SicjlUpttMuatt. GEORGE B. GOODLANDEK, KDITOR AND PRO PR IK TOR. CLEARFIELD, Ta. WEDNESDAY MORNIN'O. Jl'NE 21. 1S7I. Democratic State Ticket. FOn AUDITOR GENERAL, GEN. WM. McCANDLESS, OF PniLADCLl'HU. FOR SURVEYOR GEXERAL, CAn. JAMES II. COOPER, OP I-AWflKMCK COVHTr. full poll of the Democratic vot, will lecure the election of our State ticket by a Urge majoritr. .VLot every Demnorat remember that, and impress the truth of it upon the minds of hh neighbors. Democratic District Ticket. SENATOR : WII.I.IAM A. VAI.I.lCI?,ortleartk'll, Subject to the action of District Convention. Democratic County Ticket ASSE.UHLY; JOHN LAIVSIIi;, of Oaceolu. A8S0CIATE JUDGES: WILLIAM V. I'OI.I.Y, of Clearfield. JOHN J. RI'.AI), of I.evtrrnct. PKOT1IOXOTART: AARON C. TATE, of Clearfield. REGISTER A RECORDER: ASIR'HY . I. HE, of Clearfield. .TREASURER : BAMLl'.L r. II MN, of Bradford. COMMISSIONER: P. F. COUTKIUT, of kartliaua. AUDITOR: BtlFlEN Mcl'llliRSOM, of Clearfield, COUNTY SURVEYOR: 8. F. NrCI.OXKKY.nrCiirnenarlllr. Our .1'onifiirTS. The Primary Election in litis county is over for 1871. Tlio names of our nominees will be found at the lioiid of litis column. Tlie contest was rather warm between Boine of tho liondiduK'n, which fact gave tlio voters ft good insight in lo mitttcra, nnd all Lud an opportunity to express Hair preference in llic good old Democratic way through ihu ballot box, with out the presence of l ho Radical emblem of Liberty bayonets. Tho contest, ns tho tatilo clscwhero shows, was very close between some of tho candidate", that of Commis sioner especially, wliero one vote turned tho scale. Mr. John Lawsho, our nominco for AsscmUy, is a resident of the borough of Osceola, and is preeminently well qualified fur the- position. IIo is l.irgely engaged in the mining of coal and the niuiiulat-lure of lumber, und lius there fore n common interest in these "lupin products of our country; till of which lie will protect nnd defend in lira rep rcecntative capacily. Messrs. Wm. 0. Foley and John J. Rend nro our Htjindurd benj-crs fur the AsW)tialo Judgeship. Tho former is n resident of Clem -field borifugh, and tlio Uitter of Lawrcice township, about fivo miles distant. They are both well quiiliflcd fur the position indicated. Stinitiel P. Wilson, Esq., iho liomi neo for Treasurer, is a Bradford town ship farmer, w ho bus served us Jiistiie of the Peuco, nnd is frugal and indus trious. A look lit his farm, together with his known hospitality and un yielding democracy, will satisfy any Democrat that the funds of the county will bo safe in his hands. Francis F. Coutriet, canditlato for Commissioner, is ulso a farmer rest ding in KuitliiiiiH township. JIo has nerved the ptildio in Iho capacity of Justice of tho Peuco, nnd ono term us County Auditor . IIo is a real econo mist, and is just the man to look after tlio interest of tho tux-payers and see thut tlio funds of tho Treasury are properly nppliej. , Our nominees for Prothonotary, Register nnd Recorder ami Surveyor, Aaron U. Talc, Ashury W. Leo, nnd Samuel F. Midi key, Esqi., nro tho present incumbents, nnd were nomi nated without opposition, from the fuel that they are well qualified for tho positions they hold. Ilnvitigdiscliarg cd the duties of their rcspeclivo ofllces for three years, past with honor lo tlnmsclvcH and tho party, no Demo crat need hesitate to vote for thorn gain. Of tho many good men who liuvo filled their' rcspeclivo positions nono havo done it with tuoru satisfac tion to the putdiu than they have besides thero is no discount on their democracy. Reuben McPherson, our nr.minoo for Auditor, who is u resident of this borough and Teller of tho First Na tional Hunk, is just the man for the pl.ieo. IIo is a young man of strict Integrity und particularly well quali fied for the position. The wholo ticket is a good ono The voters of Clearfield county never had a better array of talent presented to them at nny election, and tho Dem ocrat nint bo very captious who duros to quiliblo or hesitate to vote for nny of them. Whilo wo Miy this, we are also compelled to stalo that thero were just ns K, ,,. dcfealed ns those nominated. This we know from the fact that wo uro personally Acquainted with all the cundidutes. This much ndvico we volunteer to giro the nominees : Let them bo just as vigilant nnd exert themselves in the iulcrerit of the party from now onlil the October election just as much as they did in securing their own tiominution, nnd their conduct w ill go fur toward liriilin.r nil misun derstandings that m it y liavs arisen aiurin the priuisry cVtiJtat Hon. flcmrul I., 1'allainllgham. It pains ns to chronicle tho prema ture death of this nblo statesman, which occured at Lebanon. Ohio, on Suturdny, from accidental shooting. He was engaged ns chief counsol In the caso of tho Commonwealth in. Thomas McGohan, charged with the murder qf Henry Myers, nnd had as sociated with him cx Gov. McHnrney. Mr. Vitllundiglinm had made great preparations to clear tho defendant, and bad ho dono so it would have been tho crowning uct of bis life in tho lino of his profession. He Intended to demonstrate lo tho jury tho fact that Meyers had committed suicido by shooting himself. Court adjourned just before, opening tho case to the jurry, nnd while in the offico of Ex- Gov. McBnnicy tho shooling accurred. A dispatch to tho Herald says i It appear that no one was present with Val lamligl.ain when lite accident occurred but ex- Lieutenant llovemor Mcllnrney, who hne been associated with bioi in tho di-fonco of Mcllohao.- MoHurney hnd expressed aoiue doubt ai to the theory that Myers luul shut himself. Vallandijr hain picked up a pistol from the table. Raying ho would "show him in half a aoound. Two'iistoU were on the table, one unlondud, and be by mil take took up the loaded one, put it In hie pooket and withdrew it, hcepinfrthe inuxicle next hit body. Jurt a. il waf leaving hi. pocket it was discharged, it it reported, at nearly tlie same part of the bo tv nlicro Slvcrs wni .hot. Ho al once vjneulatrii, "Oh, murder!" and said he had taken the wrong piitol. Tho contents of the pistol lodged In bis abdomen and produced death in about eight hours. His wife bad bocn telegraphed (o repair lo Cumberland, Maryland, iho evening before to attend the funeral of n brother, Jmlgo AleMttlion, and was thereforo not prosent nt her hqa bund's death. Her grief can be Im agined under such circumstances. Mr. Vullitndigham's deniiso has cast a gloom over the land. Ho had many warm friends and bitter cnomies, and was in possession of talent and elo quence few could Imitated and nono could overcome. Had ho lived he would have been elected United States Senator from bis State, where- ho would havo bocn un ornament. In him the Dcmocratio party hits lost the ublest of her statesmen. Ho pos sessed moro eloquence, energy and versatile character than any other man on Ihu public stage. His death occurs iu the bOlh year of his ago. Editorial Association. Tho Dent- ocratio Sluto Editorial Association met in liellefonlo on the 13th and the Slato Editorial Convention in Wil-j liamspott on iho 1 4 1 li . Tho Hello foil to Wiitchman, In alluding to the matter, says : i It 1. somewhat singular that while tho mon remote portion, of tho State, cant and we.t, north and louth, were represented that but few of Ihu editor. Hbo rc.itit-d iu the immediate locality of Iti'llt-fonto were ou hand. So far ns w o uro concerned, w o have repeatedly informed tho officers of both Associations that it would be impossiblo for us to attend either of those gatherings if held in the month of J uuo. If held in May, July or August. wo would attend. Although one of tho first in urging organizations of ibis kind wo havo never been able to meet our brethren except ut tho first meeting in Philadelphia. The con vening of both Associations ut the timo timo was a mistuko, from the fact llint u largo majority of us hack woods editors cannot bo absent tho necessary letiglh of timo to attend both. Wo might bo able to etund a two or tlircm days' "spree," but u weck or ten days would brcuk down ouramnteiirconstitution in tlie loafing lino. Veterans alone- can endure such fatigno. Why not call ono of iho Assoeialions together in May nnd the other In August or tho first of Septem ber, ami then givo ample notice so that all may prepare accordingly f Quacking Aqain.-TIio warm wcnlh er, the Congressional Committee, and Iloraco Greeley's visit down south, hud nearly played out tho blood and thunder Kti Klux stories manufactur ed lo order by enrpet buggers for the purpose of tii koling loyal enrs. Uul "Dead Dik U" Forney has conio to the resctio. In tho issue of tho Press of Saturday, net eral first class horrors aro produced from North Carolina, ono of which is to tho effect that a number of Kn Kluxers' nfobbed nnd destroyed tho Star printing ofllco at Salisbury, a pttpcr sustained by tho carpet baggers nnd scalawags w ho pay no luxes but prey upon tho prop ci ty holders for a' livelihood. Hundreds of printing o dices were destroyed by loyal mobs a few years ago, yet (his "J)end Duck" never once quacked to tho effect that It was a crime, although much Higher his own door. .Now, however, tho samo uct is pronounced a Ku-Klux horror. Formerly it was loyul sport. How changed tho views of this political parricide havo become I Tiik Senatorsiiip. Tlio Primary Flection returns indicate that ll -in Wm. A. Walluco is tho unanimous choice of tho Democracy of this county for Senator. How tho Domo cruls in tho other counties of tlio district feel upon tho subject wo have no method of knowing, from tho fact thai no action bus been had In any of ihetn bearing upon the quostion. .. i en., can Ouu Second Wasiiinhton. Tho public are daily nauseated with tho adulations of tlio Radical press which designates President Grant as "our second . Washington." Is there nny man in ad tho land who believes thut riushington would have degraded his personal dignity und bis b gh ofllco by accepting one of I lie gifts thut havo been accepted by President Grunt 1 Clearly no man believes any such thing. A mnn who accepts a benefit places himself under obligations and makes himself tho debtor of tho donors es pecially if that man bo in ofllco. This view of the case has been tuken by every President from tho days of W ....I. i . J ii usiiMigioii uown to mo pcrscculcd It remained for Ainircw join son. cesses n. virant to demonstrate lo'ean simplicity In 4t f resident ol the the world that Presidential favor wail United Slates, reminding the behold- ineickatitublo commodity. fort. J era of rhe bettor dayi of th ItoDublio UtmotratU Count Vomrnllou. On Tuesday, Juno 13th, 1S71, at 8 o'clock, P. M., the Convention of Ita turn Judges was culled to order iu tho Court Room by tho Chairman of tho County Committee, and upon culling iho roll by districts It wus found that twenty-four Return Judges wore pres ent. On motion or J. S. Mclviernun, of Gulich, Samuel Kunti, of Brady, and James Leighton, of Osceola, wore elected tellers. Tho counting of votes being tho next business in order, Mr. Geo. 11. Walluco, of Huston, presented a protest ngninst counting tho vote cast in tho borough of Osccolu for Assembly, and Frunk Short, Esq., of Clearfield, moved that said protest be read, which motion being second by Mr. Geo. II. Walluco ; tho volo being taken resulted In n defeat of the mo lion to read tho protest by a majority of twenty-two. The counting of tho voto wus then proceeded with, tho result of which la expressed in tho following resolution, offered by Mr. Hoover, of Morris, and adopted : Rm,liil, That John Aaron ('. Ttatr, A .burr W. Lee. Samuel P. Wilaun, William C. Foley, John J. Ri-ed. F. F. CoudrieU Reuben Mi l'henon. and S. F. McCloikey, hare reotired the highest number uf votvi ea.t for the re.pootire office, for which they were candidates and are horeby declared duly nominated, and are the reg ular nominees of Ibe Demoeratle parly uf Clear field eountr, and as such are entitled to the sup. nurt ofercrr Democrat at the apnroaehlng gene ral election; and that the Crawlord Hy.Uui of making nominations tareutood. Tho following was then offered by J. R. Reed, Esq., nnd adopted KitnltrJ. That Hon. Wm. A. Wallace, the candi date for Senate. this day nominated, be and he ts herebr authorised lo name bis own oonferecs. Tho quostion of amending tho sya tern of making nominations being un der discussion tho following resolution wss offered by Jus. Leighlon, Esq , of Osceola, nnd adopted by tho Convon tion as nn additional rule. ItwUtJ? That no per.on shall be permitted to rote at such Primary Election except such as are qualified declare under the general election laws and would be rnooeu 10 roie a. sucn pun were 11 a Ueneral Instead of a Primary felootlon. And on motion of John Clcnry, Esq , of Uloom township, it was Visoeed. That the tickets for voting at all Primary Elections held by the Derauuralio party in Clearnelil eounty snail be printed on one slij of naner. with nroper beading, for each office, will all ibe candidates names for each office beneath, and rotcd in one ticket. Tho next business in order was the election of Committee for 187-. On motion of Wm. P. Chambers, Esq., seconded by Wm. 1. Mcl-orklo, J Blako Walters wns re elected Chair mun for 1KJ-, nnd II. W. Smith, Esq., was, on motion of Cup I. J. S. McKier- nun, elected secretary. COMMITTEE F0R1STJ. Deccaria 1'. J. Keagy Olvo Hope P.O. Roll Ilmry llreih Oslend. Illoom John (iary Forreet. Itoggl Jiioob llimeliog..West Doeittnr. ltrit'llord I. 11. Mama Orahamloa. Itraly David Reams... ..Liither.lmrg. llurn.ide D. lloiman... N. Washington Cheat Iniiae Markle.M...lIard. Covington John Piekard Frcoclirllle. IrarSeld Dave I.. kreb.....t'h-arncld t'urweusville.....W.R. Hart.hurn..Curwen.viSe. lHcatur. Jaoob llatcnr Otecola Hills. Ferguson Balser llulliheD.-ltower. Iliiard W.T. M'Corkle...llald Hills. tlo.hen A. B. Hhaw Shnwsville. Ilriiliatn M. L. tiill tlrahamtnn. Ilulich W . R Dickinon..r!iiiitu s Mills. UiiHton (leo. Voodwaid...Peontleld. Jortlnn Martin Hniith Ansonville. Kar'haur Dr. J. W. Potler..TUree Huns. Knox David Krkard Nt-w Millport. Lawrence tliore II. Ilall...l'lcarfield. Lumber City John HoRrrty I.umler City. Morris Henry Hoover Kylertnwni- N. Wabington...A. J. Jaekion...,.N. Wa.binirton. Osceola J.J. I. ingle 0ceola Mills. Penn M. M Flrnn Grampian Hill. Pike D. D. Hioer ..('urwensville. Tnion. William Welty....Roekton. Wuodward Thos.Henderson..J'r7ries. J. BLAKE WALTERS, Ch'm Dcm. Co. Com. "TheGovkrnmbnt." If what "loy al" newspapers say about Grant is tine, ho vioiulcs law as complacently as tho counterfeit shoving gentry. Tlio New York iS'un says: The subjoined piece of intelligence is tuken from yesterday's Tribune: "The President has directed IhatOen. N. Mirh- ler be relieved from duty as Superintendent of ruolift uuililinjr. ami urouno., and mat urn. u. LI. HabctK-k be a.signed to duty as Superintendent in bis plaoe. (Icn. Ilabeock will still retain his position upon the President's staff, and discharge ibe duties of Superintendent in addition to bis present dutirs. Tho President cannot have a staff without violation of law. IIo is not a military commander. IIo is a civil functionary, and he has no right to keep n singlo military officer about him. Tho law ullows him a Private Secretary, and that placo is filled by .Mr. Kohert M. Douglas. Gon. Hub cock, Gen. Porter, and Gon. Ient aro all employed ut tho Whilo House in deflunco of law ; and the so called duties which they perform there are so many illegal acts. What can bo hoped from a Prcsi dent who deliberately and persistently breaks tho law of the laud in his own household 7 A Man With Nothing to Do. Some of the friends off. A. Scott aro a lilllo solicitous lest he should bp out ol a situation tins summer, and are engaged hunting up railroads, t o or three hundred miles long, 10 enable him to tuke tho Presidency, just to keep his hand in. This is well enough, as lio Is only J resident of five rail roads includinir tho Union Pacific, Vice-President of twelve, Including the lcmisylvHiiiA t.cnlral, Director in thirty three, and General Consolida tion Agent for tho balunce. IIo keeps four Secretaries' busy looking nflor ins iron, on, silver, gold, quicksilver, lead, sliilo, steel, coul and wild land interests, devotes n few leisure mo ments to steel rail and locomotive manufactories, steamship lines, bridge building mid engineering. Finds re laxation in running tho Pennsylvania and Virginia Legislatures, and entire reposo in directing Congress, the Pres ident and the Supreme Bench, In nil thut relates to his chain of roads throughout the land. Independent of all this lie is married, ills locks uro slightly sprinkled with grsy, but Ibis comes of years not care. His f.ico wours a sunny smilo, and is us cheer ful as a robin iu May. It is well, thut his friends look uflur him and see thut lime Is not permitted tu hung heavy on his hands. Tin Galena Tanner. An ex change saj s: Un Sunday Of last week, at Long lira itch, I'rcsnlent Grunt, Do ing loo much fatigued from his previ ous day's journey to nnd from Mew York to attend church, appeared on the roud with his I'timily in a magnifi cent carriage, (presented to hi in by admiring friends) drawn by two high. stepping bays, (also a present), with four colored servants, two on tho dri ver's scat and two behind, all dressed in gorgeous butter mil colored livery led hv a New York tnilor.W I A remarkable exhibition of iienubli. Deraocrallc Primary Election I , I asisssir. j vs t . . t i r i ; J TT SI 8 fi'l II M IS tt U W U . 30 4s -i s n i4.i :t lit jit i:u log ihu Co 81 t 2 iu n in in? 4U ' 0 ,81 JOT 88 160 Li? M At 10 III . U U I U 11 li 17 25 4? ' 17 4 4f ' IS 30 IT TS 14 46 47 34 1 " 11 4 tl II 51 81 li '4,V 41 li IS Is 77 44 . 44 7! l; - v in li 47 4 I 4, li7 74 4 71 AO 41 8 ii 178 101 . 14! an 14 tb "it VI ISO 84 :'74i .11 14 " 17 'fs 174 107 20 lit ISM j 17 I28 jll4lu DISTRICTS. Itrecarla Roll It loom Dra-lford .... Urady ,. B7i 7H II 1.1 I Oil 177 S4 Jturu side.... .. Che.u Covington ... Clenrlield .... l5 12 i:iv 8! im 17 a: CuWensv!lle...i.. Dceatur........ Ferguson Mn (Ilrard Oo.hfn.M tirnham.-.. Ilulich llu.ton. Jordan Karthaua...H...... Knox Lawrence Lumber City.... Morrl.... 10 40 4 li 84 8h .v 146 41 4.1; 4 New Washington1 Osceola Prim- Pike.. tin ion 142 44 - h Woodward VW' Total ., Majorities.... DISTRICTS. W a h, f cos. ? f B ? I : : Tleeearla...'.' 16 1 41 Pell 1! IS ......... Bloom . 13 I llomts- H 10 10 Bradford 1.11 II 14 Bradr 1" P7 Burnside II li I Che.! 4 17 II Cnvlnnton 10 40 IS Clearfield 34 131 88 Curwennvllle..... 8 11 Decatur 64 I 44 Fergu.on 8 0 1 Ulrard 16 11 I Ooshen IS T I Urahara 18 10 il llulich 1 T I nu.too 1 I 39 Jordan li 14 I Karthaus 37 I H Knoi 4 14 Lawrence 48 134 30 Lumber City 4 10 I Morris 61 SI New Washington 10 16 I Osceola 31 00 40 Pens II 41 H1 Pik II 14 I I'nion 10 IS 1 Woodward....... 30 70 90 Total. 781 1107 708 Moinrilie. l'-'7 Dhiftino. During tho rucentr ses-l sion of tho Yelling Men's Christian As sociation ut Washington. I strong ef fort wua made lo convert this largo body into a political m.iehino. Do lano, Secretary of ibe Interior, and Ihu "Christian Soldier," Ueu. Howard, tho man who is now estitnutod ut 000,00(1, lion it is well known ho was not worth that man) half cents fou ycars ago, made, speeches -higlriy eulogistic of "Sun Domingo" Grant. Mr. .Stuart, of l'iiiladulpliiu, a political demagogue in the exuberance of his political feeling, cxcluimcd : "Unit bless yuccn v iciorin, uou bloss President Grunt; long owj Ihry bo permitted to rcijn over these jjreat free iiutii'mj;'; Tbu ncoido will havo a onv in the mutter us to Grant's second reign, and thut say will bo agaist tho smoker and Ins hirelings. Tint Tbui Issue. In speaking of tho position of the South, tlio Ultra Observer trullilully remarks: "An in divisiblo Union of independent States that is tho WRlch-word of tho Dem ocratic purty North ond South. To secure such a Union, with tho bless ings which will attend it we of tho North nro willing to drop all extrane ous questions and fight the fight solely On tllO isstlO Of local Self-COVerntlielll US uirainst ccntrulir-ed imDoriulisin In thin work wo nlmll have 'tho hfiirty cooperation ol' every .Demo crat in tlie South." 2Jnc gurfrtijrmmlii. 1)tUPOS-kl.H. Carpentrrt and baitdera are hereby notified tbat the fehool tJireelora of Lawrence luJrpendcnt Di'triet No. I will receive propositi fir tlie erection of a large and com mo dioli i fCIlOOl. 1IOI HB, In said dlMricl. until Haturday, July lit. Tboau dnirinf to hid will please call oo tbe Secretary, who will all the neceioarv plan and pfei Rent ion . AliRAHA.M 11UMIM1KKV. Vrrt't,. ' O. Ft. M KR'tRLia, (Secretary, Je2l 21 TIHT OF JIIHOH DUAWy FOR PRP. j temner Term. 1871 I eommtneing 4th Mon day. (2Mb) ! iuD J mon, Lemtifl RrtoL...neoaaria J. Monre Ferijcuiten Jaa. II. 8underlin....HelllJ. A. L. Flegal,...urhen (JrorKe Hr. HncKi'T. Hewitt Ktiaton Wes t, II. Sbin7,.!ud-!J. Mcllht-ebaa.... Jnrdan ford. J. W. Potter.... Karfbeua A. Pentt, )r Brady 'W, Mnpn Lawrence J. iMc .iurray...tiurnHie ii. li l.Tri..i,omherLity Calvin Slovens. ..Chest C llarrooy-.,. Covington II. F. King Clearfield N. Fullmer Morris John l.awshe. Ost-eola A Hi a Mi-Donald-.t.Pcnn I -see Caldwell I'lke David Dremler.... I'nion H. Ilsgerly.... Woodward W. (. II artihoro....!. ur wensville. J. L.ThonpsoQ..Deeatur TSAvrnns jraoita U. L. McOhee. licit J. 1. lloyt Ferguses Amos H. Tate.. A. B.RIiaw. Uosbsn John Orr D. W. Chllson Illoom H. Lingvo. " , Wm. Conrad tlulick Wm. 8. Curry Jordan M. Heed Lawrence Joel Foresl " , I J II. tlearharl, Bradford Mark Kyler " J. O. Urav " Henry Aliwrl " Daniel l"rcwerl... " Himon VallliurnwMrady Alexander Hhra... J. lialiiillon.. M C. Kehwem D. Bolliday John Lee Uurnstdo James H cliel., " Joe. L. Neff. Othello Smeed... " Daniel Fiahcl Chest Hiehardrlhiik.ClearflcId L. Denning " A. rlnuthard.... J.rlhnnkwiler.. " A. F Mitchell. Ivl Itowles... Oliver Conklln Jas. MllchrIL J.M'lllanghlia " -Jno. Mitchell. . I. . Og-len (iilbrrt HiHiver... Morris M. A. llrown M. n. Mctlralb-.Oiceola W, M. Kowlea I'enn .toseph I.. Dale l'iko .1. R. Caldwell A. P. Hlonm Philip Long " W m. Illenn. II. F. Ilarley I'nion Wm.Lulber...Wuolward imTiiUH house: . Opposite Ibe Court House, LOCK' HAVEN, P B N N'.A. Jel4 71 TJAl'SKAL A KROM, Prop's. Q QA K K W A H II I The Com mi.sinnvs of 0 Ve ClearAeld county will give a reword of Twenty Hollars -for the detection or the party or parties who are constantly tnntllating and dolssing tba walls and stairs of Ilia Court Ilouse. Within a few days Ibe fine railing oo Hie slrirwar has been ehipped and cut from top to bottom.- Il was evi.lenlly tlie net of a thoughtless hoy or a wicked adult. The above reward will be paid to any one giving information concerning this act, and the names of those giving the Information will be withheld ef desired. 8. II. rlllAKKNKH. . 8. II. IIIMlMAN, 10mm n. I'mee, 1 UAliU HULK, Clrarfleld,June21:! Commissioners. IJXr-X'UTOIVH KOTK R Nolloalshera J hy given thai Letters TesUmentary having beB vranled tn the ...Itaerlb.. nn tl,. ..I M1CIIAKL BI'MiKHLAND, dee d, lata of Hell townsmp, learneld eonnty, Pennsylvania, all persons indebted to said Kstala aro roqueslsd lo maka immeitlala navmeni. anil thnu claims against tha same will praatnt them duly auuieniicaieu lor eeiiiemeni. . AllOS ot'NDltM.AN'D, . Jun, II, 1871:84. Kieculan 1.M1H HALI-lt-811 HUUUIKd and several ' two hors, WAUONS, hy K. 1. IRVIrt k CO.' 0rwpirlll, P,SI.-4,147I:ltt -u Held Saturday, June 10, 1871. COMMISIIOSr-R. T 27 4 4 1 4.1 84 7& 14 IIS t II I 47 12 II 8 t 44 2 I ''" 43 1 IS 1 4 I 4 4 41 T TS T S9 18 8 27 .11. 144 14 US 1 4 I IS US 117 ,.., 14 88 1 71 1 14 84 73 21 44 1 II I 17 13 ,97 "V I 109 20 I 4 2 83 13 1 1 4 I 8 41 III 14 8 I 114 14 4 98 4 II 1 127 I 14 44 20 13 44 1 44 41 101 2 41 118 4 I IS 17 "ii 13 112 12 ; sio 42 41)3 1 74 i 14 ). !o iiv ; : ' I P o o .aaouya 4os. . f- 3 J. -v 11 .H, " 18 IS '13 I 64 86 il II 11 ,41 I II 13 I 71 72, 42 lj 4 27 1 0 17 I7i II 2 I 1 li 31 14 II' 34 I I !4 14 4 41 44 S3 ij 81 18 4 I 24 42 I 20 80 0l 149 12 4 0 1 4 IS I 411 44 44 11 . 38 83 - 7 1 2 4 106 1 07 SI 1.1 4S ......... I t 22 16 14 1 r 10 -4 43 4.1 44 10 14.1 10:1 1.19 39 1.1 43 1 , 47 II 16 27 IS 7 33 4 40 16 12S 110 in 41 27 t 4 24 1 IS Id II 1.1 33 ..' T 14 16 41 I 14 4 IS II 14 II 3S 1 1 2 47 27 3( 49 8 21 4 11 4 8 3 34 , IB IS 4; 41 2 24 1 35 1 4 li 1H 16 14 I 12 1 2 18 31 16 13 T 4 I 44 T 47 4l .1:1 IS J .,4 ;4 140 44 3i 146 Ml1 124 20 H 1 10 8 41 4:1: 10 14 I .. 11 1.1 31 167 100 I061 21 81 4 II I I 21 4 ii in: 4 60 U 4 I 18 IS 00 144 :3.1, 4 194 T 0 88 16 17 14, 66 4 102 63 14 04 1 2 44 61 4:'! II) I I 27 1 18 16, 39 14' "If II ' 141 t 71 III 18?l I 163 441 328 462 170 414 tit 'Hit 162;, 1.12? 74 ' I. 37' 8civ tU'frtiscmfiiti jJ eC A UG II r. VS RESTAURANT, . . Bceond Street, CLP.iRFtELD, PENS'A. Alwars on h.nd, Fre.h Oysters, Ios Cream Candies, Nuts, Crackers, Cake., Cigar., Toi-aceo, Canned Fruits, Oeangcs, Lemons, and all kind. of frull in season. JMr-IULLIARD ROOM on second floor. JrH'TI D. McUAUUIIgY. -pitlVATi; lilt PIB1.IC BALLS .Valuable Real Estate I Th -uloi-rilwr will oflfnr at Vuttio Sale, on THUHhlAY,24th dnj of AUUUtfT, out, if not oonar fold.) al I o'clock p. m , at hii hoat. hi enure proprtr. iituai in union toonolitp, tlear- 6oltl eoatitj. Pa., ooniiitinjt of IU9 Auraa ami iii per cent, alluwane f tbt boat Farm, Timber and toal Landr, M ibraa tvtwryi, lying in ona body, h ill d aoia unrr ariieraie or toirriner, at reaMn abkntri. Tba M I'UOVKMKMS are ai M lu w i, vis: Atrout 110 Aorra oleared and under ftood enltrratioa, wiifa four Iwellm( Uouiea.thrre Haroa, on Sawmill, and other outbuilding--, and Hire flrturaia Orehardi of ebuieo fruit. Xba boil of runninr water 4oar tha noasea. Tb balanoa of thM laada timbered with Plot, !ltalM'k aod othnr timber, ufficient to eat about fivo million (a,000,0U0) feet of lumber. For mineral property Ihia ia tho beat (o this part of ino eouniry i eontiting ai iroa ure. Lira t-t tone , and Stone Coal of the best quality. Urge veins, "ined.and convenient to the Railroads now under way of buildinr. v 4-For partieulars eall on tho aubwriber or add ra him at Koch ton 1. li.. riearfleld oonnty. Juno 1Z-VI JUU.N UHt.fl.hK. RF.PORT of the eondition of the FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Clearfield, at tbe eloea or business oo June loth, IS71 1 saaocnrti. - Loans and Discounts $1211, Ml 44 Orerdralls , II. B. Hoods lo secure eireulation U. 8. Moods on hand Due from redeeming A reserve agent, Due from other National Hanks Due from other Monks and Hankers ... Furniture and Futures Torrent Expenses Tales paid .'. Cneb Items, (inelading stamps). Bills of other National Hanks.. Fractional Currency, (inelud. nickels) Legal Tender Notes Total- I57J.S54 US 4 ' I.UIILITIBS. fapltal slock paid In. $1(10,000 00 Surplos fund 1.1,0110 40 Discount .an 42 . Rschange.... Mt 27 ' . . . . a . . . : inirmi 0,910 Vd S.Sl mmA la. I .11 National Mank eireulat'n outstanding, 14,4114 00 Diriilends nnpald 14 00 Individual I.1.SV 04 Duo tu .National Hanks 1,414 42 Total ..f-77.VS.JS 41 t. Jonathan Bovnton, President of th. First National Bank of Clearfield, do aoleunly swear Hint the aoore statement Is true to tb, best of my koowjedge, and belief, ' JON A. HOYNTON. President, Hubserlhed and sworn to before me this 1Mb dsy of June, 18?!. WM. HAllKIIACII, N. 1. Cornet Attest I (t. MITCIIKI.L, , W. II. DII.L, . H. MOHSOP, Direetors. June 11,1171. RKPORT of tha condition of the COUNTY NATIONAL HANK or Clearfield, at tho eloaa of bnsiness oo Saturday, Jon, 10th, 1871 1 nasocacas. Loans and dieoount.. $140,291 48 Overdraft 4.841 14 II. 8. bonds lo secure eireulation 74,11011 00 line from redeeming agent. 1,771 82 Due from other National Hanks 8.1.11 li Hue from Stale Hanks and Uaokere.. 18.014 18 Fnrnltnre and Bxlurt, I,.V4 21 Current eipenses.M M 1,104 Oil Tairs paid 4 8 71 Cash items, Including stamp 1,804 84 Hills of other National Ranks.. 1,442 04 Fractional ourreticy,including nickels, Jtil 18 Ppecfe, vlsi eoin , 4 V0 Legal-tender notes Il,4'l 40 Total $2,'i4 V!4 41 LiAiairias. Capital stork paid In. ...llnd.OnO 40 Surplus fund 4,004 04 Kxcbange. 1 i7 41 Interr-at l.dStl 74 Profit and Iocs ISA 18 Circulation outstanding 8&,2.'i4 04 Individual deposit, .. 10,218 40 Duo to National Banks. 4,171 14 Dae la Htate Banks aid Bankers 1,424 71 Tola!.. $2i4.4H4 41 I, W. M. 8haw, Cashier of th. County National Bank of Clearfield, do solemnly swear that the above stateinenl is true to the best of my knowl. edge and belief. W. M. 8IIAW, Cashier. Hnheerlhcd and sworn lo before me this 18th day f June, A. D. 1471. WM. RADKHACH, N. P. Oortwot A 1 .. JAMKS T. LRONARD, . r 1 - - . JAMB B. 4HAUAM, ' V ' 41. U RKKD, Jhna Jl, 1871, .. Directors. I,41 44 7.0O4 40 4,400 40 12, W 47 7.XiT 14 lO.ifti 14 i,;i'i0 so 4Ht 00 SIS it 4l 71 H0 40 m 47 1,110 40 TUB CKLKMRATBD RICIIARD80N BOOTS, Light Kin........ $1 44. French Kin M 4 41. French Calf. 4 44. ;Opfa'th)lrlf ., IMTlBl f. On Wednesday, June 7th, 1871, Mbs. T.! E.f WATSON h Will return from Philadelphia with an entirely new and elegant assortment of MtLLIXERV, D11ES3 and VARIETY G00D8. Than Goods will far surpass an Quods of the seaau (tor style and quality, being atxsrrKD tisiciiLLT bj myself from the largest and moil fashionable houses os Chestnut and Arch street., and will ha tha tost slvdcs for the summer. Being bought low for easb, I ean supply the trade at greatly rtduoed rate. i '- J.T-lt Mas. WATSON. Notice to Creditors! HAVING deternilneil to quit the aeraaotila business In Karthaus, notloe is hereby given to all persons knowing Ihemtelvoo Indebted to me, either by book aocount or note, to maka im mediate settlement, as l am desirous to elose gp mr bosinees as sooa as possible. He entire stock of store goods, consisting of everything usually kept In a oonntry -store, will be disposed of at euit, either at wholesale or resall. w. b. DAnne.1. Karthaus, Jane T, lS7l:4t. MARBLE AM) ST0E YAILD! Mrs. S. S. LIDDELL, Having enjaged is tha Marble business, desires to inform her friend, and the public that she has now and will keep constantly on band a targe and well selected stock of ITALIAN AND VERMONT M AKMLE, and is prepared lo furnish to order TOMBSTONES, BOX AND CRADLE TOMBS, MONUMENTS, Curb, and Posts for Cemetery Lots, Window Sills and Caps, also, BUREAU, TABLE AND WASH 6TASD T0P8, Ac., Ae. 1. Yard on Rted street, near the R. R. Depot, Clearfield, l'a. je7,7l :iOO Howard! rpilR COMMISSIONERS of Clearfield county I offer tbe above reward for the arrest and safe Hvlivery In the Jail of tha aforesaid county of JAMES JOIINtiO.V. He is about 24 years old fir, feet nine or ten inches in height, low furbead brown, dirty looking hair, one blue and ono grey eye, thin face, dark complexion, big lips, scar across upper lip, anil bas one finger cut off Ibe right hand next index linger. Said Joboson bas been living near Glenn Hope, .his coonty for some lime past. P. II. SIIAFFNER, DAVID BUCK, May 28, 1871. Commissioners. rpin: largest roi.u KNOCKS THE PERSIMMONS, in (.i.en norm Jsmes M, Dickey A Co. keep for sale the cheap est Ulass-ware and me oesi lea in rue eouniy. Rest Rilver Drip at ...f 1 IS Heat Ilea Hire Syrup at I 00 licit No. I Syrup a!.. 14 WANTED. 4,000 pounds Wool and 40,000 28-inch Sbinjles, for which tbe highest prioe will lie paid by JAMKS M. DICKEY A CO. (Ilea Hope, May ll-2u , Ml I SI I TlJi! TIM! STOVE I 8TO V EM I KTOVES! WAPLE & IIARTMAN Peiire lo Inform tha eititcniof Otcaota and the public jrenernllT, thut they hare jutt received a Unrtand rnlendid ainortraent uf Storen. Ilouae- hnlil Hardware and (Stamped and Japanned Wares of all kind. Alr-o that wo manufacture and keen ennntantty on hand a full eortment of T ; - 117 . i- iii j: -t I U laical cs, wuiva WtJ Will Ol-ftOtfJ VI Bl either wholesale or retail, to inft parrhaera. Kmiliif, Hpoutinfr,, Hepairinff and all kinds of 1 on nun auno lo or Jer ami witn dmpatrh Htrtet attrnttoD paid ordering articles for par ties desiring It, Consumers will And it lo llirlr advantage lo purcuase trum us. Uur stork and prices will sat ify you that wo do sell good wares at prices inai pieaso mo people. You will And us on Curtio street, nearly op poiitethe Kihan(e Iluiel. Osceola Mills, F., May 10, HT1 If 1871. 1871. FOR THE SPRING CAMPAIGN! FIGIRES THAT ARE FACTS ! REED BROTHERS' Dry Gooda, Notion. Trlmmlnn; A Millinery tvsnpvriumi -CLEARFIELD, PENX A. The only exclusive Dry Goods Store in th, county. Study Your Interest I Buy Where You Can the Cheapest I DRY GOODS: Heavy and line Brown Musltns, Hleaehed Mm llns. eitra wide Brown and Rlrartied Pheelinfn, Pillow Casinr. Ticklnn. Hirkorv itr.e, Denims, nine urm, i:ottnnades. t'avslmores, flannels, IMtits. Irlalties, Percales. Lawns. (Irenailines. Mernanies. Bummer Silk, Japanese Silk, Rleek Hilk, very (fiod, at $l.Ji per yard. The above are new, irofn ajnoai, ani anve oniy io DO priced w anow di lueir remaraauio oaeapnoas. II O S I K 11 Y : Ladles' plain and ribbed 1W, It ). to 11.15 per pair, Children's plain and fnney Cotton Hose, tleni's llrown and ftlne Miied Hose. Rnperitoiit and Puperflno HritM'h ltes;iilar Made linen, Hal hrifraii and Llsla Thread Hone, Ladies', Misses' Children's. Gent's and Uoya India Oanso and Li He Thread Underwaro. Ladles', Men's and Children's Berlin, Lisle Thread and 811k Oloves, Children's Kid (1 lores. Ladies' Kid Slaves, all eolors. fl.tft. 91 TS and $1.00 per pair, Kent's Kid U loves, all colors, Lisle 1 bread and Ucrhn u lores. WHITE GOODS:1 Piques, ehotee styles In ffrrlprs, Fintres, Cords and faun rinisheu.m lonoo porvanl; Jneonett, Nansooks, Victoria lawn, Rwiss Mall, white and colored Tflrletan, Tap Checks, Mosqattn Net, I'urtain am, 40, An and no oents and pi. no pet vardi Towles and Tow lint;. Ilrowa and Blenobed Tnhle Laina-ks. Napkins, Quilts, An. K n ft I i e h Crohrt Kdfflnjs, Imperial Fmhrold ary, Heftlslered Kmbroidery. Valenei Lsee, Not ttnghfim Lsoo. Frilltnp. Alexandria IriMinr. Hum hurt, K'ljfiirg, Inseriins;, Maglo and Always (trady H up in if, llereulrl Draid, Alpaca Pratd, Hair ts, II lack and Brown 8wilehc. Chfrnons, Buttons of every1 description, 8lcvo Buttons, Ao. FANCY GOODS: Laee Collars, Mn.n Collar and Cuffs, Cnder sleevea, Chimisets, llandkereblefs. Tie, and Rows, Rllihnn and Millinery Uoods, Trimmed Uataend Bonnets, Ae Ac . tr-Mnyera III f 'ease It this their atlen lion. Tim, and money Hill be ured. Rsinemher lha plaea t ' REED BROTHER, my IT Market street, Clearfield, Pa. rULL AND EXAM1NB tha NEW GOODS 4:1 ' TCM.KRTOK'S. ThTECKTIES Tha very laUsTsTyleer; 4:1 . D. R. PCLLERTOH'I, B LANK tO!"STABtli' MLIJ jfQR mt at wip enevt ' - gwl Wtatf (or alr. TOR SAI.UI Valuable HoteTTn Wallacoton I , A larpe and eommodioui Tavern Stand situate oq the eorner of Clearfield and llaujliiovn streets in lha eill.fe f Wallaeelon. The bull lip is 42 III foot In else, with good (tabling atUKhed to the rreiaUoe. The llou.e has a fair share or the nnblie patronage and will be sold on moderate terras.. For further Information aidy to the sub ecribur, residing 00 tbe premises. May 312 , UKO. W. HAHUIN8. Valuable Grlstjilll lor Sale! rpilR nnderslirned offers For Pnla a Onit Mill, X Dwellieg House and Blora lloasr. sitoste in Hew Millport, Clearheld ouunty, l'a. Tbe Mill is in good eondiiion, having been repaired and put km Mellent order wilhin the last year, and has a good paving oustora. Il Is situalsd In one ol' the uesi woeai-growuig evuuuw - deeidedly inorea- Us olne. The) Dwelling ilouse and store Hoora are aisu in gov.. rm-r. Together with tba above properly will be sold about ' ... 44 ACRES OF LAND. partly steered and balanoa in Timber Land. Terms mad, known on application to me undersigned at Ktw lllllporl If. 0. u... Ti ' inn v FOX. a.; .i-.w - - Houses and Lots For Sale! I will sell a well Improved House and Lot, sua. alrd on leust street, beiwua Third and e'nurth t and a larire well flni.hod new House aii'l two, eltuati'd on' the south easl eorner of Loeust and Fourttl streets, ror terms auo emqi lionsapplvlo JOHN W.bULUAKt Clearfield May I7tn, 2m. lltlVATB BALE Valuable Real Estate I The sobsotiher will olfet at nrirate aale, on reasonable terns, the totlowinit Vleel Kstate, stia at. in Morrie township, Clearfield oouuty, Pa., euniainin 1DO ALHICM and allowaoce, and having thereon erected a two. story plana nouse, feel, frame Darn. 40x44 feet, and all tlie other nteessary outbuildings, all in food order and repair, ten acres o an Orchard of the ohoieest varieties of fruit. A ne'er failing Spring at the house and a Well at the hern. One nnu drrd acres of It is nndertaid'wllh a vein of the liest quality of Coal, six feet aod seven inches in thickness, eiien to inspection at any lime, ftirk'itt further information inquire of the sub scriber at bit nildcnoe in .Morris luwii.hip. DANIL'L UK AM, Kylertown P. 0. 4:5:3iu"J Agent of Oeo. Deem. AY 7" EKT VIRGINIA I Timber and Coal Lands FOR SALS! Tbe following tracts of Timber and Conl Lands are offured for aula: una tract or 17,nu acres, lying on tbe Elk Hiver. in Webster couuty ; three tracts lying on the same river In lira it on county, two of A.OuO acres each and one of 1, acres ; and one tract containing v,3 0 aervi, lyinxoa the (lauler Kirer, In Nirbolas eounty, Tint it ks to throe lands aro perfect. Any inforroatiuQ concerning (here Isntlncau te had by Mreesing U . Ci.miAi-, Mrcb22, lKTI-tf. ' 1'hilipsburg, Pa Farm for Sale 1 IIOXTATMNU 40 ACHES, In a good state of cultivation, suunica in nae lowiisiiip, i inr 11 eld eouniy, Pa., alont eighty roils from Log in's Flooring Mill, on th turnpike lending rroin t ur wensville to Clcasiicbl. llnving a story and a hall house, stable tid out buildings thereon. There is also a good spring an I a young orchard on the premise. Any person desiring a oico little home will And this a very ricvirahtc location. t For further partieuUrs inquire of Iliuhcl Cald well, on tb premises, or O'ldrcns T. W. FLEMINO, March 29 tf. CurwcnsvilU, Pa. Jry (DootlSr rcrcrlf.5, (?tr. Taxes & High Prices Repealed! A NEW START ! OIIBAT REllLCTION OP PrtlCES A GREAT ATTRACTIONS, at HARTSOCK & GOODWIN'S, CURWK.VSVILLK, PA, Caused bj tha opening of a new lot of : 4 SFRING & SUMMER GOODS! We take pleasure In Informing our old as welt as Hew customers, and the public genemlly, tbat we have returned from the East with a lare and wen selected Slot 01 goons. We oall especial attention to onr eleirant assortment of tSIIki nnd Press floods, 10 vry variety, laavitueree, Cottinadcs, Jeans and Sheeting, and every variety of Doinoslic Dry Goods, at prices to suit the times. Ladies' and Children' Shoes A Gaiters In tadles varletj. Call and eiaiaioe I hem. Also, Mens and itny Howl and rtaorn, of tvery kind and price, lists and Caps in every style, Hoop Ski-ts, Skeleton and M'nve flulnr Corsets, Ho. siery and ti loves. Pocket Cutlery of the finest bnglisa make, honpa, Perfumery aud Kwiions of all kin Is, OROCFUIKS, FISH, Ql'KENeiWAflK. SALT, HARDWARE, PAINTS, Oils, Wood and Willow Wart, Drug and Patent Medicines, and In feet everything you want All of which will be sold cheap for cash or country produce. tefc, Wool and Short Fhlng'n Wanted I HAMTOCK A (H)ODWIX. Curwroiville, Pa., Maj 2i, 18;i 2tn. SPUING GOODS! JUST RECEIVING 1 T IOIIT CALICOKP. RP1.ESDID 10c. CALL Ijeoes, Delaines, Whirling Cheeks, Muslins, I'laids, White Hoods, Percales, Japanese Silks, lllark Silka. 8ilk I'nplins, Pliiuk Alpacas, TaMe i.ineus, v eivetccns, Miawn, lloya Va-siuiercs, fto. AT 3. MILKS KRATZER'81 ' nOSIKRT, 8I1.K OI.OVKP. BEST PARIS K ill fllnves. Lsee C Ilir Hllnt.. .n.l Ctiignona, Hair Nets, Corsets, Hoop Skirts, Ao. . ! T 1. WILES KRATZKR'B t DRESS TRIMMINtlR, FI1.K FRIXQES Satin, Yelvst Ribbons, Dultom, do. AT J. MILES KRATZER'81 ' TRIMMED HATS', nillllONjt, Millinery tloodi, Ac. Is. - AT J. MILKS KRATZKR'SI. -. nNEQrAi.r.n RTorK op i.AniEc and ,V v '"" "oo nailers, jteir, rrench kip and Calf Hoots, Call and Lasting Halters, AO. AT 1. MIUS KRATZER'S! ' ' : i- la 0 000 .P,,I!CE8 WA,X PArER-c. to .t' V ,l'"" f holl-r,p,i.. Kloor Oil Cloths, Window dhadra. hrst Whil. Ilranlta Tea ..are, uiass nam, labia Knlvca and forks, Ao. ' AT J. MILES KRATZER'S I ClIniCH JEAS, COFFEE, AVD OTHER Orooeries, Pried Apples, Peaches, Cherries, Prune,, Canned Peaches, Tomatoes, Cora, da. aMVThe ahera. with an in......... I. fr .,1 ftoi.ils. have heen houhl at the lowest oaeh prices, and will be olVeed at vary low rates. f"Coma and aiamlna Ihem wt.Mthe i.n buy er not, 3. M. KRATZER. ' (Perraerlv C. K raiser A Snna.l Meal door to II. P, Blgler A Co.'i Hardware 8lore. Cleartlald, March 14, llil If. 'T. H. MUMAY, ATTORNEY ASD COUNSELOR AT LAW, Prompt attention elven ts all leeal hnalfiavs n trusted l Mtvurala Clearflold sn 1 adtnlnine oountifcs. Offlw ea UaHiet at., onmnii. N....I.-. wwurw, vdvmrariw. r. Jbll Tl Clearfield County Dank rpilK Clasrileld Com.iy li.ok , , ' led Institution ha. , , ''", lo. surrender of its el.eiier, cr, v nrl? All Its stuck Is ooned -y lie ,!" "' mil eontlnue ih rii,ku.( i..h , I'lsor.aa I rivsle llai ki Is ui .l,, ,i , ". ol the "t'lesrlleld l oui ti I; ,, ., .. "(, ,lL n stion.lhle lor the del.ts ut 1)1, '.'''Ml. Its ejote on demand af ire n received and inleresi t,si IU tti-r. a Bled lime. Purer OisniiM,. as birrli.f.irs Out f.r rea.tib ,.., ..i..iCT.j r.. .ti i.,.,n.i. ' 1.1 III, , lri,. A ..,.i.n,.u.,... .... bll'l runs-, of the hii.iiiess uen i,f n,, , K eneetiully snllei'ed. At I'r, . "" offieerj of il-e late t leailt.ld l - nri, i, 11 require the notes of mid i:.i.k tUi.1.M''' re'tenill..n. t,l"''d IAH. T. I.Kll.f AHD, Tt 1 1? It . I. f . M,. A. K. WHIOIIT. ri r Ui, V. A. W 4 I.I. A i K "' The tiudneas.! the liahk il . John M l.m.. V. "tstleli! ' int. u J. D. M'Hirk. BANKING ic OOLIICTICi' HOUSJ KcCIRK t FERKS. HueetS'ors to l'"n.ti r, l'i riililliuri;. I'liitic i "ttfllKIlK all th.. lu.i 1 1 wIP oe triin.'S'.-d-.J .,.. moel fuvoraole ternis '' Kim County National LinkP CI.KARl'IKI.n, l. THIH Dank I, now oi, ,., , nese. (llSee n fe.i.n. .ir. ,i ir, nn.II' ing formerly orrupied hy I.,i,,.i 1 rt ... c ntiiacToiis axil ..nn hs IAS. B. OMAIIAM, I: I (,n .. M A WAI.I.Af'K, VI l pul. .'" A. K WltlllllT, (11 ... . J W Tl FIHW, J I,!. T II. :.e juj, no re.riter. inisfrttarc: OREAT l:XCIit:!LN. AT THOMAS liKERS'S' rVFRVIIOUT tMlrgt. ttr'r. J of be in- crowded ut into th c ll loo want f i Mid (Wilif J. nr. if.. t.fsrf r..'d. t" Pim ClIU If yoawant ..ur Sli-i'e ir .nertHi t. If yoa wni gm.d Mill f.,t-. r,t to II yn want your wgi iruutu in th strle and TorktBaiiPhtp. in to lUKi'S rnahes tbe beet blmrp Mt, ;e it ilit MITHI.Vi iate, ana one an kititie of JiLAi h s chcdp as ran be done la tlie - t lr Cfak. Jly Post Otlice address Is C'furtl THOAIrt Borjr Tp., Deo. IV. 'I HM:t, lit Lha, Clicap ITnruiture. john avi.wn D-S1BE.- to inform bi. oi l frt-r.dn mi tU. ttmers. that having en'sr fj LiiUr iDi iiioreasrd bis facilities tor iDMru tuf -fr. h n now pri'vari'd to teak loond r u h f miniur h may be desired, in g-'d style ,t ,-ea(- n; lir CASH. He generally h n h m i, u f-urniture rooms, a vuried aoriu;it uf rent, mad furniture, among which ure urni-AU.s and;i)s, Wardtobesand nook-Ceses; Centre, "fi.Pt:, I'reakfssi at d llnlng Fzti-t siKO T-t lrn Co' mn. Frmrh po-teCottupc.Jr'i ny-l ir d irdotbr Hedteads ) fs of all kinO, Y tk .ti. Hut racks, W'ah-tands ; huckir g ptd i n Chairs sptlns;cut. fane Iui(1iil, fmiV,. nop aod other Chairs j Looking-UNr- bfntn dtseription oa baad i and new p1--. I t ,i frrme, which will be put In in tiry fantabx lertns un i hurttst nutice. lie 1m. U-1 on hM -it furnUhes to nrdr, Cirn-busk, II. lr kti ut ton top Mattresses. Vfft'FfNt op livritY Kind Made tt- ordtT.'and funerals ailtoled ith s Hearse whenever desired. Aim. 11 "in- i'ainiirj done to erdrr. The subfrrilier ju rrtntiui.r turcs, aid bas constantly en Isu.i, rjtcrt'i Patent Washing Machine, tbe hcM uuu in w 1 Those nsing this msrhue ncve-r ned l-t ai:b out clean clothes! He Im has b tr't Patut Churn, a superior article. A Un.iij uiog tin Chum never S(d be wtibnut butter I All tht above and muny nth-r Hrti-iej ire far nUhed to customers cfcp tur i'imi er i xcb.mgf 4 fur approved country pri-uui e. Ih. riv. M t, PopiMr, l.lnwood and otier l.un ber i-xslle Ut Cabinet work, taken In ittsiye fr lurcitu-i MT Renumber the fhnp is n M rli street, Clfarfii'lJ, Pa., and nmriy o i ueite ibe -1 i -i J Stre." JuIlN OL LlLli. Ni.rembsr 2, y READING FOR ALL!! BOOKS cf- STATIOXEKY. Market Sl.( Clearfield, iM the INit n&ct.) 'pilK undersigned beirs letive to snnuiii-e 'S I the cittsens of Clearfluld and vicinitr, hit be bss fitted up a ttoin and has Jut retum.d from th etty with a large amwuot uf rcd.i g matter, onofsting In part uf Bibles and Miscellaneous Ecoks, Blank, A croon t and Pass Bi'k of every di cription ; Psr end Envelopes, Fret rb frriird and plain t Puns and Pencils; Uisi k, I.r.-sl Pipers, leeds, Mortgsgos; JuHun-iif. Li-option and Prinisnry notes t W hite nii'l I'rnh; ment Uriff. Legal Cap. Ilecnrd Cap. ar d lltl ' ip, Sheet, Masiofor oitheY Piano, Ir .aie r Vn lis consuotly on hand. Any bucks or sioii' iirry desired that t may not har nn band. he er ordered by first osprees, std sold at wl:b-sal or retail tu suit curtoniers, I will nin keep perindienl llisrature. such as Van-ttitien. Jei papers, Ao. P. A. tiAt'Lllt. CUarfield May T, IHt'.fi. tl DAVID YOUNG. Stone-Cutter nnd Stci:c-5I.isc!i, 7 ILL sieeut alt work In his line st mod erate pneea and In HKT-(. LA&S itit Architectural Ornaments In ALL STYLES, Fton Presslne of iwry desorlpiinn, and ail kinds of mason work rca traste for in .r oni of ibe ernty. Any frtx s wishing lo have respeetahl nilMin aotk snd stons.ruttlng done, will find it to tnir iMrrert to call upon m I would alro Inform the sb I'.s thut 1 ean deliver any o,usf,tttj or tlsii cf stone detircdras I am the owner of s , FIRST-CLASS STONE QUARRY Orders for work can be addressed to UAVII) Yt'I Nrt, wiarM.ri llrnitield Is. The Lightning Tamer. fpilB underlined are the sole Agent, la ills X O 'ontv for the "North American tlalvsi.iud I.IHln.MNH Hulls " t,.. ... .i i. ..i. rude now In use. and are indorsed ty all llis srii ntile nieo In the uniry, , s. W , here l.j notifvthe diners of tha eouniy Inat we will rUt Ik.n .n . I...... J ...I less money, than la charged by the lureijs .arms ng annnany tntvrr.e tlie county s uarry off our little 1 n,h, never to reitrn. KXCOUUAftE HOME LAWK. These I.I. I n 1I..I.I.I i, . j . ...i .. their bulldtties l,. i.i... ... w. I..,., call In per. on. We will put them i p mjnUre In fheennnty, and warrant them. The l:.'..lii'd Matures ean he teen at any time hv e.'lirj si onr aiere. II p. ItltiLth 4 CJ. Cleatfleld, March So, f70 it Clearfield ' Nursery, KNCOURAfiE HOME J.NDlVfliT. rflR andrlfned, having esrabllshrd a N'ui I erv on the 'Pike, bnut belt wav between ClearrMd and Curweesvitu, . refered to fur nish attklndsof FFCIT THKEn, (standard sni dwarf.) Rtergreena. Shrut-Ury, tirspn Vrs, (looeberries, T.aton HlarVbcrry, Ptrawherry, snd Rsiberry Vine. AUo, KiberUn frab Tress, Quince, and rar.y scirlet Hhubsrb, Je. Ordsri promptly attended to, Addrvss, j. n nimi a. eaptft m.f CurwentvUls, Ts, For Renll rilllE ondtrsinne.1 nttrt totent a PWELLINO I lUH hr. si. l til. At KSJI11 ll ciiiip. aituaiaj ai Ostrud P. O. in Hell town. tup. lint i, avety desirable location for the husluosa. A lull let of tooll in tho simp. Plenty of ou.tom. A good .. hold in the riliigo. Addiou or apply t ll. L. itcnurrsi.n or tue suusorioer. Hah 15-lf IiEMtT PRP.Tn, Jr. OGC.) T)VN!III1 AVIIHI If ytn want a good Librift Wat fin. flnisbsd op In workmanlike manner, go to May II, 1871 tf , tlF. ERA'S. 1 )i.K, W IIIIK A HliAN 1,1 M N.l MilMi Ja.t reewlved and for rale hy ApU , f.I. II. r truLBK I CO.