TI1K KKIHJ B LI CAN. 'Lni-iELnrrA. fsMtUT MOUKlIffl. FEB. , 1871. .? Terms of Subscription. tH la ad'enee, or withia three month... Ofl Tiki afUrUrennd before etx month.... t M L,i after the expiration of at a mniba... S 60 4T All article ( Insure Insertion Id this Mt saecld be handed In early en Tueedey eruag. o go to pre t 12 o'clock, (noon.) Mftiiodlit llplneopftl I'bttfrh flee. 3. 11. n'oi. Ptrtor. PbIiIw Henrico erery Bnbbath, -MO) A- M-. T P- M frbUih rvhool at A- M. fraver Meeting evrry Tburoday, tt 1 F. M. Coaimanim Service, tnt Habitat b of every ata. at m a. m. nt. Andrew Church F.plicopBlRtr. hui Hill. Public Herriee Muoday morning 10 o'clock, and it 7 P. M. Sunday School at f M. Hraytr Meeting Wednesday evening ; 7 t'olock. prfibvtcrlan Charrh-e-Rer. Mr. DrTt.au. tblit Mitirt vry tiabbath, morning and even- fcaptht Chrch--Kr. W, B. Skiikir, Pai . pablic ferviee every Sabbath, morniug or rvalue., alternately. J'lUad Dr. Hill's dcntftl curd, and if re needful la toy Uiing la bit line, give bin Nell. I m mm mm 1 Lot. A fow week ao, on the y to Canna, a U. E. Hymn Pooa, gilt edges, jalf bound, with )Mp. Tsa finder will b auita Ht rewarded by leaving it at thia oftee. m mm m Milton McBriile of Lawrcnco town-i p, will have an extensive rendue aale on Fri- i fcr , tbo W day ef March. Horace, Cowa, Hheep, ' j,y, bttUMhoId and farming u trail Is. Baa band- j fill. ' ! LTlio card of Judge Thompson., wlio bca leeted a Justice of tba Teaet, for Car- , rrr uirille, will be found la tbia issue. We can aver ghat all business entrusted to bit tart will recti re ( roper attention. ExTKKffivg Salk. It wiU be nntiied t ao advertisement In this iieue that Wm. S. ( itMekc? la offering a large amount ef real and , tytrsonal properly for aale. To tbote wbo bara jaapltal to Invest, thia present a rare opportunity. I Potter printed nt this office indicate f that R?r. S. J. Haves, of CurweniTilla will bare I aa ei ten i ire aU of boaaobold gooda, on Saturday, tba 1Kb day of Mareb, aeit. A lot black bora ' and a new organ wit) be offered. Tbo furniture ia ararly aew. A Hack. We learn that a mockanin UA raoa between two gentlemen, eaina off In Latbaribarg one day laat week. One f tbt party earn eat "a little behind the other," but aa there were aa wageri bet aa to the rent It, no money waa lort. Honey mat ten are therefore unchanged in 4bat tlcinity. Dr. Frederick Plutto, formerly of frratnie, N. Y- request as to aootmuoe to the eitiiCD of Clearfield and vicinity that b baa per- msotatly located among them, aad ia ready to answer all professional oalls. Per the present, aad an til he completes bla office, b may be found at ths Leonard Honse. Tub - Pilgrim! Thia prcat IUdi- gieui, and Moral Entertainment will open la the Cvurt House In this place, on Wvdtwsday evening. Penary iZd, U:, for Thro Nights. Kvery Chriitlan and friend of Moral! and Ktligiou Us 1 4 witneea tbia wonderful Exhibition of Buo yaa'i Immortal Allegory. Still Alivi It waa rumored on fiatarday tbat Mr. Thomas Cooper, of this place, was killed by ft falling limb on Dlenouard'a log Job, but wa were pleased to see him on th street oo Monday, with a aor head only. He however made ft narrow eacapo. This i Ut aecond aecl Atat of tba hind b be met with. Jnotici. If "Piflciplus" will fnrnibh with bis proper name, b may learn something la kia ad vantage. "Slam Dang" will also confer a favor by doing ao. Elitora dare not publish aommonlrationi unlets the writer's name Is given them. But ia no event will the writer's name appear onleei specially re iiritcd, aad porhapa not even thtn. Wa must be allowed to judge In each case. Small LARotsr. Our borough hna for soma time past been pestered by chicken tbisvss, moon U th detriment of owacri. Last fstardav eight however, lomo detective were posted over town, and th result wa tbat three r saber of the ptrmntitia were na'.bed with tk bird in their bands. Ralber damaging proof tbat. Perhaps they were druak, aad of rears will not V paaishad, according to the awdera red. Ia not tbo bee -roost robber aa tilth entitled to that pita aa tba murderer f Pay, Jadgef Oroakized -Wo loam that a branch of the Young Men's Christian Association baa been ergaaixed in this borough. There If a fine opening for aa enterprise of tbia kind, aad we kope It will be more sneers Twl in manufaMuring Christians than bypoeritea. Wa notice that the leader ia tome local it ice where lb membership It quit aamerooa, are endeavoring to popularixe them eel re, and la doing to, will naturally drift into politic. Young men should understand that th desires of a christian and these of a dema gogue never dwelt In the same heart. Itke oil aad water, th two will not mix. A bint to th wis It sufficient. Tbt prayer circling will be held in the Lutheran Cbareh. on Bab bath afternoon next, at 4 clock. KtPORT OF TDE GRAftD JCRT- TllO Qraod Jury at January Coart in substance made the following report: W bar examined the PuMic BuiMingt and lal tbeta generally la gnod condition, except the Prisea, which it tn such ft eendition a to render It unsafe lor the detention of prisoners, bat ander ataad tbat Ibe Cvamisiloner bare eommen?d the arret ion of ft fee one. The Court nous ha Vera tnl'Stantially improved, and consider thai the Cemmisaienert have properly diaeharged some of liieir dftttea it a doing. W would reoomeaewd tbat tAey pay me atteweai to the Jury mo tnt. They are not furnished so aa to be comfortable, aor do tbey correspond with tba Coart room. Tee room la the rear of tba Jodge'a aland should be (aralxaed for the reception aad accommodation ef ladjc, wbo may be compelled to attend Court. AIM, tb.t th. t.bki withia th. Ut Va aortni wltk rrr mHrrM.' j - . i - ii PcEa Law. We Lavo lately j lT . -r i ti.r, fr- .iti.n. iKrf ed a number of letter, fro. c.t.xena, Ureat- I Th nc.it.o' ' wmii ipon lh 'Hoiffn from othw i ocntlctf" wbo ttm int. ovr ernintj ,r.ry fall i t. .liu.ua- kill la. dm. Ta. writw. all i ... . .u- t. : " P" on. .oi.K. , mad, mora ttrinj.nt, inipoiinij Both Una anil lni.r;Knniriit. Hut, l to baw thtl stall br ara.f-at Uut a. two ar. Owa wtilrr nf.l ,. . .. . . ,, ' "It ! Mraof. that Mr. W.llac and Mr. " , ran't stop (hit bun'ineas ! Xow, we mggeat, that the proper way to bring the grievance in question lo the not Ice ef three gentlemen, t le get op petiiioat act ting forth tbo complaint an4 tbe remedy, and then get your aeigbberaie sign I when ie is mad, one-third thereof at eoafirsna tbema and tend tbe petihont ta Meesrr. Wallaee ti-n of aale. and th balance in two equal annual and Rail, anl w will guarantee that the eo- PJ b' plaint of thelt coatltuenta wdl be prej-erly eon- at tiered and every Ibiog granted tbey ak, provided their demands are reasonable, fend your grirvanoec and petitloa to bead quarters, and if yoa are not properly treated there, tben InTerm us of tbe faet ftad ere will iRreetlgata the qaerttoa with pwmsvro, becaaoc wo have anbeended eeatempt for mf reprrrent lag Repreetatatita. There ia no s ia tiittag at bom growling aaHorn. the .te kwiif htllAJ tr rk.. labor will not rai a bill of beans nor make An deer wjoro. Get ap year petitioet and gt hundred of rr-or neighbor to t.ga them, aad ' tWwnr laM U tlarrlrborg, Vm oar n'pirrn- fteo or wiiir te rear ffisji ye, . w't1wr7TawPw7TwjiaaffT?w,rwwwar Tnr. Latc Mntfm Tmiai. II wm mir dmlpn laat k In !n.i th ll inlrr tr.l, hut the htiPd cnntlniic to come from nor ftlrwli endor.ing our Mttti ait nnj liftti ally ll.iU r might (III onr -nper with tlirm. l.ikt mnet men, wo fnpftTfa wore or lina vanily, and In tbia matauca we will ennuia a lp!ay on a rotKll aeale, by publishing but n Mtrr hearine mn-n tbo oneetion, Tba writer la a grntlemaa and a aeboler, and on qneitioo of pallia policy, or In feci oo aiiy ether lubjeot, w are almoat willing to iwfl bit ?icwt In preferenre to our own. Therefvrt, eoiullaitig the talenta of the writer with tba a: u I born fafta to which be alludca and our vanity, the following letter fa gireo to onr reader i, and If any one ecci Ct to controvert the riewa therein eiprceied, Ju.l Ut them aail In.1 ream ait 10, 187 1. Geo. U. Ooodlander, k'tq.: lhar Sir Your aniinadre riioin on the jurora m m laic mnracr Trial, and your further remark ia oundemnation of aeuittala, were loudly called for at the prrtcut time, for outrar;ea of tba kind are becoming too frequeut fw aociaty to endure them longer. Murder ia the Mgheat grade of crime known to the lawa, and on that account It ia neceitarr for the protection of aeciety and meet the end. of jmuoe, me aercret penalty ahoald be Inflicted on the culprit, i rifling with the law and tarn paring wuu juatioe, aa you properly intimated in your remarks, are very eerioua thinga langeroua hurtful to the well-being of roiety a (earful disregard of pnbltcduly and an ineieuanble neg lect of a proper civiliaatitin in the ad aire due to the public. M here a man fortifica kia coo rage by taking fourt-.Q drinki of liquor and procurra a knife opened and ready fur the deed, eertaiDly ahowa a determination, an Intention to commit the deed, and if the deed ia killing a man, it in murder, and murder in the first degree, berood all qurattun. Iu lHlj, James Monks killed Keubcn Uuilep, on Anueraon Crock Hill, two miles beyond Curwenaville. His intention waa formed at the momeut. for be had never aeon the man before, lie was tried, condemned, aad bang at ItelUtonte, for willful murder. Jin counsel in defuoee plead be waa drunk, and tba culprits eonfeasion blamed liqnor for tbc murder. Thia liquor excuse fur committing crime in the construction of the law, ia of very recent date, and ahowa wa are less under law aud the influence of reaaon than our ancestors. If drunkennena ia an excuse for orimo, the good Lord, protect as, fur tba lawa dont. J uk tea. Another Iloa. A friend informs that Kit Herman, of Brady, a few weeks age, killed a IS months old pig, which weighed 423 pojbda. Borne greaae there "you bet." Jl. II. Shaw lias just received from tlainet celebrated Cigar manufactory in Virginia, 0 large inroice of cboiea cigars. Call and try thtm. Everybody" i ffoini; to eo tbo Til- grim'a I'rogress exhibiting ia tbo Court House. To the Trade I desire to call the attention of the trade to my stock of lake fish, having, for the past thirteen veara, made this branch of business a specialty. My stock, at this time, ia the largest ever hold ia tbia city. I am prepared to furnish dealers, promptly, by tbc dray or car load, and hava made arranigcmeuts for shipping by the car load, at special ratea, from uetroit, Januusky, Huron, Vermillion or Here land, and also from Pittsburgh to any pointa in Pennsylvania or Ohio, aa shippers nay wish, 1 would also call the attention of dealers to my ex tensive assortment and stock of corn brooms, broom corn, and broom materials, all of which I oan sup ply at very low rates. Jamb Co wen, Wholesale (Jmcer, 855 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. $larrifd. In Jefferson countv. on the 2d tnatanL Lv S. T. nur.. t-.m. tf - u u mint iv -r i . i. : i ' township, deffcraon county, to Miss KLIZAIlKTII MILLKR, of Brady township, Clearfield county. In Lycoming county, on the 5th instant, by Rev. B." T. Dick. Mr. HARM AN P. RREON, or Washington township, to Miss MARY B. CRAW FORD, of Mansy. Clearfield Markets. Corrected weekly by RirnARn Moasop, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Pro visions, c, Market street, Clearfield, Pa. CtiAariRLD, Pa., Feb. 21, 1S71. Apples. green ,00(y) R0 Dried. & ft 1 Apple butler, gal, 1 0' Butter. 0i(g t Beans W 00 1 6f Buckwheat 1 00 Buckwheat lour tt, Herf, dried 2S Beef, frePh.... St 11 Hoards, M 12 00(U 00 Corn,ahelled.M 1 00 Hogs, dreised Hides, green.- Hams 00 (aj 8houlders,,..00f Fide OOy Lard m Meat pork, bhl...S3 00 Oaea .. 00 Oniona 1 00 Potatoes 00r 75 Peaches, dried, tb.. 124 Plaster, H bbl S 40 Corn, ear 00 (u) Corn meal, aak, Chop, ewlj Clovereeed bee so. Cherries, tt. 10 Chiekena, drsd, lb, ErJT Flaxseed 60 1 40 J 0 5 00 30 ij b 24 2 00 Ry lUgs. v ft Sall,'o tack 1 10 1 S 60 Hb.ng s.lHln.$lf't OO Sh.aK'.aaCinlOII 00 Timothy seed 7 60 Tntlow.w....,.M. Wheat.....M..., Wool Wood, V oord 121 1 60 40 I 60 Flour I 0oro 7 on Hay 10 00 (a 1 5 ftu nr $dirrti5mfut5. JOHN D. THOMPSON, Justice of the Peace and rVrirrnrr, CnrweuarlUc, Pa. jpy- Collect ion t mad and money promptlv paid over. , ; Feb. 12, tf. mo the HKina and legal reprksev. X tat.ires of John Luxier, late of Bradford town ship, Clearfield county, deceased. At ao-Orphans' Court bMd at Clearfield, In and for said county, January Utb, 171, it waa ordered and decreed that publication be made ia one newspaper puMiubcd in aaid county for three con secutive weeks that the Real Kutate appraiurd and set out to tbe widow out of the Real Estate ef John Lusier, deeeaacd, will be confirmed to her and tba report of the appraisers approved, unless tnfficicnt cause to the contrary be shewn by tbe Aral dav of March Term. 'Uy (he Court.' Attest; A. W. LEK, 2:22:41. Clerk O. C. ni:,lTtXlt' NOTICIV-Noticeishrrehy given that the following accounts baie leen examined and passed by me, and nmain filed of record ia thia office for (he inspection of hcira, legatee , creditors, and all others in any ol her way int'Trrte.l, and will be preeewlrd to the next Or phans' Court ol Clearfield county, to be held at the Court House, in the borough of Clearfield, com mrneingen the third M..aUay (being tbc KOth day) of Marcb, A. U. 1971. Partial account of Jamb Wise, admiaiatrator of Bai C rowel, late of Graham township, dee d. Final account of John Owena, administrator of T. D- Pooploa, late of Lawrenoe township, dee d. Account of G. H. Lvtle, administrator of Tboa. Robmfon, late of Lumber City, dee d. Account of James McKec and Mlna J. Sloss, adminiptraton of John Slots, late of Knox town ship, dee'd. Aocount of Edward Peiha, one ef the axeeutors of Christian Emeigh, hr. late of Morns township, deceased. RioiaTaa Orrrcr. 1 A. W. LKE, CWUld, I'a., Feb. 22. Ih71-w. Hegirter. Guardian's Sale of Ileal Estate. BY virtu, of un ordrr of th. Qrplilni' Coart, ti,,.l. th. 1.1th 1.T of M.rrh. A. 1). IH7I, Mi, ,,,, f jw,,b u.lhl.nj, .t l.lck. en 1 1 II DAT. 1 II E Islll li.AV 'F MARCH, 171. th. lollowint; awnou ri,p"y. ."..i. m ' lh p'Prty f and resi- dem of .lamee Curley. now owned by bis minor . y w , y 1 S7I. th. rollo.inf dwrbij ir p.nT, ann.i. in ,,,, bo,, ,H H. follo.i Itreinnmit Kt . whitr nin. rorn.r. atljoiBing K-wrnw .f land of .l.mr. Whit, . i1;cb K. lTfhel to a bcmlwa i th.n . lit)1 jirtnr. , , .hi (li, cur , ,n,np, w UJ p,r, D , to a m,j,ic coroT; !' n-e Kcinth to tin plao, f h.ftnininj, roiliaitiliir itHI acres mn or irw, "I T "' with fn.n:r l''" hon ao.l frame bm ao. a rwi orli.rd thfr.n, aJ i-. ...,.ri.,0 .,,b a .tt. of d onal. Ti hm cold snbrcet to a b ase ending May let. 1 STw, held by Thorn a White, Tor about " anfra, whnreon he has a saw mill, with the right to remove the aame at the end of aaid lea. Tinwa: ?0 per rent, of tba puirhara money 1 j, W. POTTFU, and i Three lluus, Feb. 22, .It t.oardiaa. S. POSTER SHAW, D. D. S., Office In Maeonlr RiiMing, CLEARFIELD, PA. Petting of tbe natural teeth ia a healthy, pro- 1 servatirr and awful condition I mad a specialty. Diseaees and mtfnrmti'0t Mtninns to the mouth, jaw and foeiate part, ere t rented and corrected with fair tne-ee. Examinations and rnsulta- - . li.. . t ...I ..II mmtm mi ..a .i - teeth meet! lower then In Ifl7. H wonm ne weir ' for retientt from distance to let n know by " frtr mng to the office. It 7 , I 7l . . 'of six and t-retve ren tbonld hare their teeth ' ,XKmTfta. py ATi.-afheift Ttb are removed ' tb"e para. fM67l eflnanrial. ( I.0FINO 1'UICKS IiHI,t,i Hilu.,o.l fculliTMnl SI., I'hilxlrl) foli. IU, l;l : V. S. ' of ! 1,4 H4j ' " '? 1IIJ 1111 " " '04 Ill 111) " " 1IH llli " " 'Ci,. 118 niij " " 'or,.w no imj i- - 1I0 1ICJ " ', 10 0'i. )I0 I0j V. 8. 10 Vr 6 t huL Currmej 1 1'.'J II.1J !oU - - Ill J 1114 RllTr. 10I1J 108 I'nloa Puiido 11. II. lil Wort. Dundi.. M0 820 Central Px-lOo It. R. 940 D.SO Unioa Pm6c Unil Uruit Bolidi 810 721) nisrrUancous. Private Sale of Real Estate inn tersonal rnorEnTY. FTim aubsariber will offer at private aale, oa X rraonalI terms, the foMowiiig Henl Kttate, situate in Ulca Hope, Clearneld county, Pa.t a large two-story plank bouse, ACUd feet; store room IPiiO feat; ware room, 10x20 feet. The bouse is the brst in Ulcn Hope, well flnisheil, and having a large cellar nndrrneath. Was built in 1S07. A never-failing well, and wood and wash house, barn, (30x40,) ice house, sufficient to hold 60 or 71 tons of ice, and all other necessary out buildinga. Also, a large quantity of mere band ire, consist ing of groceries, dry goods, qureufiware, notions, a large lot of clothing, and all other goods gener ally kept In a country store. Also, 10,1100 feet ot prime oak and pine square timber, on th bank of I'learfiuld creek. The above described property wilt be sold to gether, or, if desired, the store goods will be sold on reasons bla terms aud a lease given of tba atore room. For further information apply to the aubsenber at bil residence in Uion Hope. WILLIAM B. PICKET. Fab. I, 1871:3m. IJFE AND CAMPAIGNS OF j i.HS, ii. 12. j.i:f. lue only authentic and official biogrnpby of the Ureat 1 bieMaia. Ita popularity and great valne are attested or the aale of over J0,(K0 copies already. CAUTION Old and inferior Lirea of Uen. Lee are being circulated. Hee that the books you bay are endorsed by all the leading Generals and prominent men of the South, and that each eopy ia accompanied by a superb lithographic portrait of Oen. Lee, on a sheet IV by 14 inches, suitable for trumiug; a copy of which wo bare instraotrd our A gouts to present to every sub scriber for thia work. Aurrrs Wasted Bend for circulars and aee our terms and full description of tlie work. Addrea NATIONAL PL BLIHlllNG CO., Philadelphia, Pa., Atlanta, Ga, Cincinnati, Ohio, or St. Louia, Mo. feul:4t CAUTIO A 11 persons are hereby cautioned against baying or la any way meddling with the foiluwiiie pcraoua) nrotiartv. now ia nossasaion of Daniel Kooxer, of Iwreace township, via: two horses aud harness, tan bead of cattle, twelve bead of sheep, one wages, one sled, two atovaa, three beds, Ac, as the same was bought by ui at Fherifi a aaio and left with kirn subject tn our order. . J. I. A F. C. WKIWLGY. Fab. 8, SL UPIIAM IKPILTfRr POWDER! He moves aarwflueet balr In fire minutes. without isiitry to the k in. Pent by mail for $1.25. I'tlAM'M AlllMA f (UK Relierrs most violent p iroxvsras In five mlnu tat aad everts a pedy euro Price f 1 ty mail. 1HK JAPANLJ-K HAIR MAIN Colors tba whiskers and hair a beautiful black or brown. It consists of only on preparation. 76 rente by mail. Address 8. C. L'PHAM, No. 721 Jayno street, Pbiladelphie, Pa. Circulars tent free bold by ail Druggists. dee2l-6oj 1STRAYi;i from tbo premises of the sab j erriber, in Bop-i township, on or about tbe I tub ef January, ONE HOAR 1'IU, one year old. (white) weighing about on bnndred and fittr or two hundred ponnds. EDM I'NU ALBERT. Wallacelon, Feb. S, ll:pd. G ALTIONMy on Donay W., having lea home without eauto or proroeatlon, the public it hereby cautioned not to harbor, employ or trust him en my account, at I will not pay aay dabta of Lit contracting; aud any peraon giving htm employment will be requlico to pay ma for the Mice. He has a note in his possession made payable to ma by John Miteball, which I have countermanded, and ia therefore null and void and of no effect. It ia mr dire that h should leara a trade. II. Al'ttUKXUAl'GII. Lawrvneo tp., Feb. 8, Stpd. E OFFER FOR SALE, AT PAR, . 1111 NEW MASONIC TEMPLE LOAN, Hearing 7 310 Interest, Redeemable after five (h) and withia twenty-ono (2l)yeara. Intcrrst payabU March and Srptrmbcr. The Bend are registered, and will bo issued Id auma to so it- 41 South Third Street, Philadelphia. JfrtT-8toex bought and cold on eommieta. (loM and tiovemment bougiit and sold. Aoctnnts receives! and interest allowed,' tubject to Hight Drafts. ? ly Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL AND OF COURSE THE CHEAPEST ! A Proclamation against High Prices 1 r" mr now opening up ft lot of tire beat and If most aetsonahle Um.ds and Ware ever offered In tbia market, and nt prices that rt-raind one of the good old days of cheap things. Those who lack fail b upon this point, or deem oar alle gation superfluous, need but C.tl.M, jr OIK STORE, Conn Front and MarV.t itrrata, Whtra th.y ..a aw. f-lar and know for ta.m :1t.. To fall, nnJ.r.Und wnat araobMp (rood., thii muit b. don,. Ha do not dt.ln it nwiiarr ti .nnia.rat, and iuniu oar Itoek. It ia enough fur al to atata that We bave Everything that ia Needed and aoninnixl fn Oil. aiark.1, and at priooi that ailowi.h both aid and Tnooe;. tnW JUSkl'il F11AW rsu.i. LAKE FISH! 7.: Half Darr.l. I s.., n.rrinf . (.313 (Jn.rt.r Ilarr.ll l . I.IIOO Half llarr.li No. 1 hit. Fi.lt, 1(10 llaif liarr.l. Ka. I PKk.r.1. liROO II S 1 060 Deaen Broemt, Assorted, In store and for tale by JJAMRH COHNOR, W holesal Grocer, No. Liberty (treat, MA6t PITTMtLlUJH, I'A. QJ n PUB MONTH I The Heit selling VUt) ' book ever potlihd. Agents who ell our new work. Plain Home Talk ftnd Mrrikal ( ommon Hmao, have ne competition. There never wa a hook puhlirned like it. Any bod? eon sell it. Krery body went it. Many agent are now making from $ 0 to $140 par month Belling thit wonderful book. 24 page Ite. oenptive fin-ulnr seat free on application. W want god lire Agi ats : men who can folly appre ciate Iho merits of tbe work, and the fact that it meet a nniteraal want. Agents who deur le da rood as well aa make money, nd'e WKI.L a CO., tn4:3. Broom 8twt, Vew York. DREXEL &C0., Ko ai foofttb Tlilrel Otrret. Philadelphia, And Dealers in Government Socuritles. I AppHfatinn by mail will receive prompt atten- tlon, and a'l ii)f.tmUn cherfnlly furnished. ' frtlr s-liMt d. " aprll f Jiiup & ytrairiurj. i 1 91 O V A I 4 HARTSWICK & IRWIN, 1) It U G U I S T S , Jtarket Street, Vlrarticld, t'a. XAT" U.T. t. Inform aar old and n.w ? aa.tooi.ra. thai w. ka.r r.m.r.d onr a., tabliahaiont to tha eneoiona a.w bulldinfr )u.l .r.ot.d an Mark.d .tr.pt, n.arl, ad.olnin( tha M.naion Houm on tha woat, and oppoita Mow, tirabani A liona' alorai wh.ra wa ratpaotfull Invita tba publie r noma nnd buy ihalr Drugs, Chemicals, Patcat MedicinoB, OILS, PAINTS AND VAHNI6UES. Onr (lock of Prnca and M.dlrla.i con.iiti of TorTthlni ni.d, lolooU-d with tha fraal.it earn, and WAJIEANTED fiTEICTLT PTJBE! Wo alto keep a full stock of Dye. Perfumeries, Toilet articles, Soaps, Tooth H rushes, Hair Brushes, Whitewash Brushes, and every other kind It rushes. Wo hare a largo lot of WIIITK LEAD, TURPENTINE, Flanaed Oil, I'aloti, and in fact everything i.ad In the painting kniinetl, which wa aSarat Citjr ptieei to eaah bujara. TOBACCO AND SEGAHS, Confecllcnerr, Rpioai, and the l.rr.it etoek of Tariotl.a ever oflerod in thia plao.. and warrant ad lo ha of the heat the Market afford.. J. 0. HAKTHWICK, Not. it, 188. JOHN F. IRWIN. gOMETIIISG KEW AGAIN 1 C. D. WATSON Wiahei to Inform hia old friend and tha publie g enerall that be baa opened ua ft new Drug, Confectionery & Tobacco Store, Is new Maaonio Bnlldinf , oppoaite Court Home EECOND ST., CLEARFIELD, PA. nil rtuck i. all new, frefh and of the vary feet qualitj, and will be aold cheap for CAEII or approrrd Country Prodnea. If yon want para Drug, and Patent Medicine, Oo to WATSON'S. If yon want Ccnfactionerie, Canned Fruit, Pickl. and Jelliee, Nute, te., At., So to WATSON'd. If yea want tha beet Boaated Coffee, Eeeeaaeef Coffee, Fpice of all kind, cheap, Go lo WATSON'S. If yon want Fancy A Toilet Seep, Flarorinf Extract., le., Ac, b, inr te Oo la WATSON'S. If yoa want Fancy Dye Color, Clark' bait Ma chine Thread, Pin, Needle A Notioaa, Go to WATSON'S. Chewcra and Smoker, if yoa want the belt in tha market, Bay nt WATSON'S, where yon can get Pipe, A Pipe Fixture. If yon want to f,t clear of your alampl, Come to WATSON'S. If yoa want to fpcad a few honre of an evening with your frlenda, come ta WATEON'S old stand, wber you can araek jut and eat joke antll o'clock, p. a. April IS, 1170. NEW DRUG STORE WM. B. ALIIAXDER, M. D Drngcl.t and A pot li wary, CURWKNSVILLR, TA., Krrpa constantly oa band ft largo assortment of DRUGS, Patent Mxlicior. I'uinU end Oil. Varnlikct, Ut. Stalle, Ac. Hi itoek f Drue; I pare and frr.b, and eu.tomcre eea rrly upon getting the belt of everything in bie line, lite etock el r r. n f u m e r y , Tuilet Artifice, Hair Tnif, CostnetifiS, Brashes. Toilet 8oepf Combs, Pocket Book. Pens, Inks, Pencils and Taper, and a general assortment of thit class of goods, are all of th bst quality. PURE WISES & LIQUORS, For Midiesl purpott c only, Ola, fully. Lobrieatlng Oilt, A., to luit tbc wanta of tbo community. Hit eitenalve and well select ed stork of Druf and Medioioat enables him to 611 I'hrsiciana' prescript ina on short aolieo ftnd oa the most reasonable term a. Smokers and Chswerr will Sad bit ttork of Chewing and Pmoking Tobacco, Cigar A Hauff, te consist of Ibe wry eat branda in iba market A ahre of public pstmnsjre ia atdifited. Oct. Uf Sm. W. B. A La'X AN DIM. Beale's Embrocation, (LATE TOW ILL'S,) For all dlaoasea Incldcot to Hones, Cattle, ftftd Human Flesh, requiring the ac of aft a i tern al application. Toil Embrocatioa wa aitensirsly asd Vy tba ttovornmcnt durlog the war. For aalo by Hariiwick A Irwlr. CUirHeld. Joset h H. Irwin. CurwaacrHla. Daaicl Uood laader. Loikersborr tf H B. TAYIeOR'S LIME AND COAL YARD, (Near tha n alt road Depot,) (itAnnrj.i), pi.?ca, IEMTHIACK thit method of Informing th public, that 1 hare opened op a yard for tha sals of wood or coal -burn I LI M K and Anthracite COAU In the horowgh of flearfirld, and har completed arrangrmcnta with eastern dealer by which I can keep a full supply constantly on hand, whirh w'ill be d spotted of at reasons l.le rate by the tun, bushel or ear load, to tait pnrrhaaers. Thiwe at a distance eea addrea me by letter, aad obtaia all accessary information l-r rrtorn mail, ft. B. TATLO K, CleaHlold fa., Feb. 14, If A Nolorious Fact I riHKItK are more people troubled with T.ung Disf-arr in thit town than any other place vf ita sire In the Plate. One of tha great cautcs of this is, the ue of an Impure article of Coal, largely mixed with sulphur. Now, why not avoid all this, and preserve your lives, by uing en'r HumphrTje C elebrated C oal, free from ail Itnpnritlrs, Order led at the ulcus of Aiohard Moasop and James D. Uraher. A Hons will reeetv prompt attention. ABRAHAM If I Al niR t T. CliarncU, Hovaober 170 tf. rrliss E. A. P. Rynder, loiRT roa Chlokerlng'a, Steinwav'c aad Emerson' Pianot ; but lib a. Mason A HamUn'a and Psloabet'a Drgan and Melodeons, and 0 rover A Dakar Rawing Macbinoa. amo raacaaa op Plane, Qultsr, Or fan, Harmony and Vocal Ma tie. No pupil taken for lesa than half a lerfa. jEwaVftnom nsit door to First National Bank. Clearfield, May , IfvOff tf. I lOlt H l.PTh cuberribcr orTrr the houae and lot in whtrlisho repulrs in the 1' iron a: a ol (:ifrflcll, fur sale. It ie eituattMl oa Market street, in aa rtiiciMf location tor either a private rf sidenoe. or fr bntHnr pnrrro-es la a comer t lot and worthy the attention ot those wantinr. te l Invest in tnwn property, and on aqnure from the I oart House, ror prtoe. innnir on the t retain. St.. MAHY PrlKKIiKHUANT. or ak 1,1- H ,r,l.i . JOUN L. ei'lTl.K Altv at l. "() MV 0W. HOOK." HAVING purchased tbe entire stork of good at tbe old Hand of Kirk A Spencer, 1 -iniond t continue tbe bnsinras a heretofore. My motto Ir to trll "rnur roa rf.n." Thanking onr friend and en timers for past patronage, 1 solicit a oouti nuance of the aarne. IAAU KlkK. I. amber City, rVpt. tt tT OTIMWHaving pnreha-ed th- ttitereet of l J. A. Itlaltenbergr, r:n., in the hnainrse heretofore carried oo nnd.-r tbe Arm name of J, A. Dlattenherg'-r A Co., the same will be eonduoled herenftrr under the name of Moshanooa Ind and I. nmbcr Corrpanr. (Store.) II. H. HHII LINMKOKD, JOI1H LAWFIIE, y?ti rn!'ler.f. 'irnrral H-rp't Must bo Closed Cull IO maVe room for Ppring Cloct", tl J, of mv wir,tr stork mil bo vh-.ee e li.l.n'. vl.d vat at a GKKAT IIKDUCTION I B1 Prlal 1. Bi-et HeUinre Me. Medina rery aheap. FpLndld French M.rin Ha. Splendid Shawl, f 1 00, fill aad T.I. Flanneli very ebrep. Coating rcry okcip. Fare at IS. 00 a at I. Waterproof, Cotton Flaaaele, aad arerytbiag llee, at prieee to euit everybody. WM. H UK I), l:2i Uarket Itrwt, Clcarlield, Pa. ew Mine and Liquor Slore. I. L. R EIZE NSTEI N, WaOLEOaLft DKALIK IV WINES & LIQUORS, MARKET ST., CLBAP.FIELD, PA. w-Full eteek of Wine, Brand,, flia, Whi.Vy and Alcohol, alwaye on band, bpeeial atlwition paid to peroring a pure article for harram.ntal and ncdtcal purpone. aprl l-70tf JOHN TJtOUTMAN, FURNITURE DEALER Market St., cut of tbe Allegheny Hone, CI.liAItr'Ibl.D, PA. I KEEP on hand all kind of Furniture, in euit or by th. tingle article. Thoee in ned of eny article of Purnilnro, will find it to their interest to call and elamin. my llwk, which I will cell rcrr lew for ea.b or exrhane for eultablo lumber. Clcarlield. Pa April t, 1B.B tf. New Meat Market. THK nnoersipnrd have opened a Meat Market ia the room formerly occupied by Alexander lrvin, oa Market street, Clearfield, Pa , adjoining Mosaop'a, where tbey intend to keep a aupply of All kluda of Meat, Fruit and Vegetables, And at "rain to a nir tbb Tiura." Pbop will bo open regularly en Tuesday, Thursday and (Sat urday, aad meat delivered at any point. A chare of public patronage is respectfully aoliHted. M. O. UROWX. E. W. IlKOWN. FAi.to Con tin do to deal In all kinds of improved Agricultural Imp It-men ta. L'lrar&eld, August l, lH0 tf. B O O K S WHICH DAT! ALWATS G I V K N SATIS FACT ON HinETOFORK, WILL BE II8P0SED OF IX SL'CII a y a v Al TO PLEAS! 0 R FRIINDS AND CCS TOMER. JUJT EEOEIVEDI TUB FINEST ASSORTMENT Of IIOLIDAT 800HS-SUCH AS BOOKS AUD OTHER STATIONERY ARTICLES, EVER f FFERED TO THE CITIZEHS OF THIS PLACE! HOW OR IIUiniTIOX AND FOR SALE AT pfBLISUERS' A MANUFACTURERS' PRICE', AT THE POSTOFFICE. ClearieliL Dee 14. lira. MllS. J. E. WATSON'S FANCY STORE ARB F AS KIONaBLE MILLIKEEY ESTABLISHMENT. FILL LINE OF JEV7EI.RT, BEAl'TI fu) and new, at Mae. WATPON'S. 1 ."vRIHCn.WOREED A LACE COLLARS, nt Ma. WATfON'8. s ILK VELVETS AND TRIMMINGS, at Mna. WATSON S. IV" RAl'TIfrL A FULL LINK OF WOOLEN ode, at Uki. WATSON S. CI ET.MASTOWN TARN, IN DIUSUTAND I elegant cetors, at Ma. YTAT'ON'S. J J05IERT, L0VF.S, EU.E LACEJ, RIB hnna, Ae., at Una. WATSON S. A NRW AKD FASHIONASL! LINE OF jlnir Goodi, at Maa. WTf0N'S. rilOlLET SOAPS, PERFUMERY, Ac, at Mai. WATSON'S. T ADlEti', MII-SEB' A C1III.KRKN S FURS, Al Mn. WATSON'S, IjF.At'TIPUL ALL WOOL SHAWLS, at Mm. WATSON'S. J AblKS' LATEST IITI.R CITH COATS, " Al Mm. WAT60N S. TI1F.SR (ln.,H, and mn.t other kind! of F.ih ion. hie (iootlo, with an entire new and brae liltil e.aortnirnt of rinnnrte, H.I., Prrnrh Pl.tw cr.. A.., will he .old at Jj per ornL Ire, (ban anr place in Ibe oountr, at ' Mm. WATSON'S. IEHIVG MACHI SV.If. I era eernt for the Ja.tlr eelchratl American Rutt 'O-hMe Ov.r-Mminf Frwina Mhine. th. (realeel wonder of the are. II l I'thl r.anin. limple. durable, dor. hot ee.!y irH out .1 rdr, and doe. more klnde of woik tbn any othw um ehine m.'te. Pnne of Combination Merhino. with cover. 7. I'l.ia M.rhine, witbool button hole aturhmeat, with werer, let. Mna. T. t. WATSON. CI atfeM, Nov. I, : tKtl.VI yUsrfU.mrous. n. ii n 1 1) r, v.. MERCHANT TAILOR (fllore nt. d or eal of Cla; Gld lUuse,) Market Mi ret, ( Icarf-rlil, Pa. KKKPS on band a full assortments of fltaie' Pnrnlahing Uoods, such aa t-kirt, l.rnea at.d W 'mien I uderiliirt-, Diawer and H'M-ss. Neck tis, Pocket lUnikorcliir's, (Jloies, HaIs, t'mhrellas, Ac., la great variety. Of Fiece Woods ba keep the Best Cloths of all "Shades and Colors," Poch a Hlark Doeskin of tbe eery bent make Fonry Ca-simere, In great rartety , also, Free eh Coating, beaver. Pilot. Chinchilla, ai.d Pheott ovrrcualing. All of whirh will b sold cheap far Ceu, and uia.le up according te th latest tt ( by experienced workmen. Alio, Ac-nt for Clearfield eounly for I. Af. Sinner A C'o's. celebrated Mewing Msehines Nut. I, 1864-tf. U. BKIDUI. JST A IILI HII EU IdSl. Ilih..t Premium. Silver Mrdnl, awarded aver ell competition, at Mocbenica' Ezbibilion, Boaton, Uclooer, Ibt-V. THE ORIUINAL AND 6ENUINE SELF-REGULATING, WROUGHT IRON, AIR TIOnT, GAs-coxTSuimra zzatzz, mtru riTr.RTKD Dt-iT UraiRit, QaiTB Baa Kbit, WaevoRr Iaoa RaoiAtoa, ABB AcroMATIC RBOVLaTOB, For Burning Anthracite or Bituminous Co) or Wood, 10 slaes for brickwork, and 2 cisei Portable. aaurricToaio oblt ar J. REYNOLDS it SON, H. W. oorocr Htm ftad Filbert Streets, PHILADELPHIA. PA. Tbcae Heaters are made of Heavy Wrought Iron, well riveted lojretber, and are warranted to be absolutely Oaa and Dust Tight, Tbey are tbe only lleatcra that are managed without any dam per, and in whioh all kiads of fuel caa bo burned without alteration. Cooking Ranges, for Ilotelr, Rest a a rant and Fain 11 ie e. Also, a Flat Top Heating Range. Fira Place Heaters, Low Do wo Orates, ElaL M act els, llrgistcrs, Ventilatvra. Pampblela giving full decoriptioft, sent free, to any address. jylS'70-ly ANNOUNCEMENT EITHAOKDINAKTI I WOULD reipectfullr annoana te Ike alii, en of CLEARFIELD aad vieiuitj that I bar. opened np in tha Eaw Maionl Bnildiag, flrrt door below tha Maaiion Howie, on Eewond Street, with an entire new itack af WATCIIES,CLOCK3AJEWELItY, Of tba lateit itjlee and but Inlib, Selected with eere, and I hope you'll think with food taeta. I will hava an eieortm.nl from ail tka lateit novlltiei la Jewelry, tolla ble for Ibe Holiday. Thankful for joorp.it liberal patronage, I bopa. bj itrlet attention lo kn.lneel, t ejerlt a aoatiuaanee af tha lama. All kind af repairing la mj lina preaptly atUnded to. UlalF Jewelry made ta ardir. I. I. SNTDER. Dee.mber II, 1171. E.A.IIIYIN&CO., crRUcxsiii.LR, r A.f Being sprcially engaged ia tba kafiaeasof Buying and Selling Square Timber, Would represent that they arc bow prepared to purchase Timber delivered at either Cnrwcnsville, Lock Uatea or Marietta, (or will take It at any of these point,) and cell oa commission, making such advance a arc accessary. Thoso engaged lo getting cut Timber will Ind at our ctorc ia Corweasville, a very large ctock of STAPLE GOODS Of all Deeerlptieal. ALIO, f'oatr, .9 cat, Mtyf, OntM, Corn, Aad everything aeoaeiary for aee ef Lumbermen. RAFT ROPE, Of all lite, kept on hand to large qaantf tie, and cold at amall advene by th aoil. Also, Pulley Blocks, Small Kept, Ac. rc-ri ciAi, tsnrcr.Mr.xTs offered to those manufacturing Pqnarc Timber. F- a. in vim c. Cnrwtnsville. January II, 1570. (Tlothiufl. JIow to Nave yioncyl THE lime are hard: you'd like t knew How yoa may eeve ynur dollar The way to do It I will ihow. If you will read whet follow. A man who 11ed not far from her.. Who worked herd at M trade, Bnl had a bnn.ehMd tn lupport Tbat iquandered all h made. I met him once. Seyi he, "My friend, I look thread bear and rett.h f I've tried to get ttiyeelf a euit. But eaa'l aavi ap enough." Eiye T, my friend, how mnrk hava yea f I'll tell yon where lo go To ret a nlt Ih.t'e eoand and ekeap i lo KhlZKNSIKIN A Co. Tie fork what little he bad laved, And went to Relien.teln A Brother!, And there he got a handeorae mil. For hair he paid to othero. Now he ii home, he look a. well, Aad their effect le earh, Tbet when the, take their dally meat, They don't eat half ae mack. And now he fled en Saturday night, With all their want! enpplled, That ha ha money left la epend, And lorn te lay Hide. Bii good loci-.ii. with eherful emile, He gladly telli I. all. If vou'd eava money, go and hay tour elotueo at REIZENSTEIN'g CLOTniNU HALL. Whera the eheapeet. flaeet a.nd heat CNMhing and good FnntUhing Uwda ean ha, had o call every tail, and ia every elyl aprl 1,7 fJiw (f.oofls, f.iorrriri, etc xt: w r i ii 51. KRATZER & LYTLE, Market Street, Clearfield, Finn's., (Oppoiite th Jail,) nAVK now on head a flret clen ileek ct geode, lulled te tha want! of tha potlle Our neck le large, and by aonetaatly making addltloae thereto, wa are ahle to accommodate all whe may favr nl by ealliag. Wa hava DItT SOODB, lferinol,irnghimi, Cl.tbe, Print. Detainee, Caeiiraerei, Silke, Repe, Satinctl, Cmbmerce, Tweed, Cobergi, Alpaoaa, Mohair, Lamll'l, lluilini, Flann.la, Bunnell, Ribboni, Clenha, Balmoral gkirta. Hoop SkirU, Shawl., Dre'i Trimnlngi, Bend Nete, Capi, Carieti, Olavei, Fearfi, Collar!, Orenadin Voile, Table Caven, fe. CLOTHING, Cat, Panic, Teate, Over-Ce.u, Oaat'l Sbawli, Ebirtl, Bali, Cepl, Dnder-Shirtl and Drawer, Boot and 8b oca, Gum Shoee, Crav.tr, Booki, Ulovea and Cellera. GKOCBRIIS, Tea, Coffi-e.;f eger, Molaeeei, Salt, Candlei, Eire, Flnnr, Paeon, Fiah, Tobaeea, Raialai, Curranu," Spteai, Crnekeri, Tinegar, Oila, Varni.h, Pepper, Alcohol, Ac UOUSBLTOLD GOODS, Carpet, Oil cloth, Dragget, Clack, Looking-fllaeac, Churn, Buck!, Wa.hb.arua, Tub, Flat Iron, Pan, Window D!inda, Wall Paper, Coal Oil Lempe, Bedoorde, TJniltrclla, Eniv, Fork, Spoona, Crock, Stova and Stov Blacking. HIRDWifil, Queenaware, Tinware, Olanwaro, Weodenaara, Cepperwart, Books, Stationary, Moaical Qoede, Trunk, Skalee, Aa. P-All of which will ha aold oa tha moat rca aenahla termo, and tl a bigh.et market prlee paid fer Grain, Wotl and all kind af eonntry produce. REMEliDEB. TBI PLACE: KRATZER & LYTLE'S, (Opposite tha Jail,) CLEARFIELD, PENN A. t S Tl e ixti'-pivk nun phi.e mkuaij ) AWAK0E1) TUB liKKAT BALTIMORE PIANO MANUFACTORY. WILLIAM KNABE & CO, Manufacturer of GRANT), fiQUAIlK 4 UPRIGHT TIANO FORTES, BALTIMORE. WD. The Instrument have been befre the public for nearly Thirty year, and opon their eseclleneo alone attained an unpurchased pre-eminence, which pronounce thru nneualcd. Their TO N K eombtnes great power, wectnea and tn alnglng quality, a well ar great purity of Intonation, and sweet or throughout the entire ccala. Their TOUCH i pliant and claatic. and entirely free front tbo tiflneto found ia ao manv I'ianoi. IN WOHKMANHHIP they are anequaleil, using aonc but tbo very beat aeavoned matrrial, tha LargcoapitaJ employed ia our business enabling as to keep constantly aa Immense dock of lumber, do., oa hand. Mr-All our Square l'ianoa have our New Im proved Overstrung Scale and the Agraffe Treble. jUrej-We would eall rpcctal attention to ear late improvement ta Urand Piano and Fqoare (J rands, Patentel Aug. 14, IMA, which bring tbe Piano nearer perfection than haa yet been attained. Every riane fVy Warranted or Jivt Years. W bave mad arrangement for th solo Whole eel A rrnry for tbe sunt Celebrated Parlor Organ and MfloiUiias, whirh we oiler W holesal aad ftrtail, ftt Loweat Feoiory Price. WILMAM K N A Tl R A CO.. fitpt. SI, t: 6m. Daltimore, M l. TOBACCO AND CIGARS 1 WH0L.ISALK AXD RETAIL, At tbo lew Tobacco aad Cigar Store of ft. jr. $n.ifr, Two doen laat of the rtottr, Clearfield, Pa, Coaataatly oa band ft In assortment of Jtavy, Cengrtis, Cavendish. Cable, Spun roll, Uiohigao and Century Fioc-cat Chaaing Tobacco, Ac Also, a largo aad well selected slock ef Imported aad DomtieCigftr,PmokingTobccec. Ueereehaum and Prfar Pipes, Pipe it urea, Tobacco Bexea, Cigar Holder, and everything generally found ta ft well regulated Cigar aad Tobacco Ft or. my Remember the place i Two door Eaet ef tbe P oft o fire, Clearfield, Pa. aog. J tf. DAVID REAMS' LUMBER MANUFACTORY, REAR LI TuERSBl EO, PESR'A. rAHl FACTCRES all kindi of leather far i.-aL building pnrpoiel. Alweya aa kaael- LATH FOR ROOriSQ, PLASTERIX0 LATH, PALtRtiS, Ae., Ae. Bia Plaelerirg Lath are evenly aawed aad af different lenthe, lo call purrhaeent the Pallnge ar. four fact l.ng and r.dy pointed. All kindi of Rawed Lumber will he fnruiahed to order, and delivered if eo derlrod. rncee will he liberal, according to analtty. .A11 kindi of 0RAIX taken la axokang for Ltnnfr. Lnlherehurg P. 0., Jan. II, 1ST. HENRY RIBLING, HOI SE, EMM A ORNAMRNTAL PAINTER, Clearfield, Prnn'a. The frceooing and painting of rhurrhee and other ponlie buiHirr. will reeir. particnlar attention, a. writ at the painting of carriage, and alright, tiililing dn In th. nitcet tylea. All work warmntcw. fik'.r, on Fourth itrecC formerly renpied by K"ejit!re Pbngarl. ftetlk'TII AI.K.-Vi'hita Load. Sine, Petal. L. eord Oil, Tarpratine, Varniehw ef all kioda, Colore ia Oil aad Drv I .int. Varnirh Itro.ha. ; BA RT5WICE A IRWIN. Oottli. , . THE SMITH HOUSE, (Opp.nlle Ike Peewrgx, I...l.) I I.ANKiri ll, PA. fpilK uaiWrtigned, hwvieg leered thtl lonea ler A a eerira .1 r.r, I. rrajy Ui entertain Itran. .' i. and ItaVrl.re e.iMtrallr. and therefore eHfll HutKrt lo give nit ceil. II ie Tenia will h. 1 1 pi'lird mil, ib. I. .it t1'. uarket eS.rdr. aad lie u.t am c.tit.in theohoictrt ol w.nn and Itooote. lb.l).ue.tuinilurf.bed.and hiding ar.eatir.1; n.w, wkicb al wave vide lo Ibe oomlvrt of Irareleee'l wbik Ue etabliag alta.hl le Urg. wad iwaaai. jail called lor tMioetrre. Thargea moderate, jaal 7 WILLIAM g. BKAbLir. THE ALLEGHENY HOTEL MARIIEr Sr., CLEARFIELD, P. flHIS larg-: and oommodiou nw hetcf baf X bcea oprncd for the accowimoItina of Ike puI'Mc, where tha proprietor will be glad to meet his old friends, and rert.ve a sbnrc ot public jiat renege. Hy alriet peraonal attention te the de tail ol bis business, ba bupea to be altle to render satisfaction to bts patrons. Tlie TAHLB will alwaya be bountifully supplied with the best tbat ean bo nroeured in tbe market, and the BAR will contain a full stock of Lly L'OKS, UKER, Ao tteeel stabling attached. CAPER LEIP0LDT, . CTearweld, Warek , lsiw-ly PreprMor. THE EAGLE HOTEL, MAIX ST., CCRWENSVILLE, PA. nAVIN'O leeied for s term f yeara the above w.M known and popular kotel. k.pt formerly by Mr. Maeon, and lately by Hi. Pout,) the preacut proprietor baa re tttrd It with the object of render ng hi gueete e.eofort able while cjouming with him. A tne, larg Subl. and Yard ia attached, for tbe oar. aad protection af boreee. earriagee and wagone. liberal rhara af publia patronage ie eolieltod. my 70tf A. i. UUAL'CKEK, Prop'r. THE MANSION HOUSE, Corner af Hooondand Market Street, CLEARFIELD, PA. fTXIIS .Id aad aommodiona Hotel kaa. daring jl ma p." year, nean iniarge. 10 eleuhle iu former eapaaity for tbe entertainment ef alraa gera aad ge.au. The whole builJIng baa aca rf.nirabeil, and tha proprietor will rpmre an paina to r.nd.r hia geeeta eemlerteble wbtl. atayiog with bim. a-rb "Manalon noaee" Osnlhni ran to and from tha Lipotoa tbe arrival and depamra af .acb train. JOHN IrOUUIIEHTY, prtl.70 tf Proprietor. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, Curat cuevlllej, t learUcId couutv. Pi. TUISaldand well aiubliibed Hotel, beaatl- banna, in the borough of Cnrwenirllle, hai Wow load for a term of yeara hy tha (aderelgaed. It baa be.. entir.Tv e.n.d ..A I. . 1. the public generally and tha travelling taaaa. tj iu particular, ne palm will be apered ta render gae.tl comfortable while tarrying at thia bont.. Ann!. Rtaklln ma i f ,1.. e.ti'in of teame. Charge mod.rate. ccrt.za, ten tr. ELI BLOOM. THE AMERICAN HOUSE, l uthcmburg;, Clearfield Co.. Pa. TIIIS well known and long ealabMihad Ilol.l, formerly kept hy R. W. Moore, and latteily by Wm. Schw.aa, rr., ha been laaaed for a term of yeara by tha andcnlgnad, ta which tbe at tea Iloa o! tba traveling publia u bow Bailed, aad a liberal aliare of public patronage ie solicited. love 10 JAWEH MILES. THE RAILROAD HOUSE, MAIN 6T.. PHILirSBURO. PA. TUB undersigned keepe eonetantly oa baud Iba beat of Liquore. Hia table ia alwaya aupplicd with tha brat tba market .Horde. Tha traveling publia will do wall to give him a ea!L novl.oe. ROIIEHT LLOYD. giiAW nocsr. Corner of Uarket and Front Stmt, Clearfield, Pa. Thii mscniOeont Hotel ia antirclv new. ..-. plcte in ell its appointment., and onnvenicnt ta the Com! Jliw.. 'trfe arrival and drperlnr. ef neb tram. UEOKUU M. COLBl'HN, April 13, ISTO. PropriM.r. IRWIN HOUSE, Mid rf ay between l.lck i:un aud BhawoTtlle. THK andcraigned would reepectfully invite the attention of watermen and all others to tbo fact that bo has opened a hotel at the above named place, where he ia prepared to aeeomme. data all wbo may favor bin wilb ft oall. Post bava been pot in n the river bank, so aa to in are a cafe landing for watermen. JaoJ.Voni W. W. IRWI.V. WE6T.ERN HOTEL. Oppoait. the Coart Bouaa, CLEARFIELD, PE.RX'A. Accommodation llret-clall and ebargei moderate. oet J0n!f F. TOl'KO, Proprietor. I EOR A R D HOUSE, Oppoiite tha IUilroad Depot, Clcarfleld, Pa. 1 in D. JOHNSTON A SON. Preprietore. ?oot, and iborj. DANIEL COXSELLT, Boot and Shoe Manufacturer, CLEARFIELD, PA. HAS Juet received a laa lot or Freacb CALF 6EINS, and ie now prepered to maaafaa ture everything ia hie lina at tba loweet Igor.. II. will warrant hi work lo be a represented. II. napMifully aollrlt a call, at hia chop aa Market etreet, aecond dror waet of the peUCea, wh.r he will do all In hia pawcr to reader eatia faetioa. Some tne waiter tope en hand. a-J,'7 y DANIEL C0NNKLLT. ' PEACE rROCUIXED. THS WAE 0VEK Iff CLEARFIELD KNOX TOWNSHir QUIET. . Xearly all 'ft Contrabands going bad to their old maxtrrt; but 'nary on$ gMng to old fa$lchu$ftt$t when tkey icf.-e loved so long and so well, INeonceqoeuee of tbo abovefaetc.F. 6n0RT, of tbe old "Short fchoa Shop," wonld an aouneo to hi namerouo patrons, aad th people ef Clearfield county at large, that ho haa new ft drst rate lot of good material, jast received frcm the East, and is prepared on short no tiro to make and mend Boole ond Pbceo, at hi now shop ! Graham's row. Ha is atiGd tbat br ean pleaeo aH.foMe It might be aomo Intensely loyal atay. at home patrlota.) Re 1 prepared to call low for Cash or Country Prodaeo. Don't forgot tbo g bnp neat door to Shower A Graham' stare, on Market street, Clearfield, Pa., aad kept by m fellow enramanly called jylT f 8nOUTT." SEW BOOT AM SnOE SHOP EDWARD MACK, Coa. UAKRCT A In Sts., CLEARFIELD, Pa rpilK prc;..ctor hat entered Into tbc BOOT or rnvB pmib.h ii mr WWW. ti determined not te be outdone either ia qual ity or price for hia work, Ppeclal atfeatlea will bo paid to mannfarrurlng Fewed work. Ue be on band ft large lot of Brcwefc Kip a CaU Stxlna, of th very best qaalhj. The citl. sens of Clearfield and vicinity are rcrpeetlully Invited to giro him ft trial, Ko cbarg for call, anvf.' if EW 6T01JE AND NEW GOODS. JUS. SHAW & SO.N Hare juit optntd Ktv STPRa, en Main Bl.,CLiiriiL5, lalalf occupied by Wn. T. IRWIf. Their itoek. eotuUli of Gkoci!aa of ibe beat quality, Qceenswarc, Ilooli and Shoes, tad every article Deoeaear, for ene'i eomfort. Call est) eiamine ear (took bafoie per- .1 . 1 .t i t e. e.e . rn.m eiwwnere, nnj l", tctro IT,