Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, January 25, 1871, Image 3

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Terms of Subscription.
1 1 in a Ivan wiimn inrea
i .f.-r i irrc nJ rwior.- in inmiwii..,
- I
,1 il-r the etiiirati'in f twn'i.f,
S 00
- J: 1'
'.-ill ailisb to tnmre iitwrttoa In ikii
,fr ab--b l,:'nM T"" "9 " a fi pw -at ItfoirWk, (noon.)
nr.i i(;iors notici.s.
M'Nn.dM Hp Ufnpa I ChurrWRev J. II. I
y Pastov.-Pubne Herfiec every Sabbath,-,
. M.
PriVi M -Litnjj fvrrjr 1 burl' t, at .J Y. II.
v c0B1tiinnn SkTvlcj, firit Sdbbnth of ovory
,;Biui. JIll. I'ul.lic hn .r Hon-by moriimjr j
k. io l .tk. t 7 P. !. Shu Uv School nt j
i P. M.-J'ravrr AUftlnj WvdnccJiij ?lng I
(, f 'rtoek. " '
irckh)tcrin riiurch -Ron Mr. IIl-tixr.
fj-jJit etTUoo t-vtry tiAbbaih, niurnuig and oen-
'kw Auverti-hkmixth Head the
! a,w ilrirtl?ut. Thoy aro all intcreliii.
J Tt'V.'NSlIir SETTtlUlKXTd. All act of
I AmciuM. td in 1SC fixe tli I.ut M iuiuy
' ?0 b l!iti cr) in Jituunrr tbt lima for
' iha oiH-Uni ifihe towiuhlp and borouii Auditorf,
i fjr th" pu'pus'1 of malting ilic atinunl srttlciuciits.
U .tu f 'it Wrt Ifiirn flifif nn Fri.
dy the l'lb, mit , Oliver allad, Jrv of llmton
townsHip, tbi outtfy, eaujht in a trap a wild eat
weigUin j 3 IbiH and mraauriag from tip of noee
u tip of uU Iwir feet tibL iocbeg. TUia ta a
in on; row puny cat, I, u lUc fint ''imoo purt"
wild ell lb, bai batm caugbt iu Iiuatou towoakip
(r aotnc Lima. - .
TUK HyP. A Hvoly ' tuuk
I'U. at the Leonard fluui", on Fndat tveuing
Hi!. H traa well attcud.'il, and tverybu.iv ip
jtjrJ tu ecjnv (hcuistlvci aa tticy aLould on auuh
tKctfiom. Rifrenbturutf were arrred at 12 o'ulookt
iW trti.'h lue ilanciHC wa renewed and kept up !
, , . i w . I
..tli It I"" I" S l'o" ' LreakfaH. !
't art Hi! adi !cd wliethcr tbt bolt ib iok a lively
fMl o thtoatbina not., How ii it, I'a'j 1
To CuBiiE'froNP'ftHTi -lt bo twen
tk.t tneral DttHcationt appear in thie iama
lira liinucii, Wiellr toMkirg "pen rarioui
ab)ettl, wk'k'k HI til right ! But gen.Himed, wt
bar one teunt to tB:tke, an4 tbat ia 1 Vi'utn
y.a wrltt for tb. Preat, p Itrnt writ .4 mm fid.
U ptrr, aa It It very annoying for a tout
pofitorto 991 taaanaerlpt tbai ll written oa both
lidei, vipeeially if in peuell narh, for In pulling j
lb. f.rtt iu type be will ao defeat tlie oj po.itc lU '
.... , . . ,
tl..l il ... a.iui I. 1.. r... I.
v '
Stniora Ivjl p.y. Lewis Lock wood.
reaiJinj in Wa-ibiuloo towiitbip, Jtiffcran Coun
ty, on the border of ClrarfulJ, waa found lyiuj in
the public ro.vl, in a Kate! cm con Jit'nin, one diy
tail week. He waa employed by Mr. t-mor to
haul timber, and from the aurroun lina when
found, it ia fuppowl ho otteniptcd to Injek tLe '
.now belli off Ibe W.e. feet, and while .topped i
kie'itd by a bone, aa there ia a largo cut over
, ,
hi right eye Tbo man waa nuiotcd to Mr.
fieuior'a rciiJeno, in a actitlcaa condition, auJ
umalned ao when we lui. beard from hi in.
What a I'itt! The lute revolution
la the weather p!cytd the dtuce wi'.b the Cue
je and the aLilii) parLicF. TUU latter recratiun
waa hugely enjojed by the "ladi ani Ufs-a"
of tbii vicinity while the river waa frotca over.
jr reporter iufrmi ua tbat
number of in aliJi i
were aftnoit restored lo beahb. Btiue wlu cuuld
not icalt ftn orlmary pair of alaira without rest-
lug two or thro timci, became to inn re J t tbe ,
etereiie In queatlun tbat they will tkate fut five
hvura at one heat. Mira'ulvni, truly ! I j
tbia way 1
bave rerelred from Ju Iga Mutually,
drfanwof l'.e.nluttof the liar 1 jury, but it j
rami to band too late to appear thii week, lie ' ,
defenlrd bii client tviMv, an 1 it ia entirely proper ;
thai be ,WJ alao d,feUa the jury .gain.t our ,
atrlOurea f 1m( -wotk, fer (auiituig bia elient. !
Tbii i, lawyer l.k... A "ilitary neee.aitj" may ,
eomp,l lo ay nor. upon tb.. Mbj.l ia the 1
futu,b.1fw.o.,m.l..ycr,.aa . f , . ,ut. ,
' f ' 1
iivarriniiodvirni lUraer, w.u gi a iit ol tnr j
Baol. We h .11 dviliira azainat l?.c a"'iuittal of ,
tBurJer-'Mi, aiid 4nand the protection of aoeiety
by tufyfcitig, or repealing tbo law op hi this all
iii'portant aubject.
Trust rt: Mkvtinq Tlie Trnf-tec ol
the CtearGf.J A adrrrr met in Hon. J. li. Me
Euaily'e Ofllcr, oa Tucriiy evening Jaanar 1 Til,
l?71,and adopted the following refcjlutb.iia :
. That tbuy wj! 1 petition the I.-giilalurc to
pan an act riving the board of Truitee. thepower
!. re.uye til a.t.if dcred, and Luild a . cla.. i
Academy. "
1 It wai farther ntaetd that tb old building
bt h paired and fitted op in tlie following manner :
T:ia tb room a be papered and wain-nttrd and
anl furniilied with new deaka and cbairr, whivb
fa tt be d me immediat"))
Tl-a TvuMeea tbca aljurn .
, Uacli ercOit in due f t the intereat in an i Tea ted
o part tbt T.aitaci in tbt education of Hit
yautii in oar -aia:t:Uty. ', , i
Ttate laneeaient hok like bminra and we bate
ltd doubt will aid xuucl tu the ouui!Wl of both
Trahe-r aud Sjb'dar.
Ocn New Prison The rontracl
fw tbit build. nj bat.u been let and tW Wwrk on
It Cairly eoaiaacticcd, wt think that a deicription
of ft nntwitboat intv-rrtit to our read era. Aa moat
'f ib'nt arc awirr, it was fuel inVnJed to ercl
the new building on lb a.le f (lie old one. but
fortmialely tb( pmpiMoi. fill llirugb. and the
wbole tda'.tir inliCiiilely pontpuned, and the
prra.nt eligible aite ohiaiaed, and tbe woik now
aa-aee way, and when -veiwplettil will be an -nma-ment
te tbe ev,unr, nn af. dep'u'd for etfl
dutr. , Tli-f plnu ia f u'lrt.atjtU'ly t.u s.-iiut a tbe
ae ad. pud aver rar with tbe tinglr
eHfati'tfi ef introtln-ing Iron on n t--p of
brick arck-a In tbe e11, Tn-t aJ or i t -!r iti of
. , , , ,. , .. , t -
Itobt a at firat mUndid. Tb? :ie of the hmld-
tog b lo be M fn-t 1 Incbei wi-le by 112 feet in
J-ptb, H to be two aforird aV-ro (be;
, ... , , . . , . l . tl fau
aaJw.llbcaan'antul.fuHebu.liH.g; -11rue
exterior walli art U be faeod with alone laid in
.range coureea, r?h ftine to be bam tut drefted
iriua-e: tbe cvtrrual wa'tlf adjoining the cdla aie
, . . . - . , , , r . i; i .r..i
lu Le 24 in-hei thi.'k, formed ol l-ilii afiual
ui - , i
atone laid in rang' courage or l.eftd-r and tbrongli
atone, altcrnatil, and the partiti n walla between
the cclliare to b built of fi.ile itt.n-a through
. . ... .. . i . i i i.
tbt whole Ibicnn a oi rne wi , iu
acara-!. The eontrnTion oi inc-f wi.i' win w
or a very anporijr eba-aMrr to I bat of oilier many a MitionaJ on a during tbe winter. t-opnw
V ti I....I r -l,i.i -ittvitr ' "f the U port ran Ik- bad br adtireawing lb1 ekair-
pruoiu wboae walla arc burlt of rn' ie masonry . r -
I I men at Pittaburh. J he following are the in-m.
generally amal2 it?-!'-'!e1 tn with i!ir! aT1 . bei-a of tbe ( o-nmitter. : 1 ho ni K. Cree, chair
aual amaul of mortar. Tlire arc lu be 21 crll . n,tn. Pittsburgh NeUoa f. l-.vanp, I'hila.:
arrvitJ cm muh i,le of a central forriJnr 11 fret
wide U et lto ea en-li atory. T'.ie aiae of tbe I
ct1!i li end 11 f-"t b'-b " t'f ov-nef n j
tbt arch; there a to be woodm floore laid oa
to-p of tbn iron plate lo prevent damp. The eelt
deir fram-a arc ca-t ir,n rnn-i'Tig Oiron! tbe
wall with an ouUr door of cik and an inner
wrought iroa Uilire d-or, bo. ted and loekod
from the eurridor. T .c a ll wind -wa have caal
irfa franee plaoed higb np from the floor. The
vaatllaUan will bi nf the mo.t tborougk ebaracter.
Tbe flue p'pea will be of etat jpon with area f .S2
tinare in?bea kailt iott tbe walla, but air la intro
duced throah thoiB from t.e fu-naei in tbe cel
lar, and thabef air ia ei'ra-Vtd ibr-)nh tbe main
air iliaft la tbe K-eer. Each cll will tae a
water eloxel. an! water from the ciatrrn in the
tower fut privy and drinking purprtpet.
. Tht ateomtaedetioBi for tbe bberiff and fnn'ly
ia the frwat briildicg are conrettuut and ample,
Tbe lite -of the feuiMing an the bank ef the rieer
riffen f"'at adean'agea ia drainage and tewtxage.
There ean be ao qncetioa abovt tb fait tbat if
tbia kail ding it pat ap in at Hot accordance with
tbe plant aei epeciS.ation, ClearSeld connfy will
bar a Prifon equal If not mpcrlj: to tat of any
r'bar eo-JBty is tU fta a, and Mr. T.rii the
rn'ritr, it lb r? in o :? If.
l'orropiiide arc,
K th it i, January JO, Ih;.
Gen. ft 0de.vUr, !
Ir t Hm - rtfft all w me Utile rom in the
r-. ,.,.., a.-..,,,,,.. r'nr "i m Kn,"j
h" tot f..r J. J. Pie, .r ll .ir of Cb rtfl. I
ran ev to Ibciw that lliry are nmUken. I vuled
fr (lint -.fliccr. I ultn any W-.l-e, 1 am no gr-uillnl
hg tl' ifiurml. I V In t . r Aitn:i'n Lm-
.! 1 ('.'., nor tli Kn'iw Nntbiiii of 1 !.
say to lb- m m.d all gfinl Ib-iu'ierata that v.iUd
tb full Pemiicwfciic tu-kt-t from f otter-, st do n to
I - - .1 t (,..... t. , .. 1 . , ... . I .
ffmt mr f me nf rMin did not tot.- f.,r Mr Mr
uiut "t rtjx.rt Micht". li apalnit m-, for ! hate
rut( I tbo full lK'iuopru( ticket at every t-unral
Kkliu ainco tit year t'J. Can my revlltte
M7 m oiucbf
1 kin with respect.
! Crawtvivm.-", J-u. It, Inn.
Dk.bH.h.-I know vn are good at keeping
iwcU i,.r.ror. I i in not afraid to ititt to too a
eirouicitnet winch ucrurrsd in our town, roliiling
to lh W ill KniPiiJinrtil. A "eoloro'l brother,"
whoie uAiit 1 diii not Icsm, wsaooltot'd linrofnin
bit boiue in 1'orry nuiiv, tmo liino ftn, and j
tomrliow or other got bolh ol liii fert bndty frtitcn.
Our Imiilu? buinii mrn umlitpfltaniiiitv tht kl
--ti(eh hi liino nvet uluo," rmii.i puna to I
r.aii the "national wurj" or pt-l Umb" a yoo 1
would a,v, Wonu-e ho nrndrrrU imatilo to;
nTinto. tVct wr rotten, and none of our '
iv" poople wanted to winter hira ; honoe tlirv !
rairtd money nonh to mbJ him ait. The I
wndment duuiAut wai tak'n to your town one '
day hut WMk, and a ticket fr HilHin pumliascil
fur b mi and dumpod into the car. 1 luara win n
bruthcr'' att'iincd on hie foot oauaintr hira to full
.... r. . ,
miotttpe, tat rceurrected to Unit lo be carrivil mo fan on u,r raaMiima.
Whether tin darker waa brouirbt here to votp,
or came to bunt work 1 know njt, but 1 can aar
tbi, ho waa iroit inbuuiauty treated by thove wlio
ua. ho.lcd ... lung .nd loud for Ibc poor .l.v..
poor alar
A Fact. A i- ai?t.
CritwrnrtLU, Ja. 1J, 1871.
11 liior of tli. 'f!ftbliea"
ItR.X Kir: Noticing for fomi tiin ttrist of
rtu-lel in tlia Journal, from "f.ucky Uld Hi-a,"
ami knowing that they cannot bf fnllj ujr!ial6U,
ai nu dnulit tbo autbor bai not lira to cuter into
dutail, arc rjution. of great importance, wbi'-h
be liandlei wi'b a matter baud, (nottiiu paid
aootit bralnf.l 1 will endenror to wake a fctt
rrinarki oo lit prcductiona in detail, lu bit
article of ltc. 2 1 tli, 1S70, he rpeakl nf bii "length,
alienee. Now, 1 will reu'tii aequicioo iu n
eutiiig bii ".iknee, knetrinir that one writing
mh lu.'u r:for and pnifoutrinc.f cannot bo ex-
pected to rite ofivn. l;otat.I bif "not knowing
w ill to .riir. i. .ituificui rii'i.c (iko.-iri.
will pleafc jmlKc In the came arti.'te ha rpeakl
l'diug"lb.t bad almon. hutaenorjr.
Ju.t tbiuk of it: Ttiil oeeurrene. altuoll lorit lo
.uu . ... , . ,,
repaired ? The ''jerauade" too, bow in.truatlf., I
"id tit Imnlifuliy l.e dtaariuj u 1 b.r,
i .uui.. a ar.r tu. Mil vi.i . in : lie goc. .n
to apeak ol the "prea.Tiptit'ii" Ir. MeC gave lo j
mm tor an ear. (wonM ju.t ar, an applie.:ionor
Kjap and watwr .iyl b. cnueial : 1 box of'
ll.illbead llu.tard:" (apnrwTiate) the renlt of
the cleik; bit eoluerration with, -Cri.:" the I
the cleik; bit eoluerration with, -Cri.;" the I
'Toait turkeyi fly inar around," and muuy other j
thing, dUpluving rparkling wit, Liauty of .x- j
(.rMtiin, profound thoug'it, and all oth.r qualitiea
f men. who have nia.l. theinielvi. itumortal.
Mow, .Mr. tditor, inaruiueU at be baa attewa I
l.i.uir n t. . mn ,.f it.t I... I -l.-.Kl ... I Il, i
f.t baa been eireul.ted and rala'difbed by bia i
letter., I would rnpeelfully aak h:m tlironSli your j
eoiumui, IO eoinp ao our uomu: l aii'i urui at u. m.
' .....
Mature, aaanntie hun anj eai-eeiailT the ruin- t
anunitv that III. itrocecdi will be eacredl riren :
to cbaritahle purnolet.
Vourl, Ac ,
llimn, January 0, tt;i.'
tieotge H. GooJlati.laT, llaq.:
6tu The prcaeut triennial a.aeilncnt. aan ac
count of ihebic tax.s rrouirtd to tie hii.l luoiril
tlie county .xjiena. and tlie I milling of the new i
J"1 - ,"1!"''"jl . taxpayer, lo i
uaw n i jit i oui.vni aiaii'iu uujc ui rTijiiunc
Ou I till no'nt tlio imtructiuhl to the t-jwufbip .
A tt wc plain and very part.c.i'.ar. The re-
turn of iu t ier At intereat niad-i by the Asacitora
of 'ir tawnibu'. in accordance with the in-
atruttiona of the U:'utv I'ommiKaionera, appear,
to diaeatirfr and troubiaonie ut the money-Kud-
cr in the t'uwnahin vcrv tf-'tti, ftliat their money '
at inlvrvvt ahould be retura. br lite Anrsaaurf
wi!L jut inly ibcitnifUrt and at,n
... ' . .... "
the amount rciurne-1 by the Aaacaavre ia not half
uf the mui.'-y at iut-rct in tlie tuwnu p tbat the
money - !en dura are receiving eigbt ud teu p' r x-nt.
iiitt rcat tor.
Tl l. l.v .litardi'a l..... 1. .'l.t
tIl, n..c-.h,,,!,,, g.;,all0 Dllt frani uiaiiou On
tbtir money at intcrot, and to enable hit to do
tj, ruiieli depend, on the t'onnlv CominiaaionerR
uat tn"T .av and do about tt. rtouie of the !
money lender, report the t'uunty Cuiuniixaionera ! our bun.'en tnnbling u lo kawp conitanlly an
to ear. where the paper takon for inde'jtrdiieai in- iuitnene atok nf lumber, Ac, on band,
elu lei the inter.rt. and in coi.vquenee when paya- -AII our p.tute Piano, bare our Xew Ira
ble ie wilbuut intereft, la nut retnma'.le and ran-1 pruaed (iver.trun c3'ale and the Agraffe Treble,
not be taxed. If the County t ninmia.ionera ta'k .T4rWn would Call apeeial attention to our
j in tbit way, they do not comprehend the thing at
Mj b krtIW he inforn.,-,1 before they venture '
' an opinion, tor if tbia waa liie rc', no mouiy at j
internt would be taxed, becauae money-lender.,
!." "' !'.'''''" '';'''11i"
.,1ut,ir .ml to f.i.1,innii.h ib ir
, niPcuuitiiT. inu tu urtjiuifiisn tuiir iiirTMiiiiii', i
ii reqnirn Ibcu. to be .harp, w tbat tlie l.w. do i
nut interfere and apuil their tr.neaetiona. To get j
big interc.t.nd taction, ninny .retheir
rvtorte toevtr over what they are aahameil ahould ;
n OT known. Vc know all thie ia done, oa-I
teunblv 'for the pnrpnw we have elated, and it haa '
i boewtae verr eiatnoa.
illegal iinereat lanen mi,
violation ot the law, and it ennlty ia a forfeiture ,
of the principal, and the inou4-y-Iender apceolatora I
in general are uuf Coing to rtpotte their fperula- I
tiiii.i in anakiag tlie proper return of tbeir Biomy t
at interest that the law retiree of tLuu 1o iulVc,
and therefore it if the duU Of the Aj'mwi to do
aud wbn the fuel a of Ibe can can W eaaily
how n. we ean ae. no c.-ape from taxing the nion-
.y-lendcra money nt intereat.
I The public pre., in most caw. have been faitli !
ful in it duty In expoainc naacallty and corruption i
in all quarter., bat in thi. p.rtie.!., it I... hern !
tllent. Wt think II tery alrawge that It .hould 1
anna, in It. duly a. the puhl.c guardian of the
J ..newt l.x paver in thi. re.pevt. and therefore we
I bone thi. blntwillrrmrittolt.dut.. When the
I money-lend' elmwa no e tniilincc with thi Inw
iu the ue of nrtnev. he nnirht to I rptfed and
( rei i r.w. Tk. ... ,i. I
j it. and Ibe County oinin.aaionera in the
faithful dill-barge f public duty ean not permit
the niohry-linltre tunney at tntenat to lie held I
bark from taia'.ioa mope than anotbtrfur the law
don't faior one clan wore than another. 1
At tbia time a fair and Juat taxation ie demand .
ed of the County Comunnniniirre. and we will rrr !
whether they far the pow,-r and briitate under j
the inAu'-nce of the monor lender not to do It
We think it ia auflirieut fur the moniei men that
thev are Voi rtifuired tu pay tax on their nimiev
in. ruled in rohdn, tLat ar exempt from lax by an
uiieonaiilnliotml law. The b nc!t tax pavcri1
in our lowiirliip ock for what ir fair and ricbt.and
aball nut auSinit Io what ia wrong in taxation.
You will ci mim tbia plain letter, for lib-nee
longer in the matter in wlneti it tratp would in-
Tue the mural linnfiptfnif tiie honeat tax payera.
P. H. inre writing the nbove, the ftphttmn
of tbia aial howii tou ar doing yonr dutv. there-
fore rxmrae the rtmaik ia (bia Utb-r on the pn-p
aa ri'jrarda the JirpnUimn.
tiom. We hnro rereivrd a epy of the Kcpnrt f
ibe Joung Men a ( hnMian A.-ocietmn Htau-1 on-
velion. hfld at Ferantnn, in November, juil
UuM hy tbe hate KxeeTiti. e t'oinniittee. It ia a
paUiplct of fifty pagee, nea'ly frottea up, contain
g tbe full report uf ihe tbna dny a aeaainne of
tne .'"Bvcotion. tbe report vf tbe cliai-iiMn of the
Kw),Tt r,1Iinijtt! o.npipg which ie a
tBlu!ar rfj.l0ft wf over lrTrnty Aawiaiiuiia, with
the name- of ofiieera, nnmbor of raembera, and a
general aUlement of tr work. It embravea in
addition a vat amount of mlnahle inlonnatioa
.... i . , . ,
nited to tho-w tnlrreed in tbe work of line or-
fatnMtinn. wbieh haa now become auch a power
fr good in eur land. It ahnwa tbe rk f th
Aiwiriaiwna now e-an red an over our Piae io re
in a floiiriphing condition, over forty new nnta
hawnj( Uvm ,,rirBIljM.(i ai,nit tn Vear, and Ibe
,en t exhibited in tbe work givei proiniw of
r. C Shirk, Krie; JarneP A, Hearer, llrl)cf.ntc
P. II die, rWantn
; .lain ea McCormick, llur-
rifburg; Thoniaa U. I'-a'ie, l'.ttfburgh.
T'uo Cumoron lhrahl of a recent
late eay: ' A bt of d p. not bavins Ihe finr of
Ihe law bf fore their tye. eliaard another ilvr
(bias tbe mountain bai k of tbo Court Il.-npe.
Kr nrcr au hour tbe d er wound around Ibe m'e
of tb rauiitam, up end down, ba-k and forth,
w-oi'-i iinea throwing tbe H--g off the trak and
grtiiiig a bng we.ia abrnd at tbm, he finally
dieftppeared over Ihe b'tl toward plank rmid
hollow. Altboagh quite a nninbrr nf eur eilirena
were ont, at one lime, watrbmg the aport. none of
them earned lrlmrd tt try their rifle ao far ai
we coui d learn."
MARorE. Afpordinff to the Clinton
ftrmtirrnt a valuable marble depoait ha been dil
covered in Lamar townahip, Clinton eouoty.
Ppteitoena have lien anl lo different marble
woikerain Philadelphia, Willianiport and Uock
Haven; all of whota prontune it excellent wiar
ble, and cnpaMe of norimg a brilliant puhpb.
The vein iuu frota Ibrs to ait fe-t, and art
apparently inexhauatable.
The card of Hon. J. B. McEnally,
appear, lu tbii issue of the Brr.
is well kaowtt to our read-v end Hs o rm-
ndsi'a frai as.
On January I.I. 1:. I,, R,r. W A. ruer-i,
r, Nr. M.A.rAMKIi(!f Nkmnahlc I.
Mtae K. C. M. M
1.1 N, ofl'I.erllell.
On o-lolirt Vih. urn, by llnvxy A. Hm.ri,
K.. Mr. Ull.l.lill HIIAfKH to MiM HAH-
; a it i:t no uiii or iir..ih.,,i in,i,ip.
On NurnnW Kh, HM, l. tha nn-nf, Mr.
llr.lnm tiiwniliij.
Oo 1 2th, Mr I, hy tht nvmr, Mr. 1.KW JS
SHIM 1.1. tn I1m M Alt I. Ml HMKAI., bulb gl
At ttio rtiidcuce of bit d lighter tn Laa rYnM
tuwmliip, on lrcruilwr Clb, 1S70, A. H. CAM)
WKI.L, agnd 71 yart and 4 rauulhi.
In Hradiurd tuwniliip, oa January 2Utr 1ST1,
TAMTIIA KOniSO, jD bar 4 1 at yoar.
Cloarfield Markots.
Conwt.d wfkly by Rirrfaiin Mofiaop, Wholaaala
and Itrtuil UrHb-r in Dry Goodn, Mwariea, I'ro
riaiont, do.. Market atreett Clcarlirltt, IV
Ci.ritinr.Li, Pa., Jan. 21, 1571.
' Applpn.Krrpn.OOfl
j Dried, Xh.
8P' 11-11, drogfled
1 ' llirir. mini
A UTiIk tHtl.r tWol 1 tllY II...,. Ai.yj.
! Buttrr ciwm' k..i.!"" aM
ucana suuu(a i r
Uuekwhoat oo: j,Rrj
Uuckwbeat Ib.urit., A Mrea poikfW bbl
! u)cf ' 5J (J . '
I uuf fr(.-i, u' a ii iini,.,','.'
33 00
. 00
I 00
II..,!. It ! tins.. U nn !.-. a.wj
Corn, belled 1 OH PPaoh.. d'r'ijd. Ik
...... ... '
Lorn, par uufifi
SO I'lnitcr. W bbl 3 40
torn meal, p taek, T 40 Kye 1 10
Chop, V ewll J0(o) i 00 IUg, U tli t
Clover.eed 00 Halt, jt nrk 10
fboeie JO Khinirlei.lS in.HfaS 00
Chcrrie., Iti. lnfi 15 Hhiniflc,2(l tnl0(uj 1 1 00
Chicken., drrd, tlj, llTiruotbjr teed . 7 50
Eifa! 25 Tallow 12)
KlaxanJ ! 00 Vbeat...,. 1 bO
Flour J) O0;t 7 Wool . 40
Hay 10 OtK.vli f-0 1 W ood, V cord...... I JO
CL081NU riUCES or Hcllarn A lino., Nit. 40
f-outb Third St., Philadelphia, Jan. 14, I ST 1 :
. 3. ft of !....
110J 111
" 'o2
" 'CI
" 65 .".
'(t'j, new
" C7,new
" 'US ;.. .
IV. 10 40V
;inoi 108)
I0S 0V
107 107J
109 1 OS j
10 10i
1071 107
V. S. 3D Year 0 per cent Curreuey 1101 1101
OolJ lint llril
' 1 '
' uin I'aeile 11. It. lit Mort. llondl..
105 107
745 770
Central Pacific R. R 900 910
riOB Px-iito Land It,.n,l. 171 SM
Uanuraetaitra of
(ill AM FCJU ARE A t I ltKillT
Tbete InMniinenta bar been bere the pnblic
t" dctj Thirty yeaM.and upon their ei Hence
l"ne attaiued an unpuroliaaed pre-eoiinence,
wbicb pronouncei thrin un-rqaalrd. 1 heir
il tat l
cotnbinea great power, fwettncai and fine ainging
quality, aa well aa grtat purity of Intonation, and
awevtueaa throughout the entire acale. Their
ia pliant and clatie, and entirely free froaa the
iLiiitfl found in ao many I'mni).
ifaav art nneqiialed, naing nun. hut the rery beat
eraeffaied ajjalrri.l, the lair, capital employed in
late iinproreuirnta in llrund I'mnol and hquare
tir.i.d., Patented Aug. 1, lf0, which bring Hie
riano nearer perfection than uvari occu auaineu
-rry Piano fully Harranf'a' for five 'elr
Wtat. made .rr.nrrn-ent. foJlb.'.oIe Whole
aale Areney for Ibe moat I elebrated Parlb." tgan
. . : ... . .... . . .
ml .' 1 "". bolc.le .li
' iv"., M A .'T Air A M
' " " .i,, J,,.
c I 1 '
r- rnrtl I
rtrai-tfd with the uae of Nirnoa a Oxvtt fail.
an-1 l.iu At. Ai t.Tnrriia, fthe only h.rmlvaa and
eUieirnt Aniralhetici now in arc) by
n T TT A VT C Cn.monn TinntJet
ua w. Uii a uuj wuigQuu auaabiobf
'"" Tr . I? .he ..d
1 pnlronngt at the , a.t, and
, , . ,
1 " "f ' I""1. U'a"t
Jeiiknn k. i. prepared to receive
hia euitoinere in m-wlr fitted nn moral, and do
! their work in the moat ekilli'ul an! workmanlike
All work done in the latcu and moat
'Pnved atylee, and gnaranteed,
Pr. nri:i will be engaged In bia ofllre from
the ll to the t'A 1 of each inun'h. I be balance of
itafh month be will ipen J in -t.len Hope, l.urmiile
and l.utherabur, attenmtelr. Part tea repiding
at a diatanee hotilJ write to ua prerioui of tbrir
coming. Office boura. 1'rora 8 to IU o'clock, a.
m., and from 1 to i o'clock, p. m.
We uae ii.ine but (he rery beat material, and
dt fy competition for beauty, eheapneai anJ dura
bilitr. One aa a call.
t'nrwetiaiille, Pa., May I 170.
SlumpsI Slumps! I
flHK uiidriigned baa piircbaaed the right of
I ('learfli )d roumy fr Mm n ranKWi.rtTa a
jw,r( vr KVTnacTon, palpated dune 7th, 170.
J hit t deiledlr the moat eoii enienl. moat dura-
,(r ) ,ifhine of the day. Wet w.aiher
m .m .., -;t., it. the wmkinr nart brinr all of
iirn. T he waebine la eeailT art up, and will work
nny plarc tbat ean W plowed, ue will aril ina
ehtnep at a amnll r-r.M on copt, and will try lo
Make It to Hi adant.'ge of faitnrrp lo boy Ihctn.
We aolieit onl-ia frm ilmae nanfinj macbinea.
II. T. FAltNhV ('RTH. Clearfield. Pa.
J. H. CAHUISU.N", CurwenMille, la.
Cio. li. Ham . Afrrnt, Clrarf.tld, Pa. l?..Cm
No. 31 f-anuth Third HirrH, I'lilla lciphla,
And Dealers in Government Securities.
Application by mail will reeeive prompt atten
tion, and nil Information cheerfully formatted.
Urdrn aolirilod. aprll-tf
Farm for Sale!
j fpilE Farm of Jnhn Hparkman. Ute of lrnH
township, deci'eed, eoniiting of about 172
acre of good fa rial tig land, (niopl of which i
elrpred.) and havinjr thetrvon erected a good hotiae
and barn, with all tbe UPiinl convenience of a
f.bnunnl h"ire. Tor trin and (nrtbrr pnrtieu
ara, apply In T. II. Ml UK AY,
Aitorner for tbe bcira and per f one i uteres ted.
Juno 22 I. 1H7 tf.
Brick for Sale I
flIin underairned baa mennfnrturrd and baa
1 now on hand rr ante I.K.MMI HUM K,
which he a ill lipoc of npnn rraa'inaVle term,
ta birgp or amnll fiuantitiep, to auil poreha-ere.
Lutheraburg, rVptember 14, b',Q (m.
IXIXI'TOK' MTK n.-Wherfn", Let-
i tera TeaieairntJiry on the eaiate of M X
A. LKWIS, d cocoa ad, late of rergit-on liwnbip,
hnte been gntnttd fi tbe undcratgned. and
all pereona indebted lo laid eatale are roq orat
ed lo make immediate paymn.t, and thoe having
claima agninat the eame will preatnt Ibom, duly
autbetilicaU '1. tor aettlrmrnt.
Iee. 21, 1(370 fltpd. Kxceutnr.
IJOU AI I-White Lead. Zine, Paint. Lia
reed Oil, Turpentine, Varr.iahrs of all kinds,
Colors in Oil and Drv I aint. Varnirh Pro -bra,
"W'AHTr.n JS,(H0 alicrp prlla n anted
M attbeatoreof I. L. HklZkNbTKIN,
riearfldd, Nor.
' Tt'Rf W ATkTri-lat L. ReiaenateV
l Wli, ,h .... )(tfn,all
t'ttt 4! fur r-tma.
'aei . .o
jRflinboWn Column.
111 II K I II N 19 V I
Tbo Kidneya Ate two ia number ailiiBtd at lt
upper part nf the loin, eurroundi-d by fut, and
eonaietitir of thrn parte, riu the Antrtor, '.ho
laterior. and the Kttorior.
The anterior absorbs, Inti rlnr eomUta of 111
ue I or Trlna, whlrh wnn aa a drpnait for tbo
urino and conrcy it lo tbt eiterlor. The e iterior
ll a oondiictor alio, t'-rinihatinf in a aiiiglo taMtt
and calb d the 1'rrtor. TVe urutera are eonncoted
with the bladder.
Th bladder la onmpoied of varioua ooverint
or tliauea, divided Into parte, via: the Upper, the
Lower, tli NerToua,and the Mucous. Tbo upper
oxpela, the lower retalLa. Many bare a deaire to
urinate without tbt ability) othera urinate with
out the ability to rntain. Title frequently oocure
in children.
To enre tbeat aT.otiona, we muat bring Into
aolion the tnuaidi.'F. wbiob are engaged in their
rarioua funcliona. If tbey are uegtaoted, Urarjl
or Propay may cuauo,
The reader muat alio ba made aware, tbat how
erer alight may b the attack, ll ia aure to affect
the bodily health and mental power, aa our flenb
and blood are aupported from tbcaa aourcea.
Pain occurring in tbo loina ia indieative of tbo
abort diioaaea. they occur to peraona dipocd
to acid et9uiartt and obalky concretion.
The grarel en from neleet or improper
treatment of the kidnrra. Thoet organ i being
weak, the water ia not eipelU'd from the bladder,
but allowed to remain; it become ftrerieb, and
aedimcnt fur in a. It la from tbia depoail tbat the
atone ia fur mod, and gravel eoauea.
Prop ay la a collection of water in tome parti of
tb body, and bean different namee, according to
tht part affected, ria: wben generally diffuaed
over tht body, it ll called Anaaarca; when of tbe
abdumcn, Awtte i; when of the cheat, Hydrotborax.
llaliubold'a highly concentrated eompeuni Ex
tract Duchg i decidedly one of the best remediei
fur dlaeaaca of tbt bladder, kidueya, gravel, dnp
aical awcllinga, rbeumatipm, and gouty aOVctiona.
Vnder thi bead we have arranged Praurta, r
difficulty and pain in paaaing water, Scanty Sec re- j
tion, or email and frequent dierbarge of water;
Strangury, or flopping of water; Hematuria, or
bloody urine; Gout aud Hheumattam of tbe kid
ney a, without any change in quantity, but incrcaie
in color, or dark water. It wa alwaya highly
recommended by tbe lale Dr. Phyaick, a three
affection a.
tbia medicine lucreanea the power of digretion,
and excite tbe abeorbent Into healthy exerciae
by which tb watery or caleareou drpoaitiona,
and all unnatural enlargement, a well a pain
and inflajnatioo, are reduced, and It I taken by
men, women and children. Direction for Oie
and diet accompany.
PHH Pf! rntA, Pi., Feb. 35, lBfi 7t
n. T. lletubold, Itruggiit:
l)aia Fia I bare lieen auffering, fur ttpwaftl (
of twenty year, wLh grael, bladder and kidney
affection, during wbiflb tin I have nted rarioua
medical preparation, and hn under the treat
ment of the moat eminent pkraiciaru. experiencing
but little relief.
Having aeon your preparation! etenive1y ad
vert! a d, I conaulted with my family pbyal.'Uo in
regard to B'ingyour Extract Dacha.
I did tbii bee uae I had need all kindiof ad'i-r-tiaed
rerocdica, and had found them woitlileaa, and
aom quit Injurinai; in fact, I deepaired of ever
gutting well, and drtcrminrd to uae ao rtmediea
hen-after onleaa I knew of the ingredient. It
wa tbii tbat pmaipted to uae your remedy.
Ai you idrcrtifted that it wni com pot ed of buchu,
cube' a, and Juniper bertire, It ooenrred to me and
my pbyaician a an ex-tlrnt combination, and,
with hi advice, after an examination of tbe arti
cle, and conaalting again with the drugget, I con
eluded lo try it. I commenced its nae about eight
montbi ago, at which time I waa confined lo my
room. From tbe first bottle t waa aatouirbed and
gratified at the beneficial effect, and after uiug it
three week, waa able tn walk out. I felt mark
like writing yo a Ml statement of my caat at tb
time, but tkottght aiy imp rot erne ut might only be
temporary, and therefore concluded to defer and
at if it would cfteol a perfect cure, knowing then
it would be of greater ralua to yo, and "r
entiafaetnry to me.
I am now able to report that a cure i eff-vded
after urlng tbe remedy for five antba.
I hare not ned any now for three month a, and
fee) aa well In all repeela aa I ever did.
Your Burba being deroi 1 of any nnpleaant
twte and odor, a nlc tunic and tnvigoratorof the
intern. I do not mean to be without it whenever
occaaioa aay require it aa ia uch affection.
11. M. MrCORMlCh.
Should any doubt llr. McConnick'i itatemrnl.
he refer to the following gentlemen t
Hon. Wa. BicLR,x Governor, Ptnntyhania.
Hon. Tw. B. FLonrart, Philadelphia.
Hon. i. C. Koi, Jodge, Philadelphia.
Hon. J. B. IlL4( a, Judge, PhilaJr Ipbi.
Hon. 1). H. PoaT,ex-Oorcrnor, Penaaylvania.
Hon. El li l.twia, Judge, Philadelphia.
Uim. R. C. tiaira. Jn Ige, I nited Statea Court.
Hon. (1. W. Woonaaan, Judge, Philadelphia,
noa. W. A. Ponrta, City Siibcitor, Philadelphia,
lion. Joax Dii.ra, cx flevcrnor, Califoniia.
Hon.E. Buna, Auditor Gen., Wellington, D.C.
And many other, If neeeirary.
flrPold by Pniggiataand Dealrn er try where.
Pewarr of ooenterfeile. Ark fnrllelmbold . Take
no oihcr.
? 1.25 per Bo Ulc, or 6 Bultlot for tfi.fiO.
Delivered to any addma. Describe ayrrptoma
in all oottaunicatiiJt. Addroa
Drag and Chemical Warehouse, J0 Broadway,
New Tork.
steal, en graved wrapper, with fao-iaaiW
of my Chemical WarehaaH, end ignd
j J;-":1j H. T. BFLXBnLD.
TIN & STOVE STOItliti'Tbenpcr than tbo (beapcsl!"
G. S. FL15GAL,
Iliillpsburg, Coatro Csuaty, T&.
rtlllE undtr.lgn.d ra.paelfilly annenncei lo
J. the public that be hat on band er.
fully telecled and well aaaorted itock of
Hi itook of Cooking fitorea eon a la U of
Which hart nrr failed to bring react and
froaperity into famiiiel where it i uaed,
Diamond State, Farmer, Herald, Charm, 8para'
.-California Cook Rove, H pears' Anti-Dust,
Ua Burning Cooking Stove, Victor.
Beiiaoee and Union Ilan.e,
Spear' t ooking Uange,
do., do.
1C.Th Tin and Sheet Iron ware given with
tht rftore ii mad of tbt beae'eat and beet
material, and warranted to giro perfect eatia
faction. HiB Slock of Parlor & Heating Stoves
I larger, htUr and cheaper than trer befor
.exhibited lo tht public cunaifting of
Spear' Tier firing Light Illuminating Stove,
pari' Anti-Dual (las Doming I'arlor Htov.
tfpear Orbicular , Ona turning Parlor
ttovt, fipeara Uo-Bur:1nf Parlor
Btoee, Uoquet, Pearl, (Jetn, Ida,
Bon, Tropic. Nevada,
Ac, Ae.
Vulcan, Elm and Victor Heat era. Fpoari' Re
volving Light lieatere.
lit 1 prepared to fornlih a eomplrtt
asiorttnent of
Tin! Copper, Sheet-Iron, Wooden and
"Willow Ware, &c.,
Wholeaale or retail, manufactured neall and
with lha aole view to aerrlce, from tht beat n.'1
taria) in tbt market.
Of ev.ry draerlptlon eoiatanlly en band.
onr-F.ns fob srouTiNa, roofino
And other work belonging to til, bnalneai will
ba promptly filled by experienced and skillful
Taken la exchange for good,.
9-lle eaperie'ly Inritet tbt attention of
Merchant, wiahlng to pareha.e at wholeaale. a,
they will find It to their advantare ta txamint
lit ttock before purchasing tlcewhcro.'
Look nut for tbt Pig Pign ppo,ltt tbt rani
denct of lra. lr. Foater.
All Goon, Waattaaiit a, Brrtratmin. !
;. K. FLI (iAI . j
Phillpiburg, Junt H, 1 P70. auxe (18
The Great Preserver of Health!
run l anirs ad ciyrLtKrv.
For aalt by
Dec. SI, 1K70. Cltnrltld, Pa.
, Hearing T 3-IO ltiterrt.
Redeemable after five i 5) and within twenty-en
(Jl) jear.
Interest payable March and September.
Tkt tDoada art regiatered, and nil) be iaaoed In
, iimi to iuiU
- . 40 So-ath Third Street, Philadelphia
,jfiT'FtoeVa bon-bt and sold on eommisfian.
flolJ and tlorernmeut bought and sold. Account
reaartved and interest allowed, subject to Sight
Drafta. 9:9 :j
-iirii.Tnrnf.i.n's fl.vokixg r.x-
TRACTS are warranted equal lo any matle.
They art prepared from ibe fruit, and -will lie
found much better than many of the Txlract the':
are aold. Ak jour iiroeer or Iruecit for Wilt
bergeT'i Extrarta. BARLOW'S INDLiO BLUE
ia, without dnubt, the best article in the market
for blueing clot bra. It ail! color mn.f nater than
four timea the an me Wci-fbt nf in.lio, and much
more than any other ah blue ia the tnarltet.
Tbe nnlv grriiiinc ia tliat pot tip at ALFHKD
WII.TIiltDI.B S DUl'tl f lOB K, No. J.".!t North
Perond Ptn-et, Philadelphia. Tbe labels hnie
both V. iltbcrger'a and Barlow's name on them, all
other are cmintrrflt. For anlc bv nmat 1lrn.'ra
ani Mnircifta. W ll.TBLRt! ICR'S 1NDKL1BI.E
INK will be fonnd on trial to be a anpeiiot article.
Alwaya on band and for rale at renaonable pnera.
Pure 0 round fpieca. (lenuine Medioinri, Chanmis
Mi In a, Sprtngut, Tapioca. Pearl, t'agi, and all
articlri jti tbe 1 m -g line, at
jeS H'm No. 2VA North S.-crtnd SU, I'hila.
Remove inpMflnetu hair ia five minutea,
without injur j to theikin. Pent by mail for 1 1.2.
I 111 AM'i-t ASTHMA t I HI.
Relieves moat violent paroxyama ia live minute
and effart a apwdy cure Price fJ by mail.
Till: -aVHVMl? HilM M AI
Colon Ih whiaher and hair a beantiful black
or brown. It eoniata of only oa preparatioa.
Tt tents br mail. Addrr fl. C. I TH AM. No.
711 Javna street. Pfcilad-Ipbig, Pa. C ire alar a
eent fret. Bold kg ail Draggtjt. d-l
'OTICI-V Haaing purehaaad the intereat of
lit J. A. B attenberger, in tlie inmnea
beretnfore carried aa under Ibe firm name of J. A.
Blaitenbergrr Co., the eame will be eondueted
heremfter under the name of aloehatiaoa lnd and
l.umbar Comnanv. (Store,!
myt rtf
Prat-Ural. Ocncfwl S.p't
1 10.7 and 1 (or le at Ike Port Ottii.
Trirt 71 teu-a. Mailed to any addrcM. IJi: If
Jrn (T.oods, f.rcfrlfj, Q'U.
a. tt. a ami w, RAri'iia.
ju.t iirnti, ir
Arnold V If nHliorii,
(Oat door of Flnt National Bank,)
H Rr.s ii.i.i, pa.
nAVIXI) jmt retnrntd from tht tail with a
tempi. tt anortment of Good, suitable for
Fprlng and Paramer trade, wa art now rttdy
to furnl.b all bind, of Good,
"Choaper than the Cheapest I"
And after (banking oar euitotncr, for
liberal patroaagt during Ibt part year, Wt
would moft refftctfully tak for a eonlfnuane,
of tbt earn a.
Our Flock eonilad of a tomplett aaiortment
of Dry Good,, Notions, Hardware, Qnernsware,
Wlllowware, Groeeilce, Boots at- Shoos, Hats A
Caps, Clothing, Tobaccos, Ae. Also, Flour,
Dscen, Salt, Fish, Grain, tie.
All of wblib will be sold on Ibt most reason
able tertnf. and Ihe kighest matket prlet paid
for Qraln, Wool and all kinds ef Limber and
Country Produce.
trPlraaa girt us i call befert purchasing
tlsewhers. Satisfaction guaranteed a, tt prlot
and quality. -aJt
Corner of Main and Tkompson Etreets,
J. T. WB1TBB..
W. W. Sims.
Art offering, at tbt old stand of 0. L. Heed A Co.,
their stock of good, consisting of
FLOUR, FEED, SALT, sc., &o.,
At lb fcoit reasonable rate for CA5H or In
exchange for
Square Timber, Boards, Shingles,
on country rnoinTK. -
JfS" Advance toad to those engaged In get
ting ont square timber oa the moat advantageous
terms. January 5, 175,
Ct'RUfcKSVIM.n, TA.,
Bring specially engaged in the buaineas of
Buying and Selling Square Timber,
Would represent tbat they are now prepared to
purchase Timber delircrrd at rithor Curwensrille,
Lock Haven or Marietta, (or will tak it at any
of these points,) and aril oa tommia-iion, making
uch advance aa are neceaaary.
Those engaged iu getting out Timber will And
at our a to re iu Curwenaville, a very large tock of
Of all Drerriptiens.
And ...rything tet as. of Lumbermen.
Of all ,lae, kept on band in large quantities, and
sold at small adranet by tbe eoil. Also,
Tnlley - BliK-ks, Small
R"pe, Ac
rty-ftpi f I AI. IMpltrF.MF.XTS tfftrtd
to tboer manufactnring Square Timber.
Cnrwenaritlt. Jannary II, l70.
llow to Snve Jloney.
THR timet are bard; yoa'd Ilk. to knew
llow yon may nr. year dollars
Tbt way to do II I will show,
If yea will read whal follows.
A man who Heed nol far from hart,
V. nn worked bard at his trade,
Put bad a household to support
That squandered all bo made.
I met him once. Bays be, "Mr friend,
I look thread hear and roncb '
I'te tried lo get myself a suit,
But can't sect np enough."
Sara T, my friend, bow hart ytn I
I'll tell yon where lo go
To get a enlt that', en.nd and cbe.p i
lie look wbal little h. bad eared.
And went lo Reisetstein A Brothers',
And there bs got a handsome anil,
For half he paid to olbers.
Now be Is borne, Tsr iooks so woil,
And their eject is seek,
That when they take their dally meal,
They don't eat half as much.
And row be inds nn Satarday night,
M itb all tbetr wants supplied,
Tbat bt bat money left to spend,
And aoeat to lay aside.
lis gaavd twaatesa, with tbetrfnj Stalls,
He gladly telle U all.
If yoa'd tart money, go and buy
Tear elotbea at
Where tkt cheapest, Intel aad beat Clothing
and good Forwiirhing Uonds esa t-t bad te suit
t ery taaie aad ia t'tsy atylt aprll,'7t
Jii It (fm&fi Krowifi, (tu.
C. Kit.,
Market Streot, Clearfield, renu'a,,
(Oppoalle Ike Jail,)
I HAVE now on bard tdrH-rla.a atork of
good,, suited lo tbt wants of Ihe pullie.
My stork being large, and by constantly making
additions thereto, I am able to accommodate
all who may faror me by calling. I bart
Marines, Glnhttns, Cloths, Trlnls.
Delalnss, Cssiimeres, Bilk, Ilrps,
Satinsts, Caahmerea, Tweeds, Cobergs, Alpaeas,
MehairLanelhs, Muslins, Flannels, Bonnets,
Ribbons, Cloaks, Balmoral Skirts, Hoop Skirts,
Shawls, .'Prers Trimmings, Iliad Nets, Caps,
Corsets, Olorcs, Scarfs, Collar,,
Grenadine Veils, Tabls Corns, afo.
Coats, Pants, Vests, Orer-Coats,
Gent's Shawls, Cbirls, Hals, Caps, I'ndsr Shirts
and Drawers, Boots and Shoes, Outn Shoes,
Crarats, Socks, U lores and Collars.
Tt, Coffee, Sugar, Uolasset, Salt,
Caodlas, Rirt, Flour, Lacon, Fuh, T -bacee,
Ratlins, Curranta, Fplcoi, Crackers, Vinegar,
Oil, Varotsb, Pepper, Alcohol, Ao.
Carprti, OU elotb, Drugget. Clook.
Looking-Ola, Churns, Buckats.
Washboards, Tubi, Flat Irons, Pan, Window
Blind, Wall Paper, Coal Oil Lamp, Bedcordr,
Uratrell, Kafrei, Forks, Ppoon,
Croak a, Stoves and Stovo BUrking.
Qaerniwara, Tinwtrt, Glassware,
Wooden ware, Copparware, BoOkl, Stationery,
Musical Oosds, Trunka, Bkatta,ie.
4Alf of which will bt sold on tht most rea
sonable terms, and t' o highest market price paid
for Grain, Wocland all kind of country product.
(Opposite tbe Jail,)
$10,000 GUARANTEE,
BUCK LEAD Excels all other Lead I
Isl For 1(1 I'rrlraled TCbltenrsa.
M. Fot Ita tnequaled Durability.
Id. For iia t'aswrpasscd Corering Property.'
Lastly, for Its Eeonomy.
tTTlt eo.ts less to paliat with Bark Lead
than any other -A' bit Lead extant. Tht same
weight covers more surface, ly mort dnrable. and
makea whiter work.
lU'CK l liAII is the Cheapest aad Best
$10,000 GUARANTEE.
BUCK ZINC Eicels all other Zincs I
let. For Its I'neqnaled Dorablllty.
2d. For iu Unrivaled Whiteness.
3d. For lit Unsurpassed Covering Property.
Lastly, for Its Grtat Economy.
Being tbe Cheapest, Handsomest and moat Da
table White Paint in tht World. Buy only
Try It and bt Convinced.
Satisfaction Guaranteed by tbt Manufacturers.
Prepared eapresalr for Painting
Cottage, Outbuild inKS of every description,
Fcncre Ae. Tbirtr firt different color. Da-
rahla. Cheap, Uniform, and Beautiful Fhade.
Sump I cards sent by mall if decired. Dral
ra Orders will bo promptly executed by the
5. W. Cor. Tet th A Market strtett, Philad'a.
Foraale by A. 1- Bbaw and llartswirk if Irwin,
Dealt rs la Drug, Medicine, Paint, Ot!, Ac,
Clearfield, Pa apri:.:7U;ly
At tb New Tobacco and Cigar Store of
att. ft AiT.f If,
Two door Fist of the Popti-ffu-e, Clearfield, Pa.
Constantly on band a fine apaortnirnt nf Nvj, j
Congreaa, Cavendish, Cable. Fnnnroll,
MieAijun and Century Fine-rut
Chewing Tobacco, Ao.
Also, a large tbd well selected slock of Imported
aod Domestic Cigar. Smoking TobaoeoiL,
Maerirbaum ond Briar Tipe.
Pip fixture, Tobacco
Boxes, Cigar II older, and everything gwoera'ly
fnand In a well regulated Cigar and
Tobacco 5tor.
NRemembor th ple:
Two door East of
atig. It tf.
th Postofflee, Clearfield, Pi.
h'KAR LVTIir.RSlll Rfl, PKNS A.
ASt'FACTtTF.S all kinds of Lumber for purposes. Always oo band
PALING?, A., Ae. j
Hti PlaMering L:h art veiulf sawed and of.
dittorctit length, te tuit purrhaacra ; th Palings j
are four feet long and ready pointed.
Alt kinds of Sawed Lumber will be furnished I
to order, and delivered if So desired. Price Will
be liberal, a-eording te quality.
V-fa-AII kind of GRAIN takca In txrhlnge
for Lnmler. I
Lutheraburg P. 0 Jan. 19, HTfi.
t lrai field, Penn'-u
The freaeoing and painting of rbarebes and
(Mher public huildmra will receive particular
attention, aa wHI aa the painting of earn aro aed '
etettrha. i-iildinc done in the neatest it iei. All
work warranted. Sk-itp oa Vowrth ttreeu ffmirr'v
nrrirj i-w by 1 a'tlrt ''g'rt el'7
(''ll tr tbe raei ft P. ( ot.)
1 1 r utrn 1 1, im.
PIIK i n-lctMnrd, I t I t h tt hi'tia ler
j I aern-a of i ear, i f--iy l ente thin tr-n-!
n i ai 1 Iravi h ra :t i.erallv. td thei fore folo It
j ajrnrneta lo g-ve hi in a tall. Ilia 1 at Ie a ill be
! Pi.pj l.rd mtb the tet Uic U:aikt f i-C-r-Jf, ai d l i
rr will roiitai-a tbe eh -i, t of wjnea and liquaia.
1 he house, (urn i turn, hrdr atrl t (Mn g aieei 1 1 rely
new, wbn h !w:n to tbe eon fort of trxvelnra J
1 will lu tbe aiabhrg attached ta lurge and ro-.Tt.
I j ii et Buifd fot lee 'tf t, Cbargro n'obraTC
j jaik-70 WILLIAM t. II HAD I. IT.
'PHI.S la-gjc and ciiituoi.!iinia now bo'el bai1
X I'f'fl ''i i-li':! f"f the acromtiiodalirin nf the
putilic, where the proprietor wl!l Ite glad tn meet
bia old friends, arJ tcceltc a ohaie ol public put
nuinge. Jty atrict personal attention to the de
latla of Lia buainrrs, be hf ei to be n Ie to render
pbIii fnciiou to hi patrnr.". 1 h 'I ALU t will
always be hountiluliy auppHct with tj-h-Mt that
ean te procured in the market, and tbe Piift
wilt contain a fullatrn:. of OU ULli, Ac
tio-'d stabling tta?brd.
bClearfi..l, March 2, lM" ly 'i pnctor.
HAVING leosrd for a term of jeara tbo
above well known and popniar boh 1, (kept
luiuicrly by Mr. Mason, and lately Ly Mr.
Kouta.) the present proprietor ba re btted it
with the object of render-ng bia guesta ennifnrt
able while pfjiurning with bin. A fine Urge
Buhlt and Tard (a attached, for the rare and
protection of horaei, carnage and wagona. A
liberal shar of public pstronrg ta aoin-iied.
my4 Tdf A. J. DBA li K KR, Prrj'r.
Corner of beoondaiid Market Street,'
tl l AIU II I II, IW.
fPni5 old and eommodioua Ilo-el bl. during
J the pact year, been tnlarred to double tte
furmer capacity for tbe entertf Inmect of (ran
ger ani guests. Th wh-Ue building ba been
I refurnished, and tht proprietor will apart no
paint to render hi guests comlonaUt whi.o
stayiog with him.
Bffb "Mansion Hour" Omnibus runs to
and from tbo Depot on tbt arrival and rfepanurl
of each train. JOll.V D01UI1KKTV,
aprC 7 tf Proprietor.
(urtveuaville, CI eur field county, I'a.
rI!IE tfnderslgncd has leased tblr old andlrr;
X eaUbliabed hotel, (formerly kept 1 y Major
I Mac Bioom,) situate in a centra 1 portion ol ibt
fwa, and baa entirely re fined and re forniahed
tt acd re-modeled the staulirg, ao as to mak II
an object, kcroafter, fur the trateiing public to
pa iron is thi large anil commodious boueer
Jan. IV, Ttf.tX. 1. JLF. LLOOM.
Curnenavillc, t Itai lield county. I'a.
TBMoldand well establirbed Ilelel. beeuM
fulty aitoated on the bank of tbe Powjue
banna, in tb borough of Cur wen iille, ba bren
Icaaed for a term of yean by tbo undersigned
It baa been entirely refitted, and is aow open to
the public generally and tb travIlfrg eoninik
alty ia particular. No pains will b apan d ta
render uet comfortable while tarring it tbii
house. Ample tabling roox for the acccicmo
da tion ofteams. Charges moderate.
S.rtH. lKO tf. TLI BLOOM.
J.utlieraburg, i lparfit ld Co.. Ta.
rpilIS well known and Imp eitab!Wbed Ilofef,
X formerly kept by li. W, Moore, md Inttei
by Wm. febwens, sr., has been leafed tor a term
of years by the andrrMgnei, to whirb the alten
ttfn ol the traveling public ia now called, and a
liberal share of public patronsge la solicited.
. bot9'70 JAMES MILKS
maix sr., ruiLirsiifiio. r..
-T1I1B andersigned keeps eonelently ca d
X (be best of Liquors. His tal ic is
supp'ird with the best tbe market efforda. li.a
traveling puMio will do wrll tn give him n e.U.
novl,'i. KOIiKRT LI.OVD.
Corner of ltike'. And Front trwti,
ricarlicld, ra.
This macnificcnl Hotel la entirely new, com
plete in all ita appointments, and cona euietit tn
the Court House. A free Omnibus roue to and
lrom the Depot on the arrival and dep.rtnre of
aeh train. liEOKuU N. Ittl.lJIKX.
April 13, 1ST". l'repriclor.
Opposite th Court IJonee,
Accommodation first-clas and charge (noderaft.
oct JOM.V F. YOUNG, Proprietor.
J.oots ana bM4
Cool and Shoe .Manufacturer,
HASJnat received a fint lot of Fren.k CALF
bKiN.-?. and is now prepared to manniae
tttre everything in his lfne at th lowest figures.
He a ill warrant bis work to be aa representee,
lit reepectlully oollcit a eafl.dl hit shop on
Market street, aecnnd dr west of lb potato (bee,
where h will doall in his power to render sati
faction. Pom flnt Gaiter top on bund.
Xtarly all the Contrabands going lack
to their eld matttrs ; but 'nary on$
going to oil Massachusetts uhm
thry irerc leved SO long and so u tll.-
IN oonieqoenc -fifth afiore tH. F. PHORT,
of th eld "fhOTt Shoo 6 hop." would r
o ounce to hi naeneroui patrons, and tb pv lo
of Clearfield count? at large, that he ba now a
first rate lot of good material jnit received frrrn
the Rasl.aud ia prepared nnbrinotie-e to trait
and sneod Hoot and Shoe, at hi new bp in
linbam' row. He i satisfied tbat hrean plea-
all, (antes it might be seme Intensely lot ai star,
at hone patriots.) Help prepared to eel ) low fur
Caah or Country Prod are. Don't forget tbo
Sbop next door to Shower A Grbm' store,
on Market street, Clearfield, Pa4 aad kcrt by a
fellow rnnmealy railed
Jj77-y "SHORTY.0
piIE proprietor haa nered into the LOOT
X PH"K busineea at tbe ibove stand, at d
ia determined not to be Out-tore eiiberin filial.
ty or prieo for hi work, Hprcial attrotta
will be paid to manufacturing Sewed wm k. Da
baa en hand a larg lot of Krrt-rh Kip aid
Calf Skins, of tbt very leal tonality, Iheeiif.
sen ol iiearBeld and vicinity aro respectfully
inriieo to give bia trial, Ao charge for call.
nvv.- n it
Market St., east or tbe Ailehrnr H -up,
i i.i. tnuri i), p..
IKF1.P or. band al V'ndp ef Fitrniinre. In anil
or by the single artiMr. Th e in ned ol aar
ailicleof 1 ormlwre, will find it to their Intereet
to call and examine n y stuck, n hi'h I wi.l at 1 1
verv low ft-r ci h erex-baog- f.,r uilU hitnbcr.
Ckarfield. P.., April A. IsTfl-K.
IJW.l 1 TtlltH' Mil HJ.:Y.tie7iTer7
j by (fiven thut Letter Teatainentarv havin-g
brt-n grantel t tie anbarriber. on the E!ate of
n 11.11 AM DAM EL. dcreaaed. late of Uwrtnf
to-aiiship, t'learfifld eouniv, Penn li aria, ail
persona in. let, ted to aaid Latate a-e reor.ird to
make immediate par ment, and Ihoee batirg
claims Bcainst the earn will preeent titmda:y
autbenticalrd fur aettl-rnrjif .
Deo. 11. IrTf ! f tpd. Eie.-a(or.
IRI IT I A"J-Maiiufaeturrd fr. m IhebeTt
ehvrral tin. groVed and soldered oa OUtiido
and warranted (or al be
aog.v; II. F. B1G1.ER A CO.
Il . Doailtirn, Hubbell'. Drakc'i
k Uooflaad German. Heetetter a and Greene a
(ixygenaied Bitter j also pure Lioar, of U
kind' fot :oJieinalrarpo-ea, for aal by
H RTt I'M IlttTTK.