THE REPUBLICAN. 'j";.r."': " 'V-nm-J ,. i. .CLEARFIELD, PA. ,u, ..n ... , . ' ., t L l O ' 'l II ,TUIA 01 Hi. I' UK lib . n m til Just Ihlr tUdU tbt preity, i t1 k.n. t.,.,ii ,, Jull g.ullo uuouno b. await, .r,,i ti I i J. Ju.t eau.y auottgU I. lit witty, e -,. I M Jul dainty ououxli ta be mm, i t I. ,n 1 . ,,.Jmt tall onmigk to Im graceful, . , . . .. ... ' Just slight enough fur a lav, . , Vusl onoiigli to be taitel'ul, ... .Just xucrry cueugb to ba gay., u t . , ... Jn.l trim rnongh to be tender,-' 1 ' l: "-s- ' Just lijrlu enough to be lad, ''' , !l "! 1 ' ,' Tonce loll enough to remember, ' Tour behrt llirnnjrh thoir ondencc Iflarlc jjlild, Just niM'h enough Air nirmimou-, - " Just bold .nouxh to bo liruve,' t .( dual thoughtful simugh M W grave,1 A tongito thru cm talk without banning,! .1 t '. Just mirnliinf chough U tftifiy rrvrr . u.Mnuuarl pleata.iUUldugk.Ul hi alialn.ilig,-k J Thnt iut you at otto, at your cshc, Disdain to put down prc.uuiutivu. Sown to nnawora Toy), ( ! J .( Cool contempt eooiisb .liowu to asstioption, Proper dignity always th, rata. . .j( , FIl';hle"iif fuir fancy etboniil, , . ,t r r Iteration to science full pmd, , . (f StliT of the fort of matoruil .. ' , , . That really Rood hoUMwivea are Made. -' -(Iruorouianough and kina'-lirarUd . , VuHi ai ho auicHa aboi (t- , i . i .1 1 . t On I from hT may 1 nt-ver be flirted, For iuch io fho maiiton 1 lovo. -b i ' Excellent and VT'oll-Timod,' la'Tfiwii os iirrvul (tlonmire to find tho (ollciwinn lnngilti!;t) in ('!u' (.iiIiiiiiiih orirto of tlii1 li'iiiiint; .Mohi;ivI jdiii'iiuIm offNcw En'lanil: ll iliow llitu Uicre tiro noihu lliinkiiif iiiimla Irlt in the niiiliH tif the k'udoi'ti (if llmt pitrly, and tliut tlio aobrr ('ci)nd llionulit in tiding 1l wotk Tlio jmirntil ttliii li, in thu. piifc, linn InUired Itnnl to briri nil tho politic-ill ttnd smdnl liornirs upoii the South it now soo ms to dppreonic. is tho Boston A'locrtiscr. The commentu whicli it rmikos bcoih to iiniicnto thnt it linn ut lit hi Hinno compunctions ill I'onstifntm ; ttnd whon , it ny9 "tllu eoim'try in t.itlin of .this cuifaoouH treat inrnt nf tlio South, it could wall ndd, ull Chi iMendom will despise the dominant parly for the foul wronc." Tho Advertiser thun duelnres: "The South must be roeon-trm-ted, if lit all. by lis nultiral louder. tho men of brnti a., ehiirauter and influi'iiec mnst of whom, of course, wrre in the Into war. This . is nound .. polify,' This opinion is held by hundreds of un prejudiced puoplu old rniy ollleers imd citizens who huvo livud und owned pluiitntiuns in Ihn South,1 or hao traveled there Tho prenent ' 'stnto of things is very bad. We have beuii trying to crento nn nnnuturul stoto of Htlairs. nnd tho result is a fail ure, so long its tho only intelligent men nro disfranchised, nnd the ijno runt and vicious aro permitted to con trol mutters. All njrrco that tho hos tility is licit felt toward thu National Government but toward certain ob noxious black nnd while people. Now, it is certainly loo much to ex pect a very nctivo public sentiment oigninst tho Ku K 1 u x , irnoihini; better is promised than tho p-otequo tra voslies of xoveriiuietils w huh we have seen in many of llieso Males. J,et us try u new remedy, ttnd ivo brains, nod clmrncter, anil tleeoncy n chance. First of nil, -let lis stop this wretched congressional fooling with (rreat com mmiilie us if ihey were babies or Idiots. Hy iitlemplii)j to subject whcilu Stales to ihe control of igno rant blacks nnd whiles, who are both ignorant und vicious, wo invito iho very outrides of which wo complain Tho country is sick of the whulo thing." ' . mm How to Avoid Ku Klux Outrn-'es. o The Aa,'inii Chmni I: snyf'The New York Timet, I'hiladelpTihi Prrss, nnd ono or two Ited mmith, Free speech, Undical oiiians of lesser mile, have becoino creally ulHrnied nnd cry Otit liislily hecnuso of x President Pavis' speech nt Augusta and Atlanta. Tho Prcst sees the Ku Klux ariin from every ;ravo j-ard in the South at Jeff. Levis' cull, anil deiuaudin; water! water! water!! or liloml ! ! ! A reporter lor Uonnett s veraeious Herald lelegraplis I hat J i ft'. Davis is makinjf a lour through tho Southern States, anil under his inspiration ''the South is awakening and tlio tempest is inewiiii. Mr. Itavis is President of tho Oaro Una Life Insiiranco Company, and under this iuspiralion sliuiild immedi ately niVHclo tlio orlh, "speak to ex ciieil crowds nl every important place nun awakonnii; "a tempest against tho iniHcralilo Life Insurance Companies, of the Ntulh insure Iho lives ot tiriint, Akermaii, iUnrion and the iidinitiistrntinn iho Prftsnmi the Timrs" and tho llrrall Pornoy and old Itennet every mun, woman and child of the Republican party for One Hundred Years, especially including and .ucccptinj Ku ICIiu war risk. Now is the gulden opportunity for the Carolina LjlVj Insurance Company, Jelfeioon Davis, President. If the Times nnd thu Prim imd the Ibidical party would escape Ku Klux outrages let them insure promptly in tlio Caro linn Life Insurance Company. The ercurity of tlio coinpanr is ainplo, the premiums moderate, and losses will be paid promptly by cllicienl, respon sible ngenls, ji'orth und Smith.' If any of our Southern editors aro dis po'cd to join in this huo and cry against Mr. Duvis, and ure seriously alarmed about tho future of the leino criitic puny, w o beg them also to take out, immodiulely, policies in lliu (.'nro Una Life Iiisurtince Coiiipuny, Jett'er son Davis, President, wlmso head quarters nro nt Memphis, Teniiessoe, with Ku Klux branch olllcesin every iiniortiinl town of the South. In Titoi ni.r Tho comniillee ap. pnitited by Congress to father up sufllcietil Ku Klux outrages dtiriii) the iiilei im, lo operate upon Ihe 1'rcs hleiilisl canviiss, urn in lather a do. tnnralifed slalo 1 ho wit lie-ses call ed, in iho interest of tho licpuhlicsn parly, bare r.Tll-rd to swear as was i ... . . n-irco ami aiiticip;ili.a. and lliero is Bump iippreheiisimi expressed (hat I lie whole H.,i,K , j ,irc,. T. "mnii-siiiii i, ivc.imineiided lo gn in 1 l" l"'""n Hie Southern Slut , am ree n.r tliemselves : but others . Waun il tdat , is-.,,, ,,.ni ,r,c i, Udp.,i I only thieves ami sealnw,, ,ml ,vi J ociiiscovereuiire INortlierueiirpi.t lir ;i,'ers. i ne same, nml whu-h tii ,.y ro-vd lo vfilulu " ilm ,,iL.. r Ao Jork. I nn I you stir up some, tiling else, gentlemen, that tho dance may yo on J Sidney .Smith once jjavo a lady two and twenty receipis uainst mclan. I'holy ) oiiii was a bright liro j aimllier to reinenibiT nil tho pleasant things said to her; another to keep a box pf stinar plums on (lie chimney. piece and U Lvltlti .immuring on the hob. IVKat V PKalUN .i -lit 1KY H0QH8, J 1 '-.-A .1 .1 b.i' II. r!j is.i-t.wSu m.I UllOCKIlllCH, -V' i i u -1 1.- .- ib ' HAItliWAHK, Qr tnjttiinj clue t)mt n uicfut to Mnn, Wotnnii or I'.iild, pIiuuIJ bear In Blind that MILLER & POWELL Itavo iiirchatnat 'Ihveigioeif 0f goodi and renlrd the Btore room furlnrrly orciiliiud by J. H. U1UIIA.M t Si'.NH. on Markrt itrcol, ' C JL U A H i-1 it i,Yi, i'a., where tb)r " '-'' I" i I h i ..'..r- CAN SKI.!., HO SUA., and AT LOWER' -FIGURES, Tlmn tho rnme (lnn$ nan tin lnuiglit clFewher io ' (Mcnrfl"M emmty. Without stop ping to . - - umwU4s, wt fv ill jtit 4jr Utbt . 1 have everything that in wealed ! -. i -1 n . , - t - f , j Ttcinflf oxtcp-Ivt'Ijr rnnixpil n tlio Lmnher hti!iiifM, ire nrr 1jIo to olTer mprrior induwinciiti to jubbcri. CWi-flrM, Pa., Feb. 1871. in 'ClotUinj.1 THE iluittt r liBrd; jua'rf lik to kiow How you may my your ilollari Tb irny io do rt I will iho, , . . ' Il you will road what follows. A mnn wfirt Itrterj hftt far frittn hefe Who worked hiird at hi trade, Bui had a houaehold to support .That tquandere all ho tua lo. I met him onco. Buy bo, ''My frtund, I look thread bvar and tnuh j 1 Vvt trlrd to (ft-1 myiiolf a puit, But can't v up enough." ' J Fayi T, my friend, how much have yon f 111 teH yon whrre to jtn To Ret a pnlt tbit ftoand nnd cheap t ' To KKIZKNSTKIN" A Co. ' ITe took what little be had Paved, ' And went to 1teiOPtoin A llrotheri, And there he trt a bandaome suit, For balf h paid lo others. Kow he U home, be lAoki so well, And thoir effect l soob, Thnt when thoy take their dally moal, , They don't eat half as much. ( And now he finds nn Saturday night. U 1th nil tholr wants supplied, That he has money left to ipond, And some to lay aside. Ills Kood sucre'i. with cheerful linlU, lie gladly tolls to all. If you'd save money, go and bay Your clothes at KEIZKNHTKIN'S CLOTHING Tl ALL. Whcro the e hoe pest, finest and beM Clothing and (ton d Furnishing floods can be bad lo suit ever tanteandin ever? style aprll,7l STOVE AM) EARTHED -WARE OF EVERY DESCUirno.N ! CROCKS! TOTS! CHOCKS l-Mior'a. I'alrnt . AlMl-lit Wulf . Scaling l-'rnlt laiiat PI'TTEK I'HOK.i, wllh lid", CltKAM I'ltoi KS, MII.K CHOCKS, Al'l'I.K RI'TTKR CROCKS, 1'lc'Ul.K CHOCK!), FLOtrrn rorn, ite dishes, KTDtV POTS, And a great many Mher t)ihgn too nntneroul to Mention, to ho Imd at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - .WARE . rOTTERY, Cornrr'et Chefrr Vrd Third Street., CLKARHKLD, I'A. an-S : Lime for. Sale 1 ''I'MIF. undTilgned, rciriing nrar the drpnt has 1 ' made complete arrangements with Lime Iturnern t;.ft at the mountain, whereby be Is ena bled to krep uunetnnt) on hand a large quantity of ' r U UK LIJ1K! i whirl, he oftVr f fanners and buildtTR at a trifle iilmve eot. Those in need of the article would do well to give sw a call, or address me by letter. bi fur nejtutitittng thtir lime. liKO. C. l'ASf MOttB. Clenrflcld, Ta., June 9, lffi9. 101) WAUL) PKUKHft CO., j Aud Poolers in . , GKAl OF ALL KINDS, rniLii'f ii U no, pa. A FUf.t. SUPPLY of Ft.Ot'R, WHEAT, CORN and CHOI' oonntanllr on band, and r nlc at ratr. rcinnrkalily low. fcbl-tl Ja very Slahlo. rIJ!n nnderplgncd rieg Irareto Inform the pub- 1. no tiint ne is now iintr pr'pnreu loaerouimo- dntn tl) in the way of furnixhiug Homes, lttiggiep, rHiltilrs atid Ilurncss, on the shortefft notice and on rcflpnmitile tvrniP. Hoeldonceon Locunt street. botwotD lairu and fouitli. tiKO. W. OKAIinAIlT. rienrflrM, April 11. 18117. Miss E. A. 'P. Rynder, AO a nt rot ChlekeHng's. Rtelnwa ' and Emerson's Pianos Huiith's, Mason A Hamlin's and Peloubet'g Orgntii and Melodrons. and fl rover 4 Dakar's Bewlnc Machines. ai.po Ta rfl k h or Piano, Gutter. Orgitn, Hnrmony and Toeal Mu ale. No nn nil taken fr lees ihnn half a term. 4honm neit door to First National Hunk. Clearfi. ld, May A, tf. C IIOK sT()VKl ppnR9 cAi.ontrtc, BURQt'EIIANSA, Bl'PERIOR, 00V. PEN'N, IlKOl'I.ATOR, K01ILK COOR, ' KATIONAL RAXHE, TIlll'MPII, PARLOR C00K8, . SPEAR'S REVOU INU l.KIIITS AND DOIIII.K HEATERS, And nil hind, of Hosting fltv.-for sal. hj ant-n'70 ' H. r. Mtll.F.H A CO. New Meat Market. fpilR anii ri,jiir have opened a Met Murkrt JL In the nmni liinnrrly ntTiipie by Alrinnder In in, on Murkrt Ptroet. ( leai tk'M, Pa , H-ljutning .M-.M' p'fj, where they iiitrrd to ke p a rupply ol ll kinds of Meat, Fruit ind Vegctaiilca, And at "rmc r. to simt Tita tpmk s.M Mip will be open r gnUrly on Tuesday, Tliumdny and Pat unlay, and meat delivered at anr point. A share of public patronage is rerpuctinHy soliritrd. JM. . HKOVVN. K. W. HltOWN. IAtao Cf-nilnue tn deal In all kinds of Improved Agrleuliural Implfmrnti. riiurlicll. Augiifii fl'. ls;n-(f. Beale's Embrocation, (I.ATE POWELt'g,) For .11 dUea-e. Inrldrnl to 1' .no, C.lUe, and tlttman reulrlnf th, of SB emernal aiilir..thn. ' Till. Fmlirneallmi a. ilenilreljr o,.d by Hie ()... m(nl Sarins th, w. 4 F..r aal. n ll.,i,.lrli 4, C1.arfl.ld. Jn,.,a R. Ir.B, Carwenitlll.. Uani.l Uoad. lanrfer. I.nlh.-nl.ntr 4- rniiKcct,rnRATi:D richarhhon doots j Liidu Kip , rrencn mp. M q no Trench Calf (HI. ' (Opp.ilia Jmil.lS.Otf At P. KMTZFR'f. cuT I Wfaad t.i.J Ui ..-:, ..i..i Uiu rhllipoljurg:, Contxo County, Ta. !!Y;i; !'7Uil !YIIU x nileralirneil rontllflillr anntuasn lo Ih, puMlo that ti, ha. bn'tiand t cart- full-,cl..ted and wellaa.ort.d .took of il ii- Y STOyp,': HEATERS,',. IUNGES, 'sJlOLLOW WABI -' .!!! .u. T ,J.' ' - .-..( tin, ,cpnu?rr Ind sTuiKT-iuo .'.!": WAHJEl i .1.1 t ., ... i r i . . i WOOD AKDi.WILLOWk WAIIE! .tack of Cooking Store, con.l.U of 1UE CELEBRATED lUOXSIDES, Whleb h.T. failed lo bnn roar, and .. prourit; Into familtel br. Icias.ed, Dlamnird Ptatt. Farmer, Herald, Oharm, Spe.ri' laliriirnla Conk Sto, Hiem Aml-lruit, Ua. Morning CnoHng Ktn.ea. Victor, Reliance and t'ninn Ron.,., I , . H'ar.' CoukinK Range., - - i , r , -. '.;: . ,V, ,' '., J tauThe Tin and Sheet Iron war. tlr.o villi Ih. Sto la aaado ,f-,ti k.T'eil and bent material, and warranted lo giro p.rfeot lull. faeirda. - ' " ' ' His Stock of Parlor & Heating Stoves I. larger. btt.r and cheaper than rr tsfor. aihibited lo the public coniUting of Spear.' nTllng Mghl Illumlnallng Store, bpear.'Anti-lia.l Oan-Uurnlng Farlnr Hror,, tipeara Orbicular Ua. Uurning Parlor btore, Spear.' flnn-Puri ipg P.rlur Suira,.Bos,uai, Pearl, tleirl, Ida, 1 '. cun, i ropio, iseraiin, do., do. Vulcan, Elm aod Victor HeMera, Spear.' R.. roiviog bigni iieaier.. . , l i : , ' 1 1 .-, -, lie t. ktid prepared to Tnrht.h a complete ai.oriment oi Tin, Copper, Shoet-Iron, Wooden anil Willow Ware, &c,, or retail, manufactured neatlr and wiin iba .ole rlcw to .errice, from lb, be.t ma terial la the market . . PLOWS' PLOW POINTS, COPPER, BRASS, PORCELAIN, TIN LINED, SPUN COMMON IRON KETTLES, Of arorj 1 nerlptioa connUallr on bind. ORDERS FOR SPOUmo, ROOFING And other work belonging to hi. bnntne.. will be promptly filled b .xperioneed and .kllllul workmen. BRASS, COTTER, OLD METAL, BAGS AND CASH " Takan ta azobaoga for goods, 4T-rie e.p.rl.:ir Inrlta. tb. attention of .Mercbant. wi.lilng to purcba., at wholesale, a. tr-.y will And it to their adrantaire to ezamin. ell .lock befor. purcbaalng al.ewhere. Look oat for th. Rig Sign, th, rest-, f Mr.. Dr. Jru.ter. " All Goods Wunurro ai TlrrarKriitin Ci. Phltlp'.hnrg, Jim, S, istn. augd (18 The Croat Prcsoncrof Ilcaltli! riiBI Oil ATIiD A St'RE PREVENTIVE Cl'RE "OP1 for; COLDS. rheumatism: 7 BUCKSKIN UN'DEI'GARMEN'TS ! Von unlet amp i.aNri rur.H. For sale by C KRATZER A SONS Dee. 21, 1H70. Cleai Deld, Pa. GREAT EXCITEMENT ON SKCONU STRERT, ClearilcUl, Pa. NEW GOODS AT LOW PEICES. TIIR nnd.r.lgned re.peclfully Inrtt. the at t'ntinn of th. pulilla generally tn their aplendld ...nrtment of m.rebandlia, whleh they ar. now aelllng AT VERY LOW PRICES. Their .Lock eon.l.t. In part of - Dry Goods of the Best Quality, Surb as Print.,' D t.nlne., Atpaceas, Merinos,, (bleached aad nnbleacb ed,) Urllllnga, Ticking., notion nnd wool Planneli.Sattnr tlr,Ca..naere., Cottnnades, L.dlea' Sh.wls, Mubla. A Hood., Balmoral - nnd Hoop Skirt., Ao,, Alio, a (In. assortment nf Men's Drawers nnd Sbirt., II au L'apa, Boots A Shoes, all nf which WILL BE BOLD LOW FOR CASH Hardware, Queensware, Glassware, Grocorios and Spices. NBHORT A GENERAL ASSORTMENT nf ereutbing rnelly kepi In n relstl .tor., all CHEAP POKCAXH or approved country pro duo. ' A. K. WRIQUT A SONS. CI.arB.ld, Nor. T, W1. ii. n i? i p c. k. . , , MERCHANT' TAILOR (Ptore one door sent of ClrRrfieTd lipase.) Market Mr., rirarfleld. Pa. K' " KFPB nn tisnd a full snort rasnte nf Osnts' PnrnishtnsT (loolls, snfd as Phlrtu, Unen end Woolen lliilershlrtf hrnwers and Hocks, Nerk ties, Peek el llsnrlkerelilers, Olores, IUi. t'rorirelUe, Ae,t mremt tsrietj. Of Fieoe Ooods hs keeps the Best Cloths of all "Shades and Colors," Snch a. Black Doe.kln of th, ,ry beat m.kei Panny Ca.lmera, In great e.rletj , also, Preach Coalln,. Bearer, Pilot, Clilnrhllla, and Vrlc. M otarooallng. All of which will be.old eheapfnr Cash, and mad. np neeordlng to lb. lljlol by asperleneed worhioen. . Alio, Agent for Clearfield oounty for t. M. ginger A Co'., e.l.brat.d S.wlng Machine. Not. 1, HOI tf. - , . H. BRIDOt. - i a. l! .' NOTICE. W4.VJ.A! ! II A o jl u i 4 j ii i: i:i v ' rowEidii. "? n 13 T si :i s , J clbahfield" j PLANING MILL , ...A,L li.j'lll G U,T.. ! . , iu ji.i.i .....(, V-lTTl ,.. . .0 ,1.. , TUB proprietor. repectfu11y Inform tbe clllien. of Clrardeld ornirrt T, that they bare entirely rettlnl ttili ..tsbllihutent with the latest Unproved wood-working maeblncry, asd fo now prepared to exocul. all ord.ra In their Una of bu.ine... They will fir e.piwi.1 attention ta th. nianufeo luro of material for boner building, mob Ks ' -'"' FLOORING ' WtATHER - BOARDING, , sXsifDbOits; DLlvbs, ( IIIUICUKTS .tlOl'Mlf.rtS, OV AtL'STTtBH, ' V atway. hare on band a large stock of DRT, and will pay eaab for al clear Lumber. Ona-nd a-half inch panel .tut preferred. Lumber Manufactured .to Order, Or uidiangod, to suit ouitomars. . Vo-Ordrr. .olicited, and LuniUer furni.bed on burt police and on rcasonalile tt'rma , ' RUED A POWKLU Clcardrld, Klarob 9, 11. . rtifrftliinfOHS. . H. F. N AUGLE fLOlK AXD UATtn MAKER, OrTOllTl 'Xfg!-ir MT STItttT POST OFFICKlSaytacLKARFIELD TIIR .uhicrlber ra.peeltully Informs bis old patrons and th public generally, tkat ha has on band, (and Is eomtantly rec.lribg new aaaitieni msretoj n large stock or Clocks,' Watches and Jewelry. Jt-Vl keep Jewelry In all Its forms and of uinerent values, either by the piece or set,. WATCHES A full a-iortneut of either flld or Mirer, made by th, best Averlcan and f elrn mar.ufaemrars, Ineladingn in lot of gold and niter btnliug ca, lull jewolwi, I'a .nl Levers. .... t CLOCKS-Of ,11 deilcns. eonilrllnt of eiiht. dny and tblrtv hoar, of either weight, spring or lovers, anq onto atria, and alarm. REPAIHINO. All klad. of Wntehes and Clock, llrpailcd, and warrantod. In addition t what I have enumerate.!, I keep a full anorlmraf of hPK'J f M'l.KH, ex.lnrrd and plain gl.M. "Iio, OOl.n PENSand PENCILS. SPOONS, FORK", BUTTER KNIVES, and In fact everything In ih. Jewelry Una. If I fail to on hand jort what a enitnmer may need, I will order per lr.t ,iprsf, wltbont extra charge A lilieinl.hare of public patronage I. .olieit.d Ma; 7, le(H y 11. t. NAl'UtE. MOSHANNON LAND & LUMBER CO., OSCEOLA 6TEAM MILLS, Mixirrncrinics ' LU.MBEU, LATH, AND PICKETS. n. II. SIIILLIXOFORD, Prc.idcnt,' 0111m Fore.t riaca, Ko. 124 8. 4lh St., Pbil'a, JOHN LAWSIII General Sup't. On-eol, Mills, Clearfield sounty, Pa. 1, . LAX If AM) L1.1IBER (OMPAXY OFFER IIsDIICEJIEXTN . . TO- Purcliasers of Choice Goods ...... AT THEIR : l 1 ? ' MAMMOTH STORE -IN- i . . OSCEOLA. Xew Ca hi not ! A rnpiTAXNON U5D UND f.L'MBKTl COM ill TA NY offer fur sale Town Lots io tbc bor oojgu of Osoeolrt, Cksrfield county, Pa., and alw lots to suit nurrhftflers o it-ide the limits of said borough. Osocols Is litusted on the Mosbsnnon Crock, in the rirbest tmrtioD of the eouutv of iirariivj.,, on IUe line or the irrone t Clt srhulil Hsilroail. where the Moxhsnnon and Drnrcrton branrh rosdi interpret. It in Uo in the bvart of the Moihannnn eonl basin, and larjt bmlies of wnne pine, nemioru, oak, and otner timhrr nr round It One of the largest lumber nianuf.ictnr init entitltlUlitncnt in the 8tsto is located tn Ihe town, while there are msny olhor lumber and shtnjIe mills around it. Tbe town Is but se 'en years old, and eon tains a fwpalalion of one tho. sand InhnhilsntSi Zr-fur further Information arnty at tho oHloe oi toe ansive eouiiany. JUi(. jAWrHH, 1:4:70 General Huperinteudunt! rji o I. It M II l l H II R IN I PERFECTION IN C A N T H 0 O KS I The ClenrnVId Rsmlsior Canthook will not wear not or brenk, being constructed with onr solid band from slip to point. It la pronounced by all practical luraViermrn who hava eiamined it to ba the nut perfect Cantliook arer invcolod. , , ' ' , ;, mo Kcnnard, Patentcei ; I. ! t I .1.1 Manufactured by Allot Knaaann A Co., nt ' CLEARFIELD, PA. rAll orders promptly attended lo. ti5J'7 FAIRBANKS' , STANDARD 1 ' 5 SCALES, W,' . or ili. mans, ' Doggsgt Barrowa, Warchnns, Trneka, Copying Prea.ea, Improved Money Drawer, Ao. Poll SAir sr II. F. UIOLER & CO., Ilralrrs In Hardware, moh.1l):70 It 1 Second Flrect, Clcarflcld. Pa. Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL AND OF COMBK TUB CHKAI'KSTI .' A Proclamation against High Prices! WR are now opening up a lot of the bvi and most seasunnble t.oods and Wares avsr olTrred in this market, and at prioee Ibai remind one of the good old dnys of elirnp things. Ihose who lark faith upon this poifil, or dtiw our alio. gntlons superfluous need but . Comer Front nod Market s tresis, . , . Where they ean See, feet, (.ear and know for thefn selves. To fully understand what arvoaeap giwtle. thii nu$t be done. W. do not deem it noeeaaary to enumerate and Itemise onr stock. It is onough for us I. state that . , We have Everything that is Neodod and tonsntnod in this market, nnd at prlaaa that wtoni.h bulb old and onng. i . t .Drugs & 'iUtditiurj. NEW DRUG ' ST0RE;i HHI. B. ALEXANDER, HI. D, Drup;glt and Apolliccnry, CUItWENSVILLE, PA., i r f f 1 Xcqisi nnsltlilly ei liiaitd L a-rjn a'rI'U If j) ji u a s, Patent Modleines, Paints and Oils, Varnishes, llya Slufl., do. Hi. .took of lrug. I. pure and fresh, and ffUHtomers can rely upon getting tb. bet of ov.rytbing In bi. Una. Ui. (took of PERFUMER Y , Toilet Article., Hair Tonlo., Cosm.tlo., Rrnrbc, Toilet Boapa, Comb., Pocket lluok., Pen.. Ink., V.nls aii'l-J'enrrt.nd.a control aa.ruuank.r Ibis Haas .f.ginid., an nit uf ti bolt umliiy. ; i , PURE WINES fc LIQUORS, For Medical purposes only. Ulass, I'ulty, Luhrifaiing .Oila.o,, to suit tbe wonts of tbe community. .'. His extensive and well selected stock of Prujre and Medicines eimbtns him to fill Physleians' presoriptions on short notloo and on tho most reasonable terms. Smokers 'and Chewen will find his Steele of Chewing and Hawking Tobsvoso, Cigars A Hnuff, to eonsist of the very best brands in tbe market. A shxre of public patronage is snlieited. Oct. lit im. W. 11. ALEXANDER. no ok s V7JIICH HAVE ALWAYS i ' I i ' .- i J I 8ATISFACT ON .HERETOFORE, WILL BE DISPOSED OF IX SUCH i I , ' " :i . I AS TO PLEASE 0 X FRIENDS ASD CC3 ' T0MER3. "JUST RECEIVEDl ' THE FINEST ASSORTMENT OF HOLIDAY ' goods sucn AS ' K 0 0 K S . AND 0TUE& STATIONERY ARTICLES, EVER OFFERED 10 TUB CITIZENS OF THIS PLACE! NOW ON EXHIBITION AND FOR SALE AT PUBLISHERS' A MANUFACTURERS' PRICES, AT TUB POS TOFF ICE.-- Clssrflold, D.c It, 1170. V R If E D OITTI B U R N E DfU Pli , liETtfl ntN VTOOtBN flCTORt,! Vtua toaukhip, Ckarficld Cy., Ta, The saHecri'lrTTr. are, at great antenna, rehuild Ing. and in a f w days will have eornpleted, a neigblrorhood meesnily, in the ereetion of a flrat elans Woolen Manutiulory, with nil the modern improvements attarbed. and are prepatrd hi inkvke an ainas ui noius, i neflitnores, AtiiniettSp Ulan kets, Flannels, Ao. Tlenty of g'tods on hand to supply all onr old and a thoupand new cuPtnmers, wnnm we ais te eoma ana eiamlne our stock. Tbe business of CAR PINO AND FlLMNM wit) reeetrc especial attention. Our new mill will be realy be wool-earding aeasoa, therefore ihrre need be no hesiuiiun on tbat aooro. Proper nrrangrmeiits will be made to receive and drluer WiMil, to suit eiistomers. All work warranted and done upon ihe shortrst notice, aod by strict attsn Hon to business we bopo to realise a liberal soar of publio patronage. HMMMj POINDS WOOL WANTED! We wit) pay tbe highest market price fir W00l and sell our manufactured goods as low as similar goods ean ie bought in the oounty. and whenever we fait to r under reasonable satisfaction we en always bo found at home ready to wake proper eiplanation, either In person or hy letter. JAMES JOHNSON A HONS, april2Atf ' Grampian Hills P. 0. TOBACCO AND CIGARS I . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, At the New Tobacco nnd Cigar Store of . if. aii.ur, Two doors Esst of th. roitodlc., Clearfield, Pa. Constantly on band a fine assortment of Nary, Congreas, Cavtndisb, Cable, Spunroll, Michigan nnd Century Pine-cut Chewing Tobacco, do. Al.o, a large aad well acl.ctcd stook of Imported and Domestic Cigars, Smoking Tobaccos, Mmrirhanra and Drlar Plpea, . I Pipe lituraa, Tobacco Roles, Cigar Ilol.lors, and everything gcn.rallv found In t well regulated Cigar and ' j Tobacco Store. , ( , Jt4t Remember tbe place i Two doors East of Ihe Postorncc, Clearfield, Pa. aug. H If. R. B. TAYLORS i LIME AND COAL YARD, (Near the Railroad Depot,) CIKAKPII.1.1), VEX NMt EMI1RACB this methoil of Informing the public, that 1 hava opened np a yard for the le of wood or eoal-burut U MK and Anlhracile CtlAIs, In the borough af Clear ft eld, and have rompleled arrangements with eastern dealers by which I ean keep a full supply oonstanllyon band, which will he disposed of at reasonable rales, by the tun, bushel or ear load, to suit purchasers. Tlioie at a distance oan address me by letter, and obtain an necessary iniormalion by return msil. ll. D. TAYLOR. Clearfield Pa., Feb. 14, IMtl-tf LIME AND COALI "I T A VINO InorraM-d our facilities for burning X L '"" luring the past season, we am pra- piii vd to furni.h Wood till rut I.lnie, ' Cnal Itiirnt Line, Wood nd loal Iturnt I.ln, Manufactured lli.n-lciin.ied - - "BKLLEKONTR LIMESTO.NK," wlilrh prodncc th. wnirrsr and rt'm.T Litia, for all mechanical purpune-, llmt can be found In th, Stat of Pennsylvania, and which we aril at a. low priors, delivered on oars, aa the inferior Limes are sold at their places or manufacture. ... Also, dealera In and ahippen of Wilkesbarre and Shnmokin ' ANTHRACITE COAL, of all tlses, prepared oiprrssly for family use. Orders solicited. , . - . , SIlORtLIDnR A CO, ' Ktv. , l0-l, T . , B.llefonra, P. new vinn. v .1iir.t Itfifl J'fAif'il1! .am I iti KRATZER A LYTLE, r Market Street," Clearold, Pena'a., ( tb. Jail,) ... l-L II TTAVE now en band a first-class stock nf A goods, suited ta th wants nf tb, pukllo. Our stock 1s largs, and hy nonalnntly baking additions thoreto, wt art aWe lo acaomniodata all who m.y favor u by eajling. Ws bars ,i . pit y. goods; '.0 v, ..M , I : kleiioQi, Olugbaaia, Olotns. PrUits. , ' . ' Delaine,, Canlinere., Bilks, Raps, . Satinets, Caihni.ras, Tweed., Cob.rga, Alpacas, Hokslr, Lanell"a, Muallns, Flannsls, Bonnets, Ribbons, Cloaks, Balmoral bklrte. Hoop Skirt., Shawls, Drers Trimming., Hrad Not., Cap., Cors.ts, OloreS, Scsrfs, Collars, Oraaadin, V.ill, Tabl, Corsrs, era. ' Coats, Panla, Vests," Or.r Ooati, ' Gent's Shawls, Shirts, Hals, Csps, Undor-Sbirts and Drawers, Boots nnd Shoes, Gum Sbons, Cravats, Socks, U lores and Collars. groceries; Tan, Cofea, Sagar, Uolnssas, Sail, Candles, Rlre, Flour, Baoon, Fish, Tobaeoo, Rai.ln., Currantt, Spieaa, Crack. n, Vinegar, Oils, Varnlib, Peppsr, Alcohol, An. -HOUSEHOLD GOODS, Carpi Oil tlolh. Drugget, Clscka, toriklng-Olaafer, Churns, Buckets, ' . Waihboards, Tubs, Flat Irons, Talis, Window Bilndi, Wall Paper, Coal Oil Lamps, Bedcords, " Umtreltns, Knlvaa, Forks, Spoons, Crocks, Slovss and Store Blacking. HARDWARE, Qoerniwam, Tinw.ra, Ola.iwara, Woodenware, Coppcrware, Book., Stationery, Mu.ical Go.da, Trunks, Skat.., do .. ' pA 11 of which will ba .old tn tbt moat rsn sonakl. tarns, and V t kightat market prlc. paid for Grain, Wotl nnd atl kind, of country produce REMEMBER THE PLACE: KRATZER & LYTLE'S, (Opposite Ibt Jail,) CLEARFIELD, PENN'A. . t.171 sii Aiti: ti tiki: it EaAalRYINcScCO., ll ntVUXSVILLE, PAM f . Being specially engaged In Ihe business of Buying and Selling Square Timber, Would represent tbat they are now prrpared tn parchass Timber delivered at either Curwcnivllle, Lack Haren nr Marietta, (or will take It ad nny of theae points,) and sell on uommtsslon, making such advauoea as are nacossary. . Those engaged In g'ttlng out Timber will Cud ai our store in Carwensill,, n very large stock of STAPLE GOODS Of all Descriptions. ALSO, i'lour, .TsYnf, !, Oafg, font. And averythlng neoesssry for use of Lumbermen RAFT ROPE, Of all si set, kept oa hand In large qnantltlea, and old at small advance by the eoiU Also. Tulle - Block i( Buiall Rope, Ac' jMrHtPRCIAL 1MITCFMRXT offered to those manufacturing 6qnara TimHr, 1 F- A. 1RVIM At CO. Curwensvllle, Jannary 12, 1870. S T A n 1. 1 1) II I; ! 18SI. -Id Highest Prcmlom, Sliver Medal, awarded over all compclllion, ot Moohanios' Exhibition, Boston, October, Infill. TUB ORIGINAL AND GENUINE '' SELF - REGULATING, WROtmnT IRON, AIR TIGHT, GAS-CONSVIITITQ HEATEH, WITH fATIlHTtD Dtst PraKRrf, Oratr TIau Rests, Wnoranr Iror Ramatoh, asd Automatic Aioclator, , For Burning Anthracite or Bituminous Coal or Wood. 10 si ses for brickwork, and t slsea Portahla, MAffrrArTVitRD ohi.t t ' j J. REYNOLDS & SON, N. W. corner 13th and Filbert Streets, PHILADELPHIA, PA. . .,' Tbea. Heaters are made of Heavy) Wrmtgbt Trnn, well riveted log.-lber, and ar, warranted to he absolutely tlaa and Dust Tight. They are the only Heaters that are managed without any dam pers, and la which all kinds of fne! ean be burned without nlleratlon. Conking Ranges, for Hotels, Tttftauranta nnd Famlli,,. Alsu, a Flat Tup Healing Range, Flra Place nenlers, Low Down Orates, Flats Manlela, Registers, Ventilators. giving fall dew Ipti.a, sent free, U any tddreta, . Jyll7 )y BIGLER, YOUNG &; CO., (Snanaaaort It Boynlon A V.ung.l FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS Manufatturart tf :: rOETABLE & STATIONAET STEAM ENGINES Corner of Fourth and Pint Streets, . ' CLEARFIELD, PA. a if..'...' i., .I.,va ah JT - , - j TTAVINQ engaged in tbe manufacture of rlrst- 11 class MACHINERY, we respectfully Inform tbe publl. tbat wa are now prepared to 111 nil orders us ohcaply nnd as promptly as ean ba don. In any of the cities. Wa manufacture and deal in '. Mulay and Circular Saw-Mills . Head Blocks, Water Wheels, Shafting Pulleys, Gilford's Injector, Steam Qaugra, Steam Whistle.,, Tallow Cupa, Oil Cup., Gaug. Cocks, Air Cocks, Glob. Valve., Cheek Valve., wrought Iron Pipes, B eam Pumps, Boiler Feed Pumps, Aatl Frietion Metres, Soap Ston, Packing. Gum Pack ing, aad til kind, nf HILL. WORK) toj,qtr with Plows, Sled Sides, 0, , COOK AND PARLOR STOVES, and other CASTINGS of all kinds. at-Orders solicited and filed at city prices. All letters of inquiry with referenoo to machinery of our manufacture promptly answored, by addrcs ing ns nt Clearfield, Pa. decilTO-tr BIQLRR, TOTJNO A CO. A GREAT MEDICAL DiSGOOT Sr. WALKER'S 0.' LLFORJilA VINEGAR'BITTERS ii Hundreds of Ihoutaadg n t-3 Bear lttTniny t- th.r TTo3(c i s liny tt lh"lr vro3ic uri.l,v. ARE THEV? aid i wuri,iive Jtucct. fP5 r.i S3 Bi WHAT TTTKT AT.E SOT A VILB FANCY DRINK. Matleof Pr Itant, WbUkrrt Vruvf Hplriia mud UvfuMi I.lciaurafloetorkil.sriecd and .meet toc4 So fist" ilia tzto, cdlc4 M Tonics, A) petit, tn" " ntstorciK," AC, i.Lt lead t;.s l.prlr to tfrunkenncM and mU, bn tro a tmc Medicine, matlo from Ui aVttiva Loots and l.enr rUforcla,rrc frtn nil Atrolicltc ri Imutnnta Tbej ata iko CSK RAT IH,()OI aTLUlt- IElC nnd A MFC G1V1NU riUM'iri.l.aiKrlcct lU;oovator and lorlf orator c r tho CyLU a, carrying eff a!l rtciscoc3 matter aud rtrtnrltj t::e Mood to a tt tHl.y coodltioo, Kopcraon eant-'-e these Di iters accuruiuf torircc tloi and rcmclnlcirr or. well. ttO will l.o flvctjforsn lnraraHsras,fr,rtdctl Uta bones aro ret dwtrord tjr m inert 1 poitcn or other mean, a: .1 t.;o UAttrfiuvuttta tero.dCit notnt of rrniur. For Irtlnmrri.tbrr t:nd f'tronlp rhrurrn lln nnd (Joat, lyaM'.ln, t r wdiveiliit. IIIIIowm. Ursntiiriit nnd luicrmlttrnt Ir-vcia IMwrnaioot ihr Illood. l.lvrr. Kt.nrv. nud Illaildlrr, thrno lUtlois Lavs brea nott sncccu- rni. Km.. ,DI.,racsj tra rauscd Xr VIHntrd Blood, win eh ! irracrally rodnccd by derantoicut oiuk- iMcmiitst (htnm, 'UlH'LI'MA tell INPIt.FKTItrry, Tend ache, rain la tbe UtOBUera, loufctu, 1 iKliUcsa of tna Cliect, Ditslncaa, Hour Kmctaidor, ct tb tumach, Had taat In tho k'noth, C.llous AtUcLs, l'a!p.Utl' D of ths IUrt, IntUaintatloa of the Lttr.t, Tain lo ths Teftow of C MJn jri.andaticndrtd otocr pa.aiol ajrmpuin.s.are tlio tjtn, ruifiof P)-rpt pata. Th y tnT.jorato U.c Etcmach a..d tUmolate Ui tor nldliTrraod bowcia, which rtndiTtlmmof nneqoaUid rme.oY w cioansing UicllooUof aillmporlilra, and impartlni new nro and Tiger to ths whole iratcm. I O U H K 1 N I IS E A r C8. Ilrnrtlons. Tetter. Rait rasosn, tllotchca, k pots, llnrplrs, I tuttlc, Dcito, Car. bonelas, iUnf -Worui., cala-Uoad, Cora 1 r. rrydp- cias,iion. ttcnrri, lUioltjrUor.tcf ihofikta.Hcmcrs and Olscatcscftlie bk.n, of whatever nsmo or nataroi an llterulif dog vp ard carrlod out of the )ttctn In a short time tjr Uie uaa of these tltiera. Cna bothi In sne-ta oaaosaill convince Uiu nvot l&crcdulooa ci tbc;r carat re affect. Cleanse the VMIatod riood whenever you find Its impTjrlUoa barstlnjr Uiroach tho Lln tn Mmrlee, 1 ro Uons or bote i cU-tuisolt ubis yoa find u ooatrwcicd and aloxsTltli la tl.a Totaa, cleanse U wboa It la fenl, and yonr feeling will t- il too when. Keep t:ic blood pore and the b alth of t?n tytUtu wtll follow. riN, TAIKadotbor WOlOIrV larltnc In tha eywcm ot so maur thouaands, ara t ff otnnUr detror ed and re tnoTvd. For full directions, r.-skd carrftillr tbe circular amnnd eacb bottle, prluti-d In Tomx laa gnagcav-fcatiirti, German, rrench ant Spanish. J. WALK Eli, Proprietor. B. H. McDONAID ft CO Dmsiiiit and Oen. .Iffents, an TJancloo, Csl, aad S3 and 04 Comiuorco Btrutt, hvw York. Oct. S6, 1870:1 j. NEW MARBLE YARD IN MTIIMtMILKGI rpilB undersigned takes this method of Inform X ing the oitisens of Cleartirld and Jefferson ouunties tbat he has opened a Alarble Vard. for the aiamuaolure or Tiimb.tnnra, Olouunirnta, Head and Pout Stones, Vc, c I emnlny non, bul tb, best workmen, end use the best materiel. Ail orders promptly filled aod th. wvra warrmniou. Ail.irr.s all letters to DANIEL tllHUILAXDER, Lulbarsbnrg, Oclnbor JH, 1870. "TOTtrrTtaVlrig porcha:c.l (be Inlcrcst of i.V J. A. Ulallci.bcrger. K.q., In Ih. huilnrs. icFTioiur. earrieii on nnuer llir nrm name of J. A. Blaltenberier A Co.. Ihe lame will h. c.,r,,L,.l hereafter under the nam. ot Muebaonon Land and i.umiier i nmpanv, iwti.rr.) II. II. HIIII.L1MIKIKII. JOHN I.4WSI1R aySJIf 1'ro.ttlrnt. Orneral Sup't SAWS 1 SAWS! SAWS! DISTAN'8 CROSS CUT, MILL, DRAO AND CIRCULAR SAWS. Boynton's Lightning Cross-cut Saw, ALSO, PATE5T rERFORATEDd ELECTRIC SAWS, For aala by wtl,ri! H. F. IlIriLBR A CO. Liithf rsliurg Marble Yard ! fTIIPI siihwrihcr respwtfiillv anoonncei to this J. eummunl'y and the pntilic geneially thai be I. now rilen.lrrlv angered In Die manufaclnre of Mnniimrnta, Itrd and Fmil Stnncs, "land, Talilf and llnrean Tnpa, etc. No higher trttiute ean be paid to a deceased relative or friend than Ihe erec tion of an enduring alah as a wltneaa to unborn generations where Ihcy bare laid him or her. I hav. engaged Nr. Ji hn W. (iabagan aa my agent to sll, and to whose workmanship and skill many ean near wltneaa. Order, solicited nnd promptly tiled. Work delivered wherevrrdc.lrtd. ... . " 1 R- H. MOO It la,. I.ulherahnrg, No.rmher HO, l7. ET YOUR BOYS' It ATS at FUILBRTON'S. a i A P At I I sm ' Of I TTTKT AT.B SOT A VILB S s3 FANCY DRINK. Iff Coin mu, TTUkkY T. HKLMUOI tvn COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT CATAWBA GItAPE riri c COnrOlfBITV .11.1. . Ftii AVfCCI iflutnrt nnd fl,,d E,i c . ' ' Urnpn Juicn. " For llvsr Cnmplnlnts, Jaun li-,, Dili,,,, ( tloni. Sick or Nervoui lleadarhe. t'u, ,.Kt. Purely Vegetabl., Coi.i.liiic, ."jj1 aury, Minerals or Dalstorleui Drugi : II i I Thssa Pills ar, tb, moatdsllgbifuii,, pnrgalivt, tup.readipg castor .;, " nesln, tit.' Tbsre Is nothing more scr,)1 ibt stomach. They give tone, sndnu,,,," nansen nor griping pains. Tly . H " tf th. faml Vayredi'nts, A ftrr s fr d,. f ofthau, such an Invlgor.lioq of th. ,lltitll " lem takes place as t appear mirs, u:n u IL weak and snerveted, wbeiher siim , i,0o , prudnnoe iu dina.e. H T. HelmUld', c4 pound Fluid. Estracl Catawba limp, pllUllj not. sugar-ei-aird, Irom the fact ir fu Pills do nut di.S'.I.S. bul pass Ihrnuxl. U ' l o wi.iiuh, ui.eui.irg. cooreqit.nliy u- ni. pr0Ju tbt deilred effect. The Catuwlit (ltw j,. being plearanC In last and odor, do ri ,nrt Ui. tbilr being mgarcoatcd. Pii,-iM,Btt per box. E HENRY T. I1ELMB0LDJ nigbly Cooc.ntrated Couipour.j FLUID EXTRACT SARMlAMUt Will radically .atesminate from it. i; ,(. nla, Syphilla, Fever Sorea, Ulr.rr, s r. E,rt Sort Log., Sor. Month, Sort Iltud, Ilnc-l,, Skin, Salt Rb.ura, Cankrn, Unosis., irons in. fc.r, K Ut. Swellings, lu.u. ri. Cu. o.rcu. Affections. N..d-s. Ru-ket., ii;,H,iv Swellings. Kigbt Swsats, Rash, Trtttr, llum.ri of all Kind', Ckr.nit Rbeumatirm, D).),,,! sail all that bara betn e.t.bhibit ;, tbe syitea for oars. L Being prepared expressly for the aUr. Con, plaints, Us Blood-Purifj log Propertlei ir. ,rw than any other Preparation of Snrsapaiilla. It glvea ths sompleilon t elrar and healthy coin aod restores the patient to n state of h.-slik purity. For purifying th. blood, rcmoi i Ti g all ehrania con.iitutional di.aasM fr-.n u Impure statt of the blood, nnd tb, onli rrlitll. and etrelaal knonn remedy for tk. run it Pain, and .welling of tbt Boon, Ulrrmiuoi Ih. Throat nnd Lags, DIotch.a. Pinybs on tbi F,ct, Rryilp.las and all Scaly Eruption nf tbt skin, and beautifying tbe completion. M DEXRT T. HEI.MBOLD'3 Crneen'rated FLUID EXTnACT HL'CUU THE CHEAT DILTETIC, bas eur.d .very ea.a of Diab.te. in wbich il bu been given. Irritation of Ihe Keck of the IlidJ aid of th. Fidney., Ulceration tt tbe Kidney, and Bladder, retention ol orioi, il.nie. of th, prMStrata-Oland, .ton. In tbi B'.dder, Calculus, Orarel, Drlckduat drnoiiu snd Mucous or Milky discharges, and f.,r a freblcd and delicate eoi-.tltutiooi of both s.iri. attondod with the following symptoms: India. poiittun te exertion, loss ol power, loi. of mm. ory, difficulty of braatbing, weak n.rre. lrr. hling, horror of di.eaaa, wakefulneis, dimnni of vision, pain in tha back, hot handi, flu-hitr, of th, body, dryness nf Ihe skin. erupiln on ib. face, pallid countenance, nnlvcrial ImiiuJi ol Ih. mmcnlar ayrt.ul, ,1s. Caed hy pereon. frotn the nge. af elht.rn tl twenty dr., nnd from thirty v, to fifty or In th. declin, or change of life after enrllns. ent or labor pains bed wetting in cbiUria. Hetmbald's Kxtract Rook, Is diuretic and HooJ. purifring, and cares nil diseases arl.-ing frm babiu of disipatlon, and .xces.ea and lm-ri. dences la life, Impurities cf lb, blood, ele . in persedlng copaiba in atTeeiions for a bid, it ii used, and syphiliiie effectlone in tbeie di,et i.d in connection with ll.lmbeld's Hoi. IVatb. LADIES. In many affections peculiar to ladles,' tb. J r.. tract Cucbu la unequalled by any other rnnctr as in chlorosis nrrntentlon.irresul.rli.t.r'iin fulness or suppression of customary Ta-ualiof, ulcerated orschirrus state of Ihe otrius, liucor rl.oea or whil... tterilily. end fur all eomplnints incident to th, sex. briber nri Ins from In lir- relion, or habiu of di.lpation. It ia prerrribrd extensively by the most eminent pbyslciin. snd midwiveif,T.nfr,bled.nddrtlrate cnitti.ti of both .etes and all ages (attended with an) of tha abov, di,ass or symptoms). 0 H, T. IIKLMBOLD'S EXTRACT IltCilt7 Cures dlieasee arlilng from Imprnitrr.m, 11. b- I's of Di.slp.tlrn, etc., In all their Hngi s, at liitl, exp.n.e, liill. or to change In diet, no Inconvenience, and no ex posure. Il eauars n frequent dc.l'e, a d girci trenglh to U'inst., thereby removing fi,i ruc tions, Preventing and Curing Slrlclurei of tbe rretlira. Allaying Pain and tnll.min.lion, is frequent in this clsss nf diieaa.s, and exp liing all Poisonous matter. Thousands who bar, been tha victim! ol in- Mmpelent persons, and who paid hrsry fens io be cured In a anon lime, have f..on I ik.y h.v. bran deo.ivad, and that th- p.d.nn" b.f, by th. us. of ''powerful ailrinirentp.H b. n dried uplnlhe.vitein.tob-eat ou'in a more aggravated form, and perhaps after Marriage. Us, Helmliold's Kiirn-l Bucl.n for all A (fee. Horn and lll.ewes "I Ihe Urlnarv Orrans. ahelh. cr eii.ling In Male nr frmala. fruoi whatever caus. origin. tinar. and no mailer of bow long landing. Ptica. 1.50 per bottle. HENRY T. PELMDOLD'S IMPROVED ROSE WAS1T. Cannot bosnrpa.srd as n FACE WAII. and will h. f.,.Bt Ih. oolr stiMitfla ran. ..I in paries of cutaneous sffoctlon. It ipeedily sradi. enl.i pimpla., spu, scorbulle, drynees. Inc. ra tions of ihe ruuneous mtmVrene, aio., dl.pels redness and Incipient liiflawmotiun, hives, rath, moth pat. bee drtneu l erslpor ikin. frost kllesv and all purp-nse. for nhlch .aire, or .l.i.i.m. ar. used j restores tba kln tn n stale of purity and tofliirss. and Insure. onaiinied been., ao tlon t. ih. iifue ol Its vessels, oa which dsprndn, h.enr.eabl. elearr.e.a and vivneitr nf o-.mplrx- Bovxn. .no anmirccj. nut how.ves valuald. a. a reuielx for ril.iin. il.l..,. r it.. skin, II. T. Ilrlmhold'a line. H e.b k.l I..PC u.tain.d ll. principle claim to unbounded pal r n.f. by p..Mrlna qualities whl h rendrr ll m TUiLKT APPkNDAUK .1 tba nd Congenial ch.raeler. oumbining la an ele. ganl l.iruiul. ikora pn.mmrnl rvauldiea. dAKK. Y and bKPU'AC)-lhe Inv.ilabl. eociiiolaui. menu of il. aseas a pr.-serrailva and rrfresh- ar of lb. m(.exiitn. It Is an excellent Lolioa fur dlaeasM nt a riyphmia n.lar., nnd a. aa In- Jerllon for dl.ea.e. ol Ih. Urinary Organs, atie- inn- irom nabit. ol ai.lp.llun.n.rd in ennneclion wiih tbe Ksiracla urbu, Sar.parilla aad Ca tawba Urapa Pills, In snch Diseases aa mandsd, caunot b. stirpssisd. 1) Full and .xpllcil dlractlona mcdicinea. ... K.iiicnro of lb. mo.t re.nnn.ihl ...I eharacter furni.hed an appllrati..n. wi'.t n,nd,.H. f A'.iiKd. of living wi arxca, nnd ap.ardi f .Hl.tltlO nnscliclled Ocrllflcaler and rrmmindalnr letuira, aianv of wblrh are from tba highest,, Inoludlng tmlneni Phy.lriana, i lrsy men, Mat.imrn, rlo. The Prri.lor kat n.v.r rrtuvltd to their publlcallon In lha new,pa.era I ha does nn do tbi. irom the ibai hl.ariielen rank aa ni.nd.rd Preparation., nnd do not n.rd rropp.u up oy c.TllDCntra. IIKKRY T. HFLMIini.l.'R 08NUISB PUB- PAHATIll.Nd Delivered la any addreea. Secure from at..... vation. Etiabli.hed onward of old hv I'rurfflltS avar.whera. A.1,1..... U.t... for Inform. 'ion. In enngienet. lo HENRY T. II ELM IIIM.D. Drnrgi.i and I'heinl.t. Unly 1 1, pelts i H. T. Hrlmh.lir. fin,. ..j rhemlcal Warehou.a, Nn, na Hruadw.y, N Y., or to II. T llrlinhold'i Medical Depot, 1(14 Sou lb. enn nireet, rniiaaeipota, I'a. H.w.rt of eounterlelii. A.k for DErSRY T. HELM HOLD'S Tak.nt other. 7 IWiubold's
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