tile- coontwDK ntocirr, CLIABFIELD, PA. E,T AB.lIt HED ta iatt. Isrfewt ClrewIatWa tfuy Newspaper la garth Cwatrwl Paaarrtraal. Terms of Subscription plJ ta WruM, at wttkla I sMka....tt OO Yf uM arter a aa aeror, a aawaioi. ........ j a; paid altar lit esplratln ef I weathi a oo Bates of Advertising. freaiietit eiewrtleewenU, per aqoara of 14 Hoee ar lau, 1 tiaei ot Iim.... ..1 eO For eaek Mbseanent Ineertioa...... M ilnialrtretor,' end Bseeatne.' aoUeee....... t M jaliton' eotleej.......... ......... ..... t Diitiani and Eitra7t......M.,M.H.HMMMW,, 1 Piiwlatioa flotleee. - ,, 1 90 frafntiuaal Csrda, 1 ywer................ t M ta-lietleea, per line IS YEARLY ADVKB.TISKMKXTS. 1 nra... U M ;.u .t0 0 i eolnwa i oolaaiB-.. 1 solaaa... to ...... 0 . 1 1, Wei ll, o.rel.. Job Work. BLANKS. tliyU quirt.. ti M I I qnlrti, ar. qulr,$l 75 J lairat, ft, gain, J 00 Orar t, per e, alt, t 0 HAXDBILL8. 4iaMl.Marlaaa,$ CO I i sheet, li or lasaAi M ) ikKl. 2) or let, S I 1 ahast, ti ar lou.lO So Orar Ii of eeoh af snore at proportionate rataa. (1KOBOK B. GOOM.AXDKR, OKOKUK HAOERTY, Pohlich.rl. Cards. WlLtUH . WALL4C1. AXK MIL-sIM. WALLACE AV FIELDING, ATTORN Ejr8-AT -LAW, Clearfield, Pa. -Legal boaiaeaa af all kinda attended ta ith promptnea, and fidelity. Ofitaa la refideaee efWiliieui A. Welleoe. )anll:7 A. W. WALTERS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Clearfield, Pa. Vj.0ta In the Court Ilooee. deoj-ly H. W.: SMITH, ATTORNEY-AT-LA W, M Clearfield. Pa. 1, ISRAEL TEST, ATTORN F. Y AT LAW, Clearfield, Pa. ar-OBoe lartha Coart Iloaaa. JyUt? JOHN H. FULFORD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Clearfield, Pa. OBia oa Market St., e.r Hirtiwlok A Irwin'. Umx Stnra. aaa-Pronpt auaatioa (Iran to the eearln( f B.antT, Clalaia, Ao., and ta all legal bollaaaa. Mircb II, U(IT ly. irao,. i. a eeLLetraa. .". lf'rrtt.oraR. jr. J. MoCULLOUGH 4 BROTHEE, 1 ATTORNEYS AT LAW, fjiearneia. ra. Biaeea Hark.t .treat eae dMireaatef the Clear- laid County Bank. 3: 1:7 1 J. B. McENALLY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Clearfield, Pa. JhnwLerm1 bn.tneai attended to nromttlv witb rd.hty. ftffiea aa Seeond atreet, abo? . the Firat ational Bank. l:li:7l-lrBd ROBERT WALLACE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, allare'.on, Clearfield County, Pann'a. aa. All leal bnaiaeaa proaiptly attended to. r. a. i laiaa IRVIN & KREBS, Baoeeianra to II. B. Swonpe, Law and Collection Oiticf., I0'T CLEARFIELD, PA. WALTER BARRETT, attorney at law. 'Bee an Roeoad St., Clearteld, Pa. btJ1, JOHN L. CUTTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW Aad Real F.atale A rent. Clearfield. Pa. OHIre on Tktrd itreel, bet.Cherry A Walnai. CfT-Ketpeeirolly of.ra hi. eerrieea ta eelliae ad atiyiaa: looda In Clearleld aad adjolalna ..aattei ; and witk aa aaaarienoe ef over twenty y.ara a. a earreTor. lotUra klaiaalf that ba een rtad.r aatiifaetlaa. feblA.'ti tf J. J. LINGLE, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, 1 11 Ooreola, Clearfield Ce, Pa. y:pd J. BLAKE WALTERS, REAL ESTATE BROKER, ad nsAtaa in Saw JjOff and Inmbcr, CLEUiriEI.D, PA. Real E.lat. koarht aad fold, tlllea enmlaul. 'o. paid, and eonveraneee prepared. (tairte la MHonio naiiatae. Honai rto. 1. ili:7l John II. Onia. C. T. Alexander. ORVIS &. ALEXANDER, ATTOUN F.YS AT LA K Itellelonte, Pa. aeptl.'la-y DR. T. J. BOYER, HI Y S I C I A N ANDSCROEON, Oltee an Market Street, Clearfeld. Pa. "lo. boara: I la 13 a. aa., aad I to I f. m. D R. W. A. MEAN S, PHYSICIAN It SURGEON, LI"TIIERSDIR0, PA. ifl attend profeatioaal ealla pranpUy. aaflOT DR. Al THORN, ttlYSICIAN & SURGEON, HAVINO Itioeted at Rrlefinwii, Ctoartetd eo Pa., effpre his prefeMtoaal sereteoa the le of the Mirnaadtiif eoint rr. (HepL. t9, DR. J. F. WOODS, PIIYS1CIAN l SCROtON Baetai rawored to AnnnV. Pe.offrra bil prateaeteaal aenteea to tha people ef Uiot pteee ad the earroaning eoaatry. All ealla promptly eutoaded la. ( bra. 1 ea pd. F. B. READ, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SCROEON, Kylerlewm, Pa. Maipeetfully ofara kia aereleea to the eitieena af the aareoaadiag ooaatry. aprie Aevpd. J. H. KLINE, M. D., PHYSICIAN k SURGEON, TTArno loeated at Pennnd. Pa., adere hi. X k. profeaaional errit b Ui. prrtple of that inttr fKw .in rrvwnaiag eonnwj. Alleajl. pi attend to. net. II It. DR. J. P. BURCHFIELD, ta. Sarrooa of Ike S.td Bee moat, Peenayleaala Tolantoera. kartar efaraed froai Ike Arm,, efer, kl. profeeeioaal eerrteee to Ike eltleeaa f CleerSeld ooaaty. aT-Prefoeaioaal ealla preeaptly atteajed Sa. lao ea Beeewd atreet. foraarle aeeaeted be Or. Weede. aprl. aa u . JEFFERSON LITZ, PHYSICIAN 4 SI'UGEQN, nAVIWO loeated al Oaaeela. p.. otrea kia prnfMaloeal rdaea to tk, peeala ml Ibat U an I e.iaediaa' enolr,. rw.Aii eon. fmmnlj aiueded to. 0ae by Dr. (Asa. 1.1 vwma ea., rerworiy aeoapioi s,l ly CLEAR GOODLiSDEE 4 HAQERTY, VOL41-WHOLEN0.2212. Cards. JOHN D. THOMPSON, Jaetle af the Paaaa aad Berieeaer, Carweaevllls, Pa. sPColVeetioa. aiada and aeeacy promptly paid orar. Feb. tt, U. JAMES C. BARRETT,- Luthrlarsj, ClearflcU Co., Pa. MaColleetioBt A rtulttSMn nreaptlr adf. vnl tll kinds) f kgaU intnmuu txntd on short bo I tea. aaji.Tvtf GEORGE C. KIRK, Jatie of Uis) Patet, flurreyor and ConTojftaoar, Lntberabarf, Pa All WwlntMi latraited tfl hm will U promptly attest le4 to. rcrtoat wiafspto npM a Mr.. Tror will do wU to blm a oa.ll, as he tktter himself that a aa reader atisfatiM. Deeds of oonvsveaee. artieies of ameiaoat, aad all leraJ papers, prosnptlj and neatly exeeated. marSUjp MRS. S. S. LIDDELL'S MARBLE & STONE YARD, CLEARFIELD, PA. r-8bop an Read. Btraat, aaar PenneTlvaala nallraaa atpeu Baay IB, HENRY RIBL1NG, nOU6. BIOS A ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, Clearfield, Pena'a. The freeeoiasr and paintint; of ehnrehes aad other pnblia boildmprs will roeeiro fwrtiealar alUotion, m well as the pain tins: of earns, res and leifha. tiildinc done in the neatest stylo. All work warranted. Shop on Foarth street, formerly ooenpied by Esquire Bhugart. not 1 970 G. H. HALL, PRACTICAL TUMP MAKER, KEAR CLEARFIELD, PENN'A. Pomps always oa hand aad made to arder on short notiee. Pines bored m reasonaiiie unni AH work wananted to reader aaiufactioa, and delirered if desired. my3o:lypd DAN IEL M. DOHERTY. t BAEBEB & HAIR DRESSER, SECOND BTREET, JtSS CLEA B FIELD. PA. If DAVID REAMS, SCRIVENER A SURVEYOR, I.utheraburg, Pa. THE rnbarrlber o.ra hi. aeriieea le IK. pabli. la the eapaeity af Borireiwr aad .tiunreyor. All ealla for anrTerine; proaipnj the makine of drau, deed, and oUer learal inatrn aaenu of writing, aieewlod without elaT. and warranted to be eorrret ar no eharea. el2.7 SURVEYOR. THE nderai(ned oBera hla erloee ni a Bar eeyor, and may be Inand at hi eoaideaee, ii Uwrenee luwaahip. Latter, will reeh biaa di rooted to Clearteld, Pa. . ay I-tf. JAKES MITCHELL. J. A. BLATTENBERGER, Claim and Collection Office, OSCEOLA, Clearo.ld Co., Pa. (tsn-ConreTanelnK and all legal pa ers drawn .1. - ...i j.a,Mk Iiafia an and nas- sage tickets to and Irom ay p-rtot tn fcnrope K uta-ra a provaroa. ZV CHARLES SCHAFER, LAGER BEER RREWER, Clearfield, Pa. HAVING reeled Mr. Entree' Brewery be bopea by atrial atleatioa lo baaiaex and Iti. eaanafoeture of a enperior aniele af UKKH to reeeiro lae patroaa(e af all tae old and anany aew ewatomere. An. li, XI. THOMAS H. FORCEE, GENERAL MERCHANDISE, t.RAHAMTOX, Pa. Alto, e.tenflee aannfaclorer and dealer In Rqaare T.-l , .nd Hewed Lnmberof all kinda. eS-Ord.ra solicited and all bill, promptly . . rivis 1? 6 1 led. eao. auaaar.. ..arttar At-aarr.. ,.w. ai.asnr W. ALBERT & BROS., kluafaetarara A eitaaaire Dealer, ta Sawed Lumber, Snuare Timber, &c, 1 uuvbaBu, rape VOrdera aolirlted. Bill. Ailed aa abort not lea and reaeonahle tornae. Addreu Woodland P 0., Ch-ar-td Co., Pa. j,j.lT W ALIIKKT A r.UOS. FRANCIS COUTRIET, MERCHANT, freachTllle, CIsarBeld Caanty, Pa. Keep, eoa.tantl.T en band a fall aerroient ef Ir, tl.Mt.la, llarilworr. Oroeerte, end oTrrtlhies e.aellT brpt tn n retail etnre, wbirh will be aold, for ea.k, a cheep Be elaewbere in tbe eoanty. Fronrbville, Jone 17, lT ly. REUBEN HACKMAN, House and Sign Painter ind Paper Hanger, Clearneld, Pean'a. VA. Will ereeate job, la kia liae promptly aad la a workmnnNke aaaanee. af el.ST J. K. BOTTORF'S PHOTOGRArU GALLERY, Market Btreet, Cleerseld. Pa. Br-CR008 MADE A SPECIALTY. Tat, TbTEOATIVE aaade la elondy, e well a. In eloar weother. Conotantlv oa band a rood aeertetent af FKAMKH. 6T LHKOBt'OPKn and 8TEBEOBC0P1C VIEWS. Fraaaee, froai any llyla of amaldinf . aaade to arder. eprltt.tf C. KRAT2ER t SONS, MERCHANTS, anauras ta Dry Goods, Clothing, Hardware, Co I Wry, Qaeearwore, Orooeiiea, ProrUleaa and Sktnalee, Clearleld, Peaa'a. SWr-At Iberr aewaterer.' aaar U. 1 . Biglwr A la'e ll.rjwaro aUro. a. aei tewerea a. aarra raair. EOLLOWBUSH k CARET, BOOKSELLERS, Blank Book Mans fart arrrs, AKDBIATIUKKBB, 31S .flarkrt rhtlmtrtphl. taax.Parer Ploar Baeka aad Bap. Pooloeap. Utirt. Koto, Wreppta,, Carlain and Wall Papers. foW.T lypd ,'ew ti aHori FRED. SACKETT, Maaafeetarer af Tin, Copper tad Sheet -Iron Ware. loot la, Spowtlaf aad job work doaeaa aa,oaaai.a twbws. Bbap aa Market Su, a early appoaiu tae Jail. 4 ITS CLEARFIELD. PA. ' DREXEL & CO., Na, Bt Boatb Third Sltreet, Philadelphia, ii.(.-Krns, A. e. i ; p . r. rila i nfl UeaierS in UOVernment becurrtlel, : Appiirwttoa be wail will reewiee arowrpt attow. lea, aad all bBSeraienwa sreerfnlre loraiebwd : Order, e-Vlil. 1 f ap. mi? 1UJJU Publishers. THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, Pa. WIDMR8DAT MOSMMO. APRIL A, IA7I. WILLIAM BOY ON THAT 990,000. Aia CArraiir J i ica. naar woaac. I'm Henry Ward or the Plymouth Iliog, ' I read my flock most orerr tfatof , Aad sail mj pews for what t bey 11 briBf To eat a ewell in brooklyn. As moek as any tnektn; dora I preach the gooel from boots. Aad salt it down with a tittle free lore, e,rv. P folk Bn9kb.j. I do not think that people need Any partiealar kind of eroed, so lonj as fashtooable lira they lead. And boy their rehrjoo in Brooklyn j I don't oare if they go to bell a. And take three days for how Year's sails," Or orer in Wall street make front heals. If they only oome down 10 broeklja. oai wonaii.T. I preaehed the nifrrer for many a Tear; To oaeb hearer's eyes bronfiil sympathy's tear, For ten thousand srry L y tbtok 't dear r or religion over in llrooklra t Bat whoa the note of emanoipation Was sonadod o'er the Anmorieao nation, I had to ro hack and praacb saWatioa, lo too sinners over in Hrvoklyn. wonsi tet. Bat this made matters rather dull. I too red the mare ban a and bankers to nil. Aad from National bauks fresh s;iooobsais null io keep too pot hilin la Bre-iklrnj I feared I eeuliin i keep my eerrtajre, Mt efforts the flaek betraa to dissharaaTO. friace When, as look would haee it. toe Kiehardeoa mar- C'allod me OTer Use ruer from Brooklyn. till nronst. With Jot I battened to the Aster. Took off my eeat and doffod my east or. Tied the marriejre knot it might knee aoea faster. Rnt the thior wee fixed for BrooklTn. And then 1 nrared that Uearea wonld bleat The nuptial tie with happiness. And nitogetber raised sneb a mora As never was heard in Brooklyn. Tbe aactioneer stood withia the pole Of tbe ehnrek, bia deak the eheneel rail, the aale uia nammer a brmo nook, and be knoeked dnwn Of tbe pewa to tbe ehrtetian, in Brnoklra. Tbe biddere wio plenty, and. tended lo bit," Aad tbe eale went off like a hot lie of phia," lea. plain the religtoa bad palpahly na, 0a tbe beig-hta of the eity af iirooklya. wonas vaas all. A ehnreb. like a theatre. In order to pay, Muet trot ap a eeaaetioo from day to dor. And the Hihard.on warriejre wna jo.t the "hiy" Toraiao tbe pew rente In Brooklyn. Bo now I haven't tbe fraat to fear, -Bat the thin;', ell rie'ht for the eomin, wear, Aad the twenty tboofend I eee eiy way eleer. To aaake bntb enda aaeet io Brooklya. ST. DOMIKGO. Mamr Dlan.pt loei mt the Repwhllraa Party and Prvapeet fur the leeaaacrata. The able speech of Mr. Sumner in the Senate nn the St. Domingo ques tion, which we publish in another -..I f ll. .nl I,. ti he Inst nail in Iho eofiin or General h,re,no d',ul'1 ih?T f11? B Gntnfs administration and the Rudi-, P,1d . ,or H' enct-t in the t i. :. :n .....t i North have resulted from the rotse- ?".Piy,r -1U 1 LTk" Ep'"r1.? ' ruble ...d heartless policy of the ad there been delivered in the hall. of ; Congress a speech marked with as; much ability or currying more impor-1 tant political consequences in its! train. Though a long one, it ia terse, : argumentative, statesmanlike, and confined to Iho subject embraced in the resolution submitted by tho Sen ate. II o does not discuss the general question of annexation or others bearing npon the merits of that, and only makes a lew incidental remarks to show Hint he is not favorable to tbe schrmo, but he attacks the adminis tration in the severest manner for nsurpntton o, .w-r ------' .- - r . .1 1.. f . . I empioy mn. ... mo ... I 1 t 1 1 an H Pail m I Owl in Is 1111 fTt, ATlll It t t"V ". , . , anu to hiiiiimu a mn-ii-n .ui-i. lit - . ' . rtttiic eviuence proves by incnntrovert anu mui laani ...iro.iy j"c , cisl nets and records of the S"rn- ninniinn! inn I rraiiiipiii nn.. in Lin. language of the resolution, without resorted to , ,, , , i tieiiiirereiie iiiicrtriiiuni , . . I and acts of war on tbe coasts of the islnnd of St. iKuningn after the failure of the Dominican treaty in the Senate, and that this was unauthorised vio lence, utterly without support in law or reason, and proceeded directly (mm that kingly prerogative which . I is disowned by the Constitution 01 me i United States. In fact, Mr. Sumner makes out a case for impeachment of a much more serious nature thsn that worked upnguinsl President Johnson. There need lie no fear that Genersl Grant will be impeached, however, except in a politicl senso, and no one d wires to see him brought to trial iu sny other w.y ; for lo. errors, grave as thevmav have been, arise Irom his ! ignorance of public afTuirs, his niilita -- ... . .. i ry education snd the mischievous in nuences nmnnd him, more than from lack of patriotism or desire lo be a nen rper. The evidence adduced by Mr. Sum ner corroborates whsl onr correspon- neni wiin uia rt. ifonimgo t.omuus- ion stated as to the usurpation, ty-, rwiniji wnvi 'i . i mil" voiiui. iwii ... .ur Ha-x government snd the armed inter- j vention ol the United Stales to keep I Bfer in power. Indeed, it is doubtful j If the t ommissioners will venture Ui deny this, Uvorable as msy be their j report lor annexation, ns much as they may desire to help General Grant out of tins St. I)omtngo dilem- j ma. Mr. Sumner mi'lit have nsed stronger arguments against annexa tion, though be could hardly have made more forcible ones against the conduct of the administration, had he ' .-it liMin f rwmm.llotl hr bia nerrrn ; ; j . iiii.i.iiii-o. ..uniii.ii.au Miuru by radical ncgroism and blessed with j common ssnse could desire the incor poration into our political and social iilo ol such a debased ana aemi-tisrruv ; rous population as thalof St Ilomingo. Tbe annexation of that island, or the iHimimcao portion of it, eoo Id not. for manv reasons, he of any advan- j tage to ih. United States. It would' load, in ail probahiltty, to B "tlune 01 blood," to ose Mr. Sumner', graphic xprrwsinn, and to a great post. The ... , I. MnnU evtn M nnff K. h.ti r. 1. 1 tn h.'i'ii p--i. -i ..... . ...i.jva'.e noil to much nrofiu lhe whiles of our own race could not till ,tb tsrtb under a btrenlng trowieal D PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. CLEARFIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5. 1S7I. uo, the immigration of colored raoca wonld hardly be practicable, and if pradioablo, whetlier of Cliincas ori other, they would not be a deairable element in oortocial and nolitillifc No:SL Dominrrn ..l.'l K- . ... ter tailure io our hauda. and American poi:!e would bernme di.Tuated with the ezneriment that ...v., wiu ane.r lacra afrainai j ...u - u,uu wj mie. ..mo in a in-ri Tear three hundred i home. SI.e sr.t tiifl ol wnrkin,' in a ny trop.cl acquisition, however eonaunt round of taalla. partie and aiity fire of the most important i factory, or toatliirj ' achoo! ahe ll.ou-lit valuable for . long Urn. to come, enterUmmenu, that rcliy tby hoar, of hi. tfc. hour. wi.,ch if ap-1 marrteJ Ufa on Car1b a, bat mn let wohaveado.t.r.y io fulfil to the d bow they eoula ex.nt out; plied to WuJy. would fmiiime him ; iichl wa.'kn, buv riJca new bonnet, outhwardofourpreaentlimiu. Bul'of torn in the wiotr time. If they j with the rtd.menu, at least of almor.1 !,d nothin-tooo. lt tin Vlirri r, ixil K Iha KM, a. t : I Karl ma. Mnnn n m . ha.I a., I .i .L. i It: . a 1 ..... r , ur v!.iL ,u . rX. "v""-vi bj nuu, ur wiip t,oo, men uafl ft vast producUon. Uriti a rant, prooucuon. lariro Commnrnn r-.l ni.; .T. f.. .w4iiw.ua, vino - graph, and all the element, of etTili . aation. Let us not commence at a distance and on the outer Terire of ' ond impolitic every way, and must be unpopular with the people of the United Slates. Genera. Grant has made a serious mistake in this matter and one that is doing much to break up the Republican party. We have been disposed to sustain General Gm.nt on account of the ecr vices be rendered the country in the war, and believing be was honest, having hope al the same time that with experience he would show aomc capacity for statesmanship; but he has failed, and we see lillle but blun ders both in our domestic and foreitrn affairs. Public Bonlimrnt in every direction, and even in New England, the stronghold of radical republican ism, ia turning against him. At the very time the tide of public opinion was thus turning, as clearly shown by the elections, the President quarreled and attempted to whip into his meas urea Air. Milliner, the lore most man in tbe Senate and on, n the oldest and most efliuient men that built up the party which put him in the While House, n c see the immediate result. tnnugh we have not ret seen all tb, ennneqnence, of this mintske. Then look at the wretched failure of th, ad- ministration policy toward the South The people of that section showed such a ready disposition to repair the dumsges of the wnr, and to make the best nl the astounding social, political and industrial revolution thrv had passed through, that within a year or two they raised again hundreds of millions worth of surplus produce. Their peaceful industry and energy under such circumstances Were aston ishing and called forth llie admiral ion of the world. Hut the adiniriir-trution kept its heavy hand still nn tl. peo ple, refused them amnesty or encour agement, and indirectly fomented disorder to serve a base political pur pose. Whatever Ku Klux crimes there mar be in the Sooth and we m'""trat.on and the Ju.tll party. , If we liwik at the liiisncial admimstra- tioo and measures of the government we eoo nothing but Llundors; no statesmanship, and every act directed to tho one end of sustaining Iho New England policy of protection. The whole financial polict- bus been con tractad, sectional, to favor the few and to burden the many. General Grant', administration throug'h all its course is now weighed in the balance and is found wauling. Though the masses of our peoplo are conservative and slow lo move lliry are fast int? to this conclusion. J( lb(1 Hcrooersts be wise thev mnv profit by the failures and mistake, of ; I e . ' the administration and the judical. ' i Never had a greater party a finer op-' !orlr)nit lt tbrm ignore the old.' . , . , , -,.., ,-iihni.i e ,.,,,' b t,e ; . .- war and in the Constitution, advocate : reduction of taxation to the lowest I II 1 1 1 , .-i. Ul'. II .lie r.ii.i.raui - cut down the ,. , . - . .winrliiitmo thuf r.mnin aa wmiittii 1 a the Antilles to take in a wilderness eociable animal, it is naluraJ enough and a race ot negroes that are fast i UT him to ieaire association and in (ring back to barbarism. The scheme j tercourae with bi, fellow ; but there of annexing St. Ilomingo is visionary I certainly ouch id modcra society of the war and give the country that about liirn even thesmallewt crilicrjio grand position among the nations of of boobs complain of want cf cirreiii the world thai belting to it, and society, though be be compelit-d tf there will be a fair procpert open for ; reside on the very cnlkkirt, of r:vt!.ta the next Presidency. The people 'turn. H"nlk and JJ.imr. anxionsiv look for a restoration ot the! ' cotMd old times when ther bad an ccn-! " . , .11 , - i mimical government, when locad insti-' I tit ions snd liberty were repeclcd. I when miliiarv rnle was never thont-ht of nr bnronets apn at Uie noil. The Ilemoorats have been a powerlul par - ty, and governed Well. The people seem disposed to try them again. The TUtlicBle never comprehended . i . . . k Kr ... y;7,;;h; 'wer ot th. PuW l" C 'nr?T,T. ' Jl.r or i rnaanrv rannni nniu inrm nin-w eranr longer Tbe Itemorrots have mask wth smiles aa inwa'd tow. a re the prise wilhin their reseh ir they worse than lbs ngor y csT tbe rnrk know how loose their opportunity j Who, among our readers, ,s rrsiired S. Y. llrroli. foltillment of bis early bop? w wa w j Whose life has tint its morvf.-aiirwrs.. To Cleab Mabbi.ii. Take twn'iu better coneelrnrr',.s, it wtodied ounces o( common soda, one of pnruice ' rrainns, its poignant howiiliatiir. i- ,tone chalk and one ot nneiy jwwurreu siA them throuch a fine sieve ,nd mix I hem with water. Then. rnn lhe mixture arcll all over the marble, and thiamine will he removed: n0w wash the marble over w ith soap ,nIt w,,0, .d it ; tr as clean ns ii WM previous to its being stained Sometimes the marble is stained vel ow wjth ron rD . tlln, nll i'p,. moTP( with lemoei juice, An eminent Scottish divine met twe of his own pariMliioners nt tbe house of a lawyer whom he considered toe sharp a practitioner. Th lawver ss ...n..l. nni , V. . , .. , . 1 . . i. .,i, ... v.n,, a-i.-iiir. mrw are niemner, nt loar Bflrl ; msy J ,sk, do yon look" upon them as white sheep or ns blsck sheep T" "I aon t .now, answered ine divine, dryly, "whether they are htatk or white sheep: hat I know If tlie v are long here, they are pretty sure to t fleeced RuAr DtALtwfJ A Maine father hasaned a son in-law lur lunchrs. hnrse feed, and thine" furnihd while hr was courting his girl lie has brnncht in. Minnlne n!u i in , li n ...... 1... ... . ....,., ..M.,i, ni. ,.iinr in mw with meals lumtshcd ainr the wedding, while the nisi man was vis Itin djr ,. "V REPU Books u Society. Tl.tre i ra enaoy people in oar Urire ciu who would eiadiyaoeud the real iof lUir lira, io the eounirr. did tier I not far th.v atnul.I narAjv(.,Ur - . w .ur, . I j, .'. riU"rt uicir - vsuirj - uwurMJWB 1 uuur UiieU wild Cominv. and tbue """"J "'i em companj-, sua uoi 4 nu- tn vnrra tk.a, .1.. .J.I . ' "tooths That tins is no fancy fus - ,n, let to, average metropoliuo at - i en bear witness. Still, aa man is a 1... .... . which is not worth the a: I en lion and interest of mat ore people with a pur pose io life. We do not allude to in fluences which are positively injurious, but to such as are unprof-uHe, be tbC hTv" Zk 01 ",iUb,8t r; J'0"' W,'-r I"6 hw,r 0f h "oin ' --I't f ! the" real rem, an bave been so accustomed to have !oun."inr i. n. ik. . r .1 ; i i , w. ... wit. nine A UC W' IUU PlrDaOnr : IdrM tn ano I .a f..l a. ... I - a. : . I I e-i , . , -e ;-v i. iiku inoaence ion mry to marrr : (friend, drop m for an evening, or to ' street or in the niln o-.-. v..i... 1 . . cause vapid and inane. Parties and ' Toa acquire thereby bibiu that are entertainments, where dancing is tbe wasteful, which will ct.ng lo yoa chief recreation, easy do well enough : through life, and grew upon yoa with for children and young people, l ut each succeeding year of yoar exist - sensible men and women want some- j e rices. It is true that ia some dsv of thing more. It is s pleasure for Ibem 'your af:er r.fe, by some bold and al - to meet and exchange UioDghU and mo gigantic, efl n-t, yos may powi- impressions, bat on subjects of more ; b!y etn.o U,em riL. but ibe great pro imporUnee and general interest than j ability is ti.at habits the, formed in tbe latest fashion or toe last ball. AsM fc's final fre--h t&ars. wi:i reraain they are neither dolls nor jumping. wi:n yon sjniil yoa sLaU lie down still jscks, they prrfrr using their minds to goesiip and dress, or even to trip- ping the "liffbt fanUsiic" f.ut we do not apprehend mol of our mature readers would abed many tears if called upon to give cp the round of gossip and dancing, and lit will-o'-ihe-wie, pursuit of pleasure which occupies the attention of a por- lion of tiie dwellers in dues. Ad- taneing years, if they bntig wtsdosa will setui from such taslenv If j man has surrounded kimsclf ritb pleasant coterie of choice fneoda. it would be hard to break a w.y from in tercourae with them were there no ; sulisf it me for their society. There 1 are few places in the coon try which ! have not their share of intelligetit tntaa ' and women. 1 he minister, the doe- tor, the lawrer, the thriltv and ea terprieiing farmer, could all cotitrit ute to ibe formation of aa intelhgeot ana inlerewting cirtes ol friends. Esi:ihs hk nitirae a Ul granting aa ( houekeeping don't run well locether should yon tire of these), lot to your anau.-.y to lie Prircess riaosed iulia hsrocs. to n a sporting phrase, books for society two w turee cboioej tturd reading, and tha, nb will have snd nsm bcr nine's supply of svmpathT volumes, perhsps, if your moans are ' jC.Ui.e.l, t-r tli'Am, per aaaam to doo't bold oct Tery lvsg. limited, or. If possible, a library, Tola-: l.ve e. Ii is said Uutleie, wiii reside ; Namber ten married because) she able era account of the tawt displayed in E-lirbnrgt ; amm tat she w.il gt loved her hseband with all her heart in its select ion rather than heraoe of i Hai.ux 'k:t as tn be borrd not, in a ar d all ber suL And she loves btm its numbers and costliness. , cert an sense). The saatch betng wth stil, and will pn.taWy continue to If your hooks hare been well selec t- Ja sstect, nd not ws-.h trerman love hiss, and is the happiest wife io ed, they will bring yon into the pre, prince, is said to exc t (he Cwplene- ! tbe world so ?,e save, enee of the wise and ibe great ed aU are of the sw Eapeevr t4 Germany. W, bar, a t tl "nirlit motive at ages, and in the perusal ot the-ir wnv The other jnereea the last ooe huh, when aanctified by a ings and sayings, yoa caa in a measure, latay mtre i;ed in i.;V as ki- Art ard resolution to imptove and enjoy their stK-icty. In this war, tbe low, : elevate each other, and to live true hunibleottdwilieriBanchacurehanilet Her Royal II gbscss Vkl.la Ado- aad h Af lives before GoJ, tin not can bold intercourse with Uiose whom la.ie VarV Lx-e -a. -nm vewbr UA t ca!I down the blessing of 'king and prince, were proud to reckon ss lnends. As aoaonation with inlet- j ligent, thonghlful people aOwxys has an elevating tendency, so a petrosal of j the writings of the gnd and ihe wise! must clcvale. strengthen and improve, We talk of the importance vf rvil ncir-tv, and how some are nnt.ertn-! natclv debarred front cnj"virg it, vel th, associate, bv which we can tw i most fairly judged nre not those with whom we pass ur busy hours, lal those of our own choosing whom we com-'gslhcr nroutid as in our leisure sxv'ecKk 0:nv.ta .'karic, A,e4s. of As has been wisely sajd, in a we are surrounded by noany library hundreds of dear friends imprisoned .1. by an emf enchanter in peper and lea. hers boxesvaome of whom have boca wa't - ing two, ten, or, cecn tewiv. en-' tnrtes to sneak to us. all of whom are ea-rr lo give n. a s,g and er.Sors themselves to os, if we hut spent to, , .. . them. With one ewe! book we bar, a true friend, and with a hundred a , . , , . . host : so let no one wno can fratticr Tut TBaccbT or I.trx 1-ne a a monstrous disappointment, sr.J det-.h tbe on)y portal lo peace. 1 r a not a dV that paws in which vitne does not sell it lf lor bread ; in which 1 some poor, frenaicd rrcatuee dtw M 'rush mady upon death; in whit the ' g"od nre not persecuted and the weak ; trampled pt Behind windrwrttwat I a-nil 1mi4c kineiillewa at tr-r.fttM r. aa itr kniusrw or fiction evrV pair.-ed rr i.JLei ... -L. "-fc .... - - . ,-. wiiiinncasmcss, its wrest;. ng and b frnt ? But w d rod rTre-pweTit l fr Wr rrrirrarTit the fti-cst poniow and the highest level of it Jvnen'h thr irre-at mass of bumanitv. and ther rul.c and mrati and wecf i they In' and slarve, and enrwe. and tgtit, afd die The world gtes rnanrg c a her diem ti! those w tin tail as iw r'e in str.nnm is beed.ros nt the icsv-re it fW. . 1. - - M ... WMk. 'a - . rvrenBersa-The Scnreme Court r,i Sl.l.k.. r1r;l,at Itaer. ' . . " tiamr r.f . r lk. er-t frf m a nerwna mi I K. trti t eef a promnwaory noie does iw erne an ndo-KCT rrwrionsibie Jnr lhe rwrmes-l of the same yjt trust wrt free th tre, wraj e-wt--i I' arte States Sew-' Sons heHeus. it snuet be sdmlt-.ignt-tiiTT, "I pvaTitilee the jotypae-ni lwr T tj t lt.j'.,re Virviaa. oa te.'. are excee.lirg'y moderate in thtir of ti e wu!nn, whea fine, nr sans thing in that r5ert- This, brwerer, dive, nt Bfip'r t the ewr-an t w bow orjei the mni msy he fl-swn. : - G-T- BtjllmJi 'en a wnrprise tat tnrr!rUi- Las tr-r. to bfti bis -wi.ia and eriemies rr npjmMi,ig Iw-. ocrat iorige in' the Talu.jtr.nwa -rr enit The varancy w-s n.oe ty, ... T,.. , , V 1 . ... . ........ 1.. . . r ...f. iw- . .. .. unvwi- m . ............ in Co'-tsv. anti th iVore-ei.ror r-oinu-d xiit iicninrrst whoa b oe fowled ir tt.p nar'vnos frr ;bai rwcfr ! Come bov,. and let a. tl.ir.V r.f . fcw f.a '.U-k .e-e.;.1fw ! rh n. i L, Z, " I ' ..7" irl. a - . .nj a, u,, umnar lotenra.ing nuit wetoome goe-t id many a borne - , lorn, aeoor.uiv, in aUu;liuo to tut wasiir wasunroi an boareach eretnn" when. : l . . t wy w aiww iianw aw m onr. Wlrnea) 1 is utualiy the rase, w by then ! tliej . amount extcnded would nir fur fonr of th, moat imnortant mizinea in . D the country "ow, boys, think ori.:- i . r these thirr- Tbit.k of bow much valuable time you are waiuT, and in what! Tbe grali&cation a3ded, by lb evening's loar.ge, anj tbe cigar, is not only temporary, bat positively hurtful. Toa cannot continue tba in. du'.renee ofihese pracUcc without in !time serious'.r m onr.r roure!res in deaUi. Lieiea to as. then, wh:le , other folks. we cow earnevt'y 'ead with yoa. ( Number six irsrrie-J because she j Iet part lime fjr djirg tiese Ulsgs was pxr and wanted riches. She , suSt. Turn over l day, a new Ieii , ajerrr reacted oo all other things that j Give ap the evning's lour re and ei were inoperable from those coveted gar. and devote the lime so waited, ' r.cbe. at.d tbe SBoikey no exprsided. hence-1 N uxber seven marriej lecaase she linh lo lbs itxproveeBrct of yesritlvrarht she would like to travel j minds and tatcs, and the tung of ( But iir Namber Sven changed his ycicrself io Iw-eome, ia days U come.; mind afterward, and all the traveling , nohie and netful and happy men, ia ' th, has dor hi, been between the : ron-motiics wcereia. ia 01 s a Provlde-eeee, tos may be ealUd lo r.i your days Come, boys, ts.il, th, grabd rcWre- Factorii'i Ki.-r.eiJ Ditrglur,. 11 rr Royal E gt nesa Ixisa Caro lina Alberto, aixta child of lh Qaeea. wa, bom March Is, 14., and m twenty three Tears aad three dsv, of ' aj-e al the t:n, of bcr iimirt. On si, ISt i, was marned to lies Kval Eigines, ibe Crown Pricee! I'ro'ii. Janaary tit, In, and La, uaae two sons and a Jaar h:er. rjcr tya! ll.jh!c Alice Viad j Kary bom Aprd ij, IrtS, shame in ; the IJnn rear cat fcer ar. 11 Loral : ILrtncw Trier, Frw4wvk Loans of ' liiwse, JsIt 14. 1 ' and Las aae two rr'e ar-d a Ivt. : j Ur E.rau fillers Tle'ewa Ac--S , ta ictfw-a, Ktm Vay ; aaar- rerd His Uyal li'kne!., Priree Fred- Sej-kleewtg ll.tlvte.a Lwniert-nrg An-', ' gnenrrg. Jiy S, Wei. asd has tswee a son. Apnl. 1VT. .... Tbe i.i'.l eiiid r tbe Prnces, wbe 1 was rcsTried c TscsUy. Her Rival lLr"co lstr Jiarv- Yirwia FeJnrw i H W in. rtnral Un. r, i"y, afci was lvra April It. ..... 17; bcu as bcr s-ncr Lo:ss wat married tat a Sottrii coe-ee-aan, it not st-i ke'v Beatrice w.:i be wedje-i to nn lrB spr 4 inbu.;v- amm ' ... 1 ExnvcT rixttr-Itstt.n oos finrt Hit t;.f are s- oercrir-s.Cl.r::v.rrl.-.sc.U. lirlil tw e s.: ere of wVco. Sas 1'iegn, rose- to tbe cjlstri'-on cf sa Aiit.sra'.. at.j tie :Ler, F.rsaci t, a a iaVJif Fn.-i wis a great MVe.fr. l; t-. J r-t.y tr.- t:,.! l. : Awifi-'ca, Ut s.ltef.V tnvcrsaj i.t,e -.oep. ttr, a-s.ve7 acees- s.bie po-.i J As il Afra. II. ; apprr4 t hse. Keen a prv.d w bear t.4 tW.ttci. y g -s la j us wi,. ie K.T,:.ei i. a-, i.rrarr. .rttr tb..l ro'.- bK- fce rv, t tie Catbe-ira? ef S- vi!, fi..! be free j p;,'i' ' it is t li." day. Frnea t-xi ia tr.as ex'-e-t-, the Ule WatJ. t.M Irr rg ci tained a ceiJK'3ra.t e pclsmt cd te irs.-nca li.a os ll lie I. rt ii C'fra rene ws f tt itl TV f.-Uia :rg cj:aiat c; iiir , a'trw. ci. S-rate-d ty t a. it- r-r ul Wi wi io carte tbe i ti bis t.-v : .-: Ut s -'.h it pro- ppfjoeward BBtil wb.tl, ccwiti-er.-a eJf.i e 'hl rtt t ;ifc cne heart cned. -Libert v or tt te hive w r rrv sseik: : X" bare i.re t e fr.twW'i i.t N TTocU i wrere-1 Sv ny uJe; U bar, eabe'. .4 tb ai'irt cif ll t.-a.tiJ t.ci'-s er. srd fi-red ly s :' ta's r'i-T J1B rKlft. er iij.t 1 tire awi.'ev! art.T.d t 4 v:e..-.ic f-a tbe we"-.- ' ta the rvVeo !fi - ..W - T - d ty Pt.Viewy. f ras rg ta aj. T r.r."u s-':- l --rrws a. nliU'.. I) J att SS. "V 11. TT Jrwa ei-wawrea. tbt lt t He rewreed lTote. m9 tlC'ri ewewl rwcrtve, ). j A wt l. r' wx ' I arrears Trew stli " i - - " -iiww 4 rr a kl aaaw m ( S . J .V.. a . - - f l. ...... -v.,-. . .... a tit y iea-J :i jl a-e if t. I. r-i W J wiaa u wv ii.r- a r- .! rt tbe wt! etf ;to-rr " jLICAN. TEE.iI3-$2 per sanaa:, in Advance. NEWSERIES-VOL 12, NO. 13, Why Women Wed. t t . , , tT.T".Vr- .T7" " ancia, Ti n. . J'"?'00'" " mBrTM;? t-t.tncc, Ten t-li she pt tired other home whether or not she is tired of the in cambrancee, this deponent saiih not. ; ;.,.,. k . ,i a... a . I "l""' ""1 TKwnttTetr BOOW Namuer two ho.d ..... i. ! .,th . cu ...i.Ij ori the interest of her familr. Peril ,1. ... . J ' oMwaa.a..,v-. lUVVUIE. UUL L vllBUI A. CU she would better har, consulted her own interest by taking in light wash ing. or ging out by the day lo work Number three married becanee Mm. sosnded so much better than Mi- Shswa. twenty-nine year, and eleven ! montba nl i anri nnth. .nnti, -n.,i.i i har. inn.Lrm,.! h.. i..tn . j old maid. Think how awful "that j would have been, Number four married because eh, 1 wanted eomcbodv U pay her bills ' Her hushand married fjr precisely the 1 same reason, so they are both lament j ir.g at leisure. Xomber five married beense Fsnny White had a nice bo-band, and abe wasn't going to be left behind. Pity if ah. cwui jn't r-et married as well a well and beck kiuhes d.xr. Namlvr e:.-hl mrril ont t,f ar.it. beee her Bret love hsd taken to hinxelf a second love ! This piece ol retaliation nvlit I, a re dooe bcr good at the t me, but in ti e lor.,; run num ber eiht found it did not pay. Narabcr lire married because she had read novels and wanted eympa thv. f-rrr.paih v is a fine tbintr, but it . coo). down at a rap d rate it the d me;ie tarkev is undone. Novtla and heaven. Est ad is the fa'e of those wto ntarry from wrng motivi escape their shire of lie's work, grl wxethicg for which thev nothing to give in return. s to or to have "Lt oj Hats Peace." VThen Csrar,afterhisretoni from his Ticto-W. d.prrs:on of tbe senatorial chief at Thaue, ard the overthrow ; of 1 alo at I Uta, ceUbratei his four trissjiphs, be carcful'y avoided all1 refereccw to what was the most hril- f'11 of all a s4 Tsewai'y achievements. In S pun he fcaj routed the dis e'p.:Bel !ecKr or bis own countrr. sacs; bwl. a, he wed said. fctheir de feat browefct eo secession of honor or lem;ory la the Kepsllie; the glory i ncleclrd oa th, vtvi. n ia t iriutrph j ever ther own countrymen U tsli diV and barren. Is it not then lime f T sa. a rhris-' tiaa people, wtoo n-livn is based cpn f,.icc:veneM of injunes, to show j w ft cannot tie outdone in magna- i Itiwitv snd g.nerotv I v the heath- j , 'I, it mt titoe to" ba'rv in cbl.vi-1 M tbf, tracw, CBr ci,,j w,r , K.. wruk wt. r! sieei, as of old, oar Irliow -citizens cl ; tt .-a-.h. whevrf errors, great as thev I wfre, have been grievtously stored! f.-' I TSer. ar. .-rare, ant a,m,r... ,ru 4 .ultn4 the world, and amid ttf ot fv,EriJ,PjC c,U,,na!- illf o;hr ,iJe cf je . ,o4 lk, e,w,.:ticti ad exa.pcra Uw ,Ke hrHjr ror caa tell how Sdtn lhs roan try sns v be embrtdled in a tV.ir;g w.r. When that hortr strkew, we wset tbe hearts tf cur' pen'; I, awst with bat one response, to tb esll of f'.wkrrn and duty. I W, want trcna to kindle in anisos aga'n. as M.saehaelts and Sooth i Carvltna tml ehnalder to shoulder j thrteech the Revoistiiw together when j taw h4w struct at Lexiagton lighted J a watch are al Baltimore, waked the! h:-.!fVT rf freedom at Char!.ton. ! or. Jciih-" Ttra w th s"ril that a wise, f.-e-aMingotausa3aiibip should staJy bow to restore It car sever be n-.rsrfl by rrroodir, each other ' eetinsa"y of the b;ttrr antsim i of ear civil slrur-!o. Raiher. kt as i isiitste the w .J .rn and the magna amity of the heathen state-omen snd otwijievs, w ho re-carded civil 4rd as s aa.ioai calanaity. acd thoaht it sx.1 S'.i:sg that ary memorial should re "nam tf d StorJ betaeva Greek and Greek. l ul ia ! ,nd rwaiwee. Tbas. on the triiil :aa Franc. cf O -vr l)a) for nt.ing away thewiteof cnej. A. EKrier, th irjured hv!snl. bein;; trfst the stand. te;;ed as fOowo : rawte iw al lenew ss I t.Ts.l b- , I-a)i am srenl pt vile'i netk. s, Messing her. ani nstng cnJearirg latn-aae tt her-, I d 1 sot wtsh to lav I hiaa cm hies, bat I dd not think it ..... . . . I. L. . 1 . . i . , pn-jTi. ii a irrr nitsr to c aml at tf.at a wi-i .k.M awav trv orh a hahard as that. 'kewevte reprsiersibiw the 8ifc-hL FAiTHruLjjjrro death. Tbe iNwtrmiar wwtrMe efa aasg lady la iJealra. r. l . Mia fVlla Henson, avervf?rre look- i ing. ixtell-eeni and estimable lady, 24 j rearsefsrs, diej at tb, resident-, of f Joseph Bii.ette. on Clinton street. El j mtra. cn Salnrdsy afternoon. Coro. : ner Meteel invetigs.icl the ennoe of j her death, and found that it was rnuo jrd hy atryehniite, which die had j taken. From information obtained from her acquaintance, and letter, I addressed to her which have been found, it seems that Mies Benson and Mr. Ward HoJjkins, of Now York, I bad for om liru, paal becu ,ngged This engagement is n ported to have been ennsumated a year ago l:it, July. Sineo that lime the parties had correiponded frequently and. freely, up lo the time of Mies Uumutn ' d-ulii. Kit snuie unexplttined reiimm llodir kins sec in to huva chsnged his niii.cl on the suliject of tiiliillinjr I,, marri age enii.-mi-nt In bin letter to Mis Ileti-i n l e claims to have experi enced religion within the pant four week, but whether tho i-hongo in his affectioiis is iitl.ilmicil to ntnh a chunge of heart his letters do not make plain. Un.lcr date of February 3, ho so knoarledges I lie receipt of a 'luart. rending" letter from Dells. In this letter ho addrese her as "ilitrlina." nd ajaaurca her ot" his lot e. llo says i I have cxjierieneed religion, and am trying to do right. I have prayed over this all day, and shall continBO to pray for you. As you won't re lease mc, I shrill keep my word and marry you. This letter is signed "from jour Ward." On the 12th of February the lover wrote: L'clla I hare received your heart rending letter, and have prnj-od over it, and have prayed for you many times aurtng the weelr. lou wanted to know if I would be happier if you were gone. No! No! If you love me as yoa sny you do you could not think of it. 1 could never thhuk of it. I couM never be hapy again should yon do what you threaten' Fonr dnys later he wrote to her" saying : fcave been deceived in my own feelms I do not feel towards you as I should towards a woman that I should marry. Under tliesw circumstances can you give mo my freedom ?" On the ninth of this month he wrote to her : "1 think it would be better for us both it we woald slop writing. Please send me my letters and pic ture and I will return yours. That jewelry that you said that you wocld never give up, you can keep. Soon after receiving this letter Mis, Benson went to her room, aud when she again made her appearance Mrs. Billette noticed something unusual in her sppearance. Upon inqairing as to what she had been doing, she staled that she had taken poison for the pur pose of causing her death. She sta ted that sho bad taken strycliniue, supposing thst would produce uncon sciousness and death without pain. Ir. Morse was sent for, but no rem edies could save rier life. -Slio stated to the doctor that she did not wish to live, but that she wished thai ho could give her something ta alleviate lief sufferings. She lingered in great agonv for nearly two hours. Calling for -Wanl," "Ward," with her last breath. On the table io her room, after her death, was found a '.eller, saying : "Ward. I am not your firot victim, but I ak you, yes, I beg of you, to kt me be yonr last. Bo sure before) yos ask another to be your wife that you lovs her. l)o not ruin her life as you have mine. After all yon have done, I love you as well as ever. You and your relatives can b happy now. You say you have dorr right, mt, of course, yoa will le happy. If yoa want your rings yon wii corns and take them off my hands." Powx tiib Hill. Th, evening of ever man'a life is coming on space Tn, day cf lie will be ,cnt. The sun, aUhotiiih it msy be up in mid heaven, nill pa, swiftly down the western sky, and disppcar. What s;.ll l-'lil p man's path when the sun cf life has gone down lie roust travel on to the next world ; but hat shall illumine bis footsteps after the nighfall of death, amid the darkness ol his journey T What question moro impor tan t,morc praclieal. more solemn for each reader of our Journal to alf himetl? That is along journey to travel without light, without a guide, and wi'.bont a friend. Yet every man mut perform it. The time is not faf distant when all men will begin I lie journey, luero is an evening star in the natural wtrid. Its radiance I, bright and beautiful, and cheering to the benighted traveler. Bnt life's evening star is in a good hopo of Heaven. Its beauty and brilliancy are reflected Irvm the sun of righteous ness, wboe bright rays light op the evening of l.fe, snd litm iheir radi ance qaite itrross the darkness of th, crave into Immannel's Und. It has liluminaiaj thi f.iolU'ps of many at traveler into eternity. It is of prince less value. A tb'u.md worlds cannot purchase it; yet it is offered without pri e m him who will penitently and thankfuHv receive iu MA"tkMSP. A bre.tr.pr exlilor whff believes with Pope that "the proper study of mankind is roan," mi ma up tha result of his investigations ss follows i W drink, every one pf ns, a pair of boots a year! We Carry iron enrogh in our llood, constantly, to make a horseshoe,. We have clay enough In our frames to make, if prop er'y BfpsratpJ and baked, n drs.-n Cd sized bricks. We est, her, in Chicago, at least a peek of dirt a month no, that is not too lare an estimate. The man who carelessly t.ps a glass (1 lager ihin his stomach) little reflects that be lias begnn Iho manufacture of a hat. vet such io lhe case. The enalt of the bee r assimilates with th chile, and firm a sort of ku the very some seen st ollen in bat factories. But not beintf innlantly ulilited it is lost Still further; il is estimated the bonrs nf every adult pemon require to be fed with lime) enooch lo make a msrllc msnlel ctctw eight hours Tb, New York Stn says that th Democracy need nut In; the fliiiti rinjf Unction to their souls that they wii frrf.-st fi'Ttrt fir the Pn aiifencr in lTi His Sin IVmingo and i-u inner kiininrsw. it claims, h.i kulej him SO deal th.it he will tot be heard of In th, rrcs-Jential carpain of next vear. If every outrage in tb. Northern State was classiliej ardor tho bead of Ra Klux, as in the South, tliesp fc', would grow srsrve in the eacs even of first clas f r;stin. oiocva