She Republican. J G.'XU.GK H. GOODLANDEH, rnnn akd rH'iniRToix. CLEARFIELD, FA. . WKHMIrtiAY M'lKNIN'tl, JAN. !J, Wl. T't Coicnimriil .'larMntt. " Ounross Ungain in full blni-l, but Hp to llie prosoul, I'olli Houson linvo licrii i-najjcil in stealing iiib!ii:1iintl fur railroadt, oslcimiliU', but for tlu niombpm In mtiitilnr. How h Con '(roBsninn can pi l in bis for! and vale to ivo tlircc liundrcJ ttiou-und acres til'tlio public lauds to build a railroad in ".liiiU bo is a principal etocklioldcr, mid bavo tlic world believe be is nn botieet man, is u political problem wo cannot solve. Our eliijiidily may, however, iti'iso from tbo fact tliut we never attended u "loyal" fcbool. Wliiln Senators nnd Congressmen nro Ptcnling our territory, liruiit und bit. brotlicr-in laws, nnd a few San L'o nitno bull breeds, aro stealing tbut Inland. Tbis lutter nITair kicked upu little fuss in t ho loyal family. Sum ner and a few other theorists de nounced the exlirme as larceny, but (irnnl got his back up about it, and. nfteratwo weeks fijjlit, tbo mutter has been compromised by Congress men nUaling ull the lands they want, while tbo "government" is going for the I hinds nnd niggers. The Grants nnd Dents gnve Con grossmeu to understand that if the "government" was prohibited from Healing land, they must quit, too, or tbo veto would bo used its profusely as in tbo dayi of Andrew Johnson. The Slate Legislature is also In ses sion, but up to the present, no'.bing of importance has transpired. The I'cmocrstic control in tbo Senate sets hard on llio corruption ring lis oc cupation is nearly gone. The appor tionment of the State into Senatorial nnd l'epresentntivo districts, is the leading Dpir, and will continue to be until n fair bill is passed. If the rad ical in the House refuse to pass such n bill the Democrats will adopt Gen. Orant's strategy, and "fight it out on that lino if it takes all minnicr." The Constitutional Convention question is nlso attracting some attention, but the numerous individual schemes now on hand will be bard to blend togeth er so as to produce harmony. If anything conies to our notito re luting to this county, wo will, ol course, notify our renders of the fact. I'. S. StN.uons Tbo past week bas teen United Slates Senator week. Massachusetts lias re elected tho dem agogue Wilson. Illinois elects Gen. I.ogan, nn arti Grant Radical in the room of "drunken I'ick Vutcs." Frank F. Ulair succeeds tho quack ing Drnko from Missouri. Democratic Gain. Delaware elects Eli Saulshcr ly, brother of the present Senator. Now Jersey elects F. T. Frelinghuy cn. Thayer, Grant's Nebraska hum bug, has been defeated by nn anti (irnnl Radical named Hitchcock. Gen. Grant is becoming so unpopu lar with his party, that wo really fear that they will kill him off before bis term expires. Em.LtT. A correspondent at Cur wensvillo send us a communication, found in this issue, relating to the treat inent of a negro, to which we call the attention of our renders, not to re flect on any ono locally, but to the fjet that the fate of that negro will overtake (Urct of the uiir vullions ninde frco by fools and fanatics. Tho decrees of Him who said "yo shall be slaves unto nil generations furcrer," cannot bo abrogated by the dogmas nnd follies of men. Freedom and ex tinction nre tho legacies bequeathed to the sons of Ham on tbis continent by the special friends of thnl race. Xiari.t CosFiPCATrn Tito last immbor vt llie (Viiiiry contains a lrl tor from Jinlo Rlnck, in reply to Senator Wilson, t.f Massachusetts, who has been trving for a your past to mukc n saint out of Stnnton. If lil Wilhon says aliont Sumner, Howard and liiinaclf, is true, llu'V are thu moancat conapirators unhung. Booth was a ponllotnan v. hen com sitd with them, hocaiiso he display ed iiii.nly coura;o in carrying out his athrmo. The Judge's litter is rcry long but we will furnish ur readers a synojuis cf it nexl week. The IViiiocrnty of New Hampshire have nominated James A. WcMoti for Governor. As the leaders of the party in that State, had a kind of family re union, recently, at which explana tions wcro made, nnd oU grudges buried, the prospects for redeeming the Sialc aro much belter than lliey have been since the accndeiiry of lttdualiin. Colfax said in a lata speech that 'he was proud to bvlong lo Iho party which has not a man who fired on the A merlisn d ig " How ahont Long street, AcKrrman, Jto. Brown, of (ioorgia, nnd Kx Governor James L. Orr. of South Carolina f I A reconstruetioo of the Sooth is hinted from Vabington, but will hardly amount to much. Tho bayo net can upsel what tbe ballot has done then ; but tho tnomcol ths vo ting rccommencri the b.ilht trips tbe lavoiirt in turn Ulntr I I fir Sinttlr. Gen Frank M.tir, the Democratic candidate fur Vice FieaMi'iit in 1 X J , was eli "ted l'nitcd Slates Senator on Tncfchiy last bv the Legislature ol ! ' w bi nre to try ing to pin n money Mis ii, to fill' the place vacated bv oul of the l'nitcd Slates Trensniy. Drake, recently n pointed judgo ol InMcnd of n.king for thousand, ol tho court of claims by tbo Frovi.liiit. dollars they coolly demand millions ; Two years ii)'i Frank was dislran- and where they used to lap tho num. chined by the liudieals of Miouii. cy chest as it wero with a Into gimlet, What a soro rebuke thi-i must be to they now boro Into it with n big them ! Democrat sail over I he country . nuger. owe lVosidenl Grant a lasting debl ol j A copy of a bill lies beforo us, w hich gratitude fur thus providing n way ftp ' has juil been introduced into the Sen Hiieh a live Democrat to reach the ate, purporting to bo a bill "lor en- Scnule. Gen. Ulair is at present a member ol the State Legislature, mill to show what niiinnor of mini he U wo quoto tho following extract from u speech which ho delivered n few days rgo : "Sir, mv letter which bns been re furred to contends that the military j incorporators. They aro to bo nil should bo mndo to undo their usurpa- uhorir.ed to establish a frco eehool lions nt tho South. 1 say so still, nnd j of miners, for instruction in geology, you havj only to withdraw them from i niiiierolngy, chemistry, metallurgy, tho South and their work is undone, jnnd mining engineering, nnd, in uddi Applause. That carrion enw td'j lion, works for extriealirg tho pro-carpet-baggers, who aro gorged upon icious metals tiom the ores containing tho plunder nnd drunk w ith the blood (he same. So far, tho bill is at least of tho vanquished people ol'thc South, harmless, if not commendable, will disperse themselves in nn instant Jiu. here comes in tho swindle mcd if not sustained by tho bayonets of the j itnted on tho public. Tho number of Federal Government. T here is no j Metallurgical works which the Coin item in that letter that I tako back. I puny may erect is fixed nt live, and 1 stand by it. 1 bi lievo in the con (br iho first of theso works tho sum of struetion given to the Constitution ol ono million dollars, is to bo issued to Iho l'nitcd Slates by tbo Supreme Court, that this recount nut ion was unconstitutional. My hope in going to Congress, if I should attain that highpoMlion, is that 1 miiy aid in with drawing the troops from tho Southern Stales, w hich aru held there lo saddle upon the butks of t lie people a parcel i ol carpet unggwin und senllawngs, lot j lowed by an ignorant mass of negroes. I And if tho poeple of tho South, w ho I have shown a disposition to uhide in good faith by the orbilrntnent ofarrns, rjnew their nlieginnce lo tho Govern ment, they will bv ullowcd to resume self government among themselves, us we liuvo douo in Missouri. Whilst I may not expect to carry with mo the gentleman Irom St. Louis, I believe that we can surely and certainly count upon the co-opera lion of the largo body ol liherel men who assisted us in ro lieving ourselves from a similar tyran ny in the Sloto of Missouri." CtHrrnl t amrron. Senator Cameron will start for Georgia on Friday, to bo gono ten days. IIo is largely interested in the late purchase of tho Georgia Slate I'nilrond, and is specially pleased with the winter climate of the South. Forney'i rrcts. Tho "winter climate of the South" i is doubtless very good, but how about! the terrible Ku Kluxf Hasnot Forney j and his friends, 1'nmcron, 1'utler nod Kelly, been constantly crying out that the lives of Northern men wore not safe in Georgia f Does not Iho fact of j Cameron and Forney's large invest ments in the Mate, and their frequent visits here, give the liv direct to the charge that there is neither protec tion to tho person or property of Northern men in Georgia. One of the most offensive men in tho North, both personally and politically, to tho peo I do of the South is this man Cameron, le is a party lo ono of tho grandest swindles ever perpetrated upon an honest people Iho Ststo ltond lease and yet we find him frequent!' hero in carrying out his swindling opera tions, and in daily contact with our people. Vet he is and feels perfectly sale indeed, is "specially pleased" with our Ku Klux climate. Avjuita (ffo.) Chroniiie. IlrAVY St ir A suit was decided in tho Supremo Court last week in volving Iho sum of f.'vO.WO loaned by tho Second National Hank of ie to iho banking firm of Smith, Httndolph i Co., of New York city. Tho money was borrowed upon government se curities, which Iho Second National I'auk deposited with its agent, the Ocean liank, New York. In a short lime after, tho Ocean Hank was rob bed, and theso securities wcro among tho valuables luken. Tho Second National I'auk brought suit fur tho re covery of tho money loaned against Smith, Randolph Ii Co , who set up in defence that they bud deposited so curitics thcreforo more limn covering tho amount, nnd claiming judgment for the excess of tho value of tho stolen bonds, as well as the interest w hieh had accrued. This position tho Supreme Court affirmed, and a verdict was given against Iho Second National Bank accordingly. The suit involves tbo question of a Hank's ieponsihilily for tho safe custody of articles commit ted lo its care, and lias been watched w ith great interest in all parts of the country. Tho Second National Hank, ie lursume, will suffer no lo,. by the il ;il i .v.o, .o ...w y-.. n, u.t Olllpellcd to llltkc Up (O it the W hole coinpellcu to iiilkc up sum o( the jiiilgnicnt and costs. Lrie Observer. Tho Home of liepresentatires yes terday passed a bill providing a sort Tt-rrilotinl froTornnienl for tho Ii trict of Columbia. As tho bill has nl ready passed tho Senate it now needs but tho sanction of the President to beeomo a law. The proposed cm- ernnunt for the liisirict is moddlcd I aoniewhut alter plan of that of the Tcrritoriea, with a Governor, lo be appointed by the I'residcnt with the advico aud eonaent of tho Senate, and who shall hold his oflica for four years, with a Council of eleven mem- iiiers and a llonao of lleprraenlalives jof twenty-two members, with a Sec i retarv to le npointed by tho J'reni j dens fur four years, and with a dele ' rmle in Congress. The laws of the I Legislative Assembly are lo bo sub jject to repenl or modification by Con- i press. 1 here is lo be a board ol pub ; lie works, to connst ol the (iovcriior andtwopenonsto lo n,pointed bylfai.s t.f the Hook Concern, and lo as . llie J resilient. 1 lie mem tiers of the j Council are also to bo appointed by l.iiv . 111,11111, L sroNPTiTt 'tional The Supremo , v otirt 01 toe .iiite 01 v iiniornii una jdeculeil the . 1 tn Amendineiit to be UtICCIlMltUtllillUI. 1 1 I lie miration iiroip in a case entitled "ilic eoplo rs 1'r. dy," the exact inipoii of whitli woldence. arc not apprireii 01, out us consmera-1 Hon involved the validity of the X Vlb 1 Amrnr1iT,(.ni .n.l Ih. I Oliri lip ,1 ll Inilieceeit I h. mnmlutp. nl Ih. llikn i1"" Iu bo inoperative and void, lor llio son that it was not within the scope of ,.0 'K V, I because il had not been adopted ill tho ' manner prescribed bv the I onstitu-! lion Uhcroinn be no doubt that ! . . . I .in:, uvi-iaiuu win no uiliilinii-ijr nun- laincd by the Supreme Court of the j Cnited Slates, it bcin a fact perfectly ,1 ' - . ' I Iclear to every person familiar with ' the Constitution, that in the incorpo- ration of their amendment to tha or. ' 1 , ----- -. 'Cnnic law, the leal requirements 1 jroverntne such cases, were not oh- snrved cither in spirit or letter. ,1nolitr .tugrr tlort tnlo Iht .Vtilionnl TWflsmj. There seems to bo no bound In ll e Impudence "d audacity ol the leech conniving the developmctitol the iiiin- cral wealth of tho I'uilcd States nnd incorporating the l'nitcd States Min ing School nnd Metallurgical Compa ny." Messrs. Alon.o llavward, It. II. Lindermun, Charles N. Fellows nnd V. I'. C. Slcbbius are named as tho thoni by the President, in fivo per cent, boiuls of tho United Stales; and for tho remaining four works, live hundred Ihousund dollars, making three millions of dollars in nil which they aro to receive, out of the public treasury to aid them in their specula tion I Besides this, they nro lo hare fivo hundred acres of public laud for each establishment, with permission to locate nny water privilege not olh crwiso appropriated. Senator Colo stands godfather lo thin preposterous bill, but wo charita bly hope ho does not mean lo advo cate it. If he does, his brother Sena tors should seo that bis bantling is put out of existence as soon as decen cy will permit. JV. 1'. Sun. m 6'ranf'i .frmy ketrtlnritt.' Section 18 of the Army net, approv ed the IGth of July Inst, rends as fol lows : "It shall not bo luwful for any offl cer of the United States, on tho ac tive list, to hold any civil ollieo, wheth er by election or appointment; and any such officer accepting or exereis ingtho functions of a civil 'offieo shall nt unco ceaso to bo an o dicer of tho arm-, and his commission shall be va calctl thereby." Notwithstanding this positive pro hibition, it is a well known fact, that Mr. Grant keens three Hrigadier Generals in bis employ. In Iho Con gressional Direc tory for thiayenr, the names ol Gen. r. 1. Dent, Gen Hor ace Toiler and (Jen. O. K. Ilal.fnck aro published us Secretaries of the I'rcKidcnt. Kuch of Ihoso ofllcera are "on Iho active list of tho army of lite United Slates," yet each U'-cxerciaing tho luncliotis of a civil oflicc." Why have the provisions of the law not bum en foiled J Why have not the army comniiiuioiis of tliut xhoulder-itrapped trio been "vacaled ?" A young man, named lougla. was appointed 1'iivato Secrelnry lo Presi dent. Thus fur his duties have been performed by threo Urigadiors. While Congress is considering I ho"out rages," alleged lo linvo boon committed in (he .South, let them bestow attention upon tho 'outrages' committed by the occupant of tho White House. Mr. Grant took a solemn oath to execute tho laws of Congress. Who will say that he has fulfilled his obligation? And who of the liudicnl sticklers for a strict observance of duty will call his i-liicf to account for sucli Klarini; : noltilion or a no ly coined statute ? I If llioHc sinned mi'ii nro not in the nrmr, lliry sliotiM lo llCCtlt'U I rctireil. ! Mr. (iratit sliouUl not be pertiiiltcil lo suirotintl himself with ornamental pets, at llie expense of llio nation. J.jeoming Standard, ANOTHER RKRl'KE TO tlRAMT A Rt 11 III. K AN I.EOISI.ATI'RR I LICTH A ASTI-AKUIN1STRATION USITfD bTATIS SKMATOR. ly rreympa f. It, "i(ltl y rail. Chicago, January 1!). A special to , ,,, ., ' , . , x.', , I llie J ntlnc, frOIII J,lllCi)lll, l'brasLa, dated yesterday, Buys tliut tijion the aaneinblinfr of the l,'on-enlion of the two houaes of the Lerrislnlure, at noon, a I I lot was immediately taken for I'niit'tl StHtes Sonntor. The Imllot stood ns follows: 1. V. llilclirotk. 2S; Thayer, 17; Sundors, 0; aeatter iiii;, 2. A second ballot was taken ,' "J preatext itement. Sereral mem 1 I hers who Ftlppoited Nimlers Chatlt;eu , llilcljeoi-k find tlVO Of llitellCOlk's i. 11 " " "'! IC01K menus tnu tno same, wnieti gave llilclicncK tinny roies. ana no was declared cloeled United Stales Sena- mr ur j furs, iruin i uu f in ui March. Tho result is claimed as a Ilemo- eratie victory, tho llcmocratio mein- Iwrs bavino- nuilrd on 1 1 ilrlicm L-'a 1 sido in laiicus. tho niht rrevious. as ' ir r llie anil administration candidate. Thn entire Democratic vote and the votes of iho Republicans elected on the independent and bolting tickets, were given to Hitchcock. Tha result creates great surprise, as iho lirpiiblicanshadsuflit ienl strength if. united to elect their man, but lliey wero so banly split that no caucus can didate could b agreed upon. Tur. MfTIIOPlST IiOOK CoNtT.RM. : After three dsv'a secret session, the Methodist l.'omntitteehave determined , to abandon their trial of lr. l.ana- ban, and lo employ an impartial coin-1 minion of exnert to examine tho af. i-orl.tin from Ihem and from rollateral 1 . 1 . . r 1. t 1 I v Hli-iivq w lint iiiiuua unit tn-cn com. 1 mil led. their amount. and their authors. This is a grot victory for lr. l.ans- 'ban and b'r common sense. The majority 01 tins v oinmitice cviuenllv ! came together to tlestmy In 111 and to' .pi acquit those whoso crimo bo bad tie I ,M'"",.'. March ih. 1. . 1. -i.i .'t mon, at the alnrr b ;.teited, whatever might bo tho cvi-( Tu ..i.e. M.reh nh. ..; .1. 1 : , , ilns conspiracy lias broken! flown, thaiiKS to tno attiiutlo of the , Itisbops and the opposition of the pub-! ...-. v im. .....v c ... im, -iiiiu-j rea-!dist v litirch, and tho public nl large, j may now hop. that the extent of iho i 1 .....,. ..,0 .- agement of the Hook ton turn thor-i oucliir rerormra. 1 he nerseeulion of ' . "... I r. Inahan excite. suspicion that in.-rr imiri. nnisv or. inueil Itlttre rx- tensive and older than has been sup. 1 pose!, and lliat ritjid ami impartial : I .' . . .7 . inquiry will show that other men he. I side thoso implicated bv Ir. Lanahan have been truiltr of niinn their e,..,fi. I -- j p, - denlinl positions In tho Book Concern to enrirh themselves at the exoensel ! of its treanirv .ns. Hfiv MvfitlsfiiifnH. N'OlH l fnwl'mt' tfjwfi- tlmWr tDnrli- Kit. t. Mr., hum lo.lH n U.c ra.ii.aa of iho ,,lr utth HUM II MlUI HkUH. VhaM t wnilitp, Jut.. 1, liM SI. i At'YIO V All i)r'ii rf hrrrliT cruI i.t.d I ' aefiinxt rarrlnfini nr In tur T inl.l lmr I oh arrrlsi lir"n M AISK, mi in llir pnnn-l l tion of H. Ilsiklrn. ol w .ijini"'n "rourn. I Hi! muio liellii lo "'! '"')" lo mjr 01,l,.r. sAMlEt. M.CtKK. Nrw W.iliin(toli, in- 1'. ( tAI'TIOX. All pproni in hirrl.y wirufj I ki""I I'lifliHuii'K I" my w,,y murtdlinf nilb a rrrluiii ItoAN lloHM-;, now In llis pwfifD. niun uf illlnm Slmlu, tf CuUnn-u iwnliip,iB His lime bi'lonft lo inr inl it UU with bliu un nnly, luMrrl tu mv orrtrr. KAMIOI.I'II P1ICLTZ. KllK-hvlllf, Jill. ?5-3l. l. (lAl'TIOSI. All .irom sro korrlil nuliScit J out tu nurrlinti or in hit wit loterfpro with i iH'rtuiD note of&lU, ghfu it l'uiiufU'lil to 1), j, ('Aru au'l J. Julimou, itTAllc wren uinnlli dllr. dnli.1 Ilic Slh (lv f NovnuUr, A. I. ts;0, miilc nibls to myirlf or or.ler, in 1 luvi nivir riHMiivt'd my iVue for mill noli, and will not iay tlip lainu until toiiii)tlll to do ro St diu nrocrig uriniT. A. V. ('. ItO.SKNKHAXS. I'rnoflflil, Jin. 1S71 "!1mI. Afilculliiral College or Pcnn'a. ril II IS imlitution will re-4pin for Pprlnic Tirm .1 ( J S7 1 ) of Unity-four (21) wsrki oa r'ridar, riljruftry I'Mli. l-'or tei)eral circular, onlaiof.uv and otber information, iddrrai THUS. II. Ul.'llllOWKS, I'rci'f, Aricullunl L'oIIcki 1'. ):il)2.i 4t Ontro ouuiity, l'a. IMTIt A Canii tropin inf en tbr nrruiiiu J of tlic lubirrilur in Jdorrit towntlrp, on or ai.unl the Id , 1871, a COW, about 'Kb y?ar old, brlndlc and wbiu tottcd. a Ur wbito .pot in tile forrbrld. 'Ibcowucr if Urrttl.r nutinid lo come forward, prove property, pay ill chirp's, and lake bor iway, or abv will be dil uoat'd of aacordmg to law. (ATllAtllNK NEIUX. Kvlirtown, Jan. I.', ISM llpd. J. B. McENALLY, ATTOUN EV AT LAW, IcarOU, I' a. jSHB" Le al butineef altmdrd tu prolnpllr with fidelity. lifRee os Second atrial, above hi firet katioinl llink. l:to:7l lypd i r.wTnhouse7 Midway brtneeu l ick Ituuaitd Mihv11Io. T1IIE unifrti;ncj wuatd irijieclfull.T IijtHp tho attrutiun of waiaiuiai. ttd all ctlitri to tht Uct that be hoc oj'fued Uultl at the aliv ntnied pUtr, wltera ii prtiaml tv accumrao. date all wiio my favor bita mtb a call. Yvtlr Liava bro ym itt un th tank, iu a tu iutuie a taf Un-liiij fur tra'aroirn. aii2jia W. IV. IRWIW. IN TlllaC'Ol HTOKIOMMO PLF.AM of Clrarfif Id ooontr, FmnnTlrania. Kai aeii Itrtma j No. Htpttmbrr Triai. . I KG 7. Atn rt t iter. j FuVjiaiii tur divorce. The nndrriuKiied ('uinmii inner, appointed hi tho i'uurt lo Uke ttitimooT io tba ator cut, htrrh irirn aoltee Utmt be will ttrnd to the du ll of lnt ftppuintraent J the t.ftiof J. B. ftK-Ka-at!T. Ksu)., in th borough of I'lrarrtVld, on Tuet duT, tba 2Ut of Ffbrvarr, A. I. 1K7I, at I o'eluek, p. where al parlir inter, -ted ean attend. 1A.V W. MeCI HIVt jm2-t Jt Cnnniiiiioiier. Must be Closed Out ! riO makt room for Spring tioojt, tbt balanea X f bit winter itock will ba tloaatj out at a CRKAT I!EDlCTION I lleit Print! IOe. Heat Iitaine, J0c Mualint rir? cbrap. t'ilindnl French Uerini ;. Fplindid tblili, f.S.OO, f 8.00 and 17.00. Flannela ry cheap. Coatinf eery cheap. Fan at U 09 a tel. Waterproof, Collon Flannell, aid rylhing 'w, at prieei to tall cierybodr. M M. ski:d, I II Marhel itrerl, C'liarnrld, Ta. SherilT's Sale. 1T vlrtul of s writ of t itri fmrint, Unti j Jseid inntT, and to dirrcitif, f f out ot too court ol Comrnoi I' leal of Ciiar Scid county, and to ma directed, thin wilt ha aipoird to public nlo, al thi Court Home, in tbo bomoith of Cle.rlrld, on Mcn.l.y, thi I lib djy of Marrh. If7l, al I o'clock, p. al , thi following deictlb.d Krai Kitata. to win All that certain , tenement and tt "f "imaio in the to.n.hip of Kirpraon, in I I'l ""I? ' ST! v"a: HrKinnmj; at a rrd imk, (duwn.) a corner of oilier i '""I of 'lr "! A 11 and Juhn litrrorr; j f. Ilainillnni ll,en hr .,r ...j Ii r ll illon, north A dt gree., cant nine perches, to a pn.t, at Campbell I han i thenei north 40 drgreer, wr.t 2M perrlier, to a Water beech i Ihrnce, north 71 di-a-reci, cut, liy land of Frampton Mct'rack.'.n, 74 perchc, to a pini .tump; tbrnci north 20 de. gree.. wct p-whir. lo a po,l on the aokitb lnh of l.illle ClcarSeli) Creek i Ihrnco down tin ,aid crerk. north "0 degree,, n,t, by land of Maitin Watt, 120 perrlir, to a water beech on the north ""I Luk of laid creek thrnca. k? land of John C. Ferguioa, loulh 40 degree., cut 214 pcrrhci. to a wbito pini; tbenci loulh IS derma. i..t 40 perchci, to the plicf of Iwginnipg; eintaintng 300 acm, more or Icm. l-cite l. lakeo in eie-otioo and to b loli at the property of A. O. and R. II. Jamieon. Wilder! will taki ailiee that IS per eint. of tba purrhaM money mail hi whea thi property ii knockld down, or il will bi put up agiio fur nil. Jf.-TIN J. I' IK. SHiairr'a Orncr, I KlienlT Clrartic.'d, Pi . Jin. Ii, 1171. j Triennial Assessment Appeals. TnTiri? k i . -.1 ai.-i .l. 1 ,n f tic.rtieid count, .u. mt ,h. .... I'." 'hi following nimrd plicei. for the pur f" f """ -""inin, appeal, on tbi I Tricnni.l of IS7I. The hour, of hear- lag will be attach between t iVock, a. ra., : " "'. p m. Kij"h"'; " 'h' Ph .""' ' liiililand, t'n.ington, at thi niUie houar of Ji.ha Mulaon. on Thurrdar, February Olh. tiiraH. ai t'ongrrM Hill Hchool llnuar. m Frl day, February loth. ..bra. al 81... Lille 8ehol llouar, oa S.lur- ". FcHrwary I Hh v'i.?:".'1" "M" -"''. MaJ. i riaarT I n. Morri.. at tin nuhlic hno.e of FeUoia. r t,. bower, in Kylcilown, on Tir. lar. l eli. I lib. 1'rcatar. al I rntr. rVhool llnur,t,a e.J.,lar, February 1Mb. Il.rnla, at Ibi paMir bnw af Mlb llrl. llorc at the r.l lie bou of KJward AlberL .. Frid.r Hradfnj-d, Bt tin lcho., llouw. near Faaiae! Cowder'i, oa paturdiy, r'ebriary 1Mb. W oo.lward. al the konar of Tbotaaa llcndenna, on Tur.. Iht, February ?M. Ilnlich, at the public ."chool llouar In Jirnri Tille, on Wrdnr. lar, I'ehrn.rT 2:.l. Ii.,i. ,u. Lu.. a.I. ... lm H.,ne. a Thir.lav. Fehrwa.-t r.ld ' at iin tnMic c-hooi Home, is .tD,on- ille, an Fridat, rrhriiare Hth. t'he.t .1 II.. nl.1.. U.I 1 11 ... 'cr'a. oa F.turlay, l.hrnari ih. ' ihepaiiichnnieof Thu ""f"-,00 ".. ''"" ;:,- re"VMk. 1 "i"T",'v- tic lien lion.e, oa We'lnc-Ut, tl, I'l H.t of Mar,.h. 1 ufci . , ,1 . , . c . H, public rcono, n, ! Thor,laT. M.n-h ! I FcTru.. n. al the election hoaae. o IVj.. 1 Jlatrh M. ' ' j Finn, at Tnrkei 11,11 rVhoel llouer, on Patur- d.r xi.reh to, iinwon, at the public home of 0. E. H. Wker. hoim ol D. E. Bnibaker, oa Unlr. at the i.nWie hooae of Wiiiira s-t,.,- '"r,'n B,n- TbutT.i.'wfvl'h.' U"' " A" I,',W'" " r .... . .- "". m inr ro.'iir r ,vnn a l.etnnn.oa ' '"aT. aiareh ith. c.V7llvTuX " -,m me t or.mi..ionrn' j 'm" " TueH... link nth. I . " , ;L aereoy gn. , ,he "i" "i loe erierei ooronrh. aid tnw.k.,.. .ha. ,b.y b,,. n, .i,h ,he lioae .h I i ",r,e. a. wrn b. an perann. who may bTUid""' isik and ir'b'd'iTi'' ... ..,.u,rii annerea. a g-oeral Arpa will . .i.mer. Oll ce. oa ,oe IMb. ; n n.v, o, n.rra. aner Which o ' tT'' "iifbe held. The i. ro.rej , : cL".Tk. u"l'to "" af the .r.,..nt ,, , T.J?.". " ir " ?V".,.,.!.M,-i u-.ui niw, r. 11. riiir r r h . It. niMiMtv 1'amu RCt k. i Cauito.rt Orrtrr, .flea.-I.U. Pi ..'.n.:'.lrl. j $w (Untlsrmfiitn. DIUDIII.t'Tlllft.-The pirlner.liip hereto fore .lining bet wo n A M II ill. .ml I". P. Hi.w, the pr.rliee of lriililt.-J til I li UrT fftt f ClMrfeM, It ts,t lnr liMilil 1T mmal (sm flil. TboM firvttil knnmiiir I lirlflt Ivrl lslrl,. rl lo ll' rtirnirr Son will li-n isill si sil mil; Hat ami nrltlfi th-ir iwrMi.t. M osr rrftfti-nlion lnvotrrp ilH-ll Stf-vidlv. I'll htukf still rmnli lirt in tlit pot-rftioa of A. M. H.H l hil oSi.T. M. IIII.I.S. r. FIIAW. jalilj J. BLAKE WALTERS, liKAL KSTATF, IlttOKF.l!., it citttn Haw Ioy; nnd Jiumbcr, CI.KAHKIkl.n, I'A. Real K'tala honfhl and rol l, llllil ita-nlnij, tixra paid, and conrej-anoea prepaial. Otlioo in llaeomo lluilding, Hootn No. I. 1:2:71 J. J. LINGLE, A T T 0 II N K Y - A T - L A W; 1:11 Oareola, I'learflrld Co., Ts. yi MOUNT A 1 N SUM I X All V, I.IUJIIMUIAM, Huntington Comity, l'run'i. TUe Twenty Pcvi-ntb Sciiun opena t'ebruary 9th janlS-lai I.. (I. UUlKIt, IViliripal. : Cash Salaries Paid Agents. "ItfE want ant Rood a(riit in tverr eoonty to If Introiline an totiial.r new art. fit. Kair nUrr paid. Tliii ii no liuiiikuj;, but a legitimate titling, otidort'-d lv our moit pruttiinent men. Ad.irrM Jli:MkICKSt WAKIIEN A CO., 41 I'lttifield, Mal. 1 "M TR A !. Camo treipatfinjr on tba prvmi I j aci of t lie ubcnW'-i in l)ixf township, an ttio lit of l'ecainbar taat, thr hhoats, all whit, upptfrd to b about a Jr old. The owner will eouio forward, prot properly, pay cbarpn, and take them awnv, or (baj will le diipoieJ of ae onlint to law.' TII0MA8 M K A S B. jinlf- .'it JAMKH alEAk. J 1 hrrel'T fire notice that bit wife, KLIZA tihTil fcMlLtS, bariLic It 11 my ml and board, without juat eauae or provocation, 1 will pay no debit of her contracting. jaull-St JOHN SMILES. II.I'X'TIO. A urilini of the Ptoekhnlilen J j of tin Clearfield and Curwituvilla Turnpike ltoad Company will ta held at the ofnoa of Jama, t nelev, in the Ixirongh of I learfield, on Than. day, January It, 1B7I, at 10 o'clock, a. ra.. fur tui purpote ol rlicttnK a board of minafren for the anfuiiig Tear. ilr order of thi I'retidint. (I. I,. HKKll, riiontary. ClearSrld, Janaary II, lr.71 2t. 1)HOP)MAI.M.-rmoli will U rariirid by Ibi Biidrriiened anlil Februiry 10, IA7I, tur doinx the ftone aork and UrinK tbo brick of Meetin( IIudii in Antunvilli, c learfield county. tuxou tret, tiro Itonii. Alio, for dung tin ear penler work of raid bntMini. Work Ui bi lorn men'id April tit ind eompletrd by thi lit of Mptemblr, 1B71. 1 b Comaitttel will furnlaa all tin material oa the ground. Tbc plana and of and building will be aiiown by tui andcriignid al Aaeonrille, CleirSeld Co., IV JOHN' KWAX, Sr., ll. W. WltiK, Coaiuiitlia 2ion Uiptiil t'birch. Propniili will alio ba rereir.d bv tbi under- ignid for building a frami Meeting I'auat lo Bell towuebip, Cliardild count r, l'a. IiAVil) McrltACKEX. jinlK St Dowir, Clearfti'ld county, Ta SherilT's Sale. 1)T rlrtut of a ar t af Ltwri fmeia$, $. 1 intd out of I ha Curt of Common flrai of Clfiflsld county, art's tn ai dirvettd, thr will bt xf-oitd to IT BMC hAI.K, at tfa Coait Ilomt) i tli Wnaicli uf i leirfield, o TfcvirrJsj, tht Id dty of F.l-ruary, 1 87 1 , at 3 u'cUmi, p. m., tbo fol to win j Real Kitato, to wit i The followinc drtrriHod rral in HntttnUV, ( lrart.ld vottoty t A eortaio lot of n round bonod ed oo al hy lot No. S, tnutb by Hancock ttront, writ by ilrifliin tfrift, aud north by hmvtr allfT, a nil koown in pM of paid town lot No. 9, with ft two-el or? )!aok bouae, 4x31, kitchen 14xlfl frot, iftd thfrvon. Heiwd, taken In rirrution and lo m sold aa tba pruj.trtjr of lobelia and Pavid Pvriing. 4rBidJri will takt notioa that U ptr fax. of tho parebaao vony aiut b paid when tha pmptriy it koocktd down, nr ft will bo pat op iin ror iai. ;iMI. , rilt, hsiairr'a Orrica. I Bluriff. Clearaold, IV, Jan. 1, 1S71. ( OOMETIIINU KEIV AG AMI C. 1). WATSON WibLei to Inform hii old ftiioda atd thi public p.ni4 T)nitr nntifprtinnprv t TnWjvi Rtirn g' 7 " 11 fKCOND ET , CLEARFIELD, PA. onalily, and will quality, and will ha sold ch.ap for CAMI or approied Country I'roduco. If you want pon Drugi and Fatml Xlidiciaii, 00 to WATSON'S, If y.a want Ccafictloairlii, Canaid Fialti, I'ickloi and Ji'.liai, Nuta, Ae , Al , 01 to WAT.SOS'rl. y.l want Ifai but Hoaxed Cifftl, Kuincl if Coffii, Bplroi of all klndi, ek.ip, Oo to WATSOK'S. U yoa want Fancy A Tollit Soipt, Flawing Bitracti, 1 , Ae , hi run la , 0. ti WATSON'.. If yoa winl Fancy Dyo Culort, Cl.rk'i but Ua. thiol Thread, Pint, Naidlri A Kotiom, Oo to WATSON'S. Chiwiri and Smcltti, If yoa want tbo httl in tbi raarkit, Euy al WATSON'S, " hiro yoi eaa git Fipil A Pi pi Fulurta. If yow want lo git lliar af yoar itanipi. Corns to WATSON'S. If yoa want to tpead s fiw hour! of as nealng with your friinda, ooao to WAKON'j old i itind, whin yoa eas track aatl and oat jokn antll I o'clock, s. a. Arril 13. II7S. E RT A n 1. 1 H II 1. 1 IMS I. Uighelt Prrminta. Kllrer Medal. iwanlrM alleompetitioo, at alarhaniei' Klbibitioa, Dottoo, Octobar, IS'. ' TUB OltK.I.VAL AND OKNl'IM S K L F - li E G U L A T I N G , Wnot OIIT IRON, AIR TIOIIT, OAS C02T3UHI2TO HEATED wits riTtaraD Prat Ftaaaa, Gsirs Ras It tin, Wioioar Una Rionroi, ' AiroiArtc RaaiLAtor, For Rurnlog Anthracite or Bituminous Coal or Wood. 10 litM f,.r brirkwurk, and ! ,iie, Tortabli. WAit r Arttsin ont.T at . REYNOLDS &, SON, N W. corner 13th end Filbert Stm'e, M:ii.Ain;Lriiii, pa. Then Heateri are uiade of Hear, Wrraclit Irnw. well riteted tigeiber, and an warranted to he aWlnlrly llu ind Du.t Tht. They are ti e only Heateri thit ar. wanagod without am daia pen, an.t in whirh all kind, of fuel ean be burned without alteration. Conking Rangra, for llatel., Rr.laaranta and Familiei. Alio, a Fill Top Healing li.rg Flte Pl.ce Heater., t.ow Down Orate. (Hit! klmtrl,, Rrgi.tera, Ventilatort. Pam btrt. giring full drrlption, lent frre. to any adiireai. jrCI'TO ly . $6.50 PI'.R MOTII I The bet .ellma book eirr put, li, bid. Ar'-n'i who - 11 "or new work, Plal. Home Talk and nrdresl omaion Hrnae). hire no mmpotuion. Then ncrer wai a in.k pui.ii.bed like iL Anr .e. see ... ..V.'n? L..J. 1.1 i L 1 j ..1. Igrntt are now mikii,g from f..0l to SS.SO aionta .riling thi. womlerfal hiM,b. XI page lif- eciititiTe t irrular lent fiM oa .ni.! Wa good lire Agent.: m-a who ran fully appre- eilte thi merit. l the work, and the fit th.tlt , . .ni.ereai want Agmu whodxiie todo t well a. make mom.. e,i.ireaa .. - ,vf l a " janl Jm Prrora Pi reel. N.w York. rpraaara and abdonlnal lapportm ef triry X. kiad ef Ikl liteet Impro.raieata, f r .all a 1 ih. Prnj : of R tRTSWrk A 1R IN. it i: 31 O V A Ii. HARTSWICK & IRWIN, DJIUOGI5T5S. WrtrJLrl Ntrrtt, (iearttfitt, Pa. TB btg Irara to Inform oar old and now eontomera. that we haTf i-cmored oar -uMlfTimnt to tho parluuf wow hul M tn (f Jnt froetfd on Marked itrort, nfarl? adjolninn tht MatHftn IJoffneon tha wont, and o,folte Alafin. 0 rah a to A Snhi' ttvra ; wh"ro wa ro'peotfult itivita tba tublie to ooma and buj Ihalr Drugs, Clicmicalfla Patent Medicines. Ottfl, PAINTS AND VARKfSHCS. Our itovH of Druff and Mrdiclpf eomit ti of averjthing fliwd, atlaeted with tba a; raj teat eara, aud WA1E4STED STUICTLI PURE! W aljo keop ft fullitotk of Djci, Parfurard a, TUot artielM. fcoapi, Tootb Uroihei, Hair Itrtiibaa, WbUfWAih liruibej, and orer other kind Uruilin. Wa bara larga lu( of WHITE LEAD, TURTENTIXE. Flaiaad Oil, Palnti, and lo foot ararvthfna; tied in tha painting buaineif, wbirh wa afior at Cit pricaa tu oarb buy en. TOBACCO AND 6F.GAR3, Cunfrrtliaary, Ppieet, and tho larj(t ttock of rartetiva ovar oRrrou lo Ihii -lara. and warrant ad to bo of tha baat tba Market afforda. J. 0. JlAKTHWtCK, How. 28, 1818. JOHN P. IHWIN. Beale's Embrocalion, (L A T f POWELL',) For all diacanra inoldcnt to llt.raai. Cattle, and Human Kleeh, re'juirinj tha ma of an external application, Tbie Embrocation waa aiieniively nad by the UTrnBiant during the war. For tale by llarumck A Irwtr, Clearfleld. JKph H. Irwin, Carwtnirill. laolal ti.od lander. La:herihaT tf o. I., r.wd, ,N0TICE.5V Powell J. Woavir, Citti. (i. Li. REED A CO. CLEARFIELD PLANING MILL ALL RIG HT! riMIF, proprietor! nipMtfully Inform tbailtiicni -A of ClrarSeld county, that tiny ban intiraly rcntlrd thii nubliihment with thi latest improred wood working inachitArr, anl an now prrpirrd to ciccuto all order) la their Inn of buunrrl. They will giriirpirial attention to thi njauufao. tun of material for houM Lailding, aurb si FLOORING, WEATHER- BOAR DING, SASH, DOCKS, BLIND S, n.f cults t .not Lin.yas. OF ALL riTYLKK, alwayi han on hand a large llock of IiRT 1.1 MlltR.and will paycaih for all clear Lumbar. Onc-and a-half Inch panel Huff prvremd. Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or oxshangrd, to luit cuttomira. TaUOnlert lotieitnl, and Lumber ruroiihid on thort notici and id nalonablc tertni. a. l. hrxn a co. ClearScM, Nor. T, Iffi7. Hi3ffUanfou.s. H. F. NAUGLE, CLOCK AD WATCH MAKER, OrPotlTB TRS i'.a mark it rraasT StCLKA R FIELD POST OFFICE rilllE inh.ctibcr nrprcttully ioforaii hit old L pilroni sad thi public genirally. thit hi hi, oa hand, (and ll comtantly receiving saw idditiioi thirito,) s larga itock af Clocks, Watches and Jewelry. "I heap Jewelry In all It. formi and of diSinat valaei, ottbir by thi plica or let WATCHES A full anortaint ofiithor Oold or Filler, winla by thi bt Atrrrior, and for Irn wtinufacianrt, loclading a ftm lot of gold nd ulrir banting caie, (ull jewiltd, Patml Lirtn. CLOCKS Of all doigna. ton.litlng orilghl day and tblrta-boor, of otlber wtlght, rprlng or linn, and both ilrikl and alarm. REPAIRIN0. All kind, of Walcbii and Clooki Repaittd, and wirraoted. la additlos lo what I ban eautniraled, I keep a fall a.tnrtiarntof oPKCTArLKji, colored and plain (Iim. Al,o, QO'.-D I'F.NSaod I'RNCILS. SPOONS, FORK", Bt'TTER KNIVK.4, aad in f.ct inrylbing tn Ibi Jiwclry lina. If I fail to ban oa hand juat what a cu.temcr may need, 1 will order per Brit eipri,,, without eitra charge. A liberal ahiri of public patromgr i, .nlirlled. May 7, ISSS-a II. F. KAIOLB. READING FOR ALLll BOOKS d- STATIOXER Y. Mnrkel St.. t Irarflcld, (al the Toil Office.) rpilR ndenigaed big, lean to announce 10 I thi eititini of Cliatlleld aad ilcialty, that he h.i tltcd ap a room and hat juat returned from the oily with s large amount of reading matter, .oaaiiting in part of Bibles and Miscellaneoas Books, Blank. Acroaal aad Pan Rookt of every da icrlplloB t Piper and Knrelt.pei, French preed and plaint Pint and Prneil,) Blank, Legal Pipin. Deed., Horlg.g ; Judgtmnt, Kiraip lion and I'romla.ory notel t White and I'irob; meat Brief, Legal Cap, Record Cap. and Bill Cap, Sheet, Sluaie for either I'iioo, Finn or Violin coB,Unlly on hind. Any book, or ttatlonrry deaired that I may lot hare on hand, will be or ordered by tret eipreaa, end told at wholerale ot retail to tult ruatomert. I will aleo keep periodical literature, rack ae Magaaigea ). P,p". P. A. OAVLIK." Ulearaeld May f, IHCB ll STOVE AD EARTHENWARE OF EVERT DESCRIPTION I chocks: tots: chocks: l-'l.hrr'a Patent Alrtt,-M stcir . i alloc IValt 4 anil Tll'TTFR CHOCKS, wiih ti l.. CREAM t un. M. NM.K CRflt K ai l l.n - IM 1 I 1 It t 1HU hs, I'll KI.E CROCKS, flower pots. pie dishes ftew pots. And a great many other thing, too numtren. te menlion, to be bad at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WARE POTTERY, Comer nt Chrrrr Tbirtl Strati, ( l.F.ARKIhLI. f A. a.pS FAIRBANKS' standard SCALES, - - or ai.i siarit Baggigt flimwa. Warcboare Track., Copying a, Imprnriil Money Drawir, le. ma itLS bt II. F. IUGLER k CO., Inrslrra la Hardware, wlehlS TI tf rWnnd Rtreet, Clearfeld, Pa. rjlHE CKI.EPRATED RICHARDSON Roots I I l-Kl kin .... ' ' I finch K p pa) French Calf. ) M 'Opp-'il. .1.1 tf At C. KRATZI-R'S. Pnt Cioofls, C.rorrrlff, f:U. ii IC I ! A T il A Mi A I X H Xrw More In MuhonlmrR! la tbi room fonnirty oocupltl l.y P. T. Il'garty. L. M. COUT1UET rpAKKH tliia m.lKod of Informing IliieHltena 1 of Covington, Karlbane, Oiraril and llie lur rounding eonnirl. lhi.t be haaju.t opened a larire lloih of SI 1IMKR titifilif. wbirh be t. dit.r mined to lelllUM PER CENT CHEAPER than tin tame quality of Hindi can he porclivo-d fnr in any other Hon in the oeigliborhoed. Hit ttotk con.irtl of Dry Goods of all Linds, Bacli fatinrtt, Cifiiinrrpi, Mnvtinf, Iflin, ),h.n( Itrillin, Culinics, 1 ricoMinji, KEADY-VAliE CI.OTIIfNO. UDOTS i bUOKS, HATS 4 CATS, GEOCEEIIS OF ALL KIKD3. ' Code, Tea, Soger. Rice, Wo', Fi.b, tall, Ltmeeil Oil, Fifh Oil, Carlwn Oil. Hardware, Qufiensware, Tinware. Cartlnga. Plow, and Plow CaUinga, Nail., Rplkri, (Inn f !u)l i valor., f'irle. Pr.iui anil all kiadi f Axei. feUy Plowi are of the Carwn.lll. and Centia oouniy make, aud are warranted to hi of good quality. Drugs and Medicines, Pirfumerv, Faintti, VaruiFli,, and t ffneral Aurluiut of Butiuticty, GOOD FLOUR, Of diffpTni brndn, felwtvt on hmn', and will bt old at tbr lowttt ponible fifurtM. rtqt orh, Bucb ai eCRANaDT, WINK, GIN 1 H lilHKY tSwCO founit tf Wool antd for which tht blhett prira will bt paid. txovtR 8i:ti, 0b band and for aa't at tbt ltwtrt aiarkti pric. Al, Afftit fur Wilioo't EtrftUuiirilU T II it E S HI X O MACHINES. fcSCall and vac fur yevrttlTt. Ton wilt find tTr?tbiug viur!!j ktpt iu a retail lort. b. M. C0LTKIET. FrtPicbTillt P. O., Jan. T, Down I Down II THE LtTiUUVAL AND OF COL' USB THE CIIKAI'E3T! A Proclamation against High Prices! "11TI art low eptnirijf "P r ll't bttt and If mntt tMiiknaIIft (itKdt and Warea tvtr oflerfd in tbit market, aod at prir?i that ramtod ont uf lli food old tiara ui clit.p llnnt;t. Ttv na iaea laitu epan tint point, or omiu oar al;a (atiotti luptrtiuom. DrtJ but itl ar arn store, Cwrncr Front an J Market tracfp, Wbrra lliey tan , frl, bear and know fur tbM tcWra. To fully on Jrritand ahat artrbrap irooJi, thi mutt b Uuii. Wa do Bt daia it utry lo rnnmtrmta and iltmiu our stuck. Il it enoah fcr ui to t ate that We have Everything that ia Needed aad oon.umed in tbil market, and at pricci thil aitoniih both old and y&ui.g. deJi) Ju.-KI'II FIIAW A P0S. C. KHATZER & SONS ARKTIKCEIVISQ A SPI.EX DID STOCK OF CAKPETS A I OIL C LOTUS. WALL rATEUS-GlLT rATEK, d-o. LACE CURTAINS, WINDOW SHADES- COUNTERTAS ES AND QUILTS. LINEN TAPLE CLOTIH NATKIXS LADI ES 81 LK COATS tf- OVER.SK I RTS. ELEOANT SHAWLS i LACE TulXTS LADIES' rt- CHILDREN'S TRIMMED UATS. DRESS GOODS AM) TRIMMINGS. tlFT KID CLOVES-LADIES' GEN TLF.M EN'S A N D C II ILDR EN'S. RI.ACK AND FANCY SILKS. FINE RLACK ALPACAS. I'N'FQl'AI.I.F.D STOCK LA Dl KS" AND CHILDREN'S SUOFi UAITEUS. MEN'S CALF if- FRENCH KIT P.OOTS HEAVY CALF PoOIS. i. m e n 'Sand no vs- f i n e a n d h f. a v y MIOES. CASSI M ER E.S V I. HY CHE A T. BEST STONE IF. A SErTS, 5. C.R(KF.RIF,S. Fl.nril rf PROVISIONS AT LOH'KST RATW. I.IBFim, DF.DT'CTION' TO THOSE BUYING IN QUANTITY. WOOL. MARKrTING AND COUNTRY rHODLVE WANTED. Clearfield, June tn. W. rjo l.t'MBEHl:i TEnFECTIOS I CANTHOOKSl Tht Clrartili Eirilaior Canthook will not wtar ot or wreak, being conatraeted with one i tolid band fioa clip to point It il pronounced by all practical luabermea who hare eiemicrd It to be the moat perfect Canihooh fer InTrnted. Amos Kpnnard, Patentee. alanufe.-turd by Aiot Ktilm A Co , al ' ci.Eir,rii:i.n. pa. ' -All ordira prowplly attended to. S ; ' cw Mine and Liquor Store. I. L- REIZENSTEIN, waotiaati Mute ta WINES & LI QUO RS, MARKET T., Cl.EAP riPLD, PA. FI Poll atAeb r tri 1 1. . ... . and Alcohol, alwayi ea hand. Kpcrlal atlentiea Paid IINfirlnf hum .. . 1 l . G . . - - .... cBirameaiai and medical parpoaei. iprll rmf Miss E. A. Pa Rynder, " int iob Cbick.Hng'1, Rleiawat 'e and Emeraott't Planoa timitb fc Maaj,, .... 4 Pii.JC"' Orgaaa and M.lodeona. and 0-,r 4 Baket'a Sewing Machine,, luao Tiara.. . Piaee Oalur, Oriaa. Harmony a.d Voe.l M. le.lhjr.rll take, fo, , " V.inl,s. Clearfield County Eani flMIR rie.lD.ld Can, ,t ' 8"1 t.d loMiloti... tb. lurr.nde, of It, ,i J" an i.- -....i. . . 11 ), n ... . 1.111 ey ..,..,,,. ,. ,.,., r .,.jl, -ill pla-!,!l pint. Rirk.r., ,, ol th. t'lea.lllid lout, p.,,.. - , ui .noa.lM. for thi d.hi. ,.i ,. "ia.1 Ha tii.t.i on deniand it ti,, recet.ed Itid lnlC7rl p j wh.a B, '.' h a tied lima. I Ii,.,,, aa hrretolure Hor r"wir..i r,..'''" pledged fof ill I'OMl.ll. Tt.r.J " liana eted A im . Ilk,. ronage of the biaini.a a.i, ,i ., J ape.uull) i..ici'.d. Aa l'rt.,ji ,"'l. Ullirrrj of ll a lata ri..,r. j . ' , " .. . . . . . ur.i t.- rcquiri in. noiet ol (ilfl Lhik 111 for redemption. -IAS. T. LEtlNAIlD, P.ICIURD,,,, WSI lOHTtlt li i... A. K. WItlullT, o. I. hlLuk u- u a wi.t. .. .. "i -.. n. n t;, Tbe boaleei. of tbe Rink will he eatl. Jobs M- Ait. mi., Kiq., ai Culiiir. J. I). M'Oirk. Il,w. BANKING & COLLECTION EC: McGirk & perks. Cureei!i.rl to Fmtrr, I'erki, A In ruillpaburu;. l entre toumy, p, Vr jiti: g ,11 ,i,,, , . 1 I will oe tran.artcil nrouiplly BLd mo. favoraidi teiroi. B County IMational Bint pa. fpnlS Bank ii now open end reidy f at win. on rccona eircet. ti tktk, Ing formerly occupied hy Lcot.ard. Fi&Bijt TAf. B. GRAHAM, HIl I1AIIII fUlT WM. A. W AI.l.ACK, . pORTgt A. K. WRIUilT, GhO. L. Ui:EIl IT. M. ftiXW. JAS.T l.tnv.i. Jo:,iCJ Caahler. p, KogBiTownshlp A nal GREAT KXt'ITEMtXT AT THOMAS IiEEIlSS: pVrRTBODT trying tefal thenar.!. (,. J j j wi niiug riowui. out IlilO IOC COIJ. ll yon want good Shoeing dune, go ti f.ti If you wmt yoir flee', ironed light, gt. t If yoa went good 11 ill Ironi, go to tti, 11 yoa want your wignn Ironed in tbt but etyli and workinanihip. go to an I'Bcaa roakea the heat Ftump luiehlr. n Sum, and duet all kind, of RLACKrMna at ebi.p aa can bi duni in thi eoaoty for U Hy 1'oat Olce addreef la rieirueld Br tP THOMAS UEi.ii Boggi Tp., Dee. If, 17 tf. Southern Land & Emlgrstli COMPANY. WASHINGTON, D. C. "R0AXI7.SD and utaMlahed f..r tha Pti, and ha!i of Faming ind M.naral Lai nd Improved Rial tl ju in the goutli.rn Su. THOMAS K. FLORENCE, Pruid. JO. H' KHNP, Vict Trea t. J. IIE.VRV ASKI.V. Treaa.1, rrit.dint xowrth National Bank of l'hiidil; W juil.l Miimtl.1., bveratary. THOU. C. MACllUUGLL Atlorwy aod CoiRi.liit Olnci: WaihingtoB Railding, Coro.r t.r at., aad l inniyhaiua Artnue, It a.birgtiD, I Bartar.cti t Hut. John T. Hoffman, Albaar, K. T. L.I Oor. Ila. Il.c'er, ( learteld, I'.. lioe. T. r. IUl.d.ilpli, Tienton. K. J. kl tlue. M ia. P. 1'aekcr, Wiiiiampport, K rep., i, oi-tl. liioap FiiriiftKi'c. JOHN (JULIf'II pvVSIKCS lolnf.irni hit old frienda and I Ay tonrea, that baling enlarged fait ihop n I incrcaicd hit facilitiet for Banulartaring. h I now prepared to icike to older inch Poraitim I may bi deaired, In good alyla and at eheaa nt. for CAfill. tie gmira'ly bat ob hanJ, at I. rurnitun roomt, a raried BMortment ef rtaai audi furnture, among which are BUREAUS AND SI DEIkMKI9. Wardrobatind Heok-Ceiee; Centre. Fofa, Pit'e I Urcaklaat erd lllntng litecieB Tablet: C.I biob. Prenrh-poft,Crtiage,JerBy-Lird aad elfcf Bediteedaf fat of all kind., W ctk ilitti I llat-racka, narb-ttandt; Rocking and A.a- Cbairt : tprlng-ieat, eaee notion, ptr'.r, hb ob and other Chain ; Looking. Ola.iei of fun I detcriptioB an hind ; and new glit.ea for .11 framea, whllh will he put In OB eery reaiemkit tennt on thcrtttt aotice. He alae keipa oa kii er furni.hct to order, CerB-beak, Hair and Cel. ton top auttrttaet. Coffins op Evert Kind Made to order, and funeral, encoded wit. i Hear.e whrnerer deaired. Alio, Dosat Pilaliij uone 10 eroer. ine luoicribir alee ajanala,. urei, aro eonttanlly oa biad, Cleojeiti l alaol el aibmg Machine, the teat noviaiei' Thnai Bring tbit machine aeicr reed be eita. oat clean clotheal He alio hit Flrtr'i Paieat Chan, b raperlor artirli, A family nieg tkli Lturs Betir Btld be wtlbcat buttir I All tbi abort aad1 many other arlielei are fir. aiihid to eaatomen cheep for Cain or txcb..l tir approied aonntry produce. Cherry. Napa, I'opiar, Llnwood and at)er Lumber tuiiaMe far Cabinet votk, laktB In il.hange for farliit-l ar-Rctneroler Ibe tbip la en Martet ttreet, Clearfteld, Pa., and aoarly et poalte tbe "Ola Jn etore. - JUUS HI Lain. Noiemher Id, IJtrtl y The Lightning Tamer. pilR nodtriif ntd art tht tola Afttti it ikii X fartr for tl.t 'N(.tll Avrriraa tiiltarit U'JlllMNd h'JDS." Titit art ttttaa'jft' rvd nw ta ac, and art tcdorftd fcj all fit titifle aro la tht rtontrr. H" hrrtr'jr' tnAtift tha eftittr f tbt Mtfj that will put then op a bttttr rvd. ! (t Un Wtonty, thaa it rhard hy thr fort'p ICrntt who BBtinaHT trarrrta tht eoaaty - oarry oc our littlt r ah, nertr to rttvra. EXCOl'RAfJE HOME LAB0K. Thn.. wltblng li.hlaint Rod. arettrd l their building, aeed but addre.a at by Ipllrr. er call in perron. We will put them trp'.nyehit in threonnty, and warrant thtra. Thi Rr.anr.1 Pillorei r.a be teen at any live by eallirg it our lion. u r. BIULLK I IJ. Clearfield, March Jo, 1T0 tl DAVID YOUNG, Slonc-Cutler and Slone-Ynson, V T ILL i ecu Ii all wirh tn hit lint it rite pricci and ia f IRT -t LA5i ttyla. Architectural Crciurerti I ALL SULKS, fttne rrct.lng if irttf OMcrrriioB, and all klnli af maaon mrk trartid for in aroatof ibi eonnty. Any pertrtt wiiaiog te hate re.peet.hte miiaoa work itt ttonc rattiag doai, will (nd it to tniir Iclenit ta cell upoa ae I woald alra laforai the ! lie that 1 eaa delirer any ejuictlty or rinf '( I tioBi aertr.d, aa I am tbi iwaer f a FIRST-CLASS STONE QUAHRV. Ordtrt for work can Vi eddniaed ti HAVlIi ilUKfl. miirj.ri l'liai8..4 i'. Clearfield Nursery. ENCOURAGE HOME IXPUSTRT. T'llE ur J-r.irr.fH. baring eftahliihrd Nn A tery oa the Tike, about L a if way hctwtri Clearfield ind fimrli 111., I. prefirtd te fi.r aiah all k indl of PR I IT TREES, l er dwarf.) Krirrraeoa, fhribhiry. Grip! Vm'i Gooaeberriet, l.aatoB Piarlhirre, Plrlihrrrt, and Rubirry Viaea. Alio. Siberiin Crsl- T.'tee. Quince, and ee':y ic.rlel Phuhaih, t Ct"t pronptly attended ta. AJdrraa, 1, l. writinr tepjt 6 y Carweni.illr. Pi Lime for Sale! T::; ZtnX ..... .,T . , mi vi i nr ropon'aiiit, nurtni nr i blc4 to krp x,Bttai)t!j on hand a laiff o, nan tit; r r R E L IME! which ht offrri to firm an i (sa.LIm mi a t:9 , BaWf fOtl. I !OA IB ftTfii l tilt artli it WOlll'i ( wU to a 0..1I, or 4 ir ait ly leittr, ht- bm wtl. is arixJ nl tlr rttt 1 t.l'ii. C. rAffM'TI ClfirfclJ, pa.. Jam t. lt.fl. I.I very Klnblr. TIIK wnder!;nei beg. irirete ln'rm the r' be that he ia now fu!W prepared to em,rae,e- ....... .i, ih ioe way 01 luiDi, rung llorre. nuci'"-i lail.llrt and Harm.,, on tbi ihortirt aotic aed . on reaKinai i. tirma. Ho.i t. nor on I Licatt IH! OIAPnAPT. Mum IMrd ar.d Toarfh. ' 0,n ' , "ieirf .M, Ap il l,