TllK HKPllHlilCAN. CLEAKFI ELD, Ta. WEDNEPKAV MOIININfl. J AS. IS. 1T1. Cadet Smith. Tlii clinrming laid is A boy nnd brother of Alriinn exlrmaion, wlio wan ocnt to Want Point last ntmnur todlminu youtitf CaiicuMiinH of tho MiLtnry Arndoiny into proper rcHpoct for tlio Fifteenth AniiMidmrnt. ilu tor .Smith, Blmnjjo to relate, was not received with open iiimib by hiit broth er cadets. Tlit-wj hanghiy nnd mi. rwiHonuhlu youngsters failed utterly to reeonite tlio liulernal relution do clureil to subsist lietwecn Master Smith and themselves by our renovated Con tttitutiun. The ulwolelu word 'ninor" wu freely whispered about the parade giound vi'licti Smith's i;l ruin ill); 'm)' net anil woolly head were discovered in the ranks. Nobody could be found loyal enough to ncii'pt him as a tent nutto. The nftiible dunisels who herd at the Point in the do days. and make love to tho infant warriors at nitre on the bosom of that benignant plain, turned up their noses in emphatic scorn when the lad ol Guinea display ed his ttliitiinn; ivories and sought to sitnulato the conquering und co(juett inn nmtle of hi brethren. In vain did the Professors, wiio are n servile jiailt of old noodles, attempt, by dis- play ol unusual uelereuce to lucid Smith, to invito an imitation of this unwonted courtesy on tho part ot the young gentlemen1 in pray. Smith us ."cut," dtail. lie was not even honored with the attention of being ducked, kicked, or hair pulled a pro cess id' initiation never omitted in the citao of a newuoming white. 11 o was severely ignored. For a considerable time Master Smith confined liimsoli to the business of pouring into the eursof sympathetic Congressmen the story of his wrongs, nnd, in this nay, became quite a no ticeutle person in the newspapers. ltul last, tho "M. C.'a wearied of wording the bad grammar nnd spel ling out of his letters to make tl.em fit for publication, the amiable youth in a moment of wipricious wrath, ap plied a heavy tin dipper to tho head of a whito boy nnd brother named Wilson who encountered him in the ' vicinity of the pump. Unluckily for Wilson the vengeful .Smith over esti mated tho power of resistance of the Caucasian pate, and fancied that nil heads were like tho ono which ho had oftentimes butted sgninst cheeses and stone walls for tho trifling recompense of a penny. Hence, it tunic to pass thai it blow which would doubtless have rebounded harmless from hisown woolly cranium did Wilson dire mis chief und laid him fast in I lie hospital. The Faculty-precious toadies though they are could not quito overlook this misapplication of the Academic dipper and Smith was Court Mui tiah'd. Double O, Howard presided over the tribunal which tried him, nnd this amiable body, after bearing tho case, sentenced hi iu to promenade ono or two hours a week for ono or two weeks, on tho parade ground under the escort of a guard. This prcpos terous scntetico having been submitted to the Secretary of War, that func tionary pronounced tho punishment wholly inadequate to tho oll'ense and, therefore, remitted it altogether. Tho Court Martial not having given Smith enough, tho War Department rebuked its neglect of duly, by giving him nothing. And so ho struts at his post onco more, rampant nnd victorious. Moral. Whito Cadets who feel thirxly had better in luttiro postpone refreshment until Smith has had his turn at I li e pump or clso steal the dip per. Kaiton Argus. Bill Arp on Life Insurance. "Bill Arp," the famous Georgia hu morist, has been "interviewed" by life insurance agents, nnd fa vors tho public, in his own inimitable style, w ith his cxperienco ; A tnenrt (I suppose he n n friend) found me nnd said ho wanted to see mo particlarly. He took mo away ' back imil hauled oiilsnmu little thumb papers lull of figure), and said Is' wanted mo to insiiro my life, That skeered me worse lhan'nnything, for it looked like I was in danger, und he bad just loiiml it out. 1 nxed 1iim if be lhoiii;ht there would bo a fiirhl. lie explained things to 1119, and I fell relievcil, and declined to insure for tho present.." You see I felt mily well, and couldn't see the necessity. At the next corner I met another friend, w ho seemed L'hid to sco me exceed ingly. He held my hand in bis sev eral moments. Ho axed mo if my 1 i lb was insured Ho said ho was Hirenl for the very best company in the world. I axed how long a man would live under bis company. llo then explained to me that a limn iniht die at any lime; that they didn't keep a man from dying. .So ' declined, hut expressed my cratitiidu for his interest in my Welfare, nnd promised to buy a poiioy as soon as I L'ot right sick. Just as 1 left ,im j beard him cull some feller a darned I'hool. Wliori K..t to Ildlol tllflC ! was a feller waitin for mo on the same business. He talked to mo nn -hoiirahoui thn certainly of death. 1 thought, perhaps, ho was a mission ary. Hit Nci-nifd much con'-.'rned about my wil'u und children, and once ' or twice wiped his oyes with a white j pocket haiioknrchle'f. I knotted he' was a fi iend, and told him 1 would ro- fl.M't tu'rim.MH' 11 mill flm ...... " I believe that company is a purely philunlhropic institution, and would lend a poor fellow a low- dollnm if he 1 was unflenng 1 think I will trv and 1 oorrow a 111 uu iroin I heir lik'unt. i. morrow. This morning tho lint one erne to soo mo agin and I concluded J was 11 1 1 1 y Lad. and axed him to ex ciie me as I was not feelin' well. I went to Dr. Alexander, and got a doo of salts He axed me if 1 was sick. I told him I mippwd I " as ami the reason why. He ihen told me all about it and said there was about 100 of them fellers in town, und llu-y bored about a half an inch at the first interview anil an i licit at the fecund in this same hole, and so on until thej jret to the hollow, and the patient K've in and took a policy. 1 don't know about, bnl I will my (,rv are the friendliest, most nvmiinf liim.'.' rtiml hciirtcd ini'ii I ever hi ruck ; nnly 1 don't like o mticli talk nl.nnt c.inih. ml gruvcyunls. suit. 1 (IkIi) t lake lli The l.rifrht .(iota of a inmi'a lift.. nrc f'W enoiiuh without lilottirne ny out. The brim, like ll,o earth, wouhl' lo yu-lil (-ood fruit, were it not Home, tiim-a w;i-rcd Mi ith tho tiurn of aonsi biluy J and th fruit would bo worth. Hm, but for thi lunshine ofiruiltn ) Vlanlnj MU. 1. I. Ri.. ,) NOTICE. J. F. Weaver, a. 1 a. m:i:i & co. CLEARFIELD PLANING MILL ALL RIGHT! rpnR proprietors reetrullyliifnrm Ihoollltrnl of Clrarllelil eounly, that they hav. antirely refitted Ihii Mtabiinhmnt ttlth tkr rVeel Improved WAOit.wnrkinir nischinir. un.l Br nnw ,ik,iim.i . ,' . , ' They will give mpcoiiU ullrnlion to tha nmmil.ic tjro of mftlorml ftw houim builJing, u.rl. u ' FLOORING, WEATHER-BOARDING, sash, noons, blinds, lin.u ar.T.s k .not OF ALL STYLUS, We I way i dure on hnnd liirge itook of HHY ht'MREIt, nnil will n-tt, for ell elur Lumlxr. One-and-n-hutr Inch panel ituff prefermi. Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or exchanged, to luit cuitotncrl. Va-Onlcre otieilt-il, anil I.umlrer furninhrd on ihort notice and vo rcuonalilo tcrml. U. L. Iltl'.U & CO. ClrarficM, Nor. T. 1807. iHfiliml. 5 'For thy Stomach's Sake and thine other Infirmities." St. Paul. nitK WEST BRANCH BITTERS. Vinfc, purr, ploanant mi J bcnltb giving Tunic itrictlv vfg UUo, ant manururturrd from the inoit pure nn l choice nmicriuls Is not a irit drink nor ubtitut flr wliinky, but a icicntiflc conijifiunJ, for tlio protection of (lie nyntrm ami the cure of diwnirc, rondo from chcmirnlly pure pirit, entirely i'rec fruui fucil oil or other iriita ticg iripcrtiep, and will not disagree or ofl nd the nit.ot dilieat ituiuach. A Iwig privuta experi ence hai attested its Superiority over all Ordinary Remedies No Cittt at jirri-ciit offered to (he tutitic contttintao much medii'inul virtue, and yet m m(r j ml plia-nnt to take. lt mo is to cure (Iim-uhc, and H wilt not create an appetite for npirituous liquorn, but will cure the etTccta of difIpution. To increase' (be Appetite, I'SK IT. To protnoto Digeition, I'SE IT. To cure T'Vffpcpiia, t'SK IT. Tucore Fever and Ague, V8E IT. To cure lUllmtuncsi, USE IT. . To cure Conntipation, t'SE IT. To care Chronic Iliarrbcaa, 4 1 tfltflT. To cure Heart-burn. fpg IT. To cure Flutulcncc, USE IT. To cure- Acid KnirUtiuni, I'SK IT. To cure Nciroaf debility, VPft IT. To cure Hj d"cliotidria, t'iE IT. To cure Sallowncw of Complexion, T HE IT. To cure Pimplci and IH jIcIk-i, I'FK IT. rortjrnernl PntBtration of the l'liynh-al powers, tE IT, and U will cure you. Fold even where, at $1.00 per Lottie, Manu factured e xclufireljr by A. I. S II A W, Druggilt, CLEARFIELD, PA., WhoofTcri lilterul induocmenta to (he trade. Oct. 2T. 1MH:tf. PEWSYLYAM V RAIL - ROAD. TYRONE & CLEARFIELD BUANCI1 "V and aflrr Homlnr. NOV. 2l,t, 1 n, two I Mwriffi-r J ruiiii mil rim iliiilv lox'-riit friun- d.yJ octwotn Irroneand Cicii-iictd, aa lullow,: (.I.KItKIKl.l) MA II,. l.l.AVE SIlL iil I.KAVl! NOltril. rleirfi.1,1 ?.in, riiiiipii.uig .no, Oneo! 4.H.S, Tyrone o.:U. P. Tyrone w..1S..aI. " ' In II l.i. " I l'hlipl,urg...l, " Clearllelil tS.4ll,e.. ci.i:aiihki.h AcriiMM MiATION. leave nn tii. LEAVE XmtTII. rimrn-14...... 7. no A. I'hiJ i,huraf. 9 till llflr-eola IC.IUI " Itilrr,rttion...l2..'i(l t. h, Tro1e 1.13 ' T.vnrne ,..111.(10 . . lnlcrN,(' ". 0ieo!a 2 no p. w. I'hilipnl.nrg ...J. Ill ' 1'i. ntti. I.I. r...i..'i0 kai:k and instances. lltd.M CLEnKIl:l.ll.l FROM TVItdXR. Elation. f SI Statinni, Lronnrd 2 ',, I',,,,,! II Ilialer P .. 4 .. 7 .. M .11 ..II ..Ii ..17 W ..51 In Inlcrnr-'tinn... 20 sn.i-nyoe..., 2.' (Ittrrlnrr lii. 111. I'lcauunl. 40 Huiutiiil 50 l.lniv Ri,ij;e ii.t I'owellloll (.0 Obrrola ItA 7.', S'rlrer, jn j :n : n SI VI! in i trn ,""""",? ) 1 l'liiliisliurfr..lT Steinerr' IH Ihiiil ur 20 Oi-frola -il Powrliinn !( Snliilnit '11 Ml. I'lrnmit....:!!) 1 so ri4llli.t.iuK :i i fi Mine Hall . no Wnlln.Tlon. . l (in t.llr-r I I'll Wood! mil.... 1 lj I.eniinTfl I 20 Clrarflrld.. Ilnrdiier ,!t t :, I t no ." I to 1 41 till' I ancorie l;tereertinn.. ivronr, I KAItK I'JiuM CI.IC.VIiFIKI.I), To 1 k II riellrrintr. Pa .$ (I . I M id.ilf lowi $.1 00 2 ;j Marietta 6 dn .1 fill; l.:ien- im- a I M .HIIIUDULIMIA T : 1 !in Ull.iniia (ij 4 .W..I',I.Ti.twi Kit 4 Ijll'll I'Mlt lit) , ij iiiiwrt "'"""""" m mnviiie"."!"" II A it It 1 II t" It 11 . ( lM ( llll, (n,e cofntviinu, aula at T.vr..n Willi trnlnn K( anil r.l n M.,,n t.ii,r-, and ill Williauia rl f"r I In North and l:.i"t. I'arnr-ra Iravint ( l,.:ri,, a .) p. reai-h tt'ilhamporl Die ,ame Hiit, and i,,enjrr Lnrinr i!liiM.;..irt at H on a. m., iraeh Char field at i ll! p. n. rn.mjrr. for t M.lii.n, on Iho Mnin Line lleen nnd II. ri.hq, j. Irnro Tmiit at 6 2j p. m. OKllllliK C. H I1.KINS, ""'I" " Sn-r nl, i.Im.i, Pl.ll MONTH I Thel.e.1 ii, book ever Milili.ii'd. A,,nt. -ll our nr. word. I'lalll Hume 'I alk anil Mnllral ( nnimnti Hrn-t, hare nn competition 1 here nrrer a I k pnl.liFlieil like jl. Aiit bode ean Kll il. Kvnj l.ilr nam, it. XI, nir elenl, are nnw making froin f.,O0 lo fC.',n per monlh arllini llii. Won li rlill b..k. 21 pafe l"e riptiie l in ol.r aenl frea on apptiealion. W w.m iod lite At-nla: mm .kmn full, .,re e'.le lha rneril, .if Ibe work, and Ihe far! Il. il il BieM. a amreraal WiuiL Agent, who Jour, to do gi4 a, well u mako mom, l Iron , , , WKI.I.S A C O.. Janl:3ra Drooea Kireol. X,w York. T ,'T" '" W I'IoV. Wit III" feel. I 4 'or tale, a tl'ioin. lb. homM.l, . .. . JO per eenl. in band, and t per eeni. a rir .t.b tmeraul anlll paid. : .7.. . JtiH Cooil4, fiiorfvifs, ftr. I. W. StUBA!., ..A. a omnia J. R GRAHAM & SONS, MAIIKKT FTIIKKT. CLEARFIELD, Va. Dealers in all kinds of LUMBER, Dry Goods, Groceries, 4c. rpiiE ii ITK ntbucrn.eri having entirtil tnlnptrtnrr- hiiiincm of Mrrrhftndiilng, nnw oITer a goixl inl mm oppnrlunlly In lh ctlUni of Clm n..t,l ,1. Jl.lnl... ,A v... .. .J. I 3 9 t wtinleFl( (ir rxlull prlpti, (hot will,li the unlnfttructed. Thetr gnodtt will he particu larly icted to Milt thli markeL Every ludr will, therefore, cnll ihe attention of her hnibnnd to th ia fact, becauxe Ihii branch of our buiinatp wilt receive epeolal attentian, atd everything needed In a well regulated houiebold will at all timoi be found in our tore, , DRY GOODS: nUr itock of 1)11 V GOODS ,ho11 not ba ur Pied. either in quality or price, and will am bmce. In part, Printi of every ntyle, Olnehnnif and Lawni of every quality, Muslim of every srade, le Lainei adnpted lo the taitea of the old and young; and every article of any kind of good i they ell ii to be ai represented, and war ranted lo give eatUfactiuD. DUES S GOODS: At to Dlrl-'.NM ;ool-wa hare a ilrn)id auortment of Alpacap, hlack, whft, ftntl In eo. or,; y.ruiuroa, Sill,, anj in abort all the neweal .Ijlc, In lha market. Wa dtilta Ihii fuel in liacome koown to every person In tha nonnty W hh our new and MUen,ive Bbwk of IdtUSS (IU0DS, Hi. lsjic, can alt ka auit.d j Ju.l dropping in and getting a nice droaa nattarn, lace actl, kid glare, or by doicg that which ii better : give her a well Ullrd pur, and ,be will find good and paying Inveatinenta In ambroid eriea, edging,, ribbonai gtorei, hosiery, or any tuar bouaabold noaeaniiiea. GENTLEMEN'S WEAR: And In addition to what wa hare already enumerated, wa keep all kinda of .l:M I I M tn'S n I'ARraeh Clolhl, Cai.lmera,. Satinotta, llati, IJoota and Shoe,. Ac.. beaiilM, a nice anorlmenl of Made up ( I.OTIII SI, for Men and Uoya, manufaeturad out of tha eery beat material, which , will oil for eah or aichanga for country product at prleei which will adtonLh averybody. SQUARE TIMBER: Wa ara nnw largely eng. red in buying and riling MU'Altli IIMIII It and m.nuf.e lured Lt'.MIIKK, and will gira thl, branch ol bu.lne" , erial attention, and therefor, make it an object to every on. who baa Lumbar to acll to eotno and deal with a,. GROCERIES k HARDWARE : We eball alio keep constantly on band general BMortinent of .!tnCi;HH.M ntj II AUDWAHi:, which wa will tell at etced ingly low prices. We also keep a full amor., merit of (V fttXSMV AH K TUi department will be kept full and eemptcte, and all who contemplate housekeeping, will find it to their advantage to come and trade with uj becaue we are ao aituated, and, from long experience In the budineup, ao well aruninted with the wante and neceiaPlei oT thii eoininunity, tbnt wo feel atieCed If every man woman and child enly maket ft a point to buy their guoda from ui, we can pleaae them both aa to quality and price Therefore, come along and -buy your HOOTS 6HOK.S, HATS A CAPS, READY MADE CLOTIIINd, and everything you weed to ren der yourielvea and faunliai comfortable, fruia JAMES Ii. (iUAILM& SONS, oet CLE A'IFIELT), P. J7 A GREAT MSDICAL D'SCOYERY Dr. WALKEIia C'tlFORKIA VINEGAR BITTERS $g Hantlrci;3(,r7hr.tiJiir.('.s ?,"H , 1" Hear t-ntlm i' th-'r lVooicr- s f 3 Jsa'vvriAT ARE TKEV? TrS d TOTT ARE KOT A VIIX FANCY DRIfJIC. H'!pof pntir Itiim, WliUkrr. Proof hplrlia tliti lat'lcnr 1 ir,i:uri -kU r. tl, r Iced n.tliTcft cntil t l.-e-K" I. .4.1?, tt'.Kil " Tonict,"" Ai irtj. trs," " rn'.MiT," r., !, i Irril f. r t p h r tl lo drr.nkrnnifl tr.-l r , bv trr a true K.-.lirliir, m-,:o from i;.c .i:vo imlrct;.! lrl ;i r t wo t'tntn nil Alrnln ;in titnt;l.inia, ILrj iie the (.III AT i;i,oci I t ::n nnd A I II ii (.1V1(1 I Il'I.Kdi-.r .rt 1 ei.nat, r ard IntC"rsti r i f 1 1. I y l; i-.i. carryli f oft ill (o.oroi:t ir.stur a: tl r ::r., I c I IoihI lo a lir altl y C4,o.;it;ni. l op.n'j iri 1-..J Ita-tvo ti.ten tcujriiu.g tu(irtc tlvi a-l rnt.r n I . : j- in.i.f Jl. tl LO ..) . 0 f. in firm InrnraMi rtr, rn titled ttifl Uw a.o i l Ijr it inn-al p..rn or ether tnto'i.a' t ih: A.l i tpiu wtiU l.rji 4i,,e aolnt if ri i.:r. Tor lnCnntn f.f rry rin-l f'lirnnlr Mtftir. n l(.m m:d l.rtt, )prrin, i-r lndBriioti, liiiluiiw, Hi niiitcut und IuiibiIii mi ttrta Dlncr.nru t,t l b I.Uicd, l.lvrr, Ikiilurjo. nnd lllnilucr, t.iivc mtlt'ta lvp lo nioM ittircttr ftl. Kuth ;iMru ire r4-((J ly Itlntrd Itlnoii. wli ( ti H i ::'. -:V.y ,rKJutcd liy tl-tiam n:vtit el t:n' IHpi st Ivt O i en lit. DVM'l.l'sU Ciil iMDCI MTION, Und at-tip, J-ahU-i lli-j nm U!rr, ( ouht, 1 of Ui ClicLt, llI;'i3, f, r l.rnrlatiuiia f II, e 1 1' roach, l:adlMl.':il.:c y.-.U, lLUoun Aitrl.f, l'Bif.,ti.t. a rralona vt 11m? l.t .im-j-a, ai d a 1i"n1rr d olltcr petum) jniftt nn.rrr V,v it.; rr.ffl. f I:jt ft'. Tli Idi :t-ta ) llioft; Lilili a: Juimulftle llie trr Im 1 jTcr ai.d 1m w r la, a Lt li r. D(I r thrnt of r.yet:.aU d ccarj u cJca:.: t:.c I lot J a t; iiyLrlttta, Impart I hi, u w l..'f a-.-i Iitt (u I!'" t-j at-m. 1U HlilN l)IrKAI.KInpti'a,1cil r.rall Mictn, ticlt Ik b, I loi. 1 (t Uh. I ll f. r. . ( tr. 0B'ka,i.l:i(;-T, ojti.ii, I ctilii-ltt-aiLloro Lyra. C:7l? faa, ltr', f-i;r', 1 Ih.-nh.rktlis irf Ihe Pkl:i. II:;n- ra and lr.t: nn s l tLr .?.:n. rf liiitcvrr r.arop or r.alnr.-, aro lllmnv iW-r i.p andrarrl' r-rtt or tl roy 1cm la a elifr t.inr-! f v,v t-t-f tdm-n:i:.e. Vm uti? i t uh ci-r 1. 1.1 om.ncC lU: a.m liirrcdcli! o, tlx ir ctirRtiTe rC-ot. tlrur.ra II. 3 V.t'ai-l I 1-rd n'lmrrrr yoti fnd Hi Ifpir.i In... :;:!;..-t:,!'-f::r.l::!lr::;.:.rrt:p. II' in r C( itt ; (1. -.:.r llili-n r-o f.r.d II Ulrmt U anl 1--i;;,!i 11 If : ' .i ; ctrftTi-- tl t Vrn II la f i.!, ard j arfcil!r.rr;MI t )nn!:rn. Irp (dr LlvoJ urr aul i!:c Ii' tltli f i:.e t: fuil.jtr. TIN, TAI'Lft dollar WO II. MS, l::rirg In Hie JM. u ot na man I'totuncnU. arc i fl. rt::r,;!f tl atrcr. e 1 ea 1 r-rnort d. 1 or fall direction, r. car t. V.j Ilia flrculif trcnud each boll If, ptlit.M In rur lau. eooKce j.i.(l.ali,ticrmal Prvoeh aud t-paQiOt j.wAi.r.n:, rropriitur. n. n. McnoNAi.n t o PmRHM e-d r,.i. ccnti. Fan TrarrlMv, tl,, lm JL'a-itl ftftcl, New Tor'.:. lar ro: d tr all onuoatnrs ano i:i:a Ofl. Sfl. 1 K"ll' It. 15. TAYLOR'S LIME AND COAL YARD, (N'mr I lie l.ailroad IJ. ) i.i: vrti ii:i ii, pi:ik'.t. I l:IIRArr tli, method f t,r,,rii,iii. Ihe nnl lir. Hint I li ne noenr.l tin a ttit i for Hie pule of wimuI or eo.l burnl I.IVK at,, I Anlhraeite COAL, in IIhi boronth f ll-.rd 1,1. .n.1 h.r. eompleted arraiif-rmrnl, with em tern dealei, br winch I enn kei ri a loll 'untile eoei..niy ti hand whirh will lie ,ii., ol .1 rMfonalile ralee. tij Me lan, bu.hel or ear lout, u ami iur,baaer,. Tbire a! a d:ruir.c ran s.!.:, he letter, and obtain all neera.arj Information be return meil. R. F. TAYLOR. Clearfl.M Pa., FaW. Jl, lSH tr 111 i Es: m LA m HWW'. Pi CPs Tnrr are kot a viix H -it T. . !I Hiarrllaiifous. H. F. N AUGLE, CLCl'R AM) WATCH MAKER, rro,lt Tti frrfrw, iFI IHI roST DFFICKXilS-JiL'CLKAnFIKI.I) rpilK ,nlierlher rerpeeltulljr Inform, hi, old f patron, and tha fuhlia ener.lle. that be ha, on band, (and t, eonelanlly reo.iving paw additienl thereto.) a large Itock of Clocks, Watthca and Jewelry, .9r4tI kaefi.Jawelr, in all It, forma and at dillercnt Value,, either by the nlaea or ,el. WATCH KB A full a' .or In ent of either Hold or Hlvrr. mad. by th. brat Anericua and fur elpn naoulaeitirer,, inoludtnr a fine lot ofold and ailvor hunting caaa, lull jeweled, Paieul Lever,. CLOt'KS-Of all JoelRn,. conrl.tlng nfalphl. day and tliirle hour, of either weight, epring or lever,, and both vrrik. aud alarm. RKI'AIKINH. All kind, of W.tchai and Cloek, Kepaiied, and warranted. In addition to what I have enum.raUd, I keep a full aa.iirtment of hPKi.TAPl.KS. eolnred and ,ilain alaaa. t leo. (l(II.t) HHNM and I'KVCII.rt SHUIINH, Ftl It K 1, IIUITFIl KMVKS.and in faol ererylhinir in (he Jewelry line. If I fail to bnv. on hand juxt what a enmonier may need, 1 will order per tit at eiprear, without extra ehergo. A libcriil hn re uf puhlie nalronarr ia eolirited la 7, IM.y II. t. ilAUULK. READING FOR ALL 1 1 BOOKS f STAtlOyER Y. Iiirket Mt.. ( Irarflrld, (at Ihe Poal Ollirr.l rpilK under. lulled hee, leave lo annnunee to 1 th. eltiaena of ClearBeld and viotnil v. that he haa ntti'd up a room aud baa )a,t returned from ih. oily with a large amount of reading mailer. onuiating in part of Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Dlank, Aeeount and la,a Book, of every de eerinlinn Paner and Kntelop.,, Franeh preaaed and plain; Fen, and Pencil, lll.nk, l.eual fiper,, Deed,, Morl(tarej Judnnenl, Kemp lion and rrnnn, aury note,; VYhtU and I'arch; inent Ilrief, Li'sal Cup. Iteeord Cap, and Bill Cap, t'heet, or eithor J'iano, l-'lute or Violin constantly on hand. Any bonk, or atatlonery li'firrd that I may not have on hand, will he or ordered by lint eipreei, and aold at l,ol.-.ult or retail t, luit euntorrrre. I will aim keep oeriodieal literature, auch aa MaKtlne.. Now,, paperr, Ae. P. A. UAl'LIM. Cl.arlield May 7, 1808. tf GREAT EXCITEMENT OX SECOND STREET, t lfarlrhl, Va, NEW GOODS AT LOW TRICES. riHB nnder.lirnetl reaneetrully Invite the at. I Unllon of th. finlille lo their .plendld ...crttnent of mercbandi.a, which they a" "'una; AT VKliX IOW rRICKS. Their atoek eonl.u In part of Dry Goods of the Best Quality, Such aa Prima, Tl. I.atnee, Alparraa. Merino,.,iin,.t mearneil and unble.rh d,l Iirilllng., Ticking,,' .ottoa and wool Flanneli.Satmt tl,,Ca..imero,, Ciittonadaa, Lattice' hhawla, Kubia, A Hnnd,, Balmoral and Hoop Ghirta, Ac, A1,o, a fln. aeaortment of MenV. Prawrr, and Sliirl., uala A lap,, Hoot, A Kboea. all ol which WILL BE SOLD LOW FOR CASH Hardwaro, Queensware, Glassware, Groceries and Spices. IXSIIOirr A GENERAL ASSORTMENT Of ererv thing n, nelly liept In a retail atora, all ( ill. AC run CAiU or ap roved eountry pro due. A. K. WHIUIIT A fOSS. ClearBeld, Nov. 7 , I87. s OMI IIIIMi M V A(.AI I C I). WATSON tYi.hea to inform bi, old Irlend, acd tli puMie genmlly that h. haa opeaMl un a new Drug, Confectionery & Tobacco Store, In hi, old atnnd, oppaiile th. Court llotiic, FKCQND KT, CLEAItFIKLD, PA. Ilia Hock I, all new, frcrh and of Ih. very beat quality, and will h. .old ca.ap for CAMI ot approved Coanlry Prodwc. If you want pur. Ilroga ad Patent Medicine., llo lo WATSON 'A If yoo want CMifartloncriee, Canned Fruit,, l'lcklrr ai.d Ji!lie, Nut.. Ac , Ac, d) lo VAMON'd. yon want the brt R nailed Ci dVe). Kaainco l CurTte, Fplcra nf all kind,, ehenp, (lo to WATSO.VtS. If yon want Taney A Toilet .Soapi, Flavoring Lilraeta, Ae , Ac , b ,ur. to lo to H ATSON t!. If yon want Fancy I)j . Colore, Clark e bel Va chin. Thread, Pin,, Needle, A Notion,, Oo to A ISSON H. Cbewori and gmnliet,, If ju want th. heat ll the market, I)uy at WATSON'S, wh.r. yoa caa gel Plpea A Pip. Fiattiria. Ifyoa waul to get clear of your atauipa, Come to WATSON'S. If joo want to fpend a few hour, of an evening with your friend', com. to WAIfON'r d ataud, a here you can eraek aul, and eat joke, mil o'clock, p m. April 1.1, i;i) K.W 8TOUK AND NEW (iOODS JOS. SHAW &i SON lleva jtiel nieiioil t Ngir ETOite, oo Main St., Ci.naritt.n, Va., Imely ocni.lcl lijr Wm. F. 1HWIV. Ttioir atnrk mnaiali of 'JDlll'r OL CD X3 LO .3, GktM, nT lha betit qunfily, QUKF.NSU'ARK, IrdOtS Itlltl (K;-, and every ttilicle. neeeaanrr for ntie'a comrort. ( all anil examine our Hm k lefine nur rlin.tnff eluawhere. May 0, lSCO-lf. FAIRBANKS' n ax ha nt -'irZVA SCALES, W Or ALL MS1tJ B.ifrie Tletrrtwii, W'ari ht.une Trurks. Cupj vg PrT-e, In-prtvet! Mi-tiry Iratr, is. t oll H A Lit f ii. r. ii in L Kit k co., Dealers' lit llarrln arr. miti.lO:;!! If Seonnil Slrmt, ('learf.eM, Pa. "0 MY 1HKIK." HAVIXlJ iureliawil llie entire (lork nf rooil, at the m ,t,n, f Kirk t S cr.'.i, I ml. ail ta .iwlina. Ibe boainess a. hcrelulura. M I, to Mil "cnrap roa raaa." e-'ir friends and entrmers for past patronage, I atdieil a nf tht- -mr,, KlkK; BICLER, ' YOUNG ' & CO., (Nucconn to Iloynton 4 Young,) FOUNDKRS k MACHINISTS ManufarturtTB of TORTABLE & STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Curnrr of Fourth and i'in btrt, t i.r. viti pa. HAVING eairaged in tlio manufacture of 6rat clnae MACHINKltT, we rerpeelfully infwm th. iiublio that we aro now prepared to fill all order, aa otieaply and a, promptly a, oan be doll, in any of tbe eitiea, W. inanulacture and deal in Mulay and Circular Saw-Mills Head Mocks, Witter Whtxli, FWtinz Vul!r.Tf. JilTi,rd' Iiije:lr, Hicum (iittigri, Ftcimi Whiatlen, Oilers, Trtllow (u, Oil Ciini, (iuuRe Cocks, Air Ccki, tllobo Viilves, C'tek Vnlvet, wrougtit iron Plpci", P cum ruinpii, duller Krd Puiniii, Anti KrirU in )otrv, Hyiip ijtunc I'twkin. Uutn Pack iitK, and b!1 kinds of MILL WOKK; together with I'lowa, gled 8lrt, COOK AS I) rA ULOR STO VLS, nd other CASTINGS of til kiud. jgtfOrJrri uli''iifd and flllt-d at city priori. All .tllti? of inquiry with reforcnot lo aicbintry of our manufx.ari promptly anpwerTd, by aUdrci ing ui at ClearGelJ, Pa. dMl,l'70 tf ItlULER. Yorxu A CO. II. F. BIGLEH & CO., MALim ta h a e: n-w x it E', AUo, Manufacturers of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLEARFIELD, PA. LOT OE SADDLES, UKIDLES, flarneia, Collar,, etc., for lale by H F. Dl3 1.ER CO. pALMEIfii l'A'i'ENT UXI.OAJ)- ln( Hay Forti, for aal. by ii. f. nini.BR a co. Qll., l'AIMT, rUT'lT, lil.ASS, Kails, ete., fur al. by II F. H10LKR 1 CO. J JaKNESS TK1M MINGS 4 SHOE Finding,, fi r aal. ty II. F. niOI.KR k CO. Q C'iN sjilSTOLS, S W 0110 CANES For tal. by II. F. niOLER & CO. gTOVES, OK ALL KOIH'S AND Silei, for lal. by II F 11101, KR t CO JI!ON 1 IEUN! IKON I UiON For a.l. by II F. nidl.KU t CO. 01.SH .SHOES ilOlisE KllOE NAILS, for ule by II. F niJlLEH A CO )L' L L E Y Jl UK KSALIiSI ZES And beat Manufaeture, for ral. by II F. IlKiLKR A CO. ' 'jnilMULE SIvElNS AM) TU'E B0XKS, f .r .ale by II. F. nifil.Ki! A CO j;OI)HEU CUTTEIIS-for salo by urii.lO -TO II. F. BIOM'R A CO.. LIME AND COAL1 HA VI NO Inrreaif l our fneilitiri fur burn'np time Hm-trtff the nat eaan, wo ara nrv pttird to fitrnih o,I lliirnt Mmp, Vitml Uurrit l ime. Wood and Coal Iturtit Umc, Mannlnctured frnm the erlrhrutrl "n:i,LKKONTB MMBSTO.N'E," wh(-h proJtirrs theanirrm an l m nr.T time, fur all tnechn' pur (mm-a, lhat ran be fnund tn the Slat-' cif Vnnt hani. and whth we a-ll at a low prior, drlitrri-tl on rar. ai Ihn infi-ri.-r l.nnj are aold at llirir places of manufacture, Alpn, drater In and ohipprrs of Wilkesbarre and Shamokin ANTHRACITE COAL, of all slrre. firrpari'l eprer.,ly for family oe. Oidirs s li.ilrd. Xor. 9. ls;n Ir. siionTi.inim a co , II. Mi finite, r, STOM; AMI KAKTIIKV-WAIU: OF liVlillY HK.KCHIPTI0N 1 CHOCKS! TOTS! CHOCKS! Flaher'a Pitrnt Al.llcht ir I'rnli 1 ana 1 rSrallns IM TTl:it CHOCKS, ulih, cr.KAM I H'H'KH, MM.K 1'ROCKK, AI 1'l.K 111 Tl ER CIHM'k, I'll Kl.i: Cltockri, I I.OWKlt Puis, in; plsiirs, M K1V POTS, And a great mine otlur, 'o. numerous In aienlti'ii, In lie hxl at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S hTONK - WAlil) roT'l'KUY, lulnrri't I In rrr nul Tin el Mrerts, I I.KAIil', PA. ai. Slumps I Slumps 1 1 TIHK inidiTujfnrd has piirhnii the rielit nf t Itar-iM.l ftiuniy tf IK tint 1 ,tiiKMirin a Misr KiTtucto.i, pnt(titd .lime "ih, is:. 1 bis is flfvi'Uili.v liie iiioft unirniriil, tn-tel dura lil. and hrat uiarliine of the da v. ttnfh-r mil hot aflirt it, llie aortiii' pert hi-inr all ol ir n- 1 In mai Iniie Is enilj s. t up. and will nmk niT plana t eat) lie pl. id. Ueaill a ; tnt- i liitn-n at a small pnM on enst, and will livt nuike it lo Ihe ad t itnlac;e of lm nirrs to huv them. ro!t ;t orders fnmi wanting u,avt..Q,i, H. T. KAHNSWOHTM. t'lenriMM, I'a. .t. V. (JAIIlllSHN. rmwriiMillr, I'a. Gro. It JUi.fc, Arfrnt, I raifi Id, I'a. J .VRta JOHN TKOt'TM AX, FURNITURE DEALER ftlaik.t St., enet of the Allaghrnr llona.. c i i. un n:i . pa. TKEFPan hand all kind, of Furniture, I. or by Ilia n.ale artirla. 1 hotel in need of any ailieleof Fnrnilnre. villi am ( lo their tniertet to eatl and examine my vreirk, vhih I Will sell verv lea for es.h ar earbanre for.nlrabl. him bar. Clearfield. Pa, April , lira if. JiniflS A trillrinri. H Va 31 V X Ia . HARTSWICK & IRWIN, DRUGGISTS, .Tfrt r.rl Strrtl, Cltnrtlttd, Va. TR f"g tfr to Inform our old and tit T rat"fnert. t h n t wo havr rrmovfd our fiibtlphinpnt tn thn meloai now tul'ding )mt frreifd nn aUrkrd utrirt, nnrlv at)ninint iht Maciion Hutno a tlio wpfL, and or poiti Mmpr. (liilum A Hunt' ttir; wlitro wo rt-ppctfully Inrlio the public tl eome and buy iholr Drugs, Clicmicalfl, Patent Medicines. OILS, PAINTS AXD VARM9IIE3. Our itok of Prog and Medlrln! oonalati of orrry thing mod, e looted with tb greatet rare, aod W ATIB ANTED 8TRICTLY PUEE! Wo abo kerp a full itock nf 0ye, P(rfufTnrtrp, T.iilet Hriifln .Snap. Tooth ttrurh, Hair Hninht!, Whitewnah Rrunhf, and rer other kind Drovhei. Wo have a Ir.rge lot of WHITE LEAD, TURPEXTIXB, Flaxwod Oil, PalnU. and In foot ovorythlng i od in tho palatini; bannoaa. wbtob wa ofl or at City pTicea t tb bayera. TOBACCO AND SEOARS. " ionfectUDiirT, Pplnoa, and tho Urg.t atock of Taridioa over olTcrwd to thia i U. and warrant ed to be of the bert tbe Market alTordfi J. . It . KTWTPK, Njt. 5(1, 188. JOHN F. I ((WIN. Beale's Embrocation, (LATE POW ILL' 8,) For all dip.aaea lneident to llorao,, Cattla, and Human Fleab, requiring the uaa ot an eiternal ajipiieallon. Tbil Cmhrooation araa uaed by the l.nrrri menl durinr the war. For aal. by Maria. iik A Iralr, Clearfield. .lo,.rb H. Irwin, CurwcnnritJa. Lanil tiood lamler. Luthar.hur. tf LAM) AXD LIMBER COilPAW OFFER 1AHB I X I IJ V V. m i: XTH 10- PurchasersofChoiceCoods AT TflEIR MAMMOTH STORK OSCEOLA, PA. PRICES REDUCED To suit tlio timesi Oai eola. Ma. II, lSIfl. Curwensville Marble Yard. nr.Sir.lH .S r rttrnling tny huinrn, ami i.iiijt llurf run t'f ti- lnf!i'r tiil.iitr im ri-H-r to llm tiirruory nf (he il '(' a or. I ami , ru? it . 1ih ia't, tlinn In rrrrt m rr tln ir nurmt titurn'H a riil'tnn-l nf rn lnrin( tun r Mr, ilmt I'Minia lorrvr lo (Lo ii:tia; .!a-c ol tl,.mi r l-Mp; f 1t n r (it anv to aK wlm mli to Im w llttir aflirtiiMi fr llirir H-('nr!i-i IrirpHi nri knxiri'il, IliAt tuy ran now h.i.e an ui 'iIhimIt ftl iloiiifr o, l.v rl!iti(r at mv Mn.p nn 1 I'.miii m trrii, ( urwi-ny illt I'a., at I am jrfjnJ to fiirn'h in orilcr, MUM'MKNTS, CKAPI.Ei COX TOM US, UKAl) SIONKS, Ac, of any dmicn or aire, al rerieotiaiile mtre. N. It. hi-fpim han.l Ibe Ih,I l-'tilTlr;tl and lliimr.tlr Marble. Ail .,,k e.i ilel in tbe tn"l pkilllnl innnner. I w t il nlo itelivor Work In anr pi.inl in Clealfleld or ali'iiuitit eniintle,, i il"in.l. W M. II. Ctll.lil It.N. I','.ren ille. 0,1. JA, H,V If. Tim CLKARFIKLD WOOD-CHOPPElS, AXEI yanuratnred asperially for THE CLEARFIELD Tit AD F, ro (an r antrl'Trl ii. r. Pint Fn 4 co. 1)1NK, WHim A R'MN I.IXINU fKlNS Joet reeelred and fur sate by April :, I'M. U. r. BltlLKH CO. Jlrn C.oofliJ, C.rorntfs, Ctf. jui:at ii a itt; a i. s XcflStorc In Mulsonbitrp! In llie room farnierly oeci'pltd by P. I. lligarly. L. M. COUTRIET fpAKKH thii tnitlu dof informing tbe cltiicna X 'f Covington,!lau, (tirrd and the aur rutin. liriff eontitrT.tliat hehaajuxt opetid a I rut atork nt Hl .MWKH tiOUjiS, M,. he la det.r-iuiii-d to aril 1 I.N I K It CKM (.11 K A I' Kit tban the in me quality of (tuuila fun be purclmncd tor in anyuttier atoru lo the neighborbuod. llii atock contiiti of Dry Goods of nil kinds, 6ucb aa Fatlnetta, Caaaimerea, Mualina, lolainet, Linoa, JjnllinK, l'alieoa, Triiuuiioga, HitibuiiH, Lace, READY-MADE CLOTfllXO. flOOTS A niOKs, hats a cats, GEOCEEIES OF ALL KINDS. Coffee, Tea, Buirar. Blee, M,,!ae, Fltih, Salt, Linseed Oil, Fiat, Oil, Carbon Oil. Eardwaro, Queensware, Tinware. CaitlliR.. Plow, and Plow Coating,, Kail,, Spiket, Corn Cnltiratore. Cider Preeeef, and all kind, of Aiea. 1.My Plowi are of th. Curwen,rill. and ' enlre eoiinty make, and ara warranted to b. of good quality. Drugs and Medicines, Perfumerr. Paint,, Vamleh. Rlaa,, and a general aeeortnaeDt of Stationary, GOOD FLOUR, Of a'ifferent brand,, alwar, on band, and will be old at the lowest jioaaible figure,. L Hll OIIS, Surh aa BP.AXDT, WIRE, CIS A ITIIU'IiY int; aonnda of Wool wanted for whioh the highest jiric. will bs paid. s t'LOVCR KLI II, On hand and for laic at the loweat market prioe. Alao, Agent for Wilson's Strattoni ill. T II 11 E S 11 1 X G M A C II I N ES. O.Call and see for yonraelvea. Too will find ererilhing usually kq.t in a retail ,iore. L. M. COL'TKIET. Fr.ncbrille P. 0., Jan. 7. 1SIIK. Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL AXD OF COt It8 K THE CHEAPEST! A Proclamation against High Prices ! "IXTE ar now oprninjr up a lut of th beat and M moat aravtmabla UtMtJa and Warra ever oflVn-d in thia tnarltrt, and at phcea tliat rrminJ one ,f tlio e'HrJ old dyi of chcup thti-jfl. lhie wlio lai-k Uith ua tim p iinl, or dttm our alle gatioui supcrfluutip, need but C.iLL iT otit sroni, Curnrr Front and Market atrccta, Wher tby can tee, fee), bear and know for them rlvra. To fully utnlrrMand a bat arc cheap fovda, lint mut be done. Wc do not doem it nf;e-ary to rnutnrrntand itemise our itork. It ii enough for ui to state that Wo have Everything that is Needed and cotipunie J in tli is market, aud at prices that aMnnih hoth u!d aud tiwitiw. dto'-Mt j'oSKril 8IIAW A F0N. AND PROVISION STORE, THE nnderilirned Kara Jurt reeeiied at their uew aland in Wallareton, a full aiirt''? of Flour, Feed, Corn Meal, Bacon, &c, v COAL OIL, iat reduced rates,) A (ooil ar:iele of TOBACCO, CldAMS AXI) PMOKINU TOBACCO, eonatanll on hand. All of ahich will he aold at LOW RATES for CASH or given in exchange for SHINOLLS and Ll'UDEIt. We irspeetfull.T nek the pulilio to air. aa a trial before (larchasing else her.. J. R. READ A CO. W.llwcton, April 7, 1SC9. alaTATziTitrsbYs auk iikceivixo Asri.ENPinsTttrjt UF CAKI ETS A.i 1 UI L I I.UI IIS. WALL TATEUS-GILT mEIt, if c. LACF. CUIITAISS, WINDOW SHADES CUl'STEKPAXES AXI) QUILTS. LIXEX TAM.K Ci.OIIH NAPKIN'S LADI KS SILK CUATS if-OVKKSKlHTS ELE'iAXT SHAWLS A LACE POINTS I A DIES' ,t- CHILDREN'S TIllMltr.r II A T.S. DRESS GOODS AND TL1MMIXGH. PFST Kin CLOVES-LADIES' GEV I LEM EN'S AND CHI LDKE.VS. HLACK AND FANCY SILKS. FIXE CLACK ALPACAS. I I'Vini'l! ! Ill liTiX'V I i ru . V I, V ii I Ul'll r.. o 1 1 i.f r.o it tj A I i r.l3. MEN'S CALFtf- FRENCH KIT P.OOTS HEAVY CALF IKHHS. $5. M EN'S AND HOYS' FIN E AN D 11 E A V Y MIUES. ('A SSI MERES VERY CHEAT. CE.-,T STONE TEA SETTS, GROCERIES. FLOUR ,f- PROVISION'S AT Lull KM' RAILS. I.IPFRIL DEDUCTION TO TIIUSF UUYIXi) IN yUANITTY. wool m s r k fTiNf. And country PRODI!. K WANTED. CI, arfi. l I. June 111, HO. Xcw Wine n:ul Liquor Storp. I. L . REI2EN STEIN, WINES & LIQUORS. UAMCFT ST., CIK.ArFin.Pp PA. 9.Fiill atork of Winr, Uran lr, Oin, 1TMit(1 ani Alonh.-l, alnaya r IikihI. Hprvuvl allrntiti pai1 in rr-urhi a fnirr ariiplr f..r frrtrmini nrn anil m mien i pm j. o. . aprl ;iif Miss E. aTpT "nynderT ace.r ron Cblekertng'a. '. and Fmarson's Piano, tmith ,, Miiaon A Hamlin's and I'.loubet'a Organ, and Melndinna. and lliav.r A Uab.r't Searing Maeblnea. atao yaaraRft op Piano. Onltar, Organ, llarmnnv and VhhI J - ie. No popil taken for leee the. half a terra " i ""r i. rirat N.Uenal Hank ClearDnld, May a, If I if. 'prwaw. .nd abdominal ,,pf,, , , 1 hiadaflbalateatlejnmv.n,.... r...i. ' lb. Pr Biora of HAKTfWlcit A IRW1W. Clearfield Cbunly bJJT rpilfTCIeaineleK-MM, ll.n.,,,., 1 led ln.llinli..a ba, .. ''-, to. enrienderof lis charter i, ui, All II, (loek I, ueined b, u', , ' 'I, I, will continue th. Kanklh, lu.,,,, Sa, plaee, aa jrliale hanker,, ' '.' Ula, ol tb. Cleardeld Coanl, .,nk ."'i'le for tb. debta ol il,, ia k "in Its aofiiro demand ai lli, a fiaed time. Pa,.r d,seond ."'"el ....r,.,,,,. u, ier,i,n, ri,i. ,.iedg,.d f.., .n Koio.,,,,,.,.,;', t.-ane rted. A r.ntinnanre t ika uLT! runakra ol in. tiuilneu a,,, of n. r"k peollury ti.llei'.ed. As Pri-M,,,, ,flieer of th. lata Cleared c tor redemr'lr,n. "'"Fan, 4AS. T. LKONAKD, RlCliinn WM P0HTEH, jAo i " ?'", A. K. WHIUIIT. O L. HiiVH WM. A. ai..aoe ' Tb. hnelnaea of tb. Hank will u John M- A...,,... K.q.. a, ""f' J. II. M'tlirk. K l.ard fnK BANKLNG & COLLECTION HoJ1 McGirk' & perks. B.icofiori to FuMtr, Feik. i tv. riililpabur. Outre Count), p. tTr.lDlirj , r' Wilt m irmutrl .,...,...i. . UM moil fivoriwlf trrmi ' - Counly National Bank. CLEARFKLD. fa rpHIS Bank Is now onto and r.aW i- I 1 nei,. OtSre on Second , I reel. In tk,u" I in. foruierl fweiir,i.H V.. I -I dirrctubs aan .,in... TAR. B. 0HAHAM, KICllAKO WM. A WALLACE. WM. piiktr. a. a. w nilill r( GEO, L. BHD W. M. BHAW, j.:'ti,6nj Caahi.r. 3 AS. T. LKOSm r-in. KKgiTowmliipAwaktl OltEAT EXCITEMENT AT THOMAS BEERS'S! JVFRTBODT trying lo gel tb.ra-.t.Utl. J f bring crowded oat int. lb. cold. 1 II yim want good r-horing dona, go to Bin I If y no want jour Rler'e ironed right, go to Bin, I it yoa Waal good (till Irona, go to Bin I If joo want your wagon ironed in tbe but I style and workmanship, go la Blliil uaena makes lb. best Momp Maehlne h)i I Stat.. aniTd., all kinda of BLACKSAIITHIvl a, cheap aa ean be don. In Ih. eoanty for Cat: I iy l ost uses addrava la ClMrl.ld Bnart TllOltaS bElU. BOggS i p., un. i. lw-tf. Scuthcrn Land & Eniigratkl COMPANY. WASHINGTON, D. C. "VROAMZED and tstabliahed for the rartki.1 V anil fca!e or rartning and Mineral Lee., I and imjirored Ileal filiate in th. Southern uia I III01IAS B. FLORENCE. Pre,idM- JO. SKVhHNS. Vie. Pre.iSi . J- HKNKY ASKI.N, Treaam rrcaidcnt rourln Aational lljna of PhililelrLia. JOIIX JIOKItlft, Heerelar;. THOS. C. MACDOVVEI.L, Attornej and Conmdloi. OKct Waeliinftna Rulldinn. Comer eereari I St., and l'eun, iiauia Avenue, Washington, l.t I arrrnrncra : 0 r. Jhn T. IliiUinan. AltianT, K. T. Ka line. Wm. Hitler, Clearfiel'ii, Pa. ;. T. P. Il.nduli.h, Irenlon, S. J. I i O'.r. V m. y. Packer, H'illiamp.rt, fa tl u. ., i.e-L.. t'lieap Furniture. JOUN GULICU DVSIRKS to inform bis aid friend, an4 ess to to ere. Ih.l having enlarged hta shoe ,m invrcarea Die laetlitles lor anaauiaelarinf. nr.v.rrd to asak. (oarder aaek Faranaraa may be deslr.4, la good si J I. and al ebeec rain forCAbll. U. gen.rallt baa oa band, at ka rnmllura rooms, a varied aaeorta.nt .f r..4;. led. fariitura, aatoag wbicb ara BUREAUS AXD SIDE-BOARDS. Wantrubesand Rook-Caaaa; Centre. Rofa, Pari, Unnkraat and lltniag fcjteneioa Tables; Cea anon. Freneb-rio,t,Cotiage,Jeny.Ltnd nd .tber lie J.teail, i Si fas af .11 biarta. Work tlfU. II .t rack,, VYa,h-etand,t Rooking and Ara Cbaira ;, ean. hottoa, per'or, eea nim and other Chairs; Looking. lilaaaw .fever? deaeriptioa on bead ; aad new glaaeea for s frame., whvcb srlll b. pat In em v.r reaeenebt, terms on shortest aotiea. II. also kepe en bard ar furni.hrs to order, Cora-bask, hair ni CM-ton-tta Mattreaaea. CorriNg or Evr.Rt Kind Made to order, and funeral, atteaded vltk i II ear, e uhenev.r drsired. Also, lloaee Paiatiaj done In order. Tb. .uhserih.r also aiseulst. lares, ard baa .imsuuitlv on hand, Cieaieel'i l atent naaamg Maentna, lb. beet aow la anl Thiia. aaing Ibis naehiaa aever nerd I. i'b. nat eleaa elotbMl Heal., baa Flyer's Pst.,1 Chuia, a superior arltrls. A family atlng Ikii Cbura never need be aithout batter ! All tha sbiiT. and many other artie'e, art far nl.hed to eu.ti.mer, ebeap lor Caaa or elrhane. for approved eiaiitry priidnea. cberry, Poplur, l lnwood and .Her Lau.ber luil.U. for Catiinet auk. taken la -lebang. for (urniisf X-ruo,rn:ber the shop is oa Marker street Clearfield, Pa., and arlj lbs "Old Je et r.." JuUK lifLUU. Kovemher J. 1 91 y The Lightning Tamer. 'pilK ander.ivned nr. tbe .ol. Agent. In tbil 1 e"eie foe the "North Amerlran DaKarind I.KlllTMNd Runs." T . ar. tbe .nit mda m r in nse. and ara end irsed by ail tt srii nttfle iren iB the eeantry. W a hereby nmif. the eiliseas of lb. eoneo th.Lsr. ail) pu (hem ap better rod. and v' lr,s money, than is eharged by Ihs fi-'f" agents aho annnaMy traverea Ih. e.,v) carry nS our lilt). ra,b, never la rel- KXCOUliAGE I10MP LABOn. Thu.e rhlng I iFKlr ' reUd . their buildir ga need h- addreaa as by leu... r eall tn per,na. We "! fut tbra op f In Iheniiinry, an-' vrnrranl them. Tha Rod a ii Flktuera ean "eea at any time bv .ellirg at mr store H P. IllULtR A CJ. Clea-'eld. Varrb SB, 1S tl DAVID YOUNG, V(nr flilf ni. niwl Ciena It.rnn 11T ILL rieent. all work In Us Itn. at aor l 11 .rat. prio, and la F1KST-C LAS8 stylr Architectural Ornaments In ALL FTYLEf. Finn. Prwlng f ave- de,rrii tlon. and all kind, of mason wark cor trarted f r in oroatof thr eoanty. Aay peraoi . wi.l.irg to bet. reepeel.bla ni.eoa work ar.l stone eulling done, will tnd it lo tneir lalerei' tn eall t pun no. I would alro Inform tb. pub lie tbnt I e.ndellrar any qaantjty or class l' ,ton deircd, a, I am tb. owner of a F! RST-ChASS STONE QUARR Order, for work ean ba addreeard lo DAVID TorKfl, 1at;.t Clraro.ld Pa. Clearfield Nursery. ENCOURAGE HOME INDUSTRY. 'IMIK nnder.ianed. having ..tabliehed a "l A scry on the rike. about ball way bel" r Cle.rtie.d end Cnrwen.rllte. Ie pre). red to fi' nl.b all kind, ol FHl IT TK F BS. rerandard r.t t dwarf. J Kvergreens. Shrubbery. IJrapa Vine,. ttnoeberriee, l.aatuB Rlaekbrrry, 8lr.wberr. nd Ha, berry Vinea. A Ire, Sibri tMa Crab Tiet,. Qulnee. and early aeirlel Hhubarh, Or.len promptly attended to. Addre.., i. n. wrioiit. aepJO H.y Curwenavills. Ta Lime lor Sale I . rrMIE n.lcrj'FnrH, rrai(.mn nrar iba dfpni h" 1 itiartr rfit'ilpi arranrini-nia with 1. r liurfim-f at of ih- uiunnlain, wlirrrt'T ha la n i wlr.l to bct p rofipinnllj un band a larft quanti;; 1 PURE LIME! whieh he elfir, In farmers and bnllilrre at t lr f .Hove coal. 1'bo.e in ned nf tbe artiel. wmiM ii. well to give me a nail, or addresa m. by Liter, b. fore negotiating Ibeir lime. Kn. c. rA5.N:!;B. Cleartleld. Pa.. June . Ib6. Jilvrry Stable. '111 K nndcraigned bega leave lo Inform Ihe rv. I lie that he ia now fullyprepan-d In aeerirn.o. dale all tn tbe wnv nf ftirni.hinK lloreva. Riifcli-a, 8ail,)lre and llarneana Ihe ebnetee, aolie. aod on reaenniililr terma. Reaidrnecon Lu-aai t:,rl, brlwien 1 bird am) Fmirlb. OKO. VT. GEARIIART leaio.M, A pi tl II, UOf. f fi 1 y .tr;. f