ii , THE kLElRFIELD KEPt'BLICAV trimaiB itmt wrnsEsnir, ir COODLAHDEI IIACERTY, CLEARFIELD, PA. ESTABLISHED IN I8f. lie largest Clrculatloa of any Newspaper Ii North Central Pennsylvania. Terms of Subscription. Ijf esid in adrano., or within S montlil... 3 OO 3 SO 3 OO Jf paid altar 1 and beror o months........ jjr paid after tha eaplratioa of 6 moath... Bates- of Advertising. Transient advertisement, per sqnar of 1 ft lines or lui, 5 limn or less $1 50 Fur each subsequent Insertion ...... 60 a imiuistratora' and Executors' notice...,... S 60 .Amlltors' notices. I 60 f aationi and Eitrajl. ......... 1 61 Iii.iolotion noticos I 00 f rerruional Canla, 1 year. ...... , 6 00 Lxal notices, por lino iu YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS. l loaare $8 00 t .....15 00 eotamn..... I eolunnu... 1 OolunW..... .....",3 00 . 46 00 .. SO 00 icuatM.. ..30 00 Job Work. BLANKS. Viajte qulr-......$I 60 I quire, pr.aulra,il 6 3 e airaa, pr, ulra, t M Orer I, par quit, 160 HANDBILLS. I iheet, Mar less, $J 00 I 1 sheet, JS or lei,J 00 J iht, 11 or less, I 00 I 1 sheet, 1J or Ie..,10 OO Orer S3 of each af abora at proportlonat rataa. OROROE B. GOOIlLAKDER, GEOHUIJ IIAULRTY, Pnhll.her. Cards. WILLI A A. WALL1CI. mink riKLViso. WALLACE & FIELDING, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Clearfleld, P. fay-Legal business of all kinds attended to with promptness and fidelity. OSloa in residence al imam A. Wallace. Janl2:iO A. W. WALTERS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Clear Held, Pa. VB-OS.a Id th. Court Houaa. decS-ly H. W. SMITH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAY7, JulO (1 tar fluid, Pa. ly ISRAEL TEST, ATTORNKY AT LAW, Clearfleld, I'a. JMr-0n. la tha Court Houaa. Jrll.'CT JOHN H. FULFORD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, y. Clearfield. Pa. Offiea on Market St., oer llartswlek A Irwin's Drog Store. leal-Prompt attention given to tha securing af Bounty, Clairat, At., and to all legal business. March 19, 1807. Ir. tbos. i. a ccunrna. wa. a. a'ri'ttot'ori. T. J. McCULLOUGH t BROTHER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Clearfield. Pa. Ofis.oa Market street onadooraastof tha Claar lald County Bank. (1:1:71 J. B. McEN ALLY ATTORNEY AT LAW, Clearfield, Pa. fsO-Lagsl business attended to promptly with 'fidelity. (I lllne oa bcoond street, above the First National Bank. I:!:7l-lypd ROBERT WALLACE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Wallaceton, Clearfield County, Peun'a. 3Alt legal business promptly attended to. J. p. 1KT1R ,, ,.D. l tans IEVIN & KREBS, Successors to II. B. Swoope, Law and Collection Office, nSO'7. CLEARFIELD, PA. WALTER BARRETT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Olee ao Second HI., ClearBeld, Pa. (novl1, JOHN L. CUTTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW And Real Katate Agent, ClearArld, Pa. Office na Third itreet, bet. Cherry A Walnut. sHr-Kespeotfully offer, bla services In selling and baying lands In Clearfleld and adjoining snanlies and with aa eiperfenee of orer twenty years aa a surveyor, flatten blmaelf that ha eaa reader .atlafaatlon. frb'S.'sl tf J. J. LINGLE, ATTORNEY-AT -LAW, 1:11 Oaceola, Clearfleld Co., Pa. ypd J. BLAKE WALTERS, REAL ESTATE BROKER, A MALM IX Saw Ioi mid Lumber, CLEARFIELD, PA. Real Estate bought and sold, title, eramincd, laxe. paid, and conveyances prepared. Office ia Maaonie Building, Room No. I. VJ.;:7l John II. Orris. C. T. Akriander. ORVIS &. ALEXANDER, ATTOi'N KYS AT LA W, nelleronto. Pa. .rplS,'9: DR. T. J. BOYER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office on Market Street, Cle.rflclJ. Pa. ar'Oiliea boura: 8 to If a. m.t and to 8 p. m. DR. W. A. MEANS, fllYSICIAN 4 SURGEON, LfTIIERSIlL'RO, PA. "Vi11 attend profen.innal ealla pi-utnptly. augtO'70 DR. Al THORN, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, 'f TAVINO limalrd al Kvlertown, Clearfield eo I Pa., offers bis prnfe.sional services to the Aeeple of the surrounding country, Sept. 19, '19-y DR. J. F. WOODS, fUYKlClAN k 8UR0KOX. flaring remnred to AnwnvU. ra.,oflVrt hit profenwional arrricee to the pooplo of that plare ani tne urnmniog eounirj. ah fhui mmMij attended to. .!''. em pd J. H. KLINE, M. D., PHYSICIAN A SUKGEOX TTAVINU Ineated at Pennfleld, Pa., offrra hii J 1 trnfeiajil nervieee to the Tefde of that ilnve nt pnrrouading eoontry. All cam In promptly attended to. oct. 1 II DR. J. P. BURCHFIELD, ate Soraeon of the RZA Reg maul Pennsylvania V'llanteeri, having returned froa tha Army, .offen h profeiaional aerrtcea ie the eltitena ror MftAt-fleld ei'Onty. WPr-ifnriioaal eallt nroraftlv attended to. Offlfe on Second itreet, formerly oeewpted by Or. W.,d. tapr4, nH tl JEFFERSON LITZ, jPIIYSlCIAN A SURGEON HAVINII located at Oioeola, Pa., ofers his nrofei.loaal .erviees ta th. paopls of that plai'e and sarronnding eountrr. aajVAM ealls promptly attended to. Office and residence an C.rtia St., orm.rly oaciipied fcy Dr. Kile.. sayll ly Fishing Tackle I TI"KT received, a eompleta ...nrtment, eon.irt ing of Trout Rod., Fi.h Haikets, Lines and )looks, of all dcaeiipaion., at IURRT t SIflLBR A CO t. fleaa.le, Aprfl 1, l7l tf, CLEARFIELD G00DLANDEE & HAGEETY, Publisliers. VOL.41WHOLENO.2217. JOHN D. THOMPSON, Jaitiee of th Ponoa and florirener. CurwcufTlllo, Pa l4Col.rctioQi mad ud mooej promptly paid orer. Feb. 22, tf. JAMES C. BAEEETT, Juitie of tho Poaoo and Llctnaed Conveyancer. Luti.trkburg, Clearfield Co., Pa Collontionf k rcmittaDeea promptly made, and all klndi of leal inatrumenta axaoutad od ihort notice. majr4,70tf GEORGE C. KIRK, J m tic of tha Peace, Surveyor and Conveyancer, lottheraburg, All balnct intruited to bin will be promptly attended to. Periuni wishing to employ a bur rev or will do well to give bim a call, af be fliitten himtirir that be can rvador aatinfactlon. Derdi of conveyance, article! of agreement, and all legal paport, promtly and noatly executed. morSOyp MRS. S. S. LIDDELL'S MARBLE & STONE YARD, CLEARFIELD, TA. ytTShop on Reed Street, near Pennsylvania Railroad depot. . may lt),'70:tf. HENRY RIBLING, HOl'Sfi, SIllX A ORNAMKNTAL PAINTER, Clearfleld, Penu'a. The freaooing and painting of eburcbet and other publio buildings will raceiva particular attention, a. well a. the painting of carriages and sleighs. Uildinc don. in the Diotcst atyles. All work warranted. Sbnp on Fourth street, formerly occupied by Esquire bliugart. octlV'70 G . H . HALL PRACTICAL PUMP MAKER, NEAR CLEARFIELD, PENN A. ' -.flr-Putnps alwaya on hand and made to order on short notice. Pipe, bored on reasonable terras. All work warranted to render satisfaction, and delivered if desired: niy2i:l.ypd DAN IEL M. DOH ERTY. BAEBER & HAIR DRESSER, , SECOND STREET, JyJ.1) CLEARFIEI.il, PA.- lit D AVI D REAMS, SCRIVENER & SURVEYOR, Lutlicrsburg, Pa. rpiIE lubscriber offers his services to tho public X in the capacity of berivoner and Surveyor. ah flall. f..r .orvrvinv nromntlr attended to, and the making of drafts, deeds and other Irgal iustru mcuU of writing, eieeuted without delay, and warranted to lie correct or no charge. ol2,70 SURVEYOR. rpiIE undersigned offcri his services as a our X eyor, and may lie lound at his residence, in Lawreuoe township. Letters will roach him di rected to Clearueld, Pa. , . may 7 tf. JAf. iiRiir.i.n. J, A. BLATTENBEEGER, Claim and Collection Office, OSCEOLA, Clearfltld Co., Pa. 7-9Conveyanoing and all lcg.il papers drawn ilh aoeuraey and di.patch. Uiafts on and paa- ,.n tickets to and Iroia any point in fcurope prucurvu. oct i 70 6m CHARLES SCHAFER, LAGER LEER HUE W Kit, Clearfield, I'a. "AVISO rented Mr. Entree' Brewery be hlcs by strict attention to bneine.. and the manufacture of a superior article or Ur.r.K to receive the patronage of all the old and many new ousluinera. Aug. 2i, tf. THOMAS H. FORCEE, GENERAL MERCHANDISE, CRAIIAMTON, Pa. Also, ettenstee manufacturer and dealer In Pqunre Timber and Hewed uomoeroi an ainoe. r-eT-Ordcrs solicited and all bills promptly ailed. uj'w-y o. ataanr m'nt n.ianT. ,.W. ALBERT W. ALBERT &. BROS., . Manufacturers A cxtoneive Dealers in Sawed Lumber, Square Timber, &c, WOODLAND, rUJ A. ff-Ordcrs solicited. Rills ailed on short notice III. reaeuHHuii: i tu.. Ad.lress Woodland P. 0., Clearfleld Co Pa. JeJi-ly W ALIIKKT A II1IOH. FRANCIS COUTRIET, MEKCHANT. Prenthvllle, t learfield County, Fa. Keens eonstantlv on hand a full assortment ol Dry floods. Hardware, Uroeerira, and everything u.ually kept in a retail store, wh.cli will b. sold, for cash, as cheap as elsewhere ia the oounty. Frencbvlll., June J(, ty. REUBEN HACKMAN, House anrj Sign Painter and Paper Hanger, Clearfleld, Peun'a. YakvWiil eieeute jobs in his line promptly and ia a workmanlike manner. arrl,7 J. K. BOTTORF'S PIIOTOGRAril GAIvLBRY, Market Btreel, ClearBeld, Pa. rt-CROMllS MADK A BPECIALTY.-fH. "VTKOATIVKD made in alomly, as well as in 1 olcr we.lhcr. Constantly on band a good a..ortmenl of FHAMKS, FTKItKOMCOI'Kr) and K TkHKllKCOI'lU VIEWS. Frames, from any style ul moulding, wad. to order. apr2H-tf j. MILES KRATZER, MERCHANT, vatLaa t Dry Gooda, Clothing, Hardware, Catlary, Quesnswsre, Orneeri.s, Proii.lons acd rningies, tlcarlleld, Peun'a. r-At their aew store room, on Second street, ear II. t, Bigler A to". Hardware store. (JanU i. oLLowana a. aarts raaar. EOLLOWBUSH & CAREY, BOOKSELLEPtS, Blank . Book Manufatturcrs, AND FTATIONEBS, 21 .Vnrkil $1., i'Mladtlphla I'nn-r Flour Packs and Bags. Foolscsp, I..n.,r. Note. Vi'ramiina. Curtain and Wall Papers. fcli24,;0.ypd A Notorious Facl I rilllKIIrl are mora peopl. IrouWed with Lung I Iii....e. in this town than any other place of ils si. in tb. Klate. Ona of the great cause, of this is, the use of an impure erti.-Ui ol I oat, largely ni.ed .lib eulnhnr. Now, wby not avoid all tUim nrMi-rr. Vnur lilM. by Ulilig On). Iliiwiplirej's ( elthrsted t'oal, free Irnm all imparili.s. Olders left at the stores of Kichsrd Mo.sop and James II. Uraham A Pons will reeeivs lirnnitit all I llltl. r ' AIUlAIIAM nrMPIIHET. riearleld, November 30, ItliO-tf. DREXEL & CO., Me, ai South Third Street. Philadelphia, n..rf.s And Dealers in Government Securities Annlieatioa be snail will reoeiv. aromrit attea tloa, aad all iaforaaatioa .hewrfalls furnished urwers sononej sirii-rj THE UBUCANe clearfieldTpI "" WEDNESDAY MOHNIXO, MAT 10, 1871. THE DUUSKARD'8 CII1LU. t am. PAitxauaaT. Ton ak ini why ao oft, fnther. The tear mile down my ehfk. And think it itrange lht I ahould owa A grief 1 dare not apeak ; Bat oh. my aoul ii very aad, My brain U almoet wild j Ii trvkai U17 ktiri in think tliat I Am called a drunkard'i child. My play-mntei eliun mo now. fathor, Or paea no by with acorn, Beoauee my drcac ia ragged, and My shoes are old and torn f And if I heed them not, "there goea The dmnkard'i girl," tlu-y cry; Oh then, how moth X wlnh that Uod Would only let me die. You naed to lore me once, father, And we had bread to eat; Mamma and 1 were warmly alad. And life eofiucd rrry aweet. Yon never ppuke nnkindty then, Or dealt tho angry blow ; Oh father dear, 'tie aad to think That rum hatb changed you 10. Do not be anjrry now, father, Bcoaufie 1 tell yon thla, But let me feel ujton my brow, Once more thy loving kisa ; And promise me, those lipt no more With drink ahall be defiled, That from a lifo of want and woe. Tbou'lt aava thy weeping child. POST-MORTEM MIIXINEBY. A Fifteen Hundred Dollar Funeral. Mrs. Murgnrct Killoren died in this city in October, 1 50t, leaving over n quarter of a million of dollars, tlio niont of wbiuh kIio liad accumulutod in Lite peddling biisinoss. 8I10 employed neve nil men wild teams to travel through t Ii 0 country selling dry goods. .SI10 owned 8ix loiicmont li(iuo in this city, in 0110 of which kIio occupied npurtmcnts. In her lata illncn.i, ho Kent for an undertaker, Mr. John Therry, o whom gho pavo minute directions in rcl'crcnco to Iter funeral. Aftor her death, Mr. James J. Con nolly, tho executor named in her will, told Mr. Therry to follow Mrs. Kcllo. rcn's instructions its to the manner of her burial, but when Mr. Therry shortly thereaftor presented a bill for about $1,4UU, lio refused to pay it. Mr. Therry sued, and tlio ho was tried yesterday before Judgo Suther land. Mill). KII.I.ORF.n's FUNERAL EXI'KNKKS Tho following is (ho bill in dotation winch Mr. Therry 0 claim is founded : To on. extra site ca.kct, locks and binge., manufactured to order eiprcly &l.0 00 Too kilicrdalcd ptutws cugraveu I n" lliach cloth eovcring , '5 0d Silver hrail mounting, plated 7") On Silier-pliited diamund mounting 0(1 .liatiD uihol.tcriug and trimmings vu u KikIiI silver-plated handles 22 " On. h ad casket 8U U0 On. Frenoh plute, oval bent, full k-ngtb g:as top, specially to order - Mourning ilvcorations fur bouse 62 t-6 Preserving body ou iee It wtl Ona lady's robe. ''' Otta wreath and loose natural Ujwcrs.M... K2 60 Nine linen scarfs 71 00 fleen pair black kid gloves 30 00 Tving lourteen Doticis by baud 7 00 Interment in vault 7 00 ling vault 5 00 Four liurso oval hearse, illumes and blanket .IS "0 Kight eoache 62 00 so of wagon with tut or lead easaei a oo Seven porters to oemetcry 42 00 Hloves lor porters a llox canities v Ferriage on tweuty-on. coacbea and two wacooa II " On. man to solder lid of oasket a 00 Total amount 11,3'Ji II Tho first witness enllod was tho plaintiff, Mr. John Therry, who told tho circumnliinccB as lunuwa ; (juration hat inslructions did Mrs. Killoren uivo you about tho run- oral f Answer Sho told mo that sho had sent for mo to make arrangements for the funeral, that sho could not de pend on any of her own family to carry them out alter tier aeain ; ano wauled it arranged ana curricu 0111 accordinif to Iter own wishes: that she was Icnvitiir etioti iili behind for hor relatives. iShe said "you bur ied my son and husband and 1 am not bit afruid but what you will carry out my own wishes." Sho then told mo to gi Iter a sqnnro built coflin with plenty of room in it laughter, nut Ira me on top, ano. upon una frame a round lid to be put on Willi hinges and locks; in this round lid was to come an oval French pinto glass, and ovor this glass another round lid to cover it, anu also 10 tic fitted in with locks and hinges, I told her this French pinto glass wits a thing impoaitihlo, 1 thought, to bo got rendy, or if 1 could get it ready the whelo thing would bo ol no uoiicih. I asked her if she would have it flat ; sho said "no," she w an led this alTmr all round, no mntter what it cost or what limo It took ; sho would not be buried in anything olao. Luuhlur. Sho said also that if sho died before this coffin was ready they would have to keep her until it wa ready, and iho expression sho used was to havo it trimmed in splfiiilnl style, insido, ann have such a caftin got up as wits never seen in New York belore, and proba bly never would be again ; and witness added "Ciod knows I think sho got it." fireat luuglitcr. Sho said many times to sparo no expense whaloverj Tsial every cent sno nau mado w-as her own. 1 made tho re mark thai her children would oppose tho idea. Sho said they daro not do it. "What right have they to op pose," sho said, "they aro simply to seo that my wishes aro carried out ; go to work and carry them out." hho was to bo put into tho leadpn casket, and thai was to bo soldered In regard to hor funeral rone, sho told mo thut sho had four ladies who camo op lliero to seo hor and talk wilh her about her idea of a habit, and that they failed to understand her, they wore such stitnid thincs. Sho asked me if I could get snmo womop to rnuko this tabit according to her idea. 1 said could ; that I know a ludy in this oily that was comnulont to take any order. She asked mo to get Iter. Tlio lady camo and was present at the giving of a part of these orders. (J What was tho coffin mado off A. Black walnut f Q Do yu know what, flip actual r. rif thn KLir.k walnut was f A. ftost of tho b.lutk walnut ' PRINCIPLESi CLEARFIELD, PA., .WEDNESDAY, MAY 10, 1871. It is not the actual ox pen so of getting tho thing : it is tho mechanism, the form; tho conceiving tho idoaj it is ttoi i no uit, oi wood itsell. Q. What wore the expenses of her husband's nnd son's funerals f A. I do not remember; they woro alto, gelhor different funerals from what she had. Laughter. Q. Did you about that tiino burv any olhor person living In a houso tif uooui mat ciiaracterr A IT they were living I did not want to bitty them. Great luughtcr In having the plato glass mado I had to take (ho risk of their hreitkinir it. I had directions to wait till one was mado if it took A month. Tho ooffin and arias.-, woro under way, and the radios' robe before she died. Annie Mulligan testified that she was sent by her friend Mrs. Killeron to Mr. Therry to tell him to come immediately, so that sho could give instructions as to hor buriul, as bur children would not do it after her death; sho told Mr. Therry that it was no mutter how long il took ; he was to keep her until ho was ready, and to spare no expense; she also said sho was sorry she had not buried, her bushund differently ; she told him to buy bettor material for trimming tho houso than was used at hor hus band's funeral, as it would bo of some uso to mo aftorwurds; this wag two weeks before hor douth. Amelia Brondbent testified that she was employed by Mr. Therry to make tho roho. She went to tho house of Mrs. Killoren about threo weeks be foro her death. Tho order was peculiar and (he witness did not want to uudcrtuko it.' Mrs. Killoren said if witness would only make it sho did not cure what it cost. Witness told her sho could not mako it in a week. Mrs. Killoren said "you will have plenty of time for 1 might live three or lour weeks yet. You are tho first one that would un dertake to inuku it." Tho robe was mado of brown cloth trimmed with grog grain Hint; airs. Killoren lur- ninhcd samples ol the cloth and (old witness to got It. Slio said to Mr. Thcrrv, "Now John, I know you will do it right; just according to my in structions." Sho betrayed u deal of anxiety. She wauled mo, the witness said, to bring tho robo up and let her seo it. 1 took it tin tiio followinir Monday and told her 1 should want moro silk. Shu liked what I had done and said il was just what she wanted. Augustus Marlin, a wholesulu un dertaker, testified that ho tnmiuf'ac tured tlio casket, which was an odd one. Never made one before orsinco like it. In tho first plueo it was two feet two inches wide, rather a small woman, and about six feet four inches long. It was an expensive one, more so than usual. The cost of tho glass plato was e 125, and witness did not think thero was moro percent ago ol profit in tho other items of the bill than there was in that. With refer, enca to length of colli na, witness said thut he had sent them to (ioorgiu seven feet six inches long; they ran from twenty inches to six feet Hur inches, two inches opart all the way up; tho width is from nino to lliirly inches ; thought lio got $'IK) for t lie collln, nnd did not think $150 would bo much of a profit. Tho witness was unwilling to tell the profits of bis business. Tho defendants relied on the testi mony of undertakers to show that tin charges woro unreasonable. Judgo Sutherland, in his charge to the jury, said ho thought tho plaintiff was en titled to a verdict, and they, without leaving their scuts, gave tho pluintill' liia full claim, with interest, amount ing in all to l,10i 70, Be a Man. Foolish spending is tho father of poverty. ISo not ashamed of work. Work for the best salary or wages you can get, but work for half price rather than bo idlo. lio your own master, and do not let society or fashion swallow up your individuality hat, coat and hoots. Do not eat up or wear out u 11 you can cam, compel selfish body to sparo something for profits saved. Be atingy to your own appetite, but merciful to others' ne cessities. Help others and ask not help for yourself. Seo thai you are proud. Let your pride bo of the right kind, lio too proud to bo lar.y ; loo proud to givo up without conquer ing every dilliculiy, too proud to wear a coat jo il cannot afl'urd lo buy ; too proud to bo in company that you cannot keep up with in expenses, too proud to lio, or alcal, or cheat; loo proud to be stingy. InmuktrT- Man must havo occupa tion, or bo miserable. Toil is tlio price of sleep and appclilo, of health and enjoyment. Tho very necessity which overcomes our natural sloth is a blessing. Tho wholo world does not contain even n briar or a thorn which Nature could have spared. Wo ure happier with tho sterility, which wo can overcome by industry than wo could havo been wilh spontaneous plenty and unbounded prolusion. The body and tho mind are improved by tho (oil Ihnt fatigues them. The toil is a thousand limes rewarded by (bo pleasure w hich il bestows. Jt cnjoyim 'its aro peculiar. No wealth can purchase them, no indolence can lusto (hem. Ihey now only irom tho exertion, which repay tho laborer m Study. To study successfully, the body must bo licullhy, tbo mind at ease, and limo mansL-od wilh great economy. Persons who study many hours in tho day, should pet hups buvo two separate pursuits going on til the same lime one for one part nf the day ,n ml tho other for the olher;and these of as ontiosilo a nuturo as imsiM- blo thai tho mind may bo refreshed oy Change, unit nil tne uao cuccin oi luaailudu avoided. Thero is one piece of advice, in a lifo of study, wo think no ono will object; and that is, every now and then to ho completely idle, to do nothing at all ; indeed, this patt of a lifo of study is commonly consid ered ai so decidedly superior to tho rest, that it has almost obtained an exclusive prefuronco over lliose other parts of iho sysloin, with which we wish to see it connected. R ciueV NOT MEN. Our Bagged Bauk-NoteB. Tho national-bank ring is deter mined to make itself odious. From all pa it of the country come complaints ol llio bad condition of tho national hank-notes. They aro filthy, rugged, illegible, pestiferous and pestilential. Tho coin plaints had become so general that evon Congress could not disro gard them. Genoral tiurfield, chair man of tbo IIouso Cominittco on Cur rency and Banking, the other day ro- ported a bill providing for the issue of ucslt notes. General Garfield, though Radical, ia esteemed as a man of j honor; but he and his committoo are uiirrgmner 100 mucn under the influ ence of tho nntinunl hanking interest, and the bill reported provided that tho new notes should be issuod by the Treasury, at the public expense, an in jitslico so gross and flagrant thut It is astonishing how. a man of'Gurfiold's reputation and intelligence could be found willing; to father it. Tho mo ment tho bill was offured, Mr. IIol iniin, the Democratio Representative of tho ScvOid District of Indiana, moved what Iho tools of tho bank ring call "a very obnoxious amendment," providing that tho banks should pay tho expenso of issuing the now notes, an amendment ao just that General Garfield could not refuse to accept it, and that many Republicans, not di rectly under the influence of the bank ring, joined the solid Democratic phalanx in ils favor. Tho amend ment was carried by a liberal majori ty. But when tho voto on the bill itself was token, on a motion by Mr. Campbell, of Ohio, tho Democratic successor of Schcnclc, tho bill wns ordered laid on tho tuble by a very light voto, and this much needed measure again postponed. it may not bo so readily apparent why the banks should opposo tho issue of now notes, evon al their own cx pcuso. Tho cost is not so grout but that it would bo amply compensated for by the convenience of the banks themselves. The true reason of thoir objection (o (ho new notes is that tho old notes are constantly wearing out, aro destroyed and lost. It requires only one moment's thought to recog nize the fact that a new, clean, crisp white nolo is not half so easily losi and destroyed as an old, dark, limp, and soft one ; and, of course, all notes so lost and destroyed aro a direct gain to tho banks, as it is not called upon lo redeem them. Now, the people of tho United Slates pay (ho national banks annually about twenty millions of dollars for Iho service which lliey aro supposed (o render tbe public in furnishing It, Willi three hundred mil lions of bank nolo, which (he public might havo entirely frco of cost, if il but chooso lo say tho word. Yet when (be people complain (hat instead of a decent curionty, for which ihey pay a fabulous price.'lhey are furnish ed with indecent rugs, wo uru coolly told that we may, perhaps havo new currency if wo, the people, chooso to pay for it ; (hat we cerluinly shall nol have it unless nu do, but that oven if wo chooso to pay for it, il is by no means certain that our muslurs of the nntii'iial bank ring will allow us to have it, becauso they mako in tho long run a I i LI lo additional purcentiigo over and ubovo the twenty millions, by compelling tho peoplo lo uso the dis gusting, filthy rags which these im pudent monopolists tender us as a su perabundant return for thoir twenty million subsidy. Verily, verily, the the worst onomy of tho national banks could not hurl thotn so much in tho fiublio esteem us their own unscrupu ous rapacity docs every day. A. 1'. World. Pcttino a Fi.nk Point trox it During the cross examination of a witness, ho was asked where his father wits; to which question, with a melancholy uir, ho responded : Dead, sir dropficd off very suddenly, sir." "How camo ho to drop off sud denly 7" was the next nuosli.m. "Foul play, sir the sherilf imposed upon his unsuspicious nnturo, and getting him to go upon a platform to look ut a select audionco, suddenly ho knock ed a small trapdoor out from under him, and in falling got entangled in a rope, from tlio effects of wlijejt he expired." OS B Various explanation, are given of tho purpose for which lien. Lawrence, late Pension Agent in this city, slolo f.)0,0(l0 of tho publio money. Tho simple fact is that his robberies were duo to dissolulo women and losses at iho traniinp; tuhln. Jennio F. MeUride, of Frunklin, is mado happy by a verdict nf 8,8110 nguitist Jlr. Wugner,ofO'd City, who forgot, or neglected, lo'koep hisprotn iso (o marry her. Tho stamps will prove moro valuable than tho fickle sea m p. Ilvils in tho journey of life are like ,llu "ills which ularm travelers upon ineir rouu ; toey ooiu uppeur great ut a distance, but when wo approach them, we find that they aro far less iusiirtiiounlablo than wo had imagined. An aged colored man mado npplica- I lion nt Washington for food, claiming j 'i as aconsiuii lonui pnviicgo. ny, ". I'" do ( onslituHoit lorde colored Mks, and I haven t had do fust crumb. Tbo stionges( propensity in woman's Innluro, says a careful student of tbo sex, is lo want to know what is going on, and the next strongest js to boss ' tho job. j A citir.cn of Montreal Is nnder ar rest for rofiisinir to tell a census enum erator the ages of bis two unmarried daughters. Tho State Senate has voted down tbo Local Option bill passed by tho House. This kills the bill for the session. "Thero Is nothing great, on earth but man; there ii nothing great in man bill mind." . ll is always in our power lo make j ! a friend by smiles; what a folly, then, to mske an enemy ' by frowns. jjji v -s r -il BMBMimimtii ai BIOGRAPHY BOILED DOWN. BIT tub tat contridutob. rLUTARCII. I only know this gentleman by reputation. Ho is spoken of in tho plural number. "Plulnrch's Lives" is a common expression, but bow many thero wero of bim I am not prepared to eoy. UF.NKUAL DUKE Ot WKM.INCiTON, An oflicer of (he British army. Mr. Longfellow makes honorable mention of bim as tho "Warden of tho Cinquo Ports." Cinquo means five, and ho waa tho proloetor of five principal Joints usually denominated Fivo 'oint. lie lived to a ripo old ago and died. JULIUS C.F.SAB, Son of old man Cicsar. Ho was born at Rome in his infancy, and upon ar riving al the state of manhood Irecamo a Roman. Ho was a fighter und a warrior of somo nolo. His friend Brutus ono morning asked him how many cgfrs ho hud eaton for breakfast, and ho replied, "1U tu Unite!" His friend beeamo greatly enraged at being called a brule, and Blabbed CV-iar quite dead. MAHOMET, Author of tlio Koran, an oxci-ing ro inauco which ho wroio in the Mam moth Cavo at Messa. Ho was the author of a religious creed, with which ho stuffed Turkey, and tried to Rot up a broil in Greece, but failed. Many of his early followers sullored great persecutions. ' Somo of them wo.d burned at tho slake. He hud three temples ono at Mecca and ono on each sido of his Lead. OL'V FAWKr.s, A warui-hcarled, inipulsivo English man, who believed tho Parliament too good for Ibis earth, and devised an expeditious mclhxl of elevating tho members to a bolter sphere He was interrupted in bis good intentions, but for which circumstance ho would doubtless havo mado a great neiso in tho world. Ho was executed for his disinterested benevolence, and was subsequently burnt in a place called Kfllgy. noNAPART I.. A harum-scarum sort ob'fellow, w ho occupied a position of considerable importance in tbo French nation Tho impression went abroad that ho was ambitions, which damaged his reputation materially. Ho gained the respect of the French nation, because happily ho was not a Frenchman Wlien asked if ho could govern Franco, herepliod, "Of Corsicitn." Theclose of his lii'o was not as bright as ita bo ginning, but thero wua Homo of il in a narrow compass. puna tub nr.uMiT, Was principally notorious for stirring up a little difficulty between the Christians nnd Mohamcduns, which extended over a period of thirty years, resulting in numerous ex cursions by laud and wnler, tinder tbo fascinating titlo of tho Crusades. Tho Hermit was an itinerant lecturer, and bad ho lived in our d iv would havo turned bis attcnUon to humor, thoreby saving a deal of bliHidsbed. Tho Crusades turned out liko the author of (ho creed (bey woro inten ded to annihilate a false prophet. Infinite toil wnnhl not enablo yon to sweep away a mist, but by ascend ing a litllo you may often look over it altogether. So it is wilh moral improvements; wo wrestlo with a vi cious habit, or wilh a slanderous re port, which would havo no hold upon us if we ascended into a higher morul atmosphere. Sloth makes all things difficult, hut in ustry ull easy and he that rises luto must trot all day, nnd shall scarce overtake his business al night; while limitless travels so slowly, that pover ty soon overtakes him. Gluttony is tho soureo of all our diseases. As a lamp is choked by a superabundance of oil. a fire extin guished by excess of i'ttol, ao is the natural health of body destroyed by Inlempernlo diet. A s(ono cutler in Ohio has achieved immortality for himself by tracing on a tombstone tho assertion thai tbo little child buried beneath "was an nmjrl on enrth, and now sho was an angel in heaven." Tlio President has sent in the names of eleven persoft. to compile (bo Lcgislativo Council of the District of Columbia.. Thro of thoso nro black, Fred. Douglass being one of Ihom. Tek Thousand Hashs Waxti.ii. It wasn't such a bad notion on the part of (h glover who liunif up in bis shop (ho following placard "Ten thousand hands wanted immediately." Tho Michigan House of Ilepreeen ln(ivcs has passed a bill compelling (ho attendance nt school of children betweeti tho ages of eight and four teen. Al a Now York wedding reception, a young lady accidentally set her back hair on tiro. When it was extin guished she said sho was glad il wasn't her best. A negro Insisted (hat his race wns mentioned in (he lliblo. He said be had heard the preacher read about how "Nigger Demus wanted lo be born njitiin." Kansas Cily is getting along fast It claims ) have fti'll or for its age (Kill boys between the agent ciglil and fourteen, who ivo entirely by stealing, Tho Chicago woman barber has so manr customers that sho has taken a younger sister into tho business, w ho nllcnd exclusively to tho lathering. Tho daughter cf Owon Lovejoy, (be noted abolitionist, has been appointed post-mistress of Princeton, Illinois. A Sno Francisco Judge has dismiss ed a complaint nguinsl a man accused of stealing ono gooso, solely because ( the word was spoiled "goos. P. A A TEEMS $2 per annum, in Advance. NEWSE1UES-V0L. 12, NO. 18. aii.MiiijfaKwrweffixejttiiui.iJ.i.'.iJU - i.aii From tlu I'lii!alel.li',it Ladder of April 19. STATISTICS OF DRINK. Tbo Second Annual Report of tho Slato Board of Health of Massachu setts Contain, somo curious statements as to tbo quantify of intoxicating liquors consumed abroad, and ils ef fects on tho crime, health and pros perily of iho various nations therein mentioned. These statements havo been obtained fiom American ambus sudors and consuls who. have had op portunities of wiitiessiog tho cflocts thoy describe, ami tho result will probably uslonish both bides of the "temperance" question. Indeed, con aidoriaef Uat tit liuard tooU Usa trouble to collect tbo fuels rdurrod lo wilh a view to sustain prohibitory leg islation, it is somewhat surprising they should have published what will lend to defeat, rather than (o assist their aims. Tho reader will draw his own inferences; but it should bo borne in mind (hat us regards drinking in this country, its evil effects aro patent; and that vt hilu il is possible ibat the moderate Usool intoxicating beverages may bo harmless, or even beneficial in somo climates, the- ure Injurious in Ibis. In Italy every man drinks wine, und somo drink foreign wines, brandy, rum and beer; but intemperance is not u prominent evil. Consul Rose, of Ancona," iialy, says that crimo com mitted under tho influenco of liquor is unknown thero. Mr. Tuckennan, of Athens, (ireoeo, suys that in that city, containing 50,U0d inhabitants, only -12 deaths had been occasioned in ten years by strong drink. Intemperance is very raro in Groeeo. In Switzer land Ihey drink beer and wine, but no trouble urises from it. Tho finest men coino from tho wine cantons. The peasants drink schnapps nnd po tato brandy, and llicso cause trouble, especially when (ho poor do not gel enough food. Mr. Bancroft stales that the health nnd prospciily of ibe people nro not injured by beer and schnapps. At Bremen nine mid beer aro used in unlimited quantities by ull classes without ovil resulls; but at Cologne 70 per cenf. of tho crimo is Traced to hard drinking, and at Tsicr tho M criinir ols in tbe prison were ull hard drinkers. In Ireland whi -key, wino ami beer are lately consumed. Tho popular drink is whiskey, and al most ull tbo crime of iho country is charged upon il. In lHliS, "li.OUL1 per sors wero urrested for drniikeiiiic.s. The consumption was fi,'io",rH jul lona of domestic spirits, and SlT) !Ktj gallons of foreign sjiirils with 1,'JOS, IXi gallons of beef and l,5:!H,20y bar rels of wlne,;cofllitiK in nil S I0,)1 : "s.ri, or an average of ?.i7 fU for every fam ily. Hut Lowland and Scotland aro no better, The consumption of these two nalions in ISO'J was 1 5.1 ol ,74 1 gallons of spirits, and B'.ni.ojo.CVJ gal Ions of ii lo and beer. Ciler is also used, but n.i returns is given of (he quantity. Threo .fourths of till the crimo in Great Britain springs from drink. In tbo Netherlands, where largo quantities of schnapps and gin are consumed, flllecn-sixtecnths of the crimo is traced to theso fiery liquids. At Odossu, Sunt hern Russia, wino, brandy, beer and whisky are patron ized ; tho latter is sold at fivo cents a gill, and il occasions about threo fourths of the crimo. At Cadiz lire penplo drink sherry wine, Burgundy and aguardiente (diluted nl'.'ohol,) but according to Ibe report no oiimcs aro attributed to this cause. Den in ark presents soiuo curious features. Thero, tho uggrcgato consuinplion of intoxi o il ion has decreased. With a popu lation of 1,(100,000, the consumption is C,70.',0lltl gallons of foreign und do mcstiu liquor. Thero has been a slight increase in tho number of sui cities, and in diseases of tbo liver, bowels nnd kidneys. In tbo country iho laborers havo five meab's a day, and two glttssesol rum wilh each meal. Yet Mr. Yeaniiin, tho American Min ister,says that lliere has been improve ment in education, agriculture, laud tenuro and political power, among tho people. Another Danish corrcpondonl says that tho annual average consumption is 4j gallons u bead, but is has no in jurious resulls. At Frankfort on Iho Maine, wines, beor, cider and brandy ure drunk, but intoxication is rare, and few offence aro committed and good health prevails. At Geneva, absinthe and cognaa brandy aro the fuvorito drinks, but there ia litllo in toxication or crimo. Leipsie, (l.i.lll 0 inhabitants, cotisumes 40(1,0110 gallons ol beer, and loO.Otttf gallons ol wino annually; about K per cent, only ol the arrests ate for drunkenness; (he percentage o crimo is small, and the publio health is good. In Madeira, Malta, Beirut, Ceylon, Japan, Kgypt, Atnbiit, Zanr.Ouir, llavti, Nicutagiia. Santa Crur. and Peru intemperance is reported to be nlmot unknown, and tbo health of t tic people good, all bough wino and u great variety of sp t il nous and mull liquors nro used. Tlio re port from I. iira states (but nil sorts of F.uropcan and nalivo wines nnd liquors aro consumed thero, but ihnl in six years only one case of assault and fivo homicides havo occurred anions n population of H0,0U0. At Pain, Brazil, though tberoisa drink ing house nt evety corner and oveiy hotly drinks, tbo Consul saw only lu0 drunken persons during six months. At Pet nuinbuco, rum is sold nt 40 cents a gallon, but nobody drinks to excess. Au-tria and Hungary aland f.iviirnhlv with reirnrd to tclnl'crillice : I but drunkenness has hern greatly on iho increase in Fiance for some lime I piir-t, nnd has been i .i10 ...(Winir th productive of much ii nation has undor- gone, thing, Toronlo, Canada, ilrinksevery- ... .... . i i line-, and intemperance is cuargi-o u-iil, lot neT cent, of nil (he crimes. , 'l'u.,0 conlradielorv stalemenls do serve serious consideration ; but it may bo safely said ihut, if all the money spent in war, tobacco and drink woro expended lor education, sanita ry improvements, publio works and for other useful purposes, the world would be infinitely heller off. F.xeinption Irom euro is not happi ness; on tho contrary, a certain do greo of raro it essential lo prouiole enjoy uiont. From the New Tork Sua Tho Change in Grant 'g Character. It bus recently occurred to os to bfr inquired of separately by two gentle men who aro freiuda of JVresidund Grant, w hether tvu cannot desist from allutking him. As iho subject is uuq of n public nature, wo can only give t public answer. - During tho war wo utootl by God,. Grunt, from first lo last. It was our fort u no lo render him such (crvloe as perhaps il happened to no other man to be ablo to render. In tho first buff of lrOid, when ho was digging canals opposite Vicksburg, we saved bin, from being relioved from tho command of tho Artnv of tbo TennoHsetl uutj ,-ei.t hack to Galena to remain in ob scurity for the rest of his natural life. We were nleo afterward able to con. tribute lo Iho success of the movement which promoted Lim to the chief coir), niand of ull our armies Put immediately ufler his olovatlon to tbo Presidency, Gen. Grant began lo manifest a change, almost incredi. hie, which sudden und enormous pros perity, unbounded flattery, and a child ish udiniralion of wer.llh and wealthy men, had wrought in his character When wo knew bim in tho war he wus exceedingly modest, sensible, un pretending, and ready lo take ad vice from those in w hom ho bad reason, to confide. His first acts on taking office t?avn a j ud'i shock to this im-pi-osaion ; but still we stuck by bim, refusing to beliovo the evidence be foro our own eyes. However, we be gun to havo foiioua misgivings. Bus by wont on appointing men to tbo highest offices who wero unfit and un. deserving, for no oilier reason than that they had givon him presents, and qunrtcring upon tho public treasury, without regard to decency, his own relations and those of his wife to iho remotest degree of affinity. Ho also engaged in the fraud ot appointing Mr. Botio Secretary of the Navy un der a (also prelonco, so that Admiral Porter might buvt) control of naval affairs ; bo was enticed by Abel Kath, bono Corbin to support a conspiracy to put up l lie price of gold, out of which ?'.'."i,0t'lj was paid lo Mrs. Grant, which has never been returned nop accounted for; ho appointed onu Ford to tbo valuable oflico of Collector of St. Louis, apparently wiihont reason, until it turned out thut during the war Ford hud been u partner with Mrs. Grant in a tradu storo at Vicks burg ; and bo ullowod Jay Gould to pay 81,000 upon bis (Gruot'sl sub scription to tho Rawlins fund, und never repaid it, even after ho bad quarrelled wdth Gould. We wero thus obliged relticbuitly, but not equivocally to t a lie tho position of a trunk and unreserved opponent of his udinini tratiou and cxposcr of bis misuonducl. Now, from personal feeling, wo would rather havo been Grunt's up porler tbau his nntagonisl. We ex perience, after ull, a curtain inexprua sible regret that he bus so demeaned himself, ufler the services which by tbo aid of John A. Rawlins bo rendered during the war. But as we parted from Grunt on public grounds, we can answer tbo request lo favor him only upon tho same grounds. Ho niusV en tirely chnngu his policy and course of action. Il bo will do so, we shall cor dially approve of such a change. But ii9 Ibis is rather general, let us sluto mrro piU-tkiibirlv whnl it io that wo require President Grant to do. I. Let bim pay back to Jay Gould the thousand dollars which Gould paid on his subscription to the Rawlins fund. No President should allow tho blot of false pretences lo remain tipoq bis personal donor. II. Let him tli mhs the military at taches whom he keeps as ushers, moss Kongcrs, lobby agents, and pretended secre'urius, in violation of the law, uboul his person ut tbo While Houso, III. Let him dismiss from the pub lic crib his office peddling father, his Humorous brothers in law, cousins, un cles, aunts, and ncur relations whom, ho has appointed to places of emolu ment nnd ui.lhorily, without regard to their personal, political, or business qualifications; and let him rigorously uhserve tho principlo laid down by Thomas Jefferson, thut the family r luiioiis nf tho President nro not lo be appointed to office. IV. Let hint return to (ho donor or donors (bo cottago nt Long Branch, presented to him us u gilt-oinco bis inauguration as President, V. Let Is i in turn out of oflico every man who ever gu-o him a present, and mako it an insurmountable obsta cle lo tbo appointment of tiny man tq ollico thut lie baa ever given him a present. VI. Let liiindi.-mios Bancroft Davis, tlio bribe taker, from tho Department of Stale. VII. Let him reorguuixo bis Cabi net und lilt ils ofiiecs with Republi cans of capacity and reputation, whom tho people know and can have confi dence in. In so doing, let bim aban don bis foolish notion that ft corporal or privato musk-inn can safely bo pro moted at onu jump tu be u major gent oral and put in command of wn army corps. VIII. Let bim earnestly call upon Congress lo red que the rates of taxa tion, uholish the tinuonttiiutiiinal in coinu tax, nnd r-dioro industry and uommerceof the burdens that uro tuny i making tbe rich richer nnd th poor I poorer, nnd cruebing enterprise and honesty lo tho earth. A"d it his Sec retary of tho Treasury w ill not agree to theso mcusurps of rcforii), dismiss hi in. IX. Letbint introduce common sins into his appointments, and leave oil dividing, distructing, and breaking down that noblo organization, the Uo. publican party. X. Let him send ndrift tho ring (if military money -makers w ho surround him and exercise a malignant influenco upon bis conduct ; and lul him avoid making himself ridiculous nnd sus pected by engaging in such absurdi ties ns iho San Domingo swindle, SO that prominent Republicans will nq longer, as now, pronounce him a fool, XI. Let him bewuro ol tho flatlet, ies of silly rich men, and b-avo off hit ndovalion of golden citlvns, and ccaso, lo con apt (ho youth of the country by eviening such euprcmo worship fir money. XII. Let him nnnounre that be is no longer a t andidato for re-election, und declare that bo will Mel illy ad hern (o tbo opinion lie expressed iu 107, (bii( no man should bo President, for more (linn a single term. Let him do nil theso things, and The Sun, which shines for all, wi then sbino for Gen. Grant w ith all tho world and tho rest of mankind an4 will cordially recommend him for that complete retirement lor which alono ho has proved himself (0 bo jiro-ciqjr nctilly qualified. The fellow who slept under "the cover of night" complains that be oamo Tory noar frecEinjj. .