km I nsui I I an f THE E.lurlLLU HtlTULll.W," briiiiuo trinr itxdhidat, sir loDLANDER II .tGERTTi CLEARFIELD, PA. feTAlsLiailED IN I8JT. ,r!"t rirculalinn of any Newspaper i.. ' . - r I. I'.,,,! . 1 ..... 1 ( Terms of Subscription. It in aivanre, or within 3 months.. ..99 fX) m aftrr .1 and before 8 months. 60 L After tbo cxpirtttion of fl months... 3 OO Rates ot Advertising. nt adverliscme nil, per square of 10 linn or .1 times or less .. $l 5(1 r enrh suh.erpiciit insertion- ffl incurs' and Exoontors' notion i' nnl iocs i find E.trays 5(1 1 SO I 0 kiiinn notices ......... s oo i 00 19 '.nnl Cards, 1 year jtioeSjpcr line , YEARLT ADVERTISEMENTS. ....$8 00 ,...11 00 ,...:o to I eolumn..... J eolumn 1 Lslumn ...f.-.S 00 ... U 00 ... 10 00 Job Work. BLANKS. M 60 1 0 o,nire,pr.quir,$l 75 quire.. pr, quire, 3 00 Over 0, per quire, I 50 IIAVDHILLS. 25 or leu, $3 00 I ihcct, 25 sr (10 23 or less, S 00 1 sheet,?.. orlosi,10 00 2j of each of above at proportionate ratel. OEnpflR n. nnnni.ANDEn, UliOltllli IJAdEllTY. I'uhli.hers. Cards. WALUI'l. MISX SIIII-DISO. WALLACE &. FIELDING, ATTOHNKYS-AT-LAW, Clearfield. Pa. IM.cgal business of all kinds attended, to ' priiuitnca and fidelity. Office in residence mmiu A. n alldao. Jnnl2:70 A W. WALTERS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Clearfield, Pa. uVOIfiee in Uie Court llon.e. dee3-ly U A OK ITU I I. T . vjm I n, I ATTORN K Y -A 1-LAW, r-n icarncia, fa. It ISRAEL TEST, ATTORN BY AT LAW, Clearfield, Pa. f w-Olnee in the Court llon.e. fljIIfT JOHN H. FULFORD, ATTORXKY AT LAW, Clearfield, Pa. Office on Market St , oeer ll.rtsviek A Irwin's T)rng Blnre. WvPrompt attention given to the securing f It-mntv. Claims, Ao., and to all legal builneaa. thw. J. u crLl.ornu. wm. . H'uiri.Loi'nn. T. J. McCULLOUGH & BROTHER, ATTOHNKYS KT LAW, Clrnrflrld. Pa. Office on Mark(trpp one door ea.tof the Oleer lold Ciiunlj Bank. 2:1:71 J. B. McENALLY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Clearfield. Pa. Lcfil ba inc.. attended to promptly with f'ii-litv. (iffico on Hceond street, eliovc tne Fir.l Kallo'nal Hank. 1:25:71-lpl R03ERT WALLACE, ATTORN EY - A T - LA W, Wallaee'on, Clcardrld County, Peuii'a. guAII husincss promptlr attended to. j. r. invta n. l. Rni:ea IRVIN & KREBS, Fueccssors to H. B. Pwoope, Law and Collection Office, t.M'70 CLEAHFIELD, TA. WALT E R B A RRETT , ATTdUNEY AT LAW. OSlce on 8coond St., ClearOeld, Pa. mll,fi JOHN LV CUTTLE, ATTORNEY AT rAW. And Real FMa'e Acttt, Clearfield, Pa. Offlro on Third street, bet. Cherry A Walnut. Utar-lWpertftilly onr his aervfrei In fHlnf and hijiD latdn in Clearflel'l and adjoining emin l ; and with aa experience ol ortr tweniv jrt rurveyor, flatters himself that he eon rmier iatUfiiton, . J. J. LINGLE, A T T O 11 X E Y - A T - LA W, LIS O.reola, Clcarflrld Co., Pa. y:pd J. BLAKE WALTERS, HEAL KSTATK JHIOKER, fi.iiv Tjogn ntnl Tjiii&ibrr, CI.IHRFIKLD, PA. nnl Estate bnnjbt ami sold, titlra examined, inxrt piiid, and convey ftnocs prepared. Office in ajnic Ttuililine. Itoom No. 1. 1:2:71 John II. Orvis. C. T. Aleiandcr. ORVIS & ALEXANDER, ATTOI NKYS A P LA K', llrlleluiite. Pa. .cplS.'di y DR. T. J. BOYER, PHYSICIAN ANDSURQEON, OITlcc on MjrUtt Street, Clearfield. Ta. ."Ofnce hours : 0 to 1 2 a. m , and 1 to fi p. m. DR.' w! A. M E A N S, PHYSICIAN k SURGEON, ' " LVTIIEItSIII Rd, PA. Will attend prore.lonte:tMap.-ompl1y. au;10'70 " DR. Al THORN, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, f TAVIStl lorntH at Kvlrrtown, Clearfield co f I Pa.. ofli-r hia pi-'isVlmi.-il KTvtiw?" t the pei'p'c ol the fiirrfiiiirtinn country. Sept. jK,'6!-y DR. J. F. WOODS, PHYSICIAN A S U ltd KON lla.inz removed to An.onvill, Pa.,ofTera hi prof.'MoiiaI .p: vires lo 1 he people of that place and the suto; d njiOinlry. All rnlla pmmplly alim.l.d to. lire. 3 Cm pi. J. H. KLINE, M. D , PHYSICIAN 4 SUIIGEON, nAVIMI bvnlcd al Peonfield. Pa.. ofTers his pnile.H.nal wrrices lo (lie people of that pnuv and surrounding ouulry. Allcilli pri'inplly avttcndid to. "el. Id If. "DR. J. P. BURCHFIELD, Lit B r;roi ofd .:d Kc, n et, Panrtylnnia Voluiuee'S, "a relurm-d Inni Ibe Aim... idler. bi p'oresitmal services to tbecitifen. of (. lea'Te'd caijiy. sTw-Pr-denloml calls prompt'y alien led t. O: on Heeuad street, forinerlyneennied b, llr. Wools. Iaprl,'t1 ll JEFFERSON LI TZ, P H Y S I CI A N k S U It (i EON, HAVINO located at Oeeele. Pa., offers Ills pf..f, .ervlees (o the p.'iple of that ,.l''e an! enminndinc .'tonlrr. uAU calls promptly attended to. OBce and re.i-enee oa CurtlD St., lortnerly occupied by Dr. Kline. Fishing Tacklof TfFT rrreiTed, a erniiplote SKortment. enncift injt of Tmut LHnd, Kih llafket. Line and ll'Kiki, vf atl drfM-'pi'on. kt 11 A KRY P. BIQLKR A COB. ClertWW, April II, It71 U, CLEARFIELD GOODLANDEB & HAGEETT, VOL.41--WIIOLENO.2220. JOHN D. THOMPSON, Justice of (lie Ponce and Scrivener, Curwenavllle, Pa. JAMES C. BARRETT. Justice of the Peace and Licenced Conveyancer, I.utherNburff, Clearfield Co., Pa. -fColtM(tini A rcmittajierg nromntlv made. and ail kinds of legal instruments executed on anon nonce, may.JOlT GEORGE C. KIRK, Justice of the Peace, Surrey or aud Coorejancer, l.utheraburg, Pa MRS. S. S. LIDDELL'S MARBLE & STONE YARD, CLEARFIELD, PA. r-rBliop on Reed Street, near Pennsylvania Jlailroad depot. may 18, 70:lf. HENRY RIBLING, HOVSfi, BIOX A ORNAMKNTAL PAINTER Clearfield. Penu'a. TUo fmtcoing and paintint of church pi and other public buildings will reoetra particular atiriition, os well nt the painting of carr and fi.i. -hi. ui.Ll'ntf done in tne ncntcet sivu-s. am work warranted". Shn on Fu:!rtUtreut. f.rmcrljf ocnij.ifd bjr Knqulre bliog art. ctlV 70 G. H. HALL, PRACTICAL PUMP MAKER, NEAR CLEARFIELD, PEXN'A. ferPompa always on hand and made to order on .hurt notiee. I'ipes oorea on reasonaiiie irnns All work warranted to render satisfaction, and delivered if desired. my25:lypd DAN IEL M. DOHERTY. BARBER & HAIR DRESSER, BEOOND STREET, jy2.1 ' Cl'EAII FI CI. I), P A. U DAVID REAMS, SCIilVKNEU & SUItVEVOK, l utherhburp. Pa. 11IIK tnWriher offers his services to the public in the cnpjwity of Sorivener and Hurvcyor A I Cfttln for BtirrcTina; pnnnptly eticniiod to, and the innkinff of drafts, deeds end olbtr le Rfil inftru intnts of writ i tiff, executed without tictaj. and wurranted to be correct or no oberge. , oK:70 SURVEYOR. T1JIE undewignrd offera his iwrrices aa a Bur rcyor, muA h found his reaidonoe, in Iawr?nne townnhip. Lettara will rearh him di rected to Ckarficld, Pa, nar7-tf. JAMKS MITril F.LL. J, A. BLATTENBERGER, Claim and Collection Office, OSCEOLA, Clearfield Co., Pa, IConreranrins and all Irjful papers drnwn with acnurn-.T and ilixpntch. L)tnft on and pna (nie lifkcts to aud trotn any point in Kumpr procured. act 6 70 0m w CHARLES SCHAFER, Ti (iER J) K E U It H E W E n, ' Clearfield, Pa. nAVIXQ rrntrd Mr. Entrrs Trrwrry hp bupes by strict attention to bnainria and be uiiinufneture of a suprrlor article of It K Kit to rervire I tic patronage of atl the old and mnny new curt'tinors. Aug. 25. tf. THOMAS H. FORCE E, nr.ii.ira lis GENERAL MKItCHANMSE, (.KAIIA.tlroN, Pa. Also, extensire Bianufnetnrer and dealer in Fquare Timber and Hawed Lumberof all kinds. r0rders solicited and all bills promptly tilled. Uiiy ato. A lb nit t nr.aiiT ALnnt.. w. ai irnT W. ALBERT & BROS., ALtnnfacturerl k extensive Dealers in Sawed Lumber, Square Timber, &c, nVVIIlAKll, 1 E A. VOrdrrl suliclled. Bills tiled oa short notioe aud reasonable terms. Address Woodland P. O., Cleartl. ld Co., Pa. Jr251y VY ALIIEI1T A IIIKlS. FRANC43 COUTRIET. MKHflf ANT, I'renrhvllle, I learfirld County, Pa. Kpps Cfnstnntlj on hand a full assortment of pry (loo.), Uttni .Tnrf, Grooorii'S, and en-rylhine; osiiully kf pt in a retail a!orc, which will be sold, for fash, Hf cbcitp ai ttewlifre in the county. I n m hville, June 27, IH7 I.r. REUBEN HACKMAN. Housa and Sign Painter and Paper Hanger, C learllcid, Pemia. -fvWill rteoute juha in hia line promptlr and in a workmanlike manner. arrt7 J. K. BOTTORF'S PHOTOGRAPH G A L Li e n Y . Market Street, ClearOeld, Pa. JT-CROMOS MAUB A 8PE( :lALTV.- JVKDATIVE.S made in cloudy as well as In clear wei,l'er. I'on.lnnitv on hand a a"od .irlmeiit of FHAMKH. XTKl'lKUSUOPK.'s and MUKKIISIOI'IO VlliWS. Framos, from any style of moulding, made to order. apr2S II - J. MILES KRATZER, MERCHANT, piit.aa is Dry Goods, Clothing, Hardware, Cutlery, Qneeaaware. flmrerl.s, Prorislons and Milnglea, l leaiucld, Penu'a. ;TtrAt their new .lore room, on Heeond street, near II. P. iligler lo's llardwere ature ( Jnnls j. noLt,oar$n ..... n. iuvh rAiirr TT AT T nTTTTTTCTT 1. PADTV I.OOKSKLLIIS, Rlank Hook Muntifaclnrors, AND STATION KHS, 2IS SI., Vhllndrlphla. :-i,Papcr Flour Pa'-ks and Pans, Foolitrnp. Ie(ter, Kotet Wrapping, Cartmn and Wall Pnperi. febjt.70 1pd A Notorious Fact I rpilKIIR are mora poople IrSnbled with Lnng 1 lli.ea.e. in this town Ibananr olberplaee o its .ts" in Ihe Hlale. One of the treat can.e. of tbi. Is. the n.e o' an impure ai I iele nt Ton', leegr'r miactl with snlphiir. N"W. whr atrf ae-tid e l llit", snd preserre yoor lives, by uing Snly llumphrct'a 'olrtiratrat I'nal, Iree lt"i al imparities. Order, left al ihe sioree ,f Itieherd Mn,eop aod Jam ob II. Ilrnham t Bias will rri prompt attenlion. AnrtAiiAV lM'MPHHEr. Clearfield, Norember JO, IS70 tf. DREXEL & CO., No, 31 Mouth Third turret, Philadelphia lt.1.VHt:HH, And Dealers in Govermnent Securities. Application hr mail sol! reoeir. prooit alien- lion, and ail Information ebeerfally furnished, Order! (Mieleel. ifii-tr. ..... . "Sraw Publishers. eCfflat 3rtifrti5rmrnt5. SherilT's Sale. BT vlrtneofwrllsof I W'W AVpoa, Iscued out of the Court of Common Pl-ne of Cleor- nuia count r, aod to ma directed, there will be exposed to public salt, at the Court Housa, in lha borough of Clearfield, on Monday, the ato aay or June. 1871, at 1 o'clock, p. a,t the loiiowing uescnoca neat Kstata. to wit: A certain tract of land situate in Cnvini. town (,bip, Clonrfiold county, l'a., beginning at a pu, omu wcaioorncrol lanUsor t. Al, tuudrict; thence east 77 perches, to white oak; thence smith 65 perches, to maple corner; llimce west 77 percnes, to post eorner: thence north lib perches, to place of hennaing; containing 24 acres and 6. perches, nearly ail cleared, with an old sbauty thereon erected. Seised, taken in executiou and to be sold as the property of John F. Foutcnnr. Also, a certain tract of land situate in Morris township, Clearfield county, Pa., beginning at post, north-cast corner of Jonepb I)!hcrt tract j tbcuce by land of Wolch and Miller south H9 de grees ca.t tli perches) thence by land of Jaoob Beams, south 1 degree west all perches, te post : incnoe, ny iieury ueams, i,now Uoorgo Jicuuis,; north 89 degrees west H4i perches, to post lino of Joseph P'pptTl; thence, by Dippcrt tract, north 8 perches, to place of beginning ; containini 87 acres and 73 perches, more or less, and havinc about 40 acrei cleared. A small orchard and lo house and barn thereon. Bciicd, taken in execu tion and to be sold as the pronorty of John Bnp tist Kcch. Also, a certain tract of land situate in Wallacef ton, Kogc lownnhip, L'lfarHold connty, l'a.: Haid lot hounded nu the cast by the croe cut pike ; wist by the Tyrone and rienrfifld railroad ; north by lot of f and sooth by lot of ; and having a small dwelling honso thereon eroctn Rfixcd, tiihrn in executinn and to be sold an the pru;"'T of Th-nnaa L, W anlc. Also, a certain i.:?t of land aituala in (he !! lago of Ansonville, Jordan township, Clearfield eounly, Pa., fronting on the 61) fret ; extend ing back 200 fc4t to an alley, a corner of which crusts said alley ; and having a large dwelling house and Stable thereon erected, fceitcd, and taken in execution and to be autd as the property of Jobn A. liiilcn. Also, a certain tract of land situate in Bell town.'bin, Clearfield eouoty. Fa., bounded as fol lows : ilginning at a post) thence, along J. P. Iloyt line, south 11 degrees cast 206 perches, to white oak (diwn) thence south M degnea west along J. SaWna line 1 10 perches, to post ; thence north 71 degrees west 16 perches, to birch; thenoe north 6li degreea east 2.l1 perches, to a gum; thence north A 4 d-'greea east 42 pen-hes, to post and plana of beginning; ounlaining HI acres and Nl porches, more or leas; being part of J. Nicholson survey No. XtfiS, having 30 aoree elear el, a emu II bouse, dwelling bouac, shop and barn thereon erected. He i ted, takrn in en cut ion and to be sold as lite property of Wui. Itrady. Also, a certain tract of land situate in Osceola borough, Clearfielil county, l'a., Iwandt J and de sribod as follows, to wit : North by land of Thomas F. Huahck ; aouth by lot of Iunn or No. 312 ; wot by Curiin at., and known as lot No. 311 ; being &0 fest front and 10 fii t deep to alley and having two plank liauie dwelling bous. s ibrrenn erect oil. nne of which is IK by 24 fet and tlir othtr 16 by 20 fit in sise. (Seised, taken in execution and lo be sold as lha property of Christian Also, a certain trart of hind situate In Morris townnhip, Cleartield conn It, Pa., bounded east by J. C. Brinncr; south by new town pike; west by lands of d( feiuinut, aud north bv II ale A Co.; containing one-half acre, more or less, and having a plank dwelling house, atnre room. Ac, tlurron erected. Also, two other lots of the same sis, htundfd east by the alsovedcaerilxd lot of defend ant; aauth by town pikef we-t by Hale A Co., and nnnk hy Iltlc A (o ; and havingaAwo-stuty plank housa and frame stable thereon erected. Heixed, tuken in execution and to be sold as the property of John O'Drll. Also, two enrtain tracts of Innd situate in Pike township, Clearfield county, l'a., oontniring 22 acres, more or less, bu'inded and descnled as fol lows, t wit; No. 1 hi-ginnir.g at ret oak ; t be nee south 42 di crees cat 5ft perches, to line ; thence I ut h 4 decrees Weft 4 prrehes, to post; thence north 4? devices west 2. perches, to stone; thence rorlh 45 drrtwseont I.l percliea, to post ; th'-ne 42 degrees wel ;il p-rcher, to pot; trnee 4S de grees east 2H perebff, to pllwo ot eeginnirg ; and : bing part or Ascph Wil. a survey, lln-oth-r beginning at post adjoining lands of Wise's heirs and 1). 1. Hitler; thence norih 40 degrees cast 27 percbrs, to post corner; thenoe south .11 de grees cast 61) a 10 perches, to post and place of, beginning. Fe'aed, taken in cxccolinn aud to be sold as the un perty of l. R. P. Kowles. - A I m, a err lain trart of laud ailuate in Chest township, Ckarfleld county, Pa., bounded and de srrihrd ns follows, to wit: Dast by Innd of Jaenb Pennington and J. NefT; south by land of John Smead , on the wast hy the heirs f Koinncl Wil liams, deceased, and on the north by Innd of J. W, Net?; containing about l;0 acres, and having about 70 acrna cleared and a small dwelling house and good barn thereon erected. rVijf-l, takrn in execution and to be f'jld as the properly of Hamuel McKwcn. Also, a certain trn-t of land situate in flr-'dford townsbip, Cleartield eonnty, Pa , bounded and de scribed as foitows, lo wit : On Hit north, east and west by lands of William Albert A Hmlucr, and on the south by lands of tleorge Turner t contain ing 100 acres, having about 4) acres cleared and a good yonng orchard and log house and frame bam tlu-rcon erected. Peited, taken in executinn and to be sold as the property of Jeremiah Holler. Also, a rrttn lot of ground situate in the bor ough of Usceola, Cleartield ciiMty, Pa., bound' d at follows, to wit : West by iS'one street ; north by Montgomery alley; ran by Ivlward alley; sou'h by lot No. and containing two town lota known in said tnwo idol as No. 70 and 71, with a largo frame house, frame stnlde and nthrr outbuildings erected thereon: and all in good con dition. Heiaed, taken in exeeullon and to lie sold "aITO: M Z; ..TIC Rnn, in Hell lowti.hip. t'learneld oounly, l'a., bounded west and north by land of Agnes Miller. east by lend of C. Khea.ley and ,011th hy land of i. V. Hmitb 1 containing about thirly acres. Bcited, taken in escculion and 10 be sold as the properly of Hubert P.ealy. Hidden will take notice (hat IS per cent. of the purchase money tnu.t be paid wben ibe properly Is knocked down, or it wilt be put op again fur sale. Ji 'n.i j, I' IK. Snanirr a urrirr, 1 Fhcriir. Clearlleld, Pa., May IT.ISJI. I SherilT's Sale. IV T Tlrtua nf a writ of Itmrin fnritia, s sued out of tha Court of Common Pleas of Clfntfie'd eonntv, and l ma dtrpried, there Ill be eat.o.ed to PI: 111.10 RAI.K. at Ibe Cooil llno.e ia (he borough of Clearncld. on Monday, Ihe Sib day of .lane. IS7I, al I o cloek.p. m., the following rteal K.tale, to wit: Two retlaln Irsctl or pieces of Isrd silwste io Knna liwn.hip, Clearleld eounly, Pa, hnnnded and described as hjllnws. to wit- P.O. ginning at a hemlock on Little rlearSeld Creek tbenca sooth la drgiees ea.l HI pereh es. In posts tbenc. tio.lh :; dcrree. eal S6 perehe. lo a hemlorh thence norlb IS degrees ea-l S:ii perrhes. lo a po.l , Ihenee noilh Ji dr. gre.s we.t lr pefenes. IO a wnrn naaei on in. bank of Little Cb a.Aetd Creek : thence along said creek the seeeral ennraes and dilance lb rrent lo Ihe plnre of beginning! eontalnieg acres and allowance, beiegji.irt of a l.rgNr tract of land .mvcT'd and 'ranted lo Win. King, dated sin July, i;SV,'Mlso Ihe on. undivided ol a cert. w '.ifli or piece 01 .it asle in Ihe said tirwivieip 01- snos, avioinng ths foregoing aaSU krfnde I aed de.ertbed a follows, to wit:eo the nonh east be l.iiila CieaTlield Ci-eek f cnt. Ihe sooth by l.ind of Onn lei ltowanan, snd-oa Ibe ea.l b, land, of Caib carlt eontslrfffft 4fl acre., being part of ilie llen'y T'out BAtrer. Iloih r.f Ibe foree-iiing he log Ihe premtars rente. ed lo the .aid ( Walon by Stacy W. Tbom.on he deed bearing dnle Ihe d dae'of Noeember, IS4b. reerdcd al Clearfield In book X. Page 40S Sel.ed l iken In rKccntinn and lo be mid a. Ihe pn.peity of l.aee Cs renn. Also, ihe i.rend.nt's Irlere.t in sll ll al cer tain soon l it simile In ihe riMege of Che. ler Hill lleeelnr township Clearfield county, l'a.. hounded os the north by Walton .treel i west by Laura alreel soolh hy let No. 41 and east 6, l hirer a try : end naving a pbui I'aoi. iTVellinf. hoo.e thereon .reeled. Setred. taken In ei.rution and to be eo d aa the properly of O. Tale. jMr-Pidderi will lake notlre that II per cent, or ihe pnr-ha.e a oney mitl he paid when Ibe properly is knocked down, or it will be put pegain fo'.ete. JUSTIN J. I'lK, Kseatrra Ornrs, I Bherilf, fTearSeld, Pa., May 17, 1MI. I ' PIIK CFI.KPrTATKD MCIIARDSON MOOTfi, X Light Kip French Kip S (). French Calf (Ml. (Opposite if Al C. KHAT7.KU S. C1ALL AND EXAMINE lb. KEW UOOpa at o rtuHToxr. rf PRINCIPLES CLEAHFIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY, MAY 31, J871. THE REPUBLICAN. CLKAUFIELD, Pa. WKItNKSDAT MORNING. MAT 21", 1871. MOUTH TO EAR. Nbt, speak no HI, a kindly word Can never lcare a .(In behind ; And oh, to breath, each tale we've heard, Is far beneath a noble mind, For oft a bettor aerd is sown Ity choontfijr thus a kinder plan; For if but little (rood we know, Let's spcuk of all the good we can Oire me the heart that fein would hldo, Wuuld faio another's faults t fie,oe. How can it please our human prido To pro re humanity but but I No let it reach a uiglior mo Jo, A nobler eitiuiatc of man f Bo cam cut in the search of good, And speak of all the best wa can. Thrn aptak no ill, but intent bo To other 'a frcliny as your own ( Tf you're the first a fault to see, lie not the first to make it known. For life is but a pa mint; day, No lips can U-1J how brit-f the stay f Be earnest in the srarru of (rood And speak of all the good wa may. Duties of Assessora Under the Ecg- lstry Law of 1869. Skction 1. fit it enacted bu the Senate and Jlousf. of Jlfpmcntativcs of the. Lommomeailtn of J'tnntylvania Utneral Asumbly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, Tlinl it hIiuII bo llio duly of encli of llio nsscssora within thin Common wealth, on the, flint Alonduy in Jtmo" of ciilIi yi'nr, lo tiiko nn tho traimcript no lias rvceivcu Iiom tho eounly com mi8iioiiPr undi-r t lie eighth section of tho act of 15th Aiiril, lS.'f-l, uml pro- coed to an iminodinto revision of tho name, hy etiilting tlicrcfrom tho name of every pernon who in known hy liim to hnvo diud or removed since tho hint previous itsse-omcnt from the district ol which ho is the aatiCHxor, or whoao (tenth or removal Inun llio mimo bhiill ho mude known lo him, and to odd to llio sumo tho nniuo of any qualified voter who hIiuII ho known hy him to iuvo moved into tho di-trict cineo tho iiRt previous onsesinicnt, or whoo removal Into tho piimo sluill be or shall Imvo been niado known to dim, Had alo llio niinies of all who uluill muke laim lo him. to ho qualified votorn therein. As soon ns thin revision ia completed ho shall vinit every dwell rjt liotiso in his dislriel nod make careful inquiry if any person whoso mime is on his list has died or removed from ths district, and if so lo lake t lie sumo thcri'lrom, or whether nny rjuuli tied voter resides therein whoso numo is not on his lint, and if so to mid the sumo thereto: and ii all esses where n nuins is added to the list a lux shnll iirlhwith bo aesessed against the per son ; and tho assessor shall hi all eases ascertain, hy inquiry, upon wluil ground tho poison so assessed claims to bo a viler. I pon the completion 1 of this work it shall lie llio duly of each nssessor as aforesaid to proceed lo tnako out a list, in alphabetical order, of tho whito freemen nhovo twenty oiio years of ago cluimino; lo bo qualified voters in tho v:ard, bor-onj-li, township or district, of which iiu is llio assessor, and opposite each of said names stuto w hether said fi co n i it ii is or is not a housekeeper, mid if ho is, tho number of his rcsidonro, in towns w hero tho snmo uro numbered, with the slrect, ulloy or court in w hich situated j and if in n town where there arc no nuinbers,tho nnmo of the slrect, alley or court on which said houso fronts; also. Iho oecupulion of the person j and w here ho is not a houso keepe; llio occupation, place of liosid ine;, uml with whom, nod if working for another, the tiunio of the employer, and wrile oppoilo escli of said immes tho word "voter) w hero any person claims lo vole hy reason of tiun, ho shall exhibit his cerlilicate thereof to tho usscesor, unless he bus been for five consecutive years next prot-cdinK a in ,.,i,l di-lrifl ; n,l in sll cases wliero iho person has been nnturulizcd. tho nnmo shall bo marked with Iho letter '"N ;" where Iho per son lias nierelv declared his intentions to ueconio n cilioeil nun iienitin in uu nalnrulir-ed before tho next election, tho namo shall bo marked "I). I. ;" whero llio claim is '.o volo hy reason of brino; between tho ages of twenty ono and twonty two, as provided by law, Iho word "ago" shall ho entered ; and if the person hns moved Into llio election district to residnbincc iho last ireiicrul election, tho loiter "ll" shall bo placed opposite tho name. It sliull ho the rurllter duty of each assiasor as iiloicsttid, upon llio completion of the duties herein imposed, lo mako out a separate) list of ull new asses'! menls made by him and tho amounts assessed upon ench, and furnish the snmo immediately lo Iho county com missioners, who tali i 1 1 immediately odd tho names to Iho tax duplicuto of tho wnrd, horonjrh, township or district in which they huvo been assessed. Sr.o. 2. On tho list being completed and the assessments mailo ss aforesaid, tho sumo shall forthwith bo returned lolhe count3- commissioners, wlio shall cnuso duplicate, copies nf s;iid lists with tho observations and cxphtna lions required to te noted ns aforesaid, to ho made out ns soon ns iirncticuhle and placed in the hand of Ihe assessor, who shull, prior lo tho tl(,st or Angusl reasonable or legal cause, shall no sun in cnrli veiir nnl nne rimv thcrof on ' iect to a petiuli V ol one hundred dol- . . . . the iloor ol or on the houso w Hero Hie e'ection of tho respective district is required to ho held, and retain Ihe olher in his possession, for tho inspec tion, free ol charge, of any person resi dent in Iho said election district who shall desiro to see the samo; nnd il shull be Iho duly of Iho suid assessor to ndd from time lo time, ou ihe per sonal application of nny one claiming Iho rinht to volo, Iho namo of sueli eluimnnt, anil mark oppnsite llie name "C. V.;" nnd immediately assess him wilh n lux, in all other esses. his occupation, residence, whether a bonnier orn housekeeper; if a boarder, with whom he hoards, and whether naturalized or designing lo be, mark ing In all such esses tho letters, oppo site the namo "N," or "I) 1.," as llio caso may bo; If the person claiming to PC BMcftea M naturalize J, h: man I3yin i NOT MEN. exhibit to tho assessor his certificate of naturalization and if ho claims that he designs lo be naturalized bo f To (ho next ensuing olcclion.ho shall oxhiliit tho coi liflcnto of his declara tion of intention; in all cases whore any ward, borough, township or elec tion district is divided into two or mom precincts, llio assessor shall note in all his assessments tho election pre cinct in which each elector resides. and shull mako a separute return for eucli lo the county commissioner, in all cases in which a return is required from him by tho provisions of this act; and tho county commissioners in making duplicate copies ol ull such returns, shull mako duirhcate conies of tho names of tho voters in each precinct, separately, and shall furnish tho same to tho assessor: und tho copies roqtiircd by Ibis net to bo placed on the doors of or on election places on or uelore tho first ot August in each your, shull be placod on tho door ol or on llio election placo in each of saui precincts. Bkc. 3. After tho ussessmenls havo been completed on the tenth day pre ceding the second .Tuesday in October of each year, llio assessor shull, on tho Monday immediately following, muke a return to tho eounly commissioners of tiio names. of all persons assessed by him since tho roiurn required to ho mado by hira by tho second section of this act, noting opposite cucji name the observations und explanations ro quired to bo noted as nlorosaid ; and tho county commissioners shnll thern lipon cause tho snmo to bo added to llio return required by the second section of this act and a full and cor rect copy thereof lo bo made, contain ing tho names of all persons so re turned as resident Inxables in said ward, borough, township or precinct and furnish iho sumo, together with tho necessary election hlunks, to tho oflicers of election in said ward, bor ough, township or precinct on or before six o clock in tho morninji of tho second Tuesday of October; and no man shall bo permitted to volo at llio election on that day whoso nnmo is not on said list, unless ho shull ma he proof of his right to vote, us lieieiiialVer required. Site. 7. Ten diiys preceding every election for election of President und Vice .'resident of the United States, it shall be tho duty of tho assessors to attend at tho place fixed by law for holding llio election in each election district, and then and there hear nil applications of persons whos? names huvo been omilled from llio list of as sessed voters, and whocluim ihe right to volo, or whoso rights havo origina ted since the samo was made out, and shall iidd tho names of person therlilo ns shnll show Ihal they nroentilled to tho light of siillrugo in such district, on tho personal application of the claimant only, aod lorlliwilh assess Ilium with the proper tax. A Her com pleting tho lirft, a copy thereof shall be placed on tho door of, or on, the house whero Iho election is to be held, at least eight days heforo tho election; aud nt Iho election tho sarno course shall bo pursued, in all respects, us is required hy this net, and iho acls to which it is a supplement, nt tho genu ml election in October. Tho assessor shall also make tho snmo returns to tho county commissioners of ull assess menls mailt) hy virliio of this section ; and tho county commissioners shall furnish copies thereof lo tho election oflicers in each district, in liko manner, in ull respects, ns is required at the general election in October. Sec. 8 The snmo rules and regula tions shnll apply nt every speciul elec tion, nnd at every separate city, bor ough, or wnrd election, in ull respects, ns ul tho general eU":lioi) in October. 8tx 0. The respective assessors, in spectors and judgt'S of tho elections shall each have tho power to adiuinis ter oaths to tiny person claiming tho right lo bo assessed or tho right of stillrngo, or in regard to any other mailer or Hung required lo ho dono nr inquired into by uny of said oflicers under this act; and any willful false swearing hy any person in relation to nny matter or thing concerning which they shull be law fully interrogated by any of suid olliecrs, shull he punished ns pnrjury. Sro. 10. Tho nssessors shull ench receive tho snmo conipensnton for the time necessarily spent in performing the duties hereby enjoined ns is pro vided by law for tho performance of their olher duties, to bo paid hy Iho county ' commissioners us in other esses ; and il shall not lielawfhl for nny assessor lo assess s tax against any person whatever wiihin ten days next preceding llio tdection to be liehl on tho second Tuesday of October, in nny year, or within len tint next before tiny election fur electors of President and Yieo President of Ihe United Stales ; any violation of this provision shall lo n misdemeanor and subject tho oflicers so offending to a fine, on conviction, not exceeding ono hundred dollars, or to imprisonment not exceed ing three months, or both nt the dis creliou of llio court. Sko. 14. Any assesaor, election offi cer or person appointed ns an overseer, w ho shall neglect or reluso to pcriorm j any duly enjoined by this act. w ithout ,'.. .- lars: anil ll any a',W'r mi:i i" any person ns n voter w no is inn quali fied, or shall rcfii"U lo assess nnv one who is qualified, he shall bo guilty of a misdemeanor in oflice, und on con viction bo punished by line or impris nmnont, and ulso bo subject to nn action for damntre by Iho party aggrieved; ami if any person shnll fraudulently tiller, add to, deface or destroy any list of voters, mudo out as directed by this ud, or teur down or remove the samo from the place whero it bus boon fixed, wilh fraudulent or mischievous inlcnt, or for nnv im proper purpose, the person so offend ing shnll be guilty of a high misde meanor, and uu conviction shull ho punished hv a 6ne not exceeding five hundred dollurs, or Imprisonment not exceeding two years, or both, nt the aiscrcnon oj tne court. REPUBLICAN. NEW Independent Representatives. Tho pooplo of this Commonwealth yearly select ono hundred men whose duty il is to repair to the Stuto cnpltol, and lliero forming tho Houso of Jtop resuntuiivca, procccu to enact in con junction with tho Senate such laws as mny bo requisite for tho peace, se curity, und wolfaro of the whole poo plo. These mon-aro selected bocuusc of thoir supposed fitness for tho posi tion. Because they aro believed to possess tho requisite knowledge to fa vor and personal independence to voto for such salutary laws as tho exigen cies of tho times require. But year after ycur Iho people ore deceived Tho men elected by them in munj' in stances provo falso to Iheir constituen cies. I'ossessiiiu ul homo fair charac ters for integrity, many of these Jfep- resenta!ives(f) upon urriving at Ilur risburg conio under tho scductivo in fluences thero brought to bear upon them nnd full fall from tho proud po sition they occupy at homo full from Iho exulted station of a high toned, independent rrentleninn, to the deprav cd level of a truckling sycophant, tho wining sliive ol a lyrnniciil master. Losing their independence of char actor, and obeying tho dictation of Iheir masters, thuso men aro living, moving examples of Iho character' IVpo bnd in view when ho spoUo of tho 6cdm".ivc influences ol tho syren, thus ''Vice is a mnn.ier of such hideous meis That to bo haled neril, but to be soen ) Hut seeing oft fsmilinr with lis face, We first endure, then ptly, llieo embraoe." Ono observing the movemonts on tho floor of tho Houso preliminary to a voto being luken upon a hill in which some pnrticiilur parly is either direct ly or indirectly interested, sees in nil its sickening phases tho want of man liness of independence on tho part of llcpresentalives. The whip of the master is cracked and tho supposed independent law maker obsequiously obeys tho command of his owner, nnd subserviently votes "yes" or "no" as ho has been directed. Owned body and breeches by another, he no more obeys the dictutes of his own jii'lg ment than does the donkey bridled and billed. To assert his manhood nnd act for himself ur.d of himself would hn tho part ho was elected to piny in tho U-udstalivo driinia, but he lias been cast in just such characters as his now found master has seen fit louseii;n him cilhei in thoiifflniuuivc or negative of any proposition lo ho passed upon, hxpectcd by his pooplo lo net for lliem, he is found worshiping falso gods. Liko tho child of Israel ho has deserted tho I rue God and wor ships tho (inldcn Calf. I'oor, drivelling, truckling sveo- phmils, who snerilieo their manhood n ud hecomo Iho pliant, suppliant loots of certain parlies who coil themselves in nnucolidae lolds about I hem, they should meet the signal condemnation of llio pooplo anil bo left out of place und position. While, what wo hnvo said refers to tho House, let it not lie understood (list tho Sennto s free from llio same animadversions. Ilero. too the same subserviency and truckling is tlailv lo bo witnessed. Sycophants there.'too, "Hend the pregnant hingt s of the knro Tltat ihrtfl ma) folluw lownin." Nor is this stateof things chargeable to any pari icular party hero uro men of both political organizations w ho are I.o.t Ii) hooor, manhood, B' If, And bound alone by lovo of pelf. lint thero uro men in both chambers who riso above tho dictation of power, tho wiles of Iho seducer, the bluudish menls of lltu minions who with silken cords endeavor lo entrap them and honestly represent their constituents (iiiidcd solely by their convictions of right, they fearlessly vote for or nguist any bill presented for their con sulci ution. To theso men Iho people aro indebt ed fur nllthut is good and wholesome in the legislation nf I lie Suite. Hound hy no lies savo their personal honor party fealty and sense of duty to thcic consutueiils, the honest men ol I lie two bodies uro always found hauling on tho sitlo of right. To resist the malign influences which surround men sent lo the Legislative llalls.ainl come out unscathed, requires more ihnn or dinnry moral courage. To unswerv ingly follow tho "straight und nurrow pnlh" is found not to huso easy a task as most persons suppose. Long experience enables llin profes sional "borer'' to nieasuro his mini, and ns his npplirmccs nro many, and his ways dark, ho manages to entrap ull who havo not nrined themselves n gainst iho wiles of Iho seducer. It is only by Iho asserlion of frank, open manly independence, hy prompt ly residing tho prollers, blandish ment, menaces or cajolements, and sternly darting out determined louct for hiuisulf, Unit tho neophylo can maintain his integrity. To once come under llio influence of tho cormorants who prey upon tho passions or preju dices, is 10 bo led a dance, that blas.s and destroys, ami that forever, llio : ..( ........ ,..,. u , I. .ii ll 1 1 11 III UU". V, ,-, M,t,.IJ '' - their homes wilh unsullied hands, clear conscience- and pure motives, to embark in tho business of legislation. Onto under the improper influence of! crluin parties tluiM is no es'-apo. To i...b -u-.v is i I,,, nvimscl Th ns , i .1.... IS U IMUHt. ,i, n,,.,v.u,J lliv i. i.l. I. i..i. hv i,.i, ihev i .. I...I to ilesli uclion. I'lclter, far better. I..- i... !,.. I..,.,. ...,,i to tho l.egisl iturc bail lliey remained i i tl.i.ii-u,.,Lli,,i,.,iri,ihi-.s ul iheir! ..i .. .i ... i.. .. . i i ii... lions in unrn. uini ivtiinn n ii" n , 1 ... . .. , ibeirneu'hhors. Hound hunil and foot hy Iho power they siilleicd In entrap I limn i li. Iiuvn ilen l-nili'il Iheir tin. II. hood, lost their sell mspeel and made iho very namo of Ihe legislator almost a word ol obloquy uml repronih Their sycophancy, truckling and men dacity has nut only disgraced llium- u.,ll.,a hill intri .-i.iit mil nt t lit) I l..,,.,..i ni.ri.rM iiiaii u-l,r l,-.r.. h. ei. .. 1 . ...! ... 1 :.i. .1 iiirr'oi. ... is i-itrii 11111NI11 ll Willi nil-ill ill llio placo whero, next lo tho liencii, purity shoulddwell'.-f,.7',nfe ir - foA ' ' Somo ladies use puiut ns fiddlers (lo I rotin, lo aid them iu drawing a beau. TEElilS $2 per annum, in Advance. SERIES - V0L. 12, NO. 21. The Ku-Klui Bill no Remedy for the Jtteal JLvila ol the South. Tho Tribune has rocently published a letter from a correspondent in South C'urolinn, in which a now aspect is given to tho allegod Ku-Klux conspi- nicies in tho Southern Slutcs. AoJ cording to this writer, tho real purpose of theso combinations is to force the United Slnlos to annul the carpet bag governments by wdiich the South ha been so terribly robbed, and lo eubsli luto for lliem a system of military ad ministration with ohleors of the army at its head. This design is expressed in tho Tribune as follows : "'There will be a hundred outragoa for every one yon bear of now, until the I'nited StateB will be obliged to put u. under mililery gorernment. Tliat ia what we want. The army onioi-ra are honest men and won't .teal from us. Tli'-y will sympathise with the white people.' I told him tlniL people nt Ihe .North generally believe tlinl Die disturbances in the South arise from a haired of tho imtionnl (ioreriimt nL. 'That's a mi. lake.' lie replied. 'We dnil't sant any tri.ttb'c s il h the lietieral Ooveniraent, We bare bad enough ol wur, and we nunt penoe ; but we cuo't sit still nnd see a gang of lliievis, sustained hy a horde of ignorant uiggurs, take our properly from us.' 1 Und this to be the geuerel sentiiui-nt among the white population. Thi-y declare that tliey hare no do. ire to resist tile federal aulbori'y, and thai their troubles all ,p: iug Iroin had Htnte and local fforernmrlit. An intellig'-nt man. who suid be helped to fire lite first gnu on I'ort Bumpier and served through t lie war until Julmson's surrender, coming out of Ibe wreck of tbo Confederacy with no other tiniporty tlimi a gruy innlo, talked with me the etner tar with more moiierniion than is u.ually shown, lie said the whito people of South Ciirolina would he glad if Congress would remand the Slate to a territorial condition, and send down good men from the North to gorern it. Or if they could have a military government, as DO one would utjeet, for nothing oould be as bad as a government of ignorance, indigence, and fraud " This feeling is natural and not with out justification. Most of tho intelli gent, upright citizens of llio South w o mean those who were born nnd reared thero, and who huvo had expe rience in public !Tairs nro disfran chised by reason of Iheir share in the rebellion ; while iheir Mates nre governed for llio most part hy igno nut negroes nntl imported white robbers. Tho disfranchised men have no voico in llio legislation or the ad ministration, but they uro not exempt from pnylng tha luxes. Thus lliey suffer from evils which they are powerless to prevent. If the Slates could bo remanded into a leriilorial condition, or put under tho control of military oflicers, this class of citizens would loso nothing, for they would huvo just ns much political power us they havo now; whilo I hey would gain greatly by the superior cheap ness mid honesty of llio territorial or military nilminislratioiis. Hut however desirable it might he to theso disfranchised citizens to iiuve their present Siato governments abolished, nnd to be put under the control of teiritonal or military gov ernors, lliero is no means of gratifying their willies. Tho l.'urolinas. Florida. Arkansas, Louisiana, all Ihe Southern Slates, are now fully in the Union, possessing equal rights and privileges with tho other States. Whatever fra nils nnd villainies may he porpetrn ted by their enrpot ling government", Congress lias no power to Interfere. So long as the Slale authorities pre serve a republican form, lliey may contiuiio Iheir robberies and their climes, nnd tho nation can do nothing 10 con eel them. All that is in iis power is to pass nn act of complete ninncsly, removing the political diss bilities of all who were engaged ill lite rebellion, and enabling lliem once moro to participate in the control of their Stales There is no authority anywhere hy which Congress can overthrow a Stale government and put a territorial or military govern ment in its placo. Nor does tho Ku-Klux Force bill, from which lliesu discontented Sonln enters appear to hope so much, oiler them nny remedy. Indeed, it was nnl passed wilh nny such intention, lis solo object is to eiuihlo President (iranl to send troops into the Southern States In dictate what shall be done in tho elections, under tho pretext of mi 1 1 in r down Iho Kit Klux. It is nothiiij but nn electioneering devico Il may control the clceiiohs, lull it will tin nothing lo ahato the outrages of the legalized banditti that have taken so many of tho Southern Stales by llio throat, und nro plundering their people without let or hindrance. -Yi'uj York Sun Br.M ilKit on llANciNii. l.ov. Henry Ward liceiher I'as been giving his congregation a few ideas about danc ing and Christian cheerfulness. While ho does not, we imagine, npprovo en tirely ol tho saltatory delights ol I lie bull at least ho dims nol say so he looks upon dancing, considered in ieself, ami prut liceil in the home cir cle, ns hu would look upon any o'.her hiinnless amusement. In that con neclion ho gavo hio cudilors an interesting maternal reminiscence which is worth reproducing "My second niolher." Mr. Ileeeher mi l. was niv idea of wotimiily gcnlleiii ss. inmrietv and cleeanco. She u-eil,iil be the great and good t'ortiili.- leforo marriage, lo ho qui'.o a In lie. and was ollen known lo Hip tin1 light i hint: sue. line evening, ns my tatuei I 1 ' 1 played a Inno on tho violin, my I mother arose, uml in the most grat-o fl manner possible to conceive, coin meneed In dance around the ro mi. didn't know what to muke .fit, I Was speechless w n h eonternn t ion n nd il,.li..lit Mr father looked on in sur "' ,. -' . , , , Cl iii iso Never in Iho whole course ol , I my life had I seen S'.ch a thing iitiemiile l in mv hither s house. H was delicious, ud I got u I which has 1 islctl me ever ssoii then since. 1 think lo Ibis tlav Hint d mv m ..I her - .- ... I. ...I .1 1 ..r,.,... e olid said the cat echism a lifh i less, it would have Peen ' hot ter for talent for till of us. II you have a music, culliva'.o il ; 1'" ilaueing. 1-11111"" o , "' r : . .. I has uivcii V"U mak the UIO-.1 of them, w helher of voice. lo"t or o) e Anenlhusiasiiell-idtcalp.pcrwintls1 up a long article, favoring Granl s re- noini nal ion. by saying 1 111 is riiunii I nb '10 lake i hal Is the priirvma . IIo lake everylbinif - l ' " oiT-red to him from a pint ol Ipeiinuls lo a 10'.',0 i0 house. j." I When is a ha by most liko it thcruii 7 1 - ' n hen it continually duth cry. Charge of Murder Against a United - States Comal, , Governor Caldwell, of North Caro lina, who succeeded IloUon, and lik him, Is a Radical, has issued requi sition for "Colunol" liorgor, upon a cliaigo of murder. It is understood . that anothor requisition upon a differ ent churge is suspended over his head. This ia the porson whom thu I' dent nominated as Consul, to represent tuo united blules at l'ernambooo, immediately aftor bs had testified in the most unscrupulous manner before tho Investigating Couimiltco, aud evidently as a reward for ibnl service. Ho is understood to havo been ap pointed upon tho urg'ont recommenda tion of'Soiiulor I'ool, who churned this rulliun to the political account of North Carolina, where he bad ncror been in his life, according to his own testimony, liul for two months, when serving under , Kirk, during which lime ho hung up three innocent men to extort confessions, and committed other trross outrages of a similar character. When Mr. Fish endorsod this noto rious outlaw and vugubond with the great soul of the Lepurtment of Slate, und accredited him In a highly re sponsible trust lo a foreign govern ment, he could not have been ignorant of his infamous character, lie not only disgraced tho consular servicoof the United Stales, but he insulted the friendly Government of Brazil, by sending a fugitive from justice to con duct commercial intercourse. This example, which is only one of many others that might bo cited, will enable tho country to understand to what base uses Ihe public patronugo is pros tituted bore, in order to servo partisan purposes or to promote tho personal ambition of tho Presidont. Washing ton l'atriot. Living by Rule. Living by rule, ns a Medo-Porsian law inflexible, is very unwise, especi ally if a person is in reasonable health. Man is not a machine, tint must be turned in a certain direction, or it will bo destroyed ; nor liko a locomo livo, which must run on one fixed track, or not rnn at all. The Archi tect of all worlds made us for acting" under a great variety of circumstnnces, and in infinite wisdom and bonovo louce hns given lo a man a mechanism of wonderful ad iptabilily, by which he can livo houlllifulry on land or sea; in tho valley, or on tho mountain tops ; in- tho tropics, or at tho polls; on the) barren rocks, or in the rich savannas. Our modes of life must be adapted lo our ages, our occupation, and the peculiarities of our constitution. There uro certain general principiog which arc applicaldo to nil. Every man should he regular in bis habits of eating ; should havo all tho sound sleep which naturo will lake; should bo in tho opm air uu hour or two every day, when praclicible, and should have u pleasurable, und ua cu-eoiii-iii'iiig remunerative occupation ; and tiicy are the happiest w ho urn in Ibis lust category. At the same Inno, if a man accustom himself to go to bed nt nine o'clock, ho uced not break bis neck, or get into a stew, if circum stances occur to keep him up an Ivur or two later now ninl then ; and so with eating, exercise, and many other things. No one onght to muko himself a galley slave lo ,.ny observance ; occa sional deviations from ull habits uro actually beneficial How t. Have or Cecum pi:rs A correspondent of tho Jlorti culturist writes: I hud a narrow border, not more, than two and a hulf feel wide, on the edge of a high fence. I planted three cucumber hills in tbo border, and laid some brush such US is used for pea vines between them und tho feueo. A soon us they crept up to tho brush, I .inched off tho ends, which thickened rapidly around llio roots, and in every direc tion, throwing out the most violent foliage and prolusion of flowers. 1 did not allow the cucumber to grow, but watched them, and such ns I wished lo reserve for tho table I picked as soon ns they becamo of proper size, and all tho rest were gathered every day for pickles ; every day pinching off iho bud of each shoot. In this way the hills continued fresh anil productive until lliey were touch ed by thofr'sl. Some judgement van, be formed ol the valtio of this prnelic when I add that moro than a barrel of pichli'i wero made fion threo hills, besides allowing u supply for Ihe table. believer a leal betrun to look rusty or Yellowish, it wn removed, and llio cucumbers and leaves wero cut oft w ith largo scissors, so ns nol lo dis turb or wound the vine. There is an advantage in having them run upon brush instead of trailing over tbo ground, because they uro much in jured by being trodden on. and being kept low on llio brushes they can be easily nnd thoroughly examined over every day, which is essential, because if cucumber lire overlooked, and ijrowr very large, it stops tho yield of that vine. A Ni.w Canpipatk A HadienI colemporary says; "A Hemieralio journal in llio West nltege thai lbs Hon. Schuyler ('"Max will not boa culidiilnlo tin Iho Vice-Presidency oil iho Giant ticket next j ear. llissnij that lie lias been prevailed upon to yield tho placo lo one of Iho Presi dent's brothers in luw. This is kind and generous, in aeconlahce wilh Mr. C'lilax'n philanthropic nature. Unl w hich i f Ihe brothers in law. is it Pi he ? If justice is done all Ho has not I. .red so w !t of Into as some nl the other brother, in law, nnd the Vice Presidency would go far to ward making it up to him." Tin; Hapicai. -Mopk. Says lh Providence Jler.itJ : " Five hundred nd lil'v nu n firenr 1 having vot"d for Mr Jewill in Iho Four III W.irl of ! New Haven." I'mir hundred nnd scv- ,,, 1(3- nine is the number that actually vni il. .Now, then, 11 "swearing Mi slead of voles is to eleel Governors in Conun lit tit, tin' Democratic' parly it, Ihal -pile mav as well disband "The Army in l'laodt rs," were novices as MViiiivi-s empaled with Ihe psalm sin. in,; l.adicalsof "lite lai d of rlcai.y bah'ts'"' TlIK "GoVHINMbXT1 Dl.l'FATIP. en intrns,;e lias nccii eiecien . oni- j 111 :m lo 1 I10T ul H o liiaini .irnu nf Iho lh inililic. in I hue of General Logan 'Ibis is regarded as a decided triiimpn ni niu ic''ui "i ....---....,-. Ol that or ' inizalion. v.en uu- ! gan is iiul-pokeu i his opposition to - i" j Is" mil. an. I says im in ea.i.i.n. . . . , S single esiern c-iaie. imnv o nu- didalo was Gen. FletisiHitoii. Siiperabtinilanci s a I iiiu hie, com hl. i tteucy bungs tlLlij;
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers