TIIR REPUBLICAN. CLEAI.FIF.LP. PA. w-Pr-UT MnHSlXil. MAHrtf g. 1R71 Terms of Subscription. 1 If" :.i ; ..Ivance.or w ullhin three months ...fl 00 t .fur three aad hrfmv ru months S 60 onthii S 60 nonths ... 8 00 i Biicr (ht titration of sil ajj Articles to In mm in "art ion In (hit fr 08 banded in rly oo Tuesttny V;nf M we go to pre at 12 o'clock, (noon.) MrlhodM EpUcopal .lurch Rev. J. II. if man pastor. Public rvica every Paubatt., Jl',.iA M., and 74 P. M. -v'-sib ibooI at 9 A. M. f rrgrfr Mating wj Thursday, at 1 P. M. t'imainf)i"n.HwTio, Srat kabbath of every -rtt.al I" J A- W. m. Andrew1 Clwrrn F.plarnpal .lev. a ..i-iij: II ttL-Public hervlue Munday morning 10 'eVIork. J t T P. M.fnnrtnj School at I p gy P raver Meet lug Wcduesday arming t 7 oVlofh. rrhyirrUn Church Itev. Mr. Bpti.ro. fMc Harriot every Sabbath, morning and oveo- ?. nipli"t Church Her. W. It. Suisse. Pa. ,r. l'al!te tcrrievs every Sabbath, morning or Ytrrin. Alternator. -? A Cheap Him.K. An eight dollar T-ul; "0 boujebt at the Postothc fur one dol lar. Try it! Nothing Ten tare J, nothing won. I: ton don't want a Bible you can get umi oilier Wk. Call and . ' The rni Store of A. I. Shaw fa ' javing id its winter garb, and it being dressed , ii: nc summer suit. Krerrthing ii undergoing a Itr'cgh coating and cleaning. The SoUa i Fcua-aia baa been n -produced fur the acaaop, f FflrailiJlr polished ud improved in every rMpoet. I Tlie Syrups are fresh and pure, and Charier, th' T aJaari polite and affable clerk, alwayi ready to I'tvt you )uat what Syrup yon pleas. I Moves Slowly. Although wo have I had a two weLe' food la the itreamt of thl raootr, but littl timber baa been test to market. Strang' a it may teem, there has been no rtaa in tQc river aboro Lamber City, while tbe rirer bat tfn out orer tbt banka from Lock II area down, irmtlf jeopardising the lumber that did get through. What tit It haa change! faamli bas kruugtit rrmuneralir prices, wbtrh aboald apir p tboM who teem to more alowly. Arrcstco. Tho man Ttubison, who bnt Mr. Kred, at Curwrnrville, two weeka ago, ru irreated by the Sheriff in thii place on Won 4ry night, for bing drunk and attempting to create a riut. llawai taken before Justice Porter, and in d?fanlt of bail waa onminitlrd to prison, lie has line baea held to answer fur bis shooting affair, but relraacd oa $i00 bail. Tbo prisonor is a mere boy la age, but apparently old in crime, lie has, however, made a sacred promise to the offleers and bia friends that ba will la tho future lead a new life. As be will not be placed upon trial before Jon term, bis eon duct from now until tli en will go far to atone for bis transgressions. Rattier Early. The exceeding One Wfttlicr the past few weeks has caused quit a stir amung tho farmers at well as lumbermen. We are informed that a large quantity of oata has already bnn so wo, which is a remarkable feat for this locality. Those who contemplated erecting buildings the coming season era aJso busily at work. We ob rcrre the Una new storeroom which Mr. Mossop if (reeling on Second street bas tho cellar nearly sumplctrd, anl if the weather continues pleasant a few weeks llr. J. M. baw will have th oallar fur tb dwelling which ho is erecting oa Front street completed. The staaon will b a glorious one if it continues ; Boeh like it waa thirty years ago. Dead. Wo regret to lenrn of the demise of Jnmvm 0uui, atn., wttfeb voeurrou u tbe l?th inst., at the Summit Cambria county. Mr. 8oitb tanght school In this place and was nimiltnl to the bar about 18 months ago, and soon after removed to tb Slat of Nebraska t pursue bia profession. Wbil oa a toar to tb Csj iial of that State, be was compelled to li out en the Prairie orcr night, and taking a severe cold, f.om which ba acror recovered, that fell dstrorer, consumption, seised bi ..i i. and la the ' ah irt period .f eiut aaontba cui"ls;ned kim to the . eil; of tbe dead. He waa a proniaing your J man, j ro.-e.flnr mere than ardinar. talent, and had he ! not letn orcrtaken prematurely by disc use would hvre made his mark in that Western Geld. The Hioht Spirit Wo lonrn that tb County Commisiioncrt bar concluded to ajimpriate the sum of one thousand fir hundred lvllars towards the erection of a free bridg across tb rirer in Pik township, near tb farms of Mesirs. Benjamin Bloom and R. 6. Humphrey. Tht citiieni of that locality hare subscribed JiW allr towards it erection, tb sum exceeding tw tbeujand dollar. , The Board bas also subscribed a aimtlar tun toward the erect ton of a bridge across tho mouth of fc,iiH Creek, la k'arthaus township. W bHicre tbi li th first sum (eieept $100,) trer n;propristed towards bridges beb.w this place. After the ereetin of a Conrt House and Prison, it piildi money can b mora appropriately ri pen Jed tbaa in tbe erection of free bridge. Their erection ienprores th county generally, and prop ey ia the immediate vicinity is largely enhanced ia ralue. T.IM.K TrRsuNS Burned to Death. lunr.g Tuesday night, th 7th Inst., tb dwel ling house of Mr. Wa, Upkins, about two mites from tb village of fleorgcettle, Indiana eouoty, wnt totally destroyed by fire, with all its contents, inc-ludirg threw ha man beings. The lire had got '.'"h headway befur discovered that the eacapeof l family (who wen all asleep) was eat off. Two of Mr. Hopkins daughters and a nephew peritbed in the flames, and tb old gentleman himef waa badly burned that his lif it despaired of. He " still living tb last Information we had. The yojng ladies were aged respectively 19 and I? 7 - rs ; tbe age of tb boy we did not learn. Their r nainswer found and burled tho next day. IhU Is indeed a tad calamity, and castt a gloom of sorrow over th entire community. The nnfortnnaU man Is a brother of Mr. Tho. ktn of M'Calmont township, this county. V xiwrawBey Plaitftrattr. How id Tilts for Hum It rooking T,r,r tb Assessor bills lied in th Commissioner' V v w notice a great discrepancy in the amount. '. : wixg that tbey art as varied in their views In r:rreneo to their own bills as they are in relation to (he property they artcrs. Thus, the Assessor f oa a toaorbip containing bat eighty taiahlrs ; i a bill of equal am o not for hi services as the ot,e from another township containing four non .lrid tsxablct. In other words, Mr. A claims Ust at mnch pay for filling np and serving eighty trices a Mr. B does for lour hundred. Again, Mr. A returns hit horses at aa average valu of !.'A, wbil Mr. B rvturas his at !1?0; therefore. If J.i.o Do happens to rriiJ In th township avsed by Mr. A ho will only bav to pay lAiVy htt teats county tat on his horso, while if be lived in the township assessed by Mr. R be would hare in y tiyktyfvur . This Is not all. The Ar .-.of ho, tbrongh his ascssmcnt, contributes i. j tslrty fir erats tat into th County Treasury, i out In wage Just four time at much a the ntl-er ah contribute eighty -four acuta. Those, ti'-tfor, who hav for th past month been (t 'mmirg from th depth of their liberal souls, ' UiV-e is tb as of electing Assessors?' ran n wer their own quest tea, aod probably b mor t:i-er-!ly disposed toward th Coaaty Co minis - T .e i'taitratioa mad amounts toaewjeoalr.hnt tHe "tnf rato applied to land rant iato dullmr. I --re it not for the Coo.mi.aion.ra som town- ! "onli be literally robbod, while others would t: ,ly p.y any Ut. let, when they succeed in f!t.i t bill a,.inst tb. county, tbey want four tim.'a tbe wajrr, for doing tbe a. me work. rl w us a snaa who always growls when ba Is a ; . I to pay bis dua proportina of tat and we will s icw jtm aa wk UTartably astoems bia sonioas - f th. ,wle) tU kls ja. Uitiitor. rroor,U nr invited lor new brnlg across th river above Vurweastille, te adtertifcmtnt. Land For Sale. Mr. (J. S. Flepal, of Phihpsburg, git t nolle that be bu forljr thousand aoroa of West Virginia lands fur sale,. he, his a Jvertinrtnent. Madr IIkr Point. Look Haven in to hare the dp it Mmion of the Central Penns.vlva nia Conference of tho M. K. Church, which will assemble in that city next March. I.ictKSKt. Those to whom license waa granted at this term of Conrt must bear in mind that the Act of Assembly require them to b lifted within fifteen (lavs from the day of granting. Those not lifted within that time will be forfeited. N. V. Academy. Wo direct the attention of our readers in th Southern portion of the county to th foot that an Academy baa been opened at New Washington, under very encourag ing auspices, and if property patronised will prore a success. lUod tho advertisement clsewhor. March Tit nil. Our March Court was not mueh of a Court. It was eallrd at two o'clock on Mon day, Associates Will helm and Clyd on tl.c Itcnoh. The old Constables made their returns and the new one were sworn into office. The gionting of License was then proceeded with, aud w belicro nearly all applicants received their card. The usual renewal of recognisance in the Quarter Sessions were also gone through with. Information Wanted. Last June a young man named Abel Aldersun left his borne at Jarrettsville, Hartford ominty, MJ., and has not since been beard of by bis parents, who are in great distress about him. lie is a enrpenter by trade. If this notice should come nnder the ey of any one knowing about bim, they will confer a great faror by writing to Thomas Aldereon, Jar rettsrille, Hartford county, Md. 1 ' Xkvkr Known to Fail. When you come to a farmer who has tumltie-down fences, a rickety barn, slab-sided hogs, dilapidated ealtle and spavined horses, you can bet your bottom dol lar that that man take no paper. His wife be comes uninteresting, and bis children grow up in ignorance. He sells bis crops at less than half tbey are worth, becomes loured of life, gets the dyspepsia, and sinks Into an untimely grar. Dr. F. Platto, formerly af Syracuse, N V., desire to inform tbe people of ClearHrld and vicinity that ho has permanently located among them for the purpose of practicing his profession. Tbo Doctor will b in readiness to attend to all professional calls,, either day or night. Ilia office is on Reed street, south side, between th Railroad and Second street, where b may be found when not en paired elsewhere. mar.fc-fit. In Pontenelle, Washington oounty, Nehra'ka, on March .Id, 1871, NK IIOLAS K. MiML L LF.N, aged M years i months and t dars. inanrlit!. Cl,OSIXO PRICES or DrlUvm t Duo., llo. 4ti Fu.tb TUird Hi., rhilxlrlpbia, March II, 1ST1 : U. S. of '81 1 151 1I4J " " '6S .; " ' " '65 - '64, nrw ' OT.BfW n: n: in n;j 1 131 1 1 ? no mi in mi nit mi I0SJ Kli " 'S 0-40V l'. S. 30 Tear t per cent. Currency..... 11.11, 1141 CM Ill 1111 Silrer. 10(11 10S Union P.cifio R. R. Ill JUort. Ilondi- 8(0 i0 Central Puifie R. R i US Unloa rteillo Land Grant Bonds. 70S 77S artrtj. Clearfield Markets. rnrl wmVIKj Hrra.nn Mosaop. Wholrj.le and Retail Dealer In l)ry Ooodn, Urorira, Pro riaionr, Ao., ilarket etrevt, Clearfield, Pa. CmenrLi., Ta, Marck 21, Utl. Applra.f.reen.oOQ 1 00 llign, drcKied 12 Dried, 10' llidci, green ? Apple buUcr.tal, 1 00 II ami 00(4 20 Dultor- 0'(u) Si Sliouldcra.....0ll(, 14 Ileana.....0 OOy 2 it' Sid-(.. 00(-j t1 Kurkwheat 1 OO l ard 20 Buckwheat Hour tb. - ... 4 Meal pork, bbl... J 00 55 Onla f,0 jIc,f frn f(4 1 1 Onlona I 00 Tloarda, M 12 00(sl4 Oil Pointed OIH.yl 00 Corn, ahelled 1 Oil Peaobe., dried, lb.. Hi Corn, ear Otifo? ' Plaater, V Mil 1 40 Com meal, sack, 1 4" Ky 1 10 Chop, V cwlX 10 (.5 2 !i0 Itags, Tf lb I Clovcrsood. 8 00 Halt, sack Soft ChooMu. JO Shingles, 18 in. 45 0 Clierries, Tb. 10fs li r!hingles,26inl0(vll 00 Chickens, drsd, lb, IS Timothy seed....... T SO K?pt JO Tallow I5J Flaxseed I 00 Wheat.. 1 60 Flour 0 Oftrt) 7 5 Wool . 40 llnr 10 00(il5 00 Wood, V eord-.. $0 JUST RECEIVING! TKillT CAMCOKS. FPI.KMtlD 10c. t'AI.I J roes, lielslnes, Shirting Cred its, Mutlins, Plaid', White tlnmlf, Ptrrates, Japanese .G.lk, Itlsek Filer. Hilk P' ptins, Black Alpaca. Table Linens, Vtlrcieens, Khawls, Buys' Cassimcrcs, Ac, AT J. MILKS KRATZKR'S! HOSIKRV, 6II.K OI.OVE. BKPT PARIB Kid Gloves, LaroCallsr. Hair Hwilebes and Ciiinons, Hair Nets, Corsets, Hoop Skirts, 4to. AT J. MILKS KRATZMVrJ! KSS TKIMMINGS, 8ILK FRINUB3 r-atm, tenet Kilibooa, Uoltona, do. AT J. MILES KRATZKIl i! T BRIMMED HATS, RinilONR, Millinery Uoods, Ac., Ac. AT J. MILES KRATZER'8! UNKyl'Al.KD PTOt'K OF LADIES' ANl Children's IS hoe and Ostler. Men's Frcnefa Kip and Calf Hoots, Calf and Iating Uaitera, Aa. AT i. MILES KHAIZLK'S ! O fU'sft 1KcK3 WALL PAPER ft, to W.UUl SI. 00 IW boll arne Floor Oil t'lot lis. Window Slmd-s. best U bii flraait Toa Ware, (.lass Were, Table Knives and Forks, Ac. AT J. MILKS KRATZKR iM aOIIOICB TEAfl. COFFEE. AND OTHER Vy(iroeries, Dried Apples, Poaches, Cherries, Prunes. Canned Peaches, Tomatoes, Corn, Ac. tTiis abr, with an immense ttock of other Goods, hare been hnugbt at the lowest cash prices, and will be offered at very low rates. ffCuml and xamia them whether yon buy or not. 3. M. KRAT7.ER. (Formerly C. Kratier A tVtns.) Kejt dc-or to II. F. Biglor A Co.'s Hardware Btor. Clearfield, March , 187l-lf. a DMIIHTRATOR'W NOTU R,-Ntie J is berebv giren that letter m inminirirsiios ,7n Ibe eaute of JOHN BARMOl, deoeawd, rate or ocine;enn townalitn, Clratneld eonnty. I'a., bar inc been dolr (tranled to tbe nndcrined. all per eone Indebted to ..id etlete will plen'e make pay. ..J ikna h.Tlne claims or demands will ! pre-enl them properly anlbenticated fur aettlemonl an. ailunance wiiDom '".'. FBANCF.S BARMoY, Fab. IS, 1S7I t. Adminiatratort. A. KlvVI.IKG'H NOBTn AMERICAN SEE Bn ti r.n sile at lb, Clitrtall riatlef ViB. f- TYRONE ft CLEARFIELD PRANCU. ON and afUr Monday, NOV. ?lit, mo, two Paner Trains will run aail (eieept Sun days) bctwmn Tyrone and Clear Arid, as lollows: CLEARFIELD MAIL. LEAVK fiOUTIt. LKAVB NORTH. Claarlell. 2.4,r.ll.1 Tvron. . .3i,4.. m.:i:...i j, I ,1 .. ., .. . uiM,uarg... i'wwiImw 11.10," Oioeola 4.HS, " I Philiphur(...l 1 .40, Tyrone a.S.'i, " Clearlleld 12.40,r.. CI.KAHPIKI.l) At'CUMMtlllATION 1.KAVB BOUTli. I LEAVK NORTH. Clearllel.l 7.00 a. .' Uok Ha.en..l0.20 1. II. Philipaburg. .".0 " Intereclion...1.0H r. N. ftaeeola 10.00 (Areola 2.40" Interaction.. I.0 r. m. Philip.barg ...1.40 Tjroue. 1.20 " t'le.rllcl J, ar...i.i0 ' TA HE AND PISTAN'CKS. FROM CLRARFIELD.i FROM TYRONB, Station. i Station!. 5 p .!' ? Leonard 2 10i Interaoction-... 4 14 Woodland....... ( 20i Vaneeavoo 2 20 llisler 8 25. n.rdner. 20 Wallaeeton ...ll li Mt. Pleaunt....ll SO lllue Hall.. 1.1 40'hummit 14 15 Fhlllburf(..IT 50 San.lv llidne...l5 40 Steinera' 1ft 651 Powelltnn. 17 45 Dunlar 20 0 ttacoola HO gg Oaneola. 91 Uft Dunbar.. 21 00 Powellton 24 t4iHleln.r'a 21 15 Sandy Ridge....2ll 80 Plllliiburj;,l I 211 Summit 27 85' Blue Rail 2ft 80 Mt. PleaaanL....10 111, W'allaoeton...,.3t 16 llardnor 3.1 tl 110 Blclrr Sft 5 Vanaooyoe 14 1 00 Woodland 14 t-l 00 Interaoction 87 1 14 Leonard A9 1 10 Tyrone... 4JI I 8 4 loarlicld.....4l I !o FA HE FROM CLEARFIELD, TO llellefnnte, Pa Lock Haven Williainiport..... Hunlinirdiin Iwiatown. m. Maryeville i., UAllItlriBUKU. 5 S , 2 70 , i no , I 80 Middletowaj $5 00 Marietta. 4 40 Lenoa.ter 4 84 PHILADELPHIA 7 05 2 0 Altoona... 1 84 4 40 Johnetnwn 2 80 4 75IPITTtBLItt) 4 14 C'0!MF.CriNtt. Clone eonneetiona made at Tyrone vith traina East aod Weaton tbe Main Line, and at VYUItaua port for pointa North and Ka.t. Paaaeugera tearing Clearfield at 2.10 p. n., reach Lork Ilaren tbe aome day, and pitMenger lea.ing Wllliamaport at 7.10 a. m. reach Clear Held at 1.40 p. m. Paaecnfrere for way atatlom on the Main Line between Tyrone and llarriihure;, leare Terone at 3..H p. in. OEORDE C. W1LKINH, myld-tf. Buparinteadent. Private Sale of Real Estate PERSONAL PROPERTY. TUG subscriber will offer at private sale, on reasonable terms, lite following Real Efiat, situate in Ulen Hope, Clearfield county. Pa.: a large two-story plank bouse, 4x40 feci; store room 2iit0 feet; ware room, JJ0 feet. The house is lb best in (He Hope, wet I finished, and baring a large cellar underneath. Was built in IM7. A never-fatlliag well, and Wood and wash bouse, barn, (30x40,) to hous, sufficient t hold 00 or 70 tons of ice, aod all other aeoeesary out buil'iiugs. Also, a large quantity of merchandise, consist 'niT of groceries, drr gfHrdf, quettiisware, notions, a large lot of clothing, and all other gowis gener ally kfpt In a country store. Also, lO.t'Ov feet of prime oak and pin square timber, on the bank of CU-arDrld cret-k. Th abore described property will b aold to gether, or, if desired, tbe store goods will h sold on reasonable terms and a lease given of th store room. For further Information apply t tb subscriber at bis residence in tlen Hope. WILLIAM 8. DICKEY. Feb. ft, lR71.3a. READING FOR ALL 1 1 BOOKS fc STATIONERY. Market Kt.. Clcarllrld, (at the Pnat OtBre.) pilB nnderaixned bajra leava ta annoanea to X tb. eitiaena of Clearfield and vicinity, that ba baa fitted np a room and bat jnat rammed from tbaeftr with a lar,e amount of roading alter, c oneieling ia part of Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Blank, Acronnt and. Pail Booka or .eery da aeriptlon Paper and fcne.'n'r., Prcnrh preaaed and plain 1 Pone and Pencila Ulank, Laial Pipera, Deoda, Mortgair. ; Joduient, Eiraup tloa and Promlaaory aotaa t Wbila and Parehi ment Brief, Legal Cap, Heeord Cap. aad Bill Cap , Sheet, Moaie for aitber Piano, Plata or Violin eoneuntly on band. Any booka or atatlonerj drtired that I may not kar. ea hard, trill b. or ordered by Arat aipreal, and aold at nboleaale or retail to anil anatnmarf. 1 will alao keep periodical literature, lark a. Magatinea. Km. papara, do. P. A. iiAl'LIH. Cl.ar4.ld May 7, H68 tl Xcw Wine and Liquor Store. I. L. R EIZE NSTEI N, waoLtaiLi niaiia ia WINES & LIQUORS. MARKET BT. CLE AP FIELD, PA. 1&-Fuii stosk of Win, Brandy, fiin, Whisky and AleoboL always oa hand, special attention paid to securing a pur arttel for 8acramental and medical purposes. tprl l "0if JOHN TJtOUTMAX, FURNITURE DEALER Market ft., eaat of Ilia Allegheny llnnaa, CI.HABVir.l.l), PA. I KEEP on band all kinds of Furniture, In salts or by the single arliela Those ia need of any article or Furniture, will find it to their Interest to rail and cxemine my stock, which I will sell rerv low for rash or exchange for suitable lumber. Clearfield, Ps.. April ft, IO tf. New Meat Market. rpiIK undersigned hav opened a Meat Market in the room formerly oeenpied hy Alexander Irvin, oa Market street, ( learnem, ra , anjomins; Mosso)'s, where they intend to keep a supply ol All kinds of Meat, Fruit and Vegetable. And at "nun t ant vnn tium.' 8hon will be open rejrularly oa Tnosdny, Thar Jay aad Sat nrdav, and meat delivered at any point. A she re of public patronage is respectfully solieitrd. k. w! huuwn. XAi so-Continue to deal ia all kinds of improved Agricultural Implements, Clearfield, August I', l"70-tf. A1 f PI -R MOXTI1 1 Tb bet soiling Ol))U book ever poMI-h-d. Arenie who ell one new work, Plain Home Talk and Itlediral i-ommott Mcnp, hsve no competition. There nrtcr was a bak publinhel Ilk it. Any body can sell it. Kvory iiwrty wnnis 11. Many sgftnts are mw mnking from $.00 to tfi50 per month selling this wonderful bonk. 21 page Ie seriptive Cireulsr sent free on spplie.it in. W ubii I good lire Agents: men nbrMn fully appre ciate tb merits of the work, and Ibe faet that It meets a universal want. Agents who desire to do good as well as make money, rttrri " WKLLS A CO., jan4:.tm ftrcom Ptrcet, Nrw York. c -took 8 T O V !: 9 I ppkar'8 rALonmc, BlPtJlKIIAXSA, PI'PKKIOR. 00V. PKNX, RKOVLATOR, NOIILR COOK, RATIONAL RAMIE, Tnit'MPII, PARLOR C00K8, SPEAR'S RKVOLVISO LIOIITH AND Diil III.K llEATFLS, And all kindl of fleeting Htntea for aale hy aug.Vil 11. F. llKlLLR CO. Horses for Sale! fpilK underaijned offera for aale on pair of I (rood heerr road or farm Huraee. ill lie eold cheap, aa the owner ku no forlher nre Tor them. Cell and ec them al my reeideuee near tllrn Hope, Beeeana townahip. March 14 Jl lr IlOTT.t. CrTHll-AllpermneatTbeTbT cautioned arainst hnTln, or In eer war raewdliag with n ecrteia span of IKON 1KKT Mi l. KM, new in the pnaec.ion of 8eotl 'i.4Mhwail. of Bred. towD'hlp, aa the same waa bought hy me of ('. A rVbwera, and left wilh him an loma enly, and subject In my order at any time. BAMI'KL PitSTLETHWAIT. J.otberabsrg. Mar.-15, IfTI S It E n it V A li . HARTSWICK !l IRWIN, DRUGGISTS, Market Street, i'lrartlrlit, I'a. nri bag laara to Inform .ar aid aad new ;Y caatomara, that o have ramo.ed our aa- u,t-liahment to tha apaelona new building Joat erected nn Marked atreet, nearly adjoining tha Manaion ilimae cn tha treat, andoppoaita Meaara. Oraham A Bona atorai where wa reapaolfully Inrita tb, public to noma and buy their Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicinos, OILS, PAINTS AND VARNISHES. Our atock of Drug a and Madlclnaa aoaelata of everything need, elected with tha graataat eara, and WATIBAHTET) STRICTLY PURE! W alto keep full stock of Ty, Perfumeries, Toilet articles, Bo pi, Toolh Brushes, Hair Brushes, Whitewash Brushes, and ovry other kind li rushes. W hav a large lot or WHITE LEAD. TURPENTINE, Flaisesd Oil, Paints, and In faet ovarythlng iswd in th painting businsss. which wo flr at City prices to eaaa buyers. TOBACCO AND SEGARS, Confeeticnery, Pplci, and tbo largest stock of varieties ever o Bored in this place, and warrant ed to b of tb boat tb Market affords. J. H. HARTSWICK, Nov. Sfl, 1RS. JOHN F. IHWIN. gOMETIIISG KF.W A (-AIM C. J). WATSON Wbhea ta inform bia aid frlanda atd tb public generally that ba baa opened uo a aaw Drug, Confectionery & Tobacco Store, In new Maeontc Building, appoalt, Court Uouaa EBC0ND ST., CLEARFIELD, PA. Ilia atock la all sew, fraab and af tha rary beat quality, aad will be aold aheap for CASH ar approved Country Produce. If you want par Druga and Patent Medielnee, Oa t WATSON'S. If you want Confectioneries, Canned Fraite, Pickle and Ja'.liea, Note, Ac, Aa., Oo ta WATSON'S. If you want the beat Roaated Coffeo, Eaaeaea af Culfea, Pplcel of all kinda, abeap, Oo ta WATSON'8. If you want Fancy A Toilet Scope, Flararlng Eatraeta, Ac, Ac, ba ear t Oo ta WATSON'S. If you want Fancy Dy Cetors, Clark 'a btat Ma chine Thread, Pint, Noodle, A Notion,, Oo to WATSON'S. Chowan and Smokera, If yea want tb beat la tbe market. Buy at WATSON'S, wber you can gat Pipe, A Plpa Fiiturca, If yen want ta get clear af your atampa. Coma ta WATSON'S. If you want t spend a few hoar a af aa ereolng lib your friend., com to WATEON'S bid stand, vhera you can arack nuts and eat Jokes antll I o'clock, p m. April IS, 1571. NEWDltUG STOllE! WM. B. ALEXWDER, M. D., rmf(;lat aad Apothecary, CURWENSV1LLE, PA., Keeps constantly oa hand a large assortment of DRUG St I' .lent Medleiaes, Taints and Oils, ami-net, lire HtutTs, do. Jlis stock of Progs it pure and best of orcr(hing in his line. His stock ef PERFUMER Y , Toilet Articles, Hair Tonic, Cosmetics, Brushes, Toilet Foaps, Combs, Pocket ltmik", Pens, Inks, Pencils and Paper, and a general aaaortment of this class f goods, are all of tb best quality. PURE WINES LIQUORS, For Medical purposes only, Class, Potty, Lubricating Oils, Ac, Usuit tbe wants of th oomtuanity. His eitensir and well selected stock of Pnigs and Mediriae enables him to fill Phvsirians' prescriptions on short aotica and on th most reasonable terms. Pmokers and Chewert will find his stork of Chi wing and Flunking Tobacco, Cigars A HnuiT, t consist of Ibe very best brands In the market. A share of public patronage' is solicited. Oct. I 3m. W. B. ALfcX ANl'KR, Beale's Embrocalion, (LATE POWELL'S,) For all dip eases Incident to nor, CattU, and Uuman flesh, requiring tb we of aa lUraal application. This Embrocation wa xtsoilrelj ised hy th aovrmat daring tb war. For sals by II arts w irk A Irwin, Clearfisld. Joseph ft. Irwin, Curwsnsvill. Dan is 1 Good lander. L:hrsbar cf K. U. TAYIX)R'S LIME AND COAL YARD, Near the Railroad Pcpot,) C rr.ARrii i.n, pksva. TKMHRACB thl method of Informing the viuhltr. thal I hitefl At.oned nn a vard lur tho I of wood or ro) burnt LI V K and Anthraeit CUAI. In tb horoueh of Clear tMd, and bar completed arrangements with eastern dealers hy which lean keep a fullstrpplvoonstantlyon hand, bieh will b disposed ot at rcaaonable rataa, by th tun, buwhel or car load, to Suit pnrehasers. Tho at a distance ean address m hy letter, and obtain all accessary information br return msil, I R, B. TAYLOR. I Clearfield Pa., Feb. 1 4, IMMf- A Notorious Fact I rlHKhK ar more people troubled with Lung 1 Iheeawei in this town than any other place ( its sis In the 111. tin of the great causes of this is, tb use of an Impure article of l. largely mixed with sulphur. Now, why not avoid all this, and preaerr yowr lire, hy asins; only Humphrey ' Celebrated Coal, free from all Impuntie. Orders left at th stores of Richard Mosnop and James 11. fJrabam A Sons will receive prompt atteatioa ARB All AM HUMrnRF.T. Clearfield, Novemler 1I, 1 M7 If. Miss E. A. P. Rynder, aaattr ro Chlrkerlnre. Pleln.al'a end Emerson's Fianoa j timilh'e, Maeon A llamlia's and P.loah.t'a Orgnns and M.lodeoaa, and Grerer Dakar's Sewing Machines. Atao ru arena er Piaae, Salter, Orran, Harmony and Vocal Ma. ale. No papil takea for la tbaa half a terra. y-Roome noil door to Firat National Bank. Cleattrld, May i, ISfS-lf. Ttin rA1.I' The auhacriWr offera the hnnae and lot in which ahe reaidea In tha Borough ol Clmrdeid, for eaje. It la aitnntcd on Market atreet. in an eligible loretinn for either a pri.al residence, or tor ha.incee parpneee-ie a eomei lot end worthy the atteniton ol thoa wanting I. ineeat in town property, and one aqn.re from lb. Court llouae. Vor price. Inquire nn thepTcmiaca Mna. MARY I'HKNIlKltolAKT. or aog-1 JtHIN L. Cl'Tl LK Ally al Ua. "Oi MY 0U HOOK." nAVINO pnrrhajwd tbe entire stoli of good at tha old stand of Kirk A owcor, I intend to continue the business as berth. for. My motto Is to rll Mrnrr ron risn. Thanking aur friends and rustnmcr for pad patrwaag, 1 solieit a ont tuna nee nf the same. ISAAC K1KK. Lumbar City, 8ept. II tf. (" AI'TltX, ft persons tre hen-bf cautiond ' as;slnt purehasinf or In any way meddllrg with a certain RLAl'K MARK, now In pv-win of Jswih (Jrrcn, of llorris tnwnphip. as tb o1 belongs to me, and it left with him on w on T subject to mv ardor. ?:tMl J A MRrt L. PTKTAiT. IHisrrUancou. II. F. BIGLKH & CO., batLtal l II A It I W A It I. , Also, Maaufactarcrsof Tin and Sheel Iron Ware. CLEARFIELD, FA. WI OF SADULKS, BIUDLES, Baraaaa, Collara, etc., for sale by II. F. niGI.F.Il A CO. pALMER S PATENT UNLOAD Ing Bay Forks, far sale by II. F. BIO LEU t CO. QIL, PAINT, PUTTY, GLASS, , Nails, etc., for sals by H.'F. BIOLER t CO, TIaKNESS TRIMMINGS Sl shoe JLA. Findings, for salt by II. F. BIOLCIl I CO. rj.U5S, TISTOLS, SWORD CANES For sal by II. F. B1GLER sV CO. gTOVES, OF ALL SORTS AND Sisos, for sals by II. F. BIQLEK t CO. JBOS I.. IRON ! IKON! IUON1 For sal by II. F. BIOLER A CO. JICRSE SHOES k HORSE SHOE BAILS, for sals by II. F. BIGLER t CO. pi'LLET CLOCKS, ALL SIZES And beat Manufacture, for sal by II. F. BIOLER t CO. TRIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, for sal by H. F. B'OLtr A CO. RODDER CUTTERS for iale by iirnJOTO n. F. BIOLER I CO. BOOK S wnicn DAVI ALWAJS G I V K X SATISFACT OX UEBETOFOHK, WILL DE DISPOSED OF IK SUCH A W A Y Al TO FLEASI 0 FRIENDS AND CLS l TOM EES. JUST EECEIVEDI TnE FINEST ASSORTMENT OF D0LTDAT 00DS-SUCU AS BOOKS AND OTIIEU STATIONERY ARTICLES, EVES OFFERED'TO TOE CITIZENS OF THIS FLACE t I0W ON EXHIBITION AND FOR SALE AT ri'BLISHERS'i MANUFACTURERS' FRICE9, AT TBI POSTOFFICE. , Clarlld, Do It, 1 17t. $10,000 GUARANTEE. BUCK LEAD Excels all other Load I lei For its Unrlreled Wblteneas. Id. For Ita Uaeqaaled Purabilit). , Id. For Its Cnaurpaaaod Corerlng Troperty. Lastly, for Its Keonouiy. It coats leas to paint with Bark Load tbaa any other White Lead ealaot. Tbe same weight covers more surfs e, I, saer durabi. and makes whiter work. HUt K I.UAI) Is tb Cheapest and Beet, $10,000 GUARANTEE. BUCK ZINC Eicels all other Zincs 1 1st. For It ITatqua.td Durability. Id. For It Curlraled Whites ess. Id. For lit Unsurpassed Cowing Property. Lastly, for Its Great Keoneay. Being th Chespest, Handsomest aad most Da ratio Whit Faint ia th World. Buy only IJUCK LEAD AND BUCK ZINC. Try It and ba Convinced, BallafaeWoa Uaaranteed by tb Manufactursrs. JUCK COTTAGE COLonS, Prepared eipreaaly for Painllrg Cctlagea, Oatbaildinga or s.ery deecrlptlou, Ftneea As. Taint tea dlffereal colors. Da rwla. Cheap, Uniform, uud Heaatiful Shades. Bampl aardi sent hy mail if deeired. Deal, em' Orders will be promptly rieeuted by the mannfaetarcrs. FRENCH, RICHARDS Co., N. W. Cor. Tet th A Market streets, Fhilad'a. For aale by A. I- Shew and llartewirk d- Ir.ln, D.alera In Druga, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Ac, Cleartold, Pa apr!3:T:ly THE CLEARFIELD WOOD-CHOPPERS' AXE! Manufactured especially for THE CI.EARriF.LD TRADE, rna blc ar angj't II. F. BIOLER A CO. I.uiliersliiirir Mnrlilc Yard! fIIK snh-rllr rcepcctfiilly announces to tbla JL community nod the public generally that he la now eatenairely engaged in the maonfWctnre of Monnmrnt., Il'-ad and Fool Smnea. Rand. Table nrd Hurra. Tops. etc. No higher tribute can be paifl to a noceaaeq rciaiiT. wr inf.. '"" "" tion of an enduring alfth aa a witneee to anbom generation wher. they have laid him nr ber. I hae engaged Me. Jrha W. Ilahagan aa air meant ... In whoae wnrkaa.nahm and akiil mane con hear witneee. Ordere aoliciled and promptly filled. Work delieered whercTerdeelnd R. H. MOOBht, Latkenliarg, Konbo J, U70. Tl (.TICK"' 4s romTAl,K KEr.w. We bar printed a large number of tha new FEE BILL, and will an l- receipt at tweeitc dr. eet"i, ar.a'la cofj t sir address. agr! VliSffUniifoui, 11. n in n (! k. MERCHANT TAILOR (tare an -w eaat af Ckwrlleld Hen.,) Market Mrl. learRcld. Pa. K EEPS on bead a fall aeenrtmente of deals' . Purnlealng Hoods, such as rhlrts, l.l.ea aod Vlaolea llndeeabirla, Diawer. and .a. Hu. il U L. . . li , i ... . " ... rvv.vl nuv.mii.ii, ajioe.a, Mala, I mbrella. Ac, la great i.(y. 0f PM Hoods ha kseps th Best Cloths of all "Shades and Colors," Kucb as Black Doeakla of tba eery boat mat.' Fancy Ca.il marc, In great rariety, alao, French Coating. Bearer, Pilot. Chinchilla, and Frlcolt OWeMaxi A II i aLI.L 111 1 . . . w,.s, . ww, re win oeeoio eaeap lor Caah, and made up accord leg M tb latest styles -v i" 1 1 ii dpu woraoeon. Alio, Agent for Clearleld county for I. M Singer A Co'a. celebrated Hewing Meehlnea. Nor. 1, ItM.tf. H. 11BIUUB. Lisiib'.n isti. ilighuat Premlom, Fll.or Medal, awarded orer an romp.litloa, at Ueehaaiea' Kahibltioa, Boaton, jTnn omoiNAL and genuine SELF-REGULATING, WKOLOIIT inoN, AIR TIUHT,! QAtJ-COlTSTJimTO IIEAT3.Il, win raTRiriD Drtr flcnatr, OaiTt TU Hrsrt, WaoL-flur Inov Ranr-ivon, ana Auromric RaocLaroa, For Burning Anthracite or Bituminous Coal or Wood. 19 sise fr brickwork, and 2 si set Prtabl. aaai-racvoKaa oult ar J. REYNOLDS L SON, X. W. aoraor 13th and Filbert Stroets, FIIILADELPI1IA, PA. Th Heaters ar mad of Heavy Wrought Iron, well riveted together, and ar warranted to be absolutely tias and Dust Tiht. Tbey are tb only Heater that ar managed without any dam pert, and in which all kinds f fuel an b barnd without alteration. Cooking Ranges, for Hotels, Rtanraais and Families. Also, a Flat Top Heating Kaug. Fira Flaoo Heater, Low Down OraUt, 8lat Mantels, Kcgistcrs, Ventilators. Fawphlett giving full doaorlntloa, tent fro, to any addrees. )ylJ'7-ly ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINAUYI IWOL'LD r.-pectfully aanouna t tb eltL aens af CLEAttFIELD and vicinity that I hav pad up la tb aw Masoai Building, trst door below lb Maaeioa House, ra Second Strt, with a ntlr new stack af WATCH ES, CLOCKS . JEWELRY, Of tb lateat styles aad beat inl.k, Aeleeted with aur. anl I bop youll think with good tasu. I will bar aa aa iertneut from all tbs latest loesltlas la Jewelry, satia ble for tba Holidays. Thankful for year p.al liberal patr.asg., I bop., by strlst atlsatloa la bwalasss, te merit a eoatluwaaee af tb sam. All kinds af repairing la my llaa promptly attended I. dIIalr Jewelry made ta arder. 8. t. SNTDER. December 14, 17. IStilJAllK TI7IItK! E. A. IRVIN & CO., CXrRUi:XVIl.LR, FAn Being specially engaged In tht bntiaass af Buying and Selling Square Timber, Would represent that tbey ar now prepared to purchase Timber delirered at either Curwensrllle, Lock II area or Marietta, (or will tak It at any of these points,) paA tell on aommitsion, making such adranoet as art accessary. Thors engaged ia getting aat Timber will find at our atort in Curwenaville, a very large atock of STAPL E GOODS Of all tesripticae. A HO, flonr, Wan, Omit, Corn, And everything necessary for us f Lumbermen. RAFT ROPE, Of all sites, kept an hand in large quantities, and old at small advance hy the et it. Also, Pulley Blocks, Fin ell Rip, A. mtr-SPIXIAId lIUCFMF.Ta offered to tho manufacturing So, oar Timber. 1 A. IRVIN row fNtrwensrllle, Januarv 11. IttTO. (Tlolhlnji. How to IHnvc Money. TIIE times ar bardi you'd Ilk. I knew How you may aave yonr dollars ) Tbs way to do II I will ahow, If you will read what follows A man who lived lot ar from km, Who worked haed at hie trade. Bat bad a household to nnppnrt That squsndrrod nil h msd. I met him one. 8aya he, "My friend, I look thread bear and rough j I've tried to get myeelf a anil. But can't ear p enough." Bays t, my friend, bow muck hav yon ? I'll Ull yoa where to g To gel a anlt that's sound nud cheap i Te RK11KNSTE1N A Ca. He took what llttls be had eaved, Aad went ta Kelaeaelela A Brothers', And there hs got a bandsoaa gals, Far half he paid ba other. Now be Is home, be looks s wall, Aad tkatr egeet is swob, That when tbey take their daily nteal, They doa't aat half a aaoh. And now hs tnda on Saturday eight. With all thalr waau awpplled, Tbnl h baa money left t sp.d, Aad some to lay aside. Sis good success, with cheerful siclls, Hs gladly tells ta all, If yen see motif y, go aad bay Te.r sloth al t.EIEENSTEIN'8 CL0TH1N0 HALL. Where tb bapet, laest and beat Clothing aad good Famishing (goods ea. b bad ta suit very but aad t ver rtyl ,rl l,"TI n PiOBflf, tfrcrrrln, SJtf. 1SVAV FIll3lT KRATZER & LYTLE, Market Street, Clcarfiold, Pcnii'a., (OpposlU lb Jail,) TTATE a.. .. b.nd a first class stork .f g:tods, tutted to tho wtnta of tho public. Our ttock It large, and by aonstantly making addition therat, w aro a hi to acoommDdatt all wb may faror at by calling. W hav DRY GOODS. Meriooi, Ginghams, Cloths, Print. Delaines, Cassimeres, Bilks, Eps, f at i nets, Cashmeres, Tweeds, Cobtrgt, Alpaoat, Mob air, La n el It, Muslins, Flannels, Bonnets, Ribbons, Cloaks, Balmoral Skirts, Hoop Skirts, Shawls, !rtft Trimmings, Head Nets, Caps, Corsets, Gloves, Scarfs, Co Hart, Orvnadin Veils, Tls Covers, (. CLOTHING, Coats, Pants, Vosts, Ovsr-Coau, Ooat's Shawls, Fhirls, Hats, Caps, Undsr-SbirU aad Drawsrs, Boot aad 8has, Our bbas, Cravau, Backs, bllerea and Collars. GROCERIES, Tea, Coffee, Bugar, Molasras, Ball, Caadles, Rlra, Floor, Bacon, Fish, Tobacea, Raiains, Currants, Sple, Crarkers, Tiaegar, Oils, Varalsh, Pepper, Aleohol, As. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, Csrpsts, Oil cloth, Drugget, Clocks, Laoktng-Olaaeos, Cbarna, Buckets, Washboards, Tab, Flat Irons, Pans, Window Blinds, Wall Paper, Coal Oil Lamps, Bedcords, tmt rellas, K aires, Forks, Spoons, Crocks, Stores aad Stnr Blacking. HARDWARE, Qeeeneware, Tinware, Olaaiware, Waodeavar, Coppcrwer, Booka, tationry, Mnrical Ooada, Trunks, Skates, As. aT-All cf which will b sold oa th most rea soashls Mrms, and tl bighait market price paid for Grain, Wocl aud all kindl of country produo. REMEMBER THE PLACE: KRATZER & LYTLE'S, (Opposit th Jail,) CLEARFIELD, FENN'A. t 8:T1 HXTV-FIVKKIRUT PRI7.P. IrlKDALH 5 AWARDED THE UUEAT BALTIMORE TIANO MANUFACTORY. WILLIAM KNABE it CO., M s n u fact arc r af OtAND, SQUARE A L'PRIGHT PIANO FORTES, BALTIMORE, 1JD. Tie Instruments hav boon before th public for nearly Thirty yars, and upon thoir etcellonea alne attained aa unpurchased p re-em ineoeo, which pronounces them unciualcd. Their TOM, aomhinos great power, sweetness and Go singing quality, at wall as great purity ot intonation, and sweetness throughout the entir teal. Their 1 U L I It is pliant and elastic, and entirely frc from th stiffness found in ao manv Pianos. IN wOHtiMANhlUP thev ar anequaled, using none but th very host seasoned material, th large oapital employed in our business enabling us to kep constantly an Immense Mock of lumber, Ao., on hand. jr All our quaio Pianos hav our cw 1m proved Overstrung Seal and tb Agraffe Tre hi. frWi would call special attention to Mir lata improvements In Grand Pianos and Pquere Oranda. Patented Aug. It, llfliJ, which bring the riano nearer perfect ion than bas yet been attained. ivry Piano futty Warranted for Jivi Yeart We have made arrangements for the sole Whole sale A genev for the most Ceiehrmted Psrtnr Organs tad Heloi-ne, which w offer Wholes! aad Retail, at Lowest Factory Prices. W1LI.UM KNATtB A CO., Bept. SI, 1871 tin. btltimoro, aid. TOBACCO AND CIGARS I WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, At th New Tobacco and Cigar Ster of it. Mi. sruur, Two doer Estt of th Postofflea, Clearfield, Pa. Constantly oa hand a flna asaortmeit of Nary, Congress, Ca ran dish. Cable, Spun roll, aliehigaa aod Cantury Fin-ut Chewing Tobacco, Ao. Also, a large and well selected stork of Imported and I'otuci tic Cigar, Smokin Tobaccos, Meerschaum aad Briar Pi pea, Pip fixtures, Tobacco Hex, Clgsr Holder, and everything generally foaad In a well rogulated Cigar and Tobacea Mora. jaVRemembcr tho placoi Two door East of tha Post office, Clearfield, Pa. ug. S4:tf. DAVID REAMS' LUMBER MANUFACTORY, NEAR Lt'THERSBriUl, TENN A. ANl'FACTl'RES all kinds of Lumber far building purposes. Always an hand LATH FOR ROOFINO, TLASTERINO LATIt, PALING", Ac, Ac His Plastering I-ath are evenly sawed and of different Irngtha, to suit purchasers; the Palingt are four feet long aad ready pointed. All kinds of Bawrd Lumber wilt b furnished In order, and delivered if aa derired. Pneet will be liberal, according to quality. W.AII kinds af GRAIN take, la eirkange for Lumbar. Lwtherahurg P. 0., Jan. II, 171. S. JOBTER SHAW, D. D. S., mmm OtTicc In Mawonle Put Ming, 9t CI.KAKFIRLD. PA. Pvtttng of th amural taetn in a healthy, pro serratire and useful ewnriitioa is mad a specialty. iMaoaaesand malformatlnseommoa loth mouth, jaw and nrii parts, ar tratd and corrected wtth fair ancorns. Kiaminatien and consult- tion ratu. Prtoe fbr prtiat and full as Is of teeth moon " wer loan in l7. it would aa well for pari n tt I rum a dmfanea I tot ua know by mail a IVw days fcefhr eotning ta tho affeo. It Is very imporisnt that oblMr batwm th age of ii and twlv year should hav ihmr taeth eaA-apinod. Hy Aaathia Teih ar romnvad w-t'h-w- pwim. IbhllTl TH E S MITH Hf7usT, (Oppoelte ibe Paaeengor K.pot.) C l.liltni;l.l, FA. fpilR undrnvned, beving leaeed this hoaee for 1 a eeriee at )eare. Is reo,ly to eaeertela rea- gis ajid liareli ra frncrellv. end Iberrfnre r'lb it e)i urncr. to glee him a call. Bie Table will be ewpplieo) with Ike bee the market afoeds, aad ale lUr mil contain th. choicest of wines and li,eii. The honee. lurntture, be.1. and bednng are eatirely new. which alwayi adita to the com fort ef traveioaa, while the alaulmi aUa.hr.l ia large and room, jual antled Tor tramitr,.. rhargia modrrle. I'-- """LJM BHAItLbT. THEALLEENYItOTEL; MARRET Sr, CLEARFIELD, P.. TIIIH large and esadias new k.tal has - - - ww,,n,n.Ri,ou oi in puldic, where the proprietor will be glsd to meet ..-. ,. p, m. rvrwiTe a eoers Ol puonc pat. naif.. k alriA. i,mi,.i i . . . . l i . taila of bia buainea., he hnpeate be able to rcndi-r aatiafactinn to hla patrona. Tba TABLE will alw.va bo bnantirully aupplied with the heat that ean lie nroeurvd In the market, and the Ran ill eonlaln . full .t.tk t.f l.tnt'tlRR hVI'fl a. (rood subling attached. ' ' Clearfield, March I, lr-ly Proprietor. HE EAGLE HOTEL, MAIIf ST.. CUttVf I7.BTILLE, PA. HAVIKO Is-sed for a term of yaars tba bora Wll k onmm nrf nnn.L, koto I r...! fiirmarlv b Me. Uaaj. mmd U.l k. u Fouts.) tb present provrielor hat re-fitted it with tb object of rendering hit guests oomfort tblo whilo sojcieming with him. A fins, largo 3tahla tad Ymi-4 ia kttmr.tSarl fnm dkab avsara a.a.,4 pruttion of horses, carriages and wagont. A uvvra. uar oi puoii parroaeg is toilcilM. my tuii A. J.,4JnAiji hHK, frop'r. THE MANSION HOUSE, Ceraorof (Second end Market Streota, CLCAItl II.LD, PA. 1HI3 old aad oommodions Hotel haa. daring th past year, bean enlarged t doubt ita former apaoity for th ntcrtainmcDt of ttra gort and guests. Th whole building bu hca refurnished, and tb proprtetwr will spar aa pain to tander hi guest toafoitabl wbilo staying with him. JWTh "Mansion Hoato" Omalhua ran to and from th Iept oa tho arrival and depart ur of each train. JOHN DOCUHKKTY. aprti 70 tf Proprietor. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, CttrwcuaTllte, Clearfield county. Pa THIS old and wall tatabltthod HoUl, beauti fully situated on th bankt of th buta.ua banna ia tb boroagh of Cnrwenivillo, has bea loavad for a term of year by th andcrtigad. It hat boon attrly raftted, and Is aow opea to tb public ftnarallj and th travelling iibbi aitv in aarticnlar. No paint will ho pard to render guests oomfortabl while tarrying at tola bout. Ampl Btiblmg room for ta aeoomsao datloa of teams. Charges moderate. ept. J, 187 tt. AH vuvvm. THE AMERICAN1 HOUSE, l uthemburp, c icarDeia to, ra. THIS well haowa and long tab.lsbed Hotel, formerly kept hy K, W. Moor, and latterly by Wa. 6cbwm, tr, haa beta leased for a tors of years by tbo undersigned, to which tb alt ca tion at tb traveling pallia ta now called, and a librl share of publio patronage is sol lei ted. not 9 70 ejAMi.3 m ii. as. THE RAILROAD HOUSE, MAIN ST., PHILirsBURO. FA. THE andersigaad kcp constantly ea hand tha host of Liquors. His tsbl it alwayi supplied with th best tba market afford. Tbo traveling public will do well to giro him a ealL aorl.fli. It Uli a KT j.iui a. lerner oi alarket and Trout B treats, Clearfield, Pa. Thii magnileent Hotel is atirely aew, em plete in til its appointments, and convenient t the Court House. A free Ounibut runs to and from th lepot on the arriral and departure of each train. (iEOUGE N. COLllt RN, April IS, IST0. Proprietor. IRWIN HOUSE, Midway bet worn l.lck Itun and Shawawllla. THE undersigned would respectfully invtteth atteution of watermen and all others to tb fact that ho ha opeucd a hotel at tbo ahow named place, wber be it prrpar-d to aeoommo date all who raiy favor him with a call. Poet a have been put in on the river Lank, so aa to lutura a safe landing for waterman. WESTERN HOTEL, Oppo.ua tb Court Boas, CLEARFIELD, PEJi.N'A. Accommodations firtt-elaas snd charges modsrata. oet JOHN F. YOl'KOPreprictar. I fcOKARD UUl'llB, Opposite tbs Railroad Depot, ClcarOcld. Fa. 31:11 T J0HSET0S A BOX, Proprielara. oo(s and hof$. DAXIKL CONNELLY, Boot nnd Shoe Manufaclurcr, CLEARFIELD, PA. HAS Just re'eeired a tns lot of French CALF KVIK4 ,.J I. ... J . tor vrything in his lins al lbs lowest Igures. .. win .HT.il aie worn le oe aa representea. II. raattMlfullw wnll.i. m-ll 1. . - .k.. Market street, eeeond dror wast of tb poatofioa, wbr he will do ail ia his power to render sella taction, noon an waiter tops en hand. J,7 y DANIEL C0K3ELLY. TEACE PROCLAIMED. TEX WAR OVER IV CLBAEHELD. KNOX TOWNSHIP QUIET. Nearly all the Contrabands going back ro inetr oiu maneri ; cut miry OR going to old Manachittrtlt, when iKey vert loved to long and to icell. IB oonieqoenee nf the abovr facts. F. SHORT, of the old "Short Fhoa Shop," would an nounce to bis nameroae patroas, and tba peopl. of Clearleld aoauty at large, that ba bas now. 'rat rat lotef good material Jen recti red from tb. East, and is prepared ansbcrtnnticeto mak and mend Boots aad fihoee, at bis nsw bop la Graham's row. He la eetleled that hecaa pleaaa elUenleoo It might become Inte.aely loyal stay, at-home petrlou.) He ia prepared toaelltowfor ww v.nin meiw, Vent rl,H taa Shop .eat door ta Showers A Orebaae's store, oa Market street, Clearleld, Pa and kept by . irnuw roiwwieai OCIiea IJt. fl T "SHORTY. SEW; BOOT AD SHOE SHOP. EDWARD MACK, Con. MARKET A 3 Frs., CLEARFIELD, Fa. Til E proprietor bas anMrsd lata tb BOOT SHOE buaiaess al lb abov stand, and isdalermined not to be untdoae either ia quel, ity or price for his work, Hpoclal atteatioa will b paid to manufacturing ewed work. Ila boa oa band a large lot of Breach Kip aad Calf Skina, of tha very beat eualiij. The eiti aena of Clearfield and vicinity are reepeesfally Invited to give bim a trial. K ebarge for sails. UT. i II JbEW 6TOKE AND NEW GOODS. JOS. SHAW ii SON Hav. just oprcd t Nw From, oo Main SL, Cuiuitio, Tk, lalelr oecupled by Wra. T. IRWIV. Their stock cootisl, of Gkocikm of th beat tjualily, QrjECNBWARC, Boots and Shoei, ad .vrry wtic). vtotmin for pn.' com fort. Call .1)4 xamit our stock setfor far elitir .Inwh.r. K.f 9,