he gjicpttbliran. GEORGE B. GOODLANDEIl, nitot AKD mopRIRTOR. CLEARFIELD, PA. WEDNESDAY MOIININO, MAT 24,1911. Primary r.lrttion. Tb, qnrptiou of a change in our preient pyitrtn of Diking nomination,, a, directed by resolution of 1 lib Juno, 1ST0, will be total upon at our com ing Primary Election, in the following manner: Ticket, will l printed and labelled on tho out fido "Primary Election" and on the inside "Craw ford rptero,H on pome, while on othcra the word, "Delegate Fyitem," aod each elector will be en titled to vote one ticket u bo may peleoL Full laetrsetiona will tw iur.ii.hed tb Vigilenee Com uittoe In due tine, together with tickets and Maaary blauki for holding the election. J. BLAKE WALTERS, Chairman Hem. Co. Committee. linn. Jeft'erson Onvi spent novorul linys lust week at Bel Air, Ilutford oounty, Ifarj'land, where twoofliiit sons Are going to Rt-hnnl. A Mistake. Dr. Duvid Stanlon, the St. Domingo candidnte for Audi tor General, is not a brothor of that celebrated he-fcmalo, Klitabetli Caily Stanton. They are only second cous ins. She is it free lover, tho Doctor is only partially so. . "LorAL" Patriots! The "loyal" Stato Convention which met in liar risburg last week was made up of Rcvcnoo Assessors, Collectors, Post mantorti, and "nieh." There were not ten decent disinterested men in it, who looked to tho interests of tho StHto rather limn their own popsumil aggrandizement. It was a complete bread and buttor brigade," on tho lxilt out for public plunder. T'lenty. Tho Delawaro and East ern Shoro Maryland peach growers held a convention at Dover, Dolaware, last week. They report that from prcsont appcaranco they will ship three million fii'O hundred thousand bankets the coming season. This is 6UO,000 more than wcro shipped in 1800, tho champion peach year. More than fivo hundred thousand now trees wcro planted tho past season. A Transmutation. Tho Radical nomineo for Auditor General was p'utii Dr. David Stanlon, of Beaver - county, before the Convention, but since we r.otieo ho goes by tho nmno of CV.oncl Stnnton, a rulutivo of tbnt numo who wub the founder of the "Andorsonville Prison," while Secre tary of War. Did ho not receive bis promotion and military titlo through mere favoritism or fur Hospital servi ces f If so, why so long uftor the war is it necessary to travel urder nn alios T We upcct that it is diino ns a blind to tho soldier clement, for whom our "loyal millions" had so much loro while at tho front keeping tho "rebels" buck, and yet failed to nominate one nt llarrislmrg last week. - Hold On. Somo of ottr friends lako tho liberty of censuring us fur print ing tho circulars with which our can didates aro flooding tho county. Wo will jnt now inform them that we did not print thorn. And more, iftbey consider it wrong they would "hit the nail on tho hoad" if they would cen sure tho authors instead of llio prin Icrs. Others again giowl hecauso we refused to print them for this or that candidate This is half the truth. Now, if they will just slalo that we refused all, thoy will ''hit the nail on tho head," too. II id we not long sinco given up tho idea of pleas ing everybody, theso things would annoy us; novel iheless, we prefer not to bo made tho "scape gout" fur can didates for office, and before debating our conduct In tho premises too freely It would bo no mora than fair to hear loth kidu beforo entering judgment against us and in favor ol any camlj. date, beeuuso every candidate, if he deems it necessary, will sacrifice all bis friends befuro ho olTers himself its material for tho consuming clement. Assessors, Attem i ion ! The County Commissioners, tho past week, in ac cordance with tho provisions of the Iti'iMry Law, have mailed a copy cf the la.v, list of voters und proper instructions, to every Assessor in the enmity, whoso duty it is to iakc lip tho transcript on tho 1st Monriny of Juno and exainino it can fully and strike oft the names of all voters who have died or removed from tho district sinco tho last assessment, add the names of nil w ho may have removed int j it in tho meantime, and as soon a corrected and completed to make return of the duplicate to tho Com misiiincrs, not later than (ho 1st day of July next. As tho names of till firms and to partners h.ivo been m il km oft (ho list tho Assessors had bettor pay strict attention to sec that tho names of some of llio oldest cit'uens ore not overlooked, and of coursa will net bo found on tho list on election duy. In August the Assess, ors will be furnished with two copies of the col reeled list aforesaid, nno to post up at I li o election house and the Other fur their own use until the sec ond Monday preccr-dinji tho October cluctiiin, wlicn tliu ono iu llio poHo. j (inn of tlio Awowir will bo relumed i to Ihc f!mminiiiiir nnd llio jiropor tx (lilc( lo Pttcli n lio mny rt'lurn, nd ly tlio li :inl f.irw.irdcd lo llio Itii'lion olticrra ly nix iTcloilt on tito . uioi iiin of ibo election. .fssrsxiiwiis and Tttjullau. The question of taxation is an old one, unci one, too, that interests every freo- ntun. To properly assess property and apportion tuxes accms to bo an im- posi-ibility, yet it is the duty ol every citizen to study and reflect over the matter, boeutiso ho may bo caMed upon to impose it, and of necessity must pay taxes while ho excretes tho rights of a freeman. Wo thcrefoio propose to contribute n few thoughts upon this subject, and if wo succeed in converting any one individual our duty us a journalist will bo discharged At somo future period wo will submit figures in tubular form to fully ostub lish our theory, which wo also claim to be founded on tho luw. That men's viows and tho law in rofcrunco to taxation aro wonderfully perverted, one need but becomo an Assessor, Commissioner or attend an1 Appeal to fully learn. Those, thcro foro, who advocate low assessments pervert all law and common gonso bearing upon tho subject. Tho reader should bear in mind the fact, that low assessments produce high taxation, nnd that high assess ments bring about low taxation, and while low assessments aro encouraged and practiced tho poor man will be compelled to pay' 100 per cent, more tax than equity, law, and common senso demand. 10 luuy illustrate tliis point wo have several properties in our mind's eyo, owned by John Doc and liichard ltoo, situated In ono of the townships of thi. county. The former owns a farm of 130 acres of land, with good house, barn and other wise well improved, which has hero tofore been assessed at ?G00. The latter owns a house, shop and lot, which has been assessed at (5200; just one third tho value of tho farm. John Doo, sold his farm lust December for six thousand dollars cash. "Dick" ltoo has been offering bis house, shop mid lot for salo for a year past, and will tuke six hundred dollars, and thoso who havo examined refuso to buy it nt that price because bo asks too much. The practical point here is, that tho farm was assessed at only ten per cent of its real value, w hile tho house and lot has been assessed at thirty three per cent , nnd cannot bo sold at that. In other words, while Mr. Doo was paying a tax of ten per cent, on his good property, Mr. lino was paying thirty three percent on poor property over three times. Does this occur be cause bo is poor, or is it the fault of tho law ? Wo say neither, but while low assessments aro advocated and persisted in this imposition will be practiced upon tho poor mnn. Hud the farm nnd the bouso nnd lot been assessed at their real value, us the luw con templates, this infamous dis crimination could not have occurred. becauso tho moment tho Assessor would bnvo assessed tho bouse and lot ut 801)0, (three, times tho amount of the original assessment,) everybody would bnvo said "hold on, thut's too high, tho properly ennnot be sold for that sum." Now, put tho snmti Assessor after tho farm and allow him to assess it at three times tho former assessment, which would mnko it $1,800. Who will now exclaim "hold on, it's too high." Of courso mi ono, because it can bo doubled up three times again, and will then bo $001) below what it sold for. Tho same rulo wo bnvo applied to property in tlio townships will hold good when tried on houses nnd lots in tho boroughs. Wliilo o $lL,CO0 brick bouso has been assessed nt about $2,OU0, (ono sixth,) a $5,000 wooden ono has been assessed at $700 or ?S00, (one fourth) making a dilfereneo of 33 per cent, against tho inferior prop erly. Wo now mnko tho broad declara tion, nnd wo claim that no have proven it, too, that the poor man tho owner of a small property who declaims against high assessments, us ho imagines, is n foul; and tho lich man ho who owns largo cslalos who hesitates, quibbles about, or re fuses to pay his duo proportion ol taxes, is not honest, because be muni fcslly wants llio poor man to help him pay his taxes. .Such is tho fact, nnd will conliniio to be until Assessor do what they take a Solemn oath to do asioss properly at its real ntluo. The rich man might us well nsk tho poor man to help him maintain his family as to nsk him to help pay bis taxes. This bo in cflVct does when he advo cates low asi'KincntM, and tho poi dtipo accepts llio theory and becomes n volunteer advocate for tho payment of other men's luxes. If there is either law, rnmmonsense, honesty, or Democracy in Iho theory of low assessments, we fail to see it. and wo now ask the advocates of that measure to show us where either ol thoso principles find n lodgment in their theory of taxation. The IiAtiicAL NoMiNi'.rs The Hadical Statu Convention which as sembled ut JluriUbtirg hist week, nominated Dr. David Slant, ut, of Beaver county, fir Audilur General, und Mr. Kiln-rill ISeuth, ofSebnyl. kill county, fiir Surveyor General. They aro both the property of .Simon Cu moron, and were nominated by him, although voted for finmjiiuHy by the Itadicul delegates. This completes tho "cash ring," as tho Slato Treas j urer is Cameron's mnn, too. There l :r .1 - . . I c I'l I lure, tr llio iipoplo ore f wli-li cnniiuli 11 lo I'li'i l SliitiKin llio Ciiinemimiitf cuii itiawr the cash oul ol tlio Jroaaurr ;!toiii;Ii Mackcj-, mid Imvo llio ao- c ti ills undilctJ ,y Stiiiilon. Now, wliy nol ullow Sinmii tliin piiwlcjrc f Ono mun ennnot tliuV'o iniicli im two, licnco llio luxpnyi-ra wul I fav llio "tilary of ono mun at ly ot'eiiitiif llio Trcaaurv d,ior lu llio olil j intliiin CIitcT, i The "HlKh VommlKtion." Just LlKH him. nno im mr- Tho circumlocutory prim ijOo has I nisbes Iho following information i in a evidently been adopted by tho august I dispatch from N a: hinglon : -H is body of "High Commissioners" utlstnted that today, when tho lust Washington, una "now not, to no it immediately," has been most beauti fully illustrated. The country has been on iho qui vivt to learn how I be Alabama cusc, especially, his been disposed of. Mrs. .Grundy has hail her curiosity wrought up to tho high est pitch touching tho paying figures, if in cash ; or if in territory, where? Enterprising land speculators havo al ready mapped out Canada, and splen did cities liuve been started on the bunks of'Lake Krio nnd Niagara lliver, which were logrow like Jonuh'sgotird; but alas ! Mrs. Grundy must bo dis appointed 1 Nothing has boon Settled upon, save that a plan of settlement is to bo udopted by somo other nrrungo ment at sumo future) time. In eliort, the giimo of "how not to do it" bus been1 repealed, und tho .'circumlocu tory'.' principlo bus been setup. A now Court is to sit on the claims likely to rwquiro iiiljustment by the t wo gorut countries n Court ol nvo member.' England, ISruzil. Italy, Switzerland,1 und tho United Slates will make up tho Court, und tlio disputants, John 13 u 1 1 and Drother Jonathan, can tlicii como in and "jaw it out." Tlio North west boundary lino is to bo sealed by Switzerland. Tho fishing squabble is to bo settled by u certain reciprocity of rights to the Canadian uud Ameri can fishermen, und tho payment ulso, dy tins ecu u try, ol a round sum in cash to tho other side. There uro other matters in tho lino of adjustment, but tho great subject, the Alabama claims, appears to havo hud but a slight in vestigation. Slight, however, us tho investigation has been, it seems to have disclosed tho fact thul tboro uro counter claims, largo enough to show. that it would have been better for our national exchequer if wo had, us tho Western boys say, "kept shut" on this Alalia in a business. We havo been disposed to llirculcd terriblo things, if John Hull did not "squuro up" on this Alabama claim. We uro reminded of Jim Bags's dog "Tigo," who, Jim al ways Baid, was "h 1 on coons." "Jest you give Tige a chance," said Jim, "and see him spile tho biggest coon you ever sot eyes on." A coon was treed, nnd driven into the hollow of the trunk, und Tigo wus sent in by Jim to bring him out. "Kic'im, boy ! sic'im; give'itu fits, boy!; fetch 'im out, boy." Tigo mado for tho hole, and went in splendidly, ai d soon there was heard a slight row. Tigo was evidently in his clement, nnd Jim was evidently in his. "Iigo fetched bun, boys; I knnwed bo would; he's a screamer, is that ere dorg. He'll whip eny tbreo dorgs uv his weight in this 'ero country. Fetch 'im out, Tige! Hear him yell, boys! lie's got mister coon! fetch him out, Tige." If yel ling wus any proof of Tige's abilily, ho had tlio coon, and the coon was hound to come. Jim's head was in tho hole, nnd ho thought the "dorg" was backing out, amid u terrible muf fled howl. "That thcro dorg coubl al'tis growl with bis teeth clinched onto a coon," said Jim; "fetch him nut, boy! fetch htm out; fetch h 1 and scissors ! rf the coon hasn't got Tige!" And so it Was. Master coon had tho "dorg" by tho throat, and ho wasn't backing out. Master coon's teeth were through Tigo's fx 1 -let. Wo rather opine this will be the result of our Alabama blustering. Tho eoon will gel Tigo V. J'. Day Hook. .1 ISItiHl agalnkt HmkI It tiller. Ben Duller bus just mado a ppcech to tho negroes of lioKton, which is (a extremely Itadicul as to call forth con demnation from tho New York Trib une and oilier Republican newspapers. Tho Huriisbiirg Mute Journal, (lover nor Geary's personal organ, goes for the heathen Butler in tho following rough style : "lien, lluller is to-d.iy iho greatest horo and imposition tho ifcpuhlicun parly is compelled to carry. J lo is determined, y hook or by crook, to keep himself in the public eye and cur. regardl.-ss of Imw much he disgraces the parlv to which be professes lo fie attached", or imperils the principles he is supposed to uphold. Such men are never of u-u to unv ono but them selves. I mpracl ieable ns they arc in sincere, you darj not rely on their pcformances, or trust their profes sion. Why can't (ten. Grant give If ii t tor n roving commission to visit and IX-1 it ii i ii in Kiirope fur '.he next two years, and give ns a report on the iiioviti' caii-e of French revolutions. II o should do this for Duller or ouco more bottle him " Grant tiled making war upon Bi.t hr once, but tho Itni-t prepared a nino column nrlii lo on Ulyses for Iho New York Herald, which was put in type and n proof sent lo tlio l'i csiileiit. Grant read Iho damaging review of his life and career, and then, like Cupl Scott's eoon, bo came dow n ut onco. JIo iincoiked lluller, took him lo his bottom, made hint a familiar friend, nnd elevated 1 1 i i i to llio posi tion of (ounselliir and confidential ud viser. Tho country was astonished at tlio sudden reconciliation of two men who seemed to hato each oilier sobillcily. 'J hat article, which Was !," it, Ij lift f.H It.n V,rt ..r,,. ml which wu afterwards withdrawn, did the the business. Grunt cowered bcloro the printed assault nf Butler, and Iho pen proved lo bo mightier limn tho s word. We hopo the sketch of Grant by limler may yet see the light. It would pnnluco a prufouiid sensation. Fast Tvri Sitting. As many of our exchanges uro publishing what amount o typo their luslesl composi tots can "set'' in an hour, Mr. Charles W. Donley, a compositor no the Stan dard, concluded that it would not be right for ns lo bo "IcIX out in the cold," nnd accordingly set his fingers in mo lion on Monday Inst, for an hour, on solid lionpanel. At Iho end ol the hour wo hud the satisfaction of seeing him measure 1,750 cms. This is fu. lowing pretty close upon somo of the "biglngens" who nre after the silver composing slick lo lie presented to the fastest compositor, by Mr. Ii S. Men amin, editor of tho i'rintert' Circular. M ilhaintport Standard. Mao Weiidi II riiillim i alill rav ing lor llio tli'iilli of all "ivholi!." 1'iitir tlovil ! lie i liinwlf ilie mont s......inT,w niiri iiiivii tn n -t'lllll 111 III HI i, ,,,, i 1 .11 . liiiniiiiiily, lihirly ami (leeenev. out Ui.lo ol '; Sutn '.on kliiirilmn. 'llo in thu moHl malignant Iniintio, and the ', ni.isl(liat;r. obliiM'(,l thill ever lived. I UIU IIMieillllltl tut lllltl wors lOIIrilC. A J.ii.tu doaion it, JX.:U.0) Q,i() UiU'J lo gel rii li ud.lc,y,Bi,Ui.t .viiiiU' ei8j r l-illllil.ff,.il ' jrri'ctiliiu ka llo in it I 1 . Ills! ,l ., is,.'. ... ... . - , liu "tui'd j tu wilo. ""'r'"" , -- las P. Trisl, of Philadelphia, on tho bill for his relief, which passed Con jures at tho last session, a prominent lawyer, n member of Congress, ap peared and slated that he hud it claim against the claim of Mr. J l ist amounting to four thousand dol lars, which ho asserted belonged to him for services rendered in getting tho claim through Cm'gruss. Air. Tuvlor refused to siirti tho wurrunt until thn !!ei!cd claim of the member I .- :. .:..i" iv Mil Ol ri-USH WUB bhiiphh. " other source wo leiirn the namo of the scoundrel who brings lorward tins claim. Nobody will ho miriirised to lonrn that it is' Benjamin F. Butler. To sell his vole or influence as a mem bor, is not a w hit better Ihun tu sell his cadol appointments. For this Whitlemoro was expelled. If the churgo of tho Press can be sustained by proof, Butler ought to be expelled from Congress, und llio iwiniiuiHiruiioii w ill then havo tu find another Jiepro- sonlalivo in that body. Ho might, however, bo appointed n member ol tho Cabinet of tho great "present Inker," whoso evil example bus spread deniorulination fur und nidu. An act; of Congress positively forbids either, the I'residenl, or a member, or ruiy oflicerof tho government of thu I'nitcd Stales from accepting uny money, goods, bribe, present or rowurd." The Uudicul party ought to repeal this act ; this would bo less demoralizing (.bun to let tho Itadicul leaders violate die luw w ith impunity. Age. Tiik Hkpstone Jon A cotnpnny of distinguished liudicnls, consisting of Gen. Grunt, Gov. Cook, Commissioner Michler, und other prominent govern ment ollicials, hud a lull passed by t lie lust Congress for tho ereclton or a market bouso out. of murbloor Sonera redslono. I'rcvions lo the pasngo of tho act, Grunt, Cooke, Michler and other loyal sharks, for whoso special benefit tho bill wns passed, purchased tho Seneca redslono land ut a very low figure of n man w ho was ignorant of ils vtiluo. Tlio bill win engineered through by the loyul company of stock-bolder, and tho result is, that tho market building is to Im construct ed of Seneca redslono lor the miilual benefit of the President of tho I'nitcd Stales, and the now Governor of the District of Columbia, und tho Com missioner of Public Buildings of I he Capitol of Iho nation. Seneca red tone is to bo Iho government build ing material. Tho new sidewalks on the north front of tho Treasury, and tho north front of the Capitol, uro laid in redslono at three times tho actual cost, und the city will bo paved ull over with it. The Seneca Bedstone Cotnpnnj is a Liif thing and General Grunt, in tho loss of his portion of San Domingo, can consolo hirra-lf with tho pleasing reflection ibnt bis interest in redstone is still secure. If not King of the lliiyiians, ho is Gbiel of the Seuecus. Pour IJuartt rs. 1 ' His Aspiiiations Gov. Geary is at his old tricks of keeping uboul him plenty of newspaper correspondents. In tlio field (bey were bis chicf-rcli-nneo, nnd many a buttle was fought and victory won by these nsluteyoiing men, through llio cnlumnsoi me loyal press, tho resplendent Geary gather ing nil Iho laurels, lie is wearing uwtiy his last term of ollleo in the rvral city of II.n risburg, und is h k ing about I. i in like n prudent man for something lo do Ho has n idea llio Presidency would suit him, as well ns mi) thing else, unit sinco Grant has been permit ted to fill il, bis nmhilion is n asona bio. In fact ho has tho udvnulagu ol the present incumbent in several re spects, lie is good looking, don't smoke und dnu'l gel drunk. He can shake In. nils tin will ns pocket the salary as serenely and look as wise. Hi invnluiihlo friends the lol'.er writ er, aro theicforo nt work, nnd we notice ono who bus I he entree of I lie N. Y. JleralJ. He i clear upon the subject that Geary is the mini and give ahiiiid int reason for llio faith that is in him. The only thing lluil trouble us is I he doubt in the mind of llio correspondent, us to which par ly ho will co'iKi'ht to aervo. He is the only man, it is staled, who can scurry Pennsylvania, and it therefore moms tho instant ut tendance of those w ho control tho political programme. Post. Pahs Ir Senalor Peliiken hn in troduced a bill into Iho Legislature j proli.lMting changes in text liooks lor schools in liny district oil oner than once in three years. 'I ho sensible Senator from the II iihtingihm iIimI riet, in Ibis proposition, bus hit thomiil on the head. Thcro is no evil in our Slalo system which gives riso to more complaint, or that needs a speedy remedy, mere than this une of making frequent change of school hooks. The bill should go through without ndisseming voice. A dor it becomes a law, tens of thousands of labor bur dened parents will lhauk Senator I'. .. I lialf. I'ut lit tn ttlt'.ir Lid- CltlVWS VS. IJl.ACKSNAKIS Mr. Will. It. lYiipi'riiiiiii inliii iiii im lluil on I'i'i tl.iV Insl, wliiUt nl wnrk in liin fi a It J. Ill AlllllOII)' liltt lsilll, llilrt l illltlt y, lllH nUetilioti wan ttllrui tcil liy llio iiiwinir ol crows a clioit iliNtniico froin liim, and on Hearing llio place liu discover oil two lai'jrr i ioH in rniillitl willi a l:irr bliii'kaiinkiv llin NimUcNliin wan rlevutoil ncur two (eel in li mil, and was ro-i.-slinj tlio oii-rt'i ol Iho rruws as lliev maiki llieir sjti'iiititic und al teriialo uttacks upon liis liniil. with wliiek lio was) liyin to (Jilcml liiin srlf. Tlifi'o moio t rows w ero pt i'seiil, luililiti;; n nut of "reserve rrmn l." Mr. l'lppit 1111111 kilkd tho unnke wliieli inoaiiruil over live feel, mill also ils initio, vtliicli was lying i" wait. W'illianisjuirt Sun. Si'Mikm Iifatii On Sunday morn in),', llio llih inst., in I'n ion i,,' n,ii, Mis. Martini 1'ir-her, wile of I'.lijnli l islier, in tho 6IhI your til her inxi' .Mrs. K. hud lieen in ilelieiito lienlili liir somo time, lint wai not conliiicil in lier roiiin. On iho nioi'iiiii( ahuve mentioned, Mr. p. wonl In her room to awako her fur llio purpose of seeing the procession of Kmepaiiirli's Mcnuir " I'1""-1".'. w hen lio I'uuik !;,.r 1 . aa Helove-; ;,y .v'0 fc(i(iw ' . f , l,ihi-i.. , c ...ICIIIIS ,n ,.... ,i- ... ,, .;. Joilte Ml: ,1)1 ,- TV Illit-J A Jirsiy noiniTii,lvii iiKr. "A -il. . . i "n.-iiu iiiiik iiini wiiicr cow, war r . - " '"fttincc III' H I'O.'.l pnni; !o yi,., ,-i(.,i,.l.n n,lllrt. uny, puu vn otinanrs riincicen. Taylor, was about to sign the warrant for I he payment of the claim of Nich- $civ i'rvti.5fmcnt$. L IMT Ol' t'Al'r.H HKT DOWN toil trial at June IVnn, IS, I : Fiiht W'r.r.K. ' Franeii A. Hurler M. V. Kren.-h. W. W. Irwin... A. 11. Phew Knox k Hun... A. Moyer HttVlIlT F. OfOnlt r. Tliinoa. wi, rl. al. re. loriM-maa. et. al. re. Il niM'l, t-l aL ve. (I. II. "milli. v. B. II. Tarkir. , Vh. i. ('fc.Hrennir. v. Ljlle. tp. A. Kline'e Kiccoorl. vp.' T. While. TP. T. While. F. I'. Ilurllhnll F, V. HniAiball Licnanl i I'iiuili-y.. . P. Il.illiiirhcr. lionill't'lhiw. uo VP. Ilurehflt'l'l, et. al. Hump A Kuhiuuk'-r... tp. Mi(i,imy. MrCjiiilkin ' I. Vi rn II Itohivon , va. A. r'lwfT' ' l.asVerry ve. Ullieit A Hrolhcr. ",""1;"' VI. 1 lllllMOII ve. II. F. (rull h. v. io.ie. To Tax-Payers 1 -T V ..MnlfliM. wilh an Aet of the General Ap I peiulik nf tills t'oniiiiunwinllh, u.ruve'l ihc 21 il ilnf of Mreh, A I). IsTO, "r.-tminH 1" the II, r mil In the enmity of I'learneld, nulire il Iherefore h.re'.y given 1 'he leliyi rp ,...liT. in Hie ili.trlctp hi-low naunst, that I he Comity Treasurer, In n.-ror lanr-e rrilll the vntl neelii.n of wi.l '. 'H altera! at Ihe nla.-o or holiling llio huriinah ami li.wnhii elis'tiona on lli,. folloviiix liaiueJ liny.-, for the wriiise of re-ei-ivinx the County ami fls'e In in a- d SI ilitia Finei aeM.l for 1S7I. Merclinnle n l otherp who owe a hints l.iei pe will iliaso War in mind Ihul they arc line loo : For lluntou, Moti.liiy, June VMh, F.r Union, Tui-pilay, Juno 2mh. For llrnily, We.lnenlny, June 21.1. Thurrln),(al Wept Liherly.iJuiie S2. Friday, tat Tronlrille,) June J-M. Til.n.n, OMniciiiv, Jiiiia ftlh. For Wootlwnrd, et TliAmaP llen.ter.nn'p, Mon.lv, June Still), from I) a. l. to 12, anil at 1'upey- Tille from 2 p. m. to 5 i. in. For (iulii h, T lay. June 2"lh. For lleiTBrin, Weilm-.iliiy, June I'Mh. F'ir Jordan, Thursd iy, June Iftnli. Fur Ferguson, i'ri'lay, June Illilh, F.kf Kiml. Ha'urdiiy, July 1st. For New Wa.hinjclon, Tue.ilpy, July 4th. For Cliept, W'e.lue.iUy, July Mb. Fur llurneiile, 'Ihurxlay, July 0th, at otection lloupe. For Hnrn.iile, FriJaT, Julv flh, at Hn'nplile. For Hell, Saturday, July Sth. al It. MahatTey'i. For I.iiuilicr City, 'iui nlay, July lltu. For I'eon, WedioPdav. July l-'lh. For lliadford, Friday July lllh. I'arllep ran also T their taxi-e at theTrca.a rer'p nfhee at any tune from tnia forward. I p nn all tai-a paid on and previoui lo the ila.vp ili"iinatid Ihere will he a reduction of hie per cent. Alter Ihe 1 al of Keptemtier live per cent, will lie added, which make! tin per i ot. for prompt payment. I.KVEU ll.KilAt.. Trea.urcr'p OrJee. I Trca.urrr. Clearfield, l'a., May SI, 1"M Cy l ,'TIOJi. All pcrponp arc herihy eaulion J e,l ai?nin.t iiureliui'iiiiE or in aiiywiy me I nhur wllh pit bc'lp, one eo.iW plove, ono parlor plove, one ilinim tnttle, one cupboard, two .inbi, one dounhlrauiih, one bureau, two ailp chair., two rocking elnir., two plnndp, and one cow. now in po.pipsion of SpiiiU"! C. Iic.huin.iil r.-unriiic, aa Ihe lame l.eloi, jr. lo inc, lell with hiui on loan only, puhiout lo uiy order. ' K. W. IIKI'IU KX. rrnnville. May II, 1TI 111 Taxes & Ilish Prices Repealed! A NKW STAHT! cheat nrtitTTioN or ritincs i umkat ATTItACTIONf, et ' HARTSOCK & GOODWIN'S, Ci'KW;n. ii.i.e, r-t., Caused hy the opening of a new lot of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS! Wp Uk piVftfui (n infiirmlrtj our o1l at Wei) nt new riiKt' incrH, nn 1 tl intlic Knirniliy, tlmt hurt- rNtu'Hrl from tlir Kjni with m a Hit writ i lrt'trd iock uf goodi. H'o mil wpM-lnl ntirntinn lo our teffant BHrortmnl of HHtti tixl lrr$ Umi l, in vor) vn(y. Caftunnt ri-i, l'tiit)iitnif, J-uii uj Kli'fiinir, tni yt? vnnct uf I'omrntin I-ry HmhU, t irir lo auit lb? limca. I.mlin' tri'l Cliiliiro.i'l hhirr 1 ( . iter in t ft'Ht TRrit'lT. Call nrf vxnminc 1 1 1 to. A!"(i, jVIcb'i nci'l ItnTf' UontR nnd l.oi nf wry kiml ft ml (irtco, lint miiU (.'pf in i'Vr? ml, HUi-lflnn and (llnvts fifing rinwlt, U-t-icrjp itnl (llure, I'lf iact 1'iti U ry of tint Knj-lisli nir,lt, hoi.pi, ', rliimtTy ftiij NulitHii i'l mII kni'li. (iitocFiin:. rrsir. gn:i:sw rn. halt, ii.miIiwahi., r.vixTs Oi, Wwnl n'l WIHnw Wit Itrc nd Ptrit Miiii'ii.ri. nnil In la-t i t rvthiii(( you want. All uf nliit'h Will 1)0 mill tliiap fur c.icb or wniulrv proilticf. JtX Wool nl Hlitirt r-hlrifiI- WatifrJf IMHTSOCK A (lOOlJWIN. CittmBMillr, la, May 21, JK7I 1'tn. EV ii n sty 1 1 .i 1 1 1 u EC a 1 1 co n (I TViioNE a ci.EAi:n;:.u nitANcn 0 V ami atVr MnlaT, MV I'lth. 1 f" 7 1 . tan lap.i-nf-r Tiainp w ill nm il.iilv ( i'm il Sim- liav.J bclwvt-n Tvnine anil Clt'artii-lil. a. lulluw.: (.'MtAHKIKI.lt MAM,. l.F.AVK POl TJI. rienll. l.l .1.11(1, p. riiiliilnirn 4.M, ' O-re.ila I.2H, ' Tyrone 4.4(1, 1 I-KAVi: NOltTII. Tvrerie i llsfi-ola. II .'ill. j l'hili..l.orj...l(l.lll, " I I'learlirlil 11.1(1, " rl,KAIll'IKI,ll EXI'IIKM. l.K.VVU 8DI TII. j l.KAVK MIKTII. rioTrfl-l.t A. 00 A. M.: Tvrnne II .Ml r. I'lillilirt.urK... 1 O.t " I hltrr.rrliiih ...T.H'I " Us..,. la I'll " (l-.fila H ill liili-r.crtinn... V .'JT ' I'lnlip-l arir ... in " Tnil.e M" " ri.'aiti.M. nr. 30 " FARK AND JUS IAN (.ICS. KI'.dM CI.Kni'li:i.l.; riUM TV RnN K. Flatlnn. Ptailime. l.fonnr.l 3 v.... lan,l II liiirlisr K M'.llni'i-loii II lllne Hull II riillln.bunr II 1" !ntereetion... t aui'nyot.,,.. J.'i (Jurdner M tl. 'eHrtt., 4" Summit fiO xandy Ililtfo, 6.1 Powelllnn , . 4 .. 7 . It .14 ..li .17 Hlcitifi.' IH limit p f.fl Onrrula . iili Ihinbnr.... i.S r-eiio-i'f ,, .'ii ,..21 IKrrnla .. , !, Illa.. ...J4 ...2(1 ...'.'7 htiiMle It ule. illllinil Mt. IMcA.ant. (Ir.lii.r ,alisrny(H.., liilrr.iTliun... T nine, f( IMllllpsblll.'i I M nine Hull ...-n In Wlir,,.eton :ifl s.M $ nn inkier R:t ..Rt 1 nn W.iodlnnd :S fl on it I t M ( '7r a rllriVl' I i'Z FAtn: FItOM CI.I'AIil'II'I.I), TO nollrfnnti-. Pa : 0-IMi.l ll.tr.aai, ... ..' in I ,.!. II. it 2 TH . Marion ... S sn t sn I illtnin.imrt Iltintinig'lun h I.rwipumn M.rT..,llr HAUItlslil Itil... t nnjl.atif-n.lrr ... . I M'l'IIII.AIUI. 1 llll Ullomia '111 A 7 ti.i I U 4 .SO .lulin.l.-nn 4 T.-.l I'l ITHHI Itll., ... J n t 1.1 cow ret 'Kix-i. Cli-artl'-l-l Mail Noilh ciinrrt. frrrni riti.-lmi.H i:irr, Wti.1, anj llurri.liiirff Ai-r- niui..ililit.n K:irt. n m.tn hur j and rlrarltrM Hl.il Hnnlh o-.nnrrl, arllli CirM-iniiali Krr.p l'rt.. nn. si nl ', , nn main tlnr alaa ilh ll.l.l I'-nl. r:,la K.pt, f.ir l,.x a llavrn, atiil ,ltta itl of l.o.-k linn n. rli-rp.., Klprr.l Nnrtlt ront),,-l, fmin Msil IVr.t. an-l Tin -miti Kin-.p K.t.t, nl-.i lY.Mn I'.iW K,l. Mail Hc-I: ami t'l-.rtVM K.pn-.. St'Uih ronrn-r-l. alia ll.irri.tinra A r-rr.nimnliili'n K.ipI. I.o'bI P.i.dtgvr ll r.l fr AIIoimih pii'l Hul. Illnl.'tirrf Itnir.cli, itl.nailti l.l,l K..I. f..r l..- k M.trn ar.. ;,,'., r. .' 'I'" ''-,, riii:i..l.ilr 1 fn "' 11 nnl ami r.-lurn ti.mr lln- aal Cli-hillvH ..rliiror, ,ui rriuh . illiani.j nH. Ilinl-I.urjr, or ll.i.li 1 il urij, and rctnrn ltn-,im.il.r. i..-nprrp .-r i iiiuirisi.ori .iiimiiii lako t.i J..,". v ,, - " I . t.. It. 11., fliould lakr. ll.l.l tn-l, Kinrr. Kt. UknltllE l WII.KINA, mjlf If. Sup. I itilFti.li nt. 'niirrKi.rmiATKM r.iciiAnosox nnor., X l-'tfbl bt,, Kteiii-b K ip I i. 6 no. At C. Kl.ATZKU'S. I reiir.n nit...,,.., (0...iiiv J.ii. 3.yt( gar Advertisements. SherilT's Sale. f)YT.rtuaof nUl Hitiot 'jwih, out ol th t'ourt ol Cunimu PltM f Clr- htid count?, ni lu iu dirtHiied, Ihfre ht exp' td to puliHenalo, H ibo Court lloaae. Id Ibo l(irom:u ol i;iarifia, "n i-iuniwj, . 6lli day of June. 171, ut I o'clock, p ui., tlie , (olli.wing dicrllied Ileal Knatt. to mix : A cert. ,in tra.-t ot "iul filuutc in Covmurt. towimlni.. ClmrlicM county, IU., iM-jc'imiitg Kt ; i.,t, aouili w fi cMin rl Uii-la l L. M. 'utulru-t; iIm iht -nt 77 jn-n-li-i, t " tlitnei- f"m!i ii lu-r. lii i, lo uiailo onrurr i Hunoa nort J 7 piTt Li, to pout coriK-r, tin nee north i'j pi-rclni, to place of bt i(iii!iirij( ; coutainmn 2i nt-rt-a and fil prrclii-n, nculv nil rlarid, wi'li ol-l nlmniy Ihirt-.n rm-t.- l. "Hi-l, taktn in exwutu.n and to e puld i the properly or John V. Fopimoy. Also, a crrlutn tract of laud iiluato iu M.irrlf towiitlnp. fleaiMH.I county, Pa, iM-jfiitiiiiiJC at pwt, uorUi-eal eornttr oi Jo"' ph Uiphcrt tract f thence hy land of Weleh and Miller aouth XV de rriffx tut II, Hf. lia; ilienc by Und ol Jacob llciiuii, aouili I iItm went H 1.1-rcliets t pwat ; thrncc, by Henry llcatu. (now (leorfr Heaiiii,) north Ml derwra wt-tt U pcndiep, to vt lin of Jtmeph li.ppert! thence, by I ippert traet, north HK pvrchep, to pluen of iHKUiniiiK ; ooiilaiiiinft 7 ocrii and )ll per-dien, uiura or leu, and ha. ing ahout 40 a rca eleaml, A ninall urrhard and log t.i.u.o and tinni Ihcrwn. IS cited, taken in execu tion and l ba fold at the properly of John Kap ha! Koch. Alf-i, a ocrtnin trnc! of laud aituatr in allaeo lon, Hojr townxltip, VI urfl ld iiouuiy, Pa.: r-aid lot boun.hd on Iho raft by the crw-a cut pik : went by Ihe Tyrone and ( harllrld railroad; twriU l,y ut f : d aonth by lot of ; and having a rmall dwHin houan thereon envctrd. Hdied, taken tu execution nnd to be ioM aa the property of Thnmrif I,, Waple. AIpo, certain trai t of land aituale in Iho ril latte of AnH.nville, Jordan tuwtiahip, tkarlitld count v, Pa.. fiontibK on the tiU Uel ; extend in l.irk 2li0 fed to an ailey. a corner of which crut-A-a Mid alley; and Iioviuk a large dwelling home and tul.i thereon crcctetl. reiitn. aim taken in execntiotj and to be fold a the property of John A. Kill. n. Alo, a rcrtain tra-t of mnd aitnate tn Hell tonnidiiii, t'learflild county. Pa., bounded a" fol lowi : lli giuiiiuit at a pot ; Ihcoue. alunj J. P. Hoyt line, aouth 11 drvvM rntt Jlii perch ea, lo white oak (down); tlienea aoulb ft d green went along J. r-abeni lino 110 pen-hca. to poat ; thence north 71 dcgreei weal ."fl porcboa, lo biieh ; thence north bl degreri tnt li'i.'l perehea, to a gum; thenco north 0 degree eaut i'l percbea, to port and place of hrginnitijf; sntainliig 171 arwa and H pen-hep, more or haa j being part of J. .Nie.holauii iurvey No. Sillj, having 30 acre clear ed, a amall hoiine, dwelling houne. shop and barn thereon er'-eted. ird, taken in ex-etttiun and to he aold aa Ihe property ot Win. Uiady. AIpo, a certain tract of lnd piluate in OpccoU borough, ('lea: Held counlv, Pa., bnnnded and de- periled aa fidlnwa, to wit: North by Inn I of Thomna F. Iioalick t fouth by lot of Dunn or o. .112 ; went by t'urtin pt.. and known an lot o. all I : being io fwt front and I M feet deep to alley : and hiving two plunk Ira me dwelling Ijoum-p ilitreon erected, one of which ii I" by 21 feci and the othjr 16 by 2 feet in piie. Keiw-I. taken in exn-ution and 'to be eold aa the property of Christian Swi ittcr. AIp-s a certain tracl of bind Ptluate In Morria town-hip, ( h arlitld county. Pa., hounded t by J. C. ilrennnr; aouth by new town pike; wet by Inuda of defendant, and north by Hale k I'o. ; cotitaining one-half a're, mora ur lei", and having a plank dwlling h.nipe. at ore room, Ac , thereon erect! i-d. An, twd oihar I'd of the Punic iii-, h iundt d eant by the aliove dt-aerihed lot ol defend ant ; tout h by town ptke; wct by Hule A Co., and north by Hale A t o ; and h tvitiga two ptoiy phinK houA and frama alaMn therein creeled. .Viae. I, taarn in c necniion ami io or una aa ine propcrty of Johu " I't!!. Aluotwo certain tra! of land flitna.e tn Pike townphip, Clearfield county. Pa., containing at-n-a, more or h-pa, bounded aud drporiltcd n b'l Iowp, to wit : No. 1 brginiiintf t red oak ; th-ncc miin 4 d greea e:tPt .') perchea, to line ; thence .n(h 4 deirr"fl weit 41 perchm, to poPt ; thence! D-nth 4;' deicei wcp! 2i prrchea, to Hone; Iheuce north ti dtgreeaeaat Mrrhea. lo popt ; th nee V2 degree wt-l III perch ca, to popt ; Ihenee 4dt grce eat 2h jM-rch' p, to place of l-eginnins ; and b.ii.a i-art of Aaenh WiU in luni-y. Theotlnr i IwTii.Mimg at pot aljoiuing land of Wic't heira and l. II. Hitter; thence imrih 4fi ihgre. eail 27 pcrehea, to pwd corner: thenee pouth .19 dcr greea rapt (V(t H-10 paretic a, to Kft an) place id beginnitif. r'eiaed, lHk'0 in Acciition an I to lu poid ap (tie property of I-. K. P. ltowh. Al'o, a cert.un tra.-t of land pituaf In Ch' townetiip, Clearfield coMity. Pa., b- nnded and de pended ap f.llowp, to nit; l.npt by land of Jacob Penuing'on and J. Nrft : aouth by land of J.d'U Smead ; on the went by the Inirp of Ha mini Wil liam p, dcccam-'l, and on the north by hind of J. W. Nrff; I'outaiiniig about l.'l acrtP.and having about 70 I'Tt'i cleared an I a tnnM dwelling hiMipp and good b.irn lliTCon urer ted. r-eircl, taken in reenfinn an 1 (o l mid a Ihe property of Hamuel M Kwen, A No. a crlain tra t of land Pituale in Ilnidf-rd townthip, Clearfield c uintv, Pi., bonn le t ami dc criheil iv foilowp. : tiie north, enxt and aet by laiolp of illiotu Alyeil & Urulb-r, and on the pfiuth hy 1'in'Uof tic.-rgi T.'scr ; contain ing l'i Bcrci ,ia ing about ft) acrca cicareu ?nd a good youog nrehaid and b-it hoaae and franit barn llinc-oii t rivU-d. Kt ipcd, laken in rxecitlMoa and to Ik Poldaa the property f Jeremiah I'.titlef. Alptt. a certain bt of gti id nitna'e in Ihe bor ough nf Op irol i, Clca.rb'd county, Pa., In. mob d m b'l!uwp, tu wtt : Went bv r'one Ptreet ; north by Miint'oui-'y alley; ea.-l by Klwurd n'by ; ooth by lot No. ('.; and containing two town lot known in ani l town ht ai No 7Uand71, with a large frame h'Hi.i'-, fra:itc atable and other oti 1 1-t.ilJ. n erected 1 hereon ; and all in go. id coo- diiioii. iiv, lal-en in extt u'it-n and to be Pi.bl a tue propertv oi rhiiip I'aui & n. , aipcoier. i AIpo, a cartnin tra't nf laud pituale on Hear Hun, in lb.-1 townphip, I'leat tlebl enunty, Vn., boun it rd went and north - htod ol A Mil'cr. ent by Inn 4 nf C. r-'lienfVy avii aouth by InTid of . F Hmith : oontamlnf nlnnit thify acre. Si if-eil, taken lu evtv.il.ou and lo W fold aa the properly of Itobert Pely. r-Hid.lerp will taka n tic that 1: por eent. of the purehape money m'int be piid when the propf-rtv la knock id down, or it will b put up again fr fila. J I S I K J. PIK. Hnnitri'a Orrn k. I HherifT. Cleartb ld, Pa., Muy I7,lf7t. t Sheriff's Sale. 1Y 1rtoe nf a wr:t of l.rrri Fttrtn, - ofd nol of lha Court nf Common Pleaa nf Cleatfla'd eonnly, and t m directed, there will ha exroped tn PI III. 10 t A I.E. at tha Court lloupe ia tho b ii r mi ah of Clear(.ld. on Mondtiy, tha ISth diy nf June. l"7l, at 1 o'clock, p. in., lha fidiowinn Heal Ktato, to wit: Two ferta'n tract! or (.leeea nf lardtltnata in Knot townphip, Clearfield county, Pa , bounded and drpcrlbed a fullowp. tt wit He pinning at hi nilnek on l.lttU Clearlteld Creek theneo amth Tf dejjreea rat V pereh ea. tn poat , thenea horth .tu deffr-'ca eat J-J perehep, tn a hcmloek thetice porlh 23 d ff'eei ea t nl perchea, tn a popt , thenea noith 5 de. (re! wpi fit perehea. to a wilrh hatel on ihe hank of l.illle Cbarfitld t.'ruek i t' encaal nff aaid creek tbc acreral eourapp ani 'Inline thereof to (de plnca nf heginnlntf : eontalnit:t .'() aere and allowance Minn l""' " m'ti-i irnn ni oinnP on imml or inimiif i' luril to or b r. Ice land pwrteyed and watrai.led to t. Kinj. I rml attention ip called to 1115 Ptn.-k nf Collar and dated Hth July, lii I. Aim Ihe one undivided j Hamra, which arc the tif in npn. I alpu hnve an half part nfa eaittin trart or iece of Und tit- I np-ortmenl cd Haibllrra llnnlnare, which will br uate in the aaid township of Knni, adjoining I rtipipnacl , if ai rraina Mr ratra. Pi pruritic of all lha fnrejfolnff nnd bo' tidal and deaenbed a j kindp pnmptljf attended to. iV lion't forp-t to foUowa. to wit: tin tha north caat by Liuhj call bclorr purehi-in elaenhnv. Kh-'p tu lira- V ir a me u 1 re t'a , nn or uu j t i-iiii Irl How mnn, and en tii rapi ny lanut in l atn cartt rntilainiiiK 4 aercp, beirjt parr of tho Henry I rout tun vj. lloth (f (Ut o.Oft;drg b !ng tti premiprp eoiivpjcJ to the said Uteorj( Vittn bv Siary W . Thoinpon by tired henrinc dute ihe 2d d iy of Knveniber, 1 4i. rectdctt at Clearfield in book X, P.iro 400 r' eir.fd, taken 1 tn c i euti n and lu bo itdd a the 1 n i t rty of Ixate fur n. Aim, the Hcfcndtnt'a Interest In all tl at cer fain town lot iimtc In the Til It-Re of t hepier Hill Peeatnr tow nhip. Ch arti. lit county, Fa., bounded nn the north by W all in ftroet ; Wt-dt by l.nura rtre t ; touth by Ut No. At and eiPt ty ( lovi-r a'leyt and having a an. all feame I uweiintK uoiira inrroon orurica. relied. It. ! ' " '""P' " rllliMcr Kill lak, nntlc Itiat IS rrr rriit. uf lh iiirrlia., n unf, nu.l r, ail whin th, priM'trl, is kaarkpil duwn. nr il ailt ba put p again f.' tala. JI M I.N J. IMK, 8ilriitrr', (lerirr, I Mn-ritT rlaarflald, l'a., My 17, 071. I C0UKT PEOCtAMATION. XI'HKIlliAH, Ilea. O. A. MU'KK, PtePidint f Jul(tt nf llie Coutt nf Common Plem ef thu. Tw pty-Mih Jthlietal iMairirl, eominpil of tha emiitiea nl Clrrt)eld, l en ire and Clinton and Hon Hhi kl Ci.riR and Hen Jacob W it. nun, Aptnciala JtMlia nl Cienrrield routitv, have ipued llieir p'ereiit, to n r itlrertc d, lor Tip ho IU inn "f t "tirt ol luinirHD Pleaa, -Jrhnni' Court, Court ol Quarter ttvptlona, Court ot tijer amt I em. liter, and Court of Ui-ncial Jail llt li. eiy.al thet uurt HotteaK It a i flebl, In and frthe eoj,ty ,f Clearfield, immencing on tb Monday, fltli dav rj JU!ltl. wTI,ai.d t o Bum-: pf j watdu." KOriCG IS, tbtrefore, l.orehv n'ren, tn tSe Coroner, JumIc. p ot th F ma, anj CoustaUlcp, In and It r paid enunty nt Clearijeld, to a ear in their proper perponp, wi'h their Kecord, Hnlln, lni)uipiiiona, Kiauiinatiop , and uilior hemeia braiM-ep, tn do thine ihtnA w hi h to their offices, and in their behalf, pertain to he dont. j tllVKN ander my hanj at Clearfield, tl.U 17th! cay t)f 11 ay. :n th year f our l.i.rd one tlionpanj eilit bunrirrd and vrniy nn. J I'f-TI N J. PIK," Sheriff. A I I -A reliable man to barn a kiln 1 I of lllUCk Altplr In i:. a. ., Mar 3 41. invix t co. Curwrn., ill,, I.M.I AMI LXAMlMj tlia M:W (Klni8 al m.i.rnTdN"). $tvc Advertisements. 1871. 1871. FOR TIIE ; SPRING CAMPAIGN! FIGURES THAT, ARE, FACTS! REED DROTIIERS' I ; ' . i ; 1 ' -Vry (iuofla, Kuilnu. Trlinmliig A Millinery Kuiurluiii. CI.EAItFIEI.D, PENK'A. The only eicluiive Dry Oooili Store In tlie count jr. Study Your Interest I Buy Where You Can the Cheapest I . DRY GOODS: Heat, and tine Drown Mii.ttn., Ttlearheil Mite lina eaira iV. Ilrown an.l rlliadinl fhe..ini.. IMIi.w l aiinn, Tickim. Ilirknrr Klrlie. Il-nnn.. lilue Ilrill., Cotliinail-.. C'a.pinirrep. Flannrlp. l'rii.tp. Ililalnra. 1'rrrale,. Uam, llreiialinr., Ilrrnaniea, Hummer Silk. JapsBraa KUk, Hla-k Hllk, yerv t'U,l, at l.1i l.rr yanl. Tlieal'ovr are n-w, fri-.h RixnU, ami rjnre only lo be prioed to kouw of'ttirir rrtnaik.ble ctii-ajint-pl. HOSIERY: Ladica' plain and rihWd How, I2.c. io 1.?.S per pair, Children'p dain and fancy (.'utton Hopc. Gent' Brown and lilne Mijed Hope, HuperPtout and Huperflna l(iitti-h Heenlnr Made Hop-, Pal brinKan and Liala 1 hread Moae, ,aliep'. Mi vara', riiil'lrcn't, (eni'a and Hyi' India Uauu and Thread I nderwnro. I.adiea', Men' nnA rhildimf HcHin, T.llf Thread and Hilk tllorea. t'hi'di-en'a Kid Ubirep. l.aHiis' Kid )lorep, all cob.ra, ft 7 anrl J (IU per pair, (lenl'a Kid (llovep.all colori, Liilc Thread and Berlin ii loves, ' 'WHITE GOODS: Plqnep, ehcdrr Ptyba in Htriprp, Flfftirpp, furdp ami Satin Ftnihu,20 o fiOp per yard ; Jaeoneta. Nanpnok. Victoria l-awn. Swi Mult, white and colored Tarlslan, Tape Chw-ltP, .oquitn Net. Curtain Net, Zft. 4'. SO and 0 centi and Pl.lt" pet rard ; TowVp an1 Towlin?. Itrown and Bleaehed Tabtr liama'kp, Kti kint, Qnilrp, Ac. Enffliph Troehet Kdimra. fmperml Fmbroid ery, Itegiptered Kiiibroulery, Valencia I.aec. Nit tinifhain Laow, KriUi njr. Alexandria KriMintr. Iluinhurft Ktljfinn, Inpcrtinjr. Magic and A-wsvp Kealy rtnfllinft, Heicnlri Itraid, Alpaea I'rabl, llmr Net a. Jlla k and Itruwn Kwitehep. (hitrnoi.p. Huttuui oi every dinci ipltun, Pice re Unllotia, Ac. FANCY GOODS: Lac roIar, Linen Crdlara and TuITp. Inder t herra, ( bioiii tp, lanlkrrchi"r. Tici and Mow a. Itilihon and Millinery (.ot-dr.. Trimmed llnta atnl Eonntti, Ac, Ac. frIhiyera will p'eape fiva th i w their alien lion. Time and money will bt paved. Itemcmbr the place : mvir Market Ptrfrt, flearfiehl, Pa, 1 U$rcltonrott$. IN Til 15 rontT OK COMMON PL !:.! ol i leai field county. Pa, C. J. tuuril Ven. El. v , HC January Term, rn. iiitb I I; I. The an litor appointed tn ditribut the r oney aritiif Innn Ihe ale ol I)cfciid.iil' Heal Eftale, will nltend lo Ihe dufita nf bii rTi in fieartir'd. nn Wrdneadav, lha 31 at Jay of Mir, at J o'clock, p. m. ' lSJtAEI. TKeT, May 10, 1ST1 St Auditor. 1) r.c:im-:Ka ni ti v i--n .d ice ia h why V K'vin (hit the following Aceonnfp have Iind cxttuiined and nt'-ed by nic. and roauin Kted oj riTonl in tit ia nlT.ee for lle inf-pectmn of heir., legale p. cri'ditorp, and all other in any other way int"n Kted, and will hr prcaentvd to (he next Or pbaiii' Court o Clear fiebl r-oiiniy. to le held at the I'ourt Ifonae, tn the horoui;h of Clenrtiebl, cotii iiiem injj on the flrt Monday (Wing the 4th dav) ol June, A. I. 1H7I. Final acmim wf John ltilPaetl and MifeiP-Ppen-r, Ettfiit-rt of WUbaui Cleaver, lute ol 'iVnn lownb p A-vomit of Henry A!Hrt, (iitArdlRn, Ac, of I'lorr-nr M. and .warah J. liiitm , minor chil tlren of S;iimie llatnrp. l:itp of Hrndtord town hip. with petition (or dipeharce. 1 mil ai-eonni of M'ibium llntb-n, KTaeuturol .!o.ep! Miehne), late of HiiTliPiiie townphip. lU ;iTrK a Ofn. a. A. W. I.EK. Cleat MJ, Va.. May H I sT I -ft. J l.eicti r. 11M TlSf HTOVICRI KTOVIXS T()VI:S! AVAPLK & IIAKTM N lep;re lo infori th e tiitnp of 0veola and the IMlblie If' IliT.it: V. ttl il lift liiinlml r.iw.11 .1 J a larr nnd -ph-n-li I .it.-ortm.nt of St.-vee, Ibmar. h I I llai 'Iwa-e aol Sram;ed and .Iiinoted cn-a nl at k'tidp. A 'to that we mnut,;ure aa 1 kfs p eoTitntitiv on ban- a foil a-ort n;ent ol Tmir.eirt Vurci. wbieh we will iipoie ef at either whob i-ali or ret tit. to puil pu.eb tei a. Hoofing. Sjn.u'iri. I;, p.tirin ami at) ktnda of Jtdt Wark dune I" 11 t.-r and With dip;if.-h ftrie.t attention pi.l ordering article! for par tie d- Piring it. t'onnimera will find It to tht fr a Ivautare to pnrrhaae troin ua. Our atoek and pneet trill pat ipf v yon that we do . II g.,ud w 4iei at 1 1" I'P thai iU'ae the n no Tile, I 1 ou will rial ua on t urtin vnet, nearly op. popiienn r s-tinniie llo'el. 0ce.da MilU, Pa., May II, 137 1 df o i; n att i: t i tn i Jl T I'OH A MOM KNT! Are you In need of a (r-oil pit of Hnrnepi ? Are. yon in need of a (t od S id He or Hiidlr? Il to. call at Ihe ha,i,l!e and llamepp Mmp of .liini t. M AMah k. wheie von cnu eel the brat in the tiui i k--t- Ibm-'lcand Sip Hitrn-'p ami ! d a'and t.ent'p Snbltep of pip,-rinr wotktnanhi'r , unin n now, .nni Ket ttrcel. fieM, Vn, Ma.v , l;l ly. JOHN 0. IIAK'.i U K Iliij'IneH for Nnlcl fpilP. un.l. r.itncj Ian KMilNKS, ono i.f : on hand two firpt-rlap. It hurac ttnwrr and tliv other AO hur.c or, nliU-li tl.rj will m:m, at a n.ottiAix Thr, air nini.lr!a in cirry pn. luular, an.l Biii'Iii-.I in th, w-rr l.cjt jtvlc 1 .rran., ., T!i..- In nrr.l ..font !,l In llfrr,irrj...nJ wild : m call n(iua I i.ic,m:r, Yorxo a co. I. Pa, April 12, b;i ?.. Clearfli ISAAC K. STAUFFKH, WATCIH , JIJHI l.RV, lit North Froond Pt , cor. of t)iinrr.v, pnn.AiiFi.piiti. Aa a.-xrtiiirnt of lVui,-hn. I..-..,... l:i... Pi r.l Mar, ,-.,,i.n,iiU ,.n , ','.. W iH, l.i p an.l Ji nrlrj proiopi!, all', ii,li-. i. FURNITURE, cl mniinbaa, rtvAlHEK, .-a s 44 NORTII TENTH ST., ms.ri M-a,iti a, :-,rlnj IV.Ip. Frln. ( ot.. l-prilif Mllr,-..r., . ,r llirr..,.., ,.k Msllrr. 1-irilW .MVIrrP.ra F.,1.A.. E-..i.- II, for'ahl II, ,t, llol.trrp and IMI.miL l',.a,.i -...!. . .. Ill.nk.,. ,!..;. r. .. .' WOVEN WirtK MATTIIKSS, Tt,r l.r. a.rr ffr. (hr p.i,.. N. II Hur Intrnlian In Irral all ni.toinrra . thai IhrT aill hsH-onir priinan, 01 ,l,alrr. ailli a., and nr.ln. aill rr,,tr tl ,.ma allintion, an r-r.nni can but Juil a, ahrapa. irprr.n.t al ll., tnrf. u.-k ,u u-i ' Hf.nl (f state (or af- Jj LAIUII.tVK nam; or Valuable Real Estate! Ily virtue of an orI r of lVi(On,),3 made Hie l.'i'h Jiininirv, A. i. , 21al W.ircli, A. l.-7l,M,l.ir.ir until June lorui, i7l, HenrT Ihk, t al rutJi iaie, al the l-u-rl I! MONDAY, JI NE h, in7l ck, p. in., the foll-.aii, ,(,., ,t . At erly. Pitnnte iu hii"i !' ilt j., ij, ol Octjrge Mrifs. now nncj (,v ),,, dron, ol rhnui Henry Mile ip (jr1:i , , and dcmiibd na IoIIohr: ' ' On (he houih by litixl of Jin .'), ,, on the wcpI by ImiuI ot J iRua IUbyM. Hay ; on the ti .rli by l:tn I- oi M .v- aiin nd on the ear! by I.uj U of Mr. ir". i-eing pan ui m mrirer purvev in ,. if,.. i t. iio n il m-i m,-.. t , ....... ,A .,nw iw.n, tt(lff avoui ov acni cj carta, wuit II crr-'led there balance heiii Ti;iJ(.r FilWn pr c.-ni. of tb, Dinney when property ii knocked d'ja(JtlH,' of balanne at coniirmation of uM t,, two cquut annual pnyuientp wiiJi n,icrM tt'' cured hy bond and niortga(ie on the j,r,ai 1IEX1IV H ILL May I7,W7l.lt Uain; Houses and Lois For Salt; Iwill atll a well ui.pr.tvwl Houe tt,J lAU ated on LoeUPl tiet, Icim.t! t-wur'b; and a lar-e well (iniMi-il i, jjJ( two Ij'.Ip, vituafLd on the p-nt'lt eat , Locuit and Fourth tin eta. Fur tern,, liorip appl to J'MlN V. t i,lB CTrartitdd May I7tb, 2ik. OK BALK .IT At'tTlOM Valuable Lots in ilearfu-lj There will be eold at I'ulilic Sr, lt ii,t Ilouce, in Clearfield, on Tl ESIiAV. JUNE ttll. l;i, at 2 n'clock. p. in., the followinr TpltiTlA Iota, late llitj property ol Icuittli lu ltnin, ceapeil, vii : l.ofp No. J3. 74, T5, T6 and T7. fM., Third aln-el ; EoIp N. I4 and I Irm :t I.ocupI atreet : I.ol No. 11, ou tbf n r Fourth and Market Ptreelp, Most of the above property ip thr n i4 hie for VtiiMing lotp now iu inn rk.-t, nt a:!!i by reference to Ihe p'au of paid horenrh t.j. perpotia cle-iriny fu liter inionna'iou Mi7 lion and L")ut.itarin are re fern d. TEliMrt: Ten per cenl. of purilmev when (he property ia aobi, anil the W.aur v. ctjiial annual paymrnta, wi'h inter.'!. t. t, cured br bond and inortgiige on t1" i n V. KHATZMU Attorney for t lie Hi iri of I.-a;ab Full'Ttm,. ( leaifield, May ft, lHTMt xi:t tToits sam: or Valuablf foal & Timber Leai Ity virtue of an ordnr Ifpned by th "f1 ( ourl ot I'leartii id conntv, itie uttdTM aet) at Piiblio lale, at the Court llirtj borough of Clearlteld, Pa., au MONDAY, JL'NE 6, U7I. A: 1 o'ol tck, p. ia., the fallow ing d' p rhf!! l.tate, lati! the property of .luhu i-nr!.art, IOW Al HI .w tni 71 P.r h. p, wore or h fine Coal anl Timber Land in i'ee.cur 1 lue t barlield count), adjoining lai.d ut i lluhe", ui lace, hmilhami othet-i, ni'.-.r I':. ; bu:L und in the ceiitrnl j art of tlo-cIii rcjrion. A Ttin of "O.I coal, five fret n, u iicpr, opntd on the priuttPev, and b-.tbi lity or line O.ik, 1'iiit' au.l 11- lulot k 1 1 -i i., r .tr on. Ttie pTuperiy il lnot tmor.i lv fi'ujii. farming and uiiiiici; puroo ;, 1KKIS; One third c.ifh at eonfirini! m ule, and Ihe balance in two iiiul utn iiitiiit, to t aivunu ty bvuti ui.J titi'jij t lie p.ciijiivi. ANPRKW iJKUIIlAIiT, J. V. hTKI.NtH. Vqcuxut tp., .ljy IU .11 L.nrj;yt E' Xl:t'l"U)Hsl' H 11.11 OF Valuable Real Estate! Ily virtue of onion Wued to the utvimr by the tlrpliaus' Court nt Centre aid : eouulica, thoy will at ll at Public ?i!: iii Pit. burg, on SATri;iAY, jrNE s, t :i, At 3 oVliK'l., p. tt, a HOl'SK AXI I.(T IX PIUMP-rrStf. Heinr lot No. 1 10, frrntinit dn f-et nf Pei ronrih Ptrrct, and cvrn hnj k ab t'mtre meet 2i0 nVt ; l.". i'u 1 lloii'e mil olb;r 111.' Till cot t.'!1 tin " - 'B' in at'natcd 11 the c titr:il a:. 1 ki-i:-' t .i d town it ia tlo r lore a v ry def n 1 ' for a priva'c resilient e r l.uUict .1. 1. Abu, Will lie void ul he fatar t;i:ti ir.dr FIFTY ACHK. OK MM'. Sltunte in Itvcatiir ! i;l ip, ('! ' Pa., wtihtn half a mi-n( Pinli; - I'li't: ; chared on ! In io.d auie ol ( iil i property ef .l.t'in tt-artoin, d d Th I il lleniii.-k Timber hi in-j fer.c I. ' ty of giio I O.ik and o!h-r Tinner tlv r' ;i. at will opp with the pan." to the p in-ii " r. 1KK.MS: tine hull r:i-h at I'rH'1 sale, an l thf hrtbin'' in 10 1 moil a;.. u. i- tuei.tp, t be ecru red by bund ulI u- r:; i the piej.iep. A N j n k -V f;i i:iil.r.T, J. F. .-TKIM.K. Ici'ati:r tp.. May I'l I'.t K.pca:-'. H IV A T i: 8AL i: or Valuable Real Estate! The KuVcriher wilt o"". r at prii . 'p B n axonabht tetnip, lh- tolbwinf I.-al I '' ' 1 ate in MorriP townpb.p. Cbmlirll cunt. P nfaininir ltM AC It i .H and al:-i'' ' haiiiK thereon rreWf.l a two pt.ir i ' :i'V H li Hi ft-et, dame It.irn. t f) l.-c'. m -1 a other ntet-pptr nntboiMiiic. al in p-"' and repiir. trn acrea of an tt' i I " rhoieept arietic p tt IVnit. A nrvrr f;i it t ; l !( at the houpc an l a Will at the bam. dred aerep of it ip tui'l rli.i t wi'h av.inef ttet cinitity of Coil, tu f, t i 1 at tni i'' 1" lllil'li III (llil-n In iliti.i ii. n l ntiT tllll,". 5.-3rFor hilther lbt.om-.Tmi. i i'fi'i il"1" cutter at Li Mi Ictiec in Morn,. t..we.-lup. IAMl.b V-I M- I ivieri"nii r. it ::.un'j rttjnc Timber an?l foal laiuN r 0 It g A 1, ! ! Tin Ulewinji tracla of Tunbrr and C 1 !-vl arc offered for adet One tr-t of K.i-' t' lyinjf on thr K Ki.rr, in Xt l.-tiT ci-n. : t'" triwlP lung nt. tlio fame live: in p.rat a ri'. ). two of ;.). ll ..n. (ll i.i'Pv-"; and one tract ciitn-nii,j p,:u 0 nrr f, 1' it S 'n f tiawb r lllier.tn .Nji-holaf e utn'v. 'J ia Ii'l"' ' theMt Ian Ip ai perfect. Any iiit.irmiii .n coikm rtiin; th. r- 'ni: !' i had by fl.blrra.ii. t tj $. ! , M . Marcli l;i-tf. PLi'li.-' un:. I Farm for Sale I CinNTMMMi V(l ACKF--, it. a -d ' eiiltivatmii. ril.iute, fn t'ikr ton i -I, p r.f ni'iii nnlv. I1... nl,,,!,! i I,.. ni.urinit .Mill, on Ihc tin up . k- la.l:ie lr" ' "' art.., hi,, in t ., 1 1 . ii, x a .'...i an-is!-" h. Hi.i-, pi.il, I,. am out I. i, line's tlifr. -n. I''" i. al.n a pTs-'t .pm,,: mi-I a vmioit or. l-s-'l '"' l1" pn-miata. Anv pr...n if a nu-r Inn' "ill lin.l ll,,. a i-rv d al.lr Iwaln -a. 1 or lunhrr parlii al.ir. iniiiirv ol llm li'l ll, on Ihc pnnn.i s, or a I. In T. W. n.l'.MlMi. M.iroii :a tr, cur,r,i.ii:'-. i'- aew Firm ! I 'UK trn, of ( Kit TZKIt. in Ilir l,r anil 1'imi.li.n l,u.inr, will Ir I.ii.'ii rrr aiu-r an.ti-r the namr ol K II A Tf. I: II t 1. V Tl. I'. ThaiitiiiiK the p; li,. for .a.l fnvor.. t". If" for a ontiiiiiiisn, v , ,t il, ..,,ic, I'lratliai.l, l'a.. Kahrnarr f. ISTl. V 1)111 l.br .r.t. airrn ih.l irli, r- "I Mnini: tr.li ou lha ri'aia of r'UHKH r M'l Nn. sro-- ' lal cf Lumhrr I'in. I'lra-liol-t ,..n" i h-'inf b-, dull fr.nt.d lo lh ,.d,'n," 1. ll it.rpooa laili'l l. d In aaid mala tll I " rata liuin-.h... pattnrnl. rnd Iho.a k,,"!J e..im. or rlria.nil a, II pr,-..-nl lli.ia pr-p'rlj autl .Dliralrd lor arttlrinvlit with- iil d1 ANTIUlM' I'"'" M,.N "l " t.Bllih.r City. April Itl.CitaJ A'loin l''", s K II il?- I .(.,, i. p' I- -ll. K. rtLI.LKI'0.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers