THE REPUBLICAN. CLItAHFIELD, PA. WEDNESDAY' MORNINO, JUNE U, 1871. Tills PHISTIiR'i GKIEl'. A tear was In the printer's ay., A shadow on his face, Al solemnly ud silently Ho gaud within hu we, . leeihonght torat deep and honey grief W A3 preying on hit heart, Anil thai a kindly-spoken word Might happiness impart, Ke aoontr did this thought ooeur, Than by hie tide I Hood "Tall mt, my Mead, thy grief," I laid, "What eorrowa o'er thoo brood ?" Ha gated at ma a moment, then Ha turned away aod sighed, And atiswering said, "A column, food. Of Nonpareil I'ee pi'd." A Few Mtixims for Girls. Stover make yourtippcnriinco In tlio Sioruln wishr-iit Laving first tolliuJ, if only with spongo nnd a quart of water ; brush nnd nrrnngo your Imir; dress yoursulf ncitlljr nnd completely. Kooji your vlothing, ospociitlly your nnJi'icKiiliinj;, in prelect ordor. Nev er Ik, pins do duty us buttons,, or striiifrH take tlia plate of proper bandit. hwmmo every "iirniotit when it comes from the avasli, nnd, if necossu ry, mend it with neutness sod proci inn.. Do hot mow tip the holes in your Blocking", usi we litivo soon some cnrcli-ss, untidy girls do, hut tnko in a broad margin around tho hole, be it mail or larjre, with a line darning needle and darning cotton, and cover the fracture, with an interlace Mitch, to close as to be as strong us the body of the Htockinir, and fino onoujjh to be ornumoiitul. Stockii gs tnonclcrt in this way need durning but a tew limes tbo course of their existence Never carry cottrso, embroidered or lace hanVerchiofs. Fino plain ones are much moro lady like. Avoid open worked "locking! and fancy slippers. Fine plain hose and bltulc kid slippers, with only a strap or rosotte jn front, are far inoro be coming. Truin yourself to useful occnpnlion. .Remember it is wicked t3 waste time, and tliut nothing gives such an im pre-finn of vanity and ubsoluto nilli ness as a habit of idling and never having anything to do. If you are in your father's homo, lake on yourself somo department of the household Inhor, and a part of the sowing, snd mnke it your business to attend lo it. Do not let a cnll from this idle girl, nr n visit from that, or fin invitation from the other, interfere with the performance of your duly. JiCt plea-iire come in ns a recrculion not us tho bunincs of your life. If you can, cultivate some art by which you fun gain an independent livelihood. Do it, whether there Is leco'ity for it or not. Do it quietly, if you will, but Ho It. There is no telling whon, or tinder what circum stances, you may need it. Demorest Tavi.x'ToTlig Bamk. A Hibernian freh from iho "green lele," having sufficient means to provitlo bimel( with a horse and cart (tho latter a kind he probably never saw before), went to work on a public road. Being directed hv tho overseer to move a lot of stone near by and do. pit tin m in a gully on the sido of tho road, he forthwith loaded Ilia curt, drove up to the plat e, nnd had nearly fiinihed throwing off his load by band, when '.ho overseer told him that was not tbo way, be nuift tilt or dump liia hind at once. Paddy replied that he would know better the next time. After loading again ho drove lo tho chusm, put his shoulder to thn wheel ami upaet the horse, cart, nnd all into the gully. Scratching his head, nnd looking rather doubtfully fit his hop-o below him, ho observed: "Bedud, it's mighty quick way, but it must be tryiu' to the baste." "Veil dat beats da debi!"lho ex clamation of a German rcsinurunl keeper in St Louis on reading thnt a court had fined a''brotlier chip" of his 11,000, lor refusing a negro refresh monts. What Philadelphia, court would give a similar amount to a white Husqnehunna raftsman, who was turned away from tho ''C'onti nentnl" on account of his unfitness to appear at the table. This (icrmun might well have exclaimed "Mincgott, mine golt, vat a gountries und vat a boobies." We see not in life the end of human actions tho influence never dies. In ever widening circumstances it reach es beyond tho grave. Time deter mines whul shall be our condition in a future world. Every morning whon we go forth wo lay the moulding hand of destiny on our character. We touch no wire but vibrates in eternity. Wo utter no voice but reports' nl the throne of (tod. Let youth especially think ii these things, and let every tine remember that in this world character is in its formation stale. It is it serious thing to think, to peak, to act. A verdant youth who had rend of sailors heaving up anchors, wunlcd lo know if it was seasickness made them do it f Why is s hungry hoy looking at a pudding, like a wilj horse f Because lie would be all the belter if be had a bit in his mouth. hy might carpenters believe there is no sik It thing as stone? lleruunc they never saw it. A sharp young fallow says, if "lime ia money," ho is willing to exchange lilllu of his lor cs-h. Ppnrjroon tltitiks sutne ministers would make gwid msrlj rs lliojr are to Jrjr tbcjr would burn well, JVER V PERION IS CLKAKFIELD COUNTY who wants lo buy DHY GOODS, 6R0CHRIE8, HARDWARE, QVEENHWARE, l Or anything else that It useful to Man, Woman or Child, should bear in mind that MILLER &. POWELL Hava purchased tho entiro aloes of goodi and rented lha afore room formerly ooeupied bj J. B. URAHAM A bOKrl, on Market street, ClEtnFlElD, PA., whtra Ihej i CAN BELL, DO SELL, and WILL BELL, AT LOWER FIGURES, Than tbt tmt GooU eta bo bought In Clearfield octant?. it hoot Hopping to ennnernte, fit will Juit iej tint We have evertthing that w needed! IT Being a i ten a Weir engaged la tbo Lumber biuinnti, we art able to offer superior indueeuicDli to Jobber!. f. o. millkr, a. k. Powell. OnrAeld, Pa., Feb. 15, 1871. (flotUtnsj. JIow to Nave Jloney. THE time art herd; joxt'd like to know How yoo nay mt your doltan Tbe way to do it I will ihow. If yon will road hat followi. A mnn who Hd tot far from hero, Who worked herd at hie trade. But had a home hold to mpport Tbt equeadeiwd all ho made. t Diet hire once. Bya he, "My friend, I Itxifc thread hear and rough j I're t4d to get myeolf a no it, " But eao't ear op enough." Sari T, my friend, how aurh bare yo P I'll toll yoo where to go To get a i'tit thei'p eonnd aod cheap i To HKIZEISSTEIN A Co. Bo took what little ho bad naved, And went to HeUeaetein A Urotberi', And there he got a bandnotn mit, For half he paid to oth. Kow ho le homo, he lonki to well, .Aod their effect it euch, That when they take their daily meal. Tb'y dun't eat half at much. And row be findi on Satnnlay night, With all tboir wante fupnlied. That ho hat money left to tpend. And iobi to lay ande. Ilia good anoreta, with cheerful imlla, iu giaiii uiu u If you'd tava money, go and bay Tour elotbet it- KEIZENSTEIN'8 CLOTIlINa HALL. Whrre tbe oheapeet, flneet and best Clothing and gnnd Furniihmg Uuodt can be bad to euil evry tato and In every atyle aprll,'70 STOVE AD EARTH E - M ARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION! CROCKS! POT81 CHOCKS! 'Iaher's Potent Airtight Hrlf Selling lruil t anal DT'TTKR CHUCKS, with lid, CREAM CHO('Kr), MILK CROCKS, Al'i'l.K 111 TTKH CHOI KK, I'ICKLK CKOCKH, FLOWER POTS, I-IE DIFIIES, PTEW rOTH. And a great many other tlilnga too numeroat to mention, to be had at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONP - WARE rOTTEPaY, Corner of rbfrrr and Third fftreetn, tLKAKFILl.l), l'A. augS UPII AM'K DI IMLtTOHY OW DKK ! eupxrfleuna It air tn Ive mlnntet. Without ifihiM tt ihekn. rent be mail '(rtl.3b I I'll AM' AUIHA i I ReMerre innet violent proiyae in five mtontei and enprte a pav euro Prtc f 1 'y mmi, i m; pami: iiaim hi aim Colore tho whiakora and hair a beautiful black or brown. It oonaitu of only one preparation. 7S cnie by tunil. A.Mrtu 8. C. I f 11 A.M. No. 711 Juvno treet, rkilad lnhla, Pa. Cirrulere tent free, bold by ail Drngiita. dee21-6ta Lime lor Sale I pTIin ondenigned, rmiding nvar tho drpot hat I, marie complete erranifvuittit with Lime Iturnert rapt of tbe mountain, w)irrcly he It fna- bled to keep cnnniantly on hand a large quantity of P U It E L I M K 1 which he offrrt to fermera and buil'lrrt at a trifle above pout. Thote In need of tin- article would do well to give me a rail, or ad-Jrrtt ine by letter, be fore oeguUatuig tii uir lime. OKO. C. PAFSMORE. Clcarfttld, ft , June 9, EDWAUI) PEUKS&CO.. Flour laimrnolurrrs And Dcalrrt In GltAlX OF ALL KINDS, PHILIPSBIRG, l'A. VFfl.L PI PPI.Y of FLOrn, WHEAT, COHS and CHOP c.'ti.t.ntlr on hand, and tor .lie at ratef remnrkattly low. II.I.I-U Ijtvery Ntnblo. rrMIK undcrtigned Iravetn Infnrm the pub- a nr mat ne ia now iuhv prt pared m Bfrfimmo- date all in tbe my of furnhir.g tlorav, Itiigjtlc, Had Ira and llarnoae, on tho ehortret aotiee and on reatfnaiile ternia. Hctidonoe on Locuat it reel, between J bird and rnartii. tiK'i. W. QEARIt AHT. OloaHleM. April 11, 1KA7. Miss E. A. P. Rynder, sotar ros Cbieharinga, (tl.lnwaf 'a and Eaaareon'a Pltnot; Btnttb a, slnann m llamlin a ana reloahet I Organt and Meledeone, and Qroror A bakar'o Hewing Marhtnoa. a aio Tiarnaa or Piano. Onitar. Organ, llarmnnr and Voenl Ms. io. No pupil taken for lata than half s tern. Roori next door to Firat ftational liauk. Cloarfitld, Mar t, IM.9 if. mo ok si to vi; 9 I FPEsR'R CALORIFIC, FlPgt'KIIANNA, FVPKr.IOH, 00V. PENN, RF.UI LATOR. NOI1I.E COOK, KATIOSAL RAKtiK, Tltll MPH. PAIll.olt CIOK8, PPF.AR'8 BEVOLVIXfl I.IHIITS AND DOCIILK HEATERS, And all kindi of ne.ling Plore. fe aale hy ang.Vit II. F. nir.LER A CO. New Meat Market, . PIHK nnacrnifncd hare opened a Mrat Market In l lie rfr'm trmcrly ooeupied by AieianibY lrin, on MarkM etroet. ClrarMd, Ta , adjiinitir MttM't, hcrfi titer in trod to keep a tupply of 411 kin da of Meat, Fruit naTegrtailra, And at "rnirre Tft anr thb Tiura Pbop will he npen rrcularly on Tneflay. Thursday and Pat and meat delirered at any point. A there of public patronage le rr'-pcctftillv eolirilrd. M. U. ItKttWy. K. W. TROWN. pAiao (Vntinne to deal in all kindi of Impniretl Agricultural Impl.-nvDte, ClrarflcM, AuRual l, l;0 i. rnilKCKLEllHATL'ORU'HVRDSON BOOTS, X Lignl M 'rnch Kip.... u ....... (f. Frvncb Calf..m.MM ft IM. (Oppoeito Jail ;l ?if At r. RkUTZHK . THE XS01TSZDSS , , TIN & STOVE STORE! G. S. FLEGAL, rMlipsturj, Centre County, I&. THE nnderalgncd raipaetfnlly snnonnoai tn tba pablle tbnt ha faai on hand s eara- fullj-ieleolod and woll anorted itoek of STOVKS, HBATERS, JIANGKS, IIOLLOW v WARE 1 TIN, COPPER AKD SUTIKT IUON WARE1 WOOD AND WILLOW WARE! Ilia itock of Cooking Btorea cunilite of , 1UE CELEBRATED IRONSIDES, Which hava sever failed to bring reaea and prosperity Into fami'iea wbero it ia ueedg Diamond State, Farmer, Herald. Charm, flpeara' L'aliforaia Cook Htova, 8 pea re' Anti-Dutt. Uat Burning Cooking fitovea, Viotor, Relianoe and I'nton Ranaa, Bpeaia' Cooking Rargea, 0, 0, , W TL. Tina asil Ckaat Tns sism .1... .Ilk W. v" ' v" t"wim Knv ta eaado of tba h tr.d best material, ano warreoiea 10 giro penect eat it fee I too. His Stock of Parlor & Heating Stoves It largor, better and cheaper than arer before eihibited to tho public conaitting of 9paara' Revolving Light Illuminating Stove, peart' Anti- Dual Oat Burning Tartar iStova.a gpeara' Orbicular Oat Durning Parlor btova. Hpeara' Gat-Bun ing Parlor fituva, Boquet, Pearl, Oem, Ida. - t Sutty Tropio, Nevada, At., e. Vulcan. Elm and Victor Heatere, Fpeare' Re Tolvlng Light Heater. II la alto prepared la f urn lib a complete at tort men t of Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron, Wooden and Willow Ware, &c, Wholetale or retail, manufactured neatly and with tbo tola view to aervlca. frou the beat ma terial in tba market. PLOW8 A PLOW POINTS, COPPER, BRASS, PORCELAIN, TIN. LINED, BPUN A COMMON IRON KETTLE, Of every deteription conetantly on hand. ORDERS FUR SPOUTINO, ROOFING And other work belonging to hit buelneat will be pre .!; Ij :r-rr,'.iiflvd and skillful workmen. BRASS, COPPER, OLD METAL, BAGS AND CASH Taken lo azchang a for oode. -eyMIe aeperla'.ly lnvltaa tho attention of Mercnante wtabing to purr hate at wnoieaale, ae ttey will And it to their advantage to examine tit a lock before pu rebating eltewbere.' Look out for tba Pig Sign oppotita the real deuee of Mra. ir. F otter. All Goodi WAaaRTKD At RarmturaTto. Phlllptbnrg, Jnne 8, 170. aiipfl ft 8 The Croat Preserver of llenllh! n:ni orati u A St'RE PREVEKTIVB Jnl.UiV CIRE OP ron COLDS. miiuMATiMi: BUCKSKIX UN DE KG ARM EN TS ! ran wdiks ass ostTLruss. For sale hy C. KRATZER i SONS, Pee. 21, 1870. ClesrltcM, Ta. GREAT EXCITEMENT OX fciECONU STREET, t trarfitlil, Va. NEW GOODS AT LOW TRICES. TITR undersigned resnertfutly Invlt. the at. tntlnn of th. pulilie generallv tn their splendid assortment or merchandise, which they are sow selling AT VERY LOW TRICES. Their slock consists la part of . Dry Goods of tie Best Quality, Sorh as Prints, D. Lsrnes, Alpaeras, Mrrlnoe, utngham., whs tins, (bleached and onbleacb. ad,) llrllllnge. Tickings, eelles and wool l'laDnels,Satinrtt.,Cas.imeres, Cott.nadee, Ladies' Sbawls, Kul.ias k Hoods, Balmoral snd Hoop Skirls, Ac, Also, s fine assortment of Men's Prawers and Shirts, Hsu Caps, Boots A tboes. all of which WILL BE OLD LOW FOH CASH Hardware, Quoensware, Glassware, Groceries and Spices, tK SHORT A GENERAL ASSORTMENT Of .vcrylhlng aene.iy kept In a retail store, all CHt-AP fOHCAl-U er approved eoanlry pro due. A. K. WRIGUT A FOS3. ClearSeld, Not. f, 1 ST. II. II K I I) O K. MERCHANT TAILOR (Htore one door Past of Clcerficld Ilusa,) Market Mreet. I If arflrld. Pa. KEEPS on hand s full assortments of Ooats' Puraishing L'onds. inch aa Shirts, Lines and Weulea I nder.bltti, Dtawere and Socks, Keek. ties, Pocket llanilkerekiels, U:ovrs, Hal., 1'mhrellae, In great sa.-i.ty. (jf Piooe Goode ba keeps th. Best Cloths of all "Shades and Colors," foch-M tllrk Totakln of lha rtry tai mak: Fancy Cowiavm. in Rrval rri,y , mtflt Frfb Coatini. BAVr, FH. Cblnt-hUla, m. Friwirt ra-frMiifiK. All of which tftll be a Id ebf-f for Cmh, Md mafia up nrding u lh la tail (! hy abipahvocvd vorktucn. Alao, Artn for Claarflrld count for I, 1L jnrw A C'i. 9ltbrl4 itvinf sUUbtnaa. Jfor.l.lfOI-tf. 0. feRJi0. glutting $IUI. a.L.Ra. NOTICE. w-.r.u. REED A POWELL. CLBAHFIELD PLANING MILL , ALL RIGHT! riHK proprietor retpoctrully Inform tbeettltent of Clearfield county, that they hare entirely refitted thla establishment with the latest Improved wood working machinery, and are now prepared to execute all ordere In their lino of bustnets. They will give otpeolal attention to the manufao ture of material fur house building, such ai FLOORING, WEATHER-BOARDING, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, AlM mmmM 1 ana A Ms m Jsf . OF ALL STYLES, We always bare on hand a large stock of PRY LUMBER, and will pay oanh fur all olear Lumber. One-and-a-half Inob panel stuff preferred. Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or exchanged, to suit customers. 'fe.Ordere solicited, and Lumber furnlihed on short notice and on reasonable terms. REED A POWELL Clearfield, M.irrh 8, 1871. H, F. N AUGLE nnri; ivn uiwii iiurD liivt m ik.iv eiiaaa.aa eia.aaaa.aaf srroam Ts . ay" msstf iTssii UL&CLKARFIELD POST OFFICE TIIR subscriber respertfnlly Informs hit old patrons and th. pahlio ,enerall. that ba has on hand, (and ta eonstantly reeeirinf new additions thereto,) s large stock of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry. pfl keep Jewelry In all Its forms snd of different values, either by tha pice, or set. WATCHES A full a-lortnent of either flold or Silver, made by tha best Av.rfoeo and fur ipn msnufaotnrers, Including a fln. lot of fold and stlrer bunting ease, lull Jeweled, Patent Levers. CLOCKS Of all designs, consisting of eight, day and thine hour, of either weight, spring or levers, and both strike aod alarm. REPAIRING. All kinds of Watches snd Clocks Repaired, and warranted. In addition to what I have .numerated, I keep a full aeaorlwen.of M'KC I'ACLKrJ, eelored and plain glass. leo.UOLD I'KNS.nd PENCILS. SPOONS, PORK, BUTTER KNIVES, and Is feet everything in lh. Jewelry line. If I fall to have on hand jost what s easterner may need, 1 will order per first express, without extra charge. A liberal .bare of public patronage is .oliriied. May T, I88 -y 11. F. NAUOLK. M0SHANN0N LAND & LUMBER CO., OSCEOLA FTEAM MILLS, ANrrAcit'ftiea LUMBER, LATH, AND TICKETS. n. II. HIIII.I.IXOFORD, President, Offlco Forest Phwa, No. 154 S. ath St., Phil's. JOHN LAW8I1I'., (lenera! Fup'C. OsceuTa Mills, Clearfield county, Pa. JIO4IIAXXOX LAM) AM) LIMBER COMPAW OPPKR ; Ll)ll K JI li NTS -T0- Pwrcliasers of Choice Goods AT THEIR MAMMOTH STOltE OSCEOLA. MOFIUNON J.AN'D AND Lt'MDRR COM I'ANY offer fur pI Town Lroia ia the bur ouxh of (tucciiln, ('trarfl-l( county, Pa., and l-o lull if purrlmacrt ovUia Iba limiti of aai-i lviroui;h. Oivejwla. i iituaid on Iho Moihannoi Crcrk, In tbo rirbat pi.rium of ttir couuiy of Clrar6clil, on tho lino ot Iho Tyrono A ClfainM Hatlrnaii. whoro tho Moflionnin mnd Brorortn hronch road a .ntcraort. Jt ia alao in th facort of tbo Muhannoa eoal haain, ni Urpo botliri of whito pine, hem lock, oak, and other timber tor round it Ono of tho larfcit lumber tuanufttctur inf eatanlinlimenU o tba Ktato it tocalcl in the town, whila there oro manr other lumbnr and abinglc uiilla around iU Iho twa la but to en car old, an l containt ft p'ultiti(iB of out th- aaiiil iniioliilania, Jf-Fitr further lufvrinitioB ftppl it tho office of th above eowpanj. JOHN LA WHIR. 14 70 General Huperlnteudent. rpo I. V M l K n M K M I PERFECTION IN CANTHOOKS! Tho CleftHlidd Rielaior Can I hook will ant wear out or break, being conMrurted wilb on aolij band from clip in jioint. It ft jironouncd bjr all prartfral 1utnlermrn who have eiamiurd It to bo tho noil pcifYcl Cautbtrak frmr Invented. Amos Kennard, Patentee. ManufuotitroU hy Amoi Kmhwauv 4 Co., tt ci.KAHKint rA. RffAII oHen promiillj attended to. n23'tt FAIRBANKS' STANDARD SCALES, or all sina; "ggg. Barrows, Warrhoua. Trucks, Copying Tresses, Improved Money Drawer, Ae. II. F. BIG L Kit k CO., ISrslrra lu llardsrsrr. wiohM TO If 8ecor.d flreet, CliaiCrld. Pa. Down I Down 1 1 " THE LAST AltlUVAL AND OP C0I1IHK TMK CnKAPKSTl A Proclamation against High rYicesI AlK are now c,,.r,,in, nr. a lot of the beet and tnont eiasiiai'le Uoode and Warns ever oflrred in Uiie tnarkot, and at prioos lhu.1 remind nne of the r-od u din s f cheap limn.. Thoee who lark lanb upon tins point, or deem oar ails, gations suierfluus, need but C.fM. .IT OiH STOltE, Corner Kronl snd klarkrt street.. Where tbry een aoe. feel, hear and know for them selrae. To fully nndorstand what araeheap goods. Ibis must be dune. Ws do not deem it neoeeaarr to enumerate and Itemise ur slock. It is enough for as t. Hate that Ve Lave Everything tint is Needed and eonsnmed tn this market, and at prioea that setoni.b both .Id and deai j'osprH (8AW t rf- Jruga & irtlrfliriiui. NEW DRUG STORE ! mi K AUXVMO, M. D., Druggist snd Aputhecsrjr. CURWENSVILLK, PA., : ' i l . ' -id ... Kft aonalulljr at hand s larja aaiortmant f D 11 U as, PaUnt Mcdldoea, Talnla anil Oili, V'arnijhn, Pra Btufli, so. Ilia ituok of Umiri ia pura and frefh, and euatomera can rvlr UTn.n gcltinf Ibe beat of ererjllimi In on una. nil itucs ol FERFUMER Y , Tuilrt Article. Ilalr Tunica, Oonnatira, Uru.lira, Toilet Buap., Ct-nibr, Pocket lionk.t 1'ena. Inki, Penolll and Paper, and s ffvnerul aairtiiieiit uf this elaar of gnoj., are all of Ilia belt quality. runs WINES & LIQUORS, For Medical purioaea onlr, (Hair, Putlr, Liibriratiiig Oill, le, to suit ttis wanti of tha eumtnunitjr. lfti aitanilr. and wall (elected Hook of Iiroiri and Meilicines enables btm to All Physicians' prescriptions on short nulic. snd on tha most reasonable terms. Smokers and Cbewera will And his stork of Chenina; and Bmtikitii; Tobacco, f tffars A Banff, to consist of tbe eery best brands in Ibe market. A share of nublio patronage is solicited. Oct. IV Jm. W. II. ALEXANDER. jrttisrrllaufous. O O K S WHICH HAVK ALWAYS (J 1 V E'iN BATISFACT ON nEItETOFOKE, WILL BE disposed or IX SUCH A W A Y AS 10 PLEASE 0 R fRIENrS AND CIS TOMERS. JUST RECEIVED! TUB FINEST ASSORTMENT OF HOLIDAY GOODS BUCII AS BOOKS AND 0TUEH . STATIONERY ARTICLES, EVER OFFERED TO THE CITIZENS OF THIS PLACE ! NOW ON EXIIIDITION AND FOR SALE AT Pl'IlLISHERS' A liAXUFACIURERS' MICE3, AT TUB POSTOFPICK. Cleareld, Dee. 14, 1 170. R N i: I) O H T I BURNED UPI "llF.LL'S Rl'N WOOLEN FACTORY, Penn township, Clearfield Co., Pa. Tho fnbarilerff are, at areat etpfwae, rehuild inf, and iu a few Java will have romttlrted. a oeij(M.nrliood nocil, in tbe erection of a flrat. I oUm Wuolen Manufactory, with all the modern impnirementp atladird, and are pn-ared tu matt a ail km-lf uf Ciotha, ( aairaare, Ktttmette, Ulan, beta, Manneln, A a. IMrnty of erola on hand to "' " "''i.M'i new r a in ill era, whom we auk to mime and eiamine uur Hook, The buiiiit. uf CAHUINO AND Fl'L!,I.l will roteiTetfi.oeia1 attention. Our nw mill will be rra ly hy wool car-lint; arapnn, therefore there ned if bo beaitation on that arre. FniMr arranjefiienU will be anode to rwive and d -liver ool, tn anit euttnmera. All work warrant 4 nod dne upon the ahoitrft nntii-e. and I'T atrirt alien-1 tioti to burineM we ho.a to rraliie a liberal share 01 jmi.itc pairmiajrn. l.HM POINDS WOOL WANTED! We will pay tbe highest market price for Wool and sell our manufactured good, as low as siuiikr gods ran tie bought in tbecounle. and uheurrtr e fell to render reasonalile ealisfairtinn we oan elvers lie found at home ready to make proper esjilsustion, either in person or tiy letter. JAMES JOIINrtoN t KISH, sprillfi'f liraiapisn Hills P. 0. TOBACCO AND CIGARS I WU(LESAL AND KKTA1L, At tbt New Tobacco and Cigar Ptort uf Mi. If. Alf.f m; Two doora Kait of tbe FoiloU-ee. ClrarflclJ, Pa. Conttanttv on hand ft fino ftaanrlnent vf Vmty. CuujtrfM, Cavendirh. Cable, Fpunroll, MiiLifan and Cent wry Fine-rut Cbewinf Tbaooo, Ae, Alao, a lar(re and rll aelefted atrnk of Impurted and I'outeatlc Cigare. Fnmkint; Tobaocoa, Mr4sikasjitB and IMar Pipoa. Pipe fliturrt, Tobacro Iloiea, Cl(tar Ilobleri, and rrcryibina; g-tiarftllj fuund In ft welt refaulaled Cigar and Tobacco More. JFfrRroeniroT tho plane: Two doora Kaat of tbe Poauiffire Clearfield, Pa. mug. 4 tX. 11. B. TAYLOIt'S LIME AND COAL YARD, (N'lr the Railroad Ie).ot.) c I i:akpii.i.i, pi x'a. I EMRliACR thl, method of Informing the pinilie, ttiet I sere openi'i ap a yard for iia s.'e of wood or eoal -burnt I.I M K end Anthracite CHAI., tn the borooch of I'lierflild, and hair eompleted arrengomcnt. with ea.rern dealer, be which I esn he-p a lull .uiplr pon.tsnliy ot hl& j, which will be dl. posed of at reaeonalile rates, by the tun, bu.hel or ear load, to suit purchaser,. Those at a d;.;ine osn address en: 'ur letter and nnutln all neeeesary Information by reiurn mail. pi ... - " D- TAYLOR. ClesrVld Pa.. Feh. 14, isflii-tf McrHERSON'S RtSTAIRAMtSliOKESiniEXT lAltllili, Is Leaey's New Puildinir. (formerly ooeupied hy Wr. MrtiaiiglieT,) FROdM) ST., C'LKAItnEI.D, PA. CON'KTANTLYnnhandaSneaeleetit.nof CAN MKK, N(;TK. I IIIAH8, TtlllACtU, Ac. Also, HlKSH 0YK1KHH reoeived daily, and served up tu snit lbs tastes of rusiomara. ML. B 1 1. I.I XM)Noa seoandelory. sorJ TS tf W. R. M.PBeTrlSOrJ. T'situ i:' t'liKnTAiii.i.M' ve.-M. We hare printed a lucre oamber of the new KKR HILL, and will on ibe reoeipt os Iwente. See nenta. mail a anpy In an. eddreM. wir!S gILK HATS Fpring alylea p. r. rmtRTorg. NEW F1I19I. KRATZER & LYTLE, Markot Street, Clearfield, Penn'a., (OpposlU tha Jail,) HAVE now hand s Irst elasi stock of goodi, suited to th. wants of th. patllo. Our stock Is large, snd by constantly making additions thereto, ws sr. sMs to aceommndat. all who may favor us hy calling. We hare BRT GOODS, hlerinoa, Ginghams, Ciotha, Frinus. Delaines, Ceislmerer, Silks, Reps, Satinets, Cashmeres, Twaeds, Cobergs, Alpacas, Mohair, Lanell.t, Muslins, Flsnnels, Bonnets, Ribbons, Cloaks, Balmoral Skirts, Hoop Pslrts, Shawls, Dress Trimmings, Brad Seta, Caps, Corsets, Gloves, Pearfs, Collars, Orenadins Veils, Tsbls Corsrs, da. CLOTHING, Coats, Pants, Vests, Oeer-Coett, Osnt'r Shawls, Ehirts, Hats, Caps, Under-Sbirts and Drawers, Boon and Shoes, Oust Shoes, CraiaU, Eocks, Ulcrssand Colbre. GROCERIES, Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Bait, Candles, Rl'S, Flour, Bacon, Fish, Tobacco, Raisins, Currants, Spies, Crackers, Vlsegar, Oils, Varnl.h, Pepper, Alcohol, A. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, Carpels, Oil sloth, Drugget, Clocks, Looking Olasses, C'hurna, Buckets, Washboards, Tuba, Flat Irons, Pans, Window B.iads, Wall Paper, eal Oil Lampe, Bedcorde, Umlrellas, Knie.a, Forks, Spoons, Crocks, Stores and Stor. Dlaoking. HARDWARE, Queensware, Tinware, Olasiwara, Woodenware, Copperwart, Books, Stationery, hlusical Oosds, Trunks, Skates, Ao, II of which will he sold on tha most res sonabls terms, and t' a highest market priee paid for Grain, Wotl aod all kinds of country produce REMEMFIER THE PLACE : KRATZER k LYTLE'S, (Oppoilt. the Jail,) CLRARF:KLD, PENN'A. 8 71 E.A.IRYIX&CO., 11 RIVKSSVII.IK, PA., Bring specially engaged In the husiocas of Buying and Selling Square Thnber, Would rep rear ot that they are now prepared lo pirfrhaao Timber delivered at either Curwenntille, lWk Haven or Marietta, (or will take it at ftnjr of Iheae p iioti.) aud acll on aoinuiiiaion, tUHkin( ocb adranoti aa are necvMarr. Those engaged In getting oat Timber will find Bt uur -,wr fQ Curw.-aiviMe, ft vert laro atock of STAPLE GOO DS Of all Descriptions. ALSO, flour, .Tfrnf, V, Oatt, Corn, And everything necessary for use of Lumbermen. RAFT ROPE, Cf all titc. kept oa band to larfe qoantitiei, and old ot am a II ad ranee hy tho eoil Alao, Pulley . nirvrki, Pmall ltnpo, Ae. rPFCMI. IvnitCKMnXTfl offsred to those menufacturing Square Tiuilier. 10. A. IRVIB Curwensville, January 11, 18TS. CO. K HTAIII. IHIIKIS 1st I. Hi sliest Premiom. Filrer Me.lnl. awarded .rer all eompelitinn, at Merbanies Esbibition, Boston, Ueloner, IM.V. TUB ORIGINAL AKD GEM1NB S K L F R i: G U L A T I N GjjSAWS 1 SAWS 1 SAWS ! Wnoi OIlT IRON, A'i TIC.UT, JOASS&. itii r.rraTtD DrT Prnara, flnan Han Krara, Wftorcrrr Iror Ramator, AfTB Armnirir Rtori.iTon, For Horning Anthracite or Bituminous Coal or Wood. 10 titet fur briobwork, and I aitet PorUMa. HtarrArri nrn oai.T ar J. REYNOLDS A SON, N. W. corner 5th and Pilliert Ftreeta, PHILAIiELPHIA, PA. These Healers are made af ileaey Wro.fht Iron, well heeled together, snd are warranted lo he absolutely lias and ll.el Tight. They nee the . only Heaters that are managed without aav dam per., and in which all kinds of fuel eas b. baraed without alteration. Cooking Pangea, for Hotels, Reet.neants and Families. Alse, a Flu Top Heating Hanga. Fire Place lleetee,, !,ew Dew Q rates. Flat. Mawtela, Itegietcra, VMUIatora. Paarf b4a gieisf fall seacripti.s, east any direst, loutulru and jtUarhln iltops. BICLER, YOUNG & CO., (Baooeesors to Bojnton i Tounf ,) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS nfanufaotnrers of P0ETABLE & STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Corner of Fourth and Plna Streets, CLEARIELD, PA. L,i. 4.f'. HAVING engaged In tha manufacture of Brit alass MACHINERY, we respectfully Inform tha public that we sr. now prepared to fill all ordere as cheaply and as promptly as can be done in any of tho eitiea. We manufacture snd deal ia Mulay and Circular Saw-Milla Hoad Blocks, Water Wheels, ghafting Pulleys, Oifford's Injector, Steam Gauges, Sleaia Ml histloa. Oilers, Tallow Cups, Oil Cops, Gauge Cocks, Air OockJ, Glbe Valree, 1b-h ViJ..., wrouehl Iron Pipes, 6. can Pumps, Boiler Feed Pumps, Anti Friction Metres, hoap Stena Packing, Gum rack ing, snd all kinds of MILL WORK; together with Plows, Slot Soles, ' COOKAMJ PARLOR STOVES, and other CASTINGS of all kinds. V-Ordcrl solicited and filled at aity pricea. All letters of inquiry with reference) tn machinery of our manufacture promptly answered, by addres ing as at Cloarteld, Pa. deril'70-tf BIOLER, TOUNO A CO. A GREAT MIDICAL DiSCGVtP.V Dr. WALKER'S O LIPOIINIA VINEGAR BITTERS H Hnndrcdsof Thomcrd. C. . w Dear ttlmonr to itr r WouCc.-- 9 fulCur-lthr I.O.f ;. fS WHAT ARE Cff TDET A.nB KOT A TUB t3 ! r ii a w e. im si if S rr HadeoT rear Uum, Whtekrj, Vimf hplrtia aad Urluoa l.iquura tAXitr J. r-ir-l ai div;tt tord to r-lcaaeUe ttc, tailed " loulca," A pais, rra," llrf-orcra,'' tc, 11. tt ict-l i:.a t piltr on in druakenaiaa ad rcU , ti tie t trno Urfiniiir, tmtt'.a tfotn tlui i'. t-t1 o IloulmtJ Trr'.aLf Cuilft ri., trro frarw nil Atrobf lie Klliitnlr.nia. Tt.cj tie tba tilt KAT 1H.OO. PI Uli IL:t aud A 1.1 TC t.niNt. rtllNCf VI KatKrtift licao-atr and IcTlfur.t' r -T tjj t, Uir.,cs.rr7,:i( el all poLtor-ua natter and miofint: t:ie lld tja b titi, cttdicon. Kop.-r.on t:a U'.i Iucm Dlitcn accoruiiif to f-rec-tlon and rcniclalorir nwill. fellO t -caftran InrcrtMa cm, rrrtdrd Uie lotire ara tct dettroj id ty miuctl (M iax a or other inrar.a, a: a t!io .Ulvr&bituttd tcjoeUtLe poiat uf repair. Fr luaaninii.iorr ted Chronic IlBrnmn lUm rod t.oui, ;aprala, or lodNMlo lttllwoa, II nun fut a isd Intrrwilllrni 1-rcro Diacnarovl thr Ittood. l.lvrr Kidure,aad IWadurr, t:. Iltttne Lt Ixvn Uio.t ir.w ful. rKb liiM-iMi are cam (.4 tjr )htattd Illood, wti.cli ii frflcnllj 'roduced b drrauciLvi.t bVM'I.I'MA ti U lM)U:EHTIO. Hfod ache, rata ta tli ti.oatdera. lot:U. 1 ; t eta of ua Cbctst, Uliilaisi, rUnr Iraruuou cf tLo tutuacb, laBtc la tuj Y.mtht Ulioua A liar La, IVp.tisU.a of tbeJUrait, hitUmu aUuo of Uc Lai s. ri&taU.e rrC'Ana if ll'u,adabundr-.d otlcr Dalaiei tymi.t .n.a.rr t!,c tLt r.:., i)f I jik i a. Thy .liTixcrrto Uic fri mat h t-d'.t th tcr pldllrrraiid K.wtlf.wiikh rcndtrtLeincfuneqaallrd tffir&r) In tUc I Icxd cf in ttzipiititka, a&d Impart la j new life and ii r ta tl.e wholotjitrm. I'Olt bh IN !lr Ar, i:mptlcna,Tttcr,falt T.hrum.Ll'K b'a.htit, 1 Uj.j r, I Bftuka.n.i4t. ar tDDrit-o, Mrs Womit, f cald-llcod, C-oro t yea. CrTrip. elaa.llct., t-ctrfi, 1 UcoJorallotj of th r-kin. Bnmcra and Difxcaia f ih; Lkia. of obatever ntntoot fcaturo, are UtcraKr duf up and carried oat of Ii irttrn to a ebon time hj ine ae of Uiom 1'ittcra. (n bot'le ttt aorta tLc muit IncrKltUoca kg tlKlr curat It a oUcct. Clcanaa tho Vitiated tlkd whenerrr yoo find It. Inanrttico bo mine iLn-o-h tt:c tKtn tn rimpie. lnir Uona r fora ; ckbitec It hbr n roi find it fsbctroetcd and aluaklali la tl.o rrlna ; cli-atiw ft wim It to foci, and yov fe liaao will t. :i yon wlicn. K re tLo ttood pure aod tie b alt I. of tue rjal m w u f.dlnw. PIN. TA lK a other WUU KM, IcK tn In lha tratrtn of ao teat,; tWuuaiU, ara ttT.-Auallr &tlmj lital mooted, lor full diractlcna. rudcAr.LH tM UiraUr aronnj eacti bottle, j.;im d tn tur Uo-a(W-L.&f lii.LicnuAdi. f rctsck aied pn; mi J. WALE EH, rrojirlctor. B. H. MtlK'K ALD CO, Drarrtm and Cea. Airenta. fan rrwara, Cim aad UandUCotrmcroeetrixt, Kcw Tort. lafTteOlD BT ALL Xi:l'tiGUTS AND PCALM.?. Oct n, lf-TC.Iy. NEW MARBLE YARD iS Il Tlll ltvlU t(; flMlK andenicned Ukrs Ibis method erinform X ing the eitisrus cf the western end of Ibe county that be ba opened a hi stole Vard, fur Ibe manufacture vf Tombstones Slouumrnla, Head and I'ont Klonee. Ar. I rmiilipy none but Ibe Wsl .orkmen. snd ue ll.e brst material. All orders promptly hlk-d and tbe wotk warranted. Ail.trr. all to l'AMl.L Ollnl'LANOER. Lathertburg. Ootuber tn, It-'.i). A TU I'. Il.ring purrhasrd Ibe interrM ot i. J. A. l.laitenirnuk K'q , ia Ibe bti.inrn heretofore earned oa nmler tbe 6rm name of J. A the l.,..,n... ! ' . . ! lll.tlentierr. r A I'... the same will be conducted ! ' hereafter nndcr tbe name of klo.henaon lnd and .amber t'onipene. (Ktore.l II. II. HIU.LINl.H'Kli, JOHN iftF'.r Jlf Pres. Ien,. I'l.-lA.iS iKOSSCi r, MILL, DRAG AND CIRCI LAE EAWS. Bojnton 'b Lightning Cross-cut Saw. ALCO, rATKKT PERFORATED A ELECTRIC JAWS, For ssl. bj se1I.r II. P. PICl.FR A CO. lullirrslmr? Mnrlilp Yard! fpilK sob.riliee reertrntle announce. I. tbis j emmnniy and tbe pnhltc irenecalW thai n. I. aow eilen.ucly ent.fed in Ibe saanufu-tnee oi Monamctils, II and l oot Sl-nes, St.nd, Taldt ami rureaa l"i . elc. . blrbcr Ht,.t paid loa deoen.ed eelatlre or Mend than lb. lion .f aa eadenaf aiab aa a .lino unbotn geeerauoae wnere they ka.e laid him or her. 1 h.e. eng.gcd Mr. J, ba W . Oabepin aa me acenl Us.ll. end leeliow,ip and wane eaa heat wilne... Ord.cs Solicited at.H promptly lked. VTe -1,11,., .herere,e!-.ind Lalherebarg, Noeilr S, Ti-iY? fir- I1 f 5 uii X 'VP? Sft-fA -, J & j. s iU Vv' if i G IT YOI R fjoyg. HATS at .gclmbold's (Column. JJEfsRV T. IICLMIIOLD'H COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT CATAWBA GItAPE PILLS, rospoaaav ait,. Fluid EMrma likotmrt, md Hd i. '" Csm.1. Cr'PeJNics. For Llrer Complaints, Jaun line, 11 linen is y.L A w. . I, , . '.s.aj Et. Purely regetabla, Contsirio ( s n. eury, Minerals or D.leterleus brugi Tbes. Pills are th. most delightful), f) purgatlra, superssding easur oil, .j,,, , nesla, ale. Thar, ia nothing Bora eeceun,'',, lha stomach. Tboy glr. tone, and r.ui. illl( nausea nor griping pains. Thsy are .B1pn of the tut iujrtJi,!,. Aftrr a fca u.n' w of iheia. aajb an inelgorstlon of the entir,,,, m lakes plsca as to eppra- ujiraeul- a, week and esrreated, whether aii.irg fn, prudence nr dlwasa. II T. Ilelmbolg'. Cit pound Fluid Eitraet Catswha Orspe fill, sot sugsr cisird. from lbs feet it.t , Pills do sot disS'dra. but psss tbnMjgli il . it. a withont dissolving, ennsro'iently d, not i,, the desired effect, Tbe Calawot (fm p; hsiny plsa'ant In tart and odor, do q(,i Hm tata tbiir bring lugur coated. Til sHtnu. per bos. HENRY T. IlELMBOLD's' Highly Coneentrsted Compoucl FLUID EXTRACT SARSAIAhlUj Will radically etermina(efrmBihesjil(Bit, uU, Sjpbilis, Feeer Bores, Ulrers, Sors tln, for. Legs, Sore Mouth, Bora Head, lirotrknk, Skin Di.eesee, Halt Rbeum, Cankers, Rostl.p from tha Ear, Whit. Swellings. Tuinwi. Cu. eerous AffectlDns. Nodes, RickeU, Glsndsiu Swellings, Night Sweats, Rash, Tetter, Hiw of all Kinds, Chronic Rtsumstlrm, Diiptpu, and all dlieaeei that hare beea eitaliiitsl. tha system for years. L Being prepared expressly for fhe shoe, Coa. plaints, its Blood-PurifjingPropertlesarrNts) than any other Preparation of Sarraperilia It glrrs tha aompleilon s clear and healtby esiej and restores tbe patient to a stale ol hcaltk us purity. For purifying the blood, reiaciu, u ehroni. constitutional dl.wues arising from u impur. stat. of the blood, and Iba only reliikle snd effectual known reaedy for thacsretf Psins and swelling of tbe Bones, I'lrerstiosid the Throat and Legs, Blotches. Piuialrs ea tii Face. Krysipelaa and all Scaly Eruptions r tbe skin, and beautifying tbs eomolexion. 31 HEMIT T. HELMBOLD'3 Cnreo'rltod FLUID EXTRACT HUCIIU THE OUEAT IHl'l ETIC, has cured eeery eesa of Diabetre In which it has been glees. Irritation of the Netk or tbe n .dd ai.d Inlauimatlon of the Fidneys, Ulearatisasf the Kidneys and Bladder, retention of ari.s, (senses of tha pn strsls Olaed. sione la Ike R'adder, Calculus. Crarel, BrlcVdusl drpneli, and Mucous or Milky dirchsrges. and f r ri feebled and dslical. rorstltutionr ofbolhs.i.rr attended with tha following symptoms. Indis. position to etertion, loss of power, loss of eta. ory, difficulty of breathing, weak nerres Ir.a. hling. horror of disease, wahrfulness, dimsa or ei.ioa. pais in tha hack, hot bsnls. Hj.i i, "f tba b dr, dryness or Ihs skin, eruption a its face, psllid eoantenanee, nuiTrrsal lasi!sJset tre aousco!ar system, ate. Used by persons from tha ages of eightesi k twenty Ire, and from thirty tra to fifty In er ia the decline or rhange of lifs after eoels. meat or labor pains ; bed welting in cLiidna Ii Ilelmbold'a Kitraet Bacha U dloretie anj bit. rorifr'Df , and eurei all diaaiea aritirj fr-a babiu of difipatica. and eieeites and inrn dene e I a life, imj orliif 1 1 f tbt Wood, etr , u pradir(t copaiba la affociluni fr nlirh ii k nted, and syphilitic nlTtdloni-ia tbett dij ned ia cunoectioft with MdioUld'a Roit Wt-k. LADIKS. In man arToeilcnt poenHar to ladies. ih Fx. tract Pocbft it amquajled hj an other rrawt at in ehlorotU or relentl..o. Ic-ee ulantr, paii fulneit or tupprnaioB of r oi'owBrj eta-u-ii' ti, ulcerated r tvi-tsirm. .f.ts. r sk. ........ Kbu. t ... . ... 1 ' Mr ""'' t"f !! ecBlaiitl i 'indent to tbe ei. wbelhrraii inf fniB Mi- retitt. or halsile of dulpati.o. Ii ia ret-ribei eitrnalrrtjr bj tha ot eminent phr'nani irl Biidwiret ft.r tnfreltled and ilehcale c nii'ati. na, of bnth acxn and all (attended with it ef the abwrt di.eaici or Tmptoia.). 0 n. t. helm dolo's extract bichd Cares diieases arising from Itapradecrei, Ilak- ! f, ., .ta , In all their .tagrr, at little etp.n.e, littles er ae ebaag. la diet, s, ana se tl. posur. It cases a rreo, d.i-e, a d C strength t. I', inate. thereby remoring Cb.irw. tiona, Prereating and Caring Ettietares ef Iks I'relLra, Allaying Paia and InS .mieatioa. Ss frrqaent la this elsss of diseases, and eip.liis all PoUenons metier. Thouiends whe hare heea the rletimi el Is eowpetfal nelsons, and nb. , a,d hsrf fees to be ear, tn a a"ert liwie, hsrr .a ' 'ley here been dreeired. and Ih.t lb- -P.iisoa" k. by tbe are ..f -pnw.rlal e.lringent.," beia sri.l "ift.lL.,iilcin,lob eas a.i in a more aggr.Talsd form, and peit..,,, ,fu.t Jlarnag I'se llelmbol.)-, Eitral Rnei a for all Af tiont ana In.ra.v. t tbe I rln.ry Orgen.. akrlk. er esi.ling in Mala ar (rmale. from wb.t-rsr '" .' i.t t e.... origiusliat. and so m.ti.r hew Mg L nESRT T. l.KLMROI.rS niriitivKD ijosE WAPir, Caenol besarnee.rg as a PAI.'k WAII. and .ill be r. nn. ike ...I, I. e.B.d, .,, spe. tes of .iornow. 1M), e..e. SM-plee. ,p.. l,.ti,. .ry.. rnfi.rv "ns of the .. ete., rrdnr,. and lnri,,i,nt ir.H.n.mtin. btvre ,..k. snots pat. see drtres. ol ,! , , k iBt ,, hjl ad all p.r,..w. r. .b,.k -l. ., .),, are ar. ; re.toree the ...a t.aet.1. .( .,.,, and s..lierh t. the I..,. o , ,,.,, l"e sgree.b e ele.rrese .ad .leant, ol e. nn.'ef. e.a aomtre.. ot S . ' . ., eiisr.i, -,r,, as a r "7 '" ..,!;' , : Hu k.s beg , ,,s p'lnetpl. elaias t aeae,ded ' 1 ".".'J. """'ns o,.Kties bi h rei.d.i it S Tt.ll.r.T rri.Mii,I.fih. - end, eharaeier. eomb nter la . rle gaet forn.ale th. pr, minent rtll. " '".Vr:.: -. ... T. p-i i,n ( I. .a clccHfi.t l.clla f- dteeaee. o a hy-bilrie net. re. and a. ea ia jeclt... f. dia.e. .1 Ibe I rin.rt lira... s ia. ing trues b.biie ol di.ipattoa.a.rd in r...necii.S nt h tbe, wueba. Sa-..i..rilia and I'e. u.b. Or.,, pi,fc , tlaeaefi St reeiav saded, esu.B.1 be J) Fall sad .ipllcil direet:.cs aeeemnuy Iks saedinnee. E.idenee af the most responsible snd reli.v'e ebacctcr femi.bed .a aprhctioa wi 4..d oj o eto.M., t llting wi and up.a'J. ef 11 .th'S enevliciled een.Se.tes sad eeeoasen4al"re el'cre. meny of which are f-ne iba I il e sters. In. .Skinei.t PhT.tcj..ns. I'l.rfy- e. r-t.le.Uo-a, ete T .e P,... ,,.,. ha, eaoried s. their patleati..a in the new-papce I he d-a aa d' int. Ir. a. ibe feet th. bi. .no-lee rank ae Pcepararioas, aad du net nerd t. be ptopp, J ap hy c-r-.Sc.l-. HE5RT T. HFI.WROI.P-'S OEM INE PRt- Psh a 1 1'iNs Delfeered te any addreea. Secse. froea eheee. ratten. Peebll'.hed np.erd of tw. ay yeeos. Id be lirasg'.ls Addr-. Iclera tor Irfotm.-ioa. t. eoi.fiicne. t. HhkV I. II S:.M llfll D Itr, r ,1.1 ,. t hen.-., "ale l. r-'tse-H T llclw h-.d . f'rat aed Chemienl S'eerkoa.e, fs. S.4 ll.o.d..y. N Y. II.II T Helaikeld'. Medical l.p L l" .V,,lk Tenik Mreet. Ptollade.phia, P. etee.e. eoatue.,t A.h far UEST 1- IliUUOLV I' aewker. tT f