"II, UK KKPUBUCAI LtfllAT Mt'RlM-. FEB. , 1T1. ' Terms of Subscription, u tHraM.m within I lirwi month 00 u idler 4hrM and before ! month. ' '!. thee.licr.tiou of ill inontlu... I 00 artit'lei I iuiur iuMrliou iD tbii i .kUllJ l rV " lU.IUay " , ...... .1 1 oVloek. I noon.) ahf. ithodUt Kplaropal Churr h R. J. H. J pMif. I'ublie Harriet wrery babbath, Si il-.tn.irj P. M. MMtiB1Cr- Tb.rtday. t U M. .Jaunion ft-rvtca, flnt Babbalh of Tery if Andrew" Chorrta Kplarnpal Iter. i lliU- l'ublie 8ervioe (Sunday morning aiVkirk, aud 7 I- SimJay H j preer Heeliug Wednesday eveoiug LfibytrUn Church Rbt. Mr.HvTi.ru. ,jt . Service every abbatb, morning tod tven- Lp.Wt Churcli-Rer. W. B. Fhimie, Pat I pablia terrieet tvtry Babbatb, moratng or m..,t, alternately. 1 ' lic& Mr. Johnson's notice . to jtrmea, tt bt found among our new adrerlitc- 'ShoriJani Kido" will be found on i fuur'h pare, to btb w all lha attention 14: Direttori. j -4 t , " - ' I . JVrsoDS wnhting Anything dono id ' Hdrrtu-ntklD-' 'Id, kould f'Te Uri, Way ipj Uli Jooet t till. Boe aJrcrtiterarut. f i fYou will eo by referring to our .0m ad trtisemtntt that ar friend Dr. A. X. Hiltt, III loftclnicd to paddle hit own eanot. faiiai. Plulipburg in to have n MfaA Oii Fellowi parade, lecture and dinner, on JJJ. Uw ti Clearfield going to teltbrata t athlagloo'a birthday t I Tui Water Work On our first ftft will be fouad tha bill, now before the Legit flare, relating to tba traction of Water Workt t tbia brtugb. Let vrr- rciideat girt tbo bill fa attt-tiro ptratal. I A New Lodoe. -W lourn tliat a LJpoMb X. 0. of 0. F. will be imtUutcd at iltvttrUlt, Bradjr towntbip, oa PrHij night ocxt. I W art pUaacd to It am that a Lodgo ia to b I pcnrd in that popalou tccrtion of our touotj. Ki.ttTED Pribidknt. We notice tbit our ctlafmtd friad Capt. II. II. MeCwrtnitk, at lb Cbtrry Trvo, .ai ba tlttUd Prffidtnt of lb Htmrr, Chirr" Tr od PuiqactaDna Rail- riJ. If tb ooupanj ihouIJ adopt tbo "pari" t-fi-tH, wo bopt Ui Captain will nut n-glret a aaatltH thap down thia way. A new era in the bmtorr of Tliilip- burg, la tbit at tbo IronsUo Store, bcatuif Moret of tbt laii'it aui belt improrruirbtj art btlag di'poitd of at prioet id luw tUtt all failing to purthaio now will have eaurt to tiptriroot a lifv-IDg Kgrrt. Thii ftatf merit it nvt mak' fur a Mention, but It t huno JliU truth. Cumc aud ice.g Tue Power or Advertidinu Last wtk Jamci D. Urahain k fljni aJreitlwd that lb; would toll their entire itoek of gnodi at to it, aai tuob it the power of alvertltins that thry diipoied of their whale elock in three Javi afltr tbt RiPcaucAH wai ittaed to llrtsrt. Miller k Pnwfll, who intend eontiouing the btnini at the ld itand. Real their alrertiwrnm. Excuse Vs. We hnvo at IcaL a ttvrt of written, and double Ibat au tuber of per teBtl reqaetttp to publitb tbo naaet of the Haider J try. Thli wo deon noneeciiary. Tbrr bat beta enough aald and written upon thit natter to aniwer all practical purporet. Too nneh of a good thing it often productive of ctl). To oar Bind wt have partucd the qutttion far rnoogh, aid we hope our friends will take a aimilar view. More Wild Cat. Mr. Jno. B. Wl- laco of lluiton towaihtp, tbit ouunty, eaught on tbt 19th of Jtouary, one wp'ghing 28 ni., and nteaturiog I feet 7 Inches from tip V tip. It wu ysosf but ib eitremelj good oondhiun. . Jwha feelt rery proud over bit prirt, bo bting a young laJ ooly 13 yrart old. John will get a good eratcbiog jet if ha don't quit incjiltiog with Show "putty eati." N Oftntn. Tim Hfltonlroom fit the Academ bare been completely rraaraU-J au .1 ! , r . . beautified. Much credit it duo to the Truatect fer their promptneti in making the linprovemcntt and in the taato diplayed by them in fitting up these rooms in the beat possible manner, their -elcaalinett, beauty and torn Tort compare favorably with any in tbt State, and it due tht consideration of all. Wt hope that Prof. Harrison will be duly patron i ted. I. S. P. Siiaw The card of our yeong friend will be found in tbit issue. Tbe tptrit of enterprise hat certainly feuaJ a tuarett ful eh tap ion in bin. Hit rooms in tht Mu tonic Hall Wuililieg ara gorgeously fitted up none bet ter any where outside of the great eitlet.' licit a graduate of the Philadelphia College of Dental Sjienee, and with hit ntw Inttraiaeutt an j eaiy ah tire will renlar the extrication of teeth mre pleaaant tban many Imagine. Call aai ire him, whether yon hart the toothache or not. pRotjMHKiNO. Wo notice that the tarrey of the Homer, Cherry Tree and Bosqoa wanaa Railroad bat been completed, ani 'that tht Chief Engineer, Mr. C. 1!. Baird, hat mil bit report to tbe Pireetort, The distance from IImer (on the Indiana Drancb,) to the Cherry Tree, (Grant PottoAce) it 30 nilet. The etti mated cost for grading, maseary and ballasting, Is I'Jt.Oro, and for superstructure! (161,000; maLirg a total of 2i(400, or about 113,000 per mile. The fricada of tbit road art in high gleo and look to m early aomplstioa of tbe line. A portion of the re4 will bo let tbit week, and the contractors xpect to fommtnee work by the middle of Match. Cuahginu, Too. Wo notice Ilia I tjnlit a o mber ef eounliet, (among thtm Cambria itad Indiana) ara applying to the Legislature for a ."bar g la tht Kede of CvltrcMng their (kxot, aitnilar te tht lw under whieh they were collected U thit eoauly last year. The law it good- Thero can be no better act devited, prorlded the Treat tjrir t not tot fearful of hi popularity ani undr- tarft U dutict. A gaol )e it r? rtine ly f-.r Igaorak't txd incompetent ofiWr. In fact there ftrwaonevht objett W tha liw la thia county eept a few prefeiiiwual eelleetor, who growl like heart with tort beadt. Tht day it a.it far dlttant when tha tyttem now in fcroa la thit .avonnty will be adopted by all the counties. Ez'MftlTto or Faiwtinos. There It te be aa exhibition of M grand original paint Inge, In tbt Court Uouie, oa the evenings of the 13d and 13d inaiaat, aommeneing at 71 o'clock. This graad paaorama of paintings ara founded a Pilgrim't Progrttt to lb Celeelial City, dit playiag la tht ttrikiog and impreriivo tctuet, the faeidentt anl character! brought forth ia the works of John Huayaa. Tbe paintings are all riginal and are regarded by oompetent Judgrt at the finest speciracut of art now In-furo the AueH raa puUlt, Indeed it it maintained by many that th world em produoe nithlng of a similar aharaatir toexeell them. Tbry have h-en uniformly omta ended by the preea, aad the influenee upon the public of their exbi'iitiont are gneral1y en doreed by the ele.gy. It ie enough to tay that they Were exhibited fur 1? nighit In the Muriial Puad Hall, in Philadelphia, with tonttantly in aretMing patroaage. Theexhlbltiua of paiutinge will be accompanied wiih a deligbtfal aad I as tractive lee Lure and alto with tbe at Total mutio. AdtaiM.va i Mau for nbildrra, and 3i eenta Ut adults. Tieketa to be bad at aearty all the to ret la Iowa. Wt aay ante , oaa, oma all nut only In . town, btrt from every pkrt of U.e toan'y, fer yoa wy waeer agala haea tbe iportnilitv f Mt lrg "Me'at pittt. TO AM. BOTUI. RMBPRHa, BALUnU KKiMrat IPO naimuiHia ia tiih I'mtauji or clkaiu iilu, I havo tet my p prtltiMi nl by overtereaty titttrtit of Mid borough ri'uuralttiir mo lu nnlity yuu nut to Rire inlmiinitn ririuk ol any kind tu periont why arc in the h.4tt uf btvoiit ing liiUiitviii'di Bid tti ihtnr thii riuet u t Qurirrttmid that I hftr hnthin peitrnml pmIiiwi any of you who aril liquor RTorilirg to la ; hut I have tnmrthiiiff airimit tint thing uf making mrn drunk, to that Ihey hare m ithtT nit nor traaon. Much Um hare 1 aught ciUntt thote wrak mlndfd prroont wbu ipoitd tlifir money, drftrovUn thfoitelvtw ami ij-nliut the toramu nity fr Kry pvrtoitit dujroatecr wirti adruukard (ertu the man whu nils to hint) aud if none but tbow who drink were to hnr the trouble growing out of It, I for our, would leave It with you and thtm. Rut if you would ttoeoftapany mo to the druukard't home and too the wil and children turnvd out of the hotur in aeold winter tiplit at from 10 to 1 o'elock, and bear her and hrr children with teart itreaniing and eryiug, aiking protection evcu of ttranifrrt, aud to too timet with a warrant, and tometftnt without, tevkin an ofttcrr and a thelter for the night and for the arrant of the father and hutbnnd. Hnch aet re frequent. I bava tiMa mil lien walking arnund town at night to timid that they wight be takon for eavelrup- pert or frlont peqiinfr Into Hoteli ahd Hnloont, trying to gt a glimpse of tbo husband or tou (when at the tamo tiuio tbry are uintt likely iu loma hack office or thop flnithing upon a bottle ! or two of lltihler, Itoyvr, or tomo otiwr bittcrt.) , Were you to witotft the agony of the mother or I wife iu troublo fur a loved husband or dear boy, pacing her room for half the night and hying I tlcepk-td the other half thinking auj prnying for j the loit our; (fur the toinclima thlnki kiui lott) with alternate pnifiun, tometiuit'i in love and touetiinct in anger, and if you would talk with i tbo dietrcierd father, turtle you would have man- I hood enoupli If you did lak humanity to reluee I these men liquor who eaunot control their appe- i titot. homo of yoJ belong to churchct of diflcrrul : denomiaationt, and 1 think all of you bi Itrvf in a ' tiod who will reward the righteuut and puniib the 1 guilty. Oh, think of Ktrrnity, and your duty to 1 yonr frllowman, ond be eonslMrnt. 14 not let tbo love of gain tempi yoa to make thote men iuaaoe. I know yu wilt be more pleated with youraelvea and tleep eoimdor witboni thia part of tbe gain than with tU 1 will admit that there are church meeabere of every deoomiuatiou in every line of butinrat to tneoniUU-nt that tbry eufltr tbe love ot dimrt and dtilart to tempt them to do that which it nut right. Hut from none of thete arite tuoh dire eontrqucnort at from the Illicit ii a Sic ofatrong drink. My protitt wtt oahibited only about thrre hour, and over tcrtnty of our mott reipectable eitiieot tinned it. 1 bad nut time to circulate it, but I am certain that I could obtain twice that number more in our borough. All art ready la aunt and du everything reutooa able to ttop drunkenneat, especially on the street ; and Ihry ak yon to refute all men liquor who are in tbe ha' it uf becomng into Ira t fit. I)j wo atk thai which it nnreaionablef We are often called upon to protect yon, and yonr duty aa niembert ot tooitty it to do tbe bett you can fur tbe good of aociety. Like tbe rett of ut you arc making yonr liviog off tbe romniunity, then, lire for o the re at well at telf. We ark you nut tu wake that father or eon drank to that hit own family are aibaued to look on him. Wero it poteilde fur you to tatbotn the fetltngt of a father or mother, or thai titter, you would certainly dctitt. Never having expe rienced thote farlmga, prolbly you eanuot rtaltit them. You know those men better than we do, and canuot tay that tbey gvl drunk without your aid. 1 tell you nay ; yuu can dicover every mao who taket it trcond banded, and if yoa do your duty they fen not deceit e you mora tban encr. Yuu know their aitociatei. Lo not give liquor to any pcrton you tutpect. iitn engaged in your buiinctt thould be men of ttroug uiini, who would not te afraid or aibamed to tjy tu thuie iu tbe bihit of drinkin. you oniinot have it. 1 take the liberty of ttating that 1 will with hold the proteit end nainci in question for a while, and girt thit notice hoping that it will have a grod e fleet, and in tbe future prevent the eipotuie uf trllert and driukert. Uwd kuowt we are your frieoli, real frlcndf. and would do nothing to injure you personally or in the eyaa ef your fellows. Hut if tbit hat do etlect in abating the uuieauec in question the cttisent and oflioers of I hit borough are dcteiiuincd on having tomrtling done, and mny til;e n course wh eh will djI le agrccalle to it,iar. Jti looking oikr the fong'htg I em almost tempted to commit it to the flames. Those who can write, Will not. lint eontidirmg the nrc -stity, and bopiog ynu may univretanj the bind hereto eouaincd 1 give it la my rode manner, and Ly adopting the line of duty indicated you will coo frr a lasting favor on your hum'jle servant, an J very maoy of your fcllow ciiiirn. WM. l"JKTEn, J. P. reoruAiv, 1371. Musical. "Among the thousand and one Tianoe offered to the public, we tcarooly know any instrument to fully uniting all tbt du tirable qualitiet tought for at the Kuaha Piano. It it a matter of tome difficulty and perplexity to inexpf-rienot'd persons to te'ect a good instrument of any capacity. Wt too often rely upon the judguieut of fricuds in the selection of a Piano, and are thus frequently disappointed. The only tare way, in our opinion, it to go to the beat maker. Pur tbit reaion, we rwommrnd to our readeri to purchato Pianos of William Knat k Cos manu falur. Tbit will relievo them tbe vrxat oits necessity of wattiuK time ia a long ararch. Tbt reputation of thu KuaWe Piauot ia an tnfallibie guaranty of excellence. In the botiscs of the nmrt acempli'hrd and wealthy of our citizens, and in our brrt etinlnarica and cnMepet, these magnificent iimtrumentJ may be fuun-i. Nor ia this any wan der, f.ir, in puritr, depth and conttancy of tonr, Uicy art uusiirpaafcd. Their grwlaiou of scale is eo exquisitely, aud, at tie tAUte Uuir, oooip.-thcu-tirrly altuntd, 'h( I'-y are ennabie of prftming every emotion of the faaman heart and eoul. Their tone ia exquisiti ly p:irc and unique, and to even, swsct au 1 rvMH'.itbetie that it inpitoe all whu liateo to it, while at Ibo same tinr the action it p - rfectly rr,e, and the keys mound to the touch with tuvh eountivencM and intrlngenrw, to to irr.ik, at to make onr almost think that thm of tb? manufac'.urcr lingcri in bis work. iSiAMKhE Twins Outdhnk On Sat-! urday latt we were ehown, by Ir. MeKnigh', a specimen or anrrianent 'f humanity that for : rari'.y exceetlt the fmnont Siamese 1 wina. It wat two children apparency, yrt but oue, at they wero flrm'y and perfectly connect! from the mid dle of the breaat bone to behiw the navel, and ap peared to have but one bowel. In all other ret pctt tbey were pr-HVot anl emdy children. From the Dtor we learn the fol'owiug fueta relative tt thit cat : n Friday laet the torir i wa tumiuoiid to attend Mrs. Kokcy. of Wanaw : biwnship, and on reaching her residence) found her in convulsions, she baring been e'ek eighteen j hours. Owing to the severity of the labor the children were dead, ani the condition of the i mother made it neeesnary, to tavo her life, to re-' more the cb.lirn iinraedjatrlj, wh H tha Itorlorj did with bis instrument!. Hhe bad over thirty eonrulaians in twenty four hour. j The cliild or children weighed 14 poonds. maaturcd twnly two inches la length, and wrr i both girls. The Doctor hat had tlwiu photograph td for the benefit of 'ienoe. j The mother, Mre. Hockey, ia quite young, only tTtnteeu yeort old, and fce'ongt to one of our beat families. We learn the it in a fair way of recov ery, IJrookritl k'pmMitan. To rut TnA!E. I desire to cull llie attention of the trale to my ttock of lake 6h, , bavin, far the peat thirteen yar, male this branch of buainne a specialty. My stock, at this lime, it Hm UrifM cer bell in thit cij'. I era prepared to turnlsh rt:a.nt, j;owpie, i.t tbt dray or car load, and bare ma 1 anani;emnts f.ir shipping by the cr liad, at spctal rales, from Iktroit, .r'auJtiiky, Huron, Vtnnillion or Cleve Uni, and alio from Pitltburch ' any pointa in Pennfylrenta or Ohio, as thipjiei may with. 1 would also call the attention of dealers to my ex tensiieaxaorlmeutand stock ofeorn brnotns, broom eorn, and broom materials, all of which I ran top ply at very low ratet. .fauna iVanoa. r Wholeaale tlrorer, Mo. 3i Liberty ttreot, Pitteburgl . Dr. Frcdoriflc l'lutlo, formerly of rl raooir, 7. V., rrqurrli Bl to announe. to th. riliuni of CliarllrlJ anl rloimtf tliat he bai fi manr-ntly Ima'pd ainr-nj titfia, in l Ii rrad to amwir ill fTihtr 'nil elli. Pur lb. prtwnt, and nntil t: cumpi-Ul b"l o.r, b. raijr b. foun l at tba L.onanl llwu.. rnoREft. Cori'luclor Jrwin ! nrw train eomplel., n(fios IcnJ.r, ot-acb.l anj all, with th. palrnt air brake ao in ill. on tbe main lin. allwbed. Tha n.w carl made tbolr Ural trip orer the road on MonJaj. Bo aaji thr Pbiliplburg Jt.mrmal Hit It Mr. Gnulin kcpp lite R".rM Almanie for aal. l Ih. Powt-olTic. Thii ia tbe hc.t fiubltratiun of tb kind. Mailed to anj aJJmi on the rcie.pt of 20 eenta. Tlo Rt. Rev. J. U. Kcrfoot, liisliop of PirtcbOThp Well prrach In St. Andri w'i ( burc-h. Cbarltold. n Kri-Icy .v.nincj. February Jtlh, at r o'clock, P. M. ' KoJ u. S. ricRnl'cj jidverlisomcnl lo-1aj if too neter did Iccfora. Rt cl il.o Ki-nUl cm J of James M. Pt-wcrt In hi. ifne. At itunb.r. oa January I2d, ll, WILLIAM 1 flir.KUAN, imu of J".l and Nc i S1.11 r,)jc.l ''' .... In flrhm twnib.p. . Febrnarr JH. If, I. clahgncb ..niyobiiioi if. h aad nr h. ., ared tbr month, and ..... d.re. n-4S Bt. Domlnfra. Ilabhetl'l. Preke'l lloond'iOermaa,llo.leller'. andOreene'i Oiyg.n.urd Uiiurn alio pura Liqnara, of all ktndr fer tHIIiipal nurporei, for ial. b. UAKTe'TK IR"iN .i'pfittsinrial. CI.OSINO PBICCS or l).IUv7aIla.". "ii," 40 Ft-ath Third Pbtlal lia, K. la. 11, Ih7l : I. S. I t of "HI.. . 1M( 1M1 . ll'Ji II2 , uu im in mi . lniij 1 1 01 . 110 lltj . no) not . 1 1 o i 1 1 a j . 1121 . nit uu : m, mi , ?0 810 . 1.10 040 . CJ4 710 fll u '01 , ' " - 0aew OT.nrw " '08 M fi t, IO-i)i.B..B...,J,.H,.. V. 8. SO Tear I per cent. Currency... ....j..:..... biivar...i.. Uuion Pacific K. K. 1st Mori. Ilondt. Central Pacnc H. B...;..., Union Pacific Laud tirant Bonds iUisrrUanro. MISS H. S. SWAN'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS CLFABFIKU), PA. ' ' ': rpilK WINTER TERM or fourte-n weekt, will X oomwtenca Monday, January Id, 1671. A Primary department will be ;atldod to rite School this, full ; for wuiuh tha acrvirar of a com petent instructor have been cngngrd. And no etWi will be tpareil to render thta departfoeat attractlr und luslructivo. TERMS OF Tt'lTIOTT. Reading. Orthography, Writing, Object Let- tons, Primary Aritbuietio aud 1'rimary Geography $7 00 History, locat and descriptive Geography with Mp Drawing, (jiauimar, AUntai anil Writun Arithmetic 00 Algebra ajid thm tiuieuors ...... 11 00 Instruction in inttrumental music 10 00 Oil painting, 14 leeeuut 11 00 Wax work I 00 For full particulars send for Circular. Clearfield, Bept. T, 1670 lypd. ' MOUNTAIN SEMINARY, BTRMIKOWAM, llaatingdoa Coanfy, Ptnn'a, The Twenty Seventh Hesion opeat February f tlx. jaall lta L0. (JR1EH, Prlwelpal. . MRS. J. K WATSON'S FANCY STORE FASHIONABLE MILLINEEY ESTABLISHMENT. ruLL link or jivtei.rt, beaiti- Mm. WAT.0SS. IRKNCH WOBKID LACB COLLARR, l Km. WATS0!-g. gILK VELVETS AND TRIUMI.NdP, t . , . . Mm. WAlaO.S . i ba utiful k rcLL MMB or WOKI.EX 1 l!u. WATSON'S. f KRUANIOWH TARN, IN BUIUOT AKU Mu. WATSUJt g. II OSIKRT, SLOVIS, FI1.K LAfl.?, RIB- booi, A..r .t Kn. WATPON S. KIVT Ak'D FAMHiOXABLE LI.1B OF II Kir QvoUt, .t WATSON S. T TOILET OAP, J-EKfLUFRT, It., t U.l. WATSOK-g. L 5 L AD1E', MISSK' A CUILPRKN S rURS, At M.a. WAT?(lV J UAlTIl'l'L ALL-WOOL SHAWLS, M U.S. WATSON'S. AUIKS' LATENT B1V1.E CLOTH COATS, M Mut. WATI'IS S. 4 , , r IIKSB OuoJf, nd myollit kiuili cf F.k iou.Ue inod, wuh n ,ntir. n.w an.I braa- if.il .liurlrarnl of Kuaiirl,, flan, rrrnoh Flow- rr, l :., will iiM l ii ccl. ! 111.. nj plt in lUt couui,, at Mm. WAT.'ON'S. I:1VINU MACIIIVUB. I am ai-nt Tor th. VHr rr1brt.d Ameriran Bnttua bltt Orcr-K-aiuin( Stwinr Mac'iinf. Ih ir.alrit wonitr of Die (. It i lijbl runninf. Tmplf, ilutibl. ilorl P.t .nily H't out of r J.r, ami dol raor. linn 01 w.ra inno t umrr m.- chin. mailr. I'rif?. ofCombintttmn Rl.vhin., who oT.r. 174. Plain Harbin, wilbuat bnttun bolf atlacLmiot, witfc aoTr, t.. Mai. T. I. WATIOK. ChartilJ, oi. U, If 70 laijl.71 I. A K K T.20 Half rtarr.li I.ni. IIrrrin(, 6.3 1 3 tiiartr Itarrrli Ho.. 1,010 Hall Itarrrl, .No. I Wlilta Ki 900 ll.lfllirr.il No. 1 Ficktral. 11 ROOMS! t&6 Iin Drooma, Aiiort.d, in llorc and fur lair If J A M IS M CONNGn. W bi.lmll limn, No. JJi LiWrl Htrwl, fcbSit I'lTTflll ROM, PA. SGf)0 PICR MOWTII I Th. ixit i.n;n( buok ter piilii led. hf nil who ..II our new work, Plain Hume Talk and Mrdiral I'ommnu Hencicr, hire no competition. There nee.r wa. a bock publc.hed hk. it. Any bodr ean ell tt. L'rery tody war.li it. Miay ecrenll am now nakinic; frccm 1500 to f6.Sc) p.r month lellinn llcil w.u.ierful book. SI pice It., iwr.plct. Cirruiar leal free .n .pplir.lcoo. W a wint ftood Ice. Acr.ntl i men who em fcclly appra ecat. tba wcerctl ol lb. work, and tba fact that it meet! a nnireraal waut. Agent, who deaira I. do good aa well ai Bilk, aon.v, .'iHreri WBI.LS A CO., jint i BrooH SlrMI, New T.rk. TEETH! Qgi TEETH 1 EXTRACTED ron CENT?. Kitraeted with the net of Nirni a Otrn Oi, and I.o ai, ArTUrsu, (the only bannlrti and efficient Anireihctice now in Ure,) hy S. J. HAYES, Surgeon Dontist, OK CI IOVKNFVIIjLK, va., Who would hfret.y mol rcpert fully pturn hie thariks for the Iitern1 palionnee of ihe pait, and InT'THi the public that he hit rftrmTrd hit office l (he corner ol ?tate and l.orul airceia. it,vrr i Jmkina' store,) where he ! prepared to rcrrive his tutitiners in newly fitted up roma, and du 1 ibrir work in the winst skillful an I workmanlike manner. AH work dm fn the latest and mutt appruved ttlra, and jjunrauteed. Ir. II ati a will ' ertjrn iF"'l in hit offl-a fnm the 1-t tn the S.ld of each month. The halanc f narh fnnth he will spend in Ulrn llip, Ituraeide and l-uthrrnl-nr, altrrnntely. Parties rewtfling at a ditfanor should write to ut prvrinut f thair cwnnf. "ffie liniirn. From 9 to 12 o'clock, a. m., and fr'tiu 1 to a odck, p. in. We nee none but tha ery hat matrrial. and defy aojnprtttiwn ' beanly, cheapnett and dura biiiiv. (live ax a eaU. ( irwen-tlPe, Pa., May J 1Y. DREXEL & CO., . So , , Ml,tt,h Third i!rcH, I'llllalclpllla, n.i.rnr.ns, , And Dealers in Uovemniont becurittes. f Aiilinnt1ifl by oi.il will receire prrtmpt attnn- tlcn, and all Itilorm.lloll cliiwrfulty tcirnl.hrd. Onk-r. KclioMa,!, aprll-tl AT Ti- le ,HM nlirep pclla wanted al th r..f I. L. JIFIKN-'TFII. C..'fl'', V-i. ?.., KIS1I! ''itiiM ova HARTSWICK & : IRWIN, druggists Market Slretl, VUarlUM, Pa. r" W ''T 10 ln'"' car oil aid at 1 Y ea, turner,, that w. barr r.isov.fl our .. labllrbmont tn th. ,iarioaa a.w buitihna' iuit prrrt.d on Mark.4 itret't, ararly adjoining lb. Mamioa llou.eon tha wi,t, audup(oit Alira, nranani nona' atora j vb.r. riMfaclfitl in, it. tha pnblie Ii aona and buy tbair Drugs, Clrfmioala, Patent Medicines, OILS, PAINTS AND VARNISHES. Onr atok af aad U.di.la.a eonriata of ...rjttiin.; uad, aoioatod wltb tbo graat.it ear., and WAJIBASTED 8TEICTLT PURE! Wt also keep a full stock of Dyes. Perfumeries. Toilet artMea, Uoap. Tooth Brother, Hair Hruabet, Whitewaab liruabet, and or jry other kina U rut net. wo bava a large Jut of WHITE LKAD, TUni'ENTINJS, Flaxseed Oil, Palata, and In fuel eerytblan ited In tha painting beulneta, which wa efler at City prices U caah buytrt. ' TOBACCX) AND fiEGARS, Confeeticotry, Spinet, aud Ibo largatt ttoek of vatietiet ever adored In thit place. nd uar rant ed to ua of tha bett tha Uarket afford e. J. O. HARTSWICK, Not. l,18n. JOHN F. IRWIN. - s OMKTHIKC NEW AtiAIII C D. WATSON Wiibei to inform hia old friawdi ucj tha pablie (enerallj that ha baa npanad no a a.w Drug, Confectionery & Tobacco Store, In n.w Maionio Bntldinf , oppoeita Court llotjie SECOND ET , CLEARFIELD, FA. tlil itoek ie all n.w, freih and of tha eary b.it quality, and will ba aold ebiap for CAII r approved Country Produea. If yon want pure Ttra-i and Patent Medicinal, Go to WATS0N:S. If yoa waut Ccaf.rtlunerl.i, Cann.4 Frnlta, Pick Ira and Jeltiw, NuU, An., Ac, Co to WATSON'S. If yaa want tba belt Routed CcSei, Euanoaaf C.ff.a, iSplcal of all kind., cheap, Goto WATSON'S. If yoa want Fancy A Tullat E.apa, Flawing Xitraeta, Ac, Ac, ba aara t Oo ta WATSON'S. If yoa want Fancy I'ji Colon, Clark'i but Ma. aklna Thread, Pirn, Needlea A Kotioni, , 0. t. WATSON'S. . Cbew.ri aad Smokiri, If you want tba beat la tba marhat. Buy at WATSON'S, wbira yon can get Plpel k Pip. Filtarca. If yoa want to get clear of yaar itampa, Coaii ta WATSON'S. If )ea want U apemd A f.w bonra of aa a.caiag with yonr friend., coma to WATSON'S old tand, wbara you caa crack auti ind. cat Joket until a'olock, a . April 11. H7. NEW'lTuUG STORE! WM. 11. ALIXWDER, M. D., I)ruf;(lit and Apotherary, CURWENSVILLK, PA., t, Keept aoattaatly an band a largo atsartfaeat af j) r u a s , . Putent Medicines, Paiuta and Oils, Varolrht-f, pve Stuff, Ac. Hit tterk of Drujfi la pure and frrh, and cuslonra eau rely urtun celling the beat of every thing in bis line. 11 n stuck of r i: n f v m k n y , Toil t Arti ls. Hair Tniee, C'ttmetine, brusbaa, Toilet Scai.a, CoiuU, Pocket Hooks Pent, Inks, Pencils an l Paper, and a (rnral auurtmvabof I Ins data of g-todf, art all of tha beat quality. PVRi: WISES & LIQUORS, For M.dieal purpccaia only, niall. Putty, Lubricating Oil., Ac, la lull tba wnn'.i of tba community. H.ieitrniita and well lelrrted Hcvk of Drug! and Medcriaea anlblel him to ftil Pbyrceiaul' prcMripli'ini on ihort aotiea and aa th. molt reaion.lje trrmi. Smokcrc and Chewerl will flicd bcl Itoek .f L'hciwiit)t aol Scncbing Tobacco, Cigara A ftaaff, to cnicit of tb. very beet brand, in lb. mark.1. A rbrre of publll patrr-e n i.inrileft, f . fl. ALEXANDER. Ucl. 3m. Beale's Embrocation, (LATI POWELL'S,) F.r .11 diiaarei Incident tn lienor, Cattla, and Human Fl.ih, requiring tba ma al aa asternal application. Tkil Embrocation wai aitemirlly ai.d by ibe ttoTaroment during tha war. For aala by llartiwick k Irwlr, ClearDald. Joeepk R. Irwin, Curwenirllll. Daniel Hood laad.r. Lulb.rabur- If K. B. TAYLOR'S LIME AND COAL YARD, (Near tht Railroad I)epot,) ( I l:ari'ii:i.i, ppn a. IKMnnACi thia method of Inforeilng tht public, that 1 bare opened op a yard for tba ftttle tf wurcd or coal burnt I.IMK and Anthracite CUAI., in tha boron(b of Ciearfield, and bava completed arranjrenfiifi with tartem dealeit by which Iran kep a fnlltupplycawetantty on hand, which will bu diapoted o( at raaawwtble rates, by the ton, bueliel irr oar hal, tn tuit purrhaeert. Thnwe at a dtstanet raa address ma by letter, aad obtain all a ec-mary inferraati a by return mail. K. B. TATLOt. Clearlald Pa , PeW. , 1181 tf A Notorious Fact I fpiUritB ara wturo people trvubled with Lung A J'iafaAea in this town than any ,W place of iia tiae in the (State. One of the great eauaet af thit it, the uea uf an impure article of Coal, largely railed with tulphur. why ftut avoid all tliie, aad preeerra rnnr live, hy uaina; only llunplirr)'a C clchrated C oal fre in-ai all iinpunt4ra. Orders left at the Moree of Richard HitM.p and Jamea li. (Jraliam k Bout will reeaiva iirowpt at ttaiion. A n R A 11 A M Hl'MPIlKr.T. Cb-arft- Id, November 10, lH7a tf. Miss E. A. P. Rynder, iOEir roa Chirkerlng'a. Blaiaway't and Finertou't Pitnot ; tfmith s. Maafin llamhn'a and I'oloahot'a Organs aad Melodeeas. and H rover A Baker't Hewing Macbinaa. also raa rata or Piato, Ouitar, Or pan, Harmony and Vocal Ma aie. No pupil taken fur leaa than half a term. arlWimt neat door ta Firtt National Bank CleatAeld, Uay i, lUt t. M)U HAl.lTlietubarriberorTAralbe bouse and hit in wbh-h the re w dee in the llnrnurh ol ( learMd, fr tala. It it pitaete-d no Market imi Ih an alailil baiiian lti ailhar a nnvate reeidene. er fr hueinept purpoeat It a ornt h4 and worthy tha attemt-nn ot tlx tee wanting to inveet in town prwpovtr, and oaa enuaTW rrtwn tha t'onrt llauea. Vor prtr, tnuira nn the promlart. Met. MAUY I'll KK Ii KUUAT, at wngKI JOHN I.. tt'TTI.I Ally at lav. rMr mn HOOK. HAVTNU fiireheted Ih entire ttock f fnn at tha old ttand of Kirk ."penTr, I inleiid to continue tbe hnnirtew af hi-retofi-re. My tnutto ii In sell "uur roa va.su.", , Ibaukiu ur fiienda and ottetMfaert fr past patronage, I tolicit a aontiauant nf the i AAV hiKA. , tumWr City. Bepl. tS tf. ""OTirr, Hnving pprliarrd the Inter! of XI it. ii!fl!TrifTTrjrr, r.q., in me puph " beritiifi're oarripd on under the firm name nf J. A I oeniicmr. curnm on uimut ine nrrfl name ni . .... .... . ...J I IM.Iienurrgrr V'-. Il l.lcie will Itm einurcr ! hcirsllnr un lrr tbr nume of M cihannon Ijtodand I. umt.fr IVni'l'i't. fSlorr.i n. 11. fun 'iriFORK. joitr nw-tnr. f;'l I'tif. l.ri, reral p' " nhvriUurtui. ' h Must be Closed Outl . ;""rT7:,""T.M i. f l m.ki rom for Pprixg OchhIi, lb. b.Unce X of mr wi.tw Mo.k will be iloird out at a CJHKAT RKDI'CTION!, Beat I'liuti .. ... in., Dc it pelainei...., ...., V: ' Wuelini eery .heap. Kpl.ndid Prcocb MeHn...'. Tba. ftpleiidid iShawli, li.OO, tfl.M aad IT.00. Flaiiu.li r.ry chaap. . t t'.Ming .try ahaip, . , i 'i c I Famf 13.00a ml ' " " ' " ' Waterproof, Cotton Flaunili, and ararytbing alio, at pricri to inil everybody. wm. Ki:ti, l.Ii Market atrect, Clearfield, Pa. Xew Mine and Liquor Store I. L. REIZENSTEIN, waoLiiaLB aiAbia in WINES & LIQUORS, . . WAUtKT fT., CLIAP.PIELD, PA. VKuIl ttoek of Wint. Brandy, Clin, Whltky and -lcohol, always on hand, special atlantioa paid to to-curing a pura article for Baeraraental and medioal purpoaea. aprll-7tf ' New Meat Market. rflllB uatiaraitrnod bar apanod a Meat Uarwat A. in tlie room tonnarly oooupiod by Aiaiaadcr Irvin, on Market street, ('lenHield, Pa.adjwining Mossfiji't, where they intend to k-tcp a tupply of All klndaof Meat, Fruit and Vegetabtea, And at "raicai to f ir raa Tint a." Shop will be epon regularly on Tuetdny, Thursday and Hit urday, and meat delivered at any puiaL A thara of publio patrooaga ia respectfully eoltciied. M. . BROWN. I. W. BROWN. p-Ai.o Coo Iia ae to daal in aJl kindt af imiiroved Agricultural Implrmeala. Clearfleld, August t, 1870 tf. e orrtu rotx salk, at par, TH NEW MASONIC TEMPLE LOAN, - Bearing T In tc real, Eedoeaaabla after fva (li) aad within twenty-ona ?l)ye.a. Interest payobU March and September. Tha Bondt are registered, and will be ietaed la sums to tuit. it South Third Btrwet. Philadelphia. JlaStockf bought and told oa commission. Uuld aad UuvrDmcat bought and fld. Aoeoanlt rreitJ and interest allowed, taiject to Fight Drafts. 3:9:1 T ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY t I WOULD ra.pMtf.lly aaa.aaca ta tba a HI i.m af CLIARFIBLD tad el.lnlly that I bar. p.a.d np la tba saw Maaoaia llnildlng, flrit door blo tba Maaiioa, Ileaw, leaoad Strut, with a entire a.w alack af W ATCH F.S, CLOC KS A JEWEL R Y, Of tba ltet itjlei and but loiih, SeLetad witk aara, and I hop. yoall think whk goad u.ta. I will haea aa aiiorUaenl from all tka latut aoecltl.i la Jawalry, lalta- bla for Iki Ilolldayi. Thankful fat yoorp.it liberal patroaaga, I bepa. by Uriel itteniioa la ba.laair, to aerlt a contiuaanea of lha lama. c 1 All klndi of repalriag la ary Ilia promptly attended to. JKMliir Jewelry aada le crdir. I. I. SNl'DIR. Dcoembar II, 18TI. l O O K 8 WHICU DAY! ALWATS G IV K N 8ATMFACT ON UERITOFORI, WILL (V DISPOSED OF II SCCn A W A Y AS TO FLIA5I 0 P. FRIINLiS AND CCi TOMIRI. JUST RECEIVED I ins rinisr assortment or uolidat O00D8-SUCU AS "BOOKS akdotiuf. STATIONERY ARTICLES, EVIR OFFERED TO YHB CITIZENS , OF THIS PLACE ! NOW OK EZUIDITIOM AND FOR SALE AT PUBLISHERS' k MANUFACTURERS' PRICKS, AT TUE POSTOFFICE. Cl.arfi.ld, Ilea II, 1'7. JOlt.S' l'UOUTMAX, FURNITUHE DEALER Market ft, e.t af the Allegheny lloccie, (Lr.tHni.iD.r. IKEF.PonhMid all bindiof Furniture. In anili or br lb. imctr .rtiplc. Thoee ia need of nny arlicleof Kurnitiirr, will find it to Ihecr int.roit to rill and o.mccie inr Itccck. wlcirb I will cell rer? low for ro.h or eirliinire fr iuit.tli Irnxbar, Cleartald, P, April 6, l; tl. Aprlcultnral follcRO of renn'a. fplHS inetltcitlon will re open fi.r Fprlnf Term I m;l l of twenlT f"ir c'JI) wec-ki oa FridlT, ( Vetirwert Inth. For generwl nlrenl.r, e.lalogiia ana Winer inictrmeiion, .ntir- IIIUS. II. lll'RHdWF1', Pr..'t, Aliieullural ('.llee. P. O ian?S;lt Centra county, Pa. Rrirk for Salel lit R nndertinned bat irmnfttrtund and hat re. ' I 1 nnw nn neon c'.r .... - -- j wSn h ha will diipof. of upon rcaaoiiabl. terms m hand f'r sale idimsbi Finsa. i 10 large or itnnii ou.num;., w .uu .un 1 J. A. TF.Itl'B. L .h-r.Hirir. fptfmb'r Id, If7 px floods, ttrorrtfi, c? tr. a. f. Aa-eui. , hV)..(.Tr. aoaa stamaakxan, "Chcaprr than the Chraprfdr (iOODS AT EEDUCBI) PRICKS Arnold A - llartalioru, ' ' i ' ' i i (On. daor wail of Pint Katlonat Bank,) ' C'tlrTWrWUVILLaS, fA. nAVIXO Jmt returned from tha aait witk a flompl.ta ariortment af (loodi lultabl. for Spring and Summer trida, wa ara sow ready to furniih all kindi of Qooda "Choapor than the Cheapeit!" Ancl after thaallng awr enil.m.n for their liberal patroaag. during lha pail year. w. wonld moil rnractfully aik f.r a aaatinuanci of tba lama. Our Stork emiliti af A aamplau aieortment of Dry Qoode, Hotioni, Ilardwara, Quarniwara, Willowwara, U mere if I, Boon 660.1, Ilati A Capa, Clothiag, Tobaocoa, Aa. Alio, Fliur, Baaon. Ball, Fiih, Grain, ata. i All of which will be aold an tba moil reaa. able terml. aad tha hlghait Baikal ptrlM paid for drain, Waol aad all klndi .f Lamkar and Conatry Fradaca. afPUaM gl.a m a tall befer. pamhaalag alaawhara. Batiifaattoa guaraatead ai U price aad quallty.'a ARNOLD k HARTSHORN, Corner ol Main aad Tk.apeea StraaU, a.rlO CURWENSTILLE, PA. ir. w. airra. WEAVER A IIETTN CLEARFIELD, PA., Are oSering, at the aid Hand af 0. L. Rd k Co., thair ftock of goodi, eomlitlng af ' DRY - GOODS, GROCERIES, . ' t .: ;':,.! ; i s .'! BOOTS k SUCH, ' -if ' MATS k CAPS, HARDWARE, ,""'..' ' QCEEXS7ARB, ' FL0UB, FEED, SALT, &o., &o., At tha mott reasonable ratet for CAIN ar ia exchange for Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, OR COCNTRT PftODl'CI. jK9AdraRees made ta those engaged la get ting out square timber on tha mutt adraatageout terms. January A, 170. iSttVAKE TiyiltEK! E.A.IRVIN&CO:, ttKUENHVILLE, PA.t Being specially engaged la tht autlattt af Buying and Soiling Square Timber, Would represent that they ara now prepared to purchase Timber delivered at either Cur wane tile, Lock Ilareo or Marietta, (or will taka It at any of theaa points,) and tell oa eomtoiseioa, making snob advances at ara neeettary. Those engaged In getting aat Timber will tad at our itoro in Curweuavillt, a very large ttoek of STAPLE GOODS Of all Dnaripti.aa. ALSO, Flour, .meat, Ilit, Oat , Corn, Aad erarylkiig aamiaary for aaa af Lumbermen. RAFT ROPE, Of all liiei, kept en hand In large quantities, and eald al email adeanc. by tha a.il. Alia, Palley Block., Small Bop., Aa. r-rr.C'IAI. llni'Cr!lc-.Tefer.d to tboi. manufactoring Siinare Timber. r. a. invin k co. Curweneville. J.naarc 12, 1870. (Tlothina. How to Save ?Ioncy. friHE tlma ara hardi y'd lika t know X How yoa mar aara yonr dollar! The way la do it I will ehow. If you will road what follow. A maa who lired not far from her, Who worked hard al hie trade, Bat had a boueehold to aupport That iquandered all ha mad. I met him owe. S.yi ha, "My frlaad, I look thread brar and rxmgb I t. triad to g.l myeelf inlt. But aaa'l ar up eaocigh." Siyi T, my friend, how much bar yo 1 I'll tell yoa where to go Te get a ndt tbat'i lound and cheap 1 To HKltE.VSTEIN A Co. lie look what little he kd eaved, And went to Reiien.leia A Bmiben', And there hi ft a h.ndiom iuit. For bill he paid to .then. How he le home, he looka well, Aad their elect le inch, That when they lake their daily meal, Tbey don't aat half a aaarh. And now he fiacli on Saturday nighl, Wllb all their wantl oupplied, ' Thai hi hai money leA to p.nd, And eom to ley aeide. Hi good eaccii, with aheerfol imili, He gladly telli to all, If croa'd aae money, go aad bay tour eluthe at REIZENSTEIN'S CLOTHING UALU Wbora Ih. ah.ap.el, lot aad belt Clothing aad good Farniiuiag lleod. ma ha bad M .alt eery tart and I rery atyba aprll.T jvew rnui. KRATZER & LYTLE, Market Streot, ClearfiolJ, Fcnn'a.t (Opp.ilta Ik Jail,) TTAVR aeer 'aa band a Srat elaaa ataek nf XL g wdi, lalted to tka wanti of tha publio. Our itoek la large, and by aonetantly nuking addition thereto, wa ara abla to aceommodata all who Bay favor ai by calling. Wa bare DRY GOODS, Merlnoi.Slnghaml, Clothl, Prlntl. Delalnei, Caiilmerli, Silki, Tiepi, Satinet!, Ciibmerei, Tweedi, Cobergi, Alpaeai, Mcbair, Lanelll, Mulllni, Flinnali, Bonnati, Ribbonr, Cloakr, Ralmoril Kklrti, Hoop Pklrti, Shawli, bren Trimming!, Htad Ken, Cifi, Carina, Ulo.ce, Kaarfi, Collar!, Sranadiaa Villi, Tabla C.rere, tt. CLOTHING, CVe.M, Faata, Ve.tr, Oear-Caau, Oeat'i Bbawli, Phlrti, Rati, Cipi, Bndir Sbirll aad Drawari, Boot and Bbm, Onm Shon, CrieiO, Bocki, ttl.Tea and CoILri. GROCERIES, Tea, CafM. kugar, Molaecca, Salt, Caadlai, Rife, Flour, Bacon, Fi.b, Tobaeaa, Raiiiai, CarraaU, Spieaa, Crackeri, Vlaejir, Oil, Varnub, Pepper, Alcohol, Aa. nOU.SEHOLD GOODS, Carpttl, Oil cloth, Droggel, Clack, I uLn..aiM..e.. Chnrne. Bucket. Waahbaardi, Tub., Flat Irani, Pana, Window Biindi, Wall Paper, Coal Oil Lampi, Bedeorai, Imtrillaa, Knlra, roraa, npooni, Crock 1, Etoeii and Store Blacking. HARDWARE, Qaeaaiwara, Tlawara, Olanwere, Waodeawara, Copporwara, Book. Etatloaary, MuiicalOoidi, Trunkr, Skatei.Aa. AT-AI1 of wblcb will bo lold oa lb nut raa lonabla Urme, and U a hlgheit market price paid fer Grain, Wo I and all kind, of country produce. REMEMBER TOE PLACE: KRATZER & LYTLE'S, (Oppoaita lha Jail,) CLEARF.ELD, PES.TA. t I T1 OiXTY-Fivr: kirut pitir. mi:iials O AWARDED TUB GliEAT BALTIMORE PIANO MANUFACTORY. WILLIAM KNABE A CO., Manufartnrtrt of GRAND, SQUAItC A t'PRlOtlT PIANO FORTES, BALTIMORE, MD. Theta Inttrttmentt hare been before the publit for nearly Thirty years, and upon their eaeellrnee alona attained aa nnpurehaaea pre-eminenoa, wbiea proa ounce t them unruau-a. meir en mbl net great power, swaetnett it fine tinging quality, at well aa great purity of Intonation, and tweet nc si throughout me entira teaie. ineir TOUCH it pliant and elatlia, and entirely free from the Stinnett luunn in eo mm? rimnnm. IN WORKMANSHIP they ara aoetualed, Deing none hut tht very beat reason rd material, tha large capital ana ployed in our butianta ennbting ut to keep oonstantly an immcnae atock of lumber, do., on band. Hf-AII onr Equate Pianot have our New Im proved Oreretrung Scale and tbo Agraffe Treble. fyV" Wt would call apoeial atteution to our lata improvements in Urand Pianos and Pquare U rati da, Patented Aug. 14, IMto, wblcb bring the Piano nearer perfection than hat yet been attained. Every Wo futty Warranted or Yar$. We have made arraage ments for the tola Whole sale Arency for tbe mott Celebrated Parlor Organ t and Melodeont, which wo otter Wholesale and Retail, at Lowest Factory Prioet. W ILLIAM fcNAPP A CO., Sept. 31, U7I Cm. Baltimore, Ud. TOBACCO AND CIGARS I WHOLESALE AMI RETAIL, Al tha Kew Tobaeeo aad Cigar Star af at. a. MtMir, Twa dMK lilt f tba Paitofic, ClearSeld, Pa. Ceailantly oa bond a tna aieortment of Kary, Cwngmi, Caeendieh, Cabl.. Spanrell, Aliabigaa aad Contury Fine eat Chewing Tabaoee, Aa. Alaa, a Urge aad well aelccted Hock of Imported and Pomeitie Cigar, SmohingTohacaw, llrtrtohmta and Eriar Pip'i, Pipa flituras Tobaooo Roil, Ciger rioldcr, and ererything generally found la a wi ll regalited Cigar and Tobaooe Storw. JMP-Ramewbar Ihe place: Two door Eait of tbe ro.tolnce, Clcailrld, Pa. aug. 14. If. DAVID REAMS' ' LUMBER MANUFACTORY, FEAR Ll'THERSni-RO, PRKS A. H I ASl'FACTl'RRS III kindl of Lambw far xX boildibg purpoiea. Alwiy, oa hand' LATH FOR ROOFIXfl, PLASTER1XQ LATH, rALIKG, Ac, Aa. Hi PlaaUriag Lath ara crenlf Mwed and of difTerent length., to tuit pnr.-haier) thl Paling are foar feet rotig and ready pointed. All blnda of Sawed Lumber will be furniiked to order, and delctrred If driired. Pncl will b liberal, according to actality. a. VfA.AH kinds of GRAIN taken in eickarge for Lumber. LathertbuTg P. 0., Jaa. 19, HENRY RIBLING, IHU Pfi, PION A ORNAMENTAL PAINTKR. Clrarfldd, Prnn'a. The frearoing and painting of chuirhn and pth-r publio buildingi will raceivt partieular atientlon, as well t the painting nf etrriagea and Irighi,. ililding done in tha neatest itylea. All work warranted. Shop on vuurth street, formerly oer-npied by K-qirlre hngart. otll'70 I tlH H biia Uad, Zlne, Palat. Lin. eor-d (il, Twrprtitinp, Varniehet of all kind a, lort in Oil ard lrr Taint, Varnish Pmehna. aT HAKTW1' h A M:wtv. waiueea ,-wyrw-iawsemiptam Siotrlt. the : sifiTiT "house"! (Opposite the Paaeenfrr Dt-pot.) Ci rAKPII I t), PA. alii R uaderetgned, htriag letted (hie bawaa let a evitvt of yeara, ia vewdy tr entertain etra gore aad traveler) rneiallv. and ihrrof-re ewlMita tfip-arnert to gtvt aim a rail, lilt Taute will a aiippliod with the beet tha maiket tfunts, aad tit liar d! c.tain tbe ohoipeat ol wiuee and liuote. Tbe h-nuee, furnttare, hoiUaad bedding aree(riy . new, nhirb aiwsysadds tntho eomfurtuf trwvelersj while tbe siablmr ar:. tarre aad rrom jast tuttrd tor leaiatrrs. Charget moderate. ivb ia WIM.IAII X. BRAIM.IT. THE ALLEGHENY HOTEL MARKET Br., CLIARPIELD, Pa. THIS largo and eommodioai aew hotel lut been opened fur the aeeoaimodatioa of lha public, where the proprietor will be glad to meet kibi nhl frirndl. and rrfirire a shar uf nntilitt n&t. . . r nnfe. iv unci jtrrmnmt auvniinn 10 ma ue talla of hia butinetp, be hopes to be able to reader tatiatneiion ia nia patrons, i no lAnba wtti alwaya be bountifully supplied with tbe bett that tan be pmcured in tha market, and the laA will eontaln a full ttoek of LHJL0118, BfiKH, A ood (tabling attached. Clearfiold, Utrah 3, 1 !Cy ly . Proprietor. ' THE EAGLE HOTEL, MAIN ST., CURWENSVILLK, PA. HAVING leaaed for a term of years lha above well known and aounlar hot-el, (kept formerly by Mr. AUtua, and laitly by Mr. Fouls,) thft present proprietor bet ro-ttted It with tha abjeet of rendorag hia goottt tumforv able while sojourning wiih him. A fiat, large stable and lard tt attached, lor tna ear aaa protection of koraee, aarriegee and wagout. A liberal sbara of publio patronage ft aolieiied. oy TOtf A. J- DKAUUKKK, rrop'r THE MANSION HOUSE, Corner of bcooadaud Market Street, CLI'AHHIID, PA. THIS old and eommodioua Hotel bat. during tht pait year, been inlarred to dbubht Iu (tirmer eaptelty for tha entertalnmert of ttran gert an gueeta. Tba whole building bat been refurnished, and tba proprietor will apart) aa paii.t to render hia gutsu oomfortoblt wh Ua staying with btm. awr- fbe "Mansion House ' Omnibot rent ta tnd from tha Depot oa the arrival and depanura af aaeb train. JOHN JJOlitillKKTT, aprO 70 tf Proprietor. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, ' CurweiiavUte, Mearftelt! county, Fa . M rpuIMoKand well eiUblisbed Hotel, beaati X fully tituated on tbe baukt ot tbt Susque hanna, in tba buroagh of Carwrntville, bna beta lea ted for a term of yeara by tba nnderaigned. It bat bten entirely refitted, and It now open ta tbe public generally and tha travailing e omnia atty In particular. No paint will be apartd ta render guests comfortable while tarrying at tblf botue. Ample Stabling room for tha aooomma datioa oftoamt. Chargta modarata. Depl ...a, IBt ll. .(.LI J3LUUI. THE .AMERICAN 'HOUSE, Lutuerabnr t tiearueia ton Pa. rrnilS wall known and long attab'.Uhad Hotel, X formerly kept by R. W, Moore, and latterly by Wn, Scbwam, trH baa Veen laaaad for a term of yeara hy tba underiignel, to wfaieb tht atten tion ot tba traveling publio it aew called, aad ft liberal a hart of pubUt patrone-e it telle! ted. H0W7Q 4 An K9 m lLKj). THE RAILROAD HOUSE, main sr., ruiLirsBiRaf pa. THE. undersigned keept nonstenUy oa bant the best of L.qaora. Hit tabla It alwaya aupplled with tha b-tt tht market a (ford a. Tba traveling publle will do well to give aim a call. nofl.'Hi. ROBERT LLOYD. gllAW HOL'I' Corner of Market and Front P treat I, Clearfield, Pa. Thia mngniflcent Hotel It entirety new, eom ptrle in all its apotntmentt, and eonvenitot ta tbe Court Ilousv, A free Omnihut runt to and from the Depot on the arrival ani drparturt af aaeb train. GKOKtiH X. COLRL'HN, April 13, JSJ0. Proprietor. IRWINTHOUSE, Midway between Llrk Hun and &hawallltV THE undrrslpned would respectfully invite tha attention of water men and all othert to tba fact that ha bat opened a hotel at tha above named place, wbere be it prepared to aeeommo data all who may favor hira with a eall. Poata bare been put in on tbe river bank, to at to iniara a tafe landing for wattrmea. jan2.-.:Cm W. W. IRWIV. WESTER NHOTE L, Cppcit. the fhaK Home, CLEARFIELP, PENN'A. AecommftdaUoni flret-e!ai and ehargea moderaW. octt JOI1N F. TOl'KO, Praprialnr, JEOMARD HOISF., Oppoiita th Railroad Depot, Clearfield, Pa. 1 1 Tl D. JOHNSTON A SON, Proprietor. goots and hots. DANIEL CONNELLY, Coot and Shoe Manufacturer, CLEARFIELD, PA. , HAS Jem receleed a Una lot of French CALF FKINS. and li now prepared to manufe.. tur. .eerything ia hie line at tb lowaat Igara. He will warrant hie work lo be aa repreeentea. II rerpectfully eoliclte a call, at hie afaop aa Uarket iircot, aeeoad dror wait af tha paitoSoa, where he will do all in hie power lo reader aatia factioa. Som la Oaiter tope on band. myt.'S? y DANIEL COKNKLLT. FEACE rSGCLAHIED. THE WAS OTEeTs CLEABFIEirX KNOX TOWNSHIP QUIET. S'early all t Contraband) going batk to their old matters; but 'nary en going to old Maftaehvsrttt, trhert tey uert loved to long and to veil. IH eoniequene af th bo r firtl.F. SHORT, of lb old 'c&barl bhoa Shop," woald an aounca to hi aufnerou patroai, and Ihe peopla of Clearfield county at large, that ha ha bow a' first rale lot of good materiel, jolt reeelved front th. Rait, and ii prepared ananort aetlce to maka and mend Uoote and Skoea.at hia new akop it. Oraham'i row. II. il milled that k.raa pleae, alt.fuileil It mlrbl beiomeinteneely lovalnay. at home patriot..) Hell prepared to .ell low fer C.rh or Country Produce. Doa'l forgot tha Shop a.tl dor to bkow.ri A flrabim'i etore, oa Mirkel itreet, Clearfield, Pa and kept by a fellow commonly called Jyl.fil-, SnORTT." sew Wot axd siioesiiop. EDWARD MACK, Ceu. MAREET A Jn St., CLEATFIELD, Fa. rpilE proprietor bai entered Into th BOOT 1 SHOE buiiaeii at tbe aboea eland, aad le determined a.t to ba oatdowa either ia qwal. ity or priea for hi work, Ppeeial aiteatioa will be paid to manar.ctariag Pewed work. Ha haa on band a large lot of Erench Mp and Calf Skim, of tba eery beet quality. Tba .ill. aeni of Clearfield and eiclnity are r..peetfnlly incited to giro him a trial. Ko charge for ealla. .!,' If JEW STOKE AND NEW GOOD8. JOS. SIIAW &i SON 11t, juit cipcneJ a titw Srona, on Alaio Sl.t CblitriiLB, Pa, lately oecupleJ Ij Wm. F. IRWI.Y. Tbcir ttoek ooniiili of aoinr aa-cDCDaossi GkKI: of lb bmi qoalltjr, QUEENEWARE, DoOlS Dtlll Shots, tnd tittj arlicla atrtuarf for . on' comfort. Call and eiamlne our itoek befora jut rI.lrreI..w.-c V-, t .BfcJ-lf,