the republican: " CLEARFIELD, PA. i KDNEpAT MOKNINO. ACOCAT I, 171, Terms of Subscription,-' ..j,) In advance, or within three months...-? 00 niid after three aad heforw sli months...., S ftO niid after the eiptration of tlx months ... S 00 All srticlca to Insura Insertion Id thil ibould be handed in early on Tuesday ,1, u we to press at 12 o'clock, (noon.) II i:lJ;10U9 NOTICES HctMl" F.pUtnnul Church Her. J. I!, vntn Pimtor. Pll 8er?les Tory Sabbath. fliA M..n17P. M. ?rytt Mw1b every Thursday, at T P. M. ommunlrtn ivmoe, im Daooam oi every ' .k .i ml A. M. Andrew's Chnrrti P.n1neonal nv. , ,-r.i Hat-Public Service Sunday morning DoflW,lJ ,l 1 r Dunuay otinuoi at i y.Prtyor Mooting Wcdnosdoy aveniitf irchvlcrlau Cburch-Hor. Mr. Buti rb. L.i. Sen ice every Sabbath, morning and tTen- lliptlst Church -Her. W. B. Bmssrn, Pas- Putijte servicca crrr oaooain. morning or nr. alternately. it. Frtnf It' Church Catholic Rev. T. Mt'Mixi Mass at 1" o'clock A. M.t on the mil and f'urth mi mi ays or each month. The Clearfield Agricultural Socioty to eirruclatlnfrly lot e retted In home entorpriie io lend to ttie eity for their potter which by irnr aro done no better than the? would bare km at home, Knuujth Mitt, l'kilpburf Journal, Trout. We nee by tho new law ifd hy the lait Legislature, that persons are iwcit to catch trout during; the months of AiiriL t, June, July, and rie jtrf fittrn dny n Aw i, ilic word in ialic having been added to the of dv aud u. List of letters remaining ui.clu.mod he i'un:umoo at Clearfield, Tor the weekending rSi'Liari: Arnold, J. P. Curry, Mrs. Rebecca. Ktintd, Jacob. Copenharer, M im M. niinan. Samuel, (lardner. William. hrumer, Miss 8. C. UatTtrty, Miss Ellen. Watson, Walter U. P. A. OA I I, IX, P. M. Ahotfier Warning to Boys Fri- last, a little boy named Henry Miller, had h Ugfl eut off, an arm broken. Humeri eruihed mutilated, aud bi hoad painfully bruited, r me mnuiging in mo uraciico oi juuipinj on I'M in of cnr in York. lie had tueceudetl in (ct i no, but while shifting hit poiition fell under :.t train, which paaed over hiiA with the above mil. We expect to record a titnilar if not fatal L.'ciitcut happening in thil borough. Man Killed. Tho first accidont on ie railroad now buildiftft throuph thil county, irtt:nrd at Rubimon'a Bend. Hearer townahin. county, on Mouduy luit. Mr. Malona, the Dtractor, waa bnvinr an excavation made under at hill, in the bond, at that place, in tootling to pib down the earth from above in one great maae, i n inn ground icu in ueiure me laooreri ouuiu ail p t out fruia under, and one uanf wbwie name we iij nut learn, wai cruihed beneath the irreat iglit of earth. Brookvith Jeffroia, Swindlino. The latest new sclienio : iwlniling farmera ia on the Up la. Jho article iw ulTfrt-d ia a wrought iron plow point, fitting :i io a hollow vquare, the economy of which ia "i:lrful. Thoao that bare been bitten find that Toht iron pointi coat more apieoe than entire nr of caat Irun. Aa thcae plow pointi awiud- n arc underatood to be makiug a hurried a weep hruugb the country, papera, dt-niroua of protect their tiatront' pockuU, will direct atteutiun to i:i iffindlins ache me. It ooat the farmera of the 'Vfit about two hundred thouaand dollara. Wonderftl Kide On Tuesday nuroiiiK lt, on the arrival of the Night Expreaa, borip, with buKXy bloniog to M'Fadden'a i.itcrr stable in Bra jy'a Bend waa tied back of the if pot. The whittle of the locomotive friphtenrd animal and breaking the atrap ran forward itom tdc traok and in front of the engine, llorc od huicgr were caught by the eow-catchrr, and t rance to aay wore carried nearly naif a mile, the rw i4(-fting without a aerate h, while tho hind hftla of the buggy went broken but Tory little, it waa a remarkable incident, aa well aa'a moat mukal.lf encape. Brady Independent, A Vetkran D b m ocr at. T h e Waynes- urf Mttgtr makea the annexed reference to a auncb druiooratio patriarch of Urceua oounty t TufJay, June waa the birthday anuiveraary of jrold and hiirhty esteemed friend. Mr. Abraham buil, ar., of Wbiteley townnhip, tbi eounty. On 'b (In? named thil old democratic patriarch waa 'DC hundred yeara old ! Juat think of L ile w burne imrn than Cvo yeara anterior to the Marition ef American independence, and haa jitH to are our nation ineruaae from three tu forty taillinni of people. He has voted the lemocratle ti'-irt for nearly eighty and read tho itwwyar f Dearly eiity yeara. Coal Oil Disaster. Mrs. Peter Ftipery, of Fhaverarille, near Water Street, this auutv. attempted, on the 12th hint., to light a fire "ithoal oil, when her alothea enught fire and abe m p'i b'irribly hurned that ahe died on the 14th. Mr. Tipery, in attempting to extinguish the flitnoi, burned bit banda very badly. Almirtt every wiwk we have to record the death "f at li uat one peraon by the carcleai uae of eoal "il. yet it net-ma people, and enpoeiaTly women, will pTfist in uiing the dnngefoua liquid' for purpotea t i n'Ter intended, and in eii'ih manner aa to ''i to the holief that they aoaght death through ocver failing alaycr. Mnfinydoa Monitor. - .. . ,m Sizk op Coal. For tho information 'f our rrindcrt, we make mention of the different f i of Anthrneite coal, ao that when conaumera "ml lur coal, they will know the aixe to order i 1. or Broken Coal ia ftir lara;o etovea, or fur- nac?p, or In ati ra in houaea or ehurehoa, o. 2. or Kgg Coal ia for large atovct, fuck aa RMhurnere or imall beaten, u- 3. or yiove tJoa) it for ordinary tiled gas- "unicru or mrifn nnrtk alitrna. No. 4. r tmII Store or Nut ia adapted to large baft burnera, email gaaburnera or ordinary cook i. or Che tout ia for atnall or mdium aiaed bair burner or cook etovea with fine grate, o- 6. or Pea Coal, It for very email baae burnera r for burning Lima moatly called Lime burn er's coal. ri ' " Sad AcciriKNT. A very sad accidont ''Clirrf d mmr Klltniori. T.vromin ionnl. n lViilm,.aT of lual week. Mr. Wa-hiutor ir.h m hauling in bay and waa oa th road to the wiin a nwivy load, riding one of the hortee. 'ntD a mid of hit, abr.t aia -r. ni.i Mn tjt p,aU. h-.'.uiug out h'.a hftnda. and aked to ride. 'I:' father had been in the habit of allowing hire : ride nn the herae In front of him, bnt eould aot ("t at the time aa he waa aacenditig riaing ground. uia ctVt.rte to get a ride the little boy approach' l loo near the whoelt of the wagon, and waa aught by una or thetn, thrown down and run 'r. The wain In rafidns over him brolu1 hie nk and utaihrd liia thigh, killing hit Inataiitlr. i he i and audden aeetdent haa brought great "rrow to the family, and the entire neighborhood a much ihoeked at the oeeurrenee, -Ltuitbmra "iurnal. Tub New Fihii Law. Some ejecito-1 mrnt haa been created In the countlet atljaoent to tho Suxquetianna river, ovr the contemplated en- Tcm-iit ot the new net) inw paaaed lai winter, the law makca It imncratire on the hhcriff of each nnty that border on, or through which flow the -uoqunrianna or Ue-laware rtverv, ana iriouianea, hn he diaenrere or (a informed that fish haakett, wi irt, kid. I lea, faoiiica, ncU or any other per maDratlf tot uentrlvanee for eatebing Bah extata, tb Rivr ten day a notice through two nvwapnpera of tle niKjctive nountiea, declaring tliat theae eoa triranoa ara nuiaanoee, and muat be diamantled )y the ownera or mauagera. And If nut die-D"ile-1 within trn dya, aaid eherifl ahall prooit-d iUj fure and deitruy al euoh eonlrivanori men tioned, and it tho ahoriO ahall orxlcet or refuse to perforia auab dutiee after being nutifl'-d, be will be ' tola to a 6ne of not leaa than $UM, nor more u'" lluno. We aoe thai the a her iff of North olrland eounty h already given ntiee t irougb tUa oewapapera that he iuteodi to enforoe the law. Fire. Tho Lock Haven Democrat Ur: A fire occurred about Aft o'clock Monday '""riling la it, tD the buildinga ot Main street oear 4i"at J.i.n,t h,H oooupied by 8. O. Clark A Co Renta' luraiibing fore, 00 d N. M. ilouver as ""KM store. The firemen were promptly 00 the Jryiid, I'euotleta getting cm the ftrrt water. All mpftniee worked well and Very toeceaafully. Baring keut the Mr t It. Wilflin (KB ainihhi r..i. . . .. . . - r 'mcmir ) wnere ir eominenoea, anq niav j thri total deatnictton. The storks of norefl .n.u. ..a k. i..M 1,1 't, if any, ( rorrr.d b Imuran. The hoi Id! were ootKrrd by Inaaranee Clark's in ths ,ct .. " noma 01 v 0111 mow, onut " heller eaya he paaard 11 swint at quarter J ihrea oaj retarncU rat ibout fifteen sninates "nn, the ! en Are. nH the Inmatnt an. 'tt.nn f Us pTetenoe. He aroused . . , - -- - n inc aiura. J ne nrw orifi- 1,. '.1 J" "r""iiiw lo'ik ttioufh II wm of , in,,,., ti... ... .u. 1 11 ""m in. nr. am K.f N-n T,r itMtnntlrt. I I T wttvb nx. v.... xt "I i r . . . - - - - - - Jul 2 lit lfltl Mr. Rmtdn i 'While reading the local oolumni of yonr piper I find von have through eorreapon dcnla the newi from different pmrlt of the county, and 1 Ibinklhebnalneea and improvement! of tbta plaoe la worthy tbo notioe of your readers. On account of floods being aoaroe this seaaon none of tho lumber has went Io market from thia part of the oounty, which makes business a littls dull. Notwithstanding all this soma of our enterprising oititens are pulling hard against the stream, and are ouiiuing new aud repairing old buildinga whioh sdds much to the appearance of our town. The new hotel built by lr. 8. Me. Is now complete and Is a a poo i pirn of magnificent and elaborate work manship. This bouao has been erected aud fur niahed without regard to ooat, and ia now ready for the recent ion of gueats. Ion't forget to call. Our enterprising friend Mr. J. B. bio. has alto built an addition to his store-room and snlarged his stock of goods, which Is now the beat in the upper end of the oounty. Mom re. B. A S. who have lately started an extensive saddlery and barneas shop are dulng a whole-soul buaiueas. We wian inrm luooeia- 'ioe Hew York t'troua ex hibited here a short time ago, which drew a very large crowd of peoplo, but f think none went away any wiser than when they oatne. We think this was tho greatest humbuf over w saw traveling on wheels. The mammoth company conalated of about fifteen broken wagons, and forty horaes and two blind ponies, and the holes In the oanvass re minded me of the stare In the heavens. The Aoa- army in tnis plane ia in a nouriauing condition. Tbo flrat part of tho term elosed on Friday laat, aud a grand exhibition was given by the atndente, ander the main direction of the 1'rofesaor. U. W. I. The exhibition was ono of the beat wo over listened to, and we think Is a credit to the parties engaged. Among tho performances was a song aung by tho small girls, entitled "Pretty Jemimah, don't say no;" after which came the paper, en titled "The py," whicb was read by the fidilrets, Mias S. M., and was rery spicy, and well suited Io the tautea of every one. Our school is now In ita infancy, but we think by tho advancement that Is being made that at the end of the term it will be old enough to turn out many capable of taking chargo of some of the acbools of our own oounty. A couple of our aimable vouni men, Meaara. J. A. and W. T., are going to onnvaas the eounty of Cambria with a valuable work. May tbey be successful. If anything of iuiportanoeoccursyou may hear from me again. . lours, . Uosiiir. Taken in by Swindlers. A younjr man who resides in Cheater county, a few tnilos from Pott'towa we will call him Mr. Very Greoo; although that was not exactly hia namecame near being victimised by tho New York "aharpa" a frw days since, lie received notice that a box containing "watches and other sundries" to eon siUorable value, (we bare no( noaru mo exe amount,) bad been shipped to him, and that he could obtain theae gooda by calliug at tho einreaa office, at Pottstown, and paying, (63 "collect on delivery." Mr. Very Urctn rained the funds, came bore and paid over Uie money, and obtained bit trenaure box. As he was about leaving he was adriscd by the Ei press Agent, who, having seen such boxes before, "suspocLod something" in this case, to open his box and examine the goods before leaving the office. At Drat be demurred a little, "believing nut," Ac, but finally oonoludcd that perhaps It wouid bo boat to do so. The box waa opened and Mr. Green was aatonlahed, (though t no express people were not,) to nnu thai it con tained nothing out some small blocks of pine wood, saw dust, Ac The ohsp looked blauk enough, said that bo "would be darned if he waa not fooled that lime," and made sundry other ejaculations that we sball not repeat. He waa di rected to go and stake affidavit to the oonU nta of his box, thai they were not suob aa be expooted to receive, Ac, and in duo oonrao of time, by order of the express eompanv, hia money was returned to him. And so the New York awiudlers did not make much out of our friend Very Ureen, though it was no fault of his that it was so, for he bit at their bait like a young "gudg-nn,M Of course be don't read the newspapers qr he would not have' been caught so easily. IJotutote Lttlgtr. Failed to Appear. Tho eccentric Joh Billings gave the I'hilipaburgers no milk aa atipolatcd last week. His Geography is fanlty. He tnrnttd up on tho evening io queation at hilipaburg, A'tie Jtnry, on the Delaware river, oppoaite Eaaton, In this State. In his lettor from the new Beat of Uoveinment, be co moles his dis appointed bearers thnaly : Loxo Bra.icd, July 28, 1871. Williams, See. : I was never more brat in my life than when I found myself in Philipaburg, N. J,, yeaterday night. I knew that Kaaton was In a., and thought the Philipsburg that joined Kaa ton was there too. I bare read "Milk" orer four hundred and fifty nights, and never failed to con nect before. I never made a blunder in my long, bnt painful, life that mortified me more tlia thia one has. W I bad been at all woll, I would have anawered your dispatch by being with yon oa the night of tho 26th, but my health is too poor to tako such trip. I will read "Milk" for you next winter, I noted in tho beat of faith, and apenttwo days of faith and expenees, in meaning to bit your engagement. I truat yon will art me all right be fore your people, and make it known to them that it was a stupid blunder of mine that tared them from being bored by me. lours, Joan Uii.Lii. CAtmriT in thb Acr. Tho Holla- fonto H'afcaMfla aays i Latterly, there have been four or five different attempts made to place ob ttru'etions on the track of the Bald Kagle Valley railroad, Jut east of the . Centre eounty line, and on Weduesday morning, at 4 o'clock and Ibrty minutes, a ma a by the name of Thomas llenaeror II tinner, waa oaugbt In tua aot of placing a oroos- on the track. Hen nee came out or hia bouse, went down the road about one thouaand feet, look up and down carefully, and then did the abominnhlc work, after which he co Jy went homo. Happily, however, Mr. John nearer, foreman on the dirifion, and one of the lookout watchmen ap pointed by the company, waa atationed in the wooda about Iftft yarda from where the tie waa put on, and saw the whole tran taction. Weaver took the tie off, and lodged information again at the vll lian, and that worthy Is now an occupant of the jail in this place. The railroad company and Its omeers deserve great credit for their eareiumess and for keeping night and day watchmen along the line. Had it not been for this, a terrible ac cident might hare ere this happened and valuable lives loat. Disi'BEMtNQ Fatalitt. Since March lat there bare been eleven deaths in the families of Henry K, Hhielde, Jaaiah Kooaerand Andrew Hhielda, of Kayne townehip. These families are rMhvea and all lire tn the same neighborhood. The death a, rmmliing from a malignant form of Diptheria which It appears Is beyond the skill of the attending phyaicians, have all bevn among young peoplo, the eldest only about 23 years of age. The eauite or tbta great fatality in ourneigrt borhood, ought to be the subject of a strict invei ligation by our medical men. IndintHt fitmmmt. Special, Economy is wealth therefore buy Pocket-Dor 41 of A. I. tfhaw Chailo. U atioa ha Ho, I Teal for .ale. He to'1., rery cheap, loo. ' " Draw, Copper and Tomlaln lined Praaenlnf Kettlea, for aale by II. F. Riatan A Co. 'Tbou take no girt, for the gift blindctb lha Witt." But, i.y Pocket-Hook, of A. I. Hhaw. lie haa 'era J all kind,, and good and oheap. Tli. Catholie Congregation of Oaaeola hare poitponed tboir fair till neat Heptcmbor. , K. O'B'liiJlflA, raator. Tha eard of Bchwartt A Oralf, (lueef.flora lo Jnmci II. Coyla A Co.,) dealera In Wood and Wil low Ware, Oil Cloth,, Ao., 610 Market St., Phila delphia, appenn in thlt tMcia. They re,petfully a,k a ahara of tho Clearfield eonnty patronage. . Mr. W. Mi Ion la in town. If any peraona bare aonneotioa with him, and any aorloua aonaequonoaa reaoll, tliey had better go to A. I. (thaw'a for their Druga and Medicinal. Fruit, aoldered on tha oataide, of ur awn manufacture. Alao, Olaaa Fruit Jara, for aal. hy , ' , II. f. Bioi.ii A Co. Joan Billinga took too much milk to make the connection at Philip.burg the othur night- but that ia not the reaaon everybody buya Bruah a, Comba, Coametlca, Toilet ftoapa, Ac., of A. I. 8haw. It ia bceauae he aclla them ao cheap. Feed Cuttera, lh. Urgent amirtment atar brought to Hit oounty. Call in and examine them. July 2d.-Ot. II. F. Dtoi.ta A Co. Braaa, Copper and Poroelain lined Preferring Kettlea, or fale bf.- . B. F. Brail C. Cheeij Labrioatlne; tailor Oil, Lightning Fly ner. fmarM of all .arletie. and aiae., Killer I'ai VUwnrln nf a enneHor oitalltr. fur aale at th. tmg rltore of Uartawiek A Irwin, Beeond atracl . Jl Feel Cuttera, lha largea! neeortment erer Iranght to lh. eounty. Call la aa eiaroi.e them. Jaly 74. -It. H. F. BtoLaa A Co. . fir. F. riatto, F.olentla Hhyalalan and 'urgaon, offera hia arioea to the people of tHearfleld and rlflnltT, and will b In readlneaa to attend all profenlonal eell., by day or algbt. Oflle. oa Red llreet. Wert of tha depot, Clearfield, Pa. May II, 171 If Pralt Oani, Hildeead on lha ovtalda, of ar awa aaufaclurr. A.lwi 'N"' ,r"11 lkr ' hJ , IT, F. Bioiii A Co, , iuawuu. - . . usrruanroui. Arum a laffltftttffl. fim rnnfirf iv At lh. holal of Kobart I.lofd, la Philiprtarf. oa Thurly, July JT, 1871, hy K... Ha.o.l II. Mud., Hcntoror Ht. I'.ul', P.ri.h, Mr. JOHN H. tHASK, Jr., to Mil. JBNNlg PHILLIPS, both of Woodward towa.hip, ClcrUdld gountjr. Sird. T" On Jutjf iJd, 1871, at bar fath.r', hom., la lo- aiana oounty, Mn. MARY B. HANCOCK, of Lawronoe townfblp, tbil oounty. 1 ' lo towu.blp, thia ooonly, oa July 2tli, 1871, of. eoniunipUuD, Mr,. MARIA Mo. MULLEN, of Sprnot Craok, Uunllofdon oounty, agod 17 jean, 1 1 month, and 13 daya. larkrts. Clearfield Markets. , Corrrctrd wrrkly by RicitARD Momor, and Rotall Doal.ria DryUood., Urooorln, Pro i,ion, o., Mark.t ilroot, Cloarl.ld, Pa. Clirfuld, P., Auf. t 1971. Applet. fcrcen,0(l 1 Drlr.l, lb Apple bullor,yKA'i 1 Butler... ti(i(4) Beam U 00( t Buokwheat 1 Buckwheat flour lb, Be.f, drlodH Ileef, fre.h.... 8fa Board,, M I2 00(U Corn, abolled.M 1 Corn, .ar 00(a) Corn moal, V sack, I 00 Hoki, drilled It It Hid.., frooa ' T 00 ll.ini 0ll((J 18 26 r!houlderi...00(u) II ill Side, 0ll((j li 00 Lard 20 4 Mr,, purk.-p br.l...SJ 00 29 )at II Onion 1 00 00 Potatooa 00 1 00 00 Peaebu, dried, b 121 60 l'l.iter, V bbl.... t to 4" Ky 1 10 tO Rag,, ft n I 00 Halt, ,aek 1 60 0,ribmple,l8ln.(a(i 00 Chop, V owtl J(l(oM CloTer.oedM Clifton- Cherri.i, lb. 10 Cbickem, drsd, (b, lliribiniilM,Z0inl0($lI oo 16 Timothy aeed 7 60 16 Tallow 121 00 Wheat 1 60 60 W(mI m 4 00 Wood, V cord 60 EXH. Kluneed t Flour 0 00(d) 7 Hay ..18 00(4 2 durational. AVritI.IAIHPORT DICKINSON SEMINARY. A flrst-claaa School for both sexes. Williams- port, Fa. Fall tension opens August 24th, 1871. For catalogues, addreas V. l.hK prMJTSVYUUI), u. v., July 12, 187I-6L President. IRON CITY tOLLCGK, ( ' . ' ' ,j PITT6DCRGH, TA. The beat eouduoted. most popular and suooeaa- ful inftitution in tho I'nited States, for the thor ough, practical eilucation, of young and middle aged men. j"For largo deacriptira circulars, containing full particulara, addreas jy2o-3ut J. U. tSMlXU. A. m t 1'rinctpai. . IHY VIEW ACA.DEM Y, PERRY VI LLE, JUNIATA CO., PA. foa MALI! AD rSMALI riPll-S. Attractively situated In a healthful and beauti ful region, one fourth of a tail from Pennayltania Railroad. Four regulat graduates, asaiated by other eompeteut Intructora, constitute the oorpa of inatrurtton. The Principal (for many yeara in charge of Tnacarora Academy, and sinoa IH5J the bead of this fnalitution,) refers to his numer ous pupils In all the learned profeeaions and in every department of bnainas. Tkrhhi fi'00 per annum, muate and I'ainting specialties, rail aetalon will oommenae September let, 1871. Addrera, DAVID W1I.HON, A. M. jv2o 3m A. J. PATTKRiSON, A. M. m vAsiuxcm academy. G. Ws INNES, A. M., Principal. Till FIRST SESSION of this institution will commence on Monday, the lath day of My next. (Term, firs month ) Pupils may erter at any time, ana will be charged tuition froia the time they enter until the cloae of the sreaion. The oonrse of Inatruotion will embrace all branches included in a thorough practical educatloa for both seies. Vocal Muaie taught whan deatreu. Ouud boarding can be obtained at TIIHKK DOLLARS PER WEEK. . Parents can be aaaured that the abilitv and energies of the Principal will be derated to the mental and moral training of those placed ander ttis cn urge. , . va. Terms of Tuition will be moderate, and ean be ascertained by addresaing Dr. J. In nee, at Act Washington, or the Principal, W. Innes, at Appollo, Armstrong eounty, ra., but who Will be at New Washington after April laL Hew Waahington, March 22, 107l-r. MISS H. S. SWAN'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS CLEARFIELD, PA. milB FALL TERM of fourUen week,, will X oommeno. MoaOay, Sept. 4th, 1871. TERMS OF TUITION. Reading, OrthoKrajh.T,Wrltiii,01iJ.ot L.i- aom, Primary Aritbuietit and maury OoorranhT 17 00 Hiatory, Looal and deiwriptir. Geography with Map UrawinK, Mrammar, McoUl and Written Arlthmetlo I 00 Algebra and tha Science, li 00 In.lructlon In initrumantal muiio 10 00 (III painting, 24 Icon, 12 0 Was work I 00 For full partleulara .and for Circular. Clearfield, Sept. 7, 1870-ljpd. CLEARnELDACADEMY. A Male and Frmala Claaalral lllch School. Karh Drparlmrtit Kcparata, Dlallnct lud VVIUP1CIV 111 KiVCII. rpnK aohnlaatte year of thia Imrtitntloa ia diil- 1 Urd into two foaaiona of Dr. montha (twenty- one week) each. Tha Drat eeeaion oommenoea o. tlia flrat Monday in September; tba aeoond, on tbe Drat Monday ia February. Theeoara. of inatructlon embraotl avary thing neceaaary to a thorough, praotioal and aeooalpliab ed education of both aexei. Popila will be admitted at any time and charged from date of entrance to the otuae of the aeaaion. No deduction will be made for ahaeniw, axaept in eaaca of extreme and protracted illneaa. Btudsnta from a diitanee ean be accommodated with board at low rater. For partleulara, arnd for circular,, or addreaa Her. P. L. MAIIRISON, A. M., ' July 20, 187 1 -If. - Principal. 'HisaUaiuous. 4 DMIMSITH ATOR'al NOTU K. Nulc X V I hereby given that lettera of admlniatratlnn oo tba aetata of DAVID Mil' II ART, deceaaed, Int. of Oaeeola, Clearfield eounty, PennayVanla, bariag heaa duly granted ta th. anderaign.d, all poraoa1! indebted to aaid aetata will pleaaa Brake Imm.diat. partnent, and thoa. baring oiaima or demand! will prclent them properly autbaatieatad for actiieiseni without delay. II. II. KKPIIAKT, Oaeeola. Jul) II, 1871 ot. Admlniatrator. fHASH, Cupper and Poroelain lined PraacrT- I J ing Hrttira, lor aaia ny . Jalyk-3t. II. P. BK1I.ER A CO. --.v a. 1-111, aiH KaaTlfl.' ikmpbb t.c 1 J tera Teatameatary on tha eetate of JAMKfl A. REAP, dcoeaaed, lata of Lawrenoa lown- abip, Clcnrfkrld county, Pennsylvania, having been granted tn tho nnderaigned, and all pereona indebted to laid eatate will pleaae make payment, and thnaa having elaima or dcmandi will preeent them properly avinontrenTcd for aettlemewt. TIIOMPfdN IlKAII, MATTHKW HEAD, Jnly II, 1K7I fltpd, Klocalorl. A DMINIKTHATOH'M MOTIC'K. Nntb XV ii hereby given that Irltera of idaintelration on the aetata of TIIUMAd FAHY, deoeaMd, Inteof Woodward townahin, Clearfield eounty, Pa., having been ilalv granted to the andereigned, all pereona indebted to laid aalato will pleaae mah. immediato p.yment, and thoao having olatma or demand, wtll preacal inem property an(n.nilcaiea lor leiticment wiinoui aeiny. JOHN Men ANN, Phllipihnrg, Jnly 12 fltpd Admlniatrator. IXI'.( l'TOH, N)TICI--Where.i, Let i tan Toalamantary an tha Mlate of W. W AMihllfiON, drw d. lata of Bloom lp., Clearfield Co., Pa., have been granted to the Inderal gneil, and all pereoni Indebted to aaid eatata ara reqir ed to make Immediate payment, and thoaa having oiaima agalnat tha eame will prfwent them, dnly autnennoaien, mr eeniemeni to wanao. rieia ing, artorneya at law, Clwrfleld, Pa. . - JOHN MORROW, Jnly 2,17I t Eiaeutof. IKKIJ CUTTKHS, the largaat aaiorlment erer I1 brongbt lo tba eonnty. Call In and examine beta. 11. r. UIULIH m tfc rpHC AMERICAN MoUMS, - CI'RWEHiVILLE, Ctiumiv CoruTT, Pi.K'ai Thil 1ong-atahli,hed and popular hotel Ii ttih kept by tbe auhaerlbar, who aparai no .ffort to pleaaa all who natroniae him. !To nlaaae," tl the motl. at tbaAluancan llnuae.and all that hi aakad Il a trial. I. w. KKKl), Propiietor, , r.r.carrllle. aiarra ia, i.ll w. II ATI AND CAPlI 1 1 i ' ' r Doota and Nhoei! Till PLACE TO OUT . , I Hats & Caps, Boots & Shoes, IS AT FILLERTOTS NEW STORES! Ona door north of new Vaionli Building, ' , clkarfield; r-A. Tha largaat itock of goodi la thil Una arar brought Into th. eounty, ii now open for the In apeotioi oilie.j.ublipand will be luld at tba . Very Lowest Cath Price I Alao, a aplendid awortm.ot of UK NT'S FUR- Vlllll..l liri(lia nt Khirl.. CullKr.. Neoktiaa, Ilandk.rohiefa, Ulovea, Underwear, Aa. A large itock of CARPETS and OILCLOTHS, which will be diipoacd of at aatuniabingly low prieea. A liberal ahara of patronage ll reapaot. fully eotioited. DON'T FAIL TO CALL.-a Store an Second St., below Market, Clearfield, Pa. 4:6:71 . D. R. FULLERTON. ANNOUNCEMENT BXTKAOfiDlNABY ! I WOULD reipaotfully annooaea to the olti. of CLEARFIELD and -tolnlty that, I have opened up In tbe new Maaonle Bnilding, drat door below th. Maniloa iiouie, on tieoona Street, with a in tire new itock of . WATCHES, CLOCKS & JEWELRY, Of th. lateat itylai and bait lolih, S.leoUd with oare. 1 bare an aiiortment from all th. lateat novelllal la Jewelry, auita hi far lh. Holiday.. A larg. alook of American Watchea from tha faotorin of Appleton, Tracy d Co.. at Walt ham, Man., and thi National Watch Company at Elgin, III., in from 2 to I ol. calea, alwayi on hand, and warranted. Thankful f.r yonr p. it liberal patronagi, I hope, hy itrlot attention lo, t a.rit a eontiuvano. af h. lam. All klndi of repairing la mj Haa promptly atUnded U. B. I. BNKDER. Decembar 114, 871. s A C It ETT dk BCIinVVER. ia BULDIXG 1I.VRDWABE, Also, maaalactarort of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware, Seooad Street, CLEARFIELD, PA. Carpenters and Builders will And It to their avrivantMC tn esotniaa oar atttett before ruiwhoatiia elsewhere. STOVES 1 STOVES ! We ar. now idling tha erlebrated TIMER COOK and RELIANCE, the cheapen and belt tovel in tba market: Rvary itav. fully warranted. ALSO, PARLOR, nEATIVO, and RAFTINU STOVES! which will be eold ai cheap aa any In the oounty. Strict attention paid ordering artlelei for p.r- tiei wh. deair. It. 4r-Rooflng, Spoutlog and Job work dona on roaionable taruil. Clearfield, Ta, April 12, 1871. s ELllNG OFF AT CUITI F 0 R C A S II I The largeit itock af F 17 It N I T- IT It K aver offered In CLEARFIELD! At lha STEAM CABINET SHOP.eorn.r Market and Filth Street., CLEARFIELD, FA. Th. andereigned would aannatr-a to the pabli. that he hai on hand and ia now offering oheap for caah, tba largeat itock of Kiirnlt.r. In itor. lo thil aoanty, ooanatiag or . Parlor Balta, Ckamhar ictta, Eltantlon Tahlei, Secretarlea, Book Caeca, Bedateadl, Spring Bedl and Mat tree art, Loongei - and Plain A Marbla Top Tablet A Baream, Waahalanda, Cane Sial and Cammon Chain, Rocking Chain, Looking Olaeeea, Window Shadea, Piolura Fram.0, Cordi aad Taawli, Ac. Ile alaa manofaetnraa and keepi .a hand Pat ent Hnrlna B.da. th. bait aver invented. No family ibould ba without them. Any kind of gooda not on hand can oa nao on anon none.. 1'pholat.rlng and repairing neatly exeeoted. - COFFINS, of all iliei, eao be had on a half, houra' nolle., and at the lownt price.. A dedue tloa of 20 per cent, made for anah. , METALLIC CASK'S, or Roaewood, Walnut and Cherry CofHna, with glaal ar wood lope, lurniab.d on flva honri' aotica. Prraonal attendanc. with keen., aa IVweral odraaionl, and oarrlagei furnlihwl whea drlired. Thanking th. puldte for part favon, and hy atriet peraonal attention to bnaineal, I hope to reive a eontinnanc. af th. aanM. Remember the placethe SUiam Cabinet Shop, corner or Market and ruin Btreeii. March 20, '71 ly. DANIEL BKNNER. rpmi tini tiki , TOVKfll STOVESI HTOVUXl WAPLE & HARTMAN Pes I re to Inform tha aitiaeas of Osceola aad the public generally, that thoy hare just received a lairge and aplendid asaortmeat of Store, llvusa- Rodl Hani ware and Manned aad Japonrtt4 W a res of all kinds. Also that we manulaetura and keep eonaUntly on hand a full aaaartmetit af niiurii aura, whilo wj wiFlUio Uf ft either wholesale or retail, to ault aurchaaera. Hoofing, H pout ing, Repairing and all kinds of wors none 10 order and wiin diapaten Strict attention paid order iag arttele for par lira drilring It. Consuaiers will Had It tn their adrantngo to purchase frrna ns. Our stock and prieea will tat tafy yon that we do eell good wares at prices mar pieane ine people. Ton will find ws on Curt in street, nearly on posit tha Kfhange Hotel. Oaeeola Mills, Pa., May 10, 17.f T. H. MURRAY, ATfOBST AND CODNSELOR AT LAW. Prompt attention gtvrm I. alt legal baalaeM entr.ated to hli eare In Cleerfleld and adjoining ertnntie. Omc. a Market at., appnajt. Naagt.'. Jawalry Mm, Oarield, fa. l,fL rpUH 1ITEIT MOTEI , i, ,i;, ' THE LATEST MOVE HARTSWICK & IRWIN'S rr' ''D'fiUO ST ORB, ,it ... To their aew building oa Seiond Strut, nearly . . oppoiita th. itora of W.av.r A Balta, )IELD, PA., tut I wrfl 'to " r, jli rill ii . a Where they will eoatinos to supply their old and as many new sus.oeatra as may some, with PURE DRUGS ''CHEMICALS! - ...... PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS, ' . - : j . :, ' , ; ' .... .i a .'(Iaoladlng all n.wremedioa,) Patent Medicinal, Palnti and Oill, Olaaa and Patty, School Booke, Stationery, Papar, Ao.; alao, a full line of Drug giata Sundriea, Hair Tonicl,!..P.rfum.rtea,Tellet Artlelei, Braakei, Toilet Mape. roeiM Boon, aa., all si i . . lh. kait quality. . rURE WISES AND LIQUORS, ' far A aaeramantal parpoaea only, Pure Whit. Lead, Colon of all kind,, Raw and Boiled Lineewd Oil, Varnlahre, Tarpon, lino, Coal Oil, Paint A Varniah Bruahea, Flavoring ' Extract!, C.nfeclloueriei, Bird Seed, Spic, ground and anground, or all kinua. SMOKERS AND CHEWEflS Will tnd oar ltok af Chewing and Smoking Tnhaeeo, Imnwted and Da- BMtie Cigara, bonir and Fine-out lo b. of tb. rery beat brand, la th. market. LAMPS AND CHIMNEYS, ' - All klndi of GLASS WARE, OARDEN SEEDS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS aad Mulieal Trimming! af .vary varietv. Having a long experience In tha bualnaai, and an .xteniir.and well alwted atook of medieioea, we ara enabled t. til Phyaieiane' preMriptiom at lha notic and .a th. moil reaMnabla terma, day and nighL ,. HARTSWICK A IRWIN. ( Clearfield, Pa., May II, 1871-lf. JL T. I. "For thy Stomach's Sake and thine other Infinnities." St. Paul. 111. IHYi:itS - ' PURE WEST BRANCH BITTERS. A lef., para, pleaaant and health. giving Tonw itrictly vegetable, and manufactured from tha moat pur. and ehoie. material a li not a apirit drink aor nbitltnta for whiaky, but a aelentlfU eonipound, for tbo protMtion of lha ayitem and tha cure of dlecaee, made from ehemieally pure iplrlta, entirely free from fuail oil or other irrita ting propertied, aad will not diaagre. or offend tha moat delicate atomaeh. A long prirat. experi ence had atteitad III ' " Super riority over all Ordinary Remedies. No Bitten at preient offered to the public contain! an much mediolnal virtue, and yet ao a.fa and pleaiant lo take. Ita aa ll to cure dilcaae, and It will not eraale ao appetite for aplrltooua liquori, hot will dure tha affeotd of diaaipation. To laareaaa tha AppatiU, USE IT. To promote Dlgntlon, . VBH IT. To cure Dyapeplia, USB IT. To aare Fever and Ague, V6B IT. T. nr. Billloaiaadd, USE IT. To aura Conitipatlon, ' VRB IT. To aura Cbronle Diarrhea, ' VSE IT. T. oure Heart b.rn, USB IT. To can Flatalanoe, - USE IT. To oar. Aeid Bractatlona, USB IT. .To core Neivoul Debility, I'SI IT. To carl Jljdoebondrla, . USB IT. To luri Sallowneal of Complexion, USB IT. To rurf Pimplei aad Blotchea, USB IT. For Oanrral Proatratloa of tba Phyyeal power!, USB IT, and t will core yon. "Bold everywhere, at 11.00 per bottle, Vana faetured iicluilvely by ' A. I. SHAW, lirogglil, CLEARFIELD, PA., Who offer! libera) Indiiermenti to the trade. ' - Oct. 27, 18:lf. ' 1 For Rent I HIT! nndorilgnod off-ra lo rent a DWELMNO nv. ..d nt.ArKS.MllU SlIOP. aituata at Oalcod P. 0. In Belt iailip. Thia la a rery dealrabk) liHUttlon for the bu.lnell. A lun en :. tool! in tha ihnp. Plinty of cuatnm. A god aebool la tha alllagw. Addraa. or apply U li. L. tlenderaoa or in. auoicrioar. March U lf HENRY BRETII, Jr. Insure Your Properly I THE aadereigaod ara prepared I. Uaa any reaioaabl. ftra riakl, In gmd and reliable ompanlcaj nob aa tb. " Farmera' Mntaal," at York. Hie "Andei,"ef Cincinnati, Ohio; Ike uOarmanla," of N.w York, and othrra. Katex. raamnabla, and la aaaaaf loei mnney will be paid on promptly. IRVIN A KREBS. 'cuarliild, Pa April It, I-ajEn'1X)M'W NOTICE. Notic ll here, J by given that Litton T.alamenlary having aarat granted to the eaheeriber, on the Batata of MICHAEL SUNDERLAND, dee'd, lata of Hell townebip, Clearlleld county, Penaaylvanla. all perM.1 Indebted to laid Eatata ar. reqneMed to jtale mined iaU payment, aad thoaa having alaimi agalmt tha Mira. will preaent them duly aa.kenticaiad for wtllemeat. AMOS AUISDBRLANb, ;.Bd!L U7!:t. RieMav. SPRING G00DSI ' ' JUST RECEIVING I ; ' TIUIIT CALICOES, SPLENDID 10c. CALL J rwaa Ul.l.dl-- ft. I. . J ...l: - m M 'w,iaia,vS, uu ii aill( VUtTg,, OI UBI I III, llaida, White (foods, l'erealee, Japaneae Hilsi, Illaek Silk., Rllk Fupllna, 11 look Alpacas, Table V-l . hli. u hi.'i . .....!, iirivii, niiatrif, puja IMlliHOTCI, SO . . . . I ' AT J. MILES KHATZKR'S t "ITOSIERT, SILK GLOVES, BEST PARIS 11 tkld tllovee. Lace L'jllare, Hair Nwilcheeand Cbignonl, Hair NoU, Coraeti, Hoop Sklrll, Aa. AT J. MILES RRATZER'S! D RF.S3 TRIMMINGS, SILK FRISOES batiu, Velvet Uibboua, Buttona, Ad. AT J. MILES KRATZER'St TRIMMED IIATS, RIBBONS, ' Millinery Uooda, Ao, Aa. AT J. MILES KRATZER'S! UNEQCALED STOCK OF LADIES' AND Cbildren'a Sboea and Oaitera, Men'i French Kip and Calf Uoota, Calf and Laiting Uailera, Ao. AT J. MILES KRATZER'S ! o nnn r,KcKs wall paper -.. u ,JtJ 11.00 por bell Carpata, Floor Oil Clotba, Window Shadea. belt While Uraaita Tea Ware, Ulaae Ware, Table Knivei aad Forkl, Aa. J" AT J. MILES KRATZER'S! ' " . ' CHOICE TEAS, COFFEE, AND OTHUR Urooeriaa, Dried Applea, Peaohoa, Cherriei, Prune,, Canned Peachit, Toaialoei, Cum, Ao. Tbe above, with an immcnae itook of other Ooodi, have been bought at tbe loweat oaab prieea, and will ba offered at very low rate. ' JaW-Come and examine then whither yoa buy or not. , J. M, KRATZL'R. (Form.rly C. K ratter A Bona.) Nut door to II. F. Blglir A Co.'a Hardware Store. Clearfield, March U, U7I tf. 1871. 1871. . FOR THE SPRING CAMPAIGN! I Id HIES TH AT ARE FACTS ! REED BROTHERS' Dry Ooada, Notion, Trimming 4k Millinery Emporium, ' CLEARFIELD, PENN'A. Tha only axolaaive Dry Gooda Store in the oounty. Study Your Interest I Buy Where You Can the Cheapest! DRY GOODS: Heavy and Una Drown Mualins, Bleached Mus lins, ettra wide Drown ai d Pleached Sheetings, Pillow Caaing, Ticking, liirkory fitripe, Denims, Bine Drills, Cottonodea, Caitlmeres, Flsnnela, Prints, Delaines, Peresles, Lawns, (Irenadines, Hernanies. Summer Silk. Jaianeae Silk. Dlork Pilk, rery good, at $1,15 per yrd. The abore are aew, freah gooda, and hare only to be prised to know of thslr remarkable cheapness IIOSIBJIYi Laillei' nlaln and ribbed rime. 12t. to M1 per pair, Child ren'a plain and fanny Cotton Hose, Gent's Drown and BIim Mfjed Huae, Hoperatoot aad SuperRiie Rrlttiak Repnlar Made lloa, Dal brifrcaa and t.iale Thread Uoae, Ladiea', Misses', Children's, Oent's and Boys' India Clause and Liale Thread Cnderware. Ladies', Men's and Children's Berlin, Llalo Thread and Hilk tilores, Children's Kid lorss, Ladiea' KidOlores, all eolora, 11. 75, II 7ft and $1.00 per pair, Oent's Kid Gloves, all eolers, Lisle Thread and Berlin Gloree. WHITE GOODS: Piques, eholce styles in Plripei. Firurea, Cords and Satin Plntabed. tl to 60e per yard ; J aeons t a, Nansooks, Vtetoria Lawn. Rwias Mull, white and colored Tarletan, Tape Cheeka, Mosquito Net, vunain et, 2i, so, wand oo rents and f per yard ; Towles and Towling, Drown and D leached Table Daraafhs, Napktna, Quilts, Ao. hngliah Croehet hilginga, Imperial- KmbroiJ- ery, Hegiatered Kmhrnidery, Valencia La?e, Not tingham Laee, Frilling. Aleiandria Frilling, Ilanrinrg Klging. Inaerting, Maglo and Always Ready Ruffling, llereulef Draid, Alpaca Braid, Hair eta, 11 lack and Drown Hwilenea, t btgnons. Buttons of erery dessrlption, Sleore Buttons, Ao. FANCY GOODS! Iaeo Collar. Linen Collars and CuiTa, T'ndar- sleerea, Chimiaets, llandkerehiefa, Ties and Bews, Kibbon and Millinery tioods, Trimmed Uatsaod Sonnets, eVe., me. LteTBuyers will please giro this their atten tion. Time aad moaay will ba tared. Remember the plaee t , KKED BnOTIIKRff, my 17 ' Market street, Clearfield, Pa. Fight in Glen Hone Over! ALL FREE AGAIN! AND TI.B MONEY PAID!, "11 TILL! AM 8. DICKEY taKes this method of W Informing his nnmerons frienda and ens tomert that he has sold oat his entire stoek of Store floods la Glen Hope tn James M. Dickey A Co., and to thank hia friends and eustomsra for their Ilhsral patronage while In buslneaa tn Glen Hone, and oaks a ahara for the new Irm. who intend keeping a firei-eloaa Dry Goads aad gen eral variety store. Their stoek will eoniiit In part of Ladies' A Gent's Faney Hats, Ladies' Hose, from 11, to 30 seats, Ladies' Dress Uooda, a fell - line. Not ion a of all klnria, Cnaalmerea, a full line, Jeans and Cottonodea, Al paces and Lnatre, 40e. to $1.19 , per yard, Alpoeoa, beauties, at t eents per ysrd, Ladiea' Fane ., Gaiters, a full lins, K.1 Gaiters si $2.35, good at $l.7, a fnll line of ' Ladiea' bhoea, Minaea'and Chil dren 'a Shnea, Ladiea'Sprlng Rhewla, Chigttona and HUk Curia, Prrfuraerr and Hair Oile. Mnalln and Calleo from 6 to lie. No. I Calico, 9 Tarda for $1.00, Confectioneries, a full line, French and Tin Toys, No. 1 Gro ceries, for country trade. Tn faot a fnll line of faney and prime goods, to suit our trade. We Intend selling on a caah or short credit ay at em, and we know our enatomers will profit hy It. All kinds of eon n try produce Uksn In ciehange for goods. WANTKO. No. 1 Frcah Butter. 641,000 eigh- teen-inch Shingles, hy count, 1,000 Sheep Pelts, Brer Hides and Calf Skins, for which the higheat market pries will be paid. Jn.ra ns trial before you hurchaas your -pods. V s will giro you bargains. JAM ad M. PICKET m) CO. Glea Hops, Fa,, May 17, 17Mm. SPECML A0l.rtMET! TrtAVB thii day aieoelateA with aM la th. mereantlrl hnelne" . hrotlwr, RobMt Reed, aud lh. bo.inw will h. aoatiaarf aadar lb. firm nan. of , t R BED BROTH B Wa will ennllnaa to tnali. lb. Dry dooda and rtoUon. aaaineM a ipeaialty, and all tha n"et fhhrio. and lateat aor.ltloi ia tha market Kill b. on hand. Tha nran"h flora In Cnrwenevllle will he ooo- tlhned, Where will he found a. ebnlr. a Una of fo'lt aa at our nain itore la Clearfield. New Pnrlnc xoodi Will be t hand (bout the Uth of March. Tha hook aoeoantiof Wm. Rd will hanroaiDtlA and InmadUUly lulled. . IK. IIKKU. rraarald, fa.. Merrh !, I.TI. 5ry oods, (&tmUt, t?tf. 1 )UACB IM BVIOFKI '. i aot ORB AT IXCITBUBirr IN FRENCHVILLE I The bloody contest between France and Prussia Is at an end for fie present, so far aa tlia slaugh tering of men and the destruetlen of property Is concerned. The Royal Jugglers no don hi pride thcmaelroa and rejolue over tho roault, but how tneignifkant Is their work whea son pared with me nuniane auu curistian snorts or L. M. COUDRIET, who has undertaken to supply all the citliena In the lower end of tho oounty with food and raiment at exvyding low ralea from bis inuminolh a tore lu Mlll.HiiK'itlihii iia.M h r,n .1.... k. .1 ready to wait upon callers and supply them with Dry Goods of all Kinds, Such ai Clothi, Ratinetla, Caialmerri, Muilini, Delainea, Liuen, Drillinga, Calieoea, Trltumingi, Ribboni, Laea, Ready-made ClothluK, Booll and Phori, Hata and Cape ail uf the beat material aud made to order Hoae, hooka, Ulovci, Mlttenl, Laoal, Uibboua, Ao. QROCKRIKS OF ALL KINDS. Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Rina, Mulalaeej Filh. Salt, i-or, binaeoa utt, run uit, carbon Uil. Hardware, Quernaware, Tinware, C.itlntta, Plowa ami flow t;a.tiii(r, nail., Mplkel, Corn Cultiva tor!, Cider l'reaaei, and all kindi of Axaa. Perfumery, Palnti, Varniah, Gleet, and a general aiaortment of Btationory, GOOD FLOUR. Of different brands, always on hand, and will be old at tba loweat possible figures. LIQUORS, sueh as Brandy, Wine, Gin, Whisky, Jayns'a Modloines, Hosteller's and Hooflaud's Bitters. 6000 pounds of Wool wanted for which the highest pries will be tiatd. Oloverseed on band aud for sals at tbe loweat market price Also, Agent for fitrattonrllle and Ciirwenivllle J oreabing Machines, fcSlwCall and aeefor yourselves. You will find orerythiug naually kept in a retail store. L. M. COUDRIET. Frenehrine P. O., March 1, 1R71. x. ft. iBJroLD ,.W. BOSS RADTSnoRJf ! 'Cheaper than the Cheapest!" GOODS AT REDUCED PRICES jo st biciitid ar A mold A llartiiliorn, . (On door wast af First National Bank,) CURWF.KSVIM.E, PA. n A VINO Just returned from tha eat with a complete assortment of Goods suitable for Spring and Bummer trads, wo ara bow rsady to furnish all kinds of Goods "Cheaper than the Cheapest I" And after thanking our customers for their liberal patronage during tha past year, ws would most rasisctfully ask for a continuance of ths same Our Stock consists of a complete assortment of Dry Goods, Notions, Hardware, Quesnswere, Willowware,, Boots f Shoes, Hats A Caps, Clothing, Tobaccos, Aa. Also, Floor, Bacon, Salt, Flab, Grain, etc AH of wblth will bo sold oo ths most reason able terms, and the highest maiket pries paid for Grain, Wool and all kinds ef Lumber aad Country Produeo. aFPUaaa f Irs as a call befora purchasing elsewhere. Satisfaction gaaraotcsd as ta pries and quality.- ARNOLD A HARTSHORN, Corasr of Main and Thompson Streets, aprSO CCRVYENSVILLK, PA. J. r. wiaraa.. ,.w. w. SBTTS. WEAYEK dfc 1IKTTN CLEARFIELD, PA., Are offering, at tha aid Hand of 0. L. Raid A Co., their itook of goodi, aonaiating of DRY - GOODS, GROCERIES, R00TI A BHOBg, RATI A CAPS, HARDWARE, QUBBXITARB, FLOUE, FEED, SALT, &o,, bo., i At tha mart roaaanabla ratal for CAIII or la axohang. f.r Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, OR COUNTRY PRODUCB.' atrAdvaaeel made t. thou ingaged In get ting out xjuare timber on th. moil adranlageoui t.rma. January I, 1(70. 1871. 1871. SPRING GOODS! The First of the Season I The Cheapest in this MarkotI BUY! BUYIl BUY!!! OF KRATZER &. LYTLE, Tour Dry Gooda, Tour Groooriea, Your Hardware, Your Queoniwar., Yonr Notion!,! Your Window Curtain!, Tour Carpet,, Tour Oilcloth!, Yonr Wall Papera, Yonr llati, Yonr Root! A, Your Cap!, Your Leather, ' Yoar Carpet Chela, ; Y'eur fboa Findlngi, Your Storei, Your Flour and Fiih, Your Daeoa and Feed. FALTI HALT! SALT! at wholeaile fo country mirehanta. " ' OILS, PAINTS, GLASS, li.-A liberal die- doanl lo hailderd. Rvervlhlng lhat you need iaa ba had at gnat advantage '.o th. hover, at KRATZBR A LTTLR'S, Market itreet, Ci Anni n, Pa , the Jail. t-.t ATTEJITIOS. ri.'TOIHF.naiI llavinf deteminVd to enrawe ia other bari- nve it il neoeeeary to arltle up with thoao ita arrean In tb. blarkamilbing, and hav. left my booh aeonunva with L. F. Irwin, Baq., for eolleo tion. of whioh all pereoai Inlrre.trd will pleaaa lakenolie. ., AMOK KENNARD. Cieardold, Joly 11. 117 1 It. . c ARBOLIC PLANT PROTECTOR for lala hy 11 A it iell.tat TSWICK A IRWIN. ILK Spring itylw f ai 4 ! D. R. FPl.LPRTO 5 . THE SMITH HOUSE," (OpposiU tba Paaanrf Depot.) tLnJlRPIELD, PA. - THB anderaljcned, hsrlnn leased this hwmmjhr a aeries of- years, Is roady lo aniartaia straa urs and trarelars aeiiurally, and thervfure solicit sojenmers U giro hiw a ooll. flte Table will ha supplied with tbs bust tbs market affords, and lis Mar will contain tbe choicest of wines and liifatfis Thshouso, lurnitaro, 1edand beddi( areeotiraly new, which slwivra vdiia tothccomfvrlof trarelars while tbe stabling sHlaahod Is Uega aad roasay, just suited for team at era. Cliargfa moderate. janft:70 WILLIAM 8. BRADLKY. THE ALLEGHENY HOTEL, . MAHKKT St., CLEARFIELD, Pa. THIS large and oommodlons new hotel has been oponed for ths accommodation of ths publio, where the proprietor will be glad to meet bis old friends, and receive a share ol public psf- ran age. Hy strict personal attention to tbe de tails of hia buaineaa, bo hopes to be able to render setiafaction to hia patrons.. The TARLE will always be bountifully supplied with tbe best that can be procured tn the iDarUot, and the BAR will oontaln a full stock or LIQUORS, BKER, Ao Good stabling attached. CASPKR LEIPOLDT, Clearfield, Mar oh 8, ltifilHy Proprietor. THE MANSION HOUSE, Cornerof Soeondand Market Street!, CLEAKKlKMi, PA. THI3 old aid eonnodiom Hotel baa. during tba pa.t year, been enlarged ta double ita former oapaeily for the entertainment of itran geri and gaeite. Tha whole building had be.a retarniibed, and tha proprietor will apara n. paina to render hie gueili oomfortabla whila itiyiag with him. plf rhe ".Miwilou Iiouie" Omnlknl rani to and from lha Depot oa tba arrival and departure of each train. J01I.N DOUUniiUTY, apro 70 tf Proprietor: SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, Cunveiravllle, Clearlleld county. Pa. ritHIS old and well oataUiahad Hotel, beautl X fnllj limited on th. banki ol tha Suaqui banna, in th. boroxgb of Curwenivillo, ba. been leaved for a term of yean by tho anderiianed. Il haa b..n entirely refitted, and il now open to tha publle generally and tha travelling oommu- -oity in particular. No palm will be ipared I. render gueatioomforlable while tarrying at thil boa... Ample Stabling rooai for th. aooomme dation of name. Charge! moderate. 6ef t. J8, UlO tf. . . , THE RAILROAD HOUSE, MAIN ST., PUILirSBUBO, PA. rpill nnderaigned keep! eonitantly on hand X th. beatef Liquori. Ilia table ll alwaya aupplied with tho beat th. market e lord a. Tba traveling publio will do well to give him a fall. novl.'Oi. RODfcHT LLOYft. miaw lioLsr. Corner of Market and Front Slrecii, Clearfield, Pa. Thii magnificent Hotel ii entirely new, eeta- plete in all iti appointment!, and convenient to tba Lourt Moule. A tree umoioui runi io ana from tin Depot on the arrival and departure of aaeh train. UBOROB N. COLUURN, April 13, 16T0. Proprietor. WESTERN HOTEL, Oppoiita tb. Coart Houao, CLBABFIBLD, PKSS'A. Aocommodationa flrat-claee aad eltargri moderate. eotl JOHN F. YOrNfl, Pr.prlrt.r. JJtlSTOUB HOUE, Oppoaite the'Court llouae, LOCE HAVEN, PE.NN'A. J.14'71 IIAUfiEAL A KROM, Prop'i. DAX1EL CONNELLY, Boot and Shoe Manufacturer, CLEARFIELD, PA. HAS Jon reoolved a tea lot of Fnach CALF 6K1N3. and il now prepared to maanfae turn everything In hli liol at tba lownt figure!, lid will warrant fail work lo bo aa repreaeoUa. II. reapectfnlly aollrlti a call, at hia ihop oa Market itreet, eorond dtor woat of th.po.toffiea, where ha will do all In hie power to render latin faction. Some fine Uaiter tope oa hand. my,'7-y DANIEL CONNELLY. XEW HOOT AI) SHOE SHQP. EDWARD MACK, Coa. MARKET A 3d Sti., CLEARFIELD, Pa. rpilR proprittor hne.nterrd Into the BOOT X SHOE bu.ineai at th. above aland, and I. determined not to be ootdone either in quaU Ity or price for bit work, rtpeeial atteuttoa will be paid to aaauufacturlng Sowed work. He hai on hand a large lot of Ereueh Kip and Calf Skina, of the very beat quality, Tbe citl iena of Clearfield and vicinity are reipoetfully invited to give him a trial, lio charge for cam. novo,' 0 tf jfmtUnuf, Siim-nrr, ttt. II. F. BIGLEll & CO., nKALBRI II II AItI W ARE, , Alao, Mannfaetnrenof Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLBARFItLD, PA. LOT OF SADDLES, BKIDLES, Daman, Collar!, ate., for tale by . . , 11. F. BIQLER aV CO. pALMER S TATENT UNLOAD. Ing Flay Forki, for aale by II. F. BIQLER 4 CO. QTL, PAINT, PUTTY, GLASS, K.lla, etc., for iall by . t II. F. BIOLER A CO. JJaRNESS TKI.MM1NG3 I SUOE Finding!, for aale ly II. F. fttOLER I CO. ' QUNS, PISTOLS, 8 WORD CANES For aal. l . . If. F. BIOLER i CO. : gTOVKS, OP ALL SOUTS AND Bli.i, for aala by 11. F. BIOLER A CO. JRONI IRON I IRON! IRON I , Fof laid ,.. II. T. BIOLER 4 CU. ' ORSE SIIOK3A HORSESHOE NAILS, f.r i.l. bf . II. F. BIOLER A CO. pULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES And hail Manufacture, for dale by H. F. BIOLER A CO. JJHI31BLE SKEIN B AND PIPE BOXES, for dale by . II. F. BIOLER A CO. JODDER CUTTKILS-lbF lo br cn3O-70 ' II., F. BIOLKR A CO. THE CLEAhflELD WOOD-CHb PEERS' AXEl ' Manurarturad especially for THS CLEARFIELD TRADK, ' "" roai.ta x angrri H. F. BIOLITR A CO.