Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, April 26, 1871, Image 2

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aniroa id morsirTo.
Tft rfpporllonmrnt.
Tbe Legislature lias at lust succeed
d in passing an apportionment bill.
Tb bill reported by tho conference
eommuteo was adopted in tlio Senate
by a vote of 27 yeas to 4 nays. One
Dcn.ocrut and tbroo Republicans vot
ing in tbo negative. The vote in the
Uou.e stood 67 to SO, on tho final
pasaage of the bill. The nays were
nearly all Republicans.
As the districts are now formed the
DoiuocmU will holJ the Benuto fur
two years, after which it will stand 17
Radicals to 10 Democrats. But wilb
the increasing Intelligence and dis
crimination of the voters of our
good old Commonwealth, we are
willing to risk the seventeenth Sen
ator. In the House tho Radicals
have six majority. This we will risk,
too, on similar grounds. A change of
four members will give the Democrats
that body. The new bill Is quito an
improvement on the infamous gerry
mander of 18GI and the one passed by
the House the present session.
The Legislature has trenlcd our
county so maguaiwoubly that it
would almost amount to ingrutitudc
were w to complain of tbo treatment
ef retry and Washington counties,
which ere so eminently entitled lo
separate representation.
Our county forms a portion of the
XVIIIlh Senatorial district, composed
of (ho counties of Clinton, Cambria,
Clearfeld and Elk, more Democratic
than necessary, while Clearfield is
made into a eepcrato Representative
district. Tho great expense which
candidates for the Assembly have had
to incur heretofore, in going to and
.holding district conventions, has been
burUten Munich will be voided in tho
future. We will give tho bill as pass
ed next week.
Nearly Twins Tho Bedford G.i
tette and the Ccntro Hall Reporter,
caused by machine enterprise.
Cannot Attend. Tho Democratic
Editorial Association of Pennsylvania
will meet in Bellelonto on the second
Tuesday of June. As that is our
Court week, we are invited to stay at
Aw Address. Tho Democratic
United Slates Senators and Congress
men have joined and issued an address
to lite poopla, selling forth the evil
and unmisiukable designs irf tbo Radi
cal dirunionists. Wo will givo it next
State Convention. Tho Demo
crntie Stato Cnmmiltco has iniiied a
call for ji State Convention, which is
to assemlilo in tho Hull of tho House
of Reproscritalivcs at Hurrishurg, on
Wednesday, tbo 24th day of May, at
10 o clock a. m.
Settled. The vole cast for Gov
ernor in Connecticut has at length
teen counted and announced by the
proper authorities. JumesE. English,
Democrat, is elected by a majority of
12 vot. s, in a poll of 04,080 votes.
That's close sharing, but still s grand
victory when we lake into Account
tbo 1,500 negroes led lo the polls by
the Radicals.
A Good Act. Tho taxpayers should
compliment Congress fur tho act pass
d on Thursday last. Wo allude to
the Adjournment act. That body has
passed no act tho past year which
will grant so much relief to the
country as this very last ono. Jt was
a noblo act, one which great minds
lone could conceive and adopt. Our
Legislature is engaged on a similar
ono, and will bo alike acceptahlo.
Csatefll. The Democratic "ma
chine newspapers," hsvo beon very
industriously engaged for two or three
weeks past, in proving to their read
ers that Grant has reduced the na
tional debt buguly since bo came
into power, whon thore is not s
word of truth in it. Giving your
newspuper to so mo ono else to print
is jnsl liko a farmer renting his fnrin
to so mo sharper. Ho wiil skin it and
pocket the proceeds, and laugh nt Iho
green owner.
LrniRi.ATinN. Congress has ad
journed, but tho President has issued
a proclamation convening iho United
States Semite on the lUth of may next,
to confirm a Inrgo number of appoint
ments which ho will liave ready by
that time.
Now, that the appointment bill
wl.kli was tho bono of contention, mn
pawed tho Leginlatiire. wo may look
fur tome wnxy work in Unit body and
n curly adjournment. Such n movo
nt would Hdd mtu-h to tli0 relief or
the Bute Trcu.ury nd tbo home and
dorvvstio comfort of the mcinbt i V
an would not bo otT.Minive to t;te
ConkTcinan Hnriww.irth, a leading
TUdival My. the parly to hid, he
belong , r;iM(1(J lnsn.awM,
ro afraid lo M pf(W lhoS 0
Court ThU i. a candid conloMicm.
nd.ab.UnOateMhition .Wum
aby,bel),,nn,ralicparty fri,ra Ul,
Uipuou of lU prwdt ronu.t " I
irmoraHe Primary f.Vevffon-
Tho Pemoeratio Primury Kloction
will lo held in tho aevorul ctuetiun
District0, of Una county on Saturday
tbo 10th day of Juno 1871, at mich
hour na ahull bo agreed upon by a
majority of tho Vigilance Comtnittoc
of each acparatc district, and to i-low
at Hitch hour as such committee shall
name, for tho purposo of expressing
by ballot their clioioo of candidates
for the following ofliccb, viz:
Ono person for Asacmbly : ono per-
(ton for 1'rolhonotary ; ono person for
HopiRtcr nnd llocordor; ono person
for TreaMircr ;; two pornoim for Aaao
cinlo Judi;ca ; ono porson for Com-
ntiHbioner; ono porson for Auditor;
to ho elected in October, lot I,
Tbo election will bo conducted in
obedience lo tho requirements of
Kales 5 and 0 which are given for the
information and instruction of Do in
ocruts ;
lU'i-i; b. No pereon iball be permitted to troU
at Piich primary election, execM thoee who havu
roted with the ItrtiHtcrncy nt tin prrcoiliup: Gen
eral Kleetbn, or thall beof known lK'tnocratic
Blending, ftud do candidate thall be planed upon
the return unlfM he hnll have hit cut J a can
didate inverted in the Democratic papers duri.ift
at least Tiiftcs wocka prewding lite primary
Hui.k (I. The township eunnnittce or tlie elfc
tinn boar J iball dtntpnatc one of their nututior to
aet m rttiirn judjff, wkose duty it ahall be to take
obarfte at the return or vutea oat, alter having
been uuly certitlftl to aa being correct, and B'gtivd
by a majortly of the board, and lo carry t It tin to
llearnetii en the 1 nrniay ttiltowtnt; the eieetion
and prudueo thetn at I o'ulock p. m., in the Court
lluuit, wlif-li aaid .iutltC1' t,e enllcl tuorJr b.v
the ('bairnmn of I be C'uiinty Committer, who tdinll
pretide. The votea ahall then be counted and the
persona rreeivina; (he hiftheat number of to
cait nt aaid elfction. aimii ue geoiaren nouimairu
for the respect i-e oflinfa (or wliinh liny hnvo been
voted for; provi'lrH, aaid perpont Toted fr hall
hare eoniplied with the requirrmeDUof Hole 6th:
in caae the iierKoa havinir the Inirbcit nuittber of
rotea baa foiled to comply with aaid rule, then t he
per don havtne; the next highest a amber of votei
huuII b declared tbe nomuiew tor (am emce.
Tho following prenmblo nnd rco
hitions wcro adopted by tbe Hoard of
lemocrutie Hot urn Judaea at the
Convention of 1SGV :
W ti Brian, The Viilftnre Cotointtteet in anme
of the boroughs and Uiwnnbipi are in the babit of
traniiuilting their election rt-t'jrn uy mail or pri'
rate linnda to the 1'hairinnn of the County Com
mittee, and othen, withant any notice or power to
enter, act or vote in the Convention lor thoao m-
tricii, tbua having the in without a roice in that
body ; a tar ire portion of thoe boMme the dec-
lino a Wo fait In transmit the lit of t ultra (very
cirential) with their return t tucreinrp.
Kttohttl, That hereafter il aball be tbe duty of
every 121 lance Comiuitlt-e trnn(uiiltiDg their re
turna in tbe manner indit-afrd, to depute aonte
aotira and known Democrat to inter luo t oanty
Conventiun and met for I htm and ilicir diati tct
and that a liat of the nauici of Iha rotara uiuat in
every ea acnmjany the return.
littalvtd. That ucrvalter, rhould any di at riot
fail to be represented ai above indieati-d, or net
I rot to return a list of (he names of the voters, it
ahall be fuflicicnt cause for the Convrntlun to ei
elude and nTuse to receive and count tha totes of
said district so offending.
Jlttuhed, Tli at Ilia Chairman of the County
Committee is hereby authorised to puhlih this
prcamhla and reoolutioua along with (be "Hulci
and itoj iiUtioin.
At tbo meeting of lEctuni Judgca
ludd llu lilh day of June, 170, the
following resolution was adopted
JtttolrtH, That tbe Countr Com mi tire be and
are heret.y anthuhicd and directed to submit Ike
qui'Mioo of a clifliico in the prearnt ststrtu ol
(unking iinminatinns to a vote of the Drworrart
at tbe l'rimary Klectii.n In 1S71, and (hat the
Chairman ia authorised to prepare and furnish
the nectary tlauka and direct bus for taking the
raid vote.
1 now therefore givo notice that the
necessary papers and tiikct will be
Rent out with tho other primary elec
tion papers, anf Hint a vote will be
tuken u directed by tho foregoing
Brfmria. Witliata Potts, I'srid flrar, Jobn
Dillrn, John ti. Swiih, William Courtney.
BtU. Joseph 1. Campbell, Clinton Tuotnpnon,
tiroriro I'a'S'nore, Hrnry Bret h. jr., II. Ij. M"Ocs.
Ut,mm. Fnsnk Mclltide, Ik. 117 Biilil, IIeur
SwtKipe, Jarob Zieltox. John Clary.
ti,jft. John Millrr, Thomas II. Woodrida,
John lirown, J. R. Kcud. Nathaniel Wa-rrn.
Itmrffttrtl. I)soiel Kteoart, Harr n JI naa,
Willinm pnreee, John J. Orajr, Isaac t'nderofller,
Kliiah MeJuwelL
Wmfly. pNiiiil floodlandrr, J. C. fIarrett,Sara
utl Kuuti, Ilavid lira mi, (4eurg;e M. Thompson.
Ilmrniittt. Othello Hiniad, Joprph b. NtR, W.
C. Lrbriuf. Moses MKIwain. K. K. Wilson.
Chett. Austin Curry, John Con If y, (i. H. Toter,
T. F. Danar. Jacob Jlrrtb.
Cienrfirhi. Jamea Wrieley, W. R. Mclherion,
rrnna htinrt. VJUrjes euaiivr, vuants imrreu MMnn.
Cwi'io. Jotin J. Pieard. J. P. Mulon,.Tohn
F. Howley, Henry Brtrtliut, Thomas Mitirer.
C'rieert'e. Samuel Jenkins, Joseph Me
k, mrv. Kit HI.Kini. V. . Thnmns m . leo. M"?er.
Ihcntur.--Jaiwb llnj:er, I'errv Ki'rtf K, U.
Or.rWt. Arthur R.rc. Ilarry Test.
t'eruttmn. John vvilev. ) id Head, Joisph
Moor. IUlsr itulliltaii, H m. Hell.
Cj-.v-rt. YL Umijccm, Jobn Neeoma, W illism
MrCiiikle, r. Ln(in, Sn. R atJUfrif u.
(Ara Frederick rbafft Aaron hhiray, U, K
Fkral. Uoleit Ieonnrd.
VrfiAia. Amos HuMrr, II. II. Eians, M. L.
Oill, Aoram Hoover, t hrist. I'ure.
Untirh, K Jward t'onmd, M'llliaa R. Dickin
son, llenjaiuin rtevt-ns, Joepb Fry.
oMi'na.' Jnrob lloN-ncran, Hnmu)') Connwsy,
Rlijalt Hums, F. C. H -wman, Oeorpe Woodward.
Jorfl'im. Sylvester Wymer, L-in 1110 iSloom, J.
W. Johnson, Inrtin milb, I'nt, Oillinn.
Knrknn. Janta Hunch, I ims .Mr'skry,
Win. Moore, Wm. Hride;sn, Hr., Win. Khrier.
Anna. Joe4 aTHiard, Jobs Withemw, Jr.,
Conrad Hloom, John U idr, lanc Rra.
Lavrtmr A. A. Bead, P. A. Owen, J. I.. Me
Pherson. F. II. Card-.n, .1. M. Kowlea, 0. II II. II.
tmbr Ci'y. Joseph Koniry, fc. K ester, An
thony 1 1 1 lo, W. T. MtNire, J T. llngerty.
Aorn'a. John Waring, Oroide Hoover, An
lbny Hagman, W. U. Xitrrtll. Andrew Fullmer.
AVia H'lAiMffM. Jautea M. ltora, W. C
Tbuuipson James lunii, Jamrt ?a age, Christ.
Kitrii her,
(hrQfn. John flnrnmerly, Jamra Ifarnrr, t(.
S. Ilniley, Jnntra l.ifhtnn, Adsrn Kph.irt.
'sua. Trrrure Kenan, Martin 1'Mnn, Woslef
Horn. .Ub' McKwen, tlnh .ltiin"onl
'lit A'ion W. Illooin, Oavid lirown, Jamei
B. Martin, F. S. IHoom, Nathan Farewell.
fcai'im. V 1 1 ham Wellr, H-nry Whitehead. Jobn
Dr- oltr, rr L Holl ipcter. Ths. HrocklBiik.
Woviftrtt. Thomas Henderfon, M. H, Mr.
Hugh, Jataea Cornlr-r, Ilenrv Cocan. c C. Short".
j iu.Akk w althh,
Vk'tirman Co. tViaaiftfee.
Wr.ix Said. 'l i e I'hiladelphia Age
Bny : Jodo Paxson, on satnr.lay
sentenced ono young man to fifteen
yearn imprisonment, nnd two of hi
Kuitly asMiolaios to ion yeameaeh for
usfauUiti an npfed lady, with intent
to commit tin infamous crime, ntid
other offenses. Thcae men belonged
ton ariif of ruffians who kept t lie
people of tbe lower portion of tbo city
in terror by their bad nets, and, at hint,
met a iuHt punishment for crimes com
mitted. In paa-Hing sentence upon tbe
prinonern, Judo Pax son said: "I
propone to inuko an example of ) ou ;
and we shall pursue the same course in:.
lilyoraM-inU-Hidiull have b urned to
n-hpei t the laws, or aro snlTering itc
nenuUies behind the bars of 0 prison.
1 regret thu necessity which requires
mo to send young nun like you to the
Penitentiary for n long term of yearn,
but with suih offenders thcro is no
middlo course to pniMie." When
bud men are convinced that tho per
pclrution of crimes will bo socedilv
bllowed by nrrest, e-mviclion nnd
stu b sentences us the above, they will
draw tho reins upon their Iums and
passions, and nso tho pielol and knife
more sparingly.
Kioht. The Washington PntriM
puhliNbes tho name of seventeen Pom-
ocraliu members of Congress who were
absent when ibo Volo wn taken on
the Poreo bill, and scolds them bo-
ciiuhc there was no excuse for it. And
tho Iitr,tit is rii'hL n I). 1111 1IT11I
kIidiiI.I t.c ulwnt Irom l soat nl tliis
time, when tlio voles are running so
rlt'KO. On ulinosl utl t' iinnoriHnt
"""""" "i 1 110 srsion
OuM have al.oro.l iU ,,..,1. I W i" J. . . , '", "VA V. " ' " ''f " wuMuimitlij- imHOW
i.d oonMnnt .Vim ,, ;.. r I V 1 ?uiU,cal M , in nio ol all Iho .lieriff 4.0UJ do
ictooraberi I u con"0,v"l,ou njotiro, Trr-1 to prorcnt ow,ilcyirpquii:tf
Vongmttonnnl lllanphrtny anil
Tho hi.'her civihr.alion which was
to follow the iieccs.'oon of tho Hudiral
patty lo power in tne uovernnu'iu,
linn beon illuntratod by tho following
colloquy between Jilains, tho lhldirul
Speaker, unit cuuer, t,nu icuuuroi me
tirunl section of the party :
Mr. Buller l'lirdoo mo, lir I laiJ lluro w.i
Mi. lllainn I hoM Uml will puraon Jou, uul
yan oii(tlil nut lo -k m to t I l.iililvr.J
Mr. miller I will." ," ",
Mr. tllmtic I m su.t lha Ri'iillnniiii will.
Mr. Iliillpr 1 no f.vor lo .k of th?
ilovil; ml lei uie uy Iho cauoul .jrcvd uion
il. tmlr DloOaof .cliun.'' ;
In ftfiportiotiin-r tho responBihility
lor theso ulterauces, il is ilitileull lo
determinu which is eutilL-d to the
larger share.
Mr. Wuino remits Butler to t':c AI
mighty for pardon fur n wrong done
lo I. tm Hni tho lionuuiicaii n
tho Author of all (.iood was Inleiented
in the suid IJIaino and tho Republican
And Butler, while ho declares him
self as en riippnrt with the Iivino in
telligence, hurls Ins ueliuneo at ino
devil, with whom ho insinuates Blaine
has coolideiiliul roluliuiis.
Hero wc have n most blasphemous
ml indecent nitcrimxluro ol inc
.f liod, Iho devil, .ho Jladieal
caucus and Mr. Speaker Ulaine, such
as no other body ot prolesising tnris
tians and liuiniiii beings over
indulged in. It does not sooin that
Micro was any rulo of iho House, or
any sonso of dignity, decency and pro
prioty, to iiiteiriipt or punish this ex
hibition : and ul! wiib elicited by a
discussion of the necessity of new leg
islation to enforce ft higher civiliza
tion and purer Christianity In the
Southern States. Grcensburg Demo
crat. That Cokfkk -Colorkd Cadet. A
West Toiut correspondent says :
That interesting young clephnnl
known to tho world nt large us Cadet
Smith, hn been again friskily disport
ing in tho field of bis wanton will, and
proving how sheltering Is tho irgis
which covers a darky pet Several
months ago this dark' was tried by
court martial for excoriating his
neighbor's tdiins, und when remon
strated with, replying in terms tho
reverse of polite. J.ast summer he
was also involved in trouble for using
his tin dipper ni un instrument with
which rather to lay open the military
skull than to quant . the sparkling
spring. Tho head breaking business
dropped quietly into oblivion. lint
for turning his eyes to right at the
command ' led dress," he was court
martinlcd in January. The findings
were sent to Washington, and huvo
remained there ever since.
And now, while Smith is, us it were,
out on hail, ho repeals his former ex
ploit kicking tlio shins of the man
next to him in tho ranks, und making
reflections as unoleasant as untrue,
upon bis mortal ancestor. It is
undoubtful if ho will bo court mar
tialed lor this new ofl'ensc : for un-
other trial, while the sentence of the
first is s yet unknown, could not fail
io bo the broadest kind of a farce.
Its Kpucation. "For ways that
are dark mid tricks that are vain,"
wo think the I'cihik) Ivania Legisla
ture cannot bo excelled by ilia "Hea
then Chinee," or any other nation
ality. The I'hiludclphin Jlultstin .into,
that a bill is now pending in the
House at Ilarrisburg which is noth
ing more or loss than a legal effort to
"lew black muil" on tho brewers of
that city. 1 1 first defines tho number
of gallons which shall bo held in each
barrel, hair barrel, Ae., and it mnkes
such changes that tho iuckntt held
in store by tho brewers at Iho present
timo will bo altogether useles. An
other clauso divides the eily into two
district", each of which aro lo he un
der the jurisdiction of fin "Inspector
of Malt Liquors." Theso forlunuto
gentlemen lire required to inspect
every packngo of malt liquor in their
respective districts, und lliey nro au
thorized to extort from the hreweis
ten cents fir every barrel, and twenty
cents for every larger package so in
spectod. Il is estimated that the net
gain of inspectors from these fees will
bd'somcthing moro than one hunilrnl
nnd ttcentg thousand dollar a year.
Robbers used to tako tho road when
they wished to make a raise; but now
they huve learned n safer way. They
go to the legislature. Warren Led.
Honnisn Tin; pF.ori.K. Only a year
or so ago it came lo light that Con
gressman Wanhburne, now minister
lo France, sought to seeuro u clerk
ship fur a lady in Washington, who
was to discharge no duties in the po
sition to which sho was assigned, but
wus to remain in the house ol Mr.
Wushburne and touch his children thu
Fiencb language The people of thu
L ulled Males woic thus to t'O taxed
to hire u French teacher of tho luinily
of a Congressman who was drawing
five thousand dollars a year nnd mile
age for his services. This wiib con
snlered most contemptible on the pai l
of Mr. Wnshburne ; hut what shall we
say of unotliernnd a similar case al
lowed to have conn to light in connec
tion with thu niuiiiigcineiit ofnlf.iirs
thcro T It serins that there la a col
ored clerk in tho treasury department
drawing a salary oftwelve hundred
dollars a year, but who bus tin more
knowledge of affairs there than llie
mun in llie moon.' Though paid as a
clerk ho remains nt tho IiiIj House
as a barber tho male inmates of that
establishment being too penurious to
puy for their own shaving. A gov
ernment barber! Free l'rets.
Attkmiom I Who is Iho head
centre ot tho uilamous Ivu hlux
Klaus in tho South, asks an indignant
radical oxchnngo. Wo cull Charles
Sumner lo the witness sinnd. Let
him answer: "Had the President
been so inspired us to bestow on the
Southern I'uiouiMs, while or black,
ono hulf real, personal attention, per
sonal efforts and personal intercession
which he has hestowed upon Ins at
tempt to obtain half an island in the
Cnrribbean Sen, our Southern Ku
K lux would have existed in nnme
only, while tranquility would huve
reigned everywhere within our bor-
Oir John A. lliest.ind, of Lan
caster, hnslieen nppoiuled naval ofliecr
at II i o port of l'liiludelphiu, in place
of (ieneial Jlaxter. Tlio lieneral
slioHed his wounds and urged his
services in tlio Held of buttle, but all
to no Mirnoso. A liunirrv civilian !
pushed him from bis slool.'und lliijs
tiuncrnl (irant rownidi tho soldiers.
, ,, I
oTRANoe When a Kadieal ineniher i
oi a puiuic body ucls with tho Jemo-
, h. II a UuKen Criiis. Hart i iiiii,f,ra nt , l,iu.o :..l....i : h.. ,
v"'-; rijUfc. wen Dcuarca, reverent na earocit
II7nl Mm Waile t'nuKhl in San
The Washington correspondent of
Iho ltulur.ioio (Incite has been fur
nished with A very laughable account
of the doings and saying at the Stato
dinner, given by tho 1'residcnt to tbo
Snn Domingo Commissioners the other
day, a portion of which ho rolalos us
follows : , . ,
An usual tbo Entomological Com
missioner began lo dilute upon tho in
sect tribe (his specialty) which in
hnhiil tho inland. Tired with, and
piciiK'J nt tiiscuMtoM upon such sud
.mhs tlio vcnoral)l IVmlo tlinmt his
"ri.rlu liuiul miliar his M ormpit, snd
nullml out, hi-twpoil Ins inuniu ami
iore(in"or, im insect of pcculiur form
ution. "".Now," siJ he, "Mr. I'rofcs
sor of Knlomoloy, I dnro you nht
here, hfforo his Kxrcllencv's face,
to tell mo what this UV The '-pro-fwHor,"
smiling, took up H'O intitHi.
in" It 1 1 lo crcaturo on tho tip of n
knii' lilinl.-snlii:icinpit '" Micrtu
paper proecodod . to philosophizo . us
"Tliis secminu'ly ii-irn i"S. "!
mitny, disafirofuhlu IUtl lormatioii
of i'rovidjnco's iiicrutahilitr, bo
lon;s to tho order paniKitu; it lins
six h'L'S; a mouth luruixhod with a
pibo i. onton.u.o s iour . t no
inorax, n"u mo iw'u,w
nnd formcil of segments." Wurn.ini;
up with Iho suhjuct, ho continued
"I'lenno observe tlio rich blui -kmroulis
runnini? up "m' lw" 1,10 liltloani
in a I 'n back. This is llie effect ,of the
coloring mattor yinfi between certain
portions of what is vulgarly culled the
whole skin, i no wnuiever 1110
ignorant mny snpposo, conninU of two
scpnratn organs, naincly, the ciidrrmia
or scurf skin, and the cutis or proper
skin. Hetwoccn theso two lies tho
rctc, nuwosum. It depends soinowhat
upon tho food it foods on what the
nreciso color theso slrcuks may us-
sumo in this rcry i utei onlin Utile
specimen of tho Dollys I'rovuloiiee.
At this junction tho worthy I're.-i
dent of tho Comni'usion could hold out
no lonucr. Said ha : ".Mr. President,
it's all slulTj there's no 'epidermis,'
nor 'eulis' nor 'roto mucosiim' ubout
this business. It's a plain ni'cr
body louso, presented (with my ton
sent or wish) by Hues to thin gloii
ous connlrv, as u Kpccimen of the pro
ductions of his purl of the Inland of
San Domingo."
"Tho loam said ubout this matter,"
rcpl ed his Hiccolloncy, "tho better."
Tho New York Sun, n Jladicul
journal says : That was a good joke
winch speaker lilainc gol oil on Jien
liuller on Monday, lluller was hard
ut work on an amnesty bill down
flairs in n rominillco room, while
Wains had bis man I'ridny, Halo of
tho Filth District of Maine, move
another nmnoMy bill which Maine
had fixed up.
Speaker being fa-
vorahle, Iho bill was put through the
House nt onco, and when lluller came
in tlio job bad been done. Butler's
bill was thus rendered useless, und
lllulno had the laugh on him once
ni'U'O. The members of the House
generally halo Butler wilh the sume
sui t of enmity ns they used to hate
Kliliu II. Wushburne, only they arc
more afrnid of Butler Ihun they ever
were of L'liliu.
ltlaino is a coarse grained, hiislMn;'.
nubii-iiaiicoD son 01 lellow, and in
Iho course of tho wur between them
he will often cut Butler's corners be
fore Ben knows what he is about.
Bluinu is mutioMivring with all bis
might lo succeed Mr. Morrill us Sena
tor from Muino. The report which
he hits lately put in circulation that
he is talked of us a candidate for the
I'lesideiicy, is nothing but u trick lo
make tbo citir.cns of that Htato think
that he is great man, so that they
will bo disposed to make him Senator.
Ho would liko to bo I'rc-idont of
course, but that is a rather high mark
for him to aim ul just yet, with all hi
presumption. Bui if ho can induce
Maine to imagine that anybody rually
has a notion ol running him lor iho
Presidency, il Mill help toward tho
Si uatoikhip. He is a great manipu
lator of newspaper reports, and knows
how to Hart a story uml keep it going.
He has got rich sineo ho went lo
Washington, and enrries on politics
by the help of good dinners. But iho
people down F.ust have grown sus
picious of his wcullh, and it is Very
doubtful whether ho wins his gamo
However, let him go ahead nnd light
Ben Buller. For that ho is evidently
well qnulilicd.
Local Taxation. Tho F,n'o Ob
tervcr justly remurks: Long estab
lished precedents, with other undue in
fluences, have operated to work gross
injiistiiu in fixing the rates of lorul
taxation, which ve hope to seo cor
rected. Kelorni in this particular bus
commenced in soma counties of tho
Slule, und when proper attention is
given to it, wo look for it becoming
general. Assessors aro sworn lo assess
nil pn-perly nccordingto itsrcal value.
How inuny fulfill this obligation?
They do not do it with tirst-clnss
property, nor with real estate that Is
held on speculation; while rent estate
possessod in inslgi ifieutil quantities,
home nt llm poor, is Inxeil ulinoat j
If n.,l ,.!,,., IK, ... i '.,11 .. ..!.. ll'i
il not ootually to llii'ir lull vsluo. 11'
all iroiurly Wcro skspmiciI ss litis law
proviili'S it should lie, Slid if the tux
thus loviicl were rigidly colin-tfd nnd
lionrsllr iiiilird, the Caxcs could bo
malcriiilly ri'duood. It i tlio dutv of
ths Couiily L'oiniuissioiic'i toiu lliiil
alt properly is ss-i,id nrrm Jitifr ()
his-. And in revit-ing llm returns of
the osHi'Ssors, they inn, wl,cn in their
judgment tho Valuntion is loo low, in
crciiHO il ns in liko manner, they
have nulliority In reduce it, win n they
deem it loo lliiil ; nnd tlii, inorenver,
wlietlmr un appeal hy tlio owner ol
tho properly lint been nitidc or nnt.
La an e Ik.i.kiiation. On Friday
Shcriir l'.llsworth look to Allegheny
sine persoiiH seven ol them rciilenced
lo thu penitential--, und Ino boys to
tho HoiiHCof l!el'uj;u. These were the
crop of tlio present term ot (.Vurl.
Sineo tlio war Crswhird county Ims
been dninj; n pood business in this
line. Iiurinif tho war convicls, at
leant in uuiny laisrs, were sllnweii the
ehoieo of tho army or pcmtmt.ary.
They mudo pood substitutes for Ivyal
men. Crau lord Irmoernt.
Convihtkk. "TholJelleionto Watch
man says : There is at prosenl a ereat
of pruco L'oiinr on amoin the
""'suicr in tlio juil in this plaeo.
1 '"'' ro liuldiin: Jirayer meelin(js
l''r'B tunes a tiny, nnd never sit dnn
to a meal without king the hlessinir
ol (iod linon tho food. Ilefnm lheir
conversion, they wero a wild rollick
.Vigro Impudence.
Tho Savannah A'ewti says that a few
days ago the conductor on tho Cen
tral liuilroud train, on taking charge
ul Milleu'discovered n negro woman
and her two children in iho ludies
car. Ho immediately informed bor
that she could not ride where sho was,
hut must take ii seal in the tlrl-clas
cur especially provided lor colored
people. Sho replied that she had lid
deu from Washington (I). C.) in the
Indies car, and that she neiu a uri
class ticket and would rido whero nho
was. Though politely informed that
it was contrary lo tho rules of the
compuny, sho still refused to move,
and tlio conductor called in his train
hands und hud her removed toanolh
or car. Sho afterwards ulleinptod to
return to tho car, and Iho conductor
opposing her, she shipped him in the
face. Sho wus required, however, to
rido in her proper place to Suvunniih.
Nothiii" shows moro clearly tho ne
groes, want of self respect than their
desire to force themselves in places
where lliey uro not wanted. South
ern railroads urn owned by white men,
und thev intend to control them.
We give the "negro equality" parly
fuir win ning, that while their pets are
lo bo kindly treated, invariably, they
nro to bo mnde lo know their place,
and to bo put into that place. The
South will not uceepl "nigger quality,"
neither will tho North. A "recon
struction" of the nrtilieial relutions of
the white and black race, us now ex
i-jLiug, will tuko plueo ut the earliest
practicable day. The country will
"ring out this wrong" und "ring in
the right," nnd the sooner II is done
tho belter for all mankind. X. Y.
LKiij Hook.
Tim Death or Sknator Howard.
Tho stroko of npoplexv which caused
tho death of F.x Senator Howard, of
Michigan, nlluc ked him while ho was
assisting sonio workmen in colling
down a largo tree which stood near
his house, und almost upon tho line
between his lot and tlio ono ad
joining. It was necessary to make
the tree tail in a certain uircc.ion, so
that it might not fall tiiinn bin neigh
bors house or bis own. For this pur
poso a long rope bad been attached
near the top of tho tree, and when the
treo bad been nearly chopped off ut
tho base, Mr. Howard and tho work
men were tugging nt the ropo to make
tho treo fall us they desired. Mr.
Howard said : "Now then, a long
pull, a strong pull und a pull uliogeth-
cr, und was exerting ins physical
sttongth to iho utmost, when ho fell
down unconscious. Tho exertion of
tugging nt tho ropo had burstcd n
blood vessel In tlio brain, which had
superinduced un npoplcttc attack.
During tho afternoon he partially re
covered consciousness, when it was
discovered Ihut his riiiht sidn was
pHralyxed. In this condition ho lin
gored until his dentil.
0 -
A clergyman out West oHieiuting nt
u public execution prayed thnt the
spectacle might impress all present
wi'li the shortness ol human Hie.
tfu' iU'fi'tisfmcnt.5.
"JTH AV Stra.Ttl rttl-a rrtm thu prrml
j rp of thf lubp-riiwr in (Mritrficld, on or alniut 10 ih( 1-71. a ItKH I UW, with riar In fr
hrad, Ota Tarp old, and tippled to r-avp mil
with liT. A literal rrn ard Kill ho pntt lur nj
inrwniaiion that mli lel ta btr rr-civtrr.
njiu,- ctiiiAii . no wit.
1 n tmk c 'ourtop (imom rLi:
X of Clrarfifld eouulf , I'p.
imi, r. bux-m "I No. 27, March Terra,
vi In; l,
ASt Hon. ) Su',prna tUT Dilom
Tha und raiicnpd Cominipmnnrr, appoiwlH by
ins i our. to uk IrKtiinoiiy in Hip abova ca
hrdiy Rirri tint cc t hut hr wilt n'lrnd to the du
tii-i of hip appnintmrflf, at hit offir, in the lir
omrI) of t.'lrarttrld, na Hdiirdar, tho ?4th dv ol
.Mav, A. U. iVl, at 2 o'clock . tu , whrrc all ;ir
tin int4Ttntfd run atlrtiit.
WM. M. MrTt'I.Utfn.
April ?6-t t-'uoiiniifioncr.
I of Clt-arflt Id oountjr, Pa.
RtuWn II Mcmro
Martin A.hrDlYltcr
Kliti AffiftiMtrr,
N. 17, Sf. T.. is;o
Foreign Atiarlitiieiit.
Now. 2Vd April, 181, (he riainlilT rotera a rytf
fur Ilia IVollionotar.T lu a (.- daiuaoa n lUt
anovo juiimont tn innaf.
WAM.A4 K A FliaiUXfl.
Atlorneri fr I'Uiulilf.
The c Intra in Uiii aic ii finutr dd'am, u o(
IP'h April, l;0.
Orlili.J from Ibo Trrt, at Tlrarfld, 3h
April. IH71. Aitoil I A. C.
H'2fi.3t rr"ilionoiarjr.
t n thu f ri(TiK common ii.i:a4
1 of I Inorflild oountj, la.
It K.Cl. R.C.Thoit.piion.
Uro. li;iil-r and I'. M uitt
Irfk, psrtniTt trading an
t'okp, f hniiiptttiti A Co.,
ti. R. I. F'aucblon, and
Jbn II. Kull'ird, ll.nrr
lindc an t F. h. Smith,
No. 174. Juu. trrm
F'rr'1 Atliw'im't.
Now, 72 t April. 171. tht laiiiti(TpMitrru,i
for th I'rotluiuoUrj (o isicti daiuai on tlit
above julgmDi in tlnf rnftc.
w a i.IiAck a rii:i-ntNfl,
AMornava for I'laintifT.
Tlic claim In thip run t two hundred and twt nt
dillnra an lliirtn efntRfator tho 4th day of
Marrfi. A. 1. ISi U. -
Onitlffnun tha rword, t Cltprfirld, 23 J
April. ia;i. Altesi: A. V. TA1K, ,
epr2ft St Frulliontitary.
On Friday, April 21llli, 1871,
M 11 S. W ATS ON
Will rrlum frtim III Knit wilt) tin, lar.t iinj
mil fli'in:), it'irk l Krfticli MilliiirvlinU cvrr
l"""rit t n, ,Hriii. an,i aii h,, r an,i cVnn
lvll, (rlrrlril ll.r llumrll (run Iho nil'c hnurpi 1n thr rT.
Alin, crini-e TrlMy Ki.lnn, (llovn, Ho
lrr', l.irs I iillam, hilkl, i.nrt , Ac. A Isryr
ad , lrol M'nttiuttit ft Prrp. Trimming., lo.
I tm sV'o r'T-OT-"! to ilo Prrm mnkinit in tlic
isnti iMimnltAl,! ana .'ilnrtrr wmfuifr
Hits. T. K. M.tTrO.V
Clorfl.l.l, Ph., April S(l. Uri Ji.
N i: ) U T 1
iVno lownslnp, rifarfiplj Co., Ta,
Tha Piilirtprilirrp ara, al Rrcat t.npf, rebuild -inj.
and in a IVw dji will ho ctunvlotnl, a
npiclilMirhuiHl, in Iha f-rwiim uf a flnt-
r'aa iVuolt n Mj)Uia (ur.r. wi'h nil tin tntxlrrn
iinirntHiint allnrljt-d, and arr Jin tw inaki
pll lend if 4lcthp, t ipomi rr", f ttifuHP, llUi,
ktp, Klannrl. Ao. I'lrntjr uf (riwp oa hnnd U
u(Hlr all puruid and a ihuund ttaw cuM-imor.
wl) m pk to roiar and raauiina uur plook.
Tlic ttginr- of
CAItl'lNfl AND FI't.MNd
will rrffhf rfrUI allrnlion. Onr new milt will
la r a y hr wtifiljanlihn rnaon, Ihrrrfor thcrt
lipid lifi un brmialina on thai pcora. I'n'jiri
a ranpi'tm tit will lc nmdr In rnTUf and ddiv i
Wool, puii ttitnfiier. All work Warranid ana
d n upin h bIiuiUhI iidint.and by -tril alttn
taut u liu in wa ltitu tu rfwllip a liheial ihart
f 1'iil.hc alnmnpr.
Wa will py iUt- liiglinpt maikri jirif fur Vfl
and I' ll our manuf. nintl (timhIr hp Inn a PiniHm
Hw)dp oan b Im a lit in iha ouuni.v. and wh(npfi-i
wa full In rrndiT rfaniuiahlo Piirctiiin we cai
alwNTp Im. loun ( al hmna n-adr tu tnnhe )nxi
pijiUiptioti, mlnT in (KTr-nn r Vt Itiirr.
priimif tln.miian Itill V. 0.
J KKA l itl-.H A l.YTLE ka.
1 trnr-h, Kli hard A Co l Calcined lia-trr,
pl l (l.poilf Ida Jail.
$tw flmtiscmfiits.
j. M. STEWART, D. D. S.,
Office over Irnin'i Ittifj Sioif,
Alt t! rut 1 opprutiom. t-iilicr in (tie merhnnir-itl
or Bp ralut lmiM-b, riml1.v tUnJt d lo ')
pTi'infiK'iivii )f'irTti-. J. h'iAl cOMiliun i:iil
lo lh iM.itim-nt uf ftiMM' id the nntuml l l!i,
gum til iiMtulli. IrrtjMiUiilv of III'1 t.-Hh pur
erw-ftillv rorrs'lf.l. IVcib trn-lctt i)tttiit in
the km of Kilirr, nJ trtiiictrtl ( th inerit-il
uf the l)t material and wtrranlftl 1 remlr ami
iiUeiion. u.MiH'
CI ACTION. - WhrreM, my w.H, JI UV
j CATIH'A KT, ffr( H tmh, tin fornaken oiy
luut mid rt funt-i to be conlrullrd Uy tue, a iu
ilnt if bound ; therefore, I jriva notice and warn
all ftcrciuu against hnrtmiiuj or trufliaj brr on
mv a(wont, ai J am diftrtittiiit to i-nv n't drhli
f.nlrarfi-d l-ytier. JOHN WIT1IEKOW.
A noon vi Un, April ?0-3t.
List of Itrtail lteim
IN F',rricn ami bnmertie Mrrvhaniiiv iu Clear
GttlJ cuual, lor yer IV7 1 :
CVa. hittmt. Cut: lictmit.
- Bser-AMIA. , 1 WOUMWAHIk - -
1.1 W. H. hii kr-j $1014 Jaui'i l.'initlv.... 1
II llimier lluhrt-c ?14 Htuo'l llii'rriy....
I I .1 . I i . "i l.-cw I'" 1.1 Frank l.irnnt. Ill
14 J. K. Iillu 7
14 llfiij llavia
I I K. m' Mol-iirUiiil hi
14 Mi K A. Wriicbt 7
IIJ.L Mi.w 7
14 U. M. ,amii... 7
J;uiiot (ills.
A KiolifiiiJ Mu.h,i.. &fl
l Kraiur A l.yllc.
14 ri. I. Mn jfi 7
14 V.. It. Iiell 7
l:i M. N'i A to ... Ill
J. Mi Iff Krataer. 2.'
It A. K. UnKbl A
Horn I?)
II f. nifc'lrr A Co ii
iii linM. Mnfiifii.... n
III Millfr A l'wrll.- in
14 T. 11. iMfli 7
I I Uni t. M.dafW... "
I I Oavi l llrll. M
14 ll..rl.m-li A Mo-
h 7
M I'alri k Uallalier 7
1.1 IV. Allu-rl A Urn: 10
14 I M. Wllliatui 7
14 11. C. I .u 7
14 J. Ililirlinirr. 7
10 W. Itwrt t llro... Ill
l.'t ban. OisM'an.lcr. 10 ;l T. L. JlciKn"tt:iti
t I.. II. (aili.U- I'JI 8 Wtim 1 Helta
I a C.A ll.r-tiwriii.IIl 14 Frt'l. fiaikftl
H II. II. Moorw I'-'jl J'H Slmw t S.,n. 2i
14 J. Kliiitz . P"0 .. 7
14 J.ilin Mirrirli.... 7
14 J ilin I 7
l:l J. A. Tfr 10
14 JfMMi F.rioer... 7
1 i II. Hri'l;
14 II. V. K,i;
14 Mm. T R.Wataon
14 sli'.et Hynilfr k
Laui-b H
14 Win. T. lUiuilloa 7ll Isaac J"liiiiHn....
Bi HSHtar.. 14 Jawb a. Cruwoll.
1.1 JsA.on l'aU-hili III 14 I". l. H amis .....
II llirar ua(,bin. 7J4 WriUcl Lailrra..
13 Jaiuti Murray 1UI4 lUrliwiukl Irwio
Itlssr. I 14 U. II. hBaw
14 nf A .'.I -('un.. 7 14 1'. A. (iaulia
1.1 llurd A Mckat... ll'i 14 A if I. Irwin
11 Win. Hi: Dior
11 A. 1. tbaw
1 14 Jbn A enulkr...
7111 H . H.M.H.r,uD
14 S. H. Cranaion....
1. tiiMila4k Mxik
lit Jolia UaW I
7 12 llarlierk AUauJ-
11 Ii. M. t'ouilrirl...
14 Fraai?i Coulrit,
It Ja.liu P:nlll...
14 Peter llarliier.. .
7 win I SI
7 1 14 Flcinitia- 1 Ills'. 7
7 14 I.. V. B Ki.rr.... 7
14 Jotn Hfrffey
7 10'n t
tifCATl u.
1.1 J. A I). Kmiflil...
14 A. Larnnta M.
14 11. S. Mewart....
li sill a a.
111 1 1,.. mi. un A Co..l:l
10 13 Wm. Slellrirlw 10
12 J"hn Irvio IJ
10 K. A. Irrin (i
1 I Wm. Heed
14 Jarab Uilsrr ,
U T. II. Foreey
,.l:il4 A.AS.J.Ilatr.....
14 ( atbarinf Oralr..
13 E. Irwin 1 rioo... 10' II i. It. Jcukini....
bt'tltll. 14 F 1. Oalonf ......
11 Henry AMfman... 10 14 J. It. Irwin.
II V. A A. Flvnn.... 1.1 14 I. S. 1'lututr......
II T. A. l'rcl.aul... 7 1 1 W. Ii. AlrunUr.
tl KJ. Flandari 5l .(rscrrr.
H'H at'is 12 Ixivaf Kirk 124
tj Tiowiimn Ulckrr.12!1 12 John F iirpiiP.,i. . . . 1 J J
U II. W. lirown
IS l. L. KurfTQion . I.
"rt . A Ml I MTU.
I? Pam'l Mct1ane...,l2$
10 McMurry A t.o... 211
14 Win. M. Fuiter... 7
12 W. (J. Ke y I2J
0 Mu-hann -n T.nnd
t-amlr Cn...m t0
8 Wintctnn'ii'Fiiwn
Krnd ?:
IS Henry Nw;n...
.. 7
p, AfiTH ra.
M We J. Ht.fler ,
13 ,1. W. Potter
U W in. S. taolipy...
a vt.
U 1). A J. Krhard
1 1 .Tfin-ai Miiih.,
I) Leonard k.vler....K'V 10 WelUA Heiin.,... 20
II Jatnri Tlitmppin 7H J -hn W. Wpplr... 7
10 Mr.lrMh k lUrry 20
U tl. W. Une 7
H Jnhni'nA lUlTurtj IU
14 Jauifi Flritti 7
i-i an. I
14 Nu it mi luvir ATo 7
it 1. .'.. T
II I. K. A J. If.
IirohakrT . 7
WXnw'AKI. '
II J.din .M. ( 'hna... 7
14 Iho. Ilrudcrn.n. T
H Anna P'-slioh...
14 1. It. a.
14 J. It. lln-wn
M t'atrirR lunn...
14 Mrf J Urvenwalt
14 J. ('. lle-ndi rr.iii.
14 HtnrT Wallpi..,
14 Mra. K. Ihi-Ua...
14 W m. l-iuctr
rn-t. l,itrnr.
T. IT. F.ircrT. tlradfnrd o
S Unr'fWicU A Irwin, UcnrtieiJ ....,.. 10
3 A. I. Miw, lt
4 ('. I. U'atwun. " 5
3 J. H. Irwin. Curwrnpvillp. 10
3 X. H. Alexander, I'urwciimrill. ,. 1(1
4 1. K. Uood, Odpeolii 6
n it WCRH,
IS Prter Oarnifr, Covin jrtnn ...$10
13 llinrltn lM-h!Ter, I'harf.ald 10
Ij ( a'per l.irjxd It, du 10
mt i tan ai
, limi .MtPhtrr-.n. .1 Ulsci., 2i
ft A ( it i: ti .
Claardda County Hank , SO
An appeal will ! held at the ()aTuitionrii'
Odi.-a on Monday ttr fir.-t day of May, next, where
all tli At fal nfcpTittod can attn I.
lv. K. SHIKI.V,
April 5, '71 It Mervjuihla Appraiser.
To Tax-Payers I
IN arrardnnet with an Act of the (lenrrml Ap
pauiUy "f (Mi C niimnnwrJiHh. aprtivd tht
Jid day uf Mirvh, A 0. 170, "rrlnlinj-to t!ie
ol'fdtii-n of tiit-li in tho nnnly of t'tnrncld,"
ieii'a it thcrvfurn hrviy five tolh taipayert
rtidiUff in the dihtrii'tp lirltcw nanxvl, tliat I he
County Treasurer, in aTur.liinf with the pe-ciml
frti'.n of prvid Art, will attend nt tht pUr of
holdins lh hnruQih and tnwn-Mp tlrvtioaa on
lh ftdlcwitif nanteJ duyp. for the purpoie of re
riin( the County and bLate taxes a .d .Militia
Fini ftFfrp-cd for Kl :
For 1'ie Imronzli of Clearfield and T.awre-ce twn
ph p. on W oJnaiday and Iharaday, Mav 1 t b
and lSih).
Fr Cu a i-viHe and PiVe township, FriJ.iy and
Hat! r lay. Vit l-h iind -."'th.
Fr kartltiu, Tuflp lar. May 2:id.
Fot CaTtiiftton, Wodnr-oliy, Mny 24th.
for tlirard, 1'hiirsday. My 1 Mh.
l-'or tioi!wn, VridiT. Mst 2rtth.
Kof Draham. .Monday, M it 1'Pih.
For Morrn, Tneaday,' M..y S'Hh.
for 1'roatur, Wedneday, Mny .list.
For Oveola, Thitrpday, June M.
Kor lloutiiliile, Friday, June 2nd,
Fur l'trJ- ";!lurdny, June .'Id.
Parties pan alo par their tatet at the Trrau
rer'i oflli' at Any 1 im from Ihii Torward. I'p
in all triTfp paid on and prrrioni to th dayi
le-iffnn'ed tbcra will m a ni tint ion of five per
nnt. 4 Im lialatiMi of the diilrictt mil be &n
nonnnd in doe tiain.
TranirTr'i OTico, ) Treaenrar.
Clrarneld, Pa., April IS, !;!.
PreiBintn, FIIts, Medal, swarje.1 otc
tllfompflliinn, at Mechanics' l'ihil,ilion, Tloitan,
Oolober, IK.,
S E L F - It E G U L A T I N 0 ,
WITH TATrRTl-ft fn r r.t. Or ate PAa rtrnrs,
Wnet unr Ino Rapiator, "
Ann ArrovATtc RrouLAToa.
For Burning
Anlhraclto or Bituminous Coal or Wood.
16 liiei ft-r brickwork, and I ite Portable,
MAKt ricrrRiD ont.T nr
.N. W. corner 13th and Filbert fftreati,
TVi.a. t1.t..P. a awi . l f tf..-.. - tl L.
i run, wpii rirro n I'tprinrr, ami rr wnrrantaMl ta
e alntuti'ly 41m and IuM Tipht. Thry aro (lie
lhl lli.xlfra llial brat man., rtnil atill,....! A
i. .il ,.f r...l .... L V
ithtiut alteration.
v...l l) e..- ii.,. 4..a . .
""'"I '""-." "T iinirii, inminmi ana
FAtnlliep. Aln, t rut Top llewtlnj- Hang.
Vita. Pin. IIrlira Tata tt.a.. OI-.
Manlelp, Re-ipterp, Vonlilatnra. '
PatnpMeli g.riiif full dr-ri.Mion. tent free, to
ny aildrre-. Jrl.VTw y
Fishing Tackle 1 .
T I'PT reerivs'l, a rnmpMe a.s,.rlmenl. enn.i.l, l
f mi n 1 1 urn llml., r-i.h lla-i,ets., anil
II itoh a, f all desfripllons. at
1URHV p niuLra co8.
CleartsM, April 1, 171 If.
Ileal tfstate (or $alf.
Valuable Real Estalo I
Itr rlrlus nt sn nfler nf the Ori.lisni' Couil,
nn ie the 2lt ilsy of Mnr-li. A. II. Irl. Hfory,'
Lfilirh, ailtuiilUtralor of tT.o catalc of JatfJt Z'.m
lil'T. 'I' f' af 'I. will f II at I'utilie Kale, at ttif I'ul,.
lif ll'iuhr uf Wilh:UB Si stun, nt l.t lTSlurg, on
Moinlay, May 'JKtll. 1m;,
Al 2 o'eloek p. m., llie followinif rtVf-riltffl prnp
erly, liluatf in llra'ly town,bip, latf Ihf property
of lbs aai'l Jafol, Xuniner, boun'lnl ami d'' -irtts-d
aa followfl : lie ffiUBnig Bt a ine, on the anuth-fnfl
corner of llie traet; Ibenec north litll pfrvhf, In IbfiMja. uy John Ui.lifl line, wt
peri'hf.. I" a po.l ; tliatiee, l.y oss iiiiproventent,
south 110 Of relies, loa p.l : tliau.'e east 6i iierL-b-
ea, lo llie place of li'jriiiti'ii
Ileint: oul of Iha 1,,'ilh ni st corner of llie furry
survey, known lT N". '. Tbirtr-nve srrer
cleared, with new plauk house, ln,r harn ami al!
urofMary oiillniiHIuii;. erretiu lliereou j tue U&
ann bamit woll liiiiucml.
TFTMK: Ten iier eenl. ilown, one -lliird nn eot'.
Urination, and luhinee in one y, nr with interefl,
lo be sociirev bjr Isiml and isorltrare on pr, inina.
ttr."lli, l. J.l.l i.t o,
April 10-51. A.liiiiii.fiulor.
Valuable House & Id for Sale,
rilllK House ia .".2x21. Iw.. atory. having rich!
l room! an1 (t'Si'l cellar, mskilir H nV'.rald
pi-oMtrl lor reaiuenisj or uotci, it Haying ieu a
iim.i1 ItouMi lo aonia 1 lue. nun n mere is
Lair an :re or pood lertile ground, with atsole
snd other otitl'tilldingl. Tenus to futt the ur- Apply lo A. V . Al.l t.Ri,
ajirfJ-41 rlfarfiel'l, I'a.
Valuable Real Estate I
The lulf-wrilrtT will at pri ate pale, on
m.foiialt Irriita, (Iih tnllow.npi Hi al litatf, aitfl
ta In Morri 1uwnlnp. Clftil)ld riiun(y, l'a.r
cuntaininjt I1M ACItllM and allnwttnr and
havttif htrfn trtntad ft two-atury ltnnk tli.urn,
2"i i!i f.-l, Irwme Hdrn, ftci, and ail tha
other rMary unibuiidinfa, all in (T 'ud order
and repair. Ta v til mu Oi.-Ki.i J uf the
etioicrrt tarictic 'i Innt. A nrvi-r lailniR Hprine
at the buuc an J a Well at tha nrn. Our hun
dred arm uf it It und- i!.iid witb a rein of I lie
l)!-t (itii.lii f C'nal, tax (i t aiJ ittco incLci In
ttllcLlU OpCD tu ILiipltliun ftl t i UJC,
jUJf-l'or ttirth'T irljriu.iiuu ititjuiic uf tie iuU
fcnUr ct bit rvii leucc iu Murri t.wiit.riip.
KNrt&wn P; V'4-!r:3iuj Aj't. ot ieu. lli-am
u a n in sun
Valuable Real Estate I
Rv a-irtua of an order of the Oil ban' Court,
made the 13th Jamiary, A. I. 1S7I, and an th
? I at March, A. I). 171. eiiUijvd and ovnimued
until Jvti term, 171, llntry Hile, , will e'l
at Publiri hula, at the Nuiqutbanna House, in
Curwrupvillt, on
Al 2 o'clock, p m., the f.dtowinff dririV4 prop
eitv, lilua!? in Knox township, late the pT-opftty
ol George KImpp. now owmd 1 hit miner t biid n n,
of whom Utnry llile ii UuarJmu, bottuJtd nijd
di-frit-ed ap fi'llowp:
Vr the eolith I'.v land "f John Fln-n, deeear-eil;
rn the weai ly fund of Jamrt lUler and Hamail
Ray; on the north by ef Mjtp and Krh.ird :
and on the eat by Undu of Mra. Mnrerrl Hlosi ;
being part of a U-per merer in nanie of Adatn
Rode; eonleliiinj ACHI, mure or
AUoul SO acre I rlenred. wilh lloi:e and P-nrn
erteled thercoDi lplfifl being timber land.
TKU1IS: FiMtea per cent ef the parebaai
inonay when property ii It nor Lei down, aud bal
anre in two etfual annual aiyiuentf, with interest,
to be iccurtd by boad and nif-la-ie on tlit
preinitee. IlLNKV ilil.K.
April a, ISM 4U UuarJian.
Timber and Coal Lands "
The Mloning traetf of Timber and Coil Laodf
are oflertd for pile: One tra-t of 17.0' 0 aerep.
I v in dt on the Klk liner, in Wrh-ter county tbri-e
tiau-t- l ins on (lie nine river in llrald-n county,
two of i,0itt) neret t-arh and one A l,ft aTen ;
and one tract ctn-.tniniitt f,3 0 aer. i, 1 inc on the
(.an ley Itn-er, ta N i. bo at county. Tbelillci to
lhe land are perf-ut.
Any iiiftirmnti.-n conocrnii'g three linerin ,bf
had I-t a tdrtaing U H. H KJ Al., :
March 22, IS" Mr. Pbi!iphurr. Pa,
Farm for Sale!
(10NTAINI.V. 2 AUlU.-i. in a R. -d pint of
' uttrvei)'n, piinnhd in Pike t,antb.p. CI- ar.
field county. Pa., almttt eighty rodt fiotn Lo ih n
l'lourtrjc Mill, an Iha turnpike l)aln from fur
Wi'iiavillc tr riiMii fcld. 11 iving r Ptory and a hell
hoiinf, ptjiirli Td out hndilttif tfiereitn. There
ia alMi good rprin an I a younj orcbaid on th
preiniara. Any peip.-n iltnmj a ni little Lome
wi!! Iind i hi a rv dtfirabtf liKaticn.
I'ir I'ur'lwr p.Miit uijip iiMjuire of llacliel Cald
well, on the p:tuiir, oi tvMrei
M iroh ?5 If. CurweiiMille, Pa.
Valuable Farm for Sale!
IN l'i:ltilO.N TOWNSHIP!
fHR undininrd, rr-iding in Ferptuon tnwn
L thip, otltii bip Furra lr rlc( b'ca'ed two
unlet peuth east of Iiim!rr (Mir, nn which thrre
i ere-tel a larpe plank ftaine dwelling hne,
J2t"0; kitelu-n, lj.16; hew b'.k bjtn, 4f.''.t.
with drw hoitee attanbi d. 2 4 tV, wowd 1)ed and
all the other nerrpp-we ontbuiidiiif--,
Kifthty of wbleb are ebated and in a ftood atate
of cultivation, while the ('alanee i un Kiluid Hb
a eevrn foot vein ol linieptnna and a fuur loot Vvin
of coal vl an excellent quiOity. A ""nr on-liar J
of H.iO grafted treop, ol apple, pt'ar, pt aili, cherty
and pluin, Imp: iff l.'i K'l'11 vinet ul the choice!
rarictirp, all betuii'ij. and riHtuL wahr at (be
dior. Tite Fenn will ! -il I v ry rimpaimblr
Inqairr on the prt-mipe oraJdrest the eubtcriLtr
at f. umber City P. 0.
Private Sale of Real Estate
pe nsoxAii rnorruTY.
11111! tubperilet' will oTr l private -aV, on
JL rt numpblo term-, ibe folluwii g Uml r MtiU ,
iiuate in tllen Hope, Cleurneld n nntv. Pa.: a
lart;i two.piory plenk faouar-, JPitO h-et; flora
room 2'ji40 tfoti ware rom, ltUKo I eel. rThe
hotiea It the Keat In Glen Hope, Well flnUlied. )
harinf a larva eellnr undeiaeath. Wne built in
1Mi7. A neier failine; well, and Wood and ih
house, barn, (.tti4,) i. houe, Puflu-ient to hold
f0 o-J"" loai of ire, ajtd .,J1 uiUer i.rveetary vut
A lin. a l,ir(-e f)uentify of inereh.imli'e, con-t
it X of firoceiien. dry jroo ln. rjueriim lire, liollohP,
a Urge lot of clihiiir, and all other jood gener
ally kept in a country atore,
Alpo, 10.00 1 f.e-t of prime onk and pine tqtiArt
limber, on tbe hnk nf l'eer-ld vreek.
The above drporilwd profirrty will be t dd to.
-rthrr. or, if detrcd. the ihirr food will be Pold
on rripuiinble U-rms and n lra.a gn en of tbi iture
Fir further infnrmatinn ipply lo the tuhecriher,
at hit reridruce iu Itlrn ll pi.
Pen. A, I I :n.
4 I)MI14TIUT UTU J.WX..tie
lehervby (tivenihnt lettrr of miminiriMtioa
o the fetai tf ROItKMf VOFNil, deeetpel,
Ute of Lumber Cit, rie field cmnir. Pa,
htvirn been dill? rrantrd t the un lerpirned.
all perpona Indebud to paid ii..te mil pteape I
o-ane iminninete pavment, end thnta he-nng
Olaimt nr detnandi will prrtenl them properl)
autbenliraLod lor settlement wttb ul d 'nT.
M'StN VtU'Stl.
Lumber City, April IP-finnd. Aduiiiii'tratori.
CLfanriRLU Cot sty, Pkvh,.
Thi lonj e-lablipbed and popular hotel It eMIl
kept br the Ptibe,rlhrr, who epiri't no effort to
pleafe all who patrnnite hiin. "To pleape," p the
motto at the American floue, nnd all thnt I akid
it a truil, K V. 1IKKI, Pmpriitnr.
Curwt nllle, Murli is, UN tf.
apl.4 41
tppo-ite tbe Jail.
f at
glLK iiAT- Latr-t- liriug ttjli ?
P. R. rrLLtRTO.V'P.
m mam nun rp nn'o h f. . fi i
r.iich Drparfmntt ltlnr(
- hi liacti. 0
riIIi; I ji kifl cj.-d'.n uf tLe j i . t
1 -..r . f ir.'p f.-li-rf. i . (. 1 -
,.(MAV, th M iUyaf Mnv. :,'
'iii!t run ai,ir at wu.v lii,u. Vl
rliuri't d Ki'h luiliiiti f . tl. , i ' '
tin rli.M? If ll tUn. ' 7
- lliraurtvi( ul unit union uj i.--v t,trT
iiii;i.u.m imii.-ui;ii. rr'u.l ill.
cd cdutilti'in f'-r I o'li m t .
TI RMM Ol' Tmio,i..
(riiinirrapnr, it'anuK, iVjimiaii.i,,,. t
a... !,,. ij . r'-
iV... ... V... ,i. ' r ' i.
M-.mT...,. , ' -S'l'-ll III WHa;ii(ii (
(jrftittiur, l.mal A loctit'ivi fiv -rj
M i). In-wn,-. HUton-. ai'l ilj
tt-n Ari'nwrtM Mid trnr, ir.iani. ,
Algi'lira, iituuMrtrr, Trij.niiottitn, Ji
1 UltUF-ipUT, if -lllllhM , llf,)4!'V. i tl
inti-'.Krn tortr. Vi,yrn Hf,vr.T, in.,
l.eipiiig, l.utaiiV aud I'am-tl 1; M de
tail n, tiit-ik and l-rmcli WiiU an- tl t
abort liiaiicli-
P itr! or Oririilul I'a ii.iii.f-. 1!( .
Mnniif-lironiatic fpinliri?. (21 lfn,i ,
Crwjiiii) lrnwtji, (i'4 Uif"i; t
Kancv llair W 01 1, 'Ji l
Ltii-f rtiiiit uluJ JduPic, IfPMiimu
,MrNii d'ductnui wiil tm w.i'-u l, t,,t .
b'.udciitp irmn a cuu It a; uu..
wilh lionrdiii- al luw ruti n.
An;. un imt a tyt ibIht of t!ir t l ! ev..
private iiitriicuuiip in ai.jr ut il uiktL i
bra tii a.
Jor furltirr piirM''u afi- iricpit't uf (r t,
l.v( p. L. ii Aii tl Iru.S, a. Jt
Feb. 2, i M.
rtMlU FI'KIN.I ol f..nrfe-.n wtl, J
J. fommenew Monday, Apnl fwtti, )-
A rnninry d' parluiwnt will be n i
hctioei thiP fnil ; for Wtiirh (he Urn hm .,( t ,
potent inPtruetor huve Wen mfpnJ a.
itlurt will b fpand to rendtl Ibii dijwr.
atlrucme and iiir-truclirc.
Reading, Oi ihographv. Writ ihf, Ol J -(!,..
on-, Pnuiuiy Ajiltiutctu; ni.4 i'ni;i; :i
(lrijrrnj.h f
Hietory. ! I and de"crlpt(ve (ifii.- i t
with Mnp flrawinif. tirnnirour, Mtrul
and W'riitrn Arithmttic
Alol-m and the ."'nu-ncei ;;
Iti'ilHeti1!! (tj TiP(ruJctaliuii k
Oil f dinting, 24 Uauiip., ... -
Wm work !
For full particuNiri et-nd lur icu.r.
Clearfield, Hi pi. 7, lh7tl-1yd.
T A NTI'.I Affrnfe and PcMI-m H .
C"Md diwncmo article. Wni.tcl in ,,.
faini'r. n pittniir titioti firliii r- i.
ci.en. Iiiifiau rery pie a Rant. Ac IU i
won a a'ir-nt nun hi prom pt-r av. i
i("u i.v in tu-- ii inn, Biiv'iirr i "vn n
town, nnorbcr ail In enilinft un .Ki tnutilm. t
it . in nailer oi luipiPiuuQ. Ij ci n: if.
tn oei piven. ftid fur circular tu in 2 ui,-.
ton ptiiMt, liotuii, M.tft.
Kcw I?irra !
'IME firm of V. KRAT2KH. in tlir lin fin
J. aud Piwiaiisa buimeif, will bo kovai u
aiicr under tbe name ol
k iu T L i; it a i, v t L i:.
Thank injr tbe public for p&Ft favur, ;ai-
for a ootitinurinoMtf iba eaine.
t'kirtield, P., February , fI.
;-:7 .US X.itli Fcriad fit , ru. ,r gvr
' PIlII.AliKl.i'iiU.
An a.frtmrnt of Wutehf., J,wtlrr. Filr.ra
PlAlr.l Wars fun.iaiilly on banil. lteiTi
n atfliea auj Je.cltj i,iuin,llv altfinleu iu.
CmviiB Fi n-im be: Pprinr Ii - h- ;
rprui(t Mttr'i-P, lieitr Xtii'rvtrK i
Miiltrepfep, Strnw ,M'trrpi, Fi;!i.. f"
lrd. Uoltere and PiHowp, t'u-r lerf t-n
ior:iiM, liiankrt", V!et... t ail ai.u m im
The beet ever olTiTed for tile.
V H i'ur in Irnf Mil ii Iu tnat all cuiti-nitn
that they wili Wcoue perin:ui ut 1 erf
and wdere will nt-eive tb :im "eiiMi. i'
prrnuiit can tv. pi eliepp a- i! j- tii t v
etore, Alareh KT1 l
CZ- lu 'u '-'
aBaaa. II.. 1 II 1171 I
V4UJT' " ouin tay to tut pattentp ni ( r
li pent rally, that, having diah'd (urtirre
wrli ir. Miiiw. he ie new dotr-jj tie ft tire
of hi office bun If. p" t h t panerf hm ! t nt !
beii f pat un iur the band id any i"b-r ti
iiii;jj i-ii'mm i, rt lu.-ti m oi il;r u m
plaie inatrriiil. f am rn aided e pot no imiM
chfitner than fiTtmr'T. I al- t-re lr s'l
j paltht pr.-ee!i t ie wurainc ri.b!ef yf(f.
make e mneh liiter, mne elanie t h i !"' t
' plaie fur the lame amount el arnnl. a-d n-
isIhp tbe pUte on both pidet, n nU in i' t"
more eaeily kept clean, tpeeial a'leniu-n '
the p'e pit mi. in ot (be rmirul irtth. pi i i.
Wiareiirrrd cniir- fhiti.-fat-tiirT to i.ati. at.'f a tbe 1 u riu r. f) in,tile tl .c"
If oii. t'U ne h-'ym lrw $ to 12. a. n wi d t "
, p. m. P.ttiiiiti a di'aio'c 1 1 w d
ui a fi w tt fun band of ib-ir iii' rt'
cuuie. AlnuM al b uie, uhIcpp olUr ! (
pcuii in bth the county pirt.
Curwcnsvillo Marble Yard.
T i;sMKH S cf extendiiiK tnv bin-e".
t J knowijiji there enn be no huclo-r IriHH'
hi rtfiuft (m the luemofv of the te-i f-
burivd fihitdp, tbnn to eif-et over ilmr nam I
hum a Fftilptur. d elab ol endnfiti); marl Ie, ibi
I'oititd Ioitw-t to tl.e nptine t's(e ol il.' ''I
i,'e I let have to nay to alt who wii-ta to &
ib'ir afliolioD for their departed lntniii w
kindrr.l, tlul they can now hnvo un j oTtPi''?
oi d'linir i, bv cntlirz at niv Mi tin on 'I'.i' ir.f -
tree. Cur went, illti, I'a., at 1 mu prtOJtvd U
i lurui-b 13 oi tt;rt ,
or tiny d Tipti ctr iie at rcwtmnMc rptf .
N, 11. - 1 k.-rp on hand the bo,t I on ut t
liontrsllr IHarblr All n; eiee-iri t m
moi k till til nt i oner. I will alo drlir-f
to aur point in Clearfield or adtouiivf r"-i ,i,. !
dented. KM. 'II. V''1,IH HV
Cuiwenavillo, Oct. 2 ISMp-tf.
G, W. INNES, A. M.f Principal,
fpUr FIHST FKSOV of tbii Inliiu'I-" 11
JI et nriiriico on M..tnUy, the loth day id
m t. 'ft rin, fi-e nicntb )
Pupil ony entt al any time, and wi"
ehaitd loKi'iii Iroiu tbe tunc tin y enter u ,k
clone or ihe peapinn. The e"nrc (if t rm-' '
will emlirnoc aJl wmnoki-e Included in a lliuiuft
prnaiioul edu''Uliiu (or l"h Pcee.
.nu! Wiimp in ii if III when dv-ind.
1 t i I I'oardinir cnti be olitpint d m eillier pu '
or priTiile Ih'hm's al low r il' p. Purrn'p en '
puiod Umt the ability and mm rite ol the V i"
eipal mil be dvolel to t!'i nnt pud ni il
tramintr nl th'tue plivel under hi-, rherve.
seA. icrliin of Tutlkm wiil be moderate, trl
ean In aM'ertaineil by adirvinx llr. J. hi',
New K(iphit)Lvii, or lha Piincii a, ti. K, 1 1 n-.
al Appolii. Aimtn.nn county, Pd , but wU
beat New W aahiUKlon aiter Apiil 11.
fV w Vi aehib'i-w. Min b 22, J 7 1 -If.
(1 WTIO.-KwKan.. nr w.fe, rOI'HM
AIM 1. INK. h 'iO my r.ed and h-md with
out any jiit mum wr pin,Miiof; thent.'e all
peiot,p are her by W;tr'Wt wiiiit buetmr nc or
tratlf(r Imt on wit aioont, a I am irrterm;" i
to par nn Binmdettta ivf bor eonirnvtiiijt e.ter tb f
dal unleia compelUd br law,
Far It .if, Apr 1 l'.. IU. I Trp I.
Jrivh ground land PiMler at
hh!?KK A l,TTT
epl & It Opposite llie .li!.
Jut reeelred and for "!e by
4-fTll 20. l;7v. JJ. f . fcltHtK 4 V0.