4 f DE" REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, PA. irpAT mnnxixo. april 12,17.. Terms of Subscription, fl in ftikanee.or within three months,, y iftcr three ftfc'l before six months..., after the expiration of lis months., .$5 Oft . 3 50 . 00 .--r--r r lt artiotcs to Invar Insertion In this (hnulJ be handed in early on Tuesday W. sj wo (C to proas at 12 o'clock, (noun.) Itr.l.IGIOUS NOTICr.8. fth'dl',t Fple-topaJ Church Rer. J. II. al puBtor. Service every Sabbath, J A V . nITiP. M. lmth School at 9 A. M. m M'o rcr7 Thursday, at 71 P. M. itiHini-m Service, first Sabbath of very . at H'l A. M. 2 tiidrcw'n Churrh r.pUcopal Tie. tr H.i.t.. Public Hervice Sunday morning V-lofk, P. M. Sunday School at s M. Prayer Meeting Wednesday evening vick. ..hyteriati Church .Rev. Me. ItuixBii. S,'n ice evory Sabbath, morning and even-1 itM Church Rer. W. R. Pmrn, Pig it'uMie scrr ices every Sabbath, moruiug or alternately. ini. Franklin drow ttio lihtiiinc Jll.-ivcn, Morse tamed it, but it wtvs left for $ iaw to make the most excellent of all bever- jfchii ice-cold sparkling Soda w ater. kw Firm. Wo call the attention ir readers to the advertisement of Messrs. rtt A Schryver, who have launched their in the tin and hardware channel. Success LrcTViB Those who want to good lecture should repair to Tyrone on the ,g of the 22d, and listen to Miss Anna Dick- II cr subject on the occasion is the French it, " Joan of Are," IoK Out ! Justices of llio Peace ituuired by law to bare a fee bill put up in tj Gee, under penalty of ten dollars and dou e amount of fees charged. Fee bills for sale office. On the receipt of 2i eents we will $b copy to any address. iiu vino Park. A meeting will be at the tihaw lljuit, on Friday evening next, j lock, of all persona who feci an interest In mg a Driving Park and Fie Put) Urunnd for luniogh of Clearfield. Let there be a goneral prompt attendance aod some definite action in the matter. Lewidtown boys nro arrested by the i authorities tor throwing stones end play- ball in the streets of that " burg." The jo llies of this borough should fare a similar fate. if re parents fail to enforce discipline on the Jrvt it becomes the duty of the authorities to im- , i lessuus of thut kind. 'fioNi, Too! Within tho past f.rt- iit two of oar oldest eitiicns iu La wren oe twp. me passrd to that bourne from whence no trav- returns. We allude to Daniel Bjiaikinao, 41 91 years, and William TUshd, ard 7fl. The flf-r was a residrnt of Brady tuwnsbip for many 4;, but his latter days wi-re spent with his (wo i', Win. L. aod Nsthaniel, in Lawren township. 1'NoiNts. TIjoho in nectl nf ensinea jH do well to read the card wf Messrs. Biglrr, ng k Co. We understand this firm has a iler of orders fur engines from the oil regions, i J by the fa?t that one of the best engines in section was made at their establishment. ft c, for a Younf ooueern, is enough to put the m ones at PitUburgU and UuTa!oon tholjok-ont. MfiQi'iTo Creek Cridoe The j unites appointed by the Couit to superintend erection of this structure eon i its of John Oil- jthI, lr. J. W, Putter and Ueorge Mcckcn torn, ;i of Karthaus township. Should these gent to il uuJirtaketo discharge the duties aligned to by tha Court, it wilt not be long until a sub tit ia! briigs will be orrctcd across the mouth of Hut stream. New Bask. It will bo noticed by ir card in this issuo th.tt Messrs. F. K Arnold Co. hxve opened a Hanking House in Lutlicrs rg. Dra Jy townahip. Bein pcrsobaH) acqushit witl the Brat, we can vouch fur their riliahili stiJ integrity. Tboso who may need Jiwwunts exc!iing will Cnd tbeut prompt and obliging. e nrw s:vfe which they bat'o Jut put in pofition it$l,l)0n,kn.i burglars will find ita "hard nut to 14.V i hitu I.I thry U foul if h enough to attack it. A CilEAP PltSVENrATIVE .Some- S 'Ir, who prvfoise to know all aHout it, sari that cauf of srcidtn'S with cos! eJ lamps, gener fs'ly speaking, la letting the oil burn too low in Uoipi, A the oil burns down a highly t iflama He gas gathers above its surfar, and as the oil decreases the g.s Increases. A slight Jar will vttcn ignite this gas and eause an explosion. Nicb aeci dents are said te be Impossible, if the is not allowed to barn more than halfway i jn in the lamp, and the lamp should be filled Jsily, and si wars in the snoinlng. Musical Talent Thai wo have liberal amoant of real wustoal talcut in our raiilit is being more fully developed every day. HviiJes having a flrst-elnss 11 ai linn I, whlrdi ducoorscs sweet masie every few creulngi to the delight and pi ear ore of eur dcuiseos, an ama- I -or Orohcstia has grown op in our town, for which we understanJ we arc chitfty indebted to Mr. Hsrry Kra'icr. The company made their de kut in the court room one evening last week, and -quilted Ihemsvlree in a creditable msnner. This is Just as it should he. There are thotc in our uidit who have leisure an J lore pleasu:r, and there U nothing which so enlivens the soul as mm io, hsnie the nccoMlty of th s who purseHi that rare talent to std about diwlnping it. How touch more urarenljr It is to listen to the sweet notes of Iht band in ear strwt, or to the enchant ing melody of a eon cert-troupe, than a street brtwl. The former Is the antidote fur the latter. Mkm n tir Accinr.jiT. A melancholy aeoi drat happened at the Planing Mill or Messrs. Ifsil k McCain, in this borongh, on Saturday frtufoo list. A young son oTMr. 1U1I, one of tbe proprietors of the mil), about stxtorn years efagf, who was engaged In keeping nn the fire ilcr tbt boilers, becam? eniangM ii a portion f the belting an- was drawn around the pulleys screral times, and so severely injured that be died that evening. There was no on in thi par of the building where the accident occurred, and the lad was wauled arnund the shaft or pulley until thi strap broke. After being rrleasM be crawled to the valve and shut off the steam, thus sttracting the s'teMion of the workmen la the shop. Tbe foily hive the sympirby of the entire eommnni ty iu their bervereroent.--'W)jt-ri7s Htrnld. w , Focsn Dead. Last Saturday morning, 1st iuitsot, the remaius of a man named Joseph Jlijer, was found on the roid, known as the "mountain mal," alint four miles smith of Cen trtrille, this county. When found the bo 1y was almost burn-d in tbe mu I, aud was wikthid over by a dog, which had ecanmpanied the unfortunate mB, sn l, during the nitrbt, had kept at bay a peek of Wnlv, and prerVntsd thein from devour iug it ; althongh nearly exhausted by his fearful vgil, it was with diflicutty that he could be in ducvd to I cars h is dead master, or perm it tbe body to be removed. The deceased bad been at Centre villn, the night before, with a team of bones and zrn, an I had started for bias at about six e el.Kk. It is supposed that be fell forward out of the wagon, breaking his neek, and expiring without a straggle; alter be had fall n out tbe buries went only a few stepi, running against a tree, where tbry wre fgund in tbe moramg. He was n sntn past mid He ago, and leaves a wife an 4 family to mourn bis deroi. Elk A'eoenfe. Kent! llio advoriisLMneht of Puniol Ream. He ofTors some ralua)le real estate, in Morris township, fnr sale. tip In at Shaw'i and try nil ?c1 Water. Ji:rt'l arh.r r like Jt t. ;p ;.a) J a; I, The Militia Tax HuMiiro -Our readers are well aware that there is a statu im posing a tai affa eraf up, n able bodied mm betwwo St and 44 yea re, the payment of which exempt! all inch from doing military duty, There being no vol nutter organisations in this county, the fun.lt thus collected have heretofore gone into the County Treasury. But the Leg! si a tare list winter passed a supplement to the Milt tia law (ace pamphlet laws, 170, page 61) which mioirei the net proceeds eollocted ai militia tint to he paid over to the several Fehool Treasurers by the County Treaturrr in oountiet where there are R9 organised volunteer companies, and this. too, according to rU taxnblt inhabitant! in emob district. Thii is limply a fraud which we propose to expose In the table found below. The Militia line has always lcen a bone of con tention, and In tome township! and boroughs the luw is so syitematically dodged on thii snbjeit that they do not eontributeenough into the County Treasury to pay the expenses of essessinr and e U-cting, after the exonerations ai-e taken out. The number of aliens, invalids and erippke in some localities is enormnns. In proof of what ire here state we submit the following tabular statement, which we hare coin piled from the official documents. The second col umn of figures is the amount attested ; the third umn oontains the exonerations, amount paid the Aserors for enrolling militiamen, Collectors and Tron urcrs' percentage; while the fourth col umn embraces the eash in the County Treasury. ? it r? sn I 3 2S ? ! t& t i 5 S.Z DISTRICTS. , f III" T 1 1 L-iliLLii.Lli llrrc.ri. 2IW i 60 4( 2i $12 2i Boll 233 1I HO 4. 27 i 7a Bloom 17 14 Vtt 12 28 1 72 Hiirir 3"i .0 UU 44 12 II 8S BrllurJ 270 4 4 il) 2i.il ) D Dnulv 431 7 iU 41112 4.' 8 liuro.idt sh uii :;v M 2s 14 Chf.L 214 .i 0U 40 ii 24 45 Cunniton Hi.) J:l ill II M 8 4ft Clesrh.ld 3i 77 O'l 37 it 311 71 Curvemvill. 1411 77 SO 21 112 t S Dw.tur... 41i S4 50 H VI II VI Krrfu.un l.li 17 CO 13 UK 1111 liir.rj 12A U to 18 20 I 24 (luihcn 28 C4 III! (II 28 (Ir.htin. 14V 3 00 28 0.1 III 07 llulich IM 18 iO 13 63 4 00 llll!ton. I 142 3 011 2 (1.1 12 07 JorUn. lftO 28 60 15 10 13 31 Krthul 142 13 110 II (II I 01) Knoi 1S4 40 60 27 43 13 117 Lwrrnc. 372 8.' (10 48 14 S3 8K Lumber Ciij 68 15 60 II 08 S 82 Morn. 4I 61 60 U 40 17 10 Nrw W.iliiugton tl 7 60 4 02 3 48 Onicola 2n6 30 50 20 85 II 15 Proa. Uii .16 00 21 45 1.1 63 Hill... 2i 4o 60 48 05 46 I'oiog 07 10 60 7 74 Woodward. 278 36 60 41 08 Tolal 0.4M L ' ........... It will be noticed by the table thut twr of the townships exceed their incume, and nine others very nearly so, because of the henry exonetalinns therein. Yet, under tho late supplement, these same districts get jurt as much tux per capita as in the districts where the tax is liberally paid. The balance in the Treasury last srttlruient was about $3:0.U0. There being 0,4f3 taxable iu the county, H therefore gives to each about eighteen eents. Tlwse districts which hare c ihturted their funds as indicated, will therefore receive some funds from their neighbors who ae paying their quoto of tax. Nuw, were the law such that the Trra'iirer could pay over Just what the diitriets have paid in after the di'ductt'iui inJiceU-d, about oue third of the districts would g)t but little school money out of the Militia fund. Put, as it is, these same dis tricts pay no flues and get 18 eents per head from their neighbors. ll w is that fur equitr 1 Specials. Houso nnj lot for alo by A. W. W.ltcrf. Svt h-erlLi-mcut. Fjsiiino Tackle. Just received a most extrusive and complete asoortmnntof fishing tackle of erory description. Fr by II. V. Iligler A Co. Just received nnd for etilo ut the drug store of IlarUwick A Irwin, fresh Uiirdm Sicds, Mixed Lawn and White Clover S.eds ol the best vamties. apl.I2 3t Messrs. Irviu & Krcbs givo notice that thry are prepsrrd to take flre-riks on pro- rty. C.n.-ult them, ye who dMre jo:ir proper- in fund. Notice to Gardeners. All those in nci-d of a go J out fit of gtnlen-iDAlting tydlc. should call at II. V. Biglcr A Co's, where they will flu 1 a large assortment of pairs, spade forks, shovels, boes, aud rakes of all kinds. II F. Uiiih'i & Co. are constantly making arotssiuus to their already large stock ul general hardware, consisting of builders' hard ware, tools of all kinds, farming implements, is J llrry hardware, Ao.( Ac AUu, a general assort ment of bousc-furnithing goo Is. Dr. F. Tlatlo, formerly af flyracaic, N. T.. desires to inform the people of Clearfield and vicinity that he baa permanently located among thein for the purpose of practicing hii profvsriwn The Doctor will be in readiness to attend to all professional calls, cither d.y or night. II is office Is on Reed street, so-jth side, bitweii the Railroad and SeconJ street, where be may he found when not engird elsi whcre. inar.8 St. At Fruit Hill Parsonne, Ansnmille, on April 4th, lf7l. bv Rrv. tir.n. W. Nkwki.i., Mr. J A M h R. C FINK, of Oil Citr, to Miss AUNhM HAU ERTV, of Knox township, Cloarflcld oouu'y. On M irrh lS7l.br Up v. W. M. BrnrBriri.n, Mr. A. MILT'S K I U K, of Lutuhor City, to Mis. ItKitllE J. PORT, of Clarion eunty. In Lswrenen township, on April ifa, 171, WILLIAM IllSIILL, sg d 7 years, 11 months and 8 days. In Brady townbip, on March 31, 171. aner a short illnefs, M A It Y, wife of lKonia Kiikier, aged SI yea.rs and 6 months. In Knox township, on April 5th, IS I, MINA, daughter of 11. F. uid Sxatn R. H .aiis, aged 3 rears and 1 months. efinnnrial. CLO?INO PRICES or DrllavRn A Bno., No. 40 Sooth Third St., Philadelphia, April 1, 1871 : I'. S. 'a of '81 1151 11'l " i IK'l 1121 ! ll'J 1121 'f,J 1111 1121 '.-i,nr lU'l HI liej in mi mi I's, 10 10', i"3 il V. 8. SO Tear por crnt. Curroncy ll"l HI (toil li"J H"! Silvrr. '""1 108 fnion PariBc K. R. 11 Murt. I:.,n.. 824 835 Central I'a-ino It. R M ' Tnion I'acido Land (Irani ll"n.l 745 ?7 'lUarhrts. Clearfield Markets. Corrected weekly by Iltrsjswn MossMr, Whotesati anl riot ail licaler in Dry itmMla, Urooerirs, Pro visions, Ac, Maiket street, lUnrtid.l, Pa. CLKAftrirMi. Pa., Mairb 21, M71. Apple" green. Ofl(' I 0" llogf dressed Dried, "e ffi I Hides, green Ar.!.,ebutter,V!r"1. ' ,Um' 0f' Ilutier M''' Shoulders II. ant VI 0(r 1 M"f1(ea 0(3s i: Huekwheat I t' ..era Iliiek wheat n-.arn., 4 Mess potk.V Mil Itt-f. dried Si 2" W " 1 1" Ri-ef, fre'h IT Onion.... Hoard., M IJ Oil..M 1" l'olalora (lnf'il On r.irn.sli.lled ... 1 0" t'ea -hea, dried, lb.. I?4 Crn, ear f'(V Tlasler, V ,lhl ' 4" T..rn meal,V ' k, 1 ,il ltro 1 I Chop, 1 rwll 111(a) J llaj., 1 lb Cloeersord 0" V"r" 5 60 Chr.se f" Slimclrs.lKln.Wd " Clirrries, lb. j HlnnKtrn,l!o intn(i 1 1 nn Cbii-kens, ursd, lb, I Tiniolliy seed... p,;fs I" Tallow Flatared 0" " heal T(0 ,, I ,sn an I 'tit'. I Flour " nt"' T en wool ,li.f lOCnl)"" Tood, cutl. rfurulturr. gl'IHW UKP AT CUHTI FOR CASH! The lurrnt nook of F U I! N I T II 16 i: ever offered in CLEARFIELD ! At the KTEAM CABINET BIIOp. corner Market aud l'ittb Btreets, CLKA HK1 ELD, PA. The ondersipned would announce to the public that he has on hand and is now ottering ehep fur eash, tbe largest stork of Furniture ever in store in this comity, consisting of Vpholstered Parlor Suits, Chamber Setts, Extension Tables, Secretaries, Hook Cases, IledstMds, Spring Beds and Mattresses, Lounges od Benches, Plain A Marble Top Tables A Bureaus, Washstands, ! Cane Seat and Common Chairs, Rocking Chain, Locking niasscs, Window Shades, Picture Frames, Cords aud Tassels, Ao. lie also manufaetures and krt.z )n hand Pat ent Spring He In, tha best ever invented. ho family should be without them. Any kind of gtMMiN not on band can be had on short notioe. L pholiU-riiig and repairing neutly executed. COFFINS, of all sixes, ean be had un a half hours' notice, and at the lowest prices. A deduc tion of 20 per cunt, made lor eh. METALLIC CASES, or Rosewood. Walnut and Cherry Cuthiie, with glass or wood tps, furnished on fite hours' notice. Personal attendance with hcirse, on funeral occasions, and oamsgej furnished when desired. Thanking the public for pat favors, and b? strict personal attention to business, I hope to receive a continuance ol the same. RrmrmW the place the Steam Cabinet Shop, earner of Market and Filth titrewts. March 20, '71-ly. DANIEL BENNER. JOHN TllOUTMAN, FURNITURE DEALER Market St., east of the Allegheny Unuse. i i:Aiti ii.i i, pa. K EEP ou hand all kinds of Furniture, In suits or bv the single artmle. Those in need of nnv artiele of Furniture, will find il to their in ten-it to eall and examine my slock, which I will sell very low for cash or exchange for suitable lumber. Cltarncld. To., April 6, In. 'Mr. READING FOR ALLI! BOOKS &- STATIONERY. Market Ht., MearOcld. fat (lie Poet OOire.) T 11 K undersigned bags leave te announce to the rltisens of Clearfield and vicinity , that be bus fitted up a room aod has just returned from the city with a large amount of reading matter, (omitting in part of Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Blank, Account and Pass Book if every de scription ( Paner and Envelopes, French urtiscd and plain : Pens and Pencils i Blank, Lejral Pipers, Deeds, Mortgagee; Judgment, Rxemp Hon and Promissory notes t White and Parch; ment Brief, Legal Cap, Record Cap. and Mill Cap, Sheet, Music fur either Piano, Flute or Violin constantly on band. Any books or stationery desired that I may not have on hand, will he or- ordered by first express, nnd sold at wholesale or retail to suit customers. I will also keen periodical literature, such as Magmlnes, News papers, AC. p. A, UACLIN. l'iarneld May T, IHf.a-t! ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY ! WOULD rr.p.Ptfully aorjoonr to tbt elli. tern of CLEARFIELD tni flolullj that I ha.. open.J up In lb. tew Munio DniMiDg, Brut door b.low lb. Miinfion liuuw, on Hicgnd Strtet, with emir, ntw iiuck of WATCHES, CLOCKS & JKWELRY, 0( tl. litatt iljle, tnd toil Bnlih, S.lccl,d villi eire. t ha.e ti miortm.nl from til lie Licit noriltiti in Jtirglr;, lulli ble fnr (ha llvlid.i. A Urge elucli of Amcrlt'.n V'ttchri from Ihe fncturie, ut A; plot. D. Tr.rj t Co., at Walt, bam, Alai., and lie National Walch Company at Elgin, HI., In from 2 to 8 01. ease, aliray, on ban-tanl varrantcd, Tbankfal for .our p at liberal patronage, 1 bope. b; strict allentlun to burlneaa, to njorit a oontinuaaet of tha astno. All kinds of repairing In j Una prompil altecdcd to. ClUlr Ji'arelrj made to order. 8. I. EM'DEH. Desrniber 14, 1 870. Public Vendue. fl'MlK onilrrsijrned will olfi-r at I'uldij Hale, at l his residence, in Pcnn township, Cliai held couuty, Pa., on IHL'HSKAY, APIIIL 20TII, 1TI, the largrst amount ofYersonal Property ocrof. fi red for sale in this viriuity. t'oniMM.ujt in part uf .1 liorFrs, 5 cows, tt heail yonns; caftln. (i hoys, hay by the Ion. oat, burkwhrnt, ct.rn. potatoea ty the hunhf-l, 2 waona, tlirrrhins; machine, H pines, 2 harrows, cultivator, shuveia, iurka, lnn;a, cruwhars. Ac, tojrelher with 2 Itureaua, & beil and hcMiii(t. 4 tables, I riipl'oard, stands, IfMikinp-plrtSPes, I conk and I parlor stores, copper and irmi koi:!e-. t.e"i-lc a Ur? amount or IHM fMioi.u .1 i KITCMKN H'UMT I K K and FAIlMIMl IM 1'LKMKNTS too niiioerous to mention. Hale to eommrnce at 9 o'clock a. m. JOHN M.IMVItK. Orampian llilla, Marrh 2H-3t rim ip it it oh i n a w n roil jfxk J Term, IMT1; commencing 1st Monday (5th) ; nis jrnotig. Wm Msvs HeoeariaJT Leonard tlirard Itttht Mehnfley Hell I ItothnHik Urn ham Vm Strtrkl(iud....H"K(.,i''H"y Fislicr-Karthsue A Levinstein... MradioMl flark Uniii...Lwr(iiPe M H Lot her IlradyjM L Ant. s 44 Jaa Weaver llurnaido.O P Hecsc Mrr!s AuKtin t'orry t'heft(j M fuinmiiinn..N Wnah W C F'dev (.'Ivartiuldj L ll LuirIc Osceola Hinrv llr'il-e.. " MU ftiM-nt-ev I'-nn Ll ri"t uiw.-nsvllh'1 Darius l Hitter Pike t' MCadwalladrrJitTatVl 11 W hiti-heil I niun (1 E Tul'h8.,..KeiKusou.l I'ornely Woodwaid tiuvkkvr jrnoi.R--First Wnk, .1 Pmlth. 1V curia Mho F Irwin...riearfirld Sol livers " M hfatiT....,t ovinjjfdn J N Mot'rai'kcn L -irJaa Slni(frl h.r-Iur tico Mct'ruc.fn Hell 'J Kt'ltlinit " J F Kiull Itlnoni J KW illi.iuis...lr(tHSn ,!a L M or jfin llozc'!t P Siwnrt liofhi-n Smtiin ThompFon.. 'Kills h yVr 44 l.il Pale ..liiadrord I'atrirk Flrnu (hi Itch II J Kyhr - " Jrtroh Penree-...M " Arthur iranoker..l(in 1, O. hnnrr. Jr 1'red ruiilcv " lMl4iodl.indcr " ii M Thoiup-on " John It re ill l ' t llnwinaii ..Huston Pet or Ki nns '.laa rtnk Kihh 1 1' A Owens Lawrence lj L M. IM.erson ' Wm Anlerv Mrri A 'i't-f.....' Osreo'a iT H M-' ltire Pike Jfk Patchen...llurnr'ide'Mrs lltily... W llfiekenherry....t'hel iWm Dale Ji.hn Uuilw.ru 4 ,J Hartph..rn Jnlin t'ointlj-.. .1 .lordan llloom.. K A llixVr. .Clearfield I'rl.nn M.-Nal " Wm 11.11 A M IMIr W II Mi Therein lien llarl.liorn. jr. Uro Ilai(erly... (Mulw'd Win M n Hell " TKArF.H.i! jr."n. t'nd V rrk. Tos rampWII Is, -II ' A ltaiiz'it"an....leeilur I K Itraiinin ! II ll.-liel Itra'llord K llearliart " ....HradTlAiliiin WnlVrr... " ' .1 HumharfT ' 1" VKAr d - " N ltn.elot (lirard il A Morri.nn.. .tlu.lien Itiebard Krter... u It U Shaw " John S Jury tjrnhain A (' Hal. " II M II... I llou.n Murtin Hmilli " I. II irk h Kmn .lnhn Hmilh....l.awrrnr T J Cramer.... " I) H Mrrrrll... " All. tin Kerin (l.rrohl lliiirh Mullen H.l'ike , C Knrb " K II Mrnira " K MeMaatrra...llnrnsidr .las MIT " y- t Irmmn... ..Cliesl , .1 llmk-nWry " i Wln M Slmw.. rlearOel l J M KetlleLerRer " .la. A Moore... " II K Fnllerlnn. " , W Haiti t urwen.iille J lU'C H llughre IleeahiriJ 1 IJIooin . rpraseaja and abdominal supporters of r.sry I kind of U. Iat",t Improremanaa, for sale at Droj Stc f I.HTWjrH A III WJff. II 13 31 OVA Ii. HARTSWICK & IRVIN, DHUOGISTS, Market Street, Ctearfleid, Ii. VITB heg leave to Inform our old and new i nistomers. that we have removed our es tahllkhment to the spacious nsw building just erected on Marked street, nearly adjoining the Mansion Honseon the west, and oppoite Measrs. U rah am A Hons' store; where we reapoetlully invite the puhlic to come aod buy their Drugs, Chemicals. Patont Mcdicinos, OILS, PAINTS AND VAUNISHK3. Our stock of Drups and Medlelnes consists of everythins; mod, selected with the greatest eare, and WA1RAHTED STRICTLY P0KE! We alio keep full stock of Dyc, PerfuraeHes, Toilet articles, sioaps, Tooth Hmshes, llnlr Brushes, Whitewash Urushes, and every other kind Urushes. We have a Inrge lot of WniTfi LEAD, TURl'ENTIXB, Flaxeeed Oil, Paints, and in fact evervtMna: i aed la ihe palnttna; business, wbleb we ouer at llty prices to easn bojara. TOBACCO AND SEQAR3, Ciinrertltnery, 8plnap. and the larfrxst atoek of varieties o.er odered In this place, and narrant. ed to be of tha beet Ike Market aftorda J. o. IIAIuawrrK, N. M, 18H. JOHN F. IMWIN. g)MKTIUXG SnW AiAll C. D. WATSON Wishes to inform his old friends acd the puhlio generally that be has opened uo a new Drug, Confectionery & Tobacco Store, In new Masonic Building, opposite Court House EliCOND ST, CLEARFIELD, PA. Uls stock Is all new, fresh and of the eery best quality, and will be sold cheap for CASH or approved Country Produce. If yon want pore Drugs and Patent Medicines, Oo to WATSON'S. If yon want Confectioneries, Canned Fruits, Pickles and J-!lfes, Nuts, Ac, Ac, Go te WAT50NU If yon want tbe best Roasted Coffee, Essence ef Coffee, Fpleea of all kinds, cheap. Goto WATSONS. If yon want Fancy A T'-ilet Soaps, Flavoring Eitrscts, Ac, do , bs sure to Goto WATSON'S. If yon want Fancy Dye Colors, Clark's best Ma. chine Thread, Pins, Needles 4 Notions, -Go to WATSON'S. Che wen and Smokers, if yon want the host ia the market. Buy at WATSON'S, where yon can get Pipes A Pipe Fixture i. If yon want to get clear of your stamps. Come to WATSON'S. If yon want to spend a few hours of an evening with your friends, come to WATrON'S old stand, where you can crack nuts and eat jokes until 9 o'clock, p m. April IS, 170. ' NEW DRUG STORE! WM. 11. ALHWDER, SI. D., Drugglat aud Apolhtcarr, . CUIt WENSVILLE, PA., d n u a s, Pntont Mr.lleine, Paints end Oils, Varnishes, I've Stuffs, Ac. His stM)k of Drugs is pure and fresh, and euptonirrs can rely upon getting the best of evirytliing in his line, liis stock ol r i-: R F U .V K It Y , Toilet Articles. Ilnir Tonics, C'lSmuties, Itruthea, Toilet Boap. 'omtia, Pocket Hooka, Pens. Inks, Pencils and Pitprr, and a gmernl assortment of this class of goods, are all of the best quality. PURE W1XES A- LIQUORS, Fur Mtdiral purposes onl, (las., l'ullr, l.ubrlratinf Oils, Ac, lo suit the wants itf tliv cotnuiuiiilr. His exlcn'ivo airl well srlectrd slink of Iirnsa and Mriluinra ennlilrs him to (III l'liy.iriitiis' prcsrnptixus on shoit n ilive and on llio most rias.Hial'lc tcrnie. Hinoltcra and Ohrwcrs will find his stock ff thtniiir and Hinokiri; lolinoro, I'ijtsrs A HinilT, lo poii.il of Ihe Tcry Iwst brands in lite market. A llure of public petrnneirr is S'lHi-ilfd. del. Ill 3m. W. 11. ALKXAMiIUl. Beale's Embrocation, (LATl rOWILL'g,) For all diseasea Ineid.nt to lli.rses. Cattle, and Unman Flesh, rviulrlna; tha uaa ol an eiternal applies tina. This Kinbroeallon was eitenairel used bj tbe tl"Tert.nent during tha war. For aala by Marls. irk A Irwlr, Claarlleld. Jos.ph H. Irwin, OurwensTllla. llaaiel Uo d. lander. l.o:hershor. if (1 lltll'M) lM.ASI I K I I KKI.F-RAISIMI FLOl'K, FLO I R, CORN MKAU CORN IN EAR, OATH, CHUN CHOP, (pure,) CORN, IIVE A OAW CHOP, (pure.) lli.AN, Ac, Ae. HAMS, FlIOl'Lllh'Hrl, glliKS, COAL OIL, MflLAES, llripe, MOLASSES, New Orleans, TEA, Cl tlAR, COFFEE, t., ie. And a general assortment of tlrnoeriea, Heed street, near ths depot. E. II. ISETT, Min t M lis Hr 4. l'YSA It T. New Meat Market. fpllK on'trrnipncit have openwl a Meat Market I In the rai lornirily occitiifn Ity Akxao'lcr livin.on MeirkH street, ( Uarlirltl, Tn , al.iuiniiit M"M'..'s, where tlicj intend to keep a suj-jilj ul All kluda of Meat, fruit and Veprlaole, And at "mu rs to suit the tivite.H tbp nil! W oi.cn rccuUrlr on Tnrs.lne, ThurnilMV atnl Hit- unlay, and nu-at J livrrcJ ai sr.y .tni. A sbarc of public patrfinago is rfspectfoHr sli'it-'l. K. u". ItltoWN'. Aiso fi.ntinns to dm) In all kirxls of ilijprrr Affrit iiltiirnl Itnftli-m ots. i lnnrftrM, August V, IH70 tf. THE CLEAUl'IKLD WOOD-CHOPPERS' AXE! Manufactured erpielallr for THE Ct.EAltFlEI.D TRADE, rna aai-i: ar .,tri it. f. rtitiLrn a co. Miss E. A. P. Rynder, iotT roa Chl-kerlns;s. Ptelnwa's sni Kmerson's Pisnne; piitith s, Mea A Hamlin s and I'elfiubt. Organs and Mi'indroas. and (trover A Uaker's tipwlnjr Marhinee. ALSO TRARKR Of Piano, ffuilar, "rffan, llsruiony snd Voeat Ma. lie. Vn pupil taken for lis thsn half a torm. CHni.tn neit dnr lo First KaUtel Uank. rflrld. Ma 4, isr.a if. IlfH Kt 1 he saltwi iln-r otTftii ihr h"0e end t-f 4i ftiiinb bv rMt'tfn In the llnmiiifU ul Clf-vrl.l. ffit sola. It is sitnattMl n Mnrkt stmt. In an elifthlo loMtinn tr eirtirr a pritate rrsiiloriiht, or for ImtiiirM puriitinc, ---is a ouroer lot end wtrthy llir atlf-Tiitnti of thnr wnnling lo tincet In loan pmprrty, nnd our siiart from tlif Court Iloire. Vtir pr'rr, Inniiir on ttif pmniws. S 1 tK'll.N I. CCTTU Attr p' t.o, II. F. BIG LEU & CO., ir a iVwA it i: , Also, Manofscturersof Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLKAH FIELD, FA. LOT OF SADDLES, URIDLES, Harnees, Collars, ate., for sale b H. F. MGUH 4 CO. PALMER'S PATENT UNLOAD x Inf Uj Forks, for salo hj II. F. CIOLER 4 CO. fIL, 1 A INT, rUTTY, GLASS, Kails, ete., for sale by II. F. BIGLKR ft CO. IJRNESS TRIMMINGS i SUOI: Findings, for aala hy II. F. CIO LEU Si CO. QX'NS, FISTOLS, SWORD CANES For sale by IJ. F. BIG I.Kit 1 CO, gTOVES, OF ALL SORTS AND Giles, for aula by II F. niOLEIl & CO T RON I 1IION! IRON! IRON ! For sale bj II. F. RIOLER A CO II ORSE SHOES & HORSE SHOE KAILS, for aals hj U. F BIGLER ft CO pULLEY J3 LOCKS, ALL SIZES And best Manufacture, for sale bj II. F. I1I01.FR ft CO. THIMBLE SKEINS AND lMI'E x BOXES, for rata by II. F. HI0LF.R ft TO. pODDEIt CUTTERS for salo by urnMTO n. F. BIGLER ft CO. 15 O 0 K S WHICn HAVE ALWAYS ( I V K N 6ATISFACT ON IIERKT0F0I1E, WILL EE cisrosD OP IS Sl-CII A W A Y AS TO PLEASE 0 R FRIENDS AND Cl'i TOMER9. JUST RECEIVED I TUB FINEST AtSOHTMENT OF HOLIDAY O00DS-SUC1I A? HOOKS AND 0TUEX STATIONERY A RT ICLES, EVER OFFERED'TO THE CITIZEN'S OF THIS PLACE ! NOW ON EXHIBITION AND FOR SALE AT H'BLISIIERS' A MANUFACTURERS PRICES, AT THE POSTOFFICE. Claarleld, Dae 11,1 w0. $10,000 GUARANTEE. BUCK LEAD Excel3 all other Lead I 1st For Hs Uoriralrd Wbltenest. :d. For its I'nequaled Purabilit). 8d. Fr Its rnsnrpassrd Covering Property. Lastly, for Its Kconotny. JTtirlt eoMs l"s to ftaint with Rurk Lrad thin any otbir White Lead eatant. The same wri(bi rorers more surface, i more durable, and makes whiter work. Ill CK M AI) Is ths Cheapest and Best $10,000 GUARANTEE. BUCK ZINC Eicels all other Zincs 1 1st. For lis Uneqoaled Durability. 2d. For lis Vnriraled Whiteness. Id. For Its tlnsurpss.ed Corering Properly. Lartly, for !ta Ureat Fronoay. llelnn Ihe Cheapest, Handsomest and most Du rl.ls Whit. Paint in tho World. Duj only Iil'CK I.KAD AND llfl'Il ZINC. Try It and be Convinced. Fatlrantloa Guaranteed by the Slmufai-tnrers. DUCK COTTAGU COLORS, Prepared exir.Misly for Pslntinf Collsnes. Ouibuildinrs of every dei.crlitlin, Fences Ae. Tlilrlr five different eolors. Iu rable. Cheap. Uniform, and llesniiful bhadea. 8amle eards aent by mail II desired. Heal, ers' Orders will ba promptly eiccutod by tbe manufacture!.. FRFNCI1, B It'll a. H 1 1 3 tr to., N. W Cor. Tel th A AI irhet streets. Philad'a. For sale by A. 1. rhaw and liaruwiek I ram, fleslers In Oru, .Medicines, Palnla, Oils, Ac, Clearleld, Pa ajirl l 7ll:ly cfl Wine niul UsjiioP Store. I. L. R EIZE NSTEI N, vnoi.rsit.a lis u rn ia WINES & LIQUORS. MARK IT 6T., CI.EArFIUI.P, I'A. si.. Full sloch of Wine, Urand.T, Cin, Whisky rd Alcohol, alwavs on hand. r.cclal atlenlmn pai l te Fc urmj a pure arlicle lor Kaernirieiilal ,ud mcilieal pnrpo.es. aprl I itf . luthcrslnirs Marble Yard! fflll. sultsrrtU rsjtretfiitly annonnces to Ihis mit.tminiy ond ttio piihlir conn ally that h ir ui'W t itftMitrlv ens;nird in thr niMiri'toro nt Mirtimnrhtd. If. -ad unit Kt 8tfins, Stand. Table ii. llorraii Ts, rto. No hieher tribal? ean lie tiid toailwwnfrd n-lsl ve or fi imd thso ibrirw I, on of aa rndnring slsb as a wiinrsi to nnhorn rarnrratiiins wbrf t':iT have laid him or bi r. J have rnt:irrd Mr. Jtha W. Uahagan as my Bfput t sell, and t whose workmanship and skin .,nt nun hear ltnr. (nl rs iwdkritcd and I t.n.sBpily filled. WorkUtditcrrd whwrdird. Lutb-rchorg. No,-niVr SO, lT, t -i rTiri- ciRPTAHi.r. i-ki- I el W h4re nrintt A a lsrire namlKr of the n-w j H.K HI LL, end will on the rerript of twenty- f - ";. i ftt a . it anr a J Iress, myt lUisfcUaiuoiis. J i. h in ma k. MERCHANT TAILOR (Hlore one door east of Cleai llel.1 House,) Uriel hi reel, rieiarllt'ld, I'a. K EEPS on hand a full assortments of d.ni,' lurni.liihj Hoods, lueli as fhirls, ,n,n snd WiHilen llnder.hlrls, Diawers and Soehs Neek lles, Porkot llsndkerchiets, tiloves, Hal, I'uihrellaa, Ae., in reat rarietr. 6f Piuea Uood, he keeps Ihe Best Cloths of all "Shades and Colors," Sueh a, Blaek Doa.kln of the Terj he.t mk.! Kanejr Casslraere, In (r.il rarlctr, al.o, Frer.eh Coatlnf. Bearer, Pilot, Chinchilla, aid Frir.itl orereoallnf. All ofwhirh will be sold cbesp Tor Cash, and made np aeaording to the laleatstjtv, by experirneed workmen. Also, A rent for Clearfield ononlr for I. V. Slnrar A Co's, celebrated Bewinjr Maehioes Not. 1, l85-tf. J. 1IRIIIIIK. JST A It 1. 1 ft II Ell 141. Iliffhest Premium. Pllrer Medal, awarded oer all eompetitinn, at Meehanioa' ExbiLition, Boston, October, IHIiil, THE ORIOINAL AND GENUINE SELF-REG ULATING, WROroiIT IRON, AIR TIOIIT, GAS-C0IT5TOni7a H2ATE2, WITH lUTI'XTKD DtlT RCRKK!, Gratk It ar 1!jsts, Witoiunr Ikon Ram.tTon, Ann A i'toh atic Ukui lator, Por Hurnlng Anthracite or Bituminous Coal or Wood, 10 sites for brickwork, and 2 sites Portable. H ATft'PACTI'RKD OSU.T IT . REYNOLDS & SON, N. W. eorner 13th and Fitbert Streets, PHILADELPHIA, PA. These Heaters are made of Heavy WrovHt Iron, wpII rivcitnl toftrtbrr. end sre wnrranled to I aii-nlutcly tins and lJuat Tizlit. Thry are the only Ilralrrs ttittt are mamiJZfMl without any dam prrs, and in which all kinds of fuel can be bnrned without alteration. Conk ins; Renires, for TToMs, Rcrtmirants and Families. Also, a Flat Top Heating Mange. Fite Plsee llcntcm, Low Pi.wn Urates, filate Mantels, Registers, Vcntilatore. Pamphlets giving full description, srnt frr, to any address. Jyl3'701 E.A.IRYIN&CO., ct'Rivnxsvii.Li:, pa., Being ipcis!ly engnged in the business of Buying and Selling Square Timber, Would reprrsmt tliat tlirj are now prt-parvd t imn-hase TimW dvliven-d at either CurwcttsTillc, Lock Haven or Marietta, (or will tuke It at any of tbese puintf,) and sell on eumuiiasion, making such advances as are nooessary. Thorc er.gnged in gt'itin ont Timber will find at our store In Curwcnsviliit, a rer) large stock of STAPLE GOO DS Of all Icaoriitions. ALSO, flour, .Vral, "If, Orifx, for n, And crcrrtliing neccsrary for use of I.alubrrncn. RAFT ROPE, Of all sites, krpt on band in Inre quantities, and sold at small advance by the oil. A!fO, Tullry - Blocks, SioaU Hope, Ae, ttPV.Vt t. IXnUCrMFATi olTered to tbose mauufunturing Square Titnlver. n, a. in vim At to. CurwrnsvtlV, January 12, INTO. How to Nnvc JJoncy. pilR times are hard; y-o'd like to know X How yon may ears your duller ; The way to do it I will shnw, II you will read what followe. A man who lived not far from here. Who worked hard it his trade. But had a household to support Tbat squandered all he made. I met him once. 8ny he, "My friend, I look thread hear and roash l ee tried to got myself a suit, But can't save ap enough.' 8s ys T, my Mend, how much have 70a t I'll tell ye wbore to go To grl a sit that's sound and cheap t To imZKNSTElN A Co. He took what little he had saved, , Ami went to ftefsaiiein A UrtHhers', And thrre he gM a handooaie suit For half he paid lo others. Kuw he Is home, be ioks so well, And thrlr eflort Is surb, Thnt when they take their d-tlly tneal, Tbry don't eat half as moch. And now he finds en Saturday night, With all their wants supplied, That he ha ronney Ir fi te spend, And some to Isy aside. His good snreess. wiih cheerful smile, He gladly tells to all, If you'd save money, go and buy Year clothes at RKIZKNSTKIN'S CLOTHTVO TIAt.L. Whrre the cheapest, Hr.est and best CN.thlnf and good Furnisbing Goods ean he had lo sint ererv taste and In aver? style aprl I, '70 SAWS I SAWS1 SAWS! IUSTAX S CKWSCl'T, MII.I., IiItAtl AND Cincl'I.AR SAW?. Eoynton'g Lightning Cross-cut Saw, auo, PATi:XT PKRF11RATFD A ELECTRIC SAWS, Tor sale bj aetl;,: II. F. Illill.KR A CO F.DWAKD PEKKS & CO., Flour Iiuiiiravturcr!!, Ard Iralrrs ia GRAIN' OF A I.I- KIN DS, PHILIPS!)!' RO, PA. Vpri.i, H'ppi.v of Ft.orn, nKT, CHUN a l CllnP cnslanllj on him!, anj for sale at rates remarksMr low. (fb4 tl 1 I.AKK mTAlU.i;' a) J FOB snle at thtf ofI-e. Jirj) (Ooorts, ttrorrrlrj, (it. iKW Flll.il.' KFIATZER & LYTLE, Market Stroet, ClearGcld. TennfaM (Opposite the Jail,) HAVE now on hsnd a first elsss stork of goods, suited to the wants of the fiMIr Our B'fsck Is lsrje, and by constancy ninkinfr sddltinns thereto, we are ehte to ecrommodutf all who may favor us by calling. W bare DI1Y GOODS, Merinos, t.in(hsaiB, Cluths, Prints, Xirliiines, (.'mmim-res, Silk, Itrps. Satinets, Cashroores. Twneds, Cuberfs, Alpnras, M bnir, Lantll s, Mupllns, rijnndf, I!ir-nets Itllhon, Cliiol;-. Uiluorsl skirts, Ilonp Skirts Shawls, Irei Trimniins, Ihnd Nets, Cups Corsets, (i hvei, Scarfs, Cullnrs, Grenadine Veils, Table Covers, sto. CLOTHING, Coats, Pants, Vests, Orer-Cn-trs, dent's Sbawli, Phirts, llats. Caps. Under-Shirts and drawers, Boots and Shoes, fluca Bhoes, Cravats, 6ocks, Ulovcs and Collari. GKOCER1ES, Tea, CoflVe. Pugsr, alula r res, It. Candles, Hie, Flour, bacon. Fi-h, Tbarco. Hauins, Currant, Sfjif-e., l'ra.kers. Vinegar, Oils, VnroUb, Pepper, Alcohol, Ae. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, Carpets, Oil cloth, Drugget, Clocks, Looking GImmi', Churns, Backets, Washboards, Tubs, Flat Irons, Pans, Window BJnds. Wall Paper, Coal Oil Lamps, Bedcords, I'm! rtllne, Knives, F'irks, Spoms, Crocks, Stoves and Stove Blacking. HARDWARE, Queenswnre, Tinware, 0 last ware. Wooden ware Copper are. Books, Stationery, Mutical tiusds, Trunk, Skates, Ac. f4T-A of whirh will be sold on the most rea sonable terms, and t' e highett market price paid for Oralo, Wocl and all kinds of country produce- REMEMBER TUB PLACE : KRATZER & LYTLE'S, (Opposite the Jail,) CLKAItF:EI.D, FEN'X'A. t 9 71 SPUING GOODS! JUftT RECEIVING ! rltlllT CAI.ICOK'. PIM.EXMn 10e C.U.t J eiier, Ilelalees, hhirtine; t'lieclts, Mimlins. i'lai.l., Wliiln llomls. P rentes, Ja.anee. ilk., I'.laek Silks. Cilk I'opllos, lllm k Alpnea., TaOle Linens, WtveUens, Miawla, lions' t'a-simeres, Ae. AT J. MILKS KllATZLIt'S! nOSIEHvTsII.K LOVES, HKT PAI1IS Kill ttloies, Lsee C Jllsrs, Hair wtlcbi-s alitl t.u,nons. Hair Nets, Corsets, lloep tikirts, Ac. AT J. MILKS KRATZLH'3 ! DltLSS TIll.MMINtiti. HII.K KKI.ViiKS .aiin, Veli.t Uiiibuus, Uuitons, o. AT 1. MI I.Ed ERATZEH'8 ! fpitLMMtl) HATH. HII111HNH, X Jnillinurv tlooils, Ac., ir. AT J. MILES KIlATZER'g! NLyl'ALKI STUCK OF LAIIlKS' AND Cliil.lren s Mioes ami tj.iiirs, Men's French hip and Call Hooti, Call anil LaMititf ttintirs, ae. AT J. JULES KlUTZLIt'S! O Hf M PIECES WALL PAPER He. t" ,UUU f I oil lor Imll Csrpeis, Floor Oil t lotus, U'm.lois Mimles. Iiet Wbile ttraatt. Tea Ware, tilass Ware, Talile Knives antl Forks, At. AT J. MILES KRATZEK'S! COIOICK TEAS, COFFEK. AND OTHER J Onieerics, ttneil Apiles, Peju hes. Cherries, 1'iunes, Canned Peaelies, IHlliatoes, Corn, Ac. .a-Tlmih,,,'. will, an imm.nar 1'a.V nf nlU, H.,,,.1. I1.1 e tcu I111111.I1 1 at Ihe loare.l ea.h hriees. and mil oe ottered at Terr low ralee. tyComo and examine tUem wlielher Jon buy or not. J. M. KRATZER. (Formerly C, Kra'ser A Son.. Nest Jo r lo II. V. Hitler A Co.'s llanlware Hloro. Clc.rnel.l, Marih 14. 1871 If, TOBACCO AND CIGARS 1 W1IOLCSALK AND RETAIL, At the Now Tofceeeo and Tijar Store of it. i. sti.tir, Two dours East of th PofturTK-r, Clcmfldd, Ta. Constantly on hand a fine assortment of Navy Cungrts. Cavendish, Cable, Fpunroll, Mii hii-nn and Century Fine rut Chi win j T"har.o, do. Also, a larfe and t-ll srlt-rtrd sto-h of Imported and I'omcMir Cis;nrs, 8mokiiit TnhaoooB, Meiri-rliaum and Uriar Tipis, ripe fixtures, To!aoeo Itoirs, t igur HoMrrs, and evrritlnnp ( oera'ly found in a well rtfrulan-d Cigr and Tobaeeo 8tore. 'Remfiribrr tho ptic: Two ilArs Tast of the Postofflre, CU-ardfld, Pa, aujf. 14:tf. S. T0RTER SHAW, D. D. S., Oflirr -n Vtnif Hut Minn, t I.KAIint-l.l'. I'A. Futtinc of tbr natiimt ti th in a heaiiiir, pv. srrdtii'atd uarfwl ronditioii ia ma-lf a prciwltr. Iltorake au-t mulinrmitl -n romwi'-n t the nrnnth, jw ami aeftMMJti ptrts. an- trentnl aot eirnwt-d with tatr sue"!-. Kftitiiits'tors and e tnsuUa. ti.ma rut e. I'rtcs t"r nrr-nl and full Sfts if t-eth mwh l-'wir than n 170 It w-.n' I I wrM fur patirnts rrt'sa a t--tanre to l t as know hy nmil a l" dsys before emtii4 lo tbe nfT'f. h i trrr nnporiwiit that rl"i i'eo Ive'wcrn tbt Ag of six and taedve years tboo'd hve Ik' ir tt th exomine-'l, ly Anwfthriia Tvith are reseftved atiknul pain. M1( 7( rpilFCr.LKHHATF! RICIIAHDK POOTS, L Vb' K't- on. j eSeneh ip A f. French Talf n- tOppoiie .lail.uvatf At C. KBAIXKB. THE SMITH HOUSE, i,Opnir the 1'asnti(cr I'.p'tt.) 1 1 i:ni ii i n, ia. 'IIIK nn lrr-iiinttt. hatirr !raH Mils hoes lor X a s ri. ,l ym$. Is rra.lv rn'ertain frn v i a and trawl r nr-raltv ant ib ert- swIW is -)' timers I.. fil,e htm a oaJt. Ills TeU iiL.laa up,h-d Willi tl t-M iIh- aiarVrt afltl, simI i n lai a ill ciM.lrtin tin- rligivi t ut wini a antl L'fO . s. I'h1 h ir, luriitlyn . Intit itnj tifd-lins; are entire1 y neit, alii'-ti alwii ailli to lbccuuifrt ol travrlru , lnl the iia.'ln.K nil. bid is I-iht and muia llfl rMlllltl (uf tl-UlUPl. I. t'llTilfJ Ol -llimttj . ' JsiTO Wll.LUM fi. HltAld.LY. THE ALLEGHENY HOTEL. SIAIIKI.T iT., CLKAIiFnait, 1'a. pill.S larRo ant eminoliius new hotel has J been opt m-d for tbr aeioMiii'Mlritiin of th pitttlifl, whfrr the pmpriftor wtH be K'a-I to m-e liis old lri i)ds, and rt'me a f-harv id puMir pat. ciiihj((i. ty ktrit! pfrwinitl a.lliMon to ltt dp iiilo ul hip biiaitn'ss, ho hopt-s to be aM' f" rt-n-lrr niiiiactiin to his patrons. Dim '1AHI K w'll alnavii le tMioiitttully S(tpplitd will, the In ut tbat -an be jirin-ur.ii in tin- umrktt and I In- UfH will run I i: m a I'ulUti.rk ol l.ll Ol..-, UllU, Ao Ootid slabl.tig ultach' d. CASVKR LF.H'OIItT. ClmrCrld, Miirrh 3, iMiy ly l'n pnetor. THE EAGLE HOTEL, MAIN ST., ITU WKNV1LLE, VA. nr'(i lennd for a ttroi t-f fnra Hie tsbnve we'l known ond po ijltr I nM, .k'pt lorincrly hy Mr. Maaon, ft t ft lutrty by -Mr, Koui-,) t,s firfsni proiri tor has rp t'fd it aiih lit iil jfcl of rendrr lijr M jura's eouittrt llr Kbilp !" rtiinjt with hi t . A litie. larfre Stel la an t rd ia atiat hrd. tor the rare aod pMiirrtlon of bornts , oarrias; end A liberal hnre ol pubhe pn rn ait ia lo'ii-d. m4 TiU A.J 1'hAl kKH, l'io'r. THE MANSION HOUSE, Coruerol Acoondand Mark t .'"trcfts. ( 1 I AIU II 1,1), PA. "f Tf f old abd rommodious llu'et has. duties; ine pari year, neen fniarpru io acuoie .m fisnoer eaparity for the entrrtaitmert of virtu s;er mil iciiosts. The wbd? buiUnrs; has been rcfurniibed. and the proprietor an) eare no pHit,s Co rcndT his guests couulorUl le white iai,ic with h'tn. Jr-sT-Iho "Mimaion House" Omnibus runs ta u (rom rhe Iff pot on he arrival ard dpirtura d eueh t-in. JOliN i0 L'li II K h 1 V, aprft 70 tf 1'roprietov. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, 4 urwt:iiaiUff. I leal tie 1st runiity. I'a. r"il old and will erial.tirhtd It elf I teauii- X FJ 1 1 Situatvd on tho banks Ol tbr bliiAU bMima, in tb boroigb el C uxa en ille. I s i ea eatd for a term f yara by the nd ri ned It hits lo-en entirely refitted, end is now open ta the public arenerlly and the tra ellit f comwb niiy in particular. No pain will be spur it to render f Uffts eotnfnrtable while tarrjinpr ai thif hou-e. A tuple Ftahlinr roo.o for tha accoume daiin of ts.ims. Charges modrratr. be(t 2-, 1S70 tf. ELI liLOOM. THEAMERICAN HOUSE, I iithcrnbur, C'lrartield Co. I'a. rpHI well known end fon eptah!iphed Ilo'el, X formerly kept hy R. Moore, and latterly b Wot. hrhwem, sr., has been leaned for a una ut )ears by the underMirne-i, to which tbe atten tion e the traveller put-lie is now railed, and a liberal share of public pntronare fs soli' ited. ....V70 J A M Kg AllLksS. THE RAILROAD HOUSE; MAIN ST. MIILUM'.UIJO. TA. rpilR oiidersintd heps eorstantly en hand X tha bent ol l,it(Urirs. If ia tsMt is always pplird with the best the market afiorda. Ibe travfliiix public will do well to give him a falL novlfta. BOULKT LL0V1. gllAW Ilfl- Corner of Market and Front Streets, Clearfield, Pa. This mnpnificent llnttd is entirely new. eom plcte in all its at pointments, and convenient lo the Court Huuc A Inn Umnilms runs to aud trotn the LKpvtt on the arrival and d nnrture of each train. liEOItUfc. N. COLltl'BN. April IS, 1KT0. lVoprieior. IRWIN HOUSE, Midway bet u ecu I. Irk Itun rud lian sillla. 'fll K ond rsifncd would r spin (fully invite tbe attention f wali-nnn and all oihtri lo the fiol that ha hus opened a hotel at tne ateve named place, Ik re he is pripxnd to acoommo dnte all who may fnvor bitn with a call. Forts hare b'in put in on the riicr hank, so as to iusure a sale landing lor waterturn. jan2..:em W. W. IHWI.V. WESTERN HOTEL, Ojiposite tlie Coort House, CLEARFIELD, PE.NS'A. AceoioosoJations (Irst-elass ao.l eharjr.es moderate, ocli JOHN F. VOCNQ. Proprietor. J tOK itKI) 11 til HI'., 0'i'sitc the rtuilroad Ilejiot, C IcarOeld, I'a. 3 1:71 D JOHNSTON A SON. Propricto.,. goots anil Shoos. iunii:l CONXKI.l.Y, Coot nnd S!ioe llimufacliirrr, CLKAHPiKI.D, Pa. nA' jnst recelreil a oe lot ul French CALF .klNS anil I, now ireiared lo aiannlao iu. .vcrvloiiift in bis lio. al It a lowest Spores. H. will warr.tit liis .ork to he a. r, m fclea. lie re.peettnllv solleits a call, at his shop oa Murhel sirrel, second d or wet of the p.i'tolF.es, where h will do all in hi. power to render sali, faction. FMii.ie nr.e Uniler ..p, rn hnd oi).: y btMhl CONNKLLT. rEACE PEOILAISED. THE WAR OVEeTn CLEAfiFIELD. KNOX TOWaNiiJUP (JUJET. AVitiy oil the Contrabands going lack to their old maxttrs; but 'nary ont goih(j to old MiiWihuSiits, uhrr$ thry wcrt lovtd So lonj and so veil, IN consequence el t ha ahov fsets. F. t?HORT T of tha eld "Short hoe hhop," wouid an nounce lo his nnatorooa patrons, and the people of rirnrflt'td county al larf a. that he has liow a Aret rale lot of find malarial jut recrived frrta the r.at , nnd is prepared nnsntirl notice to aaaka and oirnd tl.mtd nnif pJti-.fa, at hi new shop In Uraham's rnw. He it saliffled that he ran pirate all. i u- less il migi.l he some I ti tensely lna stay, al home patriots.) He is prepared Iu sell low frr faph or t'fnmtry I'm-tnee. Dnn'e forget the Shrsji -tiegt door to Showers A Orwhata'a store, on Markol slrret, rirnrtiald, Pa,, and kept by a trllow exionionly called J? I.'T f 'PnoFTY. ' XEW BOOT AM) SHOE SHOP, KDWAIIU MACK, Coa. WAHKFT A Tn frt., CLEAltl'ltLD, T. . fpilK proprietor has nlered Into the HOOT X IHK biminsFe at ihe above stand, end ir dftcnuined not to bs Outdone eiibtr in qnal ity or prf -e for his ork, hper'al atfiitt'n will Its paid to m-tmifartiirinf: St w. d Wins. He Hmf on hand a lorn t t.l breicb Kip end all Skit.n, ..I tl ? cri t ot o.iielity. 1 .f rtil. icna ot Cii .r'ic'd and K i v I ji sre re spot lltilly invited to nive biai a trial, No vbarjie lor rails. no P. tf i:V hTOUK AND MOW (JOODS, JUS. S1I.WV ii so. Have jii't iri,eol a Xtw Sroat, oo Main St., Ci.naristi.D, Tl , laiely oerurilril hy Wm. F. IRWIV. Tlirir sink ctinsiai, il LD 111 T CO CD -ZJ 1X3 1 I Okocn'ta fit llse Iwl qtialiljr, Qukkmwark, Hoou nnd Shoci, nd rrery arlitile oepoasar, fof nno'a con futl, Call ,nil xaniiti pur alork ItM rr cl.Ming s)l.,brfi. Ui) , tlOn-Vf,