if !! I I f, TIIK REPUBLICAN. CI.KAHKIia.P, l'A. w minus in v jh'iimmi, jav. 4. ' A Nnvnnrtuli jianor classifies tlic members of tlio limlicnl parly in tlmt vicinity its "culorcU negroes und wliitc novot'f." Ail rfluits to malio liny by r;:iIilit have failed, but it Is tliNoovutvd tlmt wild , cats ran bo sown under its cheerful rays. ' Tliero hio now fifty llioimanJ trout in the riomlx, near tlio Ilcidic 1 1 011 ho. this city, in all stngos of growth. Tlio ponds are cupablo of uccommoilling seventy live thousand linn. StamlirJ. Washington News CoMiRERs. Cox-Mcliarrahan-Uianl. Grant, Me-(inrrnhnn-Cox. Jled'arrulinn-C'ox-(irant. Cox-firaiil-.MtUarr.ilian. cnt. JPerit-t'of-Grant. Cox-Uonl-(ruiii-MrLiarrulinii. Graiit-Denl JIcGanaliun-C'ox-lXnt. (itn. 11. 31. Ititlmrilsoii, of Srac;isc, N. Y , liarint; pome into popsossionof a copy ot "Jiognrih s l ancaturps, n rnluublo book, stolen from Iho library of the Hillary institute, nl Losing ton, Vn., durin;; tbo war, lias taken steps for its rjstorat'on to the oiig;nal owners. Grant's I roups sent out to superintend a recent election in Angti.tn, Georgia, report n Democratic majority of MO, nml one soldier stabbed in tho left breftMt by a negro with a razor, and tbo Biirgoon rcmurks, thal'-if tho blade bad penetratcj a trifle deeper, it would liavu cut the bcui t." It is stated that the salt mines of Nevada throw in the shade all others known in tho United States. Ono bed is reported to cover .V'!),fl,7,l iicres. yield ing 2,000,000 annually of salt, ninety five per cent. fine. No bottom to this sail bed had been dUcovcrd. As doep as any work lias gone tho bed is solid rock salt, and from a depth of thirty live foet tbo salt water comes so rapidly ns to prevent work without wiilliiient working arrangements. Tho salt water weils Dp to the surface nnd overflow s tbo largo floor from which tho fine whito salt i.i gathered. This covers several acres in area, has boon so well leveled that tho water flows evenly over it, and this, by ex posure to the atmosphere, is rapidly evaporated, leaving a stratum'cf fir.e alt. This yield and production g.'es on continually, and tho moro rapidly it is removed the better the quality of this salt. 1 cijal Julmtiiritmits. Iiit oi' jrnoittf iiii.tws ron j.t.si-. J nry Term, 171 : r.ruri Jrtiort.. P M'F.lrlntrl Tt,-,-,-.iri.i Multht-w V'fVly.flulici. W illiam Ncwctnter..P.oll John M'lilli.ttr..Jor'l:in W S Ttvlor IlrndiortM' Contin.-ty Karlhnii. J T Kilfc Urn Iv .l!i,'f.llMtli. li...l.awrt nee .Mm Motif Ih'ZV J m.-l ShnMrt " E V ll.ikfT IJiirn-ifl,-' ! Mntre..l.uinhcr City .Mm Hi.j,i I'liott' Wm 7.iininrnnii..Lrriii )' ItnincH'l, jr..l I'vinst'.n N I'jjlmor.N.U Mi-liiiituB V F Kucilcr..( .'lr in lit l.t' m Hwu-:irl O-'.uln f Jt'nkiiir...t'iirwi-n-i iile'S C llrjil.urn I'. nn licorice Hhiilt7.e..lli-.-atu,-j ll II ( ul.itu-ll I'.kc LIU W Kvans...lirnlmiii M ilnniilton..Vot.dwartl TP.AYcrnE jrnonfi. flrorcr TVnrrr...Iioo;-ari.jliartd Hartley.. ..Hurton Jtitni-. llaqorty, " .It.rtj.h .M'Ncn?...Jordnu John Hyim.... ni-.t.ui Il.iti.itnin Ui.hnit " C.vrM A W-.nl " AUnil r l)iun. Bo-ip Win t!itl!s!t( r..... " Willtiim iM-prdv... 11 w ll itii.-irr!i..ikariii3r,B if'i'l lilt It II Ii V It I'nnliip Kii'tX I -mid l-.rhnrd Ufurtr Antrt...irivir.ird1K:i!ri'id ll'mipr. John Heihr- Itrnd v ' ti , cr-it wmtd Hell..,, t H l-itmnpJi " K ltffii....T.finrrnrf N M'.Mnrntv....liurr.i'lo .1 W Th.i.ti..r, " AmYry " II nj Ih-Hok... l.t-wtp WrFtOTpr.....rhrft; W J H rtij.hilt, .(.tin ltII'-v.4'uiiiu:uni J A 'lh.iuison 1 w nii-T.,,,1 irnrtifiit A iii.Mtn., " li W ( niu r " " frFutcn.... " MtiAntii u tl SiiaPnrr... " .1 V rhtirt,., K lwanl lltll.... i.l'iw W.Ik , Jihn Urinir.,,.. " I.PT! Hot II l,nt'pritt.,..rtr((Uo: J.inHB il !iO. " M' 1! )(.ir.....(.f..Vn Al .ii llir tlul.ii W l iiifii r, " h hrftcr.ljiimhf r ( ' it v i"oree iUrl I nlV n-ln w lirn... f I: WWIimr.s ..... 'If'! j;r KtoiinrJr.O?' t i .It tl i'-lm I'ike rn 1 h'.U-ti'lii.iiu, i- Ceo CIoukt, ii I n 'I t;. nit ln,;n... " 1 1 H Ut.n4.1m n,V ow J Frt-d--ri. il 1 Urit.- " i II. mj t mwi, Kl:.lST t XUTIC l'V-N-.li.-elilirTI:i (hi Mi tl'tt the fiHoltj( Botfim-ti' Inri iM-tn viHimni 'l an -n"dr' hy nif. nnl r mjin filnl of rccori in tlan i.Qa-e fur iU iuh-Iji u( lt-ir., lnlrt. frrltt"rF, mh I n ottrrrp in finT'itlit r wit int-r'-ti, ati'l jTr ntcl t ttic nut Or- 'tinD Vuurt of CI r.l 1I "'!Til?. t b-1 1 at tlir t'fHirl llriu!r, in the ti-inm-h of ('l-jirfit r-im meucing tin tlios4C(nl M(.dJj lleing tlit- .lnU') of JaiitiLrv, A. I), I 1. Parlbl ap'Mnint nf T. fl. Murrnr, m!min!lfnt(.r f th? rtato of John iri-Brkman, luto v Urar.l township, dTiaf 1. Final afcotint of f. K, Fnl, a Imininlrsinr of tbo tst.itc nf M;ir:iu Utu!, lata of tj-j.-lwo loirriFliip. (Iff i-i-., Kin.il ii:-ctnint of T. Va'infii!" linilov, a.lirini fratof uT th r o( 'ii(Ui JI. Jla.Icj, lata of H'ooti town . Itip. ii"-rrf, . ' Thr ST-iint of Jltnr.T llnrftfYlt n I .Tnmr T. . RttTtt. atlniiniMr.iiMm i.( the ffiifc i.f ilf-r.r' ' Miifhnll, Inlf of Hn-lv tnwit!tii, flrrrn'fil. Partml ur-f,nfit of jliri fSU, tilrttifi i rnt-r of th i"lr of (Jc.irrt . rfmcal, lif e t-f Kim l..-r, 1 townliip. drc i h -, j A. -count f ,ltin II .It ht"1 V. H. TI- It, a.ln- tmr..r ..f t!i r (;itr of Th-im-;! ll-.'r. b" of Ural Piptf tonkUiJt, .I.Tin-r.l. Kiral n". I ..f .fhn Vr. WitfU Hn-I H. TV Vrik'ht. a'ltnitiittrntor of the fiiif t.f Wdliaui V'rirht. In'e nt Hrr"riii tnirnl:i, 'l'.r-nr.. Iinil r-onnt of Marilia Iiwni and Iovl 1'. Irwin, rTf.-nor rf tlf r.'Mto rt .T n plj Irwin, latr of Lnwri 'tT ti n-hip. l-d -e 1. Af. :int -if S. A. f'aMttril. nn I Hchrrt I.outi nrrrr, A li.iitii, t.i.'.; of j.h Latjj.r, I;iie of tr-tl"r4 T'twii'liip. iffi Arro.mt of AMinln l! .pi i ff , -ir.n)y MMinlr ''urU-T.) A'totinitrs'r'.x of .':nui'it urlt y, latr it tinrthnnn Twnliiji, I. Kinsl "('"tint of I'.linnh lMv!. Kifntiix f Pmwk I W. Htnith, late of ;ui-lch I.'w!ihi, J. - Krftutf.n Ornrr. I A. TT. !Xi', ClratfldJ. I'a., hrc. 7, 1.-.0 le. IU?Ui.-r. Iimam-; oim;A-ii,i foiio,t,ff mr-i 4 ! hic MmI in the .fi- i lirkol'ih- ( .im V"f ecMin ( 4 l-(i-rtM fuitittr, : th-ir u i.l I .'ifl f r 1,i - :r a tli.- Jnnuxry w--i"B' nut, y-jt l ii t tlir f 4 ; f tnMy. rnli'l' -I ' An ,A -l t f.-uit-.o lltu a!c of IttwiW ll S j I.h(im rt, A f : " U ti l. I l VN t. Tai-I PrKn- , on hrni il ....W.,.U,, r.u. j". h.mri; .Ia. ( art.-r.....' LswrriiT ('??(. jiIm'M I'-ter . Uifl!ir M m. Ht.t. Mr- V.. II. N li:.!W t'atT If i .111 . t ..lt.nrn 'ci. 1'. y 'l'rtfl.eru.... W'tn. S. I'nli, y Vi m. H. 'i'fi'.iri j. .n I. nmr Jon. M- m ten . A. Ht m...... K. W. II I ... '.....'..'. tffth .liiU(, l ."V.'.'.V".'. Arnln w rhfl . W.thhb .nT . . SMfllmi ; ' IUfTVt' A J.'llrau, kt r .' ." " ,' )-.r;a K. H .l Ur Ati.hrw tiiiuLt J'tlin M '(( t"B-l ilfjtUnm..iu.i.- i.... ' iaiKiimt (mrd. 'Atp-nj, -Mm-.. Wm. H . M l hCr(4n .'"hn MjirTnk.cr ' V fTiHun Knlfft Jlm lnH4'T V.'.'.T." ".'.r.'.' Ano M. M'e;iia. llmrr Mrtii.wm r;i-.v.Tii.t t.i. rsm: i-xac I. Il iiusu-in !'tti-li hntin...... A ifMf'.n K'.htj Win. D. M (Jliaai.. W rn. 1 ;ir.t ! 1.... I ;,,, ' Ilc-.rt ) Iliim-i.l,-1 1 !.-i;id.l I IrarhrM I II. !l .'Icirl-. '.i : I ..I.nci - r . itr t . l.nnKr f im I I.I -nn ..Cm. (.m. ill. I Iv.tlli-tTi ' linhrh H -tl' I ,,11.1 ..O'Ci 'a I 'tifWi'ftille Il'i- ..o ... HetiiMitr .tinct n I I'rf.iiv i!. 'tirnnl .. ...... Itl'KtlO ...i l, ,.. I.rr.i, I" .HmI, j ,. nodw arl i ..IliHitcinV oodward tl.nrfirl.l j . in- o a "n i.l i : , ' Tilt. " -k K I I) X l i Y 1 1 The Ki ln, j atr two in muiil'Cr litnatr tl at the uj iT -rl of tliv loin, iitrnmnJt-i l.T fnt, niii mtnitii of thrcf parta, rii: Iho Anterior, (lit Interior, uuA the KU-rir Thr antrrior ali-ortm. Interior runinU of tis mr or veint, ulii' h acrvo a a il'''ifit fr the uriao an 1 podvc- it to tlir citcrior. Tlir 'xi.-r:ir i.i a condu-tor alao, tt rniiiiatin In a inj5e tu'"t', anil pa I thr I'rvtrr. The uretr aro oonni-cUil with tli blaitJi-r. Tha L'aiiJiT i oompjn J of nriuui ctwiitix or timuM, ilivi'ltl Itil partf, viz : tho I jijier, ll.f Lower, tho Nirvoui, anj the Mu'otii, TheiijpiT cxpf.N, tlit Idwcr rctoir.. Many have a ilcnire to urinate without thn ability ; other urinate with out the a'nUitj to ret j in. Thit frnjut-iitlj.- occurs in rhildiTU. Tj euro llx-sc aCtclions, wo mut hrin into aHion the utuclcf, which ore engaged in thtir variuti funetiwip. If they are lu'Ieottd, Gravel or I)ropy rnflT ensue. The rcHdtr mait aUn be male cwnre, that how ever alight uiaw be tho attack, It ia aure to alTccl the boililj bcatib anil mcutal powers, a our H.si anil blood are iujijortcil from thoae ourrci. GOUT, OH B1IEUMATISM. Tain orenrring in lhi loini ) Indicative of the above diseeea. they occur to prritoni dittnoacd to acid itooiuch aod rhalkj eoneretioni. THE GRAVEL. The giuri-l pitfueR from ne1ect or improper trciitimut of tho kidneya. Tlime organ e bring weak, the wairr ii Dot expellrd from tho bladder, but allowed toremnin; It iHTomei fevorith, and 0cditnent for mi. It ii front tli i a drporit that the tone ii funnel, and gravel enauet. DUOPSY. Iro;.y la a ei.llecliun of watir in aome pnrta of the body, and boara diflV-reiit Bnuii-a, kceor lioj to the parta aftwtud, ii: wlun grncriiliy diffutiod over the body, it ia callul Anmrtrca; wht-D of ihr abdctLto, Aictte; when of the cheat, Ilydruthorax. TREATMENT. Iltliubxld'a highly eoncentralpd eoropcund Ei tract Buoliu in dtcidedly one of the Just remedic f"T difeaofi of tho blfthi-r( kidneyp, grarel, drop. iral Fweiiinf;, rheumatism, an i jtouty aflrctioua. I'lnb'r (hit bend wo have arrnned Dyuria, or diflif ulty and pain in piin .itpr, Scanty Secre tion, orFinnll and frequent dii harden of water ; Slrangury, or Uppiag of watt-rj Hematuria, or bloody nrinc; tjont and IlhrumallMn of the ki 1 r,ey, wiibout any ehangc in quantify, hut inen me in cidor, or d.irk water. It wan alwiya highly reeomuiendod by tbo Into Dr. rhyiiik, in thedc aJTt-cliona. Tli ir tnrdioine tncr anes the power of digeation. nil eritea the ahtrWnti into healthy i-xrrcUe by which tho wntery or ealeareoua dpO(itiinr, and nil unnatural enJartfrim-nK ' will a pnin and infiauiatton, are reduced, and It ia taken by mm, womi n nnd ehiUrm. Dlrci'tioni for tiff and uitt accompanj-. rja; nr.LriiM, IV, Feb. 55, 1S87. U. T. H.dmb.ild, Dru;rglst: Vr.tt ?m I hare been anf.Tir?. for upward of twtnty yenr willj gravel, bladder atd kidory aiTteibm, during nltii h tune I bate u-d ario-jj tr.t.l'rjl i.;-enarati'ina, and lirrn nnd. r the In ?- ' mmt of the mocmini-nl phva-'thna, xperlencing i lut litlle r lU-f. 1 1 :i v ; u nf i-rn y-'ir pn p.irai int rletmiti!y ad- j verti.ed, I ponilted with my f unily ph; ician in rr-irt! to u-ing j.,tir TUrnd P.u-dia. 1 did (hit b mine bad nr I tt) kin U of adver tir I rumdii , and had found them -irthlepa, nnd Mtr.c inite l'ijuf.-M; in fn--t, I d. -paire d of ever rlling nil, arid dt( rnilni J to uco no re tut die hcrrjiftr u ii I I knew of the ingn diei.t. It wai Ihia that prompted tne 1o ue yi-ur remedv. Ar yott a lVTlij. d th.it It wnn e-mpoa- d of buchu, cut ol and juniper bertii , it otvurrtd to me and my phyM. inn na an ri ellent c .ihiiutluti, an I, with hi a lue. after an etamtr.vtion of the arti rle, and ffonul'ingain with tho dnii, t, t cn- eiud.-d Ut try it. I romuirti-cd iff nir n'ut eijjlit moiitl.i a;-, nt hih time I wji eonrnud to my rooia. I rojii (he f.r.-t butt!(j I ai no,tujTUh.l and sr.Hf.cJ at (bo bentfliiiJ lTpvI, and after ung il ilirre wick', m.t W1.V to wn'k out. I f.lt tnu-h i;k uritin? y.a a full nUivTuenl of my r.ie at tt.e Line, I-ut tlir.ivl.t oiy iiaprovcmont mibt onlv be lin,l,,r , nil llnn!Vc e-.n ludc I to dtf. r and (tr it' il w-.uid efftft a prrffi't eure, knowing thin f! n -nil be of grrakr l.iJue In iyo, tnd lore .itirii'torv to tue. I am nnw allr to rr p rt that a pure ii ttT. etij r.rtcr tt'lng tl e riudy f..r fiie uioi.t!.?. 1 hue L.I osd any n-n? f. r ibrfc in .nih., tn I f--H m ti ll in all rrfiM-'-'i I ever did. Ymir Piol.n being drvi.il ..f aoy nridca'ant ta-:e a. I i r, a t.;.c tome and inig rat.rof the yl m, I Jo not ruan to l nithuut it whtuctcr orpohit n n ay r nir" ill ire in t ich :i IT- -tinn. F!.-..I I i: t he r;ffr d, (If f !.l Mr. V. rcrwi.-l'i .Uld.nnl, I, ..it g !)(! tn-.n i JI,.l. V. rt(ii.K, el (lot .rnftr, T lii't ,t .nia. linn. Tun. II. rin. r. Phil..ri.lii. II 'It. J. r. Kvov.J.J;,., riiil;,.i-,.)ii. II. n. J. Hi t, ii, ,lu lno. , .i,:,, II n. Ii. ll.r.nirn.rj.ii.,.rii..r,lVi,n.j,,i,i. 11 o. Kii.i. Lki..Iii.., l'l,;!.t.l, 1,!,i. II 'it. 11. C. I..:,, n,Ju'l-, I ttitt.l Si.l.i (',.,!. II.jh. (I. W. Wt ,t..iti., Ju l -r, l"i..,i.,ia. Ilt.n. W.A.P...IP ,( il.tr, l'liilii.,l.hi. Hi.it J..iii H K-t.i: ci (i tirit ,r, Ciiift.riti.. II mi. K. Llk, Au tilt.r (i. n , Wl,iD;tm, !).( . Anj marj othrm, if nriiurr, and D j! i t. r, iu. A V f .r 11. !ml., I 1 . Ii tareofe.'Ui;H-lf an oil er. TAc r K I C E : 8 jtor Jioillo, or it Dolt Jos for Jii.."i') P'l'nn I to any ad IrcM. Ik in all c numoiii ati'-m. Ad Ire-a riie r uipt'-tn - II. T. II I-I, M not,!), imoi ,,,.1 u,.,,,,,.! ,r, !,,,., ,,Jt IirMjt V.tk. I VfNE .".UK UI.M IM. I M.; ,X; i i, Al u .... ..i . .. . . . - .-., Hi.,,'H.r. wiim in..,m,i I of mr I'bewiltwl W. ... , hlrit It ,, ,, ri II i: VI.minfl.WUI. 1l.e. J NOTICE., W raer. .W. 11,11. U. i.. iti:i:i v . c i; i: a n v i i: i, d PLANING MILL ALL FlIGHTI rnilK proprietoMrecpet-t fully inform thccitiicna -t- of ClenrDidd e-mnly, thiil they havo entirely refitted Ihia est nidi (dim.-ut with the bitejit improved wood-working ma. bim-ry, and are nw ptt-p:ircd to exi'euto all order in tladr lino of hi;tn . They will giveefpeeUI attention to tlio tuanut.ic turo of material for faouc buildint, aueh .e FLOORING, WEATHER -BOARDING, sash, noons, iii.i.nds, itu.tt iu:ts a sioi i.in.rcs, or ah, s t v 1. 1: s, V'o 't.i.i Ii .i -. c (in I.an 1 a krr loc!i (if M1Y I.l'.Mr.r.ll, ml nil! rush f ir all dear Lumber. Otic-aii'l-a-hull' Incll Jianel .tu3 r(.'i-r "cl. Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or cj&changrj, lo luit cuHtoiucrt. ii,0rJcr vulit'iltil, anj Lumber fmbi.Lcd oo ibort uulico .iiU on n.fonal'lu tcrmf. (1. L. KLLD I CO, CIc.rCM, Nov. 7, 18(17. Hrdirat. P. T. I "For thy Stomach's Sale and thine other Infirmities." St. Paul. l'L'RK WEST BRANCH BITTERS. Viafe.pure, pleaainl and health-jfii ing Tonic trictly vejjrtiile, add manufactured from tlis most pure and choice- materials if not a ipirtt drink nor aubhtitute for whisky, but a iclentifle compound, f.ir the protection of (be aylrra and the cur of d'.eao, inado from cbemteally pure fpirlti, eutirtly free from fuil oil or other irrita ting pro;,trtic, nnd will not dingw orofTond the rn'iit delicate atoiuaib. A long private experi ence but aticdted lt Superiority over all Ordinary Remedies. Xo Bitlera at present ofTired lo the .ub!ic eoutaina cq mm h me lie inn I v irtue, and yd to safe and plra'nnt to iAc. Ita ue i to eure diM uie, and it will not create an appetite fr rpiritiiour liipiorp, but will cure the elTt-cta of dllpaliun, T'i inereaao the Appetite, V.K IT. To promote IHjj. ation, I'SH IT. To cure;!'; prpjia, 1'SKjIT. To cure Fever and Ague, VSE IT. To cure rilliousncf, I'SK IT. To cure Conillpation, t'.SK IT. To cure Chronic Diarrhoea, VSE IT. To cure II tart I urn, VsE IT. To cure Klatulenee, VbE IT. Tu cure Arid Enietu'.ioat, taE IT. Te eure Neivoui Debility, VfiK IT. To cure II; J-chondria, lC IT. To cure Sullownca ff Completion, U.E IT. To cure i'implt-i and Ubtcbca, tSE IT. Fr Oereral Prostration of the l'hviial powtir?, V3E IT, aud it wilt euro you. Sold everywhere, at $I.fO pet bottle, Manu factured ciclufivcly hj A. I. SHAW, CLEARFIELD, r., Vbo (.ftri LLcral in lae:mci.ti the tr.J( o i. sr, rc9:,r. 3Tew I'nhincl ! TiTt NO LAND AND M ' M B ll R COM ill I'ANV oft- r f-r - Town l,oi in tli bor oujfli of Oy.-eol, ( b nrli'dd e -nntr, Pa., nnd aN lota In autt piirelianra outrido the linnt of laid f"tro!ir:h. tu.-(oli i -ituatel mi Ihe .M oliannon I'li, In Ihe nehffit pinion of iIk twenty o m ir6. Id, on lite line of th T roi;e (.'N arflel I Itailf nd, where the Mo-hnnitn and Heater!. n bmneb nada intrrfeet. It ir l-n In Ihe luart of the M..-liannoii eoil bain. and Inrge 1"mJ i4 of whit pine, henili-k, mia, and oth-r tiinUer iur nmnd it. One of the la -)( l lunilmr manitf;tetnr ir,r cct.il li'lniK nt in the Slate loeau 1 Id the town, while thero are many oilier lumber and nhinle milla aroond it. Tho l.'Wt It hut tn yt ar old, and ctnlaina a p'pulutiu of one tL u- rifKor further inform tion op-pty at tlio oCt of the abot e eouip.my. JOHN LAWSIIE, pr14 Siipi Tinti-mlr-nt. SAWS! SAWS! SAWS! tl.-TA 3 CP..-!. Ci T, MILL, CliAO CHKTLAR 6AW.1. AND Boynton'B Lightning Cross-cut Saw. a i. s f, r.VTI'..1T rERFuRATEUi KLKdlilCSAWji, For i.tV l y cii:.: II. F. LUiLF.R i CO rur.n. sackktt, Mntuir-i-luri-r of Tin, Copper nnd Ehret-Iron Ware. Hoolinjr, S'poulin npd job work dune ct) l r.Atovjiai.it ti nw. r-h'tp on Market Ft., nearly oppnuile Ihe Jail, (LKWtnKUi, VA. iook htovi:i M'FAII S CAL'ilill IP. Fl WFiiANXA, r-i 11:1:1011. cov. 1'ksv, Li iii i.Tt.n. Miin.i: c i n. MidX.M, ham;::, Hill KI'll. rAIU.iilt CuoKS, SI'LAK'S HI VOI.V1 I. h. MI AMI Ii'H lll.li lil ATi.Hr, An.l ill li.ii.l' of lit .lit," stmtt --t.,r tlr l.y .ttc'i fO II. I'. Illr.LKH t C(i. r.DWAUI) VKIiKS&fO., Flour Hniiiifnetr.rcrM. A"d Deal. r in GUAIX OP ALL KINDS, r ii i m i-?n r n o, r . A 11 I.T. SriTl.T ..f I l.t.l n, n MIMT, CHUN alt l I II'IP t-.tli.lniir.tr t, I, ,1,1. uil Ic nt r,ttc ni.rk.l.l l,,w. lfbl II Mill t: I KI 1 lirt ATl PIlIt IIAIUISllN L l-'ll'M I 'P i. (u ITS :'j 1.1, ti ( n. .', 1'". C KKAI7.I.II .-. i it (' .it itr .l.nl. . f A (n,P ri tii Kin.; jy,M.d.i ! II I'LeoTcry, ll.'iub.l Ii w '- It.. L . I- t. - . I Ull-hu, 1 iiker I Cot Liver liil.d.vti. i.r.d Ayr r'e me Lcin. of erery -pry O'.ootls, 0'r0ffilr4, tftr. na t on tain . tt.d.i Hi ...... i. .mil ii J. K GRAHAM & SONS, M H K KT mtl-ET, K.VKFIKLD, Pa. ci Dealers in all kinds of LUMBER, Dry Goods, Groceries, &c. lubrcrihrra having entrrd into partner chip for the purpose of rarrylnjf on the buaineai of Merehandiiirjp, Dow offer a Koi ind rare opportunity to the citiaena of Clear field nnd adjoining eontittee te toy atoro fooda atwholeauU or retail prices, that will oatonUh the uninilrueted. Their good will be particu larly aeieolud to suit tliii market. very lady will, therefore, call tbo uttentlon of htr hnahnnd to tbia fact, became tbia branch nf our buhinem will reed re pela) altentin, and everything needed in a well regulated houiehold will at all tlinea be found In our lore. "DRY GOODS: Our atfuk of DHY (;((IM iball not be our pait'ed, either In quality or price, and wilt on braer, In part, Printi of every atyle, Ginghara and Lawn a of every quality, Mustina of every grade, De Lalnei adapted to tbo tiutee of thr old and young; and every article of art kind of gooda ttey ecll la to be at repreiented, and war ranted to give latipfuctieu, DUESS GOODS: Ai tu lllll.HN (;(M)l)Hw. Lat. .,,Ud1J .Bjorliafnt of Al..c.e, bl.rk, whiu, mni In col or!; Armurci, Silk., and in abort ill Hi. nowest iljlei In ll.o market We dcilr. Ihii fact to become known to erory person In the oounly. Wiih our new tml eiloniive tturk of DRKSS 0001)8, ILaAluUica ran ill be luitcd I7 Ju.l Jrop.ing In actl gellinj a oice dr.u pattern, lace eett, kid gloree or by doieg that wlileb In better : gir, her a well filled puree, and the will fiud good and p.ijinjr inreitmenti in euibritid erlei, etlglngi, ribbotie, glovee, bo.ii rr, or any otber koaicbold neceeiitief. GENTLEMEN'S WEAR: And In id lition to whit we bare .Ire. 1 enumerated, w. keep all kinde of filiXTl II. MK VM l:AH luch ii Ciotln, Caniuterei, balln.tli, Hill, B..OH nnd Shorn, It,, beildei, a nirt aiioriment of Made up C I.OTI1IM; for Men and B071, manuractnted oat of the f err beat material, which w. will aell for caih or exrhang. ft,r country produce at prlcei wticb will aitunLh everybody. SQUARE TIMBER: W' ar. now largely ernntd ia buying and KlIing-xClUAIIi: TIMI11 R ,d manufac tured LV.MDKII, and will give ihl branch of buiir.eir irerbl allention, and therefor, task. Il an object to every on. who bat Lumber to tell to e.ne and deal with a. GROCERIES k HARDWARE: W. .Ii all aLo keep constantly on band a general .iiortmrnt of .It(t I'll I Ii4 and II AKIV, 1:1:, which we .ill iell at cireed Ingly low pricei. W. alto k.ep a full .mor: uientof (U I'.I NMV AI1K. 'llu department will bt kept full aad couilrte, and all who contemplate housekeeping, will End It lo their advantage to crm. and trade with ui j btriut. w. ar. ao situated, and, from Linj .vperience ! the bufice.l, io well artuaitiled wllh the want! and neceiritlci of tbii comiaunity, tbnt we feel 'alliCed If erery niaa woman and child enly makei it a point to bay their goodi from ar, we can plea 10 thim both ai to quality and price. Therefore, com. along and buy your BOOTS F1I0K3, HATS A CAPS, HEADY-MADE CLUTIiINO, and everything yo need to ren. der yonrielree and famillci comfortable, from JAMKS H. GRAHAM i SOK3, oct CLLARHKLD, PI. S7 a cheat mmi mmm Dr. WAiKIta 3 C ' LirOK M VINEGAll BITTERS .4 c u t'i ironitrcQiff Th u rnr..." tea. t".t1"t-,-t ! t ori:; t. '. (.Ulril.VO L c ... WHAT ARE Sib CPo TnrY axik vnT x vrt p 3 r M N li V UKIHrV. .Vfr l'..r Kt:t, UMtHr, I u.f hptrita nu-l llrfuan I itjncrn d-i ; r -, t- rtJ arOiw(ct- rnid ti ri'w t:..- t c-iH t. u:(r,--Ajp-i:-. trr," lluuri";' r , t? 1 1 Urn t:.o trr'rr (i t ; rnL. T!r.'.: i t'.A r.l , ti r, r. ir. ' V-'.'i at'3 f.-i.Ui.c !-t.t: t r.n - ;a.l I!;:! cf iSftrnia.frro fr:-i nil A It otii !l ' .Ir ntnntn. Ihcy are ilia (.itr.ar iw.(i(u n un ii :c nnd a i.ii e I.IVINfJ I U( It ! lui-r. ,t .en,al.T aj.d Ititj jri-.t r vt l.i l; tiBi.f-rrj.i y, ,tt all ( oi.,,i.o rrtrar.tr 't''rlr i: t to n ft. altl.jr comlit.-n. J.': p run c.:-t.t,j il.f.r. n.icra tcicw.i g iu c' rcc I'.i'i r.i .) r i - nl .sa-..vt:. itO f un,'ri:i l.ifKral tj re, frt vWrd tlio xnr rrj i.fttojnt brn.iicrl tr iti-r n'-R, f ' U: t ratt. vavt.J U)ouJtLc p'at cr r. r -:. . I'.ir luflt.tr: il. irri.d fl.ion i:Urnu n llrj i.utl t.tu, l:prtit. 1 r Ind.ar-ltnn, lliilnn., W ittiiem nnd liilrt nilllt ut I r vera IHf rn a rl itr Ulttfld, 1,1 rr, K.ilnr,, snd ItlaHtl'r. tn HIiimw) lavn tfrp n.ct mrccrr In'. " irt ti tif aw n tri rwfri ty ttlntrd Itlned, -?i ftr.ily i rod! c;d 1 7 ri-rn,,i!nLi lift:- l!Cf!M-.;"Ur. I1MII'M (lit lM)M.FfTI(l, Itrrd artip. 1 i.; Ini;,n i (.nl.l. r. 1. 1,, '1 Itii-u ( f tut l-fhi, b.iT re a, h- ur I .nrlri.oi of thr ft roeh, I'-d lam.-1 i V-t.ih, l!.rniH Allr.cl.a. IVp.t-lkn cf tliu II. art, ln;,an.n mU ti 1 1 t!.c l.ai-r", T.ln ia Uo rt pi"r of t!,- K 1,1m r, an a I nn.lr- d other an.u.1 a; n. i't t b, r.r t!.c r -:f f I j t" a. Tit-ri:.v'i;m;,:. i: o ht t,w ti a id dniiilata tb tor pt 1 l.r,r brtd t f, r! i h rn!' r tbr in .f .ir-frn-.all'd ifflrafi'li clrc;;Mt,; tlir-1 lit .1 1 f t.i 111.1,1.11:.: , ai.d lllii.K.Itt ! Ii- i.t- 1 (,. r I tlx- Ii -Ic )U'ill. I i;i twUIN hK4l, I laft.-eMrtl i-.falt i i t 1:1.1, i!i it t.i , ! 1 1 Hvn.un.n, . t r- hnar l;ii-r H ' :n ( ; rJlld.t!l;nlt i.t rt. Vyc. I.; yH tli'.ll'h, h 1: I .-ri..iritJkrr f thrMtn, iii.nra a:nl Hm .t- c( t: c 1 ;,'b, -l v) K h r iicmr f-r r.iatt:rj, ar? I'tr-:'j : 1 ,, m ) r, m. , 0-,i of lU . jit. ni In a hirMia.jt t ,c ( f ihtrr l!.t:rr. t rw . tri in. h rri.n ! . , n.ltat tt,.. i.ic.t incndulm tf.t.r (i.il'... riV-.-t. (ll-l.IO th. .t;r.'.t ri-o. Vrrrr J-Aii flrt ,t Ir pjrtix V-mt. jr.-: -nKi r.or'-lnlnlltnr'lf. I rn ti n f rfHcf ; l..r.w- tt f;,n j u Coil .1 t-Ntrurltt M '1 'till I n: ( f-;a V v'.r-n It t f n.)t am!) -urfr ' -ri ;;m 1 )- -i-ri K-p t . 1 U ju.- .it .1 v ',1. . 1 c.r : : . v ::i f .n v. 1 IX, TA ri:.-.1.i:Tir M ; V, l::r' tnc la e tvL tiii4 1-n.i in mr.-1 a pl v..Hy da:m - v in 'i r 1101 rn. 1 ..r I tl Ctrwma, r-d r jr, i,;)f tin c.r-. '-ir ar ut: I rifh bulU. lat . J It. 1 ,ur laj-ha!,- j- i. i,4,v ru.a 1, t rttfich awl e.'a.aAU. J. tv wm :;, it wi,ur. c. u. ;jm'Na: & ro p-r,T;-l t a.1 (vr Arc? I. fan 1 rinOco, rtI .1 .J BJ ami Zt C-in.:n.o Unt, Nt w ToU. 5iT-tiiD rv au. ir.too:uTa am ii:.lkia Orl. fl, ITO y. II. H. TAYL()Us LIME AND COAL YARD, fNt .r Ihe Railmail Hrpt l.) i.r.tiii 11-.1 1, pi;M. ii i.m I. l l. niclh-,1 of li.r,mninf Ih. 1: A p'l i-, llinl I Imve opeitrd up a laid ft.r Iho fit- "( .h, I r 0 !,rll, j ; , Aiiil.raeitf CHAU In Ihe b..r..uirh of t Karl rl l, and hat. e-iti,,,l( I, rrrtertmt-nli wiih e.rl,-rn dt-al.ra by In. Ii I yon ke.pa lull nipple eon.latitlt on hand, lut h will he dt'ttOM-d .1 at iwa.tt.al.M. I.. i:!r:.hrU"i - ,n ,nU. rr- ....-.-.m. . M.r.... ml IV l( I Ire. .0(1 oliLm .11 ...,. !..( 1.. .7 II. TAYI.'iH. K 3 a 1 : i ' aw. m f3 EI .MP IP H. F, N AUGLE, (I0(K AM) MATCH M AkCIt, ot-poiira tiii I. tl AH t Rf fTIIKRT post OFncr -st CLKARFIKLD rillllt luharrlhor rrapfettully In for ma hii nld I pntrona ar.d Ihe puhlio ftnertHy. that he hnon hind, (and la constantly receiving nw addiliani thereto,) a lare atock uf Clocks, Watches and Jcwolry. krep Jowclry .a all Ita forma and of di(ii rnt Values, either by the ptuce or net. WATCIIKS A full wanrtaontof eithor Hold nri'ilvir. made by the brat A u origan and for eipn tnnnufatureri", incliiJinfr a line lot ' jrjld and ailver hunting cane, lull Jeweled, Tatent Lerera. CLOCKS Of alldfulpna, oonpUting of eiht. dar and thlrtv-hour, of either ar eight, ipriijg or lercra, end both atrilie and alarm. Ri;pAIItl().-AIl kinda nf Watches and Clock llfpatrfld. and warranted. In addition to what T hnre mumratd, T keep a full ataortiuent of SpKiM'ACLtS, odorrtl and plain fiUiS. A lao, HO I.U I'KSS and I'KXCI I.S SOONH, FOHKH. IIUirKK kMVK.andin fuct crerythintc in iho Jowrlry lino. 11 fuil te hnve on hatid jut whut a rnftonier amy need, 1 will order pr tt re t rxprron, wit hout extra churo. A lihoral ttluirr cf puhiip ptTrontff Ii -iliritd Ma 7, UrtS j il. F. NAIULU, READING FOR ALLU LOOKS STATIOXKRY. Mnrkfl St , C'learlicld. (at (lis PoatOffrr.) rpilK undeniKned boiri leave to announce to A the citiirni of Clearfield nd vicinity, thai he h.i fitted up a room and baa Jii.t relumed from Ih. city wiih a lar((e aiuounluf reading mutter, (oneisting in part of Bibles and Miscellaneous Looks, Olank, Account and Pan Bocki of every do icriplion ; Taper and Lnvrlt.pei, French prcreed and plain l i'om and Vencile i Ularilt, Lc'al Ppori, leedi, JUiirtfcajrc ; Ju-lKmitt, Lxeutp tiou and Promtiiory notei'j Yt hitc an.l Taroh; inent Brief, Li (tal Cup, Uecuid Cap, and Ui II Cap, Sheet, Muiie for eitherl'i.no, l'lul. or Violin comuntly on baud. Any hooki or .tatlonery dellrrtl I It. I I mny not have on hand, will be or. ordered by firtt expraiu, and .old at wholeealc or ret.il to ult cuilnmen. I will alio keep periodical literature, uch a Miitatiii... N.w paperi, Ao. P. A. OAL'LIS. Cltarlield May 7, IStls tf GREAT EXCITEMENT OX SKCOND STP.KKT, t lrarfltld, Pa. NIW GOODS AT LOW PEICES. rpiIE ondor.lrned repeetfully invite the at 1 Pnti of th. pui.lie (tenerally to their ,...n,i,j ...nrtment oraerehandiia, which they ,re now lellinf AT VERY LOW riUCKS. Their itock eonliiU in part of Dry G00J3 of the Best Quality, Purh at Printi, De I.. Inn, Alpaccni. Merlnoa, uini;namr,.viullni.(l,leacbed and anbleerh. ed.) I'rillin', licklri, cotton and wool Flannell,Satinctl,Calmorea, C .ttonadei, L.tlit..' ribawle, Mubiai A Hood., Ualtnoral and lioop bkirti, Ac,, Alio, a fine a.iortment of Men'e Dtaw.ri and bhirtl, ll.U A Capi, Boon A tibiiee. all of which WILL BE SOLD LOW FOB CASH Hardware, Queonswaro, Glassware, Groceries and Spices. I.VSIIOKTA GENERAL ASSORTMENT nr.verjtlilnjr nrnnlty kept In a retail itore, all CHKAP tOH CASH aniror.d eo.olrv nro duou. A. IC. WRIUIIT i TONS. ClearSe!.!, Nor.7 , lo7. JO.MUTIilXti SKW ACJAISI C. I). WATSON Wl.hei to inft.rm hiiold frlcodi aLd th. publie generally that be baa opened uo a w.w Druj. Confectionerv & Tobacco Slore. In Lil old Hand, ft polite the Court Iluuie, EKCOND kT , CLEARFII.LD, PA. Hit teji li all new, frcth and of the very beil (juaiily, and will ho roid chap for CAr II or approved Country Produce. If you want fro Drusiaad Talent Uedieinta, Uo to WATSOX'i. I If yn want Ccnfarllonrrlcf, Canned Fiuiti, 1'Kklci ar.d Jo'.li. , Null, Ac , da., Oo lo WAT-O.N'.. yen went the hot Rttaile.l Ct Cte, Ei.nce ef Coffee, Fplt el of ail kindi, cheap, Uo to WATSON'3. If you wnnt Kency A Toilet 8op, Flavoring Eztracti, 1c , Ac , be lure to Go to WATSOS'i. If you want Fancy Pjo Colore, Clark'l bret Ma chin. Thrrad, Pin., N'eedlci J Notionr, Oo to WAT. SOX '3. Chewrri and ftmokeri, If ynu want Ih. belt In the market, Euy at WAT30X'?, where you can get Pipel 1 Pip. Fiitur.a. If you want lo get clear of jour itautpi. Com. to WATSON'S. If you winl to rpend a few houre of an evening with your frirn.li, com. to WATSON'S old tend, where ytu can erark hut and eat jnkoe oniil 9 o'clock, p m. Airil 1.1, 1 S70. KW BTOIIB AND NEW GOODS. JOS. SHAW aV SON 1 1 a v jiitt cj'Oticl a Niw Sinm, on Mnin ?t., CLtaxritLo, Ta., luloly ocriitnl by Wm. F. JUW1V. Tliciralork cor.ei.le of GkCi ti'ta of Ilia lcl qtiuiily, Quf.enswahe, Hoots nntl Shoe?, and fverjr article Dfcou'irv fur otiw'a conifttit. j l"vc; 1 l.t ft ti,n In nn to all who vn-h tn ali.iw Call and f inminr our atock before pur!''"1"' irt. -tM.n fur Itinr l f nnr t rrnrxla and cliaiinj rlnwliorr. May 9, l!('ti)-tf. Pi FAIRBANKS' FTAXHA 11 1) !, SCALES, or a t.i. kmia j I' lpTUntr" Hanr net, Wnirh-piiac TnifVn, C-ij i ing I'ra.rei, In provrd Wmiry I'rawi r, Aff. roa a ui by II. T. I1IGLKU & CO., Ilcalira In lUrdttare, nrh:it:;t if Second Strvel, Hi aifiel l. Ta. "0 MY (W HOOK." " HAVINil pitrr hntd th rnMrr atn, h if to f at th old Mind nf Kirk A S.prnrr, I in;, nd to oontlttur the Imtinnta hrn Infor1. n-wtta litnuH ', hi tr rB i ai-h.'' Thunklrir nr friinda and rntnirr fr al patr'.ntgp, I aliril enntiniian o the "nmc. I fl A A r MaK. ?nifl3 Vlfitifinr. ii i; .ii o v a ii. HARTSWICK & IRWIN, d n u o a i ,s t s , .VurKd Slrril, CtrarHtltt, I'll. YTE hcR lenv. lo inforui our old and new W ruitt.mere. that we have removed our ei. talili.ltineiit to the rp.cioui new hull. ting jtit ereelctl on Marked rlret t, nearly tljrH nlr-f Ihe M.n.ion lit, iikc nn the weit, and oppo.ite Me..ri. tliahmn A Hone' alurci where we respectfully Im ite th. publio t eouie and buy iheir Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, OILS, PAINTS AND VAIIXISUE.I. Our ilnek of Iru(.'i and Medlrlnoi coniiiti of everytltittg uiod, lelected with th. greatcrt cure, and W ATtH ANTED STRICTLY PUHE! We Uq Veep ft f.ill atocl of Vjet, Perfurnrrif Toilet artirli-t, "iaj'i. Tomh llrulica. Hair Hru-lic. Whitcvrhh lirunhea, and every other kind Uiuslita. Wo Lito a lure lot of WIHTK"LKA1, TURPKXTIXK, Flaxarcd Oil, Pnintt, nnd in Tiet erervtMnir ia d in the puinlinf luaiiieti, aLtob we t, Cur at Cit ptU'ti to cash buy ere. TOIiACCO AND SEGARS, Ccnfoftknory, Fpia, and the (arjrcat 'rtork of rarictiia over offered in thit f lace, and warrant ed to be of toe beat the Market afford. J. (I. II Ali r-ivrrK, N.r. 21, IMS. JOHN V. IKWIX. Beale's Embrocalion, (I. ATE I'OWELL'K,) For ell diaeacpe Incident In Dors i, Cattle, and iluuian Utah, raquirintr the dm ot ao external aiplicatio. Thia Knihroratiun an exteaaivel tiled by the (Jfirern vent Huriiif the war. Kef aale by UrtaKk A Irwir, Clenrfiold. Joatrpb H. Imin. Curwenaviile. DmdiuI (jood lander. Laihurahurv tf LAD AXD LOIGLIt COMPAXY (ikTBA KAftl I 3f I IT V 11 JI -10- Purchasers of ChoiceGoods AT TIIKIlt MAMMOTH STORK IN OSCEOLA, PA. PRICES REDUCED To suit tho timcsl Oi.Ytttla. May il. ITfl. Curwensvi!!c Marblo Yard. IV, SJIll'S f rxtt-ndlnj niv lminr-, and I'ltnttitis the if run l ti-. h'chr trihutf 1 rrt.C'-t t'i l!n tiit'imtrT nf tlio il.uo-iiPil nml J hurir.1 fiimd. Ih in t- cr' i-t v,r (lu ir nam j home a nnil'tiirtd Uh if rndnrirtir marlilr, that ttoiiifa f .rt v.T to thi r "tinf iitui ut llutw.- wo MiMirru, inn iiipt ran now iumo an ot inTtimitir ft diiiiK rn, hr nllina: at hit tl"t on 'I homi Mn-t. ( iirwt nill( l'a., aa 1 am frrj.and ti tit r nnh to nrd-r, ' JlONt'.M ICNT3, CIlAni.K liOX TOM 111' A I) tSTOMlS, Ao., nt" any dt ;rn or aire, at TraMma'di1 rtttrt. X. B. I Ic-fp nn hurt 'I th h.at Kurt" I if M and wmmiip .viaruie All work rxtvii"! in ih iml killiiti manner. 1 will a!i ild vor fvork 'i anv jtuint in I irattit-hl or lj Mtiinif imntit , il d-i"i,. M. M. 1 ul.lU HN. flirwMll ill-', 0,., i', 11.11-tf. TJIU (I.KAI.riKI.I) WOOD-CHOPPEaS AXE! Manufactured t-.pt-cia'ly f..r nn: Li.KAHyn.i.D Ti.it:, ron rai.r ar aml'lfl 11. V. llllil.LR t CO. I)tNK, WHIT ROAN LJMINU rKINS JM f.eelr.,1 iujd for rale b ApvH I"1- I ' U T1LI!K Jiiil d'mii, f.i'crrvlfj, Clr. ii ElIMT iMIU.AIM Xew Sloro lit Miil.sonliiiifr! In the roiu for met y uwuti-d y V.T. H'gnt'j L. M. COUTli TET flAKTH thi- tnHlwid nf Inffrmir? lh e.hett X nl ( (iviitf-tnri, Kurluau, .iirnrd it id tti aur ruuiitlnir enin.irv, Ihnt he ana juat opened a arte mot k i SI AI M K It i.iHihs, lii, Ii lir i tl.-tt r mined tu nil I K.N I'J.K CKNT 4. JI i; A IT.il ll.an the artne qi'iilily of liood ran he i.ureha i d fr in nny oilier atun in tt.e ni ilii.orh'od. iliaxtdtk eomUta ut' L'ry Goods cf all kinds, Such aa Hatinottc, Ca'inrn i, Mu-Iitif, Ielatnea, Linoii. l'n)iiiire ( nlir.KH, '1 nuiutiiiK, Jtilj(nna, Lauc, READY-MADB f'l.OTfHNfl. ROOTS 1 eilULS, DATS i CATS, GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. CoCve, Tee, Ftirnr, T.ir, Mdirw, Fi.h L.i.-ot J oil, I'nli 0,1, Cuil. on Oil. ' Salt, Hardware, Quconcware, Tinware. Caitinp., Tlowi and I'low f ostinrs. N'.il,, Fnikei, Com Cahivfihirr, Ct.lrr 1'rc.M.i, and ' all kinji of Azoi. Mv P'owi are of lite rurwirntviU. ar.d Cii.lti. county make, aud are uarriottod lo b. of goon qiul.ly. Drugs and Medicines, Perfumery, Paint., fiinti-h. tilnrr, and a general a.'ortuKtil ol MHhocery, GOOD FLOUR, Of different brand", nlwtiy" on hand, and will Le viu at in. lowm poitible Cgurct. r.tqrons, Kuch ai IiliAXDV, VtINK, CIX A WHISKY .-.to p.fin . or Wo .1 wanud for which the tiiiu.i ,ricc win ne paid. t i.tv i:n siiuii, On b ind anJ for lalt at the loweil mrk(l jtricw. Aiko, Agdtt for W'ii.on'i Sirellur,vi,'l TIIUK SUING .MACHINES. ! ice f .r ynnnelvoi. You wiil find ver; thing uiunlly ki. in a rft:iil .'.ir.. L. M. COUKIET. Frenehnile P. 0., .Inn. 7, IJt.tl. Down I Down 1 1 THE LASlrTutKIVAL AXD CK COLIieE TIIU CHLAPEfTI Ai Proclamation against Hih Prices! T ant now eprnir.! t-p a lt of Ih" bcl and oRi ml in this niarK-1, and at jiri. a that rnnind one of thi e-.nd old dns of chcuj! thinj:. 1 l..,-t who hn'k faith npon tit's poii.t, or drria our alle gation in i rtluuu', DteJ Lut .ir am sronx:, Cuint.r Fri'i.t ar; 1 iirttiii, Whtrr ti -y t-m tct. f.ct. hr-ar and li.i. f T tlir ji rlvra. 1 'i fully under tui.d wlmt an-flinrt e'nH. ihia iini-l lw d.f. W a do n.it dtvm i nt ijwtJMM lo etiuin r .te and ittll.I ur ttock. ii i ciioii for ua to :t; (Lai Wo Lavo EvcrjtLiug tkt ia KeeJed an I vnjnnid in Ihia diarket, and ut jirleet tb.it a-clniHh huth old an i touh?, JU.il.l'lI SHAW I SON. A-D PROVISION STORE, THE un,lrrlirn.d htve jail rrcrive.l at Iheir new wand in Walliicetou, a fuil iiM.i.'r ol Flour, Feed, Corn Meal, Bacon, 4x,, COAL OIL, :l r .luce.l mtr.,) A fond ankle of TOBACCO, CI(iAI'.3 A Mi .MOKIXtl TO3ACC0, c .iMlaitlly on hand. All ..f which will l,e .old al LtW ItATL.S for CASH or gir.'U in cichangt f.ir HHI.Vtil.ns and I.I'M !!F. 11. We rripoclfully ark Ihe pui.iie to fiv. ui a trial l..furc puroua. inj rirewliere. -I. II. l.LAH A CO. Wailaceloa, April 7, 1 Ci. C KHATZER T SONS ARK H Ki ' 1. 1 V I Xfl A s I' I. F. D 1 1 STOC K vf fAuri;i j a.. i) oil ci.onis. WALL rATF.KS- GILT rArEn,.fc I. ACE CLT.TAIX, WIXPOW .eliADF.- corxri-nrANKs axd qtilts. i.ixlx table CLonn .t xaVkixs LAPIHS SILK COATS if-OVKItSKIKTS. F: I.1MAX r 811 AWLS .1 lace rix IS IA1MKS' ,t- CIIlLDiitX'S TKIMMfl) II A I S. d;;kss coons and trimmings. BKT KID r.r.liVFS-I.AIHFS' GKX 1 EN'S ANDCMII.I'JIKN-S. I HI.ACK AND FANCY FIXE BI.Xl K ALPACAS. UNFlil'AI.n P STOCI! ic i.aihk ANn .Srf-OAITEUS. L'lULDIIKX'S SIIOI MKN'S CALF if- FKENCII RII' I'.OOI'S HEAVY CAI.F BOOTS, fo. 11 K X A N ) W 1 Y S' F I X K A XI H I K A V Y M1UKS. CAS.i;lMKiU:.'5 VEIiY CHEAT. ntST STUNK 1 F.A SKfTS, ' !!(iri:niK-!. AT LU ll K; TKOYInION r HA it.s. i.inKiui. nnnccTiox io tiukk HUYI.SU IX IJUAN ITI'Y. WtmL. MAKKrTIVU AND COCXTKY I'liOlir. H WAS I I. 1). Cliarlithl, Jim. Ill, IJ.'.O. Xch Wine ami Liquor store. " j I . I I. L. KEIZENSTEIN,' 1 Kuitr.tit rr.ttra m WINES & LIQUORS. MAHkl.T M., Cl.KAri'iKLH. PA. i Kll tin, V .f Win. nr,iti Iv. tin, V hi.V an -I A4sitin, Hh,a nn hait.l. r-' (iiid tn fr-nriitrr a tnre atliW I" ni Ural Miriiit . acrii aprll ttt-nlnl ,Olf Miss E. A. P. Rynder, artrnT roa Chirk jrins'i, Sleinwai ' ind Kuier...n' Pimm i riniilh'e, M.at.n A ll.mllw'i and I'elo.hei'a Orsvm and Mr.lt.ttci.ne aud tlrnter A llaker'e Sewiru Macbinei. AUti Tait-na. op Piano, llullar, Ptiran, Il.nu.iny and V,.cal Mn lie. No pepil taken fir leu il.'an half, letnt. eT-Henna, nevt d-tnr lo Firit .National Hank. l leaillt ld, May 5, m. if. rpruur. and abdominal luppordri of every 1 I kind of ihe U(e. into, rem. t. r... Clearfield County eT riMir n..,v:ir?,,y i:....,iu ftl I'd ti'.tiitit t.n t... i..,. It. e .ii. rnler - f le ,1.. fir All Iti it, ( k I. ewred I j t,'f ill f n,.i ... lit. r..n.l i, h,,,,, f rl.rw.wr rriv.te Hwrtren, ol ll:t. "( l,y,il,.ld t'l.gniy t ... rfifi'.Ic l-T tlie del I. ., ,t , V. ! r.n"f nn tltirstdnt c . I .'"w . "' " 1 "t. -1. J "11 i rc-ivrd epd iptrrrr! jnit; r fi died I'm-. I'.i n r)',.,,, , h.r-l.f.re. ft-ir fft-oi,..! 't . iiti,,. .ri, ,t. n c( nui,nnr"e ,.r 'l.i 'utl ronci'e ef the httflnepi. in, ... rpet'iuitr .tiintett. Ai Prr.iJr. , , "'U otlt-crjof It. lla tirarteld ,,,",, " 'I. n.ibiro the nt.te. ,.f J;.,,; tol "'.t. Icr retlfn..iit.n. ' 1 re,nkf IAS. i'. l.l-tiNALD, rirMtpno,, .M. I OH i Kit, JArf i r. a. k. wKit.irr. ; tu t , WM wALI,ir-K. ' Ihe bnnlneai of th. Ut.k will l j..hn M-d.,,..,1..ilra.h!,,r J. I). M i.'iik. ' " j' EANXING li CCIXECTION BoJt tp Ui McGirk & perkS, rut .-c-.-or. to l'o,ilr, 'i,, 4 , , rhlllp.bnrp. fmtre Cimii,, p, -lyilKIlL !!,. , . ,,r41ll II wil' on lruu.uol.-tl ,.,.. k " UK,. I fior,.le I.II,,. ' "I'tlwl County rJationaT Dank. CI.hAit) It l.ll. p THHIS Eank il now open and reed. f, Ll . -J ""rn. tiunej i U B. 0KA1IAV, HIl'IIAHl) CIHW WM. A. WALLACE, A. K. WUIUUT, '. M. SHAW, jue.HSJ Caihier. WM. I'OkTKI. CL". L. LliLi,, JAd. T. LktiN.tiV I'rrf.dn 011EAT rXCUE.VE.VT AT THOMAS UEEKS'S! JVr HVLOIV lryinc lo get there M, ffM J belnft rrendt d out into the coii II Jt" "'tt (i'.td l-hoi in? dt tie, go lo Pen, If you want jour f 'et. ironed rljr'ii, goto I'm, If Jt.u winl frood Ai all Irons. r l I'atu Uyea wtiui y..ur wrg, u ironcM In th.ltnt riyl. and wori.-nanehip. co to l.tia. . .. i..9 ucfcl CIUrrp siacnine in tt, Mare, and dt.es all kinti. of liLAL'l.MIIill. ...--, i r.n oe none m Ihe crturty for (' .My I'oit OOic. addren le Cleerfleld lirltt.-e TilOMAt bhUia. EoSfit Tp., Tee. 1!). 18C7 If. S!inheru Land & EmlgratioD t O M P A V V , WASIIIXCiTOX, D. C. "VtilANIZKn 1 .'ttvkii.bt.l forth, Pr,u V and bile uf Karniiitjt and MiD.rl Laaei aud lu.proif d litul Litate iu tt.. Soullivrn Malta Hit... MAS H. rL'ilitNl E. I.,.,ijtel JO. i-VVKK.V.-. V., -re...leii, J. li! .RV A-KIN, Trti.itnt, rrci.denl Tourlh Natinnal l! nk i4 k'nildtlphta, Juil.S H.(lfthln, Kt-rMur,. 1UJ.. I.. AiAllJi.'M,., At!..ni.y and C(,uni(.,y. C.r.c: Wiohinpirn Hu;i,Iii,7, Corner F'.'tti St., and Tintis; ititi.ia Aveiict, Wasbingtt,:, Ji. t rrrcl.r.t ;. t fi.ir. Julm T. iit,.li.u. A.l anv, N. V. Li tlt.r. Wm. I! , it r. ( l..irliii'l, K'tv. T. V. lU'.-l.t S. Trt ri-.t,, X, .1. Kl-!ov. Win. r. l'j-ktr, W 'ii:,awi orl. la. Frpt. I, (.,!. .' I'hc.'ip iuriitturo. Jo::x r;n.irn DVSir.ES to it '.,rm hii old ftirri itl rai. U.uirri, Ihnt bavinr enianrd hn .hr, ... ti.creaird kil f.riiiliee tor aaanulaclorinr. h. n now prrtarid Iu make to order men Karniutr. .. n.aj he do.ire I, in poid Hyle and al cheap rait, r -.mil. ur (rtneraiiy una on lnnl..i I , Kurrilurt rooxr, a rari.d innnniiRt of ready, uind. furailur. ataong which ar. nrRnAfs and s:nE-r.o.uuis Tar.'r(.l eiar.1 Pc,k e.iei Centre, f ofa, I'.r rr, L'r(aLfist and linipjf Fite-jiion TnMee; Cot. men, I r( neb pot I, Cottage,.! or ny-l.ird and olhrr iledileudi; Stfaa.f ail- kind. Vurk-itfttdi, ll.t racki, H.th ilia.lr : IWkirg ard Aiai Chain i iptlrr-tel, cane hottcn:, per'or. com tr.on and otLer Chtir. ; Lorain p. 0 la,. e, of erety t!eTl (tort on It.etl ; an.l new plarrel f, r old fn-UKi, whlrb will b. pot in nn very rramnatile retmi on ahitcrt notice, lie alro keepi cn hand ci fort.i.hri ti, order, Cotn bu.k, liair acd tot. K n . p ir.'lrtfioi. Cumss or r.rnv Kind Made to order, and fonerjs al tended w lb a ih'.nnt, whenever d ilred. Aim, llf.u.e I'.it.lio, don. lo rrlt-r. Th. euhierihor alio m.nuf.r inrei, atd hn rt.ti.i.nlj nn hnnd, Clra.et.l'i I't tcpl l"rv(,Lir j- iicchin., Ihe Ve.t nowiaael ILi.,'. ut:r.g tbii maihina never rc:d te witk "iit cn cl. iber! lie alio haa Flyrr'jt T.u M chum, a itprrier arllrlc. A familv minj tl.,, Churw cover at.d b. withe.l butler I All th. above and many ther article! are fur. ol-hed lo cum. . men ckrep for Cain er exehnra.d for Trrrorfa' cuutry prudtic tberry. M.pie, rt pl-r, Llrwood un.l otaer Lumber luti.lt'e ft-r Cl n..t ik, taken In . irhanije for futaila-e C5? R( mroibrr Ih? r!.-ip Ii on Marker Hrerl. CV aiO.-ld, I'.., lid n. atly oppn.ite the Old Jew St "re." Jull.N lil LRU. Kivomber 24, Hf j The Lightning Tamer. TIIEnn lt-r.lfnrd ar. ihe 1. Afrenti ir ' c onlv for tit. North American Oal"1"" LliiilTNINU RUDS." Tiw. .r tke-til) "' rt tii n. w in n.e. and ar. endorsed l J ll" eltrfife men in the e.urtry. Hi her. t-y rntifr th. cititr'" cf I' eet.r,iy ll.at we will put l!,eai np teller red, arc tr Irie lui.nev, than la cl-raed by th. foreign eirtRti .bo .rniiallv traver... lb. eeunly aLd ccrry rff oi-r llitie 'h, never to rctr.rn. aiort-.tUii; iiomu i.Aiion Thn.. wi,b!r.r Ilthlnlti Fodi en-fled their ouilditgi need but a.idren ui by leltir, or e.,l in per.'t n. We wiil pit ihtm op arjwti.t. in Iherour.ty. ard warrer.! then:. Tl.e I'odiard Killiirei can te eeea at a.v time bv ealline at oar el.re. . f b,LkB CO. Cimif eld, Vcrch So, l-TO tt DAVID YOl'.NC, Sionr-fuKcr r.r.d Sioiir-Mason, riTII1 , ,.,.,. it en.le pi. ti and in HU.-T-t LA.-S Hjla. ArcLitccturrjJ OrEaments In ALL frTVI.r?, Flon. rrrr.ir. of ttery ireertrHlnn. and .11 Lln.l. nf nantn work em iraeied f.r in eruutof the eo.nly. Any pteiet a wi.hiiK l,t l.ma l.tpe, lul l. u',..on wnlk an.l time (ultiair dine, will fird it lo tn.ir lal.rrit ! lo r.il 11 1 , n n.e I Wt.u!d al.. Isli.rta the poh lie tht I can dilirrr arv nuor.tttv or el.n if tlona detirrd, at I aio the owner uf a nti.ST-Cl.AS3 STUS1- lil'AIir.Y Of der fur work caa b. addrrnt din DAVIU ViUXi). CiaiCid Ta. Clearfield Nursery. KSCoriiACE UOMK IMU'STUV. fllK under. Itne.l, bav:n)r rlablihrd a Not 1 a. ry on Ihe 'I'ike, about talf way fcetwica, Clc.rf.eM and Cnrweit.vtlle. i.priiared lo fur t.i.h all I. n.l, ol Hil IT 1KH.S, i ilaltdaid ai d dti.rf.) kterjrteenk, Mnul-terr. tirene tnri. lloort-heriiri, I loton ll'arl. lurry, t-'lrawherry, and Ita.berry ioe.. A l.n. hibrti. n Cr.h Tree., Wiwc. and earlj .eirlel lihul.ib, Ae. Ord.r. piouiptiy alu-ud.d Iu. Ad.ir,-., J. it. WFIU1IT. lf ?H f y Cuiwemille. fa. Lime- for Sale I i rp!IK Kudrr-iiri.rd, n..t: arar th depot haa 1 i.i r rani nt tin- irtduti' iii , nhen .r ht ta f hit J tu k(S c;iti.:,iiii1 i,n k nd a larp quir.til; rt j run e 1. 1 m k : huh he ..Tra to fun.nii and hu:M.r at a trill I ,M.t. I l.i..r in mid Iho aiti.-lv wu!d d ti. fur mi' a rail, or addn tux .y Icllrr, I fort nrgotiatinjf tltrir litnr. uKO. v. MSM..:l!. I t'i a i.il 1, Pi.. June 9, lt '.. a. It tliat he m tiow lul.vri ri t .fi.iinrft didr nl! in tlir :i . f t'i rl' -1, n. ll-ri . Piiir, 7iddh- rind H.rniu, r.n th- Imiti t n it t.-e ard ;i rrnvt-trai'k l.ttn, Iti-cirtrrifH tn lMn-H atr-!, !Mvinea i lnrd and Fourth. - i:o W. QEAF11 AKTr , '"laarAtM. Arnl II, n Clearfield Pa., r.k 4, I tf th. Pro. "lot. f HkvaWlh A ISW IV