Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, March 01, 1871, Image 2

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    he Republican.
nmm aid raonuaroB.
Democratio Meeting.
,, There will ka Deaooretie aeetiag held ia tke
Coart Donee, ! Clearfield, on Taeiday eeeniag,
Uarak Jilt, Wl, at o'eleek, for the porpw. of
appointing Senatorial and Repreeeatatire Coa-
fereee to ml like Conferee! from ether Ceunline
la Ik Diitriet, wkete dnty It Umw te ekoete
Senatorial and Repreeeatatire Delegate ta tka ap-
yraaekiag Rial Coareatioa.
All Deaorrati an reqoeiled to ka preeent ao
that tke wiiheter ear people Bay ka follj e
t aeiraea Ca. Coai
kartk 1, H11.
Kiarlt Wound Up. The legiti
mate ffir of the Forty Brat Con
groi will wind up on StttunJny next,
bat iu infamiet will last while the
youngest membor lives. We rejoice
tbit the funeral dny U eo near at
band. Good bye, Grant, San Domin
go and our "colored brethren."
Dead. Col. John 8. Monroe, Mayor
of New Orleans when Butler plun
dered that oity, died at Savannnh.Ga ,
on the 24th, where ho removed after
being released from priaon by Butler.
Jle wae a bravo man, but came hi
death through the instrumentali
ties of that national sr.eak thief and
moral outlaw.
George Washington "First in
war, first in peace, and first in the
hearts of his countrymen" was not ta
ken into account vory extensively
. throughout the country, on the late
22J. George was a white man and
not "loyal" at that, hence be attracts
but very littlo attenion these days.
Had be remained "loyal," or com
manded a British regiment, he would
be above par.
The New Congress It ,is pretty
. well settled that tho Forty second
Congress will meet on Monday, the
6lb inetai.t, and organize with nearly
all the same officers who held position
in the lust body. No members will
be present from California, Connecti
cut, New Hampsliiro or Rhode Island;
the members from tboso Slates not
baring been elected yet.
Tho two-third Radical majority
which that party has held is com
pletely wiped out forever. How are
you, Grant, San Domingo and "na
tional wards V
A Valuable Lot. Messrs. Mai
lor, Wilkins k Co. sold at auction in
New York, on Thursday last, a tract
of land adjoining the city of Scranton,
Fa., containing 125 acres, for the
round sum of 830,000. Tho tract was
sold as coal land, and is said to con
tain one million tons of coal. This is
just one cent per ton. The Now
York papers state that it was the
most exciting sulo that evor came off"
in that city. Tboso owning coal lands
adjacent to railroads can seo by this
time that they possess mora wealth
beneath than on the surface.
.f I-offal Kingdom.
Grant's San Domingo Commiiwion
has finally been heard from. The
members bare landed in that loyal
Eden of negroes, monkeys, bahhoons
andestray Yankees, and not one of
them can hold conversation with tho
natives, who, when they do say some
thing, do so in Spanish. The negro,
Fred Douglass, and the celebrated
Franz Sigol, enjoy themselves hugely
talking English and German to the
Spanish monkeys, not a word of which
they understand. Ben Wade docs his
swearing in English, and will there
fore not demoralize Grant's friends on
lis Island during the short tirao tbey
will remain.
It is needless to say that the Com
mi t toe is diagusted wilh tho appear
anco of things. A correspondent who
accompanied them says that the
clothing worn by the msloa is a pair
Ot pantaloons, the upper portion of
the body being entirely nuked. The
females wear kind of cotloo sonu
thrown loosely over themselves, and
nearly all the children under eight
years of age go entirely naked. And
they are made up of all colors except
white. It is not known whether the
Committee design to send a half dozen
families as a present to Gen. Grantor
not, but whilo improvements and
amalgamation are in order at the
White House, it would not be out of
order for "the government" to keep
several of tlicBO families iu the Lluo
room as specimens of our new acqui
sitions under the Grant regime.
Would this not bo a "grand moral
Idea" and assist much" in "blending
the races," a work in which "the gov
ernment" and a certain class o( phil-antlj-opisLs
bave largely invested 1
It is reported thaf'the government"
is frequently bathed in tears over the
fact that the Commission will not re
turn until afier the death of the Forty
first Congress. The lots stakod off
on the Inland, marked "Grant," "Por
ter," "Babcook," "Corbin" and "Col
fai," will drprocsts very much from
the fact that the job goes over and an
other division of Iota among Congress
men, will make those owned by the
"government" families nearly worth
less. WhatapityiiiithatGoD. Grant
could not find "poliny' ani; ao n.
Urest was given Lira in San Domingo
nlflpre-naked at that '
Mnrrte" rlWinr Tint.
Congressmen are not the only par
ties who are robbing the government.
Miss Yinnia Ream, who has for sever-
al years figured rather conspicuously
among Congressmen at Washington,
lately completed statue of the "lato
sinented," for which her mnlo associ
ates agreed to pay her $:'0,000 out of
the United Htntes Treasury.
It seems now that Vinnie nnd her
confederates have not only "chiseled"
Lincoln in marble, but they havo
"chiseled" 113,000 out of tho Treas
ury. It aecma that they "hired an
Italian sculptor to do the work, lor
which he wss paid 17,000 j "Vinnio"
and her Congressional friends foully
pocketing tho extra $13,000. This
system of "chiseling is termed by
the loyalists "native talont," and they
cannot see why the tax payers should
object to the interpretation, from the
fact that Ben Butler, the schoolmaster
of the party, has thrown tho Bible
and Webster's Dictionary out of the
window, nnd he and his party are
working under a cedo of law, morals
and orthography founded at New Or
leans. Butler for morals and political
economy, Beccher for theology, and
Covode for orthography, ia the foun
tain out of which flow all grand moral
ideas, as woll as Yinnio'a "chiseling"
B - m m
S I'M. to Elections. An effort is
being mode bofore the Legislature to
repeal the act abolishing Spring EIco
tioiis. The grounds for this move
ment are not very tenable, and to our
mind fullacioua, so far as tho common
good is concerned. Kalher give the
election officers two days to count
the ballots and make out the returns
than to compel six hundred thousand
men to forsake thoir work, and of
course lose a day, whilo a portion
spend large sum of money, and that
class, too,, w ho should huaband their
timo and rcsonrccs for the use of their
families. If Ohio, New York -and
other States can elect all their officers
in one day, why cannot Pennsylvania
do the same thing, and thereby save a
large sum of money ?
a o
Sri'lMDiTT. Wo have understood
that men are sometimes compelled to
"walk Spaniah," but It ia stated that
none of Grant's Commissioners whom
ho sent to San Domingo can talk
Spanish, although they were sent to
"dicker" for that Spanish negro para
dise. Mayor George M. Lnnman, prom
inent politician and railroad contrac
tor, died at Beading, on tho 22d. He
was at one time editor and publisher
of the Uarrisburg Union.
What a Pitt. Professions of In-
tenso loyally have done much for
many Radical Congressmen. Indeed,
a number of them are indebted for
thuir hich positions to tho fuel that
they could not go to sleep without
singing that pathetic, tear-producing
"We'll rail roand Ilia Bag, Ac p
and, even then, could not enjoy the
sweets of patriotic repose, without
rolling around them tho American
flag, and getting botween sheets made
ol striped bunting.
Just now three of those exquisitely
loyal cusses are in trouble. Congress
man Bowcn, of South Carolina, has
been arrested fur bigamy, Congress
man Butler, of Tcnnossco, is under in
dictment fur forgery, and Congress
man Wimpy, of Georgia, is charged
wilh purchasing counterfeit Treasury
notes. We would like to withhold
this afflicting intelligence, bul as a
fuilhful journalist wo must not sup
press each important historical facts.
The accused merit the sympathies,
tears and shrieks of the Loyal League
and the fuithful of the Grand Army.
Let Geary proclamato, and Logan
order his forces to their tents. If s
airing of well strained resolutions
should not acquit, they might be sooth
ing to the troubled hearts of tho ac
cused. The Montgomery (Ala.) Mail says:
The pcoplo of Laudordalc, Miss.,
have caught a live Alabama Ku-Klux.
The said K. K., in company with eight
or ten confederates, entered the dwel
ling of one Adam Kennurd in the
night timo, took him forcibly there
from, and did then and there feloni
ously and cruolly beat, strike, and
wound said Kennard against the peace
and dignity of tho Stalo of Misaihsippi,
and contrary to the Statute. Kennard
recognized ono of tho bund, tho samo
wbo was subsequently arroslcd, and
tell in not in ualli . it was one
Daniel Price, of Sumpter county, one
of the blue lights of IUdiculism in that
quarter of tho Mate.
Don't "Blend" Well. Tho Colored
Cadet Smith is hoveri ng on tho verge
of itniaAl. The Sourrtory- nf War
has not yet published the proceedings
of the court martial in his case, and it
is believed that he is doubtful as yet
whether to givo tho boy another
chance or to dismiss him from the
Academy. Tho unfortunate fellow
hss had such a hard road to travel bo
tween his own peccadilloes and the
"hazinir" of his follow students that it
is possiblo disinisanl would greatly re
neve mm personally, and there is no
doubt it would greatly relieve the of
ficials of the Academy and the public
gcncrully. X. V. Herald.
Important Decision. TheSiinrem
Court of Pennsylvania has decided
that mo owners or eon I and coal privi
leges in lands where tho surface is held
by other parties, must, in tho removal
of the coal, protect tho surface from
injury. llua is a question of irrcat
importunco in Western Pennsylvania,
where vast tracts of coal have been
diaposcd of to other parties by the
owners of llio surface. The decision
esUliliahcs a principle new to tho laws
oi i no ntaic.
An Outrage. A negro who sued a
Chicago saloon keeper lor twenty five
hundred dollars, for putting him out of
his saloon after his refusal to comply
wilh a request to leave, has been
awarded one cent. The Court in
structed the jnry that tho proprietor
osa me irgai right to remove the
plaintiff from his restaurant by force,
without giving any reason thorcfore,
if the plaintiff refused or ncglscled to
go when requested. Will Butler "iro
fir" thai Chienifo J-tic! ire T
Ttrriblt Hallfad .tYHifenl.
On Thursday morning, the Idlli
ultimo , as the mall train hound west
wns rounding a curve about n mile
and a half east of Keating, the hind
car whs thrown from the trm-k and
overturned. Instantly tho ' flame
burst out of it al both ends, and in
about 'JO minutes it was entirely oun
sumed, fortunately Ihoro were but
few passengers in tho car al tho lime,
all of whom escaped wilh but slight
injuries but three. Mr. C. B. How
ard, of Williamsport, was quite so
vervlv burned on one side of his head,
his hands sliirhtlv burned and one of
them budly bruisod. After Mr. How
ard got out there were two passen
ger still left in tho car, Mrs. Nash,
housekeeper for Mr. John Day of this
place, and Jlr. ituy s Uuiiiriiler ran
nic, aired five years. Ono of the
brskemen, Ed. Gibson, succeeded in
reaching the child and escaping wilh
it ihroutrji tho flames. All cflorts to
rescue Mrs. Naah from tho burning I
car wero unavailing, until the engineer
loft bis engine and cume hack to the
scone. As soon us ho was told that
there was a woman in tho burning
wreck, he, without the least hesita
tion, jumped into the midst of the
flumes and soon reappeared with Mrs.
Nash in his arms, horribly burned,
bul still alivo. Tho injured wore
pluccd in the remaining curs of the
train, and dispatches soul up the rosd
for physicians to bo in readiness to
render assistance upon the arrival of
the train. At Sterling Dr. Lanning
got upon the train and did all in his
power to afford relief to tho sufferers.
The train reselling here about an
hour and a half after tho accident, and
and Mrs. Nash was conveyed to the
Diddle House and Dr. Cruigan was
called in. Upon cutting off her clothes
it was found that both legs, her fore
head, one side of her fuco, and hor
back were badly burned. Under
the Dootor's treatment she is doing
well, and ho thinks she will rocvo
er. The child Fannie was but
slightly burned. Mr. Howard had
bis injuries dressed here, and returned
to Williamsport in the afternoon
train. Too much cannot be said in
praise of Mr. Ellis Hyman, the con
ductor, and the other employes on
tho train, who did all in their power
to save and relieve the sufferers. But
what shall we, what can we say that
will do justice to the noble act of the
engineer, Mr. F. H. Benton f After
all the passengers and other employees
bad been driven off by the heat of the
burning car, and bad ubandoncd their
efforts to save the perishing woman,
still in the wreck being burned alive,
wilh a horrible death staring him in
tho fuco, boldly and without tho least
hcsitalion Itapcd into the midst of
iho burning wreck, disappeared an
instant from sight, and in another in
stant reappeared, singed, scorched,
and nearly suffocated, but wilh iho
woman in his arms saved. Such a
man is a hero deserving of the ru.-pocl
und admiration of all.
Tho causo of tho accident is un
known, bul il is supposed thut the
flanges of tho wheels were broken off
in passing around the curve. Had the
car been thrown off on the olhcr side
of the track, it would have gone down
a high embankment into the river,
and but few, if any of the passengers
would havo been saved. Cameron
.4 itttnocralU He form.
Whatever the IUdical press may
say denunciatory of the Democratic
legislature of Indiana on political
grounds, no one can deny that it is
doing a noble worn in romodeiing the
obnoxious divorce law of that State.
In response to numerous petitions, a
bill having this fur it object has boen
introduced into the Senate, and passed
by a vote of thirty seven to three
Ihe first section deals wilh the most
disgraceful fealuro of tho present law,
by providing that where the cause of
divorce has arisen in another State,
the petitioner shall have to prove bona-
fide residence at three years, instead of
.1C.. - '
one, in me 01111,0 aim iu mo county in
which the petition is filed; and, more
over and this is perhaps of inoro im
portance than all that tho divorce
ahull not bo grunted unless the act or
acts complained or were a good cause
of divorce in the State in which they
wore committed. In addition to this,
the bill forbids tho granting of a di
vorce, whore Iho pluco of tho dofend
anl's residence is known, without per
sonal service of the summons. The
causes of divorce, too, are distinctly
specided, and nothing is led, as under
the old law, to the discretion of the
judgn. They aro six in number j bul
no divorco can be granted except for
adultery, or convic tion for and infam
ous crime, until tho parties shall have
been married at least three years.
This is a great stride in the direc
tion of hedging Iho marriage lie wilh
that sanctity which formerly mado
the matrimonial slate holy, Tho
truth is that during the last ten years,
or ever since ltadiculism boon in 0 the
dominant parly, ' free loveistn" hss
flotirshod side by side with those oilier
isms, lor the cxislonco of which wo
must hold the ismatio pcoplo of New
England rexponsible, until ol last our
sociul institutions have been cither
ruined entirely or aeriously impaired.
The dose however was too strong j
tho stooisch of tho country has been
unablo to aaaimilato tha tbuuaand dan
gerous potions tho Radios! pharma
copeia yielded, and nausea has resul
ted. Judgingfrom present indications,
however, we iuclinn to the opinion
thut the patient will shortly cast off
tho whole vile mass, and society, polit
ically as well as socially, receive fresh
moral vitality.
The king-haired, crack brained
philosophers who, like Bcecher and
i-'ruthinirliiim, wink al bieamy and
prutO about "affinities," llOVO almost
run their raco: Iho sound, common
sense of tho Country is reinforcing the ,
ranks of tho advancing Domocracy,
and soon thcro will ho nothing MX of ,
those fellows but a disagreeable recol- j
lection ui muir pnav naaiincnR. a 110
Democracy of Indiana have begun the
attack by demolishing that free lovo
and "affinity" institution the Indiana
divorce law and in this work they
bave the hearty sympathy and top
port of every honest christian in the
land 77i Vaper.
Louis I lent, hrothor-in-law of the
I'rcsident, was dono up in this style
when lie was acsndidslo for (iovornor
of Misslsoippi last full, by Iho Jackson
"Looii Deal la a ebaat aad a laladlcr, aa kia
tran.aaliaa In 1'o.hnma etianl ihow. lla ia a
EohlH'i.J Imfffar, ttithnal rharaalar, tiraiaa, ar
oiwUf. lla la a abliahd blarbl.,. faltiS.r, aad
Tillaia. Hi. rrair,l, public and privata, if ilaepnl
ia talaniT, bald arilh arlnin, blaab.aml wilh .ia.
fraad, aad anrrarllna. la .ban, ba ia a aaara. a !
awaru, aaa a aoouBarri.
Tlis Boston J'ott aay Ilrowolow
and Morion, carried into tho Senate
ChamW by their servants, fully rsp.
rentctj ino paraiyzca H:ilical Jisrty
Oiiitiaht Thomas 11. Bnrrnwes,
t.t,. I)., nrcaident of the Airriculturnl
College of Pennsylvania, died at tour
o'clock on Haturdnv afternoon, aged
sixty srvctl j inrs. Mr. Hnrrowos pos
sessed a vigorous and highly cultivat
ed mind and did much in furthering
tho infeiests of tho common scnooi
system in: Iho State. Ho was also
prominently identified with politics in
the earlier part of his lifo and wu
Secretary of the Commonwealth from
IWomher 15. 1835. to January 15,
IS!!!), under Governor Hitner. 'In 1(K
the Into Governor Packer appointed
him Slate Superintendent of common
aehonls. which position lie held until
1H03, displaying omlnent ability during
Ins entire term.
Mr. Burrowcs was the first superin
tendent of orphans' schools in the
Stale, having been appointed by Gov
ernor Curtin dining the lust year of
his administration. He was also for
rr.anv rears the nhlo editor of the
Pennsylvania School Journal. In Feb
ruary, 1809, ho was appointed to the
presidency of the Stalo Agricultural
College, in which capacity ho served
until liis decease. Mr. Burrowes was
a native of Lancaster county
Tho memory of deparlod g"
is but littlo revered in Georgia
oss the ungraelful treatment
relicts of the late lion. Ualeo
borne, a distinguished colore
ber of the State" Legislature, w
killed some lime ago, and of
numerous widow only two
cd by Governor Bullock to draw
CAUTION. All km Wereh eaatioa
rd aftiMt hirborint? r fruiting om my to
euaat my wife Khubath Kbmt, m ib htm dMrtd
m without jait prorootlion, and 1 am dtnnibd
aot I pay any dtbti of atr oati-acting anltii
oonptiiM to a 90 dt taw.
TroatrilU, Manb 1, 18713tpd.
X. 11 hereby gxrrn tuatlttni of idminiwIraiktAji
oa tb ertata ol TUOMAH M t'LLKN, doeat4,
late of Bccearia township, Cleartvld oouiy, Ha.,
haviag bn duly granted ta tht andrralroad,
portooa indebted to laid estate will please nake
payment, aad Ihoee baring elaimi or detnaud
will present them proparlj aulbtntieated for aei-
uemeni a. w. unm,
Itaeearia tp., Kirch, Admialitrator.
Ladies' Cloth Coats,
Woolen Good. Notions, Trlmmingi, Millinery
and Fancy Goods, etoete
Te make room for a large aad rpleadid eUcli of
new "priiif and Simmer Goodi. S:1 :3t
T ICKNttfi WOriCfcM. The following prr.
f J tone bave filod in the offioo of tbe Clerk of the
Court of Quarter Br ta to tit of Clearfield count r,
their p-titiom and boodi for License, at the
March teuton neit, agreeably to the alt of
AMembly, entitled An Act te rrgalate tbe eale
ol intoxicating i.i(aorf, Ac:
botkl Lirexst.
Wm. Pfhwem
Gee. Knarr
I. Jubmon A Boa...
K. J. VYtllianif ,
Andrew Glaie..
John Young
John I'ougberty
Iarld John too
John Foeii ,
litwrence Flood
Peter Gamier
Franoie fiermoyw
Uougalph Bhnll.B....
John H. Bergey
Klias Walk
Win. W. Irwin.
Uowen and turner...
Andy PhofT.
Wm. J. Uoly
Hiram Htraw
Wm. bchnarrs
Tbotnae Mehaffty
PaateJ 0 roil in ,
Jno. C. lit ndertoa...,
Jamet Harieifham...,
Thoa. J. Itoaliflk ,
Wm. II. I an ear-
Jba WmMt.-
Jamea Ftrna
John hheeeer
Wm. Parker ,
Charlea Keeney ,
David Aikey
Prady township.
Hraly townihip.
.....Brady townhip.
Bradford townihip.
Huroaide townihip.
Clearfield Boron (h.
Ma.a. Clearfield Borough.
Clearfield Boroogb.
Ouriagton towutbip.
s.Corington town -hip.
Corington townbip.
......... Covington township.
Corington Uwathip.
I'ecaiar cowniDip
,.urntn townthip.
tiulicn townnbip,
Gulieb townihip.
Unfit on towtiiuip.
..H Jordan townihip.
Karthaua townihip.
New Washington Borough.
Oteeola Ho rough.
n(aoeota Borooph
,.H M.Onoeole Borough.
, Oteeola Borough.
, Oaeeola Borough.
i. Oexoola Duroagb.
Vtnm lowaihip.
I'oion township.
Woodward townihip.
woodward (owninip.
. ..Woodward township.
aai.uax lice.
Catharina CralT.
Mary Wra rar
OriMHkaw Tatlw..
Orerga 8mitk... ......
Coringloa Ip.
....Woada-ard ip.
niii iini tirtaaa.
Joka fibrvrlek
Inn M. i'outlrict...
Patrick puaa..
Jao-ra l)BBB
Marek 1, 197L
Brad; tp.
i ....CoviarloB tp,
Woodward Ip
C. TATE, Clark.
Sheriffs Sale. .
T ) Y tlrtaa ef a wr t of Itperta Fieimt, i
J I ned eat of the Court of Cemmea Pleea ef
Clearfield county, and t me direeted. there
will be eipoied to PUBLIC the Ceart
llnate In tbe borough of Clearfield, en Monday,
toe xotb oey at marea, I", I, at I eeloet, f.
tbe following Real IE late, te wit:
A eerlain eteem aawmill wenty-eight feet long
and thirtr feet wine, pituate in Decatur towutbip.
en the Tbomal Ililltngtoa surrey, aboat three-
fnwrthi ef a mile fron tbe pablie road leading
from Oeeeola to Jayaeavtlle, together with land
enough immediately adjaetnt thereto for the
ordinary ae thereof. Be i ltd, taken in elevation
and to he sold at the property of Abraham Kef
hart. AIm, by rirtue of a writ of Fieri we, the
following deeenbed nropertr, will be sold at the
imme time and plaee, eituate la tbe borough of, i irarnem eonmy. ra., to, wit
Beginning at the corner ef Filbert and High
Street, tbenee northward by Filbert Kiret 120
fret to pout; thence eattt by lenda of Wm. Irtln,
IfO feet to an alley t tbenee aooth by said itley
l?0 feet to High' Street i thenoe weat 190 fed jo
Filbert Htreet aad plaee of begianing, and hariag
a large foundry, wood ak-p. An., thereon eretted.
Helsed, taken ia eieeation and to be told as the
property ef Rabieow aad J. P. We a.
gatr-Bidderi will take aetiee that U pet
veac af the aarehaes voaey matt be paid aea
tbe property la kaoeked down, or it will he pat
ap agata for eele. Jl'STIS J. PIK,
Raaatrr'i Orrtra. I Sheriff.
Clearfield, I'a,, Uar.h I, 1171. 1 "
SherifT's Sale.
1 Y ?lrtMarrltial Vrndilitml Crpaaaa. Itaia
I ) oat of Iba Caarl at Comiaoa Pl.aa af Cli.r
S.I4 eoantv, aait ta ma d!r9r!f4, tbara .ill
ba la (labtla aala, at lha Caarl Hot,
la lira boroifb af Claarttld, oa MnotUr, tka
X'lh i,f el Marrb, la? I. al I a'olock, ,. a.,
tb. (ollowlD( daaaribtd Raal Kilata, la all i
A errtaia traM af lan.l ritaala Ib FcraaaoB
lavn.bip, (Irarflr-ld flaonla, PrnatYlrania. blna
'n oi a aarv.y ia laa aaiaa al ai.ltbia
Hloaak, and boan ,j laiHi of Umbra 1,-wn
iJuJllT.'I'"'' k"':d "1
HO anraa ia elraml. and ha. ma a' l( hara mi
iwiua houaa thrrtoa nwri. Utiut.
7sVn7X','" ""' ' b""1'1 " "" ,r"i-"
A,, , trmrt ,f M ,., IlMr.
j lowmbip. (MearSeld aaaaty, l'a. bnanded and
deeenbra aa Inllnwi: He,innin, at a while pina
Hump, thence ei,ath f..s degree! ee.t IS.1 percb.l
to hetnliM-k t Ihnnce hf land, of Mn.haanoa l.e.d
and l.amhar To., ta the line of !. kepbart i thenca I
a'onc Mid line Sl degreea wait aboat SO perehea
fn a maple; Ibenca north lu drgreea we.t .IS
perehee to p,Ml : thence weet 15 dc,reea wctl Jl
ana iw peecnea wi piene ai argianin,. ntainiBg
ahoat 10 acre.. Hciacd, aakea ja aiectilio Bad ta
ha aold aa the property of Abraham J. tlon,
Alea, a cerlaia tract of lead lituatr in Tlell towa
lh!p, t'lcarSrld eoonly, Pa., decrihed aa fnllowi.
In wil : llre;innin, at a port, thence alang J. p'
Hoyt Una aoalh 1 1 degree eet 20 perrhea to
white oak goaeli Ihrnna anuth SI degree! weat
along J. Seleni line 110 perrhea ta po.t ( thenne
north 71 degran weat Ian p rebel ta hirok thraaa
aorth Sit degrret aal .H parvhea la a gem -thraca
north SI drgreaa eaet ti percbra to plm f
hegiaaing. eonlainli.g 17 1 tcrea aad SI perehea
more ee leaa waiag part af a aareee la Ihe aae
af Joha Nleboleon, No. karing ahoat SO
f-Tw. ala.wlpaBw4 mw.A . 1 1 I a.
.......,...hh.ub smi Roaats earn ana. almp
thrreoa. Seised, tairn la aewtitlna il
ald ae the property of William Brady.
Iliddera will Uka aetlee that IS per tewt
ef tbe parebaee moaey asaet ba paid wbea the
property ta knocked dew a, or II will be pQ a,
agaJa for aala. . J CUT IN J. p(k. j
Cnaarrr' firnn, I Mleriff. I
wrern-vra, ra,, Merrb I.IITI.j . j
l ies
i Yit.
J Ihe
f r
fU' drrrtUrmrntf.
TBS aad r.arUat Adraaala af (ka
aad tnlmitabla Aatker,
Will laclura oa Lla pop alar aubjtal,
H IT C 13 ti H,"
it tbs coi-b Bona,'
Wtdaetday K.autef, Xfnrcli lib, 18M.
JM-Doa't fall to erobraca IbU opparlnally to
boar tha world ranawaad Brlak."
Real Estate for Sale.
rpriK aad.r.ljn.d will till at prlrala aala
filtuata la LaarraiHtc lown.blp. ClaarSdd aaaalf,
I'ana'a., aboat ona aila fraai tlaaro.ia Daroa(U.
Tha Imprarroianli ara a luar boat., log bars
aad joaag orchard, Aa.
It il aailarlaid wilh a l frat raia af
eoal j haaina; a bank ia warbiag ardar. Bad il a
rtrjr doiirabl. plaaa for a aiia.r. .
It will ba told for tl,0S. Vary alaap.
March I, 1TI Slpd.
Kotice to CredUors.
ITTnKREAD, im pBraaaaea f aa act af O.a
Aral Aiacaabl; af tb. CaaiBiaBWMllk af
Pannirlaaata, an attaabnant hath baan granted
by tb. aobaenbar, ona af tha Jnltioaa of tka Paaaa,
la ib. aal, Manly af ClaarS.ld, at tha iaMaaea
af a atrlaia JoBa jnoiaan, al Brady tvwu.ulii,
ia the aaaaty of Claarftcld, againat a aartalB
Qao. W. tk. lowaihip of Bnwly, ia laid
oaaaty, whwaaa aaataia fooda, ohattcli aad other
effect! of the laid Ueorg. W. Lloyd hare bean
altaehai and are new ia Ihe eBiaaily of Jauea
Mileiaad F. K. Araoldrofth aaid Townihip.
Thii it, therefiira, to gire ootiea to tha eroditora
of tbe aaid Oaorra W. Llorrf, ta appear oa Satur
day, tha 1 1th day of Uerrh 1ST I, al the office of
tha lubaanbar, la tbe Tillare of Lalbaribarg, Pa.,
tbea aad there to dieeoror and make proof of
their deaaaadl agraaably ta tha direction! of the
aid act. ttKO. C. KIKK.J. P. ua.J
Important (o Lumbermen.
reepaetfally atake thii aaaooaeement to
l in for ia the laaibenaea lha. tbe Moahanaaa
llotel litaaled oa the river bank oppoiite the
moata or Hofbaanoa ureea, wtll ee in fall blaat
the eoaiiBK epring, far their aeoomnEodatiea.
The proprietor baa ipared ae paini or expente in
making an pie provmoni for the comfort of hii
The "big Hrar rook" that heretofore bee been
a freel bindrenee ta rata land in t here, baa born
reinoved, which makee it a mfe and eonrrnient
laaditiK. WM. BCU.NAKRH,
S. 1. A road baa her epenrd aloof tbe ri-er
freta the Uotel to Kartbaai, which Mabaa it vary
convenient for tboee that wiah to re tar a bene
by the way of tbe mouth ef MoahanTioa.
March 1, 1871-4U
Oil la Clearfield County!
The beet barn in t; oil in the world ! Dr. Celrer'i
celebrated rna Lia;bt Oil n one of tbe Rreateet die
eo teriM of the ace. Inrrated ia 1867 br Ir. 8
A. Culver in Parie. li. Wageer A Co. are the eole
proprietor! for the I'nitfd Fiatti and Canada itnce
the year low. trer loo.ouo lamilin ara aung it.
It takre the iilace of all other burn.px oili and
fluids, for thcie reason : 1. It don't eoit half at
maeh. 3. It 1 warranted ta be aon exploeire.
3. It eaa be made by anybody. 4. It will barn ia
any lamp, with or without a chimney, a. It will
not iinoko tha chimney, a. It will giro ao bad
odor or offennre imcll. ?. It will not toil clothes
if spilled upon them. 8. It girri a el rar aad
ateaay light, ana te eon nest and brilliancy te only
equaled by eaa. 9. It will barn looter thaa an
oil that ie made. 10. It docs not weaken the ayes
or laogi ae kcroecne or coal oil do a. In order to
brieg tbieoil into an i renal aae tliroughoot the
entry, they hare onncluded to eell it only through
agents. By this method families can maoafaclare
the oil tbemetleee, tbae getting It at original cost
aad saving all the proAti that woald be made by
merahaoti and spec u Jet on if aold tbroagh them.
All we ask if that the public give this oil a general
investigation t that they test Ma qualities for them
aelvre wbea tba a (rent calls. In order that all mar
be benefited by this oil we have placed the price
" - "a- "-- - afc. .-ii , f iwt eouere.
Yoa eaa preeara a Ricbt when tha knnt ..iu .nri
shows yoa bow mealy it bains. Agent will give
u m. ktj, anu inrnun ine tngmiicats ir wished.
Ingredients cheap and simple. Coat but 2d Mnti
per gallon at the highest. Yoa can nwore a
ui m enaer wbea be calls or addrepe bin with
two dollars at Karthaua, Ta., and receive It by
"" a. ru itnAHKr,
3:1 :St Agent for Clearfield eonnty.
Tbe bleodv eaoteet between France aad Pmisia
is at aa eaa for tl.e presrnt, ao far aa tbe ilaugh
taring af men anl the detraction of property ie
eeaeeraei. ine nnrai Jiiggiere aa aoabt pride
Ibemeelvct aad rejoloe aver tbe resalt, bat how
insirnineaat Ie their work whea compared with
the bamane and christian efforts of
wha haa an.lert.k.a la lapply all tka el I i ten I la
the rawer end of thi eonnty wilh foad and raiaent
at ficeMing low rale! from hi! ai.nraotb itura ia
Ml'I.KO.NBL'RU. where he eaa alwaya ba found
ready ta wait npoa aalleri aad rupply tbeta wilh
Dry Goods of all kinds,
Sesh Cloths, ffatinettt, Casstmeree, Muslins,
llelatnee. Linen, Ortllings, Calteoei.
Trimming, Hibboos, Lace,
Ready-made Clothing, Boots and Shoes, tints and
Ctfe all af tbe beet material aad made te order
Heeo, books, Gloves, Mitteae, Laeae, hibboae.e.
Ceffer, Tea, Pa gar, Rice, Holaseee, Fish, Salt,
I'ork, Unseed Oil, 'lsb Oil, Carbon Oil.
FUrJware, Qiteenftware, Tinware, Castings, Plows
and Plow Cartings, Nails, Ppikrs, Cora Caltira
tort, Cider Preeaee, aad all biadi af Axe.
Porfamery. Pain La, Varnish, Olais, aad a general
ajeurtmeat af Stationery,
Of disereat brand., el war l aa head, aad will ka
aid at Ike lawaet penible Sgarel,
Myl'ORS, aaek al Braadr, Wl.e, Uia,,
Jayne'a Medicine., Iloitetter't and
H(M.Saad'l Biitert.
I0SS aeandi af Waal want.d for akiek tha
hi, heat priea will ka paid, i'lurrrreed aa kaad
aad for aala al tha lawiil aarkat priea.
Alia. Arret for Etraltaaeilla aad CarweBirille
Tbreihlag Maekiaea.
kaa.r.11 and w for ennnelvei. Toa alii Sad
atarylkiag a. Bally kept la a retail Here.
Fraaekeilla P. 0., March 1, 1171.
daitlrw of tha Peers aad Bcrirrair,
Car iBei Hie, Pa.
t-AM'ollecl ioni made tni noBry pnwiptlr
pniil arer. Feb. ti, tf.
ryo tii k HKins and lkual rki'Iikskv-
X tat i vet of John l.nsirr. late of It rail ford towa
nIiIP, l learflrld eonnty, deoeaeprl.
At an Orphans' Coart held at CcaHteM, la anil
for aaid eouuty, January Kith, IS7I, it was ordered
and dcereed that poblication be miule in one
newspaper paMtlied in said cfinntr for three eon-
eerutive weeks that the Real Rafale appraised and
art oat la the widow oat ol tbe Real Estate of
Jhn Luiier, d-eeaed, will be confirmed to ber
and the report of the annraWert approved, nnleo
HtAeleat cameo to the contrary he shown by Iho
first day af March Term. "Ily the Coart. "
Attest i A. W. LKT,
t:K:M, Clerh O. C,
Rr.;mTl :HM Rtll lC li-Kotiee is hereby
given that the fntlrming aeeoante here bren
ciamiard and perecd by at, aad remain tiled of
reenrd ia tbts wfioe for tha Inspection of heir,
legatee, creditors, and all others in any other way
lntretrd, and will be preeented to the net Or-
r hens' Court nf (Tkaxfleld eoanty, to be held at the
our llnac, In the borough nf Clearfield, enra-mt-ning
on the (bird Monday (being theSOthday)
of Marrh, A. l. 1(171.
Partial arnoant af Jacob Wie, admiaietrator af
Dad Crewel, late of tirahata township, deo'd.
Final account of John Owen, administrator af
T. 1. People, late of La max towaship. dee d.
Anenant of O. H. I.ytle, administrator of Thoe.
Robiaana, late af Lawtwr City, dee d.
A orient af Jamee MKea and Mtna J. 8 lose,
administraUire or John Elnea, late af knoi town-,
kiiK dee d.'
Aeetiant of Rdward Per ha, nae nf the eireatort
of Cbristtaa Kmeigh, Rr. laUof Morris township,
Final aee-awnt af Datid Keama, administrator
r tlo-Urry W raver, tatenf Brady towaship, de'd.
KeniiTrn n Orrn r, I A. W. tKIt,
HtarfirH, Pa., lib. V, I h; 1 ic. j lustrr.
(Raaaaaaara to BorslnB Taaa,)
" - " Haaafaalararaaf
I Cornrr af Foartb aad Piaa Straati, '
' CI.EARriEl.D, PA.
HAVING engaged la tha aaafaetare or Ir.t
alaia HACHINEKY, we rrrpeelfully Inform
tha pnblia that wa ara bow prepared ta Ell all
order! at aheaply and aa promptly at can ba done
ia aay af the aitica. Wa aaaaafaetBra aad deal ia
Mulay and Circular Saw-Millj
Bead Elocki, Watar Wkaall, Ekaftiag Palleyt,
OiEord'l Injaelar, Eteant Oaagei, Steam Whiitlaa,
Oilara, Tallow Capa, Oil Cup., Gauge Coeki, Air
Cock a, Ulaba Valraa, Cheek Valrai, wroagkt iroa
Pipet, 8 earn PaBipt, Boiler Feed PaBipi, Aati
Frietioa Metrei, Soap Bloaa PaekiBg, Oum Pack
ing, aod all kiadt af HILL WORE; tagelker
with Plawa, Sled Rolet,
and athar CA8IIWOS af alt klada.
aT-Orden tallaltod aad tiled al ally prleei!
All lettart af Inquiry wilh ref.reaee la Bachinary
of oar naanfaetare praaplly aaiwared, by addrea
iag Bl at ClearB.ld, Pa.
dae:rro tr, touko a co.
oiii.ias ib
Also, Manafactoreraaf
Tin and Sheet Iron Ware.
Barstii, Collari, alt., for nil ky
lag Day Torki, for aala by
lfallt, etc., for lale ky
Fiadkigi, for tala hy
for aala ky
Biiei, for aala hy
For tala ky
RAILS, far aala ky
B. .
Aad heat Uaaefertare, for aala ky
BOXIS, for sale by
JODDRU CUTTEIlS-for tale by
cb30-70 II. F. BIGl.ER I CO.
Guardian's Sale or Real Estate.
1)Y rlrtae af aa aHer of tha Orphans Coart,
1 naae Ihe l.'ifh day of Manb, A. D. 171.
IT. J. W. Pettar will eell at PaMie ffale, at the
puhlte hooe of Joseph (fillilanrl, at Halt I.ick,
IS7I, tlie following ilescrihrd property, situate ia
Karihaae tnwathia, late the property of aad reei
denee of Jataee ( arlrr, aow uwaed be his aifoor
children af wheta eaiti lt. J. W. Potter ie tiaar
diao; hoandetl and dracrihed ae fellowe :
ItcginatnK at a white pine mrner, a-ijoinio
8. K. eorner of land af Jamee White, thraoa K.
Ui perrhes to a brmloek t thenee N. 1ln perrhet
to a white pine eorner t thenca W. 14) perehee ta
a ana pie eorner t thenoe Koath 114 1-1 perehee
to th plare af bginoiaif,
CuetatiititK ant) hand red arrca, mnre nr Was,
about TO aeree e tea red, with fraate dwelliaK hoase
and frame bans and a food arohard thereon, aad
being aaderlaid with a veia of $no4 eoal.
To he sold enhjert to a lease eadme; May let,
179, held by Thonaa White, for aboat T aeree,
whereoa he haa a saw aiill. with tha right ta
remove the same at the end of aaid lease.
Taaaet 10 per eent. af the porcheee saoney
wbea eale is aaade, one-third thereof at ealrana-
lion of aala, and the balance la two equal annual
payments with interest, te ha eeeared by bond
and mortgage on the prrmisee.
j. w. roTTicn,
Three lUm, Feb. 12, it tlaardiaa.
Private Sale of Real Estate
ffMIK taWriher win affee at private sale, aa
X ra sen able terms, the following Rral Ktlaer.
titnate ia (Ilea Hope, Cleerfteld eoanty, Pa.: a
larfre two story plaak hraea, 4ti4t f'ret etnre
room 2t0 feet; ware roosa, I6r.t feet. The
hoaaa Ie the best la tilea Hope, wrll flnlshed. aad
having a large eellar andvrneath. Wae hailt la
lk7. A arrrr failing Writ, aad wood aad wash
hoe-e, hare, (3H4,) iee haeer, luffimant ta held
er 70 tons of ie, aad all other aeeesrary eat
Alto, a large quantity of iaeex-baadte, eonsist
Ing af greeeriee. dry goods, aueenswara, ant tons,
a large lot ef elnthing, aad all el bet goods geoer.
ally hrpt la a eoantry store.
AH", ie, one ie ol prime oaa aad ptne eqaara
timher, aa the hank or t tearflom ere a.
Tha above deeeribed property will ba aold ta
gethrr, ar, tf rieeired, the goods will he sold
oa reaeoaeble terms aod a leaea gieea af the store
For farther laformatioa epply ta tha eaheertbet
at hie rasidenee la tiiea II "pe.
Feb. I, 1871 am.
Hemoree euprflueas hair la aremlaatea,
witboat tnier? t theshln. Pent be mail rer $ I .la.
Rellereemoet violent paraiysms la Ira ml a a tee
aad effeeie a spede eare Priee tl b? mall.
Cetera tht whtshere and hair a beaatifal hlaek
at browa. Il eeasisU af ealy aae preparaUoa.
TI eente by mail. Address ., i riUM, He.
TJI Jayaa rlreel, Pbiladolpbla, fa. ClreaUri
frit free. Paid fcy U lrag f Isle. ft:i Ata
' i ii ii mi f jiaoi hsfraj ii i stv"
Rev. P. L. Harrison, A. M., Principal.
fpilE ntiaa ariiina af tha pr.nt arkalaatl.
year af thia lailltalina will eommeaea aa
ttoNHAY, lha lllk da, af Fekraary, 1171.
I'apili aaa enter al any lima. Tbey will be
ekargrd witk laitioa from tka llaia Ike, eater to
tbe eloaa af tba Saailaa.
Tb. eon re. of Initraetioa embrace! arary thing
ineleded ia a Ihoroogh, praetlosl aad acaoaipltih'
ed edncatlnB fur hatbaazel.
Tha Principal, baring had tha adrantaga of
Biueh axparieaoa la an proieeeioa, aeeuree poreni.
and guarukani that In. aaltra ability and anergic!
will La daeoled ta I be morel and Biental training
of tba yotlth placed aadcr hie charge. ,
ortnogiapiiy, Itraaiiij, nnting, rnaiiry r.-
BetieBB.I ilrawlng, par neaeloa 1 1 1 weea.j e' ev
Qnaunar, Urography, Arithnatic, lliilory
aad iJrawipg (o SO
Algebra, UeoBiotry, Trigonoaietry, Ilea.
luration, Karreying, Phtloiopby, Fhyil-
elogy, t'bemlitry, liook Keeping, notaay,
Fhyaical Uaography Bad lirawing M
Latin, tirerk and French, with any of tba
ahoee Braocbci - tit (it
MUHIC Fubo(M leiaoni) 00
pm-tio drductioa will ba aaade fnrabiaBaa.
JSffrFor further partlculare inquire of
Rer. P. L. HAHKlbUN.A. M.,
Feb. I, HlO.lf. Priaclpal.
rpilt WINTER TERM of foarteew week., will
I eomeaenee BtnadaT. JaBBBrT Sd. 1871.
A rnaaarr deaartaaeBt will ka added to Ike
SoeocJ tkle fall i far wkiek lha aarriaaa af a aoBk
petent In.traetor kaee beeo en,afed. Aad aa
eforl will ae ipared te reader tkil departaieBt
aUraaUea aod loilroetlea.
Priaiarv Arilkaielia aad Frinary
Ueoarapky - ti M
Hittory, Laeal aad daaariptiea Utegrapky
ilk Mao Prawinc,, kleatal
aad Writlea Aritbeaeie............-......
Algebra aad tke Seieaaal 1 M
InatraetioB Ib faitrunaBUl aiBiia It N
Oil aaiBliat. it leaioaa... U
Wai work
Far full partiealara aend for Circular.
ClearS.ld, Sept. T, 1170-lTpd.
mil R aadeniraed Karnoaea opaaiaa a Ieall
1 Oftet. IB CarwaBieille, aa early ia klarek aa
eireaBsaUaeea will permit, aod woald reipeetfelly
offer kieeervioee to tbe ailiiaai af the u.wa sad
lurroamliBa ooaalrr. JAB M. STEWART.
All iofureaalioe reepeetiBg tbe abore rard will
ka c.rea kr Mr. E. W. Read. CarwaBieilla. M
il keraby clrew tbat letter! nf adaiiBiatralioa
aa tba aetata af JOHN HAKMOY, deeeaaed, lata
afCarinftoa towaikip,CleariieldatBBty, Pa, bar -
tag been daiy fraaiea ao IBB aaoereipneu, bii per
oul iadekted ta laid aetata will aleaee eaake pay.
w.dI. aad tkota kaTiai elaiiat ar deaaaadl will
preeent tkeai prafierly aatbantieatad foraattleaaeat
aad allawaaea witnoai aciay.
fib. li, 171 ft. AdaiiBiltratan.
Brings Somclhiag
On Foandry Ptrrel, orar Hail road Depot, yoa
will find Mrs. Jl MA WAY and Miss laiLUA
JON F.H, ready to make I.adiee' Dresses of all kiads
aad Childreo'e wear. All of which will ba rat and
fit ap to art. rHitebiag done oa U rover A Baher'i
Sewing Mao hi as na better ia aae.
Ladies, doo't fail to give ae a call !
Nor will we fail to eatisfv all.
Clearfield, Febraary li, H71-3t.
Notice lo Watermen !
THE aadersigoed avails himself of this method
of io for mi it t tba Raft (ara tbat be has made
aiDpta preparatiowa at Faltoa'e lead Water for
their areoia mod otto a aad oatertaiameat daring tbe
earning eeaooa, and iavitee all to give him a ealL
fbli it WM. U. JOHNSON.
New Firm! -
rpHE firm of C. K HA TIER, ia the Pry Goods
X nd Provisioa busioete, will ba hnewa here
afier aeder the aame of
KRATIUR e t TTlll.
Thaohiag the pahtie for paet faeore, they hope
tor a eonitnaanee oi nae same.
Clearfield, Pa., Febraary f, 1S71.
Real Estate Tor Sale.
f IU K andersigned offera for eale hie farm. lit
1 aate ia Dradford township, near M sine I
Srtiool House, rosiaimag TO ACR-KM, li arret
of which are cleared and andrr fence. The Im
provemenle eons let of a log hoaee, log etahla,
spring hoase, wood bonee, aad other necessary
outbuildings, and adjeiae maife at Wm. lliteb
ingi, lleary (iratfiae, Joha Graft ua, aad alhere.
There is a young orchard aa the premise, and Is
therefore a rert deeirabla propertv.
Dradford tp Feb. ft, U71.
Dr. a. m. hills
Weald eat I h f patieate aad the aab
lie generally, tbat, hariag disstlved partoersbia
wiih lr. hhaw, be le n- d"iag tba entire worn
af hte eflca bimeelf. an iht patiente aead aot fear
being pot aa'ler the hnd nf aay other operator.
Having obtained a reJetia af tbe patent ea tbe
plate material, I am ereMed to put ap teeth mach
a boa per tbaa formerly. 1 also have Dr. Pterk'e
pateat preeese for rlvttg rnbher platea, wbieb
make a maeh lighter, amra tlaatia aad etroager
plate for the same amwaut nf atatertel, and pol
ishes the plate aa both, readeting it mach
mora easily kept cleaa. special attention paid to
ta preeervatioa ar the aataral leetn, aaa all work
guaranteed entirely satisfactory to patient.
(Htce at tba aid earner, opposite the Shaw
Uauae. Offiee boa re from te 11, a. m aad 1 ta
, p. m. Patieate from a iietaace ihaald aetify
ma a few daye weforebaael ef tbvir ialeatiea ta
eoaa. Alware at home, aalree atber aetiee ap
pear la bta tbe eoanty paper. fob Ik 71
Market HI., riearflrld, (al lb Poat (Hire.)
flHE BBderifrBed kaaa leava ta BBBaaaea ta
I tkteltlteBl af ClearB.ld aad TleiallT. that
ka kat Itted Bp a roaai aad aaa lael rataraed
froa tka elty wilk a lar,e aaaaaat af readlag
waiver, caBiuiiB( IB part af
Bibles and Miscellaneous Booki,
Blant, AeeooBt aad Par. Daokt af aear, da
arrlplioB Paper Bad Eaeelepea, Fraaek preaaad
aadplaia) PtBl Bad raaeltt Bleat, Llfal
Papan, Deed., Merlteael! JadaaieBt, IieaiB
llaB aad Preaiieeara aataa t Wkittaad Partk)
eat Brief. Leral Cap, Record Cap, aad Bill Cap ,
oaeet, Maiia rer eitaer riaaa, tlate ar Vlalla
eoaeUBtly ea kaad. Aay kaoba at aUMeaore
deeired Ikal I way aot kate a kaad. will ka ar
erdered ky Int aipraea, aad aaid at wkeleaala
ar retail la .alt eo.inw.en. I will alia keep
partadieal litarstara, taek aa Mareilaee. Newt.
paper., Ae. P. A. ttAULlJI.
Clearaald May I, ll tl
Curwensville Marble Yard.
DI'SIHOl a of eiteadla, mj kn.iaeM. aad
kaowia, there eaa be Be ki(ker tribate
ol re.peet te tha wtewmry of tha deeeated and
bnried friead.. thia ta ereet orer their Barrow
hornet a rralptared ilea of endaria, taarble, tkat
fioinll forever to tbe re.lina plaee of thore we
eve; I he, leare ta eey lo all wha wi.k la ebow
Iheir affrelioa for their drpartrd friradl aad
kindred, tkat Ikey eaa bow kara aa appertaatry
of ilota, an, hy aalha, at my Chop aa Theapeoa I
iireei, araeniriiie, ra., at I aa prepared ta
fwniiib ta ardar,
af aay dr. if. or aite. at reaaraahle ratee.
N. II. I keep oa hand the heel Karelra tad
leoaaeetla Marble. AU work eaerated ia tha
oat ikillfal manner. I will alea delieer wark
to aay poiat ia Clearaald ar adjninin, eoanliee. If
oeeiion. Jl. . IXJ1.IU RK.
Carweattille, Oat. to, llc-tf.
Lulhrrsburs; Marble Yard!
'IPI euhecriher reepeetfnlly annoancee ta ihie
X eommuniiy and tha publie genaraJty that be
is new offensively engaged in tl.e manefeefarr af
HtHtements, Head and Foot Stone, etand. Table
aad Rareae Tops, ate. No higher trihnte eaa be
paid te a deceaeed relatlr or friend thaa tbe ere,
tiea ef aa eadaring slab ae a witaeee I a a bora
generations where they have laid bim or krr.
I have engafrel Mr. Jcha W. Gabaraa ae
agent ta sell, aad ta whose werkmaasbia and skill
, ....... aei.ire-iifaBa BBa
promptly filled. Werh aVIlrarad wberererdrsired.
.... R . MOURK.
Letheronarg, 5e-mber St, IITfi,
7I.VR, niTB A It OA If L!.fIS aniBB
JIM reeeirrd and for aal. h
April ft, t T.
8. t . co.
Ddmbcld'f Colnma.
jjnsuv t. nn.Mnoin-,
roaream riatu
Wild K' ftaeart ,md fli t,tn
Oreo. Hiee.
Far Id rar Coaiplalati, J aear) iee, Bilieat aIh.
iiobi, Bir ar fferresa Beadaei,
tit. Partly Ttelab!a, CeBlaiaia, b uJ.
eary, aflatralt ar Delelerieai Drar,.
are tka aaoatdeHflilfeKy pliu...
parf.tira. laparttdiaf enter all, talu, b
at.ia, ate. There la aetkie, aara aeeepitkl. a
Ika itoaiiek. Tkey (Ira toae, aad aaatt aeltker
naaiea Bar (ripia, piloi. Tbey art ataiaeiel
af lha aeat a,redieala. After B few dayf ts)
af Ihaat, aaek aa lariroralioa af Ui aalinryi.
ten takaa plaea at la appear aiirBealoae ie lb,
weak Bad eaervaled, wkalbat arliisff freak.
prwdeaea- ar diaaaaa. H. T. llelaikold'i Co.
peend Flald Bltraat CaUwka Orape Pill, w
aal evf ar-eeatad, fraai tka lael Ikal eager etaled
Pill! do aot diiaulra. kat paaa tkrea, k Iba itra,
wltkaat dinolriaf, eoaieaaeally aaaataiedata
tka detlrtd tfeet, Tka Catawba Ore,, till
beief plaaiasl la Uat aad eder, da Bat aeeeaa.
Uta thllr beioj rapr-rettcd. Tilta M ma
par kei.
Hifkljr Coarentreui Caaaaaid
Will radiaally eilenalaate freai tka ay ilea rref.
bIb, Bypkilta, rarer Seree, Uleer., Sera
Sore Lara, (ara kloalk, Sara Bead, Braaekitk,
Fkla Dlaaaaet, Salt Rbraa, Caakert, (aaaia,,
froa tka Bar, WkiU Swilliaga, Taaaan, Caa
eercel .'.(eetiuai, Nedri. Btekett, Olaadaia
Bwellin, i, Kl,hl fiwealt. Balk, Teller, Ilaaea
af all Kladi, Ckreale Bktaaatlia, Dyepeaeia,
aad all diaeaiet tkat kara keea tttakliiked ta
tke it ate a far yeari.
Being prepared eipreuly far Ika abort Cea.
pleiBti,lti Blood Parifylof Praparilatarafreaier
tbaa aay etker Preparalioa af ftaraaparllla. It
glraa the eoaplesiea a alear aad kaaltky Bala
aad reitorei Ike paliaat Ie B atata af bealib aal
parity. For parifylaf tke kleod, rwaaelag all
akroaia aoBtiitatiaBal diaeaeee artelaf frea aa
lapara atata af the kleod, aad Ike eel j
and affaetaal kaowa raaadj far tba aae. af
Palaa aad iwellla, af tka Beaee, Ulaeraltaat tf
tka Tkraat aad Leg!, Dletefcea, Piaplaa aa Ikt
Faaa, Brytlpelat aad all Bealy Kraptieai af tkt
ikiB, aad beeatlfyrof Ika aaapleiiai. Pritt,
IIJ per kettle.
hat eared trary aatt af Diahatrt ia wbi.b li it,
kaea (IrtB, Iniutloa af tka Xeck af tkt Bladder
aad laflaua alloa of tbe Fldatyt, FlreratiMef
tLe tuaet BLd iauiier, reltattoa al ariat,
Diaeaiei af tha proatrata-Olaad, aiaat la Ikt
Bladder, Calcalul, flrarel, Erie dull drpeiit,
aad Haeoat ar Milky dlarkarg ea, aad far ta.
frtbled aad dellrele eeriiitaliear af kath 1.1.1,
att.aded witk tka following ayaptoati radii.
patltioB la titrtioB, loa af pow.r. Ion ef a.w.
ary, diffieultj af Irealklag, aaak aertii, tria
kliag, horror af diaaaia, wakefalaait, dlaain
af ri.ioa, pala la tka keek, ket kaadi, Isakit,
of Ika kedy, dryaeii af Ika ibla, era,lia aa Ike
faaa, pallid aoealeoaaoe, aaircrial laaliadt tf
tha aaaealar iy.Ua, ata.
I' aad ky pereoai froa tka agat af eijbleea u
laeaty tre, aad froa Ulrly let la Ifty lrt ar
la tka deellae ar tkaaga af Ufa aftar eoalie.
aeal ar labor palat j bed wettlag la aklldria.
Oalabald't Kilraet Baiba ia dlarallt aad Heef.
parlfylag.aBd earea all dlaeataa ariilag frea
kakilt af diiipatioa, aad aieaaaat aad iapra
deaeei la Ufa, laparlttrt af Ikt kloed, ate., .1
peraadiag aopaika la affeelleai far abieb il h
aied, aad typkilltit ateetioaa ia lb eel
aaad ta leaaerllea wilk Delabeld't Beta Walk.
Ia auay affaelloBl aaeallar la ladiea, tkt It.
Iraat Berk a la aa.aualled ky aay alber reaedy
aa la tklororli arrataatiaa,lrregalarrty,Baia
falaeu er tappreniaa af ratlaaary aTaeaatieai,
alarmed ar ickirrae itata af tka Blaraa, leeeer
rkars ar wkitaa, alerility, aad for all aaaplaiati
laeideat la tka let. whether art lag frea ladit.
eretloa, ar hablta af dl.lpatloa. It it preetrieed
eitea.lrely ky tha aatt eaiaeatpwyiieiaaiaad
aidwlretfaraafeekladaad del leata taartiiatieaa,
af Walk aetea aad all agea (atleaded wilk aa; tf
Ika abort diitaeet ar tyapteaiL
Carat diitatal ariilag froa Iapradiaetl, Bib-
lit af Dliilpatiia, ata.,
la all atagre, al little eipeaee, little ar aa
ebaagt la ditt, ae iaeeareaiiaee, aad ae .1.
peeara. Il aaaatt a Iraq neat dtel-a, a.- d git ea
ttraagil la IMiala, lb ere by rcaariag OVtTee
tiaaa, Prereatiag aad Caring Striatarea af Iba
r relbra, Allayiag Pala Bad Iaaiaaetiea, ee
rreejaaal la Ikit elan af dittaaee, aad aaaeliitg
all Peiiearjai aatlar.
Tkaaiaadi wka kart keea tka alttiat af la
aoapeual pereoai, aad wbe kara paid keaey
faaa ta be eared ia a ihert tiae. kaea lee ad ihey
kara kaea deeeirad, aad Ikal Ik. -Haieea" kia.
t tha aea af "pewerfal aetriagaatl," kaea dried
ap la theiy k-aab aat la a aere aggraeawd
foraa, aad parkapa after Marriaga.
Vat Heloibold l Bltraet Baeba far all A fee.
tieat aad Iiiieaeel af tke I'rlaary Orgaat, wheth
er eiiitiag ta Mala ar feaala. frea wb.U'.r
eeoee erigiaetieg. aad aa aatlar af kew leaf
tiaadiag. Piiea, I. It per keiHa.
liirnovED i?osk wash,
Caaaal kt aarpatted u a FACI WA'H, aad will
ew .onaa Ite .BIT eeeied. i. ...
rpaolat of afeclioa. It tpaedily aradU
aalM plaplet, laeta, eeerralie, drreeee, taCara.
in rareaeoat aeabraae, ata, dweeb)
redaea aad laeipwal tatavaallea, kiree, fbib.
aalk packet drraeea ef eeala ae ebia. ki ...
aad all parnoeaet for whieh ealrri or .i.,- ..
seed i reetoret tka tkia ta a atata of .m
and roftnr... end inrnret roatia ltd hearty no.
Una ta lha iaa. al itt rraaali. aa whi.h
tha agreeable elearre.t tad tteaetieaf aoapiaa
toa en mark teorkt and admired, fiat
ralual'le a. a reaehe for e, nine .k.
.bin, U. T. Uelakold'l lloet Wa.k kat leal
eailaleed Hi prlaeiple elala ta aahraeded pa
.".t-."7 t"""'"'1 taalitiet wkirk render il a
TOIl.hT APPSSHAUB af tka aait Kaparlatiea
aad Ceagenial ekaraelar. aoak.alag ia aa ela.
gaal ferwiala thore
pe Miami rroei.ltn, ,A f I.
, ar r n al l loe latariabla aaraaaaal.
aeaie ai iu He ae a proeareatira aad rerre.b
ar ar Ikt a. aplenoa. Il it aa aaeelleat Leliea
for dieeetea af a 8ypbilrie aalara, aad aa aa la.
Jarttoa ror al ika 1'riaary Or,..,,
lag fraa habit! af diripatioB.aeed ia eeaaeetiea
witk Iba Kilraeta .laeba, fenepartlla aad Ca.
tawha Srapa Pillt, la taek aa reeea
aanded. tan aat be larpaited. Priee, Oae Deliar
per Bottle.
Fall aad ripllail dlreelleei aeaaapaar ika r
E.ideara af Ikt aaat reipeailhle aad rtllabto
aharaeur farai.hed aa applieallea.wnl t.ed'ea'e
or" rtnaea.4. of lielng wt ae.iei, and apaardi af
aaeelielied aertitralat aad reeoaeadetarr
altera, aany af ablrk ara froa ika kighetl
aoarret, iaeladiag eniaeat Phriirlaaa, Clergy
aaa, futaanrn. tto. Tha Protrietor kaa aerer
reenried ta their anhlleeiino ie ta. .......... .
! ha doet aa da tbit Iroa tha faet thai hi. .melee
raal aa hundard rreparatioaa, Bad da a.l aerd
ba ka prepprd ap hy eertiBealea.
Delivered la aay addreea. Beewra frea ebeer
ratioB. Ketabli.ked apward af tweaty yea re.
aold by Iirneglitt ererywbere. A lettera
for 'nfarwia'iKn. la eonHeoee, te HI.tRT T.
riBLMnilLI. lrra, girl aad Chatalat.
Oaly I.p,.li! U. T. Helaheld I Drag aad
Ckeahal Warekewia, Na. all Broadway. 3. T.,
ae to H. T Helaholdl Medleal Depot, 104 fealk
Tenth Street, Pkiladelpkia, Pi.
Beware af eoyster'.H.. Aik f jr DISBT T.
ntlIBr'LDa T.b. ae e b.r. ley Ie