f5 Us, .. TIIE.,, CLEARFIELD B(Pl'BLKAV I - H -r . M ii mi to arssr m)inAr, ar J MOI)LAnF.n 11 AOKKTY, CLBAllFlELn, 1A. 1 " V- ' KMTABilHIIHII IN tt. ' e fht Inr.-fHl riiTulatliin of any Newspaper In Mirth Central Pouimylvtnliu , ... . i v TvTiua.of -Subscrjptioo. ,', pi1 1 mi .dinner, r within 11 months.. ..ft IN) ii .,i,l nflrr S and hoforo (I month. ... S SO j fti i hi eiplration of nionlhi... 3 Ql) , f- - ' I . Rates ot Advertising. Tnin-iit n lverll-einent., par rqiuireof 1" line, or i,M. -i limrl nr lose...... 91 311 1-i'n "ira'Drli unit Uxocuton notiofit , I so Ail tiiir' ii'i'it-.t'.Mif.xM.ri' ..( , 1 so , 1 to , 1 on (4,iii.n. Kii't Kiitrayi.im....nn,(tl.n , p ,..',-i'ii il CrlM. I ytnr . , I on Lwal ndtii'i1".ppr line , '' 20 YKAR1.V ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 .qiurr n eo1umri...,...'.9.18 00 J.KR".. ..U 01) 1 ,gja.............20 oa cnluma..1. it; 45 00 I otiluan. ........ 80 00 Job Work, " Bl-ANKfl, Sin;V tn: S 50 S ijuirci.prijiiirev 00 I I 0 qnlrel.pr. qulrrll TS .l Ovor 0 por ift AO ItANtlBIU.fl. I'W.'JSorlFM.S 00 I ) tliiwt, 15 vi Icil.ti'OO ; iSrt.!i or Ira, .1 00 I W,55 or icm.ll) (10 Out 23 of ri.ch of nhore nt proportionate ratof. nKlHnB ft. OonnMNDER, OEOKUE IIAGERTY, l'iMl.l,r. Cards. VII.I.IAU A. WAI.I.4CR. HH tlKI.DIMO. WALLACE &. FIELDING, " ATTORXKY- AT- LAW, Clcsrflclil, Pa. , ' ; WMia1 rmtlnrit ot k". lb-nil l wi'h nmmptnm "nd (lilcllty. O:-" ln rnl-nre of William A. WiiIIao.. Ja"12:.. A. W. WALTERS, ATTOUXEV AT LAW. C'lfurtlcld. Vi. uOfflpa In tho Conrt llnnsa. fdeo3-1y H. W. SMITH, ATTORN E3T - A T - L A W , JeSO rioRI flcl.i. Pa. ' I SR AELTEST, ATTORN FY AT LAW, Clearfield. Pa. ir-nffla In th Oniirt ll'i'jna. f J jrl I .'7 JOHN H. FULFORD, ATTPHN'FV AT LAV( Cleaifleld, Pa. OTn on Mtirkpf St . oor Joejh Showen -i-PrnmM ttnrrtlon rirrn to th cnrng J n -iintr. Ptntm, 4o..and lu all logal busiDeK. tiios. J. K'cin.i.oitnrt. wji. h. ii'ci i.i.otiou. T. J, McCULLCUGH & EE0THER, AlTl'liXKY" AT LAW, - rirarflftlil. Pa. - - - ORIfA on Morto't iri .in door Aatof th riiar ld County Rank. (3:1:71 J, D. McEN ALLY, ; ATTOItV K.Y AT LAW, I'lcarflcM, Pa. )p?.r71 I'liNin',, nlfi"ilid to proinp'ly with f l'litv. tiOlcr on Sreond .trect, n'.oro t'lr Firnt Salioiiiil Dank. ... - . J :1'S: 71 -1 vp J ROBERT WALLACE, ATTonvrv- at-Law. Wallace'ou, Clearfield County. Pcnna. .All Iral liu.inms proirptl; nttrndrd to. J. r. invii ,.n. l. Kutus IRVIN & KREBS, Piioocori to II. B. Pwoopp, Law and Collection Office, n:m'70 rr.EARFrEI.D. PA. W ALT ER BARRE TT," ATTftRXKY AT LAW. Uffi.-t on Second St., ClMrOald, Pa. norll.OO JOHN L. CUTTLE, ATTdRNF.Y AT LAW. And Real Katale Agent, Clearftold, Pa. Ollios on Third atrrat. bet. Cherry Sl Walnut. Ri,pfiirolly nffcre h In .ervlce. In .eltlng and h.iyinc land. In Olnarfiold and adi'dninK ciiiinilna j and with an exprlonoe n' nt r twenty yiini a. a anrveyor, flatter, him.olr that ha ran rin ler .atl.fnrtlon. Feb. i'l'&tr, J. J. LINGLE, ATTORNEY -AT - LAW, I IS Onreola, Clearfield Co., Pa. jripd J. BLAKE WALTERS, REAL KSTATK BROKER, 1!d naiuia is Saiv JLofS' niul dumber, OLEARFIELD, PA. Iteal E.tate ooiiht and aold. title, esmnlned, tu ten pitid, and eonveynnee. prepared. Office in ftln.onic IluililinK, Room No. I. l:2j71 John II. Orvlt. C. T. Alot.ndor. ORVIS &. ALEXANDER, ATTttl NKYS A r LA IK. Itrllcl'onte, Pa. .rpl.l.'ds-j DR. T. J, BOYER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office en Market Street, Clearfield. Pa. ' pirOflice hour.: S to 12 a. in , and 1 to 8 p. m DR. W. A. MEANS, PHYSICIAN Sl SURGEON, Ll'TllF.RSIll'Rt),- PA. : ( "Will attend proreaalonal eall. promptly. auKlO'70 DR. A I tTToRNI TIIVSICIAN & SUUOEON,, "I TAVINO loo.trd at Kvlirtown, Clearfield eO Xm. I1- "(FuTi hii pn.feonit.iKil Bprvjc" to ttic if'.le ulthe fiirnun'litig country. fcpt. Iv, DR. J. F. WOODS, , PHYSICIAN A SUIl'l KON. ...!. I a. 1 : 1 1 t. IT.. 1,1. profoAnional BrrriM-t to tlir prple of that place I .1 - 1 . - All ..11. alipfiiltd to. D'-fl. 3 6m j.d. jThTlinim. d.. T " PIIYHICIAN A HUUGEOX, nWIVH lf.t-ntr.1 nl PcnnflrM. Pa.. oiTrrii hii pruifMlonal Afrrlcef to th pV'rl of I tint pl.fii an 1 mirruuudiiigeuuntrjr. All cnlla pronr)iljr DR. J. P. BURCHFIELD, L If 8 rueotiof tb8;:d Hrt!iniml,Pntiirlvnla Voluniuarg, havlni remrtifd frm ih rmf, , oHen hi prnfeNt taoal larvfoa to UitcMtimoi of Clearfield O'aoty. ,( Pffoion!l nulla promptly at tan lod to, OTlf on fiooad itraal, foriaartyofuplfd by Dr. Wooda. , fapr4,'o-ll JEFFERSON LITZ, PHYSICIAN A SURGEON, HAVIVll loeited at O.eeola, Pa offer, hi. profe.,lonal errlne. to the people of that "leee and .arranndlnv aoantrr. A II eall. rriiuiptly attended to. OfMee and reelHenee oa Curlin U lormerly neenpied by Dr. Kline. May, l:l. Fishing Tackle 1 'i Jt'ST reeelred, a eomplete a.ortment, eon.l.t Inn of Trool Mod., Fi.h llarkota. Line, and ilook., of all d.-.nrlpOon,. at IUUIIV F H1ULEB A GO'S. lrl.ld, April Ji, . . - '' GOODLANDER & HA0ERi .-' '.' ." " " : ' ' - 1 VOL 44-WHbLE NO. F. K. ARNOLD &. Co., . If A N K KKn, l.ul1ieribHrg, C'learfleU couufy, Pa Mtinpy lnnncrl at rpnuntikbls rtij exchangp hnutit And inli; r)(-pol(i roeirrd, tnd A tnrl lianking builnen will b carried cm nt Ihs mtioro piHOn. . . - 4:1 2:71 :4f JOHN D. THOMPSON, Jultlce of tht ref ae iiiii Sorivenor,, t ' J rurwnirH!e, fa. '- l Vt-Collcotiom paid orrr. made and no one? promptly " JAMES 0. BARRETT, Juatios of Ui I'uoca wad LitTanwd CanvAanoer l ulhomburff, CU-arllrld Co., Psu ' rollecflntii A rnnittanefi promntW triad, and atl klndf of Ifgil instruraetita ttmitH on hort nottee.' ' tnay4,70tr . GEORGE C. KIRK, . Jnttleouf the Pparo, Rorvryor and Conreyaneer, l.ulliersbiirg, P. ' AH bufinfM hitrufted to bim will be promptly attended to. PtTtoni winhinr to employ a Sur veyor (till do well to five hi in a eall. ai be flatten hi.DeH that he can nnder vatiitaction. leedi of ooaveyanoe, artti'le of ajfrormrnt, and all trtal pacri, promptly and notly p4outrd. manyp HENRY RIBLING, HOLSfi, SIGN A OHNANKNTAL PAINTER Clearfield, Pcii(u The frrnftoinir anl painting of ohurehee and oilier public bnildlnica will receive particular attentUn, n Wfll ai the paintinft of oarria)Ffi and uleihi. (lUdintt done In Ihe nealrRt eiylvi. All work warranted. Hhn on Fourth atreet, formerly occut by Kuire ihuirart. oetl'7n G. H. HALL, rRACTICAL ?UMP MAKER, NEAR CI.EAR.F1EI.O, TEKN'A. tfl-Pumiii alwart on hand and maiu" to ."'dor on iiliort nulice. Pipe" liond on re..onnlilc lerrn. j All work Wltrra'nted to render mti.fiielinn, anil delivered if dc.ind. Biyijilypa DANIEL M. DOHERTY. BAREER & HAIR DRESSER, " SECOND DTREF.T,.. y2:l C I. II A It F I K I. I). P A. tt DAVID REAMS, SCR1VKN KI! A SURVEYOR, 1 ulliei'tburg. Pa, rpil E luWriher ofTer. hi. .ervicce to the puWic J. in the enpxiily of Hrivaner anil Surveyor All oali. for eui vevinn pruniptly attended to, and lUemakinK of Jrufla, dcrd, mid other legal in.tru- aient. of writing, caeeuleu wiiuoui. uemy and warranted to be uorrect er no cuarje. SURVEYOR. rpilE under.iKiud offer, hi. .ervlee. ai a Sur- veror. imd may he loond at hi. re.l.lence, In Lawrence townidilp. Letter, will reach him di reeh d to t'leaittcld, Pa. u,uv7-lf. JAMES MITCHELL. J, A. BLATTENBERGER, Claim and Colleclion Office, OSCEOLA, Clearfield Co:'," Pa. I fSotConvetaneinie and all lrnl paper, drnwn ttilb accuraey and di.pntoh. Diaft. on anil pne .iifro tieketa to uud from any point in Europe proeurrd. ootl'70 fiui CHARLES SCHAFER, IAGEU BKEK K IX K W En, Clearfield, Pa. HAVINO rrnted Mr. Kntree' Brewery he honca by atriot attention to btiftneM and lliu uianalncture of a ftiperior article of 11 K E II to recetro the patronage of all the old and many oew cuilonera. Aug. 2i, tf. THOMAS H. FORCEE, DAtra , GENF.RAL MKHUUANDISE, t.lt.tll AlTO. Pa. Also, exten.ire mnnufnetorer and dealer In Square Timber and Sawed Lumber ol all kind. CO-Ordrri lolicited and all bill, promptly filled. - Ut"-I7 GEO. ALRKRT HKnr A1.BRaT.M W. ALBERT W. ALBERT & BROS., Manufacturer. A extcn.ive Dcaler.in Sawed Lumber, Square Timber, &c, WOODLAND, PINS'. J40rdcrl lolieitcd. 11 i 11 filled on thort notiee and rea.onaoie term.. Addreel Woodland P. O., ClearhVId C. Pa. 25.1y . . W Al.llf.ItT A IIR OS. FRANCIS COUTRIET, MF.KOHANT, . Frrtifhvllle, ( learflcld County, Pa. Keep, oon.tnntlv on hand a full aa.ortment of Dry (iuotla. Hardware, Oroeerie., and everything ii.uiilly kept In a relail .lore, whirh will be .old, for eahh, a. cheap a. el.ewhere in the ooanty. rrciichvillr, June 17, isoi ly. REUBEN HACKMAN, Houso and Sign Painter and Paper Hanger, . .. Clearfield. I'tnn'a. u-Will execute lid. In bi. line promptly and In a workmanlike manner. arrt,n7 J. K. BOTTORF'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, , . Market Si reel, Cleirfield, Pa. -I'ROMOi MADE SPECIALTY. "VrpnATIV' made la nlnwdy e. well a. in 1 1 clear weather, t'onatantlv on hand a rood a-eortment of fRAMKH, (IK II KflSUOPKS and STKRHOSt tll'IO VIEWS. Kramer, from any etyle of moulding, made to order. ' apr28 If J. MILES KRATZER, MERCHANT, DRAI.KR IK " Dry Goods, Clothing, Hardware, Cutlery, Queen. were, flrneerie., Provl.lnoi and Hblnglee, Cleailleld, I'eiin'a. -At their new. lore room, oa Second .treet. near II. f. Bljiler A Co'. Hardware atore jenlt 4. JtoLlowauiH a. nan. oanar H0LL0WBUSH & CAREY, DOOKSELLEUS, ' lilank Hook Manufaclurcrs, AND STATIONERS, 21S Jim tit t SI., i'hllntlf lphlti. waPnrier Flnnr Sank, and Ilae., Foolae.p, Letter, Nuta, Wrapping,. Certain and Wall Papon. '0 feli24.7l-lpd A Notorious Fact! rpilKItU are more people troubled with Lung I IliH'aer. In Ihi. town than any olherpiaee o ii. alee In.lhe Slt. One nf Ihe great eanee. of thlr It, the nre aa Iropnrearlieleof Coal, largely miaod with lulphur. Now. why not eroid all II, i.. end ..rweeve Tour Hrea. try n.iag only llumphri!)' Celebrated Coal, free Irom a'l imnurillea. Order, left et Ihe .lore, of Richard Moe.op and .lamee D. (Irabam t Son. will rreilve protnpt attention, ARRAIIAM lirMPIIRKY Cleerfleld, Nnremher in, tf. - DREXEL & CO., No. S4 nonih Third fitrerl, PhlUdclptiU . I.I.VlVr fl, And Dealers in Government Securities. Application by mail will rereiee prompt atta tlnn, and all tuftiraiatieq fbeeffullj furoi-hodi OrOen wbettt . j ApuJ H-t. i ""d -I'ln-i' l :,,i ',-"'-' ,..-.') Vublishere. " ,;L','; 1 "-' II' - 1 -.V ..I...: 2224." .'III! 1 ! iJ t.Hl. ( . 'i. t .1 '.the; republican;: CLHARKJ KLD, Pa. " WEDNESDAY MORNINO. JUNB 2(1, 1R71. .'1 i; -'.t i HEUIIttUI Renpctfully Innorilred to the Editor of enl.yt vaut a, oa loe oooaeton oi tueir aaaombimc in OoBToutloa M VV.UiaiBBptrt, June 14, 1871. ; , : J' - ' IT ttORM fOAD. t;i: ; . . ;.';;.; i .. , i i i From Ueonisff Talea and mountain ateona 1 . ( , W'bero uiiuiy a atreamlvt laugba and leapt. rnnu viiiv. taw an, mnu uauiieu gray ' 1 1'hey tiutueai ootoe tho beam of day. Tbey (Borne" ! a Irird and uboaon band, ' ' I' Tbe nobloet tribune of our land) T ; 1 - They atiue f bold arbiters of titate, , j bubuineei tbemca tocaiulaite. VTe haUthein Euijieror'i of thouRbt) (, . Kvangele with rich tidiuxi fraught ; Truth's bnrltinjrori, wift-wmtfid and wiae, Before whoe breath pale Error I) tee. No poi1 brtnt; they of lurid war. No tcan from weeping landi alar, ' No ohnplotii woo on blaHtwl fielde, , Sio blvodinf hvnrte their barveat yicMl. Tbeir anna are wrought from livina; worda, And peni, the attvereign of iword; Their mision-HeaTtu,i endearinjc plan Of " i'onov od earth, good will to man." Who would not guard with Eagle ex The PreM, dear boon of Liberty F 1 ' ' . Who wcloome not with gladnet rare ' , , The tuindi which kocp U in repair, The tow'ring intclleota that ipring From Nature's Uod, on graudeit wing, -' That nobly h rare 4 he tyrants frown. And lift the Man above the crown f A IhounanJ wrlonmen greet them here ! A tboaxand uvarta bid thrin " (to4 ehacrT Autl thric? a thouiand Jof b tbeira, When Time lies buried with hit oaret. O.ittile an4 Itutteti. THE RED RUIN IN PARIS. The Ueetroved Tullrrlca. Louvro, and llolrl de 111c. , , ' TDK PALACE OE Till! TU1I.F.RII!'. ' The mntfniflccnl biiilJini; which h:is been sacriflved to Ihe Insanity of the I'lti-is mob Inn lil.Hory rxtcnding over centtirios. In Uul, Uiitiicnnr Jo Modicis bpt'M iUcrcullun. A pro diction bitlilini; hrr bnwitro of St. fiorniain :ind llio Tuilm ics cuuseil her to ubiiiulon tho work, and leiivo it for Henry IV. to extend itnd enibelislt Ho lioi':in tho loni; work which joint tho Louvro to tho palace ; ttnJ tho woikit aiiHpenucu by Ins tleuth wore ciirriod on nnd tertiiinuled by Louis Mil., who tlxod hm rosiJotifO there, l.oiiin XIr. Imviiiir orJurod Levati and D'Orliay to harmouiza tho wliolo, an ntlic wuh udded to tho central builditijr. and other iniproroinuiits mitJo. This moimreh tettided in the T uilorie occanionttlly until tho build dinn of Vcreuilos, when tho court en tirely forsook tho capital. Ihe uu freel Duke of Orlonnn b'xed Inn uhodo in llio Tuiloiien during the minority of Louis XV.j but fl-um that period till lite loi'cou rolurn of Iionm AVI tho finvlirl of pornons oiliciully al luchcd to tho Court occupied it. Dunni; and 8tnee tho ureal Kevolu- I ion, the palace of tho Tuilerica wa nuMocialed with many memorable nceneB. Tub mob entered it on the 20th of Juno, 178:!, and it wan attack ed and tho Swine Guards uiiiiwucred in the August following. It wus the of hiMul rcHtdence ot JNtipoloon when Kirnl Consul, and when ho became Kinperor it formed one of tho impe rial ptiliicen. In 1808, Napoleon ba- gnn the Northern pallery to servo na it comntiiiiictitioii with tho Lonvro. After the RoMorution, the Louvre continued to be the chiof rosidenco of the King ond Iloynl family. After the Revolution of 1K80, when the poo plo attttt'ked and took tho palace, (Juno 20th,) Louis Philippe fixed his residence in it, nnd continued to in habit it until tho 24th of February, 1848, w hen it was again invaded by the people, nnd tho King made hi I'scnno. Hy a decree ol tno rrovi- Hinnul Government of 1818, it wus to bo transferred into nn aylum for in valid workmen, but that intention was not carried out.' During nnd after tho formidable insurrection of Juno of the amo your. It was usod as a hospitul fur the wounded. In !M!. tho yearly exhibition of painting wns 0iened in the Tiiileries. During tho reign of Napoleon III. it was his official resi dence, and was tho sccno of magnifi cent balls nnd reception. A concert was recently hold in the 'Hall of tho Marshals, under tho auspices of tho Communo. Tho exterior of tho palaeo was grand and imposing. Tho extreme length of tho luscndo was ii.lt) yards; its hreuillh 3t yards.. Owing to the difToronl pen oils at which it was built, its ar chitecture wus not uniform. All that wealth ntitl tnsto could accomplish wus employed under successive nion arvhs to einbclinh its intorior. Tho hmperors private apartments- vera gorgeously decorsled. 'J'ho theatre could uccomoduto 800 anoclators, and was used as a supper room whon balls wcro given at Court. Tho chapel of tho pulai H was rather plain, nnd had a gallery and ceiling resting upon Doric columns! of stouo and sfucco. The Hullo do la l'aix wus used us a ball room, and was 140 feet long by 30 feet broad, and enntuined splendid staluiiry. Tho Hull of the Marshals was retnnrknhlo for its splendor. Tho mimes of the great battles fought tin der the First lCmpiro were Inscribed on its walls, and uround the ball wtru busts of distinguished generals and naval commanders, while portraits ol the great Marshals of Franco ndornod its panels. Tho furniture was orna mented with green velvet and gold. This wus used as a ball. room on Stale occasions. Four other mitgnillceiit hulls wore conspicuous fentnres. The carpels on them worn of Irobolin's miiniifacliir., and cost (200,000. These hulls were tho While, the Apol lo, and tho Throne Halls. Tho Throne Hull, a splendid uptii'lnient, contained the imperial throne. The hangings word of dark velvet of Lyons manu facture, with pitlni leaves and wreaths wrought in gold. Tho throne, fining tho windows, was surmounted by u canopy of the atttnt, and the drapery depending from it was studded with bees embroidered In gold. " A descrip tion of the remaining apartment would simply embrace a repetition of decor ations nf nnrivsllad elognnoo, there stilts of lavish expenditure., s. .' , ;,(;,.,. ,,, I .,'.;:, I .,,-il-J PRINCIPLES ...I...' W,.V II... l( CLEAiiFIELD (,'" tltn PALACE or-THS LOUVRI. ' 1 ' Tho curly htsiory of 'th,' Louvre is obscure; but from the great tower which Tliilip Augustus built in 1214, as an urt-cuul and atute prison, this huge.piln gradually grew.- Charles v. lit leu up the Louvro ol his period as a royal rosidunco, adorning it with gardens and terrncos. In tho reigns of tho Sixth, Sovonth and Eiihth Charleses, ' and tho Eleventh and Twelfth Louises, it was Converted in to a fortress. Francis 1. Invited his great rival, Charles V., to accept bis hospitalities.. Il was in this mon arch's reign that the tietunl Louvre had its beginning. ' Pierre LcsootiOiff1! ot me gi-cuiusi arcnitccts or tno ro nnissunco, assisted by the sculptors, Jcun Goujon and Paul 1'oncino, was intrusted with tho work. Horlio, nn architect, of Bologna, built one of the galleries and covered it will) a ler- raco under tho auspicos of Henry IV This monarch couoefvod the idoa of joining the houso with tho Tuilerics, u projact which was adopted hy Louts Aiv., inspiretl Dy t.'oloerl, who doubt loss wished to ossocialo his ministry with such a work in imitation of the builder of tho Palais Cardinal. Aflor tho death of Louis XIY. littlo was done until the middle of the lust cen tury, whon tho architect Gubriul was employed to finUh tho llireo facades coimnoncod by Colbert's arehtiect, Claude Perruult, and tho vestihtilo of Ruo Marengo wus completed by Souf- flot. Aftor the cumpuign of Iluly, the art tt'cusiiros brought buck to Pans required suit.ihlo galleries. It wus do terminod to prepare tho Louvre for thctn. Tho great Muircaso of the Museums of Ancient Art, th. stair cases on llio twoexlremo ends of tho colonnade, tho Egyptian Museum, the chambers for the Council of State, and other portions of tho Louvre worn built. M. Thiers, when Prime Minister of Louis Philippo, proposed to spend 18,000 francs on thecomplolion of the palaco, but the suggestion was not ac cepted. After the revolution of 184S, 2,000,000 francs wcro appropriated to tho restoration of tho Apollo Gallery and tho general repair of tho building:. Tho decoration of tho intorior was in trusted to Delacroix. Tho now Louvre, begun in accordance with the plan of tho provisional government in 1852, was completed in 1857, nt a cost of Hfl.OOO.OlM). It was built by Visconti nnd Leftiol, TIloTulterlcM and Louvro form on J palace now ami .oovor sixty acres. The Louvre is situated on the right bank of llio Seino and consists of the old and new Louvre. Tho old Louvre forms a square 670 feci long and 438 wide, enclosing a quadrangle of 400 feel square. The fame of its Corinthian eolotinado on tho eastern fiiciido. looking towards tho Church of St. Germain I'Auxerroit, is world wido The now Louvre consists of two lateral piles of buildings projecting at right angles from tho two parallel galleries which joinod tho old Louvre with the Tuilerics. Between the Kite deliivoli and the Square Napoleon III. they Iihvc n front of 300 foot, intersected by three pavilions, to be ocenpiod by the Department of Stato and of tho Into rior, by tho Administration ol the Te legraph, tho imporiul library and a permanent exhibition of fine arts. Thore is also in the Louvre the council chamber to bo used as an assembly room for tho public bodies of tho na tion on tho opening of tho Legislature and on such occasions. It communi cates with tho Tuilerics. the hotel tt vili.e. During tho long duel of tho feudal ages between the monarchy und the nobility, the Communo, tho "Hanse," as il was originally culled, of Puris, (its origin, liko that of the " Hanse towns" of Germany, referring to a community of merchants which as sumed fiscal rights over the navigation of tho Seine,) made itself tho ally of tho King. 1 ho meetings ol Hits hotly were held first in a house nn tho quay, now culled Megisserio. Thenco they were transferred to a building on the pluco now known as tho Place du Chit telet, and this building was called the " Parlor Aux Bourgeois," or talking place of tho burgesses. Philip Angus tns next gave the merchants n rci'ugo in ono of the towors of the fortifica tions which he roareil around Paris. It was in 1857, five conturies ago, that the muniuipojily was lodged where it hits ovor siuco remained. In that year tho famous " Provost of tho Mer chants," Stephen Marcel, bought a houso on tho Pluco of tho Public Exe cutions, Lu Grove-, citllud the " House of Pillars." Neurly two centuries later, whon the Italian genius domin ated Franco in art and politics, the " House of tho Pillars." wus pulled down and a now edifice was begun under tho supervision of Siguor Do minico Bocurno do Corlona. Under tho Terror this edifice was cxtomled by tho annexation to it of tho confis cuted church of St John cn-Grevo and Hospital of tho Holy Ghost. . The first Napoleon, uinong Ins many grand projects, contemplated sweeping away nil but tho building of the six teenth century, nnd developing the Hotel do Villa into ono of the most stalely and splendid palaces of Ku- ropo, 1Cipsic und Waterloo ('lit this project short, with many others, and it was only under Louis Philippo (who haa boon proclaimed jving ol llio French from its balconies) that in tho your 1833 tho Hotel do Villo was brotiuht by an expenditure of somo tbreo millions of dollars nearly Into its present condition. Alus! we must now say llscopdilion 1 To recall tho thrilling events which have culinlniiloJ In and around tho llololdo Villo would ho toskolchtlio history of modern Franco. Tho Hotel do Ville was tho headquarters nf tho during Duke of Guise, tho 11 King of Paris," in bis war against Henry III. Within its walls the lenders of the Frnitdo look refuge. , Under Loni Kill, it helped Iiiulielioti against I he Huguenots of La Itaehelle. . Under Louis XVI. it defied the monarchy by whioh it had boen protected into being flvo conturies beforo. It became the fortress and the pn I ace in on, of th people, the Tuilerics of lh, repuhlio. From the Hotel do Villo radiated the dive lil of th,, revolution. - There Louis XVI. accented from the bands ' , ' paW' i. ."ll'll.W l '! '.il', ..-... ,- .... ',.v't. . . V tc'V '7 AlUVIIU I ' ', ' . --'l I I. 'I !. .All . . I .k . L . . . . H - t . ' JFjtfotetiti- ..M.iv... :.., ,.i . ,. ,. ' n y' -w r . . M. wj.-ai vv y ...... ' NOT MEN ' n I'.'.'J.ii ' iVi I -r. , V ,,.!: 1,- of Baily, Mayor of Puris, lb, cockade of tho insurrection. Tliore,. throe years later, the sanguinary lunatics of me involution, seized coulrulol 1 aria sua o I' ranee, , In September, 1702, tho roastorsof tho Hotel do Villo took an active part in tho horror of the Parisian msssucros. Billund-Varonnes, Collol d'Uorbois, Panis, Murut, wore those mustors llio lultor abovo all rairintr with Ihu nnnt.nn rmr, ,f !!.. mii-iy years Ol exil. ana liumi nation In England, und his wanderings to and iro us un itinerant quack. It . wus at tho Hotel dtiVllle thut his fate overtook Maximilian Robespierre. He sat there ul midnight, piamiinir tho otlor cxter- Ini nation i of his enemies, while the vusi pluco without Bwurmed with his armed adhoronts, whon suddenly there full liko a thunderbolt among these iiiiior tno aecroo passed by the Con vention putting him and bis " beyond tho pule of the law." , His adherents dispersod. Steps echoed through tho corridors of Lhe hotel. They were the steps of tho soldiers of the Conven tion led by 1 roaron and Hurras. A gondarme leaped upon tho Into terror of France und with a pistol shot broko us jaw. janajatiust. Just tverocap lured with him. , , So onded at tho Ilntol do- Villo, in blood, the Commune of 1792. The Commune of 1871 dies t boro to-day in Humes. In 1830, and again in 1848, tho llolel do V tllo filled a groat place. From ono of its balconies in 1830, La fayette proclaimed., tho Duko of Or, leans to bo " tho best of jlcpublies." From ono of its buluonics in 1848, Lumurtino conf ranted " tho red fiae which hud only been curried uround i tic nciu oi .Mars trailed in tho blood of the peoplo with tho tri-color hich had niado tho tour Of tho world." Tho tri color triumphed then without a blow. And today tho rod flag goes down with tho poplu't pahico ufler twenty years, bathed in llio people's blood, and scorched in flitino I VANnEiinii.T'a Beginning in Life. Tho nowspapors often contain an account of Vandei bilt's bcirinuins, Most of these accounts are anoclirv- phal. His own statement of ins first real 'success is this: " Ho was a young man on Stuton Island. Ho was master ol rowing. JIo was nth lie, strong, and during. Ono "night a strunger cunio to tho landing und wanted to bo rowed across to Gowa- nus. I he night wus dark and stormy, and tho wind blew a gale. Not a boatman could bo- found who would cave. Tho krvlloi'd said, " There is nobody who can row you' over but Corn. Vnndcrbilt " for so ho was culled. U was donutiut, lie ani.i. whether ho would do it. Vandorbilt wits found, nnd in answer to tho re quest, replied : "Its pretty rough, but if you II givo mo f 10, ho down in my bout, mid not stir, or do just what I bid you, 1 II try it. JIo royed the niun over una buck in suloly. as soon as he landed on Stutcn Island, the stranger said: "Young mini, how would you liko to run an oppo sition steamboat 1" " Nothing woutd suit me better," was tho reply. "Have yoa pluck enough to obey orders f" said tho stranger. " 1 nave, was the response. .' Supposo I was to toil yon to run into a steamboat, what would you do?" " Kun into her, by -." Tho bargain was Boaled amid the storm thut night on the island, and Vunderbilt soon begun bis will known career as a stt ami out man. .Sinf. n Island Leader. Thouoiitlcssnkss. Young man, In the flush of early strength, stop and Illicit ere you tuke a downward step. Mnny a precious life is wrecked Ihroiiirh thoiiirhllcssticag alono. If ypu find yourself in low company, do not sit carelossly by till you are grml uullv but surely drawn into llio whirl poof and shame, but think of the con- sequoncos of such a course, iinlional thought will lend you to seen llio so- ciely of your suponors j and yon must improvo by tho association. A bo ncvolonl oso of your example and in fluence for the elevation of your infer iors, is a noble thing ; evon tho most depraved are not beyond such help. But tho young man ol iinprossitno character must, 'at least, think, nnd beware lesl be fall himself a victim. Think beforo you touch tho wino; see Its ctlocts upon innusunos, aim know thut you are no slrongor thun thov wcro in their youth. 77itn before you allow angry nns sions to ovorcoino your reason ; it. is thus that murderers aro made.- Think before, in a dark hour of temptation, you borrow without leuve, les-, you becomo a thief. Think well ore a lie or an oath pusses your lips ; for a man of puro speech only run merit rospnet. Ah! think on things truo and lovely, nnd of good report, thnt there may bo butter men nnd happier women in tho world. jixcnange. Somo men movo through life as a band of music moves down the street flinging out pleasure on every sido through tho air to every ono, fur and near, who can liston. Somo men fill tho air with their presonceand sweet ness, as orchards, In October days, fill the air with tho perfumo of ripe fruit. Some women cling lo their own houses like the honeysuckle over the door, yet. like it fill nil the region with the snbllo friifrriineo of their goodness. How irrsiit a hnuntv and blessing It is so to bold the royal gifts of tho soul that they shall bo musio to somo, nnd fragrance lo others, and life to nil. It would be no unworthy thing lo live for. lo mnke tho power which we have within us tho breath nf other men's joy) to fill the atmosphere which they must stand In with a brightness which they cannot create for themselves.' A MOBMAN IN THE VaMEY. TIlO Easion &mtinel snvs: The i Lehigh Valley was gracod lust week with the presence of a son of the Mormon prophet, Briuhain loung. He spont ft day. or two at Muuch Chunk, a. the Kuost of John Jjeisoring, &q.. Mr. L madq his aoqoiiinlanpo whilst tKall Utke City, a lew week since, and Una visit wus nvado, wo under. land, ia piirauaiiae of an invitation ttenqwo at that Vitne. . I ii . . i ..." ; ;;: VVV ;;.,7'V; ',' : : TERMS-$2 pwiimum, la Advance.'; - i Drosg aa a Fine Art, . Musio, painting, and sculptnro havo, for ages held unbounded sway as tho fino arts. Surely, in this progressive ngo, another should bo udded to their number f. Why not druss f . .'Music, the universal languogo of leciing," was first hoard in Egypt j to Italy we look for painting and sculp tiiro, although wo aro indebted to Groeco, for our curliest specimens, und to P uris wo look for dress. There uro the originnla to bo found. They aro studied and arranged with artist's hands, and never was.Vonus copied with greater euro than aro llieso copied by tho universal world. "The long aisles und echoing vuttlts of vitbl cathe drals" ring out with tho notes of tho docp-toned organ ; on tho ceilings aro rolled out the paintings of greul mas ters, and from niches in tho walls look down tho sculptured forms of gods and saints tluoo fine arts ; why not udd the pows ura crowded with speci mens of u fourth 7 Woman has spont timo, talcnU, and money in copying and beautifying this art. Sho bus yielded all other things, homo, husband, children, friends, and given uli to druss. It is tho shrine nl which sho worships, and nolhim; is spared in rendering it perfect. rslio stands before tho mirror deck ing herself for the bull room, where ho will either pleuso or uflend tho fastidious lasto of tho other sex. Her dress has cost its mukor many a weary iiigui, inucn anxious mougiit, and upon it sho has exhausted all hcrskill rhiuncc, rufllo and ribbon have been studied und tried in every conceivable position, una now, thut it is finished. sho contemplates it triumphantly, and exclaims, "Beautiful J It is reully a piece of urt. Tho owner havinir donned llio "piece of art,"rougod nnd powdered In tho highest decroc, feath ered, curled, crimped, and ruflled, cn lers the crowded hull, and wo pro nounco Iter reully nn art. I.ittlo does sho nrcnin or care how many tired bauds havo been employed, in subterranean vaults, making (ho dclieulo lace that covert her neck ; how many heart hopes havo been W04CH into its ' moshes; bow many tours from sightless eyes have fallen upon it, or of tho sickly emilo thut lit their faces when it was finished What triumph do they enjoy upon tho completion of a pieco of urt! She, tho wearer, alono feels and enjoys thut. In tho history of tho world dross has ever held it niliiiit position. Al though its claims to bo ranked among tho fino uits havo boon unacknowl edged, vet its Influence fur gnnil nr ovtl bus been as greul at tiie greatest. Napoleon guino I a ihrone by finaise, Kugenio established bim t hereon by her artistic di apery and her delicate manipulation of tho popular tastes As a great artist, her name deserves men tinn among those grcut,"immorlul natnos that wero not born lo dio." Tho beautiful in dross comprises till things shade, material, stylo, com plexion, station, and many other par ticulars, all of which have to bo taken into account und weighed with arl'slic carefulness lo produco llio master piece. It is thu duty of every 0110 to make use ol ull llio advantages thrown into their pathway; and no outcry can juslily us in disregarding the drapery "which shadows for lhe soul." It is only when laslnon becomes a blind leader, governing us hy an iroo law, that wo rocognir.o tho distinction between tho truo divinity nnd tho tyrant. Fashion is not a fine art, hut rather an intruder within tho nucfed precincts, which has degraded dress from tho high station ot use nnd bounty into glittering show nnd idle vanity. Woman has bocn accused of milk ing herself a slave to her beautiful art, but ihcuecusulion is false. By natural right -sho mingles with tho Graces, and nppropriates to her adornment all that can enbanco her beauty or add to her charms. It is only when sho bows before tho fulse doily, Fashion, thut she becomes the slave Il is (hon thut her soul dwarfed, und her body becomes the more frame upon which to display ull the "ill digested mass of things, not well joined togeth er, which wo call chaos. in tins mad worship alio and tho brainless fop meet upon a common level. Noiihor is worthy of notice. Hut, is the world benefitted by nt toniion to dross Hits not woman wnslod many golden hours and slight ed many favorable opportunities in a vain pursuit r Would 11 not be holler to devote moro lime to home, where she can rulo tho heart, which ought to bo considered vastly superior to ruling fashion f The Covenant. . Without a Newspaper. Noil ing presents a sadder commentary upon the present unhealthy condition 01 our once loved and prosperous coun try thun tho largo number of familios, 1 , both in tho town ana country, out more especially in tho hitler, thut sub scriho to no paper of any kind. Hundreds and thousands ot luuiincs uro thus growing tip in utter igno runco of what is transpiring In the world around them ignorant of the nilghiy events of to day. . But who can tell the vast amount of injury that is being inflicted upon lhe rising generation tlioso w ho aro lo lulio our pluco in the busy world nt no distant duy growing up with out nny knowledge of lhe present the past, or any study of the future, this ignoranco, too, being Inibuod into lh cm by tho sanction of those who should and doubles, do, know better, did they only think of the Injurious cfTccis of I heir Insane cmtrso. Let tho head of every family think of this nnd place In the hands of Ihoso for whom be is responsiblo the moans or acquiring a thorough knowledge of tho moving panorama In which wo enact our parts. Exchange. , "Wife, do you know thafrt have got the pneumonia V "Now mollis, in deed I Such extravagance I : You're the spend tin iftest man I ever did sea, lo go und luy out your monoy for suoh Irtish whon I do noed a now bon net w much !" I ) i.i..l " r , " NEWSERIES-V0L:12,N0.25. n anasmg kjOT AI LIM UIIINGINU IJ1. , It l.n't ell In bringing op, ' ' ' ' ' I Let folk, any what hry will; You ailrer-wa.li a pewter oup, 1 It will be pewter still. E'en tin old wie Solomon, ' ' ' Wbooaid, "traia apaeblld,"' If I ni.take not, raised a eon, , Oar, r.tUo-braiued and wild. A uaa of mark, who fain would paw For lord of aea and Und, May hare the training of an aaa, And briny, bim op lull (rand, Uay (ire hue all the wealth of lore, Of eollege and of libool , Tet after all, mako him no more -1 Than ju.t a decent fool. Another rained by penury, Upon her hitter limed, ' l rVhriM road te kouwUidgo 1. that . The r-mkI for heaven must tread i , Ha. but a .park of nature's light. Will fan It to a Dame, Till ia il. buniisif letter bright. The world oiay reed bis uaine. If it were all ln bringing op. In ooun'el and rostraiut, Some rascals bad been honest men I'd been myself a saint. Oh, 'ti.o't all in bringing up, Let folk, .ay what thoy will, , Neirleel may dim a silver eup. It will be silver .till. What is the worst scat a man can sit on f Self-conceit. Whatever is, is loft band and foot. ight except your A girl might as well hung up her fiddle when eho loses her bcuu. Addison says: Prcjudico and self sufficiency, nuturully proceed from inoxporienco nf tho world und igno ranco of nmn'tind. It is not enough to believe what you maintain ; yon must maintain what you beliovo, and maintain it be cause you believe il. Conscience Is a sleeping giant ; wu liiuy lull him into a longer or a short er slumber; but his suu-is uro fright ful, nnd terrible is lhe hour when be awakes. A truo religious instinct never de prived man of ono single joy ; mourn ful faces and a sombre aspect arc the conventional affectations of the weak minded. It is quito tho fashion to drop now nnd then u lump of piety into personal conduct, but loo often there is little euro lo "work it in." A lifo properly seasoned with gruco bus a tin, form flavor. Popo Pius IX. on tho lGth of this month completed tho twenty fifth year of his Political reign a ler in only two of his lonj line of prcdeces nn.. Iirto. Alivu. sum uveiic nn, titrally call forth great rejoicings wherever a Catholic exists. Tlui vcnorahlo Futlror bus had a most eventful reign. From liberal he ho came an ultramontane; he has lived lo have the dogma of infallibility af firmed hy tho grandest council ever called together. Tho Huntingdon Monitor says: 'Senator Scott's Ku-Klux Cointniltoo, fearing to meet llio investigation of individual cases, as reported, are go. ing to rely upon a General lieport on tho subject, nnido tip from h tiers to Northern papers, and unverified state ments of negroes, carpet baggers, and scalawags. Such a document will fail lo impress the people of the country. But it will hIiow to what desperate means the Radicals will resort in order to re elect Gen. Grant, and keep pos session of lhe tieiiMiry of the nation. A good story is told of a Into col lego president near Boston On ono occasion tho students substituted a large dictionary in place of the Bible, ut tho morning devotions. On open ing tho book ho i t oneo saw tho situ ation ; hut he said nothing, nod pro ceeded lo Ihe prayer, which he pro longed f'ornn hour. The student got out of all patience; but they appre ciated lhe sly remark of the vener able president on his retiring, that he ' found all tho words he needed in the volume they hud placed on his desk." Fame After Susan B. Anthony loo tured at Riplon, Wis., sho wanted somo recreation and amusement, so she look it walk on Sunday nround the graveyard there. While sho wus on joying llio li'eratitro of a tombstone she heard a lot of boys saying, "That's her I" and she thought, "such is fumo." Congratulating herself tliul even tho children of the land knew her, alio was accosted by an urchin, whosnid: "uiiit you tho old woman who walks up the wire on tho circus tent to morrow 7" Susio stored and so did the boys. I ' A fond father, blest with eleven children, and w ithal a very domestic man, lolls this slory : One afternoon, business being very dull, ho took the early train nut to his happy homo, and went up stairs to put I ho children 10 bed. Being missed from Ihu amok ing-room, his wife went up stairs l sou what was going on. Upon open ing tho door she exclaimed, Why, dear, wbitl for mercy's sake are you doing?" " Why," savs bo, '' wiley, I am putting the children lo bed, nnd having them say llicir little prayers." " Yes," says wiley, "but this is one of our neighbor's children ull undress." and he bud to redress it and send it home. After thai bo called tho roll every morning und night. Bk Busy. To be constantly huy is lo be always happy. Persons who have siult'i n'y aiquirtd wmlth Iro ken up theira-'liv, pursuits, and begun lo i vo at their ouso, wasto uwuy and die in a very short time. Yo who uro sighing fur tho pomp and splendcr of life, beware ! Ye know not what yo wish. No sil nation, howevcrexalted ; no wraith, however magnificent; no honors, however glorious, cun yield veil solid enjoyment while discontent lurks in your bosom. The secret of happiness lies in this lo be always contented with your lot, Persons who are always busy and go cheer fully to their daily tasks tiro the least disturbed by the flucltiat ions of busi ness and al night sleep with perloct composure Thoro hro thousands of busy peoplo who dio evory year for want of sloop. It may be tbul loo much shop injures some; but in an ex'citublo nooplu, and in our intense business habits, thero is fur more mischief for want of sloop thnn from too much of it. Sleepless ness becomes a disease II ia the pro cursor of insanity.' When it does not roach thut sad result., it ia still full of peril, as wull its of sull'uring. Thou sands of niun huvo been indebted for bud bargains, for lack of courage, for Ineffectiveness, to loss of sleep. ... It is curious that all tho populu!' poetical represcotution, of sleeping und wukiug aro tho reverse of ihu Irulh. We spcuk of sleep us tho imago of deulh, und of our wuking hours as tho imago of life. But the setivily Is the result of somo form ot decomposition in tho body. Evory thought, still moro evory motion, any volition wasts some purl of tho ner vous substauco, precieely its, flame is produced by wauling llio fuel. Il is llio death of somo purl of the physical substances that produces tho phenom ena of intelligent and voluntary life. On tho other bund, sleep is not liko death ; lor il is the period in which tho tvaslo of the system ceases, or is reduced lo its minimum. Sloop re pairs tho war-tea which waking hours have made. It rebuilds the system. Tho night Is tho repulr-Miop of tbo body. Every' part of the system is silently overhauled and ull the organs, tissues and substances uro replenished Wuking consumes, sleep replaces ; waking exhausts, sleep repairs, wak ing is death, aleup is lito. Tho man who sleeps Utile, repair littlo ; if ho sloeps poorly, ho repairs poorly. If bo tisen up in a day less than iio accumulates ut night ho will gain In houlth und vigor. If he uses up ull that he gains at night bo will just hold his own. If bo uses moro by duy than he gathers fit night ho will lose. And it this hist process bo long continued, he must succumb. A man who would bo a good worker must sea to it that ho is a good slcopcr. Hu man lilo is liko a l.ii.i; Souk limes tho streuin is so copious thut one neods euro but little nbout his supply. Now, often, the st rrani thai tiiius tho mill needs to bo economized. A dam U built to hold a largo t.tipply. Thu mill mns the pond pretty low through thu day, but by shutting down tho gate, tho night refills the pond, mid llio wheels go merrily uround uguin tho next day. Ouco in a while, when spring rains uro copious nnd froshets overflow, the mill may run night and day ; but this is raro. Ordinarily the mill bhould run bv day und tho pond fill up by night. A man has us much loreo in him as he lias provided for by sleep. The quality uf action, cspicinlly incuts! activity, depends upon tho quality of sleep. It day timo is the loom in which men weave their purposes, night is tho. timo when the thread ate laid in and lhe filling prepared. Men need on un avvrjgo eight hours of i-hcp a day, or ono lhird of their wliolo lime. A mini ol lymphatic temperament may require nine. A nervous temperament may require but feven, or six, and instances hnvu. been known in which four hours huvo been enough. The teiini is pluin. A lymphatic mini is sluggish in ull his -.,-.. .1 If. - .1....-,,. 1,,,lr slowly, cats slowly, digests slowly, utid sleeps slowly, thai is, ull tho res- torntivo nets ol Ins system goon siuw ly, in analogy with his temperament. But a nervous man acts quickly in overy thing, by jnghi or uy uuy. When awake, lie u )cs moro in uu nour than u sluggish man in two hours; and so in his sleep. Ho sleeps faster, und his system nimbly renuirs in six hours what it would lake another ono- eight hours to perform. Every man must sleep according lo his tcinpcrant. But eight hours is tho uvcrugo. II one requires a nine moro or it little less, ho will find it opt for himself. Whoever bv work, nleasnro, sorrow, or by tiny other cause ia reg ularly diminishing Ins sleep, is do- siiovniir Ins lilo. A man muy noiu otil fir a time, but Nature keeps closo accounts and no man cun dodgo her settlements. Wo huvo seen impover ished railroads thut could not keep the truck in order, nor spare tho engine lo bo thoroughly repaired. Every year track nnd equipment deteriora ted. By-iiml-by conies a crush, and the road is in a heap of confusion und destruction. So it is with mon. They cannot spare timo onough lis sleep enough. They slowly run bo hind. Symptoms of general waste appear. Premature wrinkles, woik eyes, depression of spirits, failure of digestion, feebleness in the morning and overwhelming nicl.tiicholy thesu and olhur signs show a ircnerul dilspi dulion. Il', now, sudden calamity euusosan extraordinary pressure, they go down under it. Tliry have no re sources to draw upon. They havo been living np lo tho verge of their wholu vitality every day. There is a great deal of intemper ance besides that of lolui'fo, opium or brandy. Men aro dissipated who over tax their system ull day uod under sleep evory iiiht. Some moil are dissipated by physical stimulants, nnd aonin by social, and some by pro fessional und coin ohm ii il. But n man who dies of doliritin tremens is no moro o drunkard and a suicide ihnn tho lawyer, llio minister nr tho mer chant thut works excessively all day and sleeps but littlo all uigllt. Many a discouraged mother fold her tired hands t,l Highland feels its if sho ha I, uller nil, done nothing, al though alio hud not spent nit idlo moment since she rose, is it no'hing thai your little helpless children have hud some one to c ono to with nil their childish irri-f und joys? Nit not hing I hat your husband feels "safe," when ho is nwuv to his business, be en u-o your (-.-ireful liuml directs every, thing nt home? Is it mil hing, when his business is over, that he has the blessed refuge of home, which you have hut day dnie your host to brighten nnd refine? ( weary and faithful mother! yon little know your power when you say : "I have done nothing." There is a hook In which ,i fairer record thun this is wriltcD ovor uguinst your hiiiiio. Zeai. It is dilliuiilt for singlo In dividuiils, unless thoy bo very highly endowed. to create in themselves fervor when nliino. Now and tften there ie a nntiiro that n generate its own fire; but ordinarily you must put stick upon stick, and spark to spark, ami flume to flume, in order In milk, fervor. Ami it Is tho association nf fueling, it is feeling in the multiltldo, wliosd thought kindle in ench indi vidual tho highest forms of emoliim. There aro wry few W'ho havo lh, power of siiliufy Eoul ; und thorn are very few who li.iva not tho power of associated teal.