Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, March 29, 1871, Image 2

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    She gUpuMiran.
. Loyal Mebcuandisinu. It is aia
ted by responsible parties in Arkan
sas that Lieutenant (iorernor John
son weivcd $15,000 for mining,
and Ifcat Mr. Wliilc, former Secretary
of State, got 810,000 for giving op ln
office, that Jotinaon might liave it.
A Wis. Man Tlie I'liilosophcr
who bailed Jeff Puvis lias writton a
letter to CMpt. George of the Brook
ville Jefersonian, to send him some
young cucumber trees. Read his letter
elsewhere iu tliis paper. Greeley, the
nm wln furnishes the brains for the
Radical party, bite down and writes a
letter to a backwoods editor to send
him cucumber trees!
Justice Heaving im Yikw. It
gives us pleasure to learn thatanolher
State criminal has received his deserts.
We allude to that mean scalawag,
Gov. llolden, of North Carolina, who
Las been impeached, disposed and dis
graced for high crimes and misde
meanor. There are "a few more of
the same sort'' left who deserve a
similar fate.
A Wri'Diso. In Washington on
Thursday last, by Bibhr.p llcllvaine,
William Spraguo Iloyl, Esq., nephew
of Senator S'pragne, of Rhode Island,
to Miss Nettie Chase, daughter of
Chief Justice Chase, of Ohio. This
jiffair passed off as a B edding in ''hili
life," and was largely attended by
Congressmen and other Stato nota
bles.. Tub Imperialist. Gen. Grant has
sent a message to Congress asking body to pass an act confering
regal powers upon hi in, so far as the
regulation of the Kn Klux in the
Sonth are concerned. The infamous
buffoon only aks for one 6ngcr now,
the next timo ho will claim tho whole
hand. If this loyal prodigal is not
treated to an impeachment doso be
fore bis time expires bo will not get
hiejusl dues.
Jcrt One IIi'NPnr.p. The entrance
into tho House of Representatives at
Washington of three Democrats from
New Hampshire, on the 22d, gives
the Pcmrx-ruts just one round hundred
memlnsiBUi timsrew w iuriy-iunr rout
year ago. These one hundred men
will or crate as a breastwork against
which the tide of Radical fanaticism
insy beat for the next two years, and
upon whom tho "old Union savers"
-an depend for a restoration of "Vir
tue, Liberty and Independence."
A Loyal Ioioe. Tho Intelligencer
Kiys that tho Radical Jury Commit
Moner of Lancaster county has not
placed the ramo of ono singio darkey
in the jnry w heel, although they are
plenty in that county. How is tiiat
for high, "colored brethren ?" It ap
pears that those who want you to
tight and voto for them aro athonicd
to sit in the jury box with you.
What "grand moral ideal-' mill ground
out that "infamous distinction 7" If
the "pet lamias" do not soon get thoir
eye open there is no use in havine
any. Just such men as thai Jury
Commissioner woulJ cheat the Devil
oul,pf his possessions and then claim
tho Celestial City with its golden
streets as a roward. The man who is
mean enough to cheat a negro out of
his tread and birthright deserves
hanging to a dead mule in the dog
The Response Two weeks ago
Col. Forney, of the Philadelphia Vrjj,
called on Gen. Grant to "halt" in his!
career. Tho "government" has bait-'
cd, and npKiin(ted the said Forney
Collector of the Port of Philadelphia.
"My two papers, both daily," have
been far more effective in this instance
than in the days of Andrew Johnson.
How humiliating to know that the
ihicf magistrate of this great Republic
ia hm m.ra tool of Both .wee. . lit
cowardly buffoon, Butler, the do
bauchei Morton, Hie drunken Chand
Irr, nnd carpel baggers and scalawags
generally. What has becomo of thr
'grand moral ideas" which controlled
this triumvirate in the past ? Is there
a more godless crew in power any
where (except in San Domingo,) on
earth Their boasted "loyalty," like
ibe harlot's virtue, seems to bo for
sale. Hence the terrible moral afllic-
lion which overhangs our beloved
is the moral tide that
,, ,
land. So low
when a set of sharper have robbed
and plundered a religious "book con
cera" of thousands of dollars, iho til
lians cannot be exposed, though a
majority of the Bishops and all the
clerical Congressmen lake hold of the
question. If a purely religious orga
nization doc not expose iho viliiuns
within its own camp, how csn we ex
a." ... .
peclcorgres.orot, bo( Am,ri(,,
purge the political atmosphera and ltic0rv f government, and shows ihc
expose tho Treasury robbers! These j dangerous 'tendencies of the lUdictil
arc questions we have a right lo ask, 1 party w hen intrusted with power,
--j .1 : .i....:. :.. i I. ..,.t 1 Afu-r a sham, enrnest debato, Ihe
SUta, art bound to answer them.
The idea that such men as Cameron
and Forney, who have bolh brcn ex
pelled from high positions for corrup
tion, should again be elevated, is out
rageoos, and can only be justified by
a late 'Iss.ik concern" investigation
alik-h came off in Stw York.
I oyal" tuiilgnaUoiu
Mr. Bates, the "State historian,"
who is doing his level best to manu
facture a military reputation for every
regiment engaged in the "irrepressi
ble conflict" from this Mate, inter
spending nearly a half million dollar
of the people's money, is brought tip
bv tho whito ncro Colonel of the
127lh regiment, in the following style :
firm or PrTiriu,
(Intra or But Hiii.
ir, tsn.J
lUftntski'NO, alereli 1
CI. JmmM Gin; It'tonltr o nUaMpiim I
Una Si : liar, lbs roodiwH to rive s a
few .lioee Uiei will eouiMlor a bricl nuline of the
117th laitoet r-taloi ooloml rofil. 'Iiicb voe
,,mianlril. l'lca.r l lour earlicil cun-ri-oicooo.
Vtrj truly yoore,
8mnn P. B.Tte,
State Iliilorien.
To thia Col. Givin sent Uu follow-
ing sharp reply :
l'mnnrirnii, Muroh 21, 1671.
S. P. Bnln, Enl , State i7i.r..ri.., JJ.irnilary. " :
M Dl! bin: Tlie 127lU rtitimoot Lulled
Slim mnnrA tronne U k TVCimOQt eOlUlKtMst
entirety of eelirrd mm. witli Hie citrptiun of
oommiii.outJ oHiorn. The Slate 01 nnm.i...
oin did ..t r-Kri?.!1 rreoeuiie colored tueo el
olilieri until tlie tbo'sitoptioa f t"e I MO anienii
raeDt to too National Conelilation ; ill fas I, re
fund to receive our battle-lorn flag! aad douout
ili.n, milk tlm Sari of the oilier reaimtnti or(a-
1HM.J in tho tuie. a Bwinbcr of Ihc onnimillcc
hing harrortnt dpoionatralioo la Pbiladrl
hia informing lae wlin I applwd thai .(r
Uoopi had no ri!ht In lira line."
J . f-1 . I.a.IIv when v
Tuere were iuiuc 01 urn wn -H
tin nan of our regiment kieked aaide, for no
other te.aon than the .l"r of tha akin of thoae
who fallowed them to victory.
The hiitory of mr regiment not bein in yonr
l.-i. :il il jlnnlil' "r Will P1V
oomradea, linn or ded. eutlir from not harmn
thoir hutorjr printed ; the) did their duty, aud
the world knowi It.
1 cannot aeperate my iment from iu BR,
and 1 moat rwnwtfully dcolino (tirinf you the
fern ..ft rant i.7 .jar m bne
I W Stulf colorrrf ln)t," MBUrillX Jton
that I hate ao ferlin In tha matter porauua to
yonrarlf, or antagonntia lo your hook, which,
not bar in j aeon, 1 nan form no opinion of what
crcr. Very respectfully,
Jca (livie.
Late eowinandin( 127th reciaxnt I'nitrd Klatea
colored troopa, and 2d brigade, 3d dniaioa af
the 2iib corpl.
This is one of tho regiments that
"fought" so "nobly" yet, whou their
commander is called upon to furnish
page of history in which to embalm
their bloody deeds, bo flanks tho "his
torian," as was his way during the
war with tho "rebels." The gallunt (!)
Colonel assumes indignation for the
purpose of keeping their during raids
upon cornfields, hen-roosts, and their
hospital engagements, out of tho his
tory. That is right, gallant Colonel.
The while man who came down from
his native position to oemmand and
afliliato with negroes, has a right to
bo dignified while history is being
manufactured. Belter not let your
innocent offspring know who your
comrades were 1n the past. If you
do not feci disgraced now, they
certainly will if tho fuel is pointed
out to them in the distant luture.
Treason to race is more outrageous
than treason toeounlrr. The former
arrays tlie crcaturo against tho Crea
tor and kindred, while the latter isan
affair between communities or States,
and docs not soil ono's blood.
It ia taid to bo a vory dirty bird
that befoul its own nest. What a
pity that the bravo deeds of tho pri
vates of this gtllant rognneiit should
be supporssed ihrntn'h the eaptiousness
of this ting:illuiit commander.
Bankrupting a State Tin loyal
carpel-baggers and negroes in the
South can bankrupt a Stato in shorter
notico than usually fulls to the lot of
Stales. At the close of tho war,in 1S05,
tho New York Sun (loyal authori
ty,) says tho debt of Louisiana was
about lo.OOO.OOO; it is now, including
the so called accruing debt, compris
ing endorsements on worthless rail
road, ship canal, and other bonds, over
840,000,000. A New Orleans corres
pondent ol the Springfield Republican
lias sufficient fjiih in iho peotilo of
Massachusetts to beliovo thai if ihc
body called a Legislature recently ad
journed "had dotto to the people o(
Massachusetts, what they did to Loui.
iuna, they would never have left Bos
ton alive." Tho same correspondent
describes this Legislature ns having
been composed of ignorant blacks,
carpet-bagger from the North, and a
small minority or tho meanest South
crn white trash, men without a "lust
place of residence," soaked w ith
whisky, living with negro women, and
smelling liko wet dogs as they elbowed
about tho lobby openly selling thoir
votes. Under these circumatanco ho
thinks it is unreasonable to expect the
planters to tulk w ith enthusiasm ol
the old flag, or to consider the Gov
ernment which upholds such a lxgis
lature "Iho bcsl the world ever saw."
GaANT AND Till Kc Klpx The
Philadelphia Age, of iho 24th, says :
"General Grant, yeslcrdity, fa vote J
Congress w ith a niessago on iho con
dition of tho Southern States, lie
tlevlarcs ihnl life and properly are in
secure In sonic ol ihe flutes ; thai Die
local authorities cannot control the
evil ; and that Iho powers of the
President, acting within the limits ol
existing laws, is not clearly stilllt ieiit
for tha present emergencies. In view
of thi alleged Muto of affairs, the
President asks such legislation as, in
the judgment of Congress, shall effect
ually securo life, liberty and properly
in all parts of the Vnited States io
enccifio remedy is named by the
President, t ongress is lo duviso a
plan, by which Slates are lo be inva-
; Jp1 Federal troops in
a limo of
j I'"-0' l:'V' authrity lrod,icn
dct foot by nolitaiy power. o i.iat-
ler II the Governor of a State official
ly declares, as Governor Alcorn has,
that the 1 1 Kid authorities arc sufficient
to preserve tho peace j still, on Ihe
requisition of a brace of woithbss
politicians, Federal troops will be
forced upon the people, and Slates
governed from. Washington, as in des
potic countries, ihev are ruled from
the It' ul capital. This is tho mean
imar of Genera! Grunt inesssirfl. It
message was relcrrerj lo a tpe.iMi
What a pity that tho impotent (for
good) creature who draws Ihe Presi
dent's salary Cur.r.ot gvi up a pretext
for sending Ihe army down South
without the slow proees of inlerroga
ting Congress I What a ..iiideronce
ihite on hundred noble IWmocrnin iu
JCoPagreM art to Royal afjiimtions !
Tltt line of rt nnmh Carolina
Ono fa wycr, a carpet bagger, now
holds tho seal in too (.limited Stales
Senator onto occupied by John C.
Calhoun. He was chosen by a negro
legislature and f radical enough in all
conscience, but ho enn not agroo willl
the majority of his pnity. In a tlcht
on the proposed Ku Klux bill he took
occasion to denounce ihe course which
tho Republican majority are bent upon
pursuing al me nictation oi urnuv,
who desires an opportunity to em
ploy Iho military lo ro elect himself
Mr. Sawyer said :
I hold that the Southern lieotilo had brcn in
doctrinated with the brilliant aophielrlea of Hit
Southern italeetuen for grnrretioni, anil tnal tucy
went Into the war for aeeearion on principle. I
abhorred aeeeaiion aa much aa any one, hut know
ing that thi-ao ueonlo thonuht they were right,
now that thev are oonauered and their polilimtl
hereitire uttrriv ohliterali'd, 1 oould nut follow the
example of etlu.ri and flippantly hurl at them the
i nitliuu of rebel and traitor. 1 could not do-
noonoe them boccute they will not repent, because,
aa llie boliered Iher were riirht, they hare no
thing lo repent of. They fought lor the principle!
which thoy bad been educated from infancy to im
ulicitlT aooeiiL and there waa aa brara and honor
able liien in the Confederate army al ever drew a
5Wr.j or lined a tnuikcl."
Further on in his speech Mr. Saw
yer sets at resl u "brilliant" lie of the
Radical faction, invented to frighten
their white-livered constituents :
" loch baa been laid, here and elaewhere.aJ to
the Inclination of the Southern people to enter in
to another 'rebellion.' lint 1 will tell tScnetore
there ia not one wold of truth in it. In the face
of their maimed aona, their deaolalrd hearthetonea,
their minrd houiea, their deraetatcd ftulda, no
noh foohah idea eoeld k ...let.i..ed hj Ihem for
m Miwuicuh. I ilu nut ihluk tbitl wij of the dialur
hancea in the 8outh haa originated from hoarillty
to Ihe General Uovarumcnt, but that tbey were
napircd by diaeflrction to the local government.
And why 1 llecauae the men who are moat fitted
wy education and poaition to take part in the af
faire ul the Mate hare ooen ezcinuea inna an par
ticipation. Through thia oauer it can not be de
nied that men of an iuferior moral and intellee
tual ataiup hare been elected intopubliepoaitiona."
When a cai-pet-bnggcr who was
made a United Suites Senator by
neuro votes tSlka in this manner, the
. . . . . a : I 1 .J!..l
moal bigoicu ana siupiu iiauiciu in
tho North can scarcely lull to beliove
him, nnd tho lies which are so contin
ually repeated by tho New York
Jnbuneuntl oilier ncpuuncan joumuia
must soon fail to'prodtico any impres
sion. 1 ho tuno is arawing nigu in
which Ihe whito men of Iho two sec
tions of our common country will
ceae to rcffiird themselves as enemies.
All that is needed to cement the bonds
of fellowship is a comptcto overthrow
of tho Republican jiurty. Lancaster
- Wonderful Olttcortry.
The Chicago Tribune concludes an
si tide on "the liepublican parly in
Ihe South" w ith the remark that "the
carpot baggers and their supporters
at the North, in ihe endeavor to crush
out every spark of manliness and every
memory of the past among the South
etn peoplo, have done more lo defeat
liepublicunism in those States than
the Democratic party could have done
in a generation." And certain numb
sculls and blind bigots construe this
statement of glaring fuel into treason
lo the party and (jcneral Gram's Ad
ministration. The fact is, however,
thnt no one in tho world is mora im
pressed with its truth than (ienoral
GrutiL In going into tho South for
Attorney Gencrul hosignified aamuch.
Tho Uichmond 6'fie Journal is a
Radical paper of the strictest sect. It
has always stood on advance ground
relating to reconstruction, not only in
Virginia but all the South. It is,
lltUlt-ruiv, CM 1 1 kt.4 ! 'n
ins the reverse which the liepublican
party has met and is destined still to
meet in Southern Stales. In a calm
and well considered article on the sub
ject, it ascribes these reverses to Ihe
usurpation of leadership and oflico by
oi thorn interloper Hie real cause,
a every man of fairness and intelli
gence must admit. We quoto two
sentences for the Journaii article, as
"Wo have failed to make Bapabliraniem popu
lar with the people, aimply became ita leaden
have been Northern mrn who aonght ro giro a
Northern ImpraM to onr polilica, and to Kepuldi.
oanieia, along with tlie propagandiala themaolvea.
Aa well might yon attempt to foroc a Herman
Catholic to be a Frenchman aa well aa a Catholic,
aa to Inaiit thai a Bouthcra Republican ahoald be
a Northern man aa well aa a Republican."
It will bo observed lhat Iho sonlea
are fulling off the eyes of loyalists, so
far as relates to their treatment of the
peoplo of the South, but ihry seem so
bent on porsonal aggrandizement that
the leaders will not lot up until Ihc
houae of Grunt tumbles down over
their heads.
The Wrnl .Tlusl be lltnrd.
Tho New York Herald says Mr.
Houiwoll has overreached himself und
damaged both the administration und
his party. We should not be surpris
ed, ihercliire, if General (J runt is wak
ing np to the fuel and should dosiro a
chanirc in his Cabinet. The divisions
in the Republican uar'v on rurinusl
grountls are embarrassing tlio admin
istration, but none are likely lo prove
more disastcrnus to il than I lie differ,
ence that exists between tho Kastcrn
and Western Republicans on revenno
and tariff issues. Tho revcouo re
formers, who are for the most part
fragment of ihe lU'puhlican parly, are
numerous in the West, and have no
interest in common with tho New
Kngland protectionists. As an agri
cultural peoplo those of tho West
nntnrallv incline more to the free
. at r : . . ... . i
r .u V . '. i . V"
from the Kastern States b while
i.iun I a.iimi aa.iu . . . niriiiv iiiiihiiwiii,
may remain to some extent, they are
governed chiefly, as all other people,
by their material interests. As a con-
sequence tho breach that is alreatly
Bppnrrnt between the old Republicans
of the Ku"t and West must widen as
timo advances on revenue and tariff
issues. It is certain, ton, that the
mighty West will soon overrnls the
New Kngland protective policy which
has controlled the government for
some timo past. Then tho interests
of the South and West, both boing
agricultural, will bo combined before
long against tho protectionist section.
No Tr.Acr Yxt. It is announced
that rtismnrck fi t'o. are desirous ofjiuw in reference lo the appointment
surrendering Alsace, and Loruino, to of election ofliccrs in Philadelphia, and
the French, for a money consideration, iho liadical miijorily in the llouso rt
it seems that the peoplo of these pro- fue In consider it. The ApxHion
viiicos are not satisfied with German ; ment bill is slso hung up in a Cninmit.
dominalion. This shows how much (co of the House, and the Kadicala
the wisencres knew when they re pre- ta( fr,.ely of refusing to make any
setited Ihnl those people all spoke the apportionment this winter. Humor
German Inngiingo and were anxious '. ,u4 it thnt the Iemocrsi in Iho Si n-
lo bo released from
frenrh govern-
It would have been a master move,
had those opposed In Grant's San IVi
mingojob imorted a company of sol.
dicrs from the island. They far excel,
in grot eq tit nes, the followers of the
valiant Kalstaff.
The Hellefonte Watchman nays the
! report that bill endorsing tho ten
cnmiiiiititlmcnls lulled lo las tlie
Pennsylvania Legislature for wnnt of
j funds to hark it np, if not trm,
Thr Thint ilttnrrrl.
The old aihiL-e Mill holds good, and
though Republicans may destroy the
Cimsiltitllon, and attempt lo over
throw tho liberties ol this people, they
cannot destroy an aphorism. TIihI is
beyond the po er ot tno commantier
i.,...,;.,f i,r tlm nrmv and mivv. mother
r ti.t irtvaier armv noinnriscd of
T i ,.,.... ... -n...
olllco litiuiorsanti King 01 rumno. auv
homely words of Mother Goose's melo
dies, and the axioms of Aristophanes,
will sureivo and servo tho purposes of
human illustration of
Whan roguel fall out, lioneit mea gel their
.lHea "
That is a grand saying and applies
with Immense toreo to mo coniun. uo
tween Grant and Sumner.
Who cares which is uppermost, or
whoso eyes are out and whoso head is
in chancery?
Stretch tho ropes and stako out the
ground, and let us hnvo more of those
scrim nuiges. They are wholesome. !
Sunnier richly deserves tlio treat
ment he has inel with. Ho knew his
man, hail used him iiguinst Johnson ;
nude a tool of him to keep tno wreicn
Stanton in his ollico j knew him to be
false as a man. treacherous as a politi
cian; had found him a willing dupe,
doubtless bribed him with the promise
of the Presidency i winked at his
social habits: in fine, worked him to
his purposes ol hatred against Johnson
because Johnson dared be independ
ent. Ho lutoivd the lower nature 01
Grant to the lowest acts of trenchory
and falsehood, und now the pupil turns
ngainsl his teacher, and levels him to
the grounj by the tricks of fight he
taught him.
Sumner, liko
President Johnson,
look it into Ilia head lo bo illdepcnd
.,. K ....1. i,l. It,.l ,.
variance with the policy of Oio Ko-
publicans, ho has beon crushed, and
we are not in tears. The rogues arc
fulling out and justice will be triumph
ant. Stunner, who is a bitter-hearted
man, with a loitguo ns slippery as a
serpent, and has a brain well stocked
with figures nnd statistics, with a cer
tain IVcksi.iflian rcpulution for hon
esty (he is too vain to be a thief in the
same low way thnt his co partisans
are), will let Grant liuve tlio lull bene
fit of his hoarded hate. San Domjngo
is lost to Grant by thi onslaught
upon the Yankee Senator, and New
England will listen to the words of
her representative man and aid him in '
his revcniro. i
Grant will loso his Samana lots:
and Sumner dethroned Irora his Com-
mittoe, but not disabled, will throw
u . ,.r : .i. al.. . it
auin u ainrain via iii:.iv uinii vi.u v ..- i
... . . e .. . ; t - il ' .
nany 01 mo joo as win pi'iieirmu nir
and wido, and give the benighted peo
ple on opportunity to soe In llieirlrtio
light the servants whom they trusted,
and tho frauds they have accomp
lished as well as contemplated. Who
knows but that out of nil this matter
Sumner may do such scrvioc to truth,
as to condone all thoso crimes ho has
been guilty of in the Ser.ato against
the Southern people, the Constitution,
and tho boon of Liberty bequeathed
to u by the patriots of the Involu
tion f
lo knows much, and ho should do
much. I'Utiludca will not serve his
or our purpose ; he must givo tip
rhetoric nd classics, and treat these
scoundrels, nol aa Inllcn heroes, bul as
they arc, and as belter than most men
know them to be. Pvmtrey't 1km.
. .Wore Omul.
Grant's enormous oliiciul patronognfj
may securo In in a re nomination, but
it is evident that il will be obtained
in disregard of the w inhos of a large
number of his purty, in every Sialc in
tho Union. Thoso officials may, by
personal appeals in their own behalf,
obtain delegate who will favor plac
ing Useless on tho track, again. To
do so, however, will require nil exer
cise of all their energy and shrewd
ness. And alien nccomjilishcd, w hat
will it avuil Ihem 7 .Nothing but a
continuance in office during the ro
maining portion of their chick's term.
Nothing short of a successful revolu
tion, anil Ihc establishment of a mon
archy, can prolong Gram's official
power. leny it as ihey may, the fact
is patent to every one who has a thiin
blo lull of di-cci'tiinent, thul the peo
plo are heartily sick of being presided
over- by a man who has not a single
qualification for Ihe exalted station in
which an accident of war placed him.
Every intelligent man in iho country
knows ihnl the position required the
first talent, statesmanship and ititeg
ri ly. Knowing this, he is compelled
lo acknowledge that Grunt falls fur
shwrt in either requisite of ap
proaching tho weakest of his pre
decessors. Our country is increasing
in population, in intelligence, in re
sources and in power, and moroihan
ever before an Kxecutivo ia required
posses-it.g great luiowlcdge and un
swerving integrity. One who ran
talk horse, and point out tho tine
points of that noblo animal, will suit
tor President of a Jockey Club. Ore
who is versed in tho most profitable
way of giving contracts, and funning
out officesmight answer for Mayor
of a city in which tho lax payers have
no rcjjiirtj lor expenses. A limn lond
of citt imirlit le naiiffiod with the
.Society ; fond of junketing, might
bo profitably employed an on advance
! Pnl fr a one horseshow, a drummer
,,,, o( iu,0 ,, r , t.
. , . - , ... .
' I'll l"l lllv vviivi.i. va-i iiiiH-lliri ,lll
lentil is nectled tor tlio Into House
However eulogistic of (irunt a few
able partisan journnU mny bo, and
litmcver numerous mny bo the ap
proving squeaks of the small fry, the
truth ean no longer be ctmceulcd
that the majority of our peoplo look
upon him with shame and disgust
This will be verified in the next Presi
dential canvnss.
A LtcdtsLATiv Ikad IWk. A re
port comes Irom llurrisburg lo Ihe
effect (hat a serious disagreement be
tween Ihe two Houses of iho Legisla
ture is probable The Senate has
'passed a bill modifying the ouiraiteons
'Hlc will shut down on all pnvate leg.
islalion, if the House persists in de
clining to acl upon all important rub
lie business. A dead lock in the licg
islnture may rnsue. A proper spirit
on the pari of the House would pre
vent the occurence ol such a thing.
Good. Mr. Van Trump, member ol
ConcroKs from Ohio, hss introduced a
bill, which provides for the abolition
, of vhite slavery in the South, and con-
lerrinir upon Hint class equal privileges
i with those enjoyed by American ciii
I rons of A frirnn f:mt. A palpable hit.
Ol I'hllotoithn I
Horner (;rcclcv,thoRiithornf"Vhst
I know About Funning," on resiling
an item that cucumber worn! win very
plenty In Jefferson couniy, l'a., l
one wrote the following letter I
. f. Oift, S'til't frtufitit i '
I1ROOKVI1 i.K, r.
Dkar. flirt The eontinilrd reaillll ol dlaaitrodl
rtipniilloan defeatl Itt New York tin. la menrt-kuig
aoiaoe in "Whnl t know of Panning." limy
wark on lliia auliiis't will aaipt roil in the uohlo
eaaae of a?ricutiure, 1 will aend you a oopr of II
tirtieid. If you will aend tue hr ripreHi a fw
doten yiniig 4u9Utnlir troea. 1 uudcratand thai
tha eueumlier wihiii gmwa rery large iu your ri
oiaity. I do not are why they cannot ha uerd for
railing picklre, and ir yuu will aend mo mme I
will anilearur lo let you know the roatill. K iuea
iiua will do much fur Ihe hueiaa niitut, and there
ia ao reaion in pluloaopliy why it ihouid not do
aa much for cucumber troei. The only kind we
lave here frow on Vlnri and they ifuih op 10 in
Ihe fall. Truly youn,
lluatrs (Ikkelkv.
The first wo know Greeley will
nitko a corner in tho picklo market.
Wo await tho result wiih trembling
inxioty, for thoro mny bca philosophy
m nil thoso things hryond tho ken of
nortals. Pumcroy's Democrat.
$f? di'frtisrmcnts.
Vlll MM'I H ATOM'S) Ntn ltfcNolioe
Il hereby given thnt letter! of afltiiiniitrati'in
n the ettata of 11KNIIV A t'U II KN HA t'tlll,
lee'd.. lata of Lawreaoe townahiii. Clearfte'd Co ,
a., baring horn duly granted to Ihe underaigned,
ill penoni indehlrd to aaid eatate will pleaftc make
ivaiont, and thoae having claiinl or drinamll
vill preaent thain properly authenticated for aet
den.eut. MILKS KKAll,
March it, U71 t Adminiitralor.
Theodore l'eoplea, deoeaaed. The underaign
rd. Auditor, bariog been appointed to tnuke dia
trihulion of the balanoe iu the handa of John
Owrna, adminlitrator of aaid eatate, to and among
ithe nereone h-rallv entitled thereto, will attend to
the dutiea of the appointment at the ofhoe of J. II.
- T'lK,'!ly'TK"! ' !" arn.l.l. oa Tue.d.y. April
l.l,",h' ll, at 2 o clock, p m., when and
where all peraoaa interealed mar attend.
Mar. 211-31 CVItl ri UOIIDoN, Auditor.
Chriatian Lmeigh, deceaaed. The undrraign
ed, Auditor, having been appointed to make dia
trihuoon of the balanoe in tue handa of Edward
Perk", one of the riecutora of aaid ettata, to and
among the peraone legally entitled thereto, will
attend to the dotiea of bil appointment at the
oftlcw of J. 11. MrKaally, Eao,.. in Clearlirld, on
Wedneaday, April link, A. 1). IS71, al 2 o'clock,
n. m., when and where all peruana Ititereatcd may
Utetid. CVItl'8 UOItlxi.N,
March 29 -at . Auditor.
1 41 North Seeond 61, eor. of Quirry,
An aaaortment of Watchei, Jewelry, Filver and
pi.i.d an eoaeiantly on land.
Repairing of
Hatchei and Jewelry promptly attended to. v:j:yy
I '
COItX, P.VE A OATJ CHOP, (pure,)
BRAN, Ac, Ac.
MOLASSES, New Orlcanl,
TEA, Sl'UAR, CO EE, Ac, Ac
And a general avaortment of Crnoerirl,
heed itrect, near the depot.
March 20 lie By J. UVS.tnT.
J Term, 1871; commencing 111 Monday (.Slh) :
srid jt ao'ia.
Wm Man BeccnriaST lonard.......(llrard
ll .bt Nehaflcy Hell I llothr.i.-k Ilraiiam
Wm Strickland. ... Itogga, tlmlf'y Fiaher.-karthini
A lvingtoa.Hradlordt'lnrk brown...Lawrenoe
U II l.u.k.r lHar I . .
eaier llurnaidciO P l.ceae Vnrrla
Auattn Curry Cheal'J M Cummiega..N Waah
C Foley ....( leeirfield; I. tl 1. ingle tlaceola
Henry midge.. M M 8 hpencer Henn
S Fault t urwenat illcl Hariti. II llittcr Pike
( M t'ailwaJlailer.lleeat'rj It Whirehaad ( nion
C K Tuhln. ...Fcrgoion J Cornely Woodward
TaivrartB ai-nona---Firil Week
i O 'mllb llcn-ariaj.lnn F Irwin. ..OatCcld
N.I Hyen " M krauor I'orington
J N Mct'rackcn llcll'.lia Shugart Hrcatur
Coo MrCrat-kea llcll'J Ket'hait
J F flull Iltoivm'J H M ilhaliii...Fergnloa
Jia L Morgan lloga R 8 Htrwert, tioahrn
Sanoo 1 hompaon ' ihlhahvler
Kl Pale Bradford Patrick Flynu Ouliih
HJkyler " FCIIi'Wman llu. Ion
Jacob Pcarce... Peter Evaua
Arinur l'iaucaer..uialy .lea Mil k Knoa
tl.Knarr.jr PA Oweni...l,iwrenoe
rred rmiley " J L Mcphnrana
I' tlimdlaudrr " ,Vm Ardery Xlorrii
II N Thnaiiooa A U oaa Oac llc.m J T R McClure .Pike
Aack l'alehenn.llurnaide(Mi.i.a Il.nly
V HiHkrnherry....lhealWm Kale
J.ha lAmlmro ,J llartabnrn t'onnly ij Jonlan Bloom..
FA Ihgler Clearfield I'rluin MrNnol....
1 m Hall
I M Hill.
V it McPbcnoa
Hen Harteborn, ir.
tlco llagerly...Uoodw'd
n ia Mullen....
tnivaniK jrnoni Second Week.
Jel Campbell Bell' A Baoghman....lcealnr
r tlniham Bradford K tleerhart......
lliahel .....llr..l ! Adam Walker...
J Ruml.arg.-r...
N Kuaielot flirard
F K Arnold "
C K irh
R II Moore '
E M'-Maaleri...llurnaidr
Ji Haley
K II I lemena Cbclt
J lloekenherry.... "
Hra M Shaw... Clearfield
J M kctlleherger "
.III A MiMire...
l R Fallerlon. "
W Bard...Carwenarille
J Hitger....
R llughci Hecatar
Il A Morriaon....tloahen
Richard Kyler...
K (I Shaw
.lohn S Jnry...n(Jraham
A V Pale,...
H M IHiyt ..Iloalon
Mart.n Hmilh..,H
A L llirk.ik Knot
John Smilh...,I.awreoo
T J Cramer....
II B Merrell...
Anatin keria..
Hugh Mullen..
J 1 llloom
Public Vendue.
TliHK aniiprtifnti will offtr ftt I'uKlu-8lc, t
X hii iriJnM, in 1'eon tuolitp, rirf.rflld
1 (b ,rr-1 r.rwni Pnnr r of-
j frmj r fatl? in (Int. tirmilv, rnnilin( 10 pttrt of
. w thr tnn, tni. hnwhi, cm. ptatof br thr
I "h1' rM. hrthitif ivrhtn, s .t.w. s
Ac, ltc''0.)r with 2 hurrm , hf-ta iii lafihling,
iMsi, tl rMirrrtnrrta, tintfi, Irfikfor tin. 1
co-ik mn 3 ftarlnr utorfu, inyijir unit tn.a krtt
hr mrfr unintifit of iKM KK Ho,It AM)
KITt'HKN M HMn ilK nnd F A K M I N (J 1M
I'l.KMKN'TS tno nnmroui lo mrn t ton.
Vfe.sftl im eomtarncn l 9 o rlork n. m.
JoltS Mi IN 1 1 KB.
41 North Trnlh Strert, Wl.iw Arrh,
raiwiltN Frastti at : S.rin r Tlla. Fsrlnf
PiMa. spring MatirMiafa, Hair Mettrraera. lluali
Mattrraaea. Mraw Maitmwe. Ffithara. Faathar
llt-ilt, llollrn anil I'lMnwa. t'ourlarfanaa. Tool.
fnr al'li-a, lllaiilrla, Quilla. Call and lr Wie
The lat rTrr nrTrrfil f'ir llle.
K. It Our Intrnllna ia la Irteit all enatnlnre la
that they will beeiiwie rirrmaarnt ia!ere wit wi.
id ar'lrn will rentta Ihe aim allraUoa, and
tirraom raa liu; juat la aheap aa il firfarnt al the
el'ire. Starell til, Is7l
Valuable Farm for Sale I
tplIK tjr,rtTipnrt, rrairlmf in Fr pitton town
g Ftiip, pflfm hi Kttrm int nlc, litoattxj two
m-H mlh-M of l.imtarT 'ity, on whtnh thr
t. vrttMl n ltf fila.nk frmt) (JwBlhnf tinunr.
niirhfn, Mi 1ft; bw hnnk K-n, 4tflH.
fh lrtw nu nUftrhi-i., 24 SA, woooj hftl anil
Ul tn thur imMry ouibntitlmfr,
K htT f whifh r plfKml and tn n fnml tt
nt tullMNlion. whiif I he Mlnrf i nndrrlaii Wilb
i arvrn fot tfn of limfflonp nnd n f'Mir fvot rim
nf srl f nn viittlVnt qnttlil v. A younc nmhanl
f tf (rnTlnw ttTPt. of Upprts HU, ftrtirh, frf?
ar, l lHfil, Wrtifift 2h rrnx Vinftt ol thr rhnirr
m'-tif nil ktrinx. nnd eirt!lfnt wifr at lb
4mtr. Thf Farm will Ix (wld rrr taontl.
Iri-inir an h nrttir w llrf- thf lunwrriiirr
tl Lntnhvr Tilj P. O
Marl, 7? tl- WILLIAM MtCB ArKBN,
JlflV (U'flHSftlUlUS.
I'. 1. 1. 1N(1 OPI' AT I'OUTt
ion c a is n i
The Urge! Hoik of
v it i: X I T U It K
rrer offered In CI.EABFIhl.D I
Al the KTKAM PAIIINKT Rlinp.eotuer Market
and Filth Strum, CI.KAHHKI.l', PA.
The onderaijned would annonnee to the public
that he hue on hand and i now offering olienpfor
aaah, Ihe Urgcat atock or Furniture eror in llore
iu thia ouuuty, oonriiting of
Ppliolatercd Parlor Suitl,
Chamber Bctla, Eiteniloa Tables,
pVorctarifl, Book C'aaca,
Hiring Dull and Uattrciara,
Lounges and Itenchei,
Plain A Marble Top Tahlei A Bureau!,
Cane Beat and Common Chaira,
Hocking Chain, Looking Qlaaaea,
Window l, Picture Pramei,
Corda and Taaaela, Ao.
He aNo manufaclurea and hoopa on hand Pat
ent Ueda. the beet eeer invented. No
lumily ihouid bo withuut th-m. Any kind of
gonda not on hand ean hu bad on aliort notice.
t'pholalering and repairing neatly executed.
COFl'INK, of all lirca, can bo hal on a half.
houra' notice, and at tlie loweit prioea. A deduc
tion of 2tl per oeut. mado tor emh.
MKTAI.MC CASKS, or Koaewood, Wolnnt and
Cherrv torrmi, with glaaa or wood lopa, lurulihcd
on Bve aouia nonce.
Perional attendanoe with bearae, on funeral
oecaaiona, aad earnagti furoiihod when denrcd.
Thankine the nuhlie for rait favora. and bv
itriet pcnuual attention to buiineaa, 1 hope to
receive a oouiiuunoce ol mc aaiua.
Itememher the place the Rtcam Cabinet Shop
aorner of Market and Fifth Streeta.
March 2,7l ly
1 a I'.POIIT of the condition of the COl'NTY
li NATIONAL HANK of Clearfield, at the
cloae or buaioeai on March ISth, 1871 :
Loana and diaoounta. (1.12,422 IS
V. H. hubfli to aorur eimalatinn
Iu frotn radr-rminK A rw.rrm amenta
true from other National llanbt
IrtiO from otbr Ranki nnd Hanker..,
Furniture and fixture
Current rfnenari
Taxra aid
Check A other tain tteoit, inclnding
Rill of otbor Nalinnal Rankt.
Frtvrtionnl currency .including Dick el
MM 28
7 MOO 00
2,171 20
S,2v:t i
4AB 03
MS 71
1,004 7
4,iyj eo
3 4 00
7 o
14,160 00
8 per 1 e
Legal-tender Butei
Total t2.?n
Capital aiock paid in
Surplm fund
K irhan gu. e
1'roSt and ! .
Cirr-ulation outitanJioj
Individtial dt-prtftta
Ioe National Hfiki ...
Itue to otbor Raaki and Uankort..
Total r.
J.OttO 00
62 Mr
4,4u 70
:.2.'0 00
.. 1?,Mh OR
9 00
..?4!.2J2 77
I, X. M Fbaw, Cabier of Ibe Count T Kational
Rank of ClenrttrlJ, do Milrmnly ewrar that tbe
aborr atatemrnt it true tn the brl of nr knowl
edge and belief. W. M. SHAW, laaliier.
ubarritted and iwarn lo In-fore me thin 22d day
of fearch, A. It. Ib71. W Al. PuKTEIt, J. P.
Correct Atlcrt: JAMES T. LEONARD,
IUiti 29, Iiirwrtora.
K I PORT of tha eonditirm of the FIRST
NATIONAL IMNk of ClenrBeld. in the
eounty of Clearflrld, tn tha Stata of Penoiyl
vnnia, at the lo of tiuiioeia, tha Iftth day of
March, 171 i
Loana and Ii.rnonU.. ..tlll,0ti 07
OrordrifU.M 2.40 12
1'. H. Bondi to aeeure eireiitatinn 10 1. 000 00
! fe-nra Uaxtoamkitf and Heterfo
Affenta.H..v 11 A5 06
Dne from other Natixna' Hankf 1.CT4 ?
Une from other Uanki A Ranker.-., SA4 21
Pumiiure and fixture! l.JrtO 00
Current Fipne , 12 I"
Taiee pa d l
Ch .tenia. , 2,1. SO 04
rtillf of other Nel.ooal R.mki Ot
Fractional rurrenry, inelud. niukala. 112 &t
Legal Tinder Dote- i,7tt 00
Total ....
,.:4K,2ti 20
tiiiii inn.
Capital itnrk paid in.....$ U'O Oflft 00
Snrploi fund l i OnO 00
In. count .... l.Mi Al
Kirhn g.. 19 29
Interrit 1,9- 47
Prufttand U 1,41X5 77
National Bunk Oreo la.
ti outitanding.. C,90 OA
Dividendt nnpaid fcft OA
lndividn1 depoaitt 43.241 07
la to National Rank. V tS 81
Due to ether Itaoki and
liankar 1 74
Total L-aV.ilille $J4K,3ti 2ft
I, Jtma Roynton, Preeldent of iht r Iret Na
tional Hank of 1'learflald, do solemnly twear
thai lh abova itatement li rua to the beat of
nay fcaowleig and boliff.
Fwora and tubecrlbal to be for aoa tbta tha
J.ld dy of March, 171.
J. tTyTo, "I
A. F. BoTtT.m, ircetor.
Rich a nn N-hun-p, )
Mnrrb2k, IK7I.
To mil H'Anm it amy Crf ;
I hrrtl'T glre not tea to any and afl per'na
that 1 will not pay a pertain NOTK gWen by ma
tn fc. II. WiUon, for the amn of on hundred and
fiflT Ore d"IUre, ptvahle ninety day after data.
Said n-te being dated Ibe 1.1'h day nf Marrh, A.
I. 171. and being paynhlr at the Clearfield
County Bank. Hating reoeired noeonmdrraiion
tbrrefir, I will not pay it nnleM enmp-llfd by
law. I C, MrOl LLOl lili.
ClaarPald, Maroh I, 1S71 St
Farm for Sale I
C1QNTAIMSO W ACRF.. In a gwl tate of
eultiratinn, aitnated in I'ike towpahip. Cknr
ftld fVMinty. Pa., about eighty rtd from Itogn'
Flouring Mill, on tbe turnpike leading from l or
wen n vi lie to Cleat Arid. Having a atory and a hall
houar. atnble and out bui Idinc thmn. There
ie alcn a gwd 'pring and a young orchard on the
premirte. Any perw.n detmng a mee litUe home
will Ond thin a eery drttraMe Inenluin.
For further partiralar inquire of Rachel Cald
well, o tha prrmieei, or aMrtf
T, W. FLKM I Nil.
March 20 If. Curwentville, Pa.
IWOl'LD rearvriralle linoanai le III elli
ini ef CLKARPIEI.D and lirlnlly Id a I I
aea eaenea ap 1 the sew Maioaie tlalMinf,
irat nr a.lnw the Mention IlottH, on SieoDd
Street, with a entire new Heck of
Of the. 1tt tty'ei and aat finish,
Falaetad wlih ara, I been aa aaaortment
from all the lateat tore I tie la Jewelry, nl ta
ble for tha Holiday.
A Urge lr.ek of Amerifa Watchet-fro
lh factor! of Apnleun, Tracy Co at Welt
ham, Ma and the Katinnal Aatch Company
at falin, III.. In from 2 to 0 ot, aa, alway
an hand, aod warraated.
Thankful for yoarp-t liberal patronage, I
hope, hy lr let attention t bu.ln. te atarlt
j ontinnanea ef tbt ani.
All kind of rapalrlng la my Una proi
attended I.
Hair Jrwelrj mad to ardtr.
iWemhar H,
Trwawra an4 nbAnanlttat ant pnrier of yry
kind nfthe laiel Improyementn, for ale
the Ilrng ftlore of HAHISUU'kA 1KW1N.
1INK, HTTK I r.OAV LTMNll SKINA will preaent them properly auihrntiate.1 f..r act
Jaat raeelyad and fnr tale by ttement. A. W. l.EK.
Ap-dl H, l-Ta. II r. PTtafR A CO. j De-verl rp , M.trcr, I f-i.
ub:i:i ustTm:i.s.
( I r.Ani if 1 1), pkjiji'a. '
Tlie flue. I itoch of tlie aion ever brought to
CleartlelJ in
Fancy and Staple Dry Goods!
Notions, tic, &'C, 4c.
Fnettinp and Pillowenie Muilim.
Must iu, Strlpti nnd Tirkinffi.
tJraai barguio in Linen and WUUa (IjoJs.
Table Linena, Murnillei, Quilts.
Tow Uf, Ton ling, Napkinf, Crib Quilt, Ac
Striped and Plaid Nainioukf, Moilini, Lawnt,
Cambriefi, Ac.
Plain, Striped and PrinUd Fiquei.
r ere let and Linen Ooodi fnr iJrciacf.
New Kyle in Millinery Good.
Hall, Bonnrtt and Floweri, In preat variety.
White Trimniinx" in ifreat fariety.
Hair Ooodi, now ftytct, in ffmat Tarietr,
Lad tea' CoaU, Glore, llofierr, Ae.
Ladiea', ftfiiiei' nad bildren'a Sbuci.
JTlie ttock iiaomplcte In every particular.
and tb prioci are aucb that will pleaaa alL
Do not fail to
JCff-RuMer, Kggs, Wool, and all marketable
produce , taken In tichange for pooda.
Clearfield, March 15, 1871.
The First of the Season!
The Cheapest in this Market I
Yonr Pry Good a,
Yonr Oroeeriea,
Y jr Hardware.
Your (Jueeniware,
Yoar Not i enn,
Your Uoota A Sboea,
Yonr Leather,
Yonr Hboe Findings,
Tour Window Curtaina,
Your Carpeta,
Yonr Oilcloth,
Your Wall Papert,
Your Data,
Your Capt,
Yonr Ca-et Chain,
Your Btorci,
Your Raoon and Feed.
Your Floor and Fuh,
mere bent.
at wholcaala to eonntrr
GLASS, ic.-A liberal dii-
oonot to builder.
Fferything thnt yon need ean ha had at freat
advantage to tbe buyer, at
Market ttreet,
I HAVE tin day aaaoMated with me In the
tnerrantile b'lfior my brother, Rnhert R(ed.
and tbe kuainea will be continued under tbe
firm name of
n i: l i) n k o r n i: u 8.
We will eontlnue to make Ihe Irv tloodt and
X of ion bmineni s apeeialtv, and all Ihe bewet
fabric and latent noveltie in the i.arket wiil l
kept on band.
The lirnni'h Fiore In f urwenavtUe will lie con
tinued, where will be foand a choice a line ol
gotdt nt our main atntr in Clearfield.
Nrw Spring j-od will Lo on band at tout tbe
Kith of March.
Tha book acconntfi 'ifWoa. Reed will be promp'ly
and itniaediatrly artJUd.
Clearfield, V.. Me 1. , 1871.
G. W. 1NNES, A. M., Principal.
TMIK FIRST srSlON r Ihit inititution will
f commenee m M irdy, Ibe K'th dy of May
Uvkt. (Tr-rut, five It, lilhf )
Pupil way entrr a! ay time, and will be
eharcd tuition frma th time tbey entf-r until the
cle if Ihe ar-aalon. The enree of Inetruetiun
mil eoihraee all brannbe ineluded in a thorough
pruciical i-doratinn for brtth aexe.
Yocnt Muir tangbt when d.ired.
Hood boarding oan be obtained at either public
or pritate hnnan at low r.tte. Parrn' can be
anaorrd that the ability and anergic?, of Ihe Prin
cipal will te devoted tn the mental and moral
training of thoae planed under hi chargtx.
Term of Tuition will be m operate, and
ran te aacertained by ndlreaing lr. J. I one, nt
Nrw Wahitifr.'4n, or the i'nncii-nl, ii. W. luneo,
at Appnllo, Atmtrong county, Pa., but who will
be at Nrw Wmftiinrton after Apnl let.
New Wafthuigion, March 2, 1HT1 tf.
To Bridge Builders 1
Sealed prnponal will be reeeircd by the under
ifrted. ('omnilte al Onrwrrnville. until r'AF
l liliAV. tha IJTII HAY OK APRIL neit, for
the erection of a CON K ft F I MtllMtK of one
hundred and fffty foot Span. a"rtt Ibe Sufoe
hanna river at P'o-im Fording, about midway
between Cnrwenvrille and l.umlror City. Said
hndge to be timtlar in eonatructir-n to the nne
aero the innitlh of Andertn' Creek. Separate
bid Will be onneidered for etcavatinn, flnnr, and
maonnry per pfrch. euar and an wed lumber per
fuot or Iboiiand. for carpentry and black -niit bing.
or f-r the whole, inrluding material and labor.
Ami'te aeenrity will he reftired ol Ihe contraclor
fur Ihe completion of the bridtre in a worlnianlike
manner. f ACH A R M II M N A V L,
H It. II 1 14 PH KEY.
Cnrwfnirillc, Mar. 22 Id tommittea.
ROT A It I V A 1. 1
Spring Millinery Goods
of Ihe Season,
rieaTf.eld. Pa . March 15. 1S71 Si.
rjiin Air.Rir ak nor sr.,
Ct tanriein Coranr, TrM'a.
Thi lonretablihed and popnlar hotel I atill
kTt by the anhncTihcr, who prra no efl.trl to
puae all who pat rnnirr him. "To plcee," It the
motto al tbe American ll"ne. and all (bit i aaked
i a trial. K. W. It E E I , Proprietor.
Curwen llle, March l ', 1 T I tf.
For Renll
rilUK andemignrd "fTrr to rrot a T'W PLI INU
1 HOI S:; and llLAi hMn II SM. vnua'e
at Oatend P. O. in Hell tnwnhip. Thi i a very
desirable location for the tin-ini'. A fit'l wt if
loMp in Iba brp. Plenty nf en torn. A g"d
m-horil in Ihe tiltige. A-tdiem ur apply ti II. L,
llenderann or the Mibarriber.
JMarrh U if HI SRY PUKTH. Jr.
MTH TtH?l HjIIIM tw -Notice
t hrrrhy gn rn Iba' l-ttrr of a'tn nitraliin
on Ihe eptatc nf T llt'M AS Ml I.I K v drca.).
i late of Heeoaria lfwnb.p. Clearfield renti,
I hating been dull granlnt lo Ihe un1-ri,?rd, a'l
! pr"on indebted to aid eftale t ill plraae make
i par went, and thoae havine claim nr tten.tndn
A Malo anJ Feniilo II I .r la Cdooll
I'.arh IWparlmt i.t ItUtlart at d t'umplclfl
IU l.t.t-11
riHR Tilinn it nf t the p-e-'-enl r-bo'aniie
Tear i f Vm In-litnti.-n mil e"'mrti on
M-.N PAY, tiie I-''' il'tT "l l .'iu- v, U; I
rulrll r,t fit H"V !ll I' 'lt,.T ft ill b
clisrti d tii h ttr 'i"n f; r.m tin- tm.e tl.iy c tiler lo
llie cl e i 1 1. r- he'lir.i,
1 i rt.nrm? l in I ni ci ion t fn' rairf every llilfin
ifirlurte'l In n thoMtuli. T'rn-tifri atrj act-niplitb-
d education fur l)ti m in
I I. KM iV l I TI ION.
Orlli"erapl.y, It a line, rVniinwi-liij., I'tiitt iry
Arittiine'ic, rr wHty ifi o;nipliy, anl i teil
Jrraninir. tfr Ja io(t 'II wrkpn to t0
Ornnimnf, A 1-crifiite tit-oL-rFj-l y,
Jkliip hrawmp. Hi'tory, .Vci.rnl and ru-
tvn AniiuiKiir aim ivnni lirxwiiiv..,.
iC 09
niintmn, frurTcytrtfr. Ajturnl nr. 4 .Moral
I'ltilot'ipby. tiei.lop v, IMi :olf.(ry. Cliuiu
int rr, I; tffrie. l'l.j niral O vigrn(.jjT. Look
Kw't.inir. liotativ and .Vni'il 1iuwhic
(9 01
Latin, tin-fit and Kit neb. with any ol ihc
above Hraticha
I'rjatl or Oi.rutjl I'uintiuf. 121 lenaoi-.ti
Munof hroinntic I'jintin, (24 iMeom.
f 12 CO
. in ti)
. 1 o-
12 (0
. 9 09
. Ij 10
('rafon lrawinr. (?4 iettnut)
lanry Hair VVoik, (24 leoitii
lnotruiiii'iitHl Moic, irnkUUB)
JfJT-No deduction wilt be made for a
htudctiti irvm a distance eun b accbmoioiiatcj
witb boirding at low ratei.
Any one not a nfiui-tr of the t-ch'xA eao rereii
private inatruciioni in any ot tbe oruatncntal
ot lurlbcr partiruian inquire of or aMreca
Hoy. 1. L. IlAiiMiU.N, A. M ,
Feb. J, 1.;0.lf. 1'rinc pal.
rpHE ETRIN'O TRRM of f-orte-n wecki, will
eommenov Monday, April Hub, 1 H7 1 .
A I'noiHry dfpnrtturnt will W ad Jed to tlia
School tine fall ; for trhteb the acrrieeff of a com
petent instructor bare been fi-pnrd And tit
efl'irt will be ppared to render tbta department
attract!?- aod lortruetire.
Rending. OrtlrofrrRpbr, Vritln'g.T)' J'r. T.ei
nnt, Primary Aritbicctio and Primary
tJeof repby $
IIiUry, Lucal and desrnj-'tire 0iifrap by
with Map Drawing- tiratnmar. Mental
mnd U'ritirn Antboirtie
Algebra am) the Sricneet ,
Iit.trucfion in Initrtiiuental mueir
Ml painting, 24 lenona...
Wax work
For full pArttt-alarn tend for Circular.
Clrarheld. tepU 7, lhTO-lypd.
0 Pfl
12 00
io ro
it oo
rriHE undrriipned purpoe opening a Teatal
X Office, in Curwennrilte, a early in March aa
cucuniitanc r. ill prinit. and would rvepwutfutiy
offi r bi eervicea to tb clt iient of tb town and
urrounding country. jAri M. MF.WART.
All infuruiaiii.n rrt-peetiuj tho aKoye enrd w ill
be g ven by Mr. K. W. IterJ, i IS
Xciv Firm !
IlK fno of C. KRATZCIl. in Ibe I'ry Good
nd Provision bur men, will be known tera-
aitrr under the name of
k R A T Z i: n A LYTLE
Thanking Ibe public fur paat fa vera, they bop
for a eontitii,inte ol the fame.
Clearfield. Pa., February tv. 1671.
Real Estate for Sale.
frillK uodertig'ird -Ti for aale hi fa-ra. it
.L D lint 'I ford towniabip. nar Maine'a
HfHil I.oufc, ciMiiaioing 7t At HI;?, ? acrea
of which are elcarrd and niadcr fnee. 1 ba im
pm r-nimt conm.t of a lug boue, log Iable,
ep-ing h'-ue, wood hoar, and otbrr neceeanry
omiiuiMiiiga, and adjoin lan'l of Wm. Hitch
ing., Ilrniy Urafliu. Jubn tirafliii, and otaen.
T tiere i a oung urarhard on tbe pri-mis., and ia
tberel'-ra a varr Ueitrntlr proporrv.
Erajrord tp.t Feb. 6, 1671.
,Xn",,u ,nT ti patient and the pub
lic g. in rally, iba, bnviug nVaulw-d parttu robip
wi h lir. Mmw, he t n-w doit g the entire w-irk
of hi hitnerlf. thAt patient need rot fear
beirg put ur.der the band" of nr otb r rperntor.
llavini: (ititatns-d a rednftin of the r-alent on tha
plate niatrrin.1, I am enat.'c. t pnt up teeth mnrb
chenper than former'y. I a'o hare lr. Stu-k'
patent proceff for working rtibtn-r p!ale. which
make ii im l. liciitvr. m-tre elastic and tnTiT
plate for the rime airounl at material, and pol
tbe the plate nn h:h ude. rtn't-ting it n.nch
more eatl kept elran. special attcniion pa'd t-
tbe prrevrt ahn of the natural teeth, and all work
gonraoteed etitirvly anli)ctory to pt nt.
JtiT"-f.'i,i at tbe old wirnrr, oj puciie the Fhaw
Htiuna. t'fiicc b iur lrm 9 to t, a. re., and I to
5. i. ru. Putiniti from a Jiattince b"u d rotifr
me a few day Vefort hand I their intention to
cooie. A'vfiv at heme, u.wti etber Ij tii ap
pear in b ilb tbe rt.ut.'y pap'-ra. I. bii 71
Curweiisvillo Marble Yard.
Dr.SlF.oriS of extending mr Imtince. at'd
knowing th'Te can be r 1 i(rirr tnbnte
i rrfp''! lo tbe memory of the nrraed ard
baried liiri ilmn to met over their rarTW
bomee a culj.turrd !'' of n.a-l'. thnt
pom! forever to the rti;ijf p'acv ol tboe we
bite: 1 lg Irate lo mt to ail n bo wmli to eh w
their afltstinn for tlietr departed tncnda and
kind-et, that tbey oan now bnve an opportunity
of diig o. by e,il!mg at my Phop on I'houinaon
tret, t itrnciifMlle, 1., a I am pn.pimi to
furniab tn nr.irr,
ofanr daipn or air., al r.niril-lr niTra.
N. II. 1 bry on han.l Ihe li-al l-'irrlcn and
Oomrallr Marblr. All w.i'k arcuie.i in in.
mt.t a k 1 1 1 1 ai I mnnii.r. I ill tl. id-livt-r wnr
to en- point in CUarnrlil n- p.f'.'inire r'.iil.i'... if
drir..l. M. II. Cl'l.IU K.V.
I'urwriiavillr, Oot. 10, lHf'.w If.
ATP. in ii Roru
great i:xriTrrNT
The blnoilv confrl b(T1tan Tunoe nd Pri:"'a
i et nn end for tbe ptemi, ir- fur e tde iiiii'li
tering of men and tbe detrncti-i of p'.-prm i
Cfncrrocd. Ibe Roal J ti T-rlei ro f o" i:i-fa
tht'mrlrr end rr"ie over tbe rH'l. '"t 'w
intigiHficartt it ilit-ir wi.rk when con pircd arh
Ihe humane and elirilian eP rt of
nho ha nndrrlnken to anpply atl the ciiiirnn in
the lower end nf the eounty wi'h fad nod raiment
at esei-rliTif Ion rm'rt from bt mmm! t 'orr in
Ml l.S"N Mb ti. where he can alwnv be ft)T d
redy to wait up-in roller? and inpply thern wua
I-ry fioods r,r nil Kinds.
Suet a Moth, faiinciu, Onniuri, Mmlxi,
lcln.pea, I. men, prilling, t'ahcoei,
Tr'.nitning. Itil.bonr. I.a.e,
Iteady-n ndc- Clo'hmg. 11o'p nnd Sfi-x-. Pat ard
Cap all f tlte tv l material end made e o-tb r
llbe. Sock, liliue. Muter. Laro. P bhon. A.'.
Coffee. Tea, Pngir, Pt-e. M e, Ti-W. Vt,
Pork, I.iiiMrd Oil, Kih Oil, Carbon Oil.
Hnrdwarn, Qitrrpwa'-n, Tinwi-e, Caatirf. M -w
and Plow t atnic, NmU. 'p-kra. Von, . !t
Uira. Ciler Pirr. and ail cf Air.
PerfumerT, Paint, Vamih. tiln. and a j(nr-l
a"rtnient f Stationery,
Of d fTerent bran 1. alway on hand, and will ba
aild at the lowri p"nblr l ure.
MroltS, anrh a It randy, A inr, V hiily,
Jaynr'a Meii inee. llot.Urr' and
llo. flnd Itiltera.
pnnnd ol W not wantid for wbi.-h ti e
hiebeat priee mil be paid. rin-rrerd on bar.d
and lr ante al Ike kwt toarkei price-.
AI", Agent for Siratlonviile ard Crwri-.n ilia
Tbrealiitig Maolitnr.
it a- Call and for for yonrrlre. Vim w ill Cr"l
rrrry thing uual!y h-pl in a retail ti're.
i.. v. cttriinirT.
rrenehrille P. 0., March 1. 171.
CJW VW AC I; . K ennedv Ve lica'
I leer Oil.
lavn'nd r medirl
-1 f rvary
kind, for a
,i"hf ii r rswii'K a i it w is
IOn P 1 White Lead. Zuv. Paint. 1 'o
need M. Turpentine, arnbc of ail kntdf,
t'..lorp in til and i'rv ainl, Virn It pniahe
may IMRTIt'n A Ii."'l'.