1 t L,ii 1 i SkfttcpttHicau. GEORGE B. GOODLANDER, tnrrn in neninn CLKARFIBLD, Pa. WKDHKSOAT MORNING, MAT S, 1871. Vemocratic Stale Contention. Hix)TiTini DrxwniTic State CoyirrK or litiTLTAiA, V J'glLADKLrHli, April Zl, l I. I Th. d.lrgntr, ebottn to th. Democratic Statr CooTMiUon .ill aiicrablc to the rtanbar of thr Uoun of Rrprraentativei, at iUrri,borr, on Wed nwda.T, May 14, 1871, for llie poqiow of nomin ating candidate, for Andtlor-Oeneral and Snrray-or-(leneral, nd for lh eoniid.ratlon of mattrra ralatinj to the organiiatlon of tb, party and the advancement of in principle. The Contention will k lled to ardor t 10 o'clock a. m. JSj rder of the Btain Committee. W. MCTCUI.ER, May S it Chairman. JIabbikd. Bsltim.e and lJitts bargh wero last week joineil in mnr- rtnge, for commercial purposes, by tlie completion of tlie ConrreHsritte Jluilroad. Traina now run botwecn tbe two cities over thit abort cut rout. On Dutt. Kobt. W. Maiiey, Esq., State Treasaror elect, etiterod npon "his dulics-on Monday last; Mr. Irwin, who defeated him a year ago, retiring. Mr. Mackoy has appointed Hon. Thos. Nicholson, of Beaver, Cashier of tho Treasury, tbe position held by him nnder Mr. Macky two years ago. Mr. Nicholson is one of the fixed in ffttaitionsin the Treasury Department. If turned out one year they generally go for him tbe noxt. Address mm Democratic Con oresbmen. In onr paper to day will be found tho address of tho Demo cratio mombors of Congress to the country. It is a plain, clour and dig' nificd paper that can and should be read by every ono. It points out the J linger which thrcatons tho country, discloses the designs of the Kadiculs and exhibits their extravagance and corruption. Every one can under stand it nnd nothing that we could say would add to it. Jicad tho docu moot. "Tji Government." Tho Grant nd Morton Circus exhibited in Indi ana, Illinois and Missouri, last week The ring-master, Grant, as usual said nothing j but tho clown, Senator Mor ton played the fool at every railroad station. When President Johnson made his Western tour, it was termod "swinging around tho circlo;" thut is, be did not get drunk enough to pro vent him from getting off his sent and standing upon tho platform of the enr to make a speech and he insulted by -a loyal mot. All this tho "greatest captain of the ago" avoided. He was too drank to get up and exhibit himself, and the Western "copper beads" were not unmannerly onough to insult tlie "government, ns was tho fashion of the "loyal millions' while A. J. Was "swinging around tho circle." On bis return to Washington, Grant remained a day with his friend Came ron at Harrisburg, on the 27th ult. The Legislature being in session a commit too wasappointcd inviting him to call at tho capilol, but ho declined. None of the members of that body had ever given him a present, hence ho did not care a continental d n for llicm. Wilt Said. When, after the elec (ion of Lincoln, Soward boasted in tho Semite that the Mongrel party would "now take possession of the citadel. Senator Hammond, of South Carolina, replied as follows ' 'The Democratic party surrender the country without a stain upon her bonor, boundless in her prospert, in calculable in her strength. Wo have kept the government conservative to the great purpose ol government. We have placed her and kept her upon the Constitution ( and that, sir, has been the cause of your peaeo and pros perity. Time wilt show irhiit you will tnakf of her ; but notime enn diminish our glory, or your responsibility " Time has, indeed, shown and a very short time, too. Hut the cam paign of 1872 will bring tho Demo cratic party back to tho chargo of the citadel, and if, in ten years, it can hull' repair the havoo of the decado of Mongrel rulo, it will perform a mira cle. "CouiREn" iMi'i'DKfcrR. A demand was recently mndo by tho negro mem bers of tho Legislature of Mississippi, upon the Presidents of the various line of railroads in that State, for per mission to occupy seats in any portion ol the cars they might select. This was refused ; but a willingness ex pressed to provido special cars for colored peoplo, into which no while persons would be admitted. This did not, please the colored gentlemen, but anj thing more tho President refused to tfrant. Governor Alcorn addressed tho negro Legislature, nnd showed them that not even negroes can com pel ruilroud companies to do their bid ding. Tho negroos talk of putting the matter into Iho courts and testing il i hero. In the meantime, Governor Alcoin and the companies remain firm uKin Iho programme announced. Cars fur colored people, equal to those fur while ladioe and gentlemen, but no mixing tho races. It is estimuted that it will cost nearly a million of dollars to distribute the speeches inado on tho Kn Klnx buiiiiesg in tho different sections i, tho United States where they will bo needed for political effect. M. II. Brooks, w ho was convicted at Williamspori lust summer for passing counlcrfe.it inline)- unii senicucod to lh penitentiary for a number of Tr, has besa pardoned by resident tirunc, Granf force mil. A HADINO BKPUULICAN JOURNAL 01 VK8 ITS VIEWS. We earnestly desire tlie attention of nnr ruRiinrs to llie follow inii tiMlimony ,.r iL.N. Y. Evenina Fait. It is tlie ..:..ni;nn nf I m tirntestauonil oi luibviuiivu . r . .. nmnornts from ft fair JCopuimciui land point. We do not etitlorsfi me amumption tbot "Gen. Oram is too fuithful and too puro to desiro the possession of the powor this infamous mn.tnfl would clotho bim with." We bolievo tho danger is too Imminent In that direction to bo disregarded, but outside of this, the solemn words ot warning ' contain! in this article should attract auenuun : This cenlralixation of the authority which lms hitherto belonged to the municipal govermnontnisnceouipanicd with a conlializulion in the national executive of powers which hiivo hith erto bad no existenco nt all. The President is charged with tho execu tion of tbe local laws for the preserve tion of civil oriler; ana lumorm-u, win-never, in his udjrmcnt, tlieso is are not Administered by tho Stales, to ue tho mililory power or tlio unilou States 10 enforce thorn. Ho niny at any time, and without any evidence of an emcrsrencv requiring such action except his own opinion, doposo a Slulo o-nvornment. declnring it a rebellion against tho United States, and dis pending, at tho same time, tho civil remedies Wlncli persons wrung .,y his action might have under the writ of habeas corpus Tlio war muting nnwer which the tonsiliuuon i pressly reserves to Congress, is thus it,nn in Hi a President iilniio; and the b .a .1.- I..!..-... Mriiiit power to suspenu m ' r"" w men me ionmimuuu iuiu.uo i and all branches of tho govcrnmeut, except in public peril from invasion or rebellion, is eiven to tho President upon any occasion when, in his judg ment, the conviction of certain classes of offenders shall in any uisinci oo conio immacticnble. It cannot oo disguiscu niiii mo pnn snge of this bill makes a crisis in the political history of the nation; n cri sis which calls for nil tho wisdom of a great people to meet it properly. In anv other country than our own it would Inevitably lend cither to n ccn trulizcd imporiulism or to civil war. It is only among a pcoplo long habit untcd to freedom nnd to respect for law, that rulers could ba found to hold such powers, oven for a week, without danger to liberty. In olhor nations, with such a grant of power as this, a stromr executive would slriko for ab- solulo sovereignty, and a weak ono would uuicklv be led by ambitious ad viscrs to do thosRmo. Here we are safe suninst such danger. Tho prcs onl President, whatever mistakes in statesmanship ho tnn" have made, i an honest patriot ; nnd thafusurpa lion which lioncral tii-ani is too iuiiii ful and too pure to desire, even n reck less nnd corrupt nnn in his place would ho ton prudent to attempt. The habit of freedom has destroyed nmonr our people tho tnntoriiil of which slaves tiro made, and no nnd. Ion scizuro of absolulo power is to be feared here. Thu danger, however, is no Icps real nnd scarcely less serious, thon if wo had an imilator of Nnpolonn nt the nend of the nation and tho army. II this act bo enforced, and if it succeed in tho work proposed by it, every barrier which tho Constitution hold up ngainst tho encroachment of tho central upon Ihe local governments is broken. Heverence for tho lunilii mental law will disappear, and all the checks nnd forms of political contro versy. No man can foresee what tho next step towards oontralir.alion may ho, hut every ono may confidently predict thnl constitutional limitation or prohibition may bo permitted by any political party in control ol Ihe national government to defeat its ends, or so protect municipal privileges against it. J ho local rights of per sons nnd property, tho local conflicts of corporations, the whole system of local laws, with tho controversies tney involve and tho pnssions they excite will become clement of national poli tics: and tho very orgnnir.al ion oi so ciety throughout tho land will become the staUo oi national puny struggles The ahsoluto crnlifiliitation ol our government, nnd t'.io destruction tho federal system, tnusl soon follow with civil war and disunion ns tho only alternative Tho false step must be rrtrnctei; Tho act must bo disowned by tho na tion. Hut it is with regret nnd re monstrance that patriotic citizens will hear tho exhortations nlreaoy uttered in some quarters to meet il by Mil lenco nnd disorder. Tho Coiistitu tion, which has been outraged pnsfing this bill, provides the menus for its own vindication. On tho first test caso which can ho brought befor tho Supremo ( ourt of llie Unite Slates, it nil! doubtless ho found an declared, in a way which fanaticism itself will lieecl, that t ongress cannot abolish tho Slates nnd repeal tho Con stitulion. r.ven should it lio lmposi bio to obtain such a judgement before tlio next meeting of Congress, yet Iho act w ill ere then have tieen studied b tho people; und public opinion wi demand imperatively that it bo ro moved from the statute book. Hy sin means only can usurpation, under the lorms of law, ho met in n manner worthy of tlio nation, nnd the means wo are confident, lire udeipuuto to the end. AnovKTiiE Law. Has tho Secre tary of War taken any steps to try tho cndels at West Point who lynched Ilaird, Flcckinger, and Karnes? Tho House of Itcprcscntnlivos long since recommended thut they should be brought to trial, but nothing has been dono to comply w ith this recommen dation. Tho thrco joung men were taken out of their rooms in a cold winter night, stripped of their ntii. forms, nnd forced lo lenvo tho Acade my, by a number of other cadets. Il was a lawless, outrageous proceeding. Tho llouso ol Kepresenlulives investi gated and dchaled tho subject, and filially determined that Ihnru ought lo bo a proper trial, so that justice iliould be dono lo nil panics. Does any ono nsk why the Secreta ry ol War has not taken action on this sullied J The reason is that llie oldest son of President Grant i-t one of tho lynchers, lie must not be tried. Tho Son ot the President is above the law. .Ynr I'orA' iS'n. Many people carry I heir religion as n church carries its bell high up in tho belliey, lo ring out on sacred days, lo striko for funerals. All the rest of the time it hangs high above reuch voiceless, silent, dead. The New Yoik Hun forms 'he Kn Klnx act as "Gram's llcnnniiuation Kill," and says thai Hirnm is "nearly a full floflEd Dirtator." Truo ; preaching. Terrible .firllri. About half past 11 o'cb.oU on Fri day morning Inst, Mr. l'erdiniind Klioves, while ongagod in wurkuig out some moulding at tlio Kntci -prise l'l,.inincr Mill of .Srtvdrs k Tanner, in this placO, met wilh'n most friglnfid accident. A pioco of. tho moulding iwolvo feci long, and oliotit U Inoiius hich had "already passed through tlio mnchiiio, wus cuugbt by a revolving wheel and forced buck ith such violence lliul. sirnting nr. Klioves it passed through bis body until tho end (which was largo and blunt,) protruded about thrco inches on iho opposito side. This slick was very rough ana unoven, nun mi-iKing about one inch to tho left of the median lino of tho body, und immediately abovo the nubiu bono, nassud in an obliquo, lateral direction through the abdomen, coming out through the fleidiv unit of I he thiirli hip luiiu. in this terrible condition, Mr. Klioves ilisnhived a coolness nnd liresonce of i,d that would have done credit to j the heroism of a Cu-snr or Napoleon 'I hero being no oilier person on the I same floor with himself, it wasinipos- blc.on account ol tho noise made by the running machinery, lo make him self heard by those on tho floor below. Accordingly ho waluod lo inu siau- way, (carrying the protruding, stick in front of him) and threw down blocks to attract the uttcntion of his fullow -inoi kmen ; and when they rushed lo his side, terror stricken ut tho fearful sight thut met their gar.o, tho suffering man, wilh a coolness and nervo that would have won mi- morlalitv on tho battle field, com manded them, beforo doing anything for him, to go below, and slop the eni'ino und seenro iho mill and ma chinery against accident. This being dono bo told them to saw on me un co inches of tho wood which protruded in the rear, then to saw oil tho slick front, just so ns to leave a good hand hold, then putting hi thumb over tho end of Iho slick behind und pushing, ho told them to-pull, and the bloody slick was drawn oui. i'r. a. G. Cross was culled, a rude litter was formed -wid tho suffering man was carried to his homo, in tho house form erly occupied by P.obcrt Adams. Sr. Aot a monn or inuimur cscapeu nun. His terrible wound was carefully and skilf ully dressed by tho nltonding phy sician, and al last advices strong hope were cntcrtamod for tho speedy re covery of the patient. Mr. Klioves is a young man of irreproachable character, lately mnrriod, und wo bo bovo cnino from Washington, J a , lo this place, lio has tho sympathy of our cnino community. II ttynnourij Messenger. Politics and Heuuion. Congress man Ely publishes n card, in uhich ho says that in ono of thu negro churches of Washington city, on Sun day, tho Kiih ult , during the service an address signed by tho llcpublican General Committee of this District, was read from tho altar, which wus evidently prepared lo be read in Ihe churches ot iho District. It nppcalcd lo tho congregation lo rally ul the polls on Thursday next, ami vote the wholo Jit-publican ticket without a sini'lo scratch. Ho says : " I call at ten lion lo this circumstance hoping thero a 10 soino person niuouj U Itcpiiblicans of this District whoso re spect for tho ordinances of Christian religion will impel them to prevent tho recurrenco ol so depiorablo practice." This circular is issued by N. Good way, Sergeant-ul-arms of tho llouso of licprcHciilalivos, and in dorscd by Henry D. Cooko, President of tho loung Men s Cbrislian Associ ntion, nnd Governor of this District This is the uso Uadieal politicians are imikinir of the negro churches. "The Christian Association" will bo (lit title or name of tho opposition parly in a few years, should niiother change become necessary lo deceive llie public. SAMnn Aiikap. "Judge" Wright of South Carolina, n colored Itidivduul, lms just recovered a judgment of 81.. 2nd trom tho liicbmond nnd Danville liailroad, because tho conductor ro ftied to let him rule in tho ladies' cur, Had ho retiiscd to let a while man rido in tho same car, tho whito man could not have recovered twelver-cuts Lnder the I ml ltigtils liill a negro can claim any privilege that is not nc corded by custom or corporation rcgu lalions to a while man, anil in the event of n refustil, is entitled to re cover heavy damages. It would not bo a bud idea to so amend tho law as to secure tho white man his "civil rights," too ! . - A, ot tho JIalliinoro Ua:cUt says ono would naturally suppose that af ler tho pnssago of tho Jiu Klnx bill any examination into Iho condition ol thu South would be superfluous. A joint committee wns raised by both Houses to hunt up somo sort ot tcsti mony upon which to huso legislation Congress, however, saw proper to legislato first, nnd llicn semi on sub ornurs to pick up lying cvidenco lo excuso It. 1 douhl il such u broad farce was ever enacted in a low priced theatre let H is lo lie played out the commir.ro bus had a meeting, has organized, and propose to pro cced wilh sober faces, to discharge their larcicul duties. A IJi-piiblicau exchange says Grant tin, sinco lie becaino 1 resident, paid off moro than a hundred millions of tho publiu debt. If other Itepubli cans w ould pay off ns much in pro portion lo what they have stolen, tho debt would soon be entirely paid. Our IScpublienti fntcmporary makes no mention of w hat tho people huv paid, so wo pass it all over to t la- credit of Grant, and feci to thank the gods wc huvo so noblo n President, ono so liberal, nnd so much mote able to pay now than when ho wns bang ing around tho grog shops of Galena nnd St. Louis wailing for invitations to drink. The Philadelphia A,,' says: "Tho hardest work dono by the Judges put on tho Konch by thu liadieal 'King' of this cit-, is in saving tho members of it from the gallows und tho peni tentiary." Horace Greeley refuses to take any pnrt in the proposed reorganization (if tho Kndical party in New York. This look as if (ten. Grant would not get tho Delegates Iron that Ststo w ilhout struggle. Nnshy Intended lo cull his new baby Anna Dickinson. Nuture intervened lo protect the helpless innocent, how ever. It wasn't ihe right sort of a bahy for that purpose. (Jen. Bnllor, mTorJin to tlio York Tribune, ;i bas not discretion enouL'l. to Weep out of qtmrrrU. nor Monrrelltm hi " "If" What n frightful leprosy is eating nt the very vitals of American socio, ty i-a leprosy infinitely moro deadly than prostitution, pauperism, or any Of the Old World rottenness that fes ters nnd Crudities in our great North ern cities, for Ibis hideous Mongrel ism approaches so insidiously, that its i.,.;. urn niien uncoiiseions of it, ..mil Inst in its deadly embrace.. Thcro is a fellow by tho name of Ames mar ried to a daughter ot Ben, miner, w..u was, it is Baid, n charming girl a lew mouths since, but now, as the wile of Amos, a peer and colleague of u mu- Jatlo "Senator- from Mississippi, is forced to cmializo and fratoi nizo, ol course, with her husband's peer and his family 1 All '.bo fino instincts that c.,,1 .v., her. nil those beautiful things that naluro endowed I er with, not only blunted but debauched by such leprous association, tho poor lost creatnro will, of course, impress her oll'-nrin" with tier own uegrao habits, nnd the next generation i of the Ames matin) with thoso of bis col- ell"U0 lino peer, io C.i.i well ns theory, thus It is that outraged nature vindicates her-j self; but what n fearful leprosy this "progress" to universal rottenness nnd social death -Voy Book. Don Piatt on K. P. In his new paper, tho Capital, Don Piutl pays the following well merited compliment to Keasl Kuller. 'Wo bold Mr. Kuller to bo tho wickedest dennigo.auo let, looso upon this country since ils independence. Hi instincts are treacherous, revolu tionary, merciless and avaricious. That bo is ublo to lead any considerable nnmber of Congressmen is satisfactory that Ilepublicaii politics is in great part dctiauelied. I hul no innuences President Urunt is not only n iiuuoniu bill a human calamity. Wilh tho final downfall of frco government, .such causes us his character must bo con spiciniis. Itapacity is bis ono trait, nn Asiatic quality never oeiore i-uiuu-ly developed on this hemisphere. Moral Pi-.ooiiksm. A n amendment to the new code ol Mississippi, was passed on the 11 ill ult , w hich declares that "any person on uny public con veyunce'railroad, steamboat, or stage, who ehull ussign or altompl lo assign anv tiasscnirer lo any particular car or particular steamboat or stngo, shall lio tilled two lliousniiu oonars mm imnrisoned not less ihnn ono month, or moro than six. 1 ins is nice, u n man traveling with his wife lakes his.;at by her side, und a big negro comes along and takes a fancy to w:c seal, bo miibt give it up of oursc Thai's Iho way things ure looking under the Kn Klnx Congress. Oi.P Imiaiiitant. Tho L'niontown dVni'iM says that Iho oldest inhabit ant of Perryopolis, Edward Wilgus, is ninety years of ngo. Ho went lo thai plaeo in I t)tl, si years before Iho town was laid out, nnd ho lived them until this lime. Ho has been in Unionlo'.vn but or.eo, nnd it is I be furthest that ho bus been from home sinco ho went to il. Ho is n shoe maker, nnd has worked constantly nt it until about a year back. His health is and hns been good. He doe not know of a person alive now that lived in that part of tho country when bo went lo it. ltoccnlly Georgo M. Ellis di-d lo Chester county in his niW-ty second year. Ho is reported lo havo had tho consumption nearly all bis life, hi physician having assured him bo fore ho wus twenty years of ago that ho could not survive tho next two years. Ellis wns so pale nnd thin for forty years previous to his decease that ho was known us tho walking skeleton, nnd vet ho is believed to bnve been with two exceptions the oldest man in the county. "Good Intentions" Thcro is a common phr:in that "Hell is paved with good in I nlioiis." There is n bill pending in Harrisbiirg lo allow a man to declare his good intentions before a magistrate, mid lo punish him with imprisonment for the breach of them. Such a proposnl cxhihils a (oial mis conception of tho n at tiro and limits of penal legislation. Tho Tenth Anniversary of tho Pennsylvania deserve Corps will be eclchrntcd in Philadelphia on lues day. May Kith, in Horticultural Halt, on llrond street. General Wellington H. Ent, of Columbia county, will de liver tho oration. Doleuations in tending to pirticipalo will report in advance to John II. Tnggurt. at the office of tho .VumiiM Morning Time Gi n. Ditf Giif.I'N. A letter lo tho Cincinnati Comm mnl has thu follow ing allusion to Duff Green a notable man in his days, which is of interest ot the present lime: "At Dallon, Ga., livosun iilniosl forgotten octogenarian, Duff Green. Ho is tho editor who did moro to elect Jackson, and after wards more to thwnit him, than any man of his lime." A stranger In Albany offered ten dollars to any man who would gel him a wife. Tho offer wns immedi ately taken up, nnd in a few minutes it Llnominu; damsel nppenred. In It than thirty minutes tho two were coupled. Tho stranger is reputed to bo wealthy and eccentric. M:ini liiii'ttt eiile nro cnniilnin inrr In-criiiie tlicy nro f.-il upon ilinoai etl lieeves. The Lytieliburir Republi can says tlutt tlio (icorjin iroilo on tho other lintiil, are rnmplaiiiini; lio entiKo n rtirrupl Jtuthick (tho (inr rrnor) feeds tiinn them. This i A iliHtiiiclion with a sigtiificnnt ditTiT ence. A IJailieal ipiisi(in Bf-eiit in Xcw York, (iencral U'illiinna, lias myaieri- oiialy (lin:ipenreil. 1 1 0 wriili) to his wile thnt lio was (;oinp; awny "tu voiul ths resell of pnatal ciiminiinit aliiin." Peilmps (irnnt has sent him on a secret tniaion to Sun Iloniino-o. The Slate Journal, of IIniriihiiiir. ays thai en We.lnesilny nilil the polieo m.nlo s ilcHi-enl on a handy hniine, in that, plnco, Slid lu-ronled all tho imniites, w liich upon examination I'mir or livs turned out to lio iiiiiiiikers of the I.eirislnlnie. This is n nico ro cord for law makers Thero are several hundred nontniis- treanes in tho Uniled Slates, of wlioin the Indies ul liicliinond, Leavvnworlli nnd 1Otiisvillo i;et tho heBt pay, H.OIIO each. Two others receive Si.OOO and twilvo others orer $2,U00. John S. Mtifton, Krovl. tol)erl, Tliiw. KtiytTtifi, nntl W. Junn, were KiiiiMi tn tho Jlooac J unnel on Fri day liy th prnnHlnre exiUHnn of a Mut tirnl nn electric "park from The itrpnhllran Jili-fifiir. Probublv tho first caso to coino bo fore tho United Statos CouiKi in tho South, under the provisions of tho Ku Klnx law, will ho thnt of thrco Ito piiblicuii officeholder in South Caro lina. Home two or thrco weeks ngo tho safo of tho '1 rcasurer of Abbeville county wus broken into and robbed of filleen thousand dollars in money, none of which has yet been recovered. Tho Chid Constable of tho Stalo has iicceedod in tracing tho crimo to throe brothers mimed Guffin, originally Northorn men, but for somo time resi dents of Abbeville Ono oftlioGuf fins is a member, of Iho Legislature, number is n Probate Judgo ot the county, and a thnu is Jluyoroi ihe town of Abbeville. All thrco havo been arrested And are now in closo con finement in Columbia. Tho Chief Constable says ho bus tho most indu bitnblo proof of their guilt. It would be a singular thing if the Kn Klnx forco bill, which, ns Is claim ed be ils (miners, was intended to .. . - ...... .c suppress) disorder tlirougnouv mu South, should nl'tor nil do somulhing toward accomplishing its purpose, in an indirect way, by removing the causo of these disturbances in the per sons of dishonest officials and scalu wag adventurers. . A Play i enacted in a Chicago theatre in which a man is hung for fun. Tho other night tho gearing got out of order nnd they en me near hanging bim for good ; w hen they cut him down ho said ho guessed I hey hud bolter get somo one to tako his plaeo, as his neck was not talented enough to play that part." Letters I nnd iiupera from Virginia, ilinuH, TcniH'tucc, LouMunu, tho Carol and elsewhere South, agree in say in that tho prospects for largo crops of fruits nnd cereals is List class, unu that tho present season, if successful in Ibis parlicular, will very nearly sweep uway all tho genciul pecuniary losses by Ihe war. Gen. William A. Lawrence, late William A. Lawrence, Pension Acoiit in Uii city, is n J- fuiiltcr to tlie ninoiint of about 8."il,(N0. XI10 World cays llnit (icn. l.aivn-ncc wns n mi-mlicr of tho Military Hi";? wliich ctivcliii('s I'resiilcnl (ii-imt: that ho was a l'riei-.d ami coufiift-iil ol tlio San Ilomingo johbers. Tho next flutter aii'f royally will be tho marriage of the Heir Apparent to tho thrinio of America, Cadet titii ul, with Miss Kitty Felt, of d'nlcna, daughter of tho Dukoof a Tannery nl that place. Kitty Felt bad when they told her about it. Tho woman's Journal sensibly say : 1 Tho world does not v-ant women who are (rood lawyers and bnd moth ers, clever physicians and unfaithful wive?, clear-lieadcd and empty headed, for not from tlieno hIiiiII tonic a com pleted womanhood." Tho liVpiiblk-Ans elected Andy Jolm son, ami in u year or two nftor, iin- leaihed him. They elected Oi-ant and now talk of impeaching hioi. Kiincas vigilant now hnnjr horse thieves head downward. It takes longer than the old fashioned way, but is eipially ctiticlui.ivo. tciv ilfrrtisfinrntj AY TA Tt:i ! A ri'linl U- man to burn a kiln of llltlCK. Apply to Ba. A. IKU.l U. CurwriDirillo, Va., My 3 4t. Dlnl.l.'TlOM.-Notiue Ii hcrt-ST Rir-n (tint the fmrlnnrfliip Itrrrtulvre rxtKfiuf b iwtti'ii tbn u uii . i hi; urit in lli I 'hi nitun? biiniurUrS ha InK-n tlin-'ulvoJ tymutiinl ponifnL Thcl-m ks Arc Id ttia Lutiils uf 1). It. FnUt-rfnti f.r cotlc-fion. DANIKL liKNM.ll. Mnj 3d 171 ."t, D. K. J i:i.U;UT(N. pi Vy 1 "1 H"l'lO. All pcr.o;tn nro licn-liy raiiiion r( miBiiiki lniittn or in n wv linrl'ininj K.TIIKlt WAiX'N Kit. (tnj h.iOM-ki,.rr, inrinn.a(i eiHdl mv Wife.) wlio liivi left hit W I urni Ii isnl (taki' f with h -r H -t i1. vimi yenm a!l.) Willi Mil Any Jtit (Mttif or .r..vtni;.tir.n. nn I n Jc:ruuuctl to pjy r dcl.tn nf h r r ihtriu,t WM. l. MAUTK, hr. AUy S.I, ls71,at y U R AT T i: NTION! Jl'ST Toil A MilMKXTJ Ar you in iim-J of a (rn t nf lUrnfM f Aro yon in nT( of a pnml 8u.l lie or Kri-Hc? If ks rnll nt lit Sa lHe ninl Jlnrnr) Miop of Jm( 0. II arwm K.Khcri- you inn (t-'t the Wl in the niarkft. l"uWr ind Hnijfle llArnci and La tin ' and tient'ii Hmlillvi "f rtifii rinr wiiTkmaufhip, alaii on hniid or MKinuTj! tun-d lu onli-r. h)M--rial allrnlMin l rnllrd to my Block nf ('ullnrn and II ii mm, which iro the hfnt in upc. 1 have an aH(trtiiicnt of Haddlcm' llnrdnttrr, which will be difptm'd f nt rr.niiiiuttle uttx. 1'i-p.iinn of nil kind- pnuiitlj atlfiidcd in. ln't firfi-t to mil lpf.rr ptirrltmin;; rlirwhcr. tShop ,u (ira bain'i. Itiiw, Market Btil. t'lcnrlietd, I'n ftiHT. i;i iy. jmin c. u.wo.vnj;. Xolk'C to Tax raycrs'. IIK trti paver of Liwreneo t'iwniliip arc 1 Imi r-rtby niitilicd tint I will be at the t'oinm.o- moner Umet, in l IrnrnrM, nn Mon-lay art TiH i Iny, June K'thand i.Wb, fr the purpum of eollt-eluiK the l'oor Tux of vaij towiivlnp. It will be to the interest of all to appenr ou thnl d.iy. a after I lint time the l)upUetr will tm plurml in the hajidi of the pr.prr oflierr f r roll, etinn. CI. AUK iSHuNN, May 31 I S7 1 ,11. Uvei-Mer. House am Lot Tor Sale! fllle iiniliTnipnrd, Adtitinilrator of tho entate J. of Mnty J. Kelly, U(e uf tM-e.,U, rieiirfl. U ei'uut'. I'a , dereated, will ufler at Public Sjle,on hATl HOAY, .MAY Mlh, In tbe mtl bironb, at ?. oVIoi-k, p. ra , a rertnln llttlM. AND LOT, late the estate ol the laid di-ceard. hale to be nt S 0M0, k, p. m, I'll 1 1. IP IHXiKItS. Mny 1 H7 1 It. A liHinminitor. olico lo IW Itlc Duiitlrrs. SK AIaKI) prnpinl wilt be retid rd by ibe nn ib rMgiu-d, otinmiillep at K ittli uii, until Kit-ut-iUy, the I t li day of May liest, f ir tlie build. ng of an iineovend brid-r, of an right? red ipnn, ar-roni h tnoulb of the Mnqono (York, at Knrlhauft, Itidi will include lor tho wh'de mite rial and labor, (loud UTtirily will he reiiiiril of tbe ritntrartnra for the r m.pletlon o! tho bridge in a tul.ntnntUI and workmanlike manner. A plen or (tp(-inenlioQ of the bridge cu bo rccn wilh .1o. (iilhlmnl, at S;ilt l.iek. Ad Ire? of eommiltoe, Kiilt l,i-k P. O. d j.l,II.AM. J. V. I'" f Kit. Mar 8.1 1 S7 1 St. (ii:o. II l.t'K KNIKTIN. VHI l ; AT AI C'IION I Valuable Lots in Clearfield I There will le nM at TuMie ?alr, at the Couit HutifP, in t'lcnifidd, oil T l' KSIMV. Jt'NK PTII, 171, at 2 o'clock, p. m., Ihe following vnlunl.le i nrnnt ol, late Ibe prerty of Wmab J- uib rton, di tMved, ?ii : Lute Nn. 73, ?4, T4, 7(1 and T7, fiantlnjc on Thud etreet ; l,.iti No. Hi) and I - 0 . fiontin on l,oritt trtet ; Lot No. lt-t on the rumor of Fourth and Miirkrl (reeta. Mont of the above properly $ tbo mmt deirn hle for haildiiift let now in market, an trill appear Ii? rrferenee lo thr !an of mid h trouiti, to whi-h , prraotm ileirinjr turtlirr iii.ormittioii as to 1 ora tion and iromiiianet are relrneti. TKRMS: Ten per rent, ol pnrebae money when Ibe properly ir tnhl, nnd the batniiee in tQ equal annual pnytnentn, with inter M, lo l te ciirtd 1t bond aud morigipe nn the prvnii'i. l KKATKKK, Attorney for tbe Heire pnpaitih Fii"rMn, doe'd. ( learfleld, May S, H;Ml ArrcKTIt:-The rer, la'rdt stvlee i T- R, rn.I.PRTOS a. cit; ii'fiti.srmrnts. IWTIt A V. HlmTtsI mil'ilrn (Venn llie proiui- f ol lio. iulorlUr in ClnrMil, uii or l"ul 1 April PHti, isri, i o, "ir "' h.-i-l, (tvo jssri old, nd fOpMl lo lir nlf mill h.T. A lltTl tru ant mil lif pid nr Informal ion that will Iwi'l I" h"r rs;''vt-iy. ) JliSl - HEN 11 n lion r.. (lAI'TION. Wlmrcni, mjr ward, Jl'DY J t'ATIII'A KT, SK'-J 14 yiiara, fwanki-n my Uuuae aui! rrluana to Lo oontrulk-d by me, aa in July linnnJ j Ihrrrforo, I Rive nntioo aid warn all pnrm SRiiin"! Iinrlicn inj or trutin lior un my ai'oimiit. aa I am di-ti riniiic'l to pay no ili-lila c'nlrarlr,! I.y br. JOHN WITIIIillOW. Auaunvllle, April 20-31. S TIIK fOUBT Ol' I'O.MMON IM.I.AW of CI.-arHcl.l oimuty, I'a. .,111m. p. a:.oo 1 No. 27, Mnrrh Toon, 71. A ft A II AN! BIOOW, j gulipflPflB Mlf Plrorcff. Tho iiinlrrftfriifj Commiinloner, nijnln(wl hy (he Cunrt lo luk tuttmonj. in Iht alx-rc ca"p, lirr. lt.v (rive r.i" Oit lie will ilt-ml to tli tlu tn of hi diinointm-'nt. t hi ofTier, in the hor- oiikIi of Clmrlii'M, on Witducmlnv, (h 2-Jtli IV of Muv, A. I. 171, ( If o chmjH i. hi., where an r tii'S li.tetcitttid tun at ln1. M M. M. McCri.KOt'Uil, Ajiiil 2rt-Jt (.'oniiiiiHuiorirr. T X Til i: rol'IIT Ol' COMMON PMCAS I of (.'lenrfielil county, IN Ueuhen H Moore Martin A nh hi feller nnd KlUlii Antirnft'ltcr, ijurnitfliro. No. r-7. p- i-t t.. mo, Portion Atlttcliint.it. Now, 22d April. V71, thn PlatnlilT rnfern arulr fur the I'rothiHiuUry to M-ai diiuiligci on lh above juilirmciit in llnicnup. WALLAt K A FIKMiN. Attomcva for I'laiiililT. The ulaiin in this caw it mnct dul!ars, a of I Ul h April. 170. (Vrtifi-4 from Hi record, at ClrnrfM-l. 3:'d April, 1871. AttMl: A. (". TATK, pr2fi::tt J'rothonoturT. I in Tin-: cooiiToP common pij:as of flcurfiuld county, I'a. U. F (" .!. 11. C. 1 boini.Min. (ifo. Uailcy aud C. W Uill-li-ck, pirtnvra trading an Co let, llionipion A Co., No. 1 74, June Urm. 1S70. E. R. I.. 8tooj;bton, and John II. Fullord, llrnry Itri.l;. and 1. U. Sioilb, Itarm.bi-l. Forrign Attacbm't. Now, ?2d April, IH7I. the PlalntilTi enter a rule for the I'rotln.notary to uaacal duuiagca 00 the above iiiilgiilcnt in lliia ra.e. WAI.I.AI K A FIKI.DI.MI, Atlornrya lor IMainlilT. T'jc claim in Itiia caae ia two hundred and twenty dollnn and thirteen ecnla, a of tbe 4lb day of Miirth, A. I). ISTU. Orliticl from the record, at OlenrfirM, J2d April. IH7I. Allcat: A. ('. TAllI, apr2r.:dt Troiiioaolary'. S. rOETER SHAW, D. D. S., "5"5!fc Ofhre in Maoni Huilding, 5rni tl.KAKKJKI.l, KA. I'uttinK of tlir natural Ui-ib in a brail hy, pre vrrrat ive and our Hi I condition it luaile a uprciulty. l)tMairii aud mnlfiirmalitnt common to the mouth, jeiw and arcuciai pnrii, are treated and cormicU willi fair sucrcfs. Iliaminatioui and c ufull4 X'vmn rnra. I'r lor partial and full ieti ff teeth innrh loner limn in lr70. It would be will fur pntienti from a Uiftanet to let know hy mill a f i w dnji befre coming to (he office. It !f rm liitporlnnt that cinidrcr, I t'.wven the 2t t oflix arid tweh- years jthould have Ih'-ir (ettb einmiiiel. I AnscstliOrria Tfdli arc rumored aitbout pain. felili'TI J. M. STEWART, D. D.S., Offico over Irwin'i Drug 8 tore. tXi& CI HWEN'SVIM R, PA. All ik'tital oierntion cither in the meobunical or operative hmnot , fromptly atti'iidrd lo ard mticl-irtion (ctiarantofd. h pec ml ativntion ptiid to the tiftttiiicnt of disram of the n4tural tulh, (fumi and mouth. Irn-jfiil-iritj of the leeth fua ecipfiill.r rorreetwl. Terth eilrai'tfd without pain hy the une of Dltcr, and nrtifiriul teiih iimcrtrd of fb Witt iiiAtrrial and warranted to render iat npiil2S-71:ly jjif.a i: i o t t t BURNED UPI iJl.M.'d IUN WOOLEN FACTORY. Tt-aa townfb-p, Cloarfield Co., I'a. Tbo lul'tcriltem are, al prrnt expense, rebuild ing, and in a few d.i.,1 will liave ooOitk-U-l, a lifibl'Otliuud ntcernily, in the erection of a flnt el Wwolen Mnnulii'-tory, with nil the modern iniproteinriil attnehrd, end err pn pnred to mV all Lin In of i'lothf, Can'iuiercs SmIiirUf. Llan- kfta, Finn net, An. I'lruty of frootl on bond to nupj.ly nil our old and a tliounaiul new cut-tomcri. whom wc nek to rotne ana examine our stock. Tile buiiirs of ckkdixu anp rru.ixti nitl reeciic efpeelal altrntion. Our new mill n ill le rrn ly by Wool curding trnnon, tlierefure tlieie liM-d be oo beitatin on tint rrore. Proper a-ranemetite will he made lu receive and di-hrr Wuol, Id uliiI ciili'iucrp. All woi k warranted and dune upin the iboitcur notice, and by mnet atlin tion to l.utnr?g we hope to realize a tilfer.il rbure I puhhe patronise. IIMKHI roi NDS WOOL WAXTKD f Wo will pay tbe btjilu-ct inarkot price for Wool and our inaniif.iuiurvd foud.- a lw ai tiniilar fi.oilK run be t)iu;ht in the ruuntv, nnd whenever we fail to render rriiscirmtilo ant irt'itct inn wo can alw;iv oe fouud at home roady lu make proper eiplauulioii, eitiier in pvron or hy letter. JAMKS JOHNSON A HONS, prl.?fltr . tlratnpinn Ilillf V. 0. kllTT A SCIIRYl r.R, t'BAI.riTf R Bl'ltDIXG HARDWARE, Atsn, ruanufucturcti of Tin and Shed Iron Ware, Ntaily oppoiito the Jail. t 1. 1. A H I I i; M, PA. Carpentrre and TtniMrrit will dnd It in tbrlr dranltizo to examine our ftuek before pun-hating 4 lew More, STOVKS! STOVES! We fell the TIMF ronK STOVE, the cbenp. rut and beft (lore in Ibe maikrt. Erery itovc fully warranted. A 1.50, PA ft LOU, HKATIMJ, and RAFriNtl STOVKS! nblib will be a dd a chrp a any In tbe county. Klriiit klleuiion pfiid ordtiinf ailiclei for par (in a bo derirr It. f i?-noofinit, PpMitlnir, an rcitfonnble term. job work done en Clenrfleld, Pa , April 1 tn. IiiliiOH for Sale! 1IIE onder.if n 1 have on band two flrat-olaat i: NlIINK.onr of 35 hor power and the other 60 hnrFf power, which they will f KLI. AT A I1AIUJAIN ! Ttirjr are et-mplefe In every particular, and rhiWhrd in Ibe very beat ety 1c and warranted, Tboe In need of one had better correspond with or ea'l upon liHiI.LU, YOfXa k CO. C learfield, P , April 12, t71 Ira. ''maara and abdominal supporter nf every 1 kind ofthe latest ImprorewrtM, fr a'e ai the Irrng Plnre of IIAK1SWICK A IHW1N, i-!e at this off.ee. $fal tfstatf fcr ) V ATM A 1. I'. Valuable Real Estate! ti. .l,ilr will i.e.-r al prtrale aali-, on rra.onal.il. t'-rin", M!0nr Hi ill r.nu, '' ,10 In Mnftia lowii.tilp. Cti-arllclrt connly, la., tn,.imK At l(l: r.d liavinn llii-r..n errrl. J a two .lory plank I um Js.M feet. Iraui. Ilarn. Sif- f.ei. ollR-r iM.a.iry..0ll,ull.i,i.?a, all In t.il jnU-r -.i ..,ir Ten acria i.l an Clri-I. .trit or ll.i- ehinl rari.-ti.-a of Iroil. A n.-r. r lttin-s .-pru.t ,1 tb. Iionau an.laW.-M at .h. I.r. It.,.-I,.... drril arrr. of il il und. -rlai.l w.lh a Trill l Ibc U-al q.ialily of Coal. l n-"' " " tb.-knra, ii to Inaprelios at any lime. jr-tr-For lurlhrr iiiloimalion ii.iUir ol lb alio aenbor al bia rcaldeuc in Horria lown.hip. Kylrrtown P. 0 4:i:.1m) Aeinl of tlcu. Urom. Timber and Coal mms FOR BALE! Tb. r.,f..,wli.T t.ai-la i.fTin.brraiel fi.al I.anJa are olf.-r.-d for a.l: 'na iru-t of I '."" ';" lvin on lb i:tk It.vrr, hi tV.-b.lrr roomy I tr.r.. Iran. Ivin; on I II ..ami- river in liraxton rouuly, Iwo ul"i,(l-.U nc.ia eh niel one ol I .!" awrra ! and our Ira.t .oi.t.iii.ii.i! .3i 0 acria, I;, in.' on Hu ll. ulry I'.n.r. in Nl.-holaa county. Ibeiitlta to tboe inn. la are prrfi-.!. Any inlormalion concrminn tbrrr lan.lamn be had by ad dr.-iii(( . 8. FI.KUAl.. March T!, li;l-tr. l'liilip.burj, I-a.- Farm for Sale I of(T -T'INTAIMMI A( ltl, m a K""o alni.ol ) culliialion, aitnateo ill rihc low ...ii.p. . i- .r-fi.-ld counlv, nboii' ciK'ity ""'a from l.opm'a Hourinj .Mill, on Ibe lurnp.ke Ira In.l froai l or-wenvilleloC-i-a.r..:id. liar in; a .lory and a ball houac, atal.le and out bnildmna tlionon. There ia al.o a goo-l tpiing an I a jr. mux orcnaru uu ...1 preinia.a. Anj p.rw.11 d. ..ring a ni.-c lillle home will fiod ll.ia a very d.-.iral.lc local. "ii. For further pjrliiolara inquire of itacbcl Cald- wall, 00 llie priuiljcl. or a-1 1 W. FLEMINO, t'urKcn.l ille, I'l March 2 If. lisctlUinrow. Xeiv Firm! rpiIE (Inn of C. KliATZi:ll. in Ibr IlrT fioodr l and Provihion buincia, wilt be known berc allcr under Ihe uam. of K It A T i i: H ab 1. V T I. H. Thauking tbe public for pait lavora, they bopr for a continuance of Ihe aalnc. Clearfield, I'a., February P, 1871. Isaac k. stauiter, WATCIil.l, II W I.LRV, 1 IS North Second St , cor. of Quarry, PHIi.APF.U IIIA. An aaortmcnl of Watcliea. Jenetrr, Filler and Plated Were constancy on hai.d. Itepa.rinir of tValchca and Jewelry pioirptly attended lo. .Mdy T taV iirXl ltlinr runixnunc, MATTRESS, FEATHER, V VEEDDINQ WARERO0M8, Jj riianr.rii FrnsiTi Ri: Spring Ih-lf, Pprin-r Tuij. hprinjr Maltreatiea, Hair Mattrt-Mt. iltisk Mntirrtoffi, r'traw MnMrei-M-. Fralheif, Featlur !d, BoNtere and PiMowit. Contt rpani,i. LV'in fur'ablee, lilanketF, tj'iilo. Cull and n e the WOVEN M'lltE JIATTRE-S The hmt ever oftYrtd for late. N. 1(. Our Intention ir to treat a!) cuitomerf eo tbut ibey will become pctuiamnt Uiu'er with u. mid urderi will receiie tbe ejtnc attention, and pi-rtot.i can bur just af chei'pa? i( prewnl nl the rf ore. Mtirek XV, li I lira DENTALCAED. 1)b. a. M. llir.L.s WuiiM sav to hit patient nnd the pub. lir nt rallr, that, baring di9'died purtnership wi'b ir. Shiiw, be ia now doing tbe eitlira work of Ik ie ofttee htmni If, so th.it patient! nted not frnr being put under ihe Lands of any ottn r operator. lltiTiiiff olaiuej a redurli'in ot the patent ou tbe plate uuilerial. I am etiaMed to put up tretb mu-h tlierer than formerly. 1 uIfu liuve I)r. Stii k' patent prorers for working rublx r plat-f, which imike a innrh Hbtcr. mine fla'ttvr ao. itr-m-i-r piiilc for the rnnio otnnt of mali-ruil, and pnl ifbee tbe phito on btb fiiltd, rendering II much morectuily kept ch nn. hpreinl ailenlom paid ti Ibe preM-r ation of the rmturnl U-elb. and all wotk gutrlilroil rntinly B:tti-luttory to pjtin t. -PC'lline at the olrl rorm r. ot -pt.riie the haw llousn. Olliee h-tiirs from H to i, a. In., and I to it. n. oi. I'Alirnu from a di,-'si ee iltou'd notify ii'.e a fi-w day ti fort hand of ibeir inlt-ntion to eoiue. A1whs al borne, tinlcvs other ntire ep-pi-nri in bt.tb tbcoouii'y pnptr. ftbli Tl riirwrnCVllm Marh P Yarn vui ifvnyfinv " 1 ir.'H" i f rxtt-noing nir I uinr5S, and knontii there cue be no higher tribute oi repict t" tii- tixtunry of the tlii-raurd and I buried l.ii!.-!'. Iban in trri over tVir narrtiw i homes n sciil tun'd f'uU of ctul'truig ri.an.Ic, that t point t.'iiv.r to the rifling p!nn ul thone we lute; !) hatcloeay to alt wl:rt to Hiow tht ir afli-!ioi for their di parti d fnrud and kiudretl, tli.it they can Uuw have an o purtumty of doinj by e:i'!mi at uir Shop on 'Hn-uipF Hi trri't. Curw t Uf iiv, I (.., as I aui pn pared to furnib lo orth MOM'JI I'STS, CHADI.K A BOX TOM US, HEAD STOX r.S, Ac, of nrr design or slue, nt re:ionnble rnfrs. N. It. 1 fcri p n ban I the In at l-'orclit and lnmC"Hf MnrhlC. All tvork ee,nle. wi Iht ui'ict skillful in no iter. I will at-o ddixerwork to anv point in Cleaifuld or adjuinin efinnties, il d-si r L W.. II. CuLLl K.N. Curwrns. i!lc, (Vt. 20, isf.U-tf. To Tax-Payers! IN ncenrdnn with an Art of the tlrnrrol As seaildy of thi Coninionwealih, approved thr ;'id day of Mar,-h, A I. I70, "reU'ing the collection of tuxes in thecun'v of ( UatlM'ld," noliee i therefore hnreliT giren to The tmpayers rfM'iinjj in the di!iu'ta beluw naioe-l, t'rntt Ihe County Trewurer, in accordance aiih ihr se.'cn'l seelinn of said Aet, will attend at tbe place of holding Ibe boroujh nd township eltn'tianii on tbe following nnnv I dis, for the purpon of re cfring the Cmir'y and iiate taxis a;.d .MiLUa Fines assessed for $7 : For tbe borough of Clonrfield and Laurence tonn sbip, on Uednoednv and 'I 'hiircdn. 17th and lsth. For Cnrwenrville and FiVe towhtliip, F'ritlar ai d riaturdnT, Mtiv 19fh and 2tth. For Karllians Tuesday, May 2"d. For Covinirton, W eilntdKr. .May 24th. Fr tiirat l, 1 bnrsday. May 2-tu. For Uo-lieu, Fn lav, May i'oth. For ttrahain. Mondy, May L'S'ih. For Morris, 1 iirs lay. May :.(-lh. For I'eeatur, Wrdnesdiiy, May .'tlt. For ttcnla, Thnrn. iy, June Ut. Fur lloutsdtile, Fmlay. iune I'a'L For Hoggs, tSaiurdiiy, Juur :ij. Parties can also pay their taxes at theTreau" rer's office at any time from this forward. I p on all taxes pnid tin and pre i-n to the r deiunated there will Fc a rcdnt-tion of five per cent. Iho balance of the diftrirl Will be an nounced in due time. LKVKlt FLKUAL. Treasurer' OTl-'C, I Treasurer. Clearfield, I'a., April IS, 1HT1- f On Friday, April 2!illi, 1871, M 11 S. WATS OX Will return from Ibe F:al with Ihe Isrcmt and mo"t choice stock of French MlMinrrv Honda e,-r urongbl I- ClenifieU, and all the new and e'etr.ii I smnmer aiyle sebett d by berM-ll Irt-in the most IrifbionaU'e Iioumus iu tho citv. Also, a choice rarietr of Notions, t. lovea, Ho siery, I. ace t ollars, hitks. I, aces, Ac. A large anu select asoritm nt ol 1'ress Tnnmnngs, Ac. 1 am alo prepared lo do !rc mnking in tbe moat fahional.le and satifnctorv nnnner. MI1S. T. K. WATSON. Clearfield, Pa., April 2f, isr 1 .11. r,li: ami:ku a hoof., crnwrN'sviLLr:, Ct.RAiir.su n Cot ktt, I'knvi'a. This long fistaUifthcd an popular hotel i stilt kept hy tbe silierilter, who spare no effort to plesse all who patronirc him. 'To plenso," the Hiotlo at the Amei iean ll'ne, nd nil thai Is asked i a trial. V W. URLI), Prrnrirtor. CurweiiSTillc. March l If. 0 1AI.I. AM) EXAMINE th. XKW liO(iH8 at ri'i.i.i:nT'iNR StI.K JIAT-1 l.ala.1 t--rlnt Uric at 4 D. R. IfLirF.TONS. Clearfield County Dank. Mlim t'le.llirld toanl. I-.,,, a. , ic ' 1 trd Inalilulion baa roue oul n .n.,,,r" llie turreuder ol Hi charier, on M.y )j j' All III iloia la u.n.a i.y ire I.Lb.enU,, 111 conliou tbe Hanking l.u.i,,. a, t1 tt( plare,aa 1 rival, llai.kt-ri, and. r It. t.Ia) tlB. ol the "Clearntm Loui.iy iim.x." H e r( apoiniblcfor lb. di-bn ul lln l:ai.k,anj .,1;"' III not--, on d.n.and al It. count, r. 1--,,. recrlvtd and iotert-at f.aid wb, n n..ni v ii i.i.'ill . ti... P.,., ,.r. .,r,. : .. .' . "T aa hrrclolore Cur p.raoijhl rr--ra,,. "V It. if pU.lr.1 lor all io oana n. . u. j lltld i,n Irana clod. A rorihi.unr.-r if l!; r lit,.,. ronairr ot Ilia 1 bu.iia-.i. u mi of I,, n-url, j. ..r.-uoMY .....-, ... ,,r ,, , -:i. otti.eriof tl-e lalo Cl.aifi.l.l r..i,my P. ,, ri'nuir. Iba notoa of laid Lank to t pit, for re.lrmpilon. ja.s. t. 1.K11NAHD, itirtiAnn sntw WM mill-Kit. JAS. !! lil;.Au A. K. WltlllllT, O. L. Ill KU, WM. A. WAI.l.Af K. Tbe tiu.ineaa of lh. Hank will 1 eotdati. John V- Ad.ui.., r-f.i.. aa ('a.birr. Iiur jnr!.i J. l. M tiirk. K-lward Put,,. EAKKIKQ& COLLECTION HOKE McGirk & perks. hucrrsi-ori to Foster, l:il.. & ( ,., riiUIibui-. Centre, l i.iii.i), t lrIIKUE all tin iiuinf-pi of UuV!r- H,ltl 1 f ti- oe irnnwieu iruuti;ijr t,.l h im initii iiituraiun in in a nir7-tf County National Dank. UTS Runk ii now t.n and tph It fcr W. noes. Office on her nnd Mrei. in tht i.ui.A, u formerly occupied by Leotmril. Fiiiticj 4 rt Divr.rToita mi it orrn k T AS. II. (JltAIIAM, UK MAHI fIlAW WM. A- WALLACE, V. M. r-oTH, A. K. WRItillT, Ofco. L, Ivr..D. W. M. r-HAW, JAS. T. LE'cVAftfc Jul'", ftj Caihier. Hrr itkL UUcrllantcu5. ISoSKTon usli ! i A wake OllEAT EXflTKMKXT AT THOMAS HE K II S S! IVFRYIlODV trjii g te;rf thrre fiMt, forfm J j of being crowded out into the cold. it you want good hboeing done, go to Perm. If yon want your KleHt ironed rigt, go in ht.tn. If yoa want good Mill Irons, go in butt. It yon win! your weg'-n ironed in tbt btrt style and workmannhip. go la r.trst llBKiia makes the best Mump Marhtnr so tn State, and does all kinds of I.LA'hM J I lil Vj a rbeip as ran be done in the county for (Vi Hy Post OUice eudre.l t Clenrfield Itrnlrt. TM0.MAS bhllix Bt fLi Tp., Dee. lit, 18fi7-tf. t!iikap I'uriiidire. JOHN GULICJl DESIRES to inform bit old friends stirj cu Winers, thai having enlarged bis shup itivreared his facilities for miiiuiari.iri,. be n now preys red to make to ordt r urh Furnnur u may be desired, io good a'yle i.d t e heap rtti for CASH, lie genoratl baa ea hand, at t;i Kurniture room, a varied assuiient of rciij. made fur suture, among which are P.rKEAUS AND SIDE-nOAnDS. Wardrobes and Hook Cnnes; Centre, Pofa, Tir ir, Lrtakfast and 1'ining KitetMuo Tables; l-m-mt-n. French joi-t.CuHage.Jenny Lirid and tber Iledttcedi; Kfes of all kind, Woik ni,it, flat-racks, Wa-h iUnds; Rocking and A m Chair; spring-et( rane bottom, par nr. n-w-ni'n and other Chair ; Lim king-Ult ure vf txtn detrri tion oa bund ; and new glatfcs f-r t,i frrut'p, which a ill be put in on tery rrjonH nrmi on rbortcst notice. He also keep ,n Uni or furnixbet to ordr, Corn butk, Heir at e Ut. ton top Mattresses. Coffins or F.vfrt Kind Made to order, and funerals attended with i Hearse whrneror desired. Alvo, II 'tut ri:rjtin done lo order. I he subscriber slro rtunuiic. turrs, ard hss ronitantly on band, Ck'hfiit'i Pntent Wsfbing Machine, the bet nov in u Tbore using this marbiae never netd bt vi:k. out clean clothes 1 He aUo lias Fbtr'i I'attti churn, a superior artirle. A family uic. thii Churn oaver Dead be without butter 1 All tbe abore and many other irticlei are fur nished to customers cheap It.r Casu or rirhtnctt for approved country produce. Cherry, Maj l, popUr, Linwood and otier Lumber Lii table for Cabinet wt tk, taken in tichange fur furni'i' pr- Itemcmher the shop Is on Muriel street, ClearC'dd, Fa., and nearly opposite the' '11 Jri Store." JullN Ul'LUU. Noremlmr 2A, y READING FOR ALL!! LOOKS ct- ST A TIOSEti Y. MnrVot Sf , C'lrarflrtd, (at llie Pnt (Ml rr.l ' I 11 fc. undersigned beg It-are to aniMmnr is the iliins of Clearfield and vieintt . that be bus fitted un a room and has in ft returned lfrotn Cecity with a lare atuountof read rg 1 matter, onuiti onristing in pari of Eiblea aud Miscellaneous Books, Dlanl;. Aoenunt and Vr Ro. ki of tirr de scription ; I'nperand Kn vt -lopes, French pn-ssei and plain ; Fens ar.d Pencils : It Ian it. Legal l epers, I)eeds, Alorlgages; Judi-rrcnt. bsniip- ,luB T" rotntSM-ry notes; " bile and I'artt.; rag nt ltrier, Legal Cap. Iteeord ( ap. and It i M i rf, abeet. Music lor either Piano. Finte or nM eonauntly on band. Any books or ste'iincry drirrd that I may not hare on band, will 1. er ordered hy first expret, and sold at ahi-lon.:? or ntitil t'i suit custnincrs, I will alt1" krrp periodical literaiure, suth as Magstines, Nwi papers, Ac. P. A. U Al l.l. Cbtrfield May 7, IC.R-t The Lightning Tamer. flNK nnderi:nrd are the s.de Apenti in ibil cuM for the "North Aint nesn t.nhanir i Lit; HTM Nil Hol)S.M Tjs are Ike enh aafs nds now in ure, and are indorsed by all ths eitniifie Biea in ihe c.uniry. M e hereby notifr the eitnens of the trerty that w will pot ihern up a better rod, sni lt Lu money, than is charged by the foreif w agents who annnally tmrirse tJ.e county ttd cany oiT our little raih, t.ercr to rrtorn. EN CO I' UA'jK J10MK LAT.oK. Those wishing llphtt.inr Hods erectfJ b their buildings need but address us by letter, or call fa person, We will put them up anywhere in therouuty, and warrant them. The l(Jssrd Fixtures can be seen at any lime br ealiii t ll our store. II F. HU.LLK A CO. CLarfleld, March 3f InTO tf DAVID YOUNG. Stone-Cutler nnd Slonc-Mason, 1TILL sxecute all work In his line at mcd arnte puce and in F1HSI-1 LASS siyle. Architectural Oruamcuts In ALL FTUaKS, Ftona Pre lug of every description, and all kinds of mason work ren tractrd fr in or out of tbe eot,nty. Any prrs-t wishing lo have respectable irason work and stone-rutiing done, will find it to iheir ir.nrrt lo call u pi in me I would alro Inform tbe uh lio thtit I can deliier any quantity or cls tf stone dctired, a I an tbe owner of m l-'IKST-n.ASS STONE tl'Ai:KY OiJ.n for work can br aiMrraarri In 1 A V 1 1 . VtU NO, ni"r-"-,T fltaiCria la. Clearfield Nursery. I'.Nt'OL" IIA(i H HOME l.NHl .-TliV. PI1K undcrigned, having efuMiihed a N L ery on the 'Tike, about hall way betwien t learfield and CurwensrlMe, is prepared to fur nish all Vmds of FH11T T1U !, (atandard snd dwart.) Fcrgreen, Mi rubbery, tlrape Vines, (Jimseberrie. Lawton Itlaekherry, Strawberry, and ftabfrry Vines. ALn, Siherim Crab Trees, Quince, and early seulet hbubarh, Ae. Orilrrs promptly attended to, Adlres, J. It. WMtlllT. sep?n fiS-y Ciirwensrlll. Ta A' 1 1 M I M n T It It lit NO I It I.--N .t i ra is hereby given that 1, it, rof aiiininirfrati'-a oo the estate of ItOHK M T VOlNtl. deeen-d, late of Lumber Clt. Clea-fifbl county. 1's , havir.g been duly granted to the- anders'irnrd all persona indebted to said male will plesa irake Imindisi pavrneni, tnd those having eiaima or demands will present them prvpsrl) authenticated tur aetllrtveni without delar. ANTIItiNV MILE, FlTSN VorNH. Lnmber City, April It-tt:pd. Adminttraters. I UH AI.IU-W hite l ead. 7.inc, Faint, Lin seed ti'l, Turprnime, Varni'bes of all kimll, Color in Oil and l'rv 1 Hint. Vnrcih I.n.h.-s. mn IHHT'WK K A 1HW IN. ptNK, April : H HI TB A WOAN L!NIN( 8KIN.S Jut reoetred and for sale by o, ;o. u. r. MGLun a cq.