THE ItEl'UlJLlCAN. cuuiuian, pa. WKrNKPA Y MOUMNtJ, Jl'I.Y 12. l71. I LAIN l.AN.A.i. 1- HUM 'I HI 1 11 111. JAMi: nr biu:t n.iiiTK. Which I with to remark, And my Ian ((mure is plain,- Tlmt for hmv t lutt are ilurk And for tricks (hat are ruin, Dip heathen. ( liiiH-t' le pi'iu.iar. Which the same I would rise: to explain. All Sin wii hi nm nt ; An I 1 N 1ml I nut deny Id rcnml to llic auuio What ilutr muuu uiih imply j But hi miute it wan p-uth v unit clnMliUo An 1 liTtpicnt reu.urktJ tj Nyu. Il ttn Aniist the third ; And (pntp toft wns the tkiot; Ut tcli ii iniht he inlt-m''! 'I lint Ah Hiii wh likfuiito ; Ywi ho piny t-il it thnt il,iy iin William An ) nm in n wny 1 tlij-isi'. Which we lnrl a sinul jrninc, Aud All Mil tcjuk n linn i i It I'.iii'hrc. 'JitOisiUio iliU nul imili i n'mid ; Hnt h. unileil as ho fill liy thr taMo, Wilh Iliu srol lethal wnsrlriMliko unci h!a:id. Ye tlm cants they were shu-Lcd lu a way that I jccit vi', Aul uiv lii'lintf .., t.,irl.ixl ..' tin: ntd'i' tii' Nyc'c sin vi, Wint'h wh.h KtuMV I hill u,'aii: oii'l ho with, Ami tin1 iU'.iiiv with mUut t'i duH'ivc. Itut tin vrcie plajol I'., that hralliiu Chime, An-) lui'piiiu; rliit' he ma la WVro u j 1 1 iritftVlitl Id tee, Till nt he pui ditwn n ri ti ? bowrr, Which the mine Nye had dell unto ui Thi'll I loo'ttrj up nt Xvc, And In- gnzed I'pitn uie ; At: 1 hi- ruff w i f i a pi:;h, .l't lie a.,-'. I, ', :in lliii he? Wv arc ruined hy 'h!no chenp hihor," Ami he went lor tint heathvn I'lii-i-?. lu the scene tli it entued I 'li I not take a i:iin, t lie floor it hum strewed the huvet on the n'rnnd Willi the card;; that Ah fm ha I been In.Iin-, lu the JjMitu "Uv Ji'l uut mnl ra;mj." In h! Klifvec, which were lonj, Hi ha I twi'ii'y-fiiur piu'k, IVirt-h wiip (Mining it s'roiiij, Y t I fn'.- hut the tin.''-; And we fi'iiti'l on hi1 niii'", which worn hi'icr, What it frequent in t:.jrif, that's wax. "Which ii why I n-mnik, A ii J my liuiiiiuifL' in pliiin, Tit;t t'r wnyn tlm" rt l:irk, An'l for trirk tluit n vain, Th1 hni'hcn I'hini'i' iii pcti).iir Which the --yim' I am tree to mnluttiin. "'I'm v I'm N'T Stiai,." A curiv sM.iuli'i'l (i I In' CiiK'iinuil I t'tiuiwrt'iiil, Ki'iillitMii ) ulm litis Ik'i'ii h mil, rini; IHll'l' lllll Wlc.ll- lll('l S.'lltll t':ii"iinti, n'lvv iiltrrins to his tuns iti's ns Iiillmvi : ll'i'.v tin p. frurtili. h Irivti hrrri 1 1 nt I. i'ii itp ii ii 1 1 si-;!' t i-ri'il ! 'I'd c tnrmrr i.u 'iii-1 -I tin1 II n in tiM is is nriw ti (i i'i i In to lull. " 11 1 1 till' filliulv is III! .ii ;i r i no ii M" in I lit' In mi I lint it iiihv w.-is Tlio I'l i sliHIK. Mlllill. lulls, 1'ii lilll'JS Mini J ' " , I . Iiiivii nil lioi-ii ii'iluii'.l tiuin ll' lilirll I'Ultili'H. TIll'V 1110 11(1 lull 'll' I III' mill's III Si ill III ( 'llllllillll. Hilt !. t us i ish I'vi i vtliiii to lln ii" I ii (lit llint is tlm-, ami miv Unit llipinyli llio Imii; j furs lluil tin-so Ininilii'ti t-1 1 ! J '.he Suite thry ttnlr lnmr af it a ruMiiici, nnr ,lifrilirl tinur nf 7.s 11 jililrrg bj itiriitt mi'l rurniji' nini. I'.iiiliy in tin' olil tiino ,-nn, licin I H'lin 11 rut ic 1 1 ! i t i itt mm ci'o, tiny were V halovi'i" ilii'y did, ttu ij ilid not ttntl." An Aii.ianck. Anicrican Inynllr nini lii iiisli Jlnynlt y is nluuit niiiiiin; li.f tlio iiiiii"'ivi'iiioiii of tho suiil nrli 1-leH. ll'tlil' I'jll'iipi'lill (li'llijlilljr stlllltls No. -II in u iIiism ul 41, tho tunin Hioulil l' iii.iilii line fli'sli Ii y nil tnontis Itwiiiitil lionjiily tn ruin t fn milit-M in tin1 fntiiio liy intcit'i'iiii!; witli tlio pii si nt nrniiiti'ini'iit. 1 ho N. Y li' tlmt rocrlit U'l'i'fn roci-ivi'd li "in l,iit'i"ti ftnto tlini Qiti i'ii Vioto i'ii wiiiilM liiT yinii'L'i-t iliiiiirlil"!' In in I'ty Cmlot (irniil, nun 01 tlm I'l'i'-i-1 1 on l ; t lint tlio niMtti'i- hns Leon Im'oicIi- I'll In till' Ylllllljr lllllll, ivlm Nl'l'tns ti"tlin lontli In tlio rural iilliiiiici' Ii is tlmmrlit Hint 11 iinio'i ol lliiskind m ill IihVo 11 ti'iidi'liry tn (einonl tl por- il'U.l Jii'ii'ii liclwii'ii tlm two cniin I in .Next tin re Diiylit tn lin n tiiynl t'iil limiid I'm" liiilinin Yoiihl;'' mm iiliicli wniilil (iceiu'e tlio I'tii' 1 1 I li i j ul' tin.' Kingdom of Mnniiiiinliuii. CuiiiiKcr UidTiiiir Tlio I'liiliidel I'luii Arte KiiyK : (ii'iirc (inite, tlio ;;n:llt Ul'itfl', ttlio lint just died in i'.' ;;':ind, merits e('inl renieiiilininei' i" 'Ids, I It It t. Il U W il M Hie lil'Hl Klirlinli 1111111 who unite llio liistoty nl 1 1 1 11 lini'U l!i'lllllli('rt ill II lrlll,,ci',ltic e"iil. fiior liistoiinns, who nrnto f"f thf" I'nylisli jinlilie. cnti'lnl In the I't istoc'lltio 81'h'iiil, nlid ielilied elaho ml', libels 011 tho free il 111 inns of G 1 11 to. Till" wns t ho totio n M itloi d, :iiid other Kti li-sti Hcli'il.'trn But (inite'H history is 11 noldo viniliint imi i,t' liri't'lt lletnoil'ucv, uinhr whiih 111U. liti'intiire, m il vijiiiliir lilieiiy limn ishi'd loejetln r, in ihe mlniy ihiys ul ti n Iii'iiihlics Ihnt. worn nlioi ivuhIk ti 1. il'li ii down hy tho hiutiil linol'td inililnry inwer. I'ltr. (Jtti AT City The result nf the 'i'Msiis tiiken til midnight on Siiinhiy. i-lio I'd td'Atnil lust, tlnotwliont l,nn- 11 is innv irt iininiiini'i'il, mid ivex (in' (-rent city n,.i I ,'t I 1 1 1 liii I t ' :i 1 , 1 m. Of. til ttlllliy pi Ojlll! IIS I. Ill' hist CI'IIMIH ' lis I Iiiii o hitvo-in the S'lilos nl' )!iin nini Cnliliirniii, with tin, Terri t it'll "I' M'ltilniiii nini Wyoiniiii; t'irowii in. lint I wo of our Kiairn. o Yoik nini I't'iinsylvuiiiu, oxiri'd ' Lniiilnii Inn 11," mid the hitler lins 11 Hie i-liin-o lo do it. As ciiiii,ii'id' ' 1 Ii t lio lil-t census. London shoii s nn ; n li'nso ill ten Yi'iiik of 1IS.7'MI, of lit ''n Inio of 111 per celil , wlulo New ti ! City is only nhown in the s.-une ! "0 lo linvo incri'iisi'il 11 ' t'i' 11 1 ! ' iihi(i'lihi.i is ifi'iliti'd wilh 1111 in i o.l 'O of 111 per Cent. Cin iii'ii I'mvu. U Imi n kci iiioii ;lit wo not pri'iicli upim tlioso little ' ;ea ! sinnll iihi.liii jilniji'H ol riirlh- . . t : I ". 1 c t i . 1 1 1 ! siinetiinries for noil- nplnoi'iiey in (tn. I'm own house, midi ( liUlllhl'l'H Inr Iniiu n sell 'lnl-i- 'niiolll W hut mi ilihtl lll'livo t nlln "1 MHu'lit not the d' nl honi'li of tho 1 T eh 11 rill jroor hold Willi tho "l' ' 1 liioiied Rent of tho tnisoi'iililo sin ' ( m w ho oni u a wei l fin lliroiiali thr . ii niony of si iiiii; In thiiili llicin- - vea dusl, nini wilh fncus nlei ieil in a "vfi lioui's' Initiiiliiy. iiiuho up their in nls to endure 11 talk of tlio jud -1 t. J n "Waiiii " . K. Tiinitr, i ' .ro I liii'inlii'r of Ciini ess linin '1I111111H, him lt'p('ii'li d Jniiii ti,.,., u 1 '. hoy ill I he ld!l 'il nf Iho Siliiii, -inn, it 1'ii'li't In West I'oiut, Hull, l e t 'I'Dieasiiuiu nini his ii'ioiii(i e n , 0 otii'O ahivt'H of J)r (ieo.ol Solum Iwilo H iyd. nf CitieiiiiKili, knocked " lover heml nver lift-In Into th 'I- j 'I. Inst Vi'dnodny, hoi nuso alio 'jltt linn almwinn her Jilintnrojili i-ruwd of j uuiir mull uti. Ihu step 4 tfiloon. piy emails, Cirorcilcs, tftr. (i v n v i !: ii tt o n IN CLKARFIKLD COUNTY who wuuti to lay HBV (IOOIIH, uitoemuiw, HAHIIWAltE, Ql'EEySWAllE, Or an'ltiini; rNe tlmt Ik unrul to Man, Wuman or llnM, utioulil tn-ar In nuna tltnt MILLER & POWELL llnvn tiitrchnitr'il tlio entire fltm:k of foi arxl miTr'l ttic Ktorc ro m inrmnrlv oociiut'il vy J, 11 (lit AIIA.U & HtlNH, on Mnrkol itrei't, 1: a ii v 1 1 : 1 1), PA. wlior thf y CAN Fiar,, DO RE1.L, ina WII.I, FEU,, AT LOWKU FIGURES, Tlmn tin- fiimp (Ion U rnn lm lionirlit t'lrw!iprc in CUiiriW'lil 1'onntr. Vilhont hlinin)5 to ciiutiRTUte, Wtt will just r(v luxt )V: hare vvvrylh'uHj that ii neetlal! lli-'n-j fxtenxivcW rnniri' I in tlio l.tituKcr I'u-iTu""", are IjIc to uTjr anpuriur intlut'onu'iitfl to juwicra. f (i. Miu.nn A. Ii. I'liWKLL ( I nrfl.U. I'll , IVIi. IS. 1STI. Clothim. I3o' to ,:iv Xlonoy. rill E timn are hiirl ; jruu'il lik to know ll'iw yon tnay nvm your dollurl f The y to do it I will nhnw, Il you will rend what follow,. A rntin who lirad not far friiio hrof ho wurki'il hiinl at hi, traiUi, But hail a hiiom'holrl to miiport That fi'imlrreil all ho uiado. I me him nnct. 8ii.ti ha, ''My friend, I look thri'nd hear anil roiinH ; I're trieil to ifi I oiytelf a ,uitf Hut ran't navo up enough." - Fnys T, my friend, how mueh bara you t I'll tell yim where to bo T" Ret a 'iit lhni'11 anand and cheap t To HKIZENsrKIN Co. He tour what little ha had paved, And went tn Keiienelein A Mrnlhera', And there h ret a haniNotuo suit, F' - bulf h- I'aiil to uiIiltj. Nhw he i" hiiiiie, he iuok, ,o well, And their rll'-el if rueh, Tlmt win n they lutie thoir dully meal, Hiey (I' ii 't rui half un much. Ai d in'W he findu on Pultir.lay night, tl ilh ell their WHnlr ui'lied. That he ni-'ney left to rpend. An I eiiine to lay aside. Ill KO"d ,ue(Hva. wlih cheerful luiUe, lie ir a.lly t.lU to all. If yiuM fiivi' tiiuney, go and huy Your elnlhya at , llKl.KXSTEIN'H CI.OnilNll HALL. Where the eheapi Bt. flr.eet and heat Clothing and g:md rurnibinx (JiiedH cun ho had to ruit evrv tax!" and 111 every Mvle airll.'7l STOVE AM) LIKTIICX-WARE OK KVKRY DKKCKII'TION I CHOCKS! I'OTS! CHOCKS II lur'a I'ntcnt Airtight st - fcMlig l-'rn It ('una! HI TTKH CHOCKS, wilh lid, CHI; AM t IKICKS, . MII.K CKOCKf", Al'I'I.K lH'TTMIt C1KICK.S, FICKU CROCKS, i r.flWEH POTS. TIE DISHES, HTKW TOTS, And a great many oilier f lilriif w too niimcrou, tn iiii'iitiini, to he had at FRlD'K. LEITZINGER'S .STOXK WAIJK roTTEHY, Coriirr "f rhrrrv ami Thiril Slrcctn, t'l.KAIU'lKKII. PA. autrS Lime for Salel T MI K unil; riiiyTK'l, n aiding ncr tho depot huf Hiiul cotitii!(-to nrrrttiKiint-nti with Lime Ciiriiir rnft ol thi' nioutit:tin, whiTeh he In en- i'lt-J to kn p eonntuntly on hitml n hire ijuautity t( Mil K L I M lU whieh he 'fT. r to f.innrrn nml huil'lcru nt ft triflf ah-ii e cort. '1 lior-e in net1 'I ol tlm article wonhl ilo il lo j(i 1 c hit: n rut I, or ml Ires mv hy letter, ho ft -re m-giitititiu tluir linn. ;ko. c. tasmoue. CIcarlMl 1. IV, Jutif l). Jhtiy. EDWAKI) VVAIKH k CO., Flour 3 :inn far! iirors And re:iter in GRAIN OF ALL KINDS, run. ii' sii en u, pa. VFl'1,1. I (HtN 51 'ITI.Y of Fl.ol ll, WIIF.AT, nd CHOI' rnnnnnt:y on hand, an I ul rule, reinarkaliU low. ll'ebl-tl JAvvry filnhle. 'IME ,iii'lTijne.: hi'ife leave to infnrin the poh- l Me that lie iji imw lullv iri'iareil to neei'tnnio 'liile nil in the wavi'l lnriii'hiiij( llnraeii, MiiKifiin, ,Sii-lilli a and llallieaa, on Hie Rliorteiit notion and on n'aaoniil.le tinna. Hmidenee ou Locu't elrvet, lielwi'i'ii llnrd and l'ciirtli. II KC W. (IKAnilAHT. niearll.ld. April 11. ISC7. Hiss E. A. P. Ryndcr, , AQRItT roll Chiekerin'a. Ptelnwai 'i and Kmernn'i Ptanoi 1 Siiilth', Miir'.n A llninlin'a and I'rlnuhet'l Uij(ana and Meindenne. and tlruver 4 linker' Hewlnv Maehinrl. Ai.o Tairaait or Piano. Outtar, Oriii.n, lUrinuny and Vocal Ma nia, No .'.iil taken tr le'd than hBlf a term. ee- it. 1, in. next d-mr to FiTit Natloiittl llank. I'lenid.-ld, May .1, ISCtl if. JDOK HI(1VI',I ftPKMl'S CAI.OIlIITf, HlSiJl'llHANXA, FIPEIHOR. tlilV. PKXN, llEtlt l.ATon, NOIII.E C011K, KATKINAL HANtlli, Tiiti'MPii, PAiii.011 cooks, Sl'KAICS P.KVOI.VINd I.lllllTS AND Iiot'lll.U HEATI'.US, And nil kiixlf of lleatiiiff Stoiefor pale l.y nii3 l Til II. I'. llltll.Kll A CO. New Meat Market. rilllK iiiimi rfinc.l p nppried A Meat Market 1 in Ihe ronin (.innctly oi-eupiel hy A!enn Icr Inin.nn Market i-treft, ClearlicM, I'i , n.lji.iiiiiif .niM"p , nil ere tmy lutein, to keep t fupply ol All kind of Meat. Ii ult and' An-I At "i-mrrn to mut tlm rmr.n.H fiUnp will ir fipi-n n Kunny on 1 ueturiy, i iiurf.nv mm rt or.lny. nnd nn'nt deliveri 'l nl ny point. A ohiiiT of public putnilinjo is rtppeelfnlly .lieit;rl. M. . ItlttlWV. K. W. M'.OWN flr Ann-PontitHifi to ileal In all kimti of ilrpmrtvl AirictiHoml Iinp'cni"Ota. rl.nrfl.'H, A ii.... t Hi,, Dealo's Embrocation, (I.ATIt IMMVtLL'rl,) For all dl.earea Incident tn Hortoa, Cattla, and Human Fle.h, requiring lha naa of aa elternal application. Thii Rtnhnieation wa. alien, Ifclj fe4 by the il. e,: rnent durint: the war. For tale hy llartxlek Irwlr, Clearflald. l'.-. h H. Irwin, Curweaitllle. Daniel Uood. lander, tulherahurv if rpiiKCK K.llllATKIi lili'll t lllisnv hoots L I 'Ktll R'P $.S ll. French Kip , 4 1 ranch Calf , & po (Orp.,.li, iail.ialif A, P. KRATZKR'. THE XXIOXTSXDES TIN & STOVE STORE! G. S. FLEGAL, riiiliiBtuxj, Coatro County, I&. TIMTR nndertlfnd ripetfully annonnoat to L tha puhlie thai ha baa on hand a oara-fully-ifllocted tod well aiaorted itook of STOVES, II HATERS, RANGES, HOLLOW WARE! TIN, COrrER AND SI1EET IR0N WARE! WOOD AND WILLOW WARE! llli itocfc of Cooking Stovei ounitiU of IHE CELEBRATED tKONSIDES, Which hara neror failed to hrlnff rta and prosperity Into familift wura It la uaed, Diamond Rtnt. Parmar, Ilarald, Charm, ffpean' Culitoroia Cook Ktova, Hpeara' Antl-Ouat, Oat llurning Cooklnjt HtnTea. Victor, Helianca and In ion Han si, hpeara' Cook inn Katagei, Ac, (Co. tecuTb Tin and Shea. Iron wara iren with the Kiots la mada of the hear'eat and beat material, and warranted to gir perfect iatia faellon. His Stock of Parlor & Heating Stoves Ii larjrrr. better and cheaper than erer before exhibited to tna public eonaUtlng of Spears' ItemMnft Light Illumlnatlna: .Store, rpeara Anil t'uai tiaa i.urninir I- arlnr More, ISpeara r)loular Oaa (turning Parlor More, 8peara' (Jan Hun inn Prlor felt re, UiK-uet, Petirl.Ufin, Ida, t?UQ, Tropic, Nevada, Ac., Ac. Vulcan, Elm and Vtetor It eat era, Fpoara' Re tolviiig Liht lifaten. He ii alao prepared to furnUh complete ariortuient or Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron 1 Woodon and Willow Ware, &c.f Wholenale or retail, manufactured neatly and with the tola Tie to aervlce, rruin the beat ma terial iu the market. PL0W8 k PT.OW POINTH, COPPER, BRAP?, POKCKLAIX, TIN LINED, SPUX k COMXON I It ON KETTLES, Of etcrj dricription connUntl on band. ORDERS FUR SroUTINQ, liOOEINO And other work helonginir to hie btialneaa will be promptly filled bj experienced and iklllful workuion. BRASS, COrrER, OLD METAL, RAGS AND CASH Taken tn exchange fur goodi. JTtfr-lIe eapeela!! Inritea the attention of Merchant! wiphina; to purchaaa at wholesale, ai they will nnd tt to their advantage to examine tii etova before purchasing elicwbere Lock out for the P. In Sijcn opposite the real- dence or .uri. ut. rotter. All Qoopi Warravtbd ai RxrxxitmxD. .. H. I 'LLC. A 1.. Phillpuhurp, June A, If-70. airxMS The Great Preserver of Health PI'.HI on ATl.l) A 61111! PUKYE.NTIVK cutis OF ron it biiki:matism; .1.1, T B U C KSKI X UNDERUARM E NTS! roH I.ADItia ASD UBVTI.I:lli:!t. For rale 1. C. KKATZKH k SONS, Deo. 21, 1K70. CUarHild, Pa. GREAT EXCITEMENT ON SECOND STREET, Vttarlitld, Pa. NEW GOODS AT LOW HtlCES rpiIR nnderdrned re.pectfully Inrlta the at I 1'ntion of tha pnhllc generally lo their apienilld a..nrtment ol mt rehandlie, wblcb they are now aelllnK AT VERY LOW TRICKS. Tbelr itook eonaiati In part of Dry Goods of tho Bost Quality, Such aa Prinla, Pa I.nlnea, Alparcaf, Merino,, lmKtiatn,Mulin. (bleached and nnblearb ad,) Itrilltnjr., Ticking,, eotton and wool Flannel, .Siitlnr tte,Ca.iilinaraa, Ci'ltonadoa, l.adlea' Sbawla,, A Hoi, iN, llalmnral nnd Hoop rlklrta, o,, Aire, n Una aMnrtincnt of Men'f Praweri and ihlita, HnU t Copi, Boots i Bboai. nil of which WILL CE SOLD LOW FOR CASH Hardwaro, Quoonswaro, GIa8swaro) Grocoriea aud Spices. !S SHOUT A GENERAL ASSORTMENT Of ererything nrnnlly kept In retail itoro, all CIIKAP Full CAN1I or approved aountry pro dueo. A. K. WRIGHT i IONS. Clearfield, Knr. T, II. 1JRID0K. . MERCHANT TAILOR (Htore on. door east of Clearfield ILiaas,) Market Ml eel, Clearfield, Pa. KERPS on hand a full assortments of Oants Furnishing Hoods, men as hhlrls, Linen and Woolen Undershirts, llrawera and 8ocks, Neck ties, Porkat lltnikertihlefs, Olores, Hals, I'mhrellas, k'.. In great variety. Of Pieea O-iods h. keeps th. Best Cloths of all "Shades and Colors," .urh as Rlaek Doe.kln of the rsry hast make! Fancy Ca.slmere, In grest rnrlrly , also, French Coaling. Hearer, Pilot. Chinchilla, and oerreoatlng. All af which will he , old cheap fur Cash, and mad. p according to th. latest styles by eiperlenced workmen. Al.o, Agent for ClaarMil eonnty for I, II. tllnter A Co's. celebrated Sawing Machines. Koy. I, 15 If, JJ. BHIDUl. : 0. 1. Heed, Wm, Powall. ui:i:i a rtMVELL. CLEARFIELD PLANING MILL ALL 11 I G II T I rplIE proprlotonreipeotfully Inform theeltlieni -L of Clearfield county, that they hare entirely refitted thii eitahllahmont with the lateat Improved wood-working machinery, and are now prepared to exctmte all ordera In their line of bualneii. They will give eapeotal attention to the manufaa ture of material for houae building, aueh ai FLOORING, WEATHER-BOARDING, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, It 11,1 C HUTS It JIOl'LIH.rJ8, OF ALL STYLES, Wa nlwaya baroon hand a large stock of PHY I.I'MUKlt, and will payonah for all dear Lumbar. Ona-and-a-half Inch panel stuff preferred. Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or exchanged, to suit ouatouiers. Orders solicited, and Lumber tarnished on short notioe aud on reasonable terms. KKBD t POWELL. Clearfield. March i. 1871. UsrfUancrjiiS. H. F. NAUGLE CLOCK AXD WATCH MAKER, is ,'.twaj sTmat post offices tCLEARFIELD rpilR anbacrlber reipecttnlly In form bli old 1. patrona and tha public generally, thai be baton band, (and te eonitantlf reeelrlog new aamiiana iberetoj t large itock or Clocks, Watches and Jewelry. f-fr-I keep Jewelrf Id all Iti forme nnd of di Be rent Taluri, either by the pi see or aet. WATCHES A full aeortaent of either Oold or silver, made by the beil Anerleaa and for elpn manufacmren, Including a Aoe lot of gold and silver hunting caae, full jeweled. Patent Levari. CLOCKS Of alt deiltrni, eooilitln of eisbt day and thlrtv-hour, of either weight, ipring or levers, and outa itrike and alarm, RKPAIIUN0.-AI1 hinds of Watches and Clocbe (tepaired, end warranted In addition to what I have enumerated, t keep a full aprortventof M'KOTACLKS. colored and plain rial . -Iso,GOLD PKNKand PKSCIL8, SPOONS, PORK. BUTTBK KNIVKS, and In fact everything In the Jewelry Una. If I fail tn have on band j uat what a cuatrmer may need, I will order per fir at expreir, wltbunt extra rharjre A liberal nhare of puhlie patronage ti noil cited Ma 7, iHflS -y H. f NAL'ULB, MOSHANNON LAND & LUMBER CO,, 8SCE0LA PTEAM MILLS, n!irr..CTtfiirs LUMDER, LATH, AND TICKETS H. II. BHII.I.IXOFOItD, President, Offlca Forest Place, No. I2S S. 4th at., Phil'a. JOHN LAWSHI', General Sup't. Osceola .Mill,, Clearfield manly, Pa. LAM) AM) LIMBER COMI'AAY OFFER TO- ruriliasers of Choice Goods AT THEIR MAMMOTH STORE IN OSCEOLA. Xew Cabinet ! MOSHANNON LAND AND LL'MBKR COM PAN V offer for aale Town Lola in Ihe bor out(li of Osceola, Clear Held oounly, Pa., and aUo lots to auit purehiiaers oitide the limits of said borough. Osceola is situated on the Moihannon Creek, in the richest portion of the county of Clcarat ld, on the line of the Tyrone A Clearfield Railroad where Ihe Mothannon and Ucavortoo hraneh roads intersect. It is also in the henrt of the alorhannon coal basin, and largo bodies of while pine, hetnlnek, nk, and other timber sur round it One tf the largeat lumlmr maimfactur inK tahlinhmenti In the State la located in the town, while there are many other lumber and shingle mills around it. The town is hut so 'en years old, and contains a population of one thou sand inhat.itnnte. JNf-Fnr further Information oppty at tha oflVx of ihe above company. John lawsiir. L4:7A General .Superintendent, T 1 O 1.V M II 13 It IM K N I PERFECTION IN CANTHOOKSI The Clearfield Excelsior Cant hook will not wear ont or break, bring constructed with one solid band from clip to point. It Is pmnounned by all practical lumbermen who have examined (t to bo the most perfiot Cant hook ever Invented. Amos Kennard, Patentee. Manufactured by Auoi Kbrmaad A Co., at CLEAnFIKLD, PA. AII orders promptly attended to. tt2.t'70 FAIRBANKS' STANDARD SCALES, or n.i. ataiis) ""ltK"g Barrows, Warehouse Truoks, Copying Presses, Improved Money Drawer, Ac. ron sAt-a tr II. f. ma LEU & CO., Dealers In Hardware, mch.Klirn If Second Street, Clearfield. Pa. Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL AND OF COURSK THE CHEAPEST I A Proclamation against High Prices! WE are now opening np a lot of lha best and most eraeniiahle Goods and W.m eter offered In this market, and at prices that remind one of lha good old dnrs of cheap things. Tho,o who lark faith upon l iii. point, or deem our alle gations superfluous, need but r.rr.f, .fr oin stork, Corner Front and Market ,1 reels. Wher. Ihey oan se. feel, hear and know for them selves. To fully understand what areeheap good,, this must b. dona. W. do not deem it neaeseary lo .numerate and I tea, I so our stock. It ts .nougb fur us to slate that We have Everything that 1b Needod and consumed in this market, and at prices Ihst esinni.n both old and yonng. www JOSEPH IJJAW A SOlf. NOTICE.! rpruBai 4 ItairlittJ. NEW DRUG STORE! WM. It. ALEXA1)ER, m. 1)., DruKglat and Apothecary, CURWBNSVILLE, PA., Keepa aonstantly on hand a large anortment of J3 R V 0 S, Patent Medicines, Paints and Oils, Varnishes, llvs Studs. Ac. His stock of Drugs la pur. and fresh, and customers cun rely upon getting the boat of everything In his Hue. Ills slock ol PERFUMER Y , Toilet Articles, Hair Tonics, Cosmetics, Drusbei, Toilet Soaps, Combi, Pocket Hooks, Hens, Inks, Pencil! and Paper, and a general assortment of th ii olnas of goods, are all of the best quality. PURE WINES A- LIQUORS, For Medical purpoici only, Glass, Putty, Luhrlenling Oils, lo., to suit the wants of the community. IIli extensive and well selected stock of Drugs and Medinlnci enable! him to All Physfoiam' prescription! on short notice and on tho most reasonable term a. Rinoken and C hewers will find his itonk of Chewing and Smoking Tuhooeo, Cigare k Hnuff, to eoiisiat of lha very best brands in tha market A share of public patronage is solicited. - Out. IU Sin. W. Ii. AI.KXANDKIL lHl5Unnrotis. 15 O 0 K S WUICU HAVg ALWAYS (i I V K N SATISFACT ON IlEHETOFORg, WILL UK DISPOSED OF IX SL'CII A W A Y AS TO PLEASE 0 R FRIENDS AND CU5 TOMERS. JUST RECEIVED I THE FINEST ASSORTMENT OF 170LIDAY GOODS SUCH A3 HOOKS AND OTHER STATIONERY ARTICLES, EVER OFFERED TO THE CITIZENS OF THIS PLACE! NOW ON EXHIBITION AND FOR SALE AT PUBLISHERS' A MANUFACTURERS' PRICES, AT TUB POS TOFF ICE. Clearfield, Deo. 11, 11 70. VHSEb () If TI tr MOT BURNED UPI BELL'S RUN WOOLEN FACTORY, Penn towmhip, Clearfield Co., Pa. Th. stilisorllH-rs arc, at great amenaa. rebuild ing, and in a fow days will have completed, ft neighborhood nieessily, in th. erection of a flral- claas Woolen Manufactory, with all tho moj ,in improrrmenls attached, and are prepared to make all kinds of Cloths, Caaaimercs, Satinetts, Blan- kets. Flannels, Ao. Plenty of voodi on band to aupply all our old and a thousand new custom an, wnoin we aa to come ana examine our stock. Tbe busineas of CAKDINQ AND FL'LLINtl will receive esiieclal attention. Our new mill will be rraly by wool-cardinc seaw.n. therefore tbera nerd be no hesitation on that score. Proper arrangements will be made to receive and deliver Wool, to suit customers. All work warranted and done upon ihe shortest notioe, and by at riot alien tion to busineis we hope to realise a liberal share oi puuuo pairouage. 10.IMM) POUNDS WOOL WANTED! W. will pay the highest market nrire for Wool and sell our manufactured goods as low as similar goods can be bought In the oounty. and whenever wa lall to render reasonable eatisfaclion we oan always bo found at homo ready to make proper Aiiaaaiioo, cnner in per.nn or ny Lller. JAMES JOIIN.SUN A HONS, aprllSfltf Grampian Hills P. 0. TOBACCO AND CIGARS I WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, At tb. Now Tobacco and Cigar Slor. of ic. jr. a im ir, Two doors East of th. PostoOcc, Clearfield, Pa. Constantly on hand a fine assortment of Nary, Congress, Citrsndish, Cable, Spunroll, Michigan aad Century Fine-cut Chewing Tobacco, Ac, ' Alao, a largo aad well selected slock of Imported and Domestic Cigars, Smoking Tobaooos, Meerschaum and Briar Pipae, Pipe II Hurts, Tobacco Boies, Cigar Holders, and everything generally found in a well regulated Cigar and Tobacco Store. JMr Remember th. placet Two doors East of th. Postoffico, Clearfield, Pa. aug. 3l:tf. R. B. TAYLOR'S LIME AND COAL YARD, (Near the Railroad Depot,) ci r.titi-ii.i i), n.xN'A. I EMBRACE this method of informing the public, that I have opened nn a yard for lb. al. of wood or coal-burnt I.IMK ami Anthracite COAL, in the borough of Clearfield, and have completed arrangements with eastern dealcra by "'in'" i cn aeep a inn supply constantly on band, which will In disposed of at reasonable rates, by the tun, bushel or car load, to suit purchasers. Those at a diatanoa can address me bv letter, and obtain all necessary Information by return mail. , . . I. B. TAYLOR. Clearfield Pa., Feb. 14, LIME AND COALI HAVING Increased our facilities for burning Lime dnhna th. ttast immh. wm .r. km. pi.d to furnish Wood liurnt l.lme, Coal llunit l.lme. Wood and Coal liurnt l.lme, Mannlaclured frntn Ihe celebrated "BEM.EFONTE LIMESTONE." which produces Ihe wutrasr and rnnaar Lime, for all mechanical rturnoeee. that ean ha found in the Htataof Pennsylvania, end which we sell al as tow prices, delivered on .era, as lha Inferior Limes aro sold at their places of manufacture. Also, dealers In and shippers of Wilkcsbarre and Shamokin ANTHRACITE COAL, of all sites, prepared oipressly for family ase. Orders solicited. . . BUORTLIDOB A CO., Not. I, lT0.1j.. Bellefonte, Pfc , gey (Goods, ftrorrrlri, iU. NEW FlltJI. KRATZER & LYTLE, Market Street, Clearfield, Penn'a., (Opposlts tbs Jail,) TTAYI now on hand a trsl.alaai Itock of goods, suited to thwants of tb. puhllo. Our stock It largo, and by constantly making addlllont tbor.lo, wo ara ahl. to aeooremodat all who may faror us hj tailing. Wa bar DRY GOODS, Merinos, Olughtms, Cloths, Prints. Delaines, Casslmeres, Bilks, Reps, fatlnets, Cashm.res, Tw.eds, Cob.rgs, Alpacas, Mohair, I.ansll s, Muslins, Flannels, Bonnets, Ribbons, Cloaks. Balmoral Skirts, Hoop Skirts, Sbawls, Drars Trimmings, Hiad N.ts, Caps, Corsets, Olores, Pcsrf,, Collars, Or.nadlna Vails, Tabls Corers, te. CLOTHING, Coats, Pants, Vests, Orer Coats, Gent's Shawls, Shirts, Hats, Caps, Under-Rhirts and Draw. is, Boots and Shoos, Gum Shoos, Crarats, Bocks, Glorss and Collars, GROCERIES, Tea, Coffo.. Sugar, Molasses, Salt, ' Candles, Rica, Flour, Bacon, Fiih, Tobacco, Raisins, Currants, Sploas, Cracksrs, Vinegar, Oils, Varnish, Psppsr, Alcohol, Ac HOUSEHOLD GOODS, Carpets, Oil cloth, Drugget, Clocks, Lookiag-Olasses, Churns, Buekota, . Washboards, Tubs, Flat Irons, Pans, Windo Blinds, Wall Paper, Coal Oil Lamps, Bedcords, Umtrellas, Knives, Forks, 8poons, Crocks, Stoves and Stova Blacking. HARDWARE, Queemwere, Tinware, Olasawaro, Wooden ware, Copperware, Books. Stationery, Muiical Uosdi, Trunkr, Skatei, Ac. 1 JP A II of whteb will be sold on the most rea sonable terms, and I' e highest market price paid for Grain, Wotl and all kindi of country produce REMEMBER TUB PLACE: KRATZER & LYTL17S, (Opposite the Jail,) CLEARFIELD, PENN'A. 1.8 .71 SllTAgI3 TIHllstill! E.A.IRVIN&COa, CUR1YKNSVII.LK. PA., Belng specially engaged lo th. business of Buying and Selling Square Timber, I Would represent that they sr. now prepared to I ' purchase Timber delivered at either Curwcniville, Lock Ilaven or Marietta, (or will take tt at any of thee, points,) and sell on eommistlun, making such advances as are necessary. Those engaged in getting out Timber will find at our store in Corwrnsvills, a very large slock of STAPLE GOODS Of all Descriptions. ALSO, II our, ,yirnt, Mlyr, On Is, Corn And everything ncocssary for as. of Lumbermen. RAFT ROPE, Of all slses, kept on hand in largo quantities, and sold at small advance by th. oolt Also, Pulley - Blocks, Small Rope, Ao. rr-Pr.t'IAI, IXni'rPMrNTB offcreil to those manufacturing Square Timber. R. A. 1RVIN A Curwensrltle, January 12, M7(l. co. E TA III.I9H EO lr5 I. Highest Premium. Silver Medal, awarded over all competition, at Mechanios' Eihihition, Boston, uctoner, ituw. THE ORIGINAL AND QENl'INE SELF-REGULATING, WROUGHT IRON, AIR TIGHT, GAS-coirsuzmra heater, witsi rATr.aTKR Dl BT Srannn, Ouati Ran Risrs, Wnoi aiiT Iaoa R Am iron, Ann Aftouitic Riioi i.aTon, For Burning Anthracite or Bituminous Coal or Wood. 10 sites for brickwork, and i slses Portable. MAnrrAcTrnKn oni.v ar J. REYNOLDS & SON, N. W. corner 11th and Filbrt Streets, PHILADELPHIA, PA. These Heaters are made of Heavy Wronghl iron, wen nveicq logemer, anu ara warranted to be absolutely Use and Dust Tight. They are the only Heaters that are managed without any dam pers, and In which all kinds of fuel can be burned without alteration. Cooking Ranges, for Hotels, Rests-rants aad Families. Also, a Flat Top Healing Range. Fit. Place Heater., Imw Down Orates, Slate Maniela, Registers, Ventilators. Pamphlets giving full deserlntloa. sent free, te anjraddreaf Jll'TDlr ,oundrij mi iacuinr Uoiis. BIGLER, YOUNG & CO., (Successors to Boynton A Young,) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS Manufacturer! of PORTABLE & STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Corner of Fourth and Pina Streets, CI.EARKlF.I.n, PA. TTAVINO engaged in the manufacturo of first IL class MACHINERY, we respectfully Inforrs the nubile that wo arc now prepared to fill all orders as cheaply and as promptly as can be done in any of tbo cities. W. manufacture and deal in Mulay and Circular Saw-Mills Head Blocks, Water Wheels, Shafting Pulleys, Oilford's Injector, Steam Oaugcs, Steam Whittles, Oilers, Tallow Cupa, Oil Cups, Gauge Cocks, Air Cocks, Globo Valves, Check Valves, wrought iron Pipes, S.eam Pumps, Boiler Feed Pumps, Aotl Friction Metres, Soap Stone Packing. Gum Pack ing, and all kinds of MILL WORK) together with Plows, Sled Boles, COOK AND PARLOR STO FES, and other CASTINGS of all kinds. f-Orders solicited and filled at city prices. All letters of inquiry with roferenoe to machinery of oor manufacture promptly answered, by addrce ing as at Clearfield, Pa. decJnO-tf BIGLER, YOUNG A CO. A GREAT POm D!SC9ViTi Dr. WALXEP.'S 0.' LTFCEJfl.Y VINEGAR BITTERS Hundreds cf Thntita;: THEY ABB NOT A VILE FANCY DRINK Marie of Pator ltnm, W'hUrter, Vm,f Hiiirlia nnd Ii rial an I.lqnorn doctor, ft Icod artdavnv tnct to ploBM (tie tute, ctUcd " 1 ucilo," A-p,tlz era," ncstorrrs,' sc., tlu.t lead tl.e t:prlcr tn to dmnkeDneu aud roW.bu am a trac Mcttk-tnc, mat!o from the Native I'octsand lUrUt f tallfcrr.ia, rrro frwrw nil A IcoIh'IIc rtln.ut;ttia. They am ihe U It EAT II LOO II IM'ltlFIEH and A MPL C.MIN PUINC II1.EaiHTf.ct llenurattir and lovtgorator cf tiu fej-.kro, carrying off all nol-oro j metier and rcttcrtntf t!e Llixxt lo a healll.jr cocdit:un, Kopcrion tun l.i tbcte Bitten according to direc tion aril remain long BtwelL ski iO mllLe f.vinrorai Inccrstie cm, ivviCrd the bonea ors rrt dcftro;.-etl ly n:tacr-l poUon or other mcai.s, e: J tia :UK.-catij inUd Ljoi.J tLo point of reralr. For Ingiimniitifirr nntl Cbrcntr Ilbritmn ttam nud laoui, Iyatrpiia, tir Indamtiat., ltiltaup, Uriiiitlrnt mi.m luifrnitlU'tii t-tcr lllarnaiet,! ihe II toed, l.lvrr, Hldur, and Illndder, thiae Ittllrta l-av been mot-t iiectrit fu'. tuti l;iranca ere raarid tjr Vtitntrd Blowd. wlilch -icrtilly produced br dcrauiitcti-t oftoi' IMtrt ailve Ui cnnn. IiVM'I.I'MA Oil lNnUiF.MTMtN. I!"td ache. Pain In the bi.oulJen, toinjtia, 1 n.:itt.c cf tbo Cbest, iKiilnces, front tmclatiotis ef Uie ttmacri, Dad tasU' 3 the Mnuth, E-lioua Attacks, 1' .of the Heart, Inflan.n atk a cf ti e l.uncs. Tain In Ihe regions of the Lldnrrs, and a bondnd other pa.uiul ejmptnoia,are Uie t.aric.c;aff lypcre!a. Tb jf luvigorate Uie fewrj&cti ai.d Btlmola'O ttie trr pldllvcraod trowels, vhleh rxadi rtHecioranequalUd ffflcoe) la cleaning ttietioodcf all impurtltca, and lnipartlnr new lire and vtm r to tlie whole ) rtrm. FOU Mt I N I) I V V. A f EM, rmpUons, Tetb r, Pelt I'tieum. Ulotchea.r pytt, l'lmjilta, J ci tuic,nf i, ( u baDclca.Ung.Worma, FcaU-llcad, Lcre lyea.rryiip. elaa. Itch, ftcorfk, l'lacoloratlonaof Uie f Lto, Uuutore and DUKaara of lUc bit In, of whatever name or uoturu, are literally dug np acid carried out of tlioaTatrm la a short time hy the nee of theac Pitt era. Ore bol'le la each caaea will convince Uio uiwet Inert dulous their CursUve effect. Clcunne the Vitiated Mood whenever you find Its ImpurUloa bursting tbroTtxh the In Ilmplcs. I m Uona cr 8rree; clcabac It tun yoa find it obstruct! d and alnfirlwh la tl.a vc'.cat cleonae It when II la f ml, and yoar fcclln.-s trill t. 1 you when. Kocp U.c blood pare and the hi alt It of ttic yit in will foil w. PIN, TArBandothorWUItllS, lurkintr tn the ayatrm of ao many thousands, arc cff. ctuully dcatroy. ed and removed. For full directions, road corx TJly the clrcnlar around each bottle, prtiit:-d In fuur laa guagoe Kngltah.usrnian, French and lSpai.Kh. J.WALKER, Proprietor. IL n. MtDoNAl.D t CO., Dragglflta and Oee. AgentJ. Baa rriautboo, Colw aad 83 and 31 Comuieroe Street , K cw York. IF-BOLD BT ALL DKIOOISTS AND DLAI.EKS. Oct. 16, 1I-70:1t. NEW MARBLE YARD I I.I TIII ItMITRf; I rPHE undersigned takes this method of Inform. I Ing Ihe cilitens of lloaiflild and Jell, rami counlii s that he has opened a Marble Yard, fur the manulacturo ol Tombstones, Monument, lead and l-'out stones, Ac. I employ none hut the heat workmen, snd use ll.. best material. All ordera promptly filled and thr work warranlid. Addrrs. all 1. 1 t.'rx lo I'AMKI, GOUlll.AMlEIt. Lutharshurg, Octobrr ill, IS7lt. OTK'I'., Having pnrehaaed the Inlrrrst of 1A 1- A. lllntlenherger, K.q., In tho husinrs. heretofore carried on under the firm nsmcnf J. A. nlsltenhcrgrr A Co., tho same will be condneit.,! hereafter under the name of Morbnnnon Lend aud I. uinner loinpanv, (More.) II. II. rtllil,l,INMHlKl, JOHN LAWSHi:, mytSU President. General rnip't SAWS I SAWS! SAWS! DI.STAN S CROSS CUT, MILL, DRAG AND C1RCI LAR SAM'S. Boynton's Lightning Cross-cut Saw, ALSO, PATENT PERFORATED A ELECTRIC SAWS, For sale by ocll3,7i1 11. F. IIIlil.ER A CO. LulhmhuTK Marlile Yard! I'HK suhscrilier respeelfnllv announces to this oommnnliy and the public grnemlv thai he . now extensive!, engnrcil In I lie niaflnre,M i Monnments, Head and Foot Hlnnes. tiao,l. t.i.i. and Bureau Tops, eto. No higher tribute ean be paid rcletlveorfrtci.,1 than Ihe erec tion of an enduring slab as a wilnrsa tn unborn generations whan- they have laid him or her. I have engaged Mr. Jrbn W. flahngan aa sit agent In sll, and tn whose workmanship and skill many ean bear witness. Orders sullcHed and promptly filled. Work delivered whereverde.lrrd , , . H H. MOOItK. I.athershorg, No.rmher SO, nt?.. GET VOIR BOYS' I1ATS al riLLKRTONS. . T Dear IrstlmAny to t!i"ir V.'o.'xr- h p y Co LIl'CJ. U j - IJS'WHAT ARE TKCVT Hz fh ii ill 4&W tfi 3! Is? Of THEY ABB NOT A VILE tj i I "IIfancy drink, ui jpMt t. iii:nii,i,UKj COMPOUND I'M EXTRA T ( ATMVU GRAPE 1I CUM Pi.l : s T 1 i dr, J. ror i.ivar vouipiaiuia, Jitu ti .9 I tlons, Hick or Nervnu. llru U,),, Etc. Purely Vegetable, Out,;'. eury, Min.rals or Dsl,t ri,u, II jnese rills are tho Biat ilellgbif purgallv., superseding eart oii I nsiia, etc. There is nothing e.,,,,,1 the stomach. Tbejr give tone, m, iii, ,i'.ib, pain,. ll).y ,f Of tne flit"! tujrnical,. Afkr,ffJ of them, sujh an Invigorati ,n f Ul, ten lakes place as to S.,-- ,lnr and .nervated, wlit-thT prudence or disease. H r. II(L I pound Fluid Extract Catnal,, , not suga' -ocated, Irom the fun ixl . Pills do not dirndl e. butpaf, Ihrwjk witbout dlssolvlug, eiDsii.i ,-nlly on i the desirsd effect, Tba I'staai,, t J being pleasant in tatt and odor, d.t r tats Ibtlr being mjar .cos tel. !,, per box. E HENRY T. HEI.Mri(,LD. . Highly Coneentratel Cmp,L fl.tll) tATHACT HAi:.-tm Will radically eiterininate fr :ini,,, ula, Sypbilie, Fever Sore,, l'ieer.,'i cur. tcge, ror. jioum, ni.rc ll-ad, Skin Diseases, halt Rheum, l irkm, from the Ear, Whit. Swiilir;,. Ta e.rous Affections. Nodes. KkWii, i Swellings, Night Sweat,, Rj.h. Tim, I 01 all Kinds, I'brnnte Itfcciiiin.tim, I I snd all diseases that hare I'd the system for years. Ji fieing prepared eipreiHy f.,r tb-4v , piauue, hi uiooa rurti) in g 17.t . riimr than uny other Preparation of Sin,., J gives the com pie 1 ion a clear sr, i h-iv! snd restores the patient to a tui ot t- pority. For porifjrinir tbe h! ... rta ehronle constitutional diieao arir'm. Impure state of the bloo4, an 'I tbeotlvj and effectual known rejie-ly f,r the Pains and swelling of the Hortr, ) the Tbroat and Le, Bl'it- h--. i'.n Pace. ErvalpvUs and all fc:i!v Ir-i-tU'l ikia, and bcautifjtng tbe c :rj ; t HENRT T. UELVn jLfS C rcen.rttel t'LUII) EXTRACT i;i( THE QhKAT VIV ETIC, bai cured every case of Dia(eti ir. whi oern .riven. Irritation of the Nrfk 'fiftM atd of the FiJnev?, t". the Kidneys ai:d H! aider, rHtr,i t Wnros of the pr U'ad ler, Calculus, Gravel, lli;i ' Jum i and Mucous or .Milky disehurf: , id fvehleJ and delicate eoritttutior, attended with the Mlowinit; sm;t n pOfUI-.n to exertion, lust ot p iwtr, j ory, difficulty of hretthiuij, W",;. i.o bling. horror o' diapat. wnV. fuln 1 of vir-ion, pain in the back. I,.t hsi,,t. 'if the bodv. dryness of tbe ikin fruii 1 face, pallid countenance, niiivtn.i! lit,'. the muacii!ar syFtem, etc. v -eu ny peraons ir-im me nee -! ir'.tf-i tweniy tire, and from thirty fire r,i id 1 I in tho decline or change of life ; nf-cr n j rosnt or labor pains f bid wettir. iu IS tleluibold's K I tract Buchu If diureti an j 1 furif) injr. end cures all diaears ari-ir; habits of diairatlcn, and exce-r ai I u dencoa In lire, imjuriilfi cf ti e hi I, etc perseding eo aiba In affectiimj f ,-r ahr! used, and sypbflitie arTeetlons in t i .f fo und in connection with Hru,i,..i - I! ( 1 I.AHIKS. In many affootlnns peculiar t ln li'-r, ;b' trsct Huehu fs unrq-jalled hy ant t!ivr r. as in eblorosia or retenii-m. Irr i hrin,! fulness or suf prepaion of cufTcriinrv r a am ulcerated or echlrru stats of lie tt tii l-i rhn?a or whites, aterililv. and fur n'l c- tui I Inaident te the sex. whrther ari iiu fr, ir. it cr 'th'n, or habits of dMpttfon. Ii i it extensively hy the most imincn: j ' :' ' mill wive fur enfeebled and del ion !e 1 1 ! ci. of both sexes and all arcs (atunde 1 a::i tr. tbe above dieeasei or symptom.'). 0 U. T. HELM HOLD'S txrilACT ri 'I! Cures di.cases arl.lng from Impiu 1. 1 a ", I Its of Dirsip itii n, en-. in all their stages, at lillle e . f change lo diet, no incunrenit nr posure. It causes a frcigiieut de. i strengih tu l-inste, thereby rcui'.i lions. Preventing and faring M-i. ;,f er 1 i r if 1 I'ri'tl.ra, Allaying Pain and lull i:n : ,: frriuenl in this class of di.eair-, an I ( all PoLionous matter. Thousands who have been the vi -lim "t i competent person,, and who h;ire r.'.l l. fees lo be ruri-d in a short time. Ii.n . f i.r. is hsve beeo deceived, and th.l th- 1' i- .1 t by Ih. use ol "p.iwerlul astringent'." i'-' r 'Ic up, n I her) stem, to b eas ou in a ninr.' i-;mvji form, and pcthaps slier Marriai;ii. V,9 llelmhold's Elirael lluci.u for s!l Hunt anil i, eases nf tbe I'rinary (irfiui-. ' ' rt erleting in Male or fi mala, fn in I . ! " cause originsltnr. and no m.itter of standing. Piice, I. Ml per bcttis. . I' tig I Ii HENRY T. HELJinni.ti'f! IMriiUVIvI) litis 10 V A MT. Cannot be surpassed as a FAt'E H A "II. anil will . n.i o. oniv rpieino remedv il, rpsi les in cuianeous slteetlon. ll snaedilt i " li caics pimples, spots, scorl.ullc, dryr.ess.'in rt ilons of the rut, neous mrmVrsne, etc , iii- rli. redness and in, ipient tnflmntniitlnn, bin. ra-h, moih pat. hrs drviiess ol scalp or ik in. fr m l.nes. and all purp-jsce for which aalrrs or ,.inr i. i.u sre used i restores the skin to a .1 ,te l , . iij and soilness, and Insure, ennlin ied he, .r Hon lo the Inane, ol Us rcsiels. on which ,1 i Ii ihesgreeibl. clearr.cs d vivBeilv i.fc a, l Ion su niU' b si unlil snd admired. Ilul !... ,-vrt valunlde as a remeliv for rtotn,. A. i.m. i lis 'kin, II. f. tlelnili.ild's It,,.. U...I, I . 1 r su.ialnvd Its principle rluim to unl'oui , i, I it r .negc. by qmiliiies wlileh rei ,1 ii s THII.KT APPKNDAGE Ol the mnM Mi , , : .:ia and Congenial character, oiimh.iiin t in gant li rii uls ihoi-e pri iuineni r, ipii: ii . n r K IV and tlKlt'At y-th. Invaii.l.l,. ee .i i ments nf lis use as a preservaiive ami r. ' i -tier nf the c mplesloa li Inn rxr.l i a fur diteasos nt a typhlitis nature, an. I ii- ,'i Je,-ti..n for di, eares nl ihe t'rinsry ti,. 'i- "i' ing fmiu h.ihi la til dl.ipallnn , u.t d in , . i ' tl with tbo bttracls auebu, a...p.riliii I ( laaha Grape l'illa, in .neb olsiuns a-t "' mended, cannot basurpa,,cd. Full and evplieit directions aecomj lis """iiinn... K'idrnc. of th. most responsible and n 1 character furni.lied on e plirot..n ! ' ... . ' ' ' ' tt..H.oH., of IU..g wi , and up .ir i- "I :l('.fll't) tiiist.itciled Certificate, snd eec"t,"-i' l ii rr letters, mull, of which ara from th" h i'"' sources. Including mlnenl I'hv.h i,.n.. ' -men. MatOFincn. tie. Tlie loin ,,.'"'1 irmrt.d lo their pul.lleailon In lbs ne i . r : he it..ea nn du thia Ir. m the fact lbs. hi- ,n " tank aa ritmidird Praparalions, and dJ out nnl to he plopped up by o.-riitlrnt-a HENRY T. llFLMimi.D'A 0KS11NE r::K- l'AMA I ,,XS Delivered lo any addrras. Krcurs from el - r- ration. Ksiahlt.hcd upward of tw.n' in"- Old bv llrUS.I.ia irea.a wl,ea. l,llr. .i I, I- rl for Infotma'ion. In eon! Irnee. to Hh.MlV f. II M.M lllll. U. Diu.-nl.l aud t heinl.t. Only 1 1, p.. 1st II T. Ilelmh.ld's Ilnii Sid Chemical Warehouse. No. AVI HriM'lw.v. N . r In II T llelmliolirs Medical Ken it. I"l lh Trnib Street. Philadelphia, Pa Hewar. of nounlarlaiia. A.k f.,r IIFMiY T. UtLSlDOLD S! Take ao ether. Jr.'. -1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers