jH HHl'UliLICAN. f CLE A K KJ K I' P, , T, ,; pKSDAT ilOMISn'. FEB, 1, UTI. I Terms of Subscription. a deaee,r '' """"" 1100 .nLttMul aefor.Hi mantne.. 4furle expiration 01 ei ionthl... I 01 til artill'e U IuiBra tnaertlon in tlrta b handed ' r'J Tnoiday g X go P"' ' " B.lork, (noon.) iodlet EptufMnl Chnrtn Reir. J. II. I'.itor. I'oelie Barries eeery Babballi, h ck-liool al I A. M. ,rr Meeting errry Thunder, at VJ P. II. pninim Beretee, Iret rlaBbatb: ar fty ... IM A. M. ijtndraw'i Churrta.-EpUr.oiial.IUr. (i Hill. Public Serriee Htinrinr morning aVIork. end J M. Sunday Schoel l iV Prayer Meeting Wedoeidey evening .'rick. Mbyterlan Clmrch Ilr. Mr. Bin.rn. a Hrrelce erery Babbalh, morning and eeen- Hit Chorea Rot. W. B. Bkixxbil, pi. VMia lerrleei mrj Sabbath, morning or g. alternately. Work. Speaker Wallace find mralltiee Uall, hara nr tkankl far publie rnlx, J Good Selection. It i with r we Warn ef tba appointment of nur friend 4 P. Kliweiler, Kiq,., tt a clerkihip in the a, at Hirrieburg. Re better .election aould boeBBiade. ' J will be seen by JoM,er eiten- 3 eireulated that liaairi. Uaelieh and Pri on;, two youBg gentlemen of tome talent from relate, will give an ' Elocutionary aotertaia. in Lethereburg, and alae one in IJrookrtlie. ublic ervicoi will lo held in the tlit Chnrek, in thif plate. OB neat Babbalh, at Uoek ia the evening, by Ber. W. B. Bkinner. iieet may be expeeted in tbii church hereafter njiog crerenlug, nltarBately; , , March Court. Tbore will bo no fat Mareh term. The (ranting of Hocniei, laving la Conitalilea, and road matter., will be tot all that will reealra any attention. Thoee Cite, therefore, who mar be anfortnmte eoongh a tut prieoa before that time, will miat the ting teaeoa, and ha compelled to lie la Jail aa Jane term. f Significant. Tbo officer, of tho jfeitera Penitentiary I ait week rendered then- 1 to the Canary tomminionen for the maln anoe of the eoariett from tliil eoontr, fr ':. The bill amoaati to $.?, bat ft credit M 197.3 la allowed for the labor of the eonrleti, taring a balanea of I6il.il to be footed by the iparero. The bill met rear wai only 149.00. We hare eight member! la that tanltary tuilitu Jhoa at preeent, and ft few mora will loon land Ibere anion the; ehange their programme. (tat Water Movement. Wo no Ilea that Senator Dill, oa Wedneiday lait, report- fad a hill la the Senate at TJarriebnrg, looking to kbo areclioa of water werkl la thi borough. The Ineericlty for a better lupply of good, pare water It aekaowledgrd by arery reiidrnt. It ii lome--thlag that arery areatara enjoyi, and ll ai neeei arj to good health and Ha lurroandinf comforta ae bread iteelf. Wo hope that Mr. Dill'l bill will aoon pnia tha Legielatara and become a law.--Olre ai plenty of para water, gu, and graded aad paved etreetl, and onr muuicipal family will be ta complete running order Militia Fi!E8.-An ct of Assembly wm pitied and approved tha 7tb day of April, A. D., 1370, (Pamphlet Lawt page J) allowing the Militia Faada la ha applied to aehool pnrpoaee ia eoaatiee when there arc no organiacd military ompaaiea. Tbie eoontr baring none, the money collected will rerert to tha eevcra! sehool diltrieta, and he aeed for.Krhooi ptirpoyee. It ! cTidrttt from' the bookfl In the Comtnlulun -era OIBce that the rceldente la eumn of the dii- Uieti era nearly all orer ii yean of age; or maay of them mutt be inralidi, lime, kail and hliad, from the fact that a large portion of the flaee ere exonerated. Wc hare known eouie to v manifeet eo mack energy to got rid of fifty eenti, that they eoaid travel 10 milei aad ipend two dare ia appeariag before tha B'tard to aek for relief. We anderitand that it li the dciign of the Cota- anlHioaere to pablieh a itatement of thii fuml. In detail, eometime during the apring, eo that citi leal and School llirectorl can l(a at a glance what lam each dietrict ie entitled to. IlowrmsM. This evil ecm to te gilaing ground la thie borongh, and if no antl dele ll applied, tkoee mioecllaneoul ftreet brawle will ead la rioti and marder. TUoea gangi of young mil wba aaem ta enjoy tbemirlrre oerft. aionally by making day and night kidrnnl by their bachaaaliaa rcvelriri, and Ineulting la- dice, muil be taught a leeeon. We Intend these remarks for those nice jroMse men In oar town as well as those wbo belong le log eamps, hoop pole aad shook shops. Tbore mast bo no distinction made by the autberit.ee in Ibis matter. The eor rtetlrt rod must be applied U all alike. Trans grtieore mart bo made to respcet the law, or these psriodiaal insults to indirtJuals and the comma aity will eontiane. ... The prompt arrest and Imprisonment of a band af rowdies Wednesday Bight, Is a step in the right direction. Wt learn that the party was tak n before Eeo,. Porter tbo neitdey and eharged with riot, and after a hearing each w-ai held iu the turn of $000 for their appaaxanee at the neat term of court. We hope thii esse will escape ths smuggling pro esse so often applied In similar eases. If "hush ttoneyM ii the tribunal before whom tha grler anees are to be heard and adjusted, let tho cash inn re to the benefit of the Insulted eummunity. In stead of individuate, which is too often tbo case. If Courts aal Jostle? allow the com m unity to be blackmailed for the beonft of individuals, they may as well grant license to an occasional riot aad bar-room knock-down. The Utter Is no mora ft viwlatien of law and sound morale than the former. Within the part month three dis tinct cases of pernat Ininll to ladies, while prom- eaading oar Btrwti In broad daylight, hare: been brought U wur a el tee, Therefor, If tbll rowdy sm Is not sup press J, somebody Will grt hurt, or wo art very mash, mistaken la the temper this .eem man Ity. A Heavy Job. Tho County Com enliilener have been engaged for two weeks past la dtqusjising tbo Trienuiai Asaeesmeal. AfUr pnaeh 1ahr twey sneceeded in obtaining the ag sjrvgats nnaber of tores of improt ed land In each boxTougb mI lesrnehlp, and alter Ixiag ft stand ard of vaiae fer aaeh, they passed upon the amount asserted ta oarh lodiridusl, and by a uni form pCTVntage raised aad lowered each man's farm ftne otlrar pmperty as tbo rwte rofuired. adopting the Assessor's work, however, as the basis of al ue between individual, in tba same borough or town ship. Tint board has been anmpelled to raise tbc assessment In 17 district and lower It In three, so ft tt prodnee uniformity. The result in the ag gregate saaro than doublet the value made by thv Aisittort, and tba arowcrtr l still far below Its twal Tttuo. While this announeemtnt may alarm tbo Umid taipaytr, we oau at Um same liwt lo- fWrm him that tbo Board baa rtdneed the mills t tees than ae half of what tbrj were lart yoar. lionet, bis tatr will he no mnre, unless the As teww fmlsed his pnrpertT. The Board after pass ing ea trery piece of land, applies the eanit rule ia each horse, male, oow and every man's eeeupa- tioai the labor of whieh no one can fully realist til at paaset over aad cumlnes the I, ft no items Mntaiatd ta tha dapHcate of Brady tuwnship, Af ter doing tblt, bt taa look amund and sev nnty iNeentf niM mors left, net quite to large. It Is true, bat a awatiaaalion nf the same rrfloc4ion--nher it asort work paid for, bnt only half done." Thi aaset ted laad appears to be In ft worse condition than the sesid. To iUuitratt t The Assessors of ft tevasatp returns all the unseated lands thereta 4 P aera. Nm traeti hart scarcely a pine tret U the aara, while others have ft raft on every Mrt. Tbt former, therefore, is art worth tbo ont half at which It ht Meetsed, while tbo tavtter tt worth twenty times that turn, w Is that ti t e e I.rlff r IVnM llumnOlr. tli nomB. .tn. Mlh. Afr. V.Jitor:--A y-uing nun Yj die name of Joileh llllrmaa, trnoi Aramroi gvouutr, aad em. ph-red an a timber Jo af Mr. JK Wearer, Iwa Ilea frfm tbii place, an taeidiy l.it, bad hli leg ea badly eratbed that amputation wai eeee eary ta eate tlf Tire. Hennet and Xnnia, (. ed by t)r. MCnno, of Kew ffaililngtun, rre called oa, who performed tie veratiun Ptttcaia fully, and tba patluit to doing aa well a eu be expected. The aceidrnt wa canard ht the falling and lodging of a tree agalnit aaothcr, when it gava way, elipping bark on lop of the Hiiinp, caught tho joang man'i Irg, (who wn jtanjing at tie name time about trn feel from Ilia alump.) emitting it betwera Ibe falling tree and a etlok of timber, aad then nvnBdlng upward frerrl klm from tlo frarfol pbiillnn. He iprang op and attempted to ran, lut fell Ualpien la the ground. . Uo waa then taken up by the men who were with liim and carried to the bonie of Mr. J. A. Mcillyr, WTiere no paini will be rparrd to maka him aotufurlable. The eleigbing ie good, enow falling, and the yoeag folka are knyuylng H hugely. A ball earae of lait night at the ''llui ntido riouie," whfoh wax a grand luooeae, judging frow the nolle on tbo etreeta during the night and the amount of ''haih" on the lide walki in the morning. . , , , "The root of all evil" hae aliaoct all disappear, ed from among ua, and yet tha aril Berlin to lluuriih and bloom ax vigoroutly aa ever. Bneineea movee ilow but iteadily, and I think altogether, there ii a good time ooming, which ianot far dietant. IM-1'KOUP-TU. Si'USKT. Wo have received the following buiincix nutioex the past week. Ac the writcra have already expoecd tbcmiolvea enough, wo of eonree withhold their names : Jannanr 50. 1671. To 0. B. Ooodlander: Yoa will t)leaie fUiu bit natter. I will not par, or euunort a paper like youn, which blackguanli jurymen. Hrod me my bill and I will pay you. Header, there ia hueineei fur yon. Hare ta an other cruaher: January J2d, 1671. To the Editor of the AiNateua .' I want yoa to etup mr paper. 1 will not read a paper whieh abutei jurymen. I wax not on the Harder jury but 1 think yon dont care wbo yu abuee, and I eonetder yoar paper dangeroul. Bo top tl. l wilt pay you wben I oouio to luwn eometiina. i oure, There if an opinion "aa ii an opinlou." Bight dollara wiH Mop thii lait fellow'e paper, bnt until Mr oenditioas are complied with the iyepo(icna goee on. We will try and earvire thii cataitro phe, and do our belt to get the Ripuhlitvn out aa heretofore. Ihdiunant. The editor of the Klk titmtrat ebargee aa with eabbaging onr editorial! from tta eolumna. If that ia the fact, we are Igno. rant of tha tranigrenion, and rripectfully aik him to point ant tbo article! belonging to him. We do sot do bneineea in Uiat way, aad may perbapi be able to explain if the ain ia poiuted eat. aWe like ta lee our artielee ia tba aolnmai of oar axebangea and eon real that wa are not very thin kinnad oa Ikat polBt, never having upbraided any one ia our tea yean' experience, although we oould have done eo nearly every week. Kbtbat Timber. Several notice of fugitive timber Bad lawlogl will be found In thii lilue. Thoic having loll loch had better give the matter aume attention. Tub Academy. The third sesiiin of the pmeot e.-bolaltie year of tbii fuitituliou will commence on Monday, Feb. 6tb, 1471. Nrw Law Firm. The ilenrg. AIu- Cultoughi publish their card thii week. Agents wanted Campaif nl of (len. Lee. for tho 1ifo and Belting Trry rapidly. tarried. ' On Decimber IDth, 1S70, ky E. llliTieejiB, F.eq., Mr. rilll lr CARNtY, of Indiana aoanty, to Mi.l ANNA MARIA DONALDSON, or Clear field eoanty. On January 22J, 1611, by E. IIn.Tiia4.it, Eiq., Mr.ORDIKiK FIHHKL to Miii ANN Dt'NBAR: both of Clearfield eontitv. Wnrlsrts, Clearfield Markets. Corrected weekly by Iln nano Moaaur, Wholeiale and Retail Deilcr in Dry Ouodi, Oroeoriea, Pro Tieioue, Ac, Market Itrect, Clearfield, Fa. CLBtariBLD, Pi., Jan. 24, MT1. Applei.ereenOilt) 80 Hogi, dreieed 12 Dried, II 1" Hidei, green ? Applebutter,gal, 1 " llami 00 '4 1 Butter IHfJ) SS; Shouldere...0flr.) IS lleani OOim 141' Hide! 00 (,n 20 Buckwheat 1 00 Lard ' t(l Rockwhcat dour lb, a Meel pork, bill.. 35 00 Beef, dried 2i Oat! Beef, freeh t(4 " Oniom 1 00 Boardi, M 12 00(n,14 00' Putatoce - 00(jt li Corn! ear '. WfA t, IMastcr, btil 3 40 Corn meal. V.aclf. 1 4'! Rve I 10 1 BO I'earhel, tried, m.. I ' Chop, V ewtl 10 (o) J 6" Ksg, lb 1 Cloverseed- 8 00 Halt, sack 50 Cheese. 10 Shtngles.lH in. $4 J 00 I'K.rw. . (i,t I.V Riir.rlr. ?ft inlOilil! 00 chickens, drsd, lb, 1 V Timothy seed 7 50 Kgfrs J5; Tallow ; I2 Flnt.eei...,.i t 00 Wheal. 1 JO Flour 0 OOfrt) 7 6" Wool 40 Har... 10 0tvlJ 00 Wood. V eord 1 0 CLOSING PRICES or Dallaran A BoNo, 40 Fouth Third Ht., rbiUnelphla. Ian. 28, 1871 1 u. s i i tf 'si... 'fill-.. 111 113 1001 1092 109 109J 109 1001 10S loci I01 10! l(t ICS I Of-J I00 lit ui) fi4 fi5 'fi-V new " 'oT.aew " 6fi " fi t, IO-40 i. U. S. SO Year 6 per cent. Currency Qeld U0 Piker.. 105 Voioa Paclfie R. R. 1st Blurt. Bonds... 77 Central Pacifle Tl. R "O Vnioa Palflo Iand Grant Bonds 710 110 107 7 St Ole 7.10 S' XTY-PIVUVIMOT PHI.K. MKIMI.fi AWARDED TIIK (ll'.KAT BALTIMORE PIANO MANUFACTORY. WILLIAM KNABE & CO., Manufacturers of OiAND, igUAttt A t pRKJtJT PIANO PORTUS, BALTIUOKS. ID. Tliees Instruments bavt bten hef,re the pablle fur nearly Thirty y tar, and upon their eieellenne elone attained an unpurchased pre. em in voce, tbuh pronounces lliein unequalcd. Their TOM K oom bines groat power, swftness and tine tinging quality, as well as great purity nf Intfrnatinn, and sweet nee ihrnughont the entire scale. 1 heir TOUCH is pliant and elastic, and entirely fret from the stiffness found ia en msnr Pianw. IN V (tit K M A Nf- II IP ther are uneasted, using none hut the very best seasoned material, tbt large capital emploved In our business enabling nt tu keep constantly an immense stool, of lumber, Ac., oa band. tJAIl our tquate Pianos have enf Kea Im proved Overstrung Hcale and the Agraffe Treble. JNaT-Wt would ead speeial attention to our lae imprnrementa In Wrand l'ins and rViuare ilrands. Patented Aug. 14. 1(1, whieh bring the i ranus. i ,rn' " " K J' " J '"p Piaot nearer perfect-oa than bm. yet been attained. Kvrty ftaM u'(v T1iirTiif.(.of far Jivt irf We hare msde arraitgeireiiis ft the sodt Whole sale A reftry for the most Celebrated Parlor Org fine and M'lodeons, which we offer Wholesale and Kctail, at Lowest Partner Price, WILLIAM KNAUR A CO., Cept. 21, 1ST Cm. lisltiaior. Md. Brick for Sale I TMIK andertigned baa munnfacinred and Ms now oa hand for anle IfttMMNi IIHICti. whieh he will dispose of upoa reasonable terms, la large or small quantities, to snit pnrcbssert. J. A. TKKPK. Lutbersbnrg, Peptembcr 14, 1870-Am. Iff ftU,F.,-Wfaitt Lead. Zint. Paint, Lin teed 0l, Turpentina, Varnisbet of all kinds, Colors in Oil tad Jhr I aint, Varnish Brnshe. mail KdHr-TVirK A IRWIN. a'j Trtcnnliil Avsmmrnl Appeals. NOTIt'K li Wrt'ij gitrn llikl Ihr . oujmilM-i r if ( rMlfH-ld roetntT will mort tht) Ul l rt followinf fiBfniMl lcfli, tm It par noM ( kr,Hr twA 4 trmtUt yml m tit 1 ri i.-J Anniit M f 71 . The t.iuri nf hivr Idk tlt b M mnk pta blr)t I Uk, , aUiil 4 n'nlork, p- m. Kuititi, tU ihr pnW hot f J,.v UIIIIIm.I, un W,tnriiivt Kftror Mih. '..TitiRhn, yl tti puMit hmiM of tlittii Mut-cm, cm ThurmluT, lfbruiir.T MN. . - (iirnrJ, l ('n)ttTi Hill Kubuut llutiifi, an tr dy. February loth. Utithrn, fti Hhawtvitlt lMitt Hnntf. on Ka(ar dT, February llh. Ural .am, at Ui UuMt-r hofflfrtoa1, on MuDlar, February l.'ttli, - . , Worm, at tha public tioutr at Hi')antian Hia howur. in Kyli rtown. ni H'ocKlar, rh, th. - 1'woatur.atl'tittrt Hehwl Houir, on WHiwular, Prbmary 1 lit It. , Orwtrla, at tlm paItM' liotnc tif Mit lJojt, on Thurwlay, Kelruary 18th. Ilojrff.. at tbc patMo auupe af Edward AMrt, oa Friday. Fpliruarv 1 7 ih. ,. jUmdfurd, at tho School Uuuaa, near fiaiuuel towtltr', on baim Jivy, jVetruary lbtli. : Wuutlward. at tbo huutw of Iboiuai Ucndcraun, on Tuoiday, February It I it. Uulirb, at tbe public ttobuol IIoum in Jaynta rilla, on Wednctifay, February 2'2il. liooearia, at the public htuno of Wm. HiddU, In Ulen llupp, un Tl.urwJay. Kobruary 2d. Jonian, at the public tJchoul Jionao, in A n ion Til io, oo Friday, February 24lh. t'hcit, at thv public (School llunaa war Wagon or'i, on Saturday, February 2;th. IV ew M afhitiKiun, at tho public bona of Thomas Mrhaffry, on Monday, Frbruary 21 lit, Hurniidv, at Youujri School Itouae, on Tuesday, Pubniary 2fttb. ? Hell, at tho oluetion nouao, oa Wednesday, the 1st day of March. l.uuibcr Viir, at thf pulrKi. Htitpol IIoum, on Thursday, Ua'rth 2d. Ferfcuson, at Iba cltction IVwao, oa Friday, Uareh 3d.' , -;,: knot, at Turkey II ill tiohool liuuat, on iSatur dar. Alarvh 4th. J ttti kin, at the public bouse of 1. E. Uobacker, on Monday, March Otb. I nitrn, at tbc store house of I. K. Ilrubakcr, on Tuesday, March 7tb. Hrady, at U public house of William Bchwcn, on Wrdiiesduy, March Mb. H loom, at the publip boose u7 A. it olden, on Thursday, March VUb: I'enn, at the public boutf of'Fljna 4 Lamon.on Friday, March JUth. C'urwensTill and Pike, at the election bouie in Curwensville, on Haturday. March llth. ClcarQrld and Lawrence, at the Commissioners' Office, oo Tuesday, March Hth. otioa ia there I ore hereby s;lTen to tbc Assessors of the several bu rout; It" and tuwnships, that they be present with tho Hoard in their re spective distrieta, as wll as all persons wbo may frrl theainelYe aRjeriei-ed. A general Appeal will be held at the Cum miss ion ers Office, oo. the lith, 16th and 17th days of March, after which no appeals will be bcld. The Assessor is required to give each taiable a notice of tha amount with which he it assessed at least five davs before the daof Appeal. P. II. 811 A r FN Kit, P. II. HINIt.MAN, HAVllI UICK, Com wis ERa Orrn ) Commissioners. ClcsrBelU. Ta., Jan. 33, 1 87 1. J Must be Closed Out I rriO make room for Hprlnt; Ooodi, the balance X of mr wiuter stock will bo closed out at a GRKAT nEDUCTION! ' Beit Print! '. It. But Delaine JOe. Muilina rer cheep. Splendid French ilerino 7&e. Pplendid bhawli, fi.00, .00 and 17,00. Flannele rery eheap. Coating Tery cheap. Fun at t3. 00 a L Waterproof, Cotton Flanueli, and arcrjthing a'ee, at price! to luit everybody. W M. R RED, Market it reel, Clearlteld, Ta. ' Sheriffs Sale. ij BY virtue of a writ nf FitH Farit, tiiued out of tho Court of Common Pleas of Clear field oowatr nod lo me directed, there will be e i pored to public isle, at tba Court House. In the boroue;b of Clearfield, on Monday, the 1.ttb day of Marrb, 1ft7l. at I o'clock, p. m, the following described Koal Ertato, tewiti All that certain meesuage, tenement and tract of land, situate In the township nf Ferguson, in the county of I'lrarfictd, and Mat of l'eunsyl vania. is bounded and described as follows, to wit; Itrginninx at a red oak, (down,) a corner of other land of the said A. U. Jamison and John (lrrrory ; thence, by tit laid Jamison, south tV4 decrees, west 2tH ft. 10 perches, to a post, corner of llohcrt C. Hamilton; Ihenne, by land of said K. C. Ham ilton, north bU decrees, east nine perches, to a post, at Campbell's Itunj thene north 40 degrees, weit 2H0 perches, to a water beech; thrnee north 74 decrees, east, by land of F ramp ton Mcfrackcn, 74 perches, to a pine stump, thcuee north 20 de grees, west fii perches, to a pout on the south bank of Little Clearfield Creek ; thence down the said ercck, north 70 degrees, est, by land of Martin Watt, 120 perches to a water beech on the north west bank of said errekt thence, by lend af John C. Ferguson, south 40 degrees, east 214 perches, to ! w,'i,,, riwt thM u,h nejtreri. east 40 Fh". tbc place ofbcginu.ng ; containing S00 acres, more or less, rcised, tasen in eieeutinn and to be told as tht property of A. U. and R. II. Jamison. ct-Biddcri wilt take a ities that 15 per ttnt. of tbt purchase money must be psid when tht property It kaotkea down, or it will tt put up agaia for tale. JUSTIN J. P1K, huantrrs tirrtri, I hberiB. Clearfield, Pa..Jan. 2d, 1871. J TEETH! TEETH ! EXTRACTED FOR 35 CENTS. Extracted with tht use of Nitidis Oivn Gap, and Local At-ceTnut- (the only harmless and efficient Anvithctics now in use,) by S. J. HATES, Surgeon Dentist. OF Cl'RWENfiViLLE, TA., Who wonld here'ty moot respectfully rHum bit thanks for the liberal patrnnsge of the past, and in farm the publto that be hu re in o red his office to the nomrr of Htate and Locust streets, (orer Jenkins' store,) where ht is prepared to receive his customers in newly fitted up rooms, and do their work In the arm smiiiul ant worRmaniike manner. Alt work done in tht latest and moil approved styles, and guaranteed. Dr. flares will he engage) In his office frnm the 1st to the 23d of each month. The bolaoce of each tnnnih he will spend in t.len Hope, Ilurnside and Lut her burg, altrraairly. Parties nriding at a distance should write to ns previous of their coming. Office hours. From to 13 o'clock, a. tn., and from 1 to s o clock, p. m. Wt ase nono bnt tht very test material, and defr competition for beauty, oheapness and dura hihty. tine as a est I Carwcns.llle. Pa.. Kay Ii, 1SU. IRWIN HOUSE, Ml4w) between I.irk Iluu ttnd t-tiaW.1l. TIIK undersi fined wauld irsjieetfully invite the attention of watermen and all others to the fact that ho has opened a hotel at the above a Mined piece, wbtrt be is priparrd to accommo date all who rosy foror hi id with a call. Poiti bare been put in on the river bank, to as to iusurs a safe landing for watermen. jsnJ.'.O.a W. W. IRWIN. DREXEL & CO., No. ai Mouth Third Mtreet, I'lillaJelphla, And Dealers In Government Securities. Application by mail will receive prompt atten tion, and all Information cheerfully fnmished. Orders solicited. aprll tf CI 1'TION All persons are hereby notified j pot tn purchase or In any way Interfere with a certain note of $I0A, given at Pennffeld to I. J. Catii-n J. Ji.tiiixoii, unyttMc sewn monllis aOfr dale, dated the Hth day of November, A. 1. 1K70, made jmrable to wit' If or order, as I have never I re.vl anv value for said note, and w.ll not par , raiaiw-lta-l to d. so br dne nrriss the same until compelled to so by due pncess of law. A. V. f:. KOM.NhKAMi, Pennffeld, Jan. ih, 1871 jltpd. UTtmti NOTICIw-Wberea-. Let- ' j ten Teetan.enu.ry on the estate of MAItY LKWI3, deceased, late nf Kcriruion lownihin. hnrt liera granted to the andertlgnrd, and all persons ludibted to said estate are request ed to make luimcdiele paymei.l, and thnee having elatms against the en me will present them, duly authenticated, fur settlement. DAMKL McCRArfCFtf, Pet. 71, 1"T0 ().. Kxerutor. At" AKTKI (l.tMMI sherp pelta vt anted M at the start nr 1. L. RKI7. Kh.TKlN Clearttf Id, Nor. U-m. F, will war the vtrr hlahest rnn ret for all sinirnf rnr mih, wiv. ;-nm. tV R hlnw i: mi Tat K Idns s ait two ta ember sllaatrd al the appwr pari of tbt loin, turtoanded by fkt, and eoniiiling of three parts, vis: tbt AnWrlr, tbt latcrlor, and tht tsttrior. - Ths ftoUrlor absorbs. Interior tontitts of tie tues or reins, which serve at a deposit for the trine and toarry It to tht esterlur. Tht exterior Is a wuductor also, terminating lb a sing's tuW, and callut Un Ureter, The ureters art cnuocUd With lb Mtddtr. " Tht bladder It tompoted of varioaa ocrertngi or tissues, divided Into parts, rln tha Upper, the Lower, tht Nerrous, and the Ifueous. Tlit upper expels, the lower retaiut, Many hart ft desire to urluatt without tbt ability) others urinate with out tht ability to retain. Thlt frequently oeears fa ebUdreo, To cure thest aflVotlons, wt mutt bring Into action tht muscles, which art engaged la their various funotious. If tbsy art neglected, 0 ravel or Dropsy may ensue. The rader most also be madt aw art, that bow over tlight may bt tht attack, tt It tart to a fleet tht bodily health and mental powers, as our flesh and blood art tupporttd from thest tourees. COUT,"OIt RIIEUMATISU. f Pain occurring ia tbt lulus Is indicativt of the abort discs set. they occur to poreout disposal tn aaid stemaeh ad ohalky tonerttitns. THE GC1VEL, Tht gravel ensues from negleot or tasproptr treatment pt tht kidneys. These organ t being weak, tht water U not expelled from tht bladder, but allowed to remain; It becomes feverish, and sediment forms. It li from this deposit that the stoat Is formed, and gravel ansuts. DROPS!. Propty It a collection af water ta seme parts of tbt body, and bears different lames, aocorJing to tbt partt affected, rls: whea generally diffused orer the body, It is called Anasarca; when of the abdomen, Ascites ; whea of the sheet, lly dro thorax. TREATMENT. Helmuold'l highly aoncnlrat.d eompouod Ex tract Boeha I, deoiiledle one af lha beet remediea for dieeaae. of tha bladder, kidney!, ,raerl, drop rieal iweKin,!, rheumatlim, and font? arTeetioni. Under thii hid we hare arranged Pyeoria, o dilnrolty and pain in pauing water, Seantjr reere tion, or imall and frequent diacbargea of water; Strangury, or atopplBg of water Hematuria, er bloody nrine Goat and Rhenmatlim of the kid neyi, without any ebange in quantity, tut increale in color, or dark water. It waa alwayi highly recommended by the lata Kr. Phyjickia lheie alTrclionl.' , . Tlila medicine Inereaeei the power of digeetion aad exeltei tha aliiotbeflta into healthy excrciio by which the watery ar aalrareoua drpoiitloaaii and all Bnmtnral enlargement!, ai well ll piln' and InAamation, are reduced, and It ia Ukea by men, women and children. Direction! for ul. and diet aeeompany. rHiiintLrau, r.., Tab. it, iter. , II. T. Itrlmhold, Drugglili Dcab fll I have Iiccb Buffering, for upward of twenty yean, with grarcl, blailder and kidney afTeclloni, during whieh lima I bara Bird rarioiil medical preparation., and bee. aader the treat ment of the molt eminent hj eiclani, experiencing bnt tit tlo relief. Ilaring Ken yoar preparation! axtenlirely ad Tfrlli.t, I comulted with my family phyilciaa la regrrd to ating yoar Kxtraot Dnrbu. I did thii breaaea I had ua.4 all kind, of adrer tieed reiuedice, and had found Ihem worthleie, and ome quite injnrlcuii In fact, I drepairrd of erer getting well, and determined ta aia no ramediel heroaftrr anlrn I knew of Ilia Ingredient!. ' ft wai thii that prompted ma ta aia yoar remedy. Al yoa adrertiled that it waa eompoerd Of Who, eubebe, aad JUBiper berriei, it occurred to me and my phyiician a! aa excellent eomhinatlon, and with hli adrice, after aa examination of the arti cle, and eonialling again with lha droxjri.t, I eon eluded ta try II. I commenced III uae ahoat eight month! ago, at which lino I wal eonllned to my room. Fiom the tret bottle I wai ailnniihed and gratinrd al the benetrial effect, and after ming it three wrekl, wal abla to walk ont. I felt mark like writing yen a full itatement of my eaae at the time, lut thought my improrcment might only be temporary, and therefore concluded lo defer and lea If it would effect a perfect eure, kaowing then it would be of greater value to yea, and more aatiifaetory to mo. I am bow able la report that a eure la eflWl.4 after aeing the remedy for tea montba. I bare not a led any now for three month!, sad feel ai well la all reipretl ai I erer did. Your Bucha being devoid of any anpleei.nl taite and odor, a aire tonie and lneigorato'rof .ha' lyitem, I do not mcaa to be without It whenever occailon may require IU nee In eueh .ffectioai. , VI. U. McCOHklitH.' - - .r t rhoull any doubt Ur. UcCormlek'i ilalemcnt, b rtfert to tki following geallemea r Hob. W. Dii.uxa,ii OoTirnor, renneylrarila. Hob. Tbox. D. ruiiirt, Philadelphia. ., lion. i. C. Kx, JuJim rhlladelphia. lion. i. 8. lUxra, Jndge, I'hiladrlphla. Hon. I. R. roaraa,ex-(iorernor( rrnnilvaoia. Hob. Ex-t.it Lawia, Jadge, Philadelphia. ,. Hob. R. C. naia Judge, Vniled Bl.lei Ceart. Hon. Q. W. Woonwinn, Judge, Philadelphia. Hon. W. A. Ponrta, City Pulititur, Philadelphia. Hon. Jnna Bioi.ia, ex-U.rernor, California. Hen. E. RlBl, Aaditorara.,Waiblngton,D.C. And many other!, if plenary. " I TRole by Prnggieteaad Imkrtenrywhera. Beware of ooanterfrita, Aik for llalmbold'a, t7ake no other. PRICE: $1.25 per Boitlo, or C Rotllra for $C50. Pellrered to any addreea. Doieribe lymploml la all aommBnicaliona. AdJreii II. T. U KLM MOLD, Drag aad Chemical Warekonea, t4 Broadway, Kew Tork, N0W ARK flfXt lSE rut-ESS r,f,rfB TP Ib rteelngraead wrapper, with faa-limile af my Chemlenl Waredinne., and elgnad JjW Iy t. T. nri MRnllk , . Jluflunrf, f inuair, CU. - i. :.::: ,..-.;M ' THE XHON8IOE3 TIN & STOVE ST0KK! G. S. FLEGAL, Fhilipslur?, Cfntrt County, Ts. rfllK andirilnned reipectfullT araoaoen la I the publle Ibat Be kai an band a .are. uTlT aeleeud aad well aeiortid itoek of . stoves, hkateiis, itanges, ' hollow-, ware: tin, coppkr and suhet iron WAKE! WOOD AND WILLOW WARE! DU atoek of Cooking Storei .onilili f THE CELEBRATED IRONSIDES, Vfblch hare nerer failed to brin riaaea and rac.rH Into famlllea where tt la mod, "'I diamond State. Farmer, Herald. Charm. Bpaara' .California Cook Move, npearr Anll-uait, '' (laa Unrnlnf CooklnK BtMea, Vlworr '' HelmnM and liaioa lUa,.., -. Bf ean' Cooking- Raaf aa, mm.Tba Tin and Bbeet Iron ware , lean witk tba storei la mada of tha haarteet and b.,1 material, and warranted ta glra narfaat aatii. faation. His Stock of Parlor & Heating Stoves ll larger, b-tur and eheapar lhaa erer before exhibited ta tha pu.lie eonilitlng af Speara' Rewiring Light IllamiaatlBg Store, iSpeara'Aatl-buil Oai Burning Parlor Store, Epean' Orbiealar Oai Barning Parlor ' Etoea, Epeara'' Oai Bun.lng Parlor EUiva, Boqnet, Pearl, Gem, Ida, Sua, Tropie, Kavada. Ae., In. Valcaa, Elm and Victor Honiara, Epaara' Ra Tolrlag Light lleatera. Ha Ii alia prepared ta furnlik a aoaxpleU aaaortment af Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron, Wooden and Willow Ware, &c, Whaleeala or retell, manuf.etured neatly aad with tha iota Tie to lerrloe, from tha beat ma terial ia tha market. PLOWS A PLOW POINTS, COPPER, BRASS, PORCELAIN, TIN-LINED, SPUN A COMMON IRON KETTLES, Of arery dnerlption eonitiatly aa hand. ORDERS KOR SfOUTINO, ROOFIKU And ather work betonglag la hli haiinen will ba promptly Iliad by eiperleaced and ikillful workman. BRASS, COrrER, OLD METAL, RAGS . AND CASH Taken la exchange for goadi. snylla eanarially Inrllei tha itlentloa af Mrraant! wlining to BBrcBaaa m wnoieaaie. we they will tnd It to tbelr advantage to examine DIB IWCl m.l. p.lHMIU . U.I Look aal for tha Big Fign oppoilta the roil dince of Mra. Dr. Poller. All Goodi WaaaiBTaa la RarnaaBBtaB. . . FI.EtiAL. Phlllpiburg, June S, 1T0. au,l ( TLc Croat Preserver of Health! PICRt'ORATF.D A SI RE tV A Ct'RE PREVENTIVE FOR OF RHEUMATISM COLDS. IJUCKSKIN UNDKKGAHMENTS! For late by C. KRATZER A PONS, Dee. II, M;o. t'learteld, Ta. r B OFFER FOR ALE, AT PAR, THE NEW MASONIO TEMPLE LOAN, Tie a ring T 9-10 later-, PsdesaiaLle after Ire (i) aad wilhia twsaty-aat (11) yaart. Interest payabU farch and September. tbt Dondi art registered, and will bt lssad ia saaat to taiu 4 Booth Third Street, Philadelphia. j , Ftoeki bought and Bold on aommliiiea. tlaid aad Goeernmenl bought and Bold. Aeeoante receiead and intern! allewod. aubjret ta Pight Uralla. . . VY IRACTH are warrmnled equal many made. They ars nrrpired from the frutta, aad will ba found mnen better then many of the Kitrncta that era lold. Aik your Grooer or Krngiirl for Will, bergrr. Extract!. BARLOWS 1NDHO BLUE Ii, w.ihout doubt, tho beet article In lha market for blueing elolhM. It will color mere water titan four limee the lame weight of indigo, and much mora than any other warn bine In the mertiet. The only genuine ie that put nn at AI.HIKD WILTllKltliUK M DKUli FIORK, No. 1.1.1 Norlh Ifecnn'l Ktrrat, Philadrlphla. Hi. lahela hare bnlk Hiliberger'l and Barlow'l nam. oa lliem, all olberl are counterfeit. For eele by mnt lro-ere an.l Drairgiili. M'll.TIIKrlUKH'rJ INDKLIIU.S 1 Mi will he found on trial to be a euperior article. Alwaye on hind and for eale al reaennibl. prieee. Pare Ground Kpicce, Genniae Mnlieinea, Chnuioie 8kina. Epongoi, Tapioca, Pearl, Bag, and all arti'lee in the nine line, at Ai.PhKii vii.fiiKriHKirF; TiRro tore. JeK lllm No, J.;S North Sfeend Eu, Phila. UPIIAMU Ir.PII.AT1RV POWDER! KefH anperAaont Bllr In ira mlnateB, wilktrtit Ininr. lothe.kln. Hent he ma'l ror tl.Sk. I PIIAM'M AMI MM t I HU Reliena moatrioleat paroirecae la Ira minataa and effect, a rpeeriy oura Price ft by melL int.: jipaakkk haih mtaii Colon tha whukerl aad kair a beielifol black or brown. It anoilrtl af ooly one preperalinn. 7 renti by mall. Addreei 8. C. UPIIAM, Na. 711 Jayna itraet, PMIiu. I.bie. Pa. Clrealara eentfrea. Bold by all Draggiatl. daoll-Am 'VTOTK'r--lIalrg purrhaecd the intcreet of 1 J. A. Illetteiibergcr. h.. In tha Bmlncee lieretofore carried on nndrr Ike Arm name of J. A. Hleltenhernrr A Co.. Ike name will b. enadueted bereaflcr under Ibe noma nf Mnihanaon Land and Lumber Cnmpene. (KUire.) II. H. KllifXlNUFiiRD, JOHN LAWFHK, tnyt&af Prmndeat. fieweral Sup'l rpilR DEMOCRATIC ALMANAO for 1W I I T and 1 aal for aala at the Poet OAW Prica !t eepta. Milled te any adlraaa. Ja af , Jill (Coort3, orofrlfi, C(. ... i a. I. aaani a.., . B"il n.ailwi He. 'I'henper than Ihc Cheapest T fiOODS AT RKDUUED " TlilOlW mar aarairaa it Arnold . IfartMhorn, (Ont door wait of Flrrt Nallaaal Sink,) rt'RrtRNSVILLB, PA. . n AVISO Jait retaraed from the ea.t wlU a aomplela anorlment af Ooada lultabla for Ppring and Enmmee trad., a nra new ready ta fural.k all kiada ar Qoodi "Chonper than the Cheapest!" Aad after thanking Bur caitorairi far tkelr liberal patroaaga during tka put year, wa would meit .'reipeetfully aik far eoatlaaaaee of tht lame. Oar Stock eoniliU of a eempete aie.rtm.nt tf Dry Goode, Notl.ai, Hardwara, Quaanawara, Willowwara, Grooaiiel, Boot! A Eboat, ilata A Cap!, Clothing, Tobaeaoi, A a. Alia, Fl.ar, Rassn. Salt, Fiih, Grain, ata. All f whl.h will be aald aa tha maet raaaan- abla tarmi. and lha kigkaat Baikal prtet paid for Grata, Wool and all kind, sf Lamher aad Cnntry Pradaoa. tF-Plaaia glra ni a aall before pa retailing .leewkere. SaUilaetiea gaarantead a U prla and ouallty.'aX . ARNOLD A HARTSHORN, Caraer al kai a and Tlempe.aBlr.eU, aprM CCRWENSVILLE, PA. I. r. vitTia.H W. W. BBTTB. WEAVER A IIETTN CLEAEFIELD, TA., Art offering, al tka aid ttaad of 0, L. Band 4 Ce, their It nek af goed!, aaaaiitiBg mf DRY - GOODS, GROCERIES, - BOOTS A SHOES, IlATi CAPS, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARS, FL0LTE, FEEDt SALT, 4c, &o, At tka moil reaaonabla rataa for CASH ar la axchanga for Squars Timber, Boards, Shingles, OR COCNTRT PRODUCE. - np'AdraBaea mada la tnaaa angaged in get ting ant iqaara Umber an lha moat adrantageani term,. V Janaary A, lffD. HIUARE T I Till Lilt! E.A.IRYIN&CO., Ct RUCHSVIM.E, F Diisf twetiany tapged la tht kosiasss of Buying and Selling Bquare Timber, Wool 4 rep res-nt that they art new prepared to narehate Timber drtifered at either CarwtnsTillt, Loek IltTtn tr UarirtLa. (r will takt It at any of thest peints.) and sell aa enaamistiit, snaking such ad vt nets as art necessary. Those engaged In getting tat Tiaihar will find at oar start la Curweaerillt, a rtry largo tloek of STAPLE GOODS, Of alt DeMripti.Bi. ALIO, riowt-, .Ml, !, Oati, Cor, Aad ererytkleg aeeeieary for aaa af LambarmaB. RAFT ROPE, Of all sites, kept ea hand la targe quantities, and told at snail advance hy tbt ttlU Also, Palley - Blocks, Pe.aU fimrrXlI. lUnrCFMRKTS ttTeret to tbnat aianafaotarlng P(jnart T ira her. K. A. IRVIff dk CO. CeTwenSTilra, Janaary I., IHT. Clothing. Ilow to Have Money. THE tlm.a are hard i yon'd like la kaa How yoa may ae yoar dotlara The way to do it I will ihow, If yoa will read what foUowa. A maa who Head not far from here, w. he worked kard al hi! Ir.de, Bnt kad a honeekold to tnpporl That aaBaadersw all ka mada. I met klm once. Siyi he, "My Meed, I look thread hear aad rough I re tried ta gel myielf a Bait, Dul eaa'l eaea ap enough. " Sayi I, my friend, kow mack hare yoa t I'll tell yoa where to go To get a ault that'e aeand and aheap t To REUENSTEIN A Co. Ba loot what little ht kid laved, Aad want ta Relicaeteia A Drolkan', And there ht got a handioma tail. Far half ka paid ta ath art. Kow ba la home, ke ioohi le wall, Aad their elect Ii lack, That whea they taka thalr dally meal, Tkey doa'l ant keif aa mack. Aad now kt Indt oa Satarday Bight, With all thalr want! eupplled. That ka kaa moaey left ta epand, Aad aoeae I lay attda. Hli good eaeeaas, wlik ekMrfal tmlla, Ha gladly tall! to all. If you'd aara moaey, go and hay Toar alolkM at REIEENfiTEIN'fl CLOTHING HALL. Where tka ekeapeit. Ineet aad Veal Clothing ul ead raraiabina Sooda Ban Be kad to anil .rrry tarlt ead In trtry rtylt awrll.T fJrjj f.ko(li, f.rorrrlfi, tu. BARGAINS I BARGAINS! V. KIKATZF.il, Market Street, Clearfield, Penn'n,, (Oppaalt Ik Jail,) 1,-BAVI b.w oa keed'a.ant ileee eteck ef geodi, ealud ta Ue'wenli'of Ike patllt. My atoek being large, aad by'.eonitantly making addition! Ikareta, I am abla la aeeammodate all wke may Ihror ma ky talliag. i hart DRY GOODS, Meriaae, Gingkama, Clotbi, PrlaU. Delaiaei, Caailmeras, Bllki, Rrpa, Fatlnall, Caakmarti, Twtldl, Oebargl, Alpaeaa, lohalr,.LanalUl, Muilina, Flaanali, Bonnet!, nftboar, Ckaaki, Balmoral Fkirtl, Hoop bkiru. Shawll,, Drail, THmmiagi, Hiad Mali, Capi, Ceraati, Olorei, Bearfl, Collar!, Grenadine Velli, Table Cereri, it. CLOTHING, rwr.. anta. Veeta. Orar.CaaU. Oe.t'i Bhawle. akirte. Hata. Cans. Uadsr Skirli and Drawen, Boatt aad Skaaa, Gum Ekoti, Crarau, Back!, Uloree an baiurt. - GROCERIES, Tea.ToI.e, Sugar, Mslaaaat, Ball, Candlai, IRIra, Emar, Baaoa. Fiik, Tokaaaa, Raliiai, CarraBta, 6pioaa, Craoken, Tlaegar, Olla, Varalik, Pepper, Alaokel.Aa. HOTJSKUOLrT goods, CarpeU, Oil lletk. Drugget, Cle.ka, . LaaklagGlaaaea, Char a., Laekata, Waakboardi, Tabi, Flat Iroat, Faal, Wiadow Blindt, Wall Papar, Coal Oil Lamp, Badaorda, Cmtrellaa, Eolraa, Parka, Spsona, Crocki, SMrei and Star Blacking. HARDWARE, Qaeeaiware, TInwara, Olasiwara, Waad.nwnr., Copper war., Baskt. Statlanary, Maiieal Osida, Tranki, Bkatel, Ai. ay-All af wklek will ka lold an tha mail raa aoaabia Urmi, and tl a kighail market prlee paid far Grain, Wail aad all kiada of eoantry produce. REMEMBER THE PLACE: C. K It A T Z E ITS, (Oppoilta Ika Jail,) CLEARFIELD, FENN'A. t.t:7l $10,000 GUARANTEE. BUCK LEAD Eicels all other Lead I lit Far Itt Uarlraled Wblteneaa. id. For lit I'Brqualed Paratilitj. Id. For Ita Uaearpaaeae) Corering Proparty.' Laatly, for it! Eesnamy. "ll aoeta lei! la palnl witk Rack Lead Ibaa any alkar White Laad extant. Tka aama Wright eorere more aurfaea, ii mora durable, and makaa whitar werk. lU C'K LEAD li tht Cbeapeitaad Bait $10,000 GUARANTEE. BUCK ZINC Excels all other Zincs 1 IiL For Hi Uaeqaalrd Darabllily. Id. For In Vnrlraled Whiteaeii. Id. For lu Cniarpinad Corering Proparty. Laitly, for It! Orant Eaoaaay. Being the Cbeapeit, Haadeomeel and m.et Da rabla Wklte Paint la tka World. Bay .nly BUCK LEAD AND BUCK ZINC. Try II and ha Canrlnoai, Satiifaetlea Oairaotecd by Ika llinufactnrtn. BUCK COTTAGE COLORS, Prepared expieecly for Paiailng Cottage!, Oatbaildingl af arery deiorlptloa, Fenoee At. Thirl? Ira dilerenl colore. Da rabla. Cheap, Uniform, and lleaaltfal Shadea. 8ampls aardi aeal by mail If deiired. Deal art' Orderi will b. promptly execaud hy lha manaUcturart. FRENCH, RICHARDS Ce, N. W. Cor. Tel tb A Market itreeti, Pkilad'a. For eel. ky A. I. Shaw aad llarlawick Irwin, Dealer! in Dragi, Medicine!, Tainte, Oila, Ae, Claarlald, Pa aprl3:7U:ly TOBACCO AND CIGARS 1 WHOLESALE AKD RETAIL, Al tha Kew Tnbeeco aad Cigar itora af tt. h. MiMtr, Twa dec re Rait af tha roetoffiee, Claarlald, Pa. Caaetaatly on hand n Ina a tec rt ment nf Rary, Cengreei, C.rendleh, Cable, Fpnnroll, Michigan aad Cenlary Fiaa-ant Chewing Totmeeo, Aa. Alee, a kargt aad well ealeeted ttook of Imported aad Demeilie Clgara, RmoklBg Tobaeeee, MMreehaam and Rriar Pipe. Pipa IxtvrM, Tobaoea Boxee, Cigar Iloldera, and arerythlng gnarally found ia a well regulated Cigar and Tebaenw fitara. nT-Ramemhar lha place: Twa doars Eaat af tha rattonrt, Clearfield, Pa. rag. I:tf. DAVID REAMS' LUMBER MANUFACTORY, REAR LUTUERPBI KQ, PINS A. ArJl'FACTl'RES all kiadi af Lamber ttr M bailding parpoaea. Alwayi an hand LATH FOR ROoriSO, TLAFTERIEO LATH, PALIKO, Ac, Aa. Hil PlaMaring l ath are eranlr aawed and af different lengthe, to en It pnrchewre; the Pallngi are four feet long and ready pointed. All klndl nf Pawed Lamher will ba faraiihrd to order, and dellrarad If aa detirrd. Pneol will be liberal, according to quality. VejAM kiada af GRAIN lakaa la exehaage far Lwmher. Lalhenharg P. 0., Jaa. II, l"r. HENRY RIBLINQ, HOt'SI, SKIN A ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, ( learBeld, Pcnn'a. Tka freecoing and paiatlng nf ehurehe! and other pebhe bailding! will raroira partiralar attention, ae well ai the painting of aarriagea and lalgha. Oilding dona ia lha nratcat atylaa. All werk warrants. Khun aa Fourth aaraat, fbrwiarty nr M r aVeawIra Bienvt. aeir THE SMITH HOUSE, ("pr"'" l'ai"nger P.pot.) CI I'API II I l, PA. tpK! sndrreignerf, baring I raced thie loaee let f a aertre af y.r!, It ready la ealertaiA lirea. g.e aad traealere geaMalle. and therefore lH Wa Bnyrmert ta gin kirn a aeJI. Mil lable wflf W ipphed witk the bMt tha market aforoa, aaal lie Par will eon tarn tkeik.Uml of wiaetaad hamwe. Tkeboaee.furaitnn.bede aad kldiag aceaatlraly ire w hick alaaramMeta Ike eomfertaf lrareet( wkU. tha itaMtag aitaVed It huge and iwaaay, iaat aaiiew lor taametera. f borgei moderaie. J.ei ro m lLLIAk 8. BRADI.ET. THE ALLEGHENY HOTEL MAKE, IT Br., CLhARFULD, Pa. fpBId larga wad eowi rood lows at betel has J. hwea ofenad for the areorBmodatiiia of tho L unite, where tho proprietor i'l he pi I ad to aseet Is aid tVieods, aad roeiTo a share of pablle pat ronsge Bret not personal attetitiua to tht de tails of his basiacee. bt hope to be eMe tn render tatisfaetiasi la his patrons. Tbe TALI.K will s!i)i be bountifully supplied with the best (fast oan bt proewrrd hi tht market, and tbe BAR will eon tain a fall ttoeh tf UVlLOKH, DBKR, So Uood stabling attached. Ldar.ri.ii Mil 1 , 1 Cltarield, afarek I, IU9 ly Proprietor. THE EAGLE HOTEL, MA IX ST., CURWKNSVILLBp PA. HA VINO leased for a Una af year ikt abovt wall known aad popular hotel, kept fartoerly hy Mr. Mason, and lately hy Mr. Foots.) tht present proprietor baa ct fitted tt with tbt object of rtndtring hit guests ton. fin able while sojoaraing with him. A Aaa, l-trfte Stable aad Vard Is attached, for tht eara and riroteetioa af borsts, tarriartt aad wairvnt. A ihtral share mi publit aetroaefre It aetteitad. mji Ttf A. J. UKALCKBH, Prop'r. THE MANSION HOUSE, Constrof beanadaad Market btreett, C LEA R PI ELI), rA. T11TS tld aad eoaitaodiows Hotel bat. dtrlag law past ytar. btoa salarged to doable Its tura.tr tapaoity for tht totcrtainmeiit of atrta gert and guaau. Tha whalt hatlJing hat been refarnisbed, and tha proprrettr will apart at paint ta roadtr hit goesU tofttaUa whila ttayitg with bia.. aVTbt MMaatioa Boatt' OasntWes rant ta aad fron tha Depot aa tbt arrival aad departure af aath treta. JOliU liOttillkKTY, apr ? tf Proprietor. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, CsracHstUls, t.lawrfleU ca-uaty. Pa. THIS old and wall established Hotel, btaatl fally titaated oa tbt bankt of tha arqae hanna, la tba bortragk af CarweasTllle, bat beta loattd for tarta af eara by tba aadtrtigntd . It bat beta aatirely reltttdg aad It aow opea ia tbt pnblie gantrally and tht traTtlllog tomnia alty la part.ealar. Me pains will bt apartd la reader gatttt tamfortabft wltre tarrying at tbia botut. Ample 6 tabling mow fbf tbt aootaiatt datloa of tctaaaa. Charge Biodtratt. 6tpt SI, 187 tf. ELI BLOOM. THE AMERICAN HOUSE, Lathcrafenrg , Clrarlcld Co., Pa. THIS w.ll known and long eelabiiihed llo'.el, formerly kept by R. W, Hoore, aad lalletly by Wm. Scbwem, er,, kaa keen laaaed for a term af yean hy (ka nndariignad, ta which tha atten tion af tba trarallBg publie la now aalled, aad ft liberal ihara f publie patronego le tolielled. aett ri JAMES MILEI. THE RAILROAD HOUSE, MAIN ST., rUILIFSBUfiO. FA. THE anderelgned kaepa eonetantly aa kand tka baataf Liqaora. Hli table ia alwayt .applied with tbt bnt tht market alforda. Tka trarellng pablla will do well ta gira him a ealL aorlKi. ROBERT LLOYD. gHAW HOIHI'. Cam, of Market aad Front Btre.tr, Clearfield, Pa. Tbia magnificent Hotel 1, antirely new, nam plet. la all ill appointment!, and aonvenieut ta In. Court llauec. A free Omnibnl run! to aad from lha Depot an the arrival aad departure nf each train. 0 E0K0 K N. COl.lll HN, April 13, 1T0. Proprietor. WESTERN HOTEL, Oppniite tha Court Huaie, : CLEARFIELD, TESK'.). Aeaommodatloni Iret-eilaai and ehargea moderata. aotS JOIIX F. TOLNQ, Prof rietor. loots au4 5bot3. DANIEL COKKELLY, Boot and Shoe Manufacturer, CLEARFIELD, PA. HAS Jon rccelred a Ina lot of French CALF 6KINS. aad Ii new prepared to manBfaa ture eeery thiag la hie lloe al lha loweit Igaraa. He will warrant bia work to ba aa rpr.eete. He raipeelfully aollriti a call, at hii ibnp an Markat itraet, eeeood dtor woet of tbepettuSca, where ha will da all In hie power to render eatie faction. Soma Ina Uailer topi aa hand. mjl.'IJ y DAKILL COKNELLT. PEACE PROCLAIMED. THS WAH OVEK I IT CLKAEFIEL& KNOX TOWlNsniP QUIET. Kearty all the Contrabands going bad to their old masters; but 'nary ont going to old Massachusetts, when they were toved so long and so well. IKaoaseqataet af tht abavefaett.T. 8II0RT. r tht aid "Short fhoa Shop," weald an aaanea ta hit a a tier oat patrons, andthe people of Clearfield eoanty at largo, that ba hat anw a Irtt rata lot of good material. Jast rtreivtd frott tha Eaat, and it are pared on snort not lee to saaha and taend Boots and Shoes, at hit aew shop ia uranaia? row, nt is tatisaea iaat at tea pleasa all.an!att U night become intensely loyal stay, at-hemt patriots. ) Ht Is prtpartd to sell low for Cash ar Coantry Prodaoa. Doa'l forget tha Shopveil door tvo Bhowert A Gra hem's stort. oa Marhtt street, Clearlold. Pa., aad kept hy a fellow eo in meal 7 oai led JyJ.'ar-y "SHORTy." MVtr boot axd snoK snop. EDWARD MACK, Can. MARKET A tn Bra., CLEARFIELD, Fa. THS proprietor hai catered lata tha BOOT SHOE hailaail at tb. abora etend, and ladalarmiaad ael la ba aaedona ltkr ia qual ity or priaa for kle work, fipeeial alteation will ha paid ta maaafaeiaring Sewed work, lla kaa nn kand a larga lot of Erenek Rip aad Calf tibial, f lha rary heat qnalliy. Tbe eltl lant ef Clsarltld aad rieialty ara rerpmtfally larlted lo gira kimn trial. Ka akarge for tails, wort.' ' tf JkEW 6TOKE AND XEW GOODS. JOS. SHAW & SON Ilatn juit opened Niar Stoh, on Main St., CimriiLii, r, Ultl occupied by Wm. F. IRWIN. Tbair ttnnk foniialt of Okortt:a of lb best qoalily, Quf.enswarc, Doots and Shoe. od rry nrtiols etrmnrr for ona't comfort, Call nod xntoion our itock Lefmo pur- chaaing laatrhero. May 8. lBOG lf. JOHN TROUTMAX, FURNITURE DEALER Market St., aatt ar tha Allegheny Hoaea, CI.RARPII I D, PA. I KEEP on hand all kiadinf Furnitnra, la aallt ar hy Ihe eingle article. Thoee ie mo of aay article nf Fernilere, will Ind It te their Intern to nail and examiaa my itoek, which I will Ball rery low for eh or excheng. for aaitable hxmber. Clearlold, Pa., April A, 187H-t(. Rt'Hri'M nt. Iroanlura, Nahaall'a, Drake' Hel1ead'! Qarmaa.Hoeletler'i aad Qneii', Oxygaaatad Rttlara t alaa para Liquara, af all klaae far medlelaal nnrpoeee. for aala kr AAHIWIOE A IRWIJI.