Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, May 17, 1871, Image 1
aaacaaxxaeSiBWaa-aif'iitaj -fLEARFIELP REPIBLICAS," m ii linen tiint ttMnoir, r COODLANDKR H IT. EltTT, CLEARFIELD, PA. U8TARLI8IIBD IN 181T. The arifcal Circulation of any Newapaper la KurlU Ceutral Pcuuaj Ivaula. Terms of Subscription.' If paid ia adranoe, or wlthia 3 aaontiia....tW (Ml If pa'"l ucr 3 a0 brlurc 0 moutna U fui after expiration or 0 aion.ha. SO 3 (Ml Ratos of Advertising. franvient edccrliaeoieute, perequareof 10 line or leu, I timee or leee.. ....... ........ $1 60 for each aubaerpient inaertion.. .. a J jacB'.tratora' and Klccutora' n-jtieca S 60 lilor.' notiere. - 1 60 faetiona and K.lraya. .. r....'.. I 60 iH.iplulioa notieea - I 00 PrefeMiunal Oarde, 1 year....- t 00 Local notieea, per lino 10 YEAltl.Y ADVERTISEMENTS. .ipiare..... f ni-iaref.... I apiare!... 8 00 1 00 ......SO 00 J enluainu ....$31 00 J column 1 oolumn . 44 00 SO 00 Job Work. DI.ANKH. Iiar'e e,uire $3 60 I 6 otuirce,pr.aiilreli't 76 t airei, pr, quire, t 00 j Orar 0, par quire, 1 60 nANDnii.i.8. I heet.liorlee,$J 00 I ahcot, J er Ieaa,$S 00 iht.l, 3j or Iraa, J 00 I I ahcot, li or leae,l( 00 Ovar Si of each of almve at proportionate rotce. OKOFOK n. flonin.ANDEn, UKOKUK HAIIKKTY, Pilhtiaticre. (Cnrds. a. wai. T.n. vrisb ririmso. WALLACE &. FIELDING, ATTORNEYS - AT LAW, , Clearfield, Pa. ?aTLeal businraa of aft hinde attended to wi'l. nminptncea anil fidelity. Office in residence of William A. Wallace. janl2:70 A. W. WALTERS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Clearfield, Pa. YavOfllee in the Court llouae. drel-ly H. W. SMITH, ATTORN EY-A T-LAff , Jell Clearfield, Pa. Iv ISRAEL TEST, ATTORN K Y AT LAW, Clearfield. Pa. ayOBm la the Coart llua. fjjr 1 1 ,'!T JOHN H. FULFORD, ATTORNEY AT LaW, Clearfield. Pa. OIBea aa Market 8t . eer II art. wink A Irwlo'a Drae; 6lora. ear-Prompt attention. Rirea to tha afteurtna af Bounty. Clahna, Ao., aod to all legal baaineaa. March 18, 1 87-It. vnoa. a. a'crti-oron. aa. a. a'cci-nron. T. J. McCULLOUGH & BROTHER, ATTORN KYS AT LAW, Clearfield. Pa. Oflea oa Mark at 'treat one door est of tha Clear tel Coanty Bank. 3:1:71 J. B. McENALLY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Clearfield, Pa. TtJLee&1 baaineaa attended to promptly with fidelity. Office OB Second etree., above the Firat canon. I llank. I:2i:7llypd ROBERT WALLACE, ATTORNEY-AT. LAW, Wallareton, Clearfield" County, Penti'a avAII legal buaineaa promptlj nttaniled to. j. r. inria n. i.. aar.a IRVIN & KREBS, ueceaaori to H. B. Faroopa, Law and Coi.i.ectio.v Okfice, aJO'TO Cl.EAliriELI), PA. WALTER BARRETT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ofllea en Reoond St., ClearScId, Pa. norll.n0 JOHN L. CUTTLE, ATTORN KY AT I. AW And Real l-tate Ac"t, Clrarffrld. Pa orflfann Tiird Mrect, bt. Cherrv Wlnut. rRflfpeftfulljr offere hit aervirea la pel I In and buTing laodi ia Clearfield and adjoining nantia i and with aa eiparieaea of iivor twentv year aa a tart ay or, Ia4tri hluaeelf that ha ean rn4er aatisfaetian. reb2R,'Al tf J. J. LINGLE, ATTORN EY-AT - LAW 1:11 Oareola, Clearfield Co., Pa. jr:pd J. BLAKE WALTERS, REAL ESTATE UliOlvEK, aid neALrn ix Saw Jjozh mid liiinibor, CI.KARFIEI.D, PA. Ileal Folate Imaaht and aold, titlea rxamined, rue. naiii. and oonrfTAaeea preimred. OfTtee in ttamnw Duildinz, Uoola No. I. M:7I Julin II. Orvia, C. T. Alriandor. ORVIS 4. ALEXANDER, AlTfU'NKYS A T LA W. tellr foiitei. Pa. .cpH.'115-j DR. T. J. BOYER, PHYSICIAN AND SO no EON, Olllce on Market Street, Clearfield. Pa. houra: to 12 a. m., and 1 to p. la, D R. W. A. MEANS, PHYSICIAN k SURGEON Ll'TilElunTRO, PA. Will attend pnifeaalnnal calla p.imiillr. aiiB'"" DR. Al THORN, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, TT AVIXtf locatrti at Kylertown. CtrarficlJ en J.X fffff hia pruft-fsionftl arrvirep to the (N.ilaaftlieaurrouRlint;piiUiitr'. pM. zj, uv- DR. J. F. WOODS, PHYSICIAN A SUIIOEON. Ilovinf'remored to Amoni ille, , offera b prole.aional aerv ieoa to the people of that plaee and the aurrouning eountrjr. All eslla prompllr attended to. . l).. aorai J. H. KLINE, M. D., PIIYSICIAX k SUItGEON TTAVIVll tneoteil at PennfielJ. Pa., offera hi 11 profeaouiial aervieeato the people of that .1... c and aiirroonding country. Ali call" promptly attended to. Oct. 11 tf. DR. J. P. BURCHFIELD, Late Saraooa of the s::d Heg mont, Pennaylranla Volunioera, baaing raturnad frnaa tha Army, altera aia penfeaaional aerrieoa to tba cltiaena' f Cloacfleld e.iaety. VwrProferaional ealla promptly atten lad to. Anise on Seeond atreet, formerly accepted by Dr. Wooda. (anrt.'as-tf JEFFERSON LITZ, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, T T AVINd located at Orcanla, Pa., offera bla 1 1, prole. . ion al larvlee. to the peopll of that jilava and aarroandlng enuntrr. H,AII ealla promptly attended to. Office aad realdenre oa CartlB at., foraaerly occupied kj Dr. Kline. By" !' Fishing Tackle I JI'ST feccvad, a complete a.ortincnl. conalrt ing of Trout Itoda, 1'iah Ha.keU, Linca and Hooka, uf all deaeripiion. at HAItRV K BIUI.P.R k CO'?., fletrfliH, April l, 17I tf. CLEARFIELD GO0DLANDER & HAGERTY, Publisher. VOL.41--WHOLENO.221S. (Cards. JOHN D. THOMPSON, Jiwtiee of tlio Pi-nre and Scrivener, Curueimllle, Pa. iy-Ctllccl.oni niiU and money promptly niil over. - - - iib, 23, If. JAMES C. BARRETT, Juttieo of lUo l'enej und ,ioontril Cunveyanocr, I.uilicrHhurff, Clearfield Co., Pa. ff'ToUeclinni 4 ri'iiiitluooca nromt.tly inndt. and all kindi of cg.t iuitrumrnta txccuttvl on itiort nuttce. nnyi,,utr GEORGE C. KIRK, Justice of the IVnce, Surveyor and Convavancar, I.uthcrsburfr, pa All bmincM Intrmtrri to hint will be nmnipllv tlriulrd to. Pcrivni wishing to emi'lur a tor- Vr will ilo Well to give him a rail, a hp flutter hnniK'lf that he can rvnrlrr tatiffneiioa. lordi of con vevniirp, arnclei ol aKTOfmont, and all Irgm paprrr, prontjitly and neatly execiUc!. iuar.0vp MRS. S. S. LIDDELL'S MA RULE k STONE YARD, ('l.KAHFIKI.D, PA. .Vhop on Kecd rJlrcet, aear IVnnavlrania KjMroaU depot. may m, jii:tl. HENRY RIBLING, IIOl'SB, FltiN A OKNAMK.NTAL PAINTKll, Clearfield, I'enu'a. The fraaeoinff and paintinff of ehnn-hea and other puhlio biiildinf;a will roeeiro pnrtienlar attention, aa well na the painting of carritittca a'l alea:ba. (lildinx done in the neateal .lyln. All irk warranted. rho. on ou:h alrcel, lortnerij oeenpied by Kaqu'tre ehugart. . ocllV70 G H HALL, RACTICAL PUMP MAKER, KEAU Cl.EAUFIELn, PEXX'A. M'Poropa alwaya on haml and made to order on r hort notiee. Pipe bored on reoBiinehlc terma. All work warranted to render aatilaetion, ami lelivcrcd if deairud. myjJMypa DAN I E L M. DO HERTY. BARBER & HAIR DRESSER, SECOND STREET, jy2.1) Cl.UAIIFlEI.U, PA. Ill DAVID REAMS, SCRIVENER k SURVEYOR, Lutherabure, Pa. T -aj B ruhaeriberoffera hia aervieeato the piibile i. n.niiv uf Kerivener and Hnrveror All enlle l'..r aui vering proinpllj' attended tn, and the making of drafla, deed, aud otlier u gai mro nenla of writing, eioeuled without delay, and warranted to be currce! or no clinrKC "II 1 SURVEYOR. rflllE undcraigned offera lira fcrvlcea aa a rur- 1 veyor, and may he louml at nia mriuenoai, in Uawrenoe lownahip. LitUra will reach him di rected to Cleartkld, Ta. ...... mv 7-tf. JAMI'.B, J. "A. BIiATTENBERGER, Claim and Collection Office, OSCEOLA, Cleartleld Co., Pa. -rConevaiieins and all legal naprra drawn mitt InvU.V kllll itinnatch. lllt on and paa- aage ticketa to aod lium any point- inEur..n iinieurej. w.w ' - " - CHARLES SCHAFER, iAGER 11EER R 1! K W fell, Clearfield, Pa. 11 hopla by alriet attention to b iaineaa and irirtvn nnied .Mr. hiilrca . Ilrewcry no the iniiniiroeturo of a arlieie 01 ui.i.h to rcorive the patronage of all tha old and many new eaatnincre. Aug. 2j. it. THOMAS H. FORCEE, GENERAL MKIif.IIANDlSE, ;HAI1AIT. Pa. Alao.eitenalve manufacturer and dealer In Fiiiar I.oiber and nncll ..uium roi an m...... aMt-Ordera aolicilcd and all billa pron.pily an. a. w osa. taaT aanv LBenT " W. ALBERT & BROS., Manufacturer A cateuaivc Ucalcraia Sav.ed Lumber, Square Timber, 4c, e-Ordera aolielted. Dilla Oiled an ahort notice anil uii..i Ad.lrcaa Woodland P. 0., CltarBelil Co., Pa. i2j-lr W AI.IIK1IT A IIHO.. FRANCIS COUTRIET, MERCHANT. IVreuclivllle. I learflcld County, Pa. Kccpa cnnatanllr on hand a rull aaaoriuicm 01 Dry Hardware, liroccrira, aud ever,lhiig for caab, aa cheap aa claewhere iu the county. inn i kei.t to B eeiail aiorc, amru KreucLvlllc, June 11, lem-ij. REUBEN HACKMAN, House and Sign Painter and Paper Hanger, Clearfield, Peun'a. V. Will execute jnl.a in hia line promptly and in a workmanlike manner. ar4,oi J. K. BOTTORF'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLhii 1 , Market Ptrcct, Clearfield, Pa. JfOr-CltOMOS MADE A FPK('IAl.TV.- "TKdATIVK8 male in clouny, aa wen aa in 1 1 clear weather.'tanllv nn band a good ...ortment of KRAMKH. STKItKIJSl'OI'K and STKHKOSCOl'lC VIKWH. Frawee, from any alyle ol moulding, mode to order. aprSs-tl j, MILES KRATZER, UKR CHANT, DSALRB IS Dry Goods, Clothing, Hardware, Catlcry, Qoecnaaare, Oroeerlea, Prorlaiona and iniigir., Clearfield, Penti'a. rff"AI their ncwatorerooaa.oa Boeond atreet, Bear II. t. Digler A Co'e Hardware store. fJanM j, not. ton eras s. Pivta fAatr. HOLLO WBDSH & CAREY, ROOKSF.LLKPvS, Blank looK Mamifiiclurors, AKD BTATIOXEIIA, 41S .V.u-eVfl St., Philadelphia. .l'per Klonr Burke and F.g. Foolaenp. I.eller? Note, Wrapping, Curtain and Wall P.,era. fidiSI,70.ypd A Notorious Fact I VIOK are more people troubled willi l.ung li.ra'a in tin. tonn ilcm auyonier ... 1- .k. One of the areol cauai-a of thia l, the liac of an impure article id Coal, largely rnued with aulphur. Now. why not avo,d all thia. and prea.rve your lire,, by ..n only llumpltrej'a Cclrbratcd Coal, frey r.,m al iioparillea. Oid-ra left al the aloin of Uiehard M...,i end Jamea U. tlrnhaia A bona will rccaiya pro.,,ioa. Ai)MuM I(1.Mr1REv. Charlleld, November ", IsIU-tl. DREXEL & CO., Ho. 31 Houth Third Htrect, Plilla.letptita ll.l.rHKUS, And Dpalnr in Rnvprnmcnt Securities. Application by will fee.lrc prompt atten- Hon and all (tiorfuMy lurniahtd. Ordcri .iMtittd. P'"'f THE REPUBLICAN. ..clbaiVfieli), tV. WEIiXRSllAY MOIlNINtl, MAY 17, 1871. IIHAITII'I I, TIIINUS. . Br una. a. a. kiiiucii. A gentle Told', a heartfelt etgb, A modtat blual:, n apeaking eyo, A manner nnafleeted, free ; Theec thinga are benntiful to me. A rendy linnd, a loving heart, A ayinalhy that'a free fniw art, A rtttl friend among the few t Th?ae thing are beautiful aud true. A mother 'a prayer, na anawcr mild, An aged aire, a little child, A happy home a checrlul hearth; Theao thing, arc beautiful un taitb. A joyful enng, a clioroa awcet, An earlieat aoul and willing teet, A day of pence, a nilit of re.t ; Tlieae Ibinga are beautiful and bleat. A ai.lcr'a lore, a bruthcr'a care, A atiotlraa name, a jewel rare, A cleanly tongue, that will nut lief Tlieae thinyA arc braulirul an 1 why ? rtcruuee they all are horn of love, And rtnnnate from tlo.l ahorc: An rorneat of the heavenly birth, Theac thing, are beautiful on earth. Fit Closing Scene in Congress. Mr. liuTi.RR niiivcd to anuppntl llm nilea in order tluit Iio inijrlit muko n ii'ronal cxpla nntion. Agreed to yrn, 118; nnys, 1. Mr. Ul'Tl.r.K pi'oeecded tr nddrcHs tlio IIoii.ho in retcrenco lo llio n-t'iie wliiili took place In tlio Semite bo Iwcen himsi'lf and Senator Ilitvia, of Kentucky. Assttminir Mr. Davis'ft own description of tlio occurrence to bo true, Mr. Rtttlcr stilimita to tltr enndid jtnimont of the House nnd of ull jttft men, which of the two hud in tlio ulTuIr plityed tlio pint of llio cour teous gentleman, nnd n hieh the part of llio bluek-rutird. Mr. Pnvin wits nhielded from responsibility for what ho said by his nt) mid hv his Senato rial tojrti ; and llius sliiefded and pro tcctcd bu had injected llio ellluvin ol' his rercnjro after tbo most high toned manner of chivalry. Mr. Iti.cK subniittcd whether Mr. Rtttlcr pad not violated the pledge he had nititlo to the Demoeratta siilo of tlio Ilotiso when he 'il its ciuiKentto mako the explanation, that he would say nolhirg personally ollensivo to Mr. Davis. Mr. Iti'Tl.FR denied havinir rriven that pU'duo. He had merely said that ho would make no attaek upon him. He hnd for neatly liino years suffered from assaults and charges of bavitifr approptialcd . 19 his own use small amounts of money in Louisiana, antl tmw ho would answer them once for all. Ilo hud captured and levied as sessments on tbo rebels of Louisiana to tbo amount of nearly ri,)li(,(MHI, and ho had charged himself w ith the amount on tho books of llio depart ment. Thoso books had been open fur liino year, nnd even delrael'on hnd not sit id that ho had not lully au counted for the amount. Refvrrinfj l tliu investiinilion lit tho last fession inlo tho mannifement. of tho nationaj asvlums. ha accused Mr Farnsworlh of having published in tho Ulvbe a spectdi not delivered, and highly slan dermis lo lnm ( liulleri. uy mat act thnt gentleman has put himsell out ol tho iialo of civilized warfare, and he would never henceforth consider that gentleman's tnngtio or pen n slander upon nnvbody, cettninly not on him self. On motion of Mr. Kendall, a bill for a new land district in 'Nevada was passed. On motion of Mr. Morcy, n hill for tho re-establishment of tho Monroe I.nnd Louisiana, was passed. Mr. Fahnswoiitii asked and obtain ed permission to make n personal f x- planation in reply lo Mr. Ilutler. ilo said it was loo lato in tho day . ,1C nw't ,o nsked, of an Invcsii that gentleman to put on airs and .,,;,, r report exonerating n profess the rule of nor, intercourse ai flm uHlilaino wl.en su:h ex..n He his (Mr. rnrnsworth s) cnilion WI18 mil(0 tlllty the inundation great ago hud not anything todo with () f. .us1 ,.lM,.,r,, nnj (rof, calumnies such non inier-ouir.c aaaa-.s. by him in refcronco to llio rSenator from Kentucky. (Laughter.) lnref creoco to tho investigation as lo the uiantiiremcnt of llio National Asylum for Disabled Soldiers, he complained that the committee had not acted fairly in the matter in refusing nmnng other tilings to require tho treasurer of that institution (Mr. Ilutler) to product! his bank book which would show that bo had hnd constantly on l,,.,l rm.n 1IM)00U to fKiO.OOO of government money which lis kepi in bis own privato hank in bis own mime, und with which ho speculated. Mr. lii'Ti.KR matlo the point of or der that Ibis wtisau ulta;:k upon him instead of being a persotinl explana tion. - Tiik Spkakir Will the gentleman Mass' chusclts state the wold, to 'a.t.l use language erossly offensive , to pillience, und arc called upon to nn h IS. tlica Senator from Kentucky, und il .,r lnuy foolish questions. Wo ' .? Ti r. ... ,., niter that that Iho Senator had ' certain, however, that wo never from which rule on the question Mr. Meruit-! should t-ny pretty much all of it. (Laughter.) When I urn told that I huvo gorged myself will, public money I suppose thut that docs not i cqui.o n point of order to be (n()(0i Tho Sneaker ruled Ihat such lun - ingo was .ml of order. it it tt trn Mr. Faiivswoiitii-TIio ine.tiher ing enl printed slips ol il m advance from Massachusetts alluded to my I to Huston and lo the New otk llrr speech us published in the Globe, und ' ,, knowing that the Senator would i ...........tiinr ihu i.oinls of huvo left the city beloto be could hat c it to show that il was not titipiirlia i who in.iy r, I metitnry. Tho Speaker said ho had no doubt that Ihe language of tho gentleman from Illinois was unparliamentary, nnd so ruled without hesitation. Mr. Fahnswoiitii was allowed, by a vote of the House to proceed in or der Mr. Hanks remarked thnt it wn not proper for n member lo ask unani mous consent to make a persotinl expla nation and then make criminal churg es ugiiitist a member. The Speaker said ho entirely agreed wilh tho gentleman from Massuchii. act! Mr. Farnswohtii remarked Ihat he ilso agreed wilh the gentleman from Massnchiisetts. rLuughlcr JIo went ' 1' . il... ..lassuchiiseus. iMtug.uur.j ............. ............ ,;, ,,, pn lo speuk of the irimsnclion lor the ; o give him Iho pr.v.leg.v 1 d d . ..... -r .Mi.i.riv t Ilami)- believe what ho said, and thcrefme j , f ,- 1,mI.rly t Hump - i ... J. .'. ;' M,vlum. llu" i V a PRINCIPLESi CLEARFIELD, PA, WEDNESDAY; MAY 1 7, 1 87 1 . tho properly having been owned by Mr. Ilutler, but having been trans ferred by him to his brother in law, Mr. Ilildreth, to cover appeaiat.ces. In conclusion, ho said thut if thai transaction nnd tho testimony given by Mr. Ilutler beforo tho Cotiiinittec on Military AfTuirs last session were beforo any petit jury of tho United States, it would conviet him ( Ilutler j of embezzlement Hnd perjury. (Luiijrh ter and great oxeitement.) That was all ho had lo s:iy. Mr. lii'Ti.KR remarked that hu held in his hand u report of the Military Conimitlco made last scssinn on that' suhjuit, and ho would read tho clnsinr paragraphs of it as nn answer to all that advertised calumny which might bo put out against him uny where. The paragraph which ho read states that tho committee was convinced that tho funds of tho National Asylum for Disabled Soldiers had been faith fully applied by tliu Hoard of Mana gers, and that tho general manage ment of llio several branches of the asylum has been cllleienl. Also, that tliu commit too hud come tn tho con clusion that llio treasurer, having ac counted for ull the funds of tliu usyltim that ever camo into his hands, was to be entirely exonerated lioni nny eliargo or suspicion of misappropria tion, neglect, or misconduct in llio discharge of his duties. Mr. J'cTl.Kit said iu conclusion thut under that report he branded as false nnd calumnious everything that could ho said against llio president und treasurer of the National Asylum. It was for tho Military Committeo to say whether its members had been corrupted under his (Butler's) load. They could vindicalo their own honor; ho had not their donor in charge. Their report was a shield lo him ngninsl tho nttuck of any man. He had no words for a characterisation of that attack. Gentlemen should judgo of it fur themselves, coming as it did under Ihc guiso and ImIso pro letico of n personal explanation. There were twelve or fifteen gentle men of tho Hottso whom bo bail taken to Fortress Monroe, and to w hom he had shown the property which ho bad sold to tho National Asylum; nnd every mnn who ever saw it would ad mit that on that transaction ho had given Jiio.OdU lo the disabled soldiers Mr. Fahnswoiitii Tho .member from Massachusetts sworo in tho in restitution that he did ntit sell it; llinl his btollier iu law sold it. (Laughter.) Mr. llu.l.r.R Oh, pshaw ! pshaw ! (Laughter.) That was ono of tho cheats in tho statement. It was put into tho hands of my brother in law as security for money which ho lent mo. Mr. Faiinswortii Your brother in law sworo that lie did not lend you any money., Laughter Mr. I cannot have nny controversy with that man, whom I would not believe under oath. (Laugh ter and hnmmoiinj; from the Speak er's L'iivel.1 ltit'crriiii to tho witnesses who sworo iiL'ttiust him in tho invc: tign lion, ho Bind that ono ol mem was a rnmiwnv maiino deserter wnom 11 1 i.,.,, trjing to fin I to put ti ball :1uj t.,.,in n round bis leg, and that ...... ii.,,.. ... ,. HaKimoro man w ho had otico served with him (Ilutler) lor sttnoosed lmIIiiiiI conduct, but It-til since 1:0110 down lower, lower, lower. until ho had sank to the position ol being a witness for llio member from Illinois. (Laughter ) Mr. Fahnswoiitii And tho other witnesses were tlio r.'.emhcr from Massachusetts and his brothcr in law. ( llenewcd lauirhlor and oilier manifes unions of u thorough enjoyment ol the sceno.1 Mr. IlcTi.t.n rcmnrkcil in conclusion that ho Would not again bo drawn inlo ,.,,,....... ,, ,10 8Uhiect. What ; .1:...,,., r....... ... 1 f Luil'Iiler.) Mr. Hkck asked nnd obtained lenvo to make u statement on behalf of the .Senator from Kentucky, who, ho said, bail been so foully denounced by the member from Massachusetts. That Senutor and that member hud had a controversy on tho lloor of the Senate. Mr. Ilutler Oh, no; I had no con ttoverscy with him. Mr. Hkck Tlio Senator denounced tho member on tho lloor of the Scnalo as a damned scoundrel, and I would characterize that us n conlrovursy . (Laughter.) They had ft quarrel on tho lloor of tho Setiuto. ll ought to have ended there, nnd would have ended lliero but for the fact that the number from Massachusetts saw ill tn come on Iho floor if iho House 'pronounced tho speech which hut been quoted by tbo member. I hi , member Ifoin Massachusetts, il be had a personal explanation lo mako, 1 should have made it at once, but In liau vviiiieu mini iuni ....-T, ! day thai congress was i u.ij" and then asked leave to make it, h..v- udjourti, I . . t. , seen il in print. 1 hereupon 1 objec ted, because it had been held up so long nnd not because I did not want to give tho genileman u (banco for replication. Mr. HtiTl.KR (inlrrriipting) The reason given by tlio gentleman was that bo would not lei. me speak so long a the indictment against his State was continued. Mr If I had had nil opportunity lo reply to that indi. linenl, 1 would have done it iu a way which I hope would Imve been worthy of the .Slate When the genilemiiu was trying to get leavo to day, 1 asked him whether bo would ussu.t the Senator from j Kentucky, and ho replied that b , would not, and on that slalculeli ; meml-srs on the Democratic side vole a .., I. ia., II.. ..Hi a- al....ia I i-liil 111) ho ' believe what ho said, and therefore 1 voted against it. (Laughter.) I.e.. - j-f . NOT MEN. the member rises and announces that the Senator from Kentucky has btjen gailly of falsehood, 1 deny it I hurl it on ett 11 nil I say Hint llic character of that Senator U as good ns that of any man upon earth. Ho never did wilfully tell a lie, and no man before ever licensed hi in ol it. W hen the member said that llio Senator was dtieldcd by his ago, and Ibnt he lid not seek the proper redress, I huvo only to say thut w It ilo my Senator is neither n, bully nor a blackguard the the member can get au redress from him that he seeks, outside of ibis hall or anywheio else, (Laughter.) I do uot believe Hint it lies 111 tho mouth of the member from Massachusetts lo talk about my Senator being shielded y loo .igo of not rceliinr niHiu'r re dress. 1 have witnessed scenes v illi that member which satisfies mo that ho would ii"t seek tho redress to which ho alludes. (Laughter.) He does not foi'L't'l that 1 huvo in the presence of tilleen members of tho House, seen tho member from Illinois (Farnsworlh) put bis fist in the face of tho member from Massachusetts, denounce hint in cveiy way that one man can denounce another, until J had to sny to other members of ihu committee standing by llial 1 did not think ono white iniin would t.iku it without n fight, and that tho decent negroes in New York Stato would fight over it. (I prournus laughter.) Air. r -IRNswobtii (derisively 1 1 was on account of his extremo age, perhaps (Shouts of laughter ) Mr. lii'Ti.KR (pointing to Mr. i tirns worth) Ho is not a white man. .Mr. Ll.niilDiiZ .now is llio proper lime lo call in the chaplain. (Con linuous laughter.) Mr. Cox Ihc coroner should also he sent for. Mr. Stocoiiton, a member of the Military Cointniltco of the last House, delended tbo action and the report of thut committee, und stated that the vouchers of too gcntleuiaii from Massa chusetts, in reference to tho National Asylum, had been submitted to the committee, and sho ved Hint ho had fairly nnd honestly .expended every dollar he hud received from ihuTroas. ury of tho United Slates. It was I mo that tho committee did not ro itiiro (Iciicru'. Duller lo produce bis privato bol nccouni, nut mere was no pretence that he had converted o dollar ol Hie ptinnc money to nis own use. Ho bad deposited the money in hia own nnnie. but tho commilleo had coiito lo llio conclusion that ho bad a riiiht so lo deposit It, llio only difler- ciico being that if llio money was lost ho w otild bo personally responsible lor it. There was no pretence or proof Hint he had misappropriated a dollar of tho money. At this point ol tbo discussion, ami while tho House was quite nmttsed and excited over it, tho Speaker's descended, and he nnnouticcd llinl llio first sesiion of tho Hottso ol lleprcsentativcs for tho Forty second Congress wns adjourned without day. The Moral Lubrica'or. Tho great moral lubricator which makes everything in human lilo run wilhiiiit friction, is Bond temper. As soon as this is exhausted, tho journals of tho human inaeltiiiu begins to neat, ami wear, and screech, nud the entire mechanism becomes noisy nud ruin ous, wasteful of power. "Tho bor-'C that frets, is tho horse that sweats," Is an old saying of Inn semen, and it is just us true of men ai of horses. Tho man that allows himself lo get irritated nl every little thing ihat goes umiss in his business, or in tho ordinary it flairs of life, is n man UihI, ns a rule, will nrcnmplish little, nnd wear out early. Ilo is a man for whom bile antl dyspepsia havo a parlietihir fondness, and for whom children have a particular aver sion. Ho is a man willi n perpetual thorn in his side, which pricks and wounds al the sliL'hest movement; it man for whom life has little pleasure, and the future small hope. To "keep jolly" under all provne.i lions is perhaps rt task which only Dickens' Mark Tapley could perform. Wo never huvo met Mat k Taoley in our cxperietico of human nuture, but we huvo seen him closely npproximu ted ; und it would bo well il people in general could approach more nearly that inimitable character. In all phases, emergencies, nnd oc cupaliotis of human lilo, good temper is n commodity for which there is iff at demand : but In llioso wincn bring un individual into daily contact uilh many others, perhaps in greatest demand nnd most limited supply. Wo have often snll'ered in our per sonal feelings, from tho incivility of Ich'Lrraiili operators, railroad Ciindue- ,.H) mket tigents, fie. ino ooiioi ! ,,,0 nflt.jn have much lo try their linked onoofthema loolisli question and wo aro jti-t as certain that it is very ruro to get a reply from such pcoplo, thut is not in Word, or in man ner, unciril. Perhap it is not mejii.t to ho uncivil, but il is given in an in.- pii,.itl petulant way. very grilling ! lo the sensibilities ot-retino.l people. Were these men good nulured. they could not help being civil. Civility is ss natural to a good nalurcd man ns breathing Kven if rude nnd unpol ished in manner, Inborn goodness or heart makes Itself pleasantly felt in ull the relations of life; while the must polished manner and refined language may cut deep, nnd have lusting wounds. That's So. A Iladicir) exchange growls to the following tuno: "It is customary for the President of the r.iiled Sla'es to remain in Washing ton nt the adjournment nf Congress, and give at least ihc tiino of ono week in s.. Motors und Hepresenlalives who desitn to consult him about tho public business bcfo.o leaving Tor their homes, (i.iiul, not wishing In bo in-im-1'..w..l iv iih be Con'-'res-niien b. re nt tutioti to it pi .. . ........ i ,1V I .....if;. - ....... - ail I Morton. Many SenaV'c o -esentalivc. cs press iho d i Indiana wit nj Iienresenlalives cit press Ihu ,lldi..nD ion nt tho gnausi amount oi b ( great est ' "''y'" ' i Dictator s conduit. REPUBLICAN. NEW CONDITION OF THE SOUTH. Tlio New York Oiww, religions paper, in its issue of tho 0th inst., publishes tho following lellcr, with n few prefatory remarks by tho editor If anything can bo shown in this land that more truly and correctly illus trates tho working of a Slnto govern ment under tho rule nud management of tho licpiibliean party wo have not seen it. ' Tlw (M-ww hiivii i lfhcontrnl in Sutrth Cirolina Out- irealn and )ixirilm The AltnirJ (Vi i(.c awl Probiiblc Cuti In laying tho following communication before our readers for (heir serious consider ation, wo would sny that its author is now, nnd was before, during and since tho wur, nn nnti secessionist; known as such by his fellow citizens, and his high character, largo intelligence nnd entire independence, commanded nni vcrsal respect und cotiliilcnce. 'I lie senior editor of tho N. Y. Otitrrcrr. now in Soulh Carolina, having heart! ol Ibis genlli niliii, of his sound Union sentiments, his wide acoiiaintance Willi public ti II airs, and his ability (o give a candid, truthful nnd inlelli'eni staled. ent of tho condilion of things, wrolo to I i in for Ins views nnd receiv ed tho fellow ing letter in reply lo his request. It Is not probable that ex tremo men will accept llio views here expressed, but the fuels arc beyond nil incstion, and they are themselves the argument and illustration : To the ftlitor of the N. Y. Ohtrrvn : As u patriotic, citizen us well ns the editor of a journal of wide circulation and extetisivo influence, it is your duly, and i hnvo no doubt it is your desire to obtain all tho information in your power as to tho history of the disturbances prevailing in Soulh Caro lina as well as llicir origin nnd llio remedy for them. For Ibis purpose 1 proposo to furnish you some aid. There is ono question in the consid eration of this siihject, fundamental in its nature, and yet lo be solved, wlictli- er two races can live togotlier on terms of equality in tho same country and under tho same system ol laws, who are essentially different in origin color, habits nnd civilization When to these circumstance, aro added Ihc facts that ono peoolo for centuries and until Ittlely have beuu llio slaves of tha oili er; that tho hit te look upon the former us i'.s inferior, and .refuse to intermarry or aiiinlgamalo wilh it, the problem becomes much tnoro dillit tilt. History furnishes us wilh no instances of the kind Some ol the wisest states men und philosophers havo muintuiil ed Unit such a slate of equality is im practicable. Theso were the senli incuts 'of Mr. Jefferson, M. De Toc iiucyilli) and Sir Samuel White linker, tho famuli Aliicun traveler, in rcf ercuco to tho very races now under consideration. M. Do Tocqtiovnie stales that the prejudice and tin lipalhies of tho whites aifllnst tho HO grocs weio stronger in the free Slates than in the slave Slates. His reasons tor this are pliiu-ihle, and are now equally applicable to llio Southern Ui..l..u Au ii iii-riiif tif t nlineiillla character of this antipathy, wo may rcfvrtolhostulemcnl of Mr. Tlollope as lo tho condil'it f tho Island of llarbadoes. Although tho neirmes! had been emancipated lor twenty. fivo or thirty years, and though per sons of education und good maimers, having scarcely n trace of African blood, were invited by tho governor In bis hall and receptions, yet "tho pure whiles of the island persistently refused to recognize socially these persons, because of their origin. Not long sinco an editorial articlo np peared in tho JWit'iun. ono of the ablest and most reliable llcptiblicutl papers in the country, in relation to tho difiicullie at West Point, cminceled with tho colored cadet. The editor, altl , , . . , though deploring he prejudice hieli cxi-ts itptnst Iho negro race, w UpolOglZl"l IOC UIU con unci I.I me whilo cadets ill thnt matter. His opinion was that tbo young men of that institution should not be censured fiir not doing what their fathers, mother, uncles, mints and cousins i c .. .. ..I- il... would not do, nersoii on term vi. : raise n colored of social equality. lie further staled that if till tho while persons in mo i unci, oia.c, ,vun.e miiis in iho I lilted Slates w ho are willing to. and neluiilly do treat c'l - ored people on terms of social equali ty could no gaincrcu mgeioi-., could bo contained in moderate sized I'OOIll . i lie said that tins is an unreasonable nnd wicked prejudice w hich ought lo be eradicated. Some nisei nod irood men doubt this, 1ml grunting it to be trim, tho fact ol the existence of the prejudice still remains. Praelieally, the r flee I ol tho feeling is tbo same, wlietherii be just or unjust. If the two races cannot live peucea bly together on terms ol cijualiiy, then one must exist in suliordiiiatioii to the oilier. As. to which should he superior and which inlerior, U would seem there could be no hesitation in iho mind of any intelligent whilo man. . Leaving tins topic let us consider Ihe immediate causes of tho late and kiiiiL disturbances ill this .State. I'hcy may bo classed under several bends vi. : '1 ho ii'iiorance, corruption ai d extravagance of tho Legislature, and of neiiily all the put'lu: otheers ; the heavy taxes collected from a pov - city siricKen pcopic, ...v. of nearly all tbo oiu im me Stato from ollicc; tuxes laid by lliose who pay tin taxes upon those who pay all, and more imnied. a lely, the organiz ing nnd arming ol the negroes slimmer, when nothing of tho k'tid Wits done for the white. m- ... 1 vi-ncne,!' I ll!',..',.. ireot lemon thnt the latter measure would remit in mischief, and , ..niiacniiences which ti cro foti'lohl havo folb-wed. Had blood was slirn d tip, and hitter were tho frttils nfil. Consider the question of luxe, al ways n lender point with freemen. The Intelligent, property holding cili sens huvo nt) share in tho Legislature of tho Slato. They uro taxed by i.u'on-1 runt u jr iiini iy huiu'1 ,,v t I ... ... '1 Ii ra .rt tiiviis nrci e normous, considoring i - - ... .i ,. ll,,,.. circumstance, und much greater I ..... before the war, i the days of the r IIU ueiore urn win, prosperity. Tho i.r,i r,. ii,ii wilier may be ex insiaucu in an -$2 por annum', 'in AdvancD. SEMES - V0L I2, NO, l9. his personal know ledge, by w ay of ex ample : A gentleman paid his Stole and county taxes for 1X.V.) nmotitttirg 10 S7a. Tho tame genileman hntjasl paid his tax o for 1S70, amounting to 1:lUU. IPs properly now isiihout nne third of its value in 1S,V.). This makes bis taxes now about twelve time groater than in lh.'ilt. Look at the criminal oxlraviigancu of llio Legisla ture. Alt iiiKlance or two -nust sullico. It was slated without contradiction, by lespcclaldo 'gentlemen In a meet ing where several high Sinlo olliciuls were present, that the expenses of the Legislature beforo tho war ; averaged about 8 1 ), WO ; this lust session bills woro passed for expenses amounting to ?!00,l)00. Tho item of stationery before the wnr did not exceed SW0 per session; last session tliu bill for that purpose was f 10.000. About one bundled und twenty attaches of the Legislature aro now paid; formerly leu or twclvo were ample. ' As lo tho olliccis, we might desciibc our county ollicials ns'an average. Our county superintendent of education is a black man who can read big print; cai) u tile a bad school boy hand, wilh probably at ithmetiu enough to man age n simple sum in addition. Lasl j ear ho reported two schools under iiis sapervision, for which services be has a salary of $1,000 per uniiuin. Our County auditor is a colored Inan, wilh an education about equal to the above named. Our county cummin isotiers a i-o three colored men, ono ol whom only can write bis liamo. Our Kepresentative consist of ono while and two colored men, the former said to lie a Canadian und H total stranger to tlio people of the county; of tho two latter ono cannot write his name; tho other niity perform thut (cut in sort tif way. These are specimens of our ollicials. Tho while people see nocsctipo from this load of corruption and ignorance by tho ballot or other peaceable rem edy. The negroes take advantage of their iiumbcis, array themselves in solid mass, nnd refuse ollicc or voice to iho other race. 1j it any great wonder that tho latter become dissat isfied and turbulent, and endeavor to right themselves by tlio band of vio Icncc ? Tho result is most deplorable. 11 is of Ihe nature of w rong und vio lent e lo produco wrong and violence. ' l'efore tho wur iho people of South Carolina were emphatically a law iihi.ling people. J ho judges were elected for life ; were generally men of tho highest integriiy nnd ability, and the laws were administered lailli fully and impartially. A serious change has taken place, lo tho detri meiii of the Stale and country. Il docs not requiro any great depth ot peiiclrulioti to undefoland tho cause of it - The remedy for Ihcso disturbances ii tho most difficult. With tho .res ent preponderance of the ignorant Slid impecunious, thcro seems scarcely any hope for the better. If the intel ligence, inlegi ity and wcallll of Ihe Siutu could havo llicir proper right, wo mi. 'lit safely rely upon a dinVront state of things. Hut until the while 'people T the State do possess that just influence in tho Stale government, which llie.y ought lo nave, ine pn"e. disastrous condiltoti tit things Will continue until uprooted hv some over powering, herciblo revolution. What Real Love Is. Many women suppose they lovo their husbands, when, iinlouunutcly, they have rot tho beginning ot un idea w hat love is. Loving to be ad mired by ti man, loving to be pelted by him," and loving to be praised by him, is not loving him. All these may be, when a woman hn no power ol hiviiiL' at - II : they niiiy be, simply 'uciinis-i-eiii iw. - , ,,.,,,,,,.,.,1 caressed, coaxed, iUos l0 H, Couxe,l and stroked. i .1.- I...,w I i. r ii lv.1 ovea lo and fed with cream, nnd haven warm coiner. Hut nil this is not love. It may exist, to be sure, where there is Invc; il generally doe. Hut it may "ls.i 'exist where there 1 no love. Imve I is sell sacritleo ; it is u life out of Sell anil in n not nor. im very essence is preferring of tho comfort, Un , wjs,oll ()f nnollict' to one s 1 ,,. (,. the lovo we bear them. Love j .. m) ml lTPl.jvin;,. J.ove is 'H,t n sheet of blotting paper rr a , ...dung in everything lo itself; i ... . . it is tin om pringing Intitnain, giving Love's motto has been ifrotii Itself. I dropped in this world as ft chance gem o great prit-o, ny ine nncurai, und fairest, the purest, the wtrnngesl lot' Lovers libit ever I rod tins inori.d I earth, of whom it is' recorded tbttl lie said, "It is more ble.sid to give Hum to receive Now, in lovo, there are ten roceiv- ers to one giver. I here are ten per wK.ri) ..r(. is 0no who knows i . ' , .... . js a ni,,,r ,tlt.tiii- sons in this 'world who lute trr-be nunit thai, all vour French, nnd mu sic and dancing. You may loss the ' very power ol it by smothering il tin Icier a load of early self -indulgence. ' Hy living jnt ns you nro till wauling ii i-.i viiil' to no pencil, ,i , i,;,., .,, I,., praised ( c ' mf ow n.liy t ,oohly , lIlHt ft ,, ngreetililo you 1 , )(J p,nVcr of sell'deniiil and Hell-sacrilice von may loso the power, i of loving nobly and worthily, and bo come n mere sheet ot nioinn p--i" n!l your lilo. ' j bTTvvrii a man in Wind j snr, Ye. mont, bitched his lo a t.-..i,.l,t cur standing on the trade, an. ..-.,i,i ' sometlnng. Soon he ihonght l.el.eatd into o l-ciizn.o "o.'i. . . -1 to. take ,f which was. w,,i.,:indcX wiomn wheels md I Irne'lCath' r -) '. th., Itnd we ilial. bo corn. A 1 lit) s e l o, t of his cstaMlshmet.llpeJIed lo curry .round Pr p.K-k.t i , ew horse sl.o, and n wagon-, 1-cluro of John A. Andrew ot, the I i re. Ho sav Posts nro IbO niosi economical things to bitch lo. . How lo make time g fast- the spur of tliu moment. The best band to necitnpany ft lad) Vot'Alisl ft liiisband. Live Stock. ' On Tuesday morning, at 10 o'clock, at Ilcrkness' llnznar, Ninth and Sun. coin streets, Philadelphia, a largo sale was held of imported Jorney and Guernsey oowg nnd lioifurs, . poqies, pigs and dogs, in variety and excel lence eiceeding anything which' ha been offered in thnt line in oar city for some time. . Tlio entire laleotion was iitiiMirtcd expressly for the sale from Kuropo, and wore Selected by Ed. Philip fiirsons Fowler, of Jersey, England. Tlio stock was shipped on Hid Totiawntida, tot) Philadelphia trum Liverpool, from which port the vessel sailed March 171. J bo utnmals were among the finest of their kind in Iho W-orld, und they were sold .'Without reserve, twiuie wui.u from Ihu i'liucu Consort lurin, Sussex, Lngland Tbo cows und heifers wore the first offered' for sale. No. 1, a fawn-rray heller with black point, was sold lor 8120 to J. Lewis Krozor, of C'hostor. No. li, a solid dun groy fioifor, ( ws sold for 335 lo John Welsh) of Chcshat Dili. " '' The calf nf No. 1, ' horn since the catalogue was printed and only about a week old, wsw sold lor oU to Uarlon Hill, of Philadelphia. :'; i.ti :! No. 3, a solid bninzo-colored heifer, brought 1M, and was taken by O 11. Steininati, of Lancaster. No. 4, a squirrel gray heifur, was bought by W m. Coldim, or Harrisburg, for Mftu. No. ft, n silver fitwn-oolored beifor, brought $:!10, and was purchased by Colet .un's heirs, who ulso took a great number of those exposed for sale. No. 0, a two year old heifer, brought S'il:); No. 7, also "a two-year .old, brought SH0. Several oilier hellers of rare kind, brought respectively S'iOO, t ii:, -:, f 'i'.l'.l, nnd ::0.' No. 1 1, a three-year old cow, sold tor J-biO; and No. 11, a threoyear old heifur, soil lor SiOvi. No. iu, a white ana yellow heifer calf, dropped at sea on board the Toiiawanda, brought $!K) No. 17 was another two-year old boiler of silver fawn-grny color witfi a little white, and sold for (fj'JO. No. 18, u solid tongitubhuk heifer calf, brought 8175. No. 10ralwo-yeurold, brought The above wcro ull Jersey cattle. The Guernsey were sold next, of which there were four specimens. Three bought respectively fo'JO, S520 and 81110, and were brought by Colo man's heirs. Tho remaining one sold for ?:i 10 lo Winsor, of Connecticut. On the last two the bidding wus very spirited. The pigs and boars from the Prince Consort Shaw farm, Windsor, Liiglaad, were sold nest . There were six spec imens, and they sold ut prices ranging from (M to t'JO. Otlier pigs and boars were disposed of ut good prices, to-tho number of ten or more. Sev eral fine ponies were then sold, tho .bidding being spirited, und ut a lute hour the sale was concluded with the disposal of ten fancy dogs of the chamber, syke, blue syko, und fawn terrier breeds. The attendance at the sale was very large throughout. i The -Murderer Euloff.. Professor Mather, of Amherst Col lege, w rites lo llio Sjiringliuld Itcpub' liain u lull account of his recent in terview with Uuloff it. tho jail at Bing hamton. He says : "On one or two passnges of 'Homer' in particular HulolT showed great aetueness of criticism, und a most thorough npprcuiulion of tho grandeur of the One or two render ings of President Fen Ion ho opposed most vigorously, and when I surporled (he co.nnion version, ho quoted from u viistcrango of classics to confirm his view. . "His theory of hingtiago I cannot enter upon here, for it is loo subtle for the general reader,. It is very or iginal, is quite Contrary lo the estab lished views upon comparative philo logy, and probably will never be of any practical use. Most peraohs think htm u nioniiiuutiiiiL' upon ibis, and cer tiiiulj his enthusiasm is most remark able. He sat there ill bis chains, just sentenced by the highest court to dio on tho gallows, nud without a word, or apparently a thought, about his doom, hu u.g.ted und pleud for his favorite theory as though ho were wrestling for bis life, and was deter mined lo win. "He is anxious to have philologists examine the manuscript of his work. Ho urged mc ti come, with several such men, and take time tosuo wheth er bis theory is true. lie asked my pardon for the apparent dogmatism of the statement, but said lie tell con vinced that his theory of languugo was revelation to hiin, and that 'perhaps, a hundred years might elapse cro it would bo know ll again, uud then ad ded, signiticutiily, 'And you know llinl w hatuver is done must bo done quickly ' "In person this strange mnn is about mid. lie height, und of robust build, and is apparently verging on fifly years of age, not ull the broken old man be bud been represented. He ha a singular face, not villainous or grossly sensual, uor is it scholarly. The leiitutcs uio blrougly marked and full of sinister meaning. . llisu.faco that you could mil tin-get, and yot would noL cure to think about. His eye. which is a dark hazel, I had heard was -tho striking feature, but it did mil impress mo so perhaps hecuuso it showed struggle und suffering. The bad lines iu his face to me were about his chin and forehead, Unit his neck is very short, and slot.t und heavy. In manner he is vory urbane , uud natural and bo cunvciscs will, great Inrility and elegance. Ilis voice i mellow and pleasant, and occasionally showed tones of tenderness. Hut for .ill ihnl, I do not believo tho man has any tenderness save lor langungo. In I... .1.. 1 . l l.i.ii vim U'iiiiIiI n.,v-ir mi. .....niii ... ...... I l.ini na h.vili.r ill iv biiionh hi!h'. r J .--.--rsi and 3'ou would be sure that his lint fed would bo implacable. Ilo iscerisitily un enigma, and ofVors in himself a powtiliil argument against tbo theory .,, . nni irt iiliinn Hiillieiio.t tn - i ,() ,r.10 ,nil,,ll0.nt. ' Tlio new arovernuKUt Ismds will make llicir nppc.tiaucu with a host of new fin-es on them, as will be seen fioin the f itl.iwing : "The t.'iO-bolid will havo Sihi W'tigbt; Staiilon Will look out limn the ?10d: 'Ihinnaall. , ' .y e.-- The Stato SeiMu has passed the rNC resobilion which- proposes au to Iho Co.isiituiion mak 1 ing llio SlntO Treasurer elective by the people, instead ol by the Leistu-title.