. GEORGE I). GOODLANDElt, 1 kii to n jikd rnofttiitTott. .' ; ' "CLEARFIELD,'' Pa. ... .'.; WEDNESDAY MORNINC!. At'OUST , 1871 - , Democratic State Ticket. :' ' ;" , FOR AUDITOR GENERAL, '., GEN. WJI, MeCANDLESS, -or rniLADiiLruiA. , FOR SURVEYOR GENERAL, 1 ;' CAPT. JAMES II. COOPER, or Liwnaxra coiNtr. TSA full poll of tha Democratio vota Will secure the election of our Sfnto ticket by a large anajnrttv. i wT-Let every Democrat rorartnlief that, and lruprr-s the truth vf It upon the mluds of bis. neighbors. . . ' Democratio District Ticket. . . . . SENATOR i . 1TIM.IAH A. WAI.lVAtE, of Clearfield. tSul ject to the aetioa of Diatriot Convention. ... Demooratio County Ticket. ASSEMBLY: . ' JOHN LAWS MP., of Osceola. ASSOCIATE JL'DOESt , WILLIAM C. FOLEY, of Clearlleld. JOHN J. READ, of Lawrence. PROTHOXOTARTt I . AARQN C. TATE, of Clearfield. ' REorsTKR A RECORDER : ASBURY "V. I.EF, ofC'Irarfleld. TREASURER i ... SAMUF.L P. W ILSON, of Bradford. ' f6M.MIS.IOKER: F. F. COUTRIKT, or Kartliam. ' ' At'DITOR: '' R KV B KX Mr Pll r: It SON, of Clearfield. COL'XTY SURVEYOR: B. F. MrCI.OSKHY, of C urwrnsville. ttrmorratte Krrtullre Committee. The Executive Committee authorized by the Drtnoe ratio State Convention of Pennsylvania has bein constituted aud organlied ai follows: Win. A. Wallace, Clearfield, OeiiVsmn. - Win, Mutchlcr, Esq., Eaeton, Northampton. lion. Kamucl J. IlHndall, Philadelphia. C. B. Hrockway, Esq., Hloomaburjr, Columbia. Robert I. J'ilinon, Eiiq., Ehcnalmrg, Cumbria. Uon Charles J. Uiddlc, Philadelphia. Lenii C. t'os"id-y, Esq., Philadelphia. . Uen. tloorge W. Curf, PilMmrjib, Allegheny, !.. A. Miiehry, F.-q., I.o'-k llar.-n, Clin'on. "V. H. Klrn.r, E.q., CbamHen4nura Franklin. . lion. W. Mcdi'lleud, Lawrence, Ace(ary. Senatorial Conference. Now that tliu countios composing oar Senatorial district have nil held tlieir connlj- con vention, it is bnt proper tlmt nn oarly period and place be fixed for tho as sembling of theScnutorial Conference-. Wo tliorcfore suggest that tlij dele gates meet nt Tyrone, on Thursday, tho 17lh day of August, nt 3 P. M. . Mr. Felix Brunot, of Pittsburg," is the now Commissioner of Indian Af fairs, vice the versatile Parker, ro moved. " The "government" spent ono day in Washington lust week, and the next day with a brothor-in low, and the two Porters returned to Long Uranch race course. Slowly Recoverinq. Mrs. Vnllnn tlighum has been so far restored s to bo removed from hor homo ut Day ton, Ohio, to some of her friends in this Stule.. She is now sojourning on tho mountains near Berlin, Somerset county. " J. W. Douglas, formerly Collector of Internal Revenue for this Congres sional district, has ' been appointed Commissioner of Internal liorcnuo, vice Gen. Plensanton, removed. Thus two of Grant's houso-hold, pets have been turned out within a week, no doubt much to-his regret Obituary. Phoobo Carey, sister of tho late Alice Carey, diod at Nowport, Rhode Island, on 81st ult., in the 47th yoar of hor ago. Tho Carey sisters tiro well known to all readers of "light lileraturo and sentimental poetry." They were both constant workers in the causo of "woman's rights" and spiritualism. Their works, to our niir.d, huvo and will do moro moral harm than good. The "New Dr.PARTUnr" This new measure has beep practically tested hy the prisonor whom -Mr. Yullun dlghnin was defending nt tho lima ho shot himself. Tho jury in tho case fuiled to ogreo, and were discharged by tho Court and the prisoner ro manded to jail,' On Thursday lasthe and four others "dug out'' and mado their escape. A largo reward is of Cored by tho authorities.' "Tito prison er lius ttc'.ed upon tho advico of hi counsel, and by "digging out" has practically accepted tho "new depar ture.". Lotat. Indiana. In the State of Indiana thoy do things "lliusly:" They havo no residence for their Gov ernor, but tho Legislature has for six years past' annually '.ppropiiatcd $3,000 as rent for a houso for his Excellency. It appears that tho Gov ernor has during" this period rented a house for which he paid only $1,200 per annum, yet all the whilo drew from tho Stalo Treasury llio $5,000 per annum for house rent. The ques tion which the tax -payor now put to tho people si large is : "Huvo tho Gov ernors any righ to charge moro rent than they actually pay?" Hut, so fur no Radical has volunteered to answer tho question. And if the question is i.ot answered in a satisfactory manner protty soon, they propose to put tho matter to a legal test. Twenty one thouiand dollars Imvo thus disappear d during tho past six years for n.nu ' Vk were uover paid. " Thai even j en n. ate, IT .. M t , " I'm 01 irarda. Horace Groeley has lately taken lo write and tulk liko a copperhead tolling tho nukod truth.. In a late number of tho Radical Bible '(tho TViAwifDojays: ; ' Onr eorreepondcnti have beeir ao Iosk U the dlturbid diatriot of the 8011th that we ena Ari from their letter! a diitlnel idea af the itnto af io. oioty In that unfortunate pnrtof the Union, It It a melancholy picture that the; draw for til. The moit intdliffpnt) the InSuentiol, the educated, the ml Ir uiefulmen of the Buulh, diprired of all po litical powor, have coma to luok upon themnelvci aa the owlrnjrcd euhjoetl of a deepotio eonotierof. Taxed and ewindlrd hr a horde of raecally foreign adrenturere, and by tha Isoorant oiarl which onlj yeaterda buod the fleldl and lervod In the kitch en, they care nothing for pnlitlce, eicept to throw off the apprrmive y.l;e)ttht; '.mvo noliwAeit In national affaire they would1 eatl themeeh-ee of eillier party, provided tholr rulvre weraonly of the other. Tho rofoeo of northern oltlea, who went eouthward after the war, out at elbowe and dvati tnte of character and education, now roll In .pirn did oarrlnjrri, drink rare winci, glitter with dia mond! a. big na Klek'l, and etoal tatei aa fa.t aa a Now York itreet oonitni.eionor. It ii no wun dor that the Itnporeri.hed plnutcr, growing poorer overy day, tbo rs Confrderata ofOcer, who fought ao bravely for n eauie In whtuh ho Uoneatly be lieved j tho profeeiional men, aeeuatometl all their lire, to hold offtno and lead the publle aenliinont of their eommunitii-a, look upon eueh thing! with raneoroiie henrte. They might eubinit to be ruled by eoldicra who had beaten theus In battlet but here they are plundered by lutlen and eainp fbl lowen.( . - Thie la n miserable atato of Ihlngi Indeed for a republican government-a burleaqua upon the futfrage, when the only re.trietion upon voting ll that the votee ahull not be ea.l for the moat Intelli gent and virtnoua eittieas. Wa have often warned our paray in Congreu of tb Inevitable reealt of the vindictive method of reconstruction. VVa. have told them, and wa tell thorn again, that there il only one way to reitore the lluion univereal atnnrity and impartial lufTrage. Thcro is moro truth in that oxtracl than has appeared in tho Tribune for six monllis, and it Horace wotiu just luko ono moro trip through the South, ho would curso and swear at Grant's scalawags down thoro equal with Hen Wade, who evorybody knows piles oath upon oath. "SiiioA-e Tii.' , Tho Rev. John P. Newman,, who runs tho. Methodist or Metropolitan church ut Wushington, and does the praying for the United States Sonate, and for Grant whon at homo, liko loo many clergymen, has undcrtukon' to cheat tho Lord out of part of his time, in writing (and then getting Brother LI a rlan to frank,) electioneering let ters to Iowa, advocating the ro elec tion of Harlan to the Senate Al though his Icttors aro all headed "con fidential," some gontlcman has given a copy lo tho press. Yet, but one re ligious and nono of tho Radical jour nals huvo denounced this scurvy trick. Tho Xorthwcstern Christian Advo cate, the loading organ of the Metho dist church in that region, says of it : That the world may know that the Mclhndllt Episcopal eliurch ha. no fellowship with this kind of political intermeddling, we thus speak out; I'kanije MM'., netf ,r i) .VctsMae put Ikm boms f Arckbi'bnp I'yrtll, find fur Jam Harlan putt i'alriet U fiVuey, owrf ief rss eirrnlan hart eoae lo vtr nr... in rae tf'afe. Sow bm Mould mam tfs nexfired .'f The names unchanged, and the fact established, we denounce it Just as promptly, and just as severely. . That it eras utonfiiltHtiar mares .1 tee .eorse. That editor deserves tio thanks of the Christians and those opposed lo moral perjury. As Mioiir he Exi-ected. Wo no tice by our exchangos that the appro priation of $20,000, made by the Leg- isluturo lust winter in uid of tho sufferers of tho Mifllintown firo, has caused much bad blood und litigation, ending in a number of libel suits. This is just what might have been ex pected from a transaction wholly i. legal. The Stuto authorities had no more right to take that money out of the Stuto Treasury and deliver il to tho cilizons of that place than they havo lo steal horses. The State Taeas ury is no firo Insurance department for any community. Il is as much tho duty of the citizon to have his houso insurod after it is built as to wnrin it. Then, if il burns for him, he need not- depend either on State or local charity. Insurance is a square business transaction, and the individual who can afford to own a house, and don't have il insured, is cithor ignorant' or miserly, and il burned out deserves no help. Not from Iho Legislature at all events. KuiToitiAL CnANoEs Wo notice that U. A. Guernsey and Win. P. Kurey, Esqs., havo become editors and publishers of the Lycoming Standard. A change, was highly necessary in that direction. Tho personal vituperation which hns filled tho columns of that journal for Bomo time past was nn outrugo upon its renders and a dis graco to journalism. Wo hope "Iho new departure" will bo a decided im provement in this instance . , Mr. Harvey Sickler, for ten years past oditor of tho Wyoming Democrat, has disposed of his interest In that journal to Mr. Alvin Day, who In tho futuro will watch over the interests of our Democratio friends in litllo Wy oming. ' Success and prosperity to all. Crowino. Wo notico that Mr Russell firrolt, Chuirman of tho Radi cal Stato Committee, gluuls over tho fact that ho and his pet parly friends have taken the stalo tax 6 IT of oftlco holdors, bank presidents and other wealthy corporation officials. An in dividual who carries so many double letters In Ids nnmo should loll tho whole truth after boginning. IIo should havo staled that the reliefglven lo Iho rich was a burthen imposed on tho laborer, because tho money taken out of tho Stato Treasury by tho class In dicated, and from which they havo oeen exempted, must be imposed on tho poor nisn's cow and horie. If dirty wink like this is worth crowing about, its no wonder tho country is drifting u I wards. ' 1 NoMiNATin.-Our Detnocratiu neigh. borsoftho Indiana and Westmoreland Senatorial District havo nominated Hon. Jacob Turnoy for that position. Ho was in tho Senate from lSi7 to 1SG0, and was ono of the ablest mem bers in that body. Ho is Tory popn lr ahd will ivo tho bollicnso Uoneral Harry Whiu a good thrashing. j Josh Billings says that a large policy of life insurance doesn't oxactiy make a man's t-orpso umilo al his widow, but it helps amazingly to iret another fellow to tjo It ft bun, ' .-.- i . ' . ' The Uraut Programme. The Philadelphia Age my: Goners! Grant's brothorin-law, Cusoy, is Col lector In Now Orloans. Ho was put there to secure the delegation from Louisiana for General Grant's re-noin-inailou. ,. This was hit solo and only mission, except making money for hlinsulf, ; All General Grant's relations aro adepts in tho latter art,, Mr. Casey having his rolo lo play, has be (tun to pack the custom houso to such an alarming oxtont, in violation of law, thut tho attention of Secretary Bout well hits already bocn callod lo it. The object Is to got possession of tho Stalo government noxt year, .and thereby bo at tho hoad of and control tho liitdicals of the State. They havo mot with formidable opposition from some ot llio liudtoul btute otllcmls and Radical newspapers, but aro nothing daunted, so long as Collector Uascy lias llio President's ear ut Long Branch, and a portion of his power in New Orleans. Hut tho ponplo of that city are not satisfied with the Casey pro gramme, and their voioe is heard in lh Now Orloans Republican of tho 20th ult., which declures Casey and his friend aro "filling tho custom house with all the political vagabonds of tho Stato. They aro giving largo salaries out of the public monoys lo men who aro unfitted for any public employment, and . who are only ex peuiedlo attond club mootings. They aro adding hundreds of men to rolls whero nono uro needed, and paying them for work never done." This is a fair picture of Rudieal action in all parts of tho country, and by sueb moans General Grant hopes lo be re nominated and reelocted. Gov. Geary talks sound Democ racy. A roportor of tho Now York Herald has recently been Intorview ing some of the Republican loaders in 1'ounsylvania, among the number Gov. Geary, Tbo Governor was on ti rely willing to give his opinions to the public, and from the tonor of tbom, it is hard to resist the conclusion that ho is preparing to corns buck to bis old love, the Democratio part v. In answer to a question what refntions he held wilu ben. Grant, ho said : "Very good, ao far as I know. Perhaps Urant dun't like my position on the 'bayonet ques tion but I can't help it. Aa the flovemor of this Commonwealth, I was bound in my messsgo to al lude to that, and to eondeoin the action of the general government in nsing the marines at Phil, adelphia during tho election of last year. 1 dun't believe in that policy, and I never can be ma le to believe In IL llad 1 the power, 1 woold give the Kouth universal amnesty. Then I would say, 'You are put upon your food behavior. Hold your elections in your own way. Klect your own candidates. Let the elections he eonduetcd fairly. If you are not ahlo to maintain order, let your Uoreruors or your Legislatures oall oia me, and I will back tbem with the whole atreuith of the government' T believe that would haro done mare to secure peace than ' anything; else. You can't govern this nvntile with the bayonet. When- ever It oomes to that the repiihllc is n failure, and we hail better eonfi-ss It. better have fifty fights at the polls than to have the bayonet there. . Charleston. It appeal's from tho election rotnrns that tho "now do. parture" has played the duso wilh secession and loyally ia Charleston, South Carolina, whero an election for Mayor and other city officers come off on the 3d. Tho returns show that tho Democrats carried tho city by 777 majority. Two years ago the vole stood abont tlins : Radical, 13,. 000 Democratio 8,500. Giving se cession and loyally 6,500 majority Il is as clear as the sun at noonday that the twin relics of disunion, so. cession and loyulty, are killed stono dcaJ, oven in Charleston, and through out tho whole country about as doad as Duling's hogs "dead as b I, sir." I. a. . . Aoainht "the Government." The Secrotury of the Interior has decided thut neither McGarrahan nor iho New Idria Mining Company aro entitled to tho lands cluimed by them. - This is the claim re opened by General Grant, at tbo request of a set of tho most au dacious scoundrels that ever existed inside or outside of a penitentiary.. There is no doubt but that be had taken an .interest on both sides lo make a shure thing of it, but now that tho Secretary has rendered a decision ad verso to both, wo aro puulod to know how tho "government" ia going to get its slice out of this job and at the tamo timo covor up its track, 1 mm a 1 i- Had to Pat His Far and Ten Cents Over. On Tuesday morning last, President Grant came ovor llio New Jersey railway to Now York without a ticket. When tho conduc tor approached to ask for his ticket, a gentleman whispered : "That is tho Picsidonl." "I can not help it," re plied the conductor; "my ordors nro positive ' The last timo President Grant camo over this road a conduc tor was removed for passing him with, out a ticket. I mustobey my orders." Upon which' tho President paid (ho full faro for his journey, with an addi tional penalty of ton cents for neglect ing to buy his ticket in advance Cincinnati inquirer. ; ne ion ' ' Ostracism. Horace Grccloy tolls us (hut somo of the purest and bosl wo men of Now England hnvo gono Soulh to. loach iho colored children. Very true J and yet in sumo cuses tho South has not. twilled these women as tha purest und best of women should be treated. , Near Bradon, Miss., for in stance, ono or two of them were act ually ostracised not long ago for no other offense than that of bathing in tho rivor wilh a number of colored gentlemen Louitville Courier. These Southorn robols aro certainly too particular. Why not allow these pure Now England ladies lo bathe with bumbo to their hearts content. Iiiruiiuri tub IIaiivkhk Oliin ofilco holders, in Washington have oocn taxod so ncsviiy lor Mate pur poses, that they bare rebelled, and thoro is a lively fight going on at the irosoni iimn ueiweon mom ana me (iiilinul Klntn f?ninmiLlnfl. Timi.turlcu sny that they aro liko a barrel lapped nL tinLh nnds. nnd musL run drv iii.lctna a plug is applied to at least one of the nperluros. lliey cnnnoi supply mon ey for party purposos bolh lit Wash- :.-. 1 fii.i 1 - l iiiiuii unu iuiu. jn liny iviu 111 hnth lilar.jta St-A (In hot Ui.A wliv thiw should not pay in both places. - - Tnit"LwCAUnE." Tho Cincinnati Inquirer declares that tho action of the lulo Radical Convention of Ohio is equivalent to an open repudiation of General Grant, and yet tho aggregate of tbo salaries of the Federal olHce holders, dclegalos to the Convention, aro estimated at about $1,000,000 an nually 1. If that amount wtald not porchaso an endorsement of Guncral Grant, hia ease must be desperate, indeed. . , Sever but True, The Chicago Journal, a leading! Radical paper, ia rathor severe on the alion Oranireinen, who miauso and buso Protestantism to add strength to tholr causo. I he journal lays i It ia as noodlos os it ia unjust t make this a mattor of religion as be twoon Catholicism on one sldo and Protestantism on tho otbor.t The Eorpetuution of antagonism and bate y tho Orango orgamxnllon is simply contemptible. Tho time to lay usido all such antagonisms arrived long ago, and who ever maintains now, or do vises for prcsoul use, leagues, orders, associations, ceremonies, or anything wbotover for expressing or for (lulling to rcmoinbrunco, an extinct, abomina ble feud, docs a disreputable thing Orangemen in Ibis matter aro confed erate asses ; they richly merit public contempt) thoy aro but little better than thut mob which dogs tholr steps, for ihoy purposoly revivo memories of hatred, and Ulooo and nornuio outrage, which decent regard for human broth erhood would lead llicm to bury and utterly forgot. 1 1' ihoy think their demonstrations othor than a disgraoe to tbotn, in an ago of respect for hu man principles, they ought lo be un deceived at once, i And if any fresh fools turn up now, . to make cttpival out of public inditrnatlon at mob vio lence, for their sohomos of rolgbinr, firejudice, and to stir op rrott slant latrod of Catholic, wo warn llicm thut all such imitation of the Irish mob will meot with tho oxocrstlon of the respectable public There is no iilaco in Anioriean sooioly for those rrotestant Jk.u-A.iu. - ' . 1 Tin Man who Runs Grant. Some of our good Hepublicfin citizons were greatly horrified wlitfn the sug gestion was made to nominate Simon Cameron on the samo ' ticket with Grant.' They profess to regard him as the most corrupt politician In tho wholo country, nnd refer to his ante cedents to provo the truth of what they say: his Winnebago transactions; his conduct while Secretary of War under Lincoln, and the resolution of consuro by the House' of Congress, and to tho fact that ho got-his position of Senator by the purchased votes of mombcrs ot the feiinsylranm 1cgts. laturo. They pronounce and prove him to be a rascal all over. ' And, yet, this same Simon Cameron is one of iho acknowledged managors of the Radical party, and the man who has moro Influcnco over Grant than any othor person, not ercn excepting aenator Morton, lie may, with truth, be said to rnn tho Administration. Sumner was displaced from tho Chair manship of tho Committee on Foreign Relations, and Cameron put in his pluco, because, ns was alleged, it is necessary that tho Chairman of that Committee should bear nocpnfliloatiul and intimate personal relations with the President. Cameron filled the re quirement. With all hia corruption lie seems to be the Very person Grant cnooses to lako into his confidence. If Grant is run for Frcsidont, why should Cameron be obiectod to. for Vice-President.? Wo cuu't see. ' Removed. General Stoncman has bocn removed from the command of Iho department of Arizona by order of General Grant. Why? Whd in fluenced the President in this cftsp? Answer: A gang of sutlers and .Con tractors, who wero opposed to Stone- man boeause he would not -pormil thorn lo swindle mo government. ;in stead of paying these, mon from thirty dve dollars por Ion tor hay, he pur chased it directly from the Indians at from nine to cloven dollars, which may account for tho fuot thai at the Camp Grant massacre, of ono hundred and twenty-flvo Indians killed mostly squaws aud children ninety dead bodies were found each wilh a bundle of hay al Its sido. Tho removal of Uenoral blonematt is a disgrace to the administration, and a fit illustration of its Indian policy. Age. '. aw ., m , ; j Fish. Tho fish question is attract ing protty general attontion through out tho country. California baa an abundance of excellent salmon in her waters, but no shad. Settlers from the distant shores of the Delaware, tho Hudson or the Connecticut have longed in vain for tho bony but .deli cious fish, whose annual visit (0 iho Atlantic coast is one of the chorished recollections of their youth. Their longings are about to be gratified. Thirty thousand young shad have been safely transferred via the Pacific Railroad from the Hudson to tho Sao. rnmonto, and next year, perhaps, the inhabitants of Snn Francisco wltfrjo devouring tbem broiled for brcakfoxt. Fifty years ago this feat would huvo boon as Incredible as would be at the present day tho prediction of the sub marine transfer of thirty thousand babios to Europe fifty years hence ' Tin Oil Business The extraor dinary increase of the petroleum trade is one of tho notable features of the commercial returns of tho past yoar. The exports of petroleum in 1870 wore 87 por cont. greater than those of the previous years. The totaf export from the United States in 1870 Vas 141,208,155 gallons against 1,000,- 000 gallons in I860, and .8a,2li 1,000 gallons in 1808. , T,ho, dally j,Eogo product of Iho runnsylvanua. oibUis triut in December, .1807, ts 10,400 gallons ; in the same month ip ,l,!i70, it was 15,214 gallons a '"fact wluch shows the inexhaustibility of too w til Is The total nnnual supply Is estimated at ?ll,O00,0OO gallons, which, reckon ing tho price at an averago ol ZU cents per gallon, represents a value of more than $42,000,000 for a singlo ycar- certuinly a remarkable return for a product unknown to commerce Ion years ago. A Loyal Posy. The Philadelphia Age nay. Foster Blodgct, a Itndical aspirant for .Senatorial honors from Georgia, and a friondof General Granf, denies that he ombesr.lcd tho funds of tho Western and Atlanta railrosd.-r- But the Grand Jury ot the county think differently, and havo indicted him fur tho cflenso. His secretary acknowledges that ho fobbed eight thousand dollars out of a claim of fif teen thousand, put into his hands for collodion hy the aforesaid company. What an Inlorosling momber ol the San Domingo "King' Blodgct would muku. , ' Ranting SriLL.-lIonry Ward Beech or has preached a sermon in which ho ranted and raved about the Now York riota much after the stylo for which ho was distinguished during the Kansee troubles. The conviction that there ia no hell, which Mr. Beecher outer tains of late years, has not made any perceptible change In bint. ' lie is the s.ime violent bigot and vain senaailon alist no matter what may be bis oreed, ueii or j)0 lieu,. ,'. .- " , miWfUl ExplOtiO. NINETY FEOPLI KILLED BY A BOILER. The Stolen Island ferry boat West field exploded ber boiler at White Hall Forrv, Now York, about 1 o'clock on tho 80th ult.', just aa she was leaving for the island, Botween four and five hundred persons wero on board, the ferry-master, by counting his money, arriving at tins conclusion. The boat was in the Blip at tho timo of the explosion, and aa the day was vorv warm, the majority of the passen gers crowded to the forward part of the boat 10 catcu mo sea oreeae. . Tho ongineor of iho boat, il is said, was a colored man.' The cause of tho nx-iilnsion In not fnllv ascertained. Tbo front of tho boiler was suddenly blown out,' lodging in tho bow thirty feel distant. Tho forward part of tho boat, Iho upper cauin nnd nil, was in. stantly shiverod and split into a thous and picQcs, as" an eye-witness expresses it. . ' ' The forward part of the boat was liftod fifty feet in the uir, and the smoke stack fell, and then everything was buried in tho hold. ' Passengers, chairs, stools; benches and lilu pro sorvors wero droppod into I he hold fronting the huge boiler, which poured oat a huge volume of stoam. Many persona were blown overboard. A father and a mother bad their children blown from their arms. The water in an instant was ahvo with men, women and children struggling for life. Tho aftor part of the boat, which bad escaped tbo force of the explosion, would have been safe tor tho unin jured, but they were panio strickon, and leaped overboard without regard to the consequences. ' From amidships to the cut-water the boat presents a vast hold tilled with fragments of. spurs, beams, flooring and bulwarks, and fragments of iron. How many bodies lie boneath the ruins in that fearful abyss it is impos- muio as yet, vo ion. jncy nro urmg ing thorn but every hour. Many per sons wore blown bodily into tho air, falling into the water. Somo have boen haulud out bv boatmen with hooks and ' other-wise, and a large party are engaged in dragging the bottom, constantly finding bodies. Up to tho Inst accounts ninety dead bodies had been recovered, and one hundred and fitty are serverely injured Over shot the Mark. It was not so intended, but one good thing has grown out of the Ku Jvlux investiga lion, "only ono, and nothing moro" in the languago of Poe's raven, Facts havo been developed which show the "carpot bag Mate governments have been inefficient and oorrupt, and have created local offices heretofore un known to tho people, and filled them wilh political adventurers; that the State dobt and taxation have bcon dis honestly increased j and that the petty otliccrs have been tyrannical and over bearing In thoir conduct and cxtor tionate in thoir demands. So, 8o. The Washington Patriot says that "all important papers re quiring tho signature of the President must bo sonl to Jjonrf uranch by a special mecnger, who is allowod ten cents miloage each way for going and returning, hotol bills, and other ex pensea. It ia estimatod that every timo the President signs his name by the seashore to a commission, order, bigamy pardon, or other paper, it costs tbo taxpayers about seventy-Dvo or a hundred dollars, acoording to tho allowanco which may be msde to tho mesdonger. - Lumber. The Cameron 1'reu says Ono day Inst week a number of cars loaded with pino lumber shipped from Grand Jtapid. Mich., were to ken cast ovor tho P. k E. road. Is it a fact that Michigon can supply the eastern markets with lumber, and suc cessfully compoto with our lumber men ? Somo that are acquainted witb tho trade say that it is. We do not foci inclined to believe that they can transport lumber thut distance to Ibo eastorn cities for the same price wo can id Uameron county. 1 Will Thit Bin a ? Gearyitct and Cameronitce divido the Radical party in'thie State. Each faction ssys tho other is dishonest, and both tell the truth, which is the only strange thing connected with the subject. lr. Man ton, tho Radical candidate for Stato Treasurer, is a Cameron man and so is his partner on the Stale ticket. Tho Geary mon were left out in tho oold, at the last Convention, and tbey snarl and show thoir teeth at the more for tunate animals. Will thoy bile ? In Name Only. Horace Greeley de nounces the carpot-baggcrs ) Senator Trumblo declaims against tho central isation of the government; CarlSchurx proclaims tho Grant government ami constitutional; nnd . Mr. Sumner de clures it corrupt, profligate and tyran nical. In what particular, then, is the Radical administration Republican ? In name, only. ' ' ' Tn a Match Tax. Tbo pooplo of tho United States paid over two mil lion, dollars lust year in the shape of taxes on matches. i,lke noarly all other business, this has been thrown hy Radical legislation into the hands Mi a few monopolists, and thoso who heretofore manulHctorod on a email sculo have been driven from tho prWkot., ' : ;' '.lX boy of iwelvo rocontly went into a Held noar Chlllicothe, Mo., to mow some gross, taking witb him a young er sister. Whilo the lad was swing ing tho scythe witb a good deal of vigor, the cirl ran to bis side aud tho bludecut through ber abdomen, killing ber .M nost instantly. us TT" I ....!. I. A..AII ..1 . f n n ,1 a . n.i a ItllVI lie 1.1 iivii, iniii.ii vit the Cumberland Vnlloy Railroad at Hridgeport, across llio rivor Irom llarriHburg, bus been in (ho omploy of tho company for thirty-four years. Ho is eighty years old, a Frenchman by birth, nnd was a soldier ondcr Nn folcon Boneparte In the campaign of 811S-16, ' ' '" Undor the Radical statues of Ala bama, thoro ia a punishment for any person who challenges a voter, but there is no punishment for an illegal voter. -Here is a premium for illegal voting! d..,: ' Governor Goary has pardoned Ed ward Powers and John Mulrahil, sen tenced to Iho Western Penitentiary by the Uengtingdon county court for killing Patrick Mackoy. 1 A now party the anti-Catholic fiarty is about to be started in Mary and. It won't amount to much. Old Boelsebub haa bocn engagod in this work for several years, . . ,.. i . ' mmmmi i , Tbe next session of the Erie confer eoee of the M. fi. Church will be held at MtadTillt oo ,b 30tj) of August. , Capture of Turner. 3. K. Turner, tbe Titueville lawyer sontenced to fourteen years in the Penitentiary, who escaped from the U. S. deputy marshal, noar Greenville, on Wednesday of lost week, was taken on Monday night at a place called tho Diamond, about; eight miles from Tilusville. Tbe former statement that bie handcuffs were removed on the cars was not correct, ho having jumped from the car window with thorn on. tie was stunned by tho fall, but not seriously injured, anil lay un conscious for a time, when bo proceed ed rapidly across lo Ohio. A number of panics wero appealed to, to remove his handcuffs, without success, until a boy was prevailed upon to cut tbem with a cold chisel. Ho oontinued on in Ohio until ho reached Ashtabula county, whorohe ascertained that the officers had passod him, when ho re traced his steps towards Tilusville, with tho objoct of securing assistance. Meantimo, parlies in Crawford county bad trot upon his track. At the Dia mond, two mon from Tilusville met bim witb a buggy, and tho three were driving to Titusvillo, when they were stopped by a drawn pistol, and Turner was soisod, ironed, and taken into custody. Tbo parties who made the arrest, Mossrs. Carmichael, Williams and Snyder, delivered tbe prisoner to the U. s. marshal at Uil city, and were paid tbe reward ol 9-iw. Hay ward, one of tho men who drove the buggy, bus boon arrested for being an abettor of Tumor's ; Bodine, the other was not to be found. Turner was dcoply depressed by his capture fre quontly burst into tears and thought lio had bcon unjustly dealt with. Ho donicd the truth of the many stories that hare beon circulated to bis dis credit. Erie Observer. It is evident from tbis that Turner will not annoy tho Democrats in lulure political contests wilh his loyal clap trap, as ho lias in tho pust. Tho Huntingdon Monitor of recent date says i Cameron has pronounced sentouco ot outlawry upon all the frienda of Curtin in this State. As the Sonator sits by tho ear of the President, like tho serpent by the ear of J'.ve, tho (. urtin men will cot even get a bite of tbe prohibited fruit. $fiv (tmlisfttiiuitj. TSTR A Yu Carat trniiftwiDi the prtuiie XJ of ll ubtcnkMir, io to woo hip, oo or about tue niiddia ol ttfune, tiriodia LUW, witb white face, uppoaed to be Abont four yemra old. Tha owner ia requested to eome forward, prove property, pj charges and take ber away, or abe win ot diiposeti oi according to law. K9 " JOHN B. GARRISON, C1 AllTlOS All pereone are hereby cautioned J against parohajing or lo any way meddling with the following property, now in (be noamiion of John W. Lew it, of 11a ro tide townihtp, u the Mtne belongs io me, ena la left who bira oo loan only, yunjwt to my order t One eow, eorner cup board, diuinj table, cooking etvve, let of chain, beiittead ana eivuk. aagD-St JOHN KING. TIUTIOJIe AH pereone are berehr eoetioned J again it puirhanog or in any way medling with one atovft, twoclocka, two Jueeo ehairi, two table, one eook lore, one lot of duhei. one afuk, one eoupboad. lis bed and bedding, and ope bureau, now in the poeeeaaion of Janoa L. Curry, of Lumber City, a they belong to me and hare only been left with nid tarry on loan, aubjeet to my order at auy time, aug f St JOIIV HOCKEKBEREV. A DMIMIMTH ATOM'S NOTICR Notion 1. U hereby given that letter of edminiitratiun on theeftatc of THOMAS II. HPENCK.dec'd, late of Goahen townihip, Clearfield county. Prune., baring been duly granted to tbe nnderaigned, a!l pertooa indebted lo aaid relate will please make payment, and tnoae Having elaiuia or de nandi will preaent Uiem proper it authenticater! for ret tlemeut. JIENUV I. MEAD, Aug. 9, 1871 ot: Administrator. T10UMTV ORimtt lsOHTs Tbe under. J tigned lott in Lawrenoe township, eotnetime the latter part of June or first of Julr. a Count Bridge Order, No. 200, drawn on the treasurer of rarest county in favor of O shorn A Miller, railing for U6Q. The order is of no use to anybody but myself, as payment haa been atopped, but the aimer win re suitably rewarded by iraring it at Mr. Amoa Rad'a, or sending it to meat Stretton- ruie, vnnon eouaty, ra. auK8-3t B. D. LOVE. M VSI C BTOR El E. J. GREECE, dealer la Pianos, Ohgans and Melodeo.vs, . of any manufacture desireJ. For oa.h or is eicaanje for good LUMBER. 10,000 feet of good Lumber wanted. For eirenlats and terms, addresu K. J. SRERKB, aair.lat No. 41 1 Hill etteet, Huntingdon, Fa. ft O SA D A LIS TUB INGHBDIKNT8 TIIAT COM P08K H0SADALI8 art published on ever parkage, therefore it Is net a see ret 0 preparation, ounsequentl , PHYSICIANS PR8SCRIBK IT. It Is n certain care for Barofula, Rjphtlis in all lis forms, Rheumatism, Fain Uis- easee. Liver Complaint and all diseases of me uioua. (. OSB BOITI.K Ot ROSADALIS will do mem good than ten bottles of Ike s.rnpa ot rar'aparilla. . , . . TUB I'SDERSiaMD PIIYP1CIAJJS A hare used Rosadnlis in their praetiee for me past tnree years, ana ireeiy endorse it as a reliable Alterative and Blood ruriOer. PR. T. C. ri'OH. nf Daltinoro. IR. T. J. ROY KIM, DR. R. VY. CARR, I) jUR. r. O DANNKLLY, I'n. r. a. ni-flflsn, oj j.ienoiesTiiie, my. DR. i. I,. MiCARTHA', Columbia. 8. C. DR. A. B. NORI.KS, Bdgeeomb, N. O. , VSED AND ENDORSED BY 1. R FRRNT1I A RON8, Fall Ri ear, Mans. F. VV. 8MITH, Jaekona, Mieh. A. F. WHKKLKIt, Lima, Ohio. R. HALL, Lima, Ohio. CHAVKN A CO., UoHonsTille, Ve, BAMI KLU. McFADDKN, Jlarfreeiboro, Tena. Onr sitae, will not aHosr of any attend L I ed remarks In relation to the virtues of Heeadalia. To the Modioal Pnifeaeioo ve guarantee a Fluid Kitraet superior to an thry have eeer used In the treatment of diseased Rlood ; and to the afflicted we say try Hosadalis, and you will be restored to health. Roeadella is sold by all Druggists prieej $1.60 per bottle. Address .. PR. CLKMRNTS A CO., eVaaeaeluriNg CAesiiefs, Aug. I, 111. ly. Bainuonn, Mo. S ICnWAflT dt CIIAPP, WholeseJs doalrrs in Wood and Willow Ware, Oil Cloths, COTTON YAIIN8, ia, old JfarJM tflre.1, Pnit.Aoat.rnu, Pa, July 1st, I"7I. Charles W. thwarts and Alliert (Iran with drew from the Inn of A. II. Fmnelseus A Co. Juan toth, I till. July let they entered into a on partnership under iho style of ftrhwarti A UralT, pnrehasrd the stork and natures of Jaa, II, Coy!. A Co., MO Market street, and are now pre pared to ml orders for anything In their line, promptly, and at the lowest market prleee. Thanking our friends for tlirir farura la the psst, we Would a.k a eoattnoanoe of their patron age, a.surlng tbem thai w. shall endeavor to make all tbeir dealing, with a, pleamat and aati.fae torj. Very truly yours, Dvunanu a UHArr, Ilarlnc dispeead of oaretoe it tkaaboToirm. w. take nmasura ia eosoiaendlng tbeat t ear eoe- to mere and I be trad. reoeraJlr. aa. is ivuiiie a co., u 1 It ..ieof 110 Market 3t. IBB II ICW YORK HIOTI Orange vs. Green I i . ' ; Everybody is aware that our "Foreign Rela tions" hav. had a big tim. In New York lately, hut Major Hali and Uosornor Hoffman and Chief Kelso and a lot of other follows have got It Hied up, and th. Paddys havo stuek the handles ia tlieir pioks and gen. to work again. Bnt, notwithstanding all this, tha KEYSTONE SllUli BTORE has been re-HI led with a stock of Boots & Shoes of all descriptions, from the coarsest to th. finest, and from th. big gest to tbe Last. , A large stock of Ladies' Bbees, Oaiters and Slippers, of all styles, kinds and prices. Oent's Shoes, Bools, Oaiters, Slippers a line assortment. Misses' and Children's, bhue. and (Jailers of all deseriptiuoa. Bey's Boots A Shoes, a very largo variety. A eordlal Invitation la wxtended to all to eall and otamine my stock, and natter myself that X eaa pleaao tbe most fastidious, both as to style and prion. i T. M. ALEXANDER, Jylt Keystone Shoe Store, Clearfield, Pa. FEED CCTTERS, tba largest assortment aver brought to tbo .ounty. Call in and examine hem. If. F. BIULKR A CO. po TUB PUBLIC! IMPROVED Agricultural Implements I Those ia want of Improved Agricultural Im plements should oall on M. 0. BROWN, Market street Clearfield, Pa, who sells tbe best WALTER A. WOOD'S M0WEB, which took the first prise at tie Paris Exposition in 1367, when sixteen of the best Mowing Ma chines In Europe and A meriea were oa trial. Will warrant it to give satisfaction, and give time for trial, when, if it does not work as reeoramend ed, it oan bo returned. Two of th. best HAY R AKF.fl, Burner's and Hagerstown Rake, which defy their equal. Two stylos e( HAY PUKkiS, Nellie and Sprouts. ELLIS A IIOOFMAN'B one-bors. THRESHING MACHINES, which will threih from one hundred to two hun dred butbela of grain in a day. Will do more work than anoet ef tbe two-horae Threshing ftfa ehinea in Market. Buckeye Grain Drill, ft oner Fanning Mill, beet in market, Feed Cutter of , all kinda. Riekock Cider Mill, Dog power for Charns, and all tblnga in ear Jioo. . M. Q. BROWN. Clearfield, July 12, 1071. TRl'lT CANS, aolJered on the outride, of our ' A ear an n..n.r..ln lie. fll..m L'..E T lor aaie by it. jr. tJlULUK CO. piOPOIED AMENDMENT to the CONSTITUTION OF PENNSYLVANIA. joiiit anoLfnoi Propoaing an amendment to the Conititntton of fen my I ran i a. B it reeoreo hy rat Stnat au4 Hom$ e JVepre. eelafiret )( (Mmmontrattk e Ptmnflwrnmitt in (Jtmtrmt Atmblf mrt. That the following amend ment of the Constitution of thia Commonwealth be propoted to the people for their adnption or rejection, pursuant to the prorUtoni of the tenth article thereof, to wit: AMENDMENT. Strikeout the Piitb Section oftheSiith Article of the ConitiUliun, and tnacrt in lien thereof the following: "A State Trearnrer shall be chosen by the quail fled electors of tbe State, at each times and for sueb term of service as shall be prescribed hy law." JAMKS H. WKUB, Speaker of the Uouae nf Kenreeentatieef. WM. A. WALLACE, Speaker of the Senate. Approved the lith day of June, Anna Domini one thousand eight hundred and serenty-one. JNO. W. GEARY. Prepared and certified for publication pursuant to the Tenth Article of tbe Constitution. F. JORDAN, Secretary of the Commonwealth. Office Secretary of the Commonwealth, Harrisbnrg, July 4th, 1871. J tillolO MiEBLE AD ST0E YARD ! Mil. S. S. LIDDELL, Having engaged ia th. Marbl. bu.in.ss, desires to Inform bar friends and tba public that (bo ha. now and will beep constantly on band a largo and wall .elected .took of ITALIAN AND VERMONT MARDI.E, and Is prepared to furnish to order T0MU8T0NE3, DOX AND CRADLE TOMBS, - MONUMENTS, Curbs and Posts tot Ceaectory Lots, Window Sills and Capa, also, BCBFAir, TABLE AND WASH STAND TOPS, A.., Ae. Vn.Vstd oa Reed street, near the R, R. Depot, Clsaiheld, Pa. J.7,71 M tOAVDH Ii VII RESTAURANT, Second Street, CLEARFIELD, TKNN'A. Alwari on hand. Fresh Orstert. Ice Cream, Candies, Nuts, Crai-kera, Cakes. Cigars. Tohnoeo, Canned Fre it a, Oraagea, jemona, and all kinda ot truit tn season. MtILLLAKD ROOM on second floor. Jemi D. UeUAUUlIET. TOUR ATTEITIOII1 ' Jt'ST JOrTmOSiKXTI Am yon la need of a good set of flamessf Are you In need of a good Baddl. or Brlrll. f If .n. eall at the Saddle and Harness Hhon of Joa. u. niawics, wnere yoa can gel in. neat tn the market. Ioulile nnd Kingle Harness and La dies' and tlent'a Baddies of snporloff workmanship, always on hand or manufactured tn order. Spe cial attention Is called to my stock of Collars and ll.Rieo, wti.h are th. beet In use. I also have an assortment of Saddlers' Hardware, which will be disposed of at reaeonatil. rates. Repairing of all hinds promptly attended tn. eA.Pnn't forgot to Mil before purchasing elsewhere. 8hop in U ra h.ta's Row, Market street, Clearleld, Pa. May 1, I8711y. JOHN C. UAKWICE. In the ntrRT of common pleas of Cleartlald eouaty. Pa. C. kairtia ) No. Sept. Term, 170. vs. I Vend. El.. No. is. Uareh 0. D. floonrit.Low. I Term, 11. Aad now, lo wit. (th Juno. 1871. on motion of John 11. Fulford, Em)., Jubn L. Cuttla Is appoint, ed the Auditor to ascertain the amount and pri. orlty of Hens and report distribution of th. pro. coeds srising from tn. aale of real estate of said Ooodfellow. C. A. MAYKR, P. J, In pursuance of raid appointment the subscri ber will attend tn the dul.ee thereof at the Arbi tration Room, In the Court House, on Wednesday, th. loth August, 1S7I, when nnd where all parties intetasled ar. required to mak. their olaime or be debarred from eoming In oa said fund. Jyllll lU JOHN L. CUTTLE, Auditor. IN TI1R ORPHANS COURT nf Clear field county, Pennsylvania. In the mutter or the partition or th. real .slat. of Richard Wsple, let. of llnee-a tnwashin. uid county, deceased. To the heirs and legal repro- srmaiiTea 01 ine eeiu aeeco-eti I laaa nonce, mat an inquMt will ho held oa tho premises, In Boggs township, said eountv, on CATI'KIIAT. the Vlh DAY OF 8KPTEMBKR, A. D. 1171, at t o'clock, A. M.. of that dee. for tho rjumesa of mabine partition of the real eatal of tho aaid deeeawd, Is and amang his legal repro eeatatlree, If the same nan be dona wlthoat Prejudice to ae enalllae of the whole, otherwise to value and appeals, th. earn, according to law, at which lime and plac yos ire roqalrad t attend if you think proper. 4ueun J. fib, Maairr'a Ornol, I fharUf. learlejd, fa., Ag. i, 1171. gral (fjtatt for jjat, "pom SAL El Valuahlfi T?pal rvi-. -a1 O Lrt I ii IX CLEARFIELD, Pi. The tubeoriber offerf for ul hit trryM Market atreet. (next door to AlUg.,,,; . ' ' nan. ji , - UUH R taL ,. au ai s rat ann an a rfsivn nun Mu.aaa .. . - - r - Iri.AaxJ - ...... a - ar . . mn9 B tlHr Km" For term and condition. rnl. ht It rM. aU hv laattaw In " ' " - lyll Clearfield, Chari.M r. V . . . . . .. " I f I. pniVATE OR PUR1.IG RALE Valuable Real Estate Tbe auliaeriher will offor at Fuhi tf.r. TllllUcru V J.L AI'iil-T. g ii v iicin . etiiu it wi nvutei. nti i:i . aooner aoio. 11 io cioca p. m., at tan l entire pronertT. aituata in t nion Luwnik,. r.. field oounty, lka., oonviating of t09 Acrti , per eent allowano of tba beat Farm, TmUr n. Coal Laodi, in three aurreii, lying in oh ku Will be ao Id either aeDerate or tntrfthor ... aoie ratei. ine i n ritut ji trfTo art u i Mwa. via: About 119 Aoree eleared a ... food animation, witb four Dwailin tii.af. l. Uarna, ooe Sawmill, and ether outbuilding!, u three rat-rate u re bard or ebutce fni th. . r running water near mo nouiei. Tbe balance of theae landi limWred with Pit. Hemlock and othr timber, luffipiont tn ... .v.. Are million f6.000.000l feet of lnmU v.. mineral property tnia U toe beat in tbii n.H. the eountry: eoniioting of Iron Ore, LiaiMni and Stone Coal of tbe beat quality. Larp tin, eaiily mined, and oonvenientte tha hailrutdiat under way of building. t-turor partienlare call on tbe rubKribtr addreaa bim at Hock ton P. O., Clearfirld MDitT June U-ttt JOHN IREStLEE. Valuable CrLsUIill For Sale: milB underaiirned olTera For Pale a .Hit H i' X dwelling llouae and Store Houte, lituitt u New Millfiort, Clear 6 eld oounty, pa. The Mi!,i in good condition, haring been repaired and p.; in excellent order within the tait year, and but gooa paying euitom. it ia aituaiad in ooaof tkt beat wheat-growing aectioni of tbe eoantr, whiel decidedly inoreeeee ita Talue. The lwtllnj as m www snU a7iu(wi nwiu kiiu in iajU uturf, Together with tbe a bo re property will be Hi. about 60 ACHES OF LAND, nartlr cleared and Lalance in Timber I.hJ ftV.Terma aiade known on application to tat nnderaigned at New Millport P. 0. May ll-Sa JOHN F01 fEIT VIRGIKIA Timber nnd Coal Lands FOR SALS! The following tracts of Timber and Coal Lin are offered for aale : One tract of 17.0U0 acm, lying on the Elk hirer, in Webster county ; thrw tract ijiiipr wu mv mmutm riTtjr ia ormiioa couDir, earn nf & tUitt mmwmm aaak .aaJ e.A i 1 AAA 1 and one tract containing MOO acre a, lying oa tai Uanley Hirer, in Nicholas county, f betitlei It these lands are perfect. Any information concerning there landscaa hi k.J k - .a A : .. .1 a rt i-, i i March 32, lS71-tf. Philipiborg, Pa: Farm for Sale I CONTAINING 26 ACRES, In a good statt sf cultivation, ituated in Pike township, Clar- ft ft Id Ciiunlr. Pa. atkmil iarhttt noJa fens. fn.'. Flourinj Mill, oa tbe turnpike leading from Car wensrille to Clearfield. Having a story and a half house, atable and out -buildings thereon. Tbsrs ia also a good spring and a young orchard on tot premieee. Any person deairing a nice little boms will And this a very desirable location. For further particulars ft qui re ef Bach si Celt wet 1, on the premises, or address T. W. FLEMIXO, March M tf. CurwensvCte, Pa. J. M. STEWART, D. D.S., Office ovor Irwin's Drug 8tor, CrRWEXSVILLE, PA. All dental operations, either in the mechanics! or operative branch, promptly attended to ssd saiuiaouon guaranteed, (special attention paid to the treatment of diaeaee. of the natural teeth, gums and mouth. Irnrilaritv of th. tosth ee- oenfully oorreeted. Teeth eitraeted withonr pais by the nee of Ether, and artificial teeth inserted of the host material and warranted to n.nder ut. iafeotioa. aprilS6'!l:lr S. PORTER SHAW, D. D. S., . Omee In Maronie Building, QflTS CLEARFIELD, PA. Pulting of the natural Uetb in a healthr. vre- aervatlr. and useful oenditioa is mado a specialty.. Disease, and malformati'inseommoa to the mouib. Jaw and assoeiate parte, are treated and corrected whd lair snoceea, .xaminatioos and consulta tions rail. Prions for partial and full sets ol teeth much lower than In 1870. It would be well for patients from a distance to lot ns know by mail a lew days before eoming to tne office. It is very important that ehildren between the ares of sii and twelv. year, should have their teeth eiaminod. By Aossethosia Teeth are removed wittout pain. , febliTl . DENT AL CARD. Dr. A. M. HILLS Would say to bis batieota and the nub lie grnrrally, that, having diaaolrcd partnersbip with Dr. .Shew, he ia now doing the entire work of bis office himself, eo tht patients need not fear neing put unlcr tne bands of any other operator. Having obtained a reduction of the patent on tbe plate materiel, I am enabled to put up teeth marh chenper than formerly. 1 alto have Dr. Stuck s patent process for working rubber plates, which make a much lighter, more elastio and Mronfrvr plate for the aauie amount of material, and pol ishes the plate on both sides, rendering it much more easily kept clean. Special attention paid te the preecr at ion of the natural teeth, and all work guaranteed entirely aatisfectory to patients. FwTOlnne at the eld eorner, opposite tha Shaw House. Office hours from 8 to IS, a. ns., and 1 to , p. tn. Patients from a distance thould notify ma a few daya beforehand of their intention to come. Alwayaat homo, nnleaa other notice ap pears In both the county papere. - feb!671 I N TH K OR Pll NS COURT of Clcarteld county, Pennsylvania. . In th. metier .1 the petition of Hannah Hol der, devisee of Iavid llorn, for spociho perform anoe of contract of Jueeph Lines, deooaeed, with said David Ilora. Tho undersigned Cemmis. sioncr, appointed by aaid Court te uke leeltweny in proof of contract, payment, Ac, in this case, hereby gives ant lee that he will attend lo the du ties of his sppointmenl at th. othes of Hon. J. B. McEnally, in ClearQeld, Pa., oa Tuesday, the Hi h day of September, A. D. 1871, at I o'clock P. M, wheo and nheroall parties Interested mavattend. CTRUS OORDOH, July II, l71-8t Commissloaer. 1RAS, Copper and Porcelain lined Pressrv-'. i Ing Ketllea, for (ale by July So.-Jt. H. F. BIOLER A CO. IN THE ORPHANS-COURT .f Clsar. (eld county, Pennsylvania. In the matter of tho partition of th. real eetele of Klijeb Smrel, lata .1 Hoggs tonaship, ia said county, deceased. To tb hairs and legal repre rc sedatives of said deeeased : Take notice, that an ino,ue.t will be held oa tbe premiaea, in Ilrad ford township, said county, on rRIDAY, the th HAY Of HEl'TKMIIKR, A. D. 171, al o'clock, A. M., nf thet day, for the purpoecof making partition of tba real estate of th. aaid dereeeeii, tu and among his legal representatives, if the same oan be done without prejudice to or spoiling of the whole, otherwise to value and apprsias ths same according to law, at which tim. and pises yoa ar requited to attend If yon think proper. Jt 8TIN J. PIE, Sheriff. Paaairr'i Orrica, I ClearAeld, I' a., July 2A, 181. J ' GONARD HOUSE, Clcarfleld, Pa. hotel, and respectfully Solicits a shara ef petrea age. Its close proilmlty to the Depot, makes this house a detlrabla stopping place for the travelieg put.lie. (Jyl 71) 8. B. ROW. A UMIMBTItATOHM' NOTICIiV-Notiea J Is hereby given that letters of administration on tbe ostat. of DAVID P1NDFRLA.NI, deed, lata of 11.11 township, Clearfield County, l's., haviog been dnly granted to the nnderiigncd( nil persons indebted to mid estat. will pleass make payment, and those having claims or demands will preaent them properly authenticated for set tlement. , HA MITEL BUNDKRLANn, JAMES A. CAMPBELL, June M, I7I : Admlnl.lralo-S; SARATOOA AND BEDFORD WATER for tale hy