THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, PA. WEDNESDAY MORNING, JfJSK T, 1ST, Among tlib base, merit begets envy; among (be noblo, emulation. Have the elemonts a rilit to brew a storm without u license ? If you don't mind your own busi ness, it will not puy to advertise. A good ImiMtiwit'o's afiuira are like n motion to adjourn always in order. The vosni'ls of mercy are sciisoncd with aflliciion, and then tbo wino of glory is iuurud in. Affli'tiom, when acoompnnicd by grac, alter their nature, as worm wood eaten with bread wil luso its bitternoris. Jonos and his wife nce grandly on one point : slio think more of him than of unyhudy el-o in the world, and so docs be. Hun. James lironks, M. C. from Now York, has left that ci'y for t tour nrnund the world. lie goes first, to San Franuiseo. "I bavo always coiihidered rnlhcr what is said than who says it ; and tho consequences of tlio argument rather limn the consequence of him who delivers it." There is no joy so great as that which spring limn a kind act or a pleasant deed, and you may fuel it at night when you rest, and thronjh tho day about your daily business. Man was never intended to bo idle. Inactivity frustrute tho very design ofjiis credliun ; whereas an active life is the bent guardian of virtue, and the greatest preservation of health. Satire is a sort of gluts, wherein beholders generally discover every body's f icu but their own, which is tho chief reason for the kind of re ception it meets in tho world, and that so very lew are offended with it. 7.c A new brand of whiskey made in Robertson county, Ky., has been named ''Zuck Chand ler," in honor of the blood letting Sen ator from Michigan. It is said to be forty rod liquor, and a dead shot every lime ut that distance. ' There was a double golden wedding in Joliet, Wis., one day Inst week. Tho brides wcro sisters, who wero married on the? same dav 1ifty years ago. In the homo of tlieir mother, now a venerable lady of eighty years, they celebrated tho half century anni versary. The troubles of lit'o aro llko the Sticks in u bundle of faggots. It is easy to tako ono tit a time; but we chooso to increase our trouble by car rying yesterday's stick over again to day, mid adding to morrow's burden to our loail bvloro we uio required to bear it. Tho most potent, permanent, pene trating influence for good is a holy, consistent Chri-t like life. Hindis on ly exert an influence hen rend. Ser mons can only do good when heard, and not always then; but purity and goodness and gra-e exemplified, ac complish much by their presence Collector H.iiley, w ho lately default ed and skipped from New York, is said to he in Montevideo, induslriosly engaged in introducing American in Volitions. Jl'lip introduces tbo Radical invention of robbing the Treasury, the puople will have ample reason to curse, Ids industry. Anotiikr Giiab It is reported in Washington that the some for tliu new State Department building will come from a quarry, the stock of which to tho amount of tJ.",(h!(l, has been presented to (icneral (irant. "Well what of it J" as Jemmy Tnitcher would puy. Wo cannot seo why a man who has taken all kinds of gills lrom a house to a hat, should refuse stock in a stone quarry, provided it pay. A singular bitch oecurcd in a tli vorco case at Memphis a tew days ago When tho cuso was called for trial it was found that I ho husband was six teen and tho wife but fourteen year of age. As miners a nn neither sue nor bo sued, the lawyers wero in a quandary; but the Court enmo to their relief by appointing n guardian for ono of tho infants and (ho next friend for tho other, nller which the trial proceeded in duo lorm. The Mav.'Facuiiers. l'ieident mukiog io Hti'l 'oiui; on. Tliolmlu Tietident preen n iiiihi huxyintlio work. J'lie Ni'W YmU tSun in very zculouititi the etloit to procure, n lit tuiulidiite for tlio I)i!inoc rur from Um I,'"pulii. can ranks. i-H imtor Ttuiiibnll m the Iutetut'i;eslcd eitiuliiliile. The New York Herald i. perHitcnt nil ever in urging the thiims of fietieral flierni:if, but tvo opine tluit tlio IK moi r:iey will hnrdly ueeept ft Cuilditlute w lio ii i! i l ieul in everything except Kit Kiuxistn. What a Pity. It now turn, nut thnt tho o culled Kii Klux nncsted in JititieKonfouiily, Nrili Ciirolin:!, were led liy three negroes nam l l,owry, Appluwliito nnd Strong. Wo need not expect to Iienr nnything further of their proftocnlion under the Ku Klux hill, n thut would ya olitnn t H Iho colored in:in in '.h exereineol hi right. When thin Kn Klux m:it. ter in Biletl to the bottom, it will he found flint till the deprud.-ilioim nre Committed hy u mmill c';inh of out Iu a s, tho half of wh'.ai lo negioe.i, nnd the buluneo while : rdawur'H. Tim IlllTFRFNCK TIlO I'hibdcl- phin Ajr poinledly fiiv: When nn npplieiilion wnn nmdo lo the pioper nllieer, by Iho people of A t i.'uiu, lor troopa to profeet Hut.: from Iho Indi an", the reply was thnt ('ot giet-w liml o retluced tho amir, hikI I'io ilenmnd for tnii iim in the 's,.iith i bui Ii, llml no fur fniin aemling troopa lo the frontier, he i olili-, ,! ,kc I n.opa fniin th it eetion aii.l aeml thnn lo Iho Southern Mute. The nvn.' on llui frontier muy Imteher the ruiera, nnd no troop" can he Kent to proleit tLcrr1., I. ill thero nro pit iily of iroopa to nid iu e.irrj ing the South for tlio lliidicula. An nn cxeue for keeping tha trnopa in thnt locnliiy, the Kn Klux ouli iigeM nto Invented.' I!ul tho pooplii i no heginning lo eo Ihrougli lhi iteheoie, nnd H ri..-1 n n the giimo tvhicb Geneiul Grunt ia phiying lor n re noinioRiipn and ro election, grjj tfoodj, tirorrrifj, ?tr. E VERY PERSON IN CLEARFIELD COUNT who wanti to buy DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, UARDWARB, UlItKXSwAIlB, Or anything elite (hut in uaeful to Man, Woman or I una, tliouiu uear lu biiuu tuai MILLER & POWELL Ilnre purrliaecd the entire Itock of good, and rented the Blurt" rtxnu' formerly occupied by J. fi. UKA1IA.M t t-o.-3, en Market llrect, C1.IUR1MK1.I), PA., where they CAN SELL, DO SELL, and WILL BELL, AT LOWER FIGURES, Than the tame Gooda can ho bought elsewhere in llenrficnl county. ittmut atoppmg to enumerate, we will juat ray tnat He have everything thai is nealnl! f Slicing extensively enpatfrd lU tli Lumber ItufliueKR, we are able to offer e ipurior iuduovuirnt to jobbcri. F. G.MMXER, A. H. PuWKLU Clearfield, Pa , Feb. 15, 1871. Clothing.' How to Navo Jloiioy. 1111 R timet are hard ; you'd like to know How yu may anve your dollara ; Tbe way to do it I will hnw. If you will road what followi. A man who It red not far from here, Who worked hnrd at hip trade. But had a household to tupport Tbat tvi'iandcrcd all be made. I net bini once. Snye bo, "My friend, I look thread bear and rough I've tried to get tuyaelf a uit( But can't u-vo up enough." Pay T, my friend, bow much bare you? I'll tell you where to go To get a eitit thMt'n pnuitd and cheap i To KKl.KNrfTEIN A Co. lie ton what little be had aaved, And went to l.ciienafcin A Broth era. And there hi got a handsome tuft, tor half he paid to othera. Jfow he .8 home, he lonki to well, And their effect ti tuob, Tbat when they take Ibeir dally meal, 1 bey don't oat half a much. And now be flndt on Faturday night, W ith all thoir wanti tulied, Tbat he hat money left to tpeod, And tome to luy aaido. Hi good ancceaa, with obeerful tulle, He gladly tolli to all. If you'd pave money, go and. bay Your clothe at ItKlZENSTUtN'S CLOriUNrt HALL. Where tbe ehenpeat, II r. eft and beat Clothing and gnnd Furniahing Good can be bad to auit every taste and In every ttyle aprll.70 STO.E AM) EARTH EX - WARE OK EVKIIV DK.SCRIPTIOM Ci.OCKS! POTS! CHOCKS! I'Mier1. Patent Airtight Ht-lf . Kmllug I' riot Hti i Ill TTr.ll CHOCKS, with lid", CREAM CltocK-l, Mll.K CROCKS, Al'i'I.K ItrTTKH mol'hH, I'll'KLB CROCKS, FLOWER POTS, TIE DISHES, STEW I'nTH, An a great many oitivr tliinjrii too nutneroua to nie:ill'in, to be hml at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STOXK - WARE POTTERY, Comer til Cherrv nntf Tliird FtrM'U, ( I.) Uli'lKI.I), IM. .us Urn di.pii. tToitr pdwdf.hi Itrienv.a fult-rnntiut hair In Ave intnutea, waht.ul lolnr to I he, a in. !pnl l, to no 'or 1 1.3 I l-IIAM' AXI IIMA II Kit RfMcvra nioi. violent piroij-Aini in (tee mlnntei anl ftlt'cii a fpilv care' I'rie f 2 it mall. in i-: j ii'ami: ii tut m ai Cnlorfl the whickera aud hair a temtiful blaek or brown. It eonii.t of only on preparaitoo 7i rrnte l mai . A.ldrm . O. t i ll , No I Hi Jajne rlreet. Phila.l-lhia. Pa. Clrrnlari ! rent free. SolJ by all UrivgtMr. dccil-om Lime for Sale I frIlK nnderticned, reaidint near tbe d-not hat 1 made riinpltte arrunnvinents with Lime liiunrri (iff of th mMiiitaiu, wherrliy he in ena bled U kt p ron(niuiy on band a Urge qnnnttty of p u it v, l i xi i: i which he ohVrn to fnnnert an! buil lern at a trifle alr-iic rot. 'f IniM- in iitiI "f the article would do well lo (five mc a 111, or ad'lrrsa tne by Utter, be fore nt-gotUtn.g their lime. UKO. C. IWS.MIOKE. Clrnr.i. U, Ta., June 0, lbb9. EDWARD PERKS & CO., Flour aim fact urors. And Pralcra in GRAIN OK ALL KINDS, IMHLfP?nUR(l, PA. t rit.t, Pfpct.v or Ft.nrn. wheat. I'tlltN an, I Mlol ronHtnntly on hnn I, nnti t.,r it.i!e at rvtlt-e rrtmrklilr low. f, bl-ll lei very NIjiLIo. '1111 UTi cr'dnf ,! hcpn Icstp to ihftrrn the pnb 1 lio thai be is ii"W (ul!v prrpan-d tn iTonimfr iitlc nil in tlic ( fni mt 'ling ll.r', UninipP, Sn.Mlo oml Hnri-rnn, r,n tit flinrlri't lioli'-t and i n riMf'TfiMf fvniiM, itrtiJ.neo on I. omul itreet, b'iwt.Tn 'i ha i ant Foiir'h. UM. W. (I I A Till A UT. nirirl'l I, April 11, 1S.17. Miss E. A. P. Ryndcr. aaaar ron f hlrko'tnu'i. .clfipwft'( ,nJ nmTn'n'a Piinoi; hinllh'f, Mnn A Ihlmlln'l anil feltitibet'l ami Mflnilronit. ai'l drover 4 Daker'a Heirinn Marhtnei. auo TltiHRH or Piano, Guitar, Oran, llartnnny and Voral Ma lic. lo iuil tnktn for tenf than liaif a lerm. Tfr-ltitoni nrxl tloor to Ftril National fiank. lleaillilil, .r,y 5, K, if. c -(Ok MTUVK)! FI'KAItS CAL0!tiia fV.-grKHANXA, m:i'Kl:lon, (fOV. l'F.NN. IIKOI I.AIOIt, NOIil.rT'ooe;, KATfONAL lltNdK, TIIIl Wil'lf, P.VIU.Oil CouKci, fiPKAIt-d liKVOI.VIN.l l.lllllTr) AMI fiot lll.K UKATKItP, Anil all kiu lj of llpjlinj S'lovn for .dc 1-t ims""!' II- r'. A Co. Nov Meat Market. rilll F. nniirri.-nfd bare otirnrd a Mmt Mnrkft in thi r'Hitn iiirmoily Ofunpied by AlptandtT It v in, i i A I ;i r k f tt met, ( Irnrln hi, 1' , Rl)(iiuiifr .Viinit wbirrt ifepy iutrnd In b"' a ful!y i til Llu.U of Mrnt, t'rult and I'ryctnhlc, And at "imrrn t riT Tn tivra." f;li"p will opm ripntnrly on TiiU'lnr, Ttiiirpdny an I .al tinlrtv. nnd mrat J lurnil ( miri"in', A r ot iiuMir 'atrt'im'Ti' ii p-j'foelltill a-dit itid. Al.'ti. ISlMlWrV. I;, w. l:ltdN. ""Ai an Pm, tin iie tn deal In all kinde of ImprorH A Rrlfnliurl Implrmcata. tlrHi , Aurtmt Jt, IhJO if. 'imKff.I.KIiUATKU KICHAKDSON BOOTS. 1. l.ik'M K.ji. iA eftt FrMii'h kip ,t t ttt no, l'rvnuh . t;i ,. ... ft no' Oj.pwlte Jail.;.t.?tf M V, R R ATZHt K. girdirarr, Zlnmtt, Stf. THE IE01T5IDES TIN & STOVE STORE! Ge S. FLEGAL, Philipsburg1, Coatre Couaty, Pa. HMIE anderelKned reipeotfully annoaacee to l toe pubito mat ne dcs on nana m oare-full-elaled and well ftiaorted fUrck of STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES, HOLLOW - WARE! TIN, COPPER AND SHEET-IRON WARE! WOOD AND WILLOW WARE! 11 ii itock of Cooking Storei eoniltti of TIIE CELEBHATED tUOXSIDES, Which bare never failed to bring reae and proaperitj into famlliea where It la uaed. Diamond State, Parmer, Herald. Charm, flpean' California Cook Htove, hpeara' Antt-Duat, Uaa Burning Cooking Ktoei, Victor, Ueliance and I nlon Kanoi. Kpeara' Cookiog Rangea, Ao. do. fcThe Tin and Sheet Iron ware given with the Hovel ia made of tbo heav'eat and beit material, and warranted to (ire perfect intii faction. His Stock of Parlor ti Heating StoveB Ii larger, better and cheaper than ever before exhibited to the public euniietiog of Ppeere' Revolving Light Illuminating Stove, ISpeara' Antl-I)ual Oaa Barn Ing Farlnr Htove, ti peart' Orbieular Uai Burning Barlor hioTO. (Spara Uai-Bun ing l'arlur Ktove, Boquct, Pearl, Gm, Ida, - Sun, Tropio, Nevada, lo., Ae. Vulcan, Elm and Victor Ileatera, Fpeare Re volving Light Heatera. Ha It alio prepared to furnlih a eotoplete ftaortment of Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron, Wooden and Willow Ware, &c., Wbolnele or retail, mamtfjrtured neatly and with the eole view to lorvice, from tbe best ma terial In the market. PL0W8 PLOW POINTS, COPPER, BRAF3, PORCBLAIX, TIN LINED, SPUN k COMMON IUON KETTLES. Of every deierlption eonrtantly on hind. orders rvn srOUTINO, HOOFING And other wnrk belonging to hla hunlneat will be promptly filled by experienced and ikiliFu) workmen. BRAS., COrPER, OLD METAL, It AGS JiSD CASU Taken In exchange for gooda. irfT-tle eaparlally Invltei the attention of Merchant! wlahlng to purrnare at wfioleftle, ai they will find it lo their ad van t a ire to examine tla at ock before purcnoaing eiicwncre. Look out for the Btg Fign nppoalte tbe real dence of Aire, Dr. Foatrr. All Qoodi WaaaAariD ai FitinritiiiBD. ti. H. I I.K.AI . Pblllpibarg, June S, eunfl (! The Gn at Preserver of Health! ri:ltl)ll ATI.t A si nB rr.KVF.xnvn ClflH OF FOR COLDS. j,' ( iiiiei'matism; UL'CKSKIN UNDKROA R.M F.NTS ! ron lapiM AaD For Bnle hyx r. KRATZFR A FUNS, Drc. 21, ISO. t loaiflcl.l, Pa. GREAT EXCITEMENT ON SKCOND STREET, t ltm lUltl, ra. NEW GOODS AT LOW TRICES. fllHR nnderttgned reppectfully Invite the at 1 tntinn of the puMIe generally to their pl"ndid anrtment of mercbandiae, which they are now celling AT VERY tow rUICES. Thrlr itok eonalala In part of Dry Goods of tho Bost Quality, Pii"h aa Trliitt, D. Lnlnre, A1iarra9, Mrrtnoa, ulrf;hniR,Muplin.(liUar'liei and unbleach ed,) frlttnjr Ttckln.-, eotlon and wool Flannel,5Rtinttt,rHMlmrcj, Cottnnadep, Ladiea' Hhawlf, Nuhlat flood, flalmoral and Hoop Palrti, Ac,, Afro, a Una aortment of Men'f Drawer! and bbirta, UA tapi, Boola bboer, all of which WILL BE SOLD LOW FOR CASH Hardware, Queenswaro, Glosswaro, Groceries and Spices, !N SHORT A. OF.NEIIAI. ASSORTMENT f ercrythinf nti"tl kept In a retail "lore, aft CIIKAf t'OHCAMIf or aurored oounlr pro due. A. K. WRIOHT i fONS. Clrartleld, Nor. 7, 18(17. II. BUI JMI K MERCHANT TAILOR (Store one dr eaU if Clctirfirld Iluae.) Market (Mrcet, ClrnrflrM, 1 KKPS on hand a full iMortnenta of denti' IV Karniahtng (tonde, anch ai hbirta. Linen nd M'lxitfin l'ndfrfhirt, lrawera nod H'eke, Nerh.ttei, Pof-kel H -indltercht "f a, Ulovea, JUta, tlmtirellai. An.. In great variety. Of Pioce tloede he keepi the Best Cloths of all "Shades and Colors," Such aa tllai-V. Doeektn of tha eery heM make: Fenry C.Mlmere, In (real earletr . aleo. Frenoh Ci.ilin. Hearer, I'ltoU Cbinebilla, and Frleull oeereoeline;. A1I of hich will be aold ebeep for Caah, and made op aerordlng to tha laleat at lei by eiperieneed workmen. Alfil, Afoot for UlearHeld eoanlr for I. H. einror A Ce'e. eeltbraled Sawini Machinra. nor. i, icc , j. lijtjyun. planing $UU. NOTICE. p-- Q. h. Seed. iu:i:i Jk POWELL CLEARFIELD PLANING MILL ALL RIGHT! THE pmprleton reipeotfully Inform the cltiieni of Clearfit ld ouunty, tbat they have entirely refitted tbii eiUbliabracnt with the lateat improved wood-working machinery, and are now pnp&ruU to execute ell ordon In their line of butineai. The will give eapeoial attention to the manufac ture of material fur houae building, mcb ai FLOORING, WEATHER -BOARDING, BASH, DOOKS, BLINDS, V11.4CKETS tf JIOVLIH.raS, OF ALL STYLES, We alwaya tiara on hand a large itock of DRY LUMftKlT, and will pay oanb for all elear Lumber. One-and-a-half Inch panel itufT preferred. Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or exchanged, to loit eustomera. Orderi tollcited, and Lumber furnished on abort notioo and on reasonable tcroil. KCGO rowiii.f.. Clearfield, March I, 17I. UUf(Uattrouj(e H, F. NAUGLE CLOCK AD WATCH MAKER, orroaiTi rni FTmV) 4hmit itrt POST OPFICEnTS-riCLEARHELD rilll B aobactiler recpeettully In form a fall old X patron a and the pohlto grnerall;. that he raaoo nann, (ana ti eunatantiy receiving new addilieni thereto,) a large a lock of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry. pJt-l keep Jewelry In all Ita fnrmi end of d torrent valuei, either by the piece or let. WATCHES A full aidtacnt of either Gold or Silver, made by the beat Anericaa end for elgn Dianufae.ureri, Including a fine lot of gold and itlver bunting eaae, lull jeweled. Patent Levari. CLOCKS Of all deatgm, con lifting of eight day and thirtv-hoor, of either weight, iprlog or levera, end both strike end alarm. REPAIRING. All kind of Watohea nnd Cloeki Repaired, and warranted. In addition to what I hare enumerated, T keep n full aaaortment of M'KOrACLKS, colored end plain flan. lao, (t)LI PKNS and I'KN'OtLS. Hl'UONM, FOR K4, H LIT Kit KNIVES, and In fact evervthlng In the Jewelry Hne. If I fail tn have on hand j nut what a euatntner nay nend, I will order per n rut eipreat, wttboul eiira eharge. A liberuiahare of public patronagr Ii anllriied. M 7, IttAS y II. F. NAUULfi. MOSHANNON LAND it LUMBER CO., OHCKOLA ETEAM MILLS, MrrACrrnKi LUMBKn, LATH, AND TICKETS ft. ft. FlltLt.l.NOFOItfl, rrc.ilont, OIBooForePl flare, No. I! S. 4th ,t., rhiKa JOII.V I.AWFIIIl, (lencral Pup'l. Oflocuta Mill, Clearfield county. Ta. IAD AM) LOIRER lOMr.VW OFFER I V J II V I la NTS TO Piircliasers of Choice Goods AT TIIBfR MAMMOTH ST011E OSCEOLA. jlVow 4abInot ! Mo.HANNOV LAND AND LTMBER COM PANY off. for aale Town Lota in tbe bor onli nf OforoU, Clcarlifld county. Pa., and al Iota to full purchaser outaide the liinila of laid Iximueh. Oarcola ia aiiutttrd on the Moxhanooo ('reck, in tbe riehral portion of tbe county of natni i'1, on uie line or me irrone Licariii'id Itnilroad, wbrre tbe Monhannon end Beavvrton branch rrada interaort. It ia alo in the brart of the M'tfhannon eoal bailn, and large Ixxliei of wlnte pine, linnlfwk, ouk, and other timber aur round it One of tha largrtrt lumber uianufactur ing eBUbli-bmenta in the Hiate ia If rested in the town, while there are many other luoiler and aliingle nulla around it. The tnwn la but ae -en yrare old, end oontaina a population of one thju aand inliattitnnti, y"For further Information apply at the office of the above company. JOIIX I.AWSUK. 11:70 0cnrrl Hupcriuiendrat. T o 1. 1' .ti ii i: k m i; n t rnitFECTtoN i?f CANT HOOK SI The Clrfirfi.M Eicclfior Canthook will not wear out or break, being oonalructed with one lolid band from clip to point. It ii pronounced by all practical lumbermen who havo rxamicrd it to be tbe moit per fret Canthook ever Invented. Amos Kcnnard, Patented MnnoTnclurftl by Avne Kkvkahd k Co., at CLEAUFIKLD. VA. JMtAll ord.ri promptly nitowded to. bj23T0 FAIRBANKS' fj STANDARD (Jkl SCALES, or Ai.ti imna( Bgage II arrow a, Warehouio Trueka, Copying Prraura, ImprovoJ Money prnwrr, o. ron i alh ar H. F. niOLEU k CO., Dralrra III llnrdnare, m-li10 TO If Perond ?trei-l, rirarfleld. Pa. - Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL AND OP corrtPK inn cmkapeut! A Proclamation against High Prices! AlfK am now opening tip a lot of tb heal and l) moit aeni"imlq (imhI ami Vnri avor ollcroil In I hi a nifirkrt, nnd at prirt tint remind onr of (lie 4id obi dnvs of rhn:ip thing, l lmee who liwk fnith upon tiiia point, ur drem our alle gn tin ti ftnprrfluou, nerd hut r.fM, .r oik &rotti:t Corner Front and Mai Let atrecta. WhffM itlPV MMH UA ful U..-. .-.1 L. ... at a..v. iimw IW UrCII' erlvea. J o fully uiiriritand what areehean gioda, to enuraerata and itemiaa our aloik. It ia enough for ui lo aute that Wo Lave Evorything that ia Needed : and eonaunted In tbia market, and at prloei tbat ! vtoeiFh b)ih old and vonng. i d20 yflWH BUAW k NEW DRUG STORE! U. B. ALEXWDER, M. D., lrut;glat and Apothecary, CURWENSVILLE, PA., Keeps eonitantly en hand ft large aaaortment of d r v q s, Talent fcedioinri, I'ainla and Oila, Varniihea, Dye gtuffn, Ao. Ilia Hock of Draft ia pure and frrh, and euatouiera can rely upon Retting tbe beat of arerytbing in lia line. II n itock of TEJIFUMER Y , Toilet Articlei. Hair Tnii, Ooametlea, Bruahei, Toilet 8oapa. Coiuba. rocket Hooka. IVna. in It a, Penui!i and Taper, and a general aaiortinent of tbii claw or gooda, are all oi tne neat quamy. PURE WIXES Jk LIQUORS, For M vdioil purpoeea only. DUm, Pnttv, Lubricating Oila, do., to suit the wanti of tbe eummunily. II ii eitenaive and well eeleoted ttoek of Drugi and Mrdicioea enable a biro to fill l'byiioiaoa' preacriptioni on abort notice and on the anoat reaaoiittljle term a. Finokcre end Chewen will find hii atnek of Chewing end Smoking Tobaoeo, Cigari A Him If, to eonant of tbe very leat branili in tne anarkeU A ah are of pub he patronage (a eohcittvl. Oct. IV Sm. W. B. ALKXANDKR. O O K S which iuvb always (i I V E N SATISFACT ON HERETOFORE, WILL BE DISPOSED OF IN SUCH A W A Y A8 TO PLKASB 0 R FRIENDS AND CUS T0MER9. JUST RECEIVED!, TflE FINT.ST A?SORTMEST Of HOLIDAY 0001)3 SUCH A3 BOOKS AND OTHER STATIONERY ARTICLES, EVER OFFERED'TO VIIK CITIZENS OF THIS PLACB! NOW ON EXHIBITION AND FOR SALE AT PUBLISHERS' A MANUFACTURERS' PIlICEi, AT TUB POSTOFE ICK. ClaarBelJ, Dae. 11, I'.fO. j v n n f. i) o I!T! I'T OT BURNED UPI BULL'S KV.V WooLKX FACTORV, Pcnn towoibip, Clearfield Co., Ta. The inbaeribeM are, at great expenn, rebuild ing, and in a ftw dnyi will hate eomplcted, a n ighl'orhood ncefiiv, in the errrtion of a brat clana Woolrti Miimitatnrv, with all (he modern impriM entrnta attached, and are prrparet to mnke all kinda nl lloina, ( Maaimrrea, Imelta, Ulen keta, Flannel, A a. I'lenty f gtoda on hand lo mpplv all onr old and a thonaand new caMomrra, whwu we aak to eorae and examine our atoek. The buaineaa of CAUIUNO AND rTLLINU will receive eflpertal attrntiun. Our new mill will be bv wool oarding leaaon, therefore tbere Dcd be no bruit n tiou on that aoore. PropiT arrangrniftita will be nade to n-eeive and drhror Wool, lo anil ruatoiner. All woik warranted and doni! np'rn ihe aborteal notice, and bv atriel a Ilea lloa to burinrae we hope to real lie a liberal ahare of public pnlrontige. lO.IMM) I'Ol NIS WOOL WANTKD! We will pay the hihft warkrt prioe for Wool and aril oor menu faeiu red gooda a low aa aimilar gooda ean be bought ia tberounl.v, and whenever we fail to render reaeonalde aatiifaclion we ran alwavi he found at home readr to nmke proper eiplanatlun, either in peraon or hv teller. JAMKS J(HINMN A HiNS, aprilOif ti ram pi nn Hilla P. O. TOBACCO AND CIGARS I WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, At Ilia New Tubaeoe anil Cigar Store of It. II. SH.111 Two doon EkI of Ike Pontufflre, Clearfield, Pa. Ciinalanttr on band . fine aaiorlment of Narv, Cnre, Carenilih, Cahle, Ppnnrotl, Mli'biftan and Crnlurj Fine-cut Clicwing Tobaeoo, io. Atun, a Tarfr. and e, 11 arki-li'il .lock nf Iniiorlei and lom11e.CilRr, ftmohinx Tohaneoe, alenrvrhanm and llriar Pipci, ri. f ltnrcn, Tol aoco IffleJ, Mpir fluldera, ami everything nenaralle found lo a wrll rrnlaliil Cigar and Tobaruo Store. fr-nrmemlirr Ibo .!reT Two doort Eat of Ilia Pufftufflee, Clrarlleld, Pa. aug. 34:tf. II. B. TAYIaOU's LIME AND COAL YARD, (Near the Railniad Depot,) ( I.I AItl 1I J l, I'l N'A. IKMilUAri; t i t ntflhnd of lnf.rmlng ie piil'hc, tint I have npenrd np a yard fur (be le nf wn.-d or fniil luiriit 1,1 M K and Anthracite 00 AT., In the hnrongh of t'linrfltdd. ami have completed arrangrinrnra with iar1rn dralrra by' wnii'h 1 run hrcpH fnlt aupply nntantly on hand, whieh will be dtpord of at rrnaunahle rmtea, ly tbe tun, buchel or oar Inatl, Iu atiit purehnaitra. The at a diatanoe ran addresa me hv letter, and oldain all nert-aanry Information bv rHmn mnil. R. B. TAYLOR, riearflold Pa., Feb. 14, 1 HRV If , McPHERSON'S REST..lRAT&Ki;m'SHMT A I. II ) , fn Leavj'a New Bntl.linff, (fnrmerljr oecnpied bj Mr. MiMlnnRhi't,) PKCONn UT., I'l.KAIIFlKt.D, PA. ("1(iXSTANTt,Vonbiide"nei"-l.-.'llonr,f t'AV. J WHS, NITS, rill A lift, TOBACCO,. Aim, HIKSII OVHTRHM reeelred daily, and erveil ap tn euit the fatten of eatomeee. 1. IIII.I.I AKII W.OONon treondetOTy. "J;7" tf W. R. MernBRSON. TI TU'fl' Ik tTAltl :' I'BI-.ej. e bare printed a larjra number of the new r'KR BILL, and will on the reeelpt ef Iwenir. Ave aenta. mail a enpv tn anT eil'lremi. airilH OII.K HAT.S f.atcit Hiirinn itvlea- 4i , B. ri'UERTOS'l, Jru 6oodj, &mtxtt, flftr. NEW FIIIM. KRATZER & LYTLE, Market Street, Clearfield, Penn'a., (OppoilU the Jell,) TTAVI now oo hand a Drit elaai itock of -11 gjodi, aulud to the want! of tbe euHIo Oor atock la large, and hj eonnanllj making addition! tberato, we ar. able lo ereommodele all who naj favor ai by aalling. Wa bar. DRY GOODS, Marlooa, Oingbanl, Clotbi, PrlnU. ' Detainee. Caaalmerea. Silk. Bene. Satinet!, Caabtaarei, Tweedl, Coberga, Altiaeai, Mohair, Lanall'a, Muiliaa, riannala, Bonnell, Rlbboni, Cloakt, Balmoral bklrti, Hoop eklrta Shawli, Dreea Trimmlngi, Hiad Neti, Cap, Coraets, Qlorea, Scarfi, Collar!, Grenadine Velli, Table Coreri, it. CLOTHING, CoaU, Panta, Veita, Orer-CoaU, Oent'a Shawla, SMrte, Hate, Cap!, Under Sbirta and Drawara, Boota aod Sboee, Oum hoei, CraTata, Soeki, Ulorei and Collar!. GROCERIES, Tea, Coffee, P-uger, Uolaaiel, Salt, Candlei, Rice, Flour, Baeon, Fiib, Tobaeea, Raiaini, Cnrranti, Spieai, Crack ere, Vinegar, Oila, Varnieb, Pepper, Aleobol, Ae. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, CarpeU, Oil elolb, Drngget, Clock a, Lookloff-Gleaeee, Cb.rna, Barkata. Washboarda, Tuba, Flat Iron!, Pani, Window Blinda, Wall Paper, Coal Oil Lampi, Bedeorda, L'mtrclla!, Knivea, Porke, fipoone, Crocki, Store, and Store Blacking. HARDWARE, Queenaware, Tinware, Olaaiware, Wooden ware, Copperware. Book a, ptallonerj Mualcal Ooida, Trunkr. Skatei, Ae. A II of which will be aold on tbe moat ree looabli ter ma, and t e highatt market priee paid fer Grain, Wotl and all kinda of oountrj produee. REM KM II EH TUB PLACE t KRATZER k LYTLES, (Oppoiite tba Jail,) CLEARFIELD, PENN'A. t S 7l CjrAK TI!Iti;it! E.A.IRVIN&COe, (Huu:vim.f; pa.. Being apec laity engaged in tbe buaineaa of Buying and Selling Square Timber, Would reprearnt that they are now prep a rod to parrhaae Timber delivered at either Carwmaville, Lock Haven or Marirtt, (or will take It at any of thi-ae point a,) and at-11 oo eommiaaion, making lueh advance! aa are ncceaaary. Thoae engnged In getting out Timber will find at our a tore in Curwcnat ille, a very large itoek of STAPLE GOO DS Of all Deecriptions. A LIO, Flour, .Tirol, Mlyr, Oali, Corn, And erarvthing neeeaearT for ttae of Lumbermen. RAFT ROPE, Of all aiiea, kept oa hand in large quantiliea, and old at amall advance hy (he eoil. Alao, rullry - Hl.rka, Pmall Ilnpp, Ae. rft 1-Pi: 141, IMU CI MI NTH ntferel to thou mauufariuriug uara Tim tier. I A. IIU IV fc . Ciirwenaville, Jnn-Jfiry I?, IftTO. lST Alt I.lll El) IHSI. Ilirh.-.! Prmniom. Pllrer Metal. awnl.J orrr all rMmiprtihnn, at Merlianicfl Kxhiliitinn, lionlon, October, 1109. . TI1K 0UK1INAL AND UKM'IKK SKLF-IIEOULATING, WROCUMT f RON, AfR TltlllT, c-AS-coiTsuimro heateb, with rn writn Out Rrnrre, On it Hie llrva, WnouoiiT Jm Hum a tor, aan Aitomatic Rrqi lator, Fr Burning Anthracite or Bituminous Coal or Wood. 10 aliea for brlrkwnrk, and t airea Portable. MArrAf'Ti men oat.v ar J. REYNOLDS &. SON, N. W. corner 13th and Filbert Flreeti, PIllbADKI.PfllA, PA. TbrfW Meitra aro made of Heavy Wrtujrht Iron, will riveti-d Idgrtbrr, ami are warraninHo be abrnliiMy t.aa an 1 Duat Tihl. They are the only Heatera thnt are manegrd wilboiii any dam. pfM, and In wbirh all kinda of fuel ean be burned without alteration, rooking Ranga. for TTotrla, ReHanranta and Fainiliea. AUo, a Flat Tup Healing Kango. Flr Plaee Ilfairee, l,ow Town Uratei, jlat Manteli, Rtgtatrre, Venlilntora. Pamphlati gUing full dearrinllon, lent free, to any nddreie, Jjl3 fO ly foundry and Wachine hop. B1GLER, YOUNG & CO., (Saooeiion to Bojnton A Toung,) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS Uanufacturcra of PORTABLE & STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Corner of Fourth and Pina Street!, CLEARFIELD, PA. HAVING ira(ed In tba manufacture of fin t olau MACllINERy,warepeetfullrinforBi tha publia tbat we ar. now prepared to 111 all ordere aa ebeaply and aa promptly ai ean be done ia any of tbe eitiea. Wa manufaetnra and deal in Mulay find Circular Saw-Mills Uead Blocba, Water Wheela, Shafting Polleyi, Oifford'i Injector, Steam Ganger., Steam Whiitlea, Oilera, Tallow Cupe, Oil Cupi, Gauge Cocke, Air Cocke, Globe Valvea, Check Valrei, wrought iron Pipe., S eam Pump,, Boiler Feed Pumpl, Anti Friction Mctree, Soap Stone Tacking. Gum Pack ing, and all kiodi of MILL WORK ; together with Plowi, Slod Sulci, COOK AX 'D FA RLOR STO VES, and other CASTINGS of all kinda, Ordera aolicitrd and filled at city price!. All letter! of inquiry with reference to machinery of our manufacture promptly anirered, by addrci ing ua at Clear&elJ, Pa, deeti7o-tr biuler, vorxo A CO. A GREAT MEDICAL DiSCSVBY Dr. WAAKEH'3 C ' I.TFOrTIA VINEGAE BITTERS ii Hundreds cf IhoiMin?3 b r Dear if-attmonr to tt'-'r Woailer- OS (alCuraUve tflt-U. !0 a what are t;-:ev e a TI1ET ARB SOT A YII.S FANCY DRINK Madeof Poor It nan, M hlkrr. Trwf Kplrlia and Urtno .iworairl.rtd.ffilred anlawrei enrd to pleeae ll.e taste, eeJlc-4 " 1 cLira,"1 .ppcUz ere. ttcaioriT," c, tit I It ad tie tppbv oa to diunkentii-M a. d rule, tu are a tmn Wi-ditlne, front the Nutivc IIooU bmI llerlar.f C il.rornka, frre frwrw nil A Irehf lie Mlnml.tma. Thcr ar Ike twit I' AT IH.OOII PI HI I-It: It amd A LIFE (.IVlNtJ I'EIM IPLBaivrloct Ut noi ator ar.d tuvlgoretor cf t.j fe tun, carrying off all polaonoct enatler aid rcttc;lr,r t:.e LKtnl la eh sill y conditkm. oprron ezntil.a tbe luiura according to rec kon and renmintorc cnw-ll. fltlO will bo rvcn for nn tnrnraMe rw, jn Ttdrd t1e bo&re aro nut dtmjrd Vj aulnrrnl fUon or otner eaeana, ar.JtiiA t.ul raiu ulcd bejoLdti.e point of rcoslr. Fair InAi.miuttinrr ted ( fcranlc r. hetiai.a lUen aoil 4oal( I eferimia, me Ind.gellaa. Ililiaue. KruiMtrwt nal Intrraillirut !' vrra IMnratBi-e i.l ibr Itlitoai, l.tvrr K I'tiM ) , nnd Itlnddrr. l.ltcria lae tiro imt t:rr- ful. U( h DUniM' t? raviii ly Vlttnlrtl Dined. l eli i tvTirilly (rodurrd hj dcranti mi, t ef Hi ; IHu'-aiivf (i can-. ln.lIA t'lt )N!)(;r.MIO, Itrad artie, I ain to I'.u t l.oiUrn, ( ouf.lia. 1 tM'-eta of tlio CltCFt, Miz nii, fcr.r I:ri:r!tl.oua f t U;C Ftotuecti, ti4 tMt 1 1 th Vnih, t.l.oua AiUrks, l aipllaiim f;t, Idi'ld n alien cf Uie, rin la V-.n regions of V..-3 I Itlntya.andalinndn-d otter palolol ainpt' n.a, i r ti e i r.rracf I')M rla, Th y ir.r f or .tc tl.c Kf niarti : d atlniclefo Uie trr p!d'lrrra:id lovcle, tjrli n sdrrthrtn of unequalled eLUrar) In elfaniug t.ic t.lotej vt a. I impiirttlta, end tnifartlnrf nrrr J,fe nd tIcit to tlio whole ajMtrm. HI It f-Kl .I-HFr.r,i:rfrtit in..Totur,fUlt l.lictm.rit -tc.ira, Kroti, riu-f.ira, 1 utulet, Bote. Car fcoorJVa, Kii.g-W mn n, PrrltMIrrd, t ore Free, Tryt elae.ltrh, frorfa. 1 tcoloratlo.a nf the Fkla, llutnora and nia ar tv.w ilia, of hnrTcr name or tat ore, are lltrralljr duf up and rrrrlrd out of the ayatem in a abort time r-y Uie nae of ihw It'.tirre. One botle In vara caeca a ill mm Inco tLc suit Uecredulotu ct tlirlr enrettva effect, Cleonee the Vitiated R'fwi aheaerer you find it lirparltlee buratlryt thttiph t';c e.Ua lo 1'lmplea, I rnp or PK rca clrtM n h n fun tlnd K ohetrucU'4 anl alnmuvh tu clrauM It mlirn it la fool, and your ft'4-llrtt.- lit U ,! rou when. Keen Cte blovd rure and tl.r hi alt It cf tl.c t-xru m mill foil.; v. PIN, T A PK a:l -ttMr V It M?, It-.r! .rg la the artfmof ao many tiionaanda, are i LTL-ctaony ditrtiy. ed aaJ rrntoved. Tor full dlrcctlooa, rvd earvrtilty tbo rlrenlor around eaih bottle, pi Int. d In Hur lan aTiarce KnU-ii,Ocniin, Trench aiul EiiaiiW. J.W.VLKEU, rroprtrtor. It. II. alcPON ALD CO Drnnrlau and Ora. Afreota. Ran Franrteen. CalM aud tU and at Comuiorco Btroct, Nti York. F-R)l.n PY ALL DRUGGISTS AND ALT 1:9. Or. Jo. IST0:1t. NEW MARBLE YARD IN 1 rilll:HSHL'KGl rKIlB nnilcrtncd ukf tbii method of inform. .1 ing the ciliicni of the weatrrn led cuiity tbat he hw opened a Mn;M, Vard.fur the manoiaciure 01 Tunibafiinra, Muliuntrnla, Head .1)4 Font "loneia, Ac, ,r. f emptor none but the beet workmen, and ure the beel uiatcriel. All ordiTi promptly liMed and tha woik warranted. A.Mrr,, all I ttra to PAN1KI. fiOllIi.AN'I)F.R. I.uthcreburg, Ocl ber J, IsTt). VOTIftV-llaeing pnrchad Ihe interert of 1 J A.I enber" K-,,.. in the kaamea. heretofore ea.rled on under the llrm Heme of J. A. lllaltenberger A Co., the eame will U eondiicli-d bereaOer under the name of Moahanaon Und and .urn) or ttnnianr, i.rnre.) II. H. MtLM.INt.Kt.Klt-. JOHX I.AWSHK. tnT-'lf 1'rrai b nt. t.meral Sup't SAWS1 SAWS! SAWsl P1BTANU CIIOSS CI T. MILL, DRAtl AX1 CIIIIH I.AH SAWfl. Boycton's L'ghtning Cross-ciit Saw. A 1.6 0, PATKXT PKRFORATKD k ELECTRIC JAWS, For eale by "flU.Tft " II. F. riiil.FR A CO. hillirrsliiiry: Marble Yard ! flMIK aiib.orllwr mpeetfully announcer to thi. I enmmuni'y nnd the puMir geoeiaMv tlil be i now elen.iritr engend in I lie mamirarinre of Mi'miinrnta, Head and loot 8ln.. .iinl an.l II linn, I Top., eta. . Wilier tril.ule ean be ld lo a decea.i d ndatire ot fi i. n l tban tbe rrM. lion of an enduring alnh aa a nllne.a to nnlmrn gi neraliiina nliere lliej haie laid him ar bet 1 have engaged .Mr. Ji kn '. llahagaa aa mr etnt to Pill, and lo wolkmanahip and .lull ran bear ailne.,. Order, l'.ltr, ,, promptly Hlled. Woik ,, lirered, d r . i v . 14 " M'HIRK. I.ntherrWg. November SO, luro. I ET VOI R ROVS' Jlii i v . i" r y m k f c I s ill i! km i si! vp;'-. n; hi MALy in Nil Ul C I THEY ARB KOT A VH.Z FANCY DRINK. I'il HAT? at f ILLERTON-B. Sflmbold'j" (f olumn. TTESI1 V T. IlELMHOMfw. COMPOUND FLUID feXIRACt CATAWBA GRAPE Ims roTPOIE!IT PARTI r(t-f Extract Mmbnrh nnii Fluid kttraet Ct urup aHICt, For Lirer Complaint!, Jaon lie,' B ilioma it lloni, Sick or Nerrooi Headarhe, Conj " Et. Purely Vegetable, ConUi'ioi eury, Mineral! or Ialeterieui Druj, II Tbeit pilli art tha noat delihtfuli, near arm I ( wa aai n at u(t 1 n m : i f Ml, na.ia, ate. Tbere l! notbine sore u.... , iba !toaeb. Tbey gira tone, andeu,, nauiea nor griping paina. They art ttt,ul of tha daeft imnrtilitmtt. After a j. . . ,, v flt.r( tea take! place aa to appear miracuUu u fc weak and anerrated, whether aritii,, proueuce or oneaee. ,i. i . II elmbolj , c sound Fluid Eitraet Catawba r.,... ...' r rillia, not lugar-euated, Iroia tha fact tbat in,,, Pille do not dieeolve. bat pas. thronrh tb, tu.. wilbont dleiolrlng, eonieouenlly du not nriu tha deilred efTect, Tha Catawba Gnu belbg plearant In tail and odor, do eotie, lata thfte k(R in,.r.i..iU' D.:.. .. . ,,,B(lt per oea. K HENRY I. HELMBOLDd Bighly Coe ten (rated Complete FLUID EXTRACT FARSAFARILU Will radically exterminate from tbe ijitmt ula, Bypbllli, Ferer Sorei, Ulcer,, Sure (, Bora Leg!, Bora Mouth, Bore Head,. Brettbj. I cKin aiaeaaee. can nneum, Laoken, Bsti' from tha Ear, Whtta Swellinga, Turnon, C. eerooi Affectloni, Nodea, Itirketi, Olai.t Swellinfff, Night fiweata. Rub, Tetter, of all Kinda, Cbrooie Rteumatiini, Dpf aod ail diieaaea that have been tt tabliefcti tot a; a tern for ytmrt. L Being trepared axpreaaly for the abort Cam. plainti. Hi Blood-PariringPropertieiarerrw than any other Preparation of Paraairillt It givea tho oompleilon a elear and health; tfa and roatoroi tbe patient to atate of heattli aai purity. Fur purifying tba blood, removiitaj ehronie conalitatiooal diieaaea ariaing froaai impure atato of the blood, and the an effeetoai known rodied for the can a Paina aod iwelling of tho Booei, Ulceration tho Throat and Leg" I, Bloteboa. Fiiaelei ob ta I Pace, Ervatpelae and all Bctlj Kroptioni f Ut kio. aod beantifving tho evinplexioa. M 1IEKRY T. IIKLMBOLD'd CoeoeDfrated FLUID EXTRACT HUCUC TIIB GKKAT DIUrETIC, baa cored every caae of Diabotea io which :m been given. Irritation of the Keek of theH!4er atd Inflammation of tho Kidneji, Vleeraiioeif tho Kidoeya and Bladder, retention of tr.ry laeaaea of tho proa t rata-Gland, atone it th Bladder. Cateulut, Gravel, Brieddnat depoait, and Mueooa or JJilhj direhargaa, aod fat . frebled and delicate eontitutioor of both mar, attended with the following aytaptorati in dir. poiition lo exertion, lou of power, loai ef mtn ory, difficulty of breathing, weak nervea. tm. bling, horror of diaeaaa. wakefulneaa, dfrnotai of Tiilon, pain In tho bark, hot Laodi. 4aihii; of tho body, dryneae of the akin, eruption en tha face, pallid eoontenaneo. nnircrial taaritude of th anuicular ayftera, oto. tied by pertona from the aget ef eigbteen It twenty five, and from thirty five to ftj 3n at In tho decline or ebang of life; after eanflai. went or labor pain ; bed wettieg in clilitru. It Uelmbold'a Kitract Euchu la diuretic aaJ bloei purifying, and enrei all direaaoa arising fren habila of diaipatin, and oxceaea atJ impn denrei in life, iaif uriilrt cf the blood, etc.. n peraeding cotaiba In atTcctiooi fr ahicb it ii naed. and ayphilitic afftfrtiona-ln then tm naed in connection with nelmlild't Rote MUi. Io an any atToeliana peculiar to laliei, tha Ei tract Bucbn ia nncjailed by any other rirnff; aa in cbloroaia or retention, irreftibrity, pais fulncai or lapprefaion of cnatomiry ei'-natiil ulcerated or acbirrua Kate of the utemi, Iteear. rho?a or whftea, aierilily, aod fur a!l coinaitti Incident to tba lei, whether ari ing from itiii cretion, or habita of diripalton. It ia prfwribrl eite naively by the wiott eminent fbyjieiana tc. miJwivea fur enfeebled and delicate c nftitaticu of both irxea and all a get (attended itb acj( th abor difOaae or ijraptofof). 0 It. T. IIKLMCOLDS EXTRACT EICHC Cnrea diieaeee arlflng from Imprudeccel, liab- Iti of D!lpatlcn, ete , ia all tbair etagre, at little eipenee, litOoril ebang. In diet, aa ineonrenienee, and oe 't porure. It eaueee . freipient define, ard g'tu trengtb t. 1'iinete, thereby rrmoring OHftnit llon!. Preventing and Curing r'trirturel of U Urethra, Allaiiag Pain and Inflemmatioa, H frequent In thie rlaea of diaeaeee, and eip- ll:eg all Polaonoue matter, Thonrande who bare been the Tletlrai el eompetcnt pericni, and who bare paid hrtrj feee to be eured in . ihort time, have fi.un'i tbey haee been dceeired, and thnt lb- Pei.on" h by the u.e of "piwerrul aetring rntr," been drieA op in h-eae out in a more af eraratri form, and perhepe alter Marriage. I'ee llelmhold'i Eatracl IturLu fur all Af llont and Li,eaear nf the I'rinery lrgani, wkni er earning in Male or finale, fiom whetner eaune originating, and no milter of bow lc Handing. Piice, 1.J0 prr boltlf. I; I1EXRT T. nFLMDOLbjt IMTROVKD JiUSK WAISir, Cannot be etirpanned ai a FACb' H"A"tH, and be f .iinl tbe only rpeeille remedr in ery reriee ofrutaneoite eftlon. It eneedilv oatee pimplee, epota, ecorl'Utlr, dryneea,"i.i:era. Ilene of Ibe rutanroui membrane, etc., elinpril rednee. and Incipient Inflammation, hire., neb, molb pe tehee drrneea of .coin or tkin. Tn i kit.. and all ourpoaaea for ahirh aalree or ointmeoil are need ; reatoree tbe Vin tn a elate of puriiy and aoftueae, and inaorea eoe'lniied bearty ae lion to the iaue ol lu Teaeett. on wnicn net,.,. i ! "" ",d ,J"I."",J ' '", , "J. . ' "r a k"V' ! ., V 'n"''", I '." ?' V " "bl! '" a.h bee In.g """"" "' P'lneiple claim to nnliounded rt- i '"k MHiutt w tin n rr nu r 11 e TOll.KT AIM'h.NhAUK ot tha miift u.f and tVnjrnml eharaeier. oomh.ninc in n e'e gnt firii:ul thooe proeuinent rtm.iMi-a, tSAr B IV and hrHCAt -the Itiraiiable aeeont) ani meota of ita one aa a preai rratie and rcite K r of Ibe omptexlon. It la an excellent 4tn'i for diteaaee ol a hyphilno nature, ami aa aa ie jerti.-n Tor dit-v? of the I 'rinary Or-in. ' ing from habit of ditpation,aed in M'nnrfti. a lib the Kitrajcta tJuchit, Ser.4.rilla and t'a ub Grape Pill, in aucb enrt-rc at recca ai ended, cannot be aurpaated. I) Foil and eflic'.t direction, .ceompaoy lln mrdii-inea. Ktldenre ef the moat roapmaible and tvlieb1! eheracter furnlrbrd on ap.liealinn.irii " (Aoeaoetfi ot livii.g wi nearer, and apaarl- f .1" nnaelirited cerliflealet and ren.menillry Icttera, many of which are th. h'fh'it aivnreee. Including .'tninrnt Pbtairlana. t'i.icr men, Bieteanien, eln The Pm.rieti.r haa n.rt reoottedto thvtr pul tKatioa ia the nee-M'ra I be d'.ee no do iMe Ir.mi the iaot thai hi. arn.'lc rank a. Stendrtrd Preparali'.na, and do o -l Bc to be propped up by ccrtittrati e nKyRY T. llFI.MIIfH.r-.a OESTIXE 1'liB- P A It A T 1 0 N nelieered to any addreae. hern.e from ohf"r eatian. Kaiabli.bed upward af twenty yeera. old b. Drwggia'e erery where." leilnl for nforma'!.,.. fn en nn. u rlKShVT. IIKI.MIIOI.I) )ru,.gl,i and t heiniat. ttnly I. ,H.t: II. T. H -lmt eld't Prng and Chemteal Wareb m.s, o. .'it"l llro.dwat. N.V., or to II. T liflmboH'. Vedleal Ucp'U li' I1""" Tenth rireet, I'hlladrlphia, P. Iteware of eounterr.iie. A.b for IIKRY T. I11ELMB0LU B! Take no ether. JjSv fT '