CJEOUGE B; GOODLANDEIt, ITH TOR A!tD rSOPRIKTQIU CLEARFIELD, Pa. WEDNESDAY MORNINO. MAY 31, IAN. - Democratic State Ticket. . : FOR AUDITOR GENERAL, GEN. WM. McC AIDLESS, OF rBILADKLPRU. FOB 6CHVEY0R GENERAL, CArT. JAMES II. COOPER, of lawbercb oorrrr. flf-A full poll of the Pemoaratie roll will fecor. tha cieolion of our Stat, tickit by a large majority. f9-LH evary Deaioorat remember that, and Imprru tb trulh of it upon tbe oiindf of hii neighbor.. Primary Election. Tbe qu.itioa of a changi in oar pment tytt.in of miking noainationi, af directed by etiolation of Ub Juno, l$rO, will be voted opon at our com ing Primary Election, in tbe following manner : Ticket! will bo p rioted and labelled on the out aido "Primary Election" and on tbe iniide "Craw ford System," on lome, while on otben the wordt "Delegate Pytlem," and each elector will be en titled to rote one ticket ai lie mar atlnt. Full Initrnotlont will be fnrniibed the Yigilauo. Com mittee in due time, together with ticket! and Beeeararr blank! for bolJing the election. 1. ELAKE WALTERS, Chairman Dcm. Co. Comiuiltri. . The Slate Contention, Tho Democratio Slalo Convention a'HOinblotl in Ilarriliur thin day one reck Ofjo, nnd nominntid Gunri'ttl Vim. McCiincilcss for Auditor Gcnurul, Captain James II. Ounprr for Survey -ftr Geneiul, and elected lion. V. A. Walluca Cbairmac of the Stato Com mittee. General McCandieM is a residont o!' Pliiladt'lpliia, jiopular with tho busi ness men, and ha civil ns well as a military reputution having rriiro oentcd that city for Ihreo years in the Stulo-Senslo, besides receiving the highest promotion of any Pennsylvu nian for -meritorious cinidiiet on the field during the war. He did not ro ccive hit proniolioiio and commission for bo'pitul aetvieeK, or because he was nephew of the Secretary of Wtir, like tho Radical nmniiieo for the same otilco, Dr. Slunton, who, by tho way wiuiiuile Colonel after the war was over. General McCamlless will m;d;e tin acttvo canvass, and being ono of the best stump speakers in liio Sin t e the hospital Soldier will no doubt be Invited to remain in bis safe quarters by tho pi-oplo on tho second Tuesday of October next. Captain Cooper is a citizen ol Lawrence county, and like General JlcCandless, is well known by all the members of the Pennsylvania Ucser- vesj liSVing been tho commander of Cooper's celebrated battery, from which fact all know that his title of "the bravo Captain" is well earned. lie- resides in a benighted section of the State, and is a neighbor of Dr. Stanton, Uio liadical nominee for Auditor General, j et wo would not be surprised to learn after the election that Captain Cooper received more votes in tho counties of Beaver, lint ler, Lawrence and Mercer than Dr Plnntnn. Tho former is known throughout those fiudical counties a ono of tho bravest soldiers that ever crossed tho Potomac, a Democrat of tho Blriclcsl kind, young and active and of unimpeachable integrity, while the Intter is known as the subservient tool of Simon CvniTon and 51. S. Quay, two of the corruplcst men that ever trod the soil of Pennsylvania. Of Beath, the Radical nominee for Purveyor General, the rival of Captain Cooper, no ono seems to know much, except he litis been figuring in a kind of "freo and easy" manner ns an oil cer in tho G. A. It , (Grand Army ol the Ilepublic,) a kind of soil bed for amnteursoldiers vi ho are ambitions for offiee. Ho seems to bo unknown to noldiors and civilians, except in the opacity of a political foot pud for Cameron at Co., although associated with a negro regiment, for some time, and therefore, a real Pennsylvania Ku Klux. Of the election ofGenernl McC'audlcss and Cxptain Cooper, there is no doubt, becfliiso tho St. Domingo job nnd the K 11 Klnv loll loirn m-,ii-n n fn nor-,, I t I '. . . .. Iho liadical party instead of an all healing salve, as Dr. Grant & Co, Intended them. Uvery patriotic Ibidi cal denounces the one as an attempt at grund larceny, while tho other it in a diiect lino to Imperialism und Con soiidalion, wiih Grant for King or Emperor, when presents for ofllce would becomo tho rule instead of the exception. The peremptory declination of Sen nlor Wallaco to allow his mimelo be used in connection with tho Chair manehip of the Mate Committee, on count of tbo past nnd excessive ser vices in tho Sennto which havo very vh.ably Impaired bis health, produced somo confusion nmong tho mo inhere of tho Convention, who seemingly had nearly nil concluded to vote, (or him on their arrival ol tho Capitol. Many names were suggested lor tbe position tho preceding evening nnd dtiriiirr iho sitting of iho Convention, but nono wero satisfactory, and when his iminu was mentioned in tho Con vention on universal yell of "Wal lace prevailed. Severnl other Uncnwersnomin.ini ui,,t.J, .. Know not. 1'iohnbly r brvr Icirned CejiTtn;,;, prow Jed to rote Mr Noruethinjt abroad Wullaco appeared and made a speech against himself, claiming that lie should be isxompted from thelaboriou duty because of declining beullli and the negloct of his private business. Whilo speaking one name after another was withdrawn, and bis voice was drowned amidst tho cries, of "question," "Wallace," etc., duripg which tho Chairman of the Convention ordered the main question, which co suited Wallace 88, llandall 30, and bo was declared duly elected. Col. Biddlo, the able editor of the Philadelphia Age., in speaking of the selection of Senator Wallaco as Chair man of the State Commilto says; "The Into Democratic Slato Conven tion did a graceful and proper thing in choosing Senator Wallaco as Chair man of the State Central Committee. He is emphatically the right man in tho right plaoo. " Ho is the man for tho times and the issues. IIu hut courage, industry, endurance, quick porception, great knowledge of tho political condition of the State and tho wants of the peoplo. Ho led tho Democratio forces in more than one campaign, and in a mnnner which claimed tho wormcst gratitudo from our party, nnd extorted encomiums from tho leaders of tho opposition. In the management of details; in gathering into ono grand result all tho detached bodies of an army, Mr. Wal laco has no equal in the State. Ho is also a worker, himself, and has the faculty of moving others in a liko di rection, which is of immenso conso qnence during a campaign. Besides this Senator Wallace has won it high character during his senatorial career. Ho is a pure spotless man, apart from all "ring" influence, and thus claims and holds tho confidence and respect of both political friends nnd foes. Such a man at tho head of tho Demo eratio Stato Central Committee, will give Btrength, character nnd influence to that body, and inako it, in truth, the organ of that party in tho pending fight. Senator Wallace's selection will bo heartily endorsed in ull por lions of tho Stato, and ho can com mand tho support of men of ull classes, from the Dulnwuro to tho Ohio line With such n leader tho party is invin cihle." Tho Pittsburgh W endorses cViry wor-l the Ayr saj'S. Wo will lay the full proceedings of the Convention bcf'jrs our reader.: next week. Adjoi'Hnfd. It U with extreme pleasure we annotinco to our readers the fact that the Leglature adjourn ed on Saturday last. Gov. Geary, in a noto signing the appropriation bill, admits that the appropriations made by it mo about half a million in ex cess of what, in hij opinion, it ought to be, under the present condition ol tho treasury; but in view of tho late hour last night tit which it was re ceived, and the unusual length of the present session, bo accepted it ns the least of two ovils, and without intend ing to be considered ns committed to nil its details. To say that a ball million dollars is tho lesser evil is cer tainly good. Tho bill restoring the spring elec tions passed. This bill repeals the fifteenth section of tho law oflSC.O, and provides that elections in 172, nnd annually thereafter, for city, township, borough nnd Ward officers, shall be held in the spring; 'willed, tho net shall not apply to any locality for which there aro special laws nnd that (ho elections ill Cleat field shall be held in December. Senator I'roJhead, of Carbon coun ty, w as eluded Speaker of tho Senate previous t.) tbe adjournment. The Iladiculs voting liutan from lieaver, tho homo of Cameron's stool pigeons, Quay nnd Stanton. Business. Two weeks ago Uriel; Pomcroy received n divorce from his wife in Wisconsin, nnd agreed to pay her $20,000 in thirty days. Last week be married a Mis Thomas, in New York, and after the ceremony was over Judgo Selden, an undo of the bride, ftteped up to her and handed her n roll, which, upon being exam ined nnd counted, turned out to be $73,000 in "gieenbacks." Wo have not learned whether "Brick" still favors repudiation or not. 5Irs. Pom rroy is a fluent wriler, and has for somo time past been a liberal contrib utor to the colu mns of tho T)tiitorvit. We hope that the change of relation will not bring about a change in bush ness. Pr..niN(i A LiTTLR. We seldom meddlo with liio selection of cttntli dates in cur neighboring counties, 1..... It. 1I...1 ... j...; i . 1 always select the best men We will, however, volunteer a little ndvice n( this time lotlie Il-niocrae- of Clarion, where there nro three good men can didalesfor Assembly. Now, if Clarion wants n first class Ib'presentativc at Ifarrisburg next winter, let thorn send J. Prank McNutt, w ho, by iho way, is ono of too clenveiesf men wo cv;, met. The other candidates mny be equally good men, but if wo had I.IUO votes we would cast ll,., fr rrk at tho approaching pi inutry ch ction in that County. A i.i. Rkiiit.TIio Massachusetts journals, ami many clergymen, com plain bilteily ut the largo increaso in divorces ernnted for several t i.,t-a past in that Slate. Why, bless your souls, it s till rii'litl Your thooloi'V nnd politics lead to just that result. Parker', theology nnd llutler's poli tics will divorce anything. I RKTrnNni. Threo celebrities who bad nluitidoiicil our shores returned Jgiiin btsl week. Wo nlludo to Gen. Phil Sheridan, Mrs Lincoln nnd her son "Tad." Wl ethcr military tactics and socinl science will tinilei-tr,, n p., v. ' iwatiso ol h,.,P rui,1Pn wo Vendalltm in Freinre. Tho Pittabnrgh I't I layil Tbe report! from Parte have grown liekeniug in the last dcgreoi in their detail.. There it no eort or outrage that tho leader! of the Commune have not added to the long liat of their criraci murder, arion, randal inii and irerylhing elle that ii infantum. Ilul all tin-He txocaaia are I'Ut the legitimate tciuhioga of lb! Rovhclorta, the Hugo!, tho Ma liuni! and the Uarabaldia, who aro act p aa the leader! of advanced idraa in Bar ope, and nit tblir admirer! and imitator! in thia country. Our own "agitatora" only lack the opportunity to eel nn the bloody Cumuiune aud dilute the oountry with gore. Tho vnndalb'n etill proirre 'e!. The Arede Triooiphe, the l.uxuuibourg 1'alacea, the llutel de Villf, tbu Tuilleric! and tbo proud-at monument! of art and architecture, whii-h iiiaiIo I'ari!, ai it were, the capital of the world, aro given over to the toreb ol the incendiary, aim a oeutury or un interruptrd peace will not recture the doomed city. Too tuiiat revolting murdrr! !vor recorded are ooruuiitlrd by "the patty of groat moral idea! and advanced prlnoiple! of liberty," and neither age. oomlilinn nor aea aro able to plead euooeairully a ith the brutal ferocity of the mob. Tho l'ari mob of 1S7I, maddened with the French and Italian ideal of infidelity, wilt atand foretiioat in Ilia aimall of bietory for the ferocity of their crime!. It te to be regretted th:it the veil of oblivion cannot be thrown over their el ectee!, that even the example might not be banded down to coming g nerutiont." Tho murder of un Archbishop and Fifty Priest is horriblo enough, but tho fact that evory streot Is filled with tho bodies of those put to death by the Commune leaders.is producing n horror nnd Blench cquul to tho terriblo rovo lution of 'F9 nnd '92. Tho "ndvnnco nnd progressive" lond ers in tins country among tho tier gys such as Beccher, Tyng, und Clco ver; and politicians like Wendell Phil lips, Charles Sumner, Horace Greoley, Senator Morton and their adherents nro laboring with all their might to brings about similar ii religion und vandalism, and will succeed just ns soon ns tho peoplo become a littlu more proud, profligate and debauched, morally, socially nnd politically. Tho men indicated nro tho forerun ncrs of similar acts in America, pro viJed they follow those wicked leach ors. ted and lliick Republican arc made out of exactly the samo Btiifl", and aro merely operating in different countries. Tho piescnt murderer of tho French peoplo and morals were born in the Revolution of 1818, nnd in twonty fieeyears have completed their bloody work. Now they will bo ull hung or banished, it is true, but their bloody work is dono, and it will Uke Franco scvenly-fivo years to recover from tho evils inflicted upon her by those godless theorists, who occasion ally alllict a country worse than frogs and locusts combined. t'opperheail Ureilty. Tho celebrated philosopher, Greeley, , is now down south telling iho people of that section "whal I know about farming." Although ho ha boon be yond the I'ototnac, and linally "on to Alihongh ho has been be I'ototnac, and fi tin 1 1 v "on to Richmond," (where ho wanted till our soldiers to gn during tho war, yet never stalled himself,) for moro than two wciks ho is still nlive yet, not having seen n single Ku Klux since ho It rhiladelohitt. Iiesides tellin.' 1 c;,i.ijil.ijoii.isii.v llela al o it IS yrnra old. What he knOWS about farming, ho, IIS f"t nine or Ion in. lir a in hrisM, low furhead, .l l.-...l.. i .1 iii i. 1 tirotn, dirty Iti'-itii-i; hair, one l.li..-nud one irrir usual, has ulso been dabbling in poli tics, to Ihc grent damage of Gi ant and tho ''loil millions of the north." 'J ho N. V. Post is anxious lo know if tho Tribune will rebuke Greeley. In bis speech at New Oilcans, ho is reporled lo huvo said : "There would nol be u Ku Klux in the land now if ihcro had been general amnesty five years ago. It would have muted the peoplo and healed the wounds pro duced during tho war." Ahhorllhno ugo, w hen General .Sherman ma.Io speech in Xcw Orleans, in which he was reported to havo said that the Ku Klux bill is unnecessary, the Trib une called him an unsafe p ilitieian. Will it rehuko Mr. Greeley for not supporting the policy of tho parly t If Sherman and Greeley don't koep quiet, or continue lo lie und suppress tho truth, (tho uianuro which makes Radicalism flourish,) they will bo rid out of tho loyal congregation of the present taking "government." SoMurit's IIdmiktf.aik A discharg ed soldier who has settled in Kansas wi iu s to a Wcslern paper soiiui do- tails of his experience, which will be ol intcivsl lo those of hnijod means i " i-.ii in eti:ii;e in lurmini: wiiore hind is cheap, lie located u hotnu stead of I'l l acres in Iliekiusou county. within fourteen miles of tho Kanas Pucilie Railioud as -rood laud, he says, ns can bo found in Kansas or in Kentucky. His homcHtcad cost him ?1S (V.I; ho has lo live on it five years, anil ul the expiration of that M-itotl. if ho can prove he litis not been absent from it moro than six months nt one lime, ho can get u patent for it from the Government, and il is (hen bis lo dispose of ns he thinks proper. The only advantage tho soldier hns over tho citizen in this matter is, that ho can tako under iho Homestead law Rill acres of land w ithin twenty miles of a railroad lo which land grunts havo been made, whilo the citizen can luko only Sf'J acres, liul outside of railroad limits there is no sin h dis litiction. Wutor is found tbero by digging, nt nn n vera go depth of lorty feet. Timber is scarce and lumber expensive. Horses nro high, hut In dian ponies can bo bought alfrnm p:t(l lo tin) ench. I hey are good lor herd ing or lor common light service. Texas cuttle can bo bought, ono year old, nt 85 to 8'i ; two years old, f Ii) to 812; Ihreo years old, (Hi to S.'H. They nro generally very poor when iney tirrivo in liio Mate, hut praino jxms-i is plenty, nml they soon improve m condition; micli.is i-s cf.vr ''onbln their money on them in n single year. Railroad hinds nro selling there from, i'i to fr7 per sere. Tiif. Platform. There Is no rea son Why the people should mistake their interests in voting for the ro spectivo parties who now claim their siilfrnge. A sumtiiHiy of tho princi ples of (ho two pirtie is a siitlleiont guide for tho peoplo in making their selections M ripped ol all uuiiecrsMi ry verbiage, Iho platforms nro as fol lows : - hrmnrmh't Phtnrm. 1. Public honeaty, 2. National enonoiny. i. Reduced taxation. 4. Free government, ft. I il'iividiial lilrty. ft. Male aoaeieignty. 7. tiencrul aiiiLtalv. floiicol rialform. I. Tho S. Five 3. Loarca 4. And 5. Thn 0. Tao T. Fialice. It in mill tltnt NiiFHiir-r him lolil a mcmln-r of liio Ilimto tli.il liio "inn liir whicli Aiitln w Jolumnn wpi im. ppiit lifil with liiii' ii8i,(iy eompurpd with th io whicli (itnnt ciTiriit. J tha JIlSILACKU Co.NFIDI.NCI!. 1 he New York Sun says : "A minister near Kile- ton, Kentucky, is ino last viciim oi misplaced confidenco. Tho reverend gentleman invested 1104,5 in a pack- ugo of snwuusl anu iron sunt, 10 mm by express from one of tho Now York sharpers who Ishii circulars uffuring to supply ncounuTois wmi cuunioriuu money for genorn! circulation, not withstanding that no was cautmneu by the express agent before paying tbo money. After taking tho package home and opening it in A pi irate room, without wilncssos, ho entered suit against tho express agents to re cover tho amount he had paid, found ing bis suit on the allegation that bo bad not received tho "morciiundiro bo expected. Tho propriety of taking steps to secure a now Held of labor for this clergyman Is being discussed among his parishioners." 1 .. ! Tho Philadelphia Vcji nays that tho Democrats "havo nominated a re spectable ticket and adopted a resect able platform." When tho work ol the Democralio Convention wrings praise from tho unwilling pen of Forney, wo may wel bo satisfied with it. That ponderous and cosily incubus, iho Froeilmen's Bureau, is endeavor ing to revive itself, by furnishing in flammatory fictions through its pre tentions, hypocritical, a ud limo serving Chief, General O. O. Howard. Vico President Colfax is said lo have been brought near liio door of death last week by excessive smok ing. Grunt ought to take warning. "itvi !!.wti.srmrnt$. 11IIK AI F.i-Hi. tlt'OGIKS and leieral ' two horw WAUON.S, by K. A. IRVIX A CO. Curweimille To, May 31, IK7l:lt. OGG1 TOWKMIIP AWTItll If you wnnl a good l.iliria Wami, fiuithud up a workiunnhke miinuer, gj lo May al, lnil.tr IIHKHSC. .iiih hai.i;i Valuable Hotel in Wallaceton I A Urpe mil cotninnittotii TavtM-n PfunJ riiante on V.io mrnur of "tirfif.J ntij IlitiiL'lunr.n ptrrct in (tie riling t.f Wnliitc . t.m. To T t.lhn Ik i i"2 fret In til", wi'h (r il utoblinj Mm-hcJ tu llir prrmlpfi. The IIoiit but) ft fiir khnrr of llic jmMic pirn2P "" "ill fal on iiH'Irrntp trrnu. Fur flirt tier in To niifitin aji'l to the iuL wrihfr, rniiinj on the prrmino. My .11 -2tn (JK. W. I1AUKINR Valuable Grist Jlill For Sale! rpiiK un.c:icned oflor l-'or Ft'e a Griat Mill, r-lliti? II, mac an 1 Store ll-ur., athmir in Now Millport, Clrarlield eouulr, The Mill ii in if'iol cnJi-ion, hnvlsjr horn rrsiirrd and pul in Aio. llr.nt (,r,l..r till,i,i lltn IbjI t n,.,l l,n. f I paying enaloin. ll initiated in one ..f the h"" ("-"'"it '"' th-o,ih-r, whirh I di-oi.o,y ii,orra-ra In mine. Tho Dwelling i II J ""' i'r"l ' w'u u ulJ j so Afiik-i ok I.and, '""l in TunWr Land. iTW rerun nn to known on ftt-plioition to the unl'itiirtirt at Nuw Milliit 1. it. May l 3n J')l F(-X. t$30O ISonnrd! rp:iE COMMISSIONKIt-t of rirartleld e, ui.tr 1 ofl'or the nr-ove ton-ir.l for the anent and artfe 'l"!""."', "...'.h' ,ni! nf.."'" fvr",i'1 """y " e;,e, Miiu l.ioo, durk c n: leiion, bijf I ,j,a, ami aoro.a uppor lip, an I ha one (lunar eutolTthe rifht hnud iim in I, i lli.jj.r. Si, J,,l,,non hal boon liinr nrar tilonn l,ipe, thia ouuoty tor tome time pa.it, 8. II. KIIACPNKlt, ., KU'IO lilCli, Mey 2(1, ISTI, t'oroinirai.ini'ni. rp ii i: i. a t i:m t i ovEi TIIE LATEST MOVE! HARTSWICK & IRVIN'S 1) n U S TO U K, To th.ir nf I.ull.ltnj on Frrimt Flrnt, ncitlv cij.poit. tin ati.rr of Wravrr A Itolta, CLKARFIKLI), PA., Where I hey will continue to utipply llnlr obi tu 1 ai mai.y n.w ciiftoinorn as mtj i-uine, wKh C II K M ICAL S f riiAitM.tt ri TK At. rnEr.uMrni.Ns, (In-'u.llnj all nrr. rrmi.lira,) ralrnl M...li.inia, Paint an.l Oila, CUaa nn. l'litly, S. h int lltinlia, Slatliinrrj, I'iprr, ,t.?.; alio, a full linn of I'rujr giita' Fun. trie., Ilmr Tiinir, Cunirli -a, P. r.'iimnie!, Tnilrt Arli 'li a, rtrunin j, T .il. t Hop. I'.irkit IIlcIii, lo . fill or llir bt ?t qualtl.T. rVRE )YKS AXD L1QVOI1S, far mi-then! A nrmmcntnl parputcl otil.r, Pure hlia I,M,, rlUr! or nil Un.K K anrl llollt-.l l.in,',.l Oil, yarnih.a, Tii'un. tine, Coal (Ml, Paint arniali ilrualir", KUruriiig Kxtrattta, Conr.-. t'nnerlea, Rlrd nngmund He.d, Ppice, groaad and , ol all kinda. SMOK K IJ S AND CIIBWKRS Will And nor itnoV nf rhfiiitn tid Sni'ikine Tnl.if.'o. hnpnrtrd nn I Un. tne-tio t't(r. hniitl mtd Fnm rut to li of thn wry best brand lu tti tnnrkrl. LAMPS AND CHIMNEY, AW hind of 1!,..SS WAHB, GARDEN Gl'.r.l), IH'HTCAL INSTnrMCXTS nd Ma lcl Tiimn.irigi of rtr .ariidj. llariBE Inn cii.rrifn tn lmlnr-, nnd an xtr-nrttrr aod w.-H wlwntH nlocfc of mdirinpi. wn ttrp panMpd ta (111 I'limitiiaDi' itir.iii.nt,a ihnriont noiico and on tha tnt n-aionahla tcrtni, mjr aud .tight. iMBTWICK , Hotirfl, II, pa.( May V, tTMf, inriN. rpHB LARGEST rol 13 KNOCKS TIIE PERSIMMONS, IN GLEN norm Jamel M. TJickry A To. keep for late tbe ohtnp eat Olaaa-Wtre and tbo beat Tea in the oounly. Beat (Mirer Drln at (1 26 neat lira Hive Ayrup at I CI) Beat Nn. 1 Byrup at. 61 WANTKD. ' 5,(100 iioundt Wool and 10,000 ?fl inch Hhingloe, for which the tugboat price will be paid ly JAMKS M. DICKEY A CO. (lien Hope, May 31-k'in T 1XT OP CAimr.H BET DOWX FOR 1 J trial at June Term, l71 1 F.att Wim. Francit H ti. Tbompton. A. Ilarter VI. lawi!, et. al. t M. V. French vi. Itomefuan, et. aj. W. W. Irwin ti. llenael, et ah A. R. Shaw a. (I. II. Smith. Knot A (Son ti. H. I). Taylor. A. Moyer va. J. O. Ilieuner. Snvder Ti. I.Jtle. P. Oawalt va. A. Kline'l Exccotora. K. V. Ilurxlhill rt. T. W hite. V. V. Iluniliall vi. T. White. Leonard A PiiinleT.. TI. P. dallaghor. Woodli-llow. uae. VI. llurclitiold, et. al. Iliinil A Hctiinuker... vi. McUarvey. iMctJuilkin va. Morrrll. Kubiaou VI. A. fiion". I.atiahcrry , n. AUkmI A Eio'licr. Thompton VI. Thompson. C. l.ydick- rt. Ii. V. 8milb. To Tax-Payers I TH ftcoorilrinre with nn Act of tli Grnnal Aa X. frmbl.V of Coinniotiwfnllli, npjiroved llic Titl tiny of March, A O. W0. "rclnting to the enllrction of tapi in tti" ')nnty of t leirfitli, Huthv I iliPrcit.ro hcrt'liy Jtircn to 'bo tnxpsTrra roitling In tlio dhlrifti be low finniM, tlmt (hp County TrcBi'tircr, io BCforilnnre ih the nceon'l crtttiun of tftiil Aot, will it ten J nt the plncn of holding tho borough mid townnlnp vlretiont on ile ftillowing no mei dnyt, fur the urpopp of re cririiig ttx ('uuuty ut ut Utxct ud Wiliti Vine MtcMed for b7 I . Slrrobnntl and olhrrt wt.o owe a tUtt License will lt-fie War io mind th:vt they are duo luo: Far II up Urn, Monday, Juno l'.th. Ft Union, TuratUv. Juno 20(h. Fur Urady, M r JtirnJuy, June 2 Int. " " T!iurdav,(at Writ I..!.erlyJun J2, " Friday, (at Trcutr;!!r.; Juu 2U. For Doom, Bniurdnr, Juno i Ith. For Woodwind, nt Thomui Hrndr-rion!, M n 1 iy( Juno ?dtb, from 9 a. m. to 12, and at I'mty vilk from 2 p. in. to 6 p. m. For (lolich, Tuflny, .lune 27th. Kir llcccmria, Wit liit-PiLiy, June 2qlh, For Jorditn, Thumday, Jitnn Z'.'th. For Ftkuhiiii, Friday, June Ziilh. For Knui. Suturln,v( July lit. Ft Nrw Wnthington. TiidT, July 4ih. For (Mtiit, WodnoMdity, Juty 6th. For Hurnkido, ThurJyt Ju'y Atb, at elation house. For l'urnidr, Friday, July 7lh, al r.uriipi lc. t llrll, K.i.itrday, aluly Ktli, at It. Mfthatioy H, For liumbor t'ity, Tudy, July I Mb. For IVnn, Wrdntuday, July ll'tn. For Uradfurd, Friday July lUb. Ptirtli'i can a)o (my their taxee at the Trraii- rr oflirfi at any time from tin forward. I p on all taxra paid on and fireviuut to Ihedati d'inatfHt tluTo will be a reduction of five per ci-tit. Alter tbe 1t of Hrptrinler Ave ier ernt. will be added, whif h Miakci ten per tent, for prompt payiueut. LEVER FLKtlAL. Treasurer' 0.1'n-, Trcururrr. t'lrnrfield, Fit.. May , 1 71- Taxes & Ilish Prices Repealed! A XliW STVIIT! CT.EAT r.KDffTinS OF I'HU'KS 1 t; HKAT ATTIIACTIONS, at HARTSOCK ii GOODWIN'S, ClRlVKXSViLLE, PA., ' Cauaril by ttir oprntny of a nrw lot of SPRING k SUMMER GOODS! r i , We take ptoMUT In informlnK our eld at well il new ouMntueri. and the txibhe fft-nerally, that wo have returned rroin the fca?t with it largo nu Wfll net re ted ttoi k of Riwdn. We call epeeial nltentina to our ele:tnnt naortmnt of iilk and lreei t)fnl, in everT variety, ('itueren, (.'ottnnn Jett, Jram and tSbeeti !(;, and every VAritljt it Itoiticntte Pry ihnulr, t prior in uit the timee. !.adtr and Children fhoe A ():iitcri in rndkf rant it. Call and examior ibeto. Ato, Wrn and llyn itooi and phoe. of evtry kind nnd pi lee, llata and ( apt (n every ttyle. II .op fki-t', Fkeletnn and ()Ne fitiinir CoriW, I!n. ierj and tlhnc, l'.M-kot Cmler? of the rtumt Knglnh mako, htinpn, Perfumery aiitl Notion! ol all kmdd, (UOCI-MtlK. FIHI. gl KK.SWAF, HALT. II A UbWAHK, PAINTS, Oil, Wood and Willow War, trujr nnd Patent Mcdielnei, and la fiet overrlbiiiK you want, All of whieh will be told cheap for eah or country pradce. vVUoul ami Sliort ShinsV Wanted! 1UHTSOI K A fJO(IVIX. rurwrnMllle. Pa.. Mir 2f. ITI 2m. BViiiimj Ivnnla ICaiUroad TYKONS A CLEARF1KLD IUIANC1I OV and after Monday, MV l."th, 1K71, two I'avener Traim wi il run daily (except Him. day) bet no n Tymne and Cb-arfadd, aa tut loir tt: ( I.KAHFIKI.n MAIL. LF.AVK BOl'TJI. LKAVK KORTII. Clearfield .1(10, p. w Tvrone .S,A.t. j Heroin..-. .,. " rinlipHbur)r.....4.):., OM-roia 4.20, Tvr"ne b t, i i ll m )" uiirg , ., I ir. v, HeartirM 11.10 Cl.KAHFIFi n KM'HF.SS. """""" LKAVK SOt TU. I LEAVE NOIlTII Cb-nrlVld tM . Tyrone ft i0 r. ! Intrrre.-linn ...7.01 " ! 0een! fl irt w i Plltlipobarn ...MA , CU nrtield. ar...o 111 " Philipi-burg... n u Daeeola B.2fl " Intereeetion... 7.7 ' Tyrone " 0 " FAKK AND DISTANCKS. FKUM CLEARFIELD. FROM TVRIISK. at r J A . II Station. is : fitaliona. Leonard 1" ttiliraeclion 4 2" Vanoyoc f Oardne'r a .Is Ml. I'lennut...,l I 4' hnmmit . Rl n.lv Ridge. ..1.1 .' I'nwelltnn If f." Ilarrnla Hl V liiml nr 51 ' 71 Mielner'a ri ii I'lilllpihiirR 8i llliie Hull 21 Woodland..., Illilor W iiiLiceton .. I'l.ie Hull. 1.1 IMilllp.hiirg IT Ktoinera' 11 Iiuiil nr 20 Om-ciiU t Powelllon ?4 Sandy Hi lgo...."d Siiiiioiil ?7 Ml. PIea.anl....ll WiiMncelon :i flardner .1.1 l I'd HlgleT..... 11 annorno HI I 8i Woodland... IntiTiortion .17 I 1 Leonard Troic 11 I t lent fl lil . H.I fl (Id ..S9 1 III A I I VII VAKK !'l!OM fl.KA RFIKI-D, TO Drllefonte, Pi ... Irtick Hiivelt WillhmeiMirt II iinlingdun I.rwialown Mirtaville HARRIS III' 111) ..t! ftMMid llrlnwn n no ., I 70 Marietta .... I M .1 AO Lnncnetcr A HI ., i co.I'HlLADrLPllIA 7 US .. t sn Alioom 1 OS .. 4 Mtj.lohnalnan 1 J" .. 4 TilPITI'SHI Rtl I IJ Clrtrflold Mul North rnntuN-t frtim Cinrlttimtl RprM WrM, nnd llnrrilnitg: A-'ofiTnTirvdiitiitn Knit, on main line; mid Cliitrllfld Mnil 8mt.h ri niKrl with Cinrintinti Kht'i Kit!, anil Mud tVcn fn tnnin linn, nUn with Buld FurIo Kxpit-h nt, for l-wk llnvrn. nnd p'dnti Vrnt of Lo.-k llnvrn. Clmrfiold Ktprrtl North itoiiTifnti fioio Mnil Vrtt nd Citifinrtl Ksprrn Kst, nln frm Itnld Ktif Mml Hl) nd Clrntftrld lprr- poih ponnffin with IUrtifliiifr A.TMiinioiUtit.n y.ttt, l.'icnl I'wupriger Woul fur Altcton nnd II. l li.Uv:.ur H nnc I,, Uo with Huld Klo Al ml Kn't, fir l(H-k IUvn nnd W i!!iHtnnrt. TiikinK tli'Brrii ld Ktprrl touth, i'hllipihur); painitrii rrai h Ilrltf'tint ind rrluro htne thn j (timn 'lay, and ClrnrfMd pi,rpprr pan ma- b William-port, HirrMmrg, or If llidayilurg, and ratura tli taw dsv 'nafT-ri for Wil.iitmaii.nt-t liinil.l Ink Rld t K.igU Kaat, anl pawner for punt- Wfl , nf l.oek Hnvnn, nn V. A E. R. R ltild l'Xnraai Kit. OKUH.E C WILKIXS, myl7 if. Fup'rinndr.t. j UARIHAN H SAI-Ii 'or Valuable Real Estate ! Br virtuo of an orJer of the OrrWi' Court. ma do the 13tb Jnouary, A. I). 1H71, iud oa the Slit March, A. I. IN" J, enlarged and eontinued until June term, 171, Hinry Ihlo, K q , will aell at Public 8ale, at tbe Court Home, io Clearfield, MONDAY, JUNE 5, JftTI, At I o'clock, p. m., tbe following tieaeribvd prop erty, lituate in Knoi townabip, late the property of Oeore Ploei, now owned by hii minor rhtl. drcn, of whom Henry Ilile ii UuardiiD. bunuded auil deacrlbf d aa followe: Un the aouth by land of John Floaa, deceaaed ; on the weet by land of Jamei Haley and Hamiiel Hay i on tbe north by land of Mavi and Erhnrd ; and on the caxt by lamia of Mra. Margaret Hioaa ; betue- part of a larger tirt-rv in nauit of Adam Rode; containing 1 All- AC'HKH, more or leas. About .10 arret olearid, with Home and Barn crorted thereon j balance being Timber Land. TKKMS: Fifteen per cent, of the purcbaae money when pnipcrty ta knocked down, ooe-iblrd of balance at con Arm at ion of fa'o, and bulanct io two equal annual paymcnti with In tercet, to be ae ourod by bond aud mortgage on the premlaca. HENRY II ILK, May 17, 1B71 3t . Quardian. Houses and Lots For Sale ! Iwill act I a will linprorcd Houaa and Lot, ailu ated on I.-KMiat it reel, U-twito Thud aud rour'h ; aud a lare well finished new Houre and two Lot i, aituattd on tbe eoutb ai corner of Locust and Fourth atrcel-K. 't term and eon Ji--tiona ap-l to JOHN W. fell L Alii Clia.iii-id Muy 17tb, 2m. J) K I V A T Ii g A LB or Valuable Real Estate I The rubacribiT will offer at private ante, on r'aonable term a, tbe following Ileal Katatc, aitu ato in alorrii township, t Itaintld eouuty, pa., coutaiuing ItIO A Hi:S and allowance, and having thereon ereeted a two-etory plank ilouo, 2 -i:U feet, frame Itarn, AtUHO feet, and all the other meeiaary outbuilding, all In good order and repair. Ten aur of an Ore bird of the choireat vamtira of fruit. A never failing Jpriog at tbe bouae and a Well at tbe barn. One hun drid acnaof il ia underlaid with a Tern of the l-eat fuality of t'ual, fix lett and atd-n inebca in ttiirlcneaa, open to tti.tetion at any time. p: S"uT lurthrr information inquire of tbe rub ecu bur at bia residence in Mt-rni townbip. DAN IK L I:i:a.M, Kyivrtown P. 0. i-.lJiu) Agent of Geo. Uvam. K T VIRGINIA Timber and foal Lands FOR S A L I Th" fcllowing tracla of Timber and Coal LanJa are oflcreil for nle: (ne tract of 17,0(0 acre, lying n the l.lk Hirer, in Wnbater county j throe tract lyint; on the an Die rirer in Krnxton eouuty, two of b.UvQ acrea each and on of 1,01)0 aeree ; and one tract containing ll..",t 0 acrea, Ivinron tbe llauley Hirer, in Nicholaa county. Thetitlca to thea landa are perfeet. Anr ttiforinatioo concerning there. Undtfin be bad by addrraing U. 8. Fi.KWAL, March 22, In; I -1 f. Philipburg, Pa: Farm for Sale I (10NTAININU U ACHKS, In a good atate of cultivitinn, aitwatid in I'ike towimbip. t Kar ri eld eounty, P., about eighty roda from Lngiin'a l-louritig Mill, on the turnpike leading from Tut weiiftvtlle to ( leaifli'ld. Ilnving a story and a bull hrtii", atahle and out-buildmti thereon. There ia nlo a good aprin an 1 a young on-lmrd on the premier. Any pertn 1--irin; a ni e little h"nie will find Una a very i.i"tm.ile loritinn. For further piirlieulnra inn ti ire of lUchel Cald well, on the preuiiaca, or a Ilre T. W. FLLMTNO. Marrh 29 tf. Curwennvillc. Pa. nt CiooiH, ttromirs, tf tr. SPUING GOODS! JUST RECEIVING I TrollT CU.ICOES. SI'I.ENDin inc. CALt J cK-a, lielalnea. f-hirting C'beeka, MtHlina, I'lui.l-. IVb.tc tloi.dp. Piri-.i'ca, J.aueie Mlka, llla.-k S IL.. Hilk l'...lii.., Ii:,ck A!pn.-a,, TaMe Linena, V, In tenia, t'liaul, B ya' far-i.tncrta, Ac. at j. JULE.S krazk:;'! i IL O.JIKRV, FII.K OI.OVK!" I1FT PAI1IS Kid illoiea, Lace Cjllaea. Hnir Switchiaand jiiona, Hoir Neta, Corartl, Hoop r-'kirll, Ac. AT J. MILL KIlATZKH f ! DRESS THTMMlNfl.5, r'TI.K IRIMir.S fnlin, Veil it Itil.liuna, Puttuna, Ac. AT J. SULK KltATZKU-f! rpillM.MLII IIAT. IlllllKiNS, JL Miliiiieiy tiuoda, AcM Ar. at J. milks khatxek si Uxr.yi Ai.Kn FTorK of hthes1 and t'lnldren'a Shora and (liiilcra. M.-n'a Frem.k Kip and Calf lloola. Call and Lamm Unitera. Ac. AT J. MILES Kn.lTZEn-?! O i'iE('i;t wall api:r-o. i .(VVVJ f 1 -Oil per bolt farpcta. Floor Oil ( li.tha. Window 8bd.a. heat Whim limailo Tel Ware, lilaat Ware, Table knirei and Forka, Ac. AT J. MILES Ktt.VTZEITH! IIIHU'K TKAS, Cdl FKE, ANII OTIIKR ncerlea, ilrtad Atoilea, Practica. (.'herrica. uiief, Can tied Tcachci, Toniatove, Com, Ao. The (iIk.vo. with an Immenae ttne nf other Uooda. have been houcht at the loneat eaah pricea, and will bo of end al rcry low ralea. iaT"Coin. and examino them whetlier Ton buy or not. J. M. KRAT7.KR. (Formerlr C. Krntier A Pons.) Next Jo .r lo II. F. Iligli r A r,..- Hardware Store. ( le.rfield, March 1J. I7I If. COURT PROCLAMATION. TT.FI.m., Ho;. C. A. M Y KR, PnM,,:! 1 Judtft i.f ids Court or Cum to on IMa rt ih Twrnt.T fafih Judirml Mptrirt, rorormitd of tb iiuniiri uf I'lfurticld, Ontr and Clinton. and lion. Sami it ( tt n end Hon. Jacob m.- nii.M, Aftoriat JvdtfoB of ClaarBtld rounty. Iiav lucd tlit ir p'tmpt, to ma dirtrttd, tor tot huld i ok f a Curi of Common I'laaa, Urphaaf' Court, Ouirt of Quirtrr Sfinn, Court of Orr and Tfrminrr, and Court of (IrnerAl Jail Dutir fty.il thr t'ourt Hnoiieat rinrni-ld. In and f r ilia 'iinljr nT Clrntflrld. comnif tinnjt nn tha l-'lml Monilaj, .'.Hi ilay ol Jump, ,rid lu e ntinun twci wrok. KOTICK If, therrfoTr, he rely pirrn. In lha CoTtnr-r. Joftioi-i of the IVnoe, and ConnUhlr, In and lir mii county of Clciirflcltl, to ai-pnnr in Ihttir proper piron, with thttr itrcordit, KolU, IiMiuieoUunt, Kxamiimiiun, and other hrmpui brnnroii, to do thorns thiOKi whirh to their ofliuea, and in thMr bf Itnlf, prtain to be dona. IJ 1 V E N nndrr my hand at Clrarflrld, ft la l?th riay of May, In tha year of our Lord ont thousand aight hundred nnd rrmr nni. JlaSUN J. riK," hrrif. S. PORTER SHAW, D. D. S.v Ti Oliirn in Mn'onic ItuiMinjf. Q-?S Cl.KAItHKl.ll. A. Tutting of (In ninril trrth In a hrnlthv. pr. porralirennd unrful fondition itsniKla a rpfoinlir. linfafiii and mHttrmti tnncominnn to tha month, j jhw and afnoriat prt, aro trantrd and eonrotrd with fiur vun'MiiK. hxatiiiuiiiiitiii ami o iniulta tioni r.iFH. rrimn for partial ind fnl nvlt of tpeth marh lowrr th in 1 H T 0. Ii wnld Ihw M for PaMrnin from a diitann In Irt ut know ly I mtil a frw 'IkJ" befttra prninn to the oOicr. It f ii vrrr ImpnrtH: that phildn o hetwifn the im j of t and iwi'ha .!' should have thiir trrth oitmitid. IU Aniit!iori Twth am romnvr d ' witkrn.it pitin. fohli'71 j J. M, STEWART, O. D.S., (Ihlc. nrer lrwlli'l llluf Ftoia, crRWEVPVIM.K. PA. All dm In I onrallonii. either In (ba mitohauioat or opnratirv lirani l , pnnnplly attended la and nttita?ti(in gunrantii d, hporial it'intin pud to thr tn ntuioiit of dipmcf if the natural terth, mnm and niotilh. IrriRitlnrity ol thn Irtnlh huq. wMlnlly porrrt'ti-d, i reth r xtraotnil w ilhout pain hy Hip unn of lither, and artificial u-eth Innnrtrd of thn hnt tnalnnat and warraultd to mndor nal- prtl3i'7l:ly rpn K CBI.FHH ATI.U RICHARDSON ROOT. Liahl Kp I'D. French Kip OK. S no. At C KRATZF.R . French Calf (Oj piai'n JtWM.M 1S71. 1871. FOR TIIE SPUING CAMPAIGN! FIGURES TU.iT ARE FACTS! REED BROTHERS' Drj Goodi, Noiloli. Trimming A Milliner; I muorlum, CLEARFIELD, PESX'A. Th. only exoluiir. Vrj Qoodi Store in Ibc countr. Study Your Interest! Buy Where You Can the Cheapest 1 D,Ii T GOODS: Heavy and fine Brown Mneline, Lleaflnd Mui lf n a. eitra wide Rrown end fi leached t-beftingt. Pillow Cnalng, Ticking, yickory Slripe, D'nimi, Ulue Drilla, Cottouadoa. Ci'iimrrer, Flannela. PHtitB, Dolninea, Pefnlra. Lawn, tlrenadinra, llernaniea, Bunitncr Pill. jApancao fi-k, (Mack Bilk, very rod. nl f 1.15 rrr yard. The ahore are new, fretb good, and bnve only lo ba priced to anow oi tueir remarkitoie ciitapne. HOSIERY: Ladiea' plain and ribbed Ho a, UJe. to 1.25 per pair, C'htldn-n'a plain end fency Cotloa If&fc. Uen'a UrnwD and Blue Mixed Hoee, Bupcratnut and rupcrflne Itnttirb Hgolar Aladn Hone. Iial briggan and Liale 1 bread Hne, Ladiea', Mieera', ( hildrr-n'a, Oent'i and Boj-a' India (Jauie and iiicia i hrean I'nrterware. I.adica', Men 'a and Cbitd-en'a Berlin. Liale Thread and bilk G iorea. Chi 'drt Va Kid Olorea, I.adha' Kid Olorea, all colore, (I lb and J.0Q por pair. tJcnfa Kid Glore. all colore, LitJc 1 breed and Uerlin Ulovei. WHITE GOODS: Tiii Jca, cliolcc slIii io Flrtpci, Fiurci, Curili indlalin Fini.hrd. 20 to olo pfrrard; Jaconela. Nnnioi ka, Virloria Lao. Swiai Mull, whilo and colored TarletRn, Tup. Cbrcki. Mopquito Xi-l, Curtain X.t, 2.,40. HI and o rcoK and II. 00 n rard ; Ti.wlea and Tnwlinjt. Uroirn aod Clt-acbod lMl!e liniiFka. llklnf, (junta, Ac Knsrliah "rochi.t Kdfinra, Imperial Kmbroid ry, Ke,;ialered Kmbroldery, Valencia Laeo, Not lit,Bham l.aee. Krillinr. Aletandria Fnllini, llaiobor( Kdninf. Inarrlir.ir. l!a?l it.d Alaara nranj nuinme. llcrrnlri iiraiil, Alpaca Crtid, llnir Nola, I'lm k and Ilrnwo Ha-ilchea. Chignona, Butloni of ever draeriptioo, bli-erc llultoca, do. FANCY GOODS: I.ar r.illar., I.lnen Collari and Cuffi. fnder- iWvci, Chimiaeti, llandktrchiefi. Tie! and Bowl. I'it.bna aod Milliner tiooda, Tiiuiujrd llatl aod tonnetl, Ac, Ac. SrMtiyerf will p'oaae ,;lva tliil their attcQ. tion. Time and monej will bo aarco. r.tmcmber Ihc place : REKD EnOTHEHS, mv IT Market atreel, ricarlielj, Pa. I ) IIOIMTF.H'S XOTICI---Kotic.il hereby (Tten T?at tin fulinaing aiuunti har. been exHinined and paHd by me. uhj remain filed ol j revnrd in ttnl ofl.e. for lb. inspection of h.-ira. IcjHleea. credirori, and all otbera in anrotbor wr ioU're.ted, aud will bo preaenu-d to the next tr. p;,an!' Conit nt I'leartii Id county, lo l held at tbe Court Houv, in the boroush ol t'learficld. com. liien-ing on the flrat llonjar (being the lib davt of .lune, A. 1. I,l. Final acouiit of John Fluaaill and Milta R ' Fpeooor, Kxecntun of William Clrartr, lalo of I'ciio luwnbip. Account if IT.-nrT AlWrt, f!oar.lian, Ac. nf Eioreiicc M. nn I Sarah J. Hnmra. ni'nor ebil dr--n of Samuel llainr. late of lira Ifurd towu lliip. with petition f.ir iliaebarre. linul acfonnt of William Motion. Eieutorof Joseph Alichacl, lata of ltuinaine townrhip. Rrntarnn a Orru c, 1 A. W. LEK. Clcnredd, Pa May In, li71 o. ) ll-giaier. T 11X1 TI1 TISI STOVES! STOVT.S! tToVll WArLP. k IIARTMAN Ieaira lo Inform tho c'.tiunt of Oaceola and the public g-iierallr, th:it tli y have juji tnotl a lrnge and aileJid aasortim nt of Olorea, llouro h!l Ilar'laitie and .l.niipid aod Jimmied Wiiii tif all kin 1.. AImi tliit we m.itml.ic:ure n-id kiop lotlwiillj on hand a lull nii.ur u.int of Tiiiuo-j.'a Wtt, which nc will di.poao of af eilli.T who'. , air or reti.il. t Mi.t (urv',i ieia. Looting, 8,outin, Kepaiiiiitf and all kiuda of Job Work done lo Older and Willi diepatuh liict alli nliuu paid or.bring article! fur par lira iloainng it. t'oiifiliti-ra nill Und il lotlulr advantnsr 11 nr -t;Be IV.'n ul. Our atock aril prir-p n ill eat i IV you ih-il we do at II g.ol ltinl al pricea thnt p'.T.ae tbe pop'r. ou will nn I u nn Curlin t:rcet, nearly op- poaite the I'T' l-MTTrc llo'el. Ojje-.la Milla. I n . May III, ls:.if "y O IT R ATT i: STIOM JCJT F'Mt A MOMENT! Are yon in need nf a irood art of Ilnrnrai Are you in need or a good Sad lie or Drid'e? If an. ea'l at lha Sad lit and Harnraa Shop of Jim C. IIakwii k, where you can get I lie best in the market. Doul.l,. aud .'ingle llarwcs! and Ln dii a'iind (lent'a Saddleaof fuperior workuianahip, alwaia on Imnd "r inaniilVlorftl to nr.hr, tipo. rial hII HI ii.ii ia l olled to my ,o,:k ol t.'ollari and llamii. which ar - Ihc het In uac. I ulao bavean a.'oriinrnt of Sa.l.llera- llardaatr, which will he di-poaed of nt rrnaoiiiil.le ratia. I'.i pairing of all hinja promptly attended to. i-i..llon't loryct to enll l.rforo purchning elarnhcre. eh"p iu Ura hm"a Row. Market alreoi. Clearfield. Pa. May S, ISTI-ly. J.IIIN C. H.MtWICK.- II'aiiKiiien tor Wiile ! rim if .,.,1 k. .i i, e . , rilllK unl.r. gned have on h.mJ Iwo fuH-clan ENtilNES, one of 23 horae powir anl the other !0 horae power, which they will SL1.L AT A RARtiAIX I They nri eomplot. in trerjf particular, and (Inlt'.icd in the rcry h,M itylc and warranted. Thoac In nei 1 of ont had bvlkr co,-,cpntd wit', ! or call upon niiiLEn, voi xii i co. riearfielil. Pa , April II, 1.171 m. ISAAC K. STAUFFEH, watc ii r, ji ivki itv, 1 18 North Stond St , eor. of Quarry, rillLAIlELIMIIA. An n? irlmrnl nf Wntchee, Jewalrt. Pllver and Jl,Ucd War. eontanllyon hand, hrpairinrnl H alchra and Jencliy proniplly tile micd lo. 3::'y FURNITURE, MATTRESS, FEATHER, Y , BTDDINQ WAREROOMit, ' x 44 NOIITU TENTH BT , s7 ( HAUira Fl IMTt in: Pnile llr.l. Tola. Spring Maltreaaea, Ilair Haltretic.. 1 1 ilea. Mattreiiea, Mtraw Maltreaaea, Frmhera, Fenthir Red', llolalert and Fillnwa, (onnterpan.t. dm (or!ahlea,alHankcta, Qnilta. Call and tn tin WOVEN WlRB MATTHIifW, The Leal f.er nfl'ered for talc. N. II Oor iMrntinn la to tn it l) cual. mrra an that they will become permanent dea'era with ua, aod ordera will receive the eitme attcnlinti and prr illl can buy Jnal al ehe.ipnt If pre-ert a t the "" March , 7 Sin FI1IIK A1i:illCAS IIOI KK, rrnwExsvn.i.E. i Cut Arriti.n ColtitT, 1'ijm'a. Thia long Mtabllahc.l Ind popular hotel la atill k.pt hy Ih. .ulierioov, who aparet -io ort to plrtta all who patroniae him. "pn plae," it tht motto at tha American l(aae. and all that ia aeked ill trial. F.. W. RFKI), 1'roprieliir. I'urwinttllle, March 1, lN If. "VEfKTIES-Tha terj latrtl ityt.a 4 I !4 Clearfield County b3 rpuK t:. .ill, la C'oani, u,, 4 X Ird lo.llluilon ba. roi.y, '-l lb. lurrend.r of in ekiriar, on y"i All Hi nock la nana I,, , " U llleuolina. Hi. Ilatikiii. I.n.i ""Wt. 'lw,ai riivala Kai.kara oi.d.,' ' ol the "Clrarl.ld C'oulij jj,k " loDllila for tba debit ol ih. b..'l lr ill doii on riratnd at tba cun rerrlr.d and Inttrrat I aid ihn atjdlltna. Pin.r diainiri.,i . . aa bt-rvlifori. Our rtraon.l pl.dKd fnr all Mill rrrl,4 roniKi of lb. boaineaa oi.a of lb. rpicuoiiT .niKi'ra. Al Prr.id,,,, r oc.rj of 111 Ull Cl. ard.M r. ' "l rrquir. Ib nofa of .aid lank t d " inr reormpiing. IA8. T. LKONAHD, . FOII1EH. A. K. WRIGHT. n l .,."" M. A. Wallace Tho hnalnan of tbo Bank will K, .4 Jcho M-Ad.i... E,n.. ., Ca.bi," ,7 J. P. M'Girk. El BAHmG& COLLECTION BO" OP McGIRK & PERKS Foccraaort to Fontcr. Tci k I r V.lll-k.. ... . . i'-rK. n-mra t'ounti . tirilEIlE all Ibr tu.lrr,, r, E t. , 11 will oe tran!cted;,r,.Kr.:lj,jd"i' inu.t faroraole terua 1 1 County National Bank, CMAIiFIKI.D, T. Tni3 Eink Ii now ..,,. a,,a.Jtr BOM. Offic. on Ceeonil .t,... i.'.' Ing formerly occupied by LonnartFi,,,'.'? ninicroiii am orrirti.. JAH. D. GRAHAM, Hlrllinn in.. WM A WALLACE, WM. POHTK A. K. KIUUf. 0FU. L. KEEll JA.T.UoE( W. M. SHAW, Ju2S, (lj Catbier, rm,. 'lUisrcUanfotis. VKrtfrirtTAH-ii.J. I.. . a--uiif GREAT EXCITE.vr.v; at THOMAS BEERS'S! a iH.Kniivi-..i . ... i of being crowded ..ul Into tl. e. 1J ll joo want good ."hoelnir di ne. e ' Cl. If yoowant your leHt ir.,ntd i il.t, ,,lvB '" If yoa want gwd Mill Ironi. go to i. If yea want your wag'.n Ironed iniibil atrlM ...il ...L Li. . ..... n.-...u.vll,H, K IO g Bara mabri th. beat Mump Marl.ie, (t ii. State, and daa all kinda or HLA.h.-.MHimt aa ehi.p aa can b. don. In Iho omotj r clA tly roil ttfic. addr.at la Cle.tlieid H j n , liiDJUH BY.L!.i, Dogi Tp., Poo. 19, lSJJ.tf. Cheap ITu rait urc. JOHN GULICn i iiointis io Inform bli old frlerdi itJn,. Lf tcmen. that baTing .nlarged hii iki.uJ increaied hii facllltiei lor manoiaclnrit, ,,, now prepared to make tonrdrr.ucb Fcmt,,,, may ba deaired, in food aiylc and t chetm., for CASH. II. g 'nera'ly bl on hinj, u ij Fumimr. roomt. a raricd aaaorttBeat (f rni. tnode foraituri, amoog which lr. ' FTKEaUS AST) 8! PE-CO.AUt?. War.lrobeiand Bonk-Caaea; Ctntrt, Fofa.Pt.'i, Hreakfaat atd I'ining Fxtctiion Tullii; c.a' nion. French. poyt, t'otitpe, Jenny- hn d ai d t ! t llodaetdi ; Prfal of all kinda, UirL cutv lint-rick!, Wsah-ttnnda; Itoekinff anil i n Crura : rpTini--ieat, rant bottom, nar'r. -nindolhtrCha ra; Looking. Ulaam afnet d arription on hand aud new glaaicl ftt al, freinea, which niil be put In on ler rcatmll term nn ahcrtea t nolle. Ho alio ke.t. k..j or furniahci to nrdtr, I'crn-kurk, ilair 111 (o. ton tcp Mattreiiei. CfiFFiNS or Evert Kind Mnrl. tn order, tnd funirali altrnded will a Heoraa whenavir daird. Aim, Hour, l aimita Jone to order. Tho luhacrihcr alio maohUt. torei, ii d hii cnr.iamly ca hind, ('learni Palont aching Machine, th. baa nov in ml Thoaa flalng tbia tnachiso ncrer neid t, auk. cot clean cluthoat II. alao bat lly.r'i Paint l burn, a lupcrior article. A family a.te Uj Chuta oarer and hi without butter I All lb. ahore and many other irltelea ire tar nished t. euatom.ra cheap for Cam cr exchacna fnrtpproi.d eounlry produce. Cherry. Mic'i, Poplar, l.lnwood and otaer Linhtr auitabla f.t (.it inel wi tk. taktn in .achang. for furuiiv, er-rien-emher the ahop it on Market atrial, I'lcartiil lr Pi., tnd aoarly eppnaitr Iho "(dd .'iw iloro." JuHX UIL1CU. Norcu.her J1, leei f READING FOR ALL!! BOOKS t- STATOSEItr. Marled nt , rimi fielil, (at the Tnal OCra.) 'I Ml Ii underaignrd here l-are to tr tounre it L the ciliiera i.f Cleatteld and rielr.itv. thai ho haahtti'd up a room and haa lint r".rr. from tho city with Inrpa aroMV'tef reaii'rr onatlcr, i oliiiating In part of Bibles ami Miscellaneous Ecohc, Blank, Acroont and Paaa Boi ka of arcrj ilc tcripilon Paper and Envclopci, French prtiwl and plain l Pint and l'cocila ; li'.ank, Legal Ppert, Ileeda, Mortgigoa; Judnicr.t. Firun. tlun ind Prnniiaaory notet tl lute and Trr-h; menl llrief. Legal Cap, Record Cap, and Ii.t! Cap. Sheet, Mniie for eitbir l'iano, Finn or Vitiia ennatuntly on hand. Any hooka or atationary deaired that I may aot hae. oa hand, wi ) he ordered by first txpfeif, and told at obol-ii.i or retail to tuit euatomrra. I will alio lei periodical literature, iuch aa Vagaiinea h'wi. p.pera, an. p. A. U.lLi. C. ardrld May 7, ISrj-tf DAVID YOUNG, Stoiip-Ciiltor nnd StoiiMfaxen, tXTJLL eacrute all work In hit Una at ted IT .rata pricri and lu'a-'Ikc-I-ll.AM' ii;'- ArcLitoctural Crnamcnls ill.1. MIUS, Fiona Prci lr of areey M""'"!'''"". "ud all kin li of miaon wotk ei n- , tracl.dfor Ineroinef ,h. count.. Anv Anr to rani a wiahlng lo har. rrnpeelnbl. aiiaon work ard atonc eulting done, will (ind it to tr.olr leterr.t to call upon nie 1 would aim Inr. rm lb. pub. lie that I ran d. liier tny quantity er rltM tt atono dfiired, ai I am tho owner of a FIRST-CLASS STOXE QUARRY Orden for work can be nddeeaaed tn l'AVlli Vl'VVil, artl.rO Cleaif.eld Fa. The Lightning Tamer. rpilE anderaliaed am lb. aid. Agrnta la tkil 1 nett Tor the "North Aioerican tiilaanireal I.IUHTMNtl RODS." T mi an tie .nly aaft roda now in wee. and are tndorteu by ail th. lei, ntlfie men ia lha e.untry. Wt hrtchy aotif the cttnena rf the cooaiy that w will put them np boiler rod. and hi let money, than It charged hy tba forei.-a acentl who annnally trareri. th. rount ad irry nil our liltl. ra.li, never lo relotn. I.XCOrRAi.F, HOME LAllOR. Th .aa wl-Mng 1 Iphn ln F.oala irerled ta tlielr huildiega need but iddrca aa hy h-Mer. or 'all In penoa. will pot them up tm when In theeoimty. and warrant them. Th. R da and Kittnree can he .een at any tin'C hv callieg at "" F. HlOLtR A tC. Olearrlrld, Viech .in, l;o tt Clearfield Nursery. ENCOURAGE HOME lNDUsTRV. 'pIlE ndenlined, hiring eauhllthed a Not I lere na the 'Pi he, about half way heiweea riearield and Curwetia.llle. la prepared lo for nlah all hind, of PR VIT TR FKS. (ataedard and dwarf.) Reergreent. rihtuhhery. tlrape Viert, Ooo'ekerriet, l.awtoa R'acahcrry, 8tra"heny, tnd Raaberry Vlnet. Alio, Sibcriaa "rah Treat, Quince, and early eeiilet Rhubarh, An, Ordm promptly ittrnded to. Ad lrraa, j. U. RitinT. ep3rt ffi.y Curwenailllt. Fa For Rent I ' pilt: nn lrralsned , IT. ra to rent a P FLLIXd 1 Hill . Si; and III Ai K.--M 11 II SHOP, lit.iala ai Ualeod '. 0. in Hell loauali p. Ih.l ia a very deaitabl. location for the bualneal. A fuil let oi tool, in tht thop. Plenty ol ouMom. A good aahool in tb. tillage. Addict or apply to 11. L. llrndcr'ou or tho lubtcriber. ljirh IJ if ltK.N RY HRKTH, Jr. I I'wTICK.H l.'IIMTARI Ii' FtTJ. ,1 W. har. printed a larg. nilinber of the new 1 LR HILL, and will on lb. nvtipt of twanty 6r. centa, mail a copy to an. ad.lreaa. wivn. SILK II Ti Lat.tt Sprlnj itjln s p. . rrttFUTwifP.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers