THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, Pa. erKHNESIlAY MORNING. MAT 14, 1871. Terms of Subscription. mid In advance. or ilhiu three month! i 00 jfl pjtul after three ad lo-fore six. months t 50 ;j paid after the expiration of ail month..., I 00 ! fir All article, to Injure insertion In thia ,iHr thould ba banded in early on Tueeday - .mini. at we go l press at 12 o'clock, (noun) Ki:i.icioi g notici:s. Mfthodlat F.jilaropal Church Her. J. II. MVnan, ltir. Public Service tvcry Sabbath, 1 A M..nd 71 P. M. rabbstfi Mnooi nt v a. nt. Praver Mertiar. every Thursday, at fj P. M. (Vnoinninn Hfrrlaa, Brat Sabbath of ...ii th. 1 A. M. I tu Andrew! ( hurf h r.nUfnnal Hrv. fliifti-ji H Publte Wrteo riunday morning 10 nVturk. inU lit 7 P. M. Sunday School at it Y. SL rnyw Meeting Wednesday evening f Presbyterian Churrli Rev. Mr. Itr-TUfa. ? l'ul.lie ferric every bnbheth, morning and even i IlaptNt Church Rev. W. B. Pkisskr, Pae- h r. I'uhlio service every $abbatb, morning or rrrning, aiiernaiviv. it wtM bo notice! by tho curd of Mr. Archibald Shaw, of Bradford, that ho has withdrawn as candidate for Treasurer. A Crowd Kurepuuh's exhibition on lat Ti;iJiT githerel I b a larguet crowd or j.Mplf together we erer witnessed Id (bil place. T ic town woke I a full a a boa Live. Over 0,000 tickets were sdd during the afternoon perfor tnniee. Aiwmsiikd. Tho Uollofonto pnnplo air pleated a? fci n. The ''dummy " on which they hrretofore rode to the railroad at Milesburg has been haulf. off tad the regular trains now run np ffin and bark down. They will not patronise the "raging eanawl," at they threatened to do, but will take to the railroad again. Plenty of UnoM Court Com mences on the .5th of June and will continue two weeks. Wc expect a rush of job work and lull of oM patron whom we have nut seen for four five vean to give ut a call, betides booking a large number of new subscribers. Come on, we will try to entertain ail in a busings mnnner. - Om His Tour. Troiimiror Flogal ll holding bil tat feree. thla week In Karthnus, Covington, Oirard an'l Goshen. Next Monday he emntaencet in Graham anil proceeds to .Morris, Pceatnr, Osceola, Woodward (at Hontnlnlr,) and Ho;", whish closet the programme previous to lourt. An alvertisrmcnt elsewhere give, the time and places when and where he will moot the tax-pity era in the balance of the di.tricta after Court Tuikves Ahoct. Ono niht about Iwo weeks ao the store of Mr. Hoheri S, P to wart, at Sarvrynr Hun. wn entered by burrtan and a quantity of goods end lime money carried off. On TtK'sday evening, tho 1 jth, (show dy.) the dwelling of Air. John Irwin wm entered, a dck broken open, and a pocket bonk stolrn therefrom containing about $-7 In money an I a mini her of nriH-H and receipt! of alue It .Mr. Irwin only. We bare not learnetl of any nrrent bting made. The partiei who ilole $2ti0 and a watch at the F'iii(l) HoN"e a week ago, wcreuterb-iulfd at Oct t"burg, In liant county, an I are now In prison on a fair way for Allegheny City, tho plunder hav ing bees found in their poweriion. Uu Monday lait two nice young men Mopped at Mr. Morgan!, midway Wtwecn Cteartleld and Mil'part, and called for dinner. Tlicy, together with a watoh which wai hanging In the dining loom, disuppeared after dinner. The next tnorn .ng Mr. Morgnn and the Constable, wore at the de pot ratebing (be train. Whether the train was ttoppt-d or the walcb found we know not. A LaDY'h A DVCRT1KKMKNT. A Illlly who has nufiVred from the intulcrlilr nuisiince enmliinrl of, requests ui to insert the following in thin pnper, ftr the benefit of ' all nbom it may cohrrn :" WAVtrn one hundred and fifty young men, more or lets, of ill shapes pv! aiiin, from the tall, IE moo f ai dandy with hair sufficient oo hit upper lip to t tuff a barber's cushion, down to the little lhw -Ir-gge I, freeklcd Ticed, carrot heatled upMarl. Tlie olijcnt ii to form a gaping corps, to be in at-tuim-e at the church doors at the dure of divine service, each S.tbbeth erewjug, to stare at the la-!i-i lliry leave church, an 1 to mike delicate nnl gi ntlemnnly remarks on their persons and d iM. A!l wlio wi-li to enter the above corps will l'!sr on the steps of the various cburub doors "it Pnodsy morning, when they will be duly in yc'lcd. their tiinms, person t appearanoe and quitlity of bruins registered l a Ui!t for that r,,rl To prevent a general rnch, we will state , th;,t ni one will he enlisted who poiesre. intellec- 1 tuil enpscity al.ove that of a d-nl(ev. -- a .jmi . - Savb Ycutn Timk Ai nsunl nt thii period of ur local eamptigi, we are In the reetipt of nameroui lettere from our friends throughout th eoiinty, lnqo.iHng about ean!l dstee. Which Is thtf right man tn vote ftir V "Is he a good Democrat?" ' Dow he drink ?" " Wonl-I b 1 of any wcto the party If wc would elect bin V rto. 8uch, end many others, are tV -jue-'tioin we are ;illetl upoa l answer, every lUy, nil of which involve se wit h nonl pbih spht n l polities) sccnUrin that wewonld wn-frhnlf mr time in answering them, were we competent to 4 a s. We gire notice h4t wo cannot ariswor tb'te ca'echisint, usually made to orfcr, on the ippreavh ef a I'rimary J.lcctinn. It'Tsnse there rr plenty of other democrats in the county more fimpeUnt to judge of the iunliricati-.ns of the run Mntr tbnn nnrmlf, and hcir.ri they aro nut uie editor or a BcwspM-r U whom all look for fairne,... And more ti-in this, were i friend, or a candidate, to aivmach and a-k lo have Ins nume annnn ...i foP ,n .,ffil,. -n,i K-iirvi-d birn wi tty unlit for the poilitn he ii seekinff.we would tell tnin to h'nt bit uaine would appear "0 print, and not ex oe hitn and the party ir lie ia belnre the pu'dio. Tlii. ia almiit Ihe chan nel throoiib which oar Hlilinal philn.ophy run., and il is lliereforo u.elea. to niNniifacliirr a nnm her of ine,tiou. for up to an.wer in reference to our c;ib after their name appear in the I'wluinn, of Ilia IttpublieaH. Before their name, arc published we can aland any amount of quie ting on the subject, but nut after. Those therrlor who fail to have their caleebiaiua auswered need lint he di'ippointed. - - m a To tiik School Dihkctoiix of Ci f Alt nrt.n coi xrr : A Cinemtion of Bircctora will lie Inld at Ciirwenssillc. the With of June. 1S71. Tile object ot the meeting la In devise sonic menns h which Ihi efheiency of the enratnnn schools niV be Inereaied. We cannot expect success nn le.s we adoiit food tilans and re.olvc to riroroii" Iv exeruto them, ll la then fore, that all llirrclort will fed sulncicntlv interested to nltend and five lo the eoaiinon cause Ihe benefit of their views. Tories ron Itt.rrssinv. Hlioold a fencral Bourse of asndy be adopted for our srh'ioi. ? Miould Tia' hcra' aalarics He nnlfnrm. and what eho.ild W t!ie basis for adiustint ihcm f rtlinuhl there lc a fencral pntgrainiac for Tench' crs in aiixid schools r r'hould hircctnrs adopt a code of rntea and reg III. 'inns fur Ihe f overninent of schools f T ie Presidi nl t.f the ll'iaid is n.iieled to call at oiicr, a mi'tin? of Ihe Hoard to meet some time our nf ), first wek in Jon settle ac onmiti nf ilf )d Ifard, and oflers tn sii the Annual Rmtt ; alo, to sipn the Crrl'tlcates, an I the l'rtl'it to swear t the enme. The new li.'ird tn er-nnue en the sume d;iy. and the ofl i errs' namts of new Hoard to be written on the right. hand fne of the Annnal H-port, nn ler. ( ' Officers of ton Hoard.' and th-ae d scorp'-nts til sent to in not later than Ihe 7lh or Iih of June. The new B-ard. tf possiel should mkr arrange ments t hare at least a fire winnthV lrm of setHmitng the n xt year. Many districts can in rae it to sit months. Ttiere are ImiI two M-hnol Hoard In the ePnty that are luteril.ert for the Sckml Jomt. 1 Ins .MnrfHiine has been very tnnrh imprtinil In ap-pe-nranee. arrrirement of matter and assortment of content. Kterv Ims Hireetnr shoubl take U. anl no nn ran afford to he withnt il who feels n ititerest In the cnne of rdueation. Those ftoards Ifaat hare not vet nce1el tkeir qtiot ,.( l,w, nri) l.rportt). will i l wo know WhT they wi-ti them left; so lh-y can either ernd or call and g. t tm ; rIso. If they will have anr snromer -.,i,fc -length of term and time of Oprni.lg. ypo. vr. TPFR, Co. 111. Declination. Suiwsuu.s. Pa'., May loih, 1H71. . O. B. Oootii tsnita, Kaij. : Njf name having been announoed aa a candidate for the office of County Treasurer, I bet; wry reiertfully to with draw from the liat of canilidatea. My motive for thia atep ii to baruoniae aud prevent aa much as poaiihlo an. undue contest in the parly at thia very important in our political attuirs. For fnrly.tiv. years I have horn a steadfast, working Democrat, anxious each vcar to do Hint which i my buiulde judgment would beat advance the principle, or the Democratic parly, and while at Ihit day I ahould he extremely grattly to my Ilcmocratio frienda for the honor of a nnuiiimtiou for thia important offlce, I ihut my duty to the party ia heat performed by do.'linmx tlii ir kind aupport at thia lime. Uratcful to my friend, for their kind rxprcationt of tnppnrt, I bi'K to ro niain ever truly your friend and lillow-Dciuoorat, AKCIIIIIAI.D SHAW. m-t m In Comfortable (Quarters Wo learn by the Sua, that our calceincd friend, B. (.'. Don man, for a nomber of year, a reeident of Ie- oatjr townahip, now one of the proprietor, of the H'ftr Milla, William. port, haa purchaacd the HeMinn property, locale.1 on the corner o Locuat and Fourth atreela. and ia making upon it ecrvioe aule and valuaMe improveuicnta. The houae ia being well repaired, whilat the lot or yard haa been newly fenced and Sled np in line atyle, and prctenta a very handaome appearance. Mr. How man got that propel ty for 1 12,0li(l, at great bar gain, and at he ia a very enterpriring gentleman, poaaeaaing the wherewith to do It, will no doubt make ll one of the handaoutcat home, in tho cil.v of Williamaporl, I Specials. Watron t ill tho chrapcit Uruooricf to be bad id ClearncM county. Those having unnrttltd accounts will please no nce mat i wihq tru iq icttlcd. ai I am in need of the fundf. Mt i(KKil. Muy 24, 1S7L Our buyer. Will Urn Heed, ii now in New York and rhila.h lpbia, and by Friday an I Saturday of thii week we will be tn receipt of a ehoice line of Hummer Dren (loodi, ShawJe. Parasol?. Kid (llorea, Milliucry Uoodi, Ac. Re ltd Bhothkiii. There's no oio disjmttpg, women will talk, the weather will be warm, men will get thirsty I ut there is one thing certain, A, I. Shaw's it the p'ace to repa'r to when one feels desponding and low- spirited, for bis Boda Water is juit the thing to make a person foe! "just as happy as a big mn flowor1 For Salk. Ono Shifting-Top Bu gr, finished in complete order. Also five sets of lliirness, and two leather Fly Nets. Apply to I), il, Nivling, Clearfield. may 10 2ia Fair A Fair liir tho benefit of St. Francis Church, Clearfield, will be held June the At Ii, ia C. K rat tor's old Htore, Front street, hear Cherry. A splendid brass band will be in ntlon-1 dauee every evening. T. J. Mr.MANt'ri. Aoents Wanted. A Rnoiitl nont wanted in this county to promire Iosarane tVr a first elsi-l Fire Insurance (!n.. of 1'hiladehihia. Iri(iiirc of tho editor of this paper for nauia nml iire. U im Lot Fon Pai b. Tlie undersigned offfrs for sjiIc a lot containing .1 Acres of (jroiind situate in the suburbs of Wet Clearfield. It is very tlelraUe for pasturing. Iie ing in grass, with stream of water through It, well fenced, (with gite.) and convenient to town. It is 1.1 so Roo- building site. Mbt 17. If7l 4t JXO. p. fnviX. On May 17th. h;i, hy Jaura C. nnnr!TT, V.-ij., Mr. B. F. 11 AMAKKIl to Mil. l.l'VESA F. IIVSIl : loth of Jrlfennn rnunly, P. iiifit. In Closhen township, on May 1.1th, 1A7I, AN NA MARIA, wife of IUm LtvenuoYjD, aged 40 years, 2 months and 7 days. Peacefully, near Clearfield, on M.iy Itlh, ISVI, Mrs. KLIZAHKTII FPLTOX, having nearly eonipletp4l her 8.rith year. In fir ah am township, on May I2h, 1S71, of consumption, MAKY rJ. GILL, aged 69 years, I month and 7 dnrs. iiianrial. rl.OSlNfl PIUCES of IlKllavr.x k Bllo., No. 4tl Fouth Third St., Philadelphia, May 2(1, 1ST I 1'. S. Il l of ! 1171 1171 ' ' "OJ 1111 III) ' '4 Ill) 111 " '05 MM IIU - '(l.'i.ncw ll.'H 111) " '07,niw 11.11 113J " '(IS 11. (J IMi ', Ifl-t0- I"!'l lll'i 11. S. 30 Year t per cent. Currency IliJ II..J Hold Ill 112 Silrer inn H'S B.ij m ItllJ 102 Ho( PT 1'nion Pacific It. It. lt Mort. D mil.... t'eutral I'aj-ifc ft. K , liiion Pacillc Land Mrent Donda. ...... y.l;ul;ct5. Cloarfield Markets. Corrected weekly Ity llirH itn Mofiaor, Wholcnle and Itetnll Ih aler in l'.r.v ilooila, (iroeerlel, I'ru viaiona, e., Market .trcet, tlcnrfitld, Pa. CLl!rtrit,.n, Pi., Slnr i3 l71. Applea.,rrc-.,,(lllfv I 0(1 II drcn.i'd.. linec.. a m 1" III dea. trcen 7 Apf.e'outter.fKal, 1 llin Oll'dj 1 'n'.ler ("(, x.t "honlilera I'lifiU IX Ilcana ail(l(l(.jj 160 ri.lea (Iti(;ij 17 lln-kwhent I 00 Lard 2(1 Buckwheat Hour R, 4 Me.a pork,1)? I1I1L..H Oil llcef, dried 2S Oata C llecf, Trch S(0 II Oninne 1 nil llonrd", M 12 Illicit On I'otnloe. Uilf-i. I 0 Cum, flu lied 1011 I'mi lie.. dried, .. l-'l Corn, car W( ill I'la.ter, V bbl 3 40 Corn meal, .ai'k, 1 to, Ityo 1 I" Chop, f 0I2 I'l(fli 2 Hag., V H - Clovorcoid 8 00 Sall,yaik ! '-O Chceae M Shinglea,IKin.Kd.S 00 Chcrrica, lb. I(' U Shinillea.'.'o In Idfoj I I 00 Chiekena, drad, Ih, 15 Timothy accd T 10 KI(a lo Tallow 12) Kl.I.eed 1 0" Wheat. .. I 10 Flour ""oo T " w'ol . t Hay IU 00(1,11 00 Wood, y cord It .10 FisM InGlrn Hope Over! ALL FREE AGAIN! AX D THE MONEY PAID! "It ILLIAM S. I'U'KEY takes this method of il intorminr hif noinemos rriends and ens to i crs that he has a-.ld out his entire stock of start Gnivis In Glen Mi ne to Jam-a M. Dickey Co., end to thank bis friends and enstomers for tlivir lilieral patronaxe while in busine iu Glen Hope, and asks a share for the new Arm, who intend keetrng a II rut cl.-.'S Ptj (toudl and gen eral vari'ty store. Their stock will consul in pirt of Ladies' A Gent Fancy Hals. Lidies Hose, from I'll to iitt cents, Ladie' Die-a Goods, a full line, Noli-.ns of al kind-. Cncsimere, a ftill line, Jeans and Cottona-les, and I.n-tre. (He. to $1.10 per anl, AI(inons, beatifies, at ?0 cents per ynrd, Liidie' Fancy Gaiters, a full line, Ko. 1 Gaiters at? 2S, g.mri at rl.TN. a lull line of Ladies ahca, M i .' and Cliil drrn's Hhoes. Ladies' spring Miawls, Chipnrtns anil rilk Curls, Pcilnmerv and llnirOils, Muslin and Calico IVom 0 lo lie. No. I C..H10. vaeds for I 00, t'onliioiirriea, I lull hoc, French and Tin Toys, No. I Oro ceries, for eooritr;' tra lc. In fact a full line of fuller and prime goods, to snit aur tin Ic. tVo intend scllinj on a rs.h or slu rl credit svlrm. and wc know our customers will p-ofit by'it. All kinds of ooutitijr produvt t.ikcn in cv-'hangc for goods. WANTKIi No. 1 Fresh Butter. sn.Ooe ilKh- teen in, h Fhincles, bv count, 1 .01 0 lbcp P. lit. Beef Hides and Culf ckms, for whieh llie litghasl inaiket price will be paid. f.y-tiiie ua a trial l.efura you purchase Jr goo Is. B Will give you borfiiins. JAMtS M. MiKtV t CD. Blen Hope, Pa., May 11, IMI sin. Ft K. ARNOLD & Co., BANK KM, l.tillier.hurir, 1'lrarflcld rnunly, Ca. Monev loaned at rensnniilile raft: aachange h.,....l.t and a.dd: dei.osita rcceised. and a .-o carl banking bulmtsl will l carried on at the atone pliice. 4:12:71 If Fl I.I.ERTON S. nnouurcmrnt?. Primary Election, Saturday, June 10. riUNTKIt'S FKE. Senator (1(1 Aaarmtily HI rrolliouotary II) Keffi.Uir k Kuoordcr U Auditor , ... Treaaiirer , Aaoeinte Jude.H Coinniia.ioner County MurveyorH .I0 . Ill . 6 . i b Thia includel fl.lKUl tieketa for each candidate. Thnae wiahina; more will lie charted $2 per thou aand extra. No name will be aunouueud uukta me caan acoompanirt the order. riLLl. M A. WAI.LArK.ofClearfleld, will lie a candidate fur Senator ul.iect to the action or the Uemoc ratio party at the 1'riDiary Election. ASI Mlll.Y, OIlN LAWSIIK, of Ocjla. willbeaeandi- d.ito for Akhi Jtai.Tntllilrflt to theaclinn nf tb lemooratio party at tin i'rimary leatiou. ril ,T. HOY K It7of rUrftrld," iili" he a cZli A. date fur AnriRi.r iir1eet to the action ol tho Iemouratic party at the Primary Klvutitm. ritomoNorAKV. VAHO.V C. TATK, Cliarfield, will he a ilid.ito for l'ltuTiinxuraiiy (ul-ject ti the ai lion of the Democratie party at the I'riiuarv Mcctnm. lI.I BI.OOM. of Curwensvlllt.will U a candi 1 j date fur I'RoTMoxoTAtiV au'-jeut to the action 1I tuv friiiJcratic party at tho I'rimary Election ISAIAH (1. IM RtlEH, of Itradford township, will bo a candidate for PaoTHoaoT.nir ub- jeut tuijio action uf the le moo ratio party at the i miliary raciion. iti:.iTi:it k iti coKDi n. A PHi nV W. LKU, of riearfieM. will be a can didate for RKOtiTi:it k Ui:nrn sulijeet to the action or the democratic party at the Pri mary Klection. A tT IIjMA.M W. WOltll KI.U of Clearfield, will bo a candidate for I KA(I hkh suhjeol to the act ion of the Uumocratic party at the Primary KleWion. H. 811 AW, of Lawrence township, will be , a enndidale f'r The a tens: ii sul.jeet In the a lion of tho DciLMHJi'tttio party at the Primary Klection. ISAAC CALhU Kl,! nf Pike township, will he a candidate for TiiKAsunru au'jeet lo the aelion of the Democratic party at the Primary Klection. S A IMPEL P. WILSON, of nrndftird Inwn fhip, will bo a candidate for Tukam iikii suttjecl to Ihe action of the Democratic nartj at tho Primary Klection. T'IXCfiXT II. MOLT, of Ilrndftird township, will he a candidate for Aiwik uts Jtimik hjeet to the action of the Democratic party at the I'rimary Klection, w J ILLIAM C. FOLEY, of Clearfield, will U a candiilnte for Anwv iatr JrmiK sut.bft the action of the lemooiatio pitrty at the Primary Election. TACOU WILHELM, of (Iraham ttiwnsbip, will he a candidate tor Aswhiatr JfnnR sul.jeet to the net ion of the Democratic party at the Pri mary Elect ion. rn li f be a r JAM A. BLOOM, of Pike township, will camtiiiaie lor ahnotiatk ji'imic suh ft to the action of the Democratic party at the 'riniarv Election. SAMI'KL JtNKIXH, of Curwensvillo, will be a candidate for Ahkih'UTF. Jt'iujR sulijeet to the aetion of the Democratic party at the Primary Eleetion. O MPEL CLYDE, or Lawrence township, will O be aeandid.itn tor Aasot'iiTK JriM.r siilij et to the action of the Democratic party at the 1 rim ii ry Meet inn. TtHIX J, be a en . HKAD, of Lawrence township, will caiididatp for Awh iatk Jri:i! sulij'et lo ihe letion of the I'cmocrntie parly at the to Pri rrimarv Motion. TOIIX W. SF1CGABT, of Cbarflold.will be a cnndidit for AasorUTK J t imj k culijei-t lo the aj-tion of the Dcmtwratie party at the Primary Mcction. TOHX II. KTLKR, ot Morris township, will U a ean litbtte fur Anwx tATr; Ji'imik sulijeet to thf aettoo of the Deuioeralie party at the Priuinry 4 0M1ISS(M It. r1 ILHKKT S. TOZEIt, of Chest town-hip, will I l.e a candidate ftir Counts ioncn sulijeet to the aetinn of the Democratic party at the Primary'Hl. 11 F. Kartlinii township, will be a can-li-bite for Cowvtta-mtiKR siih.ieet to the aeiion of the Democrat io patty at the I'ri mary Election. TOUN HLOOM, JR., of Pike township, will be a candidate for Cowhiwionki. awbjt t to the aetion of tho DomiH'rallo pirty at the Prim.ny Elect mn. SMI KI. II. BIIAFF.tjKH. of Lawrenne town shin, will be a rmdidtto for Cm xtt Cm- witMiitiMt'.ii sii-'ic-t to the aetion nf the Demo cratic paity at '.he I'rimary Election. APDITOIt. 1EVBEX II. Mel'HERSOX. of Clearfield, will V be a candidate for ArntTnn sul.jeet to the rtetion of the iJenoeratie pur'y t the Prnnnry hleeti-n. ( oi ai v hiiiu i;V4ii. SMI'EL F. M'f'LosKEV, of Curwenstllle, will be a enr.did.ite for C-hitt Hi uvi.ron- subjeet to the action of the DeiiHK-ratic party at the Primary Elee'ion. Jiiy C.ooils, (Oiorcvics, (?tr. SPUING GOO 1 ) S I JUftT RECEIVING ! rKIIIT CAI.ICOHf. FI'I.KSnin 10c. CAM j oocs, llelatncs, hhirting Cheeks, Mucins. I'lHids, IVhite liood., Percales, Japanese Silks, lllaek Silks, cilk I'nplins, Black Alpacas, Tublr Lincna, Velveteens, Hlmwls, Boys' Ca...imeres, ac. AT J. MII.KS KBATZKICS ! nOlt:RV, KI1.K (II.OVF.3. l:K.T PARI Kid lllovcs, l.aee (.' jllnra. Hair swilehes and Cuijuona, Hair Nets, Cupels, Hoop tMrts, c. AT J. WILES KI'.ATZKII'SI I) ni:S TBIMMIMIS, Ml.K I'BIXUKS- Eiullii, ilvct Ribbons, Bullous, to. AT J. MII.KS KHAT?.KH S ! T IRIMMKB HATS, RIIIBON!, Millinery tloods, ac, AT J. AIII.IIS KBATZIMI SI UNRgl'AI.KD FTOl'K Of I.MUKS' AMI Clnl Ircn's Shoes and (laitcrs, Men's From h Kip and Call Hoots, Calf and Lasting (loiters, AT J. MILKS Kr.ATZril'f I nfft PiFcr.s wai.i. pAPi:n tie. i,UV (U SI. oil P"r liolt rrpaia. Floor (nl I bdtia, Window rlnidea. best lino Ware, tilass V arc, Table knives an muite Ta d Koika, Ac. AT J. .MII.KS KRAT.rll SI (IMOICE TEAS. COFFEE, Af OTHEK j tlroeeries, iliied Apples, I've. Ilea, Cherries, l'i inn s, Cnnned Pi'Bi lies, Totnatois, Corn, Ac. Jf iTTlte nbve, with an imtn nsr stoeV of other tjood. Iiave been l.onllf at Ihe lowest cna pricvs, and will be i fltnil at .cry low rutes. ftfr-Cmi aud eiaiu'.ne tbun whether yon buy or not. J. M. KRATZIMt. (Formerly C. Krn'rer A Snns.l Nct door lo II. F. Eijlor Co.'s ILudnarr Store. ( Ii .t!i, l., Mar.h IS. 1.171 If. C'1 ItOUMI I'l.AMI i;it I I M-XF- HAISIM1 FLO I II, 11,01 II, (,'t'll.N MEAL, CORN IN EAR, OATS, ( (lil.V CHOP, (pure,) CiiltS, RYE k OATS CHOP, (pure,) IIIIAN, ac, do. HAMS, SIIHCLIil llS, FIliKS, (OA I. OIL, Molasses, pups, MOLASSES, New Orleans, tea, (, CdrrER. . kc. And a assrtmcnt of Oroccries, Reel stteit, n'ar Ihe depot. K. II. 1SETT. March Him By J. 1'VSAllT. (itluntionaU CLEARFIELD ACADEMY. A Malo and Female High School I F.afli Department Distinct and Complete iu ln.cU, tlHIK roi-RTN saasiow of the present scholastic a ?"r ut utis juMiuurion win oouimcnoe on MONDAY, the 1st day of May. 1871. Pupils can enter at any time. They will be charged with tuition from the time they eulcr to the olusn of the Heion. The oourmi of instinct. on embraces every thing included in a thorough, practical and aecomplish ed education Tor l.nthseies. TCKMM Ol' TUITION,. Orthography, Heading, peiiiuntiKbip, Trimary Aril timet iu, rrtuirtry ileo,jrphy, and Pencil Drawing, per tVssitm (II week.) i to Grammar, Lneal A Deicrifitlva Vioogmpby. Miip Drawing, Ilintory, Mentnt and Writ ten Aritbimtiu and Pencil Drawing $0 00 Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Men suration, .Surveying. No turn I and Moral Philosophy, Urology, Physiology, ( hero fstry.Klietorie, Physical Geography. Hook Keii.ine. Hot en v and Poiteil Diawintr.... tO ( Latin, Orfr-k and French, with any of tho aboy Branches $12 "0 Pearl or Oriental Painting. U4 lesson)...,, lit Ol) Monucbromatlo Paintinir, (J4 leatons) 10 mi Crayon Drawing. 24 lessons IU 00 fancy Hair Wurk, (24 lesainwi) 12 00 Tapestry 8 0 lullrunirntul Music, (.10 k-tM.uS)M 10 10 JRSo deduction will be male for absence. Ptndcn'g from a dittauce enn be accoinmodutid i with boarding at low rates. Any one not a member of the school can renelve private instructions in any of the ornamental bra i e lire. For further pnrtlcu'ars Inquire of or address , Hev. 1 I, H t IHStlV A. M . Feb. S, ISTO.rf. " Principal.; lX U AS1UGT ACADE31Y. G. W. INNES, A. M., Principal.. ' rpllE FIRST 8EPSIOX of this institution aa ill X oomtnence on Momlny, the 15tb day of Muy next. (Term, live months ) Pupils may enter at any time, and will be charged tuition from the time they enter until the close of the session. The course of instruction will cmhrace all branches included iu a thorough prHctieiil education for both sexes. Vocal Music taught when dcirej. Good hoarding can he obtained at -THREE DoLLA Its PER WEEK. Parents can bo assured that the ability and energies of the Principal will be dewited to the menial and moral training of those placed under his charge. -av Terms of Tuition will bo moderate, and can te axoertfliacd by addressing Dr. J. Innes, at JSew n ashington, or the, (i, . Innes, at Appollo, Armstrong county, I'., but who Kill be at New Washington alter April 1st. New Wellington, March 23, IH7l tf. MISS H. S. SWAN'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS CLEARFIELD, PA. rilllE RPRINU TERM of f.mrte.n weeks, mill X eommence Montiny, April 10th, Ih;. A rrnnary d ttnrtmt nl will he added to tlie School this fall : for whi'-h the services of a com- pi lent instructor have been engnged- And no ellorl will be spiired tn render this department attractive and instrnctive. TERMS OF TCITTOy. Reading, Orthography. M'rit tug, Object Lea- t sons. Prituarv Aiithuielio and PrimnrV Geograr.hy ?7 00 Histnry, I.oeal and descriptive Uetmrnpby with Map Draw inn, Grammar, .M.tilul sttil Written Arithmetic , 9 00 Alifetira ami the Sciences II 0 Instruction in Instrumental inu-le 10 00 Oil pointing, 24 Itssnns 12 60 Wn work 8 OH Ftir full pfirtictilars send for Circular. Clearfield, Nrpt. 7. IfrTO I vpd. iUi5crll.mfou5. ' II. F. BI G LEU & CO , It A ll I W A 11 K , Also, Manufacturers of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. c i, r. a it r 1 1 l i), pa. A LOT OF SADULKS, lHilDLKS, Harness, Collars, tie., for sale fcj ,. II F. nl'H.KU 4 CO. lALMlUiS l'ATKNT UNLOAD Inj Hey Forkt.for sole hy II. V. liKit.KU 4 CO. 1MIXT, PUTTY, (.LASS, Nails, etc., for sale by ii. f. nim.F.u A CO. jYiHses.s TKIMMIXGS & SUOK Findings, for ale by II. F. rsIOI.F.It A CO. QUNS, PISTOLS, SWORD CASKS For ml. by II. F. BIOt.F.n CO. gTOVKH, OK ALL SOltTS AM) giiea, for Bal. by II F. I'.IOT.FU 4 CO UON ! I HON ! 1 LON ! 1 HON ! For sal. by II F. BiC.LF.Il 4 CO. JJOP.SK 8IIOKS A HOI.SK SIIOK ( NAILS, for tal. I.y II. F nifiLKU A CO pl'LLKY "BLOCKS, ALL SI7.KS And belt Manufactnr.. for tale tiy II F lUfil.FH 4 CO. T MUMBLE SKEINS AND 1MPK B0XK, for sale Ky II. F. I1IOI.ER 4 CO, JODDKIt CUTTKUS fur alo fy MmWTO II. F. TUCsLKH 4 CO. S. T0ETER SHAW, D. D. S., Olhcc In Mn-inic llull'ling,, PA. Pnllin, of the natural teitli in a hialth.v, pre. arrvalire and useful et"l is Inline n .p.-hi, .... . Ilisenses and mnlfortnnl i ms enmraon lo the mon'li. j.iw ami as.iK ini. (.....r, . ---- with fair SU'C'Ss. hsiilllinotlolis ami rmiy ....... Prices fur unrtial and full 1,1th much lower than In M K '"il,l he well r.irpaliei,'. from a dialanc lo lei us knew t,y i:i:,il a few ilavs beforn coining to tlie oVo. II i. nit IniMirtalil lb :it c' ildr.-ll between in. Hi;, nr.iF'..l i.nlt. i,.r. should have tie I. i..,h :....i ll A,,..ib,-.,a Teeth are rennet cil w ilk,, ut pain. lel.hVTl J, M. STEWART, D. D. S.t t- Oifi-e cr Irnin's Ding Store, U)tft CI RW EXSYILLE, PA. AH operations either in 'be merbnnicnl or o).ernlivn hmnel , promptly attendt d 'p Red ptali-laetion guaranieetl. hpoeiul at'entior pit id Ie the trentiitent of dicaes Of the n.tturrtl eili, KiiinS and mouth In. Rtilnrity of the teeth sue cere hilly corrected, Terlh eilraeletl wit boat psin brthenseof Ether, and artificial leih iuerted o (lie liest material nnd wnrrautei to ren-ler sat iiiaetion. p'ii?n'Vl:ly Notice to Krldsc RuiMcrs. SEALED nrnpot-als a ill le rerive. bv th" nn ileriin'd. eimntittec at KuthMis. antil Knt ur lar, lb 1 Hi b day of May next, for the liniMn.g of an nneovered hrtde, ff mn eifhty feet span, oero-ka the inoulh a tin Miimuio Cntk, at K.trttinns. Bids will Inelutli i n- Ihe wholo mate- rial and lahnr. Hood seenril, ill lie replied of the contractors fr the c.nplilinn o! Ibe lirhlire in a snlistaiilial and workmanlike manlier. A plnn or speeir-nl ion of Ilia bridge can l.e seen with .Ino. liillil.nd. at Suit l ick. Address ot comiiiiltfc. Suit Lhk P. f. .ino dii.i J. W. P.iTTKII. Mvl 1"7I SI- EO. II E( 'KEM(UM- 1I.AMt t'OMwTAIU.ICS KALf. FOR tali at this alfica. uruUurr". LLINO UFF AT COSJTI FOR CASH! The largeat Block of F IT It N I T IT It K ever offered In CLEARFIELD I At the PTEAM CABINET RHOP.eorner Market and Fifth Htntcts, ULEAKFJELD, PA. .. The undersign d would annorince to the public that he has on hand and is now offering cheap for each, the Itrgest stock of Furniture ever in store in this county, consisting of Upholstered Parlor Suits, ( Chamber Setts, Extension Tables, Secretaries, Rook Cases, Pedatenda, Pprlng Rids and Mattresses, Lounges ant) Benches, Plain & Marble Tp Tublr.i A Bur cum, " ' . Waf-hstatuls, , Cane Beat and Common Chairs, Roqking Chairs, ' Looking Glasses, Window t?bad a, Picture Frames, Cords and Tassels, Ac. lie also minufuctiircj and keepi on hand Put-! ent Hpring Beds, the best ever Invented. Ko family should be without them. Any kind of gootj not on band can be bad on snort Bui me. I'pliolrteriug and repairing ucatly executed. COKJ'INS, of nil sires, can be Lnd on a half hours' notice, aud nt the lowest priuu. A deduc tion of 20 per cent- made for cHrsh, METALLIC CASES, or Rosewood, fTlnnt and Cherry Coljjus, with glans or wood tops, furnlihed on live hours' notice. ' " Personal attendance. With hearse, on funeral occasions, and carriages furnished when desired. Thanking the public fur past favors, and by strict personal attention to business, I hope to receive a continunnee ot the same. Remember the place tlis F tenia Cabinet Shop, corner of Market, aud pilth Sirvct. . March 29, 71 I v. DANIEL liKXXKR. IHlscrUaufous. ANNOUNCEMENT EXTIUOKpIXARYJ I WOULD respectfully announce to the clti ens of CLEARFIELD snd vicinity that I have opened up In the sew Mmunic Ilnilding, first door below the Mansion House, on Second Street, with a entire new stock of tV aTCII ICS, CLOCKS & J KW ELRY, Of the latest styles and best finish, Selected with care, I hare an assortment from all the latrat novelties lo Jvwelry, suita ble for the Holidays. A Urge stock of American Watches from the factories of Appletrn, Trary Co., at Walt bam. Mat., and the Nallnnal Watch Compsnv at Elgin, III., In from t to 8 01. eases, always on hand, and warranted. Thankful for your pt llbrral patronage,! hope, by strict attention to business, to d erlt a continuance of he sime. AH kinds of repairing In mj line promptly attended to. Tirllalr Jewelry made to order. 8. I. N i'DE R. Deormbcr 14, 1S70. II ATM A H I) CAPtsI AND II o o t ft nud M li o e ft I TIIK PLACE TO (iKT I Iitts & Cnps, Boots & Slioes, IS AT 1TUERT0YS STORE! Due door north of new Musunie, Building, CLEARFIELD, PA. The largeM stock of goods In this line ever hrnuatht into the comity, is now npn for the in spection of the public, and will be sold at the Very Lowest Canh Pr 'we& t ADn, a spten iJ assortment gf GENT'S ITR XISIIIXG ttOtiDS, ciiMMing of r-hirls, Ctrllars, Neckties, llantlkcrehiela,, l uderwinr, X ). A large stork nf CAR CRTS and OTLCLOTI'S. which will bo (li"po,id of at at-jiifbingly lotv prices. A liberal sbaio of palrotuic is respect fully solicited. DON'T FAIL TO CALL.ti Store on Seoond St,,bebiw Market, Cci field, Pa. 4:5:71 D. R. FI LLEHTON. Small Fronts ! Qukk Sales! IIARTSWICK & IRWIN Arc constantly replenishing their stock of Drugs, Medicines, Ac. Fchool Hooks anJ Stationery including the Os good and National Stun ol Readers, Also, Tobacco and Cigars of the best brands, at the lowest prices. n!fl CALL AM) PEE. tV.t DENTAL CARD. Itfas Iln. A. M. ujtljTr Would say to his pitienta nnd the pub. lie g. im rally, (bit, hat ing diss -died pnrtnership wi h Dr. Hhiiw, be is now doing the entire work of bis office himself, so patients ne 1 not fear being put under the hand of any ulh-r operator. Having obtained a redu'-li'in of the patent on the pi ile Uniterm), I Bin ciilMcd to put up teeth itnirli .-heiiper than former!?. InNohate Dr. Siu.k s pnti'fil process for working rtihtter plnte. which Hoke a much lighter, mm o elastic and stronger piste for tlie same amount of material, and p.d i'bes the plate on both st'lrs, rendctiiig It much liter, cnrilt kept cVnn. Kpeeiul altetitiou paid to the preservation ol iltr nnturnl teeth, and all work gtinenntet'd entirelv Bnti-laetory to pntients. ,ff Office nt the old corner, i "site the Pbaw House. Oflioe hoars from H to Ii, tt in., ami I to S, p. in. Patients from a distance hoii'd notify in a few days kefort hand of their iutcntion to eouie. Always at limine, unless other ti' tiio np prars in both the county papers. fcl.14'71 IMli; Alir.P.IC . lltt'!l' I. I Il l-s..V tl.l.Ia, (t RAiiriRt.n Coi Mrr, PrV,. This long establishej and popular hotel Is still Kciil UT lite Bll' WHO SIPMtr no rinui i jilt sse all who patrnnii" him. "To i.lea, is Ihe motto nt lUe Anirricsn House, ani an inai i- asato is a trial. E. W . REED, Proprielor. CurwriisviUe, Mareh l., IhTH If. A1 DVIMMill TOK Siil I ( I'- Notice is beret. t given thnt letters ot aduiiintrftlion I on ihe est nl'1 ol PEIKU FoN'I LNo , rie asetl. 1 it t of t'ovtt.cton fown-btp, fleaitield county, Pa., hating lieen tiuly grautetl to the mob rsiucl, a'l p.-r-oiif indilittd lo mu rstiite will pb-ne maUe (MViaent, and t hoi's having chit in or daunn Is I wlil prt st nl them properlv ai'h nticated for set -thmenl. FBANt H JKNKK, ' Frvnehv illc, April 19 fit pd A imini-.nitor. Kl KTIEd-Thrrrry latest styles " ll. R. Fl Ll.ERTiiN'S. For Rcnll T tllK llndi rsialieil niters to relit 1 IlWl'M.INt 1 II S ; and 111. ail h ,s Jl I I II M 111 I', situaie list, nd P. O. In lb II I iwn.hrp. This is a vcr) dcirabl. loyation for Ihe business. A full sal "I I,. ,1. t lb. sin, n. 1'lentv of rii.l.iiii. A f'"ol bind in llie vlllsirc, AddrcB or apply lo 11.1.. ur lha tubacril'T. MaioU lo If IH.NHV llHUril, Jr. TlTI e.S' COKFAIII.I'., I'KI'J. H'c have printed a large number of the new IKE 111 1. 1 and will on tb. rr.ilpt of laei.iy Ore cents, mall a rope lo anv address. i2l ' I'riiasct and abdiinilual sni porler, uf ivorj I kind of the latest Improvements, ("V 'ale a tha Kr.j ,Hn .f HAK1SW HK IRWIS. 1871. SI'IIIMi (i(JOI)S! Tho First of the Season I - - The CheapeBt in this Market I BUY! BUY!! BUY!!! op KRATZER & LYTLE, Your Iry Goods, Yenr Wiudow Curtains, Your Carpets, Your Oilcloths, Your Wall Papers, Your Hats, Your Caps, Your Caqiet Chain, Your Btoves, Your Racon and Feed. Your Groceries, Vour llsrdanre, Your Queens ware, Your Notions, Your Roots & Shoes, Your leather. Your Shoe Findings, Your Flour end Fish, PALTI HALT! SALT I at wlmkiulc to country nien-hants. OILS, PAINTS, GLASS, !o.-A liberal dii coitnt to builders. Everything that you need ean be had at great advantiige to the buyer, at KRATZER A LYTLE'R, : . . Marktl street, Clkars-iklii, Pa , opposite the Jail. S-.H SPECI AL A0lTEHET! I HAVE this day associated with mo in the mercantile business my brother, Roltert Reed, nud the busiiiiHS will bo continued under the nrm name or K K 11 H O T K It M. We will continue to mnlte the Dry flood. and Xiitton busnieas a speeialtv. and all the newest fiihrirs and latest novelties iu the market will lie kept on hand. The Branch Store in Curwcnsville will be con tinued, where will be found as choice a liuo of goods as at our mam store in Cteaiiicld. NewSpring goods will be on hand about the 11 til of .March. The hook accounts of Wm. Reed will be promptly uu luiiiieiimiciy mjiiicu. WM. ItfcKI): Clc.rueld, Ph., March 8, 1 ST I . 1 ) i: A C E IN UlROPfl GREAT EXCITEMENT IN FRENCH VILLE I The bloody contest betwfen France and Prussia is at an end for the nee sent, so far as the slaugh tiring of men aud Ibr destruction of property is concerned, Ihe Koval Jiiir.'lera no tlnuM proli theitiselvea and rejob-e over the result, hut bos insignificant is their work alien compared with i ie uumaiitt ana cummin eiioris 01 Is . M. COUDIUET, who has undertaken to sti plv all the eitirens iu the lower end of the ennnty with food and raiment nt exeeedini lw mtn? Innn bis mnrnmolh store in M I' lON Itl H 11. Mln re hfl can always lie found realy to wait upon cullers ami eujiptv tbein with Dry Goods of all kinds, Such as Cloths, 8atinetfs, Cassiineres, .Muslins, Duiuines, Linen, Drillings, Calicoes, Trimmings, RihUons, Lace, Ready-mailc Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Huts and Cap" nil of the best mitrrhtl and inaife tonnsjer Hose, hocus, O loves, .Mittens, Lace, Hihhons, Ac. OROCERIEM OF ALL KINDS. ColTfC, Tea, Huirar, Bice, Molasses, Fish, Salt, Pork, Linseed Oil, Kish Oil, Carbon Oil. Hardware. Oiie'-nsware. Tinware. Ca-tinps, plows and Plow fastings, Nail, Hpikes, Corn Cultiva tors, Cider Pre ssus, and all kinds of Axes. Perfumery, Paints, Varnih, tllnss, and a general assortment of Stationeiy, GO 01) FLOUR, Of different brand, always on hind, find will bo Sold at the lowest poilde figures. LICjl'tlRS, sneh as Brandy, Wine, (tin. Whisky, Jjne'a Medicines, l!ot tttr's and lltiofland's Bitters, fttlt 0 pounds of WimI wanted for which the highest price will be paid. Cloversecd en baml end lor aulo at the Iohci ronrkei price. Also, Agent for Strattoni Hie and Cnrwensville Thre-hitig MiiebllltS. Vy-Cal and see for ynnrsetres. You will find eveij thing Ofually kept in a retail store. L. M. COFDRIET. ! Frenebville P. O., March 1. 171. I JACKF.TT fc fLIIIIVVi:H, m BULB1XG HARDWARE, Also, tnanufacturcra of Tin and Sheet Iron Vare, Nearly opposite Ihe Jail, t 1. 1; a it f i r. i. n, pa. Cnrp'ntcrt ti 1 Ruildirs will fnd It to their adintHc toekammuour stock before pui chasing elsewhere. STOVES! STOVKS! Wc sr'l the TIMES COOK STtlVE, ll.c chcip. est and best slovc in the market. E cry slovo folly warranted. AL?1, PARLOR, nntmu, and HA1TIM1 STOVES! whirh will he sold as cheap is any In Ihecaunty. Rtrlct alleiition paid ordcilng articles for par ties who desire It. rty-l'onii;. Ppnullnx and Jnh work done on reasoiMld. trrtua. Clrarll.1,1, Pa, April 13, 171. r if it s i:i out i BURNED UP! pi;ll iu n woolen fctory, Pt-nn lowii'hip, Clenrfield Co., Pa. The niburi il"-r aro, nt H"Mt v pctte. r- 1-u'il I ioff. and in a ft w ds will ta.e e fli-trd, a Ili t'lil.oi iHoiJ Kctf elat-s Wolllen M -met in. .inn rei, (it ft'tlM ll the ef0i"O of a fu-t. -t . wilb HI tbe nil"), rn i. nnd are prepared to trttte nil kinl nf t'tollis, Cii-nint w, ,tliiiel(. l-inn- kola, riiinii.1", Ac. Pl. ti'V of g..nd on bnd to supi Iv all rftrol.l ati'l a ibon-iit I ne vu-t'-mcrs, 1 wbrn we n-k to e .me and ttJiitiinr -ar s'-v-k. Tlie busiiie'-s of CARDINU AND II LLI Nil will teeelve especial attention. Out new trill wi'l Kc reii iy by w- 4 e M Mwn, therefore tlore nrH-d In' nu b.Httftltt.n on that m-ti. Pr p. r trf meul- Will made to receive an 1 delu r Wool, lo ami eiialnniers. All wo k wari aoled and tt ne tip n ihe fhoitci notice, aud I.y slriei nti.'ii lion to .iiioc-s we h.'po ti fcali-'C a lihvrnl F.nirr .f pnhlie pulroaare. 10.OIHI POI NDS WOOL W ANTED! Wa will pay the hiKh"t mtrk.A price for W0d and st II our itttn jf"iurfd gouds as la as imilar ajoo ls enn beh 'tickt in the wanty. and when.tcr ne (ml to rend"t .reis-nade salisljction e oan alwavs Im fonii.l nt bme rvAtt. to uiikrt n.p.-r explnnatiort, nthrr in peron lv teticr. JAMI.S, JOHNittiN A MN A, apriUnif Grampian Hill. P. 0. 1871. (TjooiIs, (Ororrira, tftr. J. r. WKAVCR..i CLEARFIELD, PA., Are offering, at the old stand of 0. L. Rccd I Co., their stock of goods, contlsling of DRY - GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS 4 SHOES, HAT.'? 4 CAPS, IlAItDlVAKE, QUF.PNSTARK, FI.0UE, FEED, SALT, &o., &c, At the tnott rrasunitMo rates for CASH or In exchange fur Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, ; on ccintrv ruoiiccE. . jtfl-AJvancca made to those enngcd in Ki-t-ig out square timber on (he moat advantag, uus terms. January 5, C7(I. a. a. ARMoiji W. ROSS HAI'.TKUUHM. "Cheaper than the Cheapest!" GOODS AT KEDUuED " PRICES : jnST RKCEIVRD BT Arnold A IfnrtMliorn, (One door west of First Natlonnl Bank,) tl lt i:SVILLE, PA. HAVING just returned from the eist with a eomplttte assortment of Hoods suitable for spring and Hummer trade, we ara now ready to furnfth all kinds of Goods "Cheaper than tho Cheapest!" And after thanMng our enstomers for their liberal patmahge during Ibe past year, we would most res ectfutly atk fur a continuance of the same. Our Stock eonstslf of a complete assortment of Dry floods, Notions, Hardware, Qneensware, Willowware, Omee'lfS, Roots if Fhoes, Hats A Caps, Clothing, Tobaccos, Aa. Also, Flour, Raeon. 8a It, Firh, Orain, ete. All of whlth will be sold on the mot reason able terms, and the highest market price paid for (Irain, Wool and all hinds uf Lumber and Country Produce Please giva us a call before purehating elsewhere. Entisfaclinu guaranted as to price and quality. ARNOLD A HARTSHORN, Corner uf Main and Thompson F trocts, pr20 CPRWENSVILLR. PA. 5 m "For thy Stomach's Sake and thine other Infirmities. "St. Paul. mi. i;oyi:i.4 . IMIIE WEST BRANCH DITTERS. Vsal'c. pure, pbasuut an.lie;illh gi. iug Tomt alrictly vepct,tie, and iwanulaclurcd tnou the most pnre and choice materials Is not a pirlt Link ii'ir sulilliitc for nhiAy, b:it a seientific oiiipouid, for tlia puttectii ii of the syshui ami the cure of ditea'o, made fioiu clieuiiciilly pure spirits, entirely fn-e from fuil oil or other iriita tiug proprrties, aivl a ill not dii'iircc or utb nd the most ibheate etoinach. A long private cxpeib ence has attrMcd its Superiority overall Ordinary Remedies. No Bitters at present offered to tho public ntfaiiis so miii h ni"-licinfil virtue, and yet so snft an I pKa-"nnt t titke. Its ue is to cure disease, and it will not create in app-'tite for spiritiiouj lipmrs, but will cure the eflVoti of dirsipation. To increase the Aii'eii(ef I'.K IT. i To promote Digestion, V.-'K IT. To eure Dyspepsia, ' Vfr'K IT. To cure Fever and Ague, PSK IT. To cure Billiou-nesi, 1K IT. To cure Constipation, I'M. IT. To cure Chronic Dinnha'a, I SE IT. Tn cute Heart burn, t SE IT. To cure Flatulence, I SK IT. To cure A,l I Eiuntnll'-ws I'?2!. IT. Tti cure Neivoiis Debility, Vfll IT. To cure lly.l-.cb -mdiia, I'SE IT. To cure Pallowncss ot Cmpleion, I'SE IT. To curr Pimples an 1 PI tehes, VfV. IT. For Ocneral Pnwtration of the Phy-b-al powers, PSE IT, and II will cure yu. F .l I everywhere, at ll.l'O pr bottle, .Munii facturrd tiLdu?! cly by A. I. R II A W, Dn:g,tsl, CLE AR FIELD, PA., Who offers liheral in ItfH tnetits to the tiadc. o l. i-rvtr. LIME AND COALl V1N1 incrta-ed enr facilities hitrinnif hue doting the part, we are pie Ht. Ie furMsli Mood l.iirnt 1 Imr, foal llnrnl 1 Due. iH attd C oal tttirtit I.lmr, Maniiiaetured from the ptdehrattd PELLEI't-NTK I I M E T-N E," bieh frelttc-B the ll!Ht and rtnrT Lime, lor alt nMvl.nri.-tl p;iipt.-e. tbnl . rtn -e fm:i. in Ihe Stat-ot I ni-.'- wn-t which nes. Mat a low .tic.d.!ix'"d ,,n '" iuferi.i Limes are tol l at tUir - ol uisiu.'actuie. Also, deaW" in and b'ppeis of Wilkcsbarre and Slianiokiii ' ANTHRACITE COAL, of all sins, pr psted rxprcssly for family aso. rt:.. rs sell, ll.-d. Nov. I. I1.!" Ir. SIIOIITLIlHiK k ( O., II Ib l. ntr, t'a. Dealo's Embrocation, (i, nt row ui'".) inridi at to llnrs". Cattle, and llutuaa FUsli, rjduiiinf th. use ol an external al1icatiin. Thia Krahrt."ati.m waa uaed by Ih. U ..rt BQcai durina tbt aar. K. I sale bv Earis'i.h A lrie. Clea.neld. Jos.pb It. Ir.ia. Cuia. nsi ilia, l'suicl UowJ Uadtr, La;b.6tir a 7 THE SMITH HOUSE. (Oppo.ilc the Pa.aenger Iscpot.) 1 1 i:aiii M I D. PA. fpiIK undenigned. Iiaving leased ibis hotia. lor X a series ol yenr., is ready to entertain atrsn a.os and tiavelers f(encrailv, and lliurcforc solii llr a' uriivrs lo ,iv. hiiu a oall. 11 ia TnMe will bc supplird with the bvsl the uiatl 1 1 atlord., and 1 1 Bar will contain the clioiee'st of wines and liquoi. The house, lurniturt, bi ds aud bedding are entire s new, which alwiiysadds tolheeouifortof tiavelei. : while the stablinir attucked ia birr, and roonx. jusl aliifid for tialuslcrs. Clir(ea moHerale. ju4:7 WILLIAM A. UllAIil.GT. THE ALLEGHENY HOTEL MARKET St., CLEA IlFIELIl, Pa. rpHIS laige and CHtrumodious new hotel Las A been npnnett for the aucoiiitiiodnlion of ibt public, wb ie the proprietor will he flad to meet hii oid friends, and n-eeite a share ol puMie pai n'tmge. Bv striut peisotial attention to the di tails )f his bilsinesj, be hopes to lie aMe lo renrter aiiiistitviiou to his patiuns. The TABLE aill alwiivs bg bountilully supplied with the heat that can be protund in th -inarl.-t. and the BAR will contain a lull stock of Llgi'OUS, BEER, Ac liood stahlilig aliMelteiL , CASPER LEIPOLDT. Cleurfield, March S, I It Pn.prietor. THE MANSION HOUSE, Curnerol Micoiid and Market reels, C I J.Altl K.J.I). A. -riMIH old a id eoiiiiDedifua lDnel has. during J the part year, hoen n target) to douhla iu former capacity for the entertainment ;t siren ger ani giievts. The whole buiUiing has been refurnished, tha proprietor will' spare no pains u render Ine guttata eomfortable wbila Msyinic with him. jpt- I he Mrtn-ion lloose" Oninlhus runs to sna Irora the Depot on 'be enival and departure of eaob trwio, , JOHN DOLtUIEKl Y, aprti 70 tf Proprietor. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, 1 uruciiatille 4 ieai Held county. Pa 1 i'III old aod well etui lirtied Hi tel. 1 ssttti- full aitu'ltvd on the ha-ik ut thr hupque- ttunna, In the borosgh ot Cora en. i lit, bai bten irawd for term of y.ars by the undersihea It has been entiiwl) relttteri, and ir now ot-en to the public gener tily and the trnv eltlrg eommn nity in par'ieulnr. No pains will be spared to render pucut comforlnhle while tarn I ng al this hou-e. Amide htnhline' roo.ii for the accomma -diti'in or urn ins. Charges uwdorite. lt-t 2S, l&ro tf. , . ELI PLOOM. the!iailF6adhouse, MAIN ST. PHILIPMlUKO. PA. riHE undersigned kaeps eonstaatly on hand X the bent of Liquors. His table Is always supplied with the b. st the market affords. The -traveling public will do w II o give him a "all. novl,'n5. ROBERT LLOYD. gHAH' 1EDOU Corner of Market and Front Streets. C leat Urld. Pa. Thia magnificent Hotel Is entirely new, com plete in all ita appointments, and convenient to the Court House. A Ire OninDus runs to and I mm the Depot on the arrival ani departure of eucli train. Ii EOKU E N. C'LltL RN, April 13. 1870. Proprietor. IRWIN HOUSE, Mirina bctwecti I. Irk l.uti and hauavJIIa. ''IIIE undersigned would respectfully invite the i attention uf wntermen and all others to the fct thut he haa opened a hotel at tha ahove nniiied pi see, where be is prtpwed lo aecimuio dale all nho inny favor biin with a call. Pouts have hoen put in or! the rhur bank, so as to iuuure a s:ife landing fur watruien. jauZ.:6ia W. W. IRWIN. WESTERN HOTEL, OpH)ite the Court House, CLEARFIELD, PEN N'A. Accommodations tlrst-class and charges moderate. nctS JOHN F. YOCNtJ, Preprictor. 17 OK ARO IIOUKIi, Oppiitc the Railroad Depot, t Irarflcld, ea. ! 1:71 I JOHNSTON k BOX. Pruprictoit. jt!oot5 and iliors. DAMKL CONNELLY, Roof a nd Si'ioc Maiiiifacturer, CI.KiHFlKI.D, Pa. U AS jus. rrcrlvcd aline lot of Frensk CALF kfS. and la now prepared lo Bijnnlao tin. everything in his line .1 tb. loweat ngure: lie will warrant hit work lobe aa represented. Ile respectfully solicits a call, at hie sbop on Market ttrrrl. second d or west of the pot-toffim, wtwre ha will do all in htB power to render eatta faction. boiuB tine (Jailer t.,pa on hand. ui).'(l7 y DtMKI. CONNELLY. . PEACE rilCCLAIMED. THE WAR OVIR IN CLEARFIELD. KNOX TOWNSHIP QUIET. Xcarht oil the Contract mix going bark to thfir vlt miistr$ ; but 'nary on 0inj to "(J Mtsachutftt$t vhert thry u re lovni no long and so writ, IN consequence n- the abovi facts. F. PHORTf of the eld ''Short hor Shop,' would an noune- to his numereoa patrons nnd the people ot rienrflrld county at large, that be haa now a first rate lot uf gmud material jusl received Iron the Kt, mid is prepared on snort hoi ice to make and mend Hoots and Hhoes, ai his new shop in HrHhaai'a row. He faaatisfled that he can picas all.' u less il in ith l be some intensely la slay. t piitrioix. ) He is prepared to sell low for I'a'h or Country Produce. D-n't forget the hop nevt dtor lo Showers A tirabam's store, n Market street, Clearfield, Pa., and kept by a Mlo commonly c tiled Jy-Vf.7 J "SHORTT." lw eoot a shoe suar. KDWAIlS" MACK, MARKET A Un 8th., CLEARFIELD, Pi. rPIIE proprietor has tittered into the ROOT X 1 1 ' K liunncf at the alo-ve stand, and ir determined hot tn he oulde ellber in qusl 'ty or price ft-r his work, hpee.a) etfemien will be panl to manutiii taring .. w- d wmk. He tins n hand a lrKe let uf Kreneh hip and Calf ekins, of the very hest qnaliiy. Ihe rill seas ot Clrrtld and vletatty are respeettolly invited tu give bias a trial. No charge for eelie. now.' 0 tf T KW bTOIiH AND NEW GOODS. JOS. SI I AW & SON lluve jusl 0 rueJ l Si STORt, Oil Mail. St..CLtARntLD, T., Iniclv ocruiir.l ly Wm. F. IK WIN.' Tbi'ir Mink consist, of ZZJ 111 'JT CEJCDLESS Cikm tatia of Ilia bost quality, (JuK.t.vswARF., Itoots nnd SIkicp, ml every nrtiolo uccctsarT for rinp'e ronifort. Call ami exnorin. our iturk hrfoi, vnir rLnsinj olfswlirrr". liny 9, t8C(l-lf. Till". CLKAIil'ir.LD WOOD-CHOPPEaS' AXE! Mann "a 'tor d rspeeia'U for an: vr.y.Anrin.n rnAiRK run a st r. v ..-: II. V. Bllll.KR k CO. Insure Ycur Properly I '1 tilK ne h rs:;iied are ptp;.r.d to vise any ten nt.le flic rtk-. m ST".. i 0- rel e h a the " I .,tuwp Mtttaal. of l ertt, 1. t,i.rnifte the ' Andre," rf t, (haiihis' t, bt t the a." of N.w ..k. at d .ik'r. Pete .-... e.Tii.'e. an Xh Cae i h ' I'3 upt.ramr--.-r. I ?VN A KMfcS. CU vftVld, P.v, II,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers