THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, PA. . WSDMSm&Y 1I0KMNO, JUNK il, U71. WUGRBISUOMEI Bom. li whw. affection bind! (Jeatle acarte In uoiaon t Where tho vojeee all ere kind. Holding iwMt oommnnion I Bom If where the heart oan real ' Sale from darkenwf eorrow i Where the frlendi we lure the Met Brighton .r.ry morrow I , Borne U where the frlenda that lor To oar hearU are given Where the blteiingi from abofe Aiahe it teeai a lleavon I Borne li where the itarl will ihlna In the eklei aboTe ua Peeping brightly throagh the fine Trained bjr thoia who lore ni 1 Tee, tll home where inilea of oheer Wreathe the browi that greet ui And the one of all nioit dear Bvor eouee to meet ni I Opposition to Democracy. For nearly one hundred years De mocracy and its priciples bav been opposed by various facts and parties. .Replying to a correspondent who would know under what names and at what (ime persons in this country hava formed or perfected organiza tions and parties in opposition to Do mocrtvry, we give the following infor mation, which is worth preserving for future reference. Democracy has tri nmplicd, after battles of long or short duration, over the following organized opposition : 1774 Loyalists, or folio wors of King George, called Tories. 1778 Loyal Tories. 1780 Nova Scotia Cow Boys and Tories united. 1780 Convention Monarchists and Centralised Fower Advocates. 1789 Black Cockaders. , 1808 Anti Jefferson Improvement Men. 1811 British Bank Men or Party. 1812 Poace Party and Submission ists. 1813 Bine Lights. 1814 Hartford Conrentionists. 1816 Washington Socioty Men. 1818 No party Mon. 1819 Federals. 1820 Federul Republicans. 1826 National Republicans. 1828 Anti Masons. 1834 Anti-Masonio Organization. 1836 Conservatives. 1837 Independent Dem. Whigs. 1838 Abolitionists. 1839 Log Cabin, Hnrd Cider, Dem ocratio Republican Abolition Whigs, intending to consolidate all opposition to the Democratic party of whatever name or nature. 1843 Native American Whigs. ' 1844 Coon Parly, or Anti-Annexation Whigs. 1845 The Regular Whig Party. 1846 Mexican Whig Party. 1847 Anti Mexican War Party. 1848 Rough and Ready Party. 1850 Clay Whig Purty. 1862 Scott Whigs: 1854 Know Nothings. 1855 Native Americans and Con servative Know Nothings, working together under name of Native Ameri can Party. 1856 Frcmonters, Abolitionists and Know Nothings consolidated. 1857 Black Republicans a con . solidation of all Republicans nnd Abo litionists, under the leadership of Abo liiionints, clamorous for offensive leg islation against the rights of States tinder the Constitution. 1859 Opposition and People's Party. 1800 United Republicans and Wido Awakes. -1862 No Party. 1863 No Party Union Lcagtio Emancipation High Taxation Con tralization-Confiscalion-Negro Equal izntion Usurpation-Abolition-Powcr of the bayonet-Administration Party 1864 Millitsry Nocessity Party. 1868 Republican Reconstruction Tarty. 1871 United Capital Republican Monopolists Military Despotism Psrty. In 1862 the opposition to the Domo ' crscy will be the Consolidated Cnpitul Centralized Powor Republican Party. As Democracy has triumphed over all its opposition in the past, so it will ' over opposition now and in the futuro, growing stronger for the next sixteen years, when forgetting its time' honor ed precepts and duty to tho ponplo, under the administration of those who will have grown rich from it, the Pomocratlo party will be defeated, and a peoplo's party, made up of men working oulsldo of party linos, will bo victorious. A Wfimiwa. A New York letter ays : "Many readers will remember the Button of South Cnrolinn, ono of whom long represented that State in the Son a to. Anothor, Piorce, but not tho distinguished Senator, married Fanny Kemblo long years ago, and , thoir daughter inherited what was once a handsomo proporty In Georgia. Thore was sotno troublo between the parents, so the mother lived in Eng land, and the daughter romuinej in this country with Iter father. A fow years ago ho died, and, though often vicitlng hor mother, she still preferred to live on the old family place it the South Lnt Winter an English gen tleman traveling in that section was anxious to a well organized rice plantation, and consequently bocsme the guest of Miss Duller. The result of this visit is that in May she will go to her mother in England, and thoro become the wifo of the lion. Mr. Leigh, whom she entortained just ono year ego. A Virginia editor tent a copy of De foeV'Hisiory of the Devil" toa friend, who borrowed it under the delusion that It was a biography of Ben Butler, i fry tBooflj, tSromlrj, &t. PE1IOR IN CLEARFIELD COUNTY ! who waotl to buy ( DBY 0001)1, GROCERIES, , . HARDWARB, QVF.ENPWARK, Or anything ol that li uaeful to Man, Woman or Child, ihould bear In mind that ' MILLER & " POWELL Bare purehaeed the entire itock of goodi and rented the itore room formerly oconpied by J. B. GRAHAM A SONS, on Market etreet, C1EAIFIEID, PA., where they CAN SELL, SO SELL, and WILL BELL, ATV LOWER FIGURES, Than tha same Goods ean ba bought elsewhere In Clearfield count. Without .topping to . enumerate, we will Just say that We have everything that is needed! Doing e (entirely engaged in the Lumber business, we art able to offer superior inducements to job ben. - w ' F. O. MTM.ER, A. H. POWELL. Clearfield, Pa., Feb. 15, 1871. Clothing. How to Nave Money. THU ttmei are bird t you'd Ilk to know How you nay tare your dollar. The way to do it I will show, If you will read what follows, A man who I Wed not far frota here. Who worked hard at hie trade. But had a household to support That squandered all be mad. I net bin once. Bays he, "My friend, I look thread bear and rough j I're tried to get myself a suit. But ean't tare op enough." Saye T, my friend, bow much hare you f I'll tell yon where to go To get a euit tbat'f eound and cheap i To BK1ZKNSTEIN A Co. Be took what little be bad tiered , And went to Retteosreln A Brother.', And there he got a bandiome tultf For half he paid to o there. Now be Is borne, be looks so well, And their effect is such, Tbat when they take their daily neat, They don't eat half as much. And now he finds on Saturday night. With ill their wants supplied, Tbat be has noney left to spend. And some to lay aside. Bis good eneoess, wttb cheerful snlle, He gladly tells to all. If you'd save money, go and buy Tour elotbee at REIZENSTEIK'S CLOTHING BALL, Where the cheapest, finest and best Clothing and good Furnishing Goods ean be had to suit every laete and in every style aprl 1.70 STOVE AJD EARTHED-WARE OF EVERT DESCRIPTION 1 CROCKS! POTSI CROCKS I Fleher'e Patent Airtight Belf . Scaling fruit i ana I BUTTER CROCKS, with lid. CREAM CROCKS, MILK CROCKS, AI'I'LK JIUTTr.ll CHOCKS, TICKLE CROCKS, FLOWER TOTS, l'IB DISHES, STEW pots. And a great many other thing, too nuneroni I mention, to be naa at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE-WARE POTTERY, Corner of Chenr and Third Streets. CLEAHF1KLD, PA. augS UIMIAM'ft DEPILATORY POWDI'.H! Hetpovei superfluous bair In five minutes. without Injury to the thin. Sent bv mail 'or 91.23 IIMIAM' AN! VI A t I KK Relieves most violent paroiyms in Ave minutes and eftVnts pedy euro Priee 91 r.y mall Til fci JAPAN fcE 1IAIH STAIN Colors the whiskers and heir a beautiful black or brown. It eonslst of only one preparation, 75 cents by mall. Address S. O. UP1IAM, No TJI Jeyne street, Philadelphia, Pa. Circulars sent free, bold by all luuggists. aeezi-ou. Lime lor Sale 1 THE undersigned, residing near the depot has rondo complete arrangements with Lime Burners east of the mountain, whereby be Is ena bled to keep constantly on hand a large quantity of PURE LIME! which ho offers to farmers and builders at a trifle above ooet. Thoee in need of the article would do well to give me a call, or address me by letter, be fore neguUiUiiik lueir lime. OKO. C. PABSMORB. Clearfield, Pa., June 9, 1869. EDWARD TERKS & CO., Flour Manufacturer), And Doalorl in GRAIN OF ALL KINDS, PIIILIPSBORO, PA. A FULL 8IJPPI.Y of FLO IT R, WflBAT, CORN and CHOP onnitanlly oa hand, and for lale at ratei remarkably low, feb4-tl Silvery Ntablc. "IT K underrlgncd bega leare to Inform the pun- . He that he ie now fully prepared to vrnimino date all In the way of funnelling Horace, Boggiee, Saddle! and Ilarnen, cn the ehorteet notice and on reeennnhle tenni. Reeidenoa on Loenit itreet, between lhim and ronrlh. (1KO. XT. QBARIIART. lle.rlloM, April II, 18117. Miss E. A. P. Rynder, it roa Cbleh.rlng'i, Slelnwat'i and Emenon'i Pliaol Smith l, Maaon Hamlln'l and Pelonbevi Organl and Melodeone, and Qrorar . Bak.r'f Sowinit Machine!, iuo TRAcnan or Plan., Guitar, Orxan. Harmony and Vocal Ma !lo. No nuptl tehen for ten than half a term. car-Room neat door to Pint National Bank. Uieameia, Ma; , IHiii ir. c ooit iTOvri BPRAR'fJ CALORIFIC, SUFQ17RHANNA, BtM'Kr.IOR, 00V. PKNN, nKOULATOR, NODLK COOK, NATIONAL RANUB, TRIUMPH, PARLOR COOKS, SPEAR'S REVOLVING 1.1(1 11T3 AND DOI DLB IIRATKRS, And all kind! of Heating 8iore for aale lij nogr; H. P. BIGLKR A CO. New Meat Market. rflHR nnderrlrned have .nened a Meat Market X in the room formerl ooenpied h Alrxamlvr Irvin, on Market etreet, Clearfield, Pa , wljolnin. Moeeop'a, where they intend to kerp a !uplr of All kind, of Meat. Fruit mt Vtcelahlea, And at "rnirni rowiir Ta lim" (thop will h. open re)rularle on Tn.eda, Thureda and fiat, ardar. and meal delinrrd at an; point. A lhar. of puhlle patronage li rerpMtrulljr lolloltnl. . . , M. G. DROH'lf. K. W. lllttlWN. "Alas Centlaoe to deal In all kind! of imnroTM Agricultural Implement.. Clearlrld, Aaguet II, H70.f. TIIKCRLRBRAffRD RICHARDSON BOOTS, i1""' ft 0. French Kip.,.,,, ,, g nt. -frensk Calf. , n' ' (OppoH. Jail.).lf ai o, KRATtlR'l. '. THE IE0N8IDES '1 TIN & STOVE. STORE! G. S. FLEGAL, Fhillpstarg-, Contro Couaty, Fa. TUB nnderilgn.d reipeotfollj aononneei to th. publie that h. baa on hand a car, fullj-ieleeted and wall uiorted atoek of . STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES, HOLLOW - WARE! TIN, COPPER AND SIIEE1MRON WARE! ' WOOD AND WILLOW WARE! ,. BU itaek of Cooking SIot.i euniliU of THE CELEBRATED IRONSIDES, Which bar. nerer felled to bring peace and prorp.ritj Into famillea where it f! need, Diamond State, Farmer, Herald. Charm, rtpeari' California Uooa More. Bpearl' Antl-Uuit, Gal-Durning Cooking Stoeea, Vietor, Relianee and Union Rant,.!, fipoare Cooking Rangea, f A.., ejuTh. Tin and Sheet Iron ware gtren wttb material, and warranted to giro perf.ot lalie. faction. Eia Stock of Parlor & Heating Stoves la larger, btur and eheaper than .v.r before ihiblted to tne punno eoaiiiting of Speare Rernlrlng Light Illuminating Stor., ripeara Anu-uu.i uai-nurning rarior ntore, fipeava' Orbioular Gai-Uurnlng Parlor Bto.e, gpeara' Gae-Bun ing Parlor Store, Doquet, Pearl.Uem, Ida, Bun, Tropio, Ner-da, Ao., Ao. Vulcan, Elm and Vietor llealera, Fpeari' Rc Tolring Light Ileateri. Ila li alio prepared to furnlih a complete aeaortment of Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron, Wooden and Willow Waxe, &c, Wholeaale or retail, manufactured neatl; and with the aolo view to aomce, from the beet ma. terial In th. market. PLOWS PLOW POINTS, COPPER, BRASS, PORCELAIN, TIN LINED, SPUN A COMMON IRON KETTLES, Of IT.r; deicriptloa eonilanll; .a band. ORDERS FOB SrODTINO, ROOFING And other work belonging to hli bnilneei will he promptl; Ailed b; .ip.rlenc.d and ikilllul workmen. BRASS, COTTER, OLD METAL, RAGS AND CASH Taken la exchange for f oodi. -IL ..pecU:i; Inrltel tb. attention of Merehanta wi.hlng to pnrehaa. at wboleaaie. aa the; will find il to their adrantaf. to .lamina 111 itock Mfor. parcbaiing allewbere. Look sot for tba Dig Sign oppoilt. tb. reil dene, of Mri. Dr. Fuller. All Ooodi Wiaairrab it RapaaianTiD. G. 8. fLKUAl.. Phlllpihnrg, June S, 1870. augM The Urcut Preserver of Health! pkhi'oratf.d A fr a ei;rr PREVENTIVE CCRB OF FOR COLDS. rheumatism; BUCKSKIN UNDERGARMENTS ! roaLAnixi inn r. ! For lale b; C. KRATZER A SONS, Dee. It, 1870. Clearfield, Pa. GREAT EXCITEMENT ON SECOSU STREET, t lrar field, Pa. NEW GOODS AT-LOW PEICES. rTIIIB nnderrlgned rernectfull; Invite tbe at 1. t'nllon of th. pol.lle generall; tn their iplendld aeenrtment of merchandlie, which the; are now eeiiing AT VERY LOW TRICES. Their itoek .oniliti In part of Dry Goods of tie BoHt Quality, Such aa Prlnti, I). Lalnn, Alpaeeai, Mertnoi, Ginghami.Mmlini, (bleached and aubloacb. ad,) Ilrilllnge, Tickinga, ootton and wool Flannell, Saline tie, Caexlmerei, Cottonadea, Ladiee' Sbawli, Nubiai A Hood., Balmoral . and JIoop Sklrta, A.,, Alio, a fin aeiorttnent of Men'a Drawerf and Shlrti, Uata A Capi, Boon A Shoea. all ol which WILL' BE SOLD LOW FOR CASH Hardware, Queensware, Glassware, Groceries and Spices. IN SHORT A G F.N ERA L ASSOUTM ENT Of .T.rjthlng nunall; kept In a retail itora, all CHEAP FOB CASH or approved oountr; pro duce. A. K. WRIGHT ft SONS. Clearueld, Nov. T, 18117. II. BRIDGE. MERCHANT TAILOR (Stor. on. door eaat of Clearfield Iljuae,) Market treet, Clearfield, Pa. KEEPS oa haad a full aeenrtm.nta of Parnlahln. Ooodi, aneh aa fhlru. Linen and Woolen tinder.htrta, lirawere and Soeaa, Neen.tiai, rootel llandh.raieii, Ulorei, Hal a, Umhrellae, A.., tn treat varlet. Of Plan. Ooodi he k.epi th. Best Cloths of all "Shade and Colors," Rneh ai Blare Doeikln of the r.rj mahM F.nej Caulmara, In (real r.rlrlj , alio, Fren.h Ooalinf, Raanr, Pilot, Chlnrhllia. m i,h ateraoalln. All of which will he Hid .heapfnr Caah, and mad. ap asaordlnf t. th. laleit iljl.i kf workmen. Alan, A rent for Clearfield eeantr for T. IL Sieger A O.'i. eel.hrated S.wlnf hlaehlnaa. t -Hi II. 0HJ VU. planing m. a. l. Rd.' NOTICE. w- im:i:i a powiaii. ' - . . ... ... j CLEARFIELD ' PLANING MILL i A L L - R I G II 1 I fTMIE proprietor! rpectrull;lufonn theeltiieni -I- of CIcarMd oountj, that the; ban aatlrel; refilled tlili cluulihmcntrlClilhe lateitlmproved wood working machiner;, and are now prepared to execute all order. In lin. of buiincie. The; will glre eipeclal attention to the manufac ture of material for boue. building, auoh aa FLOORING, WEATHER-BOARDING, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, : Itlt.tCKKTS .v, Or ALL II TLBS, We alwa;i bare on hand a large itoek of DRY LUMI1ER, and will pfl;oanh fur all clear Lumber. Ono-and-a-balf inch panel atuff preferred. Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or exchanged, to ault euitomera. V0rjert lolicited, and Lumber furalthed on abort notieo and .n reaeonabla term a. REED A rOWEl.L. Clearfield, Mareh I. 1B7I. H. F. NAUQLE ' (LOCK AM) MATCH MAKER, orroitra Tiia ITiRiw. " aaT POST OFFICECCXulZSSCLKARFIELD rilJIB ruberlber rerpecttull; Informi'bla old L patron, and the pablia generll;, that be hai on hand, (and il oonitantl; reoeivlng new addilieni thereto,) a large atok of . Clocks, Watches and Jewelry, jr.-1 keep Jewelr; In all It! formi and f diflerenl Talnei, .itner b; th. or let. WATCHES A full a'lortnant of either (lold or Silver, made b; tbe beat Aneritiaa and for eign manufacturer., including a fine lot of gold and illver bunting eaao, lull jeweled, Patent Leven. CLOCKS Of all de.lgnl, eon.litlng of eight da; and thlrtT bonr, of either weight, ipring or ler.ra, and both ifrlke and alarm. RRPAIRINO. All kindi of Watchea and Clooki Repaired, and warranted. In addition to what I have enumerated, I keep a full aortmrntof M'KCTACI.KS, colored and plain glen. lio.lHll.D PKNSand PBSCII.8. SPOOMS, FORK", BUTTER KMVKH. and In faot everything In I he Jewelr; Una. If I fall to have on hand ju.t what a en.tomer ma; need, 1 will order per 6t.l exprev., without eitra eharge. A librrnl nhare of puhlie patronegr I. aolirited. Ma 7, lse.1-; U. F. NAUULB. MOSHANNON LAND & LUMBER CO., OSCEOLA STEAM MILLS, MAftrrACTiraaa LUMBER, LATH, AND PICKETS. II. II. SHILLING FORD, Preildent, OIBce Forcit Place, No. 125 8. 4th it.; Phil's. JOHN LAW61I) General Eop't. Oiceola Mill., Clearfield count;, Pa. LAD AM) LIMBER C0MPAXY orrER I N I U CJ i: 13 NTN TO- rurchasers of Choice Goods AT THEIR MAMMOTH STORE TN OSCEOLA. New 4'ahiitet ! MOPHANXOX LAND AND M'MBER COM lA N Y oflnr tor al To wo 1a)U in the bor uukIi of Oicpot, Clturfii Id oountj. urn) lo ion to lutt imrchantrt oi(Hl the llmtta of tail) boron it h. OicruU ii iltuattnl on the Monhennon Creek, in the rirlirtU portion of the county of iicftrnviii, on me line ot me Jjrone t tlrrnia Hnilroed, whore the Mochennon nd Brererton branch mid- interioot. It ii 1m in the brurt of the Mofhennon ool buin, and Urge bod let of white pine, hem lor h, oak, and othrr timlMT tur ronnd it. One or tbe .argent lumber maniifactur- ing eitftMlihrnPtiti in the Htnto 1r located in the town, while there are many other lumber and ihinjjte mill around ii. Tbe town ii but m 'en yenrn old, and eontaini a population of one thou and inhabitant!). 4rFor furtlior Information apply at the offlor of the above oompatiy. JOHN LAWSliB. 1:4:70 dcncral Hupvrintcndent rpo lum ni:iiii . PF.nFECTIOX IN CANTHOOKSI The Clpurfitld Exoelilor Canlhook will not ttoar out or fern It, being eon ot rue ted with one olid band from dtp to points It la pronounced by all practical lumbermen who hare examined It to be (lie nokt perfect Canthook ever tnrcnted. Amos Kennard, Patentee. .' M ' ' ' ' f 1 Manufactured hj Ann Kaxtmn A Co., at CLEARPIKLn, PA. tT'AII orders prompllj attended to. B2.V79 FAIRBANKS' STANDARD SCALES, . i! tt a ix (innij , Bnggnge Rarrcwi, AVarelionaa Truohi, Copjlnf Pri ifr., Improved Monej Drawer, A. ron hli ar II. F. 'HI 0 LEU k CO., Dralci-a In Hardware. mph.10:"0 tf '. fiooond Street, Clearrld. Pa. . Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL AND OF COURSE THE CHEAPEST I A Proclamation against High Prices! WE are now opening np a let of the heif ,i J nio.1 aoaaouahla Uoodi and 'arei ever offered In thin market, and at prion th;! .. on. f the .rood old date of .hrl:, tMn who 1.., r-h ,p, , doenTin, .11. '.oni luperHuou., need but cill ir am BTOIIE, Corner Front and Market ilrert., Where thpy een ar. feel, hrar and kn..w hr them aelrea. To Aillrun.ler.tand what arenheap (nodi, thll mu.t he dune. We do not drPm .roM,.. tn enumerate and Itemlae our atwk. It la enouuh for ni to Hate thai We have Everything that is Needed ad ennramrd In thia market, and at prleei that aatoni.h kotb .Id and mnnr. WM WhHt HAW 0, NEW DRUG STORE ! W!il. B. ALEX.WDER, M. I)., Iru(fglet and Apothecary, CURWENSVILLE, PA., W:?!.' i - S . 'M : ' Reepi eonilantly en band ft large aiiortment of d li v a s, Patent Medlotnee, Paind end Oil, Varnlehri, y Btuffe, tlo. Hie itock of Drugi li pure and frtb, and euitnmere ean relj upun Hitting the beit of ererjthlng in bit line. Ilia ituck of PERFUMERY, Toilet Articlee. Hair Tonloa, Co.metici, Bru'hel, Toilet Ssaix. Comha, Pooket Uook Pena. lake, Peneila and Vapor, and a general aaeorlraent of lull elaae of goode, are all ol tn. beat quant;. PURE WINES & LIQUORS, For Medical purpoeei only. Olaae, Putty, Lubricating Oili, A., to luit tbe wante of the oomw unity. Hie exteneiva and well leleeted itock of Prugi and Mnlioinea enablee bitn to fill Phytic lent' preeeriptiona on ihort nutioe and on tbe moit reatuuauit tcrna. . - Smukari and Cbewert will flod bii itofh of Chew in K and Htnoking Tobacco, Cigare A HnutT, to eonnit of the Tory teit brandi in the markot A ih are of public patronage li 10) in i ted. Oct. JU Stn. W. It. ALEXANDER. iLWlsrfllanfouu. v o o k s ' j i WniCH DAVB ALWAYS ' GIVE N SATISFACT ON HERETOFORE, WILL BE DISPOSED OF IK 8CCII A W A Y AS TO PLEAS! 0 R FRIENDS AND CUS TOMERS. ' JUST RECEIVED I THE FIN'EST ASSORTMENT OF nOLIDAY GOODS SUCH A3 BOOKS AND OTHEfl STATIONERY ARTICLES, EVER OFFERED TO THE CITIZENS OF THIS PLACE I NOW ON EXniRITION AND FOR SALE AT PTBLISnERS A MANUFACTURERS' PRICES, AT TUB POSTOFFICE. CIcarB. Id, Dm It, 1170. JURXKD OVTI , . , KT OT . : ; 1 !''; i BURNED UPI BELL'S RUN WOOLEN FACTORY, Peon towmhlp, Clearfield Co., Pa. The iiibeeribere are, at ureat, rehnild Ini. and in a few daya will hare eouipletetl, a neigh iHirhood, in the ereetion of a flrit. elananoolen Mannfaolorr. with all tho modern itnproremrnte attached, and are prrparrd to make all kindf uf Clolhi, Caaeimeree, Satinetti, Rlnn. keia, Flannel., Ao. Plenty ni good, oa hand lo .upply all oorold and a thoueand new cu.tornera, wmim we n.a lo eome ana examine our itoek. Tba boaineil of CARDING AND FULLING will reeeir.wrierlal attention. Our new mill will h. reajy by wool earding eeJMin, therefore there need b. no heeltation on thnt aeore. Proper nrrnne;rtnents will be made to reoeire and deliver n ool, to ault rnatomeri. All work warranted and dune upun the ihitrteat notice, and Itr .triet atten. lion to burineea we hope to real lie a liberal ihare "i puune patmnnice. lO.tMMI POUNDS WOOL WANTED! We will pay the highe.1 market prioe for W. and mil our mennraciurtd r"ou aa low a. ilmilar (noil, can be b iuglil In the dountr, and we Tail to render reaeonabla aati.fiietion wa can alnayi he found at home ready lo make proper explanation, either in pernnn or by letter. JAMES JOHNSON A HONS, epril2olf Urampiaa Uilli P. O. TOBACCO AND CIGARS I WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, At tb. New Tohieco and Cigar Store of ' it. it. s ii. itr, Two doori Eait of th. Portuffioe, Clearfield, Pa. Constantly on hand a fin. acortment of Navy, Congnii, Cnrendiih, Cahla, Spnnnilt, Alichigan and Century Fine-cut -. Chewing Toliarea, Aa, . Alia, a large and well .elected itock of Imported and Cigar., Smoking Tobaoooa, ' 1 MMraohaoin and Rrlar Plpea, Pipe fixturei, Tobaeeo Dokei, Cigar Ilohlent, and rarTthlnj generally j found In a well regulated Cigar and Tobacoo Store. tr-Rememlir the plaeat Two doori Eaat of the Po.ti4llM, Cl.ar6.ld, Pa. . , , aug. 31.1. R, B. TAYLOR'S LIME AND COAL YARD, (Near the Railroad Depot,) " I C1.KARI'H.M, PI'.NN'A. IEMRRACB IbU mallwd uf Informing the public, that I hare oiietiH mi a Yard fur the rule of wood or Co. I burnt MMH and Alilhracile CoAl,, In the borniich of Clearfield, and hare omnplelcd arrnngrmrat. with oaetern daalera by nuien I ran ncrjt a iiiii.iippiyonn.ianiiyon nanil, whlrh will lie ol at rna.unabla rale., by the tun, bu.hel or ear load, to luit parrhaaera. Thnn at a distance ean aildre.i me by letier, and obCaia all necenary information br return mail. H. 0. TAYLOR. Clearfield P., Feb. 14, IBfill-tf EW BOOT AM) SHOE SHOP. 'EDWARD MACK, Con. MARKET A Id 8ti., CLEARFIELD, Pa- IIIR proprietor hai entered Inlo th. BOOT at . SHOE bo.ln.M at the abora atand, and UdeUrminad ant I. b. e.tdon. either la qua!. HyJ Pll or bla work, Speelal atwolion will be paid v manufacturing Sewed work. Ila .!.!?. '" lot of "' "'P Cairsklna, of the vary hen quality, The .III. lee. of Clearfield and .lelnlty ar. mpeetlully Inelted to giro bin a trial, No eharga Tor call.. aoro, a ir . t do ",fV' Pr'" large number of th. new BILL, and will nn th. raoelpt of Iwente llraeenta. mail a copy to any addreei. mv3 SILI HATS Lateil Spring itylei-. 1 P. . rrLLERTOJ'8. Jrjj Coofls, iSrorrrin, lt. "STAY 1'IltM. KRATZER & LYTLE, Market Street, Clearfield, Fenn'a., (Oppoilt. th. Jail,) -IX goodi, lulled to the wan 11 of th. puHle. Our (took II large, and by wn.tantly making addition, therein, w. ar. able t. aeeommodale all whs nay favor al by calling. W. bar. DRY GOODS, M.rinoi, Olnghnmi, Clothi, Print!, Delaine., Caialmeree, Silk., Repi, Satinata, Ceibmerei, Tweed., Oobargi, Alpaca., Hnhalr, Lan.lba, Muallne,, Bonnet. Ribbon., Cloaki. Balmoral Sklrti, Hoop Sklrta, Bhawla, Dreu Trimming., Had Nela, Capi, Corieta, Qlorel, Scarf., Collar!, Or.nadln. Villi, Tabl. C.rira, ate. CLOTIIING, Coata, Panti, V.ati, Orar-Coati, Oant'i, ShlrU, Hata, C.pi, Uader Fhlrli and Draw.ri, Boot! and 6ho.i, Oum Shooi, CrariU, 6ocki, OIotoi and Collar!, GROCERIES, Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Mvlanei, Salt, Candlei, Rira, Floor, Baoon, Fiih, Tobae.., Raialnl, Carranta, 8ptoa, Craekera, Viaegar, Oili, Varalih, Pepper, Alcohol, Aa. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, Carpet!, Oil-eloth, Drugget, Clocka, Looking-Olaaica, Cbnrni, Buekata, Waihboarda, Tuba, Flat Iron., Panl, Window Blindi, Wall Paper, Coal Oil Lampi, Bedeordi, Umtrellaa, Rnlraa, Forki, Spoom, Crocki, Storei and Stor. Bl. eking. HARDWARE, Quermware, Tinware, Olanware, Woodcawara, Cnpperware, Booka, Stationery! Ilnilcal Qseda, Trunkr, Skatai, Aa. ay-All af which will h. lold oa the me.t rea eonabla termi, and t1 a market prieapafd for Oraln, Wocl aud all kindi of country produce. s REMEMBER TUB PLACE: KRATZER & LY TLB'S, (Oppoilt. th. Jail,) CLEARFIELD, PENN'A. J :7I E.A.IRYIN&CO., CUR1YEKSVIM.E, PA., Being ipeelally engaged la the buiinau of Buying and Soiling Square Timber, Would repreient that they are bow prepared to pnrrhaie Timber dclirered at either Curwcnirille, Lock Haven or Marietta, (or will take It at any of thaw point.,) and aril on commiiilon, making luch adraucei ai are noeeaiary.' Thore engaged In getting out Timber will find at our alor. in Curwemville, a very large atoek of STAPLE GOODS Of all beioriptioni. ALSO, Flour, Vr-flf, Itye, On fit, Corn, And arerything ncoeiaary for aa. of Lumbermen. RAFT ROPE, Of all ilia., kept on hand in large quantlllel, and old at imall advance by tb. .oIL - Alio, Fulley Blockl, Small Rop., Ac. jMr-eipFriAI, lnTCPMT.JTS offored to thoie manufacturing Square Timber. - IV. IRVIN V CO. CnrwcniTlMe, Jannary 12, 1870. v. pTAni.llll.l lf5l. Illahclt rreminn. Silver Medal, awarded orer all competition, at Mechanic! Exhibition, Bolton, October, I "OH. ... . ., THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE , SELF-RBGULATING, WROUGHT IRON, AIR TIGHT, OAS-CONSTTKllTfl HEATED, wna rTi:Tin . , Di-it Scarnn, Gntrt Din Hrarn, i . ... ,W"oi" Ino RaoLtToa, . . . . AuToaattc B-orLiron, ror Burning Anthrsciie or Bituminous Coal or Wood. 10 iliea for brickwork, and alaoi Portahl.. AnrriCTi nan om.T ar J. REYNOLDS & SON, N. W. eornw 1.11b nnd Filbert, - PHILADELPHIA PA. . Thei. ITeateri ar mad. et rteary Wrought Iron, well rlrelrd together, and are warranted tn be nh.ntutely (I., and Hull Tight. They are lb. only llratera that are managed without any dam pera, and in which all kinda of fuel can be burned without alteration. Co,klng Range., for Hotel., Reetauranti and Famlliea. Alio, a Plat Top Heating Range. Fin Pine. Healer., Low Dowa Qralaa, Slate Mantela, Rrglitrra, Ventilatora, v Pamphletl firing full dcMrintlna, lent free, te any addreai. Jyll'tO-ly BICLER, YOUNG & CO., (Suoe.Mon to Doynton A Young,) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS Uaimraotarcrt of PORTABLE & STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Corner of Fourth and Pine Streeti, CI.EARtIKI.D, PA. HAVING engaged in the manufacture nf firat .laa. MACHINERY, w. reipeelfully inform th. publie that wa are now prepared to fill all order! aa cheaply and al promptly ai ean be don. in any of the citiea. W. manufaotur. and deal in Mulay and Circular Saw-Mills Head Block., Water Wheela, Shafting Pulleya, Giflord'e Injector, Steam Gaugea, Steam Whiillee, Oilara, Tallow Cupa, Oil Cupa, Gauge Cocki, Air Cooke, Globe Valree, Check Valrea, wrought lnn Pipe., 8. earn Pumpa, Boiler Feed Pumpa, Anti- Friction Metre., Soap Stone Packing. Gum Pack ing. and all kinda of MILL WORK ; together with Plowa, Sled Sole., COOK AND PARLOR STOVES, and ether CASTINGS of all kinda. Orderl lolicited and filled at city prieca. All tetter! of inquiry with reference to machinery of onr manufacture promptly anawered, by addrce ing ua at Clearfield, Pa. -decino-lf BIflLER, YOUNG A CO. A GREAT MrDiCAL DISSSVERY rr. waxker'3 c lhohnia VINEG-AR BITTERS Hnndrtdjcf Thcucar.t'.s .-.. .1, i I... . .. ...n.b.- .. .. o. tulcufalao LU'. L fj a S a WHAT APF TKVPV THKT ARB HOT A VILE FANCY DRINK, fii Madeof r4Mr It mm, Whi.krr. I'rof Hplr.l 1 Uolaatv l.iqnuro dUTi4, trlrcd nnd WLCt CDcd to tilcttK tlm Uuc, calI(.4IoDlct,"M AFptCx era." RtHortr.," c, tl.Lt tend tlo iprKr tn to dninkennrti tad m!,bcrotrTie Wcdiclnr, trado fron Uo Kattvc ttvo and Ilcrtnof Caltfcrnla. 1'rro frm nil Alrolii'Ue HilMiwlHni-v. Tticy ttt tbj OU EAT ULOOll I'l'ESll'IEK nnd A MI C GIV1M4 l'UIM'iri.Ecr:iei litoovatop and lnrlforator tf Utu tf U.m, crrytnn off all ro:to3oci BUattcr acd rcttorrnit Co Lluod to a hcalthr ccD6t!on. KOgKnon eaat; Uicta El;tcn acconlii,,; toftroc' Uon and remain lore unwell. felLO will bo (.venferaa lncaral .9 crie, rr-rldrd tho tones art) Let d;t,-oyrd tj miners I pc:a or other mean, a'-.di'jti crctci tvi(cj bcjotdU-o point of m afr. Vmt Inflntnnriiinrr nt Chronic rhrnmii tlM nntl (out l) pprpwla, or IndirfNtloo. UMlou, lirntttirni mid luicrml.trnt l-cvcrn ltrmrtl the lllod, l.iTrr. Kltlu), and Illnditrr, tlino Itlticm Lava been moat lacoda lnL hnrta liHcaM-s tre cm red tr Tltlnird nieod. h ch Ufc"?ncrallr roducoUl-y doraiijjimtLit of do 11 ! tr-M l , O i cq nn. Dl'Lt'MA OH INDK.EHTION, need nehe, I'ata ibo Llionltler. ( tUo Ciieat, DUzlneta, kmr IlnKUtuona cf Hit ttonach, Had taatc In ttio clli, li.Uoni Attacka. ralp.UUcn of tho Ilcart, Ir.Ccmo alicj of Uie Lt. Tain In tho iTftiona of Kjj KWn' other pa-nluf symptom, arc tho oOe-rrnpiof Dyppcpfia. In' irluTiftoratti UiobtoniacliadBtlmalate th tcr pldltTrrand buwrti, nhlrh rcndirtliemof onequanrd cfflcacyln claannlnf Uictloodcf all Impcrltlci, and lin part) rift new lift) and tijp r to the whole ) item. I'O U N li I N 1 I HZ A 1 Eft. Ernptlonti, Tetter, Palt llheum, tU tcbci.t pou, 1 LDiplt. I HhU.lrp.rc.4fl, ( tr bonclcl, nins-T.'oitua, Bcald-IIcid, tore rrc,rrjlp elaa. Itch, Hcurft. Dlafoturatlontof the Skin, Humors and PtBcaars of tho bkln, of whatever namo or nature. tww Ulcrailjr dnf up and carried oat of tbo srstcm In a hor time by (tie nt of these Bitters. Cm bot'lc ta snch caaoa will rnnvtnce the must Incredulous triclr eo rati re effect, Clrnnso the Vitiated Dlord whenerrr rou tnd Its Impurltlca buritlng ttironth the iLln In rtmplea, Crnp tlons cr fibres , clcaon- u win n yon find tt obvtrueud rtd slncidtli la tt:e vrl-S; clranne tt when tt Is fuel, and your fceltnrs will t .1 yon when. Keep tic btuod pore aud the In alth of tlw trMnn will follow. TIN', TA I'li asd other WUli; KS, lurintr In tho srttcmof ao many thounQda. axe cffoctnal! d(kstroj td and removed. For full direction, ruad can full t tho circular around each bottle, prints In fur lau (uajrro KnelUaittjumian, French aud Spaai!. J.TTALlEn, rropiictor. H. H. WcDONAU) CO DniCTtita an Orn. Acenti. San rratvetopo, Calw ad U and U Commerce Btrect, Kow Tort. Iff-COLD DT ALL DKUGOISTS AND DEALERS, Oct. Jfl, lH70:ly. NEW MARBLE YARD IN I tlTlirKMIIIIttit rpHB under. gnfl tiike thii tnrthud of Inform. X t)K the clltieni of t lie we tern end of the euunly thnt lie ha opened a Marble Yard, fur tire manufacture nf Tumbstmiea, Muiiumciita, Head and Vuu atones, I rmplny none lot the horl workmen, mil iie the bent maternal. All orders promptly ftllnt and the work warranted. AtMrcM at) h it' r U? h AM M UdOU LANDKM. Luthcmhnrff, October Si, IS70. NOTIt I V-ll.vIng purahaaed the interrat ol J a it i.i I..., j- . i . . : . -. ... v,..n-i Hu, ..i-., , in. iMieineee hereloror. earried oa under the Arm name nf J. A. Illaltenlicrgcr A Co., the rame will be enndnrlrd hereafter under the nnm. of Moihannon Laud and liUinlier Company, (Slora.) ii, H'riiiiinmurunii, JU1I. LaWMHE, my2itr rrc.lilcnl. Uencral rjup't SAWS 1 SAWS1 SAWsl DISTAN'S C110S8 CUT, MILL, IWAO AND Cinci'LAB SAWS. BoyntOnB Lightuing Cross-cut Saw. AI.S0, rATKUT rERFORATKDA ELECTRIC SAWS, For inle hy eetlJ.ra II. F. IirrsI.FR A CO. LuUicrslHirff Marble Ynrd! THR eurtacrlhrr rcpectfully annonneel tn Ihl. cnmmiinl'.f and tba pulilio generally that he I, now eaten. Ivrly engnged in the mahnfaetnre of Mnnnmenta, Head and Foot Rtunea, Ktand, Table and Hure.o Topi, etc. No higher tribute can be paid tn a dec-eared relative nr friend than Ibe arc Hon of an enduring ilah aa a wiineai to unburn generation! where they hare laid him or her. I hare engairrd Mr. Jrhn W. tlahagan aa air agent to nil. and to when workman.bip and .kill many can bear witneia. Ordera eolicited and promptly tilled. Work'jellvereilalierevenle.lnd R. II. MllOIU. lutherehurg, Ks.amher M, 170. n r?a h fit u -2r a W;.'-y svi Eui 'si A Si'fi-.Jr zt T artTPV a nf vrw a vn v mi c at GET TOUR BOYS' UATA at flLLKRTON'l. gftmboia's tfotum" JJEFSRY T. lir.LMIItii.i,,. COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT CATAWBA Git APE tfvJm... ' "(,w. For Llr.r Coaplalmi, Jaundie., r,u liom, Nick or Aer.oui Ht.dLt c.,,! tie rnreiy, Caulai,. eury, Mineral! ar D.leUrleui Br.j, II Theie Pllli are the,r.,, ..,..,1... . ..,. ..... " ""'"Hai ' r" a.iia, etc. There la nothing B m,. in. alomaca. They glee tone. ande... " naniea nor griping p. in.. They , of the fmm ,.(,. Afttr a r. JmJ of auob ao Inrigoration of n ..... r - oiir.eiM weak and ervrrreled, whether rlilr, ' nrudene. nr di-ea.a. II T ll.ii.,.' pound Fluid Eitracl Catawba llr.p, n, .ua.r-o...ea. inttn tne i.el that m, Pill, do not dtattilre. butpa.l throu(h th, withnnt diaaolelne. eon.enu.htU ,t . - - '""ipnaK, tb. de.lred iffact. The Caiawbt Una, a, hid ii.faoi in an. ooor, an at tat. thilr btlog tugar-coaud. Til:. Mm, per ooi. E IIENRY T. nELMBOLD'i Ilighly Coareatraud Compote FLUID EXTRACT SaHPjwbii,. Will radically aiterminatafrom ik. - .... -p, nla, Svnhilil. Farer Sore.. ITIe... a... . , uvlv 1M Sor. Leal, Sore Monih, Sur. Head. Bnaei', Skla Diraaaee, Salt Rheum, Canken, Ballit. from the Ear, WtlU Swelling.. lamn, cu Sw.ltlnv.. Kltfht Tt..k T n " "t "J U.b4 of all Elnda. Chronic Rkenm.tltm n. , -jrpj., nd all HI...... lk. k... k... ....u . , .. . .... .......tfiM J the eyatem for yenra. Being prepared .ipraaily for th. alon b. plainta.ln Blood-Purifying Propertleiarirm than any other Preparation nf 8ar.av.riUi ; givre tba e'mpleaina a clear and health? m. and reitorai the patient to a atau t health purity. For purifying,,: chronle eon.titutlonat impur. aut. of the blood, and the onh raluti and effectual known reJiedv for th. car, 4 Palna and ew.llinc of the Bonn. I'lc.riti.,, t th. Throat and Leg., Blotcbea. Pim.ln ti iki Face, Eryripelai and .11 Eruption .l it ikln, and beautifying th. eompltxign. HEXRT T. lIELMBOLD'S Cnr.eentrateJ FLUID KXTHACT BUCHC TUB CHEAT DIUI ETIC, hai cured ereij ra.e of Il'.abelei la which ill. been giren, Irritation of the Neck of th. Bleiie and Inflammation of th. Kldnere, Dlctntlut! th. Kidnejrl and Bladder, retention nt ami, taeaiei of th. pr iirt..(3l.t.d, noa.nUi Bladder, falrulua. Ilraiel. Brielidu.t draw;, H4 ftt..Ann. ami.. jt..i , , " " ' -1 - ii; uii.i,mig.r, feebled and tZelicat. eoratitutloar of heth.i.i, attended with tba rdhiwing a.mptomi: nf,. potltlxn tn exertion, loia of p.w.r, lo.. f ati. or, dllficnltj of hreathiug. weak nerre. tra. hling, horror o." di.eaae. wahefolneiii, liiou-n of ri.ion, pain in th. back, hot hand., tL , of the bnile, drjneaa of the akin, erupiina ua tU fare, pallid euamenanoe, nnmrul liMilajfd th. mnteulnr e.nteni, ete. TJied hy perinni from thw agea .f f, twentr Dr., and from thirty It. te tftl in th. dcetlne or change of life) afrr coat?, ment or labor paini i bed wetting Id thll.r.t. Ilelmhold'l K i tract Bneha (i diuretic ia.1 kin. pnrlO lng. end rnrea all diieain ari.irg the bahlta ef di.lpatinn, .ad .lecei and iinfin denece la life, lm arltlra rf the blood, etc , peraedlng co alba la affoollonl for nbieb it II ..ed, and iTphllliie alf.etioni in thei. di.e.r ated in eonncetioa with nelmbtild'i Rom Mi.k. LADIRS. In many afTecilnne peculiar to ladiee, tbe "i. tract Buchn la any oth.r rru.f'; al in ebluroii. orrotenti,,n.lreguliiritr,pi a. fulnell or .uppreeeion of euattiniarT eTB,' , ulcerated orachirrop .tat. ef the oterur. l- n:nr. rhoea or whttei, iterilllt. and for all miopia Mi Incident lo tbe lex. whether ari Ing frrta imHi eretinn. or hablu of dltipation. It II prtici.twl elten.l.rl by th. moit pbyilciaai mldwiveifi-r enfeebled and delicate conrtitali rl, of brth niri and all agea (attended with aa; if the abora dl.eaiei or lymptoiai). o Tt T ii Ft tnni tve tTruiPT ini-nn Cures diteaff arfsinK fron laprudeteei, ! Its of Iiiipatlra, etc , in all their Hag- , at lull ti,tD, lint or s changs In dial, d ioeunrchieLce, anJ c! pour. It rimes a frequent di', i d HI troll gib tu U inite. thereby renoving Obtrui tions, Prevenling and t aring Striclurei of tkt Urethra, Allaying Pin apd Inflataiimiion, h freq-.nt in this cltus vf ditea, and xp. lUcj all lNionous matter. Th(.uiind who h4 been the ol ia compett-iit persnna, and who hnvs fid heavy fee to be eured in a short lime, have f"un-i asy have bi'en deemr-., and thj( ih "Pnlpftii" hai, by the a mi i.f "p.ifrful stritigent," bein dn4 apin lhevsretn,to b eas on in a more aggravated form, and perhi after Marriage. Va Helmhold'i Rxirat ftuei-i for all A fee Hunt and liaae n the Urinary Otnu. whtk rr eaiMing in Mais or If male, from wbstevtr eanse origjnatinc, and nn matter af bow 1 landing. Piies,J.&0 per buttlt. IIKNRT T. HKLMDOt.ft'S IMPROVED liOSE WARn, Cannot be anrpa.icd aa a PACK WASII. and will be f. uni tb. ,! rpeeig. remedt In e.rf epeeiee of culeniu. affection. It .peedile ee44. catei pmiplei, .poia, aeurliutio, drynan, Intura- II in oi ine rutenooui ni.mbrar.. n. , ri dncM and incipient liifUiniaiitliin, hire., aatb, moth pat hea drruer. ol aealpnr ,Hn, fr.t bili'i, and all purn..e for nhieh aalee. or iilniiMeei. are need reetor. th. kia tn a Mat. nf parity and iline. and In.urri ..mtinird heartr ae linn to the et it. ecaeela. ne which driaadl the egrar.hl. elearrrr. end vlvaeltt of etmpl.i- ,vn wiarn eougni ana eiimtn-d. Hut l,i..rfr ealuahl. a. a re me In fr iai.iin di.ei. ,.i th. ekin, II. T. Ilrln.bolil'a lin.a ..b hn leag iii.iain.o iti pilnrlile claim tn unbounded p.t r by qnallllee which rei d. r il a Till I.KT A I' t KM) AU K ol the ino.t , and Congenial eharaeler, eonih nlng in an ele gant 1,'rniul. tbn.e pn niinrnt riquinilrr, ?A?E 1Y and KPKICAI'Y th. inratiabla aienl. of It. ore al a lireaerratira and refrlik- er of the e mpleiin It la an eacelltut U'i" fr dla.e. ol a fyphilne nemee, and a. aa ta Jei tu n for dl.ea.e. ut the I'nn.rj tlrg.ea, athv. ftg from habile nf dl.ip.tlon . need in eonneellon with the hllracta wueFiu, ae..rMrllla and Oa. tanh. tirape Pill., in iueb oiaeaaaa a! moti mended, oauaol be .urpaiicd. 1) Pull and tipliflt dlrsoUotii sceoBpaay Ut medicines. Kidenr of th mnt responsible and rsllablt ehsrseter furnMirrl on apiilieatiun tritk ANerfrerfa nf ikmnd nf llvt-.g nvftes, and npards at Hti Otid iit,illrltd t.-rnflrater and reeiifnrndatorj letters, man nf vhleb ara from tho bigs, snuroes, including rtninent Physicians, tleraj. men, Mnievint-n, tie. Th Pm-rtetor has navtr resnrted In their puhllrstlnn In the new up pare ( ha dues no d Iht trm the feet that hleartlclea rank aa MmnUrd Preparations, and do tot ttatd to ba propped up by ertiDoatn. HKNHY T. 1ULMROI.KA OENL'INE Pit- PAHAThJNH Deliferod lo any sddreis. Heeurs frnm obsar vatiun. LKi'ahli.hed upward uf twenty yawra. old by l-rurg'-t earywharo. Addr leitwra fur ftifmma ion. la enflenea, to UtiNBY X. II hL,M ItOl.U. DrugtM and Chemist. Only lupotet H T. Urlmheidi Drag III Cheuiteal Wsn honoa, No. &V4 Hniadway, N.T., nr to II T llelmhold's Mfdinai Do put, l4 SoBtk Tenth Street, I'htUileiphta, Pa. He ware of aouaterfeita. Ak far HBN RT T. HKLMBQLD it Take aa ttku.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers