Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, April 19, 1871, Image 2

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Self Adulation.
,-. Modesty is trait ponsoHtiod by fow
politicians we know, but theej-ntism or
Colonel Forney is becoming ratbor ex
CMifire. Hear him in his pnper, tho
Press, of the 10th :
"Senator Uurtoa was serenaded in Washington
od Saturday eronine;, aud in response to the com
pliment made a speech, whirh will be fnnnd elM
where. Vina President Colfui. Col. J. W. Pornst,
aad other pronuueut RepnbJicaa leaders, alto
um apeecoea.
Forney ' und Morton 'a speeches em
belliehed tho first pnj-o of tho Press,
but there wa no room for Vice, Tieai-
dent Col liixY A Washington dispatch
in tiie euine insuo &ay :
"Col. J. W. Forney li hen. loo guest of tho Se-
eretary of tha Navy, Hon. Ueorge M. Robeeon
At tha rcquwt or tha Executive Ueroniltteo baring
tha mattar ia charge, Col. Forney will address the
uenuana at tueir peaw jubilee.
Another dispatch in tho name inue
art :
"Last evening Colonel J. W. Forney, by invi
tation, visited the Club Huuae, aud met with a
warn reception. A reaolulloo waa passed Invit
ing bint to partieipete in the political oanvasa uow
io progress here Tor the election of a Delegate
from the District to Contraae. In re-tionee. the
Colonel elated that Hollaing gratified him more
loan w ohaerTe tha evidence ol barmony among
the member of the Ilepablicao party which tntt
hint everywhere since his visit tu Waahiugtun.
He referred to th early organisation of the party
in thie District, and to tha struggles through
which it bad parted. Durinr the evening Col-
ooel Furnry wie ejected an buonrary memticr of
ine etnn. tie will make aereral speeches for the
' Brptiblioan party before the elote of the oanraH.
It is well Forney lins but one pnpor,
"daily.'' bcruuso atioh a dose of himself
in two would certainly physic his loy
al render.
So other journal in the country is
r.0 constantly filled up with aclf as the
Pfiilttdtdptiia fras, Rut, if Forney
and Iiim rciid.-rs can stand that kind of
lileraturo and news, we will not com
plain again.
A Failvhc The jury in the much
riVlialed Stmtrt church enso, tried in
Philadelphia last week, failed to agree.
There wcro eleven Mubborn fellows
who favored tho acquittal of Stuart
and one who went for his conviction,
and that one was an "intelligent con
traband "
Clt Jud'o Scofield, Congressmen
from thin district, voted for the gene
ral nninenty bill which passed the
jTiiuse last week. As the Radicals
wfll probnh!y cnre him for this vote,
we embrace, the Cist opportunity to
thank him for it, and will therefore
credit bis account to that amount.
LtnisLATio. Congress is still in
evasion, enacting laws to bolster up
lliplr party and in violation of the
Constittuion. Tho Ku Klux bill
passed, but the amnesty bill was de
feated in tho Jackobin Senate.
Tho State Legislature is literally
doing nothing. The dead lock still
holds good. It is therefore impossible
to state at (his time what measures
will be passod or rejected, or when it
will adjourn.
Bass- Inobatitikf. Hon. Moses II.
Grinndl, who gave Gen. Grant a pre,
ent of So.OOO, and was afterwards ap
pointed Collector of tho Fort of New
York, ban been removed, and that, too,
jul the day after ho sent a check of
1,000 to the Radical commiltco in
Connecticut to carry that State for
"ths government." This demonstrates
tho fact that even those who gave
Grant large presents are not safe unless
they "oomo down" again. Recauxe, if
they don't, somebody else will, and
gt tho office. These things aro done
by a man who undertook the duties of
the Presidency without a policy.
The editor of tho New York Sun
nys : "Had the fl.OOO gono to Wash
ington instead t.f Connecticut Mr.
Gi iiinell might still hold bis position."
Trehaps 1
That's IIonkst and TRur Mr.
Farnsworih. Mongrel member of the
House of Representatives, ssid last
week ''the party lo which he belonged
had passed many laws they were
to nrinjr letore the .Supreme
t'ourt " Tha I)inocraey Imvo not
only always t-hnri-cil this upon the
rulinif psrij-, Inn intend thnt iho snid i
Imp shall he brouyhl before that biuh
trihuniil for its verdict finally, lie
nlxn ssys be docs ''not believe in con
Indium nnd the nbo'iiion of Stntc
lines " Thi n bo better (lee from ibe
wrath to come, by jreiiiuir out of ibe
iiejjro party its lat Msible.
Mail. Dki.vkhy im Philadu.mia.
Paring January, 1 S'i.i, there were de
livered fill.idj mail leiters, 1 !,707
local letleis, nnd 70,('37 papers; n
Aif( be broiiL'ht before that hiirh I
loiul ul 7til,0oli. In tho month of
March. l!71, theta wcro delivered
l,fj.rfl,n73 mail letters, 5;i.r),2l!l local
letters, and 4i3,(itif) pipers, n total of
1.0!M,2(H, or un increase over the total
of January, lNii,), ol almost fifteen
bundred thousand. In January, lMi.",
200.017 letlers wero collected, and
07.4SJ P4 paid to the carriers; in
March, mi, 1.81i,)7 letters wore
collected, and (14,304.11 paid to the
Nioao JtRORs. Chief Jnstiro Ma
son, ol Nebraska, has deliverel nn
opininn against nepmes as jurors in
that Slate. Tho principal point made
Is thnt tho Fourleenlh and Fifteenth
Amendments grant rights to negroes,
but impose no dnlios upon them, nnd
that jury service is a burden, and not
priviloifo, ihnt the State Constitu-
lion can be changed only by llic same
power that enacted il ; that Conress
could not confer suih authority to njiun me icgisiuluro.
Tl,,.! I.
ce-rtaittly ,ounJ d.trirt and send,
:ul !! M b,5h k't" i
Psxuisj IVauia.
How the Soul hem Ftople are'
Never In the history of tho world
were the people of any country robbed
more persistently and shamefully than
tboso of tho Southern .States have,
been by tho mongrel 'governments
which havo been put in power and
propped up by Federal Unyonelg -
Take tho case of- South Carolina ui
an Inslanco. There n majority 'of the
white population .-are prucliually un
represented. Tho negroes havo a ma
jority of many thousunda, end they
aro largely controlled by such carpet
baggers as Whitlemoru. Only a luw
of these negroes can road or write.
They aro imIh, who wei'd Inade
voters without tho slighlent previous
preparation. Neither they nor the
carpet-baggers who load them have
any property except what they have
stolen. Tho proporty of the" State
npon which tho taxes aro levied is in
the hands of tho whites who are vir
tually disfranchised. A ring baa been
formed in tho Lrr-iHlnlnro which plim
dorssystomuticnlly . Its work isshown
by tho following authentic figures,
which we find in that well known
Republican journal, tho JV. IV Post :
Eipeneea of Legislature... fM.onft
Kxucutire expellees......... 0,11(10
Civil expenses...... Oi.uliG"
Talcs 4.11.00(1
Taxable value 49(1,000,1100
I1H.UI 0
Tho Chicago Tribune, another Re
publican nnwspnper gives the follow
ing illustration of tho purity which
prevails in the negro government nf
unit plundered Mate :
"The Speaker of the House (Moses) receives
bis 96 per diem for every eeeeion. and tbls sesftiou
iucludos lour mouths, lieforo adjournment rl.dl'O
were voted him as a prcsout. extra, all from tile
State treasury. He is also Adiutant-ti pneral, and
as auoh raceivea a salary of 2. Mill, with Sl.umi
more as a ooutingent fund, aud $Jl,oou uiore fur
exiienves (?) of the militia, lie waa also elluwod
$1)1,(1110 to buy furniture for the ball, and fr.ll.niill
to bny arms, ia. These are the fifttvrs whirh the
rewords show. The Speakers miner is tho t'lurf.
Justice, wilb a salary ol' $1,000, and a conlinci-nt
Tund In his handset f.N0(l. TacHpenkrr a lalhor-in-law
has fl.MMI for one oRior, ami $l,0l0 fur
another. Tbo Mpeaker'a nnele is Circuit Judge,
with a salary of i.'i,;it)0 : aud then follows a small
army of the Speaker's kin who hare what to tbem
aeeins a liberal ehare of the pickings."
That is fully equal to the nepotism
of General Grant, and tho negroes und
carpet-baggers ol South Carolina have
shown thnl they can equal l he achieve
inenlB of the man who feeds nil his re
lations ul the public crib. We would
like to know bow long the people of
Pennsylvania would qttietry submit to
be plundered as the property holders
of South Carolina have been and still
aro. Why even tho non rombalnnts
of Lancaster county would soon be up
in arms. Thoy would bent their
plowshares into swords, and turn
their prunning hooks into phmiis with
winch to do battle against such des-
poilers. Is it an wonder there is bad
blood in the Southern States?
The Now York Sun, a Kadicnl organ,
also says:
"Tbr nezroee of ftouth Ca-olina irem at last to
ba gcUiua; Ibvir eyes opened to I be enormous fraud
that have be.-u perpetrated upon thai f-late by the
mrn who were put in ollice by their rotes. A few
days ego the eolored people of York county as
sembled in mass meetiag at tbe Court House, and
alter several patriot le speeches ad'ipled resolut luns
seHaig forlh (be evils of ignorant and unwise leg
iaialion, and ending with a demand that tbe rcp
resentativos of that onunty in tbe Mcneral Aa
aeiuldy should resign tbi-ir scats without delay.
This is lite first strjak of dawn ere have Yet had
from the remarkably governed r'tato of Couth
Carolina." ..
Lancaster Intelligencer.
,111 llight in Alabama.
The Governor of Alabama concludes
a letter on tlio Ku Iwux question as
follows :
That men havo ocensionuih' dis
guised themselves in order to porpo-
irutc crime with impunity or to wreak
personal revenue, there is every reason
to belicvo, but that there has been
any such combinations or cone piracies
lor political purposes I can positively
und unequivocally deny, without the
tear of successful controversion. There
is nu desire nor disposition on the liarl
of tho people, or any portion of the
people ol Alabama, to use violcnro or
lo exert unfair influences i'i conlroll
inst elections. Nowhere aro men of
all races and color in foliar enjoyment
of tho freo excrciso of the political
liul it is said the union men aro in
danger. This is utterly untrno; it is
not respoc-taulo nonsenso, as you arc
woll advised. Why, two weeks ago I
sent to tbo Ststo Senate three names
for confirmation as brigadier-generals
ot the suite militia; one of them an
ex officer of volunteers in tho Federal
army, and his nomination was com
mended by loading Democrats. Union
men, I care not whence they come,
aro as safe in Alabama as the most
ardent secessionists. Villany is the
only source of dinger to either; poli
tics entail no jieril. I havo written
you huiriedly, but hopo to see you in
Vory rospoctfully, yours, Kc,
Kmitnr 11. I.inhsat.
Host the Tariff Itobn the farmer.
Is Freo Trade to be desired at the elpemo of
freo homes P Forney's 'rvse.
Tho fanner rises in tho morning,
puts on bis flannel shirt, taxed ()." per
cent, and his trousers taxed 00 per
cent, his vest taxed (ill percenl.and his
overcoat taxed, cloth CD, bullous 4l),
braid CJ, lining (i , padding j
draws on bis boots taxed '.)') percent;
puts miiiio coal, taxed GO per cent, in
his stove taxed ft.i per cent, tea kettle
taxed 40 per cent, nnd Iho nino taxed
per conl j sits down to bin
breakfast from a plato taxed 4.1 per '
cent, cats with a knifo and fork taxed I
3o per cent, and seasons bis bind w ith I
suit taxed 1 OS per cent, and iepper I
taxed 1-0 per cent. Ho puts on Ins
nut, luxed 0 per cent, but rannnl
smoke un Havana sej-ar taxed l-"0 per
Cent. Alter being thus taxed in his
lifetime, the fanner, when bo dies, is
laid away in the churchyard und his
futo is ivjrtrilod on a marble, tomb,
stono taxed 70 per cent, mid bo joes
lo n country tvliero there nre no tariff.
Tbo following is the inscription on bis
tomhsiono :
11 t.n I! Li us
AMtniCAN Tarmkh
Taxsd to DtATii ur Monocomsts.
After rcndinK tboalsivo, the farmer
will not be likely to think his home
ns "freo" as the Press would linve biin
believe. pnylrstoun Democrat.
Tuts it ICvkr is. Sumner wns
slabbed by tlio knaves his reconstruc
tion policy had lifted from tbo fjutler
of infiirnilicaiice. Six enrpet bititers.
whom ho lind made, went back on
him Ames, llouland, Hrownlow,
Lewis, I'ool snd liobertson I This is
the kind of friendship hatched and fed
by political acmindrclism. Sumner is
an honest, Well meaning, educated fool.
His confreres have ued bim ns all
such men are used by just such knaves.
Tt.:..i v . , .c
....(i.,,.1,,1 mung nas oracrea irnm a oi mo wnoie aiiuir is that tbose Ku
hous in Cbicaito a spriiiif outfit for a i Klux were common llaitu-al
part of his family. The order is for,
twenty six velvet cloaks and Itventv
aix dresses also, sixlv auitsofmal.
. attiro and tuirty slx dress coatf.
Orrr the ftotrr.
James G. Ulnir was elected to Con
gress from Missouri, as a liberal Re
publican, but on reaching Washing
ton, he lonnd thii orgaiiir-ation (if that
party in the hands of num with whom
ho bad-nothing in common. Ho dis
covered tho! 'io majority wero pledg
ed to it support of tho existing larilf,
in favor if sxtravagant expenditures
and so bitterly hostile to the pooplo
of tho South, tliatthey erammoii tho
negro Congressman, Klliot, with a
speech and set him up to ahuso the
whiles. Consistently and fidelity to
tho principles he bail eliminated to
bis cunvass, prevented Mr. lilair fi qiu
noting with tho Republican party, and
so bo left their ranks and came over
to the Democrats. In a letter an
nouncing this change, ho says : .
KlueleU as a liberal Republican, and
pledged to u tarilT for revenues, and
aguinst protection, and for full amnes
ty and removal of ul I disabilities im
posed upon those engagod in tho lalo
rebellion, piuoud mo in a condilioii
where I eould not bo governed by a
majority vole in the caucus meetings
of the Republican parly uKn those
subjects, and at tho first meeting which
I attended, I so nnnouneod lo the
caucus. Objections wero mado to my
remaining in the caucus, as I wus op
posed to all of the fundamental prin
ciplesof the parly, and could not be
bound by Iho union of tho majority.
Upon reflection I came to the con
clusion that, as there was no agree
ment between nty views and tho views
ot the majority of the caucus upon
those questions or measures, no good
could result from my partieipaling-in
tho caucus, and. hence, 1 withdrew.
To yield to a majority in tho caucus
would be but surrendering everything
to tho protectionists, und lot bono who
seem to think the continued humilia
tion and degradation of tho white
people of tho South the strongest bond
of union and communion in the Repub
lican party. This I could not do
without a violation of the pledges I
mado during my canvass.
If tho Republican party has no
higher, nobler, nor nioro exalted a
mission, aim, and purpose, than tbo
taxing of the people of tbo West for
iho benefit of the aristocrats and mon
opolists of tho East, and the continued
, ueitrauaiioii anu mimmaiion oi mo
must confess
that I am nt a loss to
see how myself and my liberal Repub
lican friends iu my districts, who ngroe
with me in sentiments can consistently
longer nililiato or act with it.
Rcspoclfully yours.
J. G. Blair.
Wohiis or Soiikrnksk. Col. Duke,
a member oT Congress from Virginia,
in a recent speech in Congress made
tho following ullusions to outrages in
bis district!
Sir, these "carpetbaggers" from
Virginia talk of outrngos. I slnlc it
upon my responsibility as a man, and if
youreommiuee will come to my dislric
I will prove it, that greater outrages
aro every day perpetrated Upon Con
ervatives than any that ever have been
prepctrnted upon Radicals. Sir, these
vory men know that in nearly every
county of Virginia a colored man votes
for n Conservative at the risk of his life.
If ho docs it be is probably mobbed,
aud if not mobbed he must be guarded
lo his home; nnd if no violence is used
bo is outlawed by bis color. Why,
sir, in tho last election I know of sev
eral colored men whoso lives, were
threatened because they dared to vole
for Conservatives. Sir, in my own
town, an honest, God fearing colored
minister, from personal friendship,
chose to vole in iho lust election for
sotno of our Conservative candidates;
and what took place 7 On Die next
Sabbath, when he rose ill tho pulpit,
and was about to expound the. word
of GtsJ. he wus nut by a storm of
BimiKS, Gifts, or Srr.At.iNO- Hon
John Sherman, being charged witliao
cumulating wealth in I he course of
his tenure of oflico, denies tlio impu
tation. He says, as we learn from Iho
I'rcu of this city, ihnt ho cannot uc
count for nil lie possesses "without
being suspected of receiving bribos, or
gifts, or stealing." Wo cannot loo
highly commend tho principle which
Mr. Sherman hero lays down : llial a
publio officer ought not to bo enriched
"by bribes, gills, or stealing" He
makes no distinction between thorn ;
and, practically, they do so run into
oat h other that it is ullen not easy lo
discriminate one from the other. The
spectaclo of a high publio functionary
receiving houses, checks, and purses,
is an encouragement to all under him
lo take bribes, and increase their
profi's by plunder. This evil example
has been a pnwerlul causo ol Iho tie
niornlir.ulion that has swept over the
laud, depleted Ibe publio revenue, und
mado honesty in oilico Iho exception
rather than the rule. Wo commend
tho susceptibility of Mr Sherman on
this subject, and endorso the rule
which ho lays down i A public funo
(binary should not be enriched by
"bribes, gifts, or Healing." Philadel
phia Aije.
A Newly Marrikd Corn,r.' Fate.
-Chnnin, April 1.1. Last night, at
tlio South I'm k stnlion. IM in Murs
ton, foreman of the
ollieo in this city, nnd his w i In Jenny
Mrton, wcro run over nnd killed by
Iho Kalumnxoo train on Iho Mieliiiran
Central Kail road. Tbey bud crossed
Um track to net ulionru tho llydu I ui k
tram, winch was about to start.
At this liniment the Kalamazoo train
approached at a liih rato of speed,
Mr. and Mrs Mnrston, supposing thero
was no dauber, kept their position bo
fide ibo other train, but ns tbo engino
passed the long dress of the lady was
drawn by tho current of air under the
wheels of tho locomotive, and sho was
almost instantly dragged under the
fast flying train. Jlcr husband seir.ed
her and ho also wns drawn under the
w heels. They Wcro inurricd only a
lew months.
WllF.ELF.Il's Cavalut VII. Ku-Kixx
Our old war comrade, Dill Wyntt,
of tho Sixth (icornitt Oavalrv, mailt a
ten HtriLo tho oilier day. llo nilur
el ihroo of tlio Kii-Kliik tliul (iov.
Dullot k bit boon ailvcriininir for, car
rion lliein to (ninllooa Court llouao,
i;i.t llioin ooiiviitod and ai'iitonocd lo
tbo poiiitontinry for seven years, and
enme down on lliilloik for tho priae
money, l.j.000 for tho first, and 11,000
each lor tho bnlunoo milking $7,000
in nil. Jlullock paid up "liko a little
man," and Wyntt went hotna linppy.
Thin nmoiint of money in C'hnttonga
county, on ni one lime, ill ci'unte a
i iremenuoiia cxcilemonl.
Tl,A Iwi.l.lV
,.: , ; v... "V
and wore playing Ku-Ivlux to covor
their stealing operations. Hully for
Wheelers Cavalry ! OVtAa (5. C.)
j no
.Idrtct to the Southern People.
Kx Governor Perry lias written
another letter on tbo condition of
South Carolina. Ho givos this advico
to tbe people of tho Souih :
1 would orgo on the pooplo of South
Carolina to bo quiot, and by all moans
preserve tho peace of tho Slato. The
Radical parly is going down rapidly
at the North, as is proven by the
Now Hampshire election. Anv out
break at this lime, in any of the South
ern Slalos, would Uo. a, God suud to
that party. If tho Southern people
will only bo prudent, the next Presi
dential election will result in Iho
dethronement of General Grant and
tho .election of a Democrat to the
Presidential chair. Then there will
bo hopo for tho republic. Those un
principled adventurers from the
North, who havo stirred up bad feel
ings between the colored and white
raco will llee, like criiiiiuula from jus
tice, with their stolen wealth. Tbe
scalawag traitors to raco and country
will soon follow, and Iho negroes will
live in harmony with the whites,
lint if General Grunt can stir up a
bloody strife in tho Soulb by sending
bis armies hero, ho stands a chance ot
re election by uppealing to tho haired,
passion, und prejudice of the North
und West. Tnis military President
says that ho sends bis aiin hero to
protect tbo lives nnd proporty ol loyal
citizens, when it is a notorious luct
that all tho property which has been
destroyed in bouili Curulinu sinn tl..elt4 nu(aio Ki),ress, and will live at
war (and it hue amounted to millions) KlmirH. He will probably withdraw
belonged to tboso whom bo would ioniiroly from newspaper work.
stigmatize as "disloyal, uiHlrancbued
wniie wumocrai. uvcrv nccs, aru
every day wo hear of houses, barns,
gin house and store being destroyed
and robbed by the midnight iiiceudi
ary, whoso loyalty General Grant
would not dispute. Hundreds of
these "loyal citizens" are now in the
penitentiary, and well protected.
Corn I'lanter.
An act passed the House at Harris-
burg on the ldlh tilt., for tlio relief of
the heirs of Corn Planter, the Seneca
Indian duel, formerly residing on
tho Allegheny above Warren. In 1701
tho Governor of this Slate was au
thorized to grant to linn about .80
acres of land for meritorious services.
His descendants now petition the
jegisinturu tor a uivistun ui tiie lands j i,cvYis Cuss.
in question. The bill authorizes the Tles(alcf,f Wisconsin has abolished
appointment by the Orphans Court of : ,,., Xho ,ilkpB
this County "lhre onipetent dis.n- lm fhtJu ot J(1,,. nexl.. Tllis
teresled men cilizensol Pennsylvania, i9 ,ometv,lia J . tl t Jt experiment,
tc .make snob partition aqd allotment nnJ ,,, , of olllfP salM -j,
of shares as they may think just and ,0()k f(jr ; wjl, . Jt
equitable, and to pray also for the ap- , , ,
pointment of guardians for any par- .Po,"r 0,J Gor.r,t &"",h l'a,,l"'n l,0
tie being minors; and tbe said three ! "ngton trying to mend the work
men so appointed by said court shall of 11,0 Almighty, by attempting lo
havo all iho powers of commissioners V."'"'?8 B Prui" ol se""f '"l", "'"l
or an inquest to make- partition, and; 'V'1 (,rurnt "n BeV n,"j lr"d
shall n.ako tho allotments and report I ,lls own foolishness into daddy Smith,
their proceedings to said court, audi 'f'0 K-'w Vork Sun (Radical) says
when continued liy tho snid court,
hiicIi purliliou sliull be snil remain
firm niitl sluMo fororor."
It also jiroviilt'S that tliose slisros or
allotments may bu sold by tlio owners
Id liny nt tlio tlesteiiditnts of t orn
I'luulcr, or any momberof tha Sences
nation of Indian, but not toothers
without tlio millioiity of the Legitlu
turo. The bill was carefully drawn liy
Hon. Kli K. 1'riuo, of l'hiludulihia.
It will no doubt pass tho Sennto nnd
(o into operation at no distant dny
Tlio hind in uueslion is i - '
valley of llic AlTi'gheiiy betwoen tho
tillnrs of C'orydon nnd Kihxiiu, und
mnj- becomo very valuable. Warren
1)0 I.KT HIM At')MK. Tbo most
prominent Itepiiblieun nowspipcr in
Ciiifinnali says tbo "'resident is very
rieli nnd getting richer every day,"
nnd that bis iieeumulittion of tlio
wor'd's jfiiodi does not nomo from sav
injr his ritlury.or from busini'sstMlunt,
for nobody ever suspected biin of hav-itif-
Hu is a stockholder to tho amount
of f 1 0,001) in u slor.o quarry at Wash
ington. 'J'ho L'ovei iinu'iit in ti lies con
tracts with the company oivniiijr tiie
Tiarry for buildini- materials, (jr-ant
favors heavy niipropriulions for build
ing, 'flic company could trill all'oixi
lu givo him tin interest of f 10,000 il.
consideration of hii position, nn J bin
ability lo control commi ts.
John A. Logan let a little daylight
in on this huijncss a few w eeks nun,
nnd iho subject is now pretty wel1
aired. If its (-launch Jicpubliciua ai
can be found in the country ( Iioimo Ic
hold up ns a veiiul, stupid and
dishonest man, Democrats cannot pre
vent them from doing so, alt bough re
spect for tho credit of tbo nation
would suggest that bis iusignifiennre
and -vorthlessness bo not fully ex
posed. Chicago Time.
Tut: l'toi' (m'iak. Fred. Dong
I a is, w In) is una of the moat unexcep
tionable niggers in tho United Slates,
wanted tlio Mongrel nomination In
Congress from tho district of Colum
bia. Hut the white men of bis party,
sweetly as tbey talk nigger, "couldn't
see it." When the Convention voted
Douglass being President, bis
nvrun mum in:ra. Htlll Ult LI U II L'L'LirS
.,,,.,,, i ,., . . mitt 'tunica, -("iiaior .uonon i no mo
.tli into llto body lat wmo pti-..i . ..;x.s,)nnlor ,! il..
lilo to (,'ivo hiin miiitiurt, TrcJ wns lufl;
out in llirt cuIJ ; tlio whito man wo nl
! ,..!, nn !,:, . .... I - ...i.;i
und H wliilo niirijcr, ono;, u.-... 1 1, ,.! (' ,
ing. Tim result or this wot blsnket!
on tlio tlutWrv i. ilmi. i',. PH.. uh;...
traHli am lo liub all do offico-. uVv mnv f
jots do nil do volon ;" and it w
como to ih!., "honey," for llic whitd
man does not, nor ever did, intend lo
.I ..iioi.l i i 1
let VOU lilivn nnv nftir-n in ! ,.;o .
worth holding. When be told ou i
o ho liod-banoly nnd lu-d
to you fop your vote. The 1'ciuocrtt-
cy, tho true 1 oiiioercy, do not tamper
with, coax, or decoivo tho nipper.
They tell bim they tlo nol wnnUiis
vole, nnd thnt bo sliould not bo trusted
with tt.o ft .tisv. hirsc or an ofOco. !
.e. as
Not Tnuit Tho Phild.ilihin a.
quirer chargft the present Income
lux on Senator Sherman ; but It has
higher paloriiily. Our groal Suites
man, Ulysst-s S. Grunl. beirnl it
hen tho old w;tr tux exnircd. iL waa
. - ci -
ho who said, "1 also rujrgesl the re
newal of the lax on incoiu.-a, but at a
reduced ruto of threo pur centum."
(Mossngo of Doc. iNtW. Through
this brilliant stiirL'eslion. il now in.t
sustains tho host of useless officials,
and yields nolliinglo I ho publio Tress,
ary. lint the ofllcials aro grateful to
the "author of their being."
Svmpatiit(:) Tho Chicago Times
says there aro pooplo who aro sorrv
Tor drains downfall. They need not
be. Jlo will notsuflor when be ahull
louve tho Whito Houso. He will tret
avoir m-,.1. - .1 -if:
- - - e iui at vieitu ruiuitin. A
who, without any particular brains or I
intogtiiv, has ftllau in leu years ftom
drunken tnnncrtoa millionaire, needs
very larpe an.ount nfaymp-iitiy. i go
.Wirf Jfr-tni.
The preli m i nary report of iho Uni ted
Plates census has been given to the
Duller is "looking out" now, but
the trouble is to tell which way he is
A Soulhorn pnper finds it necessary
to donounco "tho practice of carrying
dogs to church." '
In Switzerland a law is proposed
making it unlawful for any one under
14 years of ago to smoke tobacco
Next lo A milraillous, tho most kil
ling thing nowadays is a druggist's
mortar, managed by an inexperienced
clerk. i
There are still some driveling reteh
rs in this day and generation who
think tbo world onlymovoe as they
" Time ia Money." So Franklin ob
served. It is very true, end some
pooplo tuko plenty of it lo pay their
What is the difference between a
fisherman nnd a lazy schoolboy 1 Ono
liaites bis book and I he other hates his
Miss Morey, employed in the Post
office at MeGranvillo, New York, bus
jeen arrested, charged with stealing
let tors.
The St. Louis Times claims that St.
Louis is the most proper place for
.milling the next Democratic conven-.ion.
Mark Twain has Sold his interest in
,Ue j.cnnfivvania
railroad compa
ny intend cutting awny a portion of
Oovo Mountain, for the purpose of
lengthening tho curve below Duncan
non. It is supposed now by a great many
tint ono reason of Sumner's removal
from tho committee on foreign rela
tions was hia hostility to (j rant's rela
tions. Minister Washburnc hns sent to the
President a fragment of shell which
dropped within ono square of his res
.idence during tbo bombardment of
Tho Texas Legislature had a scene
over a proposition to change the name
of Davis eonntv to Lincoln cotinlv
A compromise was finally mado. and
'the county named Cass, in honor of
tiiui uraiit rencs ior ins renominaiion
upon tbo principle that tho "ox
ktioiveth his owner and the ass bis
master's crib." If the crib, in the
meantime, should givo out, there re
mains no hope for him.
Tho Philadelphia Post makes nl
most frantic appeals to tho Radical
parly lo closo up tbo breach tbo San
Domingo job has mado in it. Hut it
cannot bo cdosed, lor Grant and his
relations have their fists, full of plun
der, in tho crack which prevents its
coming together.
" c- n . . . -r ,v. r-..
Butler would lako no appointment
from tho presort Administration,
"ovon if offered him on a silver fork,"
tho Louisville Courier Journal says :
"Ho might not tnko tho appointment,
but tho Administration would do well
lo korp an eyo on tho fork."
Somo Radical newspapers aro brag
ging a little because tlio Sun Domingo
Commissioners recommend Annexa
tion, and "sustain Grant" as is said.
They lose sight of tho fact that the
Commissioners wcro appointed lo re
port in favor of annexation. Thnt
makes a mighty deal of uifferenee.
Tho railroad and wngon bridge '
across the Missouri river at St. Louis, I
wn ''impl. ted on Tuesday. Its cost
was about 11,000,001). J I lias eleven
piers, and tho largest draw-span in
tho world, being 2 foet In lergtli.
In Iho cenlro are two spans, 2.'0 feet
w ide, lor tho passago of rafts.
A hardware firm in New Haven
bavojiisl issued an illustrated cata
logue of thoir productions, which cost
them JXO.OUO for 2,000 copies. The
engraving alone cost f 10,000 before
ibe type touched il. The book is a
largo SOU pngo volume, tbo pages
thirteen by eighteen inches wide.
They have qnerr ways of doing
tilings in Indiana Tho Lafnyetle
Journal Fays that a lady who arrived
in that city n few days ao learned
that her husband, who bad been cor
responding with br lor several
mouths, bud not only procured a di
vorce from her, on tho ground of
nbanilunineiit, but hud married her
former housekeeper.
I (Jen. (irnnt, fSonutor Morion and
I IC-Senalor V ado havo undertaken to
1 run tho Radical tiarte in llm future
twoif.tA. i:,.t.. im;'i,..iA ii. s..i.iK..
.. If. lUVIMIllll'lllV HIV lurtoipE
. t. . . kr ..
t hnrtl Nwcnrinff f llio firm. It i ex-
i ,i . '.
........1 .1.... . I. I ' . !
I'1' lc" "iii oiniHinniitin will
'"I"" II runil.lll.lo
I.- .1.- . - 1 '.Ml.
T,,e ,(,,''inrf Timennnyt: -LcliiRli
county rn lion-t of tlio olJom p-wt-
T"-',,or in 11,0 t.Tiiitril Stntc-, nnd of
one liavinrr tlio oldent commission
rn J "F f,rcrMi n nv civil
ui.. . . . ...ia wtrrun is jonn riit'oer-
81 yea re of Age. J Io received
hi" r""i,,si'n " poslmaster in 1S20,
hc,(l il rxfr """
-n 1,10 1'e.rishitiiro of S.iulh Carolina
ll""Pfl to fifty nrr-rnos, and thirteen
whito membera. Of the fifty nrj-roeit,
onl v thirtj lwo can rend and wrilo,
a,n' nineteen only par taxes, tho sum
,olnl of their conlnbutions to iho sup.
i piii i ol mo government Denis cl 1U 10.
I a ,MI' haa just levied over
: f 1,000,000 taxes, to bo collected the
i ''nrrcnt yer, the hennties ef t,0 sys-
I"1"1 '" t once apparent,
J There is another bil of corrnnlinn
emning to tho surfnco in WafhiniMon
Kx liepreseittaliio Hamilton, of Flo
riila, publishes nn afliilsvit in which
he chatges Senator Onburno with of
fering lii in, through his brother, $.'0,
IHIU and 2,.r00 shurvs or railroad stock
to vote for a railroad swindlo thai
Osborno was trying lo engineer
through Congress. It is neodless to
s.iy that all tlio parlies aro Iijidicalb
and howl lustily ubout the Ku Klux.
"Tho lamented" mod to narrate
Iho adventures of a Yankee man, who
to cscapo from tho horns of an irate
bull, seised the Util of thoaiiimnl, and
then exclaimed "won't scmcbody help
inn Lo lei iro ol Lha tari.ul nriljir '
This will shorily bo the condilioii of
(ieneral Grant and the San Domingo
bull. He will need assistance lo lot
the tail of the animal.
a if
I hereby given (bet li-tlcra of administration
os thesstela of I'LTBIt JWINTKNOY, slaleel,
lata of Covington township, OlearSeld oounly, Fa.,
hsvinit been duly granted to the midi-relcncd, a'l
persons Indebted toaid eatau will plenaa auake
paviacnt, and those having elainis or demands
will preseat tbem properlv aul lienlicaled for act -tk-meot.
PrenchTlHe, April l t:pd" Administrator.
4 TV
J V li btrebjr ffven that Utter nf rirotntBtrt.tinii
on tb etat of ROBERT YOU Mi, dOMi-M4,
Ur of Lumbar tit), Cler field county, l' P
btv.bff bn duly (runted to the Hodanlftnad,
II poriona indebted to Mid rttat will pleu
oik lintntdiite payment, tad thoi having
aUitni or dmandi will present them properly
ttutb tics ted for MUUmeat without deity.
Lambtr Cit, April 19 i:pd. Adtuiniitratori.
Fishing Tackle!
Tt'RT rfffiveJ, a fxitnpMe tirtmrnt, eoniUt
nK itf Trnut Ko-ln, Ktsb ftafkutf, Linos and
Huolr?, of all deacnptmrn, at
ClcarfirM. April IV, lH7Mt
Valuable Real Estate!
By rirtua of an ordrr of the Orpliana' foart,
tnatlr tlm 2Ut duT of Maroh, A. I). 1M7J, Ocorfre
ixilitb, a'iuiinietratur of the aatale of Jacob 7,im
mi r. dcvrancd, will teJI at 1'uLlto Hal, at tiie Pub
lic House of Hi II jam Hcbweiu, at Lutbersbnrg, ud
Monday, May 2ltli. IHTI,
At I o'clock p. n.. tbo fulluwins; Hr-scriWd prop
rt,r, ituate ib Krailj- townrbip, Ulc the prupnrtT
of the said Jhtob Ztiniurr, buuud d and dewnbed
as follows: t a pin, on tiie south -cast
corner of the tract; thetioo north I'.W perebes. In
a pent; tlicnoc. br John Kishr-l'i line, west Sj
porches, to a put ; than re, by oas iuiprorrmctit,
suuth 1.10 perches, to a post ; tbeoee tint 65 perch
es, to tho place of beginning
Bein ot of tho south eot comer of the Carry
survey, known j No. 51S. 'J acres
rli-arrtl, with now pi noli house, log bam and all
necNnary outliuildinps en r u,i tlii-reon; tlio bal
anoe being well tinil cred.
TKTM8 : Tn per cent. d"rn, one third on con
firmation, and ha lance in one voar with interest,
tu be see u red by bund and inert pane on prrmitc.
(;Kui(,t l.KII.cil,
Ap-ll 1f-nt. Administraior.
List of Retail Dealers
IN Foreign and Homes: ic Merchandise In Ctrar
flcld eouuty, for tbe year 1ST I :
Class. Lietmtt.
t.1 W. . Di.kcr tm
14 llomrr I'ol.n-e.... 1
Clait. Litmtt.
14 Jaenea Cornely.,..
14 Caen 'I Hngertr.... T
I'i Frank Livenglit. 10
14 llerij ;
14 J. I.. 8haw T
14 (I W. Henina.... J
S lltcbard Mossop.. 50
9 Kratirr A i.jtle.. "S
14 8. I. Pnrdnr 7
14 K. II. I self 7
1.1 M. Neice A Co.... HI
J. Miles Kr alter. Ji
12 A K. UriKbt A
K m 12
l:l J. (I. (.!.u.r.,w......
14 .1. K. Idllen -
II Kim's Mr-Karlanr)
U Mis K. A. Wrialbt
14 T. II. Melt
14 llol.l. M.Ii.IT.t...
1.1 llaviil Hell
14 Hnrsbinrjli A iU-
14 l'stri k (Ullsgber
11 W. Ail-.-rt A Urol.
14 El. Williaina
14 H. ('. Fanat
I H. r . Iiigler At'o !,
10 Kohl. Mitchell.... 3(1
III Jlillcr A I'orfolU 20
II J. lleiK-rlingACo.
10 W. ltcc i A llro... 2n I
11 ln. (ioo'llandrr. 1" IS I. I. IteiimMvia. to i
12 K. 11. Caili!e. ll'H i-ater A Kct,. l
li C.A O.rhwem.UiH Fred. 7
1? R. 11. M.wie ll'ij 9 Ja. hhtiw A Son. 25
14 J. Kunti A H ? T 4 11. Iridjfi 7
14 .lohn H-t.crirh.... 7I4 If. f. Nanrte 7
14 Julin t Mr lisle)
14 Mrs. T K. Uatson
14 Misaoe Under A
1 1 Isaac Johnson....
14 Jacob tv Crowcll.
14 C. II. IValson ....
II Vcn.l.ll Kndrcs..
Kl i. A. Terpe 10
14 Jese Kernier 7
14 Um. T. Il.railloa 7
12 Jackson I'alchin 11
14 Horace l'at -bin...
13 James McMuri-ar 1 0 ( 1 4 llartswichAliwia
en i ar.
114 H. II. Hue
I I Hose A 1-('nne
. . . . ...
14 Wm. Hunter
14 8. 8. Cranston...,
14 llilliland A llccfc-
IJ I.. M. fondrut...
1 4 Fraocis Cundriet.
14 J-tstln T'lilell
II Trier r.anuer
1 4 John llerpr e
M.r tTt n.
13 1. k li. Kinclit...
1 1 A. Laconic
14 It. R. Hew.irt
14 I . A. Maulin
14 A. I. Hhaw 7
14 John A. Windier.. 7
14 W. II. MrChereon 7
14 John MdVtnber- t
Yl (t'RVIC.Mavtl.l.t.
7 12 llarUock Atiood-
in IS)
i . n ri. imiiiS a Hocl. 7
7114 I.. V. II. ojcr.... 7
J, 10 ArnoldAllansb'n XI
12 Thiiuipeon A ( o..lil
HI 1.1 Wm. Mrllri,le... III
IJ John Irvin IJ,
7 in r. A. Irria....
7114 W m. Kced
14 Jnoh lliljer
II T. II. Fnrcrj l:jM A.A S.J.ttate,....
1 4 'atltarine tlraff.
1.1 K.
Irnm A Sun... 10
1 4 ). U. Jrnltina....
14 E l. C.aloner
14 J. H. Irwin
14 l. h. Pititnrr...,
14 W. a. Ainander,
un n n.
11 llenrr A II. man. 10
II P. A. Klynn ... S
14 T. A. Pnd.-ant... 7
U IM. Mandera T
13 I-ownianA Mioker.12)
l.t Utr.U ( ITT.
12 I-nr Kirk t'.'J
12 John Fargaon...U'i
IU 1. 1.. Furgiion.l.
irw Avnii-ri)M.
10 McMbitt A ("a... 211
14 M m. tl. Foster... 7
orrot a.
11 W. (1. Kelly 12,
I Moshannon Land
Aljumner Co,,,. 60
9 WhitcorehaTowo.
Ben,l . t
il a. n . uronu 7
U Henry fwnn 114
14 W. J. lit.fler 7
II J. . P..ttet Ill
14 Wm. 8. Hankey... 7
14 I'. A J. l;rl.ard 7
T4 J si Mtna..
II lonard K.rler....l;i 10 tl rllsA lleiras.... Ill
14 Jaiaes Thompson 7.14 W. Vaph 7
10 McUrnlh A llarrr Jo
I" Johni'nA It.lTorty In Id H. W. I.ane..
14 Jamca Klrna.
14 Anna Hoalich....
14 NullriiHoiisAfn
II Hvki-s
Bru lie iter
Wi.tna (tin.
14 John M. These...
14 Thos. Ilendereca.
II ll. II. tlood
14 J. R. lron
II Talrick Ilunn ...
14 Mrs. J. flrecnwall
14 J. C. llenderaun.
14 llrnrr H allaca...
14 Mrs. K. nckle...
14 Wm. Iancer
iitTAiL tiaii ins t- rartar urnicliira.
3 T. II. Forcer. Bradford
1 llnnswick A Irwin, Clearfield
A. I Shaw,
4 C. II. Haleoa, .
5 J. R. Irw. a, Curwensville, ,,
S W. It. Alexander, Curwensville
4 I. R. Uond, decile....,
litis is,.
1 Pcler tiarnier, Co. inittcn
IS Charles SohnfTrr, Cl.aifield......... ..." .
IS Casper, do
'i Mann attrma.
W. Roaa Mel'hereua, S tables ,
flearn.dd Connly Ilaah
- 10
.. to
.. 10
An apocal will he held at the Commissioncra'
OfSce on Monday the first .tar of Way. neat, Where
all that feel aggrieved ean attend.
E. K. Pill REV,
April i, '71 41 Mereant'la Appraiser.
To Tax-Payers I
IV atvortinnM with a Act of th. Oitotirftl Ai
ttmii!y f tMn r.wmonMh, i prnrfr) the
Hid dT of Mrn-rh, A. P. 1. TP, rt-Uitnit o ihm
(sillffMK.i of tntm it) IK ftntintv nf CtmrfloliJ,"
Bftir it tbfri-lurf horrhv f'vts lo ihr tUTitftTctii 1
fpti'lmf in lti dintrini li-rlow nnmrd, ibni thr
I omit ? Trnir-iirer. in mnnr Inn"- with tht ornnl
vnr-tiriK f hi4 Act, will ftttend mt th pin? of
; aiiiuiTiK i n vironxn una inwnnip lontioni on
' Ihn foll-twiiif tinmrd 4?, f'r tin- iui--mit of rt-
wivint thr r-nrfr nn 1 Ptl Uxre .M,lttia
Flnw ifprwrrl fhr I HT I i
For ili bornnp-h of rifnrflld nnd LawrnnMi town,
tup, nti UelnUnT tnd Thnr-diiT, May lUh
nd 11th. V
Fnf Pike tnwmlilp, Frltly 4 ffatttrdtj-, My
Ifth nnd 2li
Pr Krlhti, Ttmn-lnj, May
For r.'riTnt'.n, WiHtnrP'Ur, Mny 94th.
Fr (hrnrd, Thortnr, Mar f.Hh.
For ()'hc, FndaT. Mut jriih.
Fui simham, W m Uv. May ?'.t;h.
t Morrif, Turdv, MTS0th.
For nr, t1nMUf , Mut Slut.
For 0ce.ilfc, ThnratU.r. Jnn
For KiHilt. FnJT, Jun 2nd.
For P'rpc, Snltirdav, June Ad.
Nrtirt tun Un pv llioir Utn M thr- Trram
eey's ofcee at any lime from this forward.
na all fates paid 'on and preTioaa lo the daya
designated there Will ba a redtiettoa of Ave pee
cent 7he balance of the distriots will ba an
nounced in due time.
Treainror's 0ee. I Traaaarar.
CUuirna ei. Pa., Aptii 1 11. J
fTkrITolD A. Co.,
I.athersbnr-, Clcarfleld con nty, Pa.
Money loaned at resrflr.Mle ratea ; aiehanee
boasht and aold: deposits received, and a pla
nar) banking bnliaesa will bt ewrread oa at tba
b-ct r.'aoa, 4 12 71 tf
llfiit tfsfatf (or ialf.
Valuable House & Lot for Sate,
ri'UR House la :la'JI, two llor.T, liavle, riarlit
I rooms atirj s1"! cellar, maaoif It a ileairal'le
iimportr for resblenoa or hotel, il bavinf been a
lictrnsed houle fur soma lime. With it there is
half an acre of (rood fertile ground, witii stable
anil other oulbulMinfi. - lerina to suit the pur
chaser. Apply to A. W. WAl.TKIlrl,
aprl2-4t - ClearAelii, i'a.
pniVATK lltli
Valuable Real Estate!
Tb tnbierllier will offer at private talc, on
rtaponiiMe trrmf, the fnllowinfc heal Kstatc, litu
iU in Morrlii lawttRhlp, Clvarflold itonntr, Pa.,
eoniaininfr 1M ACKIOH and allowum-a, and
harin thereon rftcd a two lory plank Ilnun,
3HnJI2 f'. frime llarn, flUxM foot, tn H ih
other otewary outbuildtiifj;. all In g'Hid order
and repair. Tan acrei of an Orchard of the
ehoiwir varietiri of fruit. A never ftsilinjt spring
at tha home and a Well at the barn. One hun
dred acrea of It il underlaid with a vein of tha
bent quality of Coal, nix UM and aerrn incfati in
tbiokiiemi, open to inspection at aiijf time.
JWrFor lurthfr iiitunnatinn inquire of the iub
acriher at bit re ei deuce in Iforrie township.
Kylertowit V. O. 4:2:3iuJ Ag nt of (loo. Hp am.
Real Estate I
By rirtiie of an oriler of the Oqbani Court,
mado tbe b .lanitary, A. It. 1STI, and on the
2lt March, A. It- IH71. enlarrt-d and euntinned
nutil June term, 1871, Henry llilo, Ktq-, Will aall
t Ptihlic Hale, at the huiquehanua liuulc, in
Curwemvllle, ou
FATl'HDAV, AVHIL 19, 1fi71,
At I oclo-k, p m., tbe following tleierlbed prop.
ic lonowinc ueiennea iirop.
fownihip. fete the properij
wncd bkiiniiiiirebUdreaJ
erty, lit mite in Knox
of tleorjte Hli-tn, now owned
of whum Henry Jlile it iiuardian. bounJcd aud
(Jiirrihf-J n toiiowi:
On tbe eouth dy land of John Bloit, dcneaiod ;
on the wtt by land of James Haley and hntnuel
Ray ; on the north by landp of Muva and Frhnrd :
and on the en it by landi of Mr. Mnrjjnret Slnw ;
being part of a larger turrey in name of Adatn
Uode; tvnUinitir A Hi:, more or leta.
Aoiil SO ncrei cl'-artd, with Iluuse and linrn
ererted thereon; balance being timber land.
TEH MS: Fl'tocn per rent or the parehaae
motiay wbt-n property it knocked down, and bal
ance io two equal annual paymontii, with interrit,
to ba tf-cuicd by bond anil mortnaip on the HKMlY II ILK,
April 5, 1-7I 4L UuarJiaa.
Timber and Coal Lands
Tbe Mlawlna; traeti nf Timber and Conl Landt
aro offered for tala : Ont tract af 17,0-0 aera.
lying on tbe ttk B iver, in Webtler coontyi tiiree
traeti Iinr on tbo lame river in Braxton county,
two of ,00(l aoie, rmnh of l,0( acret ;
and mi Irart eon tain in t f.SiQ aerai, Ivincon the
(iauUy Hirer, in Ni -holaa county T hetitlea to
thrivo ro peifret.
Any Information concerning Hipfe )nt!ran bo
had l-y ndlretinr U. A. KLKtiAl-,
March 22, Ks7l-tf. Thiliptontg, 1:
Farm for Sale I
C10NTAIMNU HO ACRKS. in a good itateof
J rultiration, ritnatt-d in 1'ike towmlitp, Car
firUl eountr. Pa., nhout eirzMv r-.dn from Lo?in'i
" Ptouriitg Mill, on the turnpike lea.lirijt fmni Cur-
wciiiirilte to Liearhela. lint idr a story and i halt
Iiobsp, stitle and out-liuildinKa tbereoo. There
good fpriiip and a young orcliard on the
prrinis-s. Anr prsi.n desirinii a nice little home
trill and tins a very desirable location.
For further particulars inquire f liachal Cald
well, on Uie p.ctuisci, ot s llir.i
lUrclilf. Curwennllle, I'a.
Valuable Farm for Sale I
"pilR no.l-r;f net. residing in Fcrri'on town
X ship, offers hi Farm lor fate, located two
nulea soalb-easl nf l.omber City, on whieb there
is erected a larire rtanh frame Htellln( boose.
J2: il(, lfulC: new honk barn, 4CiW,
with straw house attached, SlrSn, wood shed and
all the oilier aeceeeary outbni!dina.
Ei-bty of which are cleared and in a rned slstr
of cultivation, while tha balance is an lirlaij with
I a seven foot vein nf timi stone and a foor foot vein
of coal of an caccllent ijnalily. A yoonj orchard
raiteu trecn, ol apple, pear, peach, cherry
and plam, ucaldea 1.4 f rape nnca nf the choicest
Tark-tire, all braiinc. and CTcellrnt aalrratthe
door. The Farm will be sold eery reasonable.-.
Imiuire ea the I ,rs or address the sul.rrnbtr
at Lumber City I. tl.
Jlarch 19 tr." WILLIAM Mi-CRACKES.
Private' Sale of Real Estate
fpilB auliscrilr will a(fer at prirale sale, on
X. res
Ifl. f 1:0 foltltninaT KfaVl l.llals.
fiiiiisi-- in cn i:. icnrncui onnfr, I'a.; a
larpe twn Hurr j S : mrr, djfljt40 fWt ; rtre
HHun 2)0 for,. rtmio, IfixJO fvt. Th
lioiisr m tlio brn in (.Im lli., well finifhrd. and
having a Intgc nllar umlftticatli. M at huilt in
lsft7, A nr ci fniiuiK woll, and wuni and wmIi
hnono. bum, Mi4ff ) ine Hoiim, tuffloient to hfld
60 or Ti'lnci. of ir-, and all viher ntvcatarT out-Imil-linga.
Ala. a ti'irf qunnttiT of mtrrbandim, ronriM
inf of (rrorf-rira. dry a;Htda, nnrrnawmrf. Dot ton t.
a largn lot of clothing, and all other gooa gvuar
allr kf pt in a enmitrr ttoir.
Alan, Ifl, con f?t of primp nfik ni1 pfn ann ire
timKpr.nn the bank of Hoar-field errk.
Tha alwifts drannhspd pnptrty will be told .
pflhri, or, if drairtii. 'lip Hon. etila mil ! aol.l
on rrnaonaMa tfrma and Iraat given of tV.i it ore
For further information amtlv to the aul..ur.ui-
at hia in t;im H.pi-.
Feb. H, inn Hm.
lnp;liic.i for male!
"111 E andrrsifned hereon hand two trst-clasa
EN01NE3, ana of horsa pewcr and tha
other iO hnrae pnwer, which they will
They are complete la eiery particular, and
nniifacd in the tery bast st;le and warranted.
Those In need of an had better correspond with
or eall npna
MOI.EIl. Tot Nfl A CO.
Clcarfleld, Pa., April 11, 1S71 im.
1)isk, wnn a roam i.isiwnKliiTs
Jnl reeeired and for rale h
April H, T 7. H f. UlllLKR A CO.
A oi t leameld county
tstrn A raaaa t
K. HI SeoL T. Tarn.
T a Xo. 14 March T. ItiJI.
tiiTtn rinstsa. Urari 1-acias.
Tha undersigned havine he-n annoinlrd A ...11.
lor t aeceelsin the amnnnt and nrioritv of lirM.
and report dislribnliotl of pmcecls arisief from
sals In the alnre eaee, hereby riros notice that
he will attend to the duties of hil appoiiitmrnl
on Thursday, April In, mri, al 1 nlek p m. at
his ofHoo in the boroujh of ricarileld, whea and
where ail persons interested rear altend.
April A, ''I Jt 11. Ml KltAV, Anditor.
SILK HATS Latest Kprlnn rtvlea-I
41 I- R. Ft LLtrtTOX S.
CiranneLO Cotsry, Ptaa'a. j
Thll and popular hotel la alill '
kept by the suliscrihcr, who epsrea no efl .rt lo i
pleaae all who patronise him. "I"., iileaee " i ihr !
a. ine Amerieaa tionse, at. i all thai i. asked
" trtal. K. W . H l: K 1 1, Proprietor,
rurwonerille, March l, l7d tf.
I no nni 1 pui' imi sfiji
av'W,vww t.y KKAT7.KR A 1.VT1.E.
apl.i 4t
Oppo.ite tha Jail.
Insure Your Properly!
rpilK ndcreignrd aro prepared lo take any
1 reasonable Are risks. In good and reliable
oonipenlee, sack aa Iho "Farmers' Mnlnal," al
Vork, Pa.; the " Andes," af Cincinnati, Ohio t the
"Uermenia," of New Vork, and others. Rales
reaMinshla. and in eaae of los money wilt be paid
ap promptly. IrtVIN 4 fchbBti.
t'le.rweld, Pa April 11, 1S7I-U.
(SaLL AM)EXAm1n8 tha KIW OOODi
J ' At
Clearfield' aTaeIiu.
A Malo aud Female High School 1
j Farh Department Distinct and
ui llecll.
rpiiE Tnmn srsttoa of lha preecnt .i ,
I r.r ..r tbi. i.,i,.,i r,,,,,
MOMiAV, tha l-tb da; of F.hrnarv -,
I'upils nan enter at any time. In,,',.!, .
elisrti d nh tuition from the time thr.' . i
tbe nloae of the Session. '
Theconree of instrnetlna embraces errri ti
inoluded in a Iboronnh, practical and awn'mai!?
ed education for I 01 li seies. '
Orthofraphr, Healin(r, Penmanship. pria
Aritbinelic Friniarjr tleonraphv, M4 j,
drawing, per Hcsiion III aeeks.
Ornmmnr, I.opal A llrseriptira Ucujtrfij.ii'y
Map llrewniK, Ilistorr, Wentnl and Hril.'
ten Arithmetic and Peneil iiramng to H
Algebra, lieometrv, 1 ri(onoinetrr. Men.
riiralton, Hurrevintt, Natural aud .Moral
fhilosopby, Ueoloy, Phrsiolofv, (hem.
illrT.lilictorie, Pbvsiral (i eojtraph.v. tlook
Kecpine;, llolanr and I'em-il llraisitic la is
l.on o k n.t i.l
"-' .iu, iiu muj 01 t,s
above Branches..
ri-ari or urMiniai rainnng, 2i ltonu), ;
Monuchrouinlic i'intiii(r, (24 leoni).,.' H
Crayon I-rawinf. (24 Iramiru).. f k
f ancy Hair Work, (24 leaeona) " ij
Tapeatry Jn
JM-No deduction will l mnde fur aLtM-net.
bradrnti from a ainance ean be K?minoitti
with hoarding at low ratea.
Anv one nut member of the achnol etn mr
private niftruclioui in any ut the orbatbtau,
J-or lurther particnlan inquire of or ad lreii
kr. P. L. liAKhlSON. A. M ,
feb. 2, 1970 tf. I'nL-.K
c r, . ,, . .
TIIB TERM of fnurte.n we,ki,lll
A. -n'-w Monday, April K.tb, 1871.
A 1 nmary dcitartwrnt will ha adiUil i il.
School tb in fall : for whirh tbe irrviecBof i
patent itiitractor have been enpujnd Audi
vf.brt will be spared to rentier tint drpar.i&rtt
attractiva and luitructiee.
Reading, OrlhogTophy.Writinp.OIJrft Let
"nl, Primary Arithmetic and l'riiuarv
(ieo(tra.hy J- jj
lliftnry, Local and deicriptiro Ueocraj iiT
with Mnp Drawing, i ram mar, Mental
and M'ritteti AHtlinjetie M f tt
Algebra and the Keienoe 1 k
Iniirnetion in initruraaotal naiir II
Oil painting, 24 leji(.ni..... 11 H
Wag work M4, ( m
For full particular tend for Circular.
Clearfield, Sept. 7, lh70-1ypd.
lITAXTEn-Apentf ami PcMlen to tr't
yy pod domcittc article, wanted in
family. No competition. Kxelnnira territory
given. Rueinrii Trry pVasant. Agnta liar
Mid 3 do ion, nrttiuj profit per dny. Om
old lot In a email town, another K't'ii in Cti
tovne, another 31 in calling on &) fnmilia. Uit
fit $3. No danrfur of libpoa-itivn. Iteat ol rrlrr
ent'ef riven. Nnd for circular to Warier.
' ton itrw f, Uorton, Ma.
1""IIE undcrsipicd purpose oiienina; a Drntsl
J. Olhee, in Curwrnsuhe, aa cailr in ala-rli si
ciri-amstanecs will permit, and aonld rtpeCtfu!
otftr bis si-rvicea to the ritirene of the ti-ern bti,
surrenndinj ciunlry. JAS M.STEWAKT.
All tnfortnntiiin rcsnertina; lbs a'Kive card eill
be gircn hj Mr. E. W. Reed, Cunrcnst ille. i It
Xow Firm!
fpitn Urn of C. KRAT-.KH, in Ibe Dr- Outdi
and Provision bnsineis, wiil be knows ben
alter ander the name of
k II A T 7. I: R At IVTIR,
Thariklng tbe putilie for past fayurs, tkey buns
for a continuance of tha same.
t'learCild, I'a., February P, I7.
WATCH c. jewi;lry.
1 18 Korlb Second St , cor. of Quarry,
An ae-nrttnenl ef Welches, Jcwelrr. Piker al
Plaled War constantly on hand. Kcpairiiir ef
.- ..u.. uu vwcirj pronipuy atlenlrd
Caanars Fravtrrai : Sprinr Pcds. Fj.rlnf,
Cots, Ppriuf Mattrcsiu-a, Hair Maltresacs. Ils.t
V.ttrc..a. Straw JiUitrcssce, Feaihcrt. r,siiiil, Li.l.trre nnd f .Hows, C-at.tripancs. ('.a
for'al.lea, lllankcts, guilts. Call and see ths
The best eeer olfcn-d f-.r anle.
K. II Our Intention is to treat all ruetomrn se
that they will become permanent d.-a'ere with av
and orders will receive the e-nie ailenlinn, and
pereolit can buy jcat as ehespas if present al Ilia
'I'"- Alarch U. If 71 3s
vTonlel aav ti h:i neti, nti erf ti. int..
lie C, ,.. lallv, thai, i.aunu Jifsi.lird parlnrrrl.ip
" .. . .. .-i,Hw, ur is ins autn- tl,e entire work
of his office hlmeelf. en that patients need not frar
hems Pt nnder the handi .,f anr olU. r operator.
Ilarmt ohta ned a redurtiin ol the palcm on ll,s
plate material, I am cnahlrd to put up t.ilh rr.i h
chaawr thaa fnrtaerl. 1 alro have 1'r. Sin. Ic'i
patuit process for workmf ruhl r plaice, wbiee
make a lunch I i)ilitrr. else lie and slrr-ir
I'lale for li e same atm,unt or ma'criel. and pel
Ishes the plale on both sides, rendcrint il ne w
sore easily kept reran. Fpecinl alteatuia paid lo
the prcscn ation ol the natural tcetn. at,d all woik
pisrantecd entmly seti.factory to patn-nts.
AMrOIKce at the old corner, nrpns.le the Flisw
llouaa. OfSoe hoars from S re 11, a. en., arid 1 to
4, p. ui. I'at.rnla frita a distance ih. aid notily
ma a lew daya ecforthand of their intention ta
ooma. Always at heme, ncleig. olhir ntire ap.
pcari ia both lha oounly i Specs. f.bU Vl
Curwensville Marble Yard.
"I LSIR0t'S of estending any bnunesa. and
-1 knonitie there can be no niftier tribute
oi rcincet to the memory of Hie deceased and
bened friends. Iliaa to erect ercer their earrea?
bonica a eoulpturvl slab of eadnriar ana-He, that
.oinls forcier ta ll,a resting place Ihvae wa
love; I b. j hare lo snj to all who wieh to ah, w
their aflYrlion for their departed friends and
kindred, that they ean Bow hare aa apportauity
ul dome; so, by eelliug at uiy Shinp oa lboais,M.
street, Curwens. ille, I'a., II I lis prepared ta
fnrnlsh to onhr,
sioxr.M r.NTs,
of any disifn or aisr, at reasonal Ir ratea
X. II. I keen h.-J .k. I.-., a- . ...J
-Vim-allr M.rblo. All w,.,k raemied ,n tbe
bom skillfnl manner. 1 will sl.e d.hcrwrk
to any point ia fkarficld m- a.t.ioini... eennties, if
Jr?'"'J' "at H. foLUI KN.
t nrsens. illr, O'-t. ?P, Istto tf.
G. W. INNES, A. M., Principal.
'I'ltK FIRST KESSIOK nf this inititnlien will
I eon mence on M,,n,lor, the 1Mb day of Nay
aeal. (Term, Ave month I
Pupils rcay enter at any tlsae, and will ba
Charci-d tuitioa fruia tbe tune ..en the
i! - fu h The e"..ree of in-triirlicn
K'l branrhe. included in a
F'Jf ,lrl1",'"""n tar both aeie..
. . ...- ,auK,,, n uvn urr.rra.
flood hoarding can be obtain.d al either pohlla
or prltale homca al low rates. Parents can ba
assured that the ability and encryice ol the Pna
riptl will he de.oted to the mostal and moral
training of those pined order bit charge.
tfrsV Tern., of I nitioa will be aaoderata. aad
ean i ascertained by addressing lir. J, Innea. at
New Waahincton, or the Pnnri.-al, il. W. Innea,
at Aprollo. Armstrong county. Pa., hot wba will
be at Kew Washluirloa atler April 1st.
Krw 'Vaahingloa, March It. leTI If.
I Vy A I'A I IN K. bas left me bed and board with
out any jast eaasy Or pro. oostloa ; tbeeofora, all
paraooi are bif hy w.imcd aramat harhcM-ing or
truating her oa my aorouet, aa 1 am dctermii rd
! to pay no aaore debts nf bar eon leading altar this
to. Z.ttj
date anleas aompelled hy law.
ciuiuls r. r- frit.
Kartban-, April 11, 1"1 tjd.