea hand a large atiortment af DRV OS, Patent Medlelnee, Painla and Oil, Varalihat, Dre Btuffa, Ae. HI etock of Druga It pare aed freeh, and auttomart can rely upon getting tha bett of ercrytbtng In hit line. Hit itook ol PERFUMERY, Toilet Arttclae, Hair Tonletj Goimetlei, Brnihet, Toilet Boapl, Couibi, Pocket Book. Pent, Inkl, Penolle and Paper, and a general eatortmeu! uf thit olaat of goodt, are all of tha beet quality. PURE WINES & LIQUORS,1 for MwHlioa parpoiti onlfa Qlua, Patty, Labi-tcatlng 01! I, t.. to U tb wfttiti of tht eomnaDlt, 11U citenilr and well wl-Kleil itoelt of DruM 4dJ HodiolBM DablM bin to fill PkyiioUm' prworiptioni oa tbort nutlet and on tkt auit reasutafetile ternm Snokfln and Cbowtri will find hi toek of Chewing and Smoking Tobaoeo, Clgart 4 flu tiff, to eon tiit of the Tery bt brandi in tbo market. A ihiut of publie patronage ii lolteited. Oct. It-am. .c , W. a ALaXANDKR. B O O K S WHICH BAYS ALWAYS : G I YE N SATISPACT SH niBITOFORI, WILL BI DISPOSED OF Ilf SUCH A W A Y AST0PLIASI 0 B FRIXSDS AKD CCS T0MIR8. JUST RECEIVED I THE riNEST ASSORTMENT Of J10LIDAT aooDS-suon as BOOKS' s AKD OTIIEll STATIONERY ARTICLES, ."" " ' "' ' :...''".' EVER OFFERED TO TBE CITIZENS OF THIS PLACE ! NOW OK EXHIBITION AND' FOR SALE AT PUBLISHERS' MANUFACTURERS' PRICES, AT TOI POSTOFFICE. Clearfield, Dee. 14, 1 171. VIDEO OUTI BURNED UP! . BELL'S RUN WOOLEN FACTORT, Tann towmhip, Claarteld Co, Pa. Tha tubecriben are, at great etpenee, rebuild. Ing, and in a few dara will hare eomnletnl. a neighborhood eoaeuty, in tbe erection of a Brt clau Woolea Manufactorr, with all the modern improrement attached, and are prepared to make all kind! of Cloth, Caeimerel, Sntinetti, lilaa. aeie, rianncl, ae. I'lontr or goodt on band to inppljr all our old and a thoumnd new enitnmer, whom we ak to coma and oiaminc our atock. The builneia of CARDINO AND FCLLINO will reoalreeepeclal attrntiea. Our new mill will be rraij bj wool-earding aceeoa, therefore there need be no heeitation on that acore. Proper errangrmcnta will be made ta rewire and delirer Wool, to auit cuetomert. All work warranted and done upon the abort.! notice, and kr etriet atten tion to buelncat we hone to reallia a liberal efaare of publie patronage. lOMJO POUNDS WOOL WANTED I Wa will par the hirheet market nrlca fur Wool and tell ear maanfeetared goeda ai law aa limilar gome ean oe nougat in ine oounty, and whenerer we fall to render reaeonabla aatlefaotion wa eaa alware be found at home reedr te make nronar explanation, either In perron or by bitter. tfAetna juiihhuhi honm, aprilMtf . Urampiea HIIU P. 0. TOBACCO AND CIGARS t WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, At tha Kew Tobaoeo and Cigar Store of R. II. SHAW, Two doora Eiat of the FoatuOce, Clearfield, Pa. Conttantlr on hand a Ine auortment of Nary, Coagreat, Cnrandiah, Cable, Spunroll, Mlcblgaa and Century Fine-cut Chewing Tobacco, Ac Alee, a large Ad wall talented itook ef Imported and vomealle Clgara, Smoking Tobaoeoa, tleeraohae and Briar Plnea, Pipe Sxtarea, Tobaooo Botet, Cigar Iloldort, and arerytbing generally roaad In a well regaleted Cigar and Tobacco Store. f-Remember the place i Two deon Eatt ef the Poitofflco, Clearlleld, Pa. aag. ft tf. R. B. TAYLOR'S LIME AND COAL YARD, (Nrr tha Rail;uai tj.poij CLEARKIELD, PK.NN'A. IEM11RACE thit mtlhod or informing the public, that I bare opened np a yard for tha aula of wood er aoal-burnt LIME nnd Anthracite COAL, In the borough of Clearfield, end hare completed arrangementa with eattcrn dealera by which 1 can heepa full mpply eoattantly on hand, ehieh will be di'poeod of at reaaonahla ratea, by the tnn, knebal er ear load, te luit purchaecra. a diilanee oaa addreet ma by letter, and obtain all aeoeeaarj Information hr return mail, R. B. TAYLOR. Clearleld Pa., Feb. 14, 18 tf' LIME AND COALI HAVING InoreoMd ear facllltlaa for burning Lima during aha peat aeeeoa, wa aro pre pared to furnlib Hood Itumt Mate, Coal Hurnt Lime, Wood and Coal Burnt Lime, Manufactured from tbe celebrated "BELLEFONTI LIMESTONE," uhlcli prodneai the wnrrair and nait Lime, fr all mechanical purpotce, that eaa be found In the Stat, of Poanaylraala, aad whloh we aell at aa lew prleea. dallrered on ean, aa the Inferior Llmea are aold at their plaeea of maaalacbire. Alee, dealer! It and ahlppen of Wilkesbarre and Shamokin' ' ' - ANTHRACITE COAL, of all tltca, prepared eapreaaly for family tue. Ordurt aoltoiteei, . a im i ' M0RILID08 k CO., r. , Wi ly. ,.. . .Brllaie, Pa, NEW FIUJI. KRATZER & LYTLE, Market Street, Clearfield. Penn'a,, TTAVI aew ea band A Irtt-alaat atoek ef -U- (oodi, iniud to tht wanU ef the pukllo. Oar atook la large, tad by eoattantly awhlag addltlont thereto, we are able te accommodate all who may faror by tailing. We hare DRY GOODS,. Mtrlnoa, Olngbamt, Clothe, Print. Detainee, Cetilmerta, Sllkt, Rept, Satinata, Caihmtni, Twndt, Cobargi, Alpacat, Hohalr., Huallnt, Flannalt, Bonneta, Rlbbont, Cloakt, Balmoral Skirtt, Hoop Skirtt, Shawlt, Dreta Trlmmlngt, Head Nell, Capt, Conttt, Olorea, Scarfa, Collara, Oruadint Villa, Table Cerert, . CLOTHING, ' Ceatt. Panta. Viatt. Ortr-Caau. Oaat'a Ehawll. Shlrta, Hata, Capa, Under Shirt and Drawerl, Beota and Bhoat, Oum Bboei CraraU, Beeka, Olorea and Collar.. GBOCEitlES, Tea, Coffee, Sugar, ItoUtiii, Bait, Cendlea, Eire, Flour, Baeoa, Flh, Tobacco, Ralilai, CorraaU, Splett, Craehara, Vlaegar, Ollt, Varnlie, Pepper, Alcohol, Aa. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, Carpitt, Oil cloth, Drugget, Cleoka, ' Looklng Olaaaat, Ckarnt, Beckett, Waihbeardi, Tubt, Flat Irani, Pant, Window Blindi, Wall Paper, Coal Oil Lampa, Bedeordi, TJmtrellaa, Kalrea, Forkt, Bpoont, Croeki, Btorei and Store Blacking. HARDWARE, Quetnawere, Tinware, Olatiware, Weedaawara, Copper ware, booka. Stationery, Mntieal Ooedt, Trnnkt, Skatta, Ae. tWAllef which will be told oa the moat rea eonabla termi, aad tl a htgbaat market prloe paid for Orain, Wecl aad all kiadt ef country produce REMEUBER TUB PLACEi KRATZER & L YTLE'S (Oppotlte tht JalL) CLEARFIELD, PENN'A. t 8:71 fiUtlTARE TIMBER E.A.IRVIN&CO., CURIVENSVILLE, PA., Being tpMlallr engaged In the bualneet of Buying and Selling Square Timber, Would repreeent that they are now prepared to parchaae Timber dellrered at either Curwenarille, Lock Ilaraa or at arietta, (or will take It at any of tbcN polnta,) and tell oa aommiialon, making ueh adranoae at are aeoeeeary. Tboaa engaged In getting eat Timber will Ind at oar ttore In Curwentrille, a Tery large itook of STAPLE GOODS Of all Deterlptlone. ALIO. flour, Jtleal, Rift, Oali, Corn, And ererythtng neeenary for eat of Lumbermen. RAFT ROPE, Of all tlMt, kept en hand In large quanlltlea, and told at email adranea by the coll Alao, . Pulley - Blocht, Small Rope, Aa. - . -HPRrlAL INDUCF.MBRTB offered to thoee manufacturing Square Timber, ' K. A. IRVtlt CO. Curwenarille, J.nuary II, 1871. 0. I. C. TITIIRRR to buy my DRV GOODS, ORO f I eerlee, Qneenawnre, (llaa.ware, Druga and Nntiona, Confeetioneriee, Ac, cheap for oath. Tht lahaorlber bene leara tn Inform hit eld and ew entlomtrt that he hat opened A VAR1STI STORM IN GLEN norK, PA. And will Ball .AAila .1 K,tui SnU 11. a liberal rednetloti will be made te euelemere buy. ing at wholeeala. Call aad .iinlaa aa alAAt, ...Cam h elaewhere. A liberal than of pahlie patronage It C. J. XEAQT. Olta Ilope, Pa., June 14, 11171. ISAAC K. STAUFFER, WATCHES. dBWBLRY, 141 Nortk Sr.ead BL, ear. of Quarry, PBILADCLPUIA. Aa aeeortmeal of Watekaa, Jewelry, Sllrar and Plated Ware eeantawtiy ea hwd, hepelnng f Watehee and Jewelry prompOy attended to. .2y JADLBS' AND OB NT'S BATCH ILS- . 4 D.. FULLKRTON'S. BIGLER, YOUNG & CO., (Seeeeaaort to Boyatoa Voaog,) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS Maaefaelurera of FOBTABLE 4; STATION AEY STEAM ENGINES Corner ef Fourth and Pine Street, CLEARFIELD, PA. HAVING engaged In tbe manufacture of Irit elati MACHINEEY.we reapoetfully Inform the publie that we are new prepared ta Hi all order aa cheaply and ae promptly at eaa be doaa ia any of tht titlei, Wa manufacture and deal in Malay and Circular Saw-Milla Head Block I, Water Wheell, Shafting Policy, Oifford't Injector, Steam Oangel, Steam Whittle!, Oiler, Tallow Cupi, Oil Cup a, Gauge Cock., Air Cocke, Globe Valree, Cheek Valrea, wrought Iron Plpet, B'.eam Pampa, Boiler Feed Pumpa, Antl Friction Metre, Soap Stone Packing, Qua Pack Ing, and all kindt nf MILL WORK) together with Plowa, Sled Sole, COOK AND PARLOR STOVES, and ether CASTINGS of all kindt. Xtr-Orderl mlieltad aad tiled at eity prieet. All let tart of Inquiry with reference to machinery ef our manufacture promptly antwerod, by eddret ing ui at Clearfield, Pa. , docllTO-tf BIGLER, YOUNO k CO. A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVER Sr. WALKER'S UTOHNIA VINE&AR BITTERS Made of Poor Uaaa, Whtaker, Treof Sprite ad Refneo doctcred, er4ced aaeiwcct. ened to X leaer tba LMte, called MTomce."AppUa. era," Bcataren," ec, that kad tbe Mpoter on to druakeaneaa and rule, nee are a true Metllelne, ineoe frem the Katlre ftoouand Ilerheor Cellforula, free frare all Atcebelle atllenulanaa. Tbeyare the VREAT ULUOn Pl'UlFIEIt aad A LIFE G1TIM) PUIX'IPLKa perfect neaorator aad loelforaior cf Um tjtha, aerrTtng off all noleenoaa matter and roetortag the blood lo a lreeJtt.reottdrttoB. Ko pereoa caa Ukt theee BlUert eooorulng te Circe. Uon and remala leng a&well. Id will be ilr.aforaa Incurable aeae. nrorlded tbe boaaa are not daalrayed br mmaral aotaoa or elher meant, and the rltal crgana wanted borondUie point or repair. Farlainaamulerr and Ckreale BbenMa- tlaea aad tiaal, Itraeeawla, wr ladlamli Blllena, Kemliieat aad laloranltliint Ferere Dl eniKe ol ike lllaod, Llrer., and Bladder, Ucm Illllere kara keea laeet eneorae. rel. Kurt. ItecaiM-a ara eaueed by Vtllaird Blood, which I. reoerellj produced by derangement eltne IllarailreUranaa. DVHPKI'KIA OR lKDIGEftTION, need tche, I'.ln In the Shoulder, Couibe, Tlglilneee ot the Oieat, PUtlnce, Sour EractaUono of the Btomech, Bed teat. In the Mouth, BlUoua Attache, Palpitation of lhe Heart, InflamtuaUoa of the Lunge, Pain la the reaiooe of the htdat re, and a hundred other painful ermptom, ere the offlprtncenf Preneijela. Tbrr laetgoretc tbe stomach and eilmalate the tor pid llrer and nowele.wrilehrcnderthemoraaequalled efflcaer la cleanelag the blood of all ImpurlUee, aad 1m parting now lire and rlfor to the whole aretera. POR HK IN U18EANE8, Eruption, Tetter, &tlt Sacua, Wclobct, Spot. Plmplee. muulee, BoSa. Car buclee, Clng Wornt, Scald Head, Sore Eree, (rytlp. ele. Itch, Bcurre, tltocOUiretlone uf tna hMua, Uumora aad Dleeeeea of tbe bkla, of whalerer name or nature, are Uterelly dug up and carried out ef tlio erotem In n ebon time by tbe uee of Ibeee Bitten. One bottle ta teen aeaee will coaTlaoo the meet Increduloua a.t their euretlre effect. Cleanee.the Vitiated Blood whenerer roe find lit tmnurvUeo barettita taroueh tho tkln In nmplae. Erun tfciaa or (orca cleatae II aaca yoa Ind II obatrnolcd and elugglab tn the rctot clcanae u when tt foul, end roar rcelrof will tell you when. Keep tbe blood pure and the health of the eretcm will follow. PIN, TAPS and otlnr WO R Met, lurking In the artlem of ao many thouaande. are rffcetually dMtror ed aad remored. For full dlraetloaa, read urcfulrt the rlrcalar around each bottle, prlntrd In roerr laa gntf ea-Kngllak,Uenuan, ffrenek and apatuab. J. WJOJtKn, rroprirlor. B. R. MoDOKaXD CO, Brngflttt aad Oen. Aaenta. Caa Ttoccv, Cel. aad a and tt Commetee atraet, Kew Tort tVaOLB BT ALL DBCQOIST AND DEALERS, Oct. 1(1, 18?:ly. NEW MARBLE YARD IN LUTHERnURG t Till nndsrutirnc Ukft thla n(hod of Inform. In th eitiwoi of CIerllf?ld and JclTcriton eantiet that h hti epDi Marbl Vrd, for tht mantiiaeinra oi Tombttotiei, Monuments, Head n4 Foot Stones, 4ttH fc I cnplojr nona but th bf it worknto tt Work wtrrantcif. Addrett ill T .il,. I 'i-iELOOODLANDKR. Latheral.r"; October W, 1870. NATICI-. Ilarlng purrhaeed tha Intereat of J. A. Dlattenberger, Keq., In the buelneet heretofore berried ea andor the Irm name of J. A. Rlallenberger Co., the eame will be conducted hereafter under the name of Moihannon Land aad Lumber Cnmnanr, (Htnre.1 H. H. KII1LL1KUFORD, JOflN LAWSHB, myJJtf l'rtaident. Qeneral Sup't SAWS! SAWS! SAWS! DISTAN S CROSS OUT, MILL, DRAG AND CIRCULAR SAWS. Boynton'a Lightning Cro88-cut Saw, ALSO, PATBNT PERFORATED k ELECTRIC SAWS, For tale by 11. F. BIGLER k CO. Luthersburg Marble Yard! fTtnW Mautrll ...... . a. X tommanlry and the publie generally that he la now ettaniirely engaged In the aaanafaetnre of miaTaii, iiewn nn root pinnea, otatid, Table and Bureau Topi, ate. Ne higher tribata ean he paid lo adaoeaied relatlre or friend than the one. tion ef an enduring tlab aa a witaeoa t nnhora generatlom where ihey hart laid him er her. I here engaged Mr. John W. Oahegaa aa my agent la nil, aud ta whoea werkenantblp and tkiil any eaa bear wltaaat. Order, eolietted and promptly Iliad. Work dellrered vtierererdealred. - - . H. MOORS. Luthtribnrg. lfforember II, 1IT. 1 1 Eondredi cf Tbot-.cands V 4 w Henr Irettmorrf to thr'r rr oncer- & n ? eg falCuntlre U.oie. S f e fiiWHAT ARE TKEV?fg j Of a TEXT ABE NOT A Vttg 3 1 1 11 FANCY DRINK, ill Clearfield County Bank THE Cltarleld County Beak aa aa I. tad luctltntlon hai goaaeal of .u1"1 the nrreader of lu eharter, ea M. !. . All 11. Mock la e.aed by the aebmrik. ' M'' willeontlnne tht Banking builaeia 7, k plant, aa nitrate Bankert, under the t.V of the "Clearleld Coanty Bank." H, ponilblt for the dtbu el lhe Bank, and ."i? lu noteeon demand at tha eoanu. ,, 'W receired and Intereat peld when money , Jj"! lied time. Paper diicoantad at ail a,il?' hiratnfore. vur peraoaal reapon.ikiiT pledged for all Depooitt receired tram toted. A eentinaaaee of tht liberal 11 roaage of tho batiatn mta of the eoaatr i. " km... till,. tbieoaatib': lenL CaakL " at. M. .4 peotfnlly aelielted. At Prttident, CtibL-Vj' eBeera of the late Clearleld Ceaaty oat, I.B.U b. require the net. I of laid Bank to ht nru..u! for radannll..,. r-ait for redemption JAR. T. LRONARD, RICIIARD BnAtr WM. PORTER, JAS. B. ORAflA' A. K. WRIGHT, G. L, RP.tb WM. A. WALLACE. Tbe bueln.. of tbt Bank will beeonduteU oha M' Ad. mi., K.q aa Cathier. UonM,J ,J. D. M'Oirk. - - "ii. BANKING & COLLECTION HOflST McGirk & perks, Baeoeaton to Fotter, Perkt, t Co, Phillpiburg;, Centre County, Pi. W1 HSR E all the butlneii of a Banking Bra. ril' o IrnvniBLntiafi nminrtilw moit I r f-j man ty ravoimolt teraii. htrTjf 'iUisaltanrous. RoggnTo wnwlilp A m ake GREAT EXCITEMENT AT THOMAS BEERS'S! JJ1VERTB0DT trying to gel there Irtt, ft, !, j ef being eruwded out into tbe told. If yoa want good Shoeing dona, go ta Bnu. If yoa want your Sledt ironed rlgbi, go to Bitu, If yon want good Alill Irani, go lo Biru, If yea want your wigon Ironed in the brat ityle and werttmanthip, ga to Butt. Baaaa maktt the but Stump Miebine i. i,, Stau, aad doea all kindt nf BLACK bUITiUN, aa ebetp ai can be doaa la the county for Cut. My Poll Oaiol addreei It Claarteld, Pa. TBOMAS BEtRS. Boggi Tp.,Dee. 19, 1847-tf. Cheap Fnrnitiirc. JOHN GULIC1T DESIRES to Inform bU old frirnde tttca. to" era, that baring anlnrged hit ahop ui inereated hit faeilititt for maaalaeturing, ha It now prepared to make to order rack Fnrnittrt ai may be detired, In good atyle and at cheap mat for CASII. lie generally haa oa hand, at kit Furniture room, a earied aatortment nf rttdj. made furniture, among which are BUREAUS AND 8IDE-BOARDS, Wardrobe! and Book-Ctiet; Ctntre, Sofa. Parltr, Breakfait and Dining Eitenilon Table.; Coo mon, French-pott, Cottage, Jeany-Llftd and other Sedtteadt Bcfae ef all kindt,, llat-racki, Wath-atandu Rooking and Am Chain'; erring-teat, eane. bottom, parlor, eta mon nnd ulnar Chain Leoking-Olaiiai ef erary deerriplion on head and new glaatet for eld frame., whloh will be pal In ea rery raaioatkli termi on ihorttit notiee. Ut alto heepi on ku4 or furni.hee to order, Corn-hu.k, 11 air and Cot ton -top Mattrenet. CorFiNg or Evert Kind Made to order, and funerala atleaded with t tlearee whenerer deiired.Aleo, Houti Paintinf dona to order. Tbe tabeeriber alia mannfte. tore, and bnt ecnttanlly en bnnd, Cledett'i Patent Cubing Machine, the beat now la dm I Tboee riling thit machine nerer need be with out elenn elotheel Hi alto hai Flyar't Pateat Churn, a inferior article. A raraily aalng lbi Churn nerer need be without butter I ' All tht eboro and mnny nther urttolei art ftp. aiahed te ooitoraero cheap for Cam er iiehaored for approrad oountry produce. Cherry, Maple, Poplar, Llnwood and other Lumber tuitablt for uaDiuet worm, tuna lu tncunngu lor lurnittrt FeTRcmember the ihop II en Marker afreet, Clearleld. Pa- and pearly nppoalte the "Old Jew Store." JQUH GCLICiL Norember 1, 1811 y READING FOR ALL 1 1 BOOKS & STATIONERY. Market St.. Clearlleld, (at the Pott Offirr.) fpHB nndaraigned begi leara to announce te JL the oitiaena of Clearleld aad riciaity, thai he hat Itted np a room and hm Jutt returned from the eity with a large amount ef rtaditg matter, centiiting in part ef BibleB and Miscellaneous Books, Blank, Account and Putt Bookt of .rery 4a tcrfption Paper and Enrelopac, Frenek prri4 and plain Peat and Penoili Blank, Legal Ptpert, Deedt, Mertgtgnei Judgment, Eienp. tion nnd Promitiory note. I White nnd Parek; mint Brief, Legal Cap, Record Cap. and Bill Cap, Sheet, Motle for either Pinne, Flute er Violit eonitantly nn hand. Any bookt or itatlontry deaired that I may eat hare ea hand, will be or ordered by Ant tipreti, and told nt wholeialt er retell to tnit euatomert. I will alao keel periodicnl llterntare, tueh aa Magatintt, Newa. papert, An. P. A. GAlLIJi. Clearleld May f, 18l-tf DAVID YOUNG, . S(oiic-Cut(or and Stone-Mason, WILL eieoute all work In hit lint at mod aratt prieet aad ia FIRST-CLASS ttjlt. Architectural Ornaments - ta ALL STTLES, Stone Dreealng of erery deacriptioa, and all kind, of mnton work eca treeted for ia or oat of the eouoty. Any pertort witbing tn hnre repeetable meton work and lone. cutting dnne, will Ind it to their Intereat to cnll npon me I would alee Inform the pah. lie thet I enn delirer eny quantity or elatt cf ttoaadeiind, aa I am tht owner of a FIRST-CLASS STONE QUARRY. Ordtn for work can ht addreaied to DAVID YOUNO, maris,? I Clearleld Pa. JJEW STORE AKD NEW GOODS. JOS. SHAW & SON llare jutt opened Ntw Stoat, oo Main St.,Ct.tar:iLD, Pi., lalelf occupied by Wm. P. IRWI.H. Tbeir atock oonaiati of Caocti'.ii of tbe beat quaH'.y, Qucenswarc, Boots tui Shoef, and erery article neoeuarr for one't com fort. Call and examine our ttock before pur' cliaelng el iter here. May S, 1866-tf. The Lightning Tamer. rpi1B nndertlgned are the aole Agenta It thla' X enuntr for the"Norlh American Onlrnnlard' LIOHTMINO RUDS." Theee are the only aafe rodi new la ate, nnd nre tn dor aid by all tbe' tclentlle men ia tht country. ne hereby nottry the eitittni nf the county tbnt we will put them np a better red, aad for' leri money, than it charged by tha foreiga agent, who annually trareraa tht aoenty aad tarry ef our Hull cath, nerer to return. ENCOURAGE HOME LABOR. Thoee wl.hlna Llihlnin Rndt erected el their balldingi need but addreei at by letter, or call It per.un. We will put them up .nyehlre' In theconaty, aad warrant them. The R edited rtiraret eaa be teea at aay lime by eel, leg an oar ttore. H. F. BIGLER CO. Cleaileld, March M, 1870 tf Clearfield Nursery. ENCOURAGE HOME INDUSTRf THE andirelgned, baring eeUbllihel a ti Hry ea the 'Pike, abeal halfway betweea Clearleld aad Curw.nertlle, le prepared alah allkiadi of FRUIT TREKS, (ilandard tad dwarf,) Breigieene, Sbnabnery, 6 rape Viatl, Ooeaeberrlei, Leatoa Blackberry, Strawberry, eadRatberry Vleee. Aba, Slberlaa Crab Treat, Qulaoc, aad early ictrl.l K habere, At. Ordtrl promptly attendtd to, Addreaa, t e. w.ionr eeptl ll-w Ctrweairlllt, ra m. a., " - - "TECKT1ES The tery itylat C1ALL ARD tlAMINI tha NEW GOODS y ' ai f trLirRTfiK. .ojcra EBAW a box. G IT TOUR BOTI' RATS at FITIER TON'S. I 4 Ml. rrLLERTOK'S,