Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, July 26, 1871, Image 2

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    sm ,n n.
xjhtok ami I'BormitTtin. '
Democntio Stato Ticket.
ar rniLli'DUllu. ,
or tiwnrMrB coi-sty. ;
r4rA full null of the lleuiocratla voto will
sonure the cleotiun or our Sluto tk-k.t liy Inrgl
moioritv. ' '
jc4rLrt evory Democrat remember that, and
Impress tht truth of it uud tlio miuili tin
Democratic District Ticket.
lVII.I.IAn A. WI.I,(H, uft'lcveld.
Suhjeot to tlie anion of Distriot Convention.)
Democratio County Ticket.
JOHN 1.AWHI1K, orosreoln.
Mill. I AM C. KOI.F.Y, uf CltarHel.l.
JOHN J. It nil), of I.awrnirc.
AAHON C. TATE, of Clearlleld.
AMU It Y '. l.EIJ, of Clearlleld.
SAMUEL P. .YUKON, of llrxirnrd.
F. t'. CCHJTB1ET, of Karttaiui.
REUBEN McrilEUMIIS.ot Clearfield.
t. 1'. MiC I-OSKEY.of I'nnvciiMlllr.
Tho Cliolorii, tlio most terrible or
all scourges, in just now devastating
tho I'crsinn Empire.
Tlio Now England Smlou were
prolly well uhuken and tho pcoplo
fi-iglitcncd Vy an rnrlliquakc on the
The German troops liavo nil by this
limo evacuated Franco, tho war ex
penses having been secured, and both
Kmpirei suoin to have pouco again.
Tub Uhetuiien. Tho negro, Fred
I)ouglnss, in imitution of Vice 1'rc-ni-dotit
Colfax, publiMies n letter an
nouncing his retirement from politics.
Good tyo, Fred !
'Tho government" is still at Long
I'.ruiKli, horse-racing nnd yatvhing.
Washington, tho old governmonl seat,
is not grand enough fur tlio Grunt and
Dent families.
Tho duublc-hcndod Imhy, wliicli
has boon on exhibition throughout the
country for tho past six months, died
nt Hoston on tho 19th. Tho one head
lived uboul four hours longer than
llio other.
lk'SY. "Tho now deparluro" and
the New York riot huvo ubout exhaus
ted tho vocabulary. Were
it not for tho largo stock of bigotry
nnd fanaticism held by it, tho part
would go by default anyhow.
OitiTUAiir. Thos. Lincoln, (known
as "Tad" during his futher's reign,)
died at Chicago, on tho L'llh, of dropy
of tho heart. Ho was 18 years old on
tho 6th of Hay. His mother and him
seli hud epent tho past two years in
Europe, and had returned homo but
ton days beforo Ids death.
Moro "irregulartics" aro developing
among tho loyalists down South.. Tho
account of tho Collector at Savannah,
Ou., and Ui at of tho Tost Master at
Jacksonville, Florida, aro both short
about f 9,000 etch. We presumo these
amounts will rcduca tho national debt
just thut much in Uoutwell's next
monthly statement.
The South Carolina Ku Klux aro
gain disturbing tho rest of tho loyal
Forney, even in tho Custom House in
Philadelphia. Tho editor of the 1'ress
has, it seems, taken a special contract
to manufacture Ku Klux horrors from
now nnlil tho election. How strange
that Greeley has seized the other
horn of tho dilemma and denounces
Forney's saints as "thieving carpet
baggers." .' - is. - I
Tub IIikferenc":. Our neighbor of
tho Journal pronounces (J. S. Senator
John Scott "it Into patriot." Hut the
Huntingdon (Jlobe, ono of tho Semi
tor's homo organs, pronounces him a
skunk and political freebooter. Tho
editor of tho (Hole nnd tho Senator
liavo known each other intimately for
thirty years, and know whorcof ihey
Quiet "Tho Con I nil Executive
Committee," appointed by the Itadi
cal County Convention on tho 0th,
whoso business it shall bo to take rare
of "tho polities of tho county tho pres
ent year," is ktcict, (as Covodu used to
say, at least so fur us getting out
volunteer Hon-.ocrats for office is con
cerned. No true Democrat will ever
oibblo at tho I.ndicnl hook, no differ
ence what the bait is. .
Monn Mosey. Tho Springfield, 111.,
jlonunient Association want (50,000
more money, to complete a monument
commcmoralivo of "tho lato lament
ed," whoso bones rcposo near that
city. Where are those who fattened
at bis crib? Is it possible that, not
withstanding till tho boasted loyally
of the dotinlry, not a single shall can
1)0 completed without sending out
l?in? fircclcrt from year lo ywr.
.iiTi-iJiAr-i ii f r,nM
i "Thieving Carpttbairg:rrt.,t
; This is tho nntno Jtoracb Greeley
)plicd to tho loyal oflleo holders, on
his return from a trip down South.
This honest exposition of his own
dear friondi down . thoro lini'i rilod
them very much, and the Northern
shysters liavo now'sjiliued tenins with
tho "thieving carpot-liagccrs,'' nrd
aro- both, ubuaing "pup Grooloy'- tot j
telling tho truth iibout them. n or
der to break (he force of Mr. Greeley's
recent blows upon tho "thioving car
pol baggcrs," certain Uadical papers
staled that ho drrivctl hjs impressions
from "Democratic sources." This riled
the gwcot toinpcred philosopher of the
Tribune, who rubbod in his former
declarations as follows : ' i '
"Now It li tho siuiplo-rruth that our wont tin-',
prresions of thitl sort of 'err-pet. naggers' were
mails hy the statements, not of llmnoornts at nil,
but of aeulous Kcpuulioaiis,: One of tlu-iu was
hiuinelf e recent emigrant from Illinois, nho borer
voted any other than a Rupnoliosn tU-kof , but
who wrut South lo plant ootton, and declared
hlwat'lf nearly ruined by tin baary tnxee imposed
ou hi. ploutatiou by the'arpot-ljajrgrre,' who,
by managing tho nogi-ors, ruled and ruhbel hi.
euswity, ot'ntiiiunlly putting up swindling Jnls f
bridjrc-builiiiug, Ao., to till their own pookt-te.
Anuther nna our friend of many yeara, who. last
Fall, bended the Hrpuhlioun Htute ticket iu J.nui.
tnna.and wn.eleeted by an overwhelming majority.
We tako the liberty of Indicating him without
asking leave, heoau.e tho foot that ho in lauMing a
drterinined tlht a. A Q'litnr, again.t the robber,
who would gladly ruin tho errdit as thry fanve
abeorhed tho fund, of tho State, is so widely
known that ho eonnot if he would eoncral tho
truth that he is a natural enemy of tbievrr. to
in Texas we heard more to the prejudieenf rn.eal
ty earpet badgers from Republicans than fimu
llemoorata. ilad wo beard Bnlbing at all, the
public words end flnanrinl exhibits of several
Southern rtatrs bear testimony tlinl ennuot be
ui.undortoo nor exjdainod away."
Tho old Philosopher, having prop
erly mimed his parly friends down
South, it is becoming very, evident
thut tho party ring must bo broken,
and that very soon, too ; for how is it
possihlo hat gentlemen "controlled
by grand moral Ideas" can long afllli
ato with "thieving carpet-baggers,"
especially alter the Bishop of tho
loyal church, has notified tho mem
bers of tho unworthy character of
their Southern allies!
In lUtrtirst.
The campaign in "littlo loyal" Ulsir
is gotling lively over tho Uepresenta
live question, from tho shots that aro
being exchanged bctwoon tho Register
man nnd the Chairman of tho Demo
cratic County Committee.
Ai.Too-iA, July 1", 18T1.
Editor of lit Standard : You are ht-rrbr au
thorised lo say if you deem II neee..!ry to deny
anything emanating from that "benrlna nosed
oarpet-bag sc.illawag. Over, of the tirtjitltr that
ms rjscrlmn uiaiuierrce I ra.le League Ql .Vw
York intends to plai-a $10,fMHt In my hand, fur
distrihuti'.n during the pit-sent eainpaign, is a
point blank Kadtea lie view it or Hewitt as yon
mar. Ho nrgtitnttiwis with the Free Trade
l,c.ig;io of Xi-w York, or any othor organisation,
have been entered into by myself or any olber
ltemoerst with whom 1 am acquainted.
We do not propose to attempt lo Sum the po into ;
that delicate tack Is left with tho unscrupulous
Vuae, who loudly domLmI. In this eity, that Col.
Uaylcy mast and shall be drfi-ated ssonsy ena ffo
it. We do not propose any suob means for our
sui'cess; hut wo trust in the virtue, intelligruc"
and good sense of the niasssc.
Rt.apejtfu'lT Yours,
Chairman Co. Committee.
Ilo wilt is the "loyal" candidate, and
a member of tho Cameron family, and
odious to all honest members of his
party, liayley Is tho Demoorutic
candidate, nnd from the look of things
just now wo would not bo surprised lo
see tho "old Union savers" of Blair
county represented at Harrisburg,
next winter, by a Democrat. A liulo
moro fplit on tho Judge question, nnd
Thud. Bunks, us tho Democratio nom
inee for Judge, will set the thing up.
Dirt i r, like Huntingdon, and indeed
noarly all tho other J.itdicul counties,
is moving toward Democratic head
quarters. Tim UioriT Dehnition. Tho edi
tor of tho Now York Times, the spo
cial champion of tho Orungo Society
of that city, says :
The "Orange Institution of the t'nited Plates"
deGnes itself as "loyal." la it not the fact that
its oonstilntion drflnre this loyalty as being con
fined to tho Royal Family of llrrat Britain, and
that the memhers pf the Association are therefore
bound by a tie which precludes their transforma
tion into American citisens?
Radicalism wears tho sanio clothes
and apes and clamors about loyalty
as flippantly as tho lloyul bloods of
F.uropo. Loyally is a term foreign
and offensive in a Republic, nnd should
never bo used in lliii country.
Tin Family Biieakino it. Kli S.
Parker, Grant's Com missionor of In
dian Affairs, has resigned. Ho says
he is tired of holding an "nmbignus
position." Parker has been with
Grant for eight years past. Ho pick
ed him up on the pruirics in lfCH, and
his birth seems to bo as "ambigoue"
as his position. His mother was nn
Indian squaw nnd his father a mis
sionary, urani laments at Long
Branch ovei the separation, but con
Cedes that tho best of friends must
psrt. :
WoNPKRfui. Discovrar. Thedi
tor of tho Journal bus discovered that
"every Republican Stato Convention
held this year, tluis far, has cordially
endorsed President Grunt's adminis
tration." That's not a romarkublo
circumstance, bccntiKO threo fourths of
tho members of thoso conventions
were mado up of Post Masters, Asses
sors, Collectors and Detectives; all
holding commissions from Grunt.
Why should the "bread and butter brl
gado" not endorse him who feeds it f
I.w Tnot Bi.K. Tho narrow gungo
railroad mania is giving our Centre
county neighbors as much trouble as
iho New York riot has given Greeley's
Radical "narrow-niindud blockheads."
Wo hope however thai tho debate over
tho former, will not stop the construc
tion of a railroad from Lewisburg,
Union county, to Tyrone, becauso wo
want a shortcut ronto In go to Union
lor chorrics, and are willing to go
over a broad or narrow gauge road.
Handy. The Chairman and a lttrgo
portion of tho Radical Slate Central
Commlttoe nssomblod at Erie last
week In the enpneity of jurors In the
Unitod Slates Court. This is I handy
way or arranging party affairs, at W
per day and mi Hags. What rcvenu
rc-formers thse Radical Waders aref
SurplUM Oorernntmt OHIctala.
Tho Boston Cemmcrct'iiJ Bulletin of
recent dute says i
Apropos of civil servicO reform, wo
heard a story a day or two-mgo Illus
trative of . tho txeess of, cUm lis Id our
Departments at Wutdngtoq, nnd the
necessity for "weeding out" which ox
,ists tbero.l A pet of one of tho Sec ro
utines, who had boon, very prosistcnt
in Ins demands for "a desk, nt Isrut
ronpod tho reward of his sycophancy
by tin appointment to a cioiu ship iu
in the Secretary's department. That
dignitary, in bunding him his commis
sion, directed him to ono of tho chiefs
of sections, who would provido him
with a cluck, no ho posted oft to this
personngo. "1 he chief, on lonruinnr
hia errand, was fairly aghast ! " -
vmv tioar sir, said lie, "my section
has .IWico us many clorks as there is
work for them to do, and halt ot them
louf ubout hero now, munching apples
nnd reading Howspn per advertisements
nil day long. 1 huvon t even a desk
for you ; not even a chuir. - You sco
that desk 1" pointing lo one; "Jenkins
uuii .lvobbiiis liavo to occupy that by
turns ; and ivhun Jenkins is at work
Robbing has to loaf around in tho
ussacD, it ud via versa." .:
The new appointee hurried buck lo
the Secretary, who sent him to sooth
er, and yet a fourth, fifth, sixth ; their
song was still the same no room, no
work j overcrowded already; bothered
to death what to do with tho super
fluous loafers already on hand. At
lust this Wandering Jow of a Govern
ment sorvaut found a chief who was
also a frlond. This friond at find
couldn't see any prospect for o desk ;
us for work, there wasn't enough torn
qunrtor of his men,
However, after rummaging about
ho found a littlo off i-oom that is ha
culled it it room, but it was rather a
closet about six foot by eight, whore
lliero woro four desks crammed to
gether, und threo clerks crowded up
sido by sido. . Hero, thanks to fortune,
there wits a vacant desk. But our
wandering friend, in order to reach
his "post of duty," had to wait for tho
clurk next the door to gut out in the
pnssago nnd push his chuir under his
desk ; and this Operation took place
every lime ho went in or out. When
tit his desk he had to copy one or two
letters, and then suck his thumbs and
contemplate the futility of his exis
tence tho rest of tho day. Hero, day
after day, ho climbed in and out, and
drearily loafed tho months away.
All of which, being strictly true,
goes to provo that a thorough wood
ing out of tho Departments is ono of
tho first recommendations that tho
now commissioners ought to make to
tho Protidunl.
As Uniiatvy Conoremsmas. The
Washington correspondent of tho Cin
cinnati ComnirTd'nl1 writes:
The only cool pluco in town is the
jail, and this brings mo to tho point of
asking wbnt in pity's sake tiiu'uccd
Bowcn to urge his nppliration for a
pardon nt such n season ? He was
vory foolish for doing it; ho was a
good deol bettor off in jail with noth
ing to do but to drink juleps with
friends and nothing to think of except
tho poor devils with ono wife apiece
toiling in tho hot sun to gel a living.
Look nt it a moment like a Christian.
Hero is a man honored by bis fellow
cilir.ens to a seat in Congress so bis
lovo of fatno is glorified. Ho has threo
wives so his lovo of vanity io grati
fied, and monotony docs not weury
him. Ho is furnished with freo board
- so the necessity of personal exertion
is taken away from hira. Ho U fum
ishod with tho coolest quarters in tho
city, and Is given unlimited timo for
reflection, "and yet ho is not happy."
Does ho pino for moro wives f Does
he dosiro again to ontor tho vorlox of
politics arjd sweat himself? Does bo
desiro n en in to rush into tho hot sun
snd cheat somebody out of a living?
Does l:o want to forego juleps and the
reflections they bring ? If not, whut
in tho name of the man below induced
him to make such a stir about gelling
a pardon T
Great Railroad Sale. Tho sutes
of Pennsylvania property in the At
lantic and Grent Western Railroad
took pluco at Philadelphia, on lhc22d
of July. Tho mtondnnco was slim,
tho porsons present being principally
lawyers. Gen. Geo. B. MeClullan and
.Senator Thurmnn, of Ohio, attended
to represent iho Trustees of tho road,
Reuben, Hitchcock, Houincr and a
gentleman named Ledgomek repre
senting tho Knlish interests. The
salu was mado in three parts. Tho
first was that portion exlonding bo
tweon Sahtmnncn, in New York, nnd
Dayton, Ohio. Terms of sale 50,000
cash down. But ono bid was mndo,
nt 1500,000. Tho second was the
Franklin and Mcndvillo branch. This
lino extends from the junction with
tho main lino nt LoworMoadvillo, Pa.,
to its junction at Franklin. Senator
Thurman being the bidder, it was
knocked down nt ,100,000, 810,000
cash. The third was the Oil City
branch. This road extends from
Franklin to Oil Ci( ' Senator Thur
man being tho only bidder, the prico
was JU,tiuu; cash 1U,TOU. The arti
cles of salo wore signed by Gen. Me
Clullan and Senator Thurmnn on bo
half of Trustoes. i
Disastrous Explosion. Tho pow
der magazino at tho Washington, D.
C, Arsenal, was blown up on Satttr
day morning last, causing grout alarm
to the citisens and destroying nearly
a million dollars worth of government
properly. "Spontaneous combustion"
is credited with tho loss. Careless
noss, liko in railroad accidents, had
nothing to do with ihd disaster. This
much we will however vouch for:
That tho accounts of several govern
ment officials woro soltlod by tho
"combustion," and that said cfllccrs
wore a good ways off when tho thing
went up. ' ' i-
Go I. Tho Radical partyln Hunt
ingdon county nro mnnifnslly an im
mensely happy family. Tho Cr7o6f
of week before last dovotod some two
columns to Senator Scott k Co., and
the Jmirnal of Inst week comes back
with about tho snmo amount at Dad
Lewis A Co. The fight promises to
ho a very pretty ono, and as tho com
batants are pretty equally matched,
it tuus luir to result in regular Kilken
ny cat fashion. These loyal fights
always result in some good to the
State. ' , -
. r i a, . i
The New York Herald announces
as "good news," the fact that the cele
brated pugilists, John Morrissoy and
John C. lleonnn, were recently visit
ors lo tho Round Lake (N. X ) Metho
dist Camp Meeting. All riuht, if
they did not go there to gamble,
Hon. John V, Hall,
Whatever differences onco existed
In the Democratic party growing out
of our representative contest, tliero is
now but onu opinion as to the mnnnor
In which Mi'. Jlall discharged his duty
ni rur representative Happily those
differences nq moro exist ' t The Dom
ocrulio party fs ngnin hurmonlous, and
wo may nowclo justico to alL parties
without giving nlVcneo to nny. And
when 'wo sny Hint in" Mr. Hall wo
woro represented by one whoso ability
and integrity gnve us n just rensnrl to
bo proud of our moinbor, we but ox
press tho unanimous judgment of his
onliro constituency, Republicans na
well ns Democrats. . Indeed with
Wullaeo in Iho Senate and Hall in tho
IIouso, no district htid a'inord com
manding position than our own."
It was Mr. Hall's fortune to con
noct his harhe with two enterprisps
which; bid lair to remain enduring
monuments of bis so rv ices to the peo
ple of SU Mary's.n Ho passed tho act
incorporating St. Grogory'a College,
providing in the bill that it should bo
built at St.. Mary's ; nnd bo secured
tho charter under wbioh responsible
parties have, within u few flays con
tracted to liailtl tlio ruilronu to tue
Now York Stato line. S'f. , Maru't
Oazette. . , - .. .. .
. r- .
The Baltimore Poison i no Case
Mrs. K, G. Wharton , is now confined
iu jail in Baltimore churgud with hav
ing poisoned General W. 3- Kulohuiu
on Juno 28th, 1871, mid altompliitg
to poison Mr. ICogime Van Noss -on
Juno 21th, WL it is thought she
has also poisoned several other per
sons, among tho rest a son whose life
was insured for $30,000. - Thoro is
great excitement in Bullimoro, and in
deed in a good portion of the country,
over hor arrest on so torriblo u chargo.
Many porsons beliovo hor innocent,
but Uiu majority seom to think alio is
guilty. She is described as being a,
tall, Blunder woman, of nervous turn-
nr..., moot and Im.illl. f.ix hvim frkltnut '
Although sprightly in her conversa
tion, the has a melancholy expression
of countonunceand largo, dreamy eyes
that appear lo look inward. . Her
maiden name was Elisabeth G. NtiL'ont
and her family is among tho wealthi
est nnd most inllucntial in 1 hilancl
phla. She has a brother who is otio
of tho leading physicians of Pittstoti,
Pa. As n member of St. Luke's Pro
testant Episcopal church sho was w
gardud among Iho most pious womtn
of Baltimore.
Tub GosrEL Trliu. Tho Ivadirg
Northwestern organ of thJ Moth)
dists, the Christian Adcoeate, of Chi
cago, denounces Rev. Nowtunn 'for
mixing his religion with politics in
writing in behalf of Brother Ila-lan,
Senator from Iowa. It puts it in this
shape : ' . ' '
"It will seriously damngo liim Mr.
Harlan) unless be can disavow allcon
noction with it. . In our jtidgmeit it
ought to do so. That the church hns
no fellowship with this kind of politi
cal intermeddling, wo thus speak ut:
Change names, and for Dr. A'etrwan
put the name nf Archbishop Purcetl,
and fur James Harlan put Patrick
Mellirnry, and let the circular have
gone to terry priest in the State, how
ire would have Jcnounrcd it!' The
names unchanged, nnd tho fact cs:nh
lishod, wo detiounro it just ns promptly
and just ns soverely. That it was
'confidential makes it onlytht worst."
' ' . a) a i 4" m
X Royal Aitointmknt. Judge
Watts, of Carlisle, has announced hia
determination lo accept tho position
M ,,,.rUi nruuu en- L U fc , j , thftr(cr8,
t r ta Sffl" '.' (fV "'0 general bor-
. c t . t- r . -..I,..-.. .... 1 I
... , , . . ' r " - e,
Un s is in knotii.tir u-.l 1. lponli. rrin-t.
-- - - - - - i - -- - ..
imig Willi (..rants con
duct ever binco his inauguration. If
tliero is a monarchist in America; if.
there is a man w ho despises the peo
ple, an aristocrat, who scoffa at the
rights of tho laboring, business world,
and holds in,utlor contempt tho opinion
of people less wealthy than bimseir, it
is Judgo Frederick Walts of Cuilislu,
His appointment is thcrcloro another
proof of the centralization nnd men
archiiil inclinations of tho National
Ad mi nitration. Huntingdon Monitor
At Their Work. Miss Surii, B
Anthony and Mrs. Cndy Stanton urc
in California nnd havo publicly es
poused the Course of Mrs. Fair, under
scnlenco of death for murder. They
defend Iho mistress against tho legiti
mate wif'o. This is the fruit of freo
lovo doctrine ns held by tho majority
of those who aro to day upon the siir
faeo ns women's rights ndvocutus.
Thoso who do not desiro to bo clnssod
na advoentos of this tlangorous and
dotostablo doelrino and who hnvo ac
cepted tho Madame Stanton and An
thony ns leaders, must protest publicly
if thoy desiro to prcservo their char
actors. Trub as Gohi'EL. The Chicago
7Yme forcibly declares that General
Grant's extension of the lease of the
Bay of Samnnn, in defiance of iho un
mislnkuble action of tho Semite t his
indorsement of that exemplary carpet
bagger and ndventurer, Fabens; and
his gross prostitution of our nnvy to
tho support of Btr-s, are only addition
al exhibitions of tho imperial spirit
that has characterised .'be present ad
ministration throughout Us career.
It should bo remarked, too, that these
measures aro quito as revolutionary in
their essunoo as nullification or seces
sion, and are infinitely more insiduoui
and dangerous.
A GiriEO "Government." Grant
draws considerable attention at Long
Branch, dospito the other attractions.
He rides out in a carriage profentod
lo him, behind a span of horses pre
sontcd by ail office seeker, harnessed
up in gear presented by a Phlhidol
phinn, driven by a man in tho service
of tho govornmont, and returns home
to a cottage bought by his admirers,
sits on chairs presented by n New
York botiso, walks on carpet sent him
by Stewurt, cats from dishes the gift
of a Boston man, and rises from tho
tnblo to f.o to bed on tho gift of a
cabinet muker of Troy.;
Trouble in the Camp. At tho cel
ebration of the Fourth in llohilo, an
immcnao mass meeting of Republicans
was hold, at which resolutions were
unanimously adnplcd.donnnncing the
appointment ot ex Senator Warner as
Collector at that port and endorsin
senator tspenocr, and assuring
ministration that unless Mr. Warner's
appointment was withdrawn tho Re
publican party in Alabama was doad.
What a pity! . . -
A Delaware journal reports that a
young gentleman thoro is giving a
scrios ot dromatio performances lo
enalilo him to defray his expenses
while studying divinity. . It adds that
"ho acquits himself so wolt on the
stage that It is doubtful if he will mo
coed ia the pulpit."
.f IHnrrtilllable Vartlon.
- Tlio" Now York Sun of Tuesday Inst,
says President Grunt has finally par
doned Bowen, tho bigamist. With sin
gular propriety tho pardon was coun
tersigned by Bancroft Davis, tho bribe
taker, as Acting Sccrotnry of Stato.
Alter this thoro is no reason why any
convicted 'criminal should not bo par.
doncd. No matter bow black their
crimes or how clear tho cvidonco of
their guilt, rrosident Grant can con
sistently discharge thorn all. Bowen
is n scoundrel of extraordinary infamy.
When a Confuduruto soldior ho mur
dered his superior officer, and after
ward went over to the Union sido.
In obtaining bis sham divorce ho
fraudulently altered, with tho skill of
a countcricitcr, too records or me
Supremo Court in this city, liispqn
viction for bigamy was upon theerenr
est evidence , and if the law against
that crime is ever to be enforced, it
should be done in bis enso.
But with a prcsant-takcr for a Pres
ident, and ft bribe taker for a Secre
tary of Stnto, tho pardon of a bigamist
is something which, should not( sur
prise any one. .' " '
Tho Sun cortuinly i shines very
brightly nnd truthfully.
Tin Patent Ant Brake, Tho now
air bruke is boinggonorally introduced
throughout tho country, with tho
most sulisfuctory result. It has been
in use on tho Pennsylvania rnilrod for
sonio lime past, and has lately Icon
applied to passenger truins on Iho
Northern Central railway. The New
York Sun in a recent issue, thus refers
to this brake j - '
"The now air-brnko which is excit
ing so much attention among railroad
jnon was invented in Pittsburg. It is
outomufio Olid self adjusting, but is
directed by machinery on the engine.
Tho machinery consists of an air pump
and rccoivcr which nro worked by tho
movement of a hand lovor at tho fire
box. Pines connect the brakes of
tho entire train, and through these,
by tho movement of tho levor on the
engine, tho air is mudo to act upon
each wheel instantly. Tho expense
Of this apparatus is 6300 for thoengino,
$20 for tho tender, and (100 for each
Cali.ixo for TROors. The Rich
tnond Whig says in tho States South
of Virginia there is acompotion among
them lor tho United Stales troops.
Tho .Raleigh Sentinel is greedy, and
wants tho whole thirty thousand quar
tered iii North Carolina. Tho i&fifi
nel promises healthy, pleasant camping-grounds
about Raleigh, .and let
them stay twolvo months and voto,
(suys tho Sentinel) "and wo will un
dertake to voto every mun of them on
tho Democratic sido." This is a high
bid 1 But Goorgin wants some; so
docs Florida nnd Alabama and Loui
siana ; but tliero is South Carolina,
which needs twice as many us the
whole army. Tho people tliero ap
pear anxious to turn over the gov
ernment ab.'.olutelv to tho United
States troops. It is tho only escape
from tho insufferublo ly runny and op
pression of negro and carpet bag rulo.
What a commentary upon Republican
Government 1 ! I
More Trouiile tdan Profit. Tho
act introducing tho cumulative voting
or "freo vote," in boroughs, as passed
by the Logitduturo, was signed by the
Governor on the zd ult. It appears
4- I - I 1- .... 1 . - 'I
iv appiy oniy to too uorougns mcor
Kralcd under tho general borough law
or to boroughs hereafter to be incor
porated under said act and not to
ougu law,) having uvo councdmcn are
e " e .
v, 1 1 i ..... .
hereafter to have six, so that this new
voting system can go into effect. It
is likely to provo troublesome in hold
ing elections, and we doubt whether
It will over do much good.
Feel Good. While tho . iiadicnl
journals are so full of compliments to
wards i resident Urant lor the admi
rablo way in which he hns managed
our foreign relations, they have noth
ing to sny iu praise pf theoxccllenl
way he has managed his homo rela
tions. - They have all boen looked
after and carod for in dotail. The
President's only regret Is that he has
not more relations to manage. Ho is
amply equal lo tho task. It is an
cdilying sight to sco a man take the
good tbo gods provide, and keep it re
ligiously in the family.
Tho lUdicals are now troubled by
the "new departure" of tho Demo
cratic party. After the election ihoy
will have a more sorious troublo in its
gfiv drfrtisfmcnts.
BRAffl, Topper and Porcelain lined Preserv
ing Kettles, for ssle by
July S-a.SU ,, U. F.I1IGLER CO.
IXKCirroiVS, tel.
J fers Testamentary on the estate of W. W.
ANDF.ItRON, deo'd, lata of Blooss tp, Clearfield
Co-, rohavolien granted lo lbs andoraigned.aad
all persons indebted to said estate are request
ed 1o make immediate paymett, and those having
omlma against tha earn will present them, duly
authenticated, for aeltlrment la Wallac. A Field
ing, attorneys at law, Clearfield, Pa.
July S,isri-t Eiaautar.
IKKD CTTTKH8, tha largtst assortment arar
X brought to tba county.
Call In and eaamine
F. niULKH A Co.
The best conducted, most popular and. success
ful initltution in the t'nited States, for the thor
ough, practical education, of ynang and middle
aged men. -For large deseriptira oiraalars,
coutainiltg full particulars, address
J.Ofl Jm i. 0. p MIT II, A. M , Principal.
l.RUIT CAN, soldered oa tha salable, ofoor
own manufaotura.
Al.o, tllass Fruit Jars.
tor sale by
IN Til li iH Pll ANrV COURT of Clearfield
eminty, Pennsylvania.
In tha matter of the petition of Hannah Kol
.Icr, devisee of Pavld Horn, for specific pcrfnrm
sneo of contract of Joseph Lines, deceased, with
said David Hern. The anderaigned Comlais
sloBcr, appointed by aaid Court to take testimony
in proof of eontraot, payment, Sc., in this cae,
icn-oy gives snnss Hia. no win attend tn the du
ties of his appointment at tha offlr-a of Una. J. B.
irnnally, in liearnrld, l's.,oa Tuesday, lbs 12th
,ly or September, A. I). IS. I, St I oVIoek P. M ,
when and where all parties Interested mar attend
Jnly Jtl, 18TI St" . CommissloSsr.
BRArlt), Cnpp.r snd Poreelsln lined Preserr
ing Kettlee, for sale by
July ifi.-Jt. II. F. BIGLER A CO.
11 Tim UH Pll A UN1 COURT of Clear.
eld ow.ntT. I'ennsvlvanla.
In the matur of tha partition of the real
01 niijso omeat, lata ol Hoggs towmbip, In said
county, deeeaaed. To tha heirs and legal repre
resentativea of said deeeased i Take aotice, thai
,nnnHJ I IJ l. L.IJ . I 1 1.1
. .1 u UB MV , T ...II I IO PTW-
ferd township, said eonnly, on FHIUAY, the Sh
HAY OF MhTTE.MBF.R, A. D. 1K71, at Oviook,
A. M., af that day, for tha parpoae of making
partition of lha rrai esUle of Uie said deceased,
to and among kla legal reareerataliros, if tka
same ean be dona without prejudice lo or spoiling
ef tha whole, otherwise la value and appraise Ike
rema aenrdlng lo law, at which lima and pises
yon .vtjmivco mi anenq ti yon inina proper,
Jl STIIf J, P1K, Sharif.
Saaatrr's Orrtra, 1
Clearfisld, Po., July Je, 1171,
r ; ,-! ' .'T - ' 4
h ! I i 771 I :
I n ti ' -!
Orange vs. Green I
RrcrvljoJj U fiwart that our "Foreign Belt-it,
tions" nave hnd a big lima In New York lately,
bnt Mayor flail and Oovernor Holfmso and Chief.
Kelso and a lot of olhor fellowa have got It fixed
np, and tha Paddys have stuak the Tiandles in
their picks and gone to work again. -. -.
Put, notwithstanding all thla, tha KEYSTONE
811011 fiTOKK ha. tecu re-II 1 1 id with a stock of
Boots & Sliocs of all dcscrlptionn,
... ;t-t
from tho coarsest to the finest, and from tha big
gest to tho leaet-jri .y-'ip.(js - ' -rt... 1
A large stock of Ladles' Shoes,- -Ouitsrs and
Slippers, of all allcs, kinds aad prlooa, . i e ,
fjent's Shoes, Hoots, flslters, Flippers a tna
assortment. Misses' and Children's fhoes and
Oaiters of all descriptions, liuy'i Root! A Hhoes,
a vary large variety. ' ' ' '
A cordial Invitation la axteaded to all to aall
and aiaioine my stock, and Salter myself that I
oan ph-aso tbo most fastidious, both aa to atyle
and prioa.
JytS - i Keystone Phot Store, Clearfield, Pa. '
"I7IEKI) CVTTER", tha largest assortment ever
U brought to the county.
I an tn and examine
F. 1)1(1 LI! It A CO.
A Male tut) if male CUulral Hlh Scliool,
-.-t"tt: - Uepartment Me pn to, Dlnthict and
Complete In lUelf.
fpi.K MthuUttfo ytr ot (hit Inrtttotlnu it IM
1. dJ tfito two iwniant of ftve miDthi (twnty
ou weuk) taeh. Theflrvt Kiiion oummftiori on
tha fimt Mnnrlajln Hrplrmber; the eootitJr on the
firit MomtiAj In fthtunrfi ' ' ' t
Tbn ouuriw af initruotion tmbraoti tverjr Uiicg
ceoeMftry tu a tborowgh. pracliMl ud aeeoBipliah
d miacatioa of both exes.
Pupil will U ftdtaitted t njr time and cbtrrJ
from Ut of tntn.Dc to lb oIom of th MMioa.
ISo dtdiMtiun will b tnatlo for abfwnao, txeept
ta eaMf of cxtrewo and protracted tllnesi.
fitudeola from a diataooaeaa bt aoeotninodatcd
with board at low rate.
For partieulart, anoil fur etronlart, ot adirM
Her. P. L. llAHHlriuN, A. M.,
July 20, U71-t. - ; Principal. '
Attraotlrely ittuatel in a hnlthrul and beauti
ful rrfrion, onr-foarth of a milt from Pt-naitlvaoia
Hailruad. Four rrfruUr graduatfi, i dieted bj
other oonipetrnt in at roc turn, eotiilituto thaeorpa
of in ft ruction. Tha Priooipal tjfor dud; yean
In charg.) of Tutcarora Academy, and iiice lh2
the head of this Inatitution,) refer to hia numer
ous pupil i in all tha learned prntVasioni and io
every department of bunincm, Turku: f2(il)per
annum. Manie and Painting rpwialtici. full
lOFilon will com men cp Prptrmt.rr l-t, 1871.
Addreci, JjAVID WTT.itN, A. Jf.
jyl'B am
IRflT CANP, aolderrd on tha ant ride, of oor
own mauufactura. Alio, tJlaxi Fruit Jan.
fur tala b , U. F. liUilsKHs A CO.
County National Bank;
T ) OO M In Mtuonte HuiMintc. one door north of
JVC 11. W almtrti I)rn(f Store.
I'naeMjre Tirkptt to and from Liverpool, Querni
town, (iluFgow, Lon loo, Parhi and Copenhagen.
At'O, Uratli for Bale on the Hoyal bank of Ireland
and Imperial Bank of London.
W. M. FIIAW, Ca-hicr. Jy2o'TI
Cement, for aala by
"P 1.1 II A R M A N ,
Practical millwrigut,
Agent rnr lha A-nertean Dooi-le Turbine Water
Wheel and Audrewn A kalbaoh Wheel, tan ftit
man Portable tlritt Milla on short nulice. Jyl2'71
A flrst-elass Pehord for l)Oth arxes, Williams.
port, Pa. Fall session opens August 241b, 187 1.
ror oaiuiogucs, editress
July II, 1971 St. PresidcuL
. f Clrarflrld, Pa. . .
Tha undersigned has taken the nhova named
hotel, and respectfully eolioits a share of natron
ago. Its close proximity t. Ihe Depot, makes this
hoaae a desirable shopping place for the traveling
pu'.ne. (jyil) . - B. II. KOW.
i IMI KlffTKATOKH' KOITCR, rtotlea
Ti is hereby given that letters of administration
on the estate or I'AVIl) SI'MiKltLAM), dee'd,
lata of Hell township, Clearfield Conntv. Pa
having liern duly granted to th. undersigned,
all persona indebted to said estate will please make
payment, and thoso having etalma or demands
will present them properly authenticated for set.
tlement. fU.Mt'KI, (U N DKKI.AXn,
' June J, lSTI-St Administrators.
CLBinriai.a CoraTY, Pkkv'a.
This long established and Donular note! Is still
kept by the suhsoriber, who sparee no etTort to
please all who patronise him. MTo please, is the
motto at the American House, and all that is asked
la a trial. R. W. KKKT, Proprietor.
Onrwrnaville, Maroh 15, 1HT I If.
In TIIP.('lll'IITnPniuw(V PI.I'.AS
or Clearfield county, Pa.
C. Kaarsna ) Na. ISJ. ept. Trrtn. H70.
vs. Yend. Ks No. SI, March
G. D. Iloonrll.l.ow. I Term, l;!.
And now, to wit. sth Jane. 1871, on motion of
John II. Fnlford, Ksq,., John I. Cuttle is appoint
ed th. Auditor lo aaoerlain tho amount and pri
ority of lima and r.purt distribution of lb. pro
ceeds arising from tha sale of real estate of ssid
Uoodfcllow. V. A. M AYKR, I. J.
In pursuance of said appointment the subscri
ber will attend to Ihe duties thereof at the Arbi
tration lloom, in the Court House, oa Wednesday,
the loth August, 1871, when and where all parties
ioteraetcd ara required to make their elaitue or be
debarred from ooming in on said fun.l.
Jy IB 71 JU JOHN L. CUTTLE, Auditor.
Manufaetared aspeeially for
n. r. BI0I.KB A CO.
ioiar acaoLVTion
Proposing an atnrndmrnt to tha Constitution of
Dt .'I eesnfeetf is las AVaote find fnoss o Jfspre
searot.'re o IA. tVs.a.oaMo'r. of feN'srtn'n Va
tjeaeraf AMentftie etet, That the followiug amend
ment of the Constitution of this Commonwealth
be proposed to lha people for their adoption or
reieanon, pursuant to tna provKrona .1 tbo tenth
btiici. invreui, to wit :
"trlkeout theglsth Heelloa of Ihe Siith Article
of the Constitution, and insort in lieu thrreof the
following t
'A 8tala Treasurer shall be chosen l.v the qnalt
fled electors ot the Stale, at each limes and for suoh
term of eervioe as shall be prescribed hy law."
Fpaaker of tha House of Hepresentolives,
Speaker of tha Senate,
Approved tha lMh day of June, Anna Ilomial
one thousand eight baadred and aerentv-one.
Prepared and certified for publication pursuant
la th. Tenth Article of the Constitution.
Peeretary of Ihe Commonwealth.
Office fiworetar of In. Cmmonwealth, I .
Harrisburg, July eth, 17I, ) lillol
trtaTicp-H' ortaTARi.K.n' kirm.
We hare printed a large aamber of th. oew
KKB KILL, and will oa tha receipt of twonty.
vt csmts, mail a tff la anv address. av
tfstatt (or nlf.
a A L EI
Reals Estate I
The aubsorlber offers for sale hia property on
Market atrooL. (next door to AUrgh.ny Hotel,)
ClearSold, Pa., being a lot and a half, li feel
front on Market afreet, with a doable plank two-
etory IlOtiriU, oMitalning- feur large rooms down
stairs and all goou nro rooms up siaira, anu govu
frame plank BTAIII.E and all other necessary
uuthujlilinia orectxd thereon, . Thna WELLS of
good wafer on the premises. -
. jWFur terms and eokl'lona apply on tka
nrrmises. or to Frank 6hort, at the Miort Rho.
rihop, o.zt door to Miller A Powell's afire, Mar
ket street, or oy letter to e
T. HtlOnT,
JylJ C. 'J ClearfeH, ClearDsId Co , I'a. ,
J : , ,
9 H 8 A I. E t ,
Good Bargains Offered !
The rabacriber ofTen for tale bit RAW MTLL
FKOPKKXY, known aa the Antii Mill, on the
8utquha.niiH) River, withio IJ in ilea of the bor
ough of ClearOeld, Clearfield eountj, Pa., eontain
ing 50 acrca, with a good new Circular Mill; or,
will iwll location and water power for tha erection
of a Woolen Factory or, a practieal van baring
worked at and wall acquainted with tho buaiaoaa,
and aoiniitg well reoommended, ean have a part
ner to Join him It) ereeting a Woolen Pact or v on
the abore Inoatioa. wbioh ia acknowledged to bo
the beat In Clearfield eoontj.
fiiihtcriber alao often four or re HOUSES and
LOTS in the boroueh of Cliarficld. Hmne of them
well aditpt--d for boarding hontca. Will ba aold
on muonabie term a.
Alao, one-half of 8IXTV ACRES OP LAND
and watar power on Clearflt-ld Creek, near the
railroad, which waa bought exprcaaly for tho wa
ter power, ana woum maae a nice larm.
Alao, aerea of Warrant No. 6778, and
area of Warrant lo. 42-5)4, and 111 aerea, the
whole of Warrant No. 4257. Theao threa traoti
lay on the wateri of Aoderaoa'i Creek, in Clear
field eounty.
The whole of the abore tracta an underlaid with
Coal, beaidee other valuable inineraif, and have
oonaidcrablo Timber thereon. The whole or any
part of it ean be bought low.
Pereona deairoui of purchasing or wanting any
Information, ean apply to tha lubaeriber at Clear
field, Clearfield county, Pa.
Valuable Real Estate I
The tnbarriber will efTur at Pubtio Salt, on
THL'HHIA V, J4th day of Al'iU'KT, neit, (if aot
aooncr fold.) at I o'clock p. wj., at hia bona, hit
entire property, situate ia Union townthip, Clear
field county. I'a., oontuting of 80ii Aerea and lis
per eent. allowance of the brtt Farm, Timber and
t nni itandn, in tnrve rurvryp, lyxng )n one body.
Will be aold either aeprate or together, at roanon
ableratea. The IM l'HO KMKM.S are aa ful
lowt, via: About HA Arret cleared and ander
good cultivation, with four Dwelling lloupea, three
liarot, one Sawmill, and olhor outbnildin-ifa, and
throe fi rat -rate Orchards of choice fruit. The beat
of running water near the bou'et.
The balanoo of theae lands timbered with Fine,
Hemlock and other timber, lufiV-icnt to cut about
flie million (b.OuO.OCiOj feet of lumWr. For a
mineral property tbia ia tha beat in tbia part of
the country; corn-Mating of Iron Ore, Limestone
and Stone Coal of the beat quality. Large veinn,
eaxily mined, and convenient ta the Raiiroadi now
uader way nf building.
9uFor particulate eall on lha tubicriber or
addreaa him at Rock ton F. O.. Clearfield county.
June 11-Ot JOHN MiKLKK.
jjion sales ;
Valuable HoteMn Wallaceton ! r :
A large and commodious la vera Stand tituate
oa tbo corner of Clearfield and Uaughman atreett
in the village of Wallaoeton. Tlie building ii 32
x."2 feot in aiie, with good itabling attached to
the prcmiaca. Tha Iloute haa a fair ahare of the
publio patronage and will be cold on moderate
terms. For further inform alius apply to tbo lub
aeriber, retabliug on tha premises.
May M-2m t.tO. W. 1IARKIN3.
Valuable CrlstMill For Sale!
fpiIB undersigned offers For Bala a Grift Mil!,
JL Dwelling lloute and Store House, situnte in
iNvw Millport, Clearfield eounty, Pa, The Mill ia
in good oondition, baring been repaired and put
in excellent order within the last year, and has a
good paying eustom. It Is situated in n of the
best wbeat-gruwing eectioas of the county, which
4lecideily increaws ita value. Tba Dwelling
Uoufte and Store Room are also In good order.
Together -with tha above property will b sold
partly cleared and balanca In Timber Land,
Terms ma-le known on application to tha
nnirraigned at new Millport r. U.
May 81 -3m JOI!!? FOX
Timber and Coal Lands
The following tracta nf TimVer and Coal LaAd
ara oncred for tala: Una tract of 17.000 acres,
ring on me cia uiver, in n colter county ; three
tracta lying on the same river in Braxton cuuntv
two of ,000 aorra each and one of 1 .000 acres ;
and on tract containing 0.JW0 aerea, Iving on the
Uauley River, ia Nicholas oounty, thetitles to
thcue lands ara perfect.
Any Information concerning these landacan be
nan ty ai.ircwing u. b, Kl,hi)AI.,
Marth22t 1871-tf. Phllipsbarg, Pa:
Farm for Sale 1
pONTAIXING 26 ACRES, iB a good state of
y euitivalmn, situated in Tike township, Clrar
field euanty. Pa., mhnnt eighty rods from Logaa'i
Flouring Mill, on the turnpike leading from Cur
wensviile to Clearfield. Hating a story and a halt
house, stable and oat-building therein. There
is also a good spring and a young err hard oa tha
premises. Any parson desiring a nice lit tie bona
will find thit a very dcvirahle location.
For further particulars In nut re of Raoliel Cald
well, on Iht premises, or address
March 29-tf. Curwensville, Pa.
T II Ii P V 11 1 1 CI
Agricultural Implements I
Thos. In want of Tmprnvrd Atrienltural Im
plrmenls should call on M. tl. IIKHW'N, Mar act
street ('Icarni-ld, Pa., ho sells the U-sb
ahlrh took the first prlre at the Tarir Eiposillon
in IM67, when sUt.en -if tha hcsl Vowing ,M
chinea In Korope and America were on trial.
Will trarrnal It lo give salis'arliiin.and tire time
lor i rial, wnea, 11 it noea not work si recommend
ed, it can b. returned.
Two of Ine best HAY It A KEN. Rtoner's ...I
IU(crstown liake. which defv their rqual. Two
styles of HAY Hlllhn, Ne'llis and Sproaia.
. ELLIS A IIOOFM AX'S one horse
TIIRESHIXO macuinm:s,
wnlch will thrrsh from one hundred lo two hun
dred bushcra of arala la a day. Will do more
work than moat of ttie two horse Threshing Ma
ohlnea In Market. '
Baekaye Oraln Drill, .'Inner Fsnn'ne; Mill,
Ivesl la aaaikel, Ceed Cattere f
a.1 kinds,
Iliekork Cl.lar U i II, Dog pewan for Churns,
and ail things la our lina.
M. u. BRorry.
Clearlleld, July 11, l?l.
IXKCtlTOlf'S TOTICr. Solids Vre,
A hy sTl'ea that Letters Testsmcntarr having
he.-, granted to Ihe, on the k Piste of
MU'IUKL Hl'MiRRbAMI, deed, late of llrll
township, Clearfield eoanlv, I'ena.ylvanla. all
persons indebted to aaid kslot. are requested lo
make Imnvedlnta payment, and Ihns. baring
elasms agaiast ta aaro'. wiU present them duly
aathaaUoaled for actllemenl.
Jan, It, lirt.dt, Circular.
Clearfield County Bank"
rpiIK Clearfield County Dl
X tod Instltatioa has goB9 0Bl 0f " B(t6rWi I
miviiudr ui in eaarttr, oa u. "h
A IU stock Is awntd by th, .u"'''1'
willoontlnaa tba banking bynlll Sl,
p aet,as private Pauksrs, under .hi.
of the 'Clearlleld Con
fly HiLk.' w. w
cvu.iuioiur is. USUISOI tin 1;,, j
m oo.vs on
teion demand at iht ernmti, VniUj I
'.d and Interest paid h,n ,,' I
d lima, l'aper discounitdst ,,, '' I
retofora. Our person.l re,. I
a tied I
aa Heretofore. Hue
pledged for all Deposits r.i,e( "!''') .
translated. A continnanca of the nLl""'"
ronage of tha business men of t .,' hi
.peclfullveolWed. At Pre.ideet r.,?'"'
- v.esi.aBia S-Outitt h I
require the notes of .said I).0k to (,;,, I
for redemption. I
WM. P0RTKH, JAS. b nu&
A. K. WKIOIIT, a. I,, lip pi, "i
uui.ine.soi is. nana will Is tor,d.o, I
John M- Adams., Esq as Cash lr. Ii . . I
""., I
J.D.MOlrk. EdotHP.
'- mcgirk & perks.
Successors to FosUr, Parks, t Co
Plilllpabarfr, Centra County, p,
uriivue .ii .i . : . ..
u,...u.u ui. ousioess Ol a U.hHb. I
1 1 will oe transacted promptl, m
most faroraole terms. JS?
JVEBYBODT trying to get tbcte lrit(f.rfil(
J of being crowded out into the cold.
ii yon want good rboeing dons, go to Bin, I
If yon want yoor 8 let's ironed right, go to Btin
ii yon want good fliili irons, go to Buu
If yoo want your wagon Ironed inthsbtit
styls and workmanship, go to Bin-
Usirs makes tha best 6tomp MarniBtiiib
Suta, aad doas ail kinds of BLACKSMITHljj
as ebatp at oan bo dona In the oountv for Cta
mj rusi, viuca aa ureas n uiearneio, fs.
Boggi Tp., Dae. 10, 1867-tf.
Cheap l'u mil ure.
D1SIRES to Inform bit old friends scJru I
torn era, that having enlarged ku itoau I
inoreased his facilities for manufacturing, kit I
now prepared to make to order sack FurnnriM.. I
may be desired, in good aty la and at ebeaa nits I
for CASH, lie generally bas on hind, at b I
rurnnure rooms, w vanen asaonmsDi ot restj,
made fanitura, among which ara
Wardrobes and Book-Cases; Centre, Sofa, Vultr,
Breakfast and Lining Extenstot Tahiti: Cm.
mon. Frtaeh-post,Cotugt,Jenny-Lind and oiW I
tleditadi tcfaj or all kinds. ork-itaats, !
Hut-racks, Wash-stands t Rooking and Ar
Cbairs t sprinr-aoat, caaa-bottom, narlor. turn- I
mon and other Chairs; Looking-Ulassei of tTtry
detcriptlsn oa band ; and new glasses- for tli
frames, which will ba pat in on vary reasassbn
terms en shortest notice. Ita also koeps on but
or famishes to order, Corn bosk. Hair and Ctv
toa-top Mattressai.
Coffins op Evert Kind
Made to order, and funerals atteadtd with i
Hearse whenever desired. Alio, House Paiotiif I
dona to order. Tbo subscriber also maoutM-
tores, and bas constantly oa band, Clamntl
Patent n ashing Machine, tha batt now In im!
loots asing tbtt machine never need ba wittu
out eleaa clothes 1 lis also kas Flyer's PaUtt
Cbura, a superior article. A family using U'j
Cbura never need ba without battar 1
AM ths above and many othai articles art fir
nisbed to eustom era cheap for Caaa or sxebasfti
frr approved aonntry produce Cherry, Mspli,
Poplar, Lin wood and otksr Lumber suitable for
Cabinet aork, taken in txchangs for fur nils',
jrRcmember tha shop Is aa Market stmt,
Cloaific-lJ, Pa., and noariy oppoaite tke "Old Jev
Korembtr 2t, ISA2 j
Market St., Clrarflrld, (at tlie Pott Office.)
fpllE undersigned btgt leave to announce t
X theeitisens of Clearfisld and vicinity, thai
bs bas fitted np a room and has just renins,
from ths eity with a large amount of readitg
matter, consisting in part of
' Bibles and Miscellaneoas Books,
Blank, Account and Pass Books of every de
scription i Papar and Envelopes, French preista'
and plaint Pans and Pencils Blank, Le-rtl
Papers, Deeds, Mortgages; Judgment, Eienp
tion and Promissory notes; White aad Parck;
ment Drier, Legal Cap, Record Cap, and Bill Cap,
Sheet, Musis lor either Plana, Flute ar Violis
constantly an band,. Any boaka or station srj
desired that I may aot have oa hand, will be or
ordered by first express, and sold at abtlsialt
or retail to snit customers. I will alio keep
periodical literature, sack as Magetint. Nwi.
papers, as. P. A. ttAl LlM.
Clearfield May T, lb8-tf
Stono-Cutter nnfJ Stone-Mason,
1T ILL eieente all work in his line at taed.
It orals prices and ia FIHPT-t LASS ttjls.
. Architectural Ornaments
In ALL STYLES, Stone Ireesln of ever,
descrirtloa, and all kinda of mason work ros
trated for in .rent of the enanty. Any person
wishing to have respectable mason aork aal
atoae-rutting dona, will Ii.d it lo their iatersit
to call npoa ana I would also Inform lbs pok
llc that I ean deliver any qaaatlty or class it
ston. dosired, as I sm ths owner of a
Orders for work ran ba addressed to
atar:3,T Clearteld I'a.
Haft) just opened a
Niar Stoat, on Main 8t.,CLiianr.LB, Pa.,
lately occupied by Win. F. IRWIN.
Tbeir stock eonaiati of .
Lli 1" C22 CD CD LD 51j
Otocktt'.ga of Iht brat quality,
and ?ery article aeceiaar for.
"one'a comfo.-t.
Call and txamlne oor itock before pur elaasrhere. May 9. ISiCfi.lf.
The Lightning Tamer.
IlflK nnder.lgned ar tha aols Agents In tbia
county for tha "North American Galvanised
LlilllTMNU KUDS." These ara ike aely saf
rods now la use, and are eadorssd hy all Ik a
sclent a mse la lha eeunlry.
VY kerehv antlfv th. eitlsena of lha eeaaly
j that a will put theaa ap a belter red, and fas
.era, sea. IS OB.rgea Dy SO. lor.if.
genu who annnolly t ravers, the eounty and
carry of ear lulls cash, aevar to retura.
Those wishing Lightning Hods ersrted
ihelr buildings aeed but address as by leitsr, or
call la person. We will put them up anyahsra
ia thaeoanty, aad warrant them. The Hods and
Fiiiarea ean be aaea at any time be aallln, al
our etore. H. K, UlULkE A CO.
- Clearfield, March It,
Clearfield Nursery.
rpilg aadenlgnrd, having established t H
X eery oa Ihe Tike, ahoal kalf way between
Clearteld and CoewenaTllls, la prepared le fa'
aisk allklad. of 'Rl IT THKKe),(sMudardaad
dwarf,) Kvargnieas, Shrahhery, Orap. Vlaes.
Qooseberries, Lawtoa Ulaehheny, airawberryi
aad Rasbarry Viae. Also, SiberiaaCrab Trees,
Qulaee, aad early aetrl.l hhubarb, Aa. Orders
promptly attended to. Address,
J. i. wmeHT.
sspll 8 y Carweasvlils, Fa
JkK'- KTIKS-The tsj laleat alylae
4 P, R. rrLLJRTOK-l,
If pall
papaf t